Spis rzeczy - Bank Millennium
Spis rzeczy - Bank Millennium
Millenet – Internet Banking For Companies User Instructions (part II) February 12th, 2010 Table of Contents 1 Menu...............................................................................................................................5 1.1 VERTICAL (OPERATIONAL) 1.2 HORIZONTAL MENU MENU.................................................................................................5 (NAVIGATION-INFORMATIVE)................................................................................5 1.3 OTHER AVAILABLE INSTRUCTIONS...............................................................................................8 1.4 ASSETS AND LIABILITIES.........................................................................................................8 1.5 TRANSACTION AUTHORISATION..................................................................................................9 1.5.1 Pending authorisations.............................................................................................................9 1.5.2 Authorisation rules.................................................................................................................10 1.5.3 Authorisation history...............................................................................................................10 1.6 ORDERS MANAGEMENT..........................................................................................................11 1.6.1 Draft orders...........................................................................................................................12 1.6.2 Authorisation and sending orders............................................................................................17 1.6.3 Sent Orders...........................................................................................................................20 1.7 APPROVING AN OPERATION WITH AN SMS P@SSWORD....................................................................23 1.8 PAYMENTS.......................................................................................................................26 1.8.1 Payments Between the Company Accounts at Bank Millennium ................................................27 1.8.2 Domestic Payments ...............................................................................................................28 1.8.3 ZUS 3 in 1 Payments..............................................................................................................31 1.8.4 Tax Payments .......................................................................................................................33 1.8.5 Foreign Payments...................................................................................................................35 1.8.7 Postal Transfer.......................................................................................................................43 1.8.8 Import File ............................................................................................................................44 1.9 STANDING ORDERS..............................................................................................................47 1.9.1 Standing Orders – List............................................................................................................47 1.9.2 Standing Order – Detailed information.....................................................................................48 1.9.3 Standing orders – New standing order.....................................................................................48 1.10 ASSETS........................................................................................................................50 1.10.1 Current accounts..................................................................................................................50 1.10.2 Term Deposits......................................................................................................................52 1.11 LIABILITIES ...................................................................................................................56 1.11.1 Liabilities – Investment loans / Revolving loans......................................................................56 1.11.2 Liabilities – Renewable Loan..................................................................................................57 1.11.3 Liabilities – Guarantees and Letters of credit..........................................................................58 1.12 PAYMENT CARDS – VIEWING ACCOUNTS....................................................................................59 1.12.1 Cards - List..........................................................................................................................59 Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 2 1.12.2 Cards – Detailed information.................................................................................................60 1.12.3 Cards – Activation................................................................................................................61 1.13 UPCOMING PAYMENTS........................................................................................................62 1.14 STATEMENTS/REPORTS.......................................................................................................63 1.14.1 Online statements................................................................................................................63 1.14.2 Periodic Reports...................................................................................................................67 1.14.3 Reports on Demand .............................................................................................................67 1.15 COLLECTIVE TRANSFERS .....................................................................................................68 1.15.1 Collective transfers – Load file...............................................................................................72 1.16 RECIPIENTS....................................................................................................................72 1.16.1 Recipients - List....................................................................................................................72 1.16.2 Recipients - Detailed information...........................................................................................74 1.16.3 Recipients - New Recipient....................................................................................................75 1.17 ADMINISTRATION .............................................................................................................77 1.17.1 Granting Access to Operations and Accounts..........................................................................77 1.17.2 Adding New Users................................................................................................................80 1.17.3 Change of User Privileges......................................................................................................80 1.17.4 Authorisation Rules...............................................................................................................81 1.17.5 Order a Certificate Password.................................................................................................83 1.18 OTHER SERVICES.............................................................................................................83 1.18.1 Exchange rates.....................................................................................................................83 1.18.2 Transaction history...............................................................................................................83 1.18.3 Transaction history...............................................................................................................84 2 Ending a Session in the Millenet Internet Banking System. .......................................85 3 Frequently Asked Questions.........................................................................................86 3.1 WHO IS THE 3.2 HOW TO GET ACCESS TO A CORPORATE ACCOUNT THROUGH 3.3 WHAT MILLENET INTERNET IS THE BANKING SYSTEM INTENDED FOR?........................................................86 INTERNET CERTIFICATE FOR?..................................................................................86 3.4 HOW TO DOWNLOAD AND INSTALL THE 3.5 HOW CAN YOU ADD NEW 3.6 HOW CAN PRIVILEGES BE GRANTED TO NEW 3.7 HOW CAN THE 3.8 HOW CAN YOU CHANGE THE USER’S USERS USER INTERNET CERTIFICATE?.............................................................86 WITHIN THE ACCESS TO USER MILLENET?.....................................................86 CLIENT (COMPANY)?.........................................................86 USERS?.........................................................................87 MILLENET BE REVOKED?..................................................................87 PASSWORD?...............................................................................87 3.9 WHAT TO DO IF THE 3.10 CAN THE TIME OUT SETTINGS IN THE 3.11 FOR WHAT TYPES OF TRANSACTIONS CAN YOU CREATE YOUR OWN FORGETS OR BLOCKS HIS MILLENET PASSWORD?...........................................................87 SYSTEM BE CHANGED?....................................................87 Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 3 (CUSTOMISED) AUTHORISATION RULES?..............87 3.12 WHAT BANK AND ACCOUNT DATA SHOULD BE ON A FOREIGN TRANSFER SENT TO THE ACCOUNT HOLDER AT BANK MILLENNIUM?........................................................................................................................88 3.13 CAN MILLENET YOU ADD YOUR OWN BASE OF RECIPIENTS TO THE 3.14 WHERE BASE OF RECIPIENTS?.................................88 CAN YOU CHECK THE DAILY TRANSACTION NUMBER NEEDED TO ORDER THE CONFIRMATION OF THE EXECUTION OF AN OPERATION ON THE ACCOUNT?...................................................................................................88 3.15 3.15. WHAT 3.16 WHAT 3.17 HOW ARE SMS P@SSWORDS AND WHEN DO WE USE THEM??..........................................................89 CAN THE USER SUBMIT A TRANSACTION WITH LESS CLICKS? 3.18 WHERE MILLENET?.........................................88 NUMBER CAN YOU CALL IF YOU HAVE PROBLEMS USING .........................................................89 SHOULD ONE CHECK THE STATUS OF THE ORDER AFTER ITS SENDING?............................................89 3.19 WHEN CAN THE USER BE SURE THAT THE TRANSFER HAS BEEN SUCCESSFUL?..............................................89 3.20 WHAT FILE FORMATS ARE ALLOWED FOR IMPORTING PAYMENT FILES TO MILLENET?......................................89 3.21 WHERE ARE FURTHER ACTIONS PERFORMED ON IMPORTED ORDERS?........................................................89 3.22 WHERE CAN ONE CORRECT AN ERRONEOUS ORDER IMPORTED WITH THE OPTION OF EDIT AFTER IMPORT SELECTED? 3.23 WHICH ORDERS ARE VISIBLE IN THE OPTION: 3.24 WHAT ORDERS MANAGEMENT KINDS OF ORDERS CAN BE AUTHORISED IN THE OPTION: 3.25 WHERE . . .89 – SENT ORDERS?.................................89 AUTHORISATION – PENDING AUTHORISATIONS?........90 CAN PAYMENT ORDERS BE AUTHORISED?............................................................................90 3.26 WHAT PURPOSE IS THE OPTION: ORDERS 3.27 WHAT KINDS OF ORDERS ARE IN THE OPTION: MANAGEMENT ORDERS – DRAFT ORDERS DEDICATED FOR?.............................90 MANAGEMENT ORDERS – AUTHORISE AND SENDING?....................90 3.28 HOW TO FILTER ORDERS WITH A GIVEN STATUS IN MANAGEMENT?...............................................90 3.29 HOW CAN THE USER FAST DEFINE AN ORDER WITH THE SAME CONTENT?..................................................90 Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 4 1 Menu The instructions available to the User are contained in two types of Menu: the horizontal and vertical one. The first one is a navigation and information menu, while the other the operational one. The exact structure of the whole service is available after clicking Map in the horizontal menu. 1.1 Vertical (operational) menu Under the vertical menu the following actions are available: Assets and Liabilities – information about the level of the Client’s liabilities and receivables; Authorisations – information about transactions entered by the Users awaiting acceptance, their history as well as Authorisation rules; Orders management – access to: Draft orders which contain orders entered but not authorised, Author isation and sending orders, where orders are authorised and to Orders Sent to the Bank; Payments – individual instructions for payment of accumulated funds to accounts in Poland and abroad, as well as payment instructions in the form of a file for import; Standing orders – User-entered transfer orders to regular recipients on a specific date and in specific amounts; Assets – information about Client-held current or deposit accounts; Liabilities – information about liabilities to the Bank, including off-balance sheet liabilities; Cards – information about cards, balance sheet and operations with such cards; Upcoming payments – information about future payments; Statements/reports – available online statements possible to define and amend and available periodic re ports and reports on demand. Collective transfers – instructions allowing to send to the Bank files with transfers (collective transfer statements) and execute them, Recipients – User-entered counterparties for whom transfers are carried out in specific time-intervals; Administration – information about the privileges exercised by particular Users, as well the possibility of creating a new User. It additionally contains date of Internet Certificates and possibility of ordering docu ments; Other Services: Exchange rates – after selecting this option the current exchange rates of Bank Millennium S.A. are dis played Transaction history – this option enables the ordering of a statement or confirmation of an operation per formed on the account. Ordered documents shall be sent by e-mail (payable according to the binding Price List). Transaction history – this option enables to download the history of accounts in electronic format. 1.2 Horizontal menu (navigation-informative) This menu consists of the following instructions Start – selection of this option allows to return to the main window, Profile – allows to update the User’s personal data and adjust the system to the User’s preferences with re spect to screen settings (number of messages displayed on-screen and number of transactions), modifying personal data, change of security settings and change of the password, Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 5 Map – shows the menu structure which allows moving around the Millenet system and finding the option looked for by the User, Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 6 Help – instructions on how to use the Millenet system, Contact – this option enables sending to the Bank queries, suggestions, opinions or commentaries connec ted with system service, English / Polski – option used for changing the system’s language version; Log out – instruction ending the using of the Millenet system. Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 7 1.3 Other Available Instructions - Messages – allows the User’s safe correspondence with Bank Millennium, - Help – displays the answers to and descriptions of the most frequent terms and questions which fa cilitates the using of the system, - Exchange rates – access to the Bank’s current exchange rates. Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 8 1.4 Assets and Liabilities Assets and liabilities contain the Client’s total receivables and liabilities, appropriately divided into particular groups of products. The next lines, after the name of the group of products, show the balance – with the Db or Cr side. The last line sums up the values of the Client’s cash funds broken down into groups, and into the Db and Cr sides. The balance of the Client’s cash funds is presented on a default basis in zloties, but can be converted into a selected currency according to the Bank Millennium SA average rate (the currencies whose rates are published in the Exchange Rate Table are). The conversion is performed with the Currency option, but this function is used for information purposes only. To go to the list of accounts for each of the presented groups of products, click at the end of each line. The page is visible only to the Users who have suitable privileges. 1.5 Transaction Authorisation Millenet makes the management of the transaction authorisation rules extremely flexible and well-adjusted to the Client’s organisational structure, needs and requirements. By click Pending authorisations the user obtains information about operations which require authorisa tion. Authorisation history allows to obtain information about the already performed authorisations listed in chronological order. Authorisation rules provide information on the principles according to which particular types of transac tions are authorised. 1.5.1 Pending authorisations The page Pending authorisations contains information about two groups of operations. The first one contains data relating to operations pending authorisation entered by the User. Below, in the second group, you can find data pertaining to operations entered by other Users. Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 9 Please note: In the option Authorisation – Pending authorisations only non-financial operations are authorised (e.g. change of the Authorisation rules, change of User Privileges) and operations connected with standing orders and term deposits. Details of pending authorisation: By selecting at the end of every line you can obtain information relating to details of the transactions: name of operation; date of creation; date of modification; name of the User creating the operation; status of operation; authorisation rules established for a given operation; of the Users who have already performed the authorisation – in accordance with the adopted rules, with the date and hour of their execution (the user entering a given transaction is simultaneously treated as the first authoriser provided his Profile is privileged to authorise this transaction). The User who has an appropriate Profile and access to the account may authorise the pending operation by clicking Authorise. 1.5.2 Authorisation rules The function Authorisation rules is also contained in the option Administration – Authorisation rules. In this chapter you can find information about the principles according to which particular types of transac tions defined by the Client are authorised. 1.5.3 Authorisation history In this option you can find information pertaining to operations whose execution has already been com pleted. Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 10 To move to the Authorisation details of a given operation click at the end of the line. The details include information on: object of operation; amount of transaction; date of creation; date of modification; status; information: which users performed the authorisation of the transaction. Click Show all to view all the operations sent for authorisation. The user may also display his authorisations by clicking Show mine. 1.6 Orders management Orders management consists of: - Draft orders, - Authorisation and sending orders,, - Sent Orders. Within each three functions of Orders management orders can be filtered by: - orderer’s account, - status of order, - type of order, - amount of order, - date of order: date of creation, date of execution, date of modification Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 11 This options enables: sending orders for authorisation, authorising orders, authorising and sending orders, sending orders, removing orders, copying them as drafts, transferring orders, cancelling orders and their withdrawal. In Orders management the following types of payments can be seen as orders: Between the Company accounts held at Bank Millennium S.A., Domestic, SORBNET, 3 in 1 ZUS (Transfer to ZUS), Tax transfers, Foreign Transfers, Postal transfers. Moreover, payments can be grouped in folders which were imported to the system as files or folders created from individual Millenet orders. 1.6.1 Draft orders Draft orders may include prepared individual orders and folders (created in Millenet or as a result of im porting files) in statuses: - Validation OK - this status means the prepared draft version contains no errors and can be author ised or sent for execution as is, - Validation error – this status means that the prepared draft version contains errors and must be corrected to be authorisable or sendable for execution. Please note: If the folder does not have a displayed status this means that a given folder can include or ders with the Validation OK and Validation error status. For draft orders the following actions will be available: - Send for authorisation – the order is being sent for authorisation by another User. The selection of this action causes a transfer of orders to Authorisation and sending orders, Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 12 - Authorise – causes the authorisation of the order if the User has appropriate privileges and the or der will be transferred to Authorisation and sending orders, - Authorise and send – the order is authorised and sent for execution only when all the necessary authorisations are already gathered or when one user can execute them. After this action has been executed, the order is sent to Sent Orders. Remove – removing the existing Draft orders, Copy as draft – enables the copying of existing drafts, Transfer – causes the transfer of an order under Draft orders between the list and particular folders. The described actions can be executed on individual draft orders, on folders with orders and also on selected orders from the folder, but only in the case when the folder was imported to Millenet and the option „Block orders for editing after import” was not selected. Orders from particular pages of Draft orders can be viewed with the use of Previous and Next buttons. In order to carry out any of the available actions on orders tick the selection window next to orders or folders, and if the action is carried out on all orders tick Select all and then select the action and confirm by pressing OK. Details of an order from the list in Draft orders are visible after clicking the type of order or (in the case of folders) the name of the folder, and then the selected order (possible only in the case of folders which have been prepared online or imported to the system without the option „Block orders for editing after import” se lected). Below please find, as an example, specimen details of a draft domestic payment. Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 13 Below see specimen details of a draft version of a folder – imported file in which the orders may be edited). Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 14 From each folder it is possible to download the report in the CVS, XLS and CDT format. The report contains the number of the source account, value date, amount of transfer, number of credited account, name of beneficiary, details of payment, status of transfer, description of status and date of status (example below); In order e.g. to authorise and send the prepared orders select in Draft orders in the order selection window the orders or folders upon which the action will be executed and select the action: Authorise and send, and press: OK. On the screen which confirms the execution of the actions with respect to orders their details will be dis played. In order to continue the execution of the operation press Confirm, otherwise Return. Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 15 Next, a screen will be displayed in which the SMS P@ssword should be entered. Then, confirm OK for the operation to be successfully completed. After accepting OK the execution of the operation will be confirmed with the on-screen message: Please note: Individual orders are finalised immediately, but in the case of a large number of orders the system may display transitional statuses stating that a given action is being processed. Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 16 1.6.2 Authorisation and sending orders In Authorisation and sending orders there can be prepared orders and folders with statuses: - Authorisation required. – This status means that the order awaits Authorisation before it can be sent for execution, - Authorised – this status means that the order has already been authorised and is ready to be sent to the Bank. - Authorisation refusal – This status means that the order has not received the required authorisa tion and the authorisation has been refused by selecting the Cancel option. Please note: If the folder on the list does not have a status displayed this means that a given folder order may include folders with different statuses. In Authorisation and Sending Orders (edit) order details cannot be changed. Only the following actions can be executed upon orders: - Authorise – the order is authorised by the User and after carrying out this action it still remains in Authorise and sending until the time of its sending, - Authorise and send – the selection of this action authorises the order and sends it for execution. Such order will be transferred to Sent Orders. When such action is selected, and such order should be authorised also by other Users, it will still remain in the function, - Send – the order is sent for execution (sending orders is possible after obtaining all the authorisa tions), - Authorisation refusal – the selection of this action invalidates the authorisation of this order, which receives the Authorisation Refusal status. - Copy as draft – enables copying existing orders to Draft orders Orders from selected Authorisation and sending orders pages can be viewed by clicking Previous and Next. To carry out one of the available actions on orders, tick the selection window next to the orders and/or folders and if the action is to be carried out on all the orders, click Select all and then OK to confirm. Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 17 The details of an order from the list in Authorisation and sending orders are visible on the type of order or name of folder (only in the case of folders which were created on-line and such which have been imported and the option „Block the orders for editing after import” has not been selected). For such folders the follow ing are displayed: - folder’s name, - total amount of folder, - maximum amount, - number of orders, - date of creation, - details pertaining to particular orders: type of payment, name of counterparty, contractor’s account, counterparty’s account, title of payment, date of execution status. Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 18 Below please find the details of such specimen folder. From each folder it is possible to download a report in the CSV, XLT and CDT format. The orders can be au thorised each separately or as a batch on the list of Authorisation and sending orders, Please note: If when importing a file to Millenet the option „Block the possibility of editing orders after im port” was selected, then in Authorise and sending the principle of the integrity of actions for the whole folder is observed (e.g. you cannot authorise only half of the orders – the all or nothing principle applies). To analyse for instance the orders prepared in Authorise and sending, please select the orders on which the action will be carried out and then select: Authorise and press OK. On the screen confirming the carrying out of an action upon orders their details are presented below. Select Confirm to continue the execution of the operation, otherwise Return. For an operation to be successfully executed, enter the generated SMS P@ssword and click OK to confirm. Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 19 The execution of the operation will be confirmed with the message: 1.6.3 Sent Orders Sent Orders may include orders and folders with the following statuses: - Executed – This status means that the orders were executed, - Rejected – This status means that the orders sent to the Bank were not executed e.g. due to lack of funds, incorrectly given account number, - Withdrawn – This status means that the orders with future date have been withdrawn on the User’s request before they were executed, - Being processed – This status means that the orders have been sent for execution and are being processed by the Bank, - Pending processing – This status means that orders have been placed in the queue for execution, but they are not yet being processed by the Bank, - Future execution date – This status means that the orders with future date have been accepted by the Bank and await execution, - Awaits replenishment – This status means that the orders will not able to be immediately ex ecuted, due to insufficient funds on the account. But they will await receipts, which will enable their execution. In this option the following actions are available: - Copy as draft – allows to copy orders to Drafts, - Withdraw – causes the withdrawal of domestic orders with future date of execution only when they have not been executed by the Bank and have not been imported to Millenet with the selected option „Block orders for editing after import”. Use Previous and Next to view orders from particular pages of the list in Sending orders. To carry out one of the available actions on orders tick the selection window next to the orders, and if the action is to be executed on all orders, click Select all, and then click OK to confirm. Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 20 Details of an order from the list in Sent orders are visible after clicking the type of order or name of folder (the exception being a folder added the system with selected option: Block orders for editing after import”). For such folders the following items are displayed: - its name, - total amount of folder, - maximum amount, - number of orders, - date of creation, - details pertaining to particular orders: type of payment, name of counterparty, contractor’s account, counterparty’s account, title of payment, date of execution, status. For details of a specimen folder see below. From each folder type it is possible to download a report in CSV format (Comma Separated Values), XLS (Ex cel), CDT (text format with separators), in order to check its content. The report contains the number of source account, value date, amount of transfer, number of credited ac count, name of beneficiary, payment details, transfer status, status description and status date (see example below): Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 21 For particular orders in Sent orders the following are displayed: - name of operation, - number of source account, - number of counterparty’s account, - name of counterparty, - title of transfer, - amount, - date of execution. To copy as drafts or withdraw orders with future date select the orders on which the action will be executed, select the appropriate action and press OK. Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 22 On the screen confirming the carrying out of the action upon orders you can see the details of such actions. To continue with the operation, press Confirm, otherwise Return. This operation will be confirmed with the on-screen message. 1.7 Approving an Operation with an SMS P@ssword Each time when an operation is sent for execution Millenet will ask for the 6-digit SMS P@ssword texted by the Bank to the user’s mobile phone. SMS P@sswords are one-time codes used to confirm operations in the system. Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 23 Below please find detailed procedures of authorising operations by an SMS P@ssword: STEP 1. From many possible operations let us for example select: Payments - domestic (domestic pay ment form). On this form the User introduces data necessary for a transfer, then select Authorise and send, if he is authorised to perform it. Fields marked with * must be completed. STEP 2. Having entered the data and selected the action, click OK to go ahead with the operation. STEP 3. After acceptance you will see on-screen the details of your transfer. Click OK to approve the data as entered, otherwise Return. Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 24 STEP 4. After the User has clicked OK to approve, the User’s mobile phone will receive a text message con taining a 6-digit code. Then one should exactly compare if the data received together with the authorisa tion code are in accordance with the executed instruction (in the case of a transfer – number of account, amount). Click OK to approve, otherwise select Cancel. If you make a mistake, we can generate a second text message. After approval a message will be displayed about the successful execution of the operation. After clicking Start the main page will be displayed, if we select Next, we have the possibility of ordering the next opera tion. Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 25 The telephone number should in such cases also be changed in one’s personal data. The change must be approved in accordance with the authorisation rules for user management. If the company has no users to could approve the change, then an application for changing the Profile of personal data can be sent to the Bank. The blocking of the possibility of using the SMS P@sswords after the service has been activated can be caused by: several wrong entries of the SMS P@ssword Lack of Bank-confirmed identification data of the user in the system switching on the authorisation blockade for the user switching on the authorisation blockade for the Client (Millekod). After the service has been blocked, contact the Bank under no 0801 632 632 or 022 598 40 31. 1.8 Payments If he has suitable privileges, the user has the possibility of making transfer orders. Depending on defined privileges the user may order the following kinds of payments: Between the Company’ accounts held at Bank Millennium S.A. Domestic – allows to make transfer orders to accounts at other banks. Domestic transfers are carried out at the next ELIXIR session. SORBNET enables the ordering of an immediate transfer of funds by means of the SORBNET system for amounts below 1 million PLN. 3 in 1 ZUS (Transfer to ZUS) – enables the making of payments to ZUS, thanks to a transfer forms con structed in accordance with ZUS requirements. Tax (Transfer to the Tax Office or Customs Chamber) – tax transfer form, Foreign (Foreign Transfer) –enables the making of an application for a transfer of funds to currency ac counts at other banks and abroad. Postal transfer – enables the Polish Post to pay out a sender-specified cash amount to the addressee re ferred to in the transfer. Please note: The confirmation of a transfer can be downloaded in PDF format in the option: Assets – Current accounts – Detailed information – Transaction details. Please note: All types of transfers, as well as postal transfers can be imported to Millenet in files. The op tion Payments – Import file is used for this. Additionally, the selection of the option Payments – Pending displays the list of ordered transfers with a future date. The selection of a given transfer from the list or at the end of the line will take you to the page Pending Payments – Detailed information, which allows to view details of the transfer order. Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 26 The Pending Payments – List option displays the list of transfers with future date (during the implement ation or with a designated later date of execution) and list of pending foreign transfers. Title of transfer – shows the first 20 signs from the entered transfer of title. Recipient – displays the first 15 signs from the introduced name of the Recipient. Date – indicates the date of the planned execution of the transfer. Amount – shows the level of the transfer amount. The selection of a given transfer from the list takes you to the page Pending Transfers – Detailed in formation. Please note: Withdrawing domestic payments with future execution date is possible exclusively in the op tion: Orders management – Sent Orders if they have not been yet executed by the Bank nor have been imported to Millenet with the option „Block orders for editing after import” Selected. 1.8.1 Payments Between the Company Accounts at Bank Millennium After selecting the above option a form will appear on screen which allows to transfer funds within Client ac counts held at Bank Millennium SA. On the form it is enough to specify: account from which funds will be withdrawn for carrying out the transfer, account to which the funds will be transferred, Title of transfer – enter any description of transfer (e.g. number of invoice), maximum 140 signs, amount, currency, transfer execution date – planned date of carrying out the transfer, folder in which it should be found (the selection of „Main folder” has this consequence that orders will not appear in any folder); in the case of creating a new folder click the selection window: Create new, action – a selection is possible: Select as draft – enables saving an order in Millenet. The order will be saved in the option: Orders man agement – Draft orders. The order is not authorised and can be edited at any moment. Send for authorisation – will cause the sending of the order for authorisation to another User. This order will be saved in the option: Orders management – Authorisation and sending orders as an order with the status Authorisation Required. Authorise – results in the User’s authorisation of an order, which will nevertheless not be sent for execu tion. It will be saved in the option: Orders management – Authorisation and sending orders. Authorise and send – causing the authorisation of a given order and its sending for execution or (in the case of lack of privileges to transfer the payment) to Authorisation and sending orders. Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 27 After filling out the form and specifying the action, select OK. If you select any action except „Select as draft”, you will be taken to the next window, enabling the checking of the correctly entered data. If the data have been entered correctly, select OK. If the user wants to return to the earlier filled out form and in corporate changes, select Return. Depending on the selection of the action an appropriate message will be displayed. The payment is carried out in accordance with the designated date and according to the rules established by the Client, once he has obtained authorisation and after its sending. Please note: When sending the operation for execution Millenet will ask for the SMS P@ssword. The de tails a given operation are presented in chapter: Approving an Operation with an SMS P@ssword. Please note: The transfer execution date must be contained in a period no later than 6 months from the date of its ordering. 1.8.2 Domestic Payments The option: Domestic payments allows to transfer cash funds to domestic accounts. Domestic Payments are carried out during the next ELIXIR session. The User may also order transfers with a future execution date. When filling out the form, from the list select the account from which funds will be collected to carry out the transfer, enter the Recipient’s data or select the option Select from list (this is possible when data have earlier been entered in the list of regular recipients through Recipients – New Recipient), specify the number of the account to which the funds will be transferred, If the transfer is ordered to the account of a Recipient who has an account at Bank Millennium S.A., enter 8 last digits of his account to the field To account at Bank Millennium starting with. If a transfer to an other bank is ordered, enter the Recipient’s account number in the field To full account at Bank Millenni um S.A. or at another bank. enter the Recipient’s name, Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 28 recipient’s address, postal code and town, specify the title of transfer – enter any transfer description (e.g. invoice number), max. 140 signs, amount, currency (the User can select another currency than PLN only in the case of ordering payments to accounts within Bank Millennium. Payment orders in another currency outside the Bank should be ordered on the For eign Payments form), date of execution – planned date of making the transfer, folder to which it should be sent (the selection of „Main folder” results in the orders not appearing in any folder); in the case of creating a new folder click on the selection window: Create new, select the action: Select as draft – allows to save a draft in Millenet. The order will be saved in the option: Orders manage ment – Draft orders. The orders is not authorised and can be edited at any moment. Send for authorisation – causes the sending of an order for authorisation to another User. The order will be saved in the option: Orders management – Authorisation and sending orders as an order with the status Authorisation Required. Authorise – makes the order authorised by the User, but the order will not be sent for execution. It will be saved in the option: Orders management – Authorisation and sending orders. Authorise and send – causes the authorisation of a given order and its sending for execution or (in the case of lack of privileges to transfer payments) to Authorisation and sending orders. Having selected the form, click OK. The selection of any action except „Save as draft” will take you to the next screen which enables checking the correctness of the entered data. If the data have been entered cor rectly, just click OK to confirm the transaction. If the user wants to return to the previously filled-out form and incorporate changes in it, he should select Return. There is a possibility of remembering the data of the Recipient to whose account the transfer is sent. Just select the option Add on the screen confirming the acceptance of the transfer order. The Recipient’s data will be entered on the list of recipients (Recipients – List), where the possibility of their editing also exists. The new recipient should be given a short name, which will enable a quick introduction of his data when car rying out domestic transfers and defining standing orders. Then, on each next domestic transfer, you can automatically enter the remembered Recipient thanks to the option Select from list. For more information on this subject consult the Recipients part in the chapter: Recipients - New Recipient. Please note: The Domestic Transfer form is not intended for the payment of ZUS (social insurance) con tributions or for making transfers to Tax Offices. Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 29 The immediate transfer of funds between 8.00 – 14.30 on working days is enabled by the option: Domestic Payments/SORBNET. To order a transfer by the SORBNET system fill out the form in the same manner as described in Domestic Payments. Please note: If a SORBNET transfer has been ordered and action selected: Authorise and send after 14.30 hours, the order will be entered in Sent orders with date of execution for the next day. Please note: When sending the operation for execution the Millenet system will ask for the SMS P@ss word. The details of this option are presented in chapter: Approving an Operation with an SMS P@ss word. Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 30 1.8.3 ZUS 3 in 1 Payments All payments to the ZUS (Social Insurance Authority) must be made on a separate form. To make payments to ZUS: From account – select the account which will be debited to carry out the transfer; Number of ZUS account – select one, two or three Poland-wide ZUS account numbers by ticking the se lection field appropriate for a given payment. The payment can be made to: a) 83101010230000261395100000 – payment resulting from contributions to social insurance, b) 78101010230000261395200000 – payments resulting from contributions to health in surance, c) 73101010230000261395300000 – payments resulting from contributions to the Em ployment Fund (FP) and Fund of Guaranteed Employee Benefits (FGŚP). Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 31 The Payments to ZUS form contains additional fields (other than on the ordinary Domestic Payments form). In: Remitter’s NIP – enter NIP without separators (dashes). The field must be completed, unless the remitter has no NIP number; Type of additional identifier – from the pop-out list select the type of document whose number is to be entered in another field: option R, when the remitter is a legal or natural person or organisational unit not possessed of legal person ality but having REGON, option P, when the remitter is a natural person having the PESEL number. If the remitter does not have any of the above-mentioned numbers: PESEL or REGON, then the appropriate digit should be entered: 1 – for a personal identity card, 2 – for passport. Remitter’s additional identifier –In this field enter the number of the document corresponding to the se lected type of additional identifier. If one chooses the identity card or passport, the number should be addi tionally preceded with the number of the series of the given document. PLEASE NOTE! The number of additional identifier please enter without separators or separation signs (dashes). Type of payment – in this option, from the pop-out list select an appropriate title of payment to ZUS: D - if the remitter pays an additional fee referred to in art. 24 section 1 of the Social Insurance Act of 13 October 1998, E – if the payment pertains to execution costs, A – if the remitter pays an additional fee referred to in art. 47 section 10c of the Social Insurance Act of 13 October 1998 , M – if the payment pertains to contributions for a period longer than one month (including also con tributions with matured default interest), S – if the payment pertains to a contribution for one month (including also contributions with due default interest), T – if the remitter has been given ZUS consent to postpone the payment deadline, U – if the remitter makes the payment under an instalment arrangement granted by ZUS. Declaration – the date of the ZUS declaration should be entered in the format: year and month (RRRRMM), e.g. February 2003 as 200302. Number of declaration – to fill out this field the consecutive number of ZUS declaration should be entered for a given month. No of decision/agreement/executive title – enter the number of the decision on imposing an addition al fee, number of executive title, number of decision/agreement on postponing the fee payment deadline or number of decision/agreement on the basis of which the remitter of contributions was granted an instalment schedule. Date of execution – the system enables the ordering of transfers with future date with the stipulation that the date of transfer execution will be contained in the period of 6 months from the date of its ordering. Add order to the folder – is used to specify the folder in which the order ought to be included (If you se lect „Main folder”, the orders will not appear in any folder); if you create a new folder, tick Create new in the selection window:, Action – enables the selection of the following actions: Save as draft – enables saving the order in Millenet. The order will be saved the option: Orders man agement – Draft orders, The order can be edited at any moment. Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 32 Send for authorisation – causes the order to be sent for authorisation to another User. The order will be saved in the option: Orders management – Authorisation and sending orders as an order with the status Authorisation Required. Authorise – results in authorising the order by the User, but it will not be sent for execution. It will be saved in the option: Orders management – Authorisation and sending orders. Authorise and send – causes the authorisation of a given order and its sending for execution or (in de fault of privileges for sending payments) to Authorisation and sending orders. After completing the form, click OK. The selection of each action except „Save as draft” will take you to the screen enabling the checking of the correctness of entered data. If the data were entered correctly, just click OK to confirm the transaction. If the User wants to return to the form filled out earlier and incorporate changes, just select Return. Please note: While sending the operation for execution Millenet will ask for the SMS P@ssword. The de tails of the option are presented in chapter: Approving an Operation with an SMS P@ssword. 1.8.4 Tax Payments By selecting in the menu the option Payments – tax you can make a transfer to the Tax Office or Customs Office. Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 33 Source account From the pop-up list select the account from which the funds are to be withdrawn. Available balance This part contains the level of funds available for carrying out the transfer (the available balance on the ac count increased by the balance of the loan account connected with the account). Number of tax organ’s account In order to obtain the correct number of the Tax Office account or Customs Chamber account, select from the pop-out lists: Symbol of tax form If the payment results from the appropriate form submitted by the obligated person, then in this field select from the pop-out list the symbol of an appropriate tax form, e.g.: PIT37 – statement on the level of income in the tax year, VAT7 – Declaration on VAT, CIT2 – Declaration on the level of income of a CIT payer, AKC2A – excise tax on spirits. Town – Town of the tax organ (all towns containing tax organs are listed), Tax organ – Tax Office/ Customs Chamber appropriate for the taxpayer (all tax organs located in a given town are available), Type of identifier From the pop-out list you can select the preferable type of identifier: NIP, REGON, PESEL, identity card, passport. Remitter’s identifier The Remitter’s identifier is an identification number which should be entered in accordance with the type se lected previously in the field Type of identifier. The identifier should be entered without any separators or separation characters (dashes). If a personal identity card or a passport are selected, enter the series and number of the identification document. Period From the list select the period which is covered by the tax obligation (respectively: one year, half-year, quarter, month, decade). Depending on the selection performed, select appropriate values in pop-up lists below. Additional description The Additional description field should be filled out, if: the payment results from the decision, ruling, executive title or any other act of the tax organ (briefly enter the type of administrative act and type of payment obligation), the level of payment does not result from a decision, ruling, executive title or another act, or also a specific type of form (report, declaration, information); then one should briefly enter the type of payment obligation. Date of execution The system enables the ordering of transfers with future execution date under the assumption that the date of execution is contained in the period no later than 6 months from the date of its order. Add order to the folder Allows to specify the folder in which the order should be included (selection of the „Main folder” will cause the orders not to appear in any folder); in the case of creating a new folder, click in the selection window: Create new. Action It is possible to select from the following actions: Save as draft – enables to save the order in Millenet. The order will be saved in the option: Orders management – Draft orders, The order can be edited at any moment. Send for authorisation – causes the sending of the order for authorisation to another User. The order will be saved in the option: Orders management – Authorisation and sending orders as an order with the status Authorisation Required. Authorise – results in the authorisation of the order by the User, but it will not be sent for execution. It will be saved in the option: Orders management – Authorisation and sending orders. Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 34 Authorise and send – causes the authorisation of a given order and its sending for execution or (in de fault of privileges for sending the payment) to Authorisation and sending orders. After completing the form, click OK. The selection of each action except „Save as draft” will take you to the window enabling the checking of the correctness of entered data. If the data have been entered cor rectly, just click OK to confirm. If the user wants to return the earlier completed form and incorporate changes in it – select Return. Please note: When selecting the operation for execution, Millenet will ask for the SMS P@ssword. The details of the given operation are presented in chapter: Approving an Operation with an SMS P@ss word. 1.8.5 Foreign Payments By selecting the option Payments - Foreign in the menu you can make an instruction in currency on ac counts at other banks domestic and foreign. To this end: - you can use the Recipient’s data from the list – if the Recipient’s data have been earlier remembered in Millenet or - complete the fields: Name of Recipient Recipient’s address Recipient’s country Recipient’s country bank After having entered the above data, the system will show additional fields depending on the selection made in the field Recipient’s country bank: Number of the Recipi ent’s account in IBAN format BIC/SWIFT code of the Recipient’s bank Please note! In the case of the field Code BIC/SWIFT of the Recipient’s bank there is a possibility for Millenet itself to prompt the code after clicking Propose the BIC/SWIFT code. or: Number of the Recipient’s account Code of the Recipient’s bank Please note! In the case of the field Code of the Recipient’s Bank there is a possibil ity of selecting the option None, if the User does not have it. Then fill out the fields: Re cipient’s bank name and Recipient’s bank address: Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 35 After entering the above data, fill out the fields: Amount and selection of the transfer currency from the list Method of covering the costs and commissions of the transaction: o Standard (split costs) o In total by the recipient o In total by the principal Please note! In the case of the standard method of covering the costs and commissions of the transactions the costs of the sender’s bank shall be covered by the Sender, while the costs of the Recipient’s bank shall be covered by the Recipient. After intruducing the above data, select Continue. Millenet re cognises it self if this is a foreign SEPA, or EuroELIXIR/SWIFT: payment Please note! A foreign payment shall be executed as a SEPA payment, if: the transaction is carried out in euros , the transaction’s costs and commissions are split between the sender and the recipient, the correct number of account will be entered in the IBAN format, as well as the correct BIC/SWIFT code, the target bank accepts SEPA payments. Otherwise the foreign payment shall be executed as a EuroELIXIR/SWIFT payment. In the case of a SEPA and EuroELIXIR/SWIFT payment, fields: Recipient Recipient’s bank Methods of covering the costs and commissions of the transaction Amount completed on the previous screen remain the same, but at any time there is a possibility of editing them through selecting the option Edit next to their de scription. Continue to fill out the fields: Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 36 From account – select the account from which the transaction will be made: Account which is debited with commission – select the account from which the transaction com mission will be collected: Title of transfer: tick the window I accept the conditions specified by the Bank in documents: „Principles of executing transborder transfers”” and „Principles of executing FX payment orders”: Select the appropriate folder to contain the order in the field Add order to the folder: o Main folder – the order will appear in the main folder o Create new and fill in the field Name of folder - the order will appear in the newly created folder, o select folder from the already existing ones, - order will appear in the selected folder Please note! If the currency rate is a negotiated one, tick here the window Negotiated exchange rate and enter the negotiations reference number in the Reference number field. Please note! In the case of SEPA payments it is also possible to optionally fill out the field. Additional optional data: Principal’s reference number Principal’s identification Recipient’s identification Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 37 If you have selected the field „Principal’s identification” or „Recipient’s identification” fill out the fields: Organisation Identifier: o BIC/SWIFT Code o IBEI Code o BEI Code o ENGLN Code o CHIPS Code o DUNS Number o Client’s Number at the Bank o Tax Number o Organisation Identifier: Type of identifier and Issuer Identifier of private person: o o Type of identifier: - Number of driving license - Number of client - Number of social security - Identifier of foreign citizen - Passport number - Tax Identification Number - Number of identity card - Number of employer - Date and place of birth: Date, Town, Voivodship and Country - Other identifier: Type of identifier and Type Number (No such field in the event of choosing the type of identifier: Date and place of birth or Other identifier) o Issuer After entering the above data, select the appropriate op tion in the field Action: Save as draft – causes the order to be saved in Millenet in the option Orders management - Draft orders, and it can be edited at any moment. Send for authorisation – sends the order for authorisation to another User with the status Author isation required. The order will be saved in the option Orders management - Authorisation and sending orders. Authorise – causes the User’s authorisation of the order, but will not yet sent for execution. This exe cution will be saved in the option Orders management - Authorisation and sending orders. Authorise and send – causes the User’s authorisation of the order and its sending for execution and saving in the option Orders management - Sending order or in default of appropriate privileges sending it for authorisation to another User and saving in the option Orders management - Author isation and sending orders with the status Authorisation required Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 38 and then click OK. If you check Send for authorisation, Authorise or Authorise and send you will be taken to the window in which it will be possible to check the correctness of the entered data: If the data need to be corrected, return to the earlier filled out form by clicking Cancel and incorporate the changes. If the data have entered correctly, click Accept to confirm the transaction If you have already selected Send for authorisation or Authorise, the window confirming the correct conducting of the operation will appear: If you have earlier selected the action Authorise and send, then after meeting certain Authorisation rules the window confirming the correct conducting of the operation will appear: Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 39 If you have earlier selected the action Save as draft, the window confirming the correct conducting of the operation will appear: Click Home to return to the main window of the Millenet system. After selecting Next you can make anoth er transfer instruction in currency to accounts in other domestic and foreign banks. Please note: When sending an operation for execution Millenet will ask you for the SMS P@ssword. The details of this option are presented in chapter: Approving an Operation with an SMS P@ssword. Please note: Payments in foreign currency to accounts inside Bank Millennium should be ordered in the option Payments - Domestic. 1.8.6 Postal Transfer The option Payments – Postal Transfer allows to instruct Poczta Polska (Polish Post) to pay out a cash amount specified by the sender to the addressee referred to in the transfer. Postal transfers can be ordered with current date and future date of execution. To fill out the form: Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 40 from the pop-up list select the account from which funds to be transfered will be taken, enter the Recipient’s data or use the option Select from list (this is possible when the data have earlier been entered on the list of regular recipients through Recipients – New Recipient), enter the Recipient’s name, Recipient’s address, postal code and town, specify title of payment, tick the selection window if the transfer will be with confirmed receipt, enter the amount, date of execution – planned date of execution, give references – additional description, specify the folder in which it should appear (if you select „Main folder” the orders will not appear in any folder); in the case of creating a new folder click Create new in the selection window select action: Save as draft – enables saving the order in Millenet. This order will be saved in the option: Orders man agement – Draft orders, This order is not authorised and can be edited at any time. Send for authorisation – sends the order for authorisation to another User. This order will be saved in the option: Orders management – Authorisation and sending orders as an unauthorised order. Authorise – results in the User’s authorisation of the order, but will not be sent for execution. It will be saved in the option: Orders management – Authorisation and sending orders. Authorise and send – authorises and sends a given order for execution or (in default of the right to send the payment) to Authorisation and sending orders. After completing the form, click OK. If you select any action except „Save as Draft” the next screen will appear, which enables the checking the correctness of the data entered. If the data have been entered cor rectly, just press OK to confirm the transaction. To return to the earlier completed form and make changes, select the Cancel option. Please note: While sending this operation for execution Millenet will ask you for the SMS P@ssword. The details of the option are presented in chapter: Approving an Operation with an SMS P@ssword. 1.8.7 Import File This option allows to import files earlier prepared in other applications with various types of orders in differ ent templates. Below please find information about the supported types of orders and available file formats. Names of file formats/Types of orders Elixir O (MultiCash PLI) Domestic Payments Domestic Tax pay Payments Foreign pay Postal trans Payments ments do ZUS V V V SWIFT MT103 (MultiCash PLA) Foreign payments VideoTEL (ESOBIG) Domestic Payments V V V V V V MTMS CitiDirect Foreign payments V V V MTMS CitiDirect postal orders TransBank Domestic Payments fers V VideoTEL (ESOBIG) Foreign payments MTMS CitiDirect Domestic Payments ments V V If you are importing a file to the system: Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 41 Select the file in the window View, Specify the name of folder, Choose if it will be possible to edit files after import, or not – the user importing orders may prohibit their further editing. If this field is selected during import, you cannot later edit orders, ungroup orders into 2 folders, add orders to the folder, remove orders even after sending for execution with future date. After you have selected this field during import any later action must pertain to the whole folder (e.g. you cannot au thorise only a half of the orders – it is the all-or-nothing principle). specify the import template, specify the code page, click Import file. The recipients of transfer (in the collective file with payments) shall not be automatically saved in the sys tem. If the User wants to enter recipients in the system they should be added in the option Recipients – New Recipient. After clicking Import file a second session window will automatically open in which the process of adding the file will be carried out. It is important not to close the window before the message confirming the end of file addition appears, because this will interrupt the import process. Payments sent to the Bank prior to the interruption of the import process will not be saved, they will not be visible on the list of collective transfers, nor will they be executed. While import lasts, it is possible to carry out other operations in Millenet. The end of the file addition process will be confirmed in a special open session with an appropriate message – then you can close the window. I. If the option Block orders for editing after import” has not been selected, the ending of the process will cause the displaying of the message in the window: Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 42 The end of the file transfer is confirmed by a message to the contact box in the Millenet system. The message looks as follows: The carrying out of further operations, e.g. authorisation, signing the orders in the file (folder) or the whole folder with orders is possible in Orders management and is described in chapter 1.6.1. Draft orders. Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 43 II. If the option Block orders for editing after import” has been, selected the end of the process will trigger the displaying the message in the window as below. The ending of the file sending process is also confirmed by a message to the contact box in Millenet. See a specimen message below: The files to the Millenet system are further authorised and sent for execution in the option: Orders man agement. 1.9 Standing orders If the User regularly orders transfers to regular recipients, ideally he should use Standing orders option. Just define the order, by giving the Recipient’s data, amount and date of payment, and the system will regu larly transfer funds to the accounts indicated by the User. Standing orders – list – the option contains the list of defined regular payments, New standing order – this option allows to define cyclical payment orders, which will be executed as do mestic payments, Standing orders – Detailed information – this option allows to view the defined Standing orders, their editing and removal. Please note: If Sunday is the chosen payment day, the system will execute the payment on Monday. 1.9.1 Standing Orders – List After selecting Standing orders – list from the menu, the window with the list of all User-defined orders will appear containing: the description of the order, recipient, date of next payment, date of concluding the order and the amount of payment. Click at the end of the line to open the window with detailed information (Standing orders – Detailed information), where you can change, edit or remove orders. At the bottom of the page, under the list of Standing orders, you can click New standing order, which will take you to the window used for defining new orders. Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 44 1.9.2 Standing Order – Detailed information After this option is selected from the menu, information for particular orders is displayed. It can be viewed by selecting the appropriate Title of order from the popup list or at the end of the line. Standing or ders – Detailed information are also used for editing (Edit) and removing (Remove) predefined stand ing orders. Please note: The editing and removal of a standing order requires the authorisation of other Users, if rules were established. Only such standing orders can be edited and removed, which were defined via Internet. 1.9.3 Standing orders – New standing order This option allows to define new Standing orders. The order form contains the following fields to be com pleted: From account where from the pop-up list one should select the account to be debited, Use data from list (if the recipient has been saved earlier) or enter the recipient, Recipient’s address (street), Postal code and town, From day, To day, Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 45 Frequency, Amount, Title of transfer, Select account at Bank Millennium S.A. or order to an account at another bank. From day specifies the date of executing the first payment – from this moment on orders will be carried out with the Frequency specified by the User (after obtaining the required authorisation) until To day. After completing the form, click Save, which will take you to the next window enabling to check the correct ness of the entered data. If the data have been entered correctly, just click Send to confirm the transaction. If the user wants to return to the form filled out earlier and incorporate the changes, he should click Can cel. Please note: The order will be carried out after obtaining the authorisation, in accordance with the estab lished rules of authorisation. Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 46 1.10 Assets Assets are divided into two parts: Current accounts, Term deposits. 1.10.1 Current accounts This option allows access to information on the Client’s current accounts at Bank Millennium SA. To obtain information about the balance on accounts, just click List, and in order to check the exact inform ation about the account, click Current accounts – Detailed information. It contains a list with names and numbers of particular accounts. Details of particular transactions on account can also be accessed by clicking Transaction details, or at the end of the line. Please note: Each user has access only to such accounts, which were marked while defining his privileges in the option Administration – List – Accessible accounts (described in chapter: 2.8.2 in part I of the User Instructions). List of Accounts The list presents all the current accounts, which can be accessed by the User presented in the currency of a particular account. The Current balance column informs about the value of funds on the Client’s account, while Available balance shows the value of funds increased by the available credit limit. The balance on particular accounts can be converted to a selected currency at the average rate of Bank Mil lennium S.A. (currencies published the Exchange Rate Table are available). The option used for conversion is: Currency, where you need to select Type from the pop-up list. But this function is used only for inform ative purposes. The selection of the name of account with cursor will take you to the Current accounts – Detailed information page. Accounts – Detailed information The page contains detailed information pertaining to each of the current accounts to which the User has been assigned access. The information pertains to the name of the product, date of opening the account, available funds, name of the owner and data on the history of the transaction. Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 47 The pop-up list with names and numbers enables the selection of the account whose history is looked for by the user. Information on transactions performed on the account can be searched by the date and/or amount of transaction, – use Show filters for this. After selecting this option enter the scope of dates and/or searched transaction amount range, finally click Filter to confirm. Please note: To download several confirmations of an operation from an account in PDF format, tick the chosen selection windows next to the operation and click Download confirmation. In order to obtain the detailed information about a selected transaction, click Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 48 at the end of the line. In the Transaction details, the following information can be found by the user: - Daily transaction number, - Accounting date, - Value date, - Amount, - From what account the money was sent, - To what account the money was sent, - Bank’s name, - Recipient, - Recipient’s address, - Type of operation, - Title of operation. Click Return to go back to the list of operations. To obtain a PDF transaction confirmation click Download confirmation. 1.10.2 Term Deposits The Term deposits option contains information about the deposits held by the User. Access to information can be limited for a given User – in accordance with the privileges defined in the part User – Detailed information – Operations allowed and Accessible accounts. The value of funds on a term deposit account is given in the currency of a given deposit, but it can be converted at the average Bank Millennium SA rate to the selected currency. For conversion the option: Currency is used, where through pulling down the list you can select the type of currency. However, this function is used only for in formative purposes. To view the information about deposits use the options: Term deposits – List – displays the list of all Client-held deposits to which the user was granted access, Term deposits – Detailed information – contains the data of particular deposits enumerated in the List. Term deposits – New deposit – option allowing to set up a deposit. Term deposits – List The list includes the Client’s term deposits at Bank Millennium. The selection of the product name will take you to detailed information about the selected deposit (Term deposits – Detailed information). Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 49 Assets – Term deposits – Detailed information To check the details of a deposit, select from the pop-up list its name and number (8 last digits). Detailed in formation includes: Name of product, Auxiliary account – account to which the deposit amount is returned with due interest after the date of deposit’s maturity; in the case of renewable deposits the number of the linked account is not given, Deposit establishment date, Deposit amount, Date of last renewal, Deposit maturity date, Deposit duration, Type of deposit interest – depending on the Client’s selection: fixed or variable deposit, type of deposit – in accordance with the Client’s decision, information on automatic renewal of the de posit (Renewable) or on one-off nature of the deposit (non-Renewable), Interest Instruction - In the case of a non-Renewable deposit interest shall be transferred to the auxili ary account or capitalised. Next interest payment date Interest period – information on how often interest is to be paid out of the deposit, Interest, Current balance – balance of the deposit including the deposit amount and capitalised interest and addi tional options – Return to List of deposits, Edit and Cancel deposit. Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 50 Assets – Term deposits – Opening Deposits Millenet also allows to set up term deposits in PLN, EUR and USD. The option Assets – Term deposits – New deposit is used for that. In order to set up a term deposit – Lokata Millenet – select the account from which funds will be transferred and then specify the type of deposit, its amount, number of days, specify if this is to be a renewable deposit or not, and if the interest is to be capitalised and click New deposit. The selection of the currency account will cause an automatic opening of a Millenet deposit the appropriate currency. Then the system then will show the screen confirming the entered data and also the interest on the selected deposit. Clicking Send will cause the automatic opening of the deposit or question about authorisation – in accord ance with the defined Authorisation Rule. Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 51 Cancelling Deposits Millenet enables the cancellation of Millenet Deposits opened via Internet. This function is available in the option Assets – Term deposits – Detailed information. To cancel a deposit click on the Cancel depos it option, on the right-hand side of the bottom of the screen with detailed information on the deposit. Then the User will receive the system message with information about the possibility of the Bank’s collecting of a handling fee. Moreover, on screen it is possible to select the account to which funds will be sent from the cancelled deposit and then again select Cancel deposit. The cancellation of the deposit will be confirmed by the system message. Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 52 1.11 Liabilities By selecting this option the user obtains access to information on the Client’s credit accounts and granted guarantees and opened letters of credit. In Liabilities the following items are available: Renewable loans, Guarantees and letters of credit, Investment loans, Revolving loans. 1.11.1 Liabilities – Investment loans / Revolving loans By means of this option the User may display information about the loans which were granted by Bank Mil lennium SA. The selection of the option Liabilities – Investment loans – List or Liabilities - Revolving loans – List enables access to the list of loans, which contains the following information: name, number of account, current balance, expiry date. The selection of the option Liabilities - Investment loans / Revolving loans – Detailed information will take you to details pertaining to the loan. In the case of an investment loan the user obtains the follow ing information: Name of product, Number of account, Account currency, Date of first disbursement, Amount of first disbursement, Requested amount, Expiry date, Date of first repayment, Date of next repayment, Current balance, Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 53 Current interest, Linked account. 1.11.2 Liabilities – Renewable Loan In the case of selecting the option Liabilities – Renewable loans – List the user is shown the following information: Name, Number of account, Balance, Available funds. If the user selects the option Liabilities – Renewable loans – Detailed information he will ob tain information about: Name of account and product name, Currency in which the account is run, Available balance, Current balance, Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 54 Current interest, Holder, Full number of account, Debt limit, Total available funds, Date of expiry, Date of opening, Transactions on account. The option Liabilities - Investment loans / Revolving loans – Repayment schedule presents: dates of payment of loan instalments, repayment instalment in loan currency, principal instalment in loan currency, interest instalment in loan currency, credit account balance, delay. 1.11.3 Liabilities – Guarantees and Letters of credit If the Client has guarantees or open letters of credit granted by Bank Millennium, this part can be employed by the User to check the basic data on their subject. Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 55 The option Liabilities – Guarantees and Letters of credit contains the list of guarantees or letters of credit with information about the name of account, total value, utilised amount and date of expiry. The amount of granted guarantee / open letter of credit is given as a standard in the currency of the account. It is possible to convert the balance into some currencies at the average Bank Millennium SA rate, using the Currency option 1.12 Payment Cards – Viewing Accounts The Cards option allows you to check information about the payment cards of the Clients of Bank Millenni um SA. Millenet supports the following cards: Debit cards – linked to the source account (current account). Transactions carried out by the Client with these cards are directly mirrored on the account (the cards do not have separate accounts for their exclusive transaction histories), Charge Cards – having a transaction limit (like credit cards). Repaid in full (100%) at the end of each set tlement period – usually once a month. For charge cards you can see lists of transactions performed with such cards (each card has its own list). 1.12.1 Cards - List In the option Cards – List you can see the name, card number, used Limit amount and available limit. Only active cards can be seen in this option. Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 56 1.12.2 Cards – Detailed information Click Cards or to go to the page Cards – Detailed information, containing data on cards and (in the case of charge cards) access to transaction history. In the case of charge cards you can see the following information: Name of product, Card number, Name and surname of the Cardholder, Utilised loan amount, Available credit limit, Granted credit limit, Next payment date, Selected level of standing payment, Next payment amount, Minimum payment amount, Linked account, Daily limit of cash-free transactions, Daily Limit of ATM withdrawals, Valid from, Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 57 Expires on, Authorised amount and access to transaction history. For Debit Cards the following are given: Name of product, Card number, Name and surname of the Cardholder, Linked account, Daily limit of cash-free transactions, Daily limit of ATM withdrawals, Valid from Expires on Access to information about transactions from Accounts – Detailed information. 1.12.3 Cards – Activation This option enables the activation of debit and charge cards through Millenet. To activate a card just click Cards – Activation. Next, from the list of inactive cards on screen select the card which is to be activated and click Activate. A window will then appear confirming Card Activation. Click Accept to finish. Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 58 The successful execution of an operation will be confirmed with the message. 1.13 Upcoming Payments This part contains the list of planned payments along with the amount, date and information, from which ac count a given payment is withdrawn by the system and in what amount. Upcoming payments include: stand ing orders, ordered transfers with future date, foreign transfers, loan instalments, payment card debits. The user may click at the end of the line to obtain detailed information. Only upcoming standing orders can be revoked by means of Remove or modified by means of Edit. The user may quickly return to the list of upcoming Payments clicking on Return to List. The option Show filters enables to choose the period for which the data will be displayed. Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 59 1.14 Statements/Reports The Statements/Reports option enables to define and download statements in electronic form for ac counts in the daily, weekly, biweekly and monthly mode and download combined statements which were defined in the Bank’s branch. This option also enables to download reports of the Automatic Identification of Incoming Payments. In the option Statements/Reports the following items are available: - Online statements, - AIPP reports 1.14.1 Online statements Online statements – List If the user has access to this function, but has not as yet defined online statements, he sees the following screen In order to define Online statements, click Define. If the user has already defined Online statements, he can see a screen with the defined statements for downloading. For an example of such screen see below: Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 60 From the above screen PDF statements can be downloaded. Further links (Date in format: RRRRMMDD MMDD, where RRRRMMDD denotes the year and the day of start of the statement, while MMDD is the last day of the statement) under account numbers will take you to appropriate statements. Click Change of definition to change the existing definition of statements. Select appropriate tabs to move to the list with online statements: daily, weekly, biweekly, monthly or combined. Please note! ESOBIG clients who receive electronic statements will have their previously defined ESOBIG statements available from the Millenet list of statements. Online statements – Define/Edit The user can click Online statements – Define/Edit to define new electronic statements or amend the previously entered definition of statements. To add a new type of statement to the account tick the selection field under the appropriate statement frequency, i.e. under the column: daily, weekly, biweekly and/or monthly. Link Select enables the selection of the whole column of the statements with a given frequency. Click Select all to select all the statements of the account with every frequency, and Clear all, if you want to automatically deselect them. Press Save to save the changes Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 61 Next, the confirming screen appears. If the data agree with the proposed changes, click Accept, otherwise Return. The clicking on Accept will take you to the screen informing about the acceptance of the operation for execution: Please note! Daily Online statement: - is available from downloading on the next day. Weekly Online statement: - covers a 7-day cycle: from Tuesday to Monday - available always on Tuesday The first monthly online statement will be generated on the next Tuesday for the period from the day of the definition until Monday, and may be a statement for an incomplete week, the next statements will cover the cycle of 7-days; from Tuesday until Monday. Biweekly Online statement: - covers a 14 day cycle starting always on Tuesday, - available always on Tuesday every two weeks. The first bi-weekly online statement will cover the period from the day of definition to the second Monday inclusive and this can be a statement for an incomplete two weeks. The next statements will cover a 14-day cycle always starting on Tuesday. Monthly Online statement: - will always cover the period from the first to the last day of the month - available on the first day of the month. Combined statements Millenet also enables the providing of combined on-line statements. To download such statements navigate to the Combined statements tab and tick the selection field next to the account in the Combines State ment column, and then press Save. Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 62 Next the confirming screen appears and if the data are correct, select Accept. Otherwise, select Return. Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 63 The correct execution of operations will be confirmed by showing the appropriate message: Please note! After performing the registration of the combined statement paper statements will be replaced with statements in PDF format. These will be available in Millenet at the beginning of each month. The first combined online statement can be received in a month in which the registration was performed (i.e. if the registration was performed in July, then the first statement for July will be available at the beginning of August). In the case of defining online statements, the existing statements printed at the branch or re ceived by post will still be received in the same way. To discontinue them, contact the branch or the relationship manager. If you have never used combined statements before, they will be available in Millenet when they have been defined by the Branch Employee or Relationship Manager. If you have electronic statements in the ESOBIG system, in case of changing the definition in Mil lenet, this change will also be employed in the ESOBIG system. 1.14.2 Periodic Reports Enterprises using the Automatic Identification of Incoming Payments have now access to electronic reports containing the lists of all transactions covered by this service in the option Periodic Reports. In order to download the AIPP report, select the number of the account and date of report and then click Download. Then save the report on disk. 1.14.3 Reports on Demand In this option it is possible to prepare reports from the history of transactions from selected accounts and charge and credit card accounts. For this it is enough: to select the required account from the list, specify the file format in which the user wishes to save the data – the following formats are to be chosen from: XLS, HTML, PDF, CSV, MT940, CDT and ESOBIG, Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 64 specify the period for which the format is to prepared, select Download. 1.15 Collective Transfers The selection of the option Collective transfers – List allows to obtain information only on the subject of files imported to the system added as of a specific date after selecting the option „Block orders for editing after import””. Please note! The list does not present files for which the option: „Block orders for editing after import” was not selected in the import process. The presented data on files contain: Name of file, Date of import (adding), Date of authorisation, Number of transfers in the file, Total amount of file, Highest amount of an individual transfer, Current status of the file. Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 65 The selection of a correct file will allow to display Detailed information about a given file. When presented on the Collective transfers list they can have the following statuses: Processing – file is still being transferred to the main system, Validated – file with transfers fully added to the main system, validated by the Bank’s system in terms of data correctness; Being processed – file transferred for execution – the File authorisation date is displayed – transfers are under execution. Processed – Collective transfers have been executed and booked on source accounts. Error – an error occurred when adding the file with collective transfers to the main system. Rejected – the status of all transfers in the file is „Rejected” or the file was removed on the User’s demand. There is a possibility of viewing the content of the file prior to authorising its execution. Please note! It is possible that the list of collective transfers does not yet show the file being imported or the number of transfers presented on the list does not correspond to the expected number of transfers, which were added to the system under a given file. Such situation is possible in two cases: Millenet adds the content of a file with collective transfers to the main system in the so-called asynchronous mode. The purpose of this process is to guarantee adding a file containing even a very big number of transfers – the system allows to add a file containing 6 000 – 6 500 transfers. Therefore the adding of a file to the main system may take even up to several minutes. During such time the file will have the status „Under Processing”. A file with transfers contains the template error in one of the transfers – the system will then im port all the transfers preceding the errors and then will interrupt importing. Possible statuses: Not Validated – file accepted by the banking system or file containing wrong records Validated – file with transfers validated by the Bank’s system in terms of data correctness; Entered – files with transfers after authorisation, to be executed with a future date. Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 66 The selection of at the end of each line will take you to detailed information containing additional inform ation such as: name of file, source, date of creation, date of modification, date of processing, status, list of transfers and total amount (sum of sent transfers). The file with transfers can be validated by the user by means of Check (it appears when the file has the Not Validated status) or Authorise (it appears when the status is Validated). Moreover, the file can be removed with Remove, after which you can press Re turn. After adding a file with transfers the User may download a report in three formats: CSV (Comma Separated Values), XLS (Excel), CDT (text format with separators), in order to check the content of the file. The report contains: Number of source account, Value date, Amount of transfer, Number of credited account, Name of beneficiary, Details of payment, Status of transfer, Status description, Date of status. For each file (folder) the amount of the highest transfer is given. With respect to Authorisation rules for „Transfers outside the company assets” this value will cause the requirement of an appropriate number of signatures. Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 67 Please note! The amount of the highest transaction in a batch determines the combinations of signatures ne cessary to send the file for execution based on the Authorisation rule. Millenet controls the values of individual transfers supplied in the file, and the rule defined in Transfers outside the Company assets has access to the process of authorising the whole file with transfers just like for individual transactions carried out under the option Payments Domestic. The system controls access privileges to accounts defined for the User at the time adding the file. If a file contains orders from accounts to which the User has no access the file will not be imported. The possibility of adding a file with transfers is Client-defined as one of the available options in the system. To see the file’s details download the report in formats: CSV, XLS and CDT. The carrying out of further operations e.g. authorising, signing orders in the file (folder) or the whole folder with orders is possible in Orders management. It was described in chapter 1.6.1. Draft orders. After sending the file for execution it is possible to download the report containing information about the status of each transfer. See below for an example of a report after performing a collective transfer in XLS format: The list of statuses for particular transfers is transferred in files: NV – Not yet validated by the Bank, VD – Validated by the Bank – correct, not yet transferred for execution, BL – Unexpected error in the transfer, PR – Being processed, OK – Executed correctly, OD – Rejected by the Bank during execution (description of error contains the reason for rejec tion, e.g.: insufficient funds on the source account). Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 68 1.15.1 Collective transfers – Load file Option: Collective transfers – Load file. The description of this function is contained in chapter: 1.8.7. Import file. 1.16 Recipients Millenet enables the creation of an own list of recipients, if the Company makes payments to the same recip ients. Data once entered will be remembered and each user will be able to use them for transfers or defining standing orders. At any moment the Recipient’s data can be modified by Users with suitable privileges. In the option Recipients there is a possibility of selecting one of the three functions: List –shows the list of all the defined recipients according by the short name Detailed information – shows data of particu lar recipients with the possibility of their editing or removing New Recipient – enables entering new recipi ents to the data system 1.16.1 Recipients - List The Recipients - List option displays the list of all the defined recipients of transfers ordered according the Short name assigned by the User, as well as the Full name and Recipient’s address (street): Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 69 Clicking the short name of recipient or selection of will take you to the page with detailed information (Recipients – Detailed information), where it is possible to edit (Edit) or remove (Remove) Recipi ents. Clicking New Recipient will take you to the page Recipients - New Recipient, where it will be possible to enter the data of a new Recipient to Millenet (details in item 1.16.3 Recipients - New Recipient). Ticking the window next to Recipient (Recipients) enables his (their) removal directly from the current screen by selecting the option Remove or his (their) exporting to a text file (txt) by clicking Export file. Please note! Only domestic recipients can be exported to text files. Import file enables you to import the list of recipients to Millenet from an external text file: After clicking Select file to select the file for import and clicking Add file the system informs about the found records with Recipients. Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 70 If there are no Recipients yet in Millenet the message will be displayed: If a particular Recipient (Recipients) already exist in the system, for each of them a selection option will be displayed (for each of them separately or jointly for all): Skip (the recipient shall not be saved in the system) Update (the data of the recipient saved in the system will be updated) Create New (the recipient will be saved in the system) Having made your selection, press OK. Then after meeting the Authorisation rules the correct import of a file will be confirmed with a message: Click Start to move to the Millenet starting page. 1.16.2 Recipients - Detailed information The option Recipients - Detailed information causes the display of detailed information on the recipients earlier signed in the system and also enables their editing or removal. To this end from the pop-up list select the shortname of the specific Recipient and then the following will be displayed: In the case of a domestic recipient: Full name Recipient’s address (street) Postal code, Town Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 71 Recipient’s account Title of transfer In the case of a Foreign Recipient: Short Name Full Name Recipient’s address (street) Postal code, town Country Recipient’s account Bank’s name Counterparty’s bank SWIFT Bank address Beneficiary bank’s country Title of transfer In order to perform editing select Edit, after which a new window will be displayed in which it will be pos sible to make changes in a given Recipient in the same manner as in the case of saving a new Recipient in the system (details in item 1.16.3 Recipients - New Recipient). Please note! The editing of the recipients’ data requires the authorisation of other Users in accordance with the defined authorisation rules. Click Remove to remove the Recipient - after confirmation the message will appear that the operation has been carried out. 1.16.3 Recipients - New Recipient The option Recipients - New Recipient enables to define new transfer recipients (domestic and foreign). For this purpose select Domestic Recipient or Foreign Recipient: Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 72 Depending on your selection, please complete the fields: In the case of a Domestic Recipient: Short name Full name Recipient’s address (street) Postal code, Town Recipient’s account Title of transfer Please note! In the case of a Recipient’s account at Bank Millennium it is enough to enter in the appropri ate field, just complete only 10 last digits of the account number. In the case of a Foreign recipient: Short name Full name Recipient’s address (street) Postal code, Town Number of account Country Bank’s name Counterparty’s bank SWIFT Bank Address Beneficiary Bank’s Coun try Title of transfer After introducing the above data, click Save. A new window will appear in which (in the case of a domestic recipient) apart from the data introduced earlier the Recipient’s bank Branch name will also be displayed. One should check the correctness of data and if they require correction, return to the earlier completed form by clicking Cancel and incorporate the changes. If the data have been entered correctly, confirm the trans action by selecting OK. After meeting the appropriate Authorisation rules the window will appear confirming the correct conducting of operations: Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 73 1.17 Administration 1.17.1 Granting Access to Operations and Accounts The management of User privileges in Millenet is possible through the option Administration. By selecting User list, you can obtain information on all the defined Users. The list contains: Login, name and surname, assigned Profile (A, B or C) and information if the User has an Internet Certificate (active access to the sys tem). The management of privileges covers: creation, modification and removing Users, change, granting and withdrawal of access to accounts and operation categories. Clicking on at the end of each line allows to obtain detailed information on each User. Detailed information consists of three parts: User data – contain a set of information allowing to identify the User and his Profile. Select from the menu – to move to data about the next Users. Select Remove or Edit to respectively remove the User from the System or modify his data – such as change of Profile or change of the User Password. The lower part of the window presents the data pertaining to the Internet Certificates possessed by the User. Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 74 Operations allowed – contain information on operations the access to which was assigned to a selected User. Operations are divided into groups. In part of them there is a detailed division which can be seen by select ing „+” next to the field. When the User has access to all operations in a given category – the inside of the field next to the category name is marked grey. If the User has access only to selected operations in a given category – the field is marked with a grey frame. Clicking Edit enables a change of settings given to the user by the User authorised thereto. Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 75 Accessible accounts – contain information on all the accounts to which a given User has access. The User can be specified by selecting the User ID. Click Administration – Registered certificates to access information on the User’s Internet Certificate. Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 76 In order to download an Internet Certificate, click Administration – Download certificate. Further procedures are described in chapter: 2.2.1 in part I of the User Instructions. 1.17.2 Adding New Users See chapter: 2.7 in part one of the User Instructions. 1.17.3 Change of User Privileges See chapter: 2.8 in part one of the User Instructions. Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 77 1.17.4 Authorisation Rules The option Authorisation rules enables the Client to establish principles according to which it is possible to authorise transactions by the Users of the system. The rules are defined in PLN, for each of the indicated transaction types: Transfers outside company assets – ones which result in changing the general state of the Client’s as sets at the Bank, they also pertain to standing orders and collective transfers; ZUS 3 in 1 Transfer – transfers to the Social Insurance Authority; Transfers between Company assets – they do not change the sum of assets, but only transfer of funds between accounts; Term deposits – rules of establishing and cancelling deposits; For each of the above transactions it is possible to mirror the signatures at the Client’s through defining combinations of various Profiles of Users who will participate in the process of executing transactions for various amount ranges. The maximum amount for a given type of transaction can be defined through Millen et. In practice this means that the user who has access to the account with a specific Profile can conduct the operation under a given amount range, while another user or users can authorise it. The user introducing the operation is recognised as the first authorising person and only he can revoke the operation. Authorisation rules can also be employed when defining: Authorisation rules – the option allows to modify the established principles of authorisations. Internet certificates – this option enables the activation or deactivation of the Internet Certificate for the selected User, Users – option granting authorisations to adding new Users, assigning/changing the privileges held by them and changing their Passwords, Recipients – option enabling adding, modification of data and removing the Client’s counterparties, For each of the above operations it is possible to define at the most three combinations of signatures (au thorisations). In order to carry out the transaction what is required is no more than three persons participat ing in this process, i.e.: One user who introduces and simultaneously authorises it, Two Users – one of the Users enters the operation, and the second User authorises it, Three Users – one of the Users enters the operation, the second and third User authorises it. Each User has one of the Profiles assigned: A, B or C. Profile C has the lowest privileges, Profile B – higher, and A – the highest, and the User with Profile B can replace the User with Profile C, while the User having Profile A may replace the Users with Profile B or C. The User’s privileges do not depend only on the profile granted to him, but also on the privileges granted to him under particular options in Millenet – access is defined in the option Administration – Detailed information - Operations allowed. To move to the window enabling defining or change Authorisation rules, click Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 78 at the end of each line. See also in chapter: 2.9 in part I of the User Instructions. Please note! Remember that in order to successfully execute a modification you need to confirm the change with an sms password sent to the mobile phone. The confirmation is made in accordance with the previously defined Client authorisation rules. Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 79 1.17.5 Order a Certificate Password Millenet for Companies allows to download and install an Internet Certificate with the use of SMS P@ss words. See chapter: 2.2.1. Using the System in part I of the User Instructions. Clients who decide to remain with the earlier approval of the operation may order a new Passwords for downloading Certificates in Millenet by using the option: Administration - Order a Certificate Pass word. Please note: It is possible to execute this operation on condition that the Password is not blocked or at least one operation of downloading a Certificate with the current Password is available. The ordering of a new Certificate Password will cause the blocking of the currently used Certificate Password. The new Certi ficate Password will be supplied to the designated person for its correspondence address. On screen enter signs from the certificate downloading password, then click Send. A successful execution of the operation will be confirmed with the following message: Please note! Three wrong, consecutive attempted entries of the same three characters will cause the blocking of the Certificate Password. Please note! The ordering of the next Certificate Password through Millenet will cause its blocking (even in the cases when there are still available download attempts), therefore we suggest the ordering of a new Certificate Password by the last available attempt. 1.18 Other Services This option enables the ordering of a statement duplicate, confirming the performance of the operation on the account and checking the exchange rates at Bank Millennium. 1.18.1 Exchange rates This option enables access to current exchange rates at Bank Millennium. 1.18.2 Transaction history When you order the confirmation of operation execution on account provide information about the giv en operation, available on the Transaction details page: number of source account, transaction date (year, month, day), daily transaction number. Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 80 The daily transaction number should be validated by the option Assets – Current accounts – List by se lecting the account from which the transaction was performed. After moving to the page with details per taining to this account one should find the appropriate transaction description and click on it. The page with transaction details includes the Daily transaction number. To order a statement duplicate: select the type of statement (daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, monthly combined), select the month select the year for which the statement is to be generated. We approve the entered data and send the order by pressing Send. Ordered documents shall be sent by e-mail. Please note! The operation of ordering documents is payable according to the Current Price List. 1.18.3 Transaction history See chapter: Reports on Demand Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 81 2 Ending a Session in the Millenet Internet Banking Sys tem. To end a Millenet session, click Logout from the upper horizontal menu And then close the browser. Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 82 3 Frequently Asked Questions 3.1 Who is the Millenet Internet banking system intended for? Access to company accounts through the Millenet Internet banking system is available to all entrepreneurs, institutions, enterprises, corporations and companies holding current accounts at Bank Millennium. 3.2 How to get access to a corporate account through Millenet? To get access to the Millenet internet banking system contact your Relationship Manager or visit any Bank Branch and fill out the Application1 for Electronic Banking Channels. Moreover, each new Client should provide: Personal data of all the users who will have access to the Millenet system (a xerox copy of the iden tity document of each of the users is additionally required), Scope of privileges of particular employees, Accounts to which they will have access, Authorisation rules depending on types and amounts of transactions which will apply to operation approvals (e.g. transactions of sending transfers or managing privileges in the system). After having verified the completeness and correctness of the Client’s data each of the users will receive en velopes with passwords for logging in for all the users. The passwords are not active until the Client’s activa tion by the Bank. The number of the new MilleKod and possibility of access to Millenet shall be communicated to the client by the Bank. Having received MilleKod you will be able to perform the first logging in the system (activation). But access to information about accounts and transactions shall only be possible after downloading the certificate. 3.3 What is the Internet Certificate for? The Internet Certificate is installed in the user’s computer and is used for identifying the Client when logging on to the Millenet system. For any transaction to be carried out in Millenet the Internet Certificate must be installed by each user. 3.4 How to download and install the Internet Certificate? Millenet provides the downloading and installation of the Internet Certificate through the option Adminis tration – Download certificate with the use of SMS P@sswords (or a Certificate Download Code for Cli ents who will prefer to continue with this type of operation confirmation) 3.5 How can you add new Users within the Client (Company)? Millenet does not restrict the number of Users who have access to the Client’s account. When signing the Agreement the Client defines the number of users who have access to the system. Further users can be added directly in Millenet by the already active Users who have the privileges to do so (the authorisations can be validated in the option Administration – User list - Operations allowed. The data of a new User are entered in the option Administration – New user, and then require authorisa tion in the accordance with the Authorisation rules defined for this type of operations. For the user to have authorisation privileges an application needs to be supplied to the Bank in a hard copy. 11 Hereinfrom called „Application” 3.6 How can privileges be granted to new Users? Privileges to new users shall be granted by a user who is already active and has privileges thereto. The priv ileges are granted in the Administration – User details option. Here the User data are supplemented (among other Profile), then you Select from list Operations allowed (ones which the user will be able to carry out in the system) and Accessible accounts (only some of them will be accessible in the system to the user). For the user to have authorisation privileges the application needs to be supplied to the Bank in a hard copy. 3.7 How can the User’s access to Millenet be revoked? In order to revoke a User’s access to Millenet click his data in the Administration – User List option and after moving to the page with details, click Remove. Then this operation should be confirmed in accordance with the Authorisation rules valid for this type of op erations. 3.8 How can you change the User password? In order to change your own Password enter the Profile tab in the horizontal menu, then Password man ager and perform the change there. In the option Profile – Security settings you can set the frequency of the Password change reminders (in days). The system will show the reminder in the logging process. The default setting is seven days – you can reset it maximally to 60 days. 3.9 What to do if the User forgets or blocks his Password? The Password can be changed (and thus access to the system restored) by another User with active access to the system and privileges for the operation: password recovery. On the page Administration – User list click the data of the User whose Password is to be changed. After moving to the page with details, se lect Edit – then the Password field appears allowing to enter a new Password. A change of the Password must be confirmed in accordance with the Authorisation rules. On the User’s first logging with the new Password the system will automatically enforce its change, so that it is known to this particular user only. If the system has no other active User or when the Authorisation rules are not fulfilled, the new Password (in a secure envelope) can collected at the Bank’s branch or from the Relationship Manager. 3.10 Can the time out settings in the Millenet system be changed? Any longer interruption in the work of Millenet can result in the automatic logging out of the system upon the lapse of the maximum time out period. The time out duration can be changed in the horizontal menu in Profile – Security settings by selecting: „High”, „Medium”, „Low” or by entering one’s own preferred value in minutes (the maximum timeout in the system is 15 minutes). 3.11 For what types of transactions can you create your own (custom ised) Authorisation rules? Authorisation rules can apply on condition that at least two Users have access to Millenet. Authorisation rules can be defined by the Client for the following types of operations carried out in Millenet: Ordering transfers outside the company’s assets, Ordering 3 in 1 ZUS transfers, Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 84 Ordering transfers within the company’s assets, Opening and closing term deposits, Adding and editing of recipients’ data, Adding and editing of Millenet new users’ data, adding and removing Internet Certificates for particular Users, Change of Authorisation rules. Please note: No Authorisation rules should be defined for three Users, if the system has only two or one User. 3.12 What Bank and account data should be on a foreign transfer sent to the account holder at Bank Millennium? When ordering the transfer from abroad to an account at Bank Millennium the following data should be provided: Address of the Bank: Bank Millennium S.A. ul. Stanisława Żaryna 2A 02-593 Warszawa SWIFT CODE: BIGBPLPW, Number of account: XX1160220200000000XXXXXXXX. The full number of account should be given consisting of 26 digits (the full number of the account is avail able from Millenet, in detailed information on the account). At the same time the person who will be transferring funds to a specific account holder is required to provide on the transfer detailed data relating to the Recipient’s name and surname, his/her place of resid ence and title of operation, in accordance with the Foreign Exchange Law. 3.13 Can you add your own base of recipients to the Millenet base of re cipients? To the Millenet base of Recipients you can add your own base of recipients in the text format (txt) To do so click Recipients – List and then Add File. A base of recipients created in Millenet can also be saved to your own computer disk – click Download to do so. 3.14 Where can you check the daily transaction number needed to order the confirmation of the execution of an operation on the account? The daily transaction number can be validated with the option Assets – Current accounts – List by choosing the account from which the transaction was performed. After navigating to the page with the ac count’s details, find the correct transaction description and click it. The page with transaction details contains the Daily transaction number. You need this number and the posting date to order a transaction performance confirmation. 3.15 3.15. What number can you call if you have problems using Millenet? Please call: 0 801 632 632 or 22 598 40 31 Monday to Friday 8.00 –18.00. Cost of call as per current Price List for Connections and Services of Telekomunikacja Polska SA. Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 85 3.16 What are SMS P@sswords and when do we use them?? SMS P@sswords are one-time codes texted to a mobile phone. SMS P@sswords are used to approve opera tions in the Millenet for Companies online banking system. SMS P@sswords are superseding the current sys tem of approving operations by means of a Certificate Download Password. 3.17 How can the user submit a transaction with less clicks? To quickly send a payment order after filling out an appropriate form click Authorise and send. If the user has sufficient privileges, the payment will be immediately sent to the Bank for execution and will appear in the option: Orders management - Sent orders. Otherwise it will await further signatures and sending in the option: Orders management - Authorisation and sending orders. Please note! The status of any order sent for execution should be validated in the Orders management Sent orders option. 3.18 Where should one check the status of the order after its sending? After sending an order for execution (by clicking Send or Authorise and send), check the status of the order in the option: Orders management - Sent Orders. 3.19 When can the user be sure that the transfer has been successful? Only the Executed status is a confirmation that the transfer has actually been sent to the counterparty’s ac count. 3.20 What file formats are allowed for importing payment files to Mille net? The Client can import to Millenet files with domestic payments in formats: Elixir O, VideoTEL, MTMS Citi Direct, TransBank, postal transfers in formats: MTMS CitiDirect, Elixir O and foreign payments in formats: SWIFT MT103, VideoTEL and MTMS CitiDirect. 3.21 Where are further actions performed on imported orders? Imported orders are available for further actions in the option: Orders management - Draft orders. 3.22 Where can one correct an erroneous order imported with the op tion of edit after import selected? Orders recognised by the system as erroneous can be corrected in the option Orders management Draft orders, where the details of each of them present error messages next to appropriate fields. 3.23 Which orders are visible in the option: Orders management – Sent Orders? The list presents orders sent to the Bank with the latest status of their execution. The statuses of orders grouped into folders can be seen in the detailed view of the folder. The following order statuses are allowed: Pending processing – order waiting in queue for execution, Being processed – the order is being processed and awaits the closure of the settlement session, Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 86 Future date of execution –order was accepted and awaits execution, Executed – order was executed, Rejected – order was not executed, Aborted – order with future execution date withdrawn from execution on the Client’s demand. Awaits Replenishment – This status means that the orders will not be executable immediately due to insufficient funds on account. They will await credit which will enable their execution. Please note! Only the Executed status is a confirmation that the transfer has indeed been sent to the counterparty’s account. 3.24 What kinds of orders can be authorised in the option: Authorisa tion – Pending authorisations? In the option: Authorisations – Pending authorisations only non-financial operations are authorised (e.g. change of Authorisation rules, change of User privileges) and operations connected with standing or ders and term deposits. 3.25 Where can payment orders be authorised? Payments orders can be authorised in the option: Orders management – Draft orders or Authorisa tion and sending orders. 3.26 What purpose is the option: Orders management – Draft orders dedicated for? Draft orders is the place for storing all the orders and folders prepared for sending to the Bank created in dividually in Millenet or as a result of importing orders from files. 3.27 What kinds of orders are in the option: Orders management – Au thorise and sending? The option Orders management – Authorisation and sending orders presents the following orders: - authorisation required, - authorisation refusal, - fully authorised and awaiting sending to the Bank. 3.28 How to filter orders with a given status in Orders management? If you want to see on screen in the option Authorise and sending only orders with a specific status (e.g. Authorisation Required), click on the link Show filters, select the desired orders status and press Filter to approve. 3.29 How can the user fast define an order with the same content? To resubmit an order with the same data, just copy selected orders or folders with orders by means of the action: Copy as draft. For any questions or doubts please contact the Bank at no 0 801 632 632 or + 48 22 598 40 31 or possibly directly the Relationship Manager. Bankowość internetowa dla Przedsiębiorstw/ Instrukcja Użytkownika Strona 87