November 26, 2014 Issue 10 - Sanford Unitarian Universalist Church
November 26, 2014 Issue 10 - Sanford Unitarian Universalist Church
Sanford Unitarian Universalist Church UU NOTES Volume XXXIX November 26, 2014 Issue 10 UUA PRINCIPLES We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote: Sanford UU Church 5 Lebanon Street Sanford, ME 04073 Telephone: 207.324.3191 E-mail: [email protected] Like us on Facebook Minister: Rev. Sue Gabrielson Religious Education: Mesha/Ryan Quinn Choir Director: Charles Grindle Newsletter Editor: Mona Ouellette Church Historian: Helen Kane Webmaster: Emma Burnett Maintenance: Bill Ouellette The inherent worth and dignity of every person. Justice equity, and compassion in human relations. Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations. A free and responsible search for truth and meaning. The right of conscience and the use of democratic process within our congregations and in society at large. The goal of world community with peace, liberty and justice for all. Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part. (Adopted by the 1984 and 1985 General Assemblies) Worship Service and Church School Every Sunday - 10:30am Child Care is Available - Everyone is welcome! November 30 - Justice and Sorrow Part II - Led by Rev. Sue Gabrielson. We will recognize World AIDS Day and think about the impact we can have on justice issues close to home and far away. The SUUC choir will sing. December 1 – World AIDS Day - Join us on Monday, December 1st at 7:00pm at the Saco and Biddeford UU Church, 60 School Street in Saco, for their annual service of remembrance and reflection. Three panels from the AIDS Memorial Quilt will be on display. Rev. Sue Gabrielson, Rev. Charles Grindle and other area clergy will be participating. December 7 - The service is third of a three part series by Rev. Friedrichs that lay leaders from the Unitarian Universalist Church of Saco and Biddeford will present. This trilogy focuses on the late Rev. Forrest Church’s mantra, “Want what you have, Do what you can, Be who you are.” December 14 - Reframing and Reclaiming the Sacrament of Anointing - The service will be led by SUUC Worship Associate Rev. Beverly Brent, special music will be provided by Tyler Robichaud. Page 1 “ the change you wish to see in the world.” Gandhi November 26, 2014 Issue #10 Page 2 “ the change you wish to see in the world.” Gandhi November 26, 2014 Issue #10 Corner Cupboard News Colm, Ginny and Chris helped make it happen for 215 families in Goodall Hall on Saturday, November 15th. Along with many more volunteers, they supplied people with non-food household essentials through the Sanford Unitarian Universalist Church’s Corner Cupboard. If you want to join the fun and volunteer to help out at the next Corner Cupboard on Saturday, December 20th, please call Judi Reis at 636-1754. The holidays are just around the corner, so it’s certainly time to think about your gifts to family and friends. Wouldn’t a financial donation to the Corner Cupboard in your loved one’s name make a great present? All donations will be acknowledged with a hand written note to honor the donor and will include a brochure explaining the work of the Corner Cupboard. We are still serving over 200 families each month and finances have been tight. Thank you for giving this some thought. The CC team. SAVE THE DATE - The Shared Pulpit! Do you have something inside you, that you yearn to share with others? Are you, or have you ever thought about becoming a Worship Associate? Do you want to support your congregation in their spiritual development? We will be together 6 times over 6 months to explore our own spiritual process and learn how to more confidently share it. This workshop is based on Erika Hewitt's book, entitled, The Shared Pulpit. The introduction to Erika Hewitt's book reads, in part, "Using a series of small group meetings, this program aims to deepen connection and contains advice, tools and a process designed to equip you to be even more skilled, confident leaders (because anyone brave and curious enough to share their journey publicly with their congregation is, in fact, a leader). Along the way, you'll discover your authentic voice by writing a sermon to deliver to the congregation." This workshop will be co-facilitated by Rev. Sue Gabrielson and Rev. Lara. Interested members and friends of the tri-churches (Saco/Biddeford, Kennebunk and Sanford) will meet from 6:00pm to 9:00pm together on the first Thursday of the month beginning in January and running through June. 1/8 (note this is the second Thursday) Kennebunk 2/5 Saco 3/5 Sanford 4/2 Kennebunk 5/7 Saco 6/4 Sanford Please contact Rev. Sue if you are interested. Page 3 “ the change you wish to see in the world.” Gandhi November 26, 2014 Issue #10 Rev. Sue’s Incidental Inspiration Rehearsal for the Choirs - A reminder- there will be no ringing or singing rehearsal on December 1. Charlie will be at the UUCSB for the World AIDS Day service. There are still places available if you'd like to join us for Christmas Eve- don't be shy! Join the fun and wonderfulness. Awake awhile. It does not have to be Forever, Right now. One step upon the Sky's soft skirt Would be enough. Hafiz, Awake awhile. Just one True moment of Love Will last for days. Rest all your elaborate plans and tactics For Knowing Him, For they are all just frozen spring buds Far, So far from Summer's Divine Gold. Awake, my dear. Be kind to your sleeping heart. Take it out into the vast fields of Light And let it breathe. Say, "Love, Give me back my wings. Lift me, Lift me nearer." Craft Fair - The Saco & Biddeford UU Church is hosting a holiday craft fair on Saturday, December 6th from 8:00-2:00. They are located at 60 School Street in Saco. Join in the fun, they will have music, terrific soups and goodies in their Café, and crafts for children. Bring your friends and do some Christmas shopping. The Saco & Biddeford UU Church has graciously invited us to participate, at no cost, in their craft fair Please help the SUUC Homesteaders raise money for our church. Can you make items for the Homesteaders to sell… jam, baked goods, sewn/knitted items? Please contact Jan Sacco or Janet Wood for more information. Thank you. World AIDS Day - There will be an interfaith World AIDS Day service on Monday, December 1st at 7:00pm at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Saco and Biddeford, 60 School Street in Saco. FMI 282-0062. The service is supported by Southern Maine Gay Men and Gay Men Fight AIDS. Rev. Sue Gabrielson, Rev. Charles Grindle and several other area clergy will be participating. Say to the sun and moon, Say to our dear Friend, "I will take You up now, Beloved, On that wonderful Dance You promised." ~ Hafiz ~ Page 4 “ the change you wish to see in the world.” Gandhi November 26, 2014 Issue #10 Candles Lit in Memory or Honor of a Loved One Light a candle on Christmas Eve in memory or honor of a loved one. Donations are welcome. In Honor/Memory of__________________________________ Your name:__________________________________________ Please leave your donation and information in the office or in the offertory plate. Decorating the Church Christmas Tree Please join us following worship service on Sunday, December 7th and help us decorate the church Christmas tree. Storm Cancellation Information - Sanford Unitarian Universalist Church service and event cancellations are announced on the following television stations: WCSH 6, WMTW 8 and WGME 13. You may also receive the latest information regarding cancellations by calling the church office (324-3191) for the latest recording or visit our website at or our Facebook page for the most recent information. In addition, a congregational email will be sent. KC and Art talking about Frank the gecko who came to church on Sunday, November 23rd and amazed all the other animals by never giving up. Parking for the Church MIDTOWN MALL (one block southeast) has plenty of free parking. If you need to park closer to the church: Lebanon Street: YES - in front of the church and Goodall Hall only. Twombley Road: YES. Sweetser Lot: NO Salvation Army: NO (Their services are held at 10:45am) REV. MAURICE COBB’S CORNER Thanksgiving is not basically a religious holiday. Therefore, it doesn’t exclude anyone, but offers an opportunity for everyone to count one’s blessings. Page 5 “ the change you wish to see in the world.” Gandhi November 26, 2014 Issue #10 Board 2014-2015 President: Aileen Fortune Vice President: Deb Folsom Clerk: Bruce Harrison Financial Secretary: Janet Wood Treasurer: Co-DREs: Mesha and Ryan Quinn Music Director: Charles Grindle Liaisons: Stella DiAnn Diane Whiteside-Peck Gary Wood ( June 30, 2015 ( June 30, 2015 ( June 30, 2016 ( June 30, 2016 ( June 30, 2015 ( June 30, 2017 ( June 30, 2016 ( June 30, 2016 Church Leadership 2014-2015 Budget and Finance Chair: Building and Grounds Chair: Bob McCormick Caring Circle: Gail Lemley Burnett Choir: Charles Grindle Church Historian: Helen Kane Committee on Ministry: Julia Payne-Lewis, Ryan Quinn, Pat Herrick, Rev. Sue Corner Cupboard Treasurer: Judi Reis Denominational Affairs: Earth Stewards Green Team: Judi Reis Fun(d)raising Coordinator: Grant Manager: Pat Herrick Homesteaders: Jan Sacco and Melody Wood Investment Management Committee: John Steffens, Peg Sawyer, Art Dumas, Howard Dupee, Pat Herrick, Ginny Howe Members and Friends: Tonia Chase and Julia Payne-Lewis Music Committee: Melody Wood Nominating Committee : Tonia Chase and Deb Walsh Partners For Sacred Places: Lee Burnett Religious Education Committee: Second Century Fund Committee: Lee Burnett Social Action Committee: Stewardship: Diane Whiteside-Peck and Patty Kidder UUSC: Julia Payne-Lewis Webmaster: Emma Burnett Women’s Alliance: Nancy Farnham Worship: Rev. Sue Gabrielson Worship Associates: Bev Brent, Judi Reis, Jan Sacco, Janie Waterhouse, Stella DiAnn, Patty Kidder, Mesha Quinn, Evelyn LaBree, Tom Huber Caring Circle Gail Lemley Burnett is in charge of our Caring Circle for providing help in case of illness, hospitalization, need for a ride to church, doctors’ appointments, etc. Please call Gail at 324-1596 if you need assistance. Minister’s Hours Rev. Sue Gabrielson's office hours will be held on Wednesdays from 9:30-5:00 (sometimes as late as 9:00pm). There will be other days she will be available between 8:30 and 1:30 and also by appointment, please contact the office. Administrative Summer Office Hours Office hours are: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 7:00-12:00 [email protected] Co-Directors of Religious Education Church and Community Groups AA Meetings: AA meetings are held every Sunday from 5:00pm-6:15pm and Fridays 6:00pm-7:00pm in vestry Board Meeting: The next Board meeting will be held on Sunday, December 21st at 8:15am Book Group: Meets the second and fourth Thursday of the month at 6:00pm in Goodall Hall. Choirs: Bells 6:00-6:45, Christmas choir 6:45-7:30, regular choir 7:30-8:00 on Monday evenings at church Please note, no practice on December 1st Church Work Party: This group meets the second Saturday of every month from 8:00 - noon at church Committee on Ministry: Sunday, January 11 after church Corner Cupboard Meetings: Next date the CC is open is December 20. Organizational meetings are held as needed Council Meeting: TBA Earth Stewards Green Team: Meets as needed Finance Committee: Meetings are held the Sunday before a Board meeting Homesteader’s Group: Generally meets 6:30pm at the church or a member’s home on the third Thursday of the month Music Lessons: Private lessons are given on Mondays 6:00-7:30 and on Thursdays in the Sanctuary from 8:4512:45 and 6:00-7:00, Wednesdays 5:00pm to 6:15pm Second Century Building Committee: Meets as needed Shared Pulpit: Thursdays, January 8th through June 4th 6:00pm-9:00pm Tri-Church Meeting: TBA Violence No More: Every Thursday at 5:00pm in the vestry Women’s Alliance: Meets the 2nd Wednesday of the month at noon Worship Associates: Sunday, January 25 at 8:30am Mesha and Ryan Quinn - [email protected] Page 6 “ the change you wish to see in the world.” Gandhi November 26, 2014 Issue #10