ilrsroß4Gr - Planet-RC
ilrsroß4Gr - Planet-RC
<tßTioVJDWD,8*, *? ilrsroß4Gr{ E-IIM Trimming and painting body ^t >-)v@-Or*LEDt-r F ä4D fittä läEüD *Use masking stickers @ to @ when atlaching L.ED *r' lights *il71.z t > I'aj+ll.t €tr€, FDö lri ( €Bllt < < t;är,\. *Make two 6-6.5mm holes, matching the posilion of ftonl body mounl. PS-12 >)v\- E< *7t7rOtlüLät (om) h äE!lr{ < t:äL\. *Make 6mm hole, matching the position olsnl€nna. *&n^t&t'l*.t" *ttti ?t> lEn fr19 EO&t. ar o+'y F t*ßrrü<r7 rr?t " +F 6ll l.ä\ä 5!'lilEläl*ä?ältt, < tE ä r,\. i*tE,,Jr+*rd ä@6+lic)h friß.arg7 ä ä=lt. *Üt@''€rs;41< iE ä lr" ar.EocBEt*+fi:iL< < ä!r" l+ E='y ) \-++ I ? L t ':ä, JJ{J üt.;l*L? < t:är,\. a*lftläaHB, G'Ftt ät|plnzfta> itltääl <iia. frfi lEfEr<iEt/ <C Hr.<< rEäl\. ätt. oEEtä:*Ha6 d)x!llE+ä*t l, < < tiä(,\. (6-6.&ii,) *Make lwo 6-0.5mm hol6 a,l\ätd*Jir @!\61ÜFi?@Iff l*Lär,\ t:äu" IEEäb"ED, d\8td/löt. c =- w*& Ä' ;\ a < qA Äreä,EFa* iflättz5l1*t " a - <t €äAÄe}.t!Jt <<tiäL\" ?< Y@litli Acowror.r aRead c€r€tully and tully unda6tancl lhe inshctions b€iors comm€ncing ass€mbly. *4.5im'\äölJäq" awhen assembling thls kf, tools including kntues 6re us€d. ExllE c€re should be tal@n to avo:d p€ßonal injury. aRsad and follow the insuuclions suppliad o,@ O,Q!) with paints and/or cemenl, il us€d (not included in ki0. aKe€p out of rcach ol small chlldr€n. ChildrEn must not b€ allow€d to pn any parts in th€ir rnodhs, or pull vinyl bag over lh€ir " ä.VlDfrtJ<fi7 < hffo), I > f:tfi{,ltD ät" *Wash th€ body lhoroughly wiÜl dete€ed then allow to air dry. Cut oln maskinq stickeß and mask ofi windows from in- (fi71ot DWD, *1.tra$ L-!!*U*?. u*.t. v-A*Zt äA|GD >trt\-d^J elurl,r ä. zQ&.. ö zätjrld7l h'ä3o6 ^a üEll.blt<!!a &t*tru, -tEtrE5d. *Painl black poftons with brush, thsn spray paint silver arEas. when paintins wlth spray, apply thin layer ol spräy painl 2-3 times koepins 3ocm distänce lrom body. *l8*$r1i'J t-fi+- F *hl?ts *Painl usng polycaöonate palnts. (3) ***1.+:,,'r.avz - *r\.r=Ph"r t -tl2aqOW.D *Cut off using scissoF or a modeling t, *t. **t€f gErtxht t, < r:äL\" paint has dded, rcmove masking stickers. After com*Afler ^7 pletion ol paintinq, remo@ prctecliv€ ilm. ttä <t6cDR 21)l,aäliäru? a tdt,\*d. .=_-t L-) (<-+>tb *1. knite. Märkings (a*täFi{.} 1(t*r\ä l,)*Hlääiftr,\ifi <liäu" t- <ää. t,< Preparing body for painting *Wash the body thoroughly with detergent in oder to remove any oil, then rinse welland allow to airdry. ßa*#^o? -t 7', " - ov-t lF fi i-r o)E*rird'fi ,J r-ii+- F HBHt räftup!ßlä. ää* L < < lidu" a.--+ü 1> traeoa2Tr'v t8 fr.Dä*t t*-7 - 7r r,HEflätift *?- r t3! . 0l rt r\ < /iä L\. &utttÄ" I This mari( denotes numbers lor Tamiya Paint colors. Paint body flom inside using potycaöonate paints. Paint pläsiic parts {side minors and rcarwins)using plastic paini. (rli r r-rß+- FEr:Yrt-) *srickeß 0l and &l @ not us€d. *?-rr**Elci IEfü? < < E3!\" TAMIYA POLYCARBONATE PAINTS PS-1r a-2rt^- / Silver PC-' aJ-tt I glaok {J-TrvtHt=?11--'j TAMIYA PLASTIC PAINTS TrLSvrL./!- / Gloss X-18 at:/Elz7?vt / Semiqloss h-aAäDhb t' -gt t) &.ä*ßäEla:z äSfi ätrl^7D&ä*d" *Eo2 t\L77 th-lrtllD LrTt äaLNrÄ\Dt <</Ä äo< *E olFlz D tz<FÄ??l\ä* L*;. @ä t&@ffi aStJ e, u qt b wo Ertä h t Effi l,PA D ör'E ät " ä ffi,ä-> ü fz* *1ü äöbtt(<t:äl\. @', t 4 2 e&El*ht l"ih< ä8ffi ,<t NL t h- o4 ut4. tzD. l\*- ^7 l.Elt L,/enrB$'?L\3:E3-" äift €-JEr.ifl Hnru(!Ää L, ubär K77 "t (D&6@ -e ä hD *LED.1 l-äWDtttt ä tä{t@. @t*Er'*iJr" *when insiallins LED Usht A,l{ht*2 hDqä,FEl:tr D*!'" Stickers OCut out stickers along line. Apply in numedcal order. @ Peel off the end of lining a little and put the sticker in position on the body. @ Remove the lining slowly. Be careful not to move the slicker out of position and not to leave air bubbles under the sticket 0306 02006 TAIV YA *it++l r:l7 ITEfiEEJE'flE&3-7 51246 Nismo R34 GT-R z-iune Body Parts (1050500) <fiI-)L.Oa-+>2' l=a-, t4>,o)wDltt wlleel markings > Atlaching s&l€ minols and rcat wing TS-17 v11,=rrrt\- Hl <7, Y7e>@frDüItt SMP PINS MODIFYING xoP604 tyFGUi) 7rv2C> v-t>tt<>t mböB lü[" äcll@ XMake holss whgl anachlns 53604 Racins Wng Sot (Bold *frDüt ät" *B€nd. *tß7 aZ Zö 4 \*t. Gt *Bend snap rliT-r 7+'y 7 C > I'fr D ült < pins as shown. .............. -.........--.- '-. xl kN-"' Body HSfi .........-........... '... '...-.. TS-17 (L) JS&'...."'......'...........'.....x1 77viö-. -. Slick€t a -....'..'.... '.. -.. -.. 7)t=v)vl\- x1 x1 7, >-tv...................---.-.x1 Gloss aluminum /N. a -hv4<b> et'FF l" MU'' Gnng (at*Er) cg &^ MEIAL PARTS BAG \-_ @ h mE7-7'.'. Pfi-( 6MZ+rtct-...ra snap pin ^+'raz> xrß7,r nr5 QJ\)... x4 2x6M9 yC>tC7. x4 x1O Tapping sar€w '. '. Doubladd6d rap€ '.................. xl t üi* l, te 0 , iE tdä?te]ift. En^L<. fteäEtlgxr*EgäE L7 E+!h 7t ? -.,- 97,a?raF u *;ß!'E E|IIEI-IIFAä. d'F$fi , ITEM*E€ ün7rtaY> Snap pin ttlt, :üSt:r1i7" EFatEfiU<tJDnD Snap pin (small) 3MOl) >1........... ' Gdng r')WD Attaching body äf" ? t, *7t7tt\14äit F Jät" Ql\') fit<.........'.........2,5508 H./r-y..........."......5508 J./r-y... '. '...... . . '....6508 7it,-.7,) '-)L...900F t825414 9005794 9115161 9495440 AFTER MARKET SERVICE CARD When purchasing Tamiya replacement parls, plede take or snd this fom to your local Tamiya dealer so that lhe parts r€quired cd be coneclly identitied and supplied. Plea* note that specitications, availability and pdce ar€ subj€ct to change code ITEM 51 246 1425414"........""" " ".. ".Body ''..... 'H Parts ".... 9115161.. .....'......,'......J Pärts Parts 9005798'..... .'. 94954a0'.........Sticker&MaskingS€al E-öR#!-'. TESffäEA D * utr tB6r-,r. Elt, 7' t Y-+- c 7*.7 -ü16< /täl\. xTG-l0.TNS,TGS.TGS-R> ? - > lr&Hf ä ZZ E, t-:2 y t'i4Fl4)iä 7 a > l', U ? a r l :/ l: t lzlAlt ä a L ZtS t t b lJ *.t *. tx - - ) t " e*äLtrL\l ä*tr,< < t:ä L\" XCut ftont and lEar window portions to c@l engine when atkching to TG-10, TNS, TGS or TGS-B chassis. Make sue the body does not touch ine mufiler xt3 - Fii.f -./L^-}.lFlt*< x Etcept short wheel base chassis. +E (E-eEE) :t. t E.frE =W 7t -?"r (rffi ^cft (TB-02.T8-02R) ann^rtJV> 6nxn7rt7e, am o54-283-OOO3 *ä 03-3899-3765 g*6r{ {TB-01,TG-t 0.TNS} {TA04} (16fdt\ebü*E) c*) 8:00-20:00 >a:oo-17:oo > l-''n- L.s-tV l:Vz www.larrrtYe.corrt ftft-#-m (LED;' F Ory D f.JI') Attaching LED light S"*6ä*ä;"tr'"",, J3 J6 J1 XLEDT-T F (d3) frid7-7 XLEDliqht J6 XLED;7 F (d5) XLED light ,rro.-, J6 2x6nn9rY>iY7 Tapping *ew TAMIYA, INC, 3-7 ONDAWARA, SURUGA-KU, SHIZUOKA 422.8610 JAPAN. , I t; 4- 1l 165) XLEDlight ffi67-a 51 24.6 Nismo R34 GT-F z-tune Body Parts {1 050500}