User`s Guide BusinessNet UniCredit Bank Czech Republic and


User`s Guide BusinessNet UniCredit Bank Czech Republic and
User’s Guide BusinessNet
UniCredit Bank
Czech Republic and Slovakia, a.s.
September 2015
INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................................................. 3
SECURITY FIRST ............................................................................................................................................................. 4
Security key – TOKEN ..............................................................................................................................................4
SMS key ...................................................................................................................................................................5
Other Security features ...........................................................................................................................................5
BUSINESSNET – OTHER INTERNET BANKING PRODUCTS ...................................................................................................... 6
Multi-Access Options within the Internet Banking Family ......................................................................................6
High Flexibility for Setting User Rights ....................................................................................................................6
LOGGING INTO INTERNET BANKING ............................................................................................................................... 7
Minimum Technical Requirements..........................................................................................................................7
Login to application.................................................................................................................................................8
4.2.1 First login to application – SMS key ....................................................................................................................8
4.2.2 Login to the application – SMS key.....................................................................................................................9
WORKING WITH THE APPLICATION .................................................................................................................................... 9
About Overviews in General....................................................................................................................................9
Action menu ............................................................................................................................................................9
Printing and Exporting ..........................................................................................................................................10
Quick navigation – „My favourites“ Function .......................................................................................................11
FINANCES ............................................................................................................................................................... 12
6.1.1 Account Details .................................................................................................................................................14
6.1.2 Account history.................................................................................................................................................14
6.1.3 Statements........................................................................................................................................................16
Cards .....................................................................................................................................................................17
6.2.1 Debit Cards Overview .......................................................................................................................................18
6.2.2 Credit Cards Overview ......................................................................................................................................19
6.2.3 Card History ......................................................................................................................................................20
TRANSACTIONS ........................................................................................................................................................ 20
Transactions Overview ..........................................................................................................................................20
Domestic payments...............................................................................................................................................22
7.2.1 Standard domestic payment.............................................................................................................................22
7.2.2 Using domestic templates and partners...........................................................................................................23
7.2.3 Internal transfer................................................................................................................................................24
Foreign payments..................................................................................................................................................24
7.3.1 Foreign payment overview ...............................................................................................................................24
The use of foreign templates and partners ......................................................................................................24
SEPA ......................................................................................................................................................................24
7.4.1 SEPA Credit transfer..........................................................................................................................................24
7.4.2 SEPA Direct Debit request ................................................................................................................................24
7.4.3 SEPA payments overview .................................................................................................................................25
Importing payment orders from an accounting system........................................................................................25
Standing orders .....................................................................................................................................................26
7.6.1 Standing order overview ..................................................................................................................................26
7.6.2 Standing orders – domestic ..............................................................................................................................27
7.6.3 Standing orders – foreign .................................................................................................................................27
TERM DEPOSITS ..................................................................................................................................................... 27
Term deposits overview ........................................................................................................................................28
Entering a term deposit.........................................................................................................................................28
SIGNATURE ................................................................................................................................................................ 28
MESSAGES ............................................................................................................................................................. 30
NOTIFICATIONS .......................................................................................................................................................... 31
Notifications overview...........................................................................................................................................31
CONCLUSION .......................................................................................................................................................... 33
Help .......................................................................................................................................................................33
Telephone support ................................................................................................................................................33
Language version ..................................................................................................................................................33
Log off from the application..................................................................................................................................33
Dear Client,
We are pleased you have decided to use BusinessNet, a
modern internet banking service designated especially
for corporate clients.
Internet banking services will enable you to manage
your financial flows simply, comfortably, securely and
effectively for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
You can connect to the Bank from any country at any
time using a standard PC equipped with an internet
browser. It is up to you where you want to manage
your finances - whether from the comfort of your
home, from your office or from the place where you
spend your holidays.
The application's functions are programmed to be
used by users as easy and comfortably as possible.
This manual is intended to guide you through the
applications and simultaneously to assist you to use
them properly. The application itself contains the
"Help" option to provide you with the step-by-step
guidance in using the system.
In addition to the "Help" function, you can also call
telephone line +421 5060 2525. Our operators will
advise you about proper using BusinessNet's
possibilities and help you with problems that may
occur as you work with the application. You can also
find a lot of useful information directly at
The highest security degree offered by the latest
information technologies is a basic parameter of the
application. Banking security is especially provided
when using the internet by means of a security key
that allows you to log in securely to the system and to
"sign" (authorize) all transactions you send through
internet banking to the Bank for processing. The
security key which looks like a small calculator is
portable, simply managed and moreover it generates a
code that is valid for a limited time, thus protecting
you against any possible attack.
We have developed a service in tune with the 21st
century that will enable you to manage your finances
simply, comfortably and securely.
Why not to get connected to us and try it out?
We wish you much success in making your financial
transactions in the internet banking environment.
UniCredit Bank Czech Republic and Slovakia, a.s.
The most important feature of the whole internet
banking architecture provided by UniCredit Bank Czech
Republic and Slovakia, a.s. is its security. The applied
solution is based on international experience and
know-how developed within the banking group and
has earned security certificates of renowned foreign
auditing companies.
Security key – TOKEN
Bank's server will generate the identical authentication
code and compare it with your code. If both codes are
identical, everything is in order and the transaction will
be successfully carried out. If both codes differ, the
transaction will not be carried out and the client will be
called to enter the correct authentication code.
The security code is always unique for the moment of
verification, i.e. you have to generate a new code for
every transaction.
The time limit for validity of the generated security
code makes it in fact impossible for a potential hacker
to abuse it. This applies especially in cases of phishing
(malicious acquisition of user access data by means of
false e-mails or internet pages) because even if a
hacker acquired the security code entered by you, it
would be already invalid by that time.
The Bank never sends requests for information by email concerning your sensitive data, such as your User
ID, etc. If you receive such e-mail, do not respond to it.
Internet applications of UniCredit Bank Czech Republic
and Slovakia, a.s. are secured by using the so-called
electronic security key (token) in the form of a small
calculator provided to every internet banking user at
the Bank's branch.
After entering a 4-digit PIN, security key generates
unique security code, that is valid for a very limited
period of time (tens of seconds).
These unique codes are used especially for:
• the user's authentication, i.e. the remote verification
of the user upon the login to the internet banking
• the transaction authorization, i.e. the "signing" of
active transactions sent to the Bank (for more
information see the chapter "SIGNATURE FOLDER“).
The security token contains a programmed coding
Authentication/authorization is made on the principle
of symmetric coding on the side of both the user and
the Bank and on comparing their results. If a
transaction requires to be confirmed so that it is clear
that it is really carried out by you by means of your
security token, you have to enter your security code
that will be automatically generated by your security
token after you enter your PIN. The identically set
authentication/authorization application running at the
Another big advantage of using security tokens is their
"separability" from the computer. When you want to
use a token, you do not need to install anything in your
PC or internet browser. Unique Security codes are
generated directly in the token without any connection
with the PC and therefore it is impossible to remotely
"eavesdrop" such codes from your PC, which protects
you against the so-called Trojan horse attacks.
How to work with Security key?
Switch on the security key (press the arrow button on
the lower right-hand side together with the lock button
on the lower-left side).
• "New PIN“ will appear on the display, enter a 4-digit
number (known only to you)
• "PIN CONF“ will be displayed, re-enter the PIN to
confirm your PIN
• the generated security code will be automatically
• the security token is prepared to be used again – you
can switch it off (press the arrow button on the lower
right-hand side).
Your security token is protected by your PIN known
only to you. Do not disclose this PIN to anybody, do not
write it down (especially not directly on the token)! For
security reasons you will have to remember it.
How to change the PIN?
If you are afraid that any third person has revealed,
even if by chance, your PIN, change it as follows:
• switch on the security token (press the arrow button
together with lock button)
• enter your PIN and generate a security code
• press the arrow button and hold it for about two
seconds until you are called to enter a new
• PIN ("New PIN“) – enter a new PIN
• "PIN CONF“ will be displayed, re-enter your new PIN
to confirm it
• your PIN has been changed and you will enter the
new PIN when you use the token next.
Do not use "simple" numbers, such as a date of birth,
birth identification, your house number, etc. as your PIN.
These numbers are easy discoverable. It is worth,
without any doubt, applying and remembering the
number that cannot be revealed too easy.
How to unblock the token?
If you enter an invalid PIN three times consecutively
(FAIL 1, FAIL 2, FAIL 3 will be gradually displayed), the
token will be blocked (LOCK PIN and a 7-digit number
will be displayed).
In such case, you have to contact the help line – tel.
number +421 5060 2525, identify yourself by using
the socalled secondary identification, i.e. your user
number (see your Contract), password, or other data
and to unblock the token with the operator's help:
• after your identification is verified, the operator will
ask you for the 7-digit number displayed under LOCK
PIN on your security token
• then the operator will give you the unblocking code,
you will enter it to the security token If you enter an
invalid unblocking code provided by the operator
three times, your security token will be totally
blocked and you will have to exchange it at the
Bank's branch.
• then you will be called to enter and confirm the new
Loss or theft of the security token – blocking access
In case of loss, theft of your security token or in any
other situation when you need to block access to
internet Banking - please contact the Bank Technical
support +421 5060 2525 or your bank advisor and ask
for the blocking of access to internet banking. Then
visit the branch where you will receive a new security
Security key maintenance
The security key is an electronic device produced to
withstand common use. It is, however, necessary to
avoid situations that could result in its failure, such as
high temperatures, contacts with chemicals, water or
drinks and hard impacts.
The security key runs on a power battery with a very
long lifetime (about 7 years), which in combination
with the low consumption of electronic circuits has
made the manufacturer embed batteries firmly,
without any possibility of being exchanged. If the
battery is flat in the key, the entire security key will be
exchanged free of charge at the Bank's branch.
SMS key
Internet applications of UniCredit Bank Czech Republic
and Slovakia, a.s. can be also secured by an SMS key.
Its security standard is equal to the security key.
When arranging this type of security, the user will
designate an e-mail address for sending the entry
security code and his mobile telephone number for
sending single SMS codes.
With regard to its properties, SMS keys are primarily
designated for clients - individuals. Corporate clients,
who work with the system more frequently, should use
the physical security token that generates an unlimited
number of codes during its life (5 – 7 years) rather
than an SMS key.
Other Security features
In addition to the security key as the principal security
feature, internet banking of UniCredit Bank Czech
Republic and Slovakia, a.s. is protected by other
important security features, such as for example:
Coded data communication between the Bank and the
Secure data transmissions between the Bank and your
compute are ensured by the so-called 128-bit coding
(SSL version 3.0) protecting the data against any abuse
during the transmission. The coding protects the
confidentiality of information being transmitted and is
considered absolute secure.
Login Information sent to your e-mail
New internet banking has a security innovation and a
means of prompt control that allows setting an
automatic message generated by the system and
sending it to your e-mail address (or even more email
addresses) whenever there is the successful login to
the system.
In addition to BusinessNet – a service created to satisfy
especially corporate clients, UniCredit Bank Czech
Republic and Slovakia, a.s. also offers Online Banking –
a service designated for individuals and entrepreneurs.
Management of multiple clients' accounts within the
single login
If you are, entitled to handle accounts of more account
holders within the internet banking concerned, you do
not need to have several User IDs any more. Now you
will use only one User ID and one security type (for
example Security key). When you log into the system,
you can choose whether you want to work with
accounts of all the clients or only those of selected
Multiple products management within the single login
This innovation is designed to satisfy those users who
have corporate as well as private accounts maintained
in the Bank and want to manage them through
internet banking using one User ID and one security
key. In such case you will arrange for two internet
banking services:
• Online Banking for your private use and
• BusinessNet Basic, for example, for business
When logging in to the application, you will choose
which product you want to work with first. You can
change your choice at any time during your work with
the application by clicking the menu option "Product /
Account Holder".
For more information about Online Banking, internet
banking services, please visit or
contact your bank advisor at the Bank's branch.
Our tip:
Try the DEMO version at
3.1 Multi-Access Options within the Internet
Banking Family
The Online Banking and BusinessNet applications are
based on the same technological platform which
allows their mutual links supported by the fact that
their design, menu structure and manner of use are
almost identical.
You can also combine both options:
• Administering multiple clients' accounts within the
single login
• Administering multiple products within the single
You can attend, to a maximum extent, accounts of
more account holders and more internet Banking
products within the single login together.
This inter-connection creates new possibilities of using
internet banking both for private and business
purposes with the single login.
High Flexibility for Setting User Rights
The account holder can define the user access and
signature rights separately for every account.
This functionality is necessary especially in cases
where responsibility for transactions must be clearly
split among individual users within a company. The
account holder can also define structured rights to sign
will make the required setting based on the account
holder's instructions defined in the respective
contractual documentation.
You can log in to the BusinessNet application from the
web site by clicking the „Login“
link on the upper left-hand side. We recommend you
to add this link to your favourite addresses in your
internet browser.
for each account (or a group of accounts) and thus
determine permissible signature combinations
including the option to set transaction limits for the
respective combinations.
In the relevant contractual documentation the account
holder can define basic authorizations for a respective
user and account as follows:
• Right to sign – Yes/No
This right makes it possible or impossible for the
respective account to be displayed in the
"SIGNATURE FOLDER") and for the user to sign the
payments or instructions to the debit of the
respective account (e.g. to open a standing order).
This right will enable the account holder to define a
user, for example, who will only prepare payment
orders but will not sign them and transfer them to
the Bank for processing (for more information see the
• Creating/changing a payment order – Yes/No
This right makes it possible or impossible for the
respective account to be offered in payment orders
and for the user to execute the payment or other
instructions (e.g. to open a standing order).
• Uploading orders from Accounting system – Yes/No
This right makes it possible or impossible for the user
to upload transactions from the payment file
prepared by the accounting system to the debit of
the respective account.
Access and signature rights to accounts for individual
users are determined by the account holder. The Bank
Minimum Technical Requirements
The UniCredit Bank Czech Republic and Slovakia, a.s.
internet banking family operates as a "pure" web/html
application. This means you do not have to install
anything on your computer (as it is necessary e.g. in
case of electronic banking systems). All you need to do
is to click on the internet link and to log in to the
With respect to the security requirements for internet
banking, your computer must have a certain degree of
configuration (set up). In other words, your computer
and browser must be of a certain minimum version or
configuration necessary for the correct functionality
and security of internet banking.
The current minimum technical requirements for using
internet banking of UniCredit Bank Czech Republic and
Slovakia, a.s. can be found in the List of Direct Banking
Services and Parameters at the web sites in section Corporate > Cash
Management > Electronic Banking.
If you have access to more products/accounts of more
clients, the screen with the option of choosing the
particular product or account will appear after you click
on the "Login" button. (For more information see the
chapter "Multiple access options within ….")
If you have access to only one product/account of one
client, the introductory screen of the application will
appear displaying a List of Accounts and Balances.
Login to application
After you click on the internet banking login link, the
initial login screen will appear.
Enter the following data to the respective fields:
• your user ID
• the code generated from the security key. To
generate the security code, switch on the token by
pressing the arrow button together with lock button
and enter your PIN.
• Enter the security code that will appear on the
display to the "Security Code" field
• Click on the "Login" button
You can choose the language version of the application
on this introductory screen (Czech or English).
If you enter an invalid security code three times, access
to the application will be blocked. For security reasons
the "Incorrect User ID or Security Code" message will
appear on the screen at any time you enter an invalid
security code. To unblock the access to the application,
please contact our electronic Banking help line +421
4950 2525. After our operator identifies you based on
the code generated by your token, he will unblock your
access to the application.
4.2.1 First login to application – SMS key
Upon the first login, the user will enter his User ID and
the entry security code delivered to the designated
e-mail address. After clicking on the "Login" button, the
application will call the user to change the entry
security code that has to contain 6 – 16 digits. After
the entry security code is changed, the user will receive
an SMS code to his mobile telephone and he will fill in
this code on the screen below.
4.2.2 Login to the application – SMS key
In order to login to the application, the user will use his
User ID and the entry security code. After these data
are confirmed, the user will receive an SMS code sent
to his mobile telephone that has to be filled in on the
next screen. After pressing the "OK" button, the initial
screen with a overview of accounts and balances will
be displayed.
Before introducing BusinessNet's main functions, we
would like to acquaint you with the important
elements for controlling and working with the
application created with the emphasis on your user
About Overviews in General
The BusinessNet application is made up of many
screens or overviews providing the uniform managing
and approach to the displayed data, for example:
If you want to return to the original setting defined by
the Bank, choose the "Reset sort order" in the selection
field at the bettom of the overview.
The individual order of the items in the Overview
chosen by you, will be kept after logging out and the
next logging in to the application.
Action menu
Another control element in the application is the socalled "Action Menu" which can be found at the
bottom of most Overviews. This control element
(i) Actions common for all Overviews, for example
numbers of items displayed per page (5, 10, 50,
100, etc. per page) or the option to return to the
default ordering for the given Overview defined by
the Bank, i.e. the "Reset Sort Order" item.
• Overview of domestic/foreign payments/standing
orders, etc.
• Overview of accounts/debit and credit payment
The pagination item will be displayed only if the
number of items in the list exceeds the determined
minimum of 5 items.
The data in these Overviews are arranged in an order
and sequences defined by the Bank.
Individual items can be ordered in the Overview under
a random column by clicking on the respective column
name in its heading, whereby the items will be ranked
either in an ascending or descending order.
If the number of items in the list exceeds the set
number per page, additional pages will be created. You
can move between these pages by using the page
browse button.
If you want to rank the items in the other direction, you
need only to click again on the respektive column
name. For example, by clicking on the term "Amount"
in the heading of the "Domestic Payments Overview",
all items will be ranked from the largest amount to the
smallest one. If you want the opposite order, click
again on the term "Amount". The currently chosen
ranking order is displayed by small red triangles in the
Overview indicating the direction (up/down).
In case of printing or exporting in the csv format (to
Excel) such "paginated" list, the entire list will be
always printed or exported.
(ii) Actions that are different by the type of the
Overview in which the "Action menu" is located. For
example in case of Overview of transactions, the
action menu can be used for staring a screen for
entering a new transaction.
If the Overview contains check boxes before individual
items in the list, it is possible to use the "Select All"
command to mark them all at once or the "Deselect
all" command to clear all the boxes at once.
Lists of items in the Overviews can be also searched by
means of 2 types of searching criteria:
• basic searches – are generally located at the top of
the given Overview and will enable you to search the
required items of the list according to the main
criteria, i.e. account, status, type of the payment
order, etc.)
• advanced searches – More search criteria – are
located under the icon.
By clicking on this icon,
additional search criteria will be displayed that can
specify your search, i.e. for example amount from –
to, transaction detail, etc.)
Our tip:
If you are searching for a particular amount, enter the
same value to the "Amount from – to" fields. If you are
searching, for example, for a transaction with the "loan
instalment" information for the beneficiary, you need
only to indicate the word "instalment" to the
"Transaction details" search field and the application
will automatically search for such transaction using the
socalled full-text searching procedure. Such searching
does not depend on capital and small letters and you
do not have to know the full and precise wording of the
payment title, but only its part, and the application will
display all transactions concerning characters entered
by you (you can only enter "pay" for searching the entire
"loan instalment" information.
The search itself is always made by pressing the
"Search" button, the "Reset" button will return the
searching criteria into their default values.
Printing and Exporting
Printing from the application is implemented by using
the print icon
in the right upper corner of the
Clicking on the icon, you will call a print dialog window:
• Step 1 – Click on the "print.pdf" link that will initiate
the creation of a print file in the pdf format. This will
enables you to print all details displayed on the
respective screen.
• Step 2 – You can save the generated pdf file to your
computer for the later use.
The "Back" button will return you to the Overview and
the printing dialog window will disappear.
• In order to display a pdf file, you need to have
Acrobat Reader installed. If you do not have Acrobat
Reader installed, contact our client line for assistance
in the installation.
• If the number of items to be printed is large, the
creation of a print file in the pdf format could require
several tens of seconds.
In the "Transaction history overview" you can also
export items from the list by means of the "Export"
button (below the list of displayed items) in the socalled csv format, which is a general format for viewing
in, for example, Excel. Clicking on the "Export" button
will again display the dialog window:
• Step 1 – Click on the „export.csv“ link that will launch
displays of items of the file, for example in Excel,
with which you can further work.
• Step 2 – You can save the generated Excel file to your
computer for the later use.
Exporting in the csv format is used only for facilitating
the work with the items in the Transaction History
Overview for example by means of Excel. In no case do
we recommend you to program interconnections for
example to the accounting above such outputs,
because the Bank does not guarantee this format. If
you need to transfer transaction information to the
accounting, please use the “Finances > Accounts >
Statements” option. A description of formats for the
data exchanges with the accounting can be found at
Quick navigation – „My favourites“ Function
Just as you use the "favourites" function to save your
favourite web sites for the further use, you can also use
the "My favourites" function in this application in order
to simply save your most used menu items.
By clicking on the "Add to favourites" icon in the upper
right-hand corner of every screed, this menu item will
be automatically added to the "My Favourites" menu
located on the left-hand side above the main menu.
nad hlavním menu.
Using this list, you can quickly and simply call up the
desired screens by clicking on the item concerned in
the "My Favourites" menu, i.e. without the complicated
searching of the menu structure.
Our tip: Add the "Domestic Payments Overview" and
the "Signature Folder" items to the "My Favourites" list.
You can further modify these items in the "My
Favourites" list in the Settings > Favorites menu, i.e. for
example to change the order in the list or to delete
these items.
The "Finances" menu consists of four basic areas:
• Accounts – a summary of your accounts and
balances and their history
• Cards – a summary of your debit and credit cards
and their history
• Foreign payment advice – a summary of foreign
payment advices
• PDF statements and files – enables to display and
download select bank documents in PDF format
After you successfully log in to the application, you will
see a screen automatically displaying a summary of
your accounts and their balances.
The "Accounts and balances summary" screen provides
you in a well-arranged display with the most important
information about accounts maintained with the Bank
and available through internet banking. This includes
especially accounts listed by their type, current
information on balances, recent transaction history in
the selected account, and a summary of balances that
can be summed.
You can also set your own name for each account here
using the "My name" function. By clicking on the
respective account its detail will open, you will give
your account name and save it by clicking on the
"Save" icon . The name will be displayed in the
"Account Overview" screen below the official account
name and then in all drop-down lists containing the
respective account, thus facilitating your orientation.
The screen is divided into two tabs placed next to each
other, i.e.:
• "Account Overview" – the tab appears automatically
after you click on the "Accounts" item in the menu.
• "Financial overview"“ – this item will be displayed
after you click on this tab.
The "Accounts Overview" tab consists of the following
• Current accounts
A list of current accounts maintained by the Bank and
assigned to the user with the account balances
• Term deposits accounts
A list of term deposit accounts maintained by the
Bank and assigned to the user with the account
balances displaying.
• Loans and other accounts
A list of credit accounts maintained by the Bank and
assigned to the user with the balances displaying.
Accounts of other, less common, types can be also
displayed here.
displayed where you can set the number of days
displayed in the Transaction History part.
You can also set your preferred account here that is
highlighted in green in the Account Overview and is
always displayed first in the drop-down lists.
• Transaction history
A list of transactions accounted in the chosen
account during the last days.
Financial Overview
The "Financial Overview" tab includes the search
criteria area and a list of accounts with their balances
Each part can be minimized or maximized by clicking
on the "Hide/Show" icon .
maintained even after you log out and then log in to
the application again.
You can click on the "History" icon
located on the
right side with every account to display the
"Transaction History" screen for the respective account
where you can use advanced search criteria to go
through the transactions accounted in such account.
When you click the "Accounts – Banking Setting"
button, the “Settings > Banking” screen will be
• Search criteria area
You can use search fields to limit the records
displayed in the list of accounts for displaying only
accounts belonging to a certain account holder,
accounts of a specific type or accounts User's Guide
of BusinessNet, internet banking maintained in a
certain currency only. The "Display in currency" field
is used for translating balances into one currency. In
order to translate amounts to other currency, the
Bank's cheque mid rate is applied; translations are for
information only and are not binding. After choosing
the search criteria, you have to press the "Update"
button to update the list of accounts and to translate
the balances into the chosen currency. To reset the
search criteria, click on the "Reset" button.
• List of accounts
If the accounts mentioned in the list are
denominated in one currency or if the translation into
one currency is made by means of the "Display in
currency" search field, a checkbox will be displayed
before each account. Account balances designated by
means of the checkbox can be summed by clicking
on the "Sum the chosen" button.
6.1.1 Account Details
After you click on the account line, the "Account
Details" screen will be displayed.
The screen consists of the following parts:
• Account Details
The basic account data, such as the account number,
the IBAN account number, the account currency and
type, data on the account holder and the account
status, the account name set in the Bank's system.
You can set your own name for the account by
clicking on the "Save" icon and such account
name will be then displayed with the account
Other account details
You can maximize or minimize the part by clicking
on the "Hide/Display" icon.
The maximized view
displays two columns containing balances
denominated in the currency account and in the
Bank's domestic currency. Individual lines display the
"Current Balance in the account" from which preaccounted payments and blockages are deducted. It
also displays the final "Balance" and the "Overdraft
Limit" value, if available, that is included to the
"Available Funds" figure.
6.1.2 Account history
The "Transaction History" screen provides you with a
summary of transactions accounted in the chosen
account. In order to find particular transactions, you
can use the advanced search criteria, the display of the
transaction details is a matter of fact. In the lower part
of the screen there are total values displayed (the
numbers of items, sums of amounts) related to the
transactions complying with the set search criteria.
• Basic search criteria area
You can use the search fields to filter the entries
displayed in the list of transactions for displaying for
example transactions with the value date in the
specific period or only incoming or outgoing
After you choose the search criteria, you have to
press the "Search" button to update the list of
transactions. To reset the search criteria, you have to
press the "Reset" button.
Advanced search criteria area
This section enables you to search by the transaction
parameters. The application supports
the searching by the bank code, account number,
amount range and payment symbols
(variable, constant, specific).
• List of transactions
Transactions are sorted by their maturity date (value
date). You can change the sorting by clicking on the
column heading. If you click on the transaction line,
you will see the transaction details.
• Exporting
After pressing the "Export" button, a text file will be
created containing transaction data. Individual
transaction fields are separated by a separator that
allows the easy export of the file for example into a
spreadsheet application (MS Excel) and its further
processing. If you need to transfer the transaction
details to your accounting system, please use the
“Finances > Accounts > Statements” option.
Formats for exchanging data with the accounting
system are described at
Transaction detail
The transaction detail displays all available transaction
details, especially the accounting date, value date and
amount. This screen contains different sets of fields for
domestic and foreign payments and for other
transactions. Domestic and foreign transactions also
contain respective data about the beneficiary or payer
and payment details, the reference number from the
Bank's system (if available for the transaction type
given) helping you to find the transaction when
communicating with the Bank's officer.
6.1.3 Statements
The "Statements" screen offers you a list of electronic
account statements for individual banking days. You
can with export them in the chosen format to your
accounting system for further processing.
Statements overview
The "Statements" screen contains search criteria, a list
of statements and the section for launching the
statements exporting.
Search criteria
Search fields will allow you to limit entries contained
in the list of statements and to display for example
only account statements of a specific account holder,
statements from a specific account or statements for a
certain period. The "Ignore the already exported
statements" field is used for hiding statements that
have already been exported to avoid the duplicate
downloading of the statement to your Accounting
system. You can re-export the already exported
statements but you will be warned that the statement
has already been exported.
After choosing the search criteria, please press the
"Search" button to update the list of statements. To
remove the search criteria, please press the "Reset"
• List of statements
Statements are sorted by account numbers and then
by their date in descending order. You can change
the sorting as necessary by clicking on the column
heading. The list of statements contains basic data
about the account number and currency, the
SWIFT/BIC column contains the SWIFT code of the
bank maintaining the account. The "User" column
contains the name of the user who made the last
export. After clicking on the statement line in the
"Statement number" column or the "Statement date"
column, you will see the statement content.
• Search criteria
The "Transaction details" and the "Counterparty's
Details" fields are available for searching in
transactions of the statement. The fields are used for
the full-text searching in respektive transactions of
the statement.
After you choose search criteria, please press the
"Search" button to update the list of statements. To
remove the search criteria, please click on the "Reset"
• List of transactions in the statements
The line of the transaction of the statement displays
the value date, transaction details in two columns,
transaction amount and currency. After you click on
the line of the transaction of the statement, you will
see the details of the transaction concerned. You can
change the sorting, as necessary, by clicking on the
column heading.
After you press the "To Statements Overview" button,
you will see the statements overview.
• Statement export running
This part allows you to launch exporting statements
designated by checking the box in the list of
statements. You can export up ten statements en
bloc, export can be repeated if necessary, as the
statements remain available in the Bank's system.
Before you press the "Export" button, you have to
choose the format that can be processed by the
target accounting system. Formats displayed in the
drop-down menu are described at the Bank's web
sites (
Overview of transactions statements
The screen contains the statement heading, search
criteria and a list of transactions in the statement.
• Statement heading
This part of the page contains basic account data, the
electronic statement number, initial and final
account balance and the aggregate of debit and
credit items of the statement. Furthermore, it
displays the date of the previous statement whose
balance is related to the statement being displayed.
The displaying of individual details in the "Transaction
Details" and "Counterparty's Details" columns is given
by the MT940 statement format used by the bank that
has created the statement. For the optimal displaying
of the statements maintained in other banks, we
recommend you to order the so-called structured form
of the MT940 statement with the bank maintaining the
Details of the transaction of the statement
This screen displays the transaction detail. Compared
with the displaying in the overview of transactions of
the statement, this screen displays the "Accounting
Date" and some other information facilitating the
transaction identification and specifying its accounting
After you press the "To the overview of the transactions
of the statement" button, you will see an
overview of statements.
The "Cards Overview" screen displays well-arranged
information on debit and credit cards in three basic
sections as follows:
• Debit Cards Overviews
• Credit Cards Overviews
• Transaction history of a selected card for the past x
Debit cards associated with an account maintained in
UniCredit Bank will be displayed automatically in the
internet banking application if the user has access to
the account through internet banking.
Credit cards will be automatically displayed in the
internet banking application no later than within
3 banking days after they are activated at the Credit
Cards hotline if the credit cardholder has access to
the account with UniCredit Bank through internet
banking and depending on the type of the cardholder:
• a holder of the main credit card can see the main
credit card and all additional credit cards in the
• a holder of the additional credit card can see only his
additional card in the Overview.
Unless you see any of your cards in the application,
please contact our helpdesk hotline +421 5060 2525.
Information displayed in the Cards section of internet
banking is updated at the previous banking day.
6.2.1 Debit Cards Overview
The "Debit Cards Overview" displays current
information concerning debit cards issued to
accountsmaintained with UniCredit Bank that are
available for you in the internet banking application.
Overview contains basic information on debit cards,
such as
• card number and product name
• account name associated with the debit card
• debit card type, i.e. main/additional
• cardholder's name
• total limit and currency
You can change the sorting of individual debit cards in
the Overview as necessary by clicking on the column
heading. If you want to return to the default setting
given by the Bank, simply click on the "Reset Sort
Order" item in the drop-down menu under the
After clicking on the line of the respective card, the
"Card Details" screen will be displayed containing
detail information about the debit card.
6.2.2 Credit Cards Overview
The "Credit Cards Overview" list contains current
information about credit cards held by the internet
banking user with an account maintained with
UniCredit Bank.
The Overview contains basic information as
• card number and product name
• credit card type, i.e. main/additional
• card holder's name
• due date
• credit limit and currency
• topical due amount, i.e. an amount after the credit
card payment
You can change the sorting of individual credit cards in
the Overview as necessary by clicking on the column
heading. If you want to return to the default setting
given by the Bank, simply click on the "Reset Sort
Order" item in the drop-down menu under the
After you click on the card line, you will see the "Card
Details" screen.
History of the chosen card for the past x days
The "Card History" is the last part on the "Cards" screen.
It automatically displayes transactions made with one
of your cards for the past x days. To set up the card you
want to see first, the so-called preferred card, press the
"Cards – Card Settings" button at the bottom of the
screen or set it directly in the menu using the the
"Setting/Banking setting" function. The preferred card
saved in this manner is highlighted in green in the
Cards Overview and will be always displayed in the first
place in the drop-down lists.
You can use this screen for setting the number of days
for the card history.
If you wish to see transactions made with a different
card than currently displayed, choose the respective
card in the drop-down menu. Individual entries both in
the upper and lower table can be sorted by various
criteria (e.g. by date, transaction description, amount,
etc.) by clicking on the upper bar of the table with the
name of the sorting criterion. If you want to return to
the default setting given by the Bank, click on the
"Reset Sort Order" in the drop-down menu in the lower
part of the Overview.
6.2.3 Card History
The "Card History" screen provides an overview of
transactions made with the chosen debit or credit card
up to 15 month in arrears. If you want to find a
particular transaction, you can use the search criteria,
the transaction detail will be, of course, displayed
when you click on the transaction chosen.
Basic search criteria
The search fields will help you filter the entries
displayed in the transaction history.
The following basic search criteria can be used for
debit card transactions:
• history for the past x days – this number is set in the
"Settings >Banking" menu
• date from – to
• transaction
The following basic search criteria can be used for
credit card transactions:
• Current statement, which includes transactions from
the date of the last credit card statement up to the
current banking day
• Previous statement, which includes transactions for
the last credit card statement, i.e. up to the date of
the last credit card statement
• date from – to
• transaction
After you choose the search criteria, you have to press
the "Search" button to update the list of transactions. If
you want to remove the search criteria, please press
the "Reset" button.
• Advanced search criteria
The advanced search criteria will allow you search by
the transaction parameters. This part supports the
searching for the transaction amount and the full-text
searching in the transaction detail.
Note: The full-text searching does not distinguish
between capital and small letters. You can also enter
only part of the text to find the whole term.
Card Transactions Overview
Transactions are sorted by the transaction date from
the latest to the oldest one. You can change the sorting
as necessary by clicking on the column heading. If you
want to return to the default setting given by the Bank,
choose the "Reset sort order" item in the drop-down
menu under the Overview.
The Overview also contains the rate that is important
especially with card transactions made abroad. After
clicking on the transaction line, you will see its detail
displaying all available transaction information.
Transactions Overview
All transaction types ( Domestic and foreign payments)
and dispositions ( Standing orders , direct debits and
time deposits ) are shown in a separate overview,
which automatically appears after clicking on a given
area , eg . By clicking the menu "Payments > domestic"
to get an informative overview of all domestic
transactions stored in the application (status waiting
for the signature ) or waiting for posting in the bank
( status „to be processed“ ) . Transactions in status "to
be processed" are displayed in the Overview only until
they are processed with the bank system - after
posting they disappeared from the Overview and
appears in history for the account .
Original Online Banking system displayed transactions
for processing in the bank in the section " Pending
payments " , which is replaced by Overview of domestic
payments .
Transaction status
Status of each transactions is evident at first glance
and making it possible to get an instant overview of
their status , for example, whether the transaction is
saved "only" in the application and to send it to the
bank is required to sign. They are with status "to sign"
or whether the transaction is already in the
bank and waiting to be processed (status "to be
processed" or "Active" in the case of dispositions , for
example . standing orders ) .
Filtering / sorting transactions
Of course there is the possibility of sorting single
transactions by clicking on the name of the column or
filter based on selected criteria.
Changing transactions in the Overview
Changing the transaction is possible according to its
status. The change is possible only in transactions with
the status "To sign" . Clicking on the line of transaction
the detail, you are able to see all the details with
possibility of change. After entering changes you can
simply click "Save" to confirm the change of payment
and keep it in the status "to sign" or by pressing the
"TO SIGN" confirm the change and send and sign the
payment( by entering the number generated by
security token ) and send for processing to the bank.
Click on any transaction in status "to be processed"
appears "locked" form without the possibility of
• Changes to existing orders (dispositions), eg. Change
of standing order, direct debits, term deposits, etc.
Cancelling transactions in the Overview
Payments with the status "To sign" can be canceled
simply by clicking on the icon with the recycle symbol
and a confirmation dialog "Do you really want to delete
the selected entries?".
If the transaction with status "to be processed" is being
deleted, it is necessary to sign the cancelation in the
"TO SIGN" menu.
The "TO SIGN" is designed for viewing transactions
ready to be signed and signing them with a secure key
. This is the only place in the system where you can
sign transactions and transfer them to the bank for
processing .
It is possible to mark ( in the check box in front of each
item ) and sign more transactions of different kinds
using one code generated by security calculator. For
example it is possible to simultaneously sign a
payment order, change the standing order and enter a
term deposit .
The transactions „to sign“ - signing and sending
transactions to the bank
A key item in active transactions menu is marked with
the status "TO SIGN" where are stored in one place all
active transactions made through internet banking
application with the status "To sign":
• New commands, eg. Domestic and foreign payments,
standing orders, direct debits, term deposits, etc.
• Cancelling orders (dispositions), eg. Domestic and
foreign payments, waiting to be processed in the bank,
active standing orders, direct debits etc.
For the successful transfer of these transactions to the
bank for processing, the checked items have to be
signed by entering the code generated from the
security key into the field "Security Key" and click on
After entering the security code and pressing the "Sign"
button, screen "Results signing" appears . This page
shows the start time of the procedure of signing and
the total number of selected and being signed
transactions. Furthermore, the number of transactions
for which the procedure signature was not successfully
• List results in this area are repeated basic information
about the transactions, which are being signed . Then
there is also listed for each transaction in detail the
outcome of the procedure signature.
After the successful signing of transaction, it usually
displays in the overview of relevant transactions with
status "to be processed" , eg . For domestic / foreign
orders , or "active" on dispositions - eg. Standing orders.
Transactions without signature remain saved in the
internet banking application and are not transmitted
to the Bank for processing, the Bank is therefore not
transfering them. When you log out from appliccation,
you are warned about unsigned transactions in the
folder "TO SIGN".
Domestic payments
In the menu „Domestic“ you will find the basic types of
domestic payments:
Standard domestic payment
Urgent domestic payment
Internal transfer
7.2.1 Standard domestic payment
The form „Standard“ is for entering the standard
domestic payment.
• Area for entering payment
Often recurring payments with irregular maturity can
be predefined as templates in the "Payments > List of
templates" . When sending a payment that is already
pre-defined , simply select the required template from
the alphabetically ordered list, edit and send
essentials. If you need to use filtering criteria to find
the required template , click the magnifying glass icon
placed next to the list . When choosing the type of
payment you can select the „standard domestic
payment". The deadline for passing a standard
domestic payment, payable on the specified bank day
with debiting in this date is within 9.30 PM.
"Express domestic payment" is transfered by bank
preferably, express form . The deadline for the express
domestic payments which are payable on the specified
bank day with debiting funds from the account of the
client , with the handover of the beneficiary's bank and
credited to the account of the recipient (if the
recipient's bank processes express payments ) on this
day is within 4 PM.
Internet banking application "remembers" these
deadlines and automatically adjusts the current
maturity date according to payment type in the
"Maturity Date".
Entering partners can be predefined in the menu
"Payments > List of beneficiaries" When sending a
payment to a partner who is already pre-defined ,
simply select the required partner from an alphabetical
list , edit and send. If you need to use filtering criteria
to find the desired partner , click the magnifying glass
icon placed next to the list . Beneficiary's account
number may contain the prefix . In this case it is
necessary in the first field enter the area code (max. 6
digits) and the second field account number (max. 10
numbers ).
Prefix from the account number is usually graphically
separated by a dash.
• Area for saving partners and templates
In the lower section of the payment order titled "Save
partner" can be saved directly from the new payment
by clicking on the icon next to the name of the
partner . Managing Partners menu , see "List of
Beneficiaries". Payment details, including information
for the beneficiary / payer and bank symbols can be
saved into templates directly from payments under
"Save Template" by clicking on the icon next to the
name specified template. Manage Templates
payments , see „List of Templates".
• Area for saved transactions
Pressing "TO SIGN" button application will
automatically redirect the user to the "TO SIGN"
menu where the transaction is ready to sign ( ie.
Entering generated number of security keys ) and
sent for processing to the Bank ( see chapter "TO
SIGN" ) . Click "Save and New" saves the payment for
later signing and automatically displays a blank form
for further payments. "Save" button saves the
payment for later signing and automatically takes
the user to the "Overview of domestic payments",
where the user sees it the status "To sign". Use the
"Back " button to return to the "Overview of domestic
payments" without saving the last event.
Fields marked with an asterisk are obligatory. They
must be filled in by the user .
7.2.2 Using domestic templates and partners
When creating a payment , you can simply choose a
template from a sorted list instead of filling out all the
data and if the situation requires it, you can
additionally change the relevant data ( amount,
variable symbol, etc. ).
If you have a large number of templates or partners in
the list, you can click on the magnifying glass icon next
to the list to switch to the Overview of templates
respectively. Use filters, such as Template name, to
quickly locate the desired template.
Domestic payment templates are designed universally,
so that it can be used not only for single domestic
payments, i.e. standard or fast payment, but also for
domestic standing orders.
Through the menu "Payments > List of Templates>
Domestic" you can simply manage templates of
frequently recurring payments with irregular maturity .
"New" button allows you to enter a new template
Fields marked with an asterisk are obligatory. They
must be filled in by the user .
To create a template you can use the data that you
have stored in the " Payments > List of Beneficiaries " .
By selecting a specific recipient the data will be
overwrited into the template . In addition, the template
can store details of the transaction.
Menu " Payments > List of Beneficiaries " includes an
overview of domestic and foreign partners ( business
partners ). Records from this list can be used in the
forms for submitting payment orders - selecting from
the alphabetical list or by clicking on the magnifying
glass icon. It is possible to create a new record for the
partner, and change or delete the record previously
At the same time in all forms of payment orders can
templates and partners be stored checking the "Save
Template" , respectively "Save partner" in the bottom
of the screen .
When the check box "Private" will be checked, the
template is available only for the specific user who has
taken the template. If the check box "Public for" will
the template be available to all users by the account
holder authorized to access the account via internet
banking application.
Entering a new partner is not required to sign ( i.e. to
enter the number generated by security key ). "Save"
button to enter a new partner, "Back" button to return
to the "Beneficiaries administration" without saving .
7.2.3 Internal transfer
The form „Internal“ is dedicated for entering a request
for transfer between EUR accounts available to the
User and maintained within UniCredit Bank Czech
Republic and Slovakia, a.s., pobočka zah
raničnej banky.
The fields are the same as in domestic payment,
except that you are unable to choose the Bankcode,
just because these transfers can be made only inside
the UniCredit Bank Czech Republic and Slovakia, a.s.,
pobočka zahraničnej banky.
Foreign payments
Through internet banking it is possible to fill the
following types of foreign payment orders :
Standard foreign payment
Urgent foreign payment
Foreign inland payment with conversion
Foreign currency conversion in-house
Cheque payments
7.3.1 Foreign payment overview
This menu contains an overview of cross border
payments . They are shown as payments that have not
yet been signed and forwarded to the bank for
processing ( status "To sign" ) and payments signed
and submitted to the bank for processing ( status, "to
be processed" ). Payments signed and submitted to the
bank for processing overview is displayed only until
their processing system in the bank .
7.3.2 The use of foreign templates and partners
Like for domestic payments, instead of filling out all
payment details manually, you can use payment
templates or partners to pre-fill payment.
Through the menu "Payments > List of Templates" you
can manage templates of frequently recurring
payments with irregular maturity. To manage
recipients use option "Payments > List of Beneficiaries".
There are following SEPA payment instructions
available in the internet banking :
SEPA Credit transfer
SEPA Direct Debit request
SEPA Direct Debit mandate
SEPA Direct Debit refusal/refund
7.4.1 SEPA Credit transfer
Requirements for SEPA Credit transfers :
Payment in EUR currency to EEA countries
Account in IBAN format and BIC of the bank
Payment instruction SHA, fees split between
the payer and the payee
7.4.2 SEPA Direct Debit request
This form is dedicated for CORE or B2B Direct Debit
request initiated by the creditor.
The pre-requisite for creating Sepa Direct Debit
Request is signed contract documentation with
UniCredit Bank Czech Republic and Slovakia, a.s.
7.4.3 SEPA payments overview
Menu "SEPA payments" provides an overview of SEPA
payments and direct debits. Overview includes
transactions that have not yet been signed and
forwarded to the bank for processing ( "To sign" ) and
orders signed and submitted to the bank for processing
( "to be processed" ). Orders signed and submitted to
the bank for processing are displayed in the overview
only until they are processed by a system in the bank .
7.5 Importing payment
accounting system
You can import files from the accounting containing
domestic, foreign and SEPA payment transactions to
the BusinessNet application. This screen enables you
to start importing the payment file in the selected
format. The successfully imported payment file will be
then displayed in the “Payments > Imports & uploads”
To import payment orders following rules are applied:
• Payment files must always contain only either
domestic or foreign transactions, not both;
• A payment file with domestic payments can contain
more types of domestic transactions (standard
payments, urgent payment, sepa payment)
• payment file can contain multiple personal accounts
(debit account, partner account)
• user, who is importing the file has to be either an
account owner or be entitled by the account holder(s)
to import data from the accounting systém for all the
accounts, which are in the transaction file
Limits for import of payment files:
- maximum number of entries per file using import
is 9.999
- maximum size of the file for import is 4MB
If any of the above rule is not fulfilled , payment file is
not loaded and the user will receive an appropriate
error message indicating the reason why it could not
be completed.
In the event of a serious error ( eg . A file is saved in the
correct format which is not correct) the import can not
be succesfully completed. If the file format is correct
and error is only at the level of individual transactions
(such as payment title is not listed on foreign
payments) the import is completed and the
transaction can be updated in the "Payments > Import
& Uploads".
Screen „Start import“
• Order type
You can choose from 3 order types (SEPA, domestic,
foreign payments).
• Description
This is optional, you can put text, which can help
others working with the file identification.
• Filename
Use the button on the right of this field to find the file
to be imported on the disk. The browser’s default
directory is opened here as the default directory.
Using the “Upload / Download” parameter located in
“Settings > Banking,” you can set this up to use socalled applet for data uploading/exporting. This
applet allows you to set a standard path used for
exchanging data with the accounting system.
• File encoding
Which type of encoding should be used for import of
• File structure
It is necessary to choose the format in which the file
is stored in the accounting system . Your application
will remember your choice for the next time you use
this option for the next login.
Package overview
The imported file will be displayed in the overview of
fileswith the status "in preparation". The content of the
imported file ( ie . Single payment orders ) in this
status is possible to edit , delete or move a file from a
payment file to a payment summary. After making all
required changes, you can lock the file against
additional changes and use the “Prepare for signing”
option to transfer it to the “To sign” status. This will
make the file visible in the SIGNATURE Folder, where
you can attach the signatures of individual users
(multisignature) to the transactions contained in the
payment file. The signature rules are, however,
considered for each transaction independently, and
each completely signed transaction is further
processed in the Bank individually. Using the “Back to
preparation” option, a payment file can be moved, if
needed, from the “To sign” or “Partially signed” status
back to the “In preparation” status.
Using the "Back to preparation" option will have the
following effect on the transactions contained in the
payment file :
• Transactions with the status „TO SIGN“ will go back
to the status „Imported“
• Transactions with the status „Partially signed“ will go
back to status „Imported“
Attention! All signatures connected to transaction
will be deleted.
• Transactions with the status „Completely signed“ are
moved to the bank for proces. You can check these
transactions in the status „In the Bank“.
Standing orders
In the " Standing Orders" is an overview of all current
domestic and foreign standing orders, including
standing orders submitted at a branch or through other
direct banking services .
7.6.1 Standing order overview
Each line of the standing orders overview displays the
status including basic elements of the particular
instruction, such as type, account, date of the next run,
amount, currency. After you click on the standing order
line, the respective instruction detail will be displayed.
You can change the sorting of standing orders in the
Overview as necessary by clicking on the column
heading. If you want to return to the default setting
given by the Bank, simply choose the "Reset sort order"
option in the drop-down menu under the list of
Cancellation of the order is carried out differently
according to the status of the of the respective
standing order instruction:
• Cancelation of standing order in status „TO SIGN“
You can easily delete this order by clicking on the
recycle (bin) symbol. The question if you are sure that
you want to delete will pop up. Just press yes and
the order will be deleted.
You need to sign each standing order which you want
to change. Other way your first order will be still active.
7.6.2 Standing orders – domestic
When choosing the type of payment you can choose
options :
• Domestic standing order normal– transfer of fixed
amount at regular interval
• Domestic standing order sweeping – transfer of the
part of the balance at regular intervals, which exceed
the defined amount in the account. You can also
choose min and max amount to
• Cancelation of standing order in status „Active“.
You can easily delete this item by clicking on the
recycle (bin) symbol. After you confirm deletion, a
new entry with the “Cancellation – Standing Order”
indication and with the “To sign” status will appear
next to the original entry (being cancelled) in the
Standing Orders Overview. In order to complete the
cancellation, you have to sign this action in the
"SIGNATURE" menu. Then the respective entry will be
deleted from the Overview.
"Start date" must be at least one business day prior to
the date of the first payment via standing order .
You need to sign each standing order which you want
to delete. Other way the first order will be still active.
Fields marked with an asterisk are obligatory . They
must be filled in by the user .
Using the “Processing in case of non-working days”
field, you can control the day on which the standing
order is executed if the regular payment under the
standing order falls on a non-banking day.
Previous – always the last banking day preceding the
non-banking day
Next – always the next banking day after the nonbanking day
7.6.3 Standing orders – foreign
• Change of standing order in status „TO SIGN“
Clicking in the list on the item with status „TO SIGN“
you can easily change standing order with the
change in the form. In the list there will be changed
item still with the status „TO SIGN“. In the „TO SIGN“
menu you have to sign this item and send to the
bank for processing. After this the item will appear in
the list with the status „Active“.
• Change of the standing order with the status „Active“
Clicking in the list on the item with the status
„Active“ you can easily change standing order with
the change in the form In the list there will be
changed item with the status „Active“ and also the
new item „Change – standing order“ with the new
details and swith the status „To sign“. In the menu
you are obliged to sign this item and it will pop up
with the status „ Active“ and the first standing order
will be deleted.
Input of this foreign standing order foreign is exactly
the same as the domestic, but you need to fill in :
Payment title
Fields marked with an asterisk are obligatory . They
must be filled in by the user .
Through internet banking it is possible to buy a onetime or rollover term deposit. For active rollover term
deposits, it is possible to change the parameters for
the next period of time deposit or stop the term
deposit. Modification or stopping of term deposit can
be made using a form in the term deposit detail.
Term deposits overview
This menu contains an overview of term deposits.
Overview displayes deposits, which have not been
signed and sent to the bank for processing in the
status "To sign" as well as term deposits signed and
submitted to the bank for processing - in the status
"Active". All signed disposition forwarded to the bank
can be found in the "Information > Order Archive".
The screen contains sections for search criteria and a
section with a list of term deposits :
• Using filtering criteria fields, you can filter the records
displayed in the list of term deposits. Is it possible to
filter the accounts and the status of disposition.
Advanced filtering also allows selection according to
the amount of deposits and by the time of the
maturity. After selecting the selection criteria is
required to press "Search" button , which will update
the list of transactions. To remove the selection
criteria , it is necessary to press the " Reset".
• In the list of term deposits is the status of a term
deposit and its basic parameters. After clicking on the
line of term deposit, the detail is shown.
Entering a term deposit
The form allows to enter a term deposit
• Section for entering accounts and term deposit types
In the fields for entering the account it is possible to
determine from which current account the funds are
to be deposited to the term deposit, which term
deposit account will be used, and current account
which will be credited with interests.
The “Order Type” field enables you to choose either a
one-time (“Fix”) or roll-over (“Roll”) deposit.
• Section for entering amount and period
Fill in the amount into field „Amount“. Do not use
separators, except decimals.
„Start date“ field states the date of opening a term
deposit. It is also possible to enter a period ( monthly,
quarterly, yearly etc. ) or the maturity date. In the
rollover deposit is required to work only with a
combination of "start date" and " Period".
In the rollover deposit , you can specify whether:
• the interest is to be capitalized ( interest added to the
principal for the next period )
• principal amount be adjusted for a defined amount (
increased / decreased) in the next period / periods
• a minimum balance is to be kept on the current
account for the following period(s)
• it is possible to give a final maturity date ( the system
always adapts to the final maturity date by
multipling periods of time deposit )
You do not need look for the exact date in the calendar.
If you enter an approximate date, the application will
automatically terminate the roll-over term deposit as of
the nearest maturity date.
• Area to calculate the revenue from term deposit
After pressing the "Calculate offer " button, system
checks the entered parameters and offers the user an
interest rate that is guaranteed by the Bank for a
period of time . It appears after calculating the menu.
The pre-requisite for a usage of term deposit opening
functionality is signing the agreement with the Bank.
A key item in active transactions is the “SIGNATURE”
menu, which stores all active transactions made
through the internet banking application and having
the “To sign” status AT ONE PLACE. These transactions
include, in particular:
• New orders, for example domestic and foreign
payments, standing orders, direct debits, term
deposits, etc.
• Changes in existing orders ( dispositions ), for
example change of standing orders, direct debits,
term deposits, etc .
• Cancellation of orders ( dispositions ), for example
domestic and foreign payments pending to be
processed by the Bank , active standing orders , direct
debits, etc.
To transfer the transactions successfully to the Bank,
you have to sign the marked/checked items by
entering the code generated by your electronic security
token in the "Token" field and click on the "Sign"
Screen "SIGNATURE FOLDER" is used to view
transactions prepared for signing and to sign them
with a security token. This is the only place in the
system where you can sign transactions and transfer
them to the bank for processing . It is possible to mark
( in the check box in front of each item ) and sign more
transactions of different types using one code
generated from security token. For example it is
possible to simultaneously sign a payment order,
change the standing order and enter a term deposit .
– signing transactions ( authorisation ) with SMS key
Before signing the transaction the user selects the
"send SMS key" and in the "SMS key" fills the data from
the SMS sent by the bank.
• Area of the basic filter criteria
You can use the search fields to filter the entries
displayed in the list of transactions for signing by
their transaction status, which in this case reflects
also the character of the transaction to be signed (for
example, payment order, change of a standing order,
cancellation of direct debit consent). Furthermore,
you can filter by the type of order (e.g., domestic or
foreign), by the account or date.
• Area of the advanced filter criteria
This section allows you to filter by transaction
parameters – bank code, account number, payment
symbols (variable, constant, specific). You can also
search within a specified range of transaction size.
The “Transaction Details” field may also be used to
make full-text searches of transaction details.
• List of transactions for a signature
A line transactions "to sign" shows transaction status,
transaction details, account number and currency,
date, amount and transaction currency. Clicking the
line a transaction "to sign" displays the details of the
respective transaction. Here you can modify the
transaction or even delete the transaction by clicking
the trash can icon. The sorting can be changed by
clicking on the column heading.
• The area for security key
The “Token” field is used to enter the security code
generated by your security token. Once you click on
the “Sign” button, signing of the selected
transactions marked in the checkbox commences.
The result of this process is then displayed on the
“Signature Result" page”.
After entering the security code and pressing the "Sign"
button, the screen "Results signing" appears. This page
shows the starting time of the procedure of signing
and the total number of selected and signed
transactions. Furthermore, the amount of transactions
for which the procedure signature was not successfully
• List of results
In this area the basic information about the This
section repeats the basic information about the
transactions to be signed. Furthermore, the detailed
result of the signing process is displayed here for
each transaction.
After being signed successfully, transactions usually
appear in their respective transactions overview, where
they have either the “In bank” status ( e.g. for. domestic
and foreign payment orders ), or the "active" status (
e.g. for Standing orders ).
How to transfer transactions to the SIGNATURE folder?
After you click on the “Save & Sign” button on an active
order form (e.g., a domestic payment), you will be
automatically redirected to the “SIGNATURE” screen,
where the transaction is included in the SIGNATURE
Prior signing the transaction and sending it to the
Bank, you have to tick off the box next to each
transaction in the list. There are two options :
• Automatic tagging / ticking items. All items are ticked
off automatically
• Manual labeling / ticking items. Every single item
must be ticked off manually
The automatic ticking option in the SIGNATURE Folder
can be set in Settings > Banking > Signatures –
“Preselected orders”.
Another button on the form – “Save & New” – saves
the transaction to the “SIGNATURE” folder to be signed
later and automatically displays a blank form for
entering the next transaction.
The “Save” button saves the transaction in the
“SIGNATURE” folder and automatically displays the
respective “Transactions overview” where the
transaction will be displayed with the “To sign” status.
You can return to the SIGNATURE Folder at any time
while working with the application by clicking on the
“SIGNATURE” menu item.
Transactions without signature remain in the internet
banking application and are not transferred to the
Bank, i.e. the Bank will not process them. When
logging out from the application, a message appears
notifying you of unsigned transactions in the
SIGNATURE Folder (refer to chapter “Logout from the
Messages menu enables two-way and secure
communication between you and the Bank in the
internet banking application . Sending a message to
the bank is possible using the button new message ,
manage of incoming is possible in the folder “ Inbox“ .
In your Sent Items folder , you will find all outgoing
messages .
Furthermore, the Bank has opportunity to inform you
about important news etc. „treatment Terms and
Conditions“ or pricing conditions with message socalled „Obligatory message“, which will appear directly
after logging into the application. Further logging
continue after the " OK" is pressed.
10.1 Inbox
Incoming messages may be managed from the Inbox
folder. The incoming messages are sorted by date and
they may be further processed.
The list of messages displays the date when a
message was received, its subject, topic and, if the
message has an attachment, its name and size. The
list may be sorted by the headings of the columns
Messages may be filtered by topic and date of their
sending. To do so, use the drop-down list at the top of
the screen.
10.2 Outbox
To create a message, click on the “New message”
button. A window appears where you can enter a topic
(technical or general) and a subject of the message.
The “Message” field is intended for the body text of the
To attach a file to the message, click on “Browse” and
choose a file from your hard disk. Then click on the
"Add file" button. The file name will appear in the list
below. Then, check the box next to the message you
want to send and click on the OK button. By clicking on
the “Send” button you will send the message to the
The “Notifications” feature in the application provides
quick and comfortable way of receiving information
regarding movements in your account. You can set the
application to send the banking information
automatically to your e-mail address or by SMS to your
mobile phone.
11.1 Notifications overview
After clicking on the “Notifications” menu item, a new
screen appears displaying the overview of your
notification settings which can be easily managed. The
overview allows you to save several different settings
for one type of banking notifications which differ in
parameters or the e-mail address or the mobile phone
Based on these settings, the Bank automatically
generates reports and send them to your specified email or mobile phone.
Action menu in the notifications
The drop-down menu (so-called Action Menu) in the
bottom left-hand corner of the screen allows you to
inactivate ( “Inactivate” ), or to activate ( “Activate” ) a
notification. Within period between these two actions,
the notifications you selected will not be sent to you.
Here you also can select all items displayed in the
Overview ( “Select all” ) or delete the selected items (
“Delete” ).
If at some point you wish to return to the deleted
notifications, tick off the “Show deleted ones” box in
section below the filters. The notifications displayed
may be used again (i.e. activated).
By clicking on the line in the Overview, you can see the
details of the respective setting which can be changed
directly by clicking the “Save” button.
Types of notifications
Application allows you to set up these types of
Manu item
Type of notifications sent
Informs of the balance in the selected account:
• regularly (on a daily, weekly, monthly basis)
• upon the predefined event (e.g. exceeding(falling below a set limit)
Informs of transactions in the selected account upon the pre-defined event, i.e.:
• incoming/outgoing/all transactions which are >/</= a specified amount
• transactions for a specific beneficiary’s or payer’s account, bank code, transaction
detail, etc.
Informs of transactions on selected debit card, e.g. ATM withdrawal. I tis not possible to
set a notification for credit or cahrge card.
Informs of automatically revolved term deposit, including:
• the termination of the original term and start of the next term
• final maturity date, i.e. its termination
Informs of current exchange rates of UniCredit Bank in the form of an Excel file
• on a daily basis
• on a chosen day of the month
Informs of transactions pending authorisation in „Signature folder“. Notification is
generated after first signature of particular transaction by another user. Therefore, i tis
dedicated for accounts, where a multi signature rules are defined.
Dedicated for sending PDF daily statement to e-mail address.
Debit Card Transactions
Term Deposits
Exchange Rates
Multi Signatures
12.3 Language version
12.1 Help
Internet banking application is available in three
languages ( Slovak, English and German ), which are
displayed based on the user preference settings. While
working with the application, you can easily switch
between the language versions using the drop-down
list in the menu on the left part of the screen
Considering the vastly expanded application
functionality, and in order to keep this guide brief and
clear, it is not possible to describe in detail every
application feature. Therefore, we have focused on the
most important areas, understanding that details of
individual functionalities can be found directly in the
application’s context-sensitive Help.
The question mark
symbol located in the upper
right-hand corner on every screen is used to obtain
help related to the specific functionality with which
you are currently working.
Should you encounter problems that you are not able
to handle even after reading the help, please call our
hotline at +421 5060 2525.
12.2 Telephone support
The customer support line number can be found in the
lower left-hand corner. For BusinessNet it is +421
5060 2525. On this line you can after your
identification through the security token / secondary
identification deal with questions concerning
BusinessNet .
What to do in case of any issue
For problem identification, it is necessary to know the
exact text of the error message that appears on the
screen .For passing error messages to the bank via
electronic mail ( e - mail ), follow these steps :
• If you see any „error“ relatedto the application, it is
recommended to place the error message in one
corner of the screen to easily make a printpage of the
error you just performed.
• Then just press „PrtScr“ on the keyboard to save a
screed in the memory.
• Then open the Word or WordPad application and
press „CTRL+V“ put the image to the document.
• Save the document with the random name and send
directly from the application in menu. Save the
document with the random name and send it
directly from the application Messages > „New
Messages“ Anex – select the topic of „technical
problem“. Information send with this structure can
contribute to resolve any problem with the
12.4 Log off from the application
If you want to quit the application, click on "Logout" in
upper right hand corner. Do not close the application
by closing the browser window, but always use the
Logout button. It is the only way to correctly terminate
the communication between your computer and the
bank system.
The application is watching whether you have signed
the transactions in the SIGNATURE Folder. When you
are logging out from the application, and if any
transactions to sign are still in the SIGNATURE Folder, a
warning message appears.
If you stop working with the application for more than
about 30 minutes, the application will terminate for
security reasons.
To log into the application again, you need to enter
your User ID and a code generated by the security
UniCredit Bank Czech Republic
and Slovakia, a.s.
Corporate & Investment Banking
Cash Management & eBanking
Želetavská 1525/1
140 92 Praha 4 - Michle