Family Historian - Arkansas Genealogical Society
Family Historian - Arkansas Genealogical Society
The Arl(ansas Family Historian Volume 3, No.3, Winter 1964/65 VOL. 3. NO. 3 WIN T E R. 1 9 6 4 I 6 5 JilRKJinSJiS . FJimILY I S T 0 lR I Ji 111 -1---1- Publisheq By The Arkansas Genealogical Society Box 587 Conway, Arkansas ARKANSAS FAMILY HLS TORIAN OFFICERS Published quarterly by the firs. J. H,. Atkinscn President Little &,:;k, Arkansas ARKANSAS GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY Box 587 Conway, Arkansas Lee E, Sper:ccer Vic~-pT'es iden t Co:r..way ~ Ark;;.n,sas Mrs, Nora Tayle,r Clark Dolores Murphy , Carolyn Dammann .. t ~ • < Editor Sec. - Treas. Clarksville" Arkansas Assistant Editor DIRECTORS Founded 1962 Hembership (including subscription) $3.00 Annually Single Copies • • • ' " $1.00 ,each W. E, &,iley " • ,. , , , , , Enola Mrs, Elaine Cia" , • Little Rock Mrs, F·rank Cline '" .. Ho t Springs }liss Berni.ce Kam",s . Fayetteville Hrs. Gerald Melar,e. Hot Springs Robert Worley, , . • • El D:ll;-ado ------, Page Offi-Jers, Directors, Contents 66 AGS News 67 From The Mailbox 68 History of Johnsville .• Arkansas (Bradley Coudy) ' " ' ' by courtesy of Hr. Otis Walker 69 Church Register of Palistine Church., Johnsville, Arkansas copied by Hr. Otis Walker Hardage Records, Lawrence County Arkansas, 182'i ..• 1851 copied by Mrs. Enid Wens SHtan , " ., , Tc·:nbs tone Inscriptions, Powha tan Cemetery. Lawrence Colln i~y Ark'lnsas copied by I1rs. Enid Wells SittGn Q"eries 73 77 . .. 86 91 Recent Publications JOO 11,,1<1 l1embers 101 67 ARKANSAS HISTORY COl-lMISSION ~ RESEARCH MATERIAL Tne Arkansas History Commission in Little Rock now has available on micro_ film U.S. Census records for 35 states and the District of Columbia. - Records of 27 states are complete through 1880. Records for most of the New England sta tea are from 1790 to 1820. Also available are the following military records, original and microfilm: Registers of Enlistments in U.S. Arnw, 1798-1884. Index to Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Soldiersl Alabama: Florida War, Creek War, Cherokee Removal. Louisiana: War of 1812, Florida War, War of 1837-38, War with Spain. North Carolina: Revolutionary War, War of 1812, Cherokee Removal. Texas: Mexican War. Service Records, Arkansas, Mexican War and Spanish War. Civil War Records: Consolida ted Index, Confedera te Soldiers. Confederate service records, Confederate pension records, Arkansas. Confederate muster rolls and card index, Arkansas. Union service records, Arkansas. Confederate veterans' reunion of 1911, registration lists. Confederate veterans' census of 1911, Arkansas. Official Records, Armies and Navies, 1861-65. Union Veterans and Widows, 1890. OFFICIAL OF MAYFLOWER DESCENDANTS VISITS HERE We were honored to have as a recent Visitor to the Conway AGS office Mr. LeWis E. Neff - of Tulsa, retired attorney and past Governor-General of nIB Society of Mayflower Descendants. The Society of Mayflower Descendants is composed of people who have a proven line of descent from any of the passengers who came over on the Mayflo\-/S!' in 1620. Th ere is a s ta te organi.zation in every state of the union including Arkansas. Mr. Neff is going to England in April and will spend three months inves tiga ting various records there. 1965 DUES NOH PAYABLE We would like to remind members that 1965 dues are now payable. Those who have not yet paid are a~"'ed to send $3,00 dues t.o Mrs. Nora T. Clark, secretary-treasurer, 106 Poplar St., Clarksville, Ark. or to the AGS office i.:-, Com-ray. Your cooperation wi1.l save us the expense of mailing statements. GIFT ~ TO ~ LIBRARY We wish to thank Mrs. RosemaI".f F. Lovell for her gift to the AClS Library of her booklet "The Earliest Marriage Records of Hancock Co. Miss. 1853-65". (See Recent Publications.) We would like to urge all members who have published family histories or other records to donate copies to our library. ANNUAL MEETING JUNE 6th The. Annual Meeting of the Arkansas Genealogical Socie~ will be held at Arkansas State Teachers ColleGe, Conway. on Sunday, June 6th, at the new TorreysonLibrary. Further details of the meeting will be given in the Spring issue of the "Historian". ~ MEETING ~ 27th The officers and members of the Beard of Directors of AGS will meet Saturday, March 27th, at Hot Springs a t the 1I.0me of Mrs. Gerald B, NcLane. 68 FROM THE MAILBOX The Hare article on page 47 of your Vol. III, No.2, Fall 1964 issue is most interesting; however, I ask that you kindly make one correction about Moses Hare who died in 1793 in Gates Co., North Carolina. Moses Hare, died in Gates Co. N.C., 1793, is my direct ancestor. He was a Revolutionary War patriot, and his wife was Honore Speight, daughter of Wm. Speight, descendant of Francis Speight born England 1614, who came to Virginia in 1635 on the "Thomas and John". Moses Hare and Honore Speight were married 1734/35 and their children were: Moses, Joseph, John. Elisha Hare and Bridget Small. The Honour Ashburn shown on p. 47 as wife of Moses Hare did marry a Moses Hare but not until March 6, 1793. according to Gates Co. marriage records, and therefore could not have been the mother of the above heirs of Moses and Ibnore Soeight Hare--their youngest son, Elisha Hare having married Easter Norfleet on Dec. 28, 1790, in Chowan Co. N.C. almost three years before Honour Ashburn'S marriage. It is so easy to skip generations in families suffiCiently long_lived to have, bearing the same Christian name, a Senior, Junior and the Third, which is evidently true of the Hare family in Albemarle section of N.C. Consequently one must bear in mind that when Moses Hare, Sr. died in 1765 leaving widow, l1ary, their son Moses, Jr. immediately became Moses Hare, Sr. and that when Moses Hare, Sr. died in 1793, his son Moses, Jr. immediately became Moses, Sr. without benefl.t of the deSignation that he was the third man in Gates Co. to bear the name Moses Hare, Sr. I will thank you to help with this correction and to let interested persons know that I welcome correspondence on these lines: Hare, Speight, Norfleet, Riddick and others from the Albermarle section of No. Carolina and Virginia. Mrs. E. W. Martineau 1016 No. Monroe St. Little Rock, Arkansas I have three volumes of "Our Islands and Their Peoples" published in 1899, containing recorded data by Major-General Joseph Wheeler, U.S, Army under Comm. Wm. Rufus Shafter in Cuba, 'and fighting with unnamed American Soldiers. The photography makes the men's features as clear as if snapped yesterday. Any who had relatives who fought these campaigns would surely love to find familiar faces, If interested parties would send me the names, dates, rank, companies, etc. to which their family members were attached I may be able to begin a story of interest to many. Catherine Neatherry Route 2 Box 80 Lowell, Arkansas I would like to obtain copies "The Arkansas Family Historian". of the June 1962 and April 1963 issues of Anyone having spare copies please write me. Carribel Eck Carter 5905 B St. Little Rock, Arkansas HISTORY OF JOHNSVILLE, ARKANSAS (BRADLEY COUNTY) TO: Arkansas Genealogical Society A grou9 of us in this part of the state have formed our own genealogical society and have named ourselves The South Arkansas Genealogical Society. We don't have a publication. We merely pool our "dues" to buy microfilm, books, and various genealogical materials. One of our members, Mr. Otis Walker, Route 2, Camden, Arkansas, has some ancestors who were affiliated with the Palestine Methodist Church, Johnsville, which is about 20 miles south of Warren, in Bradley County. He obtained a copy of their church roll to make a copy for himself, I 'requested that he make a copy for the state publication and he obliged by giving me the attached material. In case any of our members should want to write him, the three families in his name are Hartin. Temple and l{cClain. All members of the Arkansas Genealogical Society should be on the lookout for material for our publication. If the rest of us will help you it will make your task easier and our publication more representative of the entire state, I know you want that because you have published the two items I've sent you in the past. J. Floyd Bullock 521 Chestnut St., SW Camden, Arkansas (We are indeed pleased \<lith JIll'. Otis Walker's contribution to our publication and with Mr. Bullock's interest in obtaining the material for us. We are printing on the following pages portions of a letter pertaining to early families in that area and portions of the early church records of the Johnsville Palestine Methodist Church. rM, Editor) The following letter \Jas written by the late W. T. Martin, then Counselor and Attorney-at-Lal, in Camden, Arkansas. It was printed in the Democrat News (Warren, Ark.) October 7, 1915, and reprinted in the Eagle Democrat (Ivarren) December 24, 1946. It was l<Titten to Mr. G. M. Hampton of Fordyce, Arkansas. Dear George, James Meek told me that there was going to be an old settler's meeting at Johnsville next Sunday and ,.services would be held in the Presbyterian church and asked me to tell wha t I knel, of the history of Johnsville and the people who settled in that country before the war; in fact to tell as far as I know. the country and its history. that perhaps i t may be of some interest as well as information to the younger generation. On the 20th day of September, 1856, my father, Jas. Saddler r~rtin, arrived from the State of Mississippi, crossed the Saline River at Moor's Hill, Bradley County, and passed Col. John R. Hampton's place and stopped at Henry S. Rawls, who settled on the river hills tl,O miles above Col. Hampton's. In a few days my father moved to the Boyd place, a mile from Col. Hampton's. In that early day there were quite a number of people who had recently come into the count~J. had settled in the woods and cleared land and built houses and Negro quarters. Charlie !flOore, Jas. L Robinson and Mat Stuart bought a sawmill and began operating it on eht Saline River about 1850 at the Jack Fogle place. It was a lively ,?lac3 i.n tho se days and was the only place where people could go to learn the general news of the country and congregate socially. The nearest store was at IDngvieH, then miles up the river, where Phil Derden did a general merchandise business, which was my father's trading point. Dr. Cabeen, father-in_law of CoL Hampton, lived about two miles ,lest of lon:;;view at the foot of the big hills Hest of the river. He moved there in the Thirties from near Nonroe, La. and his other son-l.n-la;{, Sam T. W. Heek, lived on the west bank of the Saline River one mile south of longvi.ew. Jno. G. Hartin, an uncle of mine, lived on the hills close to Dr. Cabeen, and old man Jim York livGd 0" the hUls about half a mile l,est of Johnsville. In the early Forties he left Alabama and s tart.ed to move to Texas and got as far as iJr. Cabeen's 101hen the Llages and ·Ouachi.ta River overflowed and he could go no further. Dr. Cabeen took him about the COll.l'ltry and showed him the land "here he settled and after1'1ards he cleared a field about half mile east of his house. Aften'ards his son-in-laH, George, lived and another son-in-law 3rcmson settled about a mile southeast Hhere the first Hethodist church in that cccmtry ,,:as built. After;·rards the place vias sold to a man named Hoviss. A man r.a2ed Rix sold his place to Sam McClain, 1-1'.10 moved from MiSSissippi in 1893 and settled there, and he sold to a man named Halpoole i,n j373. John Gillis was another early settler. He came from Alabama in the Thirties and settled on the Saline River just above I,here CoL Hampton's gin-house used to stand and married one of Jack Foe;le's sisters. Hy father settled half mile northwest of Col. Hampton in 13.57. Isiah Lanzdale had settled some time in the Forties on the river hills about a mile southeast of where the Methodist Church now stands. Johnson Runnels lived on the big road three miles south of Johns·"ille. Mat Stuart lived on Improvement Creek one half mile south of Col. Hampton's. He sold thG place to Col. Hampton. I,ho afteI"l,ards gave it to Mrs. Sue NeHton, his daughter, who had married a Dr. Hiley NeVlton of Union COW1tyo Jack and Pete Fogle lind on Saline River nGar Hoar's Mi.ll, and Fog Fogle lived a mi.le Hest. He married a widou, Lacatureo Jas. I. Robinson lived on the Saline River tlW milGs south. Another one of the Fogle brothers named Bat died at Henry S. RaHls" in 13.59. Jas. I. Robinson had a brother Eli who died after the war. Dr. Miller lived at longvi81, and in after years went blind and di.ed on the Rawls place in 1867. A mm:. named HW1ni,cut had set.tled on the west side of Improvement CrGek about a mile ,,'est of Col. Hampton's. HI'S. Cook and her sons,.iD-laH, Isaiah Slator and Gru.mbles, lived on Snake Creek not far west of the river. Grumbles afterwards moved to Branchville in Dre" COC1l1ty. lock Stuart, Jas. Thompsop.., Hallace Cabeen and Dr. Brandon lived fl~rther up the Creek. Mortimer Hartin lived still further up the creek on the )lace in after years knol,m as Deab Johnson" s place. Jas. Gill lived four or five miles further north. Nelson B. York lived about a mile ;{est of his father James York. Terrell York had settled six miles west on Half ..Hay Creek. John Scarbrough lived on Dr. Jackson's place about a mile north of Johnsville. Two men named love and Boyd lived on the ri.ver hi.lls about. a mile southeast of JohnSville. The big road used to run by t.he Boyd place from Moro to Long_ vieH and ;·rent by Dr. Cabeen'so Dave Jones and Mason B. lowrey, who were bro_ thers .. in .. laH, lived abollt tom and a half miles northwest of Johnsville. Nason 3. LoHer"J lived about one mi,le north of the Smyrna Church. He sold his ?lace to a man named Irwin, and then settled at the edge of the bottom t ;·ro mi:i.6S southeast of Johnsville, where he lived during the "ar. A :no.n named Halls lived about a mile east of Smyrna Church. Uncle Nortimer Martin bought Heat.hin:;ton's place and ran a tan-yard there during the tolar. Stuarts. Atkins, Castlcberrys, Dubrons and Forrests li.ved tHO or three miles north on the river hills. One of \'Ialls daughters ma.'~ried a Careuff who lived i.n on the river. His place nOI, goes by the name of Carcuff's Landi,ng. 71 Dunk Pippins O1med and operated a warehouse on Saline River about four miles south of Moor's Mill where the Rock Island railroad crossed the river. He used to operate a fer~J, where my father in crossing on his ferry boat lost one of the finest horses that was ever in that country. There was a landing on Saune River close to Dr. Cabeen's house, a graveyard close by, and some old vacant houses when we came to the state. Dunk Pippin told my father that he and another raftman were camping there, and the old raftman had a pot of gold which he buried one night near that place and died a few days thereafter. He (Pippin) looked for it but never found it. This gold was buried in the Thirties. A man named Gerrells lived about two miles south of Johnsville in a big old log house that used to stand over in the field east of the road close to where After Col. Hampton put up the sawmill, Gerrells built HcKinney' 5 mill stood. the little white house on the road just south of the mill. close to the Methodist Church. Dr. Alpheus Ra~lls and Stephens Barefield afterwards lived it it. Gerrells died one night at the supper table before me moved in his ne\-I house and his ~1idoH aftenlards married a man named Jerry Radden. Uncle Joe Nartin came to this couutry \iith my father and settled about a mile north of Henry S. Ra\-Ils on the ri vcr hills. These people I-have named are about those who lived in this country in the early days "hen my father moved there from Mississippi in 1856. There were a few French living on the river do~m in the corner. They were the Acans, Pevetoes, Colers, Laeboffs and llamiltons. After 1856 people began to move in fast mostly from Mississippi and South Carolina. The Crawfords, Wilfongs, Elisons, Pagans, Cha",i)Grs, 11eeks, Garrisons, Jacksons, Saddlers, Rosses, Kings, Givens, I-lon tcomGl'Ys, Ferrells -_ ThomasGs, HcKerrs, Thompsons, Ruff, Dan and James l'~ln all C~~e from South Carolina and settled in that country a few years before the liar. Sam McClain, the Godfries, Hartins, Temples and Rawls were from Miss. In 1857 John Brady came from Warren and built a store at the cross roads of the Viero and IDngvievl road and the Ivarren and Moor's Mill road. I was at the home of Uncle Henry Rawls and heard Jno. Brady and some men of the cOll1!l1unity discussin::; ~mat they HOuld name the place and it was deci.ded to name it Johnsville for the different Johns in that community, among whom were John R. Hampton, John Cabeen, John l1artin and John Brady. The Presbyterian Church was built in 1858-59 and the Rev. Crawford was _the preacher for several years. He moved to Arkadelphi.a where he died years later. Aften-lards the Reverends Kerr, Dixon and Brown .filled the pulpit as long as I lived in that cOlmty. The present Palistine Nethodist Church was built in 1860. Before it~las built there ~ras a log church about twenty steps east. Uncle Joe Martin taught school at this church and I attended this school. Geo. M. and Edward E. Hampton, sons of Col. John R. Hampton and the Rawls boys, Randolph, Jesse and Sing, also attended this school. Uncle Joe l1artin taught in 1857, 1858 and until April, 1859, ,;hen a hurricane blel, a tree on his house, injuring him and his son John. He never recovered but moved to the Gillis place close to where Mr. Alison lived, and died in 1860. Thus passed- away one of South Carolina's best la1-1yers, vlho had figured prominently in the early history of that state. He is buried in the gra-"G yard at Palis tine Church. I have forgotten \-mO the circuit rider preachers were sent by the Methodist conference. I knolf th0re "as a preacher sent there in 1859 and 1860 named Mar_ shall, I-rna had a son Lel-1i5_ Mrs. Marshall taught school at Davis Jones'. '72 Nason 8. Lowrey was a local preachor of unLlsual ability and preached at the Palistine church. James L Robinson and Henry B. Rawls were also local 9reachers. When the church \'las buH t i t was tHO stories. The upper story \,as a Masonic Hall. For several years they held th'"ir mee tings in the old lOG church before the pres'E,nt church was built. There is an old Hasonic chest that used to sit in the middle of the old chl.lrch that ,,'as moved to the ne" hall when the church Has completed. The Baptists built a church about two miles north of Johnsville on the hill north of the spring on a branch and namGd it Smyrna. The ruling spirits in that church were Nelson B. York, Sam I'leek and Irwin. Their preachers were Rev. Duboise, Rasberry and Denson. These three churches had about the same number of members who attended regularly, and all three Here in a flourishing condition. The people of that county in 1859 built an Academy on the Sol Bronson place two miles southwest of Johnsville and establi,shed one of the best schools in the state. They em9loyed a man named HOGue <lho had been teaching for a number of years at Nt. Holly in Union COllnty, He was a Presbyteri,an preacher and a Southern man. His wife was from IOHa. He was one of the best educators in this part of the country, He I~as not long in building up as fine a school as there was in the state. I went to him four years and his mQral and intellectual training has lasted me through life. When the call for volunteers came in 136'1 sixteen of the larger boys joined the army. Among them were J. E. Hampton, Mack Pagan, George Hogue, Jim Stuart, Sidney Walls, Jim York, Bob Ramsour, Sam Godfrey and Bom Chambers. Most all of the young men in that country joined too, a"d they organized the old Gee shop that stood not far from where T. B. CraiG'S store nOI~ stands. If my memory serves me ri.ght they elected Buck l1cKinney' captain and Dr. Ross li.eutenant. After they had their brown geans uniforms rr,ade, Hhi.oh consi.sted of round-about coats and trousers with red stripes dOlm the legs, they marched to the Presbyterian church to have services and bid their friends "goodbye" before thEIr left Johnsville. We younger boys yearned to go. vie went back to school :)ut the Hfe was g:m€. There ,.as a shadow of sadness over the patrons of the school as Hell as on the bro'. of the Hogues, for their boy, George, had u;,one with the other boys. Every m::>rning Nr. Hogue opened school \,ith prayer asking the good lord to guard and protect the boys at the front. Every nOI; and then r,eHS came that some of the boys were dead or wounded. How well I reme",ber the day' "hen the sad neHS ca;ne to Hr. and Mrs. Hogue that their boy George "as dead. I,men the conflict Closed only a few of that noble band of young lIi'oO returned to their desolated homes. After the war most of the peo:ole moved to Texas, Hhile s,:"ne w:Jved to other oarts of Arkansas. Now there are not many of the old time~5 there; Nack Pagan, L. E. York and Billy Martln are about the only ones left.. A great many of the old ti;ners have died and are buried in ~he three "raveyards there.. There Here only two graves at the Palestinll church \"hen \'16 mowed there, and none at the Baptist and Presbyterian, One of the braves ",as a man nam8d Boyd and the other Has a man who died at Lock 3tuart's place in 1352, I will quit. I could write a book detailing what I knc''N of that COLmtry and its peoole, so I will close and subscribe myself as one of the old settlers and your life long friend. \~ • T. Kartin 73 THE CHURCH REGISTER OF THE PALISTINE CHURCH (METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH SOUTH) JOHNSVILLE, ARKANSAS (BRADLEY COUNTY) REGISTER OF MEMBERS 1. W. W. Martin 2. John H. Griffis 3. James M. Fogul 4. John Ferrel 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 23. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 43. 49. 50. 51. 52. 1873 1371 1875 1884 1835 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1391 1891 1891 1891 1373 1873 1873 1862 1871 1884 1884 1836 1888 1886 1875 1888 1889 Thomas Clanton James H. Orr R. B. McClain Isaiah G. Slater William T. Temple Christopher C. Miers John L. Murphy Henry Temple Pinkney M. McClain Rufus W. McClain Snow A. Jackson John Griffis, Jr. Almoth McClain John T. Richards John M. Martin Lariate Wolf Thos. J. Jackson Elizabeth Robinson Jane Martin Mary E. McClain Mary Fogul ~!ary A. Griffis Nancy W. Wilkinson Cornelia Heathington Olie (Obie) Martin Nancy Griffis Martin Fanny Fogul Martley (?) B. Slater Dora Temples Rachel A. Jackson Hamrar (1) E. Clanton Elizabeth Cox (Core, CoseT) Elizabeth Johson Marguart Clanton Florance R. Orr 1888 Minnie York 1890 Lelia L. Murphey (m Temple) 1891 Lizzie Murphey 1891 Winnie Miers 1891 Elizabeth Griffis (m FerreIU1891 Nancy Pope 1891 Maggie McClain (m J.Ivrey1) 1891 Estell McClain (m Iva177) 1891 Lavinie Cottinghan (m Hines)1875 Julia Lansdale 1391 Ransom S. Smith 1892 TYnie Bairfied (m Johnson) 1892 Nannie Clanton 1892 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 9~. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. Levi Blos111 1892 Elia Bl07117 (m J Martin) 1892 Edward M. Lowry 1392 Harriett D. Lowry 1392 George T. Lowry 1892 Danlel W. McClain 1392 Lowry E. York 1392 Joseph W. Johnson 1892 Rebekah Johnson 1392 J. C. God£ry 1892 Lottie Slater 1892 Mary A. Temple 1892 Mary C. Jackson (m M.Fogle) 1882 Thos. H. Standfield 1893 Wm. T. Johnson 1893 John Henry 1893 Rebecca Henry 1893 T. B. Craig 1893 MaUnda Craig 1893 N. D. Standfield 1893 M: J. Standfield 1893 Sarah Standfield 1893 L. M. Standfield (m Knight) Baxter McClain Ed McC"lain G. A. Stanfield Artie McDonald Duck Pyron Nettie Fogul (m. HcClain) James York Lottie Stayter (Slayter7) Ben Stanfield Carrie Halkinum (Halkum1) 1894 (m. Veasey) Robt. Martin R. W. Pyron Mattie Craig (m. W.C.(G?) Martin) Lennie Johnson (m. Stanley) Cate Stanfield (m. McDougal) Aetna Craig (m. W. W. Martin) Friddie Temple Sam J. McDonald John McClain Dan W. McClain, Jr. Thos. Craig Sam K. Smith Friddie Hetherington Sue Craig (m. McClain) Missiouri Holcombe (m. Clanton) Pearl Hetherington Mary Smith lDu Holcombe 74 REGISTER OF MEMBERS 104. 105. 106. 107. 103. 109. 110. 11L 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 113. 119. 120. 121122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. Maggi.e Clan ton (m. Barfield) Maul Holcombe Willie Temples Pearl Clanton Lorena Clanton (m. Shap1) M. E. Lansdale F. J. Pyron 1894 Piller (Riller1) McClane Sunie McClane (m. McDougal) James G. Johnson Emer J. Johnson Ed Clanton Bennie McLean (m. Hamilton) Iver E. McClain 1896 Ever L. McClain (m Ferrel) 1896 Jannie Ward 1896 Lonnie Bloxson (1) 1896 Effie M. Martin 1896 Lillie R. Martin (m McGee) 1896 Homer McClain 1896 J. P. Lowry 1897 Sarah A. Lowry 1897 R. L. Downy 1897 Anna L. Dowry (1)(m McClain)1897 Cate E. ~lcClain (Kate) Rufus (T) (J) McClain Robt. H. McClane William G. Martin John W. Noris 133. 134. 135. 1,6. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. Sam M. Ivey M. E. Slayter A. B. McClain John Hamilton 1399 1399 G. R. MoDo gal Montasa Stanley (m J Clanton)1900 Enter Stanley (m lVillis) 1900 J. McRaygan (McPaygan) 1901 Lucendy Belle Clanton 1901 Martha Earl Lowry 1901 Sarah Frances Stanfield 1901 (m Richards) R. S. 1901 Charlie E. Downey 1902 Nannie Downey 1902 Thomas B. Bailey 1903 Etta Wolf ___ (m Outlaw) 1903 Sina McClain 1903 Frank McClain 1903 Minnie B. McClain 1903 Mary J. McClain 1903 Early Stanley 1903 George G. Henry 1903 David Temple 1903 John T. Jackson 1903 Robert S. McGee Idell McClain Sam Clanton Mary Martin R. A. McDo ugal REGISTER OF PASTORS Bishop Pre~ W. W. Duncan N. O. Evans A. O. Evans " " " Willson Keener Wilson A. G. Hagood " " " " " " Elder " " " " J. R. " " " " " Moore T. D. Scott " " " Pastor Date of App. F. T. (F. J.) Shaw Dec. 12, 1890 Dec. 12, 1891 Dec. 9. 1892 Dec. 12. 1893 December. 1894 December 1895 December 1896 December 182Z "" "" " " Parsons Geo. E. R. H. Poynter J. W. Vantrease " " " " " " Pastor S. W. Rainy J. R. Cason David Bolef C. Pope Rev. Hl.nsly A. G. Cason G. W. Rainey R. R. Ruddin Year Served 1898 1900 1901 1903 1905 1907/08 1908 1909 75 THE CHURCH REGISTER OF THE PALISTINE CHURCH (METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH SOUTH) JOHNSVILLE, ARKANSAS (BRADLEY COUNTY) REGISTER OF MARRIAGES Name of -..- Groom: Married Henry Temples Wm. T. Temples Thos. Clayton N. D. Stanfield J. I. Knight lonnie (1) McDougal George HcDougal William G. Martin W. W. Martin C. C. Miers W. W. Martin R. B. I1cClain J. H. Griffis E. M. loury W. J. Heathington J. H. Orr R. A. Martin WIn. Wilkinson !1iL: ~: Lelia 11urphey W. L. Calliway Dora C. McClain Rev. T. T. Roberson . Rev. Dicerson Joanna Johnson Mary Jane Craig P. P. Iowry Lillian H. Stanfield S. W. Rainey N.(\v.7) C. Stanfield S. W. Rainey Annie HcClane S. W. Rainey Mattie J. Craig S. W. Rainey Edna 11. Craig S. W. Rainey Winnie Nobles Harrison Land J. A. Ferrel M. B. Ioury K. E. Smith Rev. J.(?) Johnson Mary A. Lacture M. B. lowry H. D. Griffis R. B. McClain C. A. Wimes J. Robertson F. R. Wheeler J. McFagan Nancy Griffis F. J. Shaw Nancy W. Wiemes J. Robertson Nov. Mar. Mar. Apr. July July July Nov. Nov. Aug. Jan. Jan. Dec. Nov. Jan. Nov. Nov. Jan. H. 1891 27. 1884 12, 1851 20. 1893 20. 1893 20. 1893 20. 1898 1897 1897 19. 1883 16. 1873 14. 1871 21. 1865 25. 1886 13. 1881 27. 1885 17. 1892 13. 1881 REGISTER OF INFANT BAPTISMS Name: Parents I Baptised !1iL: J. R. Sherwood Lution T. W. l-l. and J. A. Martin W. Ii. and J. A. Martin J. R. Sherwood William G. W. I.J. and J. A. Hartin M. B. lowry Liley R. W. W. and J. A. Martin M. B. lowry Effey M. W. W. and J. A. Hartin H. D. McKinen Gill A. O. Evins Befrey (1) vT. W. and J. A. Martin W. W. and J. A. Martin M. B. Iowry Mary B. Rufus I-I. R. B. and Kate E. HcClain Rev. Dickson R. B. and Kate E. McClain J. R. Sherwood Susan E. R. B. and Kate E. McClain M. B. lowry Daniel W. F. J. Shaw Iver E. R. B. and Kate E. McClain F. J. Shaw R. B. and Kate E. McClain Ever L. R. B. and Kate E. I1cClain O. N. Evans Minnie B. L.(T1) A. Parker Faedward T. (L1) W. J.(T1) and C. A. Heathington L.(T7) A. Parker W. J. (T?)and C. A. Heathington Cornelia T. (7) J. B. Williams Bertie May J. H. and F. A. Orr J. H. and F. A. Orr O. N. Evans Colier C. I'm. T. and Dora C. Temple Rev. J. Brown James F. Wm. T. and Dora C. Temple Rev. J. Brown 1m. Isrd (Dora Temple's middle initial appears here as C. as well as on tombstone. This is in error as she was Dora Mae McClain. daughter of Jim McClain and Mary Jane BraylOCk.) 1874 1876 1880 1882 1889 1892 1887 1875 1876 1882 1892 1892 1892 1885 1885 1890 1892 1885 1836 76 Name: Parents: Baptised David F. Daniel E. Edward Mar:;' E. JamGs C. S(?)yntha Joana Geo. O. Elmer R. Cairrey R. Annie M. James T. Cora Lee Carl Jackson Willie J. Verah (Mary Vera) Charley Owens Robert WIn. T. Temple vim. T. Temple Thos. and Joana Clanton Thos. and Joana Clanton Thos. and Joana Clanton Thos. and Joana Clanton Thos. and Joana Clanton Wm. T. and Dora C. Temple N. D. and M. J. Stanfield T. J. and Mary C. Jackson T. J. and Mary C. Jackson T. J. and Mary C. Jackson L. B. and Malinda Craig wm. T. and Dora Temple W. W. and Etna M. Martin wm. T. and Dora Temple F. J. Shaw Rev. F. J. Shaw 1891 1892 Rev. A. O. Evans J. W. Vantrease 1896 J. W. Van trease J. W. Vantrease Rev. J. R. Gas on Rev. DaVid Bools 1897 1897 1900 1901 Rev. David Bools Rev. C. Pope Rev. C. Pope Rev. C. Pope Rev. C. Pope Rev .C. Pope Rev. A. G. Cason R. R. Rudder R. R. Rudder S. B. Mann S. B. Mann 1901 8-16-1903 3-16-1903 8-16-1903 8-16-1903 8-16-1903 7-18-1907 10-18-1909 10-18-1909 Aug. 1912 Aug. 1912 Aug. 1912 Aug. 1912 Aug. 1912 Aug. 1912 Aug. 1912 Oct. 1914 Dewit Luey S. Grace Morrison James Harris Mary M. Ethel May floyd McGhee Verner Ordl"'J Mildred Vader John Edward Elizabeth Wm. T. and Dora Temple John and Bennie Hamilton Rufus and Nettie McClain Rufus and Nettie McClain (Jr.) Ed and Anna McClain Ed and Anna McClain John Hamil ton J. P. and Sarah A. Lowry G. P. and Sarah A. ,Lowry R. S. and Lillie McGhee R. S. and Lillie McGhee John and Bennie Hamilton John and Bennie Hamilton W. and Edna Martin W. W. and Edna Martin G. P. and Mary A. Lowery John and Bennie Hamilton I,. ~I S. B. Mann S. B. Mann S. S! S. J. B. Mann B. Mann B. Mann A. Deak 77 MARRIAGE RECORDS, LAWRENCE COUNTY ARKANSAS, 1821 - 1851 by EnLd Wells SLtton MARRIAGE RECORDS BOOK A "TIlE STRAY BOOK" Alcorn, Isam Ance, Leonard Archer, Aaron PermetLa Heartgraves Jane Bellah Elizabeth Marshall May 23, 1823 Mar. 4, 1831 Mar. 22, 1832 Bagwell, LLttleton Baker, Asa Baker, George A. Baker, Thomas Barrett, WillLam A. Bean, Marke Bellah, Charles Bellah, Samuel BlankenshLp, Alexander Blyth, David Blyth, James Boid, William Branden, James A. Brewerts, Willis Brookfield, Isaac Butcher, John Mahala Brown Malinda Pierce Elizabeth Gamer Celia Halcombe Charlotte Mangoum Hetty Stuart Martha Breden BerLntha Hudson Polly Murphe Elizabeth Cantrell Lydia Coosz Polly Willmeth Fanny Perkins Isabella West Nancy Campbell Fbirzy? Baker Feb. 20, 1834 Dec. 19, 1822 Apr. 2, 1832 May 10, 1835 Mar. 12, 1835 Nov. 2, 1828 Sept 29, 1831 July 5, 1832 Aug, 27, 1835 July 12, 1835 July 15, 1835 May 18, 1834 Nov. 13, 1834 Apr. 1, 1824 Mar. 23, 1823 Nov. 25, 1832 Calven, John C. Capp, Nimroa Childers, Alexander C. Childers, Joseph Ch ism, Wash ing ton Chism, Geo. Washington Clark, Joseph Cochran, George D. Cochran, James Cochran, Pleasant Crawford, Colly Luiza Hadlay Cynthia Mattix Matilda Fortenberry Polly Wayland Elizabeth C. Burgess Jane Lankforce Elizabeth Cockrim Elizabeth Mattix Levina Pierce Al___ a Clark Lisha Fryer formerly LLsha English Sally Roaten Sarah Hudgins Sinthy Campbell Aug. 7. 1832 June 13, 18)0 Feb. 6, 1834 Mar. 5, 1835 Nov. 21, 1833 May 22, 1836 Sept. 18, 1834 Nov. 29, 1832 May 19, 1822 Oct. 1, 1833 Nov. 4, 18)0 Prudes Wayland KLssLah Starnes Elizabeth Fletcher Delilah Austin AtlantLc Hillhouse AbLgail Janes EILzabeth D-__ vier Jane Norris Polly Rodney dau. of Thomas Rodney Susannah Polson Hannah Pearce Jan. 1. 1835 Feb. 13, 1834 July 1, 1821 Oct. 8, 1826 Aug. 7, 1828 Nov. 13, 1832 Mar. 8, 1835 Mar. 20. 1836 June 10, 1824 Crow, Enoch B. Crowley, Samuel Crowly, Thomas Darter, Andrew Darter, Michael Vendrick Davis, Elijah DaViS, James Davis, Nathan Dodd, Jesse Donathan, John Dotson, Dimon Douty, Reuben Druminz, Braxton Duprey (eryl ), Dav id Nov. 9, 1834 Feb. 28, 1833 Nov. 3, 1823 July :30, 1831 Nov. 2. 1835 78 MARRIAGE RECORDS, LAI-JRi;;NCE COUNTY ARKANSAS, 1821 - 1851 MARRIAGE RECORD3 - BOOK A _ "THE STRAY BOOK" Eaton, Alexander Eaton, Alexander Eden, Johnson Elliott, Michael Everitt, Isaac B. Polly Woods Margaret Boils Rhoda Bly Melinda Berry Nancy Wilson Mar. Nov. Oct. Feb. July Fletcher", Le"l1 Ford, Drury I. Forester, John Fortenberry, Absolom Fortenberry, Elisha Fortenberry, Taylor Foster, Logan R. Frier. Robert Frost. Gabriel Elizabeth Shaver Elizabeth Lutteral Ka thertne Dagner Mary Davis Sally Wayland Jane Cravens Eliza Lewis Lasinda Latham Leviey Huley Dec. 15. 1823 Feb. 17, 1831 May 1, 1834 Sep. 27, 1832 May 5, 1825 Mar. 12, 1835 Apr. 20, 1832 Apr. 26, 1825 Dec. 17, 1829 Gage, Calvin Gibson, Humphrey Golliher, William Gray, Jesse Gullick, William Mary Fowler Jane West Sarah Flanery Lucinda Jane Ford Mariah Eldridge May 21, 1834 Oct. 10, 1831 July 15, 18)0 Jan. 14, 1834 Jan. 3. 1834 Hard in, Andrew Hardin, Joseph Hines, David Hollinsworth, Jacob Hudson, Edward Hudson, Samuel Sophronia Hutchinson Ellen Davis Margaret Ann Mattix Elizabeth Houpe Sarah Neal Nancy Bellah May 26, 1836 Dec. 19. 1824 Feb. 22, 1827 June 19, 1834 Mar. 28, 1833 Sep. 27, 1832 Isacks, James Arah Watson Feb. 7. 1832 Jarrette, Anthony Jarrett, William Jeffry, James Jobe, Isaac Johnson, Hartin Jones, Henry Jurdan, James Polly Rogers - Hannah Leavers Elizabeth Caruthers Dorcas Jobe Peggy Guillitte Sally Hedger Nelly Cochran 1:3. 18)0 4, 1834 24, 1834 8, 1835 23. 1835 Jan. Mar. Feb. Oct. Dec. Aug. Oct. 18. 1824 4, 1821 14, 1823 13, 1834 18. 1823 12, 18)0 28, 1824 28, 1833 Kellett., John Kellett, William Keith, Bird Kester, Frederick Kester, Isaac King, Henry King, Isaac King, John H. Lucinda Holcombe Sally Grey Sarah May Polly Humphreys Nancy Grey Susanah Simpson Rosany Bridges Sarah Jackson Mar. Apr. Mar, NO"" • Sep. Sep. Aug. Nov. Lamb, Thomas Lawson, Daniel Ledford, William Leehance, Lewis Lindsay. Carlton Lindley. Samuel Logan, Charles Lowd, David W. Sally Crowley Rachel Macke Artimecy King Cicisley D----k (Domack?) catherine Mansker Letha Turmon Sally Darter Cynthia CroVlley Oct. Mar. Nov. Jan. Dec. Jan. Mar. 2, 1836 2, 1825 24, -1831 26, 1833 25, 1834 4. 1831 22, 1835 June 21. 1829 6, 1832 12, 1835 20, 1831 1 , 1824 9. 1833 25, 1835 19, 1829 79 MARRIAGE RECORll3, LAWRENCE COUNTY ARKANSAS, 1821 - 1851 MARRIAGE RECOROO _ BOOK A _ "THE STRAY OOOK" Maherge, Albert Malone, A__ m Manson, William Marshal1, David Marshall, William B. Martin, Leander P. Martin, Samson McCormich, James McDonald, William McIlroy, Daniel Mcnroy, Harnet McKinley, Charles McKinley, Samuel McMillan, William Miller, Samuel Miller, William Mil1s, William Mock, l1atthias Mock, Thomas MooTe, John Margaret Stroud Ritha Lenox Elizabeth Crabtree Laviny Hillhouse Atlantic DaviS"" widow of late Nathan Davis daugh ter of Polly Hillhouse Nancy R. Lasseter Elizabeth Lowder Delitha Perkins Levince Tyler Elizabeth IijnCh Elizabeth Davis Nancy JOhnson Sarah Sanders Jane Sloan Betsy Pearce M~randa Tyler Clarisa Robbins Margaret Mansker 11argaret Moore Anna Rickman Sep. 1, 1833 Dec. 30, 1833 Oct. 10, 1833 May 8, 1834 Oct. 31, 1831 Feb. Oct. Aug. Feb. Oct. July June Aug. Oct. Sep. Aug. Mar. June Oct. Mar. 18, 1836 16, 1833 2, 1821 25, 1831 29, 1831 11, 1833 17, 18)0 25, 1833 28, 1829 1). 1835 1), 1835 26, 1823 24, 1828 9, 1834 1), 1826 Newland, James Nolan, Alvas Margaret Campbell. Katherine Cline Dec. 3, 1835 Oct. 4, 1821 Ogden, Jonathan Orphen, Josiah Ma tilda Wayland Elizabeth McDonald June 7, 1835 Dec. 15, 1831 Palmer, James Payton, Craven Pearce, Rodney Peirce, Hawkins Perkins, John Perkins, William Perry, James Perry, Tignell Perryman, Joel Pevehouse, DaVid Pevehouse, Jacob Pierce, Hugh Poindexter, Sandridge Mary Jane Wilson Epsy Jobe Nancy Grey Nancy Tucker Martha McCarroll, Lurrena Russell Elizabeth Brannon Sarah Tucker Sally Kester Cynthia Ross Hannah Ross Melinda Hornby Julia McDonald Jan. 1, 1835 June 28, 1830 Sep. 24, 1835 Apr. 6, 1828 May 11, 18)0 May 1), 1832 Sep. 1, 1833 July 17, 1334 June 1, 1833 Oct. 14, 18)0 Oct. 7, 1834 Nov. 8, 1832 Dec. 6, 1831 Ragsdall, Ellis L. Ragsdall, William Raney, Radford Rasberry, Joseph Revil, Robert R. Reynolds, Stephen Robertson, Moses Robinson, Samuel Rogers, William Rolen, James Ross, Oben Nolen Zilpha Smith Nancy Hudson Hildah Morris Sarah Pace Sarah Wells (widow) Nancy Fletcher Nancy Cravens Minerva Campbell Polly Cline Hary vleeks Catherine Lail Apr. 25, 1830 July 23, 1837 June 8, 1835 Oct. 29, 1824 Oct. 9, 1834 Feb. 11, 1826 Apr. 29, 18;0 Sep. 12, 1833 May 19, 1821 Mar. 4, 1833 Apr. 19, 1827 80 MARRIAGE RECORDS, LAWRENCE COUNTY ARKANSAS. 1821 - 1851 MARRIAGE RECORDS -. BOOK A - "THE STRAY BOOK" Ruckman. John Ruple. John Russell. Gilbert Russell. James G. Russell. Lewis M. Nancy NeaH Elizabeth Ann Thompson Mary Sloan Parthener Bridges OJnthia Baran Samuels. Allen Scruge. Johnston Scruggs, John B. Seats. Jarrette Shirrels, Edward Simpson. Isaac Sloan, Alfred L. Slocum. David D. Smith. Philip Smith. Robert Spikes. William Spivy. Elisha Spotts. John Stanford, Thomas Statts. James Stinnett. Benjamin Stinnett. Jesse Stokes. James Lemuel Stuart. William D. Stubblefield, Moses Stubblefield. William Su tfin. Jacob Sutfin. Jonathan Polly Starnes Polly Eleanor Ballance Sally Fortenberry . Margery Tyler Rachel Lindsey Martha Jackson Jane Thompson Cynthia Merritt Silvia Tyler Liney Dunkin Jane Johnson Prudence Pevehouse Lavina Williams Sa----s Harris Sarah Snoddy Elizabeth Crop Johanna Heilyer Sarah l1arkham Nancy Childers Franky McWilliams Hary S. Neal Sarah Pevehollse Phebe Sanders June 27. 1834 Aug. 26. 1830 Sep. 3. 1824 Aug. 7; 1835 Oct. 27. 1829 May 5. 1833 Oct. 3. 1833 Nov. 7. 1834 Sep. 24. 1833 Feb. 11. 1836 June 28, 1836 Dec. 30. 1832 Oct. 25. 1832 Apr. 6, 1834 Apr. 9, 1832 July 15. 1831 Apr. 5. 1832 Apr. 17. 1823 Feb. 25. 1830 May 29. 1834 June 3. 1834 Thompson. Faron Thompson. F11elix Tucker. \'Iilliam A. T"widdy. Allen Tyler. John Tyler. Preston Sally Winclen Winey Clark Elizabeth Smith Nancy Spikes Jane McDonald Museury King July June July July July July Upton, Joseph Sarah Devan Oct. 6, 1833 Wallis, Jacob \'latson, Harry Helch, l-lilliam \·Iells. Charles Hells, Jacob Wells. vlashington Whitstone, Davice White. Dr. Henderson Wh ite. Henry ,/hi ticer. Thomas Williams, William Willmonth, Jackson Winkaler. Henry Hinningham. Jesse Nancy Hudson Mary Hurray Haria Thompson Jenny Necum Rosanna Necum Brune thy Stubblefield Hester Ann Tucker MaI"J Dodge Nelly Bellah Peggy Cravens Jane Ragsdale Rosannah Duncan Susan Sea ts Sally Hommack July 11, 1821 Aug. 2, 1835 Sep. 29. 1831 Jan. 11. 1.822 Apr. 9. 1822 Feb. 28, 1833 May 10. 1835 Sep. 22. 1831 Jan. 18. 1835 Mar. 18. 1827 May 24. 1835 May 2. 1833 Feb, 24. 1833 Sep. 24. 1834 Yell. Archibald Haria Ficklin July 7. 1836 Feb. Mar. Jan. Oct. 1. 1833 1. 1832 12. 1837 7. 1832 July 1. 1830 Feb. 15. 1835 May 1. 1834 3. 1831 19. 1834 25. 1833 5. 1831 18. 1830 20. 1833 MARRIAGE RECORDS, LAWRENCE COUNTY ARKANSAS, 1821 - 1851 MARRIAGE RECORDS Alexander, John Iv. Allen, Isaac Allen, William Armstrong, Rodney Ausborn, Asa W. 35 98 28, 102, 219 77 10 226 Baker, William S. 231 Barnett, Isaac M. 273 p",:t'n'ltt., J. A, 280 Barnett, John 79 Barnett, William H. Barrneth. William 139, 140 209 Beal, Joshua 125 Beaver, John 277 Beavers, William 245 Bell, R. D. 27 Berry, Bird 1)0 Berry, William 165 Berry. Tolipher )00 Bilbrey, J. C. 75 Blackwell, Hiram 195 Blackwell, James 138 Blakley. Rev. John H. 260 Bl----s, W. H. to D. Evans 270 Bobo, L. S. 168 Booth, William G. 176 Booth, Riley W. 135 Boston, Eli L. 280 Boyd. Joseph A. 279 Bozarth, Tilford 19 Branden, Christopher C. 84 Brewer, Jesse J. 59 Brewer, Joseph 260 Bri--s, John (Bridges?) 175 Brooks, Elisha 20 Brown, James S., 208 . Bruwly, H. p. 177 Buckler, Harason P. 248 Burah, C. G. 75 Burleson. John 153 Butler, Ech;ard 215 Butler, Lafayette Wash. 1)8 Butterfield, Oliver 242 Buster, John 53 Byron, E. E. Cadilian, William Calikam, D. J. Campbell, John N. Caps, William Carer, W. P. Carrell, Geo. Ivashington Cas en • Whurry Cason, Sebron Cate, Samuel 203 102 170 106 227 215 60 7 210 BOOK A - 81 1836-1851 Cates, Benjamin Chamberlin, John Childers, Alexander C. Childers, FranCis Childers, John Chism, G. W. Clubb, Peter Colbert, Henry Corning, Cas,iell Cotten, HanilOn Corley, Nat CoVington, Joseph Cowbell, R. D. Cravens, A. J. Cravens, David Cravens, James Crayens, J epo . Crawford, R. J. Crawford, Roderick Crofe, Ebikenezer Crow, William Crump, William eustace, Amote Darter, Andrew Darter, Hezakiah Darter, Hiram Dauthet, William H. Davidson, James Davis, B. K. Davis, John De en , William Denny, Gabriel Dent, William T. Dodd, Joseph W. Donathan, John Dowell, Daviss E. Dowell, Davis s D. Duncan, Rev. Erastus B. Dunken, Preston Dunham, Harrison Dupey, Joseph Duprey, M. C. Easley, John W. Eddy, A. H. Eddy, Ezra Eddy, John Eddy, Hiram Elkins, J. B. C. English, Stephen Eriby, T. J. Evans, G. L. Evins, Stephen B. 211 123 5 203 212 37 73 168 112 74 135 163 222 110 78 47 41 119 253 250, 256 65 144 9 73 12 64 9 90 42 173 61 113 161 172 8 240 260 69 235 21 261 16 80 52 288, 299 104, 152 185 13 129 258 290 118 82 MARRIAGE RECORDS, LAWRENCE COUNTY ARKANSAS, 1821 - 1851 MARRIAGE RECORDS BOOK A 1836-1851 Fairchild, Jas. T. 179 Flanery, Thomas J. 85 120 Findley, John 24 Findley, Joseph (Book C) 140 Fi.nly, Thomas Fore, James No page number 281 Foreman, Carroll 184 Foreman, Isaac \·1. 182 Foreman, John G. Fortenberry, Henry 38 Fortenberry, James 175 1 Fortenberry, Joseph 60 Fortenberr;r, Oliver R. Fortenberl-,y, Sevier 253 Fortenberry, \Hlliam 198 190 Friar, Stephen 27 Fry, Hem-,y (Book C) 187 Fryar, James Galloway. Isham Garner, Issac Garner. Hilton Garrison, Elijah Gibson,. S. Gibson. \o[illiam Gill, Richard Gilmore, John Goacher, Issac Godwin, Wilson Goin, P. S. Golden, I. P. C-oodman, Zebulon P. Gorley, IIJartin Goucher, 11. H. Grace, William T. Graham, James - Lic. to preach Gross. William Guardner, James Hails, Isaac to Mahala Janes Halcomb, Thomas Hale. It'ran Hales, Jesse Hall. J. A. Hammock, Henry Hankins, Calvin Hardin, G. H. to S. A. McHinsley Hardin, J. D. Hardin, L. N. Harlo, John Harlow, Hamilton Harmon, Lewis Harris, George D. Harris, Henry B. Harris. Jas~er 267 4 249 103 280 1 51 12 Lf9 107 82 154 105 254 206 101 30 230 266 124 10·1 129 167 284 67 99 306 50 223 218 18 288 2.5 3 226 Harris, Jorden B. 199 202 Harry, \-lilliam L. Haupt, Miles 193 291 Hellms. Elias 194 Henson, Thomas D. Henson, William ~. 149 Hillhouse, A. D•• 35 Hilliard, William R. 63 101 Himbrey. Abraham Hinds, William 276 No page number Holcome. Iv. R. Holland, James 255 246 Hollanswcrth, C. D. 228 Holloway, C. C. Horton, William C. 277 Houpt> 11iles 193 162 House, Joseph House, Henry 109 Ho us ton, James 99 104 Howard, William A. J. 268 Hubble, Daniel 22 Huddleston, Benjamin 160 Huddleston, Luke Hudson, Ezekiel 186 HJdson, Jefferson 79 Hudson, John R. 54 Hudson, Madison 43 Hudson. Thomas D. 77 Hudson, Ivilliam J. 61 22 Hum9hreys, Daniel Humphreys, Thomas 164 Humphries, John 7 Humphries, William to Mary McGee 133 Humphreys, James 153 Humphrey, William 182 Hunt, Champte to L. Russell 305 Hutcherson, Samuel 96 Hu tcherson, William 96 Hutchinson, John 55 Imboden, Andrew H. Iris, l"artin to Mary Custard Jackson, Alexis Jackson, Samuel Janes, Irwin Janes, James Jeffers, Joseph Jeffers, Leroy to B. Haler Jeffry, Jesse Jestes, John Jestes, Newton Johns, David Johns, Evin 220 5 15 257 41 67 127 6 17 246 246 55 127 83 MARRIAGE RECORDS, LAWRENCE COUNTY ARKANSAS, 1821 - 1851 MARRIAGE RECORDS _ roOK A _ 1836..1851 Johnson. Avery Johnson. Henry Johnson. James Johnson. John to 0, Crawford Johnson. William Johnson. William B. Jones, G. R. to E. Henderson Jones, J. H•• Lic. to preach Jones, O. C, • Lic. to preach Jones, Thomas M. Jones, Wiley Joseph, Isbell H. Justice, Stephen Justus, John (Book C) 115 234 166 2 271 234 267 76 139 32 178 144 92 2) Kellett, Crofford 289 Kellett. James 269 Kellett, John 45 Kellett, Joseph 6, 84 Kellett, Joshua 9) Kellett, William • Lie. preach H1 Killbright, John W. 2)) King, Bleuford )9 King, Henry )5 King, Isaac 17 King, John to E. MOran 6 King, John 269 Kingson, Henson 8 Kn igh ten, Wesley 98 2)1 Knigh ten, William T. Knigten, Issac 216 Labaes, John Lacewell, Daniel Lail, George Lain, Joseph Laird, Elisha Lalec, 'il. Lallfield, Joseph Lance, Peter to S. Rupel Lane, J. W. Laraview, Lewis Lasater, Edward C. Lasater, Jonathan Lawrence, James Lawson, Charles Lawson, E. E. to M. J. Jones Ledbetter, James Ledfow, Thomas LeWis, George W. Lindsay, John A. Logan, Wiley Looney, William S. Looney, W. S. Long, Franklin 297 t17 29 177 274 224 6 296 zoo 87 274 208 22) 267 26) 250 36 29 )8 171 111 33 202 Long. Solomon T. Lott, John Lott. Robert Loyd, James C. Iqnch, Jesse 156 91 8 10 145 Madox, John 98 Maguire. James A. 217 Malone, Nathaniel 247 4 Martin. John Martin. Peter 99 Martin. Thomas 259 Maser, Eli 239 Massy, Richard 100 2)4 Mathews, William J. Mathis, David 68 McCarroll, G. W. 124 McCarroll. T. B, 251 McCollister, Rubin 171 Me Curley. J. R. 285 McDike, George W. 113 McGee, Joseph C. 107 McGee, William F. 297 McIlmurray, William 260 MoKensey, Ambrose 252 MoKensey, T.W. 251 MoKerly, T. J. 258 22 MoKinney, Joseph McKinzey, John V. 249 248 Mc Kin zly , A. T. McKnight, David 145 23 MoKnight, James Meek, Morgan 282 Meeks, Charles 252 Merrell, A. J. 183 Midwell, James 114 16 Miller, Francis Milligan, James 46 Milligan, John 15 Milligan, John _ Lie. preaoh 31 Milligan, Israel 193 Mitchell, M. H. 51 Mitchell, Robert L. 150 Moody, J. A. 136 Moore, Marvil K. 107 Moore, Robert I. ZO Moore, Robert W. 163 44 Moore, R. W. 66 Moore, William Moore, Zachariah G. 10 262 Montgomery, Robert Morgan, Allen 72 Morgan, Hugh 36, 70 Morgan, James 282 Morgan, William 134 I, B4 MARRIAGE RECORDS, LAWRENCE COUNTY ARKANSAS,. ,182i - 1851 , -' BOOK A - MARRIAGE RECORDS , Morgan, M. Morris, Byron Morris, }tadison Morris, Moses C. Morris, M. H. Moser, Samuel Mullen, Ichabod Mull1ns, Thomas Murry, James 89 301 200 274 265 164 190 144 7 Newman, I. R. Nighten, Anniston Noe, L. B. Norris, John Norris, Nicholas Norris, William Nunn, C. P. 2;4 ;7 174 108 1'lL 30\ 112 128 Oaks, Alfred Ogdon, A. J. Ogdon, Jonathan Ogdon, Stephen Oldham, Jackson H. Oldham, Thompson Orr, David Oshern, Philip Osburn, George Osburn, John Oxford, Samuel 91, , 218 1)1 Patton, B. p__ (Pie?), Abraham , Perkins, Solomon Pierce, Hawkins Poer, William G. Polston, Washington Popl1m, Annanias Porter, Robert Price, Berry Pustle, George W, Ragsdale, Calvin Ragsdale, William Raney. A. J. Raney, Brad Raney, Bradford Raney, John Raney, Morgan Rattl1ff, Zacharrah Richardson, D. Henry Richardson, E. J. Rl.chard~on, G. W. Richer, David L. Richer, J; E. Richey, Gideon B. 11 259 161 185 55, 56 159 211 27; 156 242 80 155 11 195 21) 169 137 294 293 i88 7, 276, 282 17 241 97 J 71 201 65 185 20? 206 200 ' 87 1B36-1851, Rickman, C~ B. Rickman, Joseph B. Rider, J. ' Riley, Burlington Robins, Daniel Robys, C. M. R__ (RoeT) , C. ,'T; Rogers, James Rogers, Michael R--s (Roos, Ross?) , John Rose, Daniel Rose, Jackson Ross. Obediah Rozel, Thomas H. Rudell, Gilbert Russel, ~Jilliam Rutledge, Colonel Rutlige. T. T., Sander.s, Ja.'1les D. Sanders, Sam' Sanders, Samuel. B. Selph, Hen.ry Sexton,' Bazi:l Sharp, David Sharp, J. ·A. Sharp, Jackson Sharp, John Simons, John Simpson; Calvin,' Simpson, Elbert R. ' , Simpscn, G. B. Simpson, MaUch!. ',' Sloan, Ale,xander, C; Sloan, H.M. Smith, ,Alex Smith, Brian C. ,: Smith, B. Smi th, Hardy' Smith, Harvey, t,.Tames Sml,th, John Smith, Johr: B, SmHh. Peter W.' Smith, Samuel H. Smith, Thomas W." Smith, Uri.ah Smi. th. William H. Smith, William W. Smithe, Richard Spears, Dickson 'Spiller, Johrl E,' Spirlock, John Spurlock, Davld Starnes, Fran <:ls ' 57 209 283 141 1.4 120 40 ;06 150 229 9; 1)1 193 121 ; 88, 188 290 202 155 2;2 102 47 58 2;; 302 ,130 90 147 250 26 4 26 62 ;;, 142 31 299 98 14 119 82 102 39 151 25 4; 160 14, 8; 149 34 13 104 209 182 179 MARRIAGE RECORDS, LAi'iRENCE COUNTY ARKANSAS, 1821 MARRIAGE RECORDS _ BOOK A - 1836-1851 Starnes, Jackson Starnes, John Starnes, Joseph Starnes, William S teale, M. D. Stephen, Young Still, James Storey. James P. Street, John Stretman, John Stroud, John Stuart, Champe T. Stuart, P. C. Stubblefield, F. Swink, John Taylor, James Taylor, Jghn Taylor, J hn A. Taylor, Joseph Taylor, Wesley Taylor, W. D. Terpin. James Terry, William Thompson, David Thompson, Samuel Titsworth, W~lliam Trapp, John C. Trapp, I'lilliam A. Trimble, Mil ton Tucker, John Tucker, John W. Tucker, William Turman, Berry Turman. Charles Underwood, Underwood, Underwood, Underwood, John Joseph H. Taleman Thomas 52 295 174 142 2:38 207 19 285 116 23 78 1 122 40 18 68 16 83 126, 263 97 227 132 192 261 61 181 139, 140 114 109 35 24 108 286 25 66 141 158 245 Vance, Solomon Van Horn, Andrew Vinson, William Vaughn, Robert 92 196 210 146 Ware, Asa l.Jare, James Ward, Henderson Green 'tlard, James Harner, George Warner, T. J. Warren, Thanly I'larrener, T. J. \'iatson, Decater ·"ayland, Cicero 271 236 246 128 11, 253 281 181 103 49 151 Wayland, Francis Wayland, James Wayland, Jonathan Wear, James Webb, James J. Webb, Jeramiah Webber, Joseph Wedin, Rasbury Welch, Arthur C. Wells. George , Wells, Henry Wells, Hugh Wells, Thomas H. Wells, William Werr, John West, G. R. West"Perry Wetzel, Lewis Whetstone, David Whitaker, Tala---White, Thomas Whi teo W; L. Whi tstone, C. Wiliford, George,W. Wilkinson, A. P. Williams; Isaac W. Williams, Lewis Williams, James Williams, James O. Williams, John Williams, Thomas Williford, George Williford, Wi.lliam I'lillis, Willey Willson, Jonathan Willson, Samuel W. Willson, John Wilmeth, F. C. Wilmuth, Francis Wilmeth, J. B. Wilson, Isaac Winstead, John S. Wi tmi th, Francis M. Wolf, Elijah Wood, Francis Wood, John Wood, William Woodrom, E. B. Woodrome, Elias S, Woods, Green Woodward, Joseph Wyatt, Abram Wyatt, John D. ;'lIf' Yance, William Young, John 1851 35 1.54 38 152 236 292 173 112, 174, 197 59 63 148 62, 89 13 72 .54 31 157 137 165 105 237 109 96 34 146 176 2 160 175 125 134 220 88 229 278 136 196 101 81 257 44 2, 287 53 53, 257 133 35 116 12 46 57 70, 86 256 48 71 305 15 56 TOMBSTONE INSCRIPTIONS, POWHATAN CZMETERY, LAWRENCE COUNTY, ARKANSAS by Enid Wells Sitton J. P. ANDERSON, b. Feb. 25, 1848: d. May 12, 1899 Shelby, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. ANDERSON, b. July 12, 1897: d. Feb. 10. 1904 Theresa Mize ASBERRY, b. Oct. 7, 1946; d. Apr. 1, 1961 Felix Milton BAIRD, b. June 2, 1861: d. Mar. 30, 1933 Edwin A. BALDRIOOE, 1876 - 1937 Nellie V. BALDRIDGE, 1892 - 1942 Sana May BALDRIDGE, 1901 - 1923 Infant Son of H. V. and May Mize BALDRIOOE: May, 1923 Dr. A. BALFOUR; b. Jan. 23, 1816 in Randolph Co. Ark.; d. Mar. 31, 1884 in Lawrence Co. Ark. Anna BALFOUR; dau. of S. D. and Sarah BALFOUR; d. Dec. 30, 1883; aged 25 years Mary BALFOUR; infant dau. of W. H. and C. L. BALFOUR; 1881 Tillman BALL; 1861 - 1935 Frances BALL; 1869 - 1953 9illie Fay BALL; d. Apr. 12, 1953; age 13 yrs. 6 mo. 17 days Marie Louise, wife of D. L. BELLSNYDER; b. May 23, 1840; d. Sept. 27, 1869 gertha M. BERRY; b. and d. 1942 Henry W. BIRDSONG; d. Oct. 25, 1957; age 84 yrs. 7 mo. 3 days Bee BROI-IN; (no dates) . William BROWN; (no dates) Joseph BROWN; b. Sept. 27, 1854; d. Sept. 4, 1907 Amanda, wife of John BROWN; 1853 - 1906 Susie BROWN; (no dates) Powell BRO\-IN; d. Feb. 28, 1891; age 75 yrs. Sarah, first wife of Powell BROWN; b. Oct. 29, 1815; d. Oct. 26, 1888 Dallis BROWN; b. Mar. 12, 1849; d. Mar. 10, 1902 Nary, wife of Dallis BROWN; b. Feb. 18, 1851; d. Jan. 26, 1931 O. D. BRmlN; b. Apr. 16, 1895; d. Sept. 29, 1899 Mrs. Cordie BROWN; d. r~r. 20, 1952; age 50 yrs. 4 mo. 23 days J. T. BUTTS, Father; b. Jan. 9, 1867; d. July 21, 1956 Mary Ann BUTTS, Mother; b. Jan. 22, 1375; d. June 21, 1921 Helen Ruby BUTTS, Daughter; 1909 - 1913 Franklin D. BUTTS; b. Mar. 4, 1933; d. Age 7 yr. 6 mo. Joe CARSON; 1903 - 1947 Nary Anderson, wife of J. C. CHILDERS; b. July 2, 1884; d. July 27, 1918 Leon CLELL; b. Aug. 10,1945; d. Jan. 9, 1946 Private Billie J. COLBERT; 1924 - 1944; In Normandy, France Thomas CRAVENS; 1880 - 1935 Tommie Gene CRAVENS; b. Dec. 15, 1928; d. Aug. 2, 1929 Ralph Ellis CROOM; son of Cleo and Ruth CROOM; 1918 - 1919 Brooks CROOM; Infant 1925 Hazel CROOM; b. Jan. 2, 1921; d. Mar. 3, 1934 Gus CROOM; b. Apr. 2·3, 1931; d. Sept. 22, 1936 George Glenn CUBBAGE; 1884 - 1942 Earl F. DAVIS; 1901 - 1964 Flora Mae DAVIS, wife of E. F. DAVIS; 1908 - 1960 Harvey Gene DAVIS; b. July 15, 1938; d. Feb. 17, 1939 John De ARMAN; b. Nov. 30, 1818; d. Oct. 21, 1895 Maria Louise de ARMAN: b. July 26, 1828; d. Aug. 26, 1890 John De ARMAN; born in New Orleans, La.; 1850 - 1883 Hiram, Son of S. M. and E. DAVIS; d. 1849 Charles Isaac DOW: b. Apr. 11. 1870; d. Nov. 16, 1937 Benjamin F. DOW; ArkansaS T E C 5: 501 A.F.A. B N-14 Armed Div. W. W. 2: b. Aug. 28, 1913: d. July 13, 1961 Addie DUGGER: b. Jan. 26. 1877: d.' Aug. 3. 1957 87 Mrs. Susie EASTIN: d. Mar. 4. 1963: Age 91 yrs. 6 mo. 6 days Mattie L. ELLIOTT: b. June 23. 1906: d. June 6. 1933 William Ray FAULKNER; 1889 - 1953 Lawrence FAULKNER; 1899 - 1954 Vivian Lucile FAULKNER: b. Apr. 8. 1929: d. May 14, 1929 Joey M. FAULKNER; b. July 22, 1950: d. Mar. 16,1958 Ethel FELKINS; (no dates) Tennessee FLIPPO: 1856 - 1941 G. W. FLIPPO. wife of T. FLIPPO; 1856 - 1931 Rev. A. FORTENBERRY; b. Oct. 22. 1812: d. Nov. 5, 1871 Martha F. GAMBLIN; 1871 - 1955 C. C. GIBSON; b. Dec. 17, 1831. in Richamond Co. N.C.: d. Aug. 22, 1879 18th N.C. Regiment (Confederate marker) John K. GIBSON: b. July 26. 1855: d. Sept. 20, 1874 N. J. GRILLS: 1856 - 1952 Rhoda GRILLS. wife of N. J. GRILLS; 1871 - 1960 Sarah Webb Underwood, wife of Dr. Iv. P. A. HAIL: b. June 30, 1821: d. Feb. 11. 1863 Dr. W. P. A. HAIL: b. Lawrence Co. Tennessee. Jan. 28. 1815; d. Jan. 26. 1858 Callie HALEY. wife of T. R. HALEY; mother of Ray. Willie and J. B. 1853-1890 C. C. HALL. b. Aug. 29. 1852; d. Feb. 22. 1921 Sarah A. HALL. b. Apr. 15. 1842; d. Dec. 1. 1920 !sma Annie HALL. dau. of C. C. and S. A. HALL; b. Aug. 26. 1886: d. Nov. 30. 1904 G. L. Divinity HALL. son of S. A. HALL; 1871 - 1910 Thomas J. HALL; b. May 18. 1854; -d. Mar. 28. 1932 Ella E. HALL: b. Dec. 26. 1867; d. Nov. 30. -1936 Thomas J. HALL; 1885 - 1954 Edward M. HALL; b. Oct. 9,1897; d. Nov. 1. 1959 Willard D. HALL; b. Nov. 13. 1926; d. Aug. 28. 1962; Ark. Pvt. Coast Artillery Corp. W. W. 2 David HEIMS; b. Oct. 11. 1845; d. Jan. 13. 1896 T. E. HELMS; 1870 - 1931 Willie J. HEIMS. wife. of T. E. HEIMS: b. June 17. 1872; d. Sept. 27. 1900 Nettie Ann HELMS; b. Apr. 1. 1870; d. Jan. 13. 1953 Aaron HEU1S; b. July 5, 1914; d. Oct. 1. 1933 Virgie Mae HEIMS, dau. of T. E. and M. S. HEIMS; b. Sept. 12. 1900; d. NOv. ~ 1901 Margaret Jane HERRIN; b. Nov. 13. 1852; d. Nov. 25. 1938 Laura HERRIN; b. Dec. 27. 1886; d. May 30. 1962 Leslie HERRIN; b. Aug. 26. 1907; d. Mar. 11. 1934 Willie Mae. dau. of Frank and Maude HICKMAN; b. Dec. 30. 1916: d. Oct. 13. 1920 Zola Larine HILLEN8URG; 1922 - 1940 Alice E. HOLDER. wife of B. M. HOLDER: b. Oct. 17. 1865: d. Jan. 19. 1900 Genevieve HOOPPAW; b. July 25. 1833; d. Aug. 17. 1900 John D. HORN; b. Dec. 15. 1849; d. June 5. 1911 Ludie Olivia HORN. wife of John D. HORN: b. June 6. 1859; do. Apr. 23. 1924 Hrs. Donna HORN; d. May 18. 1962; age 61 yrs. 9 mo. 5 days Cecil L. HORN. Jr •• son of C. L. and Donna HORN: b. June 30. 1923: d. Apr. 14.1924 Fred HORTON; b. Dec. 27. 1892; d. Oct. 18, 1950 C. A. HUBBLE; b. May 4. 1842; d. Feb. 27. 1899 88 M. D. HUDSON; b. May 2, 1854; d. Dec. 7, 1920 Emma H. HUDSON, wife of M. D. HUDSON; b. July 27. 1854: d. Mar. 24, 1922 Kate, wife of T. B. HUDSON; d. Oct. 20, 1886: age 21 yrs. Thomas Butler HUDSON; b. Feb. 9, 1883; d. Feb. 5, 1954 Edd J. HUDSON; 1880 - 1942 Clara R. HUDSON; 1879 - 1906 Claire HUDSON; 1904 Oscar HUDSON; 1919 Emma Dean HUDSON, dau. of Roy and Ursil HUDSON; b. Nov. 20, 1924; d. July 5, 1927 Taylor JEFFREY; 1880 - 1962 George O. JUNG; b. Sept. 7, 1865; d. Apr. 1, 1957 Mary C. JUNG; b. May 26, 1874; d. May 30, 1953 Annie A. Smith, wi.fe of E. B. KELLAR; b. July 11, 1855: d. Aug. 2, 1890 at Portia, Ark. Andrew KING; b. Oct. 16, 1881; d. Nov. 8, 1946 Mary A. KING; 1837 - 1955 Essie Lee, dau. of Robert and Ella KIRKPATRICK; b. Apr. 10, 1908; d. June 10, 1903 Clarence E. KIRKPATRICK; 1912 - 1927 E. C. KITCHENS; b. Jan. 27, 1885; d. Feb. 22, 1906 Juanita LEMAY, dau. of Bessie C. and Jack LEMAY; b. Nov. 7, 1919; d. Apr. 19, 1920 Bessie C. LEMAY; b. Jan. 9, 1883: d. Sept. 1, 1920 Dollie, wife of Charley LEHMAN; b. May 20, 1857: d. Aug. 14, 1898 J. W.LEWIS; 1868 - 1950 Sarah LEWIS, wife of J. W. LEWIS; b. Apr. 26, 1861: d. Jan. 14, 1928 Mary G. LEWIS, wife of D. H. LEWIS; d. Mar. 7, 1881. 19 yrs. of age Addie Jane MALONE: b. Oct. 5, 1894: d. Jan. 15. 1951 Ernest M. MALONE; b. Mar. 26, 1915; d. Sept. 29. 1944: Ark. Pvt. Med. Tng. Bn. W. W. 2 F. G. MARTIN; b. Aug. 2, 1835: d. May 4, 1897 Isabel. wife of F. G. MARTIN; b. Feb. 12, 1845: d. Mar. 9. 1874 J. H. MARTIN: b. June 17, 1854: d. Aug. 7. 1899 Lula, wife of J. H. MARTIN; b. May 9, 1858; d. June 7, 1880 Josiah MARTIN, Husband; b. Aug. 16, 18)0; d, Nov. 4, 1897 Mary MARTIN, Wife; b. Dec. 25, 1830: d. Dec. 10, 1899 Ed MARTIN: Sgt. 2 Ark. Inf. N. G.: d. Jan. 24, 1939 James Andrew MASHBURN: d. Mar. 25, 1957: Age 63 yrs. 1 mo. 11 days Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman MASHBURN. Jr.: b. and d. July 13, 1963 Mary Stuart, Mother of C. H. MATLOCK: b. June 14, 18)7: d. Sept. 7, 1883 B. F. MATTHEWS: b. Aug. 12, 1823: d. Jan. 14. 1909 Catherine J. MATTHEWS, wife of Ben. F. MATTHEWS: b. Oct. 30. 1826: d. Oct. 31, 1871 Mary C. MATTHEWS, wife of B. F. MATTHEWS: b, Mar. 4. 1835: d. Jan. 12, 1893 Henry E. MATTHEWS .. son of B. F. MATTHEWS: b. Oct. 31. 1862: d. Sept. 22, 1879 Thomas B. MATTHEWS, son of B. F. MATTHEWS: b. Jan. 27. 1860: d. Dec. 4, 1879 Phineas D. MATTHEWS; b. Aug. 25. 1849; d. July 25; 1881 William MATTHEWS; b. Dec. 29, 1854; d. Feb. 24. 1918 Mary Alice MATTHEWS; b. July 14, 1856; d. 1885 (No stone. but to my knowledge his wife lies qy his side) Venie, wife of W. M. MATTHEWS; 1857' - 1936 Frank MATTHEWS, son of W. M. and Venie MATTHEWS; b.• Mar. n. 1888: d. Oct. 1, 1390 Beula MATTHEWS; 1885 - 1932 Mary McKINNEY; b. Apr. 22, 1875: d. Feb. 24. 1947 Magdaline, wife of Frederick MILLER: b. Oct. 6. 1831; d. Aug. 28, 1909 Arthur Horn MILLER; 1890 - 1963 Joe S. MIZE; b. Nov. 6, 1865; d. Dec. 19, 1937 Alice MIZE, wife of J. S. MIZE; b. July 26, 1881; d. Nov. 17. 1906 Chester MIZE: 1906 - 1952 Charlie C. MIZE; b. Feb. 26. 1900; d. Aug. 11. 1960 Jimmie Kerr MIZE; b. and d. Oct. 14. 1935 W. C. HIZE, Jr.; b. Aug. 24. 1938; d. Oct. 17. 1939 Andrew J. HONTGOMERY; 1865 - 1931 Floy MONTGOMERY, wife of E. D. MONTGO}mRY: b. Dec. 30. 1905; d. Nov. 4. 1924 Judson A. MOORE; b. Apr. 11, 1859; d. Jan. 21, 1902 Sarah R. Norment. wife of A. J. MOORE; b. July 30, 1868 at Ashcot, La. d. Jan. 10, 1897 at Powhatan, Ark. Henry Allen MOORE. son of A. J. and S. R. MOORE; b. Dec. 2, 1896; d. May 1. 1897 Qyrithia L. MORGAN: 1856 - 1903 Amanda Charline MORGAN: b. Aug. 25. 1936; d. Aug. 22, 1938 Maria Spencer, dau. of W. G. and J. s. MOUNT: b. Oct. 22, 1874; d. Feb. 13. 1877 Udora Gamblin MURDOCK: b. Nov. 20. 1877; d. Mar. 19, 1952 Ethel G. NICHOLAS: b. Nov. 5, 1886; d. Oct. 26, 1952 Sidney Smith. wife of J. R. NORMENT; b. Dec. 30. 1840; d. Feb. 24, 1907 w. s. NOWLllIf b. Mar. 15. 1845; d. Nov. 7, 1911 Nancy L. NOWLIN, wife of W. S. NOWLIN; b. Sept. 23, 1842; d. Oct. 5. 1915 Will~e S. NOWLIN. son of William and N. L. NOWLIN; b. Apr. 26. 1881; d. Oct. 15. 1926 Mattie S. NOWLIN; 1875 - 1948 c. W. Lucas Clara J. L. J. S. PALMER; Co. B. 33rd Indiana Infantry Brooks POINDEXTER; b. Sept. 4. 1866; E. Stuart. wife of L. B. POINDEXTER; PRESLEY; 1875 - 1942 PRYOR; b. Sept. 2. 1844; d. Apr. 17. (Union A~ marker) d. Nov. 29. 1940 b. Aug. 27. 1870; d. Feb. 18, 1958 1910 Margaret A. RAYMOND. wife of JOHN G. RAYMOND; b. June 26, 1836; d. Thomas E. REX; b. July 4. 1858; d. Dec. 27.1914 Nancy J. REX; b. Sept. 6, 1860; d. Aug. 18. 1949 C. Arthur REX; b. Feb. 13, 1882; d. Oct. 30, 1960 Clarence E. REX; b. Feb. 7. 1887; d. Apr. 29, 1915 George Cypert REX; b. Aug. 3. 1891; d. Aug. 29. 1892 Herbert R. REX; b. Sept. 1. 1893; d. Dec. 5. 1898 W. F. ROWSEY; 1877 - 1943 Marjorie ROWSEY: 1895 - 1930 May Ashley Green SAFFELL. son of John A. and Mary SAFFELL; b. Apr. 28, 1868 d. Oct. 27, 1908 Maude SAFFELL; 1880 - 1924 Infant son of A. G. and Maude SAFFELL; Feb. 1. 1908 Zamie H. SCOTT; 1898 - 1957 A. W. SMITH; b. Jan. 2. 1832; d. Oct. 22, 1898 at Portia, Ark. Ivilliam S. SMITH; b. Sept. 11. 1879; d. Nov. 17, 1927 Bammey SMITH. wife of W. S. SMITH; b. Mar. 23, 1883; d. Mar. 8, 1922 Teddie Smith, son of J. R. and Gerttie SMITH; 1905 - 1906 Frankie J. SMITH; b. Feb. 9. 1926; d. Apr. 4, 1961; Ark. Cp1. Hq. Co. South Pacific Base Comd. W. W. 2 J. N. STANSBURY; b. Mar. 25. 1857; d. Jan. 7,1911 William N. STEADMAN; b. Dec. 26. 1861; d. Nov. 13. 1945 Gertrude L. STEADMAN; b. Aug. 22. 1874; d. Oct. 5,1946 Arch R. STOOSDILL; 1899 - 1945 John C. STONE; d. June 26. 1943. age 69 yrs. 3 mo. 24 days Infant of B. and S. STOWERS; Apr. 29, 1908 29, 1882 90 Champs T. STUART; b. Feb. 3. 1810 in Christian Co. Ky.; d. Dec, 18. 1884 Adelaide. wife of Champe T. STUART; b. Jan. 4, 1818; d. Dec, 24, 1871 C. A. STUART; b. Feb. 2, 1841; d. Nov. 2), 1912. at Powhatan, Ark. M. Elise DeARY~N, wife of C. A. STUART, Sr.; b. Jan. 9. 1852 at Rockport, Indiana d. Oct. 25. 1910 at Powhatan, Ark. Pittman G. STUART; b. Dec. 2, 1842; d. Nov. 29, 1880 Clara E. STUART; b. Jan. 2, 1847 at New Orleans, La.; d. Dec. 17. 1868 at Powhatan, Ark. C. Terry STUART; b. Feb. 17, 1858; d. Mar. 26, 1905 Charley A. STUART. son of C. A. and N. E. STUART; b. May 18, 1877; d. Oct. 12, .900 Cicero T. STUART; b. Dec. 1, 1880; d. Sept. 21, 1958 Louisa A. STUART; b. Feb. ), 1873; d. Nov. 7, 187) Louis A. STUART (child's grave, no dates) Harley. son of 1. R. and M. L. TAYLOR;. b. July 26, 1872; d. July 19, 18'3) Julia Alice, sister of C. C. THORNTON; b. Apr. 25, 1882; d. May 25. 190) Edward TIS LOW , son of J. R. and M. E. TISLOW, b. Dec. 27, 1891; d, Sept. 5, 1895 Pete TODD; 1857 - 1925 Effie Mae TODD; b. Oct. 18, 1872; d. Oct. 27, 1948 Nary Ann TOLES; b. July 16, 1898; d. Sept. 12, 1899 '..Ialter TOLES; b. and d. Oct. 6, 1899 Verna Wheat TURMAN; b. Oct. 10, 189); d. Aug. 6, 1926 Two Infants of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. THORNTON (no dates) Lester Lee WAGNER; b. Aug. 4, 1880; d. Aug. 20, 1908 J. A. '"ALLER; b. Nov. 2), 1855; d. June 5, 1941 Georgia F•• dau. of E. and Emma WALLIN; b. June 15. 1892; d. Aug. 11. 190) Nolie, dau. of E. and Emma WALLIN; b. Aug. 21. 1898; d. Sept. 1. 1899 Mary J. WARD; b. June 1). 1851; d. Nar. 7. 1876 Elisha T. WAYLAND; b. Nov. 27. 1847; d. Dec. 17. 1917 Sarah E. WAYLAND. wife of F. N. WAYLAND; b. Oct. 8. 1847; d. Feb. 4. 1881 Isaac H. WEBB; b. Nov. 11. 1897; d. Aug. 26, 1962 Townsend H•• son of Jessie and Ike WEBB; b. Jan. ), 1925; d. Nov. 22, 19)7 Ira WELLS; b. Oct. 25, 1842; d. Dec. 2, 1902 Emily WELLS; b. Jan. )1, 1845; d. Nar. )0, 19)9 Champ T. WELLS, son of John R. and Nettie S. WELlS; b, Apr. 14, 1867; d. Feb. 8, 1370 Nettie HELLS, dau. of John R. and Nettie S. WELLS; b. Mar, 17, 1875; d. 11ar. 25, 1:375 Johnnie L. WELLS; b. Sept. 5, 1870; d. Oct. 28, 1901 John H. WELLS; 1889 - 1956 Maggie M. WELLS; 1894 - 1958 Lillian HELLS; 1914 - 1917 H. E. HHEAT; b. Sept. 9, 18)7; d. July 18, 1917; (Confederate Marker) Jessie Jane HHEAT; d. Apr. 28, 1944; age 70 yrs. ) mo. 6 days Benjamin T. HHITLOW; 1880 - 1954 Mary Ann HHITLOW; 1885 - 1950 Jane WISE; 1365 - 1947 Sanders J. ZIMMERMAN; b. May 22, 187); d. Feb. ). 1959 Dewey ZIMMERMAN; b. Oct. 12. 1898; d. Oct. 5. 1899 There were numerous graves that were marked with rocks or outlined with rocks or shells. It is one of the oldest cemeteries in northeast Arkansas. Nany of the graves date back to 18)0 or even earlier. There are no markers on the earliest graves. Nost of my ancestors are buried there. One of my gr-gr-grandfathers, John Eddy. was buried there in 18)9. He was born 1788 in Queensbury, N. Y. and was a son of John Eddy. 1754 _ 1817. one of the "Minute Men" in the Revolutior.. Enid Wells Sitton 1211 Na: St. Houstor' 77008 QUERIES 91 GREEN _ IHLLIAMS - GITCHELL - BORRER My gr-grandfather carne to Texas from Conway Co. Ark. The 1860 census states that James and Sarah Green lived in Gonzales Co. Tex. James was born in Ark. A child, \villiam M., and Sarah in lll. James was 37 in 1860. Sarah was 32. age 18 in WOO, Has born in Ark. We think they Came to Texas in 1847, as the next child, Fanny, 13 in 1860, was born in Texas. Sarah's mother l~as Selia Williams, we think, with one brother we know of, Aaron Williams from Tenn., then IlL. and believed to have come to Ark., then Texas. Selia Williams m. Gitchell (or Kitchell) had one child Sarah. Gitchell died l-lhen Sarah was small; Selia remarried Elige Borrer when Sarah was about six years old. Selia and Elige Borrer were supposed to be buried in Arkansas, we think in Conway Co. Selia was b. Mar. 1, 1809; Elige Borrer b. Oct. 6, 1802. Their first Child, James Isaac Borrer, was b. Jan. 1), 1829. According to 1860 census Sarah Gitchell Green was b. 1828, but her tombstone says Aug. 10, 1823. James Green was b. Jan. 20, 1823, I would like to know more about these people when they lived in Ark. and Where Selia and Elige Borrer are buried. Also was Selia's first husband Gitchell or Kitchell? And any record of parents of Selia and brother Aaron. Mrs. Felma G. Headrick Route 2 Box 5 Georgetown, Texas '!ROMAS _ OOSHIER Need parents of Warren Stone Thomas who left Arkansas in 1880 for Dial, Te~ at age of 18. Richard Doshier m. Emma Holley. had son James b. March 4,1818, died 1892, buried at Bernwell, Okla. James m. Pernicia Barnard, daughter of Geo. Sparks, b. Jan. 21, 1826, died 1913, buried at Dixie, Okla. James and Pernicia both b. in Tenn., migrated with their parents to Ark. when children. They had the following children: Savanah, Hardy, Manervia, John,George. Richard, J.A.(Bud) Cornelia and Edd. This family migrated from Ark. to Lamar Co., Tex. after the Civil War. Need parents and locations of Richard Ihshier (pronounced Ihzier). Mrs. Forrest B. Ihshier 1501 Rusk St. Amarillo, Texas 79102 SKIIMORE Would like to correspond with anyone having information on the Skidmore family who went to Arkansas ca 1840 or earlier. They came from Morgan Co., Ala. and were the children of the five Skidmore brothers who lived in Morgan Co. between 1830 and 1850. Their namesl John, Elijah, Thomas, Abraham and Henry. Elizabeth Skidmore m. James Pinckney Millwee Apr. 9, 1832, Morgan Co. Ala. They moved to Sevier Co. Ark. ca 1834. Elizabeth was the daughter of one of the above brothers. Which one? and who was her mother? She died ca 1845 in SeVier Co. Ark., leaving six children. I am her gr-granddaughter. Have tried for years to find her parents. Gaylena Millwee Kenney El. Cajon, Calif. 1155 Random Road I am looking for information on the Keok and McAdoo families. Clarence Daugherty 1001 Hudson Lane Napa, Calif. 92 QUERIES KELLEY - HILLER I am trJing to obtain more information about my gr_grandparents. John Henry Kelley, supposedly b. ca 1839 in Montgomery, Ala. He died Jan., 1914, at Casa, Perry Co., Ark. At the time of the 1880 census the family lived around Con~. Harried Nancy Hiller and had the following children, who t,ere born in Alabama according to my records: Martha, Nary Jane (called Tean) , John Henry (my grarrlfa ther), James l1adison, Rhoda, Sarah Elizabeth (Lizzi.e), Susan Pricilla, and Rachel. Would like to hear from anyone who has information on this family. Mrs. H. Alan Nelson 169 W. Lorna Alta Drive Altadena, Calif. EARP it:y came to Arkansas at close of Ci.vil War from Alabama. l1atthew EarF\ wife Salena, David ·w. b. 1824, Daniel b. 1825, Newton b. 1330, Joseph b. 1837, and Robert Deal. I have been searching for years trying to locate them in Ark. Natthew Zarp's wife died 1870/75; Daniel and David Earp probably had land and died oa 1 '390; Newton and Joseph married and died 1'390(190 5. Also looking for Deals ca 1370-90. Rev. E.. F. Ea.rp Box 143 Canadian, Okla. LINDS:;r Is anyone working on the Lindseys of Pulaski Co •• Ark.? I am interested in James Lindsey, b. Va. ca 1760-70, according to 1830 cenSuS of above county. Married Rachel _. Left a will dated 1831 naming wife and daughter Polly Redford, late Polly Hester, daughters Elizabeth Smurles, Sarah Stewart, Jane Bra_ zil, Rachel Shurlds, and sons Carlton, Eli, James, Burkett and John. Where in Va. was he born, who were his parents, ar,d did he draw a pension? I would appreciate any help you migh t be able to g iva lne. . 111's. Wilson Hunt, Jr. 1705 Richardson Lane Baytown. Texas COKER _ SPLAWN - He CARROLL _ PORTERFIELD Sarah Ann Coker, b. 1848, Ark.; m. Apr. ·1, ·1866, Smith Co., Texas, Samuel Nix Splawn, b. 1844, son of Stephen a,~d Amanda Jane ___ Splawn from S.C. Want her ;oar-ents and ancestors. l1any Cokers moved into this part of Texas ca. 1850 fram S.C. via Tenn. and Ark. Anoestry of John A., James and Stepehn Splawn, from Ala. ca 1850 to Bradley Co. Ark., cousins of Splawns who settled 1835-50 in n.e. Texas, orig. from S.~ A. Monroe McCarroll, b. ca 1816, Tenn., of Ky. parent.s; to Ark. and married ca 1336. With children I1onroe, Jacob, l1ary. Esther El:nmaline (b. 1845) and Dallas McCarroll to Wood Co. Texas. Other I1cCarrolls m\.grated before 1850 fro m Term. to neighboring counties. Esther E. I1cCarroll m. Erastus W. Windham 1868 in l-loud Co. Texas. Want I1cCarroll links via Arkansas. Samuel Scott Porterfield, b. 1813, Rutherford Co •• Tenn.; m. Edney A. Mono~,an, 1335. moved to Ark. Where? Family and desoendants wanted by brother's d65cendar.ts who went to California during gold rush. Mrs. Hubert Splawn Box t 22 Napa. Calif. 94558 QUERIE3 93 HARRELL Do you have any information on the Harrells who settled in Cross Co. Ark.? grandfather. Eli Harrell. Sr b01'11 ca 1817 in N. C. Harried I'Jartha C. Morgan from Ga. Settled in Cross Co. (Smith Twp,) According to 1880 census Eli and 11artha had five children living in their home: James C,. age 15: Jose_ phine. 13: Sarah J •• 9: and twins Henry and Eli, Jr,. 8. James C. 0i~Harrell was sheriff of Cross Co. from 1904-1908 and clerk 1908-1912. An old cousin told me Eli. Sr. and his brother Reddick(1) came to Ark, together and settled near the Negro school in Wynne. Ark. The Anson Co" N.C. records reveal a James and Eli Harrell purchased land in Nov" 1833. I am interested in learning more on paternity of Eli, Sr. and Martha Morgan. I am the daughter of Eli. Jr. Mrs. M. G. Fleniken 900 Polk St, Mansfield, La. My COBB Compiling genealogy of the Cobb or Cobbs family. Begin with Ambrose Cobb. b. Kent Co. England 1603, down to the present generation. Ambrose \,.as a fav_ ored name all along. I need documentary proof: Ambrose Coff. b. ca 1775 Va •• m. 1797, Halifax Co. Va. Susannah Bradley: came to Giles Co. Tenn., was father of William. Robert, Beasley. Almus. Ambrose Jack, Jesse Bradley, Elizabeth. Sarah. Susannah and three others. Sarah Cobb, b. Knox Co. Tenn, , 1809. m. John Warren: Susannah b. Giles Co. Tenn •• m. James NcFerrin Berryman. Descendants Pope Co. Ark., many other parts of country. Ifill pay reasonable fee for posi_ tive proof or exchanbo. Andy Weddington Route J Pulaski, Tenn. 33478 COBLE I am searching for some evidence on a marriage of Henry Coble. He lived in Ozark Co. Mo. except for a fe,l years between 1854 and 1862. I have found some information that he came to Arkansas and married his second wife between 1854 and 1856. Two children were born of this marriage, then his wife died and he returned to 110. The children ,lere Margaret Frances, b. Dec. 26, 1856, and Abrum Marling. b. Mar. 24. 1859. Have no information as to whom he married or "here she was from. only that she "as from Arkansas. Would appreciate any information on this or any Cobles ..ho may have lived in Arkansas. Mrs. James Nail P. O. Box 217 Fordyce, Ark. GILILLAND I have records of my uncles. Edgar Gililland. b. 1867 at Bloomfield. Ark., James K. Gililland, b. 1869. Bloomfield: John Porter Gililland. b. 1873. Bloomfield: and my father Almer Lee Gililland, b. 1871, Bloomfield. I have a print of a stencil my grandfather used in his business at Bloomfield in 1866. Also have a print lifted from a history book belonging to my grandfather's brother. A. P. Gililland. who uas born 1851 and died April 23, 1871 at Farmington. Ark. The big question is: "Where is Bloomfi.eld. Arkansas?" E. E. Gililland 2552 Drexel St. Shreveport. La. 94 QUERIES BLOYD Nancy Jane Bloyed (Bloyd) b. Jan. '18, 1836, daughter of John and Jane Price (Young) Bloyd; granddaughter of Stephen Bloyd and Nancy (McCubbin) Bloyd; grgranddaughter of William and Barsheba (Lord) Bloyd. Stephen Bloyd was brother of Eli Bloyd who m. in Green Co. Ky., Apr. 27, 1806, Polly Grayham and settled in West Fork, Ark. Nancy Jane Bloyd m. May 28, 1854, in Green Co. Ky. John B. Thompson. They left Ky. and settled in Ar.k. Nancy Jane (Bloyd) Thompson died Sept. 12, 1878, was buried in or near Cederville, Crawford Co., Ark. The Green Co. Ky. Bloyds lost contact with this family after death of Nancy Jane. Old letters indicate she had children and must have descendants living in Ark. Any information concerning this family will be most appreciated. Bernice Karnes Box 237 Fayetteville, Ark. WILLIAMS - LEE - MILLER - GOODE Martin Van Buren Williams, b. Dec. 10, 1833, in Holly Spring, Columbia Co., Miss., d. Dec. 19, 1872, at Village, Ark. Married Nancy Miller, b. Columbia Co. Miss.; died and buried at Bryan Co. Okla. They had two sons, then three sets of twins. He fought in Civil War. Would love to hear from someone doing research on this family. Ebenezer Lee, b. Jan. 1, 1848, at Harrisburg, Ark.; died and was buried at Jackson, Okla. Married Narcissa Goode, b. May 9, 1857, Rogersville, Ala. She died Feb. 18, 1905. buried at Jackson, Okla. Who were the parents of Ebenezer? Mrs. John Williams Route 1 Box 81 ~ford, Texas 78569 BAILEY - TUNNELL - BALL Hho can help me with rrry gr-gr-grandparents, John Tandy Bailey, b. ca. 17971799 in Harlan Co., KY. Married Kesiah Tunnell ca. 1816. Some say her maiden name was Ball, but I believe that Was her mother's maiden name. Kesiah was b. ca. 1799-1802 in Harlan Co. After they married they went to Knox Co., Tenn. until 1825, then moved back to Harlan Co. until 1837. Then moved ~~ Madison Co •• Ark., where both are buried. Who were the parents of each? Mrs. Ruby Wiedeman 7250 S. E. Sherman Portland 15, Oregon O'QUINN My grandfather was George Alexander O'Quinn, supposedly born in N. C. about 1842; married Mary E. Appleton on April 5, 1862, according to Family Bible, by Squire Donnell of Pulaski Co., Ark. My maternal grandfather was William Henry Turney, b. March 20, 1850 in Carroll Co., Ark. His father was Jacob B. Turney, b. ca 1808 in Tenn., m. Lucinda Klepper Har. 27, 1830, in Tenn. Moved to Carroll Co. Ark. ca 1847. According to rrry oldest living Turney relative Jacob B. Turney was a captain in the Civil War, and Gov. Peter Turney of Tenn. was a cousin to rrry grandfather. I am exchanging data vlith other Turney descendants but have found no information about rrry O'Quinn ancestors. Will appreciate any suggestl.ons. Mrs. S. S. Petty Box 926 ClOVis, New Mexico 88101 QUERIES 95 STOKES - GRAY - COLEY I am interested in any information about these families: David Crockett Stokes, b. 1837, was my grandfather. His father's na,llG "'~ unknown to me, but his mother was Martha Armstrong. He married Elizabeth 30;;ton, 1865. Elizabeth died in 1866. Married Nancy Catherine Gray, daughter 01 J. H. Gray, had five children; Nancy Catherine died ca 1894. Married Martha Younger Cartwright and moved to Okla. in early 1900's. He was a Confederate veteran. volunteered in Ark. Am told the Stokes family came to Ark. from Tenn. and are of Scotch descent. The family lived in Independence and Stone counties. J. H. Gray (probably John Harvey) lived near Marcella during the Civil War. Is buried in the Gray frullily cemetery there. Was married twice, names of both wives unknown to me. By last marriage had several children, including son s named Walter and George. Both died near Batesville in 1950's. MY grandfather, Dan Coley, was son of Alexander Coley and Betty Page. They came to near Walnut Ridge, Ark. from Oaksboro, N•. C. Had three children. Dan. Rebecca and Florence. It is said Betty took Florence and went back to N.C. and was never heard from again. Dan stayed with his father and married Genetty Bell Spence in Morrilton. Ark., ca 1900. He is buried near Mena. Ark. Alexander married a Mrs. McGee the second time. had four children Rose. Frank, Ida, Ed. Will appreciate any information on any of these families. Mrs. Floyd Emerson 5334 Williams Drive Corpus Christi, Texas CORN I need records of a family named Corn specifically Jesse Corn, Jane Russell Cook Corn. J. C. Corn. or J. A. Corn. The Corns emigrated to Ga. from N. C. ca 1835; went to Ark, from Ga. ca 1889-95. Jesse .Corn and Jane Russell Cook o,rn are supposedly buried in cemeteries at Pinnacle or Fritz's Creek (Fritchies?) I am uncertain if these two places are in Washington or Madison Co. The Corns lived near Thompson which might have placed them in either county. Are records of burials in these cemeteries available? Kenyon·B. DeGreene 18314 \'1. Wakecrest Drive Malibu, California BERTHE . _ LEWIS I need information on my father's family. Information I have is: Edward Jackson Berthe, b. 1890, Morales, Texas; son of Thomas ValentL!c 30rthe, b. Jan. 11. 1852. Morales. Texas; son of Edward R. Berthe, b. Jan. 22, 1823. St, Francious Co., Mo. and Harriett H. Lewis, b. Mar. 14. 1825. Washington Co., Mo. Edward R. Berthe and Harriett M. Lewis are my gr_grandparents. I need information on their parents. May have come. from Arkansas. My maternal I also am searching for information on Waldrop and Matthews. gr-grandparents I'lere Lemuel Henderson Waldrop m. Sarah Jane Bush and Joe Hatt_ hews m. l1ary Jane Waldrop. Need information on their dates and places of birth and on their parents. Mrs. E. H. Sheffield 107 Cen tar St. Baytown, Texas 96 QUERIES PRYOR _ GURLEY Need data regardinG family of John Pryor and Malinda Gurley, who m. in Jefferson Co. Ala., Aug. 16, 1829, and ,Iho died in Yell Co. Ark., Oct. 26, 1855, and Sept. 28, 1351, respectively, where they lived several years previously. Want confirmation of meager information and answers to several questions: John Pryor married second }furgaret Barton, who remarried after his death; whom did she marry? Sons who served in Civl.1 vlar were Benjamin Franklin, 111.1 ton Stokes, and John Henry in Confederate Army, and Nathaniel West and Green Berg in Union Army. Hannah I., widow of Milton Stokes Pryor, m. Mr. McGee (McGhee); what I,as his full name and her maiden name? What was the name of first wife of John Henry Pryor, whose second wife was Jane Norcissus Gibson, widow of Irvin, and what was the given name of Irvin. Who was the wife of Green Berg Pryor, who had a dau. named Levada (Lavada) b. Feb. 9, 1871, and orphaned before she was 16; Vlho is ~furgaret Pryor, aGe 1J in 1860 Perry Co. census, then in home of John Robertson and "ife Etll1ice 11. Pryor in Petit Jean Twp., who dtd she marry? HilHam T. Pryor 1136 N. Powhatan St. Arlington, Va. QUILLEN _ HUTCHENS I am searching for the family of Caroline (Holbrook) and John Quillin of Washington Co. and their children. These are ~ gr-gr-grandparents. Two of their children are my gr-grandparents. They are William Thomas Quillin who m. Rachel Alice Hutton and Deana Jane Quillin who m. John Thomas Hutchens. Also James W. Hutchens and his wife Sarah (Paris) of Washington Co., Ark. They are ~ gr-gr-grandparents. Their son was John Thomas Hutchens who was supposed to have been the principal of War Eagle Academy at one time. Mrs. Jean (Hutchens) Gollrad 5718 Trafalgar Houston, Texas 77045 ROBERTSON - DAVIS \-lould like to contact anyone having information on Robertson-Davis families. My Arkansas ancestors were Dr. Willis Tarver Robertson and wife, Martha Ann Davis, who lived in Calhoun and Ouachita counties from 1848 until their deaths in 1891. !:bes anyone knOl, where Priscilla (Lambert) Davis is buried? She was mother of ~furtha Ann and wife of Benjamin Elias Davis. Anyone have information about wagon train from Arkansas with which Ben Davis was traveling during Gold Rush? Want to contact descendants of Ben's brothers, William and James (Jim) who lived in Union County in 1830's and 1840's. Dr. Willis Robertson had a half-brother Charles(?) who lived in Ark. near MemphiS, Tenn. Anyone know him? Mrs. Louis R. Means 3433 Central Ave. Apt. 34 Indianapolis, Ind. 46205 ROBERTSON, TARVER, DAVIS, REYNOLDS, NASON, MASON, MONTGOMERY, HEAD 3ROWN, HUTCHINSON, KENNISON, LAI1BERT, LANCASTER, SANDERS. SPAIN I am working on these faml.1ies and would like to correspond wi th doing research on any of these. All letters will be answered. 11rs. Louis R. l1eans 3433 Central Ave. Apt. 34 Indianapolis, Indiana 46205 anyone 97 QUERIES HAS T:rn 00 From the 1850 census of Benton Co. Ark. I have the following: Hastings, William, 49, farmer, b. N.C.; wife, Delilah, 47, b. N.C.; children Eliza J•• 19. b. Tenn.; Margarett, 15. b. Tenn.; Letvy (Lucy. Lett;;r1), 15, b. Tenn.; Archibald Y., 6, b. Ark.; and Lucy Younger, 28, b. Tenn. William and Delilah Hastings were II\V gr •. gr-grandparents. Tne only person I know in the above census is the son Archibald Yell Hastings. lW gr_grandfather was their oldest son George W. Hastings. b. 1825. Tenn. who m. Mar.... Ann 1homas. U,es anyone know of t..'1ese girls? Were they daughters? Whom did they marry? Is Lucy Younger a daughter? George W. Hastings and Mary Ann Thomas married 1848/49 and had the following children! Frances Jane (Fanny), b. 1850, m. John Word (1); Delilah Adeline (Addie), b. Aug. 7. 1851, m, 1st Olas. T. Cleveland; m. 2nd Robert Fleming; Emily, b. 1853/54, m. Dr. Stringer (1), dentist at Southwest City, Mo.; Martha (Mattie), b. 1856. m. Will Word and J" W. Holt (?); Thomas, b. July 22, 18.58, m. Laura Cowgur; Elizabeth (Lizzie), b. 1859, m. Richard Surginor; Robert, b. 1860/61, m. Melissa C. Southerland (II\V grandparentsa~. I would appreciate hearing from any descendants of the above ~)uple. Mrs. Robert V. Wilkins 1441 No. Yale Ave. Tulsa 15, Okla, HALL - BROWN _ I1ILAM I am trying to find someone who aan give me information on Halls, Browns or Milams from the middle district of Tenn. I know that Benjamin B. Hall was born in Ga. Apr. 4. 1806. m. 1st in 1834 Mary Reeder. b. 1807; m. 2nd Polly Fussell in 1854. John Brown. b. N. C•• m. 1st Patsy Gilbert, b. Ga. I do not know the birth dates, but John Brown died Aug, 25, 1850. These people came to Dickson County Tenn. around the turn of the century, The l1ilams I am interested in would be those of Houston and Hickman O:l. Ten.'1. I am not eertain of a first name, but understand II\V grandfather was called Car_ roll l1ilam. He married Mary Bullard, Would be pleased to find someone who is interested in those lines. Hinnie Wilson Tulsa, Okla. i 21 2 W. 4th St. 74127 DAWSON Samuel Riley Dawson. Sr., b. ell 1784 l.n S.C., d. 1874 in Texas, m. ea 1804 to Polly Ann Rogers, daughter of Capt. John Rogers and Aleie Va.-m (Cherokee), b. ca 1787 near Calhoun in l1cl1inn Co .. Tenno, do 1854 in Texas. 1hey were par_ ents of seven children. Have data on most of the children; need ancestors of Samuel Riley Da~1Son, Sr. Clarenoe E:, Moore Fort Worth, Texas 76~05 557 S. Beach St. HcGOl'IEN Would like to correspond with anyone doing research on the surname I1cGowen. Would like name of anyone doing resear(;h in south Ark. and near Louisville, ~'. Li.llian McGowen i 504 N" M.:'sby El U,rado, Ark. 71730 98 QUERIES BLANKINSHIP I am trying ~·trace ll\Y grandfat~er ~~med Blankinship,fifst lf~menOt~o~ who lived in Carroll Co. Ark. in Carrollton or Osage in 1860·s. Was supposed to nave been in the Civil War and was killed either Qy the enell\Y or by a hor.e he was riding. I would like to get information on the Civil War soldiers trom Carroll Co. I would like to find out his given name, whether he was killed ill service or if he was discharged. Last information I have is that he was at his home for a short stay in March, 1864. Mrs. Evelyn Holder Box 56 Pindall, Ark. TOCKER I am interested in tracing ll\Y ancestor, Peyton Tucker. He came to Ark. and settled on White River at a place called Pleasant Isle, about ten miles south of Batesville, Ark. He served on the Territorial Council of Arkansas ca 1821, and died in the thirties. He was said to have come from Virginia. R. W. Tucker 60; No. Trenton Ruston, La. 71270 SALLEE I am doing research on Stephen Sallee and his descendants. Stephen was born in Virginia in 1790 and begat Arana Shasteen in 1811. They came to Ark. where Arana's son James H. Sallee was born in 18)), His birth is listed on his discharge as Washington Co. but is also mentioned as Marion or Madison Co. I know nothing about Stephen's wife eJ(cept that she died in Ark. many years prior to Stephen's death in 1852. The Sallees had moved to Mo, by 1840 I believe. They were all Methodist or Baptist. I would appreciate any information. Dean Wallace ;624 Garfield Topeka, Kansas COY I am looking up history of Coy family and need any information on the town of Coy in Lonoke Co. and any persons of that name, It seems about 18;0 a Mr. L. W. Coy, Sr. came there. ~ husband's people were Penn, Dutch. Mrs. Lee S. Coy 402 21 st N,E, Cedar Rapids, IOwa FISHER I want proof on John Fisher (sometimes Milton Jacob Fisher) in Illinois history. He is said to· have moved to Ark, following his father's death (1822), Dr. George Fisher who settled in Kaskaskia settlement in 1790's and was builder of Illinois first hospital (1808) and also one of the delegates appointed Qy Congress to frame Illinois first constitution (1818), Also in connection with the Fisher families in the Kaskaskia, Illinois early history is as much authentic da ta as possible on the various (if any) Bolli,nger families that lived· either in Ill. or Bollinger Co. Mo. before settling in Madison Co. Ark. Mrs. E, S, Jett Box 686 Smackover, Arkansas 95 QUERIES BURCH l't;r grandmother was Mary M. Burch, b. Tenn., daughter of Wiley H. Burch. The 1860 Ouachita Co. Ark. census shows household no. 780, P. O. Buffalo, Ark. as: Wiley H. Burch, 60, farmer, b. N.C.; Andrew Burch, 26, b. Tenn.; Josiah Bu~ch, I}, b. Tenn.; 11ary Burch, 19, b. Tenn.; John Buroh, 17, b. Tenn.; Jane Bu~ch, 15.. tI., Tenn. No wife is shown. In household 786 is listed Thomas J. Bu.Nh, ;3 in 1J60, b. Tenn. He has several children in the 1870 census bearing names used by Wiley H. Burch, so think he must be the oldest son. I would like to know who Wiley Burch married. where he came from to Ouachita Co. The 1850 census does not show them in this oounty. Mary Me Burch marded ~ grandfather Benjamin Joseph TYson. M& father was Robert WYlie TYson, c. L~ Ouaohita Co, Ark. on Aug. 27, 1865. Mrs. A. M. Hughes Route 3 Box 238· Bartlesville, Okla. BULLOCK I am seeking information on Josiah William Bullock, b. Tenn. in 1836, living in Independence Co. Ark. in the mid-1850's with his parents. His father was Chris Bullock and he had sisters Mary and Cynthia Ann, who m. Montague SteeL-nm in 1849. Josiah moved to Calhoun Co. ca 1858 and m. Elizabeth Ann Halsell on Sept. I, 1859. He enlisted in Co. K of the 33rd Ark. Inf. at Salem Church O~ June 23, 1862, and probably took part in the battle of Prairie Grove December, 1862. He died in camps near Little Rock March 19. 1863. Would appreciate any information on the Bullock family in Arkansas. Ronald E. Bullook 6037 Wrigley Way Fort Worth, Texas 76133 ATKDlS Would like information on Atkins (Adkins) family. Members of family known to have lived in Hempstead, Pike, Union, Ouachita, Nevada and Columbia COU1"!t:£S. Carmen A. Mcll:mald Box 98 Jaokson, La. BARKMAN _ PLAKE John Barkman came to Clark Co. in 1810_11. Need information on his parents. Also John Plake who came from Ky. and settled in Clark Co. about the same year. Mrs. Clyde W. West 219 Poplar st. Hot Springs, Ark. HOUSTON (HUSTON) Mary Houston, b. ca 1788, Indiana, m. James Marrs in Ky. ca 1812. They c~~e to Ark. 1821_24. Listed in Crawford Co. in 18)0 census and 1n Franklin Co. in 1840 oensus. Mary died 1840 and is buried somewhere near Mulberry, Ark. (maybe at Dog Town, east of Mulberry). Need her parentage and headstone inscription. Mrs. Rea Marrs Jameson Albany, Texas 11)0 "Jraha:n Genealogy". by Mrs Edwin E. Fowlkes - Genealogy of Grahalo family from year If() 4 , incl, 14illiam Graham, signer of Hecklenburg Declaration on Independence of 1775· 42 pp., photos, cloth bound. gold lettering, Price $5·00 plus .03¢ post.; 10,t disc, to libraries. Mrs. Fowlkes, 10)1 Watkins, COl1\fay, Ark, "The History of Conway, Arkansas and Faulkner County, Arkansas", by Robert L, Gatewood, History of Faulkner Co. from 1778 to present. 190 pp .• 45 photos, 30 illus., 81 x 11. Price $4,00, R. L. Gatewood, 1302 North St •• Conway, Ark, "Nine Generations of .3arefoot_ Withrow Families, with Choate and Mobley Lines." Price $10.00. Mrs. C, R. Wainright, 2042 Scripture St,; Denton, Texas' 76201 "Tennessee Grainger County Narrl.age Ilonds and Licenses, 1796-1837," 6420 names, 250 pp,., printed, par,:>er bound. Grooms alphabetical with three other indexes, Price $15.00. 3illie Wyrick Kennerly, 1925 Richmond Ave. Houston, Tex. 77006 "The Earliest Earriage Records of Hancock Co. Miss. 1353-1865". by Mrs. Rosemary F. Lovell 9 pp. Price $3·00. Route 2, Box 222-0: Picayune, l1iss, "Ll.neages and ':}enealogical Notes", by I1rs. Harry Joseph 110rris. Comprehensive datll on the follOWing lines: Anger. Bangs, Black. Boynton. Brewster" Burgess" Burton, Chaffin, Dewes/DewiDews Grant, Harris, Hazen, Hicks. Hopkins., Huckens/ Huckins, Jernigan, l1ayo. Maverick, McCallister, HcCormick, Page, Pell. Prence, Skipwith. Smith. SnoH, Stewart, Sti tson, Storrs, Swan, Taylor, Walker, Wa tson. Welles/Wells, '.vorden. Fully indexed. $10,50 incl. post. Texas residents Clcl,j ?% sales tax. :-:rs, Harry J. Morris. 68 110 Lakewood Blvd. Dallas, Texas 75214 "Henson Walker Family Record." History of Henson Walker, Jr., the Mormon Pioneer. his ancestors, families and descendants. Data on 10,000 people covering 250 yr. period, 1196 pp. incL 361 pp, pictures. 81 x 14, loose leaf binder. Price $15.00. Floyd A, Walker. 145 W. 1st South St. Tooele, Utah. "Crawford Family liecords .. Records of the Crawford falnj,lies and descendants. from 1735 to 1353. 6'3 pp indexed. Price $10.00. Pauline Young Ger.ealogical Librllry. Box 433. Liberty, So. Carolina. "Book of 4,227 \>lills and Bonds," Copied from old District of S.C, 638 pp Original printing out enoueh orders are received. Order and money held refund if not enough orders are received, Price logical Library, Box 433, Liberty. So. Carolina. Abbeville Courthouse, Old 96th of stock. Will reprint if in escrow until printed; will $20.00. Pauline Young Genea- "North Carolina Old Historical Records". taken from Buncombe Co. Courthouse, Ashville, N.C. 496 pp. of title deeds. off-set printed, shows original hand_ wri ting, Price ~20. 00 Pauline Young, Box 433, Liberty, So. Carolina. "Genealogical Abstracts of Lawrence Co" Ark, 1315-1855." Price $12.00. "Genealogical Abstracts of Independence Co,., Ark. 1320-1855," Price $10,00. "Genealogical Abstracts of Jackson Co., Ark. 1829-1855." Price $8,50. "Genealogical Abstracts of White Co .. Ark 1335-1355." Price $6.50, Abstracts of censuses (1829 Sheriff's Inventory, 1-'330, 1'340, 1850 Federal) and county records. Marriages, divoI'ces, wills,' adminis tra tions. guardianstips, "robate and chancery proceedings, Complete population schedules from 1350 census, incl. each member of households. ages and places of birth. Indexed, Above "rices subject to 10;6 if cash accompanies order. All four vols· $32,00 or $27.50 cash >lith order. Ark. Genealogical Service. Box 643, . Newport. Ark