July - Shire of Meekatharra
July - Shire of Meekatharra
Issue Number 213—June 2010 Cost $ 2.00 incl. GST Hi readers, I hope you all enjoyed my first issue. From now on I will be including the answers to the puzzles in the same edition, instead of having to wait a whole month. If you have any contributions please forward them to me at the Shire. Enjoy the cooler weather while it lasts! Happy reading! -Sam If you would like to subscribe to the The Meekatharra Dust simply complete the form below and send with your payment to: CO-ORDINATOR “The Meekatharra Dust” PO BOX 315 Meekatharra WA 6642 ‘The Meekatharra Dust’ is a nonprofit community newspaper. Articles or advertisements can be posted to PO Box 315 Meekatharra, faxed on (08) 9981 1505 or left at the Shire Office Or try emailing us at NAME:________________________ POSTAL ADDRESS _______________ _____________________________ Subscriptions are: (1) Address in WA: $33.00 (inc GST) (2) Address in other States $38.50 (inc GST) Subscriptions are for a 12 month period. [email protected] Advertising Rates: Size B&W Colour Full Page $46.50 $66 Half Page $23.80 $38.50 Quarter Page $14.70 $22.00 Eighth Page $12.45 $16.50 5x5 = 25 They’re the same! The Meekatharra Dust 2 June 2010 May Answers: Louise Archer will make the chocolate cake. Julie Bowness will make the coffee cake. Kay Cook will make the plain cake. Mary Dancer will make the vanilla cake. Calling for Submissions If you have any articles with information, about events, or photos you have taken that you would like included in the Meekatharra Dust, please drop them into Sam at the Shire before the closing date shown on the back page. EVENTS NOT TO MISS THIS MONTH # Sydney Hot Shots - Thursday 1st # Free Great Gardens Presentation - Saturday 3rd # St John Ambulance Meeting - Wednesday 7th # Youth Centre Discos - Friday 9th & 16th 6pm-9pm # Battle of the Bands Meeting - Saturday 10th # Telecentre Committee Meeting - Tuesday 13th # Ordinary Council Meeting - Saturday 17th # Interagency Meeting - Tuesday 20th # Festival Committee Meeting - Wednesday 23rd # Meekatharra Fancy Dress Ball - Saturday 24th # Ben Muller Tax Returns - Friday 30th Disclaimer: The Meekatharra Dust is a publication of the Shire of Meekatharra. The Shire of Meekatharra, staff and councillors, take no responsibility for accuracy of or omissions in any material published. Information contained within the Meekatharra Dust does not necessarily reflect the views of The Shire of Meekatharra or its employees or councillors. The Meekatharra Dust 3 June 2010 Meekatharra Library Did you know we get a new exchange of books every month? Come in and check out what is new this month! If there is a particular novel or author you are interested in, we can request these for you, just pop in to the Shire office. We have a number of library books and DVDs that have not been returned and are overdue. Please could you check that you have returned all overdue library items. Please note that you must be an existing member of the library to order in books. Located in the Shire Office The Library is open: Monday to Friday 8 am to 4.30 pm. Thank you -Sam Newman Vet Meekatharra Dr. Rick Fenny Located at Paddy’s Flat For appointments phone: 9175 1309 or 0408 936 061 EMERGENCY ADVICE : 9175 1309 or Dalkeith Veterinary Clinic on 9386 6277 The Meekatharra Dust 4 June 2010 Meekatharra Update Festival Meeti Dates Have Been Decided For The Following Events Ö Battle of the Bands Meeting Saturday 10th July 11am Saturday 24th July - Fancy Dress Ball. Theme - ' MKA ' ( anything starting with the letters M, K or A) The Next Festival Meeting Will Be Held On: Wednesday 23rd 2010 Time: 5.00pm Venue: Council Chambers All Old and New Committee Members welcome The Meekatharra Dust 5 June 2010 When is it going to STOP To the PERSON or PERSONS responsible for the countless ACTS of vandalism to our Parks and Gardens, Eg: snapping of our lovely trees, breaking pieces of the New Front Fence, graffiting our Park benches, ripping up our trickle system and smashing the WALK TRAIL BRIDGES. (We know who you are) MAYBE YOU MIGHT GRAB A BRAIN SOMEDAY RIGBY The Meekatharra Dust 6 June 2010 The Meekatharra Dust 7 June 2010 The Meekatharra Dust 8 June 2010 FIRST AID COURSES How are your first aid skills? Better Beginnings brings together babies and books, Expressions of interest to run! and families and libraries through a range of activities If you are interested in taking part of the Better Register your interest with Beginnings Program please Peter Clancy 9981 1088 contact the Shire Office The Meekatharra Dust 9 June 2010 The Meekatharra Dust 10 June 2010 The Meekatharra Dust 11 June 2010 The Meekatharra Dust 12 June 2010 The Meekatharra Dust 13 June 2010 DOG CONTROL WHEN WALKING YOUR DOGS ON THE TOWN OVAL THEY MUST BE ON A LEASH AT ALL TIMES AND HELD BY YOU, THE OWNER. YOU MUST BE IN COMPLETE CONTOL OF YOUR ANIMAL AT ALL TIMES AND DISPOSE OF ANY DROPPINGS IN THE RUBBISH BINS PROVIDED BY THE COUNCIL. Thank you Meekatharra Shire The Meekatharra Dust 14 June 2010 MEEKATHARRA HEALTH CENTRE VISTING SERVICES—JULY 2010 For Appointments—Hospital Reception: 9981 0600 Physiotherapist— Brian Poller 5th July Podiatrist— Gerard Huck 6th July For Appointments—Community Health : 9981 0638 Speech Pathologist—Laura Dietician—Lauren Smith Pediatrician 12th July 12th July 19th July Speech Pathologist, Occupational Therapist— Referrals to Cue Primary Health : 9963 1539 Psychiatrist—Mental Health Team : 9981 0625 Other visiting specialists include Ear, Nose & Throat Specialist, Physician & Pediatric Physiotherapist As all dates are subject to change—please confirm appointments the day before. (Appointments availability is usually determined by prioritising according to health needs) RFDS MEDICAL SERVICE Outpatient Opening Times : Monday—Friday 9am—12 noon (except Thursday 10am—12 noon) & 2pm—4pm. Medical Services are prioritised according to urgency. After Hours is for EMERGENCIES Only DENTAL VISITS TO MEEKATHARRA —2010 Phone contact numbers during above periods only Meekatharra Dental Clinic : 9981 0640 Mobile Dental Clinic : 0427 386 647 For More Information : Dental Health Services (Perth) : 9313 0555 The Meekatharra Dust 15 June 2010 The Meekatharra Dust 16 June 2010 The Meekatharra Dust 17 June 2010 The Meekatharra Dust 18 June 2010 The Meekatharra Dust 19 June 2010 The Meekatharra Dust 20 June 2010 2010 Variety WA Bash 28 August - 4 September 2010 What is the Bash? The Bash is a carnival on wheels, bringing fun and excitement to regional communities throughout WA. The Bash is not a race or a rally and speed is not important. What really matters is that everyone has a great time visiting parts of WA they would not otherwise see, at the same time providing much needed help to WA’s sick, disadvantaged and special needs children. As with all Variety WA motoring events, Bashers are bound by a strict code of conduct including WA Road Rules, safety and behavioral standards, with an experienced mechanical and medical crew on hand to assist whenever needed. The Bash legend began with businessman, explorer and philanthropist Dick Smith in June 1985, when he organised to take a few mates for a drive in the outback in old cars and at the same time raise money for charity. Since then, the annual Variety Bash has become Australia’s most successful charity motoring event and is the focal point of fund raising efforts by many hundreds of Variety supporters Australia wide. For more information about the Variety WA Bash, please contact Natalie at Variety WA on 9355 3655. The Meekatharra Dust 21 June 2010 The Meekatharra Dust 22 June 2010 Meeka’s Social Cycle Place: Meet at Shire corner Time: 9:00am every Sunday 5:15pm every Thursday Get training ready for the Murchison Community Cycling Challenge MCCC Enquiries Ph: 0409 089 597 Squash Court OPEN Located at the back of the Sports Complex Agreements, Keys and Tokens are available from the Shire Office. Fees and Charges are as follows : Key Bond (Fully refundable) - $100 Cash. Court Hire—$11.00 per token = one hours use We do not hire equipment (racquets/balls etc) Entry is permitted to key holders only The Meekatharra Dust 23 June 2010 Christmas in July The history of Christmas Although it is sometimes attributed to an Irish group who enjoyed the winter snow in Sydney's Blue Mountains and decided to party, the precise beginnings of the Christmas in July tradition is not totally clear, nor does it need to be, as it is a simple idea that has been enjoyed by many here who remember the northern hemisphere's snow blanketed Christmas nights. Australians too love a traditional Christmas dinner, however the typical midsummer heat here on Christmas Day, means that many families are forced to focus on salads, because it is just too hot to get enthusiastic about a traditional big roast with pudding etc. So over the years many Australian families and organisations have opted to have an addition Christmas dinner in July celebration, in the middle of winter when it's nice and cool and great for tucking in to a sumptuous big feast. A Christmas in July dinner usually includes Christmas Decorations Christmas Candles, colourful streamers, bonbons, Christmas hats and whistles. This Christmas tradition is so well entrenched in Australia that most restaurants, clubs and dining halls, have an official advertised annual catered menu for Christmas in July, and are often booked in advance. It's always a great excuse for work teams to get together and party, and at a time when they don't have to battle to reserve a table and pay premium prices. The Meekatharra Dust 24 June 2010 July Birthdays Chelsea Mongoo 1st Edgar Edwards 1st Michael Walley 1st Zeth Hill 5th Murray Pens 3rd Tilly Kyanga 8th Esteena Gillespie 3rd Braiden Page 8th Tahlea Hansen 3rd Mandi Ostaszewskyj 12th Jerome Jones 3rd B.J. Baumgarten 14th Tyrone Hill 4th Mary Coulthard 14th Max Johns 16th Corrissa Boddington 17th Jessica Lunken 17th Peter Clare 19th Zodiac Gillespie 20th Tahlia Ashwin 22nd Leannedra James 22nd Steven Trenfield 25th If you have any birthdays you would like placed in the Meekatharra Dust please call Sam on 9981 1002 The Meekatharra Dust 25 June 2010 The Meekatharra Dust 26 June 2010 The Meekatharra Dust 27 June 2010 The Meekatharra Dust 28 June 2010 The Meekatharra Dust 29 June 2010 The Meekatharra Dust 30 June 2010 A very happy day was held for my 87th Birthday. All the players bought me a beer and Dot made me a cake with five candles on it which I blew out. Thanks again everyone. -Your editor Rusty The Meekatharra Dust 31 June 2010 The Meekatharra Dust 32 June 2010 Contact Elaine King for further details—0439 909 738, 9980 1030 The Meekatharra Dust 33 June 2010 FREE PROMOTIONS Any non profit organisations or activities which are purely for the benefit of the Meekatharra and surrounding communities can promote themselves free on Meeka FM in many ways. We can create a promo and have it played at specific times on air We can promote your service/activity while we are on air We can get you into the studio to record a promo We can do phone interviews to promote your services So if you’re wondering how you can get your message out to the community with very little effort, please contact Meeka FM 98.3 Email: [email protected] PH/FAX: 08 9981 1358 The Meekatharra Dust 34 June 2010 MEEKATHARRA CARAVAN PARK OPEN CHEAP FUEL GAS BOTTLE REFILLS 7 DAYS A WEEK MINI DELI ICE GOLDEN FRIED CHICKEN The Meekatharra Dust 35 June 2010 The Meekatharra Dust 36 June 2010 The Meekatharra Dust 37 June 2010 The Meekatharra Dust 38 June 2010 The Meekatharra Dust 39 June 2010 The Meekatharra Dust 40 June 2010 The Meekatharra Dust 41 June 2010 The Meekatharra Dust 42 June 2010 The Meekatharra Dust 43 June 2010 The Meekatharra Dust 44 June 2010 The Meekatharra Dust 45 June 2010 The Meekatharra Dust 46 June 2010 The Meekatharra Dust 47 June 2010 The Meekatharra Dust 48 June 2010 The Meekatharra Dust 49 June 2010 Diabetes Awareness Week Sunday 11 to Saturday 17 July 2010 Alerting people to their risk factors for type 2 diabetes. Diabetes is a chronic disease with serious complications, currently affecting an estimated 1.7 million Australians. About 275 adults develop diabetes every day, yet research shows that most Australians think diabetes is not a serious illness and believe they have a lower risk of developing it than they actually do. Diabetes Mellitus (Diabetes) is the name given to a group of conditions that occurs when the level of glucose (a type of sugar) in the blood becomes higher than normal. Insulin is a hormone that moves glucose from your blood stream, into the cells of your body where it is used for energy. When you have diabetes, the body either can’t make enough insulin or the insulin that is being made does not work properly. This causes your blood glucose level to become too high. High blood glucose levels can affect both your short and long term health. There are two main types of diabetes – type 1 and type 2. At this stage there is no known cure for either type of diabetes, although diabetes can be well managed. Healthy eating and an active lifestyle are important for everyone. Changes to your eating habits and physical activity level can reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. If you are overweight, losing weight is one of the most important things that you can do to help prevent or delay diabetes. Even small amounts of weight loss will help and will also reduce risks of heart disease and other chronic diseases. Who is at risk of type 2 diabetes? People who have a family history of type 2 diabetes People who are overweight or obese People who are inactive People with pre-diabetes (impaired glucose tolerance / impaired fasting glucose) People with high blood pressure and/or abnormal blood fats or a history of cardiovascular disease Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people People from certain ethnic backgrounds Women who have had diabetes while pregnant (gestational) Women with polycystic ovarian syndrome and are overweight Smokers People taking antipsychotic medication The good news is, that type 2 diabetes can be prevented! Studies have shown that lifestyle modification programs, involving healthy eating, physical activity and weight loss, are effective at preventing or delaying type 2 diabetes in those at high risk. More than 60 per cent of the Australian population are overweight or obese. Being overweight is one of the major factors contributing to the increase in type 2 diabetes. It is important for all people to adopt a health lifestyle to prevent diabetes. The Meekatharra Dust 50 June 2010 The Meekatharra Dust 51 June 2010 The Meekatharra Dust 52 June 2010 The Meekatharra Dust 53 June 2010 The Meekatharra Dust 54 June 2010 The Meekatharra Dust 55 June 2010 "Meeka FM is looking for new volunteers. Training will be provided where needed and program times are very flexible. Please call 99811358 or email: [email protected] Meekatharra’s Community Gym – OPEN Located at the Indoor Cricket Centre on High Street State of the art equipment is now set up including a treadmill, rowing machine, a variety of weights and much more! Gym agreements and keys are available from the Shire office (a fee applies for key holders) Entry is permitted to key holders only between 5am and 10pm daily The Meekatharra Dust 56 June 2010 The Meekatharra Dust 57 June 2010 The Meekatharra Dust 58 June 2010 The Meekatharra Dust 59 June 2010 The Bathtub Test During a visit to the mental asylum, a visitor asked the Director how do you determine whether or not a Patient should be institutionalized. "Well," said the Director, "we fill up a bathtub, then we offer a teaspoon, a teacup and a bucket to the patient and ask him or her to empty the bathtub." "Oh, I understand," said the visitor. "A normal person would use the bucket because it's bigger than the spoon or the teacup." "No." said the Director, "A normal person would pull the plug. Do you want a bed near the window?" Darren Lockyer, the Pope, John Howard & a school boy were all on the same plane when the engine failed and started to plummet towards the Earth. They all realised that there was 4 of them & only 3 parachutes. Darren Lockyer got up & said I am a sporting superstar & must live so that I can please my fans & continue my career to beat the Kiwi's & the Poms in the trinations series. So he grabbed a parachute and jumped out of the plane. Then John Howard got up and said I am the smartest Prime Minister Australia has ever have and I need to live to continue to govern the nation. Then the Pope said to the school boy & said I am old & have lived my life so you should take the last parachute. The school boy replied, no it's ok, the worlds smartest Prime Minister took my school bag so there’s one for each of us! Quote of the month: Accept that some days you're the pigeon, and some days you're the statue. A Homeless Mans Funeral As a bagpiper, I play many gigs. Recently I was asked by a funeral director to play at a graveside service for a homeless man. He had no family or friends, so the service was to be at a pauper's cemetery in the Kentucky back country. As I was not familiar with the backwoods, I got lost and, being a typical man, I didn't stop for directions. I finally arrived an hour late and saw the funeral guy had evidently gone and the hearse was nowhere in sight. There were only the diggers and crew left and they were eating lunch. I felt badly and apologized to the men for being late. I went to the side of the grave and looked down and the vault lid was already in place. I didn't know what else to do, so I started to play. The workers put down their lunches and began to gather around. I played out my heart and soul for this man with no family and friends. I played like I've never played before for this homeless man. And as I played 'Amazing Grace,' the workers began to weep. They wept, I wept, we all wept together. When I finished I packed up my bagpipes and started for my car. Though my head hung low, my heart was full. As I opened the door to my car, I heard one of the workers say, "I never seen nothin' like that before and I've been putting in septic tanks for twenty years." Apparently I'm still lost.... Sent in by Ellen The Meekatharra Dust 60 June 2010 The Meekatharra Dust 61 June 2010 The Meekatharra Dust 62 June 2010 The Meekatharra Dust 63 June 2010 Sudoku is the logic based number game, also know as number place. The game is simple to play with the aim being to fill the empty cells of the Sodoku grid so that each column, row and 3x3 grid contain the digits 1 to 9. May Sudoku lution The Meekatharra Dust 64 June 2010 So Can the Big bad wolf find his way through the maze to huff and puff and blow the house down? The Meekatharra Dust 65 June 2010 Answers on page 70 The tabletops are identical in shape and size! I haven't believed that either, until I measured it myself. 1. If an electric train is going east at 60 miles an hour and there is a strong westerly wind, which way does the smoke from the train drift.? 2. If one child has 5 2/3 sand piles and another has 2 1/3, and you combine them, how many sand piles do you have? Is the blue wall in the block or on the block? Is it the back wall or the side wall? How many words can you find? Each word must contain the central U and no letter can be used twice, however, the letters do not have to be connected. Proper nouns are not allowed, however, plurals are. There is at least one nine letter word. Excellent: 50 words. Good: 35 words. Average: 25 words. ??????????? 3. A man takes a barrel that weighs 50 pounds, and then puts something in it. It now weighs less than 50 pounds. What did he put in it? 4. Often held but never touched, always wet but never rusts, often bit but seldom bites, to use me well you must have wit. What am I? 5. Have you heard the saying What goes up must come down? Well what goes up and never goes down? R O T U A N A T In spite of what your eyes are telling you, the smaller off-center circle is actually perfectly round. The Meekatharra Dust 66 June 2010 S The Meekatharra Dust 67 June 2010 The Meekatharra Dust 68 June 2010 For Integrity Bookings Please Call (08) 95 746 707 or call in & see Russell at the Meekatharra Post Office Answers—1. Electric trains don’t produce smoke! 2. One 3. He put a hole in it. 4. A Tongue 5. Your age! The Meekatharra Dust 69 June 2010 The Meekatharra Dust 70 June 2010 Blessings, Revd. Lesley deGrussa-Macaulay, 67 Darlot Street, Meekatharra (or PO Box 14), P: 08 9981 1053, M: 0417 918 035. Weekly Church Services: Meekatharra Community Church Frontier Services 65-67 Darlot Street, Meekatharra. Weekly Sunday Services: Communion: 9am 1st Sunday each month Contact: Revd. Lesley deGrussa-Macaulay Phone (08) 9981 1053 or Mobile 0417 918 035 The Meekatharra Dust 71 June 2010 WHATS COOKING Beef stroganoff & potato pies Method Ingredients (serves 4) 2 sheets ready rolled shortcrust pastry 500g gravy beef, diced 1 tbs oil 1 onion, chopped 2 garlic cloves, crushed 250g mushrooms, halved 1 cup (250ml) beef stock 1/4 cup (70g) tomato paste 1/4 cup (65g) sour cream 1/2 cup chopped fresh continental parsley 475g tub mashed desiree potato Answers: 1. Electric trains don’t produce smoke! 2. One 3. He put a hole in it. 4. a tongue. 5. Your age! 1. Preheat oven to 220°C. Line 4 x 9 1/2 cm (base) pie dishes using 2 sheets ready rolled shortcrust pastry, overlapping and cut to fit. Line the base with non-stick baking paper and fill with rice. Bake 10 minutes. Remove paper and rice. Bake 10-15 minutes or until golden. Brown 500g gravy beef, diced in 1 tbs oil in a large saucepan. Remove. 2. Saute 1 onion, chopped, 2 garlic cloves, crushed and 250g mushrooms, halved. Return beef. Add 1 cup (250ml) beef stock. Simmer, covered, for 1 hour. 3. Add 1/4 cup (70g) tomato paste and simmer for 30 minutes. Stir in 1/4 cup (65g) sour cream and 1/2 cup chopped fresh continental parsley. Spoon into cases. Top with 475g tub mashed desiree potato. Bake 15-20 minutes. The Meekatharra Dust 72 June 2010 The Meekatharra Dust 73 June 2010 Events Calendar JULY # Sydney Hot Shots - Thursday 1st # Free Great Gardens Presentation - Saturday 3rd # St John Ambulance Meeting - Wednesday 7th # Youth Centre Discos - Friday 9th & 16th 6pm-9pm # Battle of the Bands Meeting - Saturday 10th # Telecentre Committee Meeting - Tuesday 13th # Ordinary Council Meeting - Saturday 17th # Interagency Meeting - Tuesday 20th # Festival Committee Meeting - Wednesday 23rd # Meekatharra Fancy Dress Ball - Saturday 24th # Ben Muller Tax Returns - Friday 30th Closing Date: 27th July Publishing Date: 30th July The Meekatharra Dust 74 June 2010