objegtives - The Chapel at Tinkers Creek


objegtives - The Chapel at Tinkers Creek
* be able to locate the account ofJesus' blflh
in Lukei
Peopleln Blble times walted wlth antlclpatlon for
the coming of the Sa\dor.During Advent. we walt
and prepareto celebratethe blrth of the promised
Sa\..ior.Jesus. The coming ofJesus is the gtft of
Chdstmas, somethingwe can rememberand
celebrateall year.
* hear and be able to tell the biblical story of
Children v"'lll
* prepare to celebrate the birth ofJesusi
* hear that Old Testament prophets foretold
the coming of the Messiah;
* hear that as Christians. we belleve that
Jesus is that Messiah:
* recognize Advent as the name of a speclal
tlme in the church yeari
I discoverwhat lt means to say that God ls
with us.
Photocopythese sectionsfor ALL your volunteeBl
* Main ldea; Objectives(page3)
* Bible Story (page4)
* Bible Background (page5)
* Check Your Facts (page6]
* ShepherdTips (page8)
* hear that as Christians. we recognte Jesus
as Cod s Etrealeslgifl lo all people:
to E tblch€E
Pcnnlsslon (mred
ro phoreopy
for shglc leal
chu.ch use. O 2004 Abtngdon Pres.
The Old Testament prophet states that Bethlehem, one of the
smallest cities in Judah. will be the birthplace of a
Areat ruler of
Cod s people.A young woman will give bin h ro c soi who will trnire
God's people alrd bfing peace.
In those days, Emperor Augustus ordered a census to be taken of all
the people in the Roman Empire. According to tradition. each man
returned to the town of origin of his family or clan. As a descendent
of David. Joseph went from Nazareth to Bethlehem to be reAistered,
since BcLhlehemwas rhe birthplace of Dayid. Joscph took Mary, ro
whom he was engaged, with him. Mary was pregnint and due io give
birth at any time.
When they arrived in Bethlehem. Mary gave birth to a son. She
\i/rapped the baby in swaddling cloths as was the custom, ancl laid
him in a feeding Lrough because there was no room for them in the
Nearby, shepherds were watching their flocks of sheep that ni{ht.
when rhe sky was filled with tho light of thc l,or.l aDd an ancel
The angel said. Do not be afrald: lor see_l bring good nervs ofgreat
joy tbr all lhe pcople; to you is born this day in thc city of
Davij a
S a v i o r .w l l o i s t h c M e s s i f l h l.h c t _ o r d { L u k c 2 : 1 0 _ u J .
The angel told thc shepherds to go and look lor a babv who was
wral)ped in swaddlin{ clothes and lyit|l.jin ir rnan{cr. ih. .Lu ruu"
lhen full of angels sinqtng prcises to God.
The shepherds leli their flocks in the lleld and weDt in scarch ol.the
c,hild. They found Mary and Joseph and the baby in the manger.
When they saw them, they went and told all who would listeri. arnd
people were amazed by what the shepherds said.
Mary kept these memories and thoughts in her heart. The sheplterds
tien came back praising cod and offering glory for all they had seen
arlcl heard.
Eight days later, the baby was circumcised and given the name
Jesus. lhF name qiven ro him by a]r|angel bclbrihc was born.
g@ted to phol.copv for sligrc locar church use. o 200,r lbrnedon prcss pry.rxp.s.ro
Brbl. Etp.d.
The story ofJesus birth is a story remembered and celebrated every
year in the life of the church. Almost all of us have a \.ivid memory
that comes to mind when we heal the Bible Verse for the lesson: To
you is born this day in the city of David a Savior. who is the
Messiah, the tnrd (Luke 2: I l).
Whether it is a memory of a child in a pageant. a Christmas Eve
service, a parent reading the slory around a lire, or Linus fiom the
video A Charl.,gBro&rn Christm.rs. those words have the power to take
us back to memories ol Christmas days long ago.
The Journey to Bcthlchem has many roads. The path of a young
couple, going about the tasks of their lives. awaiting the birth of a
llrst child winds through the hills and valleys on the weeklong trek
from Nazareth to a simple birth in Bethlehem. The hurried sprint of
shepherds still reeling from the sight of angels filling the sky finds its
cnd beside a manger whcre the new baby has been laicl. The later
travels of scholarly nrincls from the East fincl a small toddler growing
in the streets of this small lown. The words of Ol(l Testament
prophets wind their w.ry across parchmcnl and scrolls to spring to
lile in the mangcr.
is no one single journcy [o l3ethlehem: there
aue many journeys along many roads.
Each year, millions o[ us prepare our hea s and nrinds to take the
journey back into the story oI the birth ofJesus. God with us here
on Earth.
It is a journey to a smarll town. with humble people.
It is a journey to flnd .r poor family away lrom home.
It is a journey to scc a ncwly born baby. wrappcd in swaddling
cloths. lying in a manger.
It is a journey to the tin]e when God, the all powerful, Creator of all,
the great I Am, becane onc of us.
While there is rnuch in the history of Lhe story to be discussed and
debated. the details of the Christmas story are not what keep us
coming back year after year. The reason we journey to Bethlehem
every year during the season ol Advent is to remember the heart ol
the story: The Messiah, our Savior and God's Son, Jesus was born!
The greatest story evcr told began with the simplest beginning ever
The anticipation of the young couple
The joy of the new mother
The excilemenl of tlrc shepherds
The promise of the prophets
The image of a baby who brings peace to us all
Pcrnissrong.antedto prroto.opyro'srngrer,xrr.hnrch use,o 200.rAbrngdonPress
These are the parts of the story that sweep us away and carry us
along the road to Bethlehem year alter year.
Come as we follow the shepherds to the side of the manger. Join the
Journev to Bethlehem once again!
l:l Micah predictedthat the Messiahwould come lrom Bethlehemin
Micah 5:2.
tr The Bible says that the Messiah would come from the line of
Marjr and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem to register in a Roman
Nazarethto Bethlehemis more than seventymiles, a four to
five-dayjourney over rough tenain. Since Mary was nine months
pregnant, it probably took more than a week to walk.
:t Mary might have ridden part of the way on an animal, but the
Bible makes no mention of one. Since Mary and Joseph were poor,
Mary most likely walked lrom Nazarethto Bethlehem.
:l Baby Jesus was born soon after Mary and Joseph aFived in
Mary wrappedJesus in yards of swaddlingcloths as was the
custom for babies at that time.
tJ Somecultures still swaddlenewborn babies.
Permisston gtuled
The Bible says Mary placedJesus in a manger.a leedingtrough
lor animals.
The Bible does not say where the mangerwas. Tradition says the
manger was in a cave,but it could have also been in a stable or a
In biblical times, babiesoften were born in placesthat seem
unusual to us in modern times.
The area around Bethlehemis known for its fertile hills alld
It was in the hills and valleysthat the shepherdshad their flocks.
When King David was a child, he was the shepherdover his
family's sheepin the hills surrounding Bethlehem.
Shepherdswould sometimessleepoutside lvith their flocks in nice
The presenceof the shepherdsin the fields mal(es some scholars
think that Jesus was actually born in the spring instead of the
lo pbolocopy fo. sinale 1o.al church use. o 2oo,! lbingdon
God chose to announce the birth of the Messiah to shepherds,
who were considered by many to be poor and on the outside of
Some scholais say that it only makes sense that God would
announce the Messiai from the line of David to the shepherds
Advent is a special season in the church year when we prepaie for
the coming of the Messiah.
Advent is defined as the arrival oI something momentous.
Advent prepares us to remember the birth ofJesus and the arrival
of the Messiah ln the world.
I Advent preparesus to welcomethe presenceol Jesus iDto our
I Advent preparesus to look forward to Lhettme when Jesus will
come again.
Advent is a time whcn chiltlren are Iilled with the anticipation of
Christmas. No nonth is longcr for a child than {he days In between
and Christmas. Children seem to nlnost vibrate with
Be extreilely patient with younger chilclren during this time. Allow
yoursell to be caught up in lheir excitement. lJelp them to connect to
the story of the shepherds, who were so excited about thc good ncws
of the angels that they dropped everylhing they were doing. left their
sheep in the fields, and ran into Bethlchem to lind the baby.
Encourage the children to share stories about their excitement over
Christmas. Encourage them to imagine how thcy would have felt if
they hacl been there among the shepherds thal first Christmas.
Advent is often a stressful time for adults who get caught up in thc
hurriecl expectations of thc Christmas season. In many ways. older
children can be filled with sindlar anxieties during this time. Fanily
stresses in terms of relationships, finances. and the loss o[ loved
ones all become more visible and deeply felt during the Christmas
Older children pick up on these stresses. and often assume the
worry for a whole host of problems during the holiday season. Be
supportive of the children. Remind them of the promise o[ peace that
comes wtth Christmas. Help them to see the stresses that had to be
overcome by the people in the Christmas story. A young pregnant
woman traveled many miles. A father searched for a dry warm place
for the baby to be born. The shepherds were terrified by angels
to Bctbr€h.m
I'cmission (rt{ncd to phorocopy for si.gle l'n.rr .hur.b Dse i 2oo4 Ab'ngdon ltess