"The Blarney" - Irish Draught Horse Society


"The Blarney" - Irish Draught Horse Society
The Blarney
2008 Summer edition
2008 foal
foal gallery
the irish Draught Mare
Horses in the Heat
two i(D)SH named to
olympic eventing team
equus Survival trust
festivale & the iDHSNa
Summer edition Cover
Contest Results
2008 inspection
tour announced
CiC Rebecca farm
2008 Yea Packet
Member News | Regional Reports | board News | Calendar | Show Results
The Blarney - Summer
The official Newsletter of the
Irish Draught Horse Society of North America Inc.
Next Deadline: OCTOBER 15, 2008
2008 FALL edition
Co-Editors: Judie Framan - Email: [email protected]
Kate Triplett - Email: [email protected]
Advertising/Design/Production: Laurie Monroe
9885 NW 127th Court, Ocala, FL 34482
(352) 445-1235 / Email: [email protected]
The IDHSNA Inc. is the North American organization recognized
and approved by the IDHS Ireland and the IHB, to register Irish
Draught and Irish Draught Sport Horses. The Blarney is the official
newsletter of the IDHSNA and is published quarterly.
The Blarney assumes no responsibility for the truth or accuracy of
the advertisements contained herein. Statements, opinions, and
points of view expressed by the contributors and advertisers are
not necessarily those of The Blarney staff and/or the IDHSNA Inc.
We reserve the right to edit any editorial materials received and
deny placing advertising or written material that is deemed damaging or contrary to the goals of the Society.
The Blarney is copyrighted by the IDHSNA Inc. All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be re-printed in any form without
the written permission of the IDHSNA Inc.
Subscriptions: The Blarney is included with most memberships.
Non-members may subscribe to The Blarney for $30 per year.
Contributions: Articles, photos, news items, and horse show
results are always welcome. Contact the Editors at the addresses
listed above.
Advertising: Advertising rates are available from the editor, online
at www.irishdraught.com, or in The Blarney.
2007 Executive Council
President: Nanette Levin / Email: [email protected]
Vice President: Charles Yates / Email: charles@tullycrossfarm.
Secretary: Lyn Lindstrom / Email: [email protected]
Treasurer: Sarah McMullen / Email: [email protected]
Directors: Jennifer Stevens / Email: [email protected]
Brianne Sells / Email: [email protected]
Fleur Bryan / Email:[email protected]
Gina Kirby / Email: [email protected]
IDHSNA Registration Services:
4037 Iron Works Parkway, Suite 160
Lexington, KY 40511-8483
Phone/Fax: (859) 455-8090
Information Officer: Rachael Cox
HC65 Box 45 Pleasant Mount, PA 18453-9605
Phone: 1-866-IDHSNA-1 / Email: [email protected]
Member Services Coordinator:
4037 Iron Works Parkway, Suite 160, Lexington, KY 40511
Phone/Fax: (859) 455-8090
Email: [email protected]
Cover Photo submitted by Gina Kirby.
CMF Dun Na Rí - IDSH colt playing “Peek-A-Boo”.
By Flag of Diamonds RID x Greylyn Diamond Promise IDSH-CAN.
From Our President . . .
he summer issue of The Blarney offers our members – and
our readers – an opportunity to dream of new beginnings
and stand proud of what can be the most anticipated
results of our year-long effort. Who can resist an adorable foal, or
stay the excitement of seeing what our efforts to keep this breed
alive reveal? Of course, sharing the pride and produce brought forth
during the tiring spring foaling season is rewarding, and it’s wonderful to see so many members coming forward each year to reveal
news and views of their babies.
In the case of this Society, I believe the notion that it takes a village
to raise a child – or a foal – is relevant. Each Irish Draught and Irish
Draught Sport Horse today exists because of the efforts of many in
the past who ensured this breed survived. It’s North America’s turn
to lead by example with a coordinated, cooperative and thoughtful
plan for the future for our horses – and our Society. Many have very
specific opinions about how the RID should be ‘designed,’ but until
we can effectively work collaboratively to get a consistent, sustained
and focused strategy and message out to a general populace; our
individual efforts may be for naught.
he Executive Officers are working to develop a strategic
vision for the Society with long-term and short-term goals
in mind. This strategic plan will be presented to the entire
BOD for discussion and decisions, and then put out to the members. We hope this will set some direction for future activities and
help to spur the Society, and each member’s concerns, toward a
rewarding and fulfilling future. In the meantime, we have a lot we
have committed to and need help from our many enthusiastic and
talented members. Please see the associated sidebar for a more
details, but some of our most critical and immediate tasks where
committees are short on help include: The Equus Trust Survival
Festivale (see Page 13 sidebar with Susan Jensen’s article on the
event); Fundraising Committee; Annual Show Strategic Committee;
and The Blarney Advertising Committee.
The BOD and other volunteers have been very busy this year handling challenges and developing initiatives.
• A Financial Oversight Committee was set up early in the
year and is charged with providing checks and balances
for our Treasurer and Member Services Coordinator as well
as quarterly assessments and ongoing recommendations.
• We now have a brochure written, designed and approved.
Please let us know if you need copies – and how many.
• Our beautiful new logo can be seen on the brochure
(thanks to Laurie Monroe) as well as on the popular products now sporting this mark. Contact Bill Appel for more
information about the exciting new items available for
purchase and distribution.
• We are working with Rachael Cox, our Information Officer
who answers our toll-free phone line and other Society
queries, mostly coming from advertisements, to provide
her with current information . We hope to have a package
she can be proud to send out in the near future.
• There has been interest in producing a membership directory, but we need someone to spearhead this project.
• We’ve created a number of committees (please see sidebar on Page 13 to see where we need more help), and
enacted many initiatives that are well under way.
continued on Page 4
2008 Board of Directors - Contact Information . . .
Nanette levin
Halcyon Acres
996 State Route 247
Rushville, NY 14544
[email protected]
(w) 585-554-4612
vice President
Charles Yates
2450 Frizzellburg Road
Westminster, MD 21158
[email protected]
[email protected]
(h) 410-871-2825
lyn lindstrom
1399 S.W. Clevenger Lane
port Orchard, WA 98367
[email protected]
(h) 360-874-8887
Sarah McMullen
24926 Sylvan place
Magnolia, TX 77355
[email protected]
(h) 713-825-1287
(f) 713-634-2718
DiReCtoRS at laRge:
Jennifer Stevens
19764 Dairy Ave., Lester prairie, MN 55354
[email protected]
(h) 612-599-8314
brianne Sells
18320 Yellow Schoolhouse Rd.
Round Hill, vA 20141
[email protected]
(h) 540-554-8320
fleur bryan
1279 Bates Lane, Smithfield, KY 40068
[email protected]
(h) 502 845-2111
gina Kirby
259 Barrel valley Road
Spring Church, pA 15686
[email protected]
(h) 724-478-6254
RegioNal CHaiRS:
Central Region
Doug Mackay
Manu Forti Farm
2002 South greenwich Rd
Wichita, KS 67207
[email protected]
(h) 316-689-8344
South West Region
Shirley Kahlert
1531 gurr Road, Atwater, CA 95301
[email protected]
(h) 209-381-0543
North West Region
liz Mcfarland
Indian Creek Ranch
Box 145, Ashland, MT 59003
[email protected]
(h) 406-784-2405
North East Region
Nadia Cook-grisewood
672 Milford Warren glen Rd
Milford, NJ 08848
[email protected]
(h) 908-995-7455
(fax) 908-439-3588
South East Region
Sue Rowdon
p.O Box 78, Hartwood, vA 22471
[email protected]
(h) 540-752-2103
South Central Region
bill appel
101 Sena Drive, Metairie, LA 70005
[email protected]
(h) 504-831 7419
2008 Life Members . . .
Call foR NoMiNatioNS:
The Nominating Committee would like to bring
your attention to the INSERT that you should
have received with this Summer edition of The
If you did NOT receive a nominating form and
instructions, please contact Lyn Lindstrom at:
(360) 874-8887 or email: [email protected]
2008 Summer Edition - T he Blarney
iDHSNa life MeMbeRS
Melissa Cason
Karen Cobb
James W. Cogdell
Rachel Cox
Elizabeth Drake
patrick J. Flannery
Marion g. georgiev
Brian gwartz
Jutta Heinsohn
James B. Keogh
patricia Orgas
Brianne Sells
Maggie Tyler
Susan Yates
Charles Yates
Page 2
In This Issue . . .
From Our president . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2008 BOD Contacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2008 Life Members Listing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2008 Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
IDHSNA Financials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 & 6
The Blarney Cover Contest - Wrap up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Austin’s Story - Many Can Relate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
IDHSNA Annual general Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
IDHSNA Nominations Notice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Regional Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Equus Survival Trust Festivale and the IDHSNA . . . . . . . . . . . 13
IDHSNA Well Represented at KDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-15
2008 IDHSNA Inspection Status Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2008 iDHSNa Calendar
auguSt 2008
1st - Nominating Committee Nominee Deadline
SePteMbeR 2008
6th - IDHSNA Annual general Meeting, KHp
25th - Inspection Schedule Begins
oCtobeR 2008
1st - Nominating Committee Report to Members
9th - Inspection Schedule Concludes
10th - Fall The Blarney Advertising Deadline
15th - Fall The Blarney Content Deadline
31st - SWR performance Award Deadline
31st - Deadline for Budget Items to Treasurer,
Review of all Committees, programs, policies etc.
Two Named for the 2008 uS Olympic Eventing Team . . . . . 17
uSEA Future Event Horse update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Member News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19, 29 & 31
Matriarchs of the Modern Stallion Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2008 Foal gallery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-26
verterinarian Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
About the Adequan/uSDF All-Breed Awards . . . . . . . . . . . 33
CIC Rebecca Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Show Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
2008 IDHSNA Membership Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2008 IDHSNA Advertising Order Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
2007 IDHSNA North American Herd Listing . . . . . . . . . . 39-44
Advertiser Index . . .
BenMar Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inside Front Cover
Blackberry Ridge Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inside Back Cover
The Cadence Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Back Cover
Adsagsona Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Allen, Leslie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Bellwether Irish Draughts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Blackberry Ridge Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Celtic Manor Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Dandelion Farm Irish Drauhts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Halcyon Acres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Merrypath Irish Drafts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Saddle Brook Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Tully Cross Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
NoveMbeR 2008
1st - Record Date, Independent Nominations Due
10th - Ballots go Out
15th - Budget Due
DeCeMbeR 2008
10th - Ballots Returned
15th - Year End Award Cards Due
15th - IDHSNA Stallion Reports Due
JaNuaRY 1, 2009
1st - Membership Fee Due
10th - Yearbook The Blarney Advertising Deadline
15th - Yearbook The Blarney Content Deadline
MaRCH 2009
31st - Memberships Considered Lapsed
aPRil 2009
1st - 2010 Annual Show proposal Deadline
10th - Spring The Blarney Advertising Deadline
15th - Spring The Blarney Content Deadline
23rd - IDHSNA Office 2nd Anniversary, KHp
JuNe 2009
1st - Deadline for Inspection Applications
30th - Nominating Committee Appointed
30th - IDHSNA 2009 Annual Show application deadline
JulY 2009
10th - Summer The Blarney Advertising Deadline
15th - Summer The Blarney Content Deadline
Wild Hare Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2008 Summer Edition - T he Blarney
Page 3
From Our President (con’t) . . .
Meet your IDHSNA Treasurer. . .
hanks to you, the members, for your patience as we have
dealt with some considerable staffing challenges. We are
aware of the problems and are addressing them. In response
to member concerns stated last year, we set up a system early
this year to log and follow member issues. Charles Yates, our Vice
President, has been appointed to take care of any member concerns
that are not being addressed. If you have experienced challenges
with registration, membership, inspection or other Society related
issues, please contact Charles at [email protected] or (410)
871-2825. I know that you will appreciate Charles’ quick response to
stated concerns and his dedication to ensuring follow-through.
I’d like to extend a hearty welcome to our new Treasurer, Sarah
McMullen. She has met the challenges of this Society and its BOD
with grace and a solutions-oriented mindset. Super kudos to the
Treasurer Search Committee comprised of John Lyons (Chair), Pat
Bewley, Kerianne Robertson and Michelle Metraux for identifying a
significant number of extremely qualified candidates and presenting
two excellent finalists to the BOD. Thanks, also, to the many members
who were kind enough to put their name forward for this position.
Please consider being a candidate for our 2009 BOD.
ooking at the promise of our youngsters in this issue provides
inspiration and hope for a grander future. Let’s work together to
ensure our passion for this wonderful breed is put to good use
– and devoted to positive results for all. There is so much that can be
done with the ideas and enthusiasm of the members of this Society.
Why not be the one to make it so?
Nanette Levin, President
[email protected]
Howdy y’all,
y name is Sarah McMullen, and I was recently
chosen to fill the IDHSNA Treasurer position. By
day, I am a senior accountant at an oil and gas
company in Houston, Texas. By night I am devoted to my husband and our little farm of animals in Magnolia, which include
four horses, three dogs, and a cat. I’m also a proud LSU alumni
– Geaux Tigers!
We joined the Society last year when we purchased our first
Irish, a Sport Horse we named Slew O’Diamonds (aka Donnelly), by Prescott’s Diamond RID x Slew’s Pennant by Show’em
Slew (TB). He is now 15 months old, gelded, graying out,
and 16 hands already. My hopes are that Donnelly will be my
eventing partner in the years to come. We fell in love with the
Irish horses while honeymooning in Ireland, where we spent
several day riding Irish Draughts, Sport Horses, and Connemara
y husband, Mike, and I are excited to get to
know everyone and their horses. We are planning to attend the Equus Survival Trust Festival in
September and hope to meet many of you there. I look forward to serving you in my Treasurer capacity, and welcome
any questions or comments you may have.
Sarah McMullen / [email protected]
713.825.1287 (ph) / 713.634.2718 (fax)
Page IDHSNA 2nd Qtr Profit & Loss Statement . . .
April through June 2008 P&L
2008 Summer Edition - T he Blarney
Page IDHSNA Financials (con’t) . . .
balance sheet (as of june 30, 2008)
2008 Summer Edition - T he Blarney
Profit and loss - (june 2008)
Page The Blarney Cover Contest - Foals - Summer 2008
hank you to all our members who submitted cover photos for the contest.
These photos represent those participants who were able to meet the published requirements within the published timeframe.
Each entry had their own special appeal to the
judging staff and I am sure they will to you too! Juding proved a challenge as there was not a unanimous vote on their first choices - each judge had
an different choice for their favorite! Our overall
winner; however, was a unanimous choice as the
photo each judge listed in second position!
Celtic Manor Ri, IDSH colt, by Flag of Diamonds RID
x Greylyn Diamond Promise IDSH, submitted by Gina Kirby.
BLAZE, IDSH colt, by Dromard View RID x Miss Amigo
Lace (APHA), submitted by Saddle Brook Farm.
Pennies from Heaven, IDSH filly, by KEC Double
Diamond RID x Aquila Lion ISH, submitted by Sally Chapell
he Blarney staff would like to thank our
independent judges for their involvement in the contest selection. Thank you
Sue Holland, Margo Taylor and Christine Bergeron
for your discerning eyes and your flexibility!
crimson tyton, IDSH colt, by Bridon Glenlord RID x
Rich & Dangerous (APHA), from Erika Culmann - courtesy
IDSH filly, by Kilpeck Diamond Knight RID x TB dam,
submitted by Denise.
2008 Summer Edition - T he Blarney
KLEARY’S SWEET HEART, IDSH filly, by The King of
Hearts RID x Sally Sells Shells (TB), submitted by Karen Young.
INDIGO ART, IDSH filly, by Touch of the Blues RID x
Indisgo Art IDSH, submitted by Leslie Allen.
Emerald Mountain, IDSH filly, by Mountain Pearl RID
x Diamond Godiva IDSH, submitted by Marylee McGee.
Page Austin’s Story - Many Can Relate . . .
Austin’s Story
Submitted by Shirley Kahlert
nyone who breeds horses knows that constant fear as the mare
approaches delivery: something bad will happen and we will
lose the much treasured mare or foal. We’re never ready for that
event, but for Jennifer and John Fruge of Madera California, it became
a reality this spring. They reported that their beloved mare Night Point
(Sassy), had a Irish Draught Sport Horse colt about 5 a.m. on Friday
April 11. The foal was born at Sweetriver Equine Clinic in Waterford
California, and when it became clear that something had gone terribly
wrong, the mare and foal were moved to Pioneer Equine Hospital in
nearby Oakdale. Sadly, Sassy had to be put down at 6 a.m. the following morning.
When they got to Glenhill farm, Jennifer and John had yet another
long and sleepless night, taking great care to make sure that Roz and
Austin properly bonded. Every time the foal got up to nurse, they
carefully held the mare and foal to be sure that the mare would not
hurt the baby. It worked. Austin and Roz had clearly become a team.
However, Austin was so big that he had to be fed milk replacer along
with nursing. Today, Austin lives in a pasture with Roz, his foster mom,
waiting to be re-united with a delighted John and Jennifer when he is
weaned., and he continues to thrive.
Austin and his foster mom Roz.
Austin and his birth mom, Sassy (Night Point).
But this story will have a happy ending: After a very sleepless night
and a lot of driving, John and Jennifer drove back to Pioneer, put
baby Austin in the trailer, and took off for Petaluma where Claudia
Colo had located a foster mare at Genevieve Ghilotti’s Glenhill Farm.
Genevieve had. experienced the loss of a another beautiful foal, a filly,
Zest. However, Zest’s mother, Roz, was available with a full udder of
milk. John rode in the back of the trailer with Austin and reports that
the colt stood up for two and a half hours of a three and a half hour
drive before he finally lay down. John fed him foal milk replacer in a
blue bucket on the way.
any IDHSNA members and friends has experienced the
loss of a mare or a foal this year, as did Jennifer and John,
and in the worst cases, both, reminding us all of just
how fragile life can be. As we follow his growth into the future, Austin
will serve as a poignent memory of his lost mother, Sassy, and his lost
foster sibling, Zest, and a clear reminder of just how determined to
survive one tough little horse could be.
Austin (left) Stanley (right) - You’re all right, mate - Come on, let’s play!!
Austin and foster mom, Roz - “Getting to know you!”
2008 Summer Edition - T he Blarney
Page IDHSNA Annual General Meeting (AGM) . . .
september 6, 2008
kentucky horse park
The AGM for the IDHSNA will be held on the morning of September
6, 2008 at the Kentucky Horse Park during the Equus Trust Survival
all, but we certainly don’t want to miss anyone at this event (and the
future Blarney capturing the minutes).
e have secured a room that can accommodate eighty
people from 8 a.m. – 11 a.m. Consequently, we should
have about two hours to plan fun, useful, interesting and
rewarding activities that do not include AGM business. Many have suggested a silent auction (or not so silent one). Others have expressed a
wish to learn more about the members and/or participate in networking activities. Some would like to see time spent formalizing existing
and new committees. Food is a priority for some, not so much for
others. A few would like to schedule a three-hour inquisition - probably not the favored option by the majority. Regardless, this time is
yours and we welcome all input on how to spend it. Of course, there
will be some necessary business to address, but the time required for
this can be extremely minimal. Anyone who wants to be on the committee planning the activities included in this three-hour time period is
his year, we’d like the general membership to help set the
agenda. Anyone who has been reading the minutes, has
signed up for the Notices List, reads The Blarney or picks up
the phone to talk to some of our BOD members, has been kept apprised of our activities, in as close to real-time fashion as possible.
Given the full disclosure policy adopted of late, no one should feel
left in the dark about Society business. We have some issues and challenges that we are trying to address, but we also have some exciting
initiatives that are either underway, or in the planning stages. We hope
to announce to the membership a visionary, dynamic, long-term strategic vision for the Society in the coming month. So, instead of the
BOD telling the members what they will hear, we’d like to invite all of
you to suggest ideas for a format and topics that are of interest. Let’s
try and be positive and forward-thinking with the content so that the
meeting is interesting, productive and appreciated by all. The overall
theme should be focused on propelling the Society, the RID and the
IDHS into a grander future.
Recognizing our volunteers has been made a critical priority this year.
Anyone who has come forward with their time, resources and talent
to help forward the Society in 2008 should send a reminder to ensure
you are included (see Nanette Levin e-mail address below and please
include AGM Volunteer Kudos in the subject line). One of the priorities
set this year has been to appreciate those coming to the fore to help
the Society. An attempt has been made to send thank you letters to
Please e-mail [email protected] (if you want your message
seen, please put IDHSNA AGM at the start of the subject line) with
AGM ideas, interest in the committee, suggestions for meeting activities or any other input you might have concerning this event.
This is a great opportunity for all to meet and greet, get familiar with the
facility we call home and network with an anticipated 4000 spectators (not to mention competitors) at this unusual event. Consider how
spending a few days of September in Kentucky could improve your
Nanette Levin, President
IDHSNA Nominations Sought . . .
Nominations Sought – Act now to ensure you improve the IDHSNA
t’s that time of year to decide if you are going to be part of the solution. We have an enthusiastic and dedicated nominating committee that has
been working hard to fill a slate with some fairly critical positions up for reelection. These include: President, Treasurer and Jennifer Stevens’ position
as Director at Large (they will also be reviewing the By-Laws with some possible recommended changes concerning Regional Directors). Please
contact them if you are interested in running or would like to suggest a candidate.
The 2008 Nominating Committee is:
Patricia Bewley, NE Region
[email protected]
Penny Dodge, CE Region
[email protected]
Pam Martin, SE Region
[email protected]
Karen Garrett, SC Region
[email protected]
Kudos to Lyn Lindstrom for assembling this team and ensuring as many regions as possible were represented.
Feel free to submit your own name to any of those mentioned above, or to suggest a candidate that you feel is appropriate for a position. The team
is having an especially tough time securing candidates for President.
2008 Summer Edition - T he Blarney
Page Photo courtesy Gayle Sheahen
Regional Reports . . .
Submitted by Sue Rowdon
Activities in the SE Region continue to roll on, or would that be “Shamrock On”!
he Kentucky
Association’s Breeders Classic II, held both a
purebred and part
bred Irish Draught
class. The pure bred
winner was Jan Robertson with Granite’s
Rhapsody RID. The
part bred class was BenMar Mint Julep. Photo Courtesy Bob Tarr (BobTarr.com)
won by BenMar Mint
Julep owned by Jeannette Varghese.
Late in May, Jutta Heinsohn, riding K.E.C. Double Diamond (Oisin), put
on quite a demonstration at the Golden Ocala Golf and Equestrian
Club. You can find the colorful and entertaining recounting elsewhere in this
issue, called, “Full Bodied Red.”
The 2008 Upperville Colt and Horse
Show again featured two Irish Draught
Divisions, Pure and Part Bred. Our judge
this year was Gillian Devenny from Co.
Donegal in Ireland. We were fortunate
to once again have Juliet Graham as
our riding judge in the Irish Hunter
classes. Although the 100 degree
temperatures kept some inside with
the air conditioning, we had nearly 60
entries this year. Our SE Region booth
was visited by newcomers to the ID as
well as some old friends. Many picked up the new SE Region handout beautifully prepared by Laurie Monroe. Thank you to Charles Yates
for printing the trifold and to the many members and friends who
sat under one of the ancient oak trees and folded brochures as they
Melissa to turn to face
the camera.
Also in June, Kilronan
Irish Draughts (Larry &
Michelle Robbins) were
invited to bring a couple
of their horses to the
15th Annual Potomac
Celtic Festival. Kilbline
(Molly) and Little Gem
(Gem) were a big hit
with parents and kids as
they lined up to give the
mares treats and pats.
They were in the parade
right behind the color guard, demonstrated lunging, and jumping in a
small ring set up for them. Larry gave the presentations on the history
and characteristics of the breed. One of the re-enactors, Jack McClure, asked to have his picture taken up on Molly. Through the magic
of photo shop the picture looks as if it were taken at the Transvaal in
The USEA Future Event Horse classes in the SE Region continue to be
well attended by members and their IDSHs. Too many to list here,
you can find the results on the USEA web site: http://useventing.com/
competitions.php. Make sure you watch the USEA site for Championship location information, and best of luck to our IDHSNA members
competing there.
s I write this report, the NC Equine Extravaganza is going on in
Raleigh, NC. Tony Phillips reports that Harkaway Lionhawk RID is
an outstanding ambassador for the breed, charming the visitors
who stop by for a chat. Among those who came by his stall were
long time IDHSNA member, Sue Holland, as well as RL Adams, attorney
for IDHSNA, who was a speaker at the event.
Once again a reminder to drop me a note to let me know what you
are doing with you IDs in our region.
South west Region Report
Submitted by Shirley Kahlert
he Southwest Region will hold inspections at the end of September at sites near Reno Nevada and Sebastopol California.
Please contact the regional chair at [email protected]
for any further information. We are tentatively planning to have another IDHSNA SW Region table at the Twin Rivers Horse Trials, also set
for the end of September.
esults for 2008 are printed elsewhere in this issue so I’ll not add
them here. However, I will mention that it was fun to watch Melissa Mysing’s obvious delight to once again be in the ring with
Dandelion Diamond Rebel showing him for owner, Skip Crawford. Melissa just couldn’t take her eyes off of Connor. When the photographer
was trying to get a picture of them, she had to ask several times to get
2008 Summer Edition - T he Blarney
Just to add regarding my recent trip to Ireland. Ireland has been quite
rainy. The joke here is that we’ve visited Ireland for both days of summer.
Page 11
Equus Survival Trust Festivale and the IDHSNA
uPDate - eQuuS SuRvival tRuSt feStivale
September 5-7, 2008 - Kentucky Horse Park
Submitted by Susan Jensen
his year, the IDHSNA will participate in a wonderful conservation effort arranged by the Equus Survival Trust. This event will
take place in Lexington, KY September 5-7 at the Kentucky
Horse park.
Irish Draught horses are invited to participate in the Festivale of Endangered Equines. The exhibition theme, “Celebrate the Differences” is
designed to encourage visitors to explore and cherish the differences
between these endangered historical breeds. Several breeds will be
representing in addition to the Irish Draught. These include Dartmoor,
Exmoor, Dales, Fell, Highland, gotland-Russ, Newfoundland, Kerry Bog,
Akhal-Teke, Canadian Horse, Caspian, Cleveland Bay, Irish Draught, Lippitt (Morgan strain), and Mountain pleasure Horse.
There will be something for everyone including the Stewardship
Awards of North America (SANA). SANA’s primary goal is conservation through education. The competition component was created to
help conserve endangered historical breeds of equines by encouraging breeders to retain traditional type, movement and the inner qualities that historical usage honed for centuries. These classes are ridden
and in hand.
In addition, there will be a breed pavilion and breed demos as well as
driving and dressage clinics.
pecifics about The Festival including entries and advertising opportunities can be found at http://www.equus-survival-trust.
The IDHSNA is hosting an Annual general Meeting at this event as well
as hosting tours of their headquarters at the KHp. We are looking for
volunteers for activities during the show. If you would like to volunteer
or participate in the Breed pavilion, please contact Fleur Bryan at 502845-2111. We hope to see you there!
JoiN tHe eQuuS tRuSt SuRvival feStivale
CoMMittee aND HelP MaKe tHiS eveNt a
SuCCeSS foR ouR SoCietY!
Submitted by Nanette Levin
irst, please attend. Not only will this be a
wonderful opportunity to learn from and
network with other rare breed enthusiasts. We’ll
also be holding our AgM at this event and it will give
you a chance to meet the many members you know
virtually, see our offices and take in the KHp. We have
a number of activities we will be involved in
and need member help.
general Planning Committee (Fleur Bryan is the
contact) - coordinating the various Society activities
throughout the weekend and communicating with
members, volunteers, other organizations and Equine
Survival Trust (EST).
Society booth - design/ and supplies (table, chairs,
etc.). Set-up, staffing and tear down.
breeder’s Row (Susan Jensen is coordinating this)
– need horses, people to sit at the table and material
to distribute (individual farms or horses cannot be
promoted here).
Saturday Morning activity Strategies - we have
a room to use from 8 a.m. – 11 a.m. on Saturday,
September 6th – the AgM should be no more than
an hour – many have suggested using the additional
time for fundraising and/or networking programs
– we need a team leader here.
RiD Parade Coordinator - looking for a volunteer.
Promotion and Networking Strategic Committee
- rare breed leader interface, possible video taping
opportunities to coordinate, media outreach, area
community interface, recommendations for ongoing
communications/activities, etc.
fundraising outreach to Society Members
– The Trust needs help funding the events associated
with this show, but our participation may also provide some fundraising activities for the Society. Need
creative, inventive and enthusiastic people, willing to
suggest ideas and approach members for support,
input and participation both on behalf of the Equine
Survival Trust and the IDHSNA.
For additional information on the IDHSNA Annual
general Meeting (AgM) scheduled during the
Equus Survival Trust Festivale, please go to page 9.
2008 Summer Edition - T he Blarney
Page 13
IDHSNA Well Represented at KDA . . .
Report from the Kentucky Dressage Association’s (KDA) Breeders Classic I & II
May 21-22, 2008, Kentucky Horse Park, Lexington, Kentucky. Submitted by Kate Triplett
he Breed was well represented by
several of our intrepid membership
and their lovely purebreds and partbreds in this prestigious show!
Granite’s Rhapsody RID, at breeder’s
classic - Submitted by Jan Robertson
Taking my RID mare Granite’s Rhapsody, by
Silver Granite out of Lady’s Pride RID, by Ireland’s Pride RID (she’s called Holly at home)
up to the IDHSNA Annual Show at Lamplight
last Fall finally put to rest my concerns about
her great height and size. She was very well
received and much admired. I had a chance
to meet and chat with Jim McGinty who was
very complementary, Liz Freeman saw her in
person for the first time, and several of our Irish
visitors made it a point to follow her all that
Jeanette Varghese, BenMar Farm, exhibited her
yearling IDHS filly BenMar Mint Julep (by Bridon
Belfrey Rid, out of the American Quarter Horse
mare Hint of Obvious in Open Dressage Sporthorse Breeding classes for Yearling fillies, and in
the Irish Draught Partbreds in hand class, scoring well and impressing the crowd with her
exemplary manners and élan.
his year, we finally made it to the Kentucky Breeders Classic I and II at Kentucky Horse Park in May (we had to
cancel last year due to injury).
Jan and Rob Robertson exhibited their tall and
lovely mare Granite’s Rhapsody RID in open
dressage sporthorse classes as well as the Irish
Draught breed class, and the Amateur Handler
classes, doing her owners proud in all events.
eth Blankenship brought her beautiful
homebred mare Cross Fox Dew Drop
RIDSH into the open
competition as well, and did
very well – even earning the
Born in the USA Breeders’
These intrepid members really
got out there and showed
the public just how competitive the Irish Draught and Irish
Draught Sporthorse can be
in open competition. We all
owe them and their lovely
horses thanks and applause!
Journey to the 2008 USDF KDA Breeder’s Classic- Our First Open Show Submitted by Jeanette Varghese/BenMar Farm
s a last minute decision, we took our
yearling filly, BenMar Mint Julep, IDSH to
her first show, the May USDF KDA Breeders Classic I & ll. I was politely told that I was
crazy to introduce clipping, bathing, and trailering the same day we left for the show, but I
just didn’t think it would be a problem.
And it wasn’t. Julep didn’t even look twice at
the clippers. Her head remained low and relaxed. Bathing was a non-issue. It was time
to load up for the first time. I led Julep to
the trailer, pointed my finger and said “Walk
on.” I threw the rope over her back and she
loaded herself!!! Julep made an indelible first
impression for many of the top Warmblood
breeders and German and American Dressage
Show Judges at the Kentucky Horse Park. A
small crowd gathered from the moment she
walked off the trailer. In a sea of fine Warmbloods, Julep outperformed her counterparts
by off-loading herself from the trailer with the
total peacefulness of a well-seasoned show
horse. With relaxed curiosity, she absorbed
the busy show atmosphere without moving
a foot. Julep’s audience was amazed when
they heard this was her first time loading, trailering and off-loading.
I am so proud of our girl. She was so good
with all the commotion at the show. On the
second day, (two separate shows), Holly was
Reserve Champion Mare (4 and up, maiden/
yeld mares) with a 73.10, in the DSHB Open
Class! Bruce and Staci Griffin handled her for
us. I was nearly in tears. We’ve worked so hard
to get her there.
Then, my wonderful horse hubby Rob took
second in Amateur Handler and collected her
highest score of the 2 days, 73.60 as well as
comments that Holly was the best groomed
horse that judge Kristi Wysocki
had seen all day! I am so proud
of both of them. (We did collect
a 4th in open and I placed 3rd in
Amateur the 1st day under a different judge). Rob has been so
supportive of me and my horse
addiction. It was so great to see
him in the ring!
Many thanks go to Bruce and
Staci for showing and schooling
her and the excellent schooling
Rob and I received!
2008 Summer Edition - T he Blarney
e were stunned after her first class.
The German Judge for the Open
Yearling Filly Class placed Julep in
the middle out of 9 entries against all Warmbloods specifically bred for dressage! Julep
then took first place and the Championship for
Irish Draught PartBreds over a mature stallion
and mare! The two judges loved her “elegant
head, nice type, well developed shoulder and
hindquarters, and good rhythm.” The judges
were impressed with Julep’s movement in
spite of her growth spurt and remarked that
we will see dramatic improvements as she
grows. Her professional handler, Bruce Griffin,
was so pleased with Julep’s willing demeanor
that he repeated, “This is the kind of horse that
you want to ride!” Bred for versatility and not
Page 14
IDHSNA Well Represented at KDA (con’t) . . .
specifically for dressage, we were overjoyed
with her accomplishments.
Julep’s wins were secondary to her noteworthy representation of the Irish Draught Sport
Horse and her Champion Sire, Bridon Belfrey, RID. Julep’s calm, sensible approach to
vast changes in her environment compelled
remarks such as: “There is no way my horse
would ever be this
good. I can’t even
braid my filly in her
stall for fear she will
kill me!” and “Looks
like she stands quietly for the clippers.” Julep stood
patiently for 2 hours
while I fumbled with
her braids. They
she was clipped
for the first time that
morning. After the
show, with a point of the finger and a “walk
on”, she loaded herself and stood patiently
while I closed the ramp. Many of her admirers
had never met an Irish Draught Sport Horse,
but now will never forget it!
Cross Fox Dew Drop RIDSH, at breeder’s classic - Submitted by Beth Blankenship,
Cross Fox Farm
n May we entered
the Kentucky Dressage
Association Breeders
Classic II show in the Partbred Irish Draught IBC class
and the 4 Year and Older
Maiden or Yeld Mares
class. My mare, Cross Fox
Dew Drop RIDSH, was
second in the IBC class
with a score of 67.4%
and 3rd in the Maiden or
Yeld Mares class with a
score of 72.25%.
A couple weeks after the show, I received notice that my mare, Cross Fox Dew Drop RIDSH,
who placed 3rd in the mares class, won the
Born in the USA Breeders Award in the Mares
Division. According to the letter, Dressage At
Devon selected the Kentucky Dressage Association Breeders Classic I and II shows to offer the Born in the USA Breeders Awards. The
program recognizes owners and breeders of
the top sport horses bred in the United States.
The sponsor of the BITUSA Breeders Awards
Prize Money was Lexington based Rood and
Riddle Equine Hospital.
The prize money paid for my show entry and
that was a nice surprise, but as a breeder, I’m
really thrilled to be recognized. Didi is a very
nice mare.
The ultimate best part of participating in this
show, though, was being there with fellow
Irish Draught people, Jeanette Varghese and
Jan and Rob Robertson. They were so much
fun to be around.
2008 IDHSNA Inspection Status Report
Submitted by the Registration Committee
e are thrilled to announce that the inspection tour is
from September 25 to October 9, 2008. There will
be a total of eight (8) stops with the tentative itinerary
(may be subject to change) starting with the Central Region and
ending in the North East.
September 25, 2008
near Chicago, IL
September 27, 2008
Missoula, MT
f you wish to have your horse inspected, it may not be too
late, please contact Brianne Sells at [email protected] or at
(540) 554-8320 to get copies of forms and more detailed
information about inspections in your area. We have 62 horses
signed up for inspection so far, this is quite a few horses for our
North American Inspections. Some of the Regions are planning
to hold clinics or talks, so please contact your Regional Chair for
information on locations, directions, etc. Please contact your
Regional Chair if you would like to volunteer to help with the
Inspections in your area.
September 29, 2008
Reno, NV
October 1, 2008
San Francisco, CA
October 3, 2008
Houston, TX
October 5, 2008
Greeneville, TN
October 7, 2008
Leesburg, VA
October 9, 2008
Pittstown, NJ
Photo courtesy Judy Woodruff
2007 Summer
Edition - TYearbook
he Blarney
Page 15
Two I(D)SH Named for the 2008 U.S. Olympic Team in Eventing!
ccording to a news release dated July14 and updated on July
29, 2008 from the USEF, two Irish (Draught) Sport Horses have
been named to the 2008 Olympic Eventing Team in Bejing and
are heading to Hong Kong to compete in the three day eventing competition which will begin on August 8.
Congratulations to: Phillip Dutton (44), of West Grove, PA, riding
Connaught (15), an Irish Sport Horse gelding by owned by Bruce
Duchossois; and, Gina Miles (34), of Creston, CA, riding McKinlaigh
(14), an Irish Sport Horse gelding owned by Gina Miles, Laura Coats
and Thomas Schulz.
eplacements in alphabetical order have been identified as: Bruce
Davidson, Jr. (32), of Ocala, FL, riding / BallyNoe Castle RM (8), an
Irish Thoroughbred gelding owned by Carl and Cassandra Segal;
Phillip Dutton (44), of West Grove, PA, riding Woodburn (13), a Thoroughbred gelding owned by Acorn Hill Farm; and, Bonnie Mosser (45),
of Unionville, PA, riding Merloch (11), a New Zealand Thoroughbred
Cross gelding owned by Bonnie Mosser and Margaret Egan.
Gina Miles, riding McKinlaigh at Rolex - 2006.
Photo courtesy Megan Gillenwater.
Phillip Dutton, riding Connaught at Rolex - 2008.
Photo courtesy Shannon Brinkman.
he rest of our superb 2008 US Olympic Eventing Team consists
of: Becky Holder (39), of Mendota Heights, MN, riding Courageous Comet (12), a Thoroughbred gelding owned by Becky
and Thomas Holder, Jr.; Amy Tryon (38) of Duvall, WA, riding Poggio II
(16), a Thoroughbred gelding owned by Amy and Greg Tryon, and
Mark Hart; and (as of July 29th), Karen O’Connor (50) of The Plains,
VA, riding Mandiba (9), an Irish Thoroughbred gelding owned by Joan
Heidi White (42) of Aiken, SC, riding Northern Spy (15), an English Thoroughbred gelding owned by Heidi, who was originally named to the
team, has withdrawn due to a veterinary-related issue.)
ina Miles and Becky Holder will make their Olympic debut this
year in Hong Kong, and while Phillip Dutton will ride for the USA
for the first time, he is no stranger to the Olympics! Phillip has
competed in three Olympic games for his native Australia and won gold
in 1996 and 2000 [you might also remember the Phillip and Connaught
won Rolex this year (see our Spring “The Blarney” edition)]. Three-time
Olympian, Karen O’Conner joining the roster at the end of July and Amy
Tryon is no stranger to the Olympics either. She is back with Poggio
II for their second Olympics (they placed 6th in the 2004 Olympics
inidividual competition) and were bronze winners at the 2006 World
Equestrian Games.
The horses shipped to Hong Kong for the
Olympic Games on July 30!
At printing of this edition of The Blarney the United States Eventing Association NUTRENA LEADERBOARDS had the USEA top ten’s listed as:
Rider of the Year: 1. Phillip Dutton (PA) - 531.0; 2. Sarah Cousins (PA) - 319.0; 3. Boyd Martin (PA) - 317.0; 4. Karen O’Connor (VA) - 269.0; 5. Michael
Winter (GA) - 254.0; 6. Allison Springer (VA) - 231.0; 7. Bruce Davidson (FL) - 223.0; 8. Amy Tryon (WA) - 203.0; 9. Leslie Law (FL) - 190.0; and, 10. Becky
Holder (MN) - 167.0.
HORSE OF THE YEAR: 1. Connaught / R. Bruce Duchossois (SC) (142.0); 2. Arthur / Allison Springer (VA) (124.0); 3. Leyland / Elisabeth Nicholson (MI)
(119.0); 4. Courageous Comet / Tom Holder (MN) (115.0); 5. Critical Decision / Jessica Ransehousen (PA) (112.0); 6. Ballynoe Castle RM / Cassie Segal (NJ) (109.0);
7. Somerset II / Edith Rameika (VA) (107.0); 8. The Good Witch / Daisy Tognazzini (CA) (103.0); 9. Bailey Wick / Acorn Hill Farm (102.0); 10. Destination Known
/ Allison Springer (VA) (101.0).
Horses identified in ALL CAPS have appreciable/provable Irish Draught blood.
2008 Summer Edition - T he Blarney
Page 17
USEA Future Event Horse (FEH) Update . . .
if You builD it, tHeY Will CoMe!
Submitted by pat Bewley
he uS Eventing Association (uSEA) is building it and the
Irish have come! This is the second year for uSEA’s Future
Event Horse (FEH) program and from the entries at the
events we’ve been to in uSEA
Area II the Irish Draughts and IDSHs
have comprised about 50% of the
entries! The 2007 inaugural year
of the program kicked off with
an Irish Draught at the demonstration held in conjunction with Rolex
and ended with a number of our
Irish horses at the Championships.
The 2008 season began with yet
another ID at the Rolex demo and
quite a few already qualified for
the Championships to be held in
conjunction with the Morven park
Horse Trials in October.
The goal of this new series is to
help breeders and owners promote and market their youngsters
from yearlings to 3 year olds as
well as populate a database with
records and pedigree information.
If, and this is a big if right now, the
series continues, in future years
we may have data that might help
identify that potential advanced
horse or, maybe more importantly,
the ‘packer’ that will take you from
Beginner Novice to Training.
Image courtesy of uwharrie Studios
Right now the uSEA needs breeders and owners to support this series by participating in the classes.
They are a great introduction to a show environment for the youngsters. The venues are deliberately kept low key and most judges have
viRgiNia teCH to HoSt feH ClaSSeS iN auguSt
From uSEA website
virginia Tech is delighted to host a uSEA/EMCO Future
Event Horse show on Sunday, August 17th in Blacksburg,
They will offer in-hand classes for yearlings, two-year-olds
and three-year-olds, as well as a youth/amateur handler
class. Judge on the day will be Harriet peterson.
If you are interested in attending, please check out the
virginia Tech website for more information and entry
forms! Come bring your youngsters and join the fun!
Feel free to contact show organizer Rebecca K. Splan at
(540) 392-8374 or [email protected] for more details about
the show.
2008 Summer Edition - T he Blarney
been helpful with and tolerant of baby antics. The youngsters are presented for conformation judging, shown at a walk on the small triangle
and the trot on the larger triangle. That said there is a lot of flexibility in
presentation and showing. We had one judge that had everyone walk
the big triangle so the youngsters had more ground to cover thereby
taking more time which allowed the youngster an opportunity to relax
and show their good walk.
ithout exception the goal at
every venue we’ve shown
at has been to encourage
a positive experience for both horse
and handler. It has also provided us
with some food for thought on our
breeding program, focused mainly
towards eventing, and management
of our young stock. Last year we
showed our then 3 yr old IDSH filly
Warrior Queen (Tors gentleman Farmer
x My Sleeping Beauty) who was going
thru what we prefer to call ‘her big girl
baby fat stage’ and the judges pointed out she was ‘a little’ overweight.
We’ve since made an effort to manage her weight better. (Even ‘a little’
overweight she made us proud at the
2007 Championships by finishing 4th in
the 3 yr old filly class!)
to qualify for the Championships
this year you need only to participate
in one FEH class. There are not yet
any qualifying scores that you need to
achieve. We plan to be there with our
yearling IDSH filly Catoctin Northern
Belle and hope to see many more
of the Irish youngsters there as well.
Hopefully there will be enough participation that the uSEA will continue to build the series. If they do I know the Irish will come!
By attending one of
these FEH events prior
to the Championships,
your horse will be
qualified to participate
in the 2008 uSEA/
EMCO Future Event
Horse Championships,
which will take place at Morven park in Leesburg, virginia
on the first week in October. No qualifying scores are necessary.
For more information on the Future Event Horse Series,
check out the FEH page on the uSEA website (http://useventing.com/competitions.php?section=feh), or contact
Wendy Weinstein at [email protected].
Page 18
Member News . . .
intermediare 1 & CDI’s - here we are!
galanta, idsh, ridden by oryla ramey
Submitted by Laurie Monroe
hile challenging to take any horse to the FEI levels of dressage and be competitive, there is always an extra ‘element’
of challenge that surrounds a relatively unknown breed
competing in the upper levels, especially
at a CDI-W (Concours
de Dressage International - international
horse riding event)!
Oryla and Galanta
have worked VERY
hard to obtain this
level of competitiveness and so far this
year have competed
in three CDI events
along with their normal open show circuit for 2008: The
Mid Winter Dressage
Fair - Burbank, CA in
February; The Dressage Affaire - Del Mar
in March; and, the
Golden State Dressage Festival - Rancho
Murieta, CA in April!
Hilda Gurney... VERY briefly... is a two-time Olympian and nine-time PanAmerican Gamer. She has been an enthusiastic participant for more
than three decades in the phenomenal growth of her favorite equestrian discipline, dressage and is widely considered the original driver of
Dressage in California. Hilda is an Olympic medalist, national champion,
Pan Am Games medalist, trainer, breeder and judge. She rides her own
horses and those of her clients, and has probably notched about gagillion trips down the centerline to halt and salute by now! While Hilda
has contributed vitally to the careers of many Grand Prix level riders,
she also has a large and loyal following in the lower levels.
We hope to hear more from Hilda, Oryla and Galanta in future issues of The Blarney!
ridden by kels bonham
Submitted by Gayle Sheahen
ebel’s Run under the guidance of Kels Bonham did his first
$25,000.00 Grand Prix at the St.Louis Festival 1 Horse Show (A
rated), July 2-6. He placed 13th out of 22 horses. That show
also saw him place 3rd in the $5,000 Welcome Stakes Class (Level 7)
and 2nd in the $5,000 JR/AM Owner Jumper High Classic (Level 7).
Oryla Ramey & Galanta (IDSH), shown here performing
two-tempis across the diagonal (changing canter lead
every second stride - seven are required at I-1), Oryla
and Galanta are totally focused and Galanta’s level of
engagement really shows in the expression of his changes. Great moment captured by Oryla’s friend Robert!
At time of reporting,
Oryla and Galanta have qualified for the Region 7 USDF Championships
in FEI levels: Prix St. Georges and Intermediate 1 for 2008 - I am sure
you all join me in congratulating the team for a solid start to the next
step in their dressage career together!
“In recent months Galanta’s scores have really improved,” said Oryla.
I was excited when he received a 6.750% at I1 (Sport Horse International in June), but the best thing was he got an ‘8’ on gaits, which was
almost always a score of 6.” At Mission Pacifc in July, Galanta received
a 70% in the I-1 AA class, and with her trainer and mentor, Hilda Gurney receiving a 70% on her star, Luminence, in the I-1 open class, they
tied for the FEI High score of the show (how cool is that?)!
“Dressage Clinics Online” (http://www.dressagetrainingonline.com)
videod Oryla’s ride in June for a series on non-warmbloods competing at FEI, and schooling for Grand Prix. We are not sure when it
will get posted on their website, but will share the link once posted!
Oryla says, “He was really awesome that day, so I’m excited to see
the video.”
ryla’s and Galanta’s drive and Oryla’s determination have a
lot to do with the levels they have attained. Oryla says she
couldn’t have done it without her husband, David, and her
mentor and trainer, Hilda Gurney - as a team they have the ability to
‘reach for the moon.’
2008 Summer Edition - T he Blarney
Next stop on the circuit for Rebel’s Run was Colorado where, over the
July 19 weekend, Rebel’s Run placed in both of his classes at the Rocky
Mountain Classic in Parker Colorado: 1st in Jr. Jumper Level 7, and 7th
in the $7,500.00 JAO JumperClassic Level 7 out of 41 horses. During
the week of 7/23 at the Colorado Summer Classic, Rebel placed 4th
and 1st in Junior Jumper Level 7 classes.
Page 19
Matriarchs of the Modern Stallion Lines . . .
THE IRISH DRAUGHT MARE FAMILIES: Matriarchs of the Modern Stallion Lines
By Elizabeth Freeman, DVM
orse breeders have long acknowledged the importance of
the female family to the success of a breeding program. For
example, Arabian horse breeders base their breeding programs on mare family strains traced to desert matriarchs, Holsteiner
breeders have the Stamm system of numbered motherlines, and Thoroughbred breeders use Bruce Lowe’s Family Figure system to trace
tail female lines to the “taproot” mares who founded that studbook.
While Irish Draught mares have long been recognized as the critical
foundation of Irish breeding, these great producers have never been
catalogued by family group.
As a way to begin the cataloguing process, the matrilineal descent of
343 RID stallions approved worldwide during stallion birth years 1975
to 2004 (corresponding to inspection years 1978 to 2007) was traced
through the bottom of the stallion pedigrees. Mare pedigrees were
traced using the 1999 and 2006 editions of the Irish Horse Board’s
The Irish Draught Marebook, Dr. Charlotte Moore’s Irish Draught Mares
1918-1993, IDHS(GB)’s Grassroots database, various editions of the
IHB Approved Stallions book, and the database compiled by Tony
Hargreaves detailing the breeding of Irish Draughts listed in IDHS(GB)
yearbooks since 1990. While these resources are not totally comprehensive, they do allow one to follow an unbroken pedigree line as far
back as the early 1950’s, two decades prior to the formation of IHB
forerunner Bord na gCapall, and some 30 years prior to the closing of
the studbook in 1978.
Somewhere during the early 1950s generation, the connection between the mare lines referenced and the first 775 mares registered
by the Department of Agriculture was lost. Some of the index mares
appeared as dams of newly registered mares in the Bord na gCapall
records compiled by Dr. Moore, but without any pedigree information
themselves. Since mares continued to be registered on type during
the period between 1950 and 1978, many mares were registered
with unknown dams and/or sires, in which case these mares became
the “end of the line” and were designated index mares themselves.
urther research will be needed to establish the relationship between the index mares catalogued and the original studbook
mares registered in the first five editions of the Department’s Irish
Draught Horse Book, with indices adjusted where necessary as further
historical resources are accessed and examined. As mentioned in
the previous article, one must always remember that the only way to
definitively establish historical matrilineal descent is via mitochondrial
DNA testing.
208 unique female families were represented in the 343 stallions born
between 1975 and 2004 (inspection years 1978-2007). Several lines
produced more than one approved stallion, with one family producing 8 stallions during the 30 year time period, one family producing 7
stallions, two families producing 6, 2 families producing 5 stallions, 3
families producing 4 stallions, 24 families producing 3 stallions, and 45
mare families producing 2 approved stallions. The mare lines producing six or more stallions during birth years 1975 to 2004 (inspection
years 1977-2007) inclusive are shown below, with the name of each
2008 Summer Edition - T he Blarney
RID stallion produced by that family shown below the index mare’s
name, followed by the dam of the stallion:
Carrigbawn Prince - Flirtie Gertie RID
Diamond King - Carrigbawn Colleen RID
Riverbank - Carrigbawn Colleen RID
Silver Glider - Carrigbawn Colleen RID
Tullough Hero - Tullough Lass II RID
KEC Bluejay Diamond - Grey Curragong RID
O’Leary’s Irish Diamond - Grey Curragong RID
Rathlin Star - Rena Grand RID
Young Prospect – Rena Grey RID
Enniskeane Prince - Enniskeane Countess RID
Enniskeane Pride - Enniskeane Countess RID
Diamond Lad - Kildalton Countess RID
Diamonds Are Trumps - Kildalton Countess RID
Glidawn Diamond - Kildalton Countess RID
Kildalton Gold - Kildalton Countess RID
Kildalton King - Kildalton Countess RID
Pride of Townrath – Townrath Rose RID
Townrath Pride – Townrath Rose RID
Drumri – Drumbar Queen RID
Crosstown Pride – Crosstown Lark RID
Diamond Design – Keady’s Queen RID
PL Diamond Hill – Ballygarris Black Diamond RID
Snowford Bellman – Snowford Harebell RID
Snowford Pinkston – Harepark Pink RID
Snowford Benson – Harepark Pink RID
Snowford O’Donnell – Harepark Pink RID
Snowford Stoker – Harepark Pink RID
Winmaur Sergeant Pepper – Snowford Bright Pink RID
his information is just the tip of the iceberg with regard to
plumbing the depths of mare family data. A (very) long-term
goal of this project is to catalogue all of the Irish Draught mare
families, which will allow identification of families of historical merit and
facilitate tracking of relatedness, diversity, and breeding trends within
the global mare herd. A specific goal is to identify modern mare lines
that can be traced to one of the original 775 Irish Draught mares registered in the first five editions of the Department of Agriculture’s Irish
Draught Horse Book. It is hoped that these articles will encourage
breeders to investigate the dam lines of potential sires and foster an
appreciation for the female families of our Irish Draught horses.
The author would like to acknowledge the assistance of Tony Hargreaves, who kindly provided copies of his databases for use in researching this project.
Page 20
eMeRalD MouNtaiN - iDSH fillY
by Mountain pearl RID x Diamond godiva IDSH.
Breeder: Kim & Marylee Mcgee
blaZe - iDSH Colt
uNNaMeD - iDSH fillY
by *Dromard view RID x Lacey (ApHA)
Breeder: Saddle Brook Farm
by *Dromard view RID x Candy XX
Breeder: Saddle Brook Farm
DaNDelioN gaeliC StoRM - iD Colt
by Huntingfield proud Tim RID x Dandelion Moxie
RID. Breeder: Dandelion Farm
uNNaMeD - iD fillY
by Snowford O’Donnell RID x Sumas Keepsake RID.
Breeder: Ted & Lyn Lindstrom
Symbol depicted
above on the ad (in
black or white) designates the foal is foR
2008 Summer Edition - T he Blarney
KleaRY’S SWeet HeaRt - iDSH fillY
by The King of Hearts RID x Sally Sells Shells XX
Breeder: Kleary Field, LLC.
DuNHalloW’S MuRPHY iDSH Colt, born April 18, 2008
by Cruising RIDSH
Page 21
WiNDfielD all SuNSHiNe, iD fillY
by Bridon Belfrey RID X Dunahow Daisy RID
Breeder: Rachael Cox, Windfield Farm
DuNHalloW’S MileStoNe - iDSH
born July 11, 2008, by Cruising RIDSH
balla RuaN, iDSH Colt
by Bridon Belfrey RID x Mirassou pearl IDSH
Breeder: Rachel Alexander, DvM
MR. DaRCY - iD Colt
PaDi’S ColMaN SeleCt - iD Colt
by Mountain pearl RID x Heathercombe Cousin
Rachel RID. Breeder: The Solution Factor, Inc
by Bridon Belfrey RID x Hawklands Silver Rose RID
Breeder: Manu Forti Farm
ePoNa’S RoRY o’CoNNoR - iDSH Colt
by Dandelion Diamond Rebel RID out of Saturday
Nite Lady XX. Breeder: Epona Farm/Dana Worcester
beautY - iDSH fillY
by *Dromard view RID x JJ XX
Breeder: Saddle Brook Farm
uNNaMeD iDSH fillY
by Snowford O’Donnell RID x Snookies girl TB.
Breeder: John and Erica Moose
Symbol depicted above on the
ad (in black or white) designates
the foal is foR Sale.
2008 Summer Edition - T he Blarney
MiStY - iDSH fillY
by *Dromard view RID x Bebe XX
Breeder: Saddle Brook Farm
PeNNieS fRoM HeaveN - iDSH fillY
by K.E.C. Double Diamond RID x Aquila Lion ISH.
Breeder: Sally Chappell
Page 22
bRiDoN RaKiSH blue - iD Colt
CoCo, iDSH fillY
by Touch of the Blues RID x Di Lady RID
Breeder: Brianne Sells
by Bridon Belfrey RID x Taurus, Tenn. Walker
Breeder: Teresa Magno
WiNCHeSteR - iDSH Colt
by Windsor (Hanoverian) x Just Foolin RIDSH
Breeder: Manu Forti Farm
ePoNa’S KaYHill - iDSH CHeStNut Colt
by Hilltop Cordini (OLD) x Bridon Dairilea RID
Breeder: Epona Farm/Dana Worcester
beNMaR NigHtiNgale, iD fillY
by Bridon Belfrey RID X Roma Blue Hawk RID Hornby
premium. Breeder: Jeanette varghese, BenMar Farm
tiPPeRaRY JoY foReveR, iD fillY
by Bridon Belfrey RID x prescott’s pride of
Joy RID. Breeder: Jo Lynn, Tipperary Farm
WiND iN tHe WilloWS - iDSH fillY
by Brandenburg’s Windstar RIDSH x Quiet Riva XX
Breeder: Lesley Arnold
Symbol depicted above
on the ad (in black or
white) designates the
foal is foR Sale.
2008 Summer Edition - T he Blarney
CeltiC MaNoR gotCHa - iDSH fillY
by Western Sun RID x Jem (DWB).
Breeder: gina Kirby
aRieS - iDSH fillY
by Silver granite RID x Oldenburg dam
Breeder: Janice Rosen
Page 23
bRiDoN ballYDoNN - iDSH Colt
by Ballywhim Au Luan (Conn) x unsinkable Molly
Brown RID. Breeder: Brianne Sells
fioNa - iDSH fillY
by *Dromard view RID x Classy ApX/QTR
Breeder: Saddle Brook Farm
iNDigo Zoe - iDSH fillY
by Touch of the Blues x Artful Luck
Breeder: Leslie Allen
HeNRY - iD Colt
iRiSH RiDge QuiNliN - iD Colt
by Celtic Moon RID x Hang On Bridget RID.
Breeder: gayle Sheahen
by Huntingfield proud Tim RID x Lara Moor RID.
Breeder: Dandelion Farm
tullY MaC’S SQuaRe Peg - iD fillY
by Harkaway Lionhawk RID x Winmaur Bright Olive
RID. Breeder: Blackberry Ridge Farm
CHiClet - iDSH fillY
by Silver galtee RIDSH x Spice (AWS)
Breeder: Renee Rushing
Neela - iDSH fillY
by Mountain pearl RID x Thoroughbred
dam. Breeder: Carol & Shannon Strank
2008 Summer Edition - T he Blarney
tullY MaCS RiNgo StaRR - iDSH Colt,
by Winmauer Sergeant pepper RID x Hally (WB).
Breeder: Blackberry Ridge Farm.
Symbol depicted above on the ad (in black or white)
designates the foal is foR Sale.
Page 2
boNboN - iDSH fillY
by Kilpeck’s St. george RID x Bonica XX
Breeder: Renee Rushing
DeClaN - iD Colt
by Mountain pearl RID x Manu Forti’s Wild Rose RID.
CMf DuN Na RÍ - iDSH Colt
by Flag of Diamonds RID x greylyn Diamond promise
IDSH (Can). Breeder: gina Kirby.
PaDi’S gRaNite PaRtNeR - iD Colt
by Mountain pearl RID x Shuttlewood Rose RID.
Breeder: Fox Hollow Sport Horses
RileY - iDSH fillY
by Kilpeck Diamond Knight RID x TB mare.
Breeder: Denise Mather.
ClaRe - iD fillY
by pride of gloster RID x Moylough Countess RID.
DeaNfielD Dolittle - iDSH Colt
by Braveheart RID. Breeder: Debbie Fullilove.
PeaRl - iDSH fillY, by Snowford
O’Donnell RID x Revealing Moment TB.
Breeder: Laura gravatt
KillKellY tWiCe StuNg - iD Colt
by KEC Double DIamond RID x penmerry’s vespa
RID. Breeder: Linda Cowasjee.
Symbol depicted above on
the ad (in black or white)
designates the foal is foR
PaDi’S ClaSSiC bRogue - iD Colt by Mountain pearl RID x Loguestown Classic RID
Breeder: The Solution Factor, Inc./pat petrie Jensen
2008 Summer Edition - T he Blarney
Page 2
Call to
The Blarney encourages their sister
and parent organizations to submit articles and items of news that
may be of interest to the IDHSNA
Membership. We would like to
foster the idea of sharing news
across international lines as a way
of keeping each other up-to-date
on ID and IDSH happenings across
the world.
tullY MaCS WelteRWeigHt - iDSH Colt,
tullY MaCS WiNMauR - RiD fillY,
by Harkaway Lionhawk RID x Woodbine Cozy gibbons IDSH. Breeder: Blackberry Ridge Farm.
by Snowford Bellman RID x Winmaur Over
The Top RID. Breeder: Blackberry Ridge Farm.
We look forward to being able to
bring you periodic and timely articles from around the world and
to do that, we need your help!
If you know about an issue or happening of interest, let us know!
Your IDHSNA The Blarney Team.
tullY MaCS big tiMe - iDSH Colt, by grogans High
Fidelity RIDSH x Beeza (Con/Trak). Breeder: Blackberry Ridge Farm.
Symbol depicted above
on the ad
(in black or
white) designates the foal
is foR Sale.
Halcyon Acres has a select number of Irish Draught
Sport Horses in training and for sale. To learn more
visit halcyonacres.com or call (585) 554-4612!
Turning Irish and Thoroughbred Challenges into Exciting Solutions
996 State Route 247, Rushville, NY 14544
2008 Summer Edition - T he Blarney
(585) 554-4612
[email protected]
Page 2
Veterinarian Corner . . .
Submitted by David Ramey, DVM
“If you saw a heat wave, would you wave back?” – Steven Wright
f particular concern in hot and
humid climates is
a condition known as anhydrosis. Anhidrosis (the inability to sweat, also known
as dry coat syndrome) is
relatively common in athletic horses. The cause is
undetermined, and the
subject of much speculation.
or all of the fun that the summer sun brings, hot weather poses a big challenge to the horse (and its owner).
Simply stated, horses really aren’t hot weather creatures, and working them in the heat of the day risks some
real dangers.
When it comes to handling high temperatures, the biggest problem for horses is their geometry. The horse’s
body is big and wide, and doesn’t dissipate heat well. There’s very little body surface, relative to the size of
their body, from which they can get rid of heat. So, the organs inside the body stay hot even while the body
surface tries to radiate heat as fast as it can. People take the added step of covering up the body surface with a
saddle and pad – or worse, forget to take off their ever-present blankets – which further reduces the area from
which body heat can be lost.
The only other way that horses can try to cool off is to perspire (sweat). As the water in sweat evaporates, it
cools the horse, slightly. But sweat also causes the horse to lose body water and body salts (electrolytes), so,
while it’s an effective means of cooling, over time, excessive sweating can have some bad consequences for the
horse in terms of dehydrations, and, in severe cases, weird abnormalities associated with electrolyte loss.
With it being fairly well accepted that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, the best thing to do is to
avoid riding your horse in the heat entirely. If the temperature is pushing up into the 90s, ride early in the morning, or late in the evening, and don’t put your horse at risk. Keep him in a stall, and, ideally, put a fan in the stall to
keep the air moving (but make sure he can’t reach the cord – electrocution is no fun, either). If your horse is in
pasture, make sure that there’s cover, or shade, so that he can get out of the sun.
uring the day, make sure that your horse has free access to fresh water. Check the water temperature,
too – I’ve seen situations where pipes bringing water to automatic systems got hot, and the water in the
bowl was too hot for the horse to drink. If there are multiple horses in a pasture, put out several water
sources, so no one gets left out.
For horses that are resting, or not exercising excessively in the heat, electrolyte supplementation generally isn’t
needed. Horse feed contains lots of salts, and, assuming that the horse is eating normally, and the feed is good,
there shouldn’t be any need for supplemental salts. Giving a scoop of electrolytes in the feed - or a tube of
paste in the mouth - isn’t harmful, but it’s not really doing much, either. If you’re so inclined, you can make your
own electrolyte mix by combining equal parts of iodized salt and “Lite” salt, and save a bunch of money in the
process. A tablespoon a day should be more than enough.
If you are riding your horse in the heat, take some simple steps to make sure that he stays as cool as possible:
1. Always allow your horse to drink while he’s exercising. There’s an old myth out there that says horses
shouldn’t drink while their working, but that myth is not only wrong, it’s dangerous.
2. Make concerted efforts to cool your horse down, particularly if exercise is going to be prolonged
(endurance, eventing, etc.). Water is your horse’s best friend when it comes to cooling. Hose baths,
followed by scraping – which helps the water evaporate – are wonderful. Sponging the horse with a
cold, wet sponge can help, too.
3. Remove insulating materials, such as saddles, blankets, or pads.
4. Consider clipping your horse if he’s got a heavy coat – it’ll help him evaporate water more easily.
5.Pink skinned horses can sunburn – consider using heavy blocking ointments, such as zinc oxide, on pink
Heat stroke can happen in horses, and, if it does, it’s an emergency that should require immediate veterinary care.
Watch for signs such as increased breathing rate, or panting (normally, horses, breath 4 – 16 times per minute),
increased heart rate, profuse sweating - or worse, no sweating at all, from a condition known as anhydrosis, for
which there is no effective cure - elevated body temperature (above 102 degrees F), or depression.
ortunately, most people seem to be pretty sensible when it comes to riding and exercising horses when
it’s hot outside. Once a year, it seems that I’m treating a horse for problems caused by owners who were
careless with their horses in the heat. Be careful, because what you might think is a perfect, warm day for a
long ride can be torture for your good friend.
2008 Summer Edition - T he Blarney
Clinical signs of anhidrosis
include lack of sweating
when hot or exercised,
decreased athletic performance, rapid breathing,
and high body temperature. Acute cases may
progress to heat exhaustion
and circulatory collapse if
not recognized. Horses
affected for several months
may have a dry flaky coat
or loss of hair from the face
and body friction areas,
such as the girth. The diagnosis is typically made
from clinical signs, but can
be confirmed by testing
with injections of epinephrine (adrenaline) of differing
dilutions (normal horses will
produce sweat at all injection sites, anhidrotic horses
only produce sweat at site
of highest epinephrine concentration).
nhydrosis is a seasonal problem, that
will generally resolve
if horse moved to cooler
climate. Some horses can
be managed with cooler
housing, and by avoiding
exercise in hottest part of
day. Unfortunately, in spite
of almost limitless treatments, no medical or nutritional therapy has been
shown to be consistently
helpful in treating any horse
with anhydrosis.
Page 27
More Member News . . .
BenMar Farm, KY
Foal Announcement Spring ‘08
Submitted by Jeanette Varghese
ur dream filly by Bridon Belfrey, RID out of Roma Blue Hawk,
RID greeted us full of friendly exuberance on June 9th at the
pleasant hour of 6:30 am. BenMar Nightingale, ID is a social
butterfly. Her visitors are all smiles as she whinnies and gallops to them
from across the paddock. Our filly’s many talents include assisting
with stall maintenance and veterinary procedures. Nightingale’s lofty
movement is promising for a career in dressage and show jumping,
before entering our breeding program.
Homesick Angels Farm, WA
Second show - Submitted by Kate Triplett
ick and Kate Triplett’s lovely RIDSH mare, Dare to be Blue, attended her second ever show July 13 at the Donida Farm 3 in 1 Series
- Dressage, Combined Test, Jumper Show. “Lydia” was entered in
a CT class and one training level dressage class. Despite having less than
a year’s riding (at age ten!), and the heat and humidity, Lydia was calm
and cool, and got nice marks on her dressage from judge Melody Miller,
scoring a blue in the straight dressage at Training level with a 62%, and
taking second in her level on the CT tests, having tied for first with a 33
in dressage and just missing out in the tie-breaker in jumping.
Rider Robin Monteith gave
Lydia an excellent lowkey ride, and was even
picked out by resident
trainer Morgan Carr to be
used as an example for his
students of “how to do it”
in the showjumping.
On the strength of this
showing, Lydia will be
going another HunterJumper show or two this
fall, to further illustrate just
how good these nice Irish
horses are.
2008 Summer Edition - T he Blarney
adsagsona farm, fl
“Full Bodied Red” - Submitted by Laurie Monroe
n a balmy evening at Golden Ocala Golf and Equestrian Club,
a small crowd of about 30 were in attendance for a wine-tasting event with a twist - it was held at the Equestrian Center’s
barn and featured a short-form dressage education forum and demo
with Jutta Heinsohn, riding K.E.C. Double Diamond (Oisin).
Introducing Oisin over the sound system, Laurie described him in winetasting terms as, “an attractive, full-bodied red, lively, with legs. A
balanced breed with an easy vanilla bouquet (he was wearing white
rosebuds in his braids and down his tail). This hearty red will perform
a well-balanced, powerful and lively demonstration that will leave you
looking forward to more.”
Oisin had literally come off
the trailer not 40
minutes before
from breeding
(in his braids)
and was feeling quite good
about himself,
so his presence
was felt as he walked strongly into the arena and yelled once (to make
sure everyone knew he was there). Jutta worked her warm-up into
the presentation so the audience could see what kind of warm up
and limbering exercises were involved and then put together an 8
minute freestyle demo to music (from Happy Feet actually), with variant
movements including half-pass, piaffe, extensions, tempi-changes and
pirouettes. Once the demo was complete, Oisin walked flat-footed
(off his adrenalin high) and quietly around the arena, at which point
Jutta invited an appropriately attired young audience participant into
the arena to sit on him and walk him out for her.
While Jutta sipped on wine
and was engaged in conversation, Oisin packed
this young lady around
the arena happily and at
a good walk (they snuck
in some trotting too when
she wasn’t looking). Before
Jutta took him back to put
him up, she showed the
rider how to collect the
horse up and ask for piaffe
off the leg and seat. That
was a mistake, because
after that, other people
wanted to experience the
feeling too!
Every one of this breed is
an exceptional animal in its
own way and countless people are brought infinite joy as they get to
know these wonderful horses. A month doesn’t go by without hearing a story about how an ID or IDSH has positively impacted another.
Be proud you are involved in such a special breed of horse!
Page 29
More Member News . . .
Finding an Irish Draught Pearl
ebbie Davis, a seasoned rider and trainer, is new to the Irish
Draught breed. She has only owned her “new boy” since
January. His registered name is Harkaway’s Trelawney but
Debbie shows him as River Pearl in homage to his sire Mountain Pearl
and his dam Misty River Lass.
River Pearl came to Debbie as a fairly green seven year old who had
spent little time riding outside of an indoor arena and who was quite
overwhelmed to discover the big outside world, Debbie reports that
he’s a quick study, however, and within only a few months was taking
him to his first recognized competition where he finished in the Open
division in 2nd Place!
Debbie comments that
River Pearl is a “definite
favorite of mine already
and I’m having a great
time developing his
talents.” She notes that
he’s a smart fast learner
and seems to love his
new combined training
career gaining confidence with every outing. His charisma and
enthusiasm charms everyone he meets and
he impresses her daily
with his wonderful work
ethic and endearing
personality. She points
out that Rivier Pearl is an
amazingly elegant uphill
mover for his enormous size. Debbie plans to continue developing
River Pearl while seeking the ideal future rider match for him so she can
turn her attention to developing other young talent. Debbie’s “young
talent” includes a
four year old imported Clover Hill
ISH gelding named
Cloverfield who she
is started under saddle and has already
begun competing
this year. Her reports
of Cloverfield are
equally glowing, and
she has upper level
competitive goals
for him.
Debbie owns and
Equine with her husband, Dr. Jim Davis,
in Clovis California.
Welcome, Debbie,
into the wonderful world of the Irish horse!
2008 Summer Edition - T he Blarney
Indigo Art (photo
taken at 4 days), by
Touch of the Blues x a
beautiful 16hh, hunterbred Appendix QH
(63% TB) mare that is
also an ISR / Oldenburg NA approved
producer of sporthorses.
Indigo is pretty, athletic and has a sensible, people-loving
attitude. Lots of substance and IDSH type,
will be tall with good
bone. $7500.
Contact Leslie:
(540) 951-1739 or [email protected]
Merrypath Irish Draughts presents
Painting: Lynn Maderich (lynnmaderich.com). Photo: blackshireequestrian.com
Gortlea Legacy ID (Dillon), by Gortlea Ruler x Diamond Shuttle
(Cream of Diamonds), is a 5 yr old chestnut Irish Draught gelding training 1st and 2nd level dressage and showing 1st level. He is being
ridden, trained, and shown at this level by a 16-yr old girl.
Easy gaits, loves training, works hard. Can be ridden in or out. We have
found the Irish Draught is welcome and scored well by the judges we
have ridden for. Dillon is loaded with Charisma and is a real crowd
pleaser but an easy horse to advance with.
Merrypath Irish Draught thanks Catey Boulay for all her hard work
and enthusiasm... Dillon is having a wonderful time!
Contact Pat Orgas: (612) 236-7600
Page 31
We have the stallions that
will complement your mare!
Abbeyleix Brian Boru (RID) It’’’s the Luck of the Irish (RID)
2001, 16h2”, 10” bone
By Corrcullen out of Mountain Dove
1996, 16h2”, 10” bone
By Flagmount King out of Maggie’s Last
2006 winner get of Sire at the Annual Show
Exceptional Talent -– Exceptional Temperament
Tully Cross Prescott
Kegans Black Sea
By Ard grandpa out of Moylough Countess
2006 First purebred Yearlings at the Annual Show.
by Ebony Hill out of Rhyds Sea Diamond
2005 winner purebred Colts at the Annual Show.
Charles & Susan Yates
2450 Frizzellburg Rd., Westminster, MD 21158
www.tullycrossfarm.com / [email protected]
all about the Horses
About the Adequan/USDF All-Breeds Awards . . .
aDeQuaN/uSDf all-bReeDS aWaRDS
From uSDF Website
esigned to recognize the accomplishments of specific breeds in dressage,
these awards are presented to horses
declared for a participating registry/organization
(pO) with uSDF. While “open” is the standard division and “Training through grand prix” are the
standard levels for all-breeds recognition, optional division awards can be presented in the
following categories: freestyle, adult amateur,
junior/young rider, vintage cup, FEI young horse,
dressage sport horse breeding or materiale.
The IDHSNA contact for the 2008 All-Breeds
awards is: Lynila Lindstrom. Email: tllindstrom@
earthlink.net. (360) 874-8887 (ph) / (916) 2099937 (fax). The Irish Draught Horse Society of
North America’s participating Organization number is: 100371.
To personally check your horse’s eligibility, go to:
general Rules
• A horse must be declared with uSDF for a
participating registry/organization (pO) by
September 30 of the award year in order
to participate in the all-breeds award program. Horses already declared will remain
declared for that organization.
• Horse and owner must meet all requirements of the pO.
“Open” is the standard division and “Training Level through grand prix” are the standard levels for all-breeds recognition.
• If competing for all-breeds optional division awards (freestyle, adult amateur, junior/
young rider, vintage cup, FEI young horse,
dressage sport horse breeding, or materiale) award rules pertaining to that division
must be fulfilled.
training, first, Second, third & fourth levels
• Minimum of eight scores:
- From four different judges
- From four different competitions
- Including two at 58 percent or higher
from highest test of the level
• Median score of 60 percent or higher to
Prix St. georges, intermediate i, intermediate ii & grand Prix
• Minimum of four scores:
- From four different judges
- From four different competitions
• Median score of 58 percent or higher to
• Horse must have a uSDF Lifetime Horse Registration (LHR) when scores are earned.
2008 Summer Edition - T he Blarney
• Owner must:
- Be a uSDF participating Member (pM) or
Business Member (BM) when scores are
- verify eligibility with pO
- verify that an all-breeds declaration has
been made by accessing the uSDF score
check or owner’s portfolio
• Rider must be a uSDF pM when scores are
• If interested in competing for awards in an
“optional” division, it is the owner’s responsibility to determine which of the optional
divisions will be awarded by their all-breeds
• If competing for optional all-breed division
awards – adult amateur, vintage cup or junior/young rider awards, rider must verify
this status with uSDF by September 30 of
the award year.
• Memberships and horse registrations begin
when all application forms and fees are received by uSDF. If joining uSDF (including
changing membership to participating status) or registering a horse at a competition,
membership and registration begins the
date of application. This date must be in accordance with uSDF/uSEF dressage division
• If a horse does not have an existing allbreeds declaration, the owner must make a
declaration by September 30 of the award
year. Once an all-breeds declaration has
been made, it cannot be changed. Horses
are eligible for all-breeds awards based on
the registry into which the foal is first registered. If the horse is eligible for multiple
registrations and not previously recorded
with uSDF, the owner must make a choice of
registry for the purpose of uSDF all-breeds
awards only. If there is no all-breeds pO for
a horse’s breed, the owner may declare for
one that is participating before September
30 of the award year.
Recorded Scores
• All eligible scores are recorded, however,
only the top two scores from each individual judge will count towards the median
score calculation.
• The median score is the score exactly between the highest and lowest scores.
• Freestyle scores are only recorded for freestyle division.
• Scores must be from open, junior/young
rider, adult amateur, or great American Insurance group/uSDF qualifying and championship classes, other classes specified in
the general rules, or from the same classes
restricted to horses of the particular breed.
- If scores are earned in open and breedrestricted classes, the combination of the
scores is used to calculate the median
- Classes restricted to horses of a particular
breed must be judged by uSEF-licensed
dressage judge.
- Scores earned in classes restricted to
horses of a particular breed or restricted
by height will be recorded for only allbreeds awards.
• Registries may award up to five certificates
per level per division. Other prizes may be
given by the registry at their discretion.
• given that there are enough horses that
have met the minimum award criteria, in the
standard “open” division, pOs must award
first and second place in each level (Training – grand prix). They have the option of
awarding up to five places per level.
• given that there are enough horses that have
met the minimum award criteria, pOs must
award at least first place in each level of the
optional divisions that they have selected.
• First and second place winners at each level
in all standard and optional categories (as
determined by their pO) will receive a custom cast uSDF medal. All winners (those
placed by their association) will receive an
award certificate.
• Only first and second place in each category will be awarded on stage at the Adequan®/uSDF Annual Convention.
adequan/uSDf also supports the
aDeQuaN/uSDf all-bReeDS DReSSage SPoRt HoRSe bReeDiNg (DSHb)
Designed to recognize horses that have exemplary scores throughout a competition year in dressage sport horse breeding classes, these awards
are presented in the following categories: fillies
of current calendar year, colts/geldings of current
calendar year, yearling fillies, yearling colts/geldings, two-year-old fillies, two-year-old colts/geldings, three-year-old fillies, three-year-old colts/
geldings, four-year-old and older maiden and
yeld mares, four-year-old and older broodmares,
and four-year-old or older stallions
Detail as provided for the All BreedAwards is available on scoring, eligibility, recorded scores, and
awards at the uSDF website under “Awards>AllBreed Awards” (http://www.usdf.org/awards/allbreeds/index.asp).
To learn more about this and many other programs the uSDF provides, please go to the uSDF
website awards pages: http://www.usdf.org/
Page 33
NW Region Presence at Rebecca Farms Event
rebecca farm CIC*** event - Submitted by Liz McFarland
or the third year
in a row, the
winner of The
Event at Rebecca
Farm CIC*** was the
recipient of the NW
Region’s high point
Region member, Jess
Walker, was thrilled to
award Tory Smith of
Camarillo, California,
and her horse, Bantry
Bay V, the $300 cash
NW members, Lucy Stevenson and Jess Walker at the NW IDHS booth.
prize and green
cooler donated by members of the Northwest Region. Previous winners include Gina Miles and her
IDSH gelding McKinlaigh and Kelly Prather and her IDSH mare, Ballinakill Glory.
The Northwest Region also awarded $100 to Erin McPherson and her horse, Kiss the Sky, in the Junior
Open Preliminary. Ms. McPherson, from Ridgefield, Washington, won on a 28.3 score.
North West member, Jess Walker, awarding Tory
Smith & her horse, Bantry Bay V, the NW IDHS
Award. Smith was aslo the winner of the CIC***
RIDSH JP Young 3rd in 4-YO
Young Event Horse class at Rebecca Farms
IDSH Master Hill
IDSH Ballinakill Glory at Rebecca Farm
his is the seventh year that the Northwest Region has staffed a booth at The Event at Rebecca
Farm, and fourth year of awards. Northwest members Lucy Stevenson, along with daughters
Katie and Anna, with Jess Walker and Angela Dringman manned the booth which has been
recently updated. The newly furnished booth was very well received, with visitors enjoying an ID/
IDSH power point along with books, brochures and other
material including a recently compiled ID/IDSH breeders
book that Jess Walker put together.
Over 450 riders competed on the cross country course
designed by Captain Mark Phillips. Richard Jeffery was this
year’s Show Jumping course designer. The Event draws
large crowds, with upwards of 16,000 spectators enjoying all phases of eventing in the spectacular scenery of the
Flathead Valley. It is one of three FEI World Cup Qualifying Events in North America under FEI rules, a USEA Gold
Cup Series, a USEF sanctioned competition and host to a
USEA Young Event Horse Series.
ongratulations to the ID/IDSH high point winners
and thank you to Northwest members Jess Walker,
Angela Dringman, Lucy Stevenson and Liz McFarland for your time and effort to ensure our presence at
Rebecca Farm again this year.
IDSH Bantry Bay V (CIC*** winner)
2008 Summer Edition - T he Blarney
he 4 Year Old Young Event Horse
(YEH) competition at The Event
at Rebecca Farm in Kalispell,
Montana on July 23, 2008 showcased
a field of 9 horses, 1/3 of whom had
Irish Draught blood. The top Irish finisher
was Kleary Field’s RIDSH gelding JP Young
who placed 3rd. JP Young was ridden by
trainer Kelly Prather of Bodega, California
who was last year’s winner of the Rebecca Farms CCI 3* on the RIDSH mare
Ballinakill Glory. JP Young is by The King of
Hearts (RID) out of a thoroughbred mare
Susie’s Cutie, and was bred by Lucinda
Romero and Karen Young of Sebastopol,
Just missing the ribbons in 7th place was
the Canadian Registered Irish Draught
stallion Jaunty Star, ridden by Rebecca
Lee of Alberta, Canada. Jaunty Star, by
Alice’s Diamond Slipper RID out of Kitty
O’Sullivan RID, was imported from Wales
by owner Kim Hughes, of Buck Creek, Alberta, Canada.
The RIDSH mare Nevada Sunrise was ridden by breeder and owner Nancy Miller
of Lolo, Montana, to 8th place in the
(continued overleaf)
Page 35
NW Report (con’t) . . .
Young Event Horse class. Nevada Sunrise
is a chestnut mare by Huntingfield Proud
Tim RID out of a Thoroughbred/Quarter
Horse mare Jasmine. Lindsay Schalmach’s
Forbidden, a Hanoverian mare ridden by
Suzie Pettman-Elliott of Yelm, Washington
won the class. Another mare, Zynnia, a
Dutch Warmblood owned by Linda Smyth
and ridden by Marc Grandia of Onalaska,
Washington took second.
Show Results . . .
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Results as Posted by ShowsOnline – 6/13/08 - (http://www.horseshowsonline.com)
Class 333
1. 525 Kilkelly Twice Stung
Linda Cowasjee / Linda Cowasjee
Class 334
1. 530 Kilronan’s Glenstone
Michelle Robbins / Michelle Robbins
2. 132 Tully Cross Calieb
Susan Yates / Blaine Orris
3. 532 Kilronan’s Killara
Michelle Robbins / Michelle Robbins
4. 529 Kilronan’s Bravado
Michelle Robbins / Michelle Robbins
5. 410 Pride Of Innisfree
Martin Barrett / Martin Barrett
Class 335
Class 336
JP Young, IDSH, by The King of Hearts (RID) x Susie’s
Cutie (TB), ridden by trainer Kelly Prather of Bodega,
California, and bred by Lucinda Romero and Karen
Young of Sebastopol, California. Photo courtesy
Naismith Photography.
n the Young Event Horse competition,
horses are judged on conformation and
type (15%), dressage (35%) and jumping (50%). The jump course includes both
show-jumping style fences as well as fixed
cross country fences. At Rebecca Farm the
eight jump course included water and a
ditch. All of the four year olds completed
the jumping course, faring better than the
5-year old class where a few horses did
not complete. There were no IDSH or IDs
in the 5 year old class.
JP Young went on to complete in The
Event at Rebecca Farms in novice, with a
double clear cross country, ridden by amateur rider and co-owner Lucinda Romero.
Jaunty Star ridden by Rebecca Lee also
competed at novice for the 3-day Event.
1. 179 Clanned Eclipse
Rachel Cox / Rachel Cox
2. 1111 Dandelion Diamond Rebel
Irvin L. Crawford / Camille C. Finley
3. 489 Tulla Gold
Guy De Corte / Guy De Corte
4. 946 Little Gem
Larry & Michelle Robbins / Christa
5. 181 Prince Stana
Corri Goldman / Corri Goldman
6. 533 Bridon Loughlara
Michelle Robbins / Charles Mccann
Class 337
1. 1111 Dandelion Diamond Rebel
Irvin L Crawford / Melissa Mysing
2. 179 Clanned Eclipse
Rachel Cox / Rachel Cox
Class 339
1. 648 Windfield Super Cruiser
Beth Boyle / Beth Boyle
2. 177 Windfield Mystic Lady
Rachel Cox / Rachel Cox
3. 176 Windfield Evening Star
Meredith Reinhart / Meredith Reinhart
4. 631 Breezy Matilda
Melissa Mysing / Melissa Mysing
5. 806 Glen’s New Moon
Lesley Arnold
6. 919 Tully Cross Irish Fable
Suzanne Lamb / Suzanne Lamb
7. 133 Tully Cross Curragh
Susan Yates / Blaine Orris
8. 422 PM Bulmers Bugaboo
Joanne Pelosi / Joanne Pelosi
Class 340
Class 341
1. 839 Bee Happy
Maureen Britell Katy / Browne-masek
2. 415 Magnificent
Susan Molden-Harmon / Samantha E.
3. 1021 Jackson
Jay Zeiler / Jessica Hill
4. 563 Key Lara
Casey Curtis / Casey Curtis
5. 799 O Riley
A. Kent Allen / J. David Craig
6. 840 Nicholas
Maureen Britell / Maureen Britell
7. 842 Clarequestrobbie
Maureen Britell / Christina Ingersall
8. 417 Forans Pride
Susan Hart / Kevin Bruce
Class 342
1. 799 O Riley
A. Kent Allen / J. David Craig
The Blarney assumes no responsibility for the truth or accuracy of the advertisements contained herein. Statements, opinions, and points of view expressed by the contributors
and advertisers are not necessarily those of The Blarney staff and/or the IDHSNA Inc. We
reserve the right to edit any editorial materials received & deny placing advertising or written material that is deemed damaging or contrary to the goals of the Society.
2008 Summer Edition - T he Blarney
Page 36
Irish Draught Horse Society of North America
Membership Form
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ALL membership
levels include
the quarterly
“The Blarney”.
entitles “Farm”
to receive two
copies of
“The Blarney”.
PAYMENT OPTIONS: Payment may be made with a check or online at www.irishdraught.com using a credit
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The submission of a Society membership application or membership renewal or participation in a Society event constitutes acceptance of
the Society’s Bylaws, Rules, and policies and procedures - and all amendments thereto - that are posted on the Society web page (www.
irishdraught.com) and that you are advised to review.
Member’s Signature
Member’s Signature
Privacy Issues
By applying for membership with the IDHSNA, the members name and contact info may be used in the annual Membership Directory, unless the
member directly contacts the Member Services Coordinator and requests that the information not be used in such directory.
The IDHSNA does not sell, give out or allow members to use for advertising purposes, our membership information. However, this information may
be used for IDHSNA business such as elections and special news/notifications.
The IDHSNA may, if a member competes or takes part in an IDHSNA activity or competition, use a members name and contact informtion in publication in the Blarney, press releases and/or on our website unless the member directly contacts the Member Services Coordinator and requests
that the information not be used in such a manner. The Member Services Coordinator may be contacted at: [email protected]
4037 IRON WORKS PARKWAY, #160, LEXINGTON, KY 40511 / PHONE/FAX: (859) 455-8090
2008 IDHSNA Advertising Rates
and Insertion Order Form
All space reservations must be made BY THE 10th of the month preceding publication. AD MATERIAL must
be submitted and paid in full by THE DEADLINE PROVIDED AT THE BEGINING OF EACH The Blarney EDITION!
Any members wanting to place an advertisement in future The Blarney editions are asked to submit an advertising
insertion order. Orders may be placed in writing via e-mail; or submitted via snail mail, using this form.
All ad orders/material should be forwarded to: LAURIE MONROE, 9885 NW 127th Court, Ocala, FL 34482.
E-mail: [email protected] / Phone: (352) 445-1235.
Payment arrangements must accompany your ad space reservation. We accept check, money order, credit card or PayPal payments (in US
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Ad Sizes & Prices. . . NOTE: There are a limited number of advertising pages available. Allocation: first
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may be available in color in 2008. If so, ads on IFC, IBC and BC will be $230. Please call (352) 445.1235 or e-mail
[email protected] for additional information.
Full Page
Half Page (V)
Half Page (H)
Quarter Page
(7.5” x 10”)
$ 100 b/w
(3.65” x 10”)
$ 75 b/w
(7.5” x 4.75”)
$ 70 b/w
(3.65” x 4.75”)
$ 45 b/w
Photo Classified
1 Photo / 75 words
$ 30 b/w
The North Wind - 2007 Eventing
Level 1 & Versatility Champion
Macha's Morpheus 2007 Fox Hunting Champion
Iced Macha - 2007
Lionwood Kinsale's Lad 2007 Dressage Level 1 Champion
Kiko 2007 Driving 1 Champion
Bally Shannon 2007 In-Hand 1 Champion
Keltic Komet 2007 Driving 2 Champion
Clover's Amazing Grace 2007 In-Hand 2 Co-Champion
Rebel's Run 2007 Jumpers Level 2 Champion
Princestana 2007 Jumpers Level 1 Champion
Today's Irish Princess 2007 In-Hand 2 Co-Champion
Hunter Level 1
The following 5 pages explain the IDHSNA Year End Award program and provide forms for example and use for 2008!
2008 IDHSNA Year-End Award Program
The Irish Draught horse excels in many disciplines. The intent of the IDHSNA
Year-End Award Program* is to acknowledge and honor those members with
Irish Draught horses, both purebred and part bred, who are out competing and
thus promoting the breed.
Each division will be divided into two levels so competitors will be competing for an award against others of a similar level (for example a horse competing at Novice level will not be competing for the same IDHS(NA) Award as
a horse competing at Advanced level).
Level I USEF Level 4 and below. Jumps listed below 3’9"
Level II USEF Level 5 and above. Jumps listed as 3’ 9"
and above.
Level I
Jump height below 3' 6". Includes under-saddle
classes when entered as part of a division. (For
example, the under-saddle class in an Amateur
Owner division where the fence heights are 2’ 9"
would be considered Level I, while the undersaddle class for a Working Hunter division, where
the fence heights are 4’ would be considered
Level II) *English pleasure or any hack classes not
in a division with co-ordinating jumping classes will
be considered in Level I.
Level II
Jump height 3' 6" and over. Includes under-saddle
classes when entered as part of a division.
Eventing requires horses to compete in a three-phase competition. Two phases are not allowed for eventing purposes.
Level I All classes below Preliminary.
Level II
All classes rated Preliminary and above.
Level I All levels below and including 2nd Level.
Includes suitability for dressage classes.
Level II
3rd Level and above.
DRiving (Dv)
Level I All Pleasure Driving; All CDE levels preliminary
and below.
Level II
All CDE levels above preliminary.
2008 Summer Edition - T he Blarney
Horses must have hunted six or more times and for at
least half of the hunting day with any Master of Foxhounds
Association of North America recognized pack during the
current award period. A signed note from the hunt's MFH
stating that the horse has hunted fairly and regularly
according to the listed criteria must accompany the Yearend award results card.
5 Points Will be given per foxhunt to each horse with a
letter from an MHF saying that they regularly
and fairly hunted during a season.
10 Points Will be given to each horse with a letter from an
MHF stating that the horse was used as a staff
horse. “Staff horse” is defined as one that is
used for the huntsman, field master (any flight)
or whipper in.
Unrecognized show points (Tier 1) will be awarded for placing at hunter trials or pairs races provided the horse has
earned points for fairly hunting or as a staff horse.
In Hand (IH)
For horses showing in halter/in hand classes in ALL disciplines (hunter breeding, IDHSNA in hand classes etc.) The
level where points will be awarded is determined by the
age of the horse.
Age Group I
Under 2 years old. Get of Sire/Produce
of Dam
Age Group II
2 year olds or older of any gender.
In the event of a separately judged Championship Class
(generally 1st and 2nd places from qualifying classes),
horses awarded Champion will receive an extra 7 points for
the Championship. Horses awarded Reserve Champion will
receive an extra 5 points for the Reserve Championship.
Page 40
2008 IDHSNA Year-End Award Program
Champion and Reserve rosettes will be given in each discipline at each level.
Point Distribution for Level Awards
Points will be divided as follows:
TIER 1 - Unrecognized competitions
6th 7 points 5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point
Tier 2 – Recognized competition in unrecognized
division - Double points
6th 14 points 10 points 8 points 6 points 4 points 2 points
Tier 3 - Recognized competition in recognized class or
division - Triple points
6th 21 points 15 points 12 points9 points 6 points 3 points
Tier 4 - Placing in any class offering $10,000 or more
prize money or any FEI classes as listed on
the USEF FEI calendar - Quadruple points
6th 28 points 20 points 16 points12 points 8 points 4 points
"Recognized" is defined to include the USEF and all organizations directly affiliated with the USEF including USDF, CEF,
USEA, USHJA, NRHA, etc. A 'Recognized Show' is one that
can be looked up on the above named organization sites
and is listed as one of their officially recognized shows.
A show that is run by any organization including an affiliated
organization of a National organization, but does not have
'Recognized' status with the main organization is considered
unrecognized. (We realize there may be a few very large and
prestigious shows that could fall into this classification which
is unfortunate, but it is important to have an easily verifiable way to determine what point-tier will be used for any
particular class.)
1. A 'Recognized Class/Division' is one that is recorded for
points, is open to organization members on a national level
and can be looked up on the official site for the above organizations as a recognized class. In the case of driving where
there are not 'points' awarded by their organization, classes
officially defined by and run in accordance with the organization rules will be considered 'recognized'. Tier 3 points
2008 Summer Edition - T he Blarney
2. "Unrecognized classes at a recognized show" are all
classes held at a 'Recognized Show' as defined in (1.) above,
but the class is NOT being recorded for national points.
Tier 2 points awarded. (An example of this type of class is
any jumper class defined as 'Level 1-4' where no points are
recorded by the USEF or a 'Limit Hunter' class.)
3. Any class with prize money of $10,000 or more (actually
awarded) or any class on the USEF list of FEI classes for
the awards year will be awarded Tier 4 points. Any other
recognition status of the class or show it is held at is not
4. Any classes held at a show and judged by IDHSNA provided judges; and any classes held at a show produced by
the IDHSNA and judged by a USEF recognized judge for that
type of class shall be given Tier 2 points.
5. All other classes are considered unrecognized and
receive Tier 1 points.
Champion and Reserve will be awarded to the horses with
the most points in two or more disciplines at any Levels.
In-Hand points will not be counted for this award. Points
will be awarded based on the horse's placing within each
discipline where it was eligible for an award. Points will be
given as follows:
Champion - 7 points Reserve Champion - 5 points
3rd - 4 points 4th - 3 points 5th - 2 points
All others - 1 point
• Horses must be fully registered with the IDHSNA. A list
of horses registered with IDHSNA and their owner of record
will be created on 11/30 of the awards year and forwarded
to the Awards Coordinator. Only horses on this list are eligible for awards. (Fully registered means all paperwork is
complete; DNA results and fees have been received by the
IDHSNA; and the registration number has been assigned
by the Registration Office). DO NOT WAIT TO REGISTER
• Owners must be members of the IDHSNA and in good
standing. A list of members in good standing will be sent to
the Awards Coordinator on 11/30 of the awards year. Only
fully registered horses where the owner of record is on this
list are eligible for awards. DO NOT WAIT TO JOIN.
• A horse will NOT be eligible for any award if, for ANY
reason, it is not fully registered or the recorded owner's
membership is not in good standing on 11/30 of the awards
Page 41
2008 IDHSNA YEAr-END AwArD ProgrAm
 Horses must show under their IDHSNA registered name.
 Points are awarded to the horse and stay with the horse.
If a horse is sold during the competition year, those points
already earned remain with the horse. The horse may
continue earning points for the new owner from the date
when a transfer of ownership form was signed and if not
already a member, the new owner has completed application for membership including the fee.
 The Awards Year shall run from each December 1st
through November 30th of the following year.
 To be eligible for an award in a discipline, a horse must
receive points in at least two different competitions on
different dates. If the discipline is judged using objective
criteria, then points must be earned under at least 2 different judges to be eligible for an award.
 Horses may and are encourages to compete for an award
in more than one discipline.
 If a horse competes at more than one level in one discipline, they will be recorded in the level where their
points would place them the highest.
 In the event of a tie, the award will go to the horse with
the highest average score. (total points divided by number of classes where points were earned.)
by December 15 of the awards year. Results will be
announced in the Yearbook edition of the Blarney.
 Winners must submit a photograph and a short story
(minimum 50 words) or complete a questionnaire
before receiving their awards.
 The final determination of the point-tier to be used
for any particular class will be made by the Awards
Coordinator. In the event that the AC determines a
lower tier should be used for any class, the party submitting shall be notified and given the opportunity to
demonstrate that the class in question can be verified
as defined in the points section above to be eligible for
the higher point tier by the AC. Any dispute of the points
awarded may be brought to the board as a Grievance.
Should such a grievance result in a horse being awarded
additional points and becoming eligible for either
champion or reserve that horse will be declared a cowinner and an additional award shall be given.
 Falsification of any information provided to determine
eligibility for year-end awards will result in the horse
being disqualified. Any awarded prize money and/or
prizes must be returned to the IDHSNA and the horse
will be removed from the list of winners.
 Results must be turned in to the Awards Coordinator
INSERT SIdE-a is an "example" of a completed
activity report ready for submission to the
IdHSNa awards Committee Chair: IdHSNa
Year End awards - activity Reporting Form
Year End awards Program for 2008, please
direct those questions to:
INSERT SIdE-B the the "blank" IdHSNa Year
End awards - activity Reporting Form FOR
YOUR USE. Please feel free to copy this form
as many times as you may need space to
reflect your show results.
Email: [email protected]
(360) 874-8887 PdT
Year End awards Program
c/o Lyn Lindstrom,
1399 SW Clevenger Lane,
Port Orchard, Wa, 98367
If you have any additional questions about
the forms, instructions or overview of the
2008 Summer Edition - T he Blarney
Page 2
Jan Doe; 555-123-4567
John Doe; 555-121-2121
Jill Spill; 555-555-6654
Jane Doe; 555-123-4567
Mary Smith; 555-123-4567
Tippy Paine, 540-364-0007
Doris Stimston, 540-887-1234
Tippy Paine, 540-364-0007
Tippy Paine, 540-364-0007
Ms. Haute Toitie, 540-253-0000
Ms. Haute Toitie, 540-253-0000
Tippy Paine, 540-364-0007
Feroline Higginson, 540-364-9999 Warrenton in Airlie
Sue Rogers, 540-687-5555
Sue Rogers, 540-687-5555
Middleburg in Glenwood Park
Middleburg Hunt, Glenwood Park
Piedmont Hunt, Delaplane
Orange County Hunt, Locust Hill
Orange County in Locust Hill
Piedmont Hunt, Oakley
Piedmont Hunt, Rokeby
Blue Ridge in Woodley
Piedmont in Salem
Haven Hill Event
Happy Farm Event
Charlotte Jumper Classic
CDCTA Breeding Day
Clareke Count Fair Horse Show
Adult Optimum Time
10:00am - 12:00pm
8:00am - 11:00 am
9:00am - 11:00am
Adult Optimum Time
8:00am - 11:00 am
8:00am - 11:00 am
Adult Fast Time
Adult Fast Time
Baby Novice
Welcome Classic Level 7
Training Level Test 1
Pleasure Horse w/t/c
Young Dressage Horse Championship
CDCTA Breeding Day
3 year old Colt/Gelding
Low Hunter 3’
Upperville Colt and Horse Show
CDCTA Breeding Day
Green Hunter o/f 3’6”
Upperville Colt and Horse Show
Mary Smith; 555-123-4567
Green Huner o/f 3’6”
Upperville Colt and Horse Show
Green Hunter u/s
Time Hunt Meet or
& Level 1 recog- recog. $10K
or 2
nized by div. Y/N Y/N
email: [email protected]
Owner’s Contact Phone No's: 555-456-7890 h; 555-987-6543cell
Anytown, ST 00000
Owner’s Address: 1234 No Street
Upperville Colt and Horse Show
Jane Doe; 555-123-4567
Secretary & contact phone#
Hunt Meet,Hunter Pace
Show or Event
IDHSNA member #: 000
Horse's Birthdate: ___________________________
Owner Name: Paddy McPaddy
IDHSNA Registration#: M0000
Horse’s Name: Sample Horse
IDHSNA Year End Awards - Activity Reporting Form (Sample)
Owner’s Address:
& Level 1 recog- recog. $10K
or 2
nized by div. Y/N Y/N place
IDHSNA Year End Awards - Activity Reporting Form
Horse’s Name:
IDHSNA Registration#:
Contact Phone Number(s):
Horse's Birthdate: _______________________________
Owner Name:
IDHSNA member #:
Show Secretary & contact ph#
Snowford Bellman RID by Slievenamon RID x Snowford Harebell RID