Animal Communication Class with Laurie Reyon: WILD ANIMAL PARK ADVENTURE Sunday, June 5 - 10 am to 5 pm Join Our Mailing List! This class will be a Species Communication Class with exploration of many animals at the San Diego Safari Park. We will offer processes to connect with the animals and a specialized process for the group with the Big Cats, Elephants, Eagles & Condors. Learn techniques to communicate with wild animals and use in your daily life with your animal companions. Wild Animal Park Adventure at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park Escondido, CA June 5, 10 am-5 pm Make personal contact with many species of animals and learn how to merge your energy with a wild animal. Spend the day with Reyon as we connect with the animals that welcome us as their students and connect with us telepathically. Come connect with our animal friends with an open heart, seeking wisdom, truth and healing. Meet some of the people that work with the animals at the Safari Park. You will be able to ask questions and verify your communications. It will be a day that is deep, empowering and profound as we enter the animals' world and ask to learn more about who they are, and what they have to share with us. Our Wisdom: "The animals are the greater body of healers and teachers on this planet." $85.00 each (includes instruction, materials and several group activities in the park) Does NOT include entry into the Safari Park. CLICK HERE to register. "DOLPHINS & WHALES FOREVER" In this extraordinarily touching and heart-felt book, twenty cetacean ambassadors, visionaries, communicators, and facilitators of transformation share their personal stories of dolphin and whale encounters that changed their lives forever. The unique connection they each share with cetaceans has become their personal doorway to transformation, higher wisdom, and the ability to facilitate physical and emotional healing within themselves and others. "I am proud to be a contributing author! This is my story of how I became an Animal Communicator, and then an Inter Species Communicator. In this book I am able to tell the amazing stories of how "Puddah" became my teacher and partner and how I became a Soul Healer." ~ Laurie Reyon To get your own copy, signed by Laurie Reyon, go to: LaurieReyon.com ANDARA CRYSTALS AVAILABLE Andara Crystals - Master Crystals of Light, Beauty, Healing, and Perfection. Laurie Reyon & Master Cat Puddah are caretakers of the Andaras. Please call 619-271-9461 or email [email protected] to arrange a viewing appointment via Skype or in person Check out our New Movie: ASCENSION GUIDANCE - LIVING IN YOUR SACRED HEART DVD: "Ascension Guidance" the Movie, is the first film ever created by a Master Cat who shares her wisdom with the world about consciousness, and the next step in our evolution as humans. Master Cat Puddah is the "voice" of the Ascension teacher in the film, along with the group consciousness of the Great Whales and Dolphins. Laurie Reyon is Master Puddah's human Mom, and is an Inter-Species Communicator and Soul Healer. Together, they bring the messages to the screen with powerful tools to raise your vibration and reclaim your Divine Spiritual Gifts. See the Movie Trailer: Ascension Guidance - Living in Your Sacred Heart $22.00 ORDER HERE For more information: Visit: LaurieReyon.com Email: [email protected] or Call: 619-271-9461 Designed by Deborah Clark
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