practicing presence
practicing presence
practicing presence 1. a centering relaxation Duration: 16:49 spoken guided meditation for connecting with your own direct experience of your body relaxing. practicing presence. 2. softening & surrender Duration: 20:09 3. body scan relaxation Duration: 30:32 taking conscious awareness through every part of the body to relax, energise and heal. drawing the mind into quietness. practicing presence using breath awareness to deeply relax the muscles of the body, part by part. Music on Track 2 from the CD “Elements of Ecstasy” by Kip Mazuy, Care of Bliss Music. For more information visit Veronica Payne 02 4655 8119 16 Elizabeth Macarthur Ave Camden NSW 2570 practicing presence relaxation together with awareness are the keys to Living Fully Alive n sic o Mu 2 from the CD “Element s of Track Ecs tas y ”b y K ip M az u ss Bli of e r Ca y, For sic. Mu laxations by Ve n 3 Re roni xatio c a P rela ayn can eC ys od a m .b de r3 n de en 9 00 ©2 ga Yo information visit www. bliss more -mu sic .co m ac Pr ing tic ce sen Pre 1. a centering relax ation 2. sof ten ing an ds ur r