Geological survey of the Wabi Shebelle basin : maps at 1/1 000 000
Geological survey of the Wabi Shebelle basin : maps at 1/1 000 000
CONTENTS 1. Explicative note of the geological map of the WABI SHEBELLE basin at a scale of 1/1000000 II. Explicative note of the geological map of OGADEN at a scale of 1/250 000 (7 sheets) III. Geologieal map of the WABI SHEBELLE basin at a scale of 1/1000000 (1 sheet - colours) IV. Geological map of OGADEN at a scale of 1/250 000 7 sheets : 1 - DEGAHBOUR 2 - DUHUN 3 - KEBRI-DAHAR 4 - IMI 5 - GODE 6 - GODERE 7 - MUSTAHIL fh.~V-I\-' '~IP llftblr~ ~arY IMPERIAL Ull~ "1P'.r Ô\01?i- oo1'?r'T ~ 'n~n1 ETHIOPIAN cmfUis fb~ GOVERNMENT NATIONAL WATER RESOURCES COMMISSION ETHIOPIA - FRANCE COOPERATIVE PROGRAM WABI SHEBELLE SURVEY IN COLLABORATION WITH FRENCH MINISTR'Y OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS BCEOM_ORSTOM_EDF IGN_BDPA NATIONAL WATER RESOURCES COMMISSION EXPLICATIVE NOTE OF THE GEOLOGICAL MAP OF THE WABI SHEBELLE BASIN AT A SCALE OF 1/1 000 000 SEPTEMBER 1972 Hydrological Service ORSTOM - 1 - INTRODUCTION The geological map of the WABI SHEBELLE Basin at a 1/1.000.000 scale results of the synthesis of the photo-interpretation studies and of the prospections carried out by the hydrogeological and soil-science divisions of the Mission for the WABI SHEBELLE Study. It was entirely set up by geological photo-interpretation. As regards the part of OGADEN South of a line passing through DEGAHBOUR, DEGAH-MEDO, SEGEG, IMI, photo-interpretation as well as prospections along itineraries :were undertaken by the hydrogeological division. Complementary elements or details were brought by the soil science studies in the region unexplored by the geologist. A geological map comprising seven sheets at a scale of 1/250 000 for this zone is being published separately. For the Northern part of the Basin, the mapping out of the geological contours was determined, using the main soil science units related to the bed-rock and the geological observations made by the soil-scientist during his prospections. The base of the map is the planimetrie map at 1/1000 000 set up by the topographie division of the WABI SHEBELLE Project. The origins of the different formations have been determined according to the classification set up by MOHR (1963). Under the supervision of G. CASTANY, from B.R.G.M., Consultant Scientist, this map was drawn up by D. BAUDUIN, ORSTOM,hydrogeologist and his assistant J.C. JULLIEN, using the studies by G. RICHE, ORSTOM soil scientist. D. BAUDUIN wrote the explicative note. - 2 - I. GENERAL FEATURES AND GEOMORPHOLOGICAL OUTLINE OF THE BASIN The WABI SHEBELLE Basin situated in the South-Eastern part of ETHIOPIA, spreads on a 190.000 ~ area between the Northern parallels 5° and 9°30' and the Eastern meridians 38°30' and 45°. It includes part of the BALE, ARUSSI and HARAR provinces. The WABI SHEBELLE is a permanent river. It is 1.300 km long from its source to the Somalian frontier and is supplied mainly by the left bank tributaries originating from the High Plateaus of ARUSSI and CHERCHER. The tributaries of its downstream part and the FAFEN present intermittent flows. The climate varies with the relief which declines from the North-West to the South-East. Three climatic regions exist : - High plateaus zone (altitude: over 2.000 meters) including the basal tic and cristalline regions, with important rainfall (1.800 to 800 mm) and not very high temperatures (maximum 23°) - Intermediate zone (altitude between 2.000 and 1.000 m) limestone "causses", moderate rainfall (800 to 400 mm) and moderate temperatures (maximum 32°). - Semi-arid zone of OGADEN (altitude below 1.000 m) with little rainfall (400 to 150 mm) and high temperatures (maximum 40°). The vegetation of these climatic zones varies from forest to semi desertic savanna with thorny bushes. The geomorphology of the basin is closely linked to the nature of geological formations. The following large morphological regions can be pointed out : - North-West and at the Northern limit of the Basin: high basaltic lands. They appear a large tabular basaltic plateaus or gently undulating hills consisting of volcanic ash. The mean altitude of these plateaus is 2.500 m. The rivers are suddenly deeply embanked (some dozens of meters). These plateaus are commanded by a line of ancient much eroded volcanos which form the relief limiting the basin. The highest is Mount CACCA culminating at 4.200 meters. - In the North- North-East A granitic precambrian mass The mountain mass is more or less dislocated and constists and often altered cristalline rocks. The erosion of these cristalline formations resulted in the formation of important glacis (Alemaya region). ~n chaotic - 3 - - In the Centre: Limestone causses. This large limestone region spreads from the North-East of the Basin (JIJIGA region) to a line roughly passing through RAMERO - HADAD, DANAN and KEBRI-DAHAR. It consists in large limestone platea~ deeply cut through by the WABI-SHEBELIE in the West and the FAFAN in the East. - In the South: Gypseous series cut through by the MUSTAHIL limestone bed. The gypseous series practically occupy all the Southern and SouthEastern part of the Basin. They can be seen outcropping in rounded hills. On these soft formations, intense erosion results into the formation of thick alteration deposits (alluvial deposits and colluvions) forming more or less important sediment depressions. The WABI SHEBELLI and FAFAN valleys show largely spread alluvial deposits. These gypseous series are cut through by the hard MUSTAHIL limestone bed which forms a bluff over the FAFAN and WABI SHEBELLE valleys and is well represented especially West of the WABI SHEBELLE where it is the skeleton of a large plateau. - On the Eastern limit : The JESSOMA sandstone bluff. It dominates the FERFER gypseous series and the KEBRI-DAHAR limestone . II. DESCRIPTION OF THE VARIOUS FORMATIONS They must be classed in four categories 10) - 2 0 ) - Quaternary formations (alluvial deposits and local deposits) Secondary age sedimentary formations 30) - Volcanic formations of miocene age 40 ) - Granite and metamorphic rocks of the precambrian age. 2.1. Quaternary formations The quaternary formations which can be seen on the map belong to two types : alluvial deposits from the important rivers and consisting of allochtoneous material transported along long distances. - local deposits, formed on the spot or transported along very short distances, the composition of which is directly linked to the bed-rock. - 4 2.1.1. Alluvial deposits from important rivers They can be seen in aIl the valleys of rivers originating from the high plateaus but spread especially in the WABI SHEBELIE Lower Valley, in the DAKETA, FAFEN and JERER valleys. The valleys of the Higher WABI SHEBELIE and its main tributaries (SIYANAN, UNGWATA, RAMIS, ERRER) are deeply embanked in the limestone plateau and only show a very narrow strip of alluvial deposits which generally do not exceed a 100 m width. The alluvial deposits of the Lower WABI SHEBELLE Valley Un emerging from the limestone gorges (about 40 m. North of IMI), deposits stretch out on c1ther side of the river along a 400 km distance down to the frontier. Their surface varies much and may attain a 15 km width. the alluvi~l Over 30 m thick, they consist of weathered material from the hlgh volcanic plateau (silt , sand, gravel ) and entirely cover up the substratum of the main gypseous formation. The alluvial deposits are flooded downstream of IMI and on a larger scale,in the depression between KELAFO and MUSTAHIL where the 'WABI SHEBELLE divides into several arrose In this depression, a permanent swamp can even be observed. The alluvial deposits of the DAKETA, FAFEN and JERER They distinctly contain more limestone than those of the WABISHEBELLE and are also composed of clay and limestone deposits. After KEBRI-DAHAR, the FAFAN divides and finally spreads out into several water spreading depressions where more or less saline deposits can be observed. 2.1.2. Recent local deposits The composition of recent local deposits 1S linked to the nature of the substratum from which they der ive directly. These deposits are mainly represented by the alluv~l and dejection cones of intermittent rivers by the colluvial and slope deposits and by weathered rock layers. The thickness of these deposits varies very much. They are more or less important on the soft gypseous series where they form spreading zones often extending to the outlet of the intermittent rivers of OGADEN. On the limestone and cristalline rocks, they mainly consist of weathered rock layers of these formations. The most important alluvial depressions have been represented on the map. They are localized in the Southern part of the basin between the WAHl SHEBELLE and the FAFEN. - 5 - 2.2. Sedimentary formations 2.2.1. ADIGRAT sandstones (Lias) This formation indicates the beginning of the Jurassic transgression on the cristalline base which reached the Western frontier of ETHIOPIA. It is composed of soft coarse-grained and sometimes clayed red sandstone. Its thickness varies between 30 m and 50 m. This sandstone can be seen near the bottom of high valleys in the CHERCHER and HARAR provinces North - North-East of the Basin. But owing to its thinness, its extension is very limited. The most important sandstone outcrops have been observed in the higher valley of the RAMIS and its tributaries. This formation is sometimes absent : in the region South of HARAR, can often be seen the KEBRI-DAHAR limestone directly in contact with granite. 2.2.2. The KEBRI-DAHAR limestone (Kimmeridgian - Portlandian) This very thick formation (though its thickness is not determined) probably exceeding 400 m, outcrops on over half of the basin. Limited in the North - North-West by basaltic plateaus, in the North-East by granite, in the South by the main gypseous formation and in the East by the Jessoma sandstone, it forms semi-desertic causses consisting in large plateaus cut through by the deep valleys of the mean courses of important rivers such as the WABI SHEBELLE and its tributaries. At a short distance after the MALKA-WACANA falls, the WABI SHEBELLE and its tributaries cut deeply through this formation. The WABI SHEBELLE gorges are often more than 500 m deep in the SHEK-HUSSIEN region. The formation essentially consists of sublithographic limestone in thick and distinctly stratified beds with intercalated and often thick marly layers (DAKETA Lower Valley) gypseous or sandstone layers. Sorne intercalations of recifal limestone can also be found. 2.2.3. The main gypseous formation (Neocomian) At the end of the Portlandian age, occured a phase of sea regression and a period of sedimentation in shallow water of lagoon type. The main gypseous formation results from this sedimentation. This gypseous series, concordant on KEBRI-DAHAR limestone, appears in the Southern part of the Basin between the Northern paraI leI : 7°20' and the frontier. It is covered in the South-West and the South-East by the MUSTAHIL limestone which forms a more or less broken up plateau. It consists of alternating marI, clay, massive gypsum in thick beds, dolomites and saline layers. Its thickness increases Southwards and exceeds 300 m. This soft formation has the aspect of small rounded hills. The drainage pattern is particularly dense in this area. Intermittent rivers flow down to the alluvial plain of the WABI SHEBELLE forming large debris cones. Many rivers form closed catchment areas where overland flow concentrates in large water spreading basins (DANAN, DALAD Basins ... ). - 6 - 2.2.4. MUSTAHIL limestone (Barremian - Albian) The calcareous-dolimitic layer of the MUSTAHIL formation crowns the main gypseous formation and forms the skeleton of the Lower OGADEN plateaus . On the right bank of the \olABI SHEBELIE, it is a strip stretching from the Western limit of the basin (EL KERE region) to KELAFO. It also constitutes the top of the plateaus near MUSTAFIL and BDRKDR. On the left bank, the MUSTAHIL limestone is more important and forms a bluff over the WABI SHEBELLE fro~ GODE to the frontier. It is frequently broken up between the WABI SHEBELLE and the FAFEN but forms a continuous plateau on the right bank of the FAFEN under the FERFER gypsum and the JESSOMA and BELET DEN formations. This formation is modaretly thick (30 m about) and consists in marly and clayed beds surmounted with a very hard reddish dolomitic bed. 2.2.5. FERFER gypsum (Cenomanian) The FERFER formation is not very thick (15 to 30 m) and is composed of massive gypsum, of gypseous marlstone and dolomites.It has been deeply weathered and dissolved and can only be found at the farthest South-Eastern part of the basin between the MUSTAHIL limestone and the BELET DEN and JESSOMA formations. It is often covered with colluvial deposits derived from the weathering of the BELET DEN and JESSOMA formations. On the plateau between LAZOLALE, SHILAVO and FERFER, local dissolutions have made possible the formation of basins such as the IGLOLE and SHILAVO basins. 2.2.6. BELET DEN zoogenous limestone and sandston~ (Turonian) The BELET DEN formation is composed of sandstone and of very ha rd zoogenous limestone. This limestone form a steep slope East of the FERFER BARMEGO road, in the farthest South-Western part of the basin below the JESSüMA sandstone formation. 2.2.7. JESSOMA sandstone (Senonian) The JESSOMA sandstone formation ends the secondary sedimentary series of the WABI SHEBELLE basin. It shows a major transgression as sandstone outcrops can be seen up to the North of the Basin, in direct contact with the KEBRI-DAHAR limestone and under the basal tic layers of the TRAPP series. This soft sandstone formation has been much weathered and can only be seen at the limits of the basin or on the top of isolated hillocks. - 7 - However, once again can be seen more or less weathered, large, sandstone spreading zones, disseminated in all the basin. The mot important outcrops exist - On the Eastern side of the basin East of a track from FERFER to KEBRI-DAHAR on the BELET UEN formation. East of the DEGAHBOUR-JIJIGA track on the KEBRI-DAHAR limestone. - West of the Basin In the EL KERE region on the MUSTAHIL limestone. - North-West of the Basin : Between GELEMSO and the South of GOLOLCHA, on the KEBRI-DAHAR limestone. This formation mainly consists of sandstone and quartzite of a mainly red purplish colour, which must have been very thick. In fact it is 100 m thick at ELE KERE and about 50 m thick near DEGAHBOUR on the track leading to AWARE. 2.3. Volcanic formations 2.3.1. The TRAPP series (Miocene) The TRAPP series consists of volcanic formations which covered during the Miocene age, the KEBRI DARAR limestone and the JESSOMA sandstone. This series results from the volcanic eruptions combined with important tectonic movements to which the formation of the Rift Valley is due. Mainly composed of basaltic layers, of ash deposits and volcanic tuffs, it forms reliefs limiting the basin and the large plateaus which dominate the secondary formations. It stretches in ARUSSI over all the Western part of the horn and occupies a more or less narrow strip on the Northern border of the Basin froro GOLOLCHA to GlRAWA. It also crowns the limestone plateaus on either side of the WABI SHEBELLE in the LEGE HIDA region and forms a strech of N.W. - S.E. reliefs included between the FAFEN and the JERER, South of JIJIGA. The horizontal basaltic layers forro the skeleton of these high plateaus. The farthest Western part of the Basin is covered up with important deposits of volcanic ash. In the GUEDEB plain which is a large depression between the volcanic deposits and the MALKA-WAKANA falls, the layers of volcanic tuffs alternate with basalt layers. - 8 - 2.3.2. Intrusive basalts (Miocene) Jutting through the sedimentary cover , seen aIl over the Basin. basal tic peaks can be These peaks result from tectonic movements subsequent to the formation of the Rift Valley during the Miocene age. They are different from those of the TRAPP series and consist of basaIt with olivine of doleritic type. They can be seen forming two lines between DEGAH-MEDO and DANAN and along the WABI SHEBELLE left bank between IMI and GODE and in isolated hillocks around FIK and near KEBRI-DAHAR. The basal tic hills present in general a very characteristic arc-shaped aspect. 2.4. Granite and metamorphic rocks (Precambrian) The precambrian substratum appears North of the Basin where it forrns the reliefs of HARAR culminating at a 3.000 m. height. Its composition varies much and consists of more or less metamorphosed g~anite of migmatite type, rich in black mica and amphiboles with beds of ribboned feldspar •. Pegrnatitic gneiss and granite wi th two sorts of micas and amphiboles can also be found. Overlying this granite , limestone can be seen in sorne places. of the KEBRI DAHAR formation II l - STRUCTURE The secondary formations regularly slope gently down to the South West (5° to 10°) without any distortion. Only the settling of granite KEBRI DAHAR limestone . caused a few local accidents 1n the These formations are bro~en up by a network of faults with moderate throw whose directions are mainly N.W.- S.E. and N.E.- S.W. Various arguments allow to believe that the lower Valley of the WABRI SHEBELLEtook the place of a tectonic basin. These arguments are as follows 1°) - The WABI SHEBELLE flows N.W - S.E, a practically straight direction from IMI to the frontier, and following the preferential direction of the fracturation. 2°) - Presence of an important structure with faults in the KELAFO region and of a longitudinal fault paraI leI with the Valley between KELAFO and BURKUR. 3°) - Basaltic peaks appear along the left bank of the WABI SHEBELLE from IMI to GODE. In the North, the basalts have covered the KEBRI DAHAR limestone and the JESSOMA sandstone in large sub horizontal layers. - 9 - BIBLIOGRAPHICAL LIST -=-=-=-=- A. WORKS CONSULTED DANIELLI G. (1943) "Geologia dell' Africa Orientale" Reale Academia d'ITALIA. MOHR. P. (1963) "Geology of ETHIOPIA" University College of Sciences t HAlLE SELASSIE 1 UniversitYt ADDIS ABEBA. JELEN" CD. (1966) "Mineral occurences of ETHIOPIA" Ministry of Mines t ADDIS ABEBA. U.N.E.S.C.O. (1970): "International legend of hydrogeological maps". B. OTHER DOCUMENTS MINISTRY OF MINES ADDIS ABEBA - Documents on oil drillings and mineral resources in the Basin. WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT : Logs of aquifer drillings FRENCH MISSION FOR THE STUDY OF THE WABI-SHEBELLE AUROUZE J. (1968) "Hydrogeological reconnaissances in OGADEN Mission report of January-February 1968" 9 P't multigraph. ORSTOM. PARIS. CASTANY (1969) '~eport of mission carried out from July 4th to July 23rd 1969" 43 P annexes t Il separate mapst multigraph. PARIS. ANNE X LEGEND FOR GEOLOGICAL MAP OF WABI SHEBE~LE BASIN LEGEND FOR GEOLOGICAL MAP OF WABI SHEBELLE BASIN SEDI~ffiNTARY FORMATIONS Quaternary Recent deposits Alluvial deposits of great rivers Secondary JESSOMA s ands tone •................ Senoni an BELET UEN nodular limestone •...•.• Turonian FERFER gypsum.•.....•••......•.... Cenomani an } MUSTAHIL limestone Barremian Albian } Neocomian Main gypsum formation KEBRI-DAHAR limestone Kimmeridjian} Portlandian ADIGRAT sandstone •................ Lias Upper crètaceous Lowet cretaceous Upper Jurassic Eruptive rocks Basalts Volcanic ash } Volcanic tuff Trapp series - Miocene Intrusive basalt Metamorphic granite Miocene Pre-Cambian Conventional signs Faults f h. :,. f' A- f flrtblr~ ç><IrY IMPERIAL ,?'- IP ., 1 r .r 001OJr;"f- UllT Ô'\Œ9t- 'n01L1l1 ETHIOPIAN ml fJJ 0g rVr GOVERNMENT NATIONAL WATER RESOURCES COMMISSION ETHIOPIA - FRANCE COOPERATIVE PROGRAM WABI SHEBELLE SURVEY IN COLLABORATION WITH FRENCH MINISTR'Y OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS NATIONAL WATER RESOURCES COMMISSION BC EOM_ORSTOM_E DF IGN_BDPA EXPLICATI VE NOTE OF THE GEOLOGICAL MAP OF OGADEN AT A SCALE OF 1/250 000 (7 Sheets) SEPTEMBER 1972 Hydrological Service - 1 - INTRODUCTION The geological map at 1/250 000 of OGADEN was undertaken at the time when the study of underground water took place in this region. It especially aims at localizing the limits of the main geological formations. This map is not the result of a regular geological survey . It is a photogeological interpretation. In order to prepare this map, the following work was carried out in different stages : ]0) _ Geological observations on the important road a~s GODE - FERFER FERFER - SHILAVO - KEBRI-DAHAR KEBRI-DAHAR - GODE KEBRI-DAHAR - DEGAHBOUR DEGAHBOUR - SEGEG - DUHUN - DANAN 2°) Simultaneous interpretation of aerial photographs at 1/50 000 from the U.S. Mapping Mission (coverage in 1964) and transfer on base maps at 1/100 000 which were drawn using the mosaics resulting from these aerial photographs. 3°) Examination of available drilling logs. 4°) Local detailed studies : KELAFO, BARMEGO, KEBRI-DAHAR, DANAN regions. 5°) Transfer of the limits deterrnined at the scale of 1/100 000 on the final planimetrie base map at 1/250 000. ALI the recent weathering deposits visible on aerial photographs have been transfered on this map, even if in several cases, they cannot constitute, owing to their thinness, a distinct geological formation. Under the supervision of G. CASTANY from BRGM, scientific Consultant, this map was drawn up by D. BAUDUIN, ORSTOM geologist and his assistant J.C. JULLIEN using the studies by G. RICHE, ORSTOM soil scientist. D. BAUDUIN wrote the explicative note. - 2 1. THE MAPPED AREA 1.1. Limits The mapped area forms the Southern part of the WABI SHEBELLE and FAFEN catchment basins in ETHIOPIA. It is situated between the Northern parallcls : 5° and 8°15' and the Eastern meridians : 41°30' and 45°30'. Its Ncrthern limit is slightly above the following localities : DEGAHBOUR, DEGAH-MEDO, SEGEG and IMI. Its Southern limit is formed by the border separating ETHIOPIA from SOMALIA. East and West, the mapped area ends at the limits of the WABI SHEBELLE and FAFEN r:ver basins. 1.2. Sheet layout The base of the geological map is the planimetrie base map at 1/250 000 drawn up by the Cartographical Division of the Mission for the WAHl SHEBELLE Study. The geological wap consists of7 sheets following the planimetrie map (see the index of sheets on the adjoining map). These sheets are represented by the following names : DEGAHBOUR, DUHUN, KEBRI-DAHAR, IMI, GODE, GODERE, MUSTAHIL. Il. STATIGRAPHY 2.1. Quaternary formations The quaternary sediments are grouped ln two categories according to their origin : - Alluvial deposits of large rivers composed of elements transported along long distances, - Recent local deposits either formed on the spot or composed of elements transported along very short distances. 2.1.1. Alluvial deposits of large rivers They mainly consist in the WABI SHEBELLE, FAFEN and JERER alluvial deposits. - The alluvial deposits of the WABI SHEBELLE are mainly composed of elements resulting from the weathering of volcanic rocks on the high plateaus •. These deposits consist in more or less sandy silts and gravels rich in ferromagnesian mineraIs and in mica which confirms their volcanic origin. Though their substratum is gypse~us, these deposits are not very salty. ---------------,1 ~ \ 2 bis. Tableau d'assemblage / des feuiUes de la cCirte géologique au 1/250 000· ! 1 ! Index of odjoining sheefs géological map sca/~ 1/250000 j N \ _-------'I----+--~ ! __------____, 8°30 \ \ \ t"1USTAHIL \, , Xi ~ r~f~r .. X X ++++l< Ëchell". 1/2 OCOQOO' - "'"'!--=........ ~~ ~=-...:.:; o 20 LO 60 80 100km ~~·30 X xi f g É t - 3 - These alluvial deposits are quite thick and spread continuously from lMl to the frontier on either side of the WABl SHEBELLE (IMl, GODE, MUSTAHlL sheets). But their extent varies largely and between GODE and MUSTAHlL, three large alluvial plains can be observed : - The GODE plain spreading largely on theright bank of the WABl SHEBELLE. - The KELAFO plain on the left bank of the WABl SHEBELLE - The flooding plain spreading between KELAFO and MUSTAHlL on either river bank. North of the GODE plain up to lMl, the alluvial deposits are not so important and are limited to a moderately large strip about 5 km wide. The alluvial deposits of the FABEN and JERER distinctly contain more limestone than those of the WABl SHEBELLE. Composed of clay and limestone deposits, they have been transported along shorter distances. They do not spread much up to FANHAD (15 km Northwards of KEBRlDAHAR) but then spread in several water spreading hollows on the main gypseous series : - The hollow upstream of KEBRl-DAHAR - The hollow downstream of KEBRl-DAHAR - The DOBOWElN hollow - The lGLOLE plain. Southwards, the alluvial deposits become more and more gypseous. These deposits can be seen on the DEGAHBOUR. KEBRl-DAHAR sheets and 1n the farthest North-Eastern part of the GODE sheet. 2.1.2. Recent local deposits All the sediments formed on the spot or transported along short distances have been grouped together in this formation. They consist of : alluvial deposits and debris cones from intermittent rivers colluvial, slope and piemont deposits - weathering layers - wind erosion deposits Their thickness varies and their petrographical nature 1S directly linked to the nature of the substratum : - scarcely saline red sandy silt deposits with limestone crusts on the KEBRl-DAHAR and MUSTAHlL limestones. - 4 - red gypseous silts with limestone pebbles of local origin, on the gypseous series (main gypsum and Ferfer Gypsum). These local deposits are represented on aIl the map sheets. On the soft gypsum formations, they spread very largely. 2.2. Sedimentary formations The sedimentary series of OGADEN stretching from the Upper Jurassic to the Upper Cretaceous, includeB the 6 following main formations. 2.2.1. The KEBRI-DAHAR limestone (Kimmeridgian-Portlandian) This formation is especially composed of sublithographic limestone in distinctly stratified layers with marI and gypsum intercalations and coralian beds. At the top of the formation, the limestone very gradually shows an increasing lagoon-like facies composed of marly limestone intercalations, of marIs and of gypsum. MOHR (1963) indicates a fauna compr1s1ng : Cephalopodes (Belennopsis tanganensis, Anavirgatites) of Gastropodes, Echinoderms (Burgundia Semichathrata, Cidaris glandularies, Nerinea Desvodiji) and of Coelenteres (corals) which allows to consider the KEBRI-DAHAR limestone as dating back from the Upper Jurassic (Kimmeridgian - Portlandian). This formation occupies a large are a represented on the DEGAHBOUR sheet, the most Northern part of the DUHUN sheet and the 2/3 Eastwards of the KEBRI-DAHAR sheet. It is very important being over 400 m thick. 2.2.2. The main gypseous formation (Neocomian) At the end of the Portlandian age a regression of the sea takes place followed by a sedimentation phase in shallow water or water of the lagoon type. The deposited sediments compose the main gypseous formation which occupies a large part of OGADEN. It is made up of alternating marIs, more or less gypseous clays, of thick beds of massive gypsum, of dolomites and thick saline layers. The gypseous formation over 300 meters thick 1n the North, becomes visibly thicker South of OGADEN. The outcropping surface of this formation is very large. It can be seen on aIl the sheets except on those of DEGAHBOUR. On the DUHUN and KEBRI-DAHAR sheets, gypseous formation gradually substitued for KEBRIDAHAR limestone can be observed. - 5 - 2.2.3. The MUSTAHIL limestone (Barremian-Albian) The upper part of the main selenitous formation by a dolomitic-calcareous layer about 30 m thick. i~ crowned This layer comprises more or less marly and white chalky beds surmounted with a reddish-coloured dolomitic layer. It forms a very distinct bluff over the main gypsum, which represents a major geomorphological feature of Lower OGADEN. This level is very fossiliferous. MOHR notes there the fo: lowing fauna : Vergilia Vogeli, Mytilus equatorialis, Toxaster collegnoi, Pygaulus Kelleri, Arca Gabrieli for the Barremian, sp cheloniceras, sp Parahophites, sp Ancyloceras for the Albian. These origins were confirmed by the fossiles collected in the region. The MUSTAHIL limestone would therefore belong to the Barremian-Albian age. The MUSTAHIL limestone forms the skeleton of the plateaus in Lower OGADEN. It overhangs, forming a bluff, the billowing reliefs of the main selenitous formation between the WAHl SHEBELLE and the FAFEN, South of the line : KEBRI-DAHAR, GODE (GODE and MUSTAHIL sheets). South of the WABI SHEBELLE, it can be seen as a structural surface in the KELAFO and MUSTAHIL region and forms the South-Western border of the basin stretching to EL KERE (IMI, GODERE, GODE, MUSTAHIL sheets). East of the FAFEN, this continuous layer is often covered with FERFER gypsum or with the BELET-UEN and JESSOMA formations (GODE, MUSTAHIL sheets). 2.2.4. The FERFER gypsum (Cenomanian) series Over the main selenitous formation, appears another gypsous the FERFER gypsum belonging to the Cenomanian age. This serles is not very thick (15 to 20 m) and consists in gypseous marI , limestone and dolomite . It only outcrops in the SouthEastern part of OGADEN where it covers more or less unbrokenly the SHILAVO plateau (SHILAVO, MUSTAHIL sheets). 2.2.5. The zoogenous limestone (Turonian) and the sandstone of BELET-UEN They consist in alternating sandstones and very hard zoogenous limestone . They are only represented in the most Southern part of the basin where limestone form a cliff ; East of the track between LAMMABAR and FERFER (MUSTAHIL sheet). The limestone formation of BELET VEN is fossileferous (Belenopsis ultimus , Terebratulina gracilis, sp Requienia, sp Monopleura, Orbitolines) this formation could be considered aS belonging to the Turonian age. 2.2.6. The JESSOMA sandstone IT lS (Senonian) The JESSOMA sandstone formation end the sedimentary series of OGADEN. èspecially composed of sandstone and purplish red quartzite . - 6 Largely transgressing on the previous series they even appear directly in contact with the KEBRI-DAHAR limestone . In OGADEN, they have been weathered and are localized at the edge of the basin or on top of isolated reference hillocks. They form aIl the Eastern side (DEGAHBOUR, KEBRI-DAHAR. MUSTAHIL sheets) and at the top of several hillocks on the main gypsum (DUHUN sheet). 2.3. Eruptive rocks Some basaltic outcrops can be seen in OGADEN where they form not very high round hills often presenting the aspect of an arc. These are basaIt with olivine belonging to the doleritic type. They jut through the KEBRI-DAHAR limestone between DEGAH-MEDO and SEGEG (DEGAHBOUR sheet) and East of KEBRI-DAHAR in the EL-HAR region (KEBRI-DAHAR sheet). From IMI to GODE. they mark out the left bank of the WABI SHEBELLE cutting through the main selenitous formation (IMI and GODE sheets). These volcanic eruptions are linked to the important tectonic movements of the miocene age which resulted in the formation of the Rift. Valley. III. TECTONIC The secondary formations of OGADEN present a monoclinal structure. They gently slope to the South-West with a very low dip of 5° to 10°. They are broken up by a fault system with a moderate throw. These faults have two main directions NW-SE and NE-SW which are distinctly seen in the KELAFO and MUSTAHIL region. As in the case of volcanic eruptions, this system of faults is linked to the formation of the Rift Valley and consequently would belong to the miocene age. Il CD- '1 1'J'Q' "1r'-l- 001'1P'tU11 T 6\ 01?"r '0 01l. 7i '7 (J1) ,.w GIl lb1- ETHIOPIAN GOVERNMENT <G' 38'30 9'3D 41'30 AWA -- + + '" J- '/. -9"30 RESOURCES COMMISSION N '" "" TEFER1~~ '" Il ASSEBEADDiS-ABEBA "\ ETHIOPIA - FRANCE COOPERATIVE PROGRAM W AB! SHEBELLE SURVEY 8'30~---- --8'30 NAZARETH IN COLLABORATION WITH FRENCH MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS NATIONAL WATER RESOURCES COMMISSION Felege'Bllhan (Su!l \ BCEOM.ORSTOM.EDF IGN_BDPA \1 \1 Dera IV lL_' Il Il Il Il Il Il ZUAY ri GEOLOGICAL MAP ASSELA \ Il Il Il OF WABI SHEBELLE BASIN 0\- \ Il Il 0\- Il Il 1 Il Il + 1\ \\ Il ( \ ... 44'30 0\- __Bokop ~ 1 > DECEMBER 1973 Shashemane '"'" AWASA ~ '""" x Kofele •D QUATERNARY QUATERNAIRE <G' Rocon! loul dtposits Ol,6rs i#aM. Io<.n AlluYitl deposits al u,nl ''''''. Al/w"/NlS •• ,,,~s </JU,. d'HU 1 38'30 6'30 TERTIARY TERTIAIRE Miocene Miocène • • Senonian V~It.lnlç .,"e$ S~rùJ de TRAPP +++ SECONDARY MESOZOIC MESOZOIQUE SECONDAIRE ,•o • li" - u Cenomanian Cénomanien D D International boundary Limite de province """."ifuu Inlru.i... b...llI Bu..lrr. lnulnJf. - + - Boundary of study @ HARAR Provincial capital • GODE Chef.lieu de sous-province Nadul.. limes'..... al e.ElfT ·l!EN C.Iut'œ. nMUMJ'" dl BEIET.YEN o Dagal • 8uloye ~ERffR ;1~lum Sub·provincial capital District capital Cherlieu de district Vif/age Precambrian Precambrien Route principale D D 10 40 3D 20 50Miles 10 s 0 10 20 3D 40 50 Km Cours d'eau permanent AlbilJn Lias Lias o Intermittent water course Main road D , Puits Cours d'eau intermittent Kimmtiddgien Portlandien MIO Weil MUSTAHIL tinltSlO,," Kimmeridgian Portlandian SCALE 1:1.000000 Village C""ifts th MI/STAHll D $hilavo Permanent water course GypRI do F."., \ Chef-lieu de province Barremien Néocomien 4\°30 Limite de lëtude Barremian Albjan Neocomian ~~-- Limite d'état .è' \1 Provincial boundary Vole,..icMts fuis <$'';; k TRAPP serie C'nd", WJ/r:,niqws • Ouhun Turonian Turonien -e \ GESOMA sa"dstoMS Gri. '" 6ESQMA SénonÎl1n --6'30 Mlln lIypsum tormltion fDfm,o'(NI mUU$f ----------- 'fÎn<ipI~ Secondary road Piste principale AOIGllAlund'lontS Gd, d"AOIGRAT Secondary trail Piste secondaire + = Celle cane a été dressée par D, BAUDUIN, avec la collaboration de G. RICHE. J.-c. JULLIEN (chercheurs ORSTOM), Abere WAKJIRE et Tewolde SOLOMON; G. CASTANY (BRGM) étant consul- '"0-------:' ---t:::..---4o---5·30 lalJt. Route secondaire Main trail KEBAI.OAHAlllimOll0,," C,k.irrJ • UBR/·OAHAII This map has been eSlablished by D. BAUDUIN, wÎth the collaboration of G. RICHE, J.C. JUlliEN iORSTOM scient/sts), Abere WAKJIRE and Tewolde SOlOMON; G. CASTANY (BRGM) acting as a consultant. Documents and sources : Documents et informations: Reports from: Rapports de; P. MOHR. Geologia of Elhiopia DANIElU Geologia deI!" Africa Orientale )( 1 )( Ethiopian Ministry of mines and Water Resources Department x Landing field )( Terrain d'atterrissage Lake Lac Motlmo,phlo ~'"nlll Gr,rritlJ m'l,morphIJi' ++++ s ." o M A 44°30 L A "1~-r OO')'?F-r UflT Ô'\0l?"r 'ri 0lI. ri '} (J1) fJJ {, S n, T IlQ}Y ETHIOPIAN 43'00' ,, , GOVERNMENT RESOURCES COMMISSION • . . . -.. - - - .......'*- -- ... . ·• ,,• ~ -,1 , . ,\ , , \. .. ..- " \ , , , r. • ,, ,, 1 , ' S'30' \ '- ...... }. ,• ,, \ , .J. , ' ,, ...... 1 -, , " , , This mal) has been established by D. BAUDUIN. wilh the collaboration 01 G. RICHE. J.C. JULLIEN lORSTOM scienllstsl. Abere WAKJtRE and Tewolde SOLOMON: G. CASTANY IBRGMI acting as a consultant. DocumentS and sources Documents et informations Reports home Rapports de; Celle carle éI été eJressée par D. BAUDUIN, avec la collaboratiOIJ de G. RICHE, J.-c. JULL/EN (chercheurs ORSTOM), Abere WAKJIRE et Tewolde SOLOMON: G CASTANY (BRGM) étant consuliBlII. P. MOHA. Geologia of Ethiopia DANIElLJ Geologia den' Alrica Orientale Ethiopian Ministry of mines and Willer Resources Department , , " ETHIOPIA - FRANCE COOPERATIVE PROGRAM W ABI SHEBELLE SURVEY ~. ._ _..:.vers~re IN COllABORATION WITH FRENCH MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS , NATIONAL WATER RESOURCES COMMISSION BCEOM.ORSTOM.EDF IGN_BDPA IV ,, , , , , GEOLOGICAL MAP OF OGADEN 1 " - , , DEGAHBOUR ---,.... , .., , ........ / , , , --n<'2:". 6KU'OM APRil 1974 , ~ MA? N" ." "'-lllal .....1S ........ l:IIIIuNlaoool ..... 1liIoan *11 Mtttn....... QUATERNARY QUATERNAIRE .-.-...-..-. siIR. d., _ ~ ....'" __.<; [ TERTIARY Miocene 1.""""" ..,.....ults Miocène Ihultn m""WI j . . .'" Senonian Sénonien Upper Cretaceous Turonian Crétacé Turonien supérieur ~ ~ ~ Cenomanian "'J '1 , ,, ' ., ...... \ \ "--" , \ .' . ..rJ::. J ... , Y, ---,1 .... ,.... 'UlIIVI1fJ lOupl lower Cretaceous , ) • BElElIJEN III"". uf>dllQrIH Ind lOOfI"'C I,m..!o"" SÎlttI • RElIT liEN 11ft rI "kIl/IfJ tNJ'- ..,.......... ..... .... .... .. , .. ,.klllfl. ,aira," MUI. _,_~ ..-. ,, , Neocomian Néocomien inférieur Upper ..... • v y ••• •••••• ••••• • ••••• y •• ,. • [ M"'m-."lO" r..._ ~. -- If ' ...... ~ ~. . .-._ls.doy "".....m- _ ....:.. .... lCEllAllWWI .... ~l. . S-• • 1l/8/II1JAHA11 Kimmeridgien Portlandien . ........ ""1.""In 1IS, ~Iuirn ""'* *' _ __.-. ~ _ma- -- ...tI,..ty .... uIc.-s __ . , Gtologiul conlacllinl CrH/rOUr ,h/{)fifW - •,'. • ,. • •••• y Kimmeridgian Portlandian Jurassic supérieur S...., • MusrAHII.u/ullfl _ A/bien Crétacé Jurassique MUSTAHIL "'IIJ; _Iyl/lllll dllll, I.....l.... .--'IIC ....I..... 811rrémien , , FUlffR"'1IJ I~Plll... I"""lGI'"' mtlly 1'l1li111111$ dojom,ll Albian , '. Barremian SECONDAIRE ~-- \ ,"~d'IO"II"~ rlll ~"I!UOlI' Sblfl • rEREER C(momBnien SECONDARY GESOMA ..,,,.· S",., dP 6ESOMA , < Al!.r1tl ~l'" 11111 1_. tWASI-SHE8Ull. FAfEN. JEflEAl.••".11. u ......~s. A6IM.... ~ pWI UWJ r_ (WAIJ/ SHE61l11. FAFEll ARER! ~'MfS, sMh. litHa TERTIAIRE ,, ... ....... ---- fault ,.,/~ - '. .... ··'.'· · .. .....·. ......., , ·.·. ..··...... ., . ......... . , • - .... .... ,, • , , T , , , " , 7'30' Unclrtlin llUl1 ,.illr lIypothifiqw N x AJis Dl synclînl Au durne';n,1 X Axis olantidinl Au d"fl/iclin,' Suikelnd dip Oirre/ion rI ptndilg, o Ougwell Puits ertus# Orilledwell Puits fori 43'00' Planimetrie map based on the provisional sketches at approximately 1;100000 and using the map al 1'500000 established by the WAR OFFICE fEAST INDEX 5HEET Town, important village. administrative center AFA ICA .1946 J Drafted in 1969 by the NATIONAL WATER RESOURCES COMMISSION WABI SHEBEllE SURVEY. Scale 1:250.000 Fond p/o/Umetrique établi dapres les esquisses proviSOires au 1.100000 environ appuyees sur la carle au 1:500000 du WAR OFFICE EAST AFRICA (1946). Execute en 1969 au NATIONAL WATER RESOURCES COMMISSION _ ETUDE DU WABI SHEBELLE, Ville. viNage Important. centre administratif M5 4 • J Km 5 • o 2 J 2 o 5 5 Small village Petit village 15 Miles 10 10 15 20 Km ... o Permanent river Rivière permanente Temporary river. thalweg, flow trace Rivière temporaire. thalweg. trace decou)ement Main road or trail Route ou piste principale Lake, water plane Lac plan d'eau Secondary trail Piste secondaire Important hill summit Sommet important Foot trail. trail Piste a pied. sentier lirnit of study zone Limite de léwde ----- --- Small isolated hill summit Petit sommet isolé Cliff,rocky escarpment. plateau bound ary Fa/aise, escarpement rocheux,limite de plateau --Ec-- ------ <;: v il. -l- v- A,- y {lm. {,-. ~ 00 Il <Ir Y U{l T 6\ 0lI-r IMPERIAL 'r1 <J\(. n '7 ETHIOPIAN 1'1r-l- (J1) fJJ (, g 43°00' 41'30' , 7"30' lb T 7"30' \~." GOVERNMENT • , \ . ,. f ' , \ , \ ' NATIONAL WATER RESOURCES COMMISSION 1 \ .. , , , 1 " ,r r- < 4'b, ~"'~ . ..,..- , 1\ l , '- ~·~~h .s'o-Y"~" J.... l l ' 1 1 \ "'\ ..... ---... , \ .•• ""- '- 1 ---, ~\ , / 1'--\ l ' .. , ,', , , ' 1;;« '"-- 1 1 ,", ", , ,", , , ,","•1"' " """~',,, ,''\, \, .. ,, 1 . .. I- , , , , ElHIOPIA FRANCE COOPERAliVE PROGRAM .' " W ABI SHEBELLE SURVEY "1\ . ," \, -\ , '- \ ,. '~....:<' \" . . , \\ \ .... ~ ..... "\- IN COLLABORATION WITH \ \ . FRENCH MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS NATIONAL WATER RESOURCES COMMISSION BC EOM_ORSTOM.EDF IGN_BDPA 1 \ ----- ----::-- ..... - Town, important village. administrative center Ville, vi~/age important, centre administratif Sm ail village Petit village 1 ..... '\ ,/ ~ \ ~ , l1 o Secondary trail Piste secondaire J' ' ----- Foot trai!. trail Piste a pied. sentier r,, ,,) --- Limit of study zone Limite de letude ,, Permanent river Rivière permanente 1 1 1 IV ~. Main road or trail Route ou piste plincipale ,, ,- / 1 f, Y \ .1 >---- , ~-- ,, / '"--- ~ ' ............ ' , - - -,-~ - -1 ....... / , ,', Temporary river. thalweg. f10w trace Rivière tempor.lire. thalweg, trace decoulement Lake, water plane Lac plan d'eau Important hill summit Sommet important GEOLOGICAL MAP Of OGADEN Small isolated hill summit Petit sommet isolé C1iff.rocky escarpment, plateau boundary Falaise, escarpement rocheux,limite de plateau DUHUN '7 *f.~ "\. 6)I.ST'bTv\ APRIL 1974 MA? N D 2 , , :s~ \ N~ !loco"llocal ~.~.j1S Il'".....1, coll"".1 .nd SID~ d.po.its "••nd•.•il". ci.v. Dt!rMIS rt!«nff lqe~ur ~/lu",ons. cO//IMOn'- INpôl th nn~s. sabl~s. /omons. QUATERNARY QUATERNAIRE 1u \/?'" ~rgiIeS, ,1 \ 0·0" c> ".,Q ., 0' .• -0 ~oc::>a / " ,, , -......\ Allo... 1diposil' 01 g'~.l Il.... IWABI SH[8'LLI. f AfEN, J,RERI, g.... Is. undl. 1,111 AIIIMDI!S d~s ,,."". 'DJlIS d'uu (WAHl SHEHEllE. FAFEN JEREIII '''''~IS. sah'"s. limons. ~ , ' INDEX SHEET - ...; / [ TERTIARY TERTIAIRE v Miocene v • ~ •• • • v ., • v v " V ,,'v".".',," v • • v ., Miocène $enonian Upper Cretaceous Crétacé supérieur SECQNDARY Turonian Turonien Ii§!" " 0 " ' .' i BElfl·UEN .....s. ,"nd'IO"" Ind 100gl",' limlS,on" Stf,,~. '" BEler liEN. Ires tr ,,/c.,rtl reoginu 0 f,RHR '0"01 Si"•• th,"s. ,11r01"S. ,"/tOlftS m~'lIIIux. liolamlu ~IP."m. hmUIO"ts. morly l,nlUlonudolomnl Barremian SECONDAIRE Albian Lower Barrémien Cretaceous A/bien Crétacé inférieur Upper MUSTAHlllf"": mari. Ind <hllky Iimu,onlS, dolomin< lim'Sloflu S;"ts th MIiSrAHII :"/'OlftS IIMIII~Ux el CIO,.UX, '01<0"" doIoml/lqlJ"s .. , . ;.»»: , Néocomien , , , v , FOIm.,,"" 9rPUIJ.. p""',p.k:9rP.... m'If"" ~"I!... doloml~s. h,Iitu '0 • oe.~-'\; '»:'. ,,,".),', ',',1',',"1' , Kimmeridgian KEBRI·llAHAR '0"0' : hlh"ll"pn« Ilm"IOOO'. ml,I•. m.fiv limulonu. gv~sum Si",. th KfBRlOAHAII·c.I"'rts IIIl>o!iraphlqW!s m'''''s. ,o/<llfts mar","x. IJrPS/!s / ,'''-,v. 3 KEBRI·OAHAR 5 GODE IMI GOOERE 6 ,.. . . 'z' ",'.',' ,.... ;".. '.'l· .. ,~v'.l.".>".... <~«':~ . ~'».'\:>.·.·,'."'.,,· v:.,.~ .. ,'1.',},,'...... f'f:rIJ'/I"'" 'J'" v:: .... ,vv'"t".,', •• , 'L ''',.,' "'" ,.:;<...,.,'"., •• ' '.J:' ,~'.'.. ',v,! " v !...ol,,'. , ', . ,' ~ ,,' / ,~ ••..\ , ~'\v ••, .....',.,'." \' " , • ~ , , , " " _ " ' ' ' ' '.~"' ' ' 'vi, ' ' ' '•. ' ,'v"l",r---.." ,y","', ,,'.,,' "",.'~'t·' ,v,.,'.~.!...!"'1 • • •• . , ' .... '" .. "". • " ' ' ' ' v, l .•'• ,. ' , ,•• . .v.,''/, , ,•• ' ' ,, _ ,.,."~v •• v ••~ ... .... ""' •••••• ;. • , ,. ~v~ ,., v v';,.' .. ,'.· .., .v'CI"'"V "..,"'" r"'r"-"'"'' ",.~;..Il.p 'Jol"o.. . V " " ,"" " v' ',','v»l»."'A,v. ""~«<1>:<'>' • • ;"!" ~"~,. v~., ./., if .,.. - ' .·v'v,, v 'i\' . . , " , '. ."'· . . .r,',"'--"'••J....·'.:..,· .. oJ. v,. '1,"'" ,.-;;7, ~":"','" ",·~'·v '''l'.:,'v.'''''' ." t' """"~ .,••.•• .. 'r."·~,,· .' ~\', .. , ,'v ." "",',' '.~""l' ',r.',·.•: "';,',, ,'. 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''''v , ~, ''\ "",v":~',"'.".J _.__-. ., ""'~'I""'1v ''''''' ", " ",':"""v.".', ~ • 1 1 f , ''''''...t ••• ' r " . " . ,• • • y\",.,,"'\" " ' . ,."".-.,-. ",,, " "• """"1 '.;r •• .1., •• , .... ,,,,,v .,~,., •• • lv...'~ "v •••• , •• , l,~ '.Iv', ,',',\,', t.·.. P or J\..;:'-./y".. ,.'.,oV"'.',' , v,',',.,.," ,•• , .... ". ,,( .v,~\,' l.'l---. " • • • • • • • 'v .... /. , , _ " " "V· v ' Portlandian Jurassic Jurassique [ Kimmeridgien Portlandien supérieur •• 1'"'.~'"• "',.~, •• , '.'.·.',·~'.·.','v ' . .,:L,,' 'v •••. , , ""," " . 1l" v •• , . , · · · · · , · · · · • 1 '.o~ v;';' ••• , • " .. , •••• , , v.v • v... ~,',' .,v ',','v ' ..,'fi"" ,(.·.·v·.. v' "'";'\;,>,,-, ','v ,·.·.',,· .. ,.. ·,'.'.,.v·.. ,v.'.'•.'.', .'•• '., " • "'),', , .~ .••• , •• , ,"-",';'.' "'v"','.',,,"',,,,,,','. t j , j'.','.',' v' ':-~~"""', '.'.'. '':J!I4' v', ~','.',''',',',', ,/. ",x.,. '.'.'.'" " /,' vv',· ','," !.·,',,",-,v '!f·~.lJ'o·.·,I,'?'.'• • ... 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'.',/,', • , •••• v Neocomian OUHUN ~-!'1", '~-:'I."".'.','.'.',','.'.'. ",;,-r, •• vr.", .,.v, ••• "... , v' ,. ,·.-".v.,.,v •• v ••• , , 'f' " •" , •" , • , v' • '.' •• •• v, ••• ••• v',' • • , ,• , " , "•, " •• v . " " . " " · , , , , , , , · R,ullU I",lusil• • ",m". Cenomanian 2 ;~~~~6~:-~:: .--, ,'.',' 1"llO<lIIt 01", .. ~ ... Il' Cénomanien ........ ... '.";J?'" , ,'~ ,' ,', • "",r, •• " •• , ,~., ';··'···>·;";:::·~·:·~·>i~G , r,'b4".·, •.••••••• • GESOMA 'o"IS . ,"nd'lon.. Ind ,td qu",unl' S."" tif 6fSOMA ,ds ~I qu.rtlift. ID""S Sénonien /. .....,',' 6'30' -:.;.!< <', .."l''''''"', "'v:.','«,;,;., '. .., ..,'••,' , ""." t.· 43'00' 41'30' Unçertain fault faille hypothétique N x x Allis of syndine Axe de syntlinal Allis of ~ntictine Axe d'antic1inlll Strike and dip Direction el pendage o Oug weil Puits creusé Orilledwell Puits foré Planimelric map based on the provisional sketches at approximately 1:100000 and using the map at 1'500000 established by the WAR OFFICE (EAST AFA ICA .1946) Drafted in 1969 by the NATIONAL WATER RESOURCES COMMISSION WABI SHEBELLE SURVEY. Fond planrmctrique établi d~lpreS les esquisses provisoires au 1.100000 environ appuyees sur la carte au 1:500000 du WAR OFFICE EAST AFRICA (7946). Execute en 1969 au NATIONAL WATER RESOURCES COMMISSION _ ETUDE DU WABI SHEBELLE. Scale 1:250,000 M5 4 3 Km 5 o 2 4 3 o 5 15 Miles 10 5 10 15 20 Km This map has been established by D. BAUDUIN. with the collaboration of G. RICHE. J.C. JUlLlEN WRSTOM scientistsJ. Abere WAKJIRE and Tewolde SOlOMON: G. CASTANY (BRGM} acting as a consultant. Documents and sourçes : Documents et informaI ions: Reports from: Rapports de: Celle carle {j été dressée par D. BAUDUIN, avec la collaboration de G. RICHE, J.-C. JULL/EN (chercheurs ORSTOM). Abere WAKJIRE et Tewolde SOLOMON: G. CASTANY (BRGM) étanl cOr/sultant. P. MOHA. Geologia of Ethiopia DANIELLI Geologia delr Africa Orientale Ethiopian Ministry of mines and Water Resources Department "1r'-r ç> Gr Y Ul1lt Ô'\ 0"9 "t- 'ntnl. n 1 ETHIOPIAN 1'1F-r <m~{,ll , f\,lt GOVERNMENT " , RESOURCES COMMISSION ":'1 ETHIOPIA - FRANCE ,. COOPERATIVE PROGRAM .. " ." W ABI SHEBELLE SURVEY ...... IN COLLABORATION WITH '.' FRENCH MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS NATIONAL WATER RESOURCES COMMISSION BCEOM,ORSTOM.EDF IGN_BDPA '" , .; .' .... :, / '.' .'. ..... IV ..... .:. / '. . . .; /1/ /' - / ", '.' ..... GEOLOGICAL MAP OF OGADEN '.' ".: KE BRI-DAHAR :; "." .. - ,. APRil 1974 " . ,. ' .. '.: .... ,. .::' ,"' .:...< MA? N°3 '" .. :./ ' .. ", ".' ..... lleœn!IOCiI d'pat'!1 .liu",.l çoilu",.I.nd 1101lll dt~lnl . lilnds. lills. d.v. DipD/S ""'IlIS /qç~ur ,l'umm. con"""I'I' INpOl do utkt. hmOJll ,,,,kt. ft""' QUATERNARY '0'0" C> .",,0 <>. o .• '" '~Oc:::HI Allu",.1 dt~1111 DI ;rtll11VliII!WABI SHEBHlE. fAFEN. JEAEAl. ;Ill'ell.lInds. l'Ill. AIIIM"'" th. ,,.,,;. cours duu (WAHl SHEBEll!. (AfEN. JERHII u~ltt. .... ,"rMIJ. ..... [ TERTIAIRE .. ' ".";" , ,''';.' .... '. ~UATERNAIRE TERTIARY , .... :." .:, Miocene Miocène Inllu....... oh.... 1.",.111 Hu,IIU mr,uSJf. ~ SenonÎan 0/1"",. :., ,fi. .'. Upper Cretaceous Crétacé Turonian Turonien supérieur SECONDARY SECONDAIRE Lower Cretac80U$ Crétacé inférieur Upper Jurassic Jurassique [ supérieur ml °o 0 °0 : ~ le""' fERFEA Néocomien :'.' ; '.' ~'.' Si".s if Hf/fER 11'f'.' coh,,,,. ule"",. """""u)( dollHfl/.' Neocomian ' ..;. . ~. Cenomanian A/bien '. -';:::;"" le"... BELEf·UEH Slud.lD".. l'Id tOOt"n,ç hm,,, ..... Sints if 8{/ fT liEN :,Ii• •, ,,l'''ltl lIXI9;"". Cénomanien Barremian Albian Barrémien .' : ...... GESOMA ......, . Slndl!onl1.nd rtd ~U'rllj!'1 Ir oUlUitt. IO!Jgt. SM•• ;" CrSOMA Sénonien .... ..... .. . ,yp,um. hm••lonl•• mllly hmnlo.,.. dolomlll MUSTAHll ...i..: m.rlrlnd ç~llk, IrmeslO"", d.lomllie IrlTlll!""" Si".. th MIJSTAHll .. c~IeI'"' ..... ...... ,•• v •• ','.'.',',' ..... v • , ••• """""ur ., lf~Y"UI. . .;. ub/IIS ~ltJqUfS .'. M"n 'l'P,"n, 10'01'110" 'VP,um.m.. l. cl'r.'.., ~.I,'''' r"'"tI"O" IYP""" p"MI".II:II'PU. ""'mU 'fliit. hllHfll,•• ".hllS .' .:- " . ';.:.' '.' Kimmeridgian Portlandian Kimmsridgien . ':-' KEBAI DAHAA ...,.1 .. Illoo'tlplI't I;mtl!or>el. 01.011.. mlrly IrmtllO"'.;vplum Si".. dl KE8RI·OAHAR c~I<~,rt, ht/lof,.,Ili,Uf' """"". ,~b,,,,, m"""~ ' Portlandien .'. ....'.' , Geologlcal contaclline Contom géolugique / Faull Cl, Failfe '"o Uncertaîn lault FaJ1fe hypothétique N x x Axis 01 svncllne Axe de synclinal AxiS 01 anlidine Axe d'anticliflill Planimetrie map based on the provisional sketches at approximately 1:100000 and using Ihe map at 1'500000 established by the WAR OFFICE (EAST AFRICA .19461 Orafted in 1969 by the NATIONAL WATER RESOURCES COMMISSION WA81 SHE8EllE SURVEY. Stoke and dip Fond plantmetrique etabli d'apres les esquisses provisoires au 1: 100000 environ appuyees sur la carte au 1:500000 du WAR OFFICE EAST AFRICA (1946). Execute en 1969 au NATIONAL WATER RESOURCES Oil11cuunetpendage COMMISSION _ ETUDE DU WAHl SHEHELLE. INDEX SHEET Scale 1; 250.000 2 DUHUN 4 3 5 4 3 Km 5 GDDE GDDERE 6 Puits futé M5 o 2 5 15 Miles 10 1<E8RI-DAHAR Dug weil Puits creusê Drilledwell o Town. important village. administrative center Permanent river Ville. village important. centre administratif Rivière permanente Small village .-e---<-- ~ 3 ] o 10 15 20 Km. ----- --- Temporary river. thalweg. flow trace Rivière temporaire, thalweg, trace dëcoulement Main road or trail Lake, water plane Route ou piste principale Lac plan d'eau Secondary trail 5 --' --- Petit vil/age IMI o 4fIt. Piste secondaire Foot trail. trail Piste ;j pied, sentier ... Important hill summit Sommet important Small isolated hill summit Petit sommet isolé limit of study lone Cliff,rocky escarpment, plateau boundary Limite de lërude Falaise, escarpement rocheux, limite de plateau This map has been established by O. BAUDUIN, wilh the collaboration of G. RICHE, J.C. JULUEN (ORSTOM scientistsl. Abere WAKJIAE and Tewolde SOLOMON; G. CASTANY (BAGM) acting as a consultant. Documents and sources : Oocuments et informations: Reports Irom: Rapports de: Celte carte a été dressée par D. BAUDUIN, avec fa cofl8bor8t;on de G. RICHE, J.~C. JULLIEN (chercheurs ORSTOM). Abere WAK.JIRE et Tewolde SOLOMON: G. CASTANY (BRGM) étant consu/~ t8nt. P MOHA. Geologia of Ethropia DANIElli Geologla dei!' Alflca Onentale Ethiopian Ministry of mines and Water Resources Department n. :,. '" A- f {lm.Lr~ '} "l 00 IlQrY IMPERIAL U{lT 61011"1- (J1) (JJ 0S n~n1 ETHIOPIAN r :,. 44 ·30' 43"Ov' ., 5'30' , • rbT ," GOVERNMENT NATIONAL WATER RESOURCES COMMISSION FRANCE ETHIOPIA COOPERAliVE PROGRAM W AB! SHEBELLE SURVEY IN COLLABORATION WITH BCEOM_ORSTOM_EDF IGN_BDPA NATIONAL WATER RESOURCES COMMISSION FRENCH MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS ,, ,, , ( , IV ( ( ,, ,, , , GODERE " \ \ , \ ( \ l , 1 ,-- , .' 5"00' ( \ 6R.ST~OM , ~/ 1 1 \ ~~\\, \ ,, 1 , A.u"t lotal dOPOSiI' 011.".1. tolluVI.tond .1."" lIOpollll ; unC•• ,ill.. eI.y, 0.,0" tPun/< !tJI:1"~ .UUI'rOnJ. ~DH""IM" dif6/ do ,.nr~ ubk.. hm"".. • tpiln . QUATERNARY QUATERNAIRE 0 0.0 o ·;;0 ., .. 0_ • ., ,~Oo<:J [ TERTIARY 1 ( \ 1 5'00' , V 1 APRIL 1974 MAP N'6 " ", , , ,, (, ,, GEOlOGICAl MAP OF OGADEN TERTIAIRE ,, Miocene Miocène Inrru .... oh",,," B.ultn ml/uli', • Dliv",' Senonian SénonÎen Upper Cretaceous Turonian Turonien Crétacé AlluVI.1 drposus .1 'l'UllI'''' (WABI·SHEeHLE. fAHN. JEAEAl. ;riVl!ls. ufllls. srlrs. Allu"'D'" d., ,"rrtl r~Uf$ 'pu (WABI SHEBElU. rAHN. JEflERi ,~_ .. mlu h",,,,,. GESOMA Wlts' S~"u dt , ,, , ,, §!§] undsr~nt:S Ind ,.,j fiESQMA ellE! ·UfN SH"I. Sj,~, dt ,rj, ./ Sindsr~n.s qUIIllit., qU'1VI~' lod '""9" s ""''l'.'! r,' o M L A 1 A 8EUr-llEN.,rn '/ <lIt.,,.. lDOli"" superieur Cenomanian Cénomanien SECONDARY fEMrA SI,in S.,'" Qvpsum.I," dt f{Rf{fI.,yp~s. marl,lim"oo,... doloml1. r'/(;'It'" r.Ie",~, _'MU'" 'DIo",,,. Barremian SECONDAIRE Albian lower 8arrémien Cretaceous Albien Crétacé Neocomian Néocomien inférieur Upper Jurassic Jurassique l. supérieur MUS1AHIl $tI't< ' ml'Iv Ind clIllOy hm"l~ ••'. dol~mrl't hm'llaOel S."" [ dt MUSrAHIi ,"k"", ""'."J~ ./ r,,~uJt ,,1e"fF' d%miMWI' M.," mS"m f~'m."o" gyp,"m,m..I•. dll. rlol.m't... tllhl" rWIIltlOn Kimmeridgian Portlandian Kimméridgien Portlandien 'YP~USf ,n"nt:'fJI":'YP~" mJ,,.....~IItS. dDlo"'''', ""kt., neRI DAHAR """U· litllogllphic lim..tonO$. mlll" m"lvlim..rones. gvp."m Si",. dt KEBRI·OAIIAR:<lk"tn kI/Mf'IfI/liq., ",m".. <.1<.,,.. m""'U'. 111"" Geologital tOntact line Conrour géologique / Fault Faille Untertain fault Fame !lypothétique N x x Axis of svntline Axede synelin,l A~is Dt anticline Axe d'anticlinal SIIike and dip Direction er pendage Scale Planimetrie map based 011 the provisional sketches at approximately 1:100000 and using the map at 1-500000 established by the WAR OFFICE (EAST AFRICA .1946) Drafted in 1969 by the NATIONAL WATER RESOURCES COMMISSION WABI SHEBELlE SURVEY. Fond planmu!trique elabli dapres les esquisses provIsoires au 1: 100000 environ appuyees sur la carte au 1:500000 du WAR OFFICE EAST AFRICA (1946). Execute en 1969 au NATIONAL WArER RESOURCES COMMISSION _ ETUDE DU WAHt' SHEBELLE. INDEX SHEET 2 OlHiUN 4 4 o J 7 o 10 5 5 10 15 15 Miles 20 Km. 5 GODE , GODfRE 6 Town. important village. administrative center Ville. vi~/age important, cenlre administratif Small village Petit village .,.. o This map has been established by D. BAUDUIN. with the collaboration of G. RICHE, J.C. JUlLiEN {ORSTOM scientistsL Abere WAKJIRE and Tewolde SOlOMON; G. CASTANY (BRGM) acting as a consultant. Documents and sources : Documents et informations: Reports trom. Rapports de: Cette carre {l ~t~ dressée par D. BAUDUIN. {lvec la collaboration de G. RICHE. J.-c. JULL/EN (chercheurs ORSTOMI. Abere WAKJIRE et Tewolde SOLOMON; G. CASTANY (BRGM) étant consultall/. P. MOHR. Geologia of Ethiopia DANIElLi Geologia dell' Africa Orientale Ethiopian Ministry of mines and Water Resources Department Secondary trail Piste secondaire Foot trail, trail Piste a pied, sentier Limit of study zone Limite de lëtude Permanent river Rivière permanente Temporary river. thalweg. f10w trace Rivière temporaire. thalweg. trace d'ecoulement Lake, water plane Main road or trail Roule ou piste principale KEBRj·OAHAR Dugwell Puits lure , 3 3 Puits creuse Orilledwell 4 Km 5 IMI o MS ,250.000 Lac plan d'eau Important hill summit ----- --- Sommet important Small isolated hill summit Petit sommet isolé CliffJrocky escarpment, plateau boundary Falaise. escarpement rocheux, limite de plateau ~--<:: ------