
WEEKLY Newsletter
Week of 1st October 2012
Unit of inquiry
We started with the new unit “Me and about me”. Tuning in was done
through “Mirror Activity”. They were given hand mirror to observe and
touch their own facial features and compare themselves with others.
Children learnt about the different parts of face and their functions. Reinforcement activity was done by making face mask by each child individually.
Children enjoyed the activity, where they searched the parts of the face hidden in the sand box.
Pasting activity
Treasure hunt
Language development
Story –Gingerbread man was narrated with the help of puppets and audiovisuals.
Yellow colour was introduced through rhymes and play dough activities.
Children identified yellow objects inside and outside the classroom and
placed them at the yellow corner created in the class. They enjoyed singing
rhymes and songs related to the current unit.
one little finger-2 tap tap tap. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IypGqxXSEsU)
Y-e-l-l-o-w spells yellow, like the early morning sun when the day has
just begun.(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHGYLqvfygE )
I have two eyes to see with.
Nani teri morni ko mor le gayain
Dadi amma dadi amma maan jao
Shahbad ki gudiya ki aankh nahi hai, gudiya kaise dekhegi.
New vocabulary-cow, pig, hourse, old man, old lady, sun, banana, mango,
nose, mouth, ears, eyes, teeth, chin, cheeks, face, tongue,sunflower, lemon.
cognitive development
Grain pouring and pegging activities were done to enhance their eye–hand
co-ordination and fine muscular development.
Number counting was introduced by counting the body parts such as
one nose, two eyes.
Concept of up and down was introduced through action rhymes, picture
cards and sorting activities.
Fine motor skills
As the extension activity of the story gingerbread man, children pasted
the parts of the face on the cutout of gingerbread man.
They coloured the objects such as sun, banana, lemon, sunflower,
school bus to create a lap book of yellow colour.
Gingerbread man craft
Face mask
Specialist comments
In the Music class
Students practised singing of simple major scales in ascending and descending order
Hindi songs (“Shahabad ki Gudiya” and “Nani teri morni ko mor le
gaye” were taught.
Children played musical instruments such as tambourine, harmonium and piano.
Picture Gallery
Reading time
Story Time
Treasure hunt
Mirror activity
Sorting activity
Yellow treasure hunt
Yellow corner
Play dough activity
Pasting yellow objects in the lap book.
Playing with puzzles
Story-Hungry Caterpillar
Story-Gingerbread man
Gingerbread man craft
Fun in the jhoola badi
Picnic at Pathways Early Years-DLF Phase- 3