a serial of - argonauta producciones
a serial of - argonauta producciones
MYTH OF THE MOTHER GODDESS A SERIAL OF INDEX INTRODUCTION............................................................................page 2 -Episode 1. Lilith, the first woman.............................................page 3 -Episode 2. Witches, healers and sorceresses.........................page 5 -Episode 3. The return to nature...............................................page 8 -BUDGET.....................................................................................page 11 -OUR TEAM.................................................................................page 12 -BACKGROUND OF THE PRODUCTION COMPANY........................page 15 INTRODUCTION For a few years now there has been a newly awoken interest for the so called myth of the Mother Goddess. This interest, which is now starting to reach the general public, is HDV\WRÀQGLQOLWHUDWXUHDQGDUWDVZHOODVLQSKLORVRSK\DQGJUHDWWKLQNHUV The series will comprise of three hour long episodes. The documentaries are not trying to be a revindication of feminism but rather an exhibition of the recuperation of the route of spirituality, of the feminine energy that effects men, and to women as a sign of growth and evolution of society. With an agile and enlightening exhibition – not exempt from analysis- we will bring the viewer closer through the means of knowledge and transformation in which means they have been researched lately. To do this we can FRXQWRQLQWHUYLHZVZLWKSHUVRQDOLWLHVRIUHFRJQL]HGSUHVWLJHLQWKHÀHOGVRISKLORVRSK\ anthropology, psychology, therapists and thinkers. ,WZLOOSULQFLSDOO\EHÀOPHGLQ(XURSH0LGGOH(DVWWKH8QLWHG6WDWHV:HZLOOÀOPVSLritual ceremonies, shaman rituals, women’s circles working with energy and all types of activities that serve to illustrate this journey of the woman from the origins of the human race thousands of years ago to the return to nature that we currently see in society. There will be some reconstructions used to illustrate the described rituals and there will be narration of some parts by well-known international actresses. pag. 2 EPISODE 1 LILITH, THE FIRST WOMAN Mine is the sky, mine is the earth, I’m a warrior, that’s what I am. Is there any god who can compare to me? The gods are sparrows, I am a hawk. The gods are tumbling. I am a sovereign wild cow. Song of Inanna 7KHÀUVWHSLVRGHRIWKHVHULHVZLOOEHÀOPHGDERYHDOORQVHWVLQWKH0LGGOH(DVW(XURpe. The starting point of the series will investigate feminine origins from Creation. In WKHÀUVWGRFXPHQWDU\LWZLOOWUDFHWKHP\WKRIWKH*UHDW0RWKHU²WKHDQFLHQWJRGGHVV who ruled in the times of heaven and earth before the arrival of religions and cultural patriarchs-, in her diverse facets and with all the names by which she has been known. 7KHÀUVWZRPDQ/LOLWKWKH6XPHULDQJRGGHVVHVOLNH,QQDQD,VWKDURU$VWDUWp0HVRSRWDPLD,VLV6HMPHW(J\SW0RUULJDQWULSOH&HOWLFJRGGHVV3DOODV$WKHQD*UHHFH more… There are statues or representations in the form of ritual objects of all of them. We will get closer to the goddesses as archetypes and spiritual energy that connected men and women to heaven and earth. Feminine representations in prehistory overtook the masculine ones and this is what has lead numerous researchers to talk about matriarchal societies, where the rituals of fertility and the dependency between life and death marked the rhythm of existence. $FFRUGLQJWRVRPHH[SHUWVWKHUHH[LVWHGDPDWULDUFKDOVRFLHW\SULRUWRWKHDSSHDUDQFH RIDJULFXOWXUHDQGWKHSDWULDUFKDOVRFLHW\$PRQJVWZULWHUVDQGUHVHDUFKHUVWKHPDMRrity of which are dead but there are images and archive interviews available – we FLWH5REHUW*UDYHV0DULMD*LPEXWDV&DUO-XQJ0DU\'DO\-DFTXHOLQH5RVH(ULFK 1HXPDQ2QHRIWKHDXWKRUVZKRZHZLOOLQWHUYLHZLV(GZDUG&:KLWPRQWGLUHFWRURI the C.C. Jung Training Center of New York and author of, amongst other books, The 5HWXUQRIWKH*RGGHVVWKHIHPLQLQHDVSHFWRISHUVRQDOLW\(G3DLGyV $Q RII VFUHHQ YRLFH RI D ZHOO NQRZQ DFWUHVV ZLOO UHDG FKRVHQ WH[WV IRU H[DPSOH D SDUDJUDSKIURPWKH*ROGHQ$VVE\$SXOH\RZKHUHWKHJRGGHVV,VLVOLVWVWKHGLIIHUHQW QDPHVVKHLVNQRZQE\RUIUDJPHQWVRIWKHGRFXPHQWVE\1DJ+DPPDGL*QRVWLFWH[WV IURPWKHQGDQGUG&HQWXULHVIRXQGLQ(J\SWLQ pag. 3 7KH1HROLWKLFDQG3DOHROLWKLFDUFKHRORJLFDOGLVFRYHULHVZLWKWKHLUÀJXUHVRI9HQXVDQG IHPLQLQHV\PEROVUHSUHVHQWDWLRQVRIIHUWLOLW\ULWHVELUWKF\FOHVVH[XDOLW\«ZLOODOWHUnate with recreations of these ceremonies as the experts have studied them. Thus, dePRQVWUDWLQJ9HQXVGH/HVSXJH)UDQFHDQG9HQXVGH:LOOHQGRUI*HUPDQ\SHUKDSV the most famous, and the rituals that were done in their environment. 2QH RI WKH (XURSHDQ 6WXGLHV WKDW KDV ZRUNHG PRVW LQ WKLV ÀHOG LV WKH )UHQFKDUFKHRORJLVW$QGUp/HURL*RXUZHZKRLQVWDUWHGWKHPRVW LPSRUWDQW H[FDYDWLRQ RI SUHKLVWRULF FDYHV LQ (XURSH :H ZLOO LQWHUYLHZ one of his students close to one of the sites; we will do the same in Turkey with James Mellart, archeologist responsible for the excavations of Höyük Zatal. These excavations deserve special attention. In these they found imporWDQWÀJXUHVRIPRWKHUJRGGHVVHVIURPDURXQG%&7RJHWKHUZLWKWKHLPDJHVIURPWKHH[FDYDWLRQVDQGWKHÀQGLQJVWKHDUFKHRORgists will talk about the fertility and magical cults. * Estatue of Isis $QRIVFUHHQYRLFHRIDZHOONQRZQDFWUHVVZLOOQDUUDWH WKHVWRU\DQGP\WKRI/LOLWKWKURXJK7H[WVRIWKH7DOPXG WKH &DEDOD =RKRU LQ ZKLFK VHH KRZ $VWDUWp ,QDQQD /LOLWKZHUHDQFLHQWSHUVRQLÀFDWLRQVRIZLVGRPWKHP\WK RI6RÀD7KLVUHDGLQJZLOOEHLOOXVWUDWHGZLWKLPDJHVRI /LOLWKWKHJRGGHVVDGRUQHGZLWKWKHOXQDUFURZQGRQH LQ0HVRSRWDPLDDURXQG%&$OVRLQ0HVRSRWDPLD ZH ÀQG D IULH]H WKDW UHSUHVHQWV WKH WUHH RI OLIH protected by women. :LWKDÀQDOUHFRQVWUXFWLRQZHZLOOLOOXVWUDWHWKHIDOORI/LOLWKWXUQHG LQWR D ZKRUH DQG WKH ODWHU FUHDWLRQ RI WKH (YH P\WK LGHDO FRPSDQLRQLQDVPXFKDVEHLQJLQIHULRURULJLQ$GDPVULEZHDNDQG directly responsible for the original sin that all her daughters would inherit. * Venus of Lespugue (France) pag. 4 EPISODE 2 WITCHES, HEALERS AND SORCERESSES The source of the spirit never dies. They call it the female mystery. The entrance to the mysterious female Is the root to al heaven and earth Fragile, itís fragile, hardly exists But touch it, it will never dry Lao Tse, Tao Te King * The kidnapping of Europe In the period rituals that highlight the natural rhythm, where life and death alternate, is where women have been secularly protagonists in the form of shamans, healers or sorcerers. In the second episode we’ll analyze the relevant role of these women, treated unfairly by the church, doctors and other patriarchal sectors that didn’t want to or NQHZWRVHHWKHLPSRUWDQFHRIWKLVNQRZOHGJHLQVRFLHW\$QGKRZLQVSLWHRIHYHU\WKLQJ this knowledge has remained in many cultures, including highly industrialized societies DQGSODWIRUPVRIVFLHQWLÀFNQRZOHGJHVXFKDVRXURZQZHVWHUQFLYLOL]DWLRQ7KHREMHFtive of the second documentary is not to question the role of the Inquisition or of the patriarchal sectors, but rather to show how the wisdom of the women, their knowledge of nature of life cycles, of the plants through the herbalists etc. played a decisive role in the development of society. Healing women, mystics, and women that speak and write from their interior space. With an off screen voice of an actress we will narrate what was called the Golden $JH²LQ1HROLWKLFWLPHVRIWKHJRGGHVVFXOWDQGKRZLWZDVVXSSODQWHGE\SDWULDUFKDO cultures that imposed masculine divine beings. This text will illustrate with a recreation RIHYHU\GD\OLIHLQ+|\N=DWDO7XUNH\DSODFHPHQWLRQHGLQWKHSUHYLRXVHSLVRGH 6LQFHWKHDUFKHRORJLVW-DPHV0HOODDUWGLVFRYHUHGLWWKHPDQ\UHPDLQVWKDWZHUHIRXQG there – pottery, materials, paints – also building and shrines, are evidence of a cult to the goddess in a society that lacked defensive elements. There is no evidence either engraved or painted of any element with references to war, battles and /or various confrontations, which is considered by various current feminist trends, amongst which are the ecofeminists, as an example of the fact that matriarchal civilizations existed which were not aware of the use of violence. pag. 5 In addition to showing some fragments of interviews with Carl Jung –where he explains KLVWKHRU\RIDQLPXVXQFRQVFLRXVPDOHLQWKHZRPDQiQLPDXQFRQVFLRXVIHPDOHLQWKH PDQZHZLOOWDONWRVRPHRIKLVVWXGHQWVLQSDUWLFXODUZLWK-HDQ6KLQRGD%ROHQDXWKRURIDPRQJVWRWKHUERRNV7KHJRGGHVVHVRIHYHU\ZRPDQ6KLQRGDZDVDWWKHVWDUW pupil and follower of the theories of Jung but later drew away from his points of view considering them a little “machist”. )URPWKHSDVWWRWKHSUHVHQW:H·UHWUDQVSRUWHGWRWKH3URYHQFDOYLOODJHRI0XUV)UDQce) at a celebration of a pagan ritual held annually during which men and women VZDSFORWKHV2IIVFUHHQDQDFWUHVVUHDGVWH[WVRI5RPDQ+LVWRULDQ7iFLWRWHOOLQJKRZ in some Germanic villages the priests always dressed as women. 7KHUHDUHPDQ\LPDJHVRIWUDQVYHVWLWHULWXDOV3ULHVWVRI&LEHOHVWKDWZHUHFDVWUDWHG at their initiation and only wore womens clothes. Other reconstructions in this episode FRXOGEHWKH5RPDQ)HDVWRI/XSHUFDOHVKHOGRQWKHWK)HEUXDU\LQKRPDJHWRWKH wolf who fed Romulus and Remos. :H ZLOO UHFUHDWH WKH RULJLQDO P\WK RI WKH +RO\ *UDLO WKH SRW RI UHJHQHUDWLRQ WKH *UDLOWKDW%DGEH[HPSOLÀHVDQGLVSUHVHQWLQDOO&HOWLFP\WKRORJ\,Q:DOHVWKHSRW represents a symbolic uterus that revives the dead from night to morning, it belonged WR%UDQZHQRQHRIWKHWKUHHPDWULDUFKVRIWKHLVOHDIWHUWKHP\WKZDVFKULVWLDQL]HGWKH FKDUDFWHUVVXEVWLWXWHGE\&KULVWLDQQDPHV0RUJDQ/H)D\DVDOPRVWDOOWKHNHHSHUVRI secrets and knowledge possessors is converted into a witch and devil worshipper. * The goddess Istar or Astarté pag. 6 The last part of the documentary centres on the feared and never well known witches RIWKH0LGGOH$JHV:LWKWKHWDSHRI'XHUHULQVSLUHGE\0DOOHXV0DOHÀFDUXP titled The four witches, we will talk about this book used by the witch hunters to put to test their victims. Marija Gimbutas and the anthropologist Margaret Murria have their own theories as to the reasons for these organized persecutions and assassinations. They and other studies will explain how in reality it was about women maintaining pagan cults that had to do with lunar cycles and the harvests and that still are around in agricultural societies, as with the knowledge of herbalists and the help at births. * Goddess Mather of Höyük Zatal (Turkey) * La piedad of Miguel Angel :HZLOOLQWHUYLHZ(VWKHU+DUGLQJDXWKRURI7KHP\VWHULHVRIWKHZRPDQV\PEROLVPRI the moon). Her book shows the relationship between the cycles of the women and of the moon, cults that from ancient times they still maintain and the importance of all this in the female and male psyches. If possible we will do this interview in an astronomy observatory, where we will observe the moon through powerful telescopes. One of these, which has lately given us much to talk about, is the myth of Mary Magdalene. Through her and a journey through the south of France we will talk about the FRQYHUVLRQRIJRGGHVVHVLQWRZKRUHV:HZLOOWDNHWKLVMRXUQH\ZLWKWKHVWXGLRXV6SDQLVK WKHUDSLVW&DUPHQ*DUFtD(QJXLWDZKRZLOOH[SODLQDWYDULRXVLQWHUYHQWLRQVLQVLWXWKH importance of all these magical female places in the south of France to end the episRGHRQWKLVVLGHRIWKH3\UHQHHV7REHSUHFLVHLQ=XJDUUDPXUGL1DYDUUDZHZLOOUHcord in the cave where women practiced these rituals and there we will recreate them, MXVWDVWKHODVWDFWRIWKH,QTXLVLWLRQZDVKHOGWKHUHLQWKHWKFHQWXU\DJDLQVWZRPHQ considered to be witches. pag. 7 EPISODE 3 THE RETURN TO NATURE * Inmaculada of Zurbarán In the third episode we will follow the steps of the women and feminine myths from PHGLHYDOWLPHVXSWRWKHÀUVWIHPLQLVWPRYHPHQWVRIWKHWK&HQWXU\)URPWKHPLGGOH DJHVWKHPRGHOIDPLO\WKDWKDVEHHQLPSRVHGFRUUHVSRQGVZLWKWKHÀJXUHRIWKH9LUJLQ 0DU\\RXQJYLUJLQDODQGFDQGLGDQGDOVRWR6DLQW-RVHSKROGDQGNLQGKHDUWHG$OO RIWKLVLVGXHWRWKHFXOWFUHDWHGWRWKH9LUJLQLQVSLWHRIWKHIDFWWKDW%LEOHKDUGO\PHQWLRQVLW,QVRPHZD\LWUHODWHVKHUFXOWZLWKDQFLHQWJRGGHVVHVFU\LQJPRWKHUPRWKHU bound to son, woman and serpent, goddess of heaven and earth, mother nature. :HUHWXUQWRWKHWRSLFRIWKH*UDLO:HZLOOLQFOXGHIUDJPHQWVRIÀOPVRI$UWKXULDQ FHUHPRQLHVZKHUH\RXVHH3HUFLYDO$UWKXUÀVKHUPDQ.LQJDVZLWKPDQ\FHUHPRQLHV and Celtic Goddesses that were later Christianized. In this respect we will recreate the unicorn myth, which could only be caught with the help of a young virgin. $QH[SHUWZLOOWDONDERXWWKHZRUNRIKLVWRULDQDQGDQWKURSRORJLVW--%DFKRIHQ %DFKRIHQZDVKHDYLO\FULWLFL]HGGXHWRWKHSXEOLFDWLRQRIKLVERRNLQ7KH 0DWULDUFK\LQZKLFKKHXVHVWKHVFLHQWLÀFK\SRWKHVLVRIWKHIDPLO\DVVRFLDOLQVWLWXWLRQ and suggest that in the past the rights and authorities of the mother had priority over the father and therefore over religion and that the cult objects were developed in her image or similar. ,Q WKH WK &HQWXU\ WKH ÀJXUH RI 6LJPXQG )UHXG DOVR DURVH )UHXG LQ VSLWH RI WKH fact that he extracted the majority of his analytical conclusions from female patients, arrived at the conclusion that to perform as “auxiliary angel to satisfy the needs and DVSLUDWLRQVRIPDQµZDVWKHKLJKHVWDFKLHYHPHQWRIDZRPDQ$IWHUZDUGKHVWDWHG “The greatest question which has never been given an answer and which I haven’t been FDSDEOHRIDQVZHULQJHYHQZLWKP\\HDUVRIUHVHDUFKLV´:KDWGRHVDZRPDQ want?” pag. 8 -XQJKDGGLIIHUHQWRSLQLRQVDERXWWKHZRPDQ2QHRIKLVVWXGHQWV(GZDUG&:KLWmont, will explain where the underestimation of female energy has led both men and ZRPHQ,QKLVERRN7KH5HWXUQRIWKH*RGGHVVLWLVFRQYLQFLQJ´0DVFXOLQLW\DQGIHPLninity are archetypal forces. They constitute different ways of relating with life, with the world and with the opposite sex. The repression of femininity affects, therefore the relationship of humanity with the cosmos and nothing less than the relationship of individual men and women….” :LWKDUFKLYHLPDJHVRIWKHÀUVWIHPLQLVWPRYHPHQWVDWWKHHQGRIWKHWKFHQWXU\DQG VWDUWRIWKHWK²WKHIDPRXVVXIIUDJHWWHVZHZLOODQDO\]HZLWKWKHKHOSRIVSHFLDOLVWV the struggle of women to gain the same rights as men. * Self-portrait, Yolanda López * The igüanas’s lady, Graciela Uturbide ,WLVWLPHWRVSHDNRIWKHLPDJHVWKDWZRPHQKDYHDQGKDYHKDGRIWKHPVHOYHVRQH RIWKHH[DPSOHVLV)ULGD.DKORZKRRQPDQ\RFFDVLRQVSDLQWHGKHUVHOIDVDWUHHD ZRPDQ IXOO RI URRWV 2WKHU ZRPHQ ZKR KDYH EHHQ LQYHVWLJDWHG LQ WKLV ÀHOG DUH WKH 0H[LFDQV*UDFLHOD,WXUELGH<RODQGD/ySH]ZLWKWKHLUSKRWRJUDSKV One of the books which served for groups to relook at the cult of the Goddess in the 8QLWHG 6WDWHV ZKLFK LV ZKHUH WKH SKHQRPHQRQ EHJDQ LV 7KH :LWFK&XOW LQ :HVWHUQ (XURSHE\0DUJDUHW0XUUD\)URPWKHODVWTXDUWHURIWKHWK&HQWXU\LQWHUHVW has been growing in the recuperation of the myth of the Mother Goddess, the rediscovery of the female spirituality rituals to arrive at what is known as ecofeminism, We pag. 9 will tell that it has represented the call for the revolution of women that taking societies from all over the world to make profound changes not just in politics and economics but in social aspects. Many ”feminist” groups are returning their eyes to female ceremonies. ([DPSOHVRIZKLFKDUHWKH5HFODLPLQJWKH:LFFD7KLVODVWZRUGGHVLJQVDQHZVSLULWXDOFXUUHQWDQGULWXDOZKLFKLGHQWLÀHVZLWKKXPDQLVWDQGZKLWHSDJDQLVPDQGZKHUH the woman has a primordial role as a priestess. * The birth of The Milky Way, Rubens 2QWKLVOLQHZHZLOOLQWHUYLHZDOVR'U3LQNROD(VWpVGHVFHQGDQWRIWKHQDWLYHQRUWKDPHricans, whose book “Women who dance with wolves” was converted into a bestseller a IHZ\HDUVDJR'U3LQNROD(VWpVZLOOLQWURGXFHXVWRWKHH[FLWLQJZRUOGRIWKHWULEHVDQG FODQVRIWKH1DWLYH$PHULFDQVRIWKH:HVWFRDVW&DQDGD8QLWHG6WDWHVDQG0H[LFR Here there arose hundreds of tribes that practiced the cult if the woman, matriarchal VRFLHWLHV:HZLOOWUDYHOWKHZHVWFRDVWIURP$ODVNDWR0H[LFRLQVHDUFKRIYDULRXVPDWULOLQHDOWULEHV&KLFNDVDVWKH&UHHNWKH'HODZDUHVWKH0RKLFDQVRI1HZ(QJODQGWKH 6KDZQLVWKH1DYDMRLQGLDQVWKH6KRVKRQLVRIWKH&RPDQFKHVRI7H[DVDQGPDQ\RWKHUV WKDWFXUUHQWO\IROORZWKHIHPDOHOLQH$PRQJVWRWKHUIDFWRUVWKLVZLOOEULQJXVWRWKHWK FHQWXU\UHYROXWLRQWKHVWDUWRIWKHIHPLQLVWUHYROXWLRQWKHHQHUJ\RIWKHZRPDQWKDW exists and lives in harmony in small places, tribes and clans and that breaks with the history written by and for men. ,Q6SDLQWKHUHDUHZRPHQZKRDUHZRUNLQJZLWKZRPHQIRUWKHUHFXSHUDWLRQRIIHPLnine things from a therapeutic point of view and physical, spiritual and mental healing. $PRQJVWWKHPDUH&DUPHQ*DUFtD(QJXLWD*XDGDOXSH&XHYDVZKRZLOOWHOOXVRI their experiences through the years working with female energy in workshops with women with diverse techniques. /DVWO\ZHZLOOHQGWKLVGRFXPHQWDU\WKHWKLUGSDUWRIWKHVHULHVZLWKWKHVRFDOOHG´PRWKHUVRIWKH(DUWKµ&RPSRVHVRIDJURXSRIZRPHQIURPGLIIHUHQWFRXQWULHV1DWLYH $PHULFDQV-DSDQHVH,QGLDQVZRPHQZKRWUDYHOWKHZRUOGWRKHDOZLWKWKHLUNQRZOHGge of shamans. pag. 10 BUDGET DEVELOPMENT AND SCRIPT 2ULJLQDO,GHD½ 6FULSW½ 5HVHDUFKDQGGRFXPHQWDWLRQ½ 7RWDO½ HISTORY AND SCIENTIFIST ADVICE KLVWRULDQV[½½ 7RWDO½ TECNIC AND HUMAN TEAM 'LUHFWRUV½ ([HFXWLYH3URGXFHU%XJGHW½ 3KRWRJUDSK\'LUHFWRU½ 6RXQGUHJLVWHU½ 3URGXFHUV½ 7RWDO½ CAMERA AND SOUND &DPHUD+'DFFHVRULHVOLJKWVRSWLFVDQGVRXQG½ 7RWDO½ LOCALIZATION AND PREPRODUCTION 7RWDO½ RECREATIONS VRPHLQ6SDLQVRPHLQPLGOH(DVW (XURSHDQG$PHULFD½ $WUH]]RVFHQDULR½ 7RWDO½ PRODUCTION 7UDYHOV,VUDHO7XUNH\(J\SW6SDLQ8QLWHG.LQJGRP ,WDO\*HUPDQ\)UDQFH&DQDGD((88DQG0H[LFR½ )RRGORXQJH½ 7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ½ 3URGXFWLRQIHHV½ 7RWDO½ EDITION 0RQWDJHDQG3RVWSURGXFWLRQ½ 6RXQG3URFHVVPL[ORFXWLRQVSDQLVKHQJOLVK½ 2ULJLQDO0XVLF½ $UFKLYHVLPDJHV½ 6SHFLDO/RFXWLRQDFWUHVV½ 7RWDO½ TOTAL...............................................................................................................531.000 € pag. 11 OUR TEAM Director: TWIGGY HIROTA 7ZLJJ\+LURWD/RQGRQEDFKHORUVGHJUHHLQMRXUQDOLVP&RPSOXWHQVH 8QLYHUVLW\ 0DGULG 0DVWHU LQ 'LUHFWLRQ DQG 6FUHHQZULWLQJ IRU IHDWXUH ÀOPV 6FUHHQZULWHU 'LUHFWRU DQG 3URGXFHU VSHFLDOL]HG LQ DXGLRYLVXDO SURMHFWV GHvelopment. ,KDYHEHHQFROODERUDWLQJIRUPRUHWKDQ\HDUVLQFRPSDQLHVVXFK/RODÀOPV 0ROLQDUH7HOVRQ%RFD%RFD%5%,QWHUQDFLRQDO=HEUD3F=HSSHOLQ79/=3F0\ZRUNKDVEHHQEURDGFDVWHG LQ79($QWHQD7HOH7HOH0DGULG&DQDO$UWH1*HRJUDSKLFDQG,QWHUQDWLRQDO&LQHPD)HVWLYDOV '2&80(17$5,(6 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6KHKDVGLVWULEXWHGFRXUVHVDQGIDFWRULHVRIFUHDWLYLW\VHQVRULDOSRHWLFDQGWKHDWHU%HVLGHVOLNHHGLWRUDQG FROOHFWRUVKHLVUHVSRQVLEOHIRUWZRHGLWLRQVIRUWKH&DVWDOLD3XEOLVKLQJKRXVHLQD/LEUDU\RI:RPHQHUyWLFV WLWOHKROGHUV6WRULHVZULWWHQE\ZRPHQDQG´1HLWKHU$ULDGQDVQRU3HQpORSHVµ For years it has been coming making studies and different investigations in subjects related to the woman. )URPWKHWRWKHKDVPDGHVHYHUDOFRXUVHVRIGLUHFWLRQVFULSWDQGSURGXFWLRQGLVWULEXWHGE\WKH $UHDRI&LQHPDRIWKH&RXQFLORI&XOWXUHRIWKH&RPPXQLW\RI0DGULG pag. 13 Executive Producer: ALFONSO DOMINGO $OIRQVR 'RPLQJR $OYDUR 7XUpJDQR 6HJRYLD MRXUQDOLVW ZULWHUDQGGRFXPHQWDU\ÀOPGLUHFWRU+HKDVZRUNHGDVDMRXUQDOLVWIRU QDFLRQDOQHZVSDSHUV(O3DtV'LDULRPDJD]LQHV7LHPSR3DQRUDPDUDGLRVWDWLRQV5DGLRDQG7979(7HOHPDGULG6SHFLDOL]HGLQIRUHLJQDIIDLUVKHDOVRVHUYHUG DVZDUFRUUHVSRQGDQWEHIRUHVWDUWLQJKLVFDUHHUDVÀOPGLUHFWRU%HVLGHV$OIRQVR'RPLJRLVWKHDXWKRU of ten tv series, two widely awarded novels and six essays´ books focused on history, travel and liteUDWXUH6LQFHKHVFKDLUPDQRI$5*21$87$352'8&&,21(6DGRFXPHQWDU\ÀOPSURGXFWLRQ company based in Madrid. 1DWLRQDODQG,QWHUQDWLRQDO$ZDUGV ´&RORPELDKLVWRULDGH*DPLQHVµ(Q3RUWDGD79(79<RXWK)HVWLYDO3DULV´9LVDGRSDUDXQ VXHxRµ0LQXWHV7HOH0DGULG´0DQRV8QLGDV$ZDUGµ´/D+HUHQFLDGH&KLFR0HQGHVµ%HVW 'RFXPHQWDU\ LQ WKH ,,, ,QWHUQDWLRQDO )HVWLYDO RI (QYLURQPHQW RI *DYi %DUFHORQD 6HULHV ´/D *UDQ 6DEDQDµ 5HFHQWOLQHXS 'LUHFWRURI´(O0LVWHULRGHO´&XDWUR9LHQWRVµ´7KHPLVWHU\RIWKH&XDWUR9LHQWRVµ´6XGiQ HQWUHGRVPXQGRVµ´6XGDQEHWZHHQWZRZRUOGVµ&RGLUHFWRURI´/DV)RVDVGHO2OYLGRµ ´)RUJRWWHQPDVVEXULDOVµ'RFXPHQWRV7979('LUHFWRURI´&KDYH]HQVXODEHULQWRµ´&KDYH]LQVLGHWKHODEU\QWKµ9tD'LJLWDO([HFXWLYH3URGXFHUDQGFRGLUHFWRURIWKHFROOHFWLYH ÀOP´0DGULG0WRGRVtEDPRVHQHVHWUHQµ´0DGULG0ZHZHUHDOOLQWKDWWUDLQµ 'LUHFWRURIWKHVHULHV´/DPHPRULDUHFREUDGDµ´0HPRU\5HFRYHUHGµ[FRSURGXFHG ZLWK79(&RGLUHFWRURI´$OPDVVLQ)URQWHUDVODKLVWRULDGHOD%ULJDGD/LQFROQµ´6RXOVZLWKQRERUGHUVWKH/LQFROQ%ULJDGHVWRU\µ'LUHFWRURIWKHVHULHV´6DKHOQXHVWUDULEHUDµ´6DKHO 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important tv channels DOO RYHU (XURSH 2XU ÀOPRJUDSK\ LQFOXGHV DQ DVVRUWHG OLVW RI LWHPV KLVWRULFDO FXOWXUDO VRFLRORJLFDOLQYHVWLJDWLRQVFLHQWLÀFHWFKDYLQJDFKLHYHGZLWKVRPHRIRXUWLWOHVDPD]LQJ ratings. OUR CUSTOMERS: These are some of the most important channeles to have broadcasted the Films produced E\$UJRQDXWD 79(´'RFXPHQWRV79µ\´/DV1RWLFLDVµGH/D &DQDO3OXV6SDLQQHZVDQGUHSRUWDJHV &11&11(XURSHQHZVDQGUHSRUWDJHVIRU´9LGHRSHULRGLVWDVµ 7HOHPDGULG'RFXPHQWDU\VHULHVDQG´3DQRUDPDµ &DQDO6XU'RFXPHQWDU\VHULHVDQG´/RV5HSRUWHURVµ 79*'RFXPHQWDULHV (7%'RFXPHQWDULHV 79'RFXPHQWDULHV 7HOHYLVLyQ$XWRQyPLFD9DOHQFLDQD'RFXPHQWDULHV 579&DVWLOODOD0DQFKD'RFXPHQWDULHV 7HOHYLVLyQ3~EOLFDGH&DQDULDV'RFXPHQWDULHV 9tD'LJLWDO*UDQ9tD&KDQQHO&DQDOHV1DWXUDH+LVSDYLVLyQ'RFXPHQWDU\VHULHV &DQDO6DWpOLWH'LJLWDO'RFXPDQtD9LDMDU\$;1'RFXPHQWDU\VHULHV 2GLVHD6SDLQDQG2GLVHD3RUWXJDO'RFXPHQWDU\VHULHV /D&LQTXLqPH)UDQFLD'RFXPHQWDU\VHULHV %79%DUFHORQD7HOHYLVLy'RFXPHQWDU\VHULHV 1DWLRQDO*HRJUDSKLF6SDLQDQG1DWLRQDO*HRJUDSKLF(XURSHUHSRUWDJHV pag. 15 SELECTED FILMOGRAPHY: “the children of war”. ,Q*HUPDQ\LQYDGHGWKH8566DQG Bajo Todas Las Banderas. many of this former children, along with Españoles en la II Guerra Mundial QHZUHIXJHHVIURP6SDLQDERXWSLORWV µ8QGHUDQ\ÁDJÀJKWLQJ6SDQLDUGVLQWKH and guerrilla experts among them) took an II World War” DFWLYHSDUWLQWKHÀJKWDJDLQVWIDVFLVPGHIHQGLQJWKH8566 PARTE 1: CAMPOS DE RESISTENCIA” $W WKH VDPH WLPH RWKHU 6SDQLDUGV ZHUH (60’) UHDG\WRWDNHWKHLUSDUWLQWKHÀJKW7KRPart 1: Resistence Camps VHZHUHWKHPHPEHUVRIWKHVRFDOOHG%OXH Division, an expeditionary army corps $W WKH HQG RI WKH 6SDQLVK &LYLO ZDU RI VWURQJ PRVW RI WKHP YROXQWHHUV WKRXVDQGV RI PHPEHUV RI VHQW E\ )UDQFR WR ÀJKW DORQJVLGH +LWOHUV WKH 6SDQLVK 5HSXEOLFDQ $UP\ FURVVHG WKH army. French border just to be imprisoned by the French authorities that refused to shelter them as political refugees. Only two years later many of these former soldiers ZHUH ÀJKWLQJ DJDLQ WKLV WLPH DV SDUW RI the French army and later among the most RXWVWDQGLQJUDQNDQGÀOHRIWKH´0DTXLVsard”. For many of them, defeat meant a especially tragic destiny, when after being captured by the Germans they were sent to the extermination camps of Mauthausen DQG*XVHQZKHUHPRUHWKDQZRXOG Technical data: be assassinated. 'LUHFWHGE\ $OIRQVR'RPLQJR 6FULSW -DYLHU&DEDOOHUR$OIRQVR'RPLQJR +LVWRULFDODGYLVHUV %HQLWR%HPHMR6DQGUD&KHFD -RVp /XLV 5RGUtJXH] 6HFXQGLQR 6HUUDQR Jean Ortiz ([HFXWLYHSURGXFHU -DYLHU/&DEDOOHUR &LQHPDWRJUDSK\ -RVp/XLV/ySH] PARTE 2: EL FRENTE DEL ESTE: ROJOS Y 6RXQG AZULES” (60’) Daniel Rodríguez Part 2: Red and Blue at the Eastern front. 0~VLFD /XLV3DVWRU3HGUR*XHUUD ,QGXULQJWKHÀUVWVWDJHVRIWKH6SD- (GLWLQJ QLVKFLYLO:DUDSUR[LPDWHO\FKLOGUHQ -XDQ9HUGHDO\5DXO2UGDV ZHUHHYDFXDWHGIURPWKHDUHDVXQGHUÀUH $UJRQDXWD 3URGXFFLRQHV 7DOOHU 9LGHRto Russia, where they became known as JUiÀFR79(\&DQDOGHOD+LVWRULD pag. 16 Sahel Nuestra Ribera postrated by poverty and forced to face 3URGXFHG ZLWK WKH DLG RI $(&,' DQG WKH a new social challenge in the form of mi+$,$&)RXQGDWLRQ gration. SENEGAL, A MAR ABIERTO With Ismael Lo and Hampaté Sow 6HQHJDO WKH ÀUVW RI WKH FRXQWULHV YLVLWHG through this documentary series is located RQWKHVKRUHRIWKH$WODQWLF2FHDQDVLWXDtion that confers it its identity as a borderland country surrounded by the inmensity of the sabana, the desert and the big sea. From the ocean came the colonization, and through its waves the nowadays´ young BURKINA FASO, DULCE CORAZÓN DE PHQ RI 6HQHJDO WU\ WR UHDFK WKHLU GUHDP FUEGO of material prosperity in a process that has With Amity Méria and Dauda Traoré become a painfully social drama. %XUNLQD )DVR VWLOO PDQWDLQV LWV WUDGLWLRQDO Through its landscapes, the shores and the ZD\ RI OLIH (FRQRPLFDOO\ EDVHG RQ DJULEHDFKHVRI'DNDU5XVÀTXHDQG6DQ/XLV culture, its local religions are still practiced through childhood memories of renowned E\PDQ\RILWVLQKDELWDQWV$ERXWWKLVDQG VLQJHU,VPDHO/RWKHYLHZHUZLOOGLVFRYHUD RWKHUWRSLFVZHWDONZLWKWKHVLQJHU$PLW\ country that dreams of education, of agri- Meria, who tells us of the problems of the FXOWXUDOGHYHORSPHQWDQGRIDZD\WRGHÀ- ZRPHQ RI WKH FRXQWU\ DUUDQJHG PDUULDnitely leave poverty behind. ges, lack of education, submission to men, poligamy… 'DXGiDYHU\IDPRXVVFXOSWRUWHOOVXVRI his tribe, called “the blacksmiths” and of its WUDGLFLRQDOXVHRIÀUHERWKDVDWRRODQG as a mean of making art. MALI, LA ESPERANZA DE LA TIERRA With Ami Koita and Ismael Diabaté )URPWKHORRNRIWZRORFDODUWLWVWVWKHÀOP offers a vision of the country far from the XVXDOFOLFKpV8VLQJDVDQDUUDWLYHWUHQGWKH VRQJV RI $PL .RLWD DQG WKH SDLQWLQJV RI Ismael Diabate to the roots and the inner .HHOLQJRIWKLVFRXQWU\DQGLWVSHRSOHORQJ Technical data: Directed by $OIRQVR'RPLQJR 6FULSW (OLVHRGH3DEORV pag. 17 EL MISTERIO DEL CUATRO VIENTOS 2Q -XQH WK DQ H[SHFWLQJ FURZG $UJRQDXWD3URGXFFLRQHV/D3URGXFWRUD ZDLWHGDWWKH9DOEXHQDVDLUSRUW0p[LFR OD)257$)HGHUDFLyQGH2UJDQLVPRVGH 7KH ODQGLQJ RI WKH 6SDQLVK SODQH FDOOHG 5DGLR\7HOHYLVLyQ$XWRQyPLFRV &XDWUR 9LHQWRV )RXU :LQGV ZDV VFKHGXled after the plane´s crew had completed a real feat by the establishment of an aeULDOURXWHIURP6SDLQWR&XEDDQG0p[LFR )ROORZLQJ RUGHU IURP FDSW 0DULDQR %DUEHUiQ DQG /W -RDTXtQ &ROODU WKH &XDWUR 9LHQWRV KDG FRYHUHG LQ KRXUV WKH GLVWDQFH EHWZHHQ 6HYLOOD DQG &DPDJXH\ DUULYLQJ LQ &XED RQ -XQH WK 7HQ GD\V later the plane departs from Havana heading up north to the continente. However, it QHYHUUHDFKHGWKH1RUWK$PHULFDQVKRUHV 8SWRWKLVGD\LWLVVWLOOXQNRZQZKDWHYHU KDSSHQHG WR WKH &XDWUR 9LHQWRV 7KH ÀOP tells about the adventure, about the men ZKRPDGHLWSRVVLEOHDQGÀQDOO\DERXWWKH hidden rehaznos of the disater. Technical data: 'LUHFWHGE\$OIRQVR'RPLQJR 6FULSW$OIRQVR'RPLQJRDQG-RUJH)HUQiQdez-Coppel +LVWRULFDOFRQVXOWDQW*HQHUDO-RVp6iQFKH] 0pQGH] ([HFXWLYH SURGXFHUV 7DW~V *LO 5DLPRQG Masllorens 3URGXFHU-RVp+HUHGLD 0XVLFFRPSRVHGE\3DEOR6DOLQDV 3RVWSURGXFWLRQ-XDQ9HUGHDO pag. 18 Argonauta Producciones C/ Cuesta de las Descargas 6, 2º E, 28005 Madrid Tel. 91 365 51 23 [email protected] www.documentales.net
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