Heart to Heart
Heart to Heart
The heart connection is our greatest educational and parenting tool. Heart to Heart CONNECTING WITH YOUR CHILD Heart to Heart is about conscious and conscientious childraising. It shares inspirational and practical information to help parents and caregivers lessen their stress and establish healthier communications with their children. Heart to Heart speaks to thousands of parents who want to deepen the bonds of communication with their children. Delightful illustrations will invite thoughtful interaction between caregiver and child. Busy moms and dads will find this book simple, practical, and immediately useful. I heartily recommend it. — Jane Nelson, Ed.D., author of Positive Discipline. A little book that can make a big difference! Its messages are simple and clear. A truly wonderful gift for children and parents alike. — Jim Taylor, Ph.D., author of Your Children are Listening: Nine Messages They Need to Hear from You. A welcome addition for parents and caregivers of young children, with calming, friendly illustrations and text that gets right to the “heart” of the message. In our careworn days of living so fast, we can all use the lessons of slowing down, taking time with others and dialing-in to our feelings Heart to Heart reminds us of what really matters! — Bonnie Williams, Director, Arizona Head Start Association Jeff Goelitz is currently a program developer, senior trainer and education specialist with the nonprofit Institute of HeartMath. Elyse April, an early childhood educator, is the author of We Like to Move, We Like to Eat Well, and other books in the Hohm Press/Kalindi Press Family and World Health Series. HOHM PRESS Parenting / Communications $9.95 50995 Jeff Goelitz & Elyse April Illustrations by Laura Stagno 9 781935 387435 The heart connection is our greatest educational and parenting tool. Heart to Heart CONNECTING WITH YOUR CHILD Heart to Heart is about conscious and conscientious childraising. It shares inspirational and practical information to help parents and caregivers lessen their stress and establish healthier communications with their children. Heart to Heart speaks to thousands of parents who want to deepen the bonds of communication with their children. Delightful illustrations will invite thoughtful interaction between caregiver and child. Busy moms and dads will find this book simple, practical, and immediately useful. I heartily recommend it. — Jane Nelson, Ed.D., author of Positive Discipline. A little book that can make a big difference! Its messages are simple and clear. A truly wonderful gift for children and parents alike. — Jim Taylor, Ph.D., author of Your Children are Listening: Nine Messages They Need to Hear from You. A welcome addition for parents and caregivers of young children, with calming, friendly illustrations and text that gets right to the “heart” of the message. In our careworn days of living so fast, we can all use the lessons of slowing down, taking time with others and dialing-in to our feelings Heart to Heart reminds us of what really matters! — Bonnie Williams, Director, Arizona Head Start Association Jeff Goelitz is currently a program developer, senior trainer and education specialist with the nonprofit Institute of HeartMath. Elyse April, an early childhood educator, is the author of We Like to Move, We Like to Eat Well, and other books in the Hohm Press/Kalindi Press Family and World Health Series. HOHM PRESS Parenting / Communications $9.95 50995 9 781935 387435 Jeff Goelitz & Elyse April Illustrations by Laura Stagno Heart to Heart CONNECTING WITH YOUR CHILD Jeff Goelitz & Elyse April Illustrations by Laura Stagno The Family & World Health Series HOHM PRESS Chino Valley, Arizona Heart to Heart layout2.indd 1 5/6/13 11:39 AM © 2013, Jeff Goelitz and Elyse April All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of quotes used in critical articles and reviews. Cover Design, Interior Design and Layout: Zachary Parker, Kadak Graphics Illustrations: Laura Stagno, www.laurastagno.com Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Goelitz, Jeff. Heart to heart : connecting with your child / Jeff Goelitz & Elyse April ; illustrations by Laura Stagno. pages cm. -- (The family & world health series) ISBN 978-1-935387-43-5 (trade pbk. : alk. paper) 1. Parent and child. 2. Parenting. 3. Communication in families. I. April, Elyse. II. Title. HQ755.85.G64 2013 306.874--dc23 2013004591 Hohm Press P.O. Box 4410 Chino Valley, AZ 86323 800-381-2700 http://www.hohmpress.com This book was printed in China. Heart to Heart layout2.indd 2 5/6/13 11:39 AM Dedication For parents and caregivers whose love and role-modeling shapes the hearts and minds of children. Acknowledgements Special thanks to Laura Stagno, our brilliant illustrator, whose sensitive and playful characters have so beautifully reflected the essence of positive, heart-based adult-child communications. Further congratulations to the whole Stagno family, as Laura’s first child was birthed in synchronicity to the release of this book. Much appreciation to Doc Childre, founder of HeartMath, whose inspirational ideas and practical techniques have influenced many, many people. Heart to Heart layout2.indd 3 5/6/13 11:39 AM There is a different kind of listening that helps parents and caregivers communicate with children—listening to the wisdom of our hearts. When we listen to our hearts, we are better able to connect with our children and ourselves. Heart to Heart layout2.indd 4 5/6/13 11:39 AM Heart to Heart layout2.indd 5 5/6/13 11:39 AM Parents often feel overwhelmed from working—at their jobs, or at home cleaning and shopping—to support their family’s needs. To help strengthen the connection with children, take a few minutes from your busy day to be fully present with your child. Slow down and take a few deep breaths. Kneel down so you can look into your child’s eyes and softly ask, “How are you? What are you doing? Can I help?” Heart to Heart layout2.indd 6 5/6/13 11:39 AM Heart to Heart layout2.indd 7 5/6/13 11:39 AM When children are upset or frustrated, ask questions to help them solve their own problems. “What things can we do to solve this problem? What can we do to help?” Inviting children to try solving their own problems helps build their confidence, creativity, and intelligence. Heart to Heart layout2.indd 8 5/6/13 11:39 AM Heart to Heart layout2.indd 9 5/6/13 11:39 AM When your child is having a hard time, listening may be all that is needed to help the child feel calmer and supported. Listening is not fixing a problem. Listening is a way of bringing two hearts together— one can be struggling and the other can be understanding and compassionate. Heart to Heart layout2.indd 10 5/6/13 11:39 AM Heart to Heart layout2.indd 11 5/6/13 11:39 AM Children learn by example. When we show children how we care for ourselves or others when feeling stress, they learn how to better deal with disappointment and change. The best way to care for ourselves or others is to pause and listen to our hearts. What does my heart say? What attitude or action can help us deal with the problem? Heart to Heart layout2.indd 12 5/6/13 11:39 AM Heart to Heart layout2.indd 13 5/6/13 11:39 AM Sometimes children get scared by imaginary things. We may not see, feel or hear what they do, but our children still need our comfort and understanding. Heart to Heart layout2.indd 14 5/6/13 11:39 AM Heart to Heart layout2.indd 15 5/6/13 11:39 AM Be smart when praising your child. Don’t overpraise. The right kind of praise builds your child’s inner confidence. Praise your child for his or her effort and hard work. Praise what you see. “You worked really hard on that puzzle. You must feel proud of yourself,” instead of, “I’m so proud of you.” “I appreciate how you helped clean the table,” instead of, “You are such a good girl.” Heart to Heart layout2.indd 16 5/6/13 11:39 AM Heart to Heart layout2.indd 17 5/6/13 11:39 AM When you need to discipline children, they will hear you better when you speak from your heart rather than react with anger or frustration. The feeling behind what you say is as important as what you say. Heart to Heart layout2.indd 18 5/6/13 11:39 AM Heart to Heart layout2.indd 19 5/6/13 11:40 AM The “Shift and Shine” technique (described on page 28) can help family members listen more deeply when someone is upset. This is a simple way to invite a child or adult back into a heartfelt relationship. Heart to Heart layout2.indd 20 5/6/13 11:40 AM Heart to Heart layout2.indd 21 5/6/13 11:40 AM Having a heart-to-heart talk about what you appreciate is a special activity to do during the day or at bedtime. Sharing something that you are grateful for, even if it was a hard day, helps build stronger hearts and minds together. Heart to Heart layout2.indd 22 5/6/13 11:40 AM Heart to Heart layout2.indd 23 5/6/13 11:40 AM Play brings joy to our lives! Sing, play games, laugh, read or tell stories together. Play keeps our hearts flexible and strong. Heart to Heart layout2.indd 24 5/6/13 11:40 AM Heart to Heart layout2.indd 25 5/6/13 11:40 AM When hearts are full, joy can surprise us at any moment. Practice these habits daily to help your family become closer and create more love together. It is just a heartbeat away! Heart to Heart layout2.indd 26 5/6/13 11:40 AM Heart to Heart layout2.indd 27 5/6/13 11:40 AM HELPFUL INFORMATION FOR THE PARENT AND CAREGIVER Appreciation Appreciation means to be sincerely thankful or grateful for someone or something. To add more appreciation to your parent-child relationship, write up a list of 4-5 qualities that you appreciate about your child. Post the list on a wall so you can review it daily. Appreciate your child’s actions when he or she does something well that is out of the ordinary: “Thank you for helping by picking up your things,” or “When you laugh, it makes me smile.” Be honest and descriptive in your appreciation, not phony. At bedtime, take turns sharing with your child some of the things you appreciated during the day. The Shift and Shine Technique® To strengthen your own and your child’s experience of appreciation, practice the Shift and Shine Technique together. Using the Technique for the First time Parent asks child: Who or what do we care about? First model an answer by telling your child who you care about. Then ask your child who they care about? Ask: When you love or care for someone or something, where do you feel that love? Put your hand over your heart (center of the chest, as a visible clue). Parent asks: What is shift? ….. (child answers if he or she has an answer) Then Parent can go on to say: Shift means to move or change, such as going from sad to happy or moving from one place to another. Demonstrate the meaning of shift by shifting from one position to another. Parent asks: Do you ever have a warm feeling in your heart when you feel love or care for someone? It’s kind of like the warmth from the sun. [Give child time to answer before continuing.]Have you ever felt the warmth of the sun on your skin? [Give child time to answer.] What does that feel like? [Give child time to answer.] When we feel love, appreciation or care for someone, it’s like the warmth from the sun shining in our hearts. Heart to Heart layout2.indd 28 5/6/13 11:40 AM Step 1: Parent suggests to child: Begin by putting your attention on the area around your heart or the center of your chest. Parent: Model by putting your hand over your heart. Step 2: Parent instructs child: Now pretend to breathe in and out of your heart area. Take three slow breaths. Parent: Model the breathing. Step 3: Parent explains: Think of someone or something that makes you feel happy, like your Mom or Dad or maybe a special place that you visit, like a park. Feel that happy feeling in your heart and then shine that feeling to someone or something special. Parent: Let your child experience the feeling for a few seconds. The length of time will increase with each experience. Bedtime is one of the best times to practice Shift and Shine. Making Shift and Shine a New Habit (optional depending on space) To make this technique a new habit, practice Steps 1, 2 and 3 several times a day. In the beginning, it is easier to learn the Shift and Shine technique when you are feeling calm and not stressed-out about something. Here are some times during the day when you might practice Shift and Shine for 2-3 minutes. Which ones will work for you? • In between events • At the start of the day • Taking a mid-morning break • After lunch • Waiting in line • Before going to sleep • Before a stressful event or situation • Driving in the car For more helpful information, go to www.heartmath.org Heart to Heart layout2.indd 29 5/6/13 11:40 AM OTHER TITLES OF INTEREST FROM HOHM PRESS CONSCIOUS PARENTING TO TOUCH IS TO LIVE The Need for Genuine Affection in an Impersonal World By Mariana Caplan Revised Edition with New Material by Lee Lozowick Any individual who cares for children needs to attend to the essential message of this book: that the first two years are the most crucial time in a child’s education and development, and that children learn to be healthy and “whole” by living with healthy, whole adults. Foreword by Ashley Montagu Offers positive solutions for countering the effects of the growing depersonalization of our times. “An important book that brings to the forefront the fundamentals of a healthy world.’ − Patch Adams, M.D. Hohm Press, Paper, $19.95, 336 pages. ISBN: 978-1-935387-17-9 Hohm Press, Paper, 272 pages, $19.95 ISBN: 978-1-890772-24-6 PARENTING, A SACRED TASK 8 STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESSFUL STEPPARENTING 10 Basics of Conscious Childraising by Karuna Fedorschak PARENTING A Sacred Task 10 BASICS OF CONSCIOUS CHILDRAISING Karuna Fedorschak Highlights 10 basic elements that every parent can use to meet the everyday demands of childraising. “Thank you to Karuna Fedorschak for reminding us that parenting is a sacred task.” – Peggy O’Mara, Editor and Publisher, Mothering Magazine. Hohm Press, Paper, 158 pages, $12.95 ISBN: 978-1-890772-30-7 8 Strategies for Successful Step-Parenting Nadir Baksh, Psy.D. & Laurie Murphy, Ph.D. by Nadir Baksh, Psy. D. and Laurie Elizabeth Murphy, R.N., Ph.D. Becoming a step-parent, and “blending of families,” is difficult work. The book presents 8 strategies, in the form of action steps, to maximize anyone’s chances of success in this endeavor. Hohm Press, Paper, 188 pages, $14.95 ISBN: 978-1-935387-08-4 To Order: 800-381-2700, or visit our website, www.hohmpress.com Heart to Heart layout2.indd 30 5/6/13 11:40 AM ood health! MUCH WE Diabetes II. ents to develop a lifetime! OTHER TITLES OF INTEREST IN FAMILY & WORLD HEALTH SERIES WE LIKE TO READ WE LIKE TO HELP COOK . . . HEALTHY FOODS! Young children learn by watching and doing. Even toddlers can often help out in the kitchen with simple tasks … sometimes much more than we expect. This book encourages children and adults to work together to prepare and eat: • more vegetables and fruits, • whole grains • low-fat milk products • lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, and healthy fats and oils A Picture Book for Pre-Readers & Parents by Elyse April All the children in this book are helping to prepare healthy foods — parts of the Healthy Diet illustrated by the USDA Food Pyramid. See www.mypyramid.gov We Like to Read Illustrations by Angie Thompson Marcus Allsop is a chef who cooks for a community of forty adults and children. Diane Iverson has written and illustrated awardwinning children’s books. See www.dianeiverson.com A Picture Book for Pre-Readers and Parents Provides a new look at how to teach and encourage reading by using play and “attachment parenting” — i.e., lots of physical closeness and learning by example. The upbeat rhyming format provides cues for parents and caregivers on how to provide a foundation for reading while enticing children with game-like activities. HOHM PRESS ELYSE APRIL • Illustrations by Angie Thompson Children (ages 2-6) / Health and Nutrition Kalindi Press, Paper; 32 pages; $9.95; (English) ISBN: 978-1-890772-80-2; (Bi-Lingual) ISBN: 978-1-890772-81-9 WE LIKE TO EAT WELL by Elyse April We Like to Eat Well gives parents and their children healthy and positive nutrition messages in an entertaining format. The illustrations capture the book’s focus and add a lighthearted touch. Here is a book that parents and their young children will enjoy again and again! — Judy Lee-Norris, MPH, RD; Nutrition Program Manager, Community Health Services for Yavapai County (Arizona) Illustrations by Lewis Agrell with a master’s degree the picture book We physical activity for at the Sarasota Heraldn, have their own s currently showcased HOHM PRESS Children (infants & up)/Health and Nutrition $9.95 $9.95 We Like to Help Cook MARCUS ALLSOP Illustrations by Diane Iverson WE LIKE TO HELP COOK by Marcus Allsop Illustrations by Diane Iverson All the young children in these brightlycolored picture are helping adults to prepare simple, healthy and delicious foods. Easy text, plus some rhymes, make the books easy to read, and appealing to both kids and parents. Children help themselves or assist the adults by performing many age-related tasks, like pouring, shaking, washing, mashing and mixing — actions that most young children love to do. 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Kalindi Press, Paper; 32 pages; $9.95; (English) ISBN: 978-1-890772-69-7; (Bi-Lingual) ISBN: 978-1-935826-01-9 Kalindi Press, Paper, 32 pages, $9.95; (English) ISBN: 978-1-935387-00-8; (Bi-Lingual) ISBN: 978-1-935387-01-5 E LY S E A P R I L Illustrations by Lewis Agrell To Order: 800-381-2700, or visit our websites, www.kalindipress.com and www.familyhealthseries.com Heart to Heart layout2.indd 31 5/6/13 11:40 AM ABOUT HOHM PRESS / KALINDI PRESS Hohm Press is committed to publishing books that provide readers with alternatives to the materialistic values of the current culture, and promote self-awareness, the recognition of interdependence, and compassion. Our subject areas include parenting, religious studies, women’s studies, the arts and poetry. Kalindi Press, an affiliate of Hohm Press, proudly offers books in natural health and nutrition for children and parents covering such themes as nutrition, dental health, reading, and environmental education. Both Hohm Press and Kalindi Press contribute titles to the Family Health & World Health Series. Heart to Heart is the latest addition to this popular series. ABOUT THE AUTHORS Jeff Goelitz is currently a program developer, senior trainer and education specialist with the nonprofit Institute of HeartMath. He regularly consults with school professionals around the US to help improve classroom climate and performance. Jeff has authored The College De-Stress Handbook, and developed many programs to improve social and emotional learning. Elyse April, MS (in Early Childhood Education, SUNY, New Paltz) since 2001 has devoted herself to advocacy for children, by writing, lecturing, and promoting books related to health and wellbeing for children and parents. She is the author of four titles in the Hohm Press/Kalindi Press Family and World Health Series. VISIT OUR WEBSITES www.hohmpress.com, www.kalindipress.com and www.familyhealthseries.com Heart to Heart layout2.indd 32 5/6/13 11:40 AM