6 Edition 22April16 - Indooroopilly State High School
6 Edition 22April16 - Indooroopilly State High School
6th Edition - 22 April 2016 This newsletter can also be accessed via our web page www.indoorooshs.eq.edu.au Laureate Professor Peter Doherty April 25 ANZAC Day holiday 28-29 Year 12 QCS practice May 2 10 10-12 13 14 17 18-20 20 22 24 27 27 31 Labour Day P&C Meeting, Library 7.00pm NAPLAN for Years 7 and 9 Trivia Night, 6.30pm (see page 3 for details) Grounds and Bush Care working bee, 7.00am Fare Well at Fanfare Concert Student Theatre Company performance, 7.00pm, Amphitheatre Somerville House Autumn High Schools Chess Teams Invitational Chaplaincy Bushwalking Fundraiser Indro Tour for future parents and students, 9.30am Year 10 Careers Expo Maths Team Challenge Year 7 Special Programs Evening for future parents and students, 6.00pm For several years our students and staff have been able to participate in The Peter Doherty Lecture Series. Each term a leading Scientist is invited to deliver a lecture on contemporary Science topics. This week we were fortunate to have as our guest speaker Laureate Professor Peter Doherty, who spoke about Science and the Challenge for the Future. June 2 2 3-10 8-21 14 18 21 22-24 24 Immunisations for Years 7 and 8 Regional Cross Country Years 11 and 12 Exams Lunchtime Athletics events P&C Meeting, Library 7.00pm Grounds and Bush Care working bee, 7.00am UN Day Arts Critic Tour End Term 2 July 11 Start Term3 Professor Doherty, a Nobel Prize Winner for Medicine, is a foundation student of Indooroopilly State High School and it was both an honour and an enlightening experience to listen to his lecture. Our students really benefited from the opportunity to put questions to Professor Doherty, who enjoyed relating his responses to topics currently being studied across various Science disciplines. It was lovely that a number of parents were also able to join us. John Simmond Head of Department, Science Follow Indooroopilly High on Twitter! @Indro_SHS STUDENT ABSENCES Please text 0429 347 300 (SMS ONLY) or email [email protected] before 9.30am on the day of your student’s absence Education Queensland International CRICOS Provider Number: 00608A It is really good to be back at Indro and I certainly chose an eventful week to return from leave. Sincere thanks to Derek Weeks, who took over as Principal in my absence and has now resumed his Deputy Principal, Learning & Teaching role. Deirdre Hall has commenced leave and Maja Bogicevic is performing Deputy Principal, Junior Secondary duties. Nicole Stefan remains in the role of Deputy Principal, Senior Secondary. PARENT-TEACHER INTERVIEWS This was a very busy evening, with 2,493 interviews taking place. I know that some parents were unable to book interviews and, as always, you are encouraged to email or telephone the teacher or teachers with whom you would like to speak. With the growth of the school, facilitating interviews for all has become increasingly difficult. We are looking at possible alternatives to try to address this issue. PRINCIPAL’S NEWS ANZAC DAY CEREMONIES As the school hall can no longer accommodate our full student cohort, for special occasions we now conduct both a Senior and a Junior ceremony. This was the case on Wednesday, when we commemorated ANZAC Day. Students involved in these ceremonies reflected the spirit and respect due to the memory of those whose sacrifices have enabled our country to remain free. Our next newsletter will illustrate this further. THE PETER DOHERTY LECTURE SERIES On our front page you will have seen the privilege we enjoyed this week of a lecture by Laureate Professor Peter Doherty himself. At Indooroopilly High we have a strong tradition of excellence in Science education and this type of enrichment activity contributes to students’ passion for scientific endeavour. An article about Science at Indro, together with additional information about Professor Doherty’s visit, will be included in a future newsletter. Lois O’Reilly Principal Information Sessions for Prospective Families INDRO TOUR When: Tuesday 24 May 9.30am - 11.00am Venue: The Peter Doherty Theatre YEAR 7 SPECIAL PROGRAMS EVENING When: Tuesday 31 May 6.00pm - 7.30pm Venue: The Peter Doherty Theatre OPEN DAY When: Thursday 4 August 2.00pm - 7.30pm Education Queensland International CRICOS Provider Number: 00608A For further information please email [email protected] or telephone 07 3327 8333 2 Upcoming Events This year the Student Services Department and the Parents and Citizens’ Association have joined together to offer the Indooroopilly community a Trivia Night. The theme is Friday 13th and prizes are available for best dressed. The purpose of the night is to bring parents, staff and community members together in a night of hilarious fun, light competition and entertainment. This year’s Trivia night is hosted by Joe Caruso in the Hall at Indooroopilly State High School on Friday 13 May, 6.30pm. To register you will need the following: Team Name: Team Organiser: Team Organiser’s Contact Details (mobile and email): List of Team Participants: Throughout the night cheap beverages will be available from the bar and all profits will be donated to our P&C Association to directly benefit students at Indooroopilly State High School. We are also seeking support from local businesses who would like to donate prizes for raffles. If you would like to donate please contact Nathan Pugliese at Student Services. Nathan Pugliese Head of Department, Student Services Prizes for Trivia Night on 13 May The P&C is asking for donations from any individuals or companies who would be willing to donate an item to give away at the Trivia Night on Friday 13 May. We already have many prizes, including movie passes, café vouchers, car care products, restaurant vouchers, shopping vouchers, an iPad and much more. If you are able to assist in any way please ring Jenny on 0412 333 074 for pick up or bring the item to the Administration Office by 10 May. Thank you! Glenys Harbottle P&C President 3 International Women’s Day Lunch On the last Monday of Term 1 a group of progressive and passionate female and male students and staff congregated in Area 4 of the library to pledge for parity and celebrate women’s achievements in current society. The event included light refreshments provided by Mrs Harrison and the Senior Leader Team and we were joined by Madeline Price, the Director and Founder of the One Woman Project. Ms Price shared her inspiring story of how she saw the need for more awareness of gender inequality for the younger generation and started a seminar program for enrolling young people. The lunch brought together a lovely group of people, including many Year 7 students, and we were surprised by how many people joined us - many more than had signed up. We were delighted to receive positive feedback, including one email from a Year 7 student’s parent expressing gratitude and support. The event kicked off with a beautiful performance by Year 12 music student Lucie, followed by a report by Niamh and Anna on the International Women’s Day breakfast that was held on 8 March at the Brisbane Convention Centre. MC Eli Wensley led the program, which included a compelling presentation by Ms Price, and the event was concluded with everyone singing the empowering song “I Am Woman” by Helen Reddy. Overall, it was a successful and informative event which will continue to grow each year until global gender equality is reached. Eli Wensley and Mercedes Woodrow Year 12 Mrs Harrison, Mercedes, Eli, Maddie, Maggie and Hine 4 International Women’s Day Lunch Lauren and Rachel Anna and Niamh Eli Lucie, Emily Meghan, Maddy and Ruby Mia Maddie, Maddy, Mercedes, Hine, Maggie and Eli 5 IB Visual Art Students who study Group 6: Visual Art as part of their International Baccalaureate Diploma are exposed to a wide range of artists and theories, techniques and media as part of the two year course. In their first semester, students explore notions pertaining to individuality and identity, and research automatism, Freud, the subconscious and the Surrealist movement as part of their investigation. For their Studio Work, students develop a series of automatic drawings using various mediums, and explore intuitive abstraction, black and white portrait photography using a digital camera, and studies of peers. For the remaining three semesters of their course, students develop their own theme and create an exhibition of Studio Work supported by their Investigation Workbook. They manage their time working between their practical work and the research needed to support it, often crossing curriculum areas and broadening their horizons to question what is Visual Art and what Clemence is its purpose. Some of this year’s themes include, ‘expressionism as a form of catharsis’ and elements of ‘the human condition’. Their work, while still in progress, will come to fruition at the end of Year 12. Cris Johanna Annabelle Mae Tammy Gilmore Teacher of Visual Art WANTED Magazines, containers, fabric and cloth for the Art Department. Thanks! 6 Maths Acceleration Admission Test The Maths and Engineering Acceleration Program is in its sixth year of operation at Indooroopilly State High this year. It provides a challenging environment for students with high aptitude in Mathematics. Students also need to be independent workers, must be able to sustain the relatively fast pace of the course and have persistence. Those wishing to be admitted to the program need to perform well in the High Ability Selection Test (HAST), designed and ranked by the Australian Council for Education Research (ACER). An interview may also be required to ascertain suitability. The HAST is held twice yearly, the first round being on Friday 10 June, 2016 at Indooroopilly State High School between 9.00am and 11.30am. The test consists of three components: English comprehension (45 minutes), Mathematical Reasoning (40 minutes) and Abstract Reasoning (30 minutes) with a short break between sessions. The second round will be held towards the later part of September. The cost of the test is $60 payable at our Administration Office before the test date. Parents of prospective 2017 Year 7 students should contact me as soon as possible to register intention to participate. A maximum of 28 students can commence this highly sought after program so, if you are interested, please register now. Kim Milford Head of Department, Maths & Engineering Email: [email protected] Tel 3327 8327 Rowing Success Harry, Hamish, Louise and Aidan At the end of last term, four Indooroopilly students participated in the Centenary Rowing Club regatta. All of the students who participated received medals in the events in which they competed. Congratulations to Louise Vervetjes (Gold Medal – Singles, Doubles and Quads, Silver Medal – Cox), Hamish Taylor (Gold Medal – Singles and Doubles), Aiden Rogers Henman (Silver Medal – Singles) and Harry Taylor (Silver Medal – Doubles, Bronze Medal – Singles). Deirdre Hall Deputy Principal, Junior Secondary 7 Immunisation Week 24 – 30 April Immunisation is one of the best ways to protect yourself, your children and safeguard the health of future generations. Immunisation remains the safest and most effective way to stop the spread of many of the world’s most infectious diseases. Before the major vaccination campaigns of the 1960s and ’70s, diseases like tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough (pertussis) killed thousands of young children each year. Today, deaths from these diseases are extremely rare in Australia and the rest of the developed world. If enough people in the community are immunised, the infection can no longer be spread from person to person and the disease can die out altogether. Smallpox was officially declared eradicated in 1980 after a concerted campaign of surveillance and vaccination led by the World Health Organization. A similar campaign by the Global Polio Eradication Initiative has succeeded in reducing polio cases, with only a few isolated cases remaining in the developing world. http:// www.immunise.health.gov.au Immunisation is a simple, safe and highly effective way of protecting children and adults from harmful diseases before they come into contact with them. It is estimated that vaccinations currently save up to three million lives worldwide each year. Immunisation uses the body’s natural defence mechanism – the immune response – to build resistance to specific viral infections. When a person is vaccinated, their body produces an immune response in the same way their body would after exposure to a disease, but without the person suffering symptoms of the disease. When a person comes in contact with that disease in the future, their immune system will respond fast enough to prevent the person developing the disease. Immunisation protects more than just one child’s health. Vaccinating a child will reduce the opportunity for that child to pass a disease on to another – especially young babies who cannot yet been fully immunised. When levels of immunisation in a community are sufficiently high, the risk of specific diseases can fall so low that even those who are too young or too sick to be given a vaccine will not be exposed to it. This communal or ‘herd immunity’ can save countless lives. http://www.immunise.health.gov.au Follow the link for information about the National Immunisation Schedule http://www.immunise.health.gov.au/internet/immunise/publishing.nsf/Content/national-immunisation -program-schedule World Health Organisation factsheet on Immunisation coverage http://www.who.int/mediacentre/ factsheets/fs378/en/ Rose Hargrave School-Based Youth Health Nurse Pot Plants Bunnings Indooroopilly and people from the local community ie. Freecycle, BrisLETS, Streetbank and friends are donating plants to Indooroopilly State High School at the moment. A parent started this project called 'Plants in Classrooms' as research raised awareness of how plants indoors can help clean the air, aid concentration and energy levels. And it's nice to have plants and greenery around us and bring some nature into the classrooms. So we're aiming to place four plants in each classroom in the school and also hopefully provide plants for offices etc; in total 300-400 plants. So far we have donated 170 within the past year! The students become involved by being in charge of watering them. Hopefully they develop a connection and feeling of pride and responsibility in taking care of the plants, knowing they can help enhance their environment. 8 2017 ENROLMENTS FOR YEAR 7 SPECIAL PROGRAMS Chinese Acceleration Program What is the Chinese Acceleration Program? This program of Chinese language studies allows selected students to complete an intensive program across Years 7 to Year 10. The program will equip students to excel in QCAA, International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme or Chinese Proficiency tests (HSK) Indooroopilly SHS boasts one of the most successful and innovative Chinese language programs in Queensland. The program is taught by well-credentialled and dedicated teachers with over 10 years of experience in foreign language teaching and acquisition. Indooroopilly graduates have won scholarships to continue their Chinese language studies in China. Why Study Accelerated Chinese? More people speak Chinese than English. Chinese is the second most widely used language in the world. China is one Australia’s biggest trading partners and source of tourists. Australia’s economic future is inextricably linked to China through trade, education and tourism. China is the biggest exporter of students to Australia. Chinese is an intellectually challenging and rewarding subject. Spanish Immersion Program SPANISH IMMERSION PROGRAM What is an Immersion Program? An Immersion Program provides students with the deepest possible exposure to a second language and culture. In these programs: English-speaking students in Years 7 to 10 receive instruction in 50-60% of the curriculum in Spanish Key Learning Areas such as Maths, Science, History, Geography and Physical Education are taught in the second language Why Spanish Immersion? After English, Spanish is the fastest growing language. It is currently the 4th most spoken language in the world with over 500 million Spanish speakers in the world. In the past decade, enrolments in Spanish at University level in Australia have increased 80 per cent. Indooroopilly SHS has an established program of Spanish instruction in both our International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (Years 11 and 12) and QCAA Language programs Indooroopilly SHS has developed successful links with the School of Languages and Comparative Cultural Studies of The University of Queensland. Students may have the opportunity to travel to Madrid, Spain, where they will attend classes at the prestigious Real Colegio Alfonso XII High School. Beyond Year 10, students may complete their Senior Spanish studies in Year 11 and may choose to study Advanced Spanish at the University of Queensland in Year 12. Alternatively students may choose to undertake the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme in Years 11 - 12. CALLING ALL MATHEMATICIANS Are you really good at Maths? Do you find “doing” Maths easy? Does your Maths class go too slowly for you? Do you like puzzles? Do you solve Maths problems very quickly? Are you interested in mathematical challenges? Do you enjoy Maths competitions? We have just the opportunity for you. Students entering Year 7 at Indooroopilly SHS will have the option of joining an innovative and challenging course in Maths and Engineering. This course takes students through the Maths curriculum in a shorter time than the usual 6 years. It also incorporates broad-ranging enrichment activities and exposes students to pathways which are mathematically oriented. The program, including University of Queensland-linked studies (for final year students), is designed to foster and enable students with high mathematical ability to perform at their best. The program covers the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) secondary Maths program, as follows: Junior Maths: Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 completed in Years 7, 8 and 9 Senior Maths B and Senior Maths C completed in Years 10 and 11 Engineering Technology completed in Years 11 and 12 University Maths subjects commenced in Year 12 This course will not affect students’ subject selections in Junior and Senior years. 9 2017 ENROLMENTS FOR GENERAL SPECIAL PROGRAMS INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE DIPLOMA PROGRAMME WHAT IS THE IB PROGRAMME? The IB Diploma Programme is designed as an academically challenging and balanced programme of education with final examinations that prepares students, generally aged 16 to 19, for success at university and life beyond. The programme is normally taught over two years and has gained recognition and respect from the world’s leading universities. Mission Statement CISCO NETWORKING ACADEMY PROGRAM The Networking Academy Program is a two year course offered by Indooroopilly State High School in conjunction with Cisco Systems, a world leading manufacturer of networking equipment. What do Students Learn? Students learn to construct and configure Local and Wide Area Networks (LANs and WANs) using state of the art equipment. LANs and WANs interconnecting our computing equipment and the entire global internet. The International Baccalaureate Organisation aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end the IBO encourages students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right. A student who has successfully completed the course and attained certification will be able to build, maintain and interconnect computer networks. The student will be able to configure networking equipment such as routers and switches which direct and manage network data. For further information contact IB Coordinator Jesus Bergas on 3327 8373 For further information contact CISCO Coordinator Andrew Waddell on 3327 8333 AVIATION STUDIES The sky’s the limit’ New Recreational Pilot Licence half the price of Private Pilot Licence Aviation Studies is a subject for students who are looking forward to either a career in aviation or flying for pleasure. Students are able to enrol in Aviation Studies as a sixth subject in Years 11 and 12. Students go to a flying school at Archerfield Airport each week during the year. Initially students work towards performing their first solo and must be 15 years of age to do so. Students work towards a Recreational Pilot Licence (RPL) and then, after successfully completing navigation flights, gain a Private Pilot Licence. Students will be required to pay their chosen flying school each week for their lesson. This is a pay-as-you-go arrangement with the hire rate of an aircraft and instructor plus landing fees meaning that each flying week costs approximately $300. The total cost to attain solo flight is estimated to be $6000, with a further $4000 to Recreational Pilot Licence with the total cost of a Private Pilot Licence being roughly $21,000. The theory, comprising Flight Radio Operator’s Licence (FROL), Basic Aeronautical Knowledge (BAK) and Private Pilot Licence Theory (PPL), is studied during weekly class time and study at home. Topics include: aircraft familiarisation, aviation terminology, communications, aircraft general knowledge and control, rules and procedures of flight, theory of flight, meteorology and navigation. Students also practise flights in the school’s flight simulator during these lessons. For more information contact either Peter Rolandsen or Kelly Breen on 3327 8328 10 Community Notices 11 Community Notices 12
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