Techna Catalogue
Techna Catalogue
Techna Products JTEC of MCB’s Table contents JTec McBs JTEC MCB’s are DIN rail mountable, high performance thermal/magnetic circuit breakers. Their compact dimensions, ease of mounting and excellent performance make them ideal for the overload and short circuit protection of control components and associated wiring. Their current limiting design and high interrupt/voltage ratings make them vastly superior to residential or ‘push-to-reset’ MCBs. They are available in Supplementary (JTECUL) or Branch rated (JTEC489) versions in 1, 2 and 3 pole units, and offer industry standard trip curves. (B,C,D and K). Amp ratings available are 1/2A – 63A in both versions. 2 1 3 Anatomy of a High Performance MCB 4 1 - Box terminal 7 - Box terminal 2 - Busbar aperture 8 - DIN clip 3 - Hammer action solenoid 9 - Thermal element 4 - Actuator handle 10 - Arc runner 5 - Moving Contact 11 - Trip bar 6 - Busbar aperture 12 - Arc chamber 12 11 10 5 9 8 7 Features and benefits common to both • Current and energy limiting design reduces damage caused by short circuits. • Higher voltage and amp ratings allow design flexibility. • Dual DIN rail mount feature makes replacement easier in tight spaces. • Optical indicator window shows contact status independent of toggle position. • Can be reverse fed if toggle has to be oriented in a specific direction in a panel. • DC versions are available up to 125VDC (1P) or 250VDC (2P in series) • Extra set of terminal screws for easy power pickup points or optional busbar feature. • Terminal screws are recessed to provide ‘finger safe’ protection. • Full range of accessories available. 2 2 2 2 6 JTEC MCB’s Table ofMCB’s contents JTec JTEC McBs JTECUL JTECUL MCBs are certified as ‘Supplemental Protectors’ to UL1077 (CSA JTECUL 235) and are intended for the overload and short Protectors’ circuit protection of individual JTECUL MCBs are certified as ‘Supplemental to UL1077 (CSA control Supplemental devices are typically on the of load 235) components. and are intended for the overload and short circuitused protection individual side of branch circuit devices to ‘Supplement’ control components. Supplemental devices the are branch typicallyrated useddevice. on the They load areside available in a circuit wide range of current ratings and characteristics thatThey of branch devices to ‘Supplement’ the trip branch rated device. allow to beinmatched to theofprotection requirements individual control are them available a wide range current ratings and trip of characteristics that devices. allow them to be matched to the protection requirements of individual control devices. JTECUL MCBs are also certified to UL508 as Manual Motor controllers and can be usedMCBs for direct across the line of individual or groups of JTECUL are also certified to starting UL508 as Manual Motor controllers and motors. ‘Suitable as motor disconnect’ to meetof can beThey usedare formarked direct across thefor lineuse starting of individual or groups emerging requirements. They are not intended to be used in motors. inspection They are marked ‘Suitable for use as motor disconnect’ to meet applications requiring arequirements. Branch rated device. emerging inspection They are not intended to be used in applications requiring a Branch rated device. JTECUL MCB’s can be matched with a wide variety of accessories to JTECUL expand their capabilities. MCB’s can be matched with a wide variety of accessories to expand their capabilities. 1/2 - 63A 277/480Vac B, 1/2 C, D Trip curves - 63A 277/480Vac 1, B, 2, 3 versions. C,Pole D Trip curves 1, 2, 3 Pole versions. to UL508 to UL508 JTEC489 JTEC489 JTEC489 MCBs are approved to UL489 as ‘Branch Circuit’ overcurrent devices. In addition to having the to same capabilities of the supplemental MCBs, JTEC489 MCBs are approved UL489 as ‘Branch Circuit’ overcurrent they are also approved for use as a main incoming feeder or for field wiring devices. In addition to having the same capabilities of the supplemental MCBs, applications. High 10kA interrupting maintained up toor63A. they are also approved for use as rating a mainisincoming feeder for field wiring applications. High 10kA interrupting rating is maintained up to 63A. They are available in a wide variety of amp ratings and trip curves so they can beThey matched to the circuit MCBs be usedsointhey place are available in a requirements. wide variety of JTEC489 amp ratings and can trip curves can of be Supplemental matched to protectors. the circuit requirements. JTEC489 MCBs can be used in place of Supplemental protectors. JTEC489 MCB’s are available with a wide variety of accessories to expand their capabilities. JTEC489 MCB’s are available with a wide variety of accessories to expand their capabilities. 1/2 - 63A 277/480Vac Note* 1/2 -35-63A 63A 240VAC 277/480Vac B, Note* C, D &35-63A K Trip 240VAC Curves 1, B, 2, 3 Pole versions. C, D & K Trip Curves 1, 2, 3 Pole versions. 3 3 3 3 3 3 application TheTripcurvereferstotheinstantaneoustripcurrent.(ie:Shortcircuit)inmultiplesofMCBrating.Trip timesonoverloadarethesameforallcurves. B trip - very fast(3-5x rating) Sensitive electronic equipment with no inherent surges or momentary overloads. D trip - slow blow trip (10-20x rating) Circuitsconsistingprimarilyofmotor,transformer or solenoid/coil content. • Solidstatedevices • Switchingpowersupplies • InputsandoutputsforPLC’s • Motorstarters • Pumpcontrolpanels • Compressorandpumppanels • Generatorpanels • Capacitorapplication • Transformerprimaryprotection. •Solenoids. C trip - normal trip (5-10x rating) Mixedloadswithsomemotor,transformeror solenoid content. K trip (489 only) - slow blow trip (10 to16x rating) Sameasfor“D”withslightlylessdelay. Aspecialcurvedevelopedbyothermanufacturers. • Generalsmallpanelcontrolwithmixeddevices • HVACcontrol • Lightingcontrolpanels • Discreteprotectionoflightingballast • Machinetools • Mobileequipment,trailers • Vendingmachines,ATM’s • Marineelectricalsystems De-rating for Temperature and multiple devices. IfcircuitloadingdoesnotexceedtheCanadianElectricalCoderequirementof80%,thenthiseffectively buildsina‘buffer’forhigherambientormultiplepoles.De-ratingisonlyrequiredifthefollowingconditions are exceeded. Ambienttemperature >40*C De-rateby0.5%foreverydegreeover30* Multiplepoles De-rateby1%foreveryadditionalpole. >5 MCB Application Table application JTec McB type Trip curve % of device or circuit full load rating 489 C 125% Generalcircuitprotection-mainlyresistive 489 CorD 125% Lightingballast Circuitswithcoils/solenoids/transformers 489orUL D 200% Heatersandresistors 489orUL C 125% Transformer 489 DorK 125% Transformersecondary 489 CorD 125% 489(1-10A) D 175% 489(12-63A) D 125% UL(1-10A) D 200% UL(12-63A) D 300% 489orUL B 125% 489 C 100%ofcablerating 489orUL D 200% MotorCircuits(5secrunupmax) Electronic devices Cableprotection Capacitors 4 4 JTec series Technical data General specifications JTecuL Compliance JTec489 SupplementaltoUL1077 (CSA235) ULmotordisconnectstandard BranchratedtoUL489 (CSANo.5) UL508 IECstandard N/A IEC/EN60898,DIN43880 Approvalmarks cURus(1077),cULus(UL508),IEC, CE Ambienttemperaturemin/max cULus,IEC,CE -25*to+60*C Mounting position Any Degreeofprotection IP20 Mechanicallifeexpectancy 100,000on/offcycles Electricallifeexpectancy 6,000on/offcycles VibrationresistanceG/HZ 3G’s(8-50HZ) Reversefeedcapability Yes electrical specifications 1/2,1,1.6,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 10,13,15,16,20,25,30,32, 40,50,60,63A Ampratingsavailable Numberofpollsavailable 1P,2P,3P,1P+N,3P+N Tripcurvesavailable Ratedvoltage-standardmodels AC DCversions DC Ratedfrequency(AC) HZ 277/480Y 347/600Y* Interruptingratings-DCversions Backupfuserating MagneticTrip(instantaneous) B,C,D,K 277/480Y 277/480Yto32A 240Vac40-63A N/A 125Vdc1P/250Vdc2polesin series 1/2-6A10kA 10kAupto32A 7-63A5kAw/outbackupfuse - 7-63A10kAwithbackupfuse - 1/2-63A2kAw/outbackupfuse - 1/2-63A5kAwithbackupfuse - 10kAwithbackupfuse,5kAw/out - 240Vac 10kAupto63A 60DC* 10kAupto63A 125Vdc 10kAupto63A 250Vdc 10kA-2Polesinseries 600Vac CSA/ULClassJ-4XMCBrating B N/A 3-5Xcurrentrating C 5-10Xcurrentrating D 10-20Xcurrentrating K OverloadTripxIn Wire range B,C,D 50/60HZ InterruptingRatings InterruptingRating 1/2,1,1.6,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, 9,10,13,15,16,20,25,30, 40,50,60,63A N/A 10-16Xcurrentrating 1.13-1.45currentratingin<1hr 1.05-1.3currentratingin<1hr UL/CSA AWG12-AWG3(2.55mm2-25mm2) Busbartiepoint 125Amax TighteningTorque 13-17in/lbs(1.5-2Nm) 5 5 Trip curves for JTec489 & JTecuL 6 General specifications Tripping Characteristic of JTEC489 Tripping Characteristic of JTEC489 Circuit Breaker (In <10) Circuit Breaker (In >10) 6 JTec accessories JTec accessories JTecuL JTec489 1FormC JTECULAUX1CO JTEC489AUX1CO 2FormC JTECULAUX2CO JTEC489AUX2CO OperatesintandemwithMCB. 1formC+signal JTECULAUXSCO JTEC489AUXSCO Useforremotesignallingor switching applications. 1formC+signal+test JTECULAUXSTCO JTEC489AUXSTCO JTECULST12AC JTEC489ST12AC auxiliary contacts MountstosideofMCBwith fieldkit. shunt trip 12Vac 24Vac Useforremotelytrippingthe JTECbreaker. JTECULST24AC JTEC489ST24AC 120Vac JTECULST120AC JTEC489ST120AC 230Vac JTECULST230AC JTEC489ST230AC 24Vdc JTECULST24DC JTEC489ST24DC 48Vdc JTECULST48DC JTEC489ST48DC JTECULST110DC JTEC489ST110DC JTECULN2 JTEC489N2 12Vac use 489 series JTEC489UV12AC 24Vac use 489 series JTEC489UV24AC 120Vac use 489 series JTEC489UV110AC 230Vac use 489 series JTEC489UV230AC 24Vdc use 489 series JTEC489UV24DC 48Vdc use 489 series JTEC489UV48DC 110Vdc use 489 series JTEC489UV110DC MountstosideofMCBwith fieldkit. 110Vdc neutral pole Useforaddingaswitched NeutralpoletoanyJTECMCB. 1/2-63Amp MountstosideofMCBwith fieldkit. undervoltage release Useforautomaticallytrippingthe breakerincaseofpowerloss. MountstosideofMCBwith fieldkit. safety lockout device Usetolockthetoggleinopen or closed position to prevent tampering.(note:MCBcontacts willstilltripfeeeveninlocked ‘On’position.) Yellow JTECLP1YELLOW Black JTECLP1BLACK Requirespadlockswith4mm (5/32”)orsmallerhasps. 7 7 JTec accessories continued JTecuL JTec489 Busbar UseBusbarstoparallelmulti polestosavelabourandneaten installation. PINtypefitsinplaceofwire. Spade type fits under screw terminal,leavingwireterminalfree. 1 phase pin terminal BBTEC1PPIN16 2 phase pin terminal BBTEC2PPIN16 3 phase pin terminal. BBTEC3PPIN16 1 phase spade terminal BBTEC1PCOMB20 2 phase spade terminal BBTEC2PCOMB16 3 phase spade terminal BBTEC3PCOMB16 pending Busbar connector terminal. Usetoconnectcablefeedto busbar. Powerfeedconnector #1AWG-Max125A BBTECECCT35 - BBTECEC3P16 - Busbar cut end-cap. Usetoinsulatebusbarendafter cutting. End cap Front Mount Panel adapter UsedformountingMCB’sto rearofpaneldoor JTECFMA1P(1pole) JTECFMA2P(2pole) JTECFMA3P(3pole) Panel mount adapter clip. JTECPANELCLIP ReplacesDINrailmounts.Use forscrewmountingMCB’s directly to panel. ForJTEC489useplasticornylon screws due to clearances. accessory specifications 8 PowerTerm.Capacity #20-#12AWG(2.5-25mm2) Tighteningtorque 3-4inlbs(.33-0.5Nm) Aux.&Signalterm.WireCapacity #20-#12AWG(0.5-2.5mm2) Tighteningtorque 3-4inlbs(.33-0.5Nm) Auxiliarycontactratings 6A@120Vac,3A@250Vac Busbarampacity 125Aifcenterfed,80Aiffedfromoneend. 8 dimensions JTECUL outline JTEC489 outline 17.5 0.69 35 1.38 52.5 6.5 2.07 0.26 JTEC 489 109.7 4.32 JTEC UL 85.5 3.36 45 69 2.72 109.6 4.3 0.57 1.77 Red = mm Blue = inches 14.5 44 1.73 60 2.36 Ordering RED = JTEC UL Series BLUE = JTEC 489 Series Ordering Code - AC JTEC JTEC Series UL UL = Supplementary 489 = Branch Rated 2 No. Poles UL (1, 2, 3) No. Poles 489 (1, 2, 3) B 10 Amp Rating (0.5 - 63A) UL Trip Curve (B, C, D) 489 Trip Curve (B, C, K, D) Amp Rating (0.2 - 63A) Ordering Code - DC (489 only) JTECDC JTEC Series 489 489 = Branch Rated 2 No. Poles 489 (1, 2, 3) B 10 489 Trip Curve (B, C, K, D) Amp Rating (0.2 - 63A) *special current ratings available on request 9 9 LedTec Pilot Lights LEDtec’sareLEDpilotlightsutilizingmulti-chiptechnologytoprovidebright,evenlylitcolour.Theirsolidstate designandlonglifemakesincandescentbulbsathingofthepast.Theaestheticallypleasingdesignfitsin wellwithcurrentpaneldesigns.LEDtecsmountintostandard22mm(7/8)knockouts,haveasinglerear locknutandhaveintegralscrewclampterminalsforeasywiring.Theyareavailableinstandardcoloursand control voltages. Specifications Voltages 12Vac/dc,24Vac/dc,48Vac/ dc,110/120Vac,110/120Vdc, 230Vac IPRating IP65 Colours Red,Green,Amber,Blue,White Temperaturerange -25oC60+55oC Lifeexpectancy 30,000 hours Relative humidity up to 98% Di-Electricwithstand 2.5kVacfor1minute Tighteningtorque 0.9Nm Voltagetolerance +20%(lowervoltagesarenot aproblembutwillreducelight output. CurrentDraw 6-12V≤20ma 24V≤15ma 120V≤10ma 240V≤4ma Frequency 50-60HZ Approvals • • • • • • VerybrightLEDbulb Standard22mmformat Directwiretointegralrearterminals Shockresistant Oilanddusttight 1piecedesign-onepartnumber Catalogue number example LEDTEC R 120Vac/dc LEDTEC Series R=Red G=Green A= Amber B=Blue W=White 12Vac/dc 24Vac/dc 48Vac/dc 110/120Vac 110/120Vdc 230Vac Colouredcap 30mmto22mmAdapter Whitediffuserinsert BCRAX 29 7 50 7 Rubbergasket 12.5 Knurlednut 36 M22 x 1.5 threads Removableterminalshroud 20 21.8 WiththenewBCR-AXadapterring, goingfrom30mmto22mmtakesonly afewseconds.. • Steelplatedbackingringwith anti-rotationnotch • Fitspanelthicknessupto14gauge Panelknockoutdimensions • Notoolsrequired • Availableinblackplasticorchromed metalbezel. diam. - 22.2mm Dimensions in MM 10 10 - PlasticbezelBCR-AX - ChromedmetalbezelBCR-AM Ba9s Led Bulbs Upgrade to LED’s without changing out pilot lights! BA9SLED’sarehighbrightnessLEDbulbswithindustrystandardBA9Sbayonetbases.Theywillfitinto anystandard22mmor30mmpilotlightthatacceptsBA9Sbulbs.Theirsolidstatedesignandlonglife makesincandescentbulbsathingofthepast.LEDBA9sareavailableinindustrystandardcolorsand voltageratingsandallowsLEDupgradefromthefrontofthepanelwithouthavingtoopenthedoor. • HighbrightnesssingleLEDchip • Flattopprovidessuperiorlightdispersion. • Willfitmostpilotlightsandilluminateddevices. • Lowenergyconsumption(<20ma) •Cooleroperation.Givesofflessheat. •Reducedmaintenancecosts. •LongLife(excessof30,000hours) •Immunetovibration Note:Bulbcolourshouldmatchcolourofdeviselensformaximumlighttransmission&bestcolourfidelity. Specifications Voltages 6,12,24,48,120,220VAC/DC Colours Red,Green,Amber,White,Blue Lifeexpectancy 30,000 hours VoltageTolerance +20%,-30%ofnominal Frequency 50/60HZ OperatingTemp.Range -30*Cto+85*C CurrentDraw <20MA RoHScompliant,IEC,CE Catalogue number example BA9SLED BA9SLED Series 120 6Vac/dc 12Vac/dc 24Vac/dc 48Vac/dc 120Vac/dc 220Vac/dc 11 R R=Red G=Green A= Amber B=Blue W=White 11 Techna Products 599 NORRIS COURT KINGSTON, ONTARIO CANADA K7P 2R9 TEL: 613.384.4144 • FAX: 613.384.0167 Toll Free: 800.479.3875 • Toll Free FAX: 800.866.7690 EMAIL: [email protected] • WEB: Ref/TECH201 Printed in CANADA