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SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION TUESDAY, JANUARY 24,2012 6:00 P.M. IRVING G. BREYER BOARD MEETING ROOM 555 FRANKLIN STREET, FIRST FLOOR SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 94102 Board of Education: Norman Vee - President Rachel Norton - Vice President Sandra Lee Fewer Kim-Shree Maufas Student Delegates to the Board of Education: Hydra B. Mendoza Emily M. Murase, Ph.D Jill Wynns Joyce Zhang Karissa Tom Superintendent of Schools: Carlos A. Garcia MISSION STATEMENT OF THE SFUSD: The mission of the San Francisco Unified School District is to provide each student with an equal opportunity to succeed by promoting intellectual growth, creatiVity, self-discipline, cultural and linguistic sensitiVity, democratic responsibility, economic competence, and physical and mental health so that each student can achieve his or her maximum potential. DISTRICT GOALS: (In Accordance with 85-13Sp2 - Proposal to tmptement a Strategic Plan. Adopted 5/27108) ,. Access & Equity - Make Social Justice a Reality. ,. Student Achievement - Engage High AchieVing and Joyful Learners. ,. Accountability - Keep Our Promises to Students and Families I ORDER OF BUSINESS ADJOURNMENT: 10:00 P.M• •:. ROLL CALL AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE A. APPROVAL OF BOARD MINUTES ~ B. PRESENTATIONS TO THE BOARD OF EDUCATIONI SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT ~ C. Regular Meeting of January 10,2012 Superintendent's Thoughts for the Evening RECOGNITIONS AND RESOLUTIONS OF COMMENDATION ~ RAVE Distinguished Service Award ~ RAVE Special Service Award Pg. 1 ACTION ITEM: ~ In Recognition of the 100th Anniversary of the San Francisco PTA - Commissioners Sandra Lee Fewer and Kim-Shree Maufas ~ Recognition of the Members of the Public Education Enrichment Fund Community Advisory Committee (PEEF CAC) D. STUDENT DELEGATES' REPORT E. PARENT ADVISORY COUNCIL (PAC) REPORT F. PUBLIC COMMENT ON CONSENT ITEMS (Members ofthe public shall not be permitted to sever agenda items for discussion. Rather, Board discussion on a consent item shall only occur if the Board or the Superintendent, in their discretion, severs the item for discussion. II G. CONSENT CALENDAR - SEE EXHIBIT A FOLLOWING SUMMARY PAGES FOR LIST OF ITEMS - Motion/Second; Items Corrected/Withdrawn/Removed for First Reading/Severed. Formal vote taken up in Section N. Severed Items taken up in Section O. H. SUPERINTENDENT'S PROPOSALS Pg.2 - HELD FOR SPEAKER CARDS AND ACTION ~ 121-10Sp1- Approval of a Public Education Enrichment Fund Expenditure Plan for School Year 2012-2013 (Report from the Committee of the Whole Meeting) I. BOARD MEMBER'S PROPOSALS - HELD FOR SPEAKER CARDS AND ACTION NONE J. REQUESTS TO SPEAK REGARDING GENERAL MATTERS - 30 MINUTES This part of the Board's meeting is set aside for members of the public requesting to address the Board on general items which are not agenda items calendared for action, which are not first readings listed in the agenda, and are not items previously referred to committee and not yet returned to the Board for action. This agenda item will be limited to thirty (30) minutes and will begin no later than 7:30 p.m. or following the item under discussion at the time. Anyone whose name remains on the speakers list at the end of the allotted time will be granted time at the end of the regular meeting. K. ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORTS/APPOINTMENTS TO ADVISORY COMMITTEES BY BOARD MEMBERS L. SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS >- NOTE: The Board of Education will recess its Regular Session and Convene as the SFUSD Financing Corporation in order to handle the following action items: >>>- NOTE: Pg. 3 - 13 Approval Prior Meeting Minutes (January 25, 2011) Appointment or Rotation of New Officers (Action Item) The SFUSD Financing Corporation will be adjourned and will resume consideration as a Board of Education III ACTION ITEM: )- A Resolution of the Board of Education of the San Francisco Unified School District Certifying to the Board of Supervisors of the City and County of San Francisco All Proceedings in the District's November 8, 2011 Bond Election, Declaring Passage of a Bond Proposition in Such Election for the Issuance of San Francisco Unified School District General Obligation Bonds; Approving the Formation and Appointment of an Independent Citizens' Oversight Committee Declaring its Intention to Reimburse Itself from the Proceeds of the Bonds for Certain Expenditures Made and/or to be Made in Connection with the Acquisition, Construction, Improvement, Furnishing and Equipping of District Facilities; and Directing Certain Actions in Connection Therewith Recommendation: That the Board of Education of the San Francisco Unified School District approve the above resolution. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: Initial Proposals ISunshining of Proposals) )- 2011-2012 Initial Re-Opener Proposal from the San Francisco Unified School District to the United Administrators of San Francisco Recommendation: That the Board of Education presents the Initial Re-Opener Proposal from the San Francisco Unified School District to the United Administrators of San Francisco. Public Hearing on this Proposal will be held at the Regular Board Meeting of February 14, 2012. )- 2011·2012 Initial Proposal from United Educators of San Francisco (UESF) to San Francisco Unified School District Recommendation: That the Board of Education presents the Initial Proposal from UESF to San Francisco Unified School District Public Hearing on this Proposal will be held at the Regular Board Meeting of February 14, 2012. M. DISCUSSION OF OTHER EDUCATIONAL ISSUES )- Update on the Governor's Proposed Budget for 2012·2013 )- African American History Month Programs and Activities in SFUSD N. CONSENT CALENDAR RESOLUTIONS REMOVED AT PREVIOUS MEETING FOR SECOND READING AND ACTION IV O. VOTE ON CONSENT CALENDAR - Moved and Seconded under Section F P. CONSENT CALENDAR RESOLUTIONS - SEVERED FOR BOARD DISCUSSION AND IMMEDIATE ACTION - SEE EXHIBIT A FOLLOWING SUMMARY PAGES FOR LIST OF ITEMS Q. SUPERINTENDENT'S PROPOSALS - FIRST READING Pg. 14 (5 Minutes will be given for total public testimony under this item.) >- R. 121-24Sp1 - Authorization to Grant or in the Alternative Deny the Renewal Petition for Leadership High School BOARD MEMBERS' PROPOSALS - FIRST READING (5 Minutes will be given for total public testimony under this item.) NONE S. BOARD MEMBERS' REPORTS - a. Standing Committees; b. Board Delegates to Membership Organizations (NSBA, CSBA, CGCS); c. AU other reports by Board Members. Report from the Committee of the Whole Meeting January 17,2012 - Reporting: Commissioner Rachel Norton 1. 2. 121-10Sp1 - Approval of a Public Education Enrichment Fund Expenditure Plan for SY 2012-13 Update on the Strategic Performance Initiative (SPI) Report from the Curriculum and Program Committee January 18,2012 - Reporting: Commissioner Rachel Norton INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: • Instructional Model at Alice Fang Yu Elementary School • Update on Shape-Up San Francisco >- Budget and Business Services Committee >- Buildings, Grounds, and Services Committee >- Rules, Policy, and Legislation Committee >- Ad Hoc Committee on Personnel Matters/Labor Relations v S. BOARD MEMBERS' REPORTS - a. Standing Committees; b. Board Delegates to Membership Organizations (NSBA, CSBA, CGCS); c. All other reports by Board Members. - CONTINUED ~ Ad Hoc Committee on Student Assignment ~ City and School District Select Committee ~ Ad Hoc School District/City Col/ege Joint Committee T. REPORT OF CLOSED SESSION ACTIONS U. OTHER INFORMATIONAL ITEMS v. Pg. 15 - 30 ~ Informational Notice of Classified Personnel Transactions ~ Acceptance of Gifts for the Months of November and December 2011 ADJOURNMENT VI EXHIBIT A CONSENT CALENDAR (The following are all ACTION ITEMS} 1. Instructional Resolutions NONE 2. Finance Resolutions 2a. Pg. 31- 43 (121-24B1) Authorization to Submit Applications, to Accept Funds, and to Budget the Amount Awarded Recommendation: That the Superintendent and/or the Chief Financial Officer be authorized by the Board of Education to submit the following grant applications, to accept the following grant awards, and to budget the amount awarded as presented. Awards: 1. $250,000 - Evelyn & Walter Haas Jr. Fund to Various Preschools. To support the first phase of a Preschool through 3ro Grade plan to close the achievement gap in San Francisco. 2. $375, 000 - California Department of Education to Burton High School. Grant to support measurement of conditions for learning (school climate) and targeted programmatic interventions to improve those conditions. These include school safety and bUllying, positive relationships and other learning supports, and student engagement. 3. $375, 000 - California Department of Education to Wallenberg High School. Grant to support measurement of conditions for learning (school climate) and targeted programmatic interventions to improve those conditions. These include school safety and bUllying, positive relationships and other learning supports, and student engagement. 2b. (121-24B2) Authorization for Budget Transfers for Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Budget Recommendation: That the Superintendent recommends changes to the FY 2011-2012 Budget as adopted by the Board of Education on June 28, 2011. The budget is revised periodically as new information is received or when the assumptions on which the adopted budget was developed change. Administration recommends the following budget revision as presented. Restricted General Fund (Fund 01) VII 2c. (121-2483) Authorization to Enter Into an Affiliation Agreement/Memorandum of Understanding between Grace Urban Ministries and the San Francisco Unified School District That the Board of Education of the San Francisco Unified School District authorizes the Superintendent and/or his designee to enter into an Affiliation AgreementiMOU for the SFUSD/Student Support Services Department to receive oral health education and dental screening services coordinated by Grace Urban Ministries. Recommendation: 2d. (121-2484) Authorization to Accept the San Francisco Unified School District Audit Report for the Year Ended June 30, 2011 That the Board of Education accepts the San Francisco Unified School District's Audit Report for the year ended June 30, 2011. Recommendation: 2e. (121-2485) 81anket Approval of the San Francisco Unified School District Memoranda of Authority with Community 8ased Organizations Recommendation: That the Board of Education of the San Francisco Unified School District approves the Memoranda of Authority entered into between the San Francisco Unified School District and Community Based Organizations and Agencies. A list of the Memoranda of Authority has been attached to the Resolution. 2f. (121-2486) Authorization to Contract for Student Teacher and Intern Teachers Recommendation: That the Board of Education authorize the Superintendent and/or Chief Human Resources Officer to enter into a MOU for Fiscal Years 20102014 with local universities to provide experiences for students enrolled in their training programs. 2g. (121-2487) Authorization to Declare Obsolete Computer Monitors, Other Computer Related Accessories, Furniture, Fixtures, Equipment Including Cafeteria Equipment, Instructional Materials and Other Miscellaneous Items as Surplus Property Recommendation: Pursuant to Board Policy P3262 and Education Code Sections 17545-17555, and Education Code Sections 60510-60530, it is recommended that the Board of Education declare certain furniture, fixtures, equipment and obsolete instructional materials no longer suitable for school purposes and delegate the Director of Purchasing the authority to dispose of same by sale, auction and/or disposal VIII 2h. (121-24C2) Authorization for the Award of Bids, Purchase of and Encumbrance for Supplies, Equipment and/or Services Over $78,900 or the Statutory Limit Specified in Public Contract Code Section 20111 Recommendation: That the Board of Education authorize the procurement of supplies, equipment, and/or selVices as summarized. 3. Buildings, Grounds and Services Resolutions 3a. Pg. 44 - 59 (121-24W1) Authorization to Approve Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Orders, and Modifications in Connection with the School Building Program Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve this modification between Guttmann & Biaevoet and the San Francisco Unified School District and instruct the Chief Facilities Officer or designee to sign ali the documents necessary for the execution of the modification on behalf of the District and encumber sufficient funds from the Capital Facilities Fund. Horace Mann Middle School/Buena Vista School- $20,500 3b. (121-24W2) Authorization to Approve Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Orders, and Modifications in Connection with the School Building Program Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve this modification between Svala Construction, Inc. and the San Francisco Unified School District and instruct the Chief Facilities Officer or designee to sign all the documents necessary for the execution of the modification on behalf of the District and encumber sufficient funds from the Capital Facilities Fund. International Studies Academy @ Enola Maxwell - $103,149.15 3c. (121-24W3) Authorization to Approve Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Orders, and Modifications in Connection with the School Building Program Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve this contract modification between Kwan Henmi/3DI-Parsons (PEA) and the San Francisco Unified School District for an amount not to exceed $75,000 and instruct the Chief Facilities Officer or designee to sign all the documents necessary for the execution of the contract modification on behalf of the District and to encumber sufficient funds from the Proposition 39 School Repair Program Fund. Various School Sites - $75,000 IX 3d. (121-24W4) Authorization to Approve Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Orders, and Modifications in Connection with the School Bui/ding Program Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve this contract modification between Mobile Modular Management Corporation and the San Francisco Unified School District for an amount not to exceed $7,114 and instruct the Chief Facilities Officer or designee to sign all the documents necessary for the execution of the contract modification on behalf of the District and to encumber sufficient funds from Proposition 39 School Repair Program Fund. Edison Charter Elementary School - $7,114 3e. (121-24W5) Authorization to Approve Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Orders, and Modifications in Connection with the School Bui/ding Program Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve a contract modification between Cal Pacific Construction, Inc. (Cal Pacific) and the San Francisco Unified School District for an amount not to exceed $110,636 and instruct the Chief Facilities Officer or designee to sign all the documents necessary for the execution of the contract modification on behalf of the District and to encumber sufficient funds from Proposition 39 School Repair Program Fund. Hoover Middle School Modernization - $110,636 3f. (121-24W6) Authorization to Approve Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Orders, and Modifications in Connection with the School Bui/ding Program Recommendatfon: That the Board of Education approve this contract modification between Rodan Builders and the San Francisco Unified School District for an amount not to exceed $35,212 and instruct the Chief Facilities Officer or designee to sign all the documents necessary for the execution of the contract modification on behalf of the District and to encumber sufficient funds from Proposition 39 School Repair Program Fund. Presidio CDC Modernization - $35,212 3g. {121-24W7} Authorization to Approve Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Orders, and Modifications in Connection with the School Bui/ding Program Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve this contract modification between Bolla Construction and the San Francisco Unified School District for an amount not to exceed $54,413 and instruct the Chief Facilities Officer or designee to sign all the documents necessary for the execution of the contract modification on behalf of the District and to encumber sufficient funds from Proposition 39 School Repair Program Fund. Hilltop High School - $54,413 x 3h. (121-24W8) Authorization to Approve Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Orders, and Modifications in Connection with the School Building Program Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve a modification to the Master Agreement between Millennium Consulting Associates ("MECA'; and the San Francisco Unified School District for an amount not to exceed $7,115 and instruct the Chief Facilities Officer or designee to sign all the documents necessary for the execution of the Master Agreement modification on behalf of the District and to encumber sufficient funds from Proposition 39 School Repair Program Fund. Chinese Immersion School at De Avila - $7,115 3i. (121-24W9) Authorization to Approve Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Orders, and Modifications in Connection with the School Building Program Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve this modification to the Master Agreement between Summit Building Services and the San Francisco Unified School District for an amount not to exceed $4,480 and instruct the Chief Facilities Officer or designee to sign all the documents necessary for the execution of the Master Agreement modification on behalf of the District and to encumber sufficient funds from Proposition 39 School Repair Program Fund. Hilltop High School- $4,480 3j. (121-24W10) Authorization to Approve Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Orders, and Modifications in Connection with the School Building Program Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve this contract between Wilsey Ham and the San Francisco Unified School and instruct the Chief Facilities Officer or designee to sign all documents necessary for the execution of the contract on behalf of the District and encumber sufficient funds from the 1990 School Facility Safety Special Tax Fund and the Capital Facilities Fund. Monroe Elementary Schoof - $9,600 3k. (121-24W11) Authorization to Approve Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Orders, and Modifications in Connection with the School Building Program Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve this contract between Zolman Construction (Zolman) and the San Francisco Unified School District for an amount not to exceed $1,568,000 and instruct the Chief Facilities Officer or designee to sign all documents necessary for the execution of the contract on behalf of the District and to encumber sufficient funds from Proposition 39 School Repair Program Fund. In the event the District is not able to enter into a contract with Zolman Construction, it will award to the next lowest, most responsive and responsible bidder, or the District may elect to re-bid the project. Gateway/KIPP Charter Schools Window Replacement - $1,568,000 XI 31. (121-24W12) Authorization to Approve Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Orders, and Modifications in Connection with the School Building Program Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve this contract between K2A Architects and the San Francisco Unified School District for an amount not to exceed $1,330,073 and instruct the Chief Facilities Officer or designee to sign all documents necessary for the execution of the contract on behalf of the District and to encumber sufficient funds from Proposition 39 School Repair Program Fund. Willie L. Brown, Jr. Middle School- $1,330,073 3m. (121-24W13) Authorization to Approve Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Orders, and Modifications in Connection with the School Building Program Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve the following selected pool of architectural firms that shall be authorized to enter into contract agreements with the San Francisco Unified School District, for the projects included in the 2011 Proposition A Facilities Bond Program and instruct the Chief Facilities Officer or designee to sign all documents necessary for the execution of each architectural contract on behalf of the District: K2A Architecture, Gelfand Partners Architects, Hamilton+Aiken Architects, Levy Design Partners, LCA Architects, CSDA Architects, Lemanski & Rockwell Architects, Stoner Meek Noll & Tam, Sim Architects, DLM Architects, Pium Architects, HKIT Architects, DSK Architects, Marshall/Lee Architects, HY Architects, Cody Anderson Wasney Architects, KYA Architecture and Cervantes Design. 4. Pg. 60- 70 Personnel Resolutions 4a. (121-24F1- F12) Administrative, Certificated Personnel Actions Secondary, Elementary Recommendation: That the Board of Education approves the following personnel actions as summarized. 4b. (121-24K1 - K2) Consultant Services Contracts Note: Pg. 71- 74 Contracts with Individuals = Resolutions NONE Contract with Organizations = Resolutions K1 - K2 Recommendation: services contracts. K1. That the Board of Education approves the following consultant Monroe Elementary School - To provide art programs such as, visual and performing arts, theatre, story telling, dance, music, and poetry to students. San Francisco Arts Education Project - $2,580 - UGF/AB 825 Targeted Instructional Improvement Block Grant XII K2. 4bb. George Moscone Elementary School - To facilitate, support and recruit adult tutors and mentors from the local area to provide literacy support to children and professional development for staff. Aspiranet - $2,500 - UGF/AB 825 - School and Library Improvement Block Grant (121-24K3 - K10) Consultant Services Contracts Amendments Pg. 74 - 91 Note: Contracts with Individuals = Resolution NONE Contract with Organizations = Resolutions K3 - K10 Recommendation: That the Board of Education approves the following consultant services contracts. K3. Monroe Elementary School - To implement the Primary Intervention Program at the site. The purpose for this amendment is to change the funding source. Cost of this Amendment - $0 Edgewood Center for Children and Families - Total Program Cost to Date - $6,250 - UGF/AB 825 - Targeted Instructional Improvement Biock Grant and Trust Fund - PTA Funds K4. Superintendent's Zone - Bayview District - To provide professional development to teachers and staff in establishing Building Bridges Partnership at Paul Revere. The purpose for this amendment is for additional services. Cost of this Amendment - $60,300 High Expectations - Total Program Cost to Date - $81,100 - NCLB: ARRA Title I, School Improvement Grant (SiG) K5. Student Support Services Department - To provide, as Lead Agency, overall management of the ExCEL After Schooi Program at Staff King ES. The purpose for this amendment is to change the name of the organization from Bay Area Community Resources to Urban Services YMCA. Cost of this Amendment - $0 Urban Services YMCA - Total Program Cost to Date - $200,381 After School Education and Safety Program and NCLB: Title IV, Part st B, 21 Century Community Learning Centers K6. Student Support Services Department - To provide, as Lead Agency, overall management of the ExCEL After School Program at Cleveland ES. The purpose for this amendment is to change the number of students being served from 106 to 99. Cost of this Amendment - $0 Bay Area Community Resources - Total Program Cost to Date $87,000 - After Schooi Education and Safety Program XIII K7. Student Support Services Department - To provide, as Lead Agency, overall management of the ExCEL After School Program at Bessie Carmichael School. The purpose for this amendment is for a reduction in cost. Cost of this Amendment - ($2,500) Credit Embarcadero YMCA - Total Program Cost to Date - $58,143 - After School Education and Safety Program K8. Student Support Services Department - To provide, as Lead Agency, overall management of the ExCEL After School Program at Bessie Carmichael School. The purpose for this amendment is for additional services to students. Cost of this Amendment - $22,500 Filipino American Development Foundation - Total Program Cost to Date - $83,143 - After School Education and Safety Program K9. Student Support Services Department - To provide, as Lead Agency, overall management of the ExCEL After School Program at Thurgood Marshall HS. The purpose for this amendment is for a reduction in cost. Cost of this Amendment - ($5,000) Credit Urban Services YMCA - Total Program Cost to Date - $8,000 - NCLB: Title tv, Part B, 21 st Century Community Learning Centers K10. Student Support Services Department - To represent the District in labor & employment related legal matters. The purpose for this amendment is for additional services. Cost of this Amendment - $25,000 Burke, Williams & Sorensen, LLP - Total Program Cost to Date $50,000 - Risk Management and Mitigation Fund XIV Per Board Policy P120, the Board meets in Regular Session on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Irving G. Breyer Board Meeting Room, 555 Franklin Street, First Floor. Parldng is available through the gate off McAllister Street. The Board Agenda is posted and its contents are made available for public view in the Lobby of the SFUSD Administrative Building at 555 Franklin Street on the Friday before each regular meeting. A copy of the complete Agenda is also available in the Office of the Board of Education, Room 106, at the same address. Additional documents which are distributed to at least a majority of the Board after the publication of the Agenda and relate to items on the Agenda are available for public view in Room 106 at the time of distribution to the commissioners. Additional documents distributed to the Board during the meeting can be viewed at the meeting (if prepared by the District) or after the meeting (if prepared by some other person) by directing your request to the Executive Assistant to the Board. effective February 9, 2010, childcare at the Regular Meetings of the Board of Education no longer be available. Children, supervised by an adult, are welcome to attend meetings of the Board of Education.' will Translation services in Spanish and Chinese are available at Regular Meetings of the Board of Education. Adequate notice and request must be given to the Office of the Board of Education for other languages. Excerpts fi'om the Boar" ofEducatioll Rules ami P,'ocedm'es. P120, Al1icle IL 1.1 These rules shall govem the order of business afthe Board and shall constitute policy of the Board. 1.1.1 These Rules shall be reviewed and readopted as a Special Order of Business at the first Regular Board meeting of the year. 3.1 There shall be at least one student delegate within the membership of the Board pursuant to Ed. Code Section 35012. That commencing with the 2000-2001 academic school year, two students will sit on the Board of Education, one student delegate appointed by the Student Advisory Council and the other elected by the students of San Francisco through a democratic process approved by the Student Advisory council. 3.2 The student delegates may cast an advisory vote on all maters decided by the Board at all regular and special meetings. Such advisOlY votes will be cast at the beginning of voting rotation so that the "advice" of studcnt reprcsentatives may be considered by Board Members as they cast their votes. The advisory vote shall not be included in determining whether a measure before the Board carries, but it shall be recorded in the official minutes. 4.1. I The Board shall meet in regular session on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the place designated by the Board and shall adjourn no later than 10:00 p.m., or upon completion ofthe item under discussion at that time, unless extended by majority vote. xv 9.2 The Superintendent and Board Members may introduce resolutions for First Reading during the "Superintendent's Proposals - First Reading" and "Board Members' Proposals - First Reading" sections of the agenda, respectively. Upon introduction, the resolution shall automatically be referred to committee. The President shall determine to which committee the resolution shall be referred. TIle Board may not discuss or take action on a resolution introduced for First Reading at that meeting. 9.3 Members of the public may address the Board on a resolution that is intended to be introduced for First Reading and referred to committee, or a resolution previously referred to or before a committee that has not been returned to the Board for action, after the introduction of resolutions for First Reading. Members of the public may also address the Board on a resolution introduced for First Reading at the appropriate committee. The Chair may limit the time for public comment on all resolutions for First Reading to a maximum of 5 minutes for Superintendent's First Readings and 5 minutes for Board Members' First Readings and I minute per speaker or as may be reasonable under the circumstances. 9.4 The Board may suspend Rule 9.2 and consider a resolution introduced for First Reading immediately if five (5) members of the Board approve such motion and the agenda notifies the public that the resolution may be acted upon immediately at that meeting. If the Board suspends the IUles to consider a resolution inunediately, members of the public may comment on the resolution without the necessity for a "Request to Speak". before the Board considers the resolution. I 1.2 Each person requesting to address the Board on agenda items calendared for Board action or on matters other than those calendared for Board action shall be granted such requests provided a "Request to Speak" is telephoned into the Office ofthe Board of Education the Monday or Tuesday of the meeting prior to 4:30 p.m. or an individual eompletcs a "Speaker Card", prior to the item being called, on the evening of the meeting. 11.3 Substitution of speakers will not be permitted unless a designated alternate is submitted with the request to speak, 11.4 Maximum time allowed each speaker is two minutes, Any speaker requiring language translation shall be allowed a maximum oftwo minutes to speak and two minutes for translation. The District will provide translation in at least Chinese and Spanish and, if possible and with adequate notice, in other languages. 11.5 The Board President, with the approval of the Board, can modify the time permitted for speakers and public comment. 11.6 A speaker shall be ruled out of order for failing to speak on the subject matter for which the privilege of the floor was granted. 11,7 Time for total public testimony and/or Board debate shall be limited to 30 minutes unless the time is extended by majority vote and may be continued after all items have been considered. Public testimony will be heard no later than 7:30 p,m. or until the item under discussion is completed. I 1.8 Individuals requesting to speak who were held over fi'om a previous meeting shall be the first called at the next regular meeting, 12.4 Debate or action on Board members' proposals and Superintendent's proposals upon being duly moved and seconded at First Reading, unless referred to a committee, shall be held on calendar for Second Reading at the next regularly scheduled meeting ofthe Board. 14.1 No speaker at any meeting of the Board or its committees shall make any abusive, threatening or harassing personal remarks or charges against any officer or employee of the District or against any Board member, with the consequence of, first, a verbal warning and, second, the loss of speaking rights on the matter under discussion, 14.2 Charges or complaints against any officer or employee of the District may be made in writing, signed by thc person making the charge and submitted to the District's Legal Office. 14.3 Cardboard, paper or cloth placards may be brought into the Board meeting room only if they are not larger than three feet by three feet and have no wood, mctal or other type of holding device. 14.4 Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957,9, the President may order the Board meeting room cleared if violence or verbal harassment disrupts the orderly process of the meeting. XVI INFORMATION ON DISABILITY ACCESS TO MEETINGS OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES 555 FRANKLIN STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94102 (THE IRVING G. BREYER BOARD MEETING ROOM IS WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE.) pJDESTRIAN AND ===,J PARKING ACCESS f-----------------I, PATH OF TRAVEL D ----4t MEN'S TOILET ROOM PARKING WOMEN'S TOILET ROOM Franklin Street MUNI: ACCESSIBLE MUNICIPAL LINES ARE: • • • • • BART: 47 VAN NESS ON VAN NESS AVENUE 71 AND 71 L ON MARKET STREET F LINE ON MARKET STREET (SURFACE) J, K, L, M, & N LINES (SUBWAY) . FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT MUNJ"ACCESSIBLE SERVICES, CALL (415) 701-4485 OR (415) 923-6142. CIVIC CENTER BART STATION PARKING: ACCESSIBLE PARKING IS AVAILABLE. PLEASE ENTER THROUGH THE GATE OFF MCALLISTER STREET. AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE: INTERPRETERS AND FM AMPLIFICATION SYSTEM WILL BE PROVIDED UPON REQUEST IF YOU MAKE ARRANGEMENTS AT LEAST SEVENTY-TWO (72) HOURS IN ADVANCE BY CALLING (415) 355-7364 IT IS REQUESTED THAT INDIVIDUALS REFRAIN FROM WEARING PERFUME OR OTHER SCENTED PRODUCTS IN ORDER TO ALLOW THOSE WITH ENVIRONMENTAL ILLNESSES OR MULTIPLE CHEMICAL SENSITIVITY TO ATTEND THE MEETINGS OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION. Resolution ofRecognition Subject: Resolution No. In Recognition of thel00th Anniversary of the San Francisco PTA Commissioners Sandra Lee Fewer and Kim-Shree Maufas WHEREAS: The San Francisco PTA, formally known as the second District of the California State PTA, was founded in 1912; and WHEREAS: The San Francisco PTA was the second PTA to be formed in the State of California; and WHEREAS: The San Francisco PTA has served the children and families of San Francisco for 100 years and has enriched the lives of millions of San Francisco's public school students; and WHEREAS: The San Francisco PTA has been a diligent and integral partner in the education of San Francisco's children and has promoted the welfare of children and youth in home, school and community; and WHEREAS: The San Francisco PTA has been dedicated advocates for public education and the funding of public education in San Francisco and California and as a affiliate of the National PTA tirelessly advocates for public education on a national level; and WHEREAS: The San Francisco PTA has crafted policy that work toward the betterment of students and these policies have been adopted by the California State PTA, on subjects such as safe crosswalks at school sites and healthy school nutrition; and WHEREAS: The San Francisco PTA membership has expanded to over 8,000 members and contributes thousands of volunteer hours every year in our schools. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Board of Education of the San Francisco Unified School District commends, thanks and celebrates the 100 th Anniversary of the San Francisco PTA and looks forward to another 100 years of partnership. Resolution of Recognition 1/24/12 1. Second Reading Superintendent's Proposal 121-10Sp1- APPROVAL OF A PUBLIC EDUCATION ENRICHMENT FUND EXPENDITURE PLAN FOR SCHOOL YEAR 2012-2013 WHEREAS: The voters of San Francisco passed a charter amendment in 2004 to establish the Public Education Enrichment Fund (PEEF); and WHEREAS: Board Resolutions No. 44-27A10 and NO.115-1 OA3 establish a process for public input and development of recommendations by a Community Advisory Committee on PEEF. The Community Advisory Committee on PEEF has submitted its recommendations to the Board of Education and the Superintendent; and WHEREAS: Recommendations for 2012-2013 spending from Sports, Libraries, Arts, and Music portions of PEEF were developed, with stakeholder input, based on longrange master plans for physical education, libraries, and the arts; and WHEREAS: Recommendations for the Other General Uses portion of PEEF reflect a continuation in the current level of staffing and programming, as well as funds placed in reserve to offset financial impact on the District due to a reduction of funding at the State level. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Board of Education of the San Francisco Unified School District commends the hard work and thoughtful recommendations from the Community Advisory Committee on PEEF, the Arts Education Master Plan Steering Committee, the Library Advisory Committee, the Physical Education Master Plan Steering Committee, and all of the staff members who contribute to the success of PEEF; and FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED: That the Board of Education of the San Francisco Unified School District approves a Public Education Enrichment Fund spending plan for the 2012-2013 school year after examining the recommendations on PEEF from the staff and Community Advisory Committee on PEEF; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That this spending plan may be amended during the District's budget development process based on availability of State funding and/or subsequent adjustments to the PEEF allocation made by the City and County San Francisco. The Superintendent is requested to inform the SFUSD School Board and the Board of Supervisors that such amendments may occur. Superintendent's Proposal 121-10Sp1 1/10/12 1/24/12 }> Discussed at the Committee of the Whole Meeting held on 1/17/12. 2 MEETING OF THE SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT FINANCING CORPORATION IRVING G. BREYER BOARD MEETING ROOM 555 FRANKLIN STREET - FIRST FLOOR SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94102 TUESDAY, JANUARY 24,2012 EXECUTIVE BOARD OF THE SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT FINANCING CORPORATION NORMANYEE RACHEL NORTON SANDRA LEE FEWER KIM-SHREE MAUFAS HYDRA B. MENDOZA EMILY M. MURASE JILL WYNNS AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Report of Status of Projects 3. Approval prior meetings minutes (January 25,2011) (Action Item) 4. Appointment or Rotation of New Officers (Action Item) Per the SFUSD Financing Corporation bylaws: .:. The President of the Board of Education shall be the President of the SFUSD Financing Corporation. (Norman Yee) .:. The Vice-President of the Board of Education shall be the Vice-President of the SFUSD Financing Corporation. (Rachel Norton) .:. The SecretarylTreasurer of the Corporation is the immediate past President of the Board of Education (Hydra B. Mendoza), and if the immediate past President is no longer a member of the Board of Education, then the immediate past Vice President of the Board of Education is the Secretary/Treasurer. If the immediate Vice President of the Board of Education is no longer a member of the Board, then the Superintendent of Schools is the SecretarylTreasurer of the Financing Corporation Board. (Carlos A. Garcia) 5. Public Comments 6. Other Business 7. Adjournment Agenda Item Special Order of Business 1/24/2012 3 MINUTES MEETING OF THE SAN FRANCISCO UNIFmD SCHOOL DISTRICT FINANCING CORPORATION TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, 2011 - 6:00 P,M, The Executive Board ofthe San Francisco Unified School District Financing Corporation met on Tuesday, January 25, 2011 at 9:34 p.m., in the Irving G. Breyer Board Meeting Room, 555 Franklin Street, First Floor, San Francisco, California. Presiding Officer; Ms. Hydra B. Mendoza MEMBERS PRESENT: Ms. Sandra Lee Fewer, Ms. Kim-Shree Maufas, Ms. Hydra B. Mendoza, Dr. Emily M. Murase, Ms. Rachel Norton, Ms. Jill Wynns (by teleconference), and Mr. Normau Yee The following was presented; Molloll #111-25C1 (Moved by Wynns, seconded Norton) Approval ofPrior Corporation Meeting Minutes ofJanuOly26. 2010 Motion #III-25Clwas adopted unanimously. Motloll #111-25C2 (Moved by Murase, seconded Wynns) Annointment or Rotation ofNew Officers Per the SFUSD Financing Corporation Bylaws, appointment or rotation ofnew officers: .:. The President of the Board ofEducation shall be the President of the SFUSD Financing Corporation. (Hydra B. Mendoza) .:. The Vice-President ofthe Board ofEducation shall be the Vice-President ofthe SFUSD Financing Corporation. (Norman Yee) .:. The Secretary/Treasurer ofthe Corporation is the immediate past President ofthe Board of Education, and if the immediate past President is no longer a member of the Board of Education, then the immediate past Vice President of the Board of Education is the Secretary/Treasurer. lfthe immediate Vice President of the Board of Education is no longer a member of the Board, then the Superintendent of Schools is the Secretary/Treasurer of the Financing COIporation Board. (Carlos A. Garcia) Motion #111-25C2 was adopted unanimously. With the business ofthe agenda completed, the SFUSD Financing Corporation meeting was adjomned at 9;38 p.m. Esther V. Casco, Executive Assistant, Board of Education January 20 II Agenda Item Special Order of Business 1/24/2012 4 SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT San Francisco, California SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS Regular Board Meeting of January 24, 2012 RESOLUTION NO. _ A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT CERTIFYING TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO ALL PROCEEDINGS IN THE DISTRICT'S NOVEMBER 8, 2011 BOND ELECTION, DECLARING PASSAGE OF A BOND PROPOSITION IN SUCH ELECTION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS; APPROVING THE FORMATION AND APPOINTMENT OF AN INDEPENDENT CITIZENS' OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE; DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO REIMBURSE ITSELF FROM THE PROCEEDS OF THE BONDS FOR CERTAIN EXPENDITURES MADE AND/OR TO BE MADE IN CONNECTION WITH THE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION, IMPROVEMENT, FURNISHING AND EQUIPPING OF DISTRICT FACILITIES; AND DIRECTING CERTAIN ACTIONS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH WHEREAS, the San Francisco Unified School District (the "District") is situated within the City and County of San Francisco, California (the "County"); WHEREAS, the Board of Education of the District (the "Board") did, on May 24, 2011, adopt a resolution ordering an election in the District, to be held on November 8, 2011 (the "Bond Election"), on the proposition of issuing bonds in the amount of $531,000,000 (the "Bond Measure"); WHEREAS, notice of the Bond Election was given in the District; WHEREAS, on November 8, 2011, the Bond Election was held and conducted for the purpose of voting on the Bond Measure; WHEREAS, the certificate of election results received from the County Department of Elections pursuant to Elections Code Section 10550 indicates that more than 55% of the votes cast on the Bond Measure were in favor of issuing the bonds; WHEREAS, pursuant to Education Code Section 15278, the Board is required to establish and appoint within sixty (60) days of the date hereof an independent citizens' oversight committee (the "Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee") to inform the public concerning the expenditure of proceeds of the general obligation bonds issued pursuant to the Bond Measure; Agenda Item Special Order of Business 1/24/2012 SFI 175204746533/44 5 WHEREAS, the District has paid, beginning no earlier than November 10, 2011 and will pay, on and after the date hereof, certain expenditures (the "Expenditures") in connection with the acquisition, construction, improvement, furnishing and equipping of District facilities located at various locations in the District as specified in the Bond Measure (the "Project"); and WHEREAS, the Board has determined that those moneys previously advanced no more than 60 days prior to the date hereof and to be advanced on and after the date hereof to pay the Expenditures are available only for a temporary period and it is necessary to reimburse the District for the Expenditures from the proceeds of one or more issues of tax-exempt obligations (the "Bonds"); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Pursuant to Education Code Section 15124, the Secretary to this Board (the "Secretary") shall enter upon the minutes of this meeting the fact that the Bond Measure authorizing the issuance of general obligation bonds by the District in the amount of $531,000,000 has been approved by more than 55% of the votes cast at the Bond Election. Section 2. This Board hereby certifies that all proceedings of this District in connection with the Bond Election have been accomplished according to law. Section 3. The Secretary is directed to deliver a certified copy of this Resolution to the Board of Supervisors of the County. Section 4. The Secretary is further directed to deliver a certified copy of this Resolution to the District Superintendent (in his capacity as the County Superintendent of Schools) with a request that, in the event such officer has not already done so, such officer send to the Board of Supervisors of the County, pursuant to Education Code Section 15274, a certificate of election results. Section 5. This Board approves the fOlmation of the Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee and appoints such committee, upon its fOlmation, as the independent citizens' oversight committee to inform the public concerning the expenditure of proceeds of general obligation bonds issued pursuant to the Bond Measure. Section 6. This Board hereby declares the District's intent to reimburse the District with the proceeds of the Bonds for the Expenditures with respect to the Project made on and after November 10,2011, which date is no more than 60 days prior to the date hereof. The District reasonably expects on the date hereof that it will reimburse the Expenditures with the proceeds of the Bonds. Section 7. Each Expenditure was and will be either (a) of a type properly chargeable to a capital account under general federal income tax principles (determined in each case as of the date of the Expenditure), (b) a cost of issuance with respect to the Bonds, (c) a nomecun'ing item that is not customarily payable from current revenues, or (d) a grant to a party that is not related to or an agent of the District so long as such grant does not impose any obligation or condition (directly or indirectly) to repay any amount to or for the benefit of the District. Agenda Item Special Order of Business 1/24/2012 SF! 175204746533/44 6 Section 8. The District will make a reimbursement allocation, which is a written allocation by the District that evidences the District's use of proceeds of the Bonds to reimburse an Expenditure, no later than 18 months after the later of the date on which the Expenditure is paid or the Project is placed in service or abandoned, but in no event more than tlu'ee years after the date on which the Expenditure is paid. The District recognizes that exceptions are available for certain "preliminary expenditures," costs of issuance, celtain de minimis amounts) and expenditures for constmction proj ects of at least 5 years. Section 9. The maximum principal amount of the Bonds expected to be issued for the Project is $531,000,000. Section 10. All the Recitals in this Resolution are true and correct and this Board so finds, determines and represents. Section 11. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Education of the San Francisco Unified School District this 24th day of January, 2012, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTENTIONS: ABSENT: SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT President, Board of Education San Francisco Unified School District ATTEST: Secretary to the Board of Education San Francisco Unified School District Agenda Item Special Order of Business 1/24/2012 SF! 175204746533/44 San Francisco Unified School District San Francisco, California Regular Meeting of the Board of Education January 24, 2012 Special Order of Business SUBJECT: 2011-2012 Initial Re-opener Proposal from the San Francisco Unified School District to the United Administrators of San Francisco REQUESTED ACTION: That the Board o/Education presents the Initial Re-opener Proposal from the San Francisco Unified School District to the United Administrators o/San Francisco. Public Hearing on this Proposal will be held at the Regular Board Meeting of February 14,2012 Submitted by Tom Ruiz,' Sf. Executive Director, Labor Relations Approved by Carlos A. Garcia, Superintendent of Schools Agenda Item Special Order of Business 1/24/2012 8 JANUARY 12,2012 INITIAL RE-OPENER PROPOSAL OF THE SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT TO UNITED ADMINISTRATORS OF SAN FRANCISCO FOR THE 2010-2011 THROUGH 2012-2013 SCHOOL YEARS Introduction The District's last initial proposal leading up to the current negotiated administrators' contract stated: "This is a time of unprecedented uncertainty for California and its public schools." Little has changed in two years to alleviate this uncertainty. The struggling state economy will continue to adversely impact the District. The need to prepare for significant expenditure reductions is certain, including costs represented in the negotiated certificated administrator contracts. Even as the District pursues actions to secure its current and future solvency, including through negotiations, the overriding concern of both parties should be to assure, enhance, and sustain our ability to carry out the District's Vision: Every SFUSD Student will graduate from high school, college and career ready with the skills, capabilities and dispositions necessary for the 21 st century. Therefore, all District proposals and responses to UESF proposals will be based on how and to what degree they are consistent with and contribute toward the further achievement of the following District Goals: Goal 1: Access and Equity - Making social justice a reality. Goal 2: Achievement - Engaging high achieving and joyful learners. Goal 3: Accountability - Keeping our promises to our students and families. The District looks forward to continuing our cooperative interest-based bargaining (lBB) with UASF as we prepare to achieve these Goals even while meeting the significant economic challenges facing all District stakeholders. District Initial Economic Proposal Pursuant to the Section 16.1 of the 2010-2013 Agreement between San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD) and United Administrators of San Francisco (UASF), SFUSD proposes to reopen the following items for bargaining with respect to the 2012-2013 school year: Agenda Item Special Order of Business 1/24/2012 9 Article 5 Salary and Fringe Benefits • Possible reduction (and concomitant adjustment in salary) to the length of the work year through furlough days. Article 7 Leaves • Possible elimination or suspension of sabbatical leaves. District Initial Proposal for Contract Language Changes The District also initially proposes to add language to the current administrator contract as appropriate and necessary to carry out the District's Vision and achieve its Goals in areas including but not limited to the following: Discipline Process and Procedures • Establishing a new article in the contract defining the process and procedure for administrative discipline. Early Education Department • Restructuring of the Early Education Department programs and administrative structures including but not limited to the establishment of PreK-5 and PreK-8 elementary sites with corresponding salary schedules to reflect the increased administrative responsibilities. The District reserves the right to make additional proposals in areas not covered above consistent with its public notice obligations under Government Code section 3547, subdivision (d). Agenda Item Special Order of Business 1/24/2012 10 San Francisco Unified School District San Francisco, CA Regular Meeting Board Meetiug January 24, 2012 Special Order of Business SUBJECT: 2011-2012 Initial Proposal from United Educators of San Francisco (UESF) to San Francisco Unified School District REQUESTED ACTION: That the Board ofEducation presents the Initial Proposal from UESF to San Francisco Unified School District. Public Hearing on this proposal will be held at the Regular Board Meeting of February 14,2012. Submitted by Tom Ruiz, Senior Executive Director, Labor Relations Approved by Carlos A. Garcia, Supehn,tendent of Schools Agenda Item Special Order of Business 1/24/2012 11 Sunshine Bargaining Proposal for the United Educators of San Francisco fbr Certificated and Classified Bargaining Units July I, 2012-June 30, 2015 In the most recent contract bet\veen the Union and the District (2010-2012), employees contributed a significant amount of their earnings to defray the burden of a deficit that they did not create. Over the lite of the current contract, our members have watched as the district continued to make demands on cmployees to do more with less while creating yet another reorganization ofit~ central administration as well as another scheme to organize its special education operation. Our members have continued to meet the needs of our smdents in the school buildings despite the hardships they have endured under the current contract. As we enter into negotiations t()r a new contract t()r our certificated and classified bargaining units, the United Educators of San Francisco is committed to maintaining stability within the classroom and providing enhanced support services for the classroom while, at the same time, seeking diminution of the sprawling bureaucracy that administers the programs of the district. The union believes that only by supporting the classroom, providing the professional development voted by the citizens of the city when they supported the Quality Teaching and Education Act in 2008, holding firmly to class size ma:timums, and reversing the damaging impacts of the previous cost-savi ng effort~ can the District pay more than cynical lip service to its mission of eliminating achievement gaps and providing a worldclass education t()r all its smdents. Economic Issues Furlough days and re-allocations of monies voted on as part of the 2008 parcel ta.'X were temporary, one-time cost-saving measures that expire with the current contract. San Francisco teachers and paraprofessionals are united with parents in opposing any extension of these measures that are harmtiI! to students and contrary to what voters intended when they taxed themselves in 2008 to support our schools. vVe are leading effiJrts to place a measure on the November ballot to restore state funding to education and vital services that allow students to go to school ready to learn. Union proposes that members receive: • cost-ot:living and other wage increases. • increases in the district paid portion of health care coverage. Agenda Item Special Order of Business 1/24/2012 12 • the identification and standardization of all stipends as part of the new contract and the elimination of the varied and unregulated practices ofdoling out stipends for work done by unit members Working Conditionsand Benefits The Union seeks • Firm class size maximums in all classes, notjust those covered under Class Size Reduction provisions • Professional Development consistent with the program established by QTEA • Guaranteed adequate supplies tor teaching and learning • Comprehensive rules t()r dealing with student behavior issues • Freedom from the use of standardized testing in evaluation of personnel • Elimination of excessive testing and a mutually agreed upon comprehensive plan tor the administration and integration of necessary tests into classroom curricula • Maintenance and enhancement ofexisting benefits including a method for the equitable priority placement of the children of unit members in SFUSD schools The union retains its right to propose other issues not referred to in the listings above. Agenda Item Special Order of Business 1/24/2012 13 SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT San Francisco, California First Reading Superintendent's Proposal Superintendent's Recommendation Regarding Leadership High School 121-24Spl- AUTHORIZATION TO GRANT OR IN THE ALTERNATIVE DENY THE RENEWAL PETITION FOR LEADERSHIP HIGH SCHOOL WHEREAS: San Francisco Unified School District is the charter authorizer for Leadership High School ("Charter School"), which is set to expire on June 30, 2012; and WHEREAS: Pursuant to California Education Code section 47607, the Charter School submitted a Renewal Petition for the renewal of the Charter School's petition to the San Francisco Unified School District ("District"), on December 21,2011; and WHEREAS: District shall comply with all timelines for review and action on the Renewal Petition as required by law; and WHEREAS: The Board of Education shall consider the level of public support for the Charter School and shall review the Renewal Petition and all information received with respect to the Renewal Petition, including supporting documentation; and WHEREAS: In reviewing the Renewal Petition, the Board of Education shall be guided by the intent of the California Legislature that charter schools are and should become an integral part of the California educational system and that the establishment of charter schools should be encouraged; and WHEREAS: The District Superintendent and District staff shall complete a review of the Renewal Petition and issue a report and recommendation to the Board of Education regarding the review of the Renewal Petition. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Board of Education shall grant or, in the alternative, deny the Renewal Petition, subject to the requirements set forth by law. Superintendent's Proposal 121-24Spl 1/24/12 14 _._- . -_.. SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT INFORMATIONAL NOTICE OF CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL TRANSACTIONS _. I -- -----~. ---_. i I E- I Per Board Resolution 61-9A3 the following information is provided regarding Classified employees l.iNITED SUPPORT PERSONNEL APPOINTMENTS - I , 'ELEMENTARY.-SCHOOLS FIRST NAME LAST NAME , Christopher Roberto J Hoa C ~y ~yla Mary L ~yK Erickson T Greeley Hernandez Lam Li Pearson Rubio Tang Turner SITE - ----.-----West Portal - Leonard R Flvnn E.R Taylor Garfield Jefferson ,E.R Taylor Grattan E.R Tavlor CLASS S10 S10 A03C S10 S10 A03S ."-----S10 A03 , STATUS _... EFF.DATE FTE - 12/01/2011 i 09/01/2011 , 10/24/2011 01/03/2012 01/05/2012, 10/24/2011 10/13/2011 09/12/2011 Prob __Temp Temp Prob Temp Temp Temp Temp --1----- 0,4125 0.1250 0.1250 0.6875 0.6250 0.0625 0.1250 ' 0.2500 ---- I - MIDDLE SCHOOLS FIRST NAME LAST NAME SITE AngelA _ Yesenia Lorraine De Carvajal Jr Castro Scarbrough Vuong Everett Herbert Hoover Marina Visitacion Valley CLASS -- R50S S10 N10 A04 STATUS EFF. DATE FTE Temp Prob Prob Temp 10/13/2011 01/03/2012 01/03/2012 11/23/2011 0.1250 0.6875 0.5625 0.0625 i • I--' C1I 1/5/2012 2:54 PM Agenda Item Other Informational Items 1/24/2012 ! -- HIGH SCHOOLS FIRST NAME.. LAST NAME SITE Beth Leah Nicole Katie Nikisha R Ri-Xi PhiliOJ:le Selena - Alberts Cole Darcy Deciccio Lenoir Liang Rogues Staley Independence H.S. Balboa Civic Center Secondal)' School Leadershio H.S. John O'Connell George Washington Downtown John O'Connell " _... .. _. STATUS CLASS N10 S10 N10 S10 S10 R20X N10 N50 ..- , Prob Prob Prob Prob Temo Prob Prob Temo EFF.DATE 01/03/2012! 12/14/2011 12/05/2011 12/01/2011 08/15/2011 12/08/2011 12/08/2011 . 12/14/2011 ! FTE .. _~ 0.5625 0.7500 0.5625 0.7500 0.1250 0.5000 0.5625 0.6250 I I f.-. f-----. MISCELLANEOUS FIRST NAME LAST NAME - AngelA Ed Eulogio Hill Zachary David James Sarah ~ora ~y Shane M Carlos A Juan R Rebecca i-' 0) 1/5/2012 2:54 PM Carvajal Jr Fructuoso Gee Hadley Josie Ly Medanich Paz Saravia IWong SITE ---After School For All After School For All After School For All Special Education Services Special Education Services After School For All After School For All After School For All After School For All After School For All Agenda Item Other Informational Items 1/24/2012 CLASS STATUS EFF.DATE HE R70 T10 A03 S10 S10 A03 A04 A04 T10 A03 Temp Temp Teme Prob Prob Temo Temp Temo Temp Teme 11/14/2011 10/24/2011 01/03/2012 01/03/2012 01/04/2012 01/03/2012 11/14/2011 11/14/2011 11/07/2011 01/03/2012 0.0500 0.1000 0.3125 0.7500 0.6875 0.3125 0.1250 0.1250 0.1000 0.3125 - ! I I . ~~. SEPARATIONS FIRST NAME ,---- . LAST NAME •. ~ SITE . CLASS -- -._ . STATUS EFF.DATE HE S10 S10 C10 S10 Prob Temp Perm Prob 01/03/2012 01/03/2012 03/01/2012 12/17/2011 0.7500 0.1875 0.7500 0.6875 CLASS STATUS EFF.DATE FTE N10 S10 N10 N10 S10 S10 Prob Perm Perm Perm Perm Perm 12/03/2011 01/06/2012 12/17/2011 01/03/2012 01/03/2012 12/08/2011 0.5625 0.6875 0.6875 0.5625 0.7500 0.7500 .• Bruce L Bruce L Genie Evan E SEPARATIONS (con't) FIRST NAME Barrett Barrett Chan Cooperson Sarah Elizabeth Virginia Carl •. Shirlev --_.. John-Michael Sarmiento Leslie Dooley Goranova Gustavsson t'!g Serrano White Everett M.S. Everett M.S. Commodore Stockton EES Herbert Hoover M.S. .• i ~ . LAST NAME ]SITE . ..- Independence H.S. Lawton E.S. Dianne Feinstein E.S. Lafayette E.S. Garfield E.S. Principal Center . I I-' "J 1/5/2012 2:54 PM Agenda Item Other Informational Items 1/24/2012 ! .. CLASSIFIED LEAVES FIRST NAME ._--"- Blanca Bruce Carmencita David David Dennis Early Flor Jennifer .__. --- --~. ~- Joyce ~.Laura Leslie .hii!g Lucy III@Iy Monica Nazareth Nella Nenita Nora Patty Rudv Tvler Verlyn Yin Mav ..... 0:::' LAST NAME Gonzalez Aparton Adriano Jensen Larson We~l!'L Berry Palacios Uperesa WenWu Montoya Abarca-Escobar Hoshida XiaMei Haas Tucker Kwan Zimpel Romero Vella Garcia Kusuma Encarnacion 'O'Brien Papillon Wonq Agenda Item Other Informational Items 1/5/2012 2:54 PM 1/24/2012 ..- SITE APDIMission HS New Traditions Lincoln HS Bret Harte CDC Warehouse Visitacion Valley MS Burton HS Galileo Martin Luther King Custodial Department Paul Revere Fairmount ES West Portal ES Custodial Department Tule Elk Park CDC Visitacion Valley MS Student Nutrition Dept. "Sunnyside ES Human Resources Ida B. Wells HS Custodial Department Marina MS Balboa HS Pupil Services Human Resources Custodial Department CLASS ._- STATUS EFF. DATE FTE R50s N10 S10 1426 1930 R50 N10 S10S T10 2708 N10 N10S S10 2708 C10 2634 2615 S10 1212 1426 2708 R20C S10 1842 1823 2708 PERM PERM PERM PCSP PCSE PERM PERM PERM PERM PCSE PERM PERM PERM PCSE PERM PCSE PEXE PERM PROV PCSE TEXE PERM PERM PEXE PCSP PCSE 1/3/2012 3/9/2012 1/9/2012 12/29/2011 11/22/2011 11/22/2011 9/10/2011 1/12/2012 1/6/2012 1/3/2012 11/29/2011 1/3/2012 1/3/2012 12/9/2011 1/3/2012 1/3/2012 1/3/2012 12/7/2011 1/20/2012 1/3/2012 11/8/2011 1/3/2012 1/3/2012 1/3/2012 12/9/2011 11/7/2011 0.1000 0.6875 0.7500 0.1000 0.1000 0.7500 0.5625 0.5625 0.6875 0.1000 0.7500 0.6250 0.6875 0.1000 0.7500 0.1000 0.4375 0.6875 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.5000 0.7500 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 - . ! REASON i Medical Fam Care Fam Care .Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Temp Job Medical --Medical . _ - Fam Care Medical Medical Personal i Union Rep. iMedlcal ';Medical Medical Medical 'Medical Personal Medical Fam Care Medical Medical CIVIL SERVICE APPOINTMENTS F-IRST NAME LAST NAME ------_.- SITE - CLASS STATUS 2977 2615 2977 1842 2672 1824 2615 2615 8178 8178 1071 1630 1930 2672 1426 1021 1052 1930 2672 1630 2615 PROV TEXE PROV TEXE TEXE PEXE TEXE TEXE PEXE PEXE PEXP PCSE TEXE TEXE TEXE TEXE PEXE TEXE TEXE PCSE TEXE EFF. DATE. FTE -- I Beccar-Varela Brooks Gong -Graham Hilaw Hunter Jones Marin-Quevedo Miller Moore Ng..Q... Peng Sanchez Siu Sy Tai Tavakkolizadeh Usi Villanueva Wong Ye Tomas Alexandria Hans Courtney Saba A Sheila Brandv Nora ~gela Damara Eddie Frederick Samuel Lai K. Rochelle John Marvam Edwin Cecilia E Richard ZeHua _. Educational Placement Center Unassigned School Lunchroom He Educational Placement Center Superintendent Of Schools .Cc Hseprnt & Asst - Subs Sp.E'_cial Education Services Unassigned School Lunchroom He Unassigned School Lunchroom He Legal Service Legal Service Information Services & Techno Student Nutrition Services Purchasingj)J'partment Cc Hseprnt & Asst - Subs Visitacion Valley M.S. Superintendent's Zone-BayView Information Services & Techno PurchasingJ2.~artment Cc Hseprnt & Asst - Subs Accounting Services Unassigned School Lunchroom He , I i 01/03/2012 1.0000 12/12/2011 0.0825 01/03/2012 1.0000 ' 12/01/2011 1.0000 12/19/2011 1.0000 12/05/2011 1.0000 12/12/2011 ' 0.0825 12/12/2011 0.0825 12/07/2011 0.8000 12/29/2011 1.0000 01/03/2012 1.0000 12/19/2011 i 1.0000 12/01/2011 1.0000 , 12/07/2011 1.0000 11/28/2011 0.5000 12/06/2011 0.5000 11/28/2011 1.0000 12/09/2011 1.0000 12/19/2011 1.0000 12/19/2011 1.0000 12/12/2011 0.0825 I i I CIVIL SERVICE RETIREMENTS FIRST NAME LAST NAME __ I None to report ,.... c..o 1/5/2012 2:54 PM • ISITE Agenda Item Other Informational Items 1/24/2012 CLASS STATUS EFF. DATE .. _..---" FTE ~IVII !':I=~VI~I= SEPARATIONS FI_RST NAME I Genevieve Janet F Elizabeth Lila Isabel Maribel Angela ISayed Matthew SO"", i ! .. LAST NAME Hahn-Kerr Harrigan Lu Lucero Maqdaleno Medina Miller Mosbah Ng Poe ~~ IFio~i.BusChmann .. Human Resources Department tv o 1/5/2012 2:54 PM CAO - Curriculum Improvement Human Resources i Student Nutrition Services Accounting Services Bryant CDC Legal Service i Legal Service Information Services & Techno Student Nutrition Services :{ " ' " L"mlo. C"to, L~,'S'Nloo ~ Agenda Item Other Informational Items 1/24/2012 I ~ I, =1 1 t --~ I I SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT San Francisco, California Board Meeting of January 24, 2012 MONTHLY REPORTS TO THE BOARD OF EDUCATION 1. ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS The District accepted the attached cash donations for the month of November 2011 in the amount of $263,554.60 and in December 2011 in the amount of $173,444.78. The District also accepted the attached listing of supply and equipment items donated to the District. Agenda Item Other Informational Items 1/24/2012 21 Agenda Item other Informational Items DONATH.. J NOVEMBER 2011 1/24/2012 SITE '"'" CHECK II CASH $20.00 DONOR A. P. Giannini M.S. #222 A. P. Giannini MS #8555 $50.00 M. S. Patton Volz A. P. Giannini MS # 885881 $68.67 Wells Fargo Community A. P. Giannini MS II 0127897 $1,000.00 Wells Fargo Foundation Alice Fong Yu ES # 6930 $10,000.00 Aivarado ES #7527 $6,830.00 Bessie Carmichael ES # 38704 $15.00 Sret Harte ES 1139540 $105.00 Sret Harte ES # 4015350 $65.17 Sret Harte ES # 0127642 $1,000.00 Chinese Education Center # 3160 $200.00 Square and Circle Chinese Immersion School at DeAvila Chinese Immersion School at DeAvila Clarendon ES # 1003862735 $300.00 Wells Fargo Foundation # 2288473 $132.00 Ufetouch National School Studio # 1125 $15,857.29 Ciarendon ES # 3231 $16,291.28 Ciarendon ES # 072377 $80.88 Cartridges for Kids Clarendon ES # 118430 $77.00 Follett Clarendon ES # 000067041 Cieveland ES # 68484 Cieveland ES $215.50 Lisa Lee Alice Fang Yu Parents Association Aivarado PTA PG&E CDrporation P G & E CorpDration Am azon Services Wells Fargo Foundation Second Community School Parents Association JSSP PAC Box Top for Education $5.61 EScrip 112316053 $43.83 Target Cieveland ES # 2269763 $267.00 Lifetouch Nationai Schooi Studio Cleveland ES # 286889 $669.80 Sig Lots E. R. Taylor ES # 282949 $9,143.00 Cummins West, Inc. Fairmount ES # 10060 $1,500.00 San Francisco StUdy Center Fairmount ES # 40115 $1,000.00 P G & E Corporation Fairmount ES # 0127788 $1,000.00 Wells Fargo FoundatiQI}, - PURPOSE This donation will be used for instructional supplies at A. P. Giannini Middle School at the discretion of the orincipal. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at A. P. Giannini Middle School at the discretion of the DrinciDai. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at A. P. Giannini Middle School at the discretion of the DrinciDal. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at A. P. Giannini Middle School at the discretion of the orincioal. This donation will be used to pay extended hours for teachers at Alice Fang Yu Elementarv SchoDI. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Alvarado Elementary School at the discretion of the princioal. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Bessie Carmichael Elementary School at the discretion of the principal. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Bret Harte Elementary School at the discretion of the principal. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Bret Harte Elementary School at the discretiDn Df the orinciDal. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Sret Harte Elementary School at the discretion of the orincioal. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Chinese Education Center at the discretion of the orincipal. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Chinese Immersion School at DeAvila at the discretion of the orincioal. This donation wiJJ be used for instructional supplies at Chinese Immersion School at the discretion of the orincioal. This donation will be used to purchase IMAC computers, HP notebooks and Vireo chairs for students at Clarendon Eiementarv SChDOI. This donation will be used to purchase IMAC computers, HP notebooks and Vireo chairs for students at Clarendon Elementary School. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Clarendon Elementary Schooi at the discretion Df the orinciDaL This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Clarendon Elementary School at the discretion of the DrlnciDal. This donation wi!! be used for instructional supplies at Clarendon Elementary School at the discretion of the princioal. This donation wiil be used for instructional supplies at Cleveland Elementary School at the discretion Df the DrinciDal. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Cleveland Elementary School at the discretion of the Drincioal. This donation will be used for instructiDnal supplies at Cieveland Eiementary School at the discretion of the orincioal. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Cleveland Elementary School at the discretion of the orincioal. This donation will be used to pay part of the salaries for two learning support consultants at E. R. Tavlor EJementaN School. This donation will be used for instructional supplies and materials promoting exercise and safety associated with walking and bike riding to and from school for students at Fairmount Elementarv School This donation will be used to purchase emergency preparedness supplies at Fairmount Elementarv SchooL This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Fairmount Elementary School at the di~cretion of the principal. DONATIC J NOVEMBER 2011 Agenda Item Other Informational Items 1/?d1?01? NI WI SITE Francis Scott Key ES CHECK# # 0127922 CASH $1,000.00 DONOR Wells Fargo Foundation Francisco MS # 1132 $1,500.00 Payne Family Foundation Francisco MS # 000429564 $1,000.00 SRI Jntemational Francisco MS # 0127601 $1,000.00 Wells Fargo Community Gartield ES # 9523700227 $1,000.00 S. F. Parking Gartield ES # 0127712 $1,000.00 Wells Fargo Foundation George Washington Carver ES George Washington Carver ES Glen Park ES # 0127525 $1,000.00 Wells Fargo Foundation # 10067 $1,500.00 San Francisco Study Center #2329 $50.00 Glen Park ES # 176 $50.00 Glen Park ES #5246 $100.00 Paula Pell Glen Park ES #2742 $100.00 Lauren Poole & Charles Marten Glen Park ES # 6393 $25.00 Marian Kerbleski Glen Park ES # 19463035950 $50.00 Ike Greene Glen Park ES # 1352 $25.00 Jason Fang Glen Park ES #363 $25.00 Vincent Balistreri Glen Park ES #2723 $25.00 Aaron Nelmark Glen Park ES #2399 $50.00 Gregory Boyd Glen park ES # 4321 $100.00 Daniel Landis Glen Park ES #5894 $50.00 Glen Park ES # 1273 $15.00 Ellen Vratisovsky Braslawsce & Joseph Braslawsce Candida Martinez Glen Park ES #4327 $25.00 Alfred Fenton & Victoria Fenton Glen Park ES # 0053912769 $50.00 Vickie Lubarsky Gien Park ES # 1321 $50.00 Tenaya Lafore Gien Park ES # 0518 $20.00 Leota Jones Glen Park ES # 2361 $100.00 Gien Park f # 3254 $25.00 Gretchen Schuessler & Richard Danielson Emily Law Richard Landis Claudia Chamberlair - PURPOSE This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Francis Scott Key Elementarv School at the discretion of the orincioal. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Francisco Middle School at the discretion 01 the orincioal. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Francisco Middle SchOOl at the discretion of the orincioal. Th'ls donation will be used for instructional supplies at Francisco Middle School at the discretion of the orincioal. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Garfield Elementary School at the discretion of the orincinal. This donation wllJ be used for instructional supplies at Garfield Elementary School at the discretion of the principal. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at George Washington Carver Elementarv School at the discretion of the principal. This donation wii! be used for instructional supplies at George Washington Carver Elementarv School at the discretion of the principal. This donation will be used for students at Glen Park Elementary School attend a field trip to Washinqton DC. This donation will be used tor students at Glen Park Elementary School attend a field trio to Washinoton DC. This donation will be used for students at Glen Park Elementary School attend a field trio to Washinaton DC. This donation will be used for students at Glen Park Elementary Schooi attend a field trio to Washinoton DC. This donation will be used for students at Glen Park Elementary School attend a field trip to Washinaton DC. This donation will be used for students at Glen Park Elementary School attend a field trip to Washinqton DC. This donation will be used for students at Glen Park Elementary School attend a fieid trip to Washinqton DC. This donation will be used for stUdents at Glen Park Elementary School attend a field trip to WashinQton DC. This donation will be used for students at Glen Park Elementary School attend a fieid trio to Washinaton DC. This donation will be used for students at Glen Park Elementary School attend a fieid trip to Washinaton DC. This donation will be used for students at Glen Park Elementary School attend a fieid trio to Washinaton DC. This donation will be used for students at Glen Park Elementary School attend a fieid trio to Washinoton DC. Th·ls donation will be used for students at Glen Park Elementary School attend a fieid trip to Washinqton DC. This donation will be used for students at Glen Park Elementary School attend a field trio to Washinaton DC. This donation will be used for students at Glen Park Elementary School attend a fieid t(lp to Washinqton DC. This donation will be used for students at Glen Park Elementary School attend a field trip to Washinqton DC. This donation will be used for students at Glen Park Elementary School attend a field trip to Washinaton DC. This donation will be used for students at Glen Park Elementary School attend a fieid trio to Washinaton DC. )1 attend a This donation will be used for students at Glen Park Elementary [ field trip to WashlnQton DC. DONATI(,_ .J NOVEMBER 2011 Agenda Item Other Informational Items 1/?4/?n1 ? tv: ..." SITE Glen Park ES CHECK II 1117584825601 Glen Park ES 116666 $150.00 Glen Park ES 11767 $100.0 Robert Sautter Glen Park ES 11935 $25.00 Alejandro Juarez & Leni Juarez Glen Park ES 111928 $100.00 P. J. Hamilton Glen Park ES 1116331 $100.00 Lenda Townsend~WiJljams Glen Park ES 11033167 $500.00 Glen Park ES 115239 $200.00 San Francisco Police Officers Association ACTS Full Gospel Church Glen Park ES 111231 $1,000.00 Gien Park ES 111108 $100.00 Grattan ES 112815 $69,207.67 iSAHS 1105228112 James Lick MS 118752 Jean Parker ES 11157 Jose Ortega ES 1129181 $1,660.00 Philanthropic Ventures Foundation Jose Ortega ES 111416 $4,373.00 Jose Ortega Elementary PTA Jose Ortega ES 111415 $2,500.00 Jose Ortega Elementary PTA Lafayette ES 1139196 $150.00 P G & E Corporation Foundation Lafayette ES # 985219 $350.00 Wells Fargo Foundation Lafayette ES 111360651 Lafayette ES 11780 $1,000.00 Colleen Moore Lafayette ES 116498 $7,700.00 Lafayette PTA Lawton Alternative 1139213 Lawton Alternative # 1377633 $112.32 Lawton Alternative 110127939 $1,000.00 Leonard R. Flynn ES 1143535 $500.00 Leonard R.. 112880 $20.00 1 ES CASH $15.00 $4,953.80 $20,000.00 $100.00 $28.75 $61.60 DONOR Joanne Martinez Kenneth Barnes & Carmen Barnes Officers for Justice Kimberly Landis Grattan School Parent Teachers Association Whole Foods Market Andrew J. Grimstad Barbara M. Chan Ttee Save Mart Supermarkets PG&E Corporation Save Mart Supermarkets WeHs Fargo Foundation Adier & Colvin Charles K. Addcox PURPOSE This donation will be used for students at Glen Park Elementary School attend a field trio to Washinoton DC. This donation will be used for students at Glen Park Elementary School attend a field trip to Washinoton DC. This donation will be used for students at Glen Park Elementary School attend a field trip to Washinqton DC. This donation will be used for students at Glen Park Elementary School attend a field trip to Washinqton DC. This donation will be used tor students at Glen Park Elementary School attend a field trip to Washinqton DC. This donation will be used for students at Glen Park Elementary School attend a field trip to Washinqton DC. This donation will be used for students at Glen Park Elementary School attend a field trio to Washinaton DC. This donation will be used for students at Glen Park Elementary School attend a field trip to Washinaton DC. This donation will be used for students at Glen Park Elementary School attend a field trip to Washinaton DC. This donation will be used for students at Glen Park Elementary School attend a field trio to Washinaton DC. This donation will be used for salary for a teacher at Grattan Elementary School. This donation will be used for students at International Studies Academy at the discretion of the principal. This donation will be used to heip fund a .5 fie Aigebra teaching position at James Lick Middle School. This donation will be used to purchase books for rooms 203 & 204 at Jean Parker Elementarv School. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Jose Ortega Elementary School at the discretion of the principal. This donation will be used to heip pay for a consultant at Jose Ortega Elementary School at the discretion of the principal. This donation will be used to help pay for a consultant at Jose Ortega Elementary School at the discretion of the principal. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Lafayette Elementary School at the discretion of the orincipal. This donation will be used to help pay for transportation for students at Lafayette Elementarv School This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Lafayette Elementary School at the discretion of the nrincioal. This danatlan will be used for instructional suppiies at Lafayette Elementary School at the discretion of the princiDal. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Lafayette Elementary School at the discretion at the principal. This donation wiJJ be used for instructional suppJles at Lawton Alternative School at the discretion of the principal. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Lawton Alternative School at the discretion of the orinclpal. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Lawton Alternative School at the discretion of the principal. This donation will be used to help pay for conference and professional develooment for teachers at Leonard R. Flvnn Elementarv School. __ . This donation will be used to help pay for conference and professdevelooment for teachers at Leonard R. Flvnn Elementarv Schaal. Agenda Item Other Informational Items DONATI<-...~ NOVEMBER 2011 1/24/2012 SITE Leonard R. Flynn ES CHECK# # 2325733 Malcolm X Academy # 892616 Miraloma ES Monroe ES # 1562 # 1821 $6,000.00 $10,000.00 Monroe ES # 531 $40,000.00 Monroe ES # 1039 R. L. Stevenson ES # 39581 Redding ES # 1480 $3,000.00 SF Community School # 1062 $411.40 SunnYSide ES Sunnyside ES # 1749 # 1745 $675.00 $2,625.00 Sunnyside PTA Sunnyside PTA Sunnyside ES # 1748 $1,000.00 Sunnyside PTA Sunnyside ES # 1747 $830.00 Sunnyside PTA Sunnyside ES # 1746 $982.00 Sunnyside PTA Sunn side ES Sunnvside ES Sunset ES # 1751 # 1750 # 0127892 $270.00 $405.00 $1,000.00 Sunnyside PTA Sunn side PTA Wells Fargo Foundation Sunset ES # 29201 $1,258.00 Philanthropic Ventures Foundation Thurgood Marshall HS # 61672 $990.60 West Portal ES # 0127869 YickWo ES #694 $80.77 $230.00 $90.00 $1,000.00 $500.00 TOTAL: N CJl CASH $307.66 $263,554.60 DONOR Target Wells Fargo Community Time for Kids Inc SF Coalition of Essential Small Schools Monroe Elementary School PTA Erin Stack PG&E Corporation Redding School Parent Teacher Club Global Writers Inc. Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Wells Fargo Foundation Nina Xing PURPOSE This donation will be used to help pay for conference and professional develooment for teachers at Leonard R. Flvnn Elementarv School. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Malcolm X Academy at the discretion of the orincioal. This donation will be used to av for a consultant at Miraloma Elementarv School. This donation will be used for consultant fees at Monroe Elementary SchooL This donation will be used to help pay for consultant fees at Monroe Elementary School. This donation will be use for travel and conferences for students and staff at Monroe Elementarv School. This donation w·111 be used for instructional supplies at R. L. Stevenson Elementary School at the discretion of the orincipal. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Redding Elementary School at the discretion of the principal. This donation will be used for professional development days for Humanities teachers at San Francisco Community School. This donation will be used for lunch activities at Sunn side Elementarv School. This donation will be used to help fund a math specialist to work with small groups of students at Sunnyside Elementarv School, This donation will be used to help fund a dance class for is grade students at Sunnyside Elementarv School. This donation will be used to pay for arts education for students at Sunnyside Elementarv School. This donation will be used to pay for music classes for students at Sunnyside Elementarv School. This donation will be used for lunch activities at Sunnyside Eiementarv School. This donation will be used for lunch activities at Sunnvside Elementarv School. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Sunset Elementary School at the discretion of the orincioal. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Sunset Elementary School at the discretion of the principal. This donation will be used for a math teacher at Thurgood Marshall High School to attend a math workshop. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at West Portal Elementary School at the discretion of the principal. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Yick Wo Elementary School at the discretion of the orincioal. DONATH:,_ ..J NOVEMBER 2011 Agenda Item Other Informational Items 1/24/2012 SITE Career TBah Ed. Cleveland ES Information Technology Information Technology Information Technology Depf. N 0; DONATION Anolon cookware and various kitchen equipment 2 PC comouters hand truck DONOR Golden gate Restaurant Association 20 computers, 2 laptops, 3 monitors, 3 keyboards, 4 back-up batteries, 4 wrist attachments, 1 KVM switch, 1 box of mise eauipment 4 computers, 4 monitors, 4 keyboards, 4 mouse San Francisco Transit Authority McGuire Real State Ellis Au Linden Labs PURPOSE This donation will be used to support Ida B. Wells High School's Heat of the Kitchen orooram. This donation will be used bv 1st orade students at Cleveland Elementarv SchooL This donation will be used by the Information Technology Department at the San Francisco Unified School District. This computer donation will be used by students and staff of the San Francisco Unified School District. This donation will be used for students at Glen Park Elementary School attend a field trip to Washinaton DC. Agenda Item Other Informational Items DONATH.. DECEMBER 2011 1/24/2012 N --1 .J SITE Alice Fong Yu ES CHECK# check # 7015 Bessie Carmichael ES check # 44361 $1,000.00 Bessie Carm iehae! ES check # 0127906 $1,000.00 Chinese Education Center check # 1873 $300.00 Chinese Education Center check # 3161 $1,000.00 Chinese Education Center check # 147440 Chinese Education Center check # 0127459 Chinese Education Center check # 900736 $250.00 Clarendon ES check # 74138 $63.25 Welis Fargo Community Support Campaian Cartridges for Kids Clarendon ES check # 2347965 $1,132.00 Ufetouch National School Studio Clarendon ES check # 0129383 $3,000.00 Wells Fargo Foundation Clarendon ES check # 2366749 $377.00 Daniel Webster ES check # 5177 $1,724.96 Daniel Webster Elementary PTA Daniel Webster ES check # 0127917 $1,000.00 Wells Fargo Foundation Francis Scott Key ES check # 107591 Francisco MS check # 856 Francisco MS check # 1560 Garlield ES check # 9523700283 Garlield ES check # 1068 Glen Park check # 087430 $1,200.00 SF Hilton Hotei Glen Park ES check # 1176 $2,500.00 Glen Park ES check # 482 $30.00 San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs Foundation Suzette Vedder Glen Park ES check # 5793 $50.00 Roderick W. Carter Glen Park ES check # 2727 $50.00 Ana Torres Gien Park ES check # 152 $36.00 J. Suzie Roth Gien Park ES check # 1822 $25.00 Erin M. Bolick Gien Park F check # 157 $100.00 John B. Dwyer CASH $24,000.00 $28.31 $1,000.00 $50.00 $2,000.00 DONOR Alice Fang Yu Parents Association National Energy Education Development Proiect WeJJs Fargo Foundation San Francisco Chinatown Lions Club Square and Circle Club GoodSearch Wells Fargo Foundation L1fetouch National School Studios PG& E Michael & Carol Sui $500.00 Lynda Spence $1,000.00 Gentle Parking $23,539.00 Garlield Elementary School PTa PURPOSE This donation will be used to pay for extended hours for teachers at Alice Fang Yu Elementarv Schoo!. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Bessie Carmichael Elementarv Schooi at the dlscretipn of the principal. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Bessie Carmichael Elementarv School at the discretion of the principal. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Chinese Education Center at the discretion of the principal. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Chinese Education Center at the discretion of the orincioaL This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Chinese Education Center at the discretion of the principal. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Chinese Education Center at the discretion of the principal. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Chinese Education Center at the discretion of the principal. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Clarendon Elementary School at the discretion of the principal. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Clarendon Elementary School at the discretion of the principal. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Clarendon Elementary School at the discretion of the principal. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Clarendon Elementary School at the discretion of the Drincloal. This donation will be used to pay for noon monitors at Daniel Webster Elementary School. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Daniel Webster Elementary School at the discretion of the orinciDal. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Francis Scott Key Elementarv School at the discretion of the orincioal. This donation will be used for instructionai supplies at Francisco Middle Schoo! at the discretion of the principal. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Francisco Middle School at the discretion of the principal. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Garfield Elementary School at the discretion of the principal. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Garfield Elementary School at the discretion of the p(,ncipal. This donation wili be used for students at Glen Park Elementary School attend a field trip to Washinaton DC. This donation will be used for students at Glen Park Elementary School attend a field triD tD Washinaton DC. This donation wili be used for students at Glen Park Elementary School attend a field triD to Washinoton DC. This donation will be used for students at Glen Park Elementary School attend a field trin to WashinDton DC. This donation will be used for students at Glen Park Elementary School attend a field trin to Washinnton DC. This donation will be used for students at Glen Park Elementary School attend a field trip to Washinaton DC. This donation wHi be used for students at Glen Park Elementary School attend a field trip to Washinaton DC. ___ This donation will be used for students at Glen Park Elementary , 'I attend a fieid trip to Washinaton DC. Agenda Item other Informational Items DONATIt..._ .J DECEMBER 2011 1/24/2012 SITE Glen Park ES CHECK# check # 370 Glen Park ES check # 6874 $500.00 Gien Park ES check # 1077 $50.00 Wendy Silvani Glen Park ES check # 288 $700.00 Amy Gleeson Herbert Hoover MS check # 7371 $11,545.00 The Japan Foundation of Los Angeles Herbert Hoover MS check # 20185 $10,000.00 Japan Society Jean Parker ES check # 043888347 $100.00 Edythe Chan Jean Parker ES check # 2350051 $233.00 Lifetouch National School Studios Jefferson ES check # 2348299 $791.00 Lifetouch National Schooi Studio Jose Ortega ES check # 0127936 $1,000.00 Wells Fargo Foundation Jose Ortega ES check # 1414 $1,000.00 Jose Ortega Elementary PTA Jose Ortega ES check # 184 $100.00 Filip Kesier Jose Ortega ES check # 891731 $538.44 Wells Fargo Community Support Jose Ortega ES check # 39173 $45.00 Jose Ortega ES check # 8735 $100.00 Jose Ortega ES check # 1424 June Jordan School for Equitv June Jordan School for Equitv June Jordan School for Equitv June Jordan School for Equitv Lafayette ES check # 107734 ~ $1,900.00 $50.00 check # 6389 $230.42 check # 3810 $200.00 check # 40243 $50.00 DONOR K.C. Madison Providence Baptist Church PG & E Corporation Kevin Fang Jose Ortega Elementary PTA PG&E Corporation Local Independent Charities of America Charla Shelton Rolland PG&E Corporation check # 1006 $10,000.00 David P. Pollak Lafayette ES check # 8543 $3,581.09 Lafayette PTA Lawton All. check # 201075 $300.00 The University Corporation, SF State Lawton Alternative check # 1077 $700.00 New Community San Francisco Lawton Alternative check # 1568 $300.00 Chaosheng Han check # 7231 check # 2535 $36,774.00 $5,790.84 Lowell HS -: Loweli HS , CASH $20.00 The Japan Foundation Los Anoeles Loweli High School PTSA PURPOSE This donation will be used for students at Glen Park Elementary Schoo! attend a field trip to Washinoton DC. This donation will be used for students at Glen Park Eiementary Schooi attend a field trip to Washinqton DC. This donation will be used for students at Glen Park Elementary School attend a field trip to Washinoton DC. This donation will be used for students at Glen Park Elementary School attend a field trip to Washinoton DC. This donation will be used to support a Japanese teacher salary at Herbert Hoover MS. This donation will be used to support a Japanese teacher salary at Herbert Hoover MS. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Jean Parker Elementary School at the discretion of the principal. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Jean Parker Elementary School at the discretion of the orincinal. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Jefferson Elementary School at the discretion of the principal. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Jose Ortega Elementary Schooi at the discretion of the principal. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Jose Ortega Elementary School at the discretion of the principal. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Jose Ortega Elementary School at the discretion of the orincioal. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Jose Ortega Elementary School at the discretion of the orincioal. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Jose Ortega Elementary School at the discretion of the orincioal. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Jose Ortega Elementary School at the discretion of the orincioal. This donation will be used to purchase Chinese books for students at Jose Ortega Elementarv School. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at June Jordan School for Equitv at the discretion of the principal. This donation will be used for instructionai supplies at June Jordan School for Equitv at the discretion of the principal. This donation will be used for the student writinglliteracy program at June Jordan School for Equitv at the discretion of the principal. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at June Jordan School for Equitv at the discretion of the princioal. This donation wili be used to purchase equipment for Lafayette Elementary School. This donation will be used for to purchase non capitalized equipment at Lafayette Elementarv School at the discretion of the principal. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Lawton Alternative School at the discretion of the orincioai. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Lawton Alternative School at the discretion of the principal. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Lawton Alternative School at the discretion of the principal. This donation wiii be used for JaDanese Lan uaae staffino at Loweli H',qh School. This donation will be used to purchase computer equipment at LO\IVA,ll High School. Agenda Item Other Informational Items DONATI(,_ -' DECEMBER 2011 1/24/2012 SITE Malcolm X Academy CHECK 1/ check 1/981903 New Traditions ES check 1/1216 $6,276.00 Friend of New Traditions PTA Public Outreach R, L. Stevenson check 1/17728 check 1/ 1432 $5,000.00 $2,000.00 The Herbst Foundation All Stars Mandarin Center Redding ES check 1/ 0127621 $1,000.00 Wells Fargo Foundation Sherman ES check 1/1834 Sherman ES check 1/ 0127844 $1,000.00 SF Coalition of Essential Small Schools Wells Fargo Foundation Sunnyside ES check 1/ 1752 $2,100.00 Sunnyside PTA Sunnyside ES check 1/2348859 $558.00 Lifetouch National School Studios Sunnyside ES check 1/2319312 $485.14 Target YlckWo ES check 1/2367337 $203.00 Litetouch National School Supplies YlckWo ES check 1/2348975 $373.00 Litetouch National School Supplies TOTAL: N CD CASH $69.23 $826.10 $173,444.78 DONOR Wells Fargo Foundation PURPOSE This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Malcolm X Academy at the discretion of the princioal. This donation will be used to help pay for noon monitor positions at New Traditions Elementarv School. This donation will be used for the annual proqress reoort. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at R. L. Stevenson Elementary School at the discretion of the principal. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Redding Elementary School at the discretion of the prinoipal. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Sherman Elementary School at the discretion of the principal. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Sherman Elementary School at the discretion of the orincipal. This donation will be used to fund poet Gail Newman at Sunnyside Elementary School. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Sunnyside Elementary Schoo! at the discretion of the orincioal. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Sunnyside Elementary Schoo! at the discretion of the orincioal. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Yick WO Elementary School at the discretion of the principal. This donation will be used for instructional supplies at Yick WO Elementary School at the discretion of the principal. DONATL_'S DECEMBER 2011 Agenda Item Other Informational Items 1/24/2012 Chinese Education Center SITE DONATION 7 laptop computers Chinatown Rotary Club DONOR This donation will be used to support the technology department at Chinese PURPOSE Daniel Webster ES 36 Apple com puters VIZ Media LLC This computer donation will be used in the computer lab at Daniel Webster Dianne Feinstein ES computer and printer UCSF Information Technology 2 laptops Social Security Administration Elementary School. This computer donation wjJ] be used by students and staff at Dianne Feinstein Elementarv School. This computer donation will be available to students and staff of the San Francisco Information Technology 10 computers, 10 monitors, 10 keyboards, 10 mouse 5 computers, 7 monitors, 3 keyboards Boston Properties This computer donation will be used for students and staff of the San Francisco Education Center. Unified School District. Information Technology Information Technology Information Technology DeDartment Malcolm X Academv w o 13 computers, 7 monitors, 4 laptops, 4 Califomia Department of Public Health dockino stations, 4 keYboards 24 LCD Display Imperial Credit Corporation Unified Schoo] District. This computer donation will be used for students and staff of the San Francisco Unified School District. This computer donation will be used by students and staff of the San Francisco Unified School District. This computer donation will be used by students and staff of the San Francisco Various tOYS, trucks and dolls Naheed Misfeldt This donation will be used bv students at Malcolm X Academv. Polaris Equity Management Unified School District. SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT San Francisco, California (For the Board Meeting of January 24, 2012) SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION TO SUBMIT APPLICATIONS AND ACCEPT FUNDS REOUESTED ACTION: That the Superintendent and/or the Chief Financial Officer be authorized by the Board of Education to submit the following grant applications, to accept the following grant awards, and to budget the amount awarded. Total Grant Awards this Agenda 1 AMOUNT: $1,000,000 AMOUNT: GRANTING AGENCY: GRANT TITLE: $250,000 Evelyn & Walter Haas Jr. Fund Closing the Preschool to 3rd Grade Achievement Gap GDO CONTROL #: SITE: DATES OF GRANT: PURPOSE: 1107 Preschools December 1, 2011 - November 30, 2012 To support the first phase of a Preschool through 3rd Grade plan to close the achievement gap In San Francisco. EVALUATION: Levell: No assessment required DISTRICT GOAL: Goal 2: Student Achievement PROGRAM MANAGER: Carla Bryant 2 AMOUNT: GRANTING AGENCY: GRANT TITLE: $375,000 CDE Safe and Supportive Schools GDO CONTROL #: SITE: DATES OF GRANT: PURPOSE: 1108 Burton October 1, 2011 - September 30, 2012 Grant to support measurement of conditions for learning (school climate) and targeted programmatic interventions to improve those conditions. These include school safety and bullying, positive relationships and other learning supports, and student engagement. EVALUATION: Levell: No evaluation needed DISTRICT GOAL: Goal 1: Access and Equity PROGRAM MANAGER: Bill Kappenhagen Agenda Item 2a. (121-24B1) 31 3 AMOUNT: GRANTING AGENCY: GRANT TITLE: $375,000 CDE Safe and Supportive Schools 1109 Wallenberg October 1, 2011 - September 30, 2012 Grant to support measurement of conditions for learning (school climate) and targeted programmatic interventions to improve those conditions. These include school safety and bullying, positive relationships and other learning supports, and student engagement. Levell: No evaluation needed EVALUATION: Goal 1: Access and Equity DISTRICT GOAL: PROGRAM MANAGER: Cheryl Foster GDO CONTROL #: SITE: DATES OF GRANT: PURPOSE: Agenda Item 2a. (121-2481) 32 SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT San Francisco, California January 24, 2012 SUBJECT: BUDGET TRANSFERS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011-2012 REQUESTED ACTION: The Superintendent recommends changes to the FY 2011-12 Budget as adopted by the Board of Education on June 28, 2011. The budget is revised periodically as new information is received or when the assumptions on which the adopted budget was developed change. Administration recommends the following budget revisions as presented: RESTRICTED GENERAL FUND 1 FUND: 01 RESOURCE: 41248 SCH / ORG: 559 PROGRAM MANAGER: Yashica Crawford SCH/DEPT NAME: PROGRAM TITLE: Galileo High School NCLB 21st Century Learning-One Time FROM: 5100 - Subagreement for Consultants TO: 2404 - Techs, Clerks & Other Office Salaries - OT 3000s - Classified Employee Benefits $13,143.00 $9,331.20 $3,811.80 EXPLANATION: The transfer of these accounts is needed in order to implement and/or realign program needs. Availability of funds is due to anticipated budget surplus in subagreement for consultant and will be used to pay for clerical support staff supporting ExCEL After School Program at Gaiiieo High School. 2 FUND: 01 RESOURCE: 93152 SCH / ORG: 152 PROGRAM MANAGER: Kevin Truitt SCH/DEPT NAME: PROGRAM TITLE: Student Support Services Department SSSD - Trust Fund FROM: 5803 - Consultant Fees $25,014.69 TO: 4313 - Supplies $25,014.69 EXPLANATION: The transfer of these accounts is needed in order to implement and/or realign program needs. Avaiiabilityof funds is due to anticipated budget surplus in consultant fees and will be used to pay for supplies and related expenses for the reconfiguration of the Translation/Interpretation Unit. Submitted by: ~ Reeta Madhavan Director of Budget Services Agenda Item 2b. (121-24B2) Ol/Paz.. Date' , 33 SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT San Francisco, California Regular Board Meeting of January 24, 2012 Subject: Authorization to Enter Into an Affiliation AgreementlMemorandum of Understanding between Grace Urban Ministries and the San Francisco Uuified School District Requested Action: That the Board ofEducation ofthe San Francisco Unified School District authorizes the Superintendent and/or his designee to enter into an Affiliation AgreementlMOUfor the SFUSDIStudent Support Services Department to receive oral health education and dental screening services coordinated by Grace Urban Ministries. Backgrouud: Oral Health Assessment, Education and Promotion Dental decay is one of the most common reasons for children to miss school. It can not only cause pain, but also difficulty with concentration, speech problems and low selfesteem associated with early loss of teeth and poor diet due to improper ability to chew. Identification of oral health needs is the first step in assisting students toward better oral health. Grace Urban Ministries coordinates dental screenings for all first through 5th graders at Sanchez Elementary School and in collaboration with the SF Department of Public Health Kindergarten screenings. Grace Urban Ministries coordinates the dental screenings, follow-up and the comprehensive oral health education that are provided by volunteer community dental providers who are members of The San Francisco Dental Society. Children are seen during normal school hours and at no cost to the child or family. The program recognizes the need for identification of acute dental needs, education for prevention and guidance into a dental "home". This program is offered to Sanchez Elementary School with the hopes of expanding to other school sites in the future as need directs. There is no fiscal impact on the District from this agreement. This agreement is for fiscal year 2011-2012. Submitted by: -~() . ~~s Director, School Health Programs Student Support Services Dept. Z --', Superintendent : Agenda Item 2c (121,2483) 34 SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT San Francisco, California Regular Board Meeting January 24,2012 SUBJECT: TO ACCEPT THE SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT AUDIT REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2011 REQUESTED ACTION: That the Board of Education accepts the San Francisco Unified School District's Audit Report for the year ended June 30, 2011. BACKGROUND: In accordance with California Education Code 41020, each County Superintendent of Schools shall provide for an audit of all funds under their jurisdiction and control and the governing board of each district shall provide for an audit of the books and accounts of the District including an audit of school district income and expenditures by source of funds. The audit for San Francisco Unified School District has been performed by the firm of Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Co., LLP. The audit report is in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States and Standards and Procedures for Audits of California K-12 Local Educational Agencies. Prepared By: ~ iJ. lthwz Paulette G. Terrell Director of Fiscal Services Submitted by: OJ!X)AvA oseph C. Grazioli Chief Financial Officer ApproV~bY:-) /,«7 ./ ,~~~~/;// ~//J . ,arias Garcia Superintendent of Schools Agenda Item 2d. (121-2484) 35 SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT San Francisco, California January 24,2012 SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF THE SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT MEMORANDA OF AUTHORITY WITH LISTED COMMUNITY BASED ORGANIZATIONS REQUESTED ACTION: That the Board of Education approves the Memoranda of Authority entered into between the San Francisco Unified School District and Community Based Organizations and Agencies. A list of the Memoranda of Authority has been attached to this Resolution. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the attached Memoranda of Authority entered into by San Francisco Unified School District and Community Based Organizations and Agencies that are set forth on the attached list. BACKGROUND: San Francisco Unified School District will enter into the attached Memoranda of Authority for the 2011 - 2012 school year. During the course of the school year, San Francisco Unified School District will continue to execute the Memoranda of Authority with Community Based Organizations and Public Agencies to provide in-kind services and support for students and their families as needed. The services all relate to or directly address issues involving school staff, Students and their families. There are several sources of funding for these organizations. The funding may come from foundations, the private sector, the State or Federal government or different departments of the City and County of San Francisco. The Memoranda of Authority are contracts which require Board approval pursuant to the California Education Code and Board Policy. Due to timelines by the funding sources, many of the services set forth in the Memoranda of Authority must commence before the Board of Education is able to grant approval. Therefore, the Student Support Services Division is retroactively requesting the Board of Education's blanket approval of the Memoranda of Authority on the attached list. Approved by:... K vin Truitt Associate S eri tendent ~.-., ,.,""""~ A. Garcia Superintendent of Schools Agenda Item 2e. (121-24B5) 36 Boys and Girls Club of San Francisco Huckleberry Youth Programs Kids in Parks Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship Planned Parenthood Shasta Pacific San Francisco Child Abuse Prevention Center The Association of Professionals Treating Eating Disorders Clinic and the Laurel Heights Psychotherapy Associates Clinic The Marsh Writers Corps j San Francisco Arts Commission Agenda Item 2e. (121-2485) W -1 Majority of SFUSD Schools Lowell, Washinoton HS Cleveland, Fairmount, New Traditions, Marshall, McKinley, Jefferson, John Yehall, KIPP Bavview, Redding, Garfeld Wallenberg; Downtown; John O'Connell; Excelsior Visicitation Valley MS, Hoover, Grattan, EI Dorado Mission, Balboa, Galileo, Ida B. Wells Cesar Chavez All SFUSD Elementary Schools Moscone School George Moscone, James Lick Aptos, Downtown, Mission, ISA, Hilltop After school programing in education, youth workforce development, health & Fitness and Communitv involvement SAT Test-Prep Instruction Afterschool program SF Boys and Girls Club, Grants Commitment to community-based and collaborative services for atrisk youth; attention to the urgency, Complexity and ever-changing nature of the needs presented by at-risk youth Environmental Education Foundation, Individual and Corporate Donations Supporting teachers in delivering entrepreneurship education in the classroom. Sexual health education Safety lessons for elementary school children for k- 3rd grades Grants Group therapy, individual therapy, psychoed groups Arts Education Teach creative writing Grants Donations, Grants San Francisco Parks Alliance Grants San Francisco Child Abuse Prevention Center The Association of Professionals Treating Eating Disorders Clinic and the Laurel Heights Psychotherapy Associates Clinic Grants, Donations San Francisco Arts Commission SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT San Francisco, California Regular Meeting of January 24, 2012 SUBJECT: CONTRACT FOR STUDENT TEACHER AND INTERN TEACHERS REQUESTED ACTION: That the Board ojEducation Authorize the Superintendent and/or Chiej Human Resources Officer to enter into MOU jor Fiscal Years 2011-2014 with local universities to provide experiencesjor students enrolled in their training programs. BACKGROUND: The District has cooperated with the Departments of Education and Counseling of various local universities in allowing them to place student teachers and intern teachers in our schools as part of their training experience. The District is seeking authority to contract with University of Southern California. Pursuant to this MOU, the District and the University will provide supervision for the student teachers placed in District schools. The student teachers will be learners and will not displace certificated employees in the District. It is to the District's benefit to renew this MOU because it gives the District an opportunity to assess potentially superior counselors and teachers in all areas and is a good opportunity to increase teacher effectiveness in shortage areas such as foreign language, special education, bilingual education, math and science. This program increases student teacher and intern teacher choices for concurrently earning a Master of Arts in teaching and using online learning with SFUSD field based study. SUBMITTED BY: c ~~ann an Resources Officer Agenda Item 2f. (121-2486) APPROVED: ~ Carlos A. Garcia Superintendent of Schools 38 SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT San Francisco, California Monthly Report to the Board of Education (For Board Meeting of January 24,2012) SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION TO DECLARE OBSOLETE COMPUTER MONITORS, OTHER COMPUTER RELATED ACCESSORIES, FURNITURE, FIXTURES, EQUIPMENT INCLUDING CAFETERIA EQUIPMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS AND OTHER MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS AS SURPLUS PROPERTY REQUESTED ACTION: Pursuant to Board Policy P3262 and Education Code Sections 17545-17555, and Education Code Sections 60510-60530, it is recommended that the Board of Education declare certain furniture, fixtures, equiprnent and obsol~te instructional materials no longer suitable for school purposes and delegate the Director of Purchasing the authority to dispose of same by sale, auction and/or disposal or donation using the most cost effective manner. BACKGROUND: Site Administrators have identified furniture, fixtures, equipment and instructional materials that are either surplus or broken and unusable items and have requested the District Warehouse to remove them from their individual locations. District Warehouse staff will transport all functional furniture and equipment from the various sites to the District Warehouse at Selby Street. All fumiture and equipment determined to be in suitable condition will be reused in other classrooms to provide a consistency of desks and seating when replacing school fumiture and equipment. The attached listing of estimated furniture, fixtures, equipment and instructional materials are deemed to be surplus items. All items determined to no longer hold any value for replacement parts and/or is beyond economic repair will be disposed of in accordance with Education Code provisions and in the most cost effective manner. The Board of Education has the authority under Sections 17545-17555 and Section 60510-60530 of the Education Code to sell, auction, donate or otherwise dispose of the District furniture, fixtures, equipment and instructional maferials that are unusable, obsolete or no longer needed for District use. Submitted by: Rod Sarmiento Director, Purchasing & Warehouse Approved by: ~~~ eph C. Grazioli ief Financial Officer Agenda Item 2g. (121-2487) 39 San Francisco Unified School District PURCHASING DEPARTMENT ESTIMATE OF SURPLUS INVENTORY JANUARY 24, 2012 BOARD MEETING SCHOOL/SITE NAME ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY Chinese Education Center Table 1 Contract Department Facsimile Machine 1 Curriculum Resources, Libraries & Media Textbooks - No Lonaer Adopted Charles Drew Elementarv School Shelves 4 Document PUblishing & Distribution Center Printers Computer Office Chairs Chairs Shelving File Cabinet Desk Lamp 4 1 4 3 1 1 1 Excelsior Guadalupe Early Education Schooi Refrigerator 1 Garfield Elementary School (Approved by Information Technology) Computers Projectors Printers Cassette Recorder Scanner 10 1 1 Lawton Alternative School Refrigerators Television Monitors 2 2 James Lick Middle School Teacher's Desks Desk/Chairs File Cabinets 2 20 4 Claire Lilienthal K-8 Alternative School Ladder Student Chairs Tables 1 4 4 Lowell Hiah School Toasters 2 Frank McCoppin Early Education School Computers Facsimile Machine 2 1 Mission HiQh School RefriQerator 1 Monroe Elementary School Student Chairs Folding Chairs Cubby Hole Structures Copier Rollina Cart Jose Orteaa Elementarv School Desk 7 Boxes 40 7 6 76 2 1 1 1 Agenda Item 2g. (121-2487) Surplus Inventory Estimates for January 24, 2012 Board Meeting 40 San Francisco Unified School District PURCHASING DEPARTMENT ESTIMATE OF SURPLUS INVENTORY JANUARY 24, 2012 BOARD MEETING Jean Parker Elementary School 3 Tables Library Catalog Case Cabinet Televisions with Stands 2 George Peabody Elementary School Chairs Bookshelves Tables 6 2 2 Paul Revere Elementary School Tables Desks Chairs Desk/Chairs Paper Towel Dispensers Rolling Carts Televisions File Cabinets Cabinets Overhead Projectors Vacuum Cleaner Whiteboard Easels 30 24 1 1 139 3 26 5 4 4 2 5 1 2 Sanchez Elementary School Table Desk 1 1 Sherman Elementary School Computers Printer Disk Drives 4 Raoul Wallenberg High School George Washington High School Projectors Printer CPUs Router Teacher's Desk Tables Chairs 1 6 3 1 2 1 1 2 4 Agenda Item 2g. (121-2487) Surplus Inventory Estimates for January 24, 2012 Board Meeting 41 SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT San Francisco, California Board Meeting of January 24, 2012 SUBJECT: Authorization for the award of bids, purchase of and encumbrance for supplies, equipment andlor services over $81,000 or the statutory limit specified in Public Contract Code Section 20111. REQUESTED ACTION: That the Board of Education authorize the procurement of supplies, equipment, andlor services summarized below. 2011·2012 CONTRACT AMENDMENT NUMBER SCHOOUDEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION VENDOR/MBEIWBE 244-01-137 Tnfonnation Technology Department 01-00000-2012-0000-7700-5911-220 (General Funds) (E~Ratc Program) To amend contract for upgrade of the Wide Area Network (WAN) at all SFUSD schools and critical administrative offices. AT&T Global Services *Publicly Held Corp. Original Contract Value: Board Approval: 91-27C2, 01127/09 1st Amendment: Board Approval: J 16-14C2, 6/14/1 I 2nd Amendment: New Contract Value (Term: 5 years, 10 months) AMOUNT $1,465,350 $8,586,300 $205,802 $1,465,350 $10,257,453 Note: Eslimated increase amount does not increase fiscal year expenditures. The value renects securement of discounted recurring charges for 10 additional months for ongoing internet services. Estimated E-Rate Program $7,693,089.60 SFUSDCost $2,564,363.20 Submitted by: c Rod Sarmiento Director of Purchasing & Warehouse Agenda Item 2h. (121-24C2) 42 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Esther V. Casco Executive Assistant Rod Sarmiento Director of Purchasing & Warehouse Representation of Minority and Woman Business Enterprises (MBEIWBE) on purchases over $ 81,000.00 or the statutory limit specified in Public Contract Code Section 20111 A Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) is an independent and continuing business for profit, which performs a conuncrcially useful function and which is owned and controlled by one or more minority persons residing in the United States or its territories. A Women-Owned Business Enterprise (MBE) is an independent and continuing business for profit, which performs a commercially useful function and which is owned and controlled by one or more women residing in the United States or its territories. The MBE/WBE as they appear on the Jannary 24, 2012 Board Agenda are as follows: NUMBER VENDOR TOTAL AMOUNT MBE STATUS WilE STATUS 244-01-137 Information Technology Department $1,465,350 N/A N/A TOTAL *NON MBE/WBE $1,465,350 $1,465,350 MBE/WBE AMOUNT $0 Publicly Held Corp. MBE/WBE % MBE % WEE % 0% 0% 0% Purchases from government entities, publicly held corporations and sole sources are not included in this total. 43 SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT San Francisco, California Board Meeting 1/24/12 SUBJECT: Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Order and Modifications in connection with the Schooi Building Program. REQUESTED ACTION: That the Board of Education approve this modification between Guttmann & Blaevoet and the San Francisco Unified School District and instruct the Chief Facilities Officer or designee to sign all documents necessary for the execution of the modification on behalf of the District and encumber sufficient funds from the Capital Facilities Fund. CAPITAL FACILITIES FUND: Appropriation 25-00000-2012-0000-8500-6219-11480 - Architectural/Engineering Fees MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT: Mod. No.1 To Contract 01445 DESCRIPTION COST HORACE MANN MIDDLE SCHOOL/BUENA VISTA SCHOOL modify the existing contract with Guttmann & Blaevoet $20,500 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the fee of $20,500 as bid by Guttmann & Blaevoet be awarded. BACKGROUND: This contract was for architectural/engineering services associated with the renovations for the expansion-merge project at Horace Mann MS/ Buena Vista K-8 School. The scope of work included mechanical, plumbing and electrical engineering design services including security camera systems, and construction administration up to DSA closeout. This modification is for additional architectural/engineering services to include intercom system, parent's lounge HVAC and sink, and exterior lighting design for support of the new security cameras. Original contract amount (Resolution 1111-15W26, November 15, 2011) Previous approved modifications Contract to be increased by this Modification #1 (amount not-to-exceed) New Total Contract amount as modified -c~b~t:.t2Jo.--J o ~q Yonko Radonov, Director Facilities Design & Construction Agenda Item 3a. (121-24W1) $39,500.00 $0 $20,500.00 $60,000.00 ~~(L David L. Goldin A.IA Chief Facilities Officer 44 SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT San Francisco, California Board Meeting 1/24/12 SUBJECT: Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Order and Modifications in connection with the Schooi Building Program. REQUESTED ACTION: That the Board of Education approve this modification between Svala Construction, Inc. and the San Francisco Unified School District and instruct the Chief Facilities Officer or designee to sign all the documents necessary for the execution of the modification on behalf of the District and encumber sufficient funds from the Capital Facilities Fund. CAPITAL FACILITIES FUND: FOR LOPEZ ADA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT Appropriation 25-90361-2012-0000-8500-6279-11300 - Construction - Change Order MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT: Mod. No.9 To Contract 01235 DESCRIPTION COST INTERNATIONAL STUDIES ACADEMY @ ENOLA MAXWELL modify the existing contract with Svala Construction, Inc. for additional services. $103,149.15 RECOMMENDATION: It Is recommended that the sum of $103,149.15 as offered by Svala Construction, Inc. be accepted. BACKGROUND: This contract was for the modernization project consisting of added cost for removal soil contamination and other various items at the International Studies Academy at Enola Maxwell. This change order consists of added cost for the construction of the redesign of canopy footings and BUilding C east because the serpentine rocks are deeper than Geotech report shown; fixtures and ceiling replacement in the entire administration offices area; add extra' power, data, low pony wall, painting, casework, doors & hardware in the admin area; reframe deteriorated and furr out toilet room walls; demolish concrete wall per field conditions; repair phone lines damaged from demolition work; reroute security camera system per new conditions; additional window and door glazing work; door hardware changes; install kiln vent; duct modification for concrete beam; other unforeseen conditions; credit includes deleted work such as areas of rescue assistance in gym and sealant on toilet floors. Original contract amount (Resolution 104-27W24 , April 27, 2010) Previous approved modifications Contract to be increased by this Modification #8 (amount not-to-exceed) New Total Contract amount as modified Total % of modification amounts to original contract amount Submitted by: r> II -C."--::J<.l'~"'-' Yonko Radonov, Director Facilities Design & Construction Agenda Item 3b. (121-24W2) $6,601,000.00 $1,148,921.14 $103,149.15 $7,853,070.29 18% Recomme~ L ~~~--"<::? , David L. Goldin A I.A. Chief Facilities Officer 45 SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT San Francisco, California Board Meeting 01/24/12 SUBJECT: Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Order and Modifications in connection with the School Building Program. REQUESTED ACTION: That the Board of Education approve this contract modification between Kwan Henmi/3DI-Parsons (PEA) and the San Francisco Unified School District for an amount not to exceed $ 75,000.00 and instruct the Chief Facilities Officer or designee to sign all documents necessary for the execution of the contract modification on behalf of the District and to encumber sufficient funds from the Proposition 39 School Repair Program Fund. PROPOSITION 39 SCHOOL REPAIR PROGRAM FUND: Appropriation # 21-90391-2012-0000-8500-5803-11270 Primary Executive Architect CONTRACT: Mod. # 7 to No. 749 DESCRIPTION $ 75,000.00 COST Various School Sites Primary Executive Architect-Prop A 2006 Bond Program $ 75,000.00 RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education approve this contract modification between Kwan Henmi/3DI-Parsons (PEA) and the San Francisco Unified School District for an amount not to exceed $ 75,000.00 and instruct the Chief Facilities Officer or designee to sign all documents necessary for the execution of the contract modification on behaif of the District and to encumber sufficient funds from the Proposition 39 School Repair Program Fund. BACKGROUND: This modification covers the cost for the PEA for maintenance and updating of both the IMPACT and Impact Team data bases, ongoing training of the field teams, and a help desk for the SFUSD bond team and vendors using the program management system. Original contract amount Prior Modifications (1 through 6) This Modification #7 (amount not to exceed) Total Contract Value, as modified $13,300,000.00 $ 857,302.00 $ 75,000.00 $14,232,302.00 Subm itted by: ~~ Leonard Tom Director of Finance & Administration Agenda Item 3c. (121-24W3) 46 SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT San Francisco, California Board Meeting 01/24/12 SUBJECT: Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Order and Modifications in connection with the School Building Program. REQUESTED ACTION: That the Board of Education approve this contract modification between Mobile Modular Management Corporation and the San Francisco Unified School District for an amount not to exceed $7,114.00 and instruct the Chief Facilities Officer or designee to sign all documents necessary for the execution of contract modification on behalf of the District and to encumber sufficient funds from Proposition 39 School Repair Program Fund. PROPOSITION 39 SCHOOL REPAIR PROGRAM FUND: Appropriation #21-90391-2012-0000-8500-6278-11090 - Edison Charter Elementary School CONTRACT: Mod 2 to No. 1225 DESCRIPTION COST Edison Charter Elementary School Interim Housing - Prop A 2006 Bond Program $7,114.00 RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education approve this contract modification between Mobile Modular Management Corporation and the San Francisco Unified School District for an amount not to exceed $7,114.00 and instruct the Chief Facilities Officer or designee to sign all documents necessary for the execution of contract modification on behalf of the District and to encumber sufficient funds from Proposition 39 School Repair Program Fund. BACKGROUND: The original scope of services provided the lease seven (7) portable classrooms for occupancy during construction activities at Edison Charter Elementary School. The anticipated lease term is twelve (12) months covering the duration of construction at the site. The provider, Mobile Modular Management Corporation, was selected through a Request for Proposals (RFP) process for Interim Housing/Portable Classrooms. Mobile Modular Management Corporation was the only respondent to the RFP. This modification is for leasing costs that were not included in the original lease resolution. Original Contract Amount Previous Approved Modifications Contract to be Increased by Modification NO.1 Total Contract Value as modified $ 119,849.00 $ 46,481.00 $ 7,114.00 $ 173,444.00 Submitted by: fU' ~.~ Maureen Shelton Director of Construction Management David L. Goldin, A.I.A. Chief Facilities Officer Agenda Item 3d. (121-24W4) 47 SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT San Francisco, California Board Meeting 01/24/12 SUBJECT: Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Order and Modifications in connection with the Schooi Building Program. REQUESTED ACTION: That the Board of Education approve a contract modification between Cal Pacific Construction, Inc. (Cal Pacific) and the San Francisco Unified School District for an amount not to exceed $110,636.00 and instruct the Chief Facilities Officer or designee to sign all documents necessary for the execution of the contract modification on behalf of the District and to encumber sufficient funds .tram Proposition 39 School Repair Program Fund. PROPOSITION 39 SCHOOL REPAIR PROGRAM FUND: Appropriation #21-90391-2012-0000-8500-6279-11064-Hoover Middle School $110,636.00 CONTRACT: Mod. No. 13 to No. #01212 DESCRIPTION COST Hoover MS Modernization Building Construction - Prop A 2006 Bond Program $ 110,636.00 RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education approve a contract modification between Cal Pacific Construction, Inc. (Cal Pacific) and the San Francisco Unified School District for an amount not to exceed $110,636.00 and instruct the Chief Facilities Officer or designee to sign all documents necessary for the execution of the contract modification on behalf of the District and to encumber sufficient funds from Proposition 39 School Repair Program Fund. BACKGROUND: The original scope of this project includes accessibility to the entire school building and play yards, new elevators, handrail extensions at stairs, new path of travel site work, new ramp installation at entrances, toilet room accessibility upgrades, new fire alarm system, door and gate hardware, new flooring, new windows, new roof, upgrading signage and other improvements reqUired by applicable building codes or SFUSD's obligations under its settlement in Lopez v. SFUSO. This modification includes roofing, concrete, fencing, plumbing, carpentry, HVAC, landscaping, asphalt and electrical work for the project. Original contract amount Previous Approved Modification(s) Contract to be Increased by Modification #13 New Total Contract Amount as Modified Total % of modification amounts to original contract amount Submitted by: lI\k~'~ t '" M~~r~ Shelton (J- Director of Construction Management Agenda Item 3e. (121-24W5) $11,158,812.00 $ 1,011,915.00 $ 110.636.00 $12,281,363.00 10.06% _--.o.._R:.;:ec"..~m,"OO<Jb~ David L. Goldin, A.IA Chief Facilities Officer 48 SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT San Francisco, California Board Meeting 01/24/12 SUBJECT: Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Order and Modifications in connection with the Schooi Building Program. REQUESTED ACTION: That the Board of Education approve this contract modification between Rodan Builders and the San Francisco Unified School District for an amount not to exceed $35,212.00 and instruct the Chief Facilities Officer or designee to sign all documents necessary for the execution of the contract modification on behalf of the District and to encumber sufficient funds from Proposition 39 School Repair Program Fund. PROPOSITION 39 SCHOOL REPAIR PROGRAM FUND: Appropriation #21-90391-2012-0000-8500-6279-11075 Presidio CDC $49,153.00 Appropriation #21-90391-2011-0000-8500-6270-11075 Presidio CDC ($13,941.00) CONTRACT: MOD #3 No. #001344 DESCRIPTION COST Presidio CDC Modernization Building Construction - Prop A 2006 Bond Program $35,212.00 RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education approve this contract modification between Rodan Builders and the San Francisco Unified School District for an amount not to exceed $35,212.00 and instruct the Chief Facilities Officer or designee to sign all documents necessary for the execution of the contract modification on behalf of the District and to encumber sufficient funds from Proposition 39 School Repair Program Fund. BACKGROUND: This contract is for modernization of Presidio CDC as required by San Francisco Unified School District's Proposition A 2006 Bond Program. Scope of work Includes site work, interim housing, new roof, interior renovations, play structures, fire suppression system, fire alarm system, and other improvements required by applicable building codes or SFUSD's obligations under its settlement in Lopez v. SFUSD. This modification includes additional restroom work, gutter screens, electrical work, plumbing and mechanical, signage, new ceiling tiles, and playstructure safety test for a total value of $49,153.00 and a credit of ($13,941.00) for deletion of a gate and for the unused portion of the playstructure allowance. Original contract amount Previous Approved Modification(s) (No. 1-2) Contract to be Increased by Modification NO.3 New Total Contract Amount as Modified Total % of modification amounts to original contract amount Submitted by: $2,310,000.00 $66,732.00 $35,212.00 $2,411,944.00 4.41% Recomme~ ( . fA Atu;, ea.w~ L,.~:U::;-~IShelton TV Director of Construction Management Agenda Item 3f. (121-24W6) avid L. Goldin, A.I.A. Chief Facilities Officer ---:..,..; 49 SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT San Francisco, California Board Meeting 1/24/12 SUBJECT: Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Order and Modifications in connection with the School BUilding Program. REQUESTED ACTION: That the Board of Education approve this contract modification between Bolio Construction and the San Francisco Unified School District for an amount not to exceed $54,413.00 and instruct the Chief Facilities Officer or designee to sign all documents necessary for the execution of the contract modification on behalf of the District and to encumber sufficient funds from Proposition 39 School Repair Program Fund. PROPOSITION 39 SCHOOL REPAIR PROGRAM FUND: Appropriation #21-90391-2012-0000-8500-6279-11079 - Hilltop HS CONTRACT: Mod # 5 to Contract #01388 DESCRIPTION COST Hilltop High School Building Construction - Prop A 2006 Bond Program $54,413.00 RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education approve this contract modification between Bolio Construction and the San Francisco Unified School District for an amount not to exceed $54,413.00 and instruct the Chief Facilities Officer or designee to sign all documents necessary for the execution of the contract modification on behalf of the District and to encumber sufficient funds from Proposition 39 School Repair Program Fund. BACKGROUND: This contract is for the modernization of the existing facilities at Hilltop High School as required by San Francisco Unified School District's Proposition A 2006 Bond Program. The base scope of work covered by the bid amounts include: new accessible ramp and landings, new fire alarm and sprinkler system, renovated classroom and administrative area, modify and relocate restrooms, new elevator modification of food service area, and other improvements required by applicable building codes or SFUSD's obligations under its settlement in Lopez v. SFUSD. The District has chosen to include additive alternates to the work to include lighting and motion sensor replacement, and window replacement. This modification is for scope changes including change of window manufacturer; and mechanical, plumbing and architectural changes to comply with code and to meet site program needs and district standards. Original Contract Amount Previous Approved Modifications This Modification (#5) Total Contract Amount as Modified % of Modification $ 9,762,250.00 $ 134,604.00 $ 54,413.00 $ 9,951,267.00 1.94% Subm itted by: i 1Ak!...h.'~" W ~a;r~ Shelton U Director of Construction Management Agenda Item 3g. (121-24W7) 50 SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT San Francisco, California Board Meeting 01/24/12 SUBJECT: Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Order and Modifications in connection with the School Building Program. REQUESTED ACTION: That the Board of Education approve a modification to the Master Agreement between Millennium Consulting Associates ("MECA") and the San Francisco Unified School District for an amount not to exceed $7,115.00 and instruct the Chief Facilities Officer or designee to sign all documents necessary for the execution of the Master Agreement modification on behalf of the District and to encumber sufficient funds from Proposition 39 School Repair Program Fund. PROPOSITION 39 SCHOOL REPAIR PROGRAM FUND: Appropriation #21-90391-2012-0000-8500-6212-11082 - Chinese Immersion School at De Avila CONTRACT: Mod No.29 to Contract #00952 COST $7,115.00 DESCRIPTION Chinese Immersion School at De Avila Industrial Hygienist - Prop A 2006 Bond Program RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education approve a modification to the Master Agreement between Millennium Consulting Associates ("MECA") and the San Francisco Unified School District for an amount not to exceed $7,115.00 and instruct the Chief Facilities Officer or designee to sign all documents necessary for the execution of the Master Agreement modification on behalf of the District and to encumber sufficient funds from Proposition 39 School Repair Program Fund. BACKGROUND: This Master Agreement is for hazardous abatement design services for various building improvement projects related to the passage of San Francisco Unified School District's Proposition A 2006 Bond Program. Original contract was for industrial hygienist services at Marshall ES and Hoover MS. Previous modifications added IH services at Buena Vista ES, Fairmount ES, ER Taylor ES Greening, Cleveland ES, John McLaren CDC, 555 Franklin Admin, Lawton ES, New Traditions ES, Theresa Mahler CDC, Cabrill a ES, Alamo ES, Ulloa ES, Chinese Immersion School at De Avila. This contract modification includes hazardous materials construction bidding and project closeout tasks for Chinese Immersion School at De Avila. Original Contract Previous Approved Modifications This Modification #29 (not-to exceed) Total Contract as modified $ 75,740.00 $ 1,268,353.92 $ 7,115.00 $ 1,351,208.92 Submitted by: Vv~efkw~ Maureen Shelton Director of Construction Management David Goldin, A.I.A. Chief Facilities Officer Agenda Item 3h. (121-24W8) 51 SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT San Francisco, California Board Meeting 1/24/12 SUBJECT: Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Order and Modifications in connection with the School Building Program. REQUESTED ACTION: That the Board of Education approve this modification to the Master Agreement between Summit Building Services and the San Francisco Unified School District for an amount not to exceed $4,480.00 and instruct the Chief Facilities Officer or designee to sign all documents necessary for the execution of the Master Agreement modification on behalf of the District and to encumber sufficient funds from Proposition 39 Schooi Repair Program Fund. PROPOSITION 39 SCHOOL REPAIR PROGRAM FUND: Appropriation #21-90391-2012-0000-8500-5890-11079 - Hilltop HS CONTRACT: Mod #11 No. 01249 $4,480.00 DESCRIPTION COST Hilltop HS Professional Cleaning Services - Prop A 2006 Bond Program $4,480.00 RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education approve this modification to the Master Agreement between Summit Building Services and the San Francisco Unified School District for an amount not to exceed $4,480.00 and instruct the Chief Facilities Officer or designee to sign all documents necessary for the execution of the Master Agreement modification on behalf of the District and to encumber sufficient funds from Proposition 39 School Repair Program Fund. BACKGROUND: This Master Agreement is for professional cleaning services for various building improvement projects related to the passage of San Francisco Unified School District's Proposition A 2006 Bond Program. Individual service agreements will be assigned to define scope, schedule, deliverables and exact cost for each project contract as needed for the duration of the Master Agreement. Previous modification was for cleaning services at Grattan ES, Luther Burbank ES, Buena Vista, Cleveland, Downtown, Cobb Elementary School and Francis Scott Key ES, Wallenberg HS, and Aptos MS. This modification is for cleaning services at Hilltop High School after the phase move of the children and staff of family day care center at the Bryant Street side of the facility. Original Contract Previous Modifications 1-10 (amount not exceed) This Modification #11 (amount not exceed) Total contract as modified $ 0.00 $ 118,536.00 $ 4,480.00 $123,016.00 Submitted by: l1At~~ hA/ ;:;a~n Shelton Ow, Director of Construction Management David L. Goldin, A.I.A. Chief Facilities Officer Agenda Item 31. (121-24W9) 52 SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT San Francisco, California Board Meeting 1/24/12 SUBJECT: Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Order and Modifications in connection with the School Building Program, REQUESTED ACTION: That the Board of Education approve this contract between Wilsey Ham and the San Francisco Unified School District and instruct the Chief Facilities Officer or designee to sign ail documents necessary for the execution of the contract on behalf of the District and encumber sufficient funds from the 1990 School Facility Safety Special Tax Fund, 1990 SCHOOL FACILITY SAFETY SPECIAL TAX FUND: Appropriation 21-90360-2012-0000-8500-6210-11454 - Architectural/Engineering Fees DESCRIPTION COST MONROE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Architectural/engineering services $9,600 CONTRACT: No, 01460 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the fee of $9,600 as bid by Wilsey Ham be awarded, BACKGROUND: This contract is for architecturai/engineering services for modernization and new building addition at Monroe ES, The scope of work includes civil engineering/topographic survey in order to determine slopes and proper placement of the bungalow for interim housing as weil as the placement of the new building addition along Madrid Street Performable by District Civil Service Classification: No District Classification: None Reason for Contracting Out: Specialized skill requirements renders project unsuitable for inhouse staffing. Reason for Contracting Out: Wilsey Ham is one of the civil engineering firms that were selected as part of the engineering pool to provide on-going engineering services to the District (810-14W32, October 14, 2008), ~Ub~i~b~L~ <1J !?~ ~"-0~· Yonko Radonov, Director Facilities Design & Construction Agenda Item 3j, (121-24W10) 53 SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT San Francisco, California Board Meeting 01/24/2012 SUBJECT: Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Order and Modifications in connection with the School Building Program. REQUESTED ACTION: That the Board of Education approve this contract between Zoiman Construction (Zolman) and the San Francisco Unified School District for an amount not to exceed $1,568,000.00 and instruct the Chief Facilities Officer or designee to sign all documents necessary for the execution of the contract on behalf of the District and to encumber sufficient funds from Proposition 39 School Repair Program Fund. In the event the District is not able to enter into a contract with Zoiman Construction, it will award to the next lowest, most responsive and responsible bidder, or the District may elect to re-bid the project. PROPOSITION 39 SCHOOL REPAIR PROGRAM FUND: Appropriation #21-90391-2012-0000-8500-6270-11092 - Gateway/KIPP Charter Schools CONTRACT: No. #01458 DESCRIPTION Gatewav/KIPP Charter Schools Window Replacement Building Construction - Prop A 2006 Bond Program COST $1,568,000.00 CONTRACTOR BID AMOUNT CONTRACTOR BID AMOUNT Zolman West Bay E.F. Brett Pinguelo Alpha Bay Builders CLW Rodan Best Contracting $1,568,000 $1,619,000 $1,649,253 $1,661,485 $1,664,640 $1,688,000 $1,816,000 $1,846,000 Roebuck CAM Transworld Angotti & Reilly Bolio Ionian EVRA Romkon $1,875,000 $1,964,000 $1,975,000 $2,033,023 $2,042,063 $2,157,000 Non-Responsive Non-Responsive RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education approve this contract between Zolman Construction (Zolman) and the San Francisco Unified School District for an amount not to exceed $1,568,000.00 and instruct the Chief Facilities Officer or designee to sign all documents necessary for the execution of the contract on behalf of the District and to encumber sufficient funds from Proposition 39 School Repair Program Fund. In the event the District is not able to enter into a contract with Zolman Construction, it will award to the next lowest, most responsive and responsible bidder, or the District may elect to re-bid the project. BACKGROUND: This contract is for the window replacement at Gateway/KIPP Charter Schools at 1430 Scott Street as required by San Francisco Unified School District's Proposition A 2006 Bond Program. The base scope of work covered by the bid amounts include: abatement, demolition, security screens, new windows, and window shades. Submitted by: 11!YJL~~ ~a:fei Shelton Director of Construction Management Agenda Item 3k. (121-24W11) David L. Goldin Chief Facilities Officer 54 SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT San Francisco, California Board Meeting 01/24/12 SUBJECT: Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Order and Modifications in connection with the School Building Program. REQUESTED ACTION: That the Board of Education approve this contract between K2A Architects and the San Francisco Unified School District for an amount not to exceed $1,330,073.00 and instruct the Chief Facilities Officer or designee to sign all documents necessary for the execution of the contract on behalf of the District and to encumber sufficient funds from Proposition 39 School Repair Program Fund. PROPOSITION 39 SCHOOL REPAIR PROGRAM FUND: Appropriation #21-90391-2012-0000-8500-6210-11053 - Willie Brown MS DESCRIPTION CONTRACT: No. #01459 Willie Brown MS Architectural/Engineering Services - Proposition A 2006 Bond Program COST $ 1,330,073.00 RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education District for an amount not to documents necessary for the Proposition 39 School Repair approve this contract between K2A Architects and the San Francisco Unified School exceed $1,330,073.00 and instruct the Chief Facilities Officer or designee to sign all execution of the contract on behalf of the District and to encumber sufficient funds from Program Fund. BACKGROUND: This contract is for an architectural firm to provide bridging design documents for the Willie Brown MS which is a design-build project. Services include architectural-engineering and other related services to prepare the required bridging documents for the design-build solicitation, bidding review, and advisory review during construction of the school. The consultant was selected pursuant to the District's Request for Proposals process. After review of proposals submitted by 14 architectural firms the District determined that K2A Architects had the prerequisite qualifications, experience and staff for the New Willie Brown School Performable by District Civil Service Classification: Yes District Classification: Multiple Reason for Contracting Out: The extensive experience and specialized expertise in school design-build projects and the strict time frames required to perform the work preclude perform ing these services in-house. Subm itted by: ~~n~ Director of Project Management Agenda Item 31. (121-24W12) 55 SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT San Francisco, California Board Meeting 1/24/12 SUBJECT: Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Order and Modifications in connection with the School Building Program. REQUESTED ACTION: That the Board of Education approve the following selected pool of architectural firms that shall be authorized to enter into contract agreements with the San Francisco Unified School District, for the projects Included in the 2011 Proposition A Facilities Bond Program and instruct the Chief Facilities Officer or designee to sign all documents necessary for the execution of each architectural contract on behalf of the District: K2A Architecture, Gelfand Partners Architects, Hamilton+Aitken Architects, Levy Design Partners, LCA Architects, CSDA Architects, Lemanski & Rockwell Architects, Stoner Meek Noll & Tam, Sim Architects, DLM Architects, Plum Architects, HKIT Architects, DSK Architects, Marshall/Lee Architects, HY Architects, Cody Anderson Wasney Architects, KYA Architecture and Cervantes Design. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education approve the selected pool of architectural firms that shall be authorized to enter into contract agreements with the San Francisco Unified School District for the projects included in the 2011 Proposition A Facilities Bond Program and instruct the Chief Facilities Officer or designee to sign all documents necessary for the execution of each architectural contract on behalf of the District. BACKGROUND: The San Francisco Unified School District shall utilize a pool of architectural firms to provide design services to the various school sites included in the Proposition A 2011 Facilities Bond Program. This pool was selected through a Request for Proposals, which was pUblicly advertised. 47 architectural firms responded by submitting qualifications. These firms were evaluated on their ability to meet aggressive design schedules, their experience in public school architecture, qualifications of key personnel and consultants, professional fees and other various qualifications and experiences. The District selected 18 out of the 47 submitting firms, and proposes to enter into contract agreements for project assessment and project design for each of the individual school sites of the 2011 Proposition A Bond program. Selected architectural firms will provide architectural and engineering design services for building improvement projects as described in the District's Proposition A 2011 Bond Program. The District's Bond program staff will assign projects with the firms that have appropriate experience for each type of school site and specialized scope of work. Each individual project contract and contract fee amount as they are determined and negotiated will be brought to the Board of Education for separate approval. Performable by District Civil Service Classification: Yes District Classification: Multiple Reason for Contracting Out: The volume of architectural and engineer work, the extensive experience and specialized expertise in k-12 public school design and construction required and the strict time frames required to perform the work. L ~......,,c:L.,...,J: "'-. -C. Submitted by: ~ Waziuddin Chowdhury Director of Project Management Agenda Item 3m. (121-24W13) 5S lIS) San Francisco Unified School District 135 Van Ness Avenue San Francisco California 94102-5299 January 13, 2012 MEMORANDUM TO: Esther Casco Executive Assistant FROM: Yonko Radonov, Director Faciiities Design & Construction RE: yf/1J/3 i Representation of Disabled Veteran, Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprises (DVBE, MBE/WBE) In an effort to increase participation for all ethnicies and genders, the District has increased its own advertising efforts to include publications and listings with the greatest circulation to contractors and subcontractors. In addition, the bidding documents include an outreach certification which requires the contractors to solicit subcontractors through at least two (2) approved publications, advertisements or listings. The ethnicity and gender are presented below as they appear on the January 24, 2012 Board Agenda: Document MODIFICATION MODIFICATION CONTRACT Vendor Guttman & Blaevoet Svala Construction Wilsey Ham TOTAL: 13-·2988 200 Hrn,ll/9l Total Amount 20,500.00 103,149.15 9,600.00 DVBE Status Non-DVBE Non-DVBE Non-DVBE MBE/WBE Status Non-MBE/Non-WBE Non-MBE/Non-WBE Non-MBE/Non-WBE $133,249.15 Ell! f1qual opporlulli(y employer 5'7 Facilities - Prop A 200312006 Bond Program SFUSD •• 135 Van Ness Avenue, Room #208C San Francisco, CA 94102 Phone: 415-241-6152 Fax: 415-241-6988 SAN FRANCISCO PUBLIC SCHOOLS San Francisco Unified School District MEMORANDUM January 12, 2012 TO: Esther Casco, Executive Assistant FROM: David Goldin Chief Facilities Officer '4-_ _:::::=-2--.-.::7 RE: Representation of Disabled Veteran, Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprises (DVBE, MBENVBE) In an effort to increase participation for all ethnicity's and genders, the District has increased its own advertising efforts to include publications and listing with the greatest circulation to contractors and subcontractors. In addition, the bidding documents include an outreach certification which requires the contractors to solicit subcontractors through publications of an advertisement and/or listing in at least two (2) of an approved list of pUblications and/or listing. The ethnicity and gender are presented below as they appear on the January 24,2012 Board Agenda: DVBE Status MBElWBE Status NA Non-DVBE Non-MBE/ WBE Levy Design Partners, Inc. NA Non-DVBE Non-MBE/WBE AUTHORIZATION TO CONTRACT Cody Anderson Wasney, Architects Inc. NA Non-DVBE Non-MBEINon-WBE AUTHORIZATION TO CONTRACT Loving & Campos Architects NA Non-DVBE MBE/Non-WBE AUTHORIZATION TO CONTRACT CSDA Architects NA Non-DVBE Non-MBE/Non-WBE AUTHORIZATION TO CONTRACT Lemanski & Rockwell Architects, Inc. NA Non-DVBE Non-MBElWBE AUTHORIZATION TO CONTRACT Stoner Meek, Noll & Tam NA Non-DVBE MBEINon-WBE AUTHORIZATION TO CONTRACT K2A Architecture + Interiors NA Non-DVBE Non-MBE/Non-WBE AUTHORIZATION TO CONTRACT Ham ilton + Aiken NA Non-DVBE Non-MBENVBE AUTHORIZATION TO CONTRACT Cervantes Design Associates, Inc. NA Non-DVBE MBE/WBE AUTHORIZATION TO CONTRACT Plum Architects NA Non-DVBE Non-MBENVBE AUTHORIZATION TO CONTRACT HKIT Architects NA Non-DVBE Non-MBE/Non-WBE AUTHORIZATION TO CONTRACT Marshall/Lee Inc. Architects NA Non-DVBE MBE/Non-WBE AUTHORIZATION TO CONTRACT DSK Architects NA Non-DVBE MBE/Non-WBE AUTHORIZATION TO CONTRACT HY Architects NA Non-DVBE MBE/Non-WBE AUTHORIZATION TO CONTRACT Kendall Young Architecture NA Non-DVBE MBE/Non-WBE Document Vendor AUTHORIZATION TO CONTRACT Gelfand Partners Architects AUTHORIZATION TO CONTRACT Total Amount 58 AUTHORIZATION TO CONTRACT DLM Architects NA Non-DVBE Non-MBE/Non-WBE AUTHORIZATION TO CONTRACT Sim Architects NA Non-DVBE MBE/Non-WBE MODIFICATION Kwan Henmi/3DI-Parsons (PEA) MODIFICATION $ 75,000.00 Non-DVBE Non-MBE/Non-WBE Mobile Modular Management Corp. $ 7,114.00 Non-DVBE Non-MBE/Non-WBE MODIFICATION Millennium Consulting Associates $ 7,115.00 Non-DVBE Non-MBE/Non-WBE MODIFICATION Summit Building Services $ 4,480.00 Non-DVBE Non-MBEINon-WBE MODIFICATION Cal Pacific Construction MODIFICATION Rodan Builders $ 35,212.00 Non-DVBE Non-MBE/Non-WBE MODIFICATION Bolio Construction, Inc. $ 54,313.00 Non-DVBE Non-MBE/Non-WBE CONTRACT Zolman Construction and Development $ 1,568,000.00 Non-DVBE MBE/Non-WBE CONTRACT K2A Architecture + Interiors $ 1,330,073.00 Non-DVBE Non-MBE/Non-WBE TOTAL: $ 110,636.00 Non-DVBE MBEINon-WBE $ 3,191,943.00 Enclosure(s) cc: Leonard Tom, Fe Bongolan, Michelle Chariton, William Chow, Waziuddin Chowdhury, Andrea Dawson, Kristen Harper, Ryan Henderson, Erin Hirst, Dewitt Mark, Lori Shelton, Maureen Shelton, Alberto Vasquez, James Wong 59 SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT SAN FRANCISCO, CA January 24, 2012 SUBJECT: Administrative, Secondary, Elementary Certificated Personnel Actions. Action Requested: That the Board of Education approves the following personnel actions. PROBATiONARY APPOINTMENTS 121·24F1 SCHOOL SUBJECT FTE EFF. DATE Thurgood Marshall H.S. Special EducationlDlS Sheridan Pre·K Math/Science Speech Therapist Pre·K 1.00 0.40 12/05/2011 01103/2012 0.88 11/21/2011 NAME SCHOOL SUBJECT FTE EFF. DATE END DATE "yala,Robert D Gomez,Elisa Marie Menzies,Jubilee Dawn Michels,Nicholas Joseph Moilanen,Audrey Rose Bertini Nilson,Daniela Steele,James A. Wong,Nicole Andrea Yun,Jinney J. Downtown H.S. Alvarado E.S. Leonard Flynn E.S. James Lick M.S. Aptos M.S. SSS • Prevention Raoul Wallenberg H.S. Abraham Lincoln H.S. Claire Lilienthal E.S. Spec Ed Spec Ed SDC 2nd Grade Spanish Bil Math/Algebra LAiSS/Core Psychologist Science:Bio Science Heaith 2nd Grade 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.80 1.00 1.00 01/03/2012 01/03/2012 01/03/2012 01/03/2012 01/03/2012 06/30/2012 06/30/2012 02/29/2012 06/30/2012 06/30/2012 01/03/2012 01/03/2012 06/30/2012 06/30/2012 09/14/2011 01/03/2012 12/16/2011 NAME SCHOOL SUBJECT FTE EFF.DATE END DATE Toda,Jessica Maria Commodore Sloat E.S. Spec Ed Mod/Severe 0.50 01/03/2012 06/30/2012 SCHOOL SUBJECT FTE EFF.DATE END DATE Paul Revere E.S. Academic Accelera 1.00 01/03/2012 06/30/2012 Lam,Alanna S Scarboro,Catherine Cameron Zhu,Mendy Yu Qing TEMPORARY APPOINTMENTS 121·24F2 06/30/2012 INTERN APPOINTMENT 121·24F3 CATEGORICAL APPOINTMENT 121·24F4 '\ME Ramirez,Adam Troy Agenda Item 4a. (121-24F1 - F12) 60 DEPARTMENT HEAD APPOINTMENT 1·24F5 Alcantar,lsaac SCHOOL SUBJECT FTE EFF. DATE END DATE Balboa H.S. Spec Ed RSP 1.00 01/03/2012 06/30/2012 SCHOOL SUBJECT FTE EFF.DATE Special Education/Homebound Spec Ed Homebound 1.00 11121/2011 HOURLY AS NEEDED APPOINTMENT 121·24F6 Sawyer,Lei Kim TEACHER ON VARIABLE TERM WAIVER 121·24F7 Hyman,Tiffany Agenda Item 4a. (121-24F1- F12) SCHOOL SUBJECT Civic Center Secondary School Special Education 61 LEAVE OF ABSENCE 121·24F8 NAME SCHOOL EFF. DATE END DATE Brooks,Judith Marie Brown,Ernestine Bendo Cariaso,Nicole Renee Case,Diane M Chala,Louis Chinn,Carrie M. Clark,Leslie C. Eap,Heang L Edeen,Laura Avery Gonzalez Garcia,Jose Hartzog,Kevin Holzman,Rebecca Dina Jarakian,Pauline Sandra Kenny,Li Ping Khaykin,Alla Kim,Julia J. Kim,Julia J. Lee,Sang·Yeon Lee,Yi·Pei Leyva,Ana Estela Lopez,Cynthia Mackenzie,Jessie M Mackenzie,Jessie M Mana,Rosa Ernestina Marin,Ann Elizabeth Martin,Giibert Joe Lee Murdock,James E Nolen,Jennifer H Ortega,Ricardo Palacios,Flor T Pringle·Dressler,Rachael Katherine Rodriguez,Hanna Marie Romero,Ana A. Ruskin,Jennifer Scott,Kenyatta O. Shenkan,Sara Florence Smith,Judith A Speid,Tricia Ruby Van Thillo,Kathryn Michele Yanez,Veronica Yang,Justine Yuan·Jin Young,Judith Ann Herbert Hoover M.S. John Mclaren CDC Lakeshore E.S. Tenderloin School Francisco M.S. Roosevelt M.S. John O'Connell H.S. Leonard Flynn CDC Monroe E.S. Cesar Chavez E.S. Thurgood Marshall H.S. Harvey Milk Civil Rights Acade Rosa Parks E.S James Lick M.S. Rosa Parks E.S Claire Lilienthal E.S. Fairmount E.S. Elem Instructional Sup. & Ops Mission H.S. Daniel Webster E.S. Leonard Flynn E.S. Noriega CDC Serra Annex CDC Bryant E.S. Sanchez Elementary School A.P. Giannini M.S. Glen Park E.S. Alvarado E.S. Herbert Hoover M.S. San Miguel CDC Frank Mc Coppin E.S. Hillcrest Elementary School Bryant CDC Aptos M.S. Abraham Lincoln H.S. Elem Instructional Sup. & Ops Grattan E.S. John O'Connell H.S. Junipero Serra E.S. George Washington H.S. Mc Kinley E.S. Paul Revere E.S. 1012012011 1211212011 0112412012 0110412012 0110312012 11130/2011 01/03/2012 11/16/2011 10/20/2011 12/16/2011 12/14/2011 01/03/2012 09/22/2011 02/10/2012 01/03/2012 02/16/2012 02/16/2012 11/09/2011 02/2212012 04/04/2012 01/03/2012 11/30/2011 11/30/2011 01/1712012 01/0312012 11/1812011 12/0512011 07/0112012 12/0112011 01112/2012 0411612012 0110312012 12/08/2011 0510112012 11/18/2011 01124/2012 11128/2011 01/03/2012 01103/2012 01103/2012 01103/2012 12/16/2011 0111712012 0112912012 0412912012 0112612012 0112212012 12/14/2011 01108/2012 12/19/2011 01/31/2012 0113112012 01112/2012 04/0112012 06/30/2012 04130/2012 03/04/2012 06/30/2012 06/30/2012 01105/2012 04130/2012 04/30/2012 02/29/2012 01/12/2012 01/12/2012 06/30/2012 02/1212012 01/02/2012 01/02/2012 06/30/2013 01/03/2012 04/13/2012 06/30/2012 02/29/2012 02/01/2012 06/30/2012 01/09/2012 06/30/2012 02/08/2012 06/30/2012 06/30/2012 06/30/2012 04/01/2012 01/29/2012 Agenda Item 4a. (121-24F1 - F12) 62 REDUCED WORK/PARTNERSHIP TEACHING 121-24F9 SCHOOL EFF. DATE END DATE Kilipack,Alena M International Studies Academy Kim,Ann Multiple Work Locations 08/10/2011 0110312012 06/30/2012 06/30/2012 SCHOOL EFF. DATE Visitacion Valley M.S. Downtown H.S. Leonard Flynn E.S. Balboa H.S. CAO - Curriculum Improvement Tule Elk Park CDC Childrens Ctr. Administration Multiple Work Locations Special EducationlDIS 07/0112012 07/0112012 07/0112012 07/0112012 0710112012 01/18/2012 07/0112012 1211712011 12/2112011 SCHOOL EFF. DATE Independence H.S. Dianne Feinstein E.S. Cesar Chavez E.S. Herbert Hoover M.S. SSS - Prevention Special Education Services George Moscone E.S. Martin Luther King M.S Bessie Carmichael E.S. APD Textbooks Marina M.S. Abraham Lincoln H.S. 12/17/2011 1211712011 01/14/2012 12/0112011 12/10/2011 01/03/2012 1211712011 1211712011 1211712011 12/15/2011 12/17/2011 1211712011 RETIREMENT 121-24F10 Andrus,Dolores T. Bass,Sherry D. Codekas,Rebecca Conley,Elmo F. Ow Wong,Brenda Sanchez,Melanie E Shimizu,Susanna Staples,Linwood Tichman,Rhonda Lee SEPARATION 121-24F11 Alberts,Beth Lynn Darner,Elisa Rosager De Wees,Lauren R. Gong,Curran Gruchacz,Mei-Lien Fa Gruwell,Angela Nicole Lobaugh,Hallie Renee Raskin,Jesse Weissman Roscigno,Christi Nicole Treanor,Mark R. White,Leslie Loren Wong,Nlcole Andrea Agenda Item 4a. (121-24F1 - F12) 63 AMENDMENTS 121·24F12 PREV DATE COMMENTS Alberts,Beth Lynn 09/13/2011 Change end from 06/30/12 to 12/16/11 Andretla,James R. 12/13/2011 Change Status from Temporary 08/24/11·12/09/11 to Probationary effective 08/24/11 Bowman,Mary Elizabeth 08/09/2011 Change status from Categorical to Probationary effective 08/10/11 Caalaman,Richard A. 09/27/2011 Change FTE from 0.60 to 0.40 effective 11/01/11·06/30/12 Chion·Cunningham,Rossana 09/13/2011 Change end date from 12/16/11 to 02/10/12 Donnelly,Sophia B. 08/09/2011 Change status from Categorical to Probationary effective 08/10/11 Faustino,Lisa A 10/25/2011 Change effective date from 09/22/11 to 09/01111 FureY,Matlhew 09/13/2011 Change end date from 12/16/11 to 06/30/12 Harris,Micheal A. 09/2712011 Change end date from 12/16/11 to 06/30/12 Klllpack,Alena M 09/28/2010 Change FTE from 1.0 to 0.80 effective 08/10/11·06/30/12 Leung,Miml Mei Vee 04/28/2009 Reinstate status as Tenure effective 01/03/12 Liang,Jinyu 09/2712011 Change end date from 11/17111 to 01/16/12 Odle,Kevin C. 09/27/2011 Change FTE from 0.80 to 1.00 effective 08/10/11 RelllY,Veronica A. 12/13/2011 Change status from Temporary to Probationary effective 11/03/11 Vasquez,John P 09/13/2011 Change FTE from 0.60 to 1.00 effective 01/03/12 Administrative, Secondary, Elementary Certificated Personnel Action Prepared by ~.m~ Chief Human Reso ces Officer Agenda Item 4a. (121-24F1 - F12) 64 GENDER I ETHNICITY I RACE COMPOSITION PROBATIONARY APPOINTEES APPEARING IN THE AGENDA OF January 24,2012 FEMALE MALE TOTAL APPOINTEES PERCENTAGE 3 0 100.00% 0.00% 3 100.00% 0 0 3 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 3 100% ETHNICITY DECLINE HISPANIC/LATINO NON-HISPANIC OR LATINO TOTAL RACE AFRICAN AMERICAN AMERICAN INDIAN OR ALASKAN NATIVE ASIAN INDIAN CAMBODIAN CHINESE DECLINE TO STATE FILIPINO GUAMANIAN HAWAIIAN HMONG JAPANESE KOREAN LAOTIAN OTHER ASIAN OTHER PACIFIC ISLANDER SAMOAN TAHITIAN VIETNAMESE WHITE/CAUCASIAN TOTAL a a a 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 33.33% 33.33% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 33.33% 1 1 a a a a a a a a a a a a a 1 3 100.00% 65 GENDER I ETHNICITY I RACE COMPOSITION TEMPORARY APPOINTEES APPEARING IN THE AGENDA OF January 24,2012 APPOINTEES PERCENTAGE 6 3 66.67% 33.33% 9 100.00% DECLINE 0 HISPAN IC/LATI NO NON-HISPANIC OR LATINO 2 7 0.00% 22.22% 77.78% 9 100% FEMALE MALE TOTAL ETHNICITY TOTAL RACE AFRICAN AMERICAN AMERICAN INDIAN OR ALASKAN NATIVE ASIAN INDIAN CAMBODIAN CHINESE DECLINE TO STATE FILIPINO GUAMANIAN HAWAIIAN HMONG JAPANESE KOREAN LAOTIAN OTHER ASIAN OTHER PACIFIC ISLANDER SAMOAN TAHITIAN VIETNAMESE WHITE/CAUCASIAN TOTAL a 0.00% 11.11% 0.00% 0.00% 11,11% 11,11% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 11.11% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 55.56% 1 a a 1 1 a a a a a a a 1 a a a a 5 9 100.00% 66 GENDER I ETHNICITY I RACE COMPOSITION INTERN APPOINTEE APPEARING IN THE AGENDA OF January 24,2012 FEMALE MALE TOTAL APPOINTEE PERCENTAGE 1 0 100.00% 0.00% 1 100.00% 0 0 1 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 1 100% ETHNICITY DECLINE HISPANIC/LATINO NON-HISPANIC OR LATINO TOTAL RACE AFRICAN AMERICAN AMERICAN INDIAN OR ALASKAN NATIVE ASIAN INDIAN CAMBODIAN CHINESE DECLINE TO STATE FILIPINO GUAMANIAN HAWAIIAN HMONG JAPANESE KOREAN LAOTIAN OTHER ASIAN OTHER PACIFIC ISLANDER SAMOAN TAHITIAN VIETNAMESE WHITE/CAUCASIAN TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 100.00% 67 GENDER I ETHNICITY I RACE COMPOSITION CATEGORICAL APPOINTEE APPEARING IN THE AGENDA OF January 24, 2012 FEMALE MALE TOTAL APPOINTEE PERCENTAGE 0 1 0.00% 100.00% 1 100.00% 0 0 1 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 1 100% ETHNICITY DECLINE HISPANIC/LATINO NON-HISPANIC OR LATINO TOTAL RACE AFRICAN AMERICAN AMERICAN INDIAN OR ALASKAN NATIVE ASIAN INDIAN CAMBODIAN CHINESE DECLINE TO STATE FILIPINO GUAMANIAN HAWAIIAN HMONG JAPANESE KOREAN LAOTIAN OTHER ASIAN OTHER PACIFIC ISLANDER SAMOAN TAHITIAN VIETNAMESE WHITE/CAUCASIAN TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 1 100.00% 68 GENDER I ETHNICITY I RACE COMPOSITION DEPARTMENT HEAD APPOINTEE APPEARING IN THE AGENDA OF January 24,2012 FEMALE MALE TOTAL APPOINTEE PERCENTAGE 0 1 0.00% 100.00% 1 100.00% 0 0 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 1 100% ETHNICITY DECLINE HISPANIC/LATINO NON-HISPANIC OR LATINO 1 TOTAL RACE AFRICAN AMERICAN AMERICAN INDIAN OR ALASKAN NATIVE ASIAN INDIAN CAMBODIAN CHINESE DECLINE TO STATE FILIPINO GUAMANIAN HAWAIIAN HMONG JAPANESE KOREAN LAOTIAN OTHER ASIAN OTHER PACIFIC ISLANDER SAMOAN TAHITIAN VIETNAMESE WHITE/CAUCASIAN TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1 100.00% 69 GENDER I ETHNICITY I RACE COMPOSITION HOURLY AS NEEDED APPOINTEE APPEARING IN THE AGENDA OF January 24,2012 FEMALE MALE TOTAL APPOINTEE PERCENTAGE 1 0 100.00% 0.00% 1 100.00% 0 0 1 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 1 100% ETHNICITY DECLINE HISPANIC/LATINO NON-HISPANIC OR LATINO TOTAL RACE AFRICAN AMERICAN . AMERICAN INDIAN OR ALASKAN NATIVE ASIAN INDIAN CAMBODIAN CHINESE DECLINE TO STATE FILIPINO GUAMANIAN HAWAIIAN HMONG JAPANESE KOREAN LAOTIAN OTHER ASIAN OTHER PACIFIC ISLANDER SAMOAN TAHITIAN VIETNAMESE WHITE/CAUCASIAN TOTAL 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 100,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 100.00% 70 K Resolution SUBJECT: Consultant Services ~ Organization D Individual DATE OF BOARD MEETING: January 24, 2012 Is this a retroactive resolution? DYes ~ No If yes, please explain. SERVICE/PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: 121-24K1 (What the service and program description are; why the services are reqnired; how the services will benefit the District) The group of artist organizations listed in this K-Resolution are organizations, through their artists, which provide art programs at district sites, such as visual and performing arts, theatre, story telling, dance, music, and poetry. Description of services are detailed in Appendix A of each master agreement of each artist organization, which includes qualifications of artists, goals, of the services provided, and evaluation of services. The cuniculum plan will be negotiated and approved by each school site and the Administrator for Visual and PerfOlming Arts Curriculum Office. That will be total of 36.85 student contact hours at $70. per hour. Category: Visual & Performing Arts Enrichment School Site 1Department: Monroe Elementary School Participants: (Those students, sites, or personnel who will be directly served by this consultant) K-5 Dates of Service: 4/1112-5/17/12 Total Cost: $2,580.00 Code: 27 Funding Source(s)/Program Title: UGF/AB 825 - Targeted Instructional Improvement Block Grant SACS Code(s): 01-07940-2012-1110-2100-5803-729 Name of Consultant: Evaluation: Total Cost: San Francisco Arts Education Project $2,580.00 $Q $2,580.00 ========= 71 K Resolution 121-24Kl Cont. Page 2 DISTRICT GOALS AND EVALUATION: DISTRICT GOALS: EVALUATION: I:2JGoall: Access & Equity-Make soeialjustice a reality. DGoal 2: Student Achievement - Engage high achieving and joyful learners. DGoal 3: Accountability - Keep our promises to students and families. I:2JLevel I : Complete Task DLevel II: Complete Task, Provide Feedback and/or Produce Product DLevel III: Complete Task, Provide Feedback andlor Produce Product, and Show Evidence that Services are Successful DLevel IV: Complete Task, Provide Feedback and/or Produce Product, Show Evidence that Services are Successful, and Show Evidence of Transference of Skills and Capacity Building SELECTION PROCESS: Artist(s) are selected based on the services performed and necessary training requirements. Each artist will meet the qualifications mandatory to the program, required by the artist organization(s), and in compliance with district policies. DEGREE OF STUDENT CONTACT: D Limited Contact I:2J More Than Limited Contact D No Student Contact PREPARED BY: Midie Lau SUBMITTED BY: Jennifer Steiner SCHOOL SITE/and or DEPARTMENT: MOID'oe Elementary School 72 K Resolution SUBJECT: Consultant Services D Individual ~ Organization DATE OF BOARD MEETING: January 24, 2012 Is this a retroactive resolution? ~Yes DNa If yes, please explain. School schedule required work to start. or other comments: SERVICEIPROGRAM DESCRIPTION: (What the service and program description are; why the services are reqnired; how the services will benefit the District) 121-24K2 Aspiranet will facilitate, support and recruit older adult tutors and mentors fi'om the local area to provide literacy support to children, and professional development for staff. Category: Tutoring & After School Activities Code: 26 School Site/ and or Department: George Moscone Elementary School Participants: (Those students, Kinder through 3rd grade students sites, or personnel who will be directly served by this consultant) Dates of Service: November 1,2011 to May 25, 2012 Total Cost: $2,500.00 Funding Source(s)/Program Title: UGF/AB 825 - School and Library Improvement Block Grant SACS Code(s): 01-07950-2012-1110-2100-5803-723 Name of Consultant: Evaluation: Total Cost: Aspiranet $2,500.00 $Q $2,500.00 ========== 73 K Resolution 121-24K2 Cont. Page 2 DISTRICT GOALS AND EVALUATION: DISTRICT GOALS: ~Goal 1: Access & Equity - Make social justice a reality. ~Goal 2: Student Achievement - Engage high achieving and joyful learners. DGoal 3; Accountability - Keep our promises to students and families. EVALUATION: ~Level I : Complete Task DLevel II: Complete Task, Provide Feedback and/or Produce Product DLevel III; Complete Task, Provide Feedback and/or Produce Product, and Show Evidence that Services fIrc Successful DLevel IV: Complete Task, Provide Feedback and/or Produce Product, Show Evidence that Services arc Successful, and Show Evidence of Transference of Skills and Capacity Building SELECTION PROCESS: Organization (Experience Corps/Aspiranet) cUlTently serves several SFUSD schools. DEGREE OF STUDENT CONTACT: D Limited Contact ~ More Than Limited Contact D No Student Contact PREPARED AND SUBMITTED BY: Valerie Hoshino SCHOOL SITE/and or DEPARTMENT: George Moscone Elementary School 74 K Resolution Amendment SUBJECT: Consultant Services D Individual [g] Organization DATE OF BOARD MEETING: January 24, 2012 AMENDMENT TO RESOLUTION(s): 119-27Kll List original and all previous amendment resolution numbers. Explain wlly tlle amendment is needed: Choose from list below: 01' otller comments: cllange funding SERVICEIPROGRAM DESCRIPTION: 121-24K3 (What the service and program description are; why the services are required: how the services will benefit the District) To implement the Primary Intervention Program for a total of 10 hours per week. Edgewood will provide one Child Aide to Monroe and will serve a minimum of 8 children per cycle. There will be two cycles per school year for a minimum total of 16 children per school year. There will be 30 minute session for each child served for once a week for a minimum of 10 weeks. Category: Supplemental Student Counseling School Site/ and or Department: Code: 21 Monroe Elementary School Participants: (Those students, sites, or personnel who will be directly served by this consultant) Original Dates of Service: 9/1111 - 5/25/12 Amended Dates of Service: Cost ofthis Amendment Request: $0 Funding Source(s)/Program Title: UGFIAB 825 - Targeted Instructional Improvement Block Grant Trust Fund - PTA Funds SACS Code(s): 01-07940-2012-1110-2100-5803-729 01-93006-2012-1110-2100-5803-729 a) Name of Consultant: $6,250 ($6250) Credit Edgewood Center for Children and Families b) Evaluation: (if applicable) Cost of this Request $0 $0 75 K Resolution Amendment 121-24K3 Cont. Page 2 Background $6,250.00 c) Original Cost Adopted d) Previous Amendment(s) if any $.Q $6,250.00 Total Program Cost To Date (Add Items a to d) DISTRICT GOALS AND EVALUATION: DISTRICT GOALS: OGoa11: Access & Equity - Make social justice a reality. ~Goa1 2: Student Achievement - Engage high achieving and joyful leamers. OGoa1 3: Accountability - Keep our promises to students and families. EVALUATION: ~Leve1 I : Complete Task OLeve1 II : Complete Task, Provide Feedback and/or Produce Product DLevel III: Complete Task, Provide Feedback andlor Produce Product, and Show Evidence that Services are Successful DLevel IV: Complete Task, Provide Feedback and/or Produce Product, Show Evidence that Services are Successful, and Show Evidence of Transference of Skills and Capacity Building SELECTION PROCESS: continuing services DEGREE OF STUDENT CONTACT: o Limited Contact ~ More Than Limited Contact 0 No Student Contact PREPARED BY: Midie Lau SUBMITTED BY: Jennifer Steiner SCHOOL SITE/and or DEPARTMENT: Momoe Elementary School 76 J( Resolution Amendment SUBJECT: Consultant Services D Individual ISJ Organization DATE OF BOARD MEETING: January 24, 2012 AMENDMENT TO RESOLUTION(s): 11-178KA List original and all previous amendment resolution numbers. Explain wlty tlte amendment is needed: Additions/deletions of services to students. or otlter comments: Additional support services including tlte implementation oftlte Building Bridges Program for parmt engagement and Administrator coaclting. SERVICEfPROGRAM DESCRIPTION: 121-24K4 (What the service and program description are; why the services are required; how the services will benefit the District) Under this amendment, High Expectations will provide 20 haUl's a week of consulting and program development fi'om 1/11/12-5/31/12 to include professional development for teachers, staff and administrators, as well as additional opportunities for parent leadership, to support development of a plan for creating a welcoming and safe environment for all Paul Revere community members - parents, staff and students. High Expectations will establish the Paul Revere School Building Bridges Partnership (BBP) Team to create a systematic approach to parent engagement. The team (made up of 1-3 teachers and/or other staff, 2-3 parents, the school Principal, and the parent liaison) will build capacity in the school to sustain parent involvement into the future. The team assists with assessing present parent involvement practices, implementing activities, evaluating next steps and continuing to improve and coordinate practices for all types of involvement. High Expectations will facilitate monthly BBP meetings and document the processes for use in future years. This parent engagement roadmap will outline the best practices to be used in engaging all parents, particularly those who have uninvolved in the past. High Expectations will provide a 90-minute workshop for the teachers and staff at the school site. The training entitled, "Building Bridges" will equip teachers with the tools needed to build positive relationships with their parents. Teachers will discuss how building relationships with parents is a prerequisite for parental support. They will also receive strategies for building these essential relationships. High Expectations Parental Service will provide coaching for the Principal to build community trust and support in establishing and communicating school policies and procedures that are respected by the parent community. High Expectations will establish weekly meetings with the school Principal to strategize ways to communicate with the parent community in a way that builds trust. Target and Number of Recipients/Participants (especially note ELL, SPED involvement): All Paul Revere faculty, staff and administrators. Building Bridges strives to represent and serve all 450 students K-8, with emphasis on including a diverse group of stakeholders and. Voices. Strategies and activities developed by the Building Bridges Team will impact all 450 students and tlleir families. Program Goals: -Foster a positive school culture; -professional development; -increase family engagement in student leat111ng; -strengthen family and commnnity ties; and -build a community school 77 [( Resolution Amendment 121-24K4 Cont. Page 2 Category: Professional Development School Site/ and or Department: Code: 14 Paul Revere K-8 School Participants: (Those students, Paul Revere faculty, staff and administrators sites, or personnel who will be directly served by this consultant) Original Dates of Service: 11/23/11 - 5/31/12 Amended Dates of Service: Cost ofthis Amendment Request: $60,300,00 Funding Source(s)/Program Title: NCLB: ARRA Title I, School Improvement Grant (SIG) SACS Code(s): 01-31812-2012-1110-2100-5803-760 a) Name of Consultant: High Expectations Cost of this Request $60,300.00 $ b) Evaluation: (if applicable) Backgronnd c) Original Cost Adopted $20,800.00 d) Previous Amendment(s) if any $Q Total Program Cost To Date $81,100.00 (Add Items a to d) ============= DISTRICT GOALS AND EVALUATION: DISTRICT GOALS: DGoal 1: Access & Equity - Make social justice a reality. DGoa12: Student Achievement- Eugage high achieving and joyful learners. [SjGoal 3: Accountability - Keep our promises to students and families. EVALUATION: [SjLevelI: Complete Task [SjLevel II : Complete Task, Provide Feedback and/or Produce Product DLevel III: Complete Task, Provide Feedback and/or Produce Product, and Show Evidence that Services are Successful DLevel IV: Complete Task, Provide Feedback and/or Produce Product, Show Evidence that Services are Successful, and Show Evidence of Transference of Skills and Capacity Building 78 [( Resolution Amendment 121-24K4 Cont. Page 3 SELECTION PROCESS: Evidence/Research Base that supports this expenditure: as well as student/school data you considered: The Building Bridges Partnership Team (BBP) is a successful practice developed by the National Network of Partnership Schools. The Paul Revere community has expressed a desire for better communication by the school and a greater voice in school policy. A recent school survey shows a high interest in this process and confidence in its potential to improve the school climate. DEGREE OF STUDENT CONTACT: D Limited Contact D More Than Limited Contact I:2J No Student Contact PREPARED BY: Shauna Harper SUBMITTED BY: Dr. Patricia Gray, Assistant Superintendent - Bayview SCHOOL SITE/and or DEPARTMENT: Paul Revere K-8 School 79 K Resolution Amendment SUBJECT: Consultant Services 0 Individual [g] Organization DATE OF BOARD MEETING: January 24, 2012 AMENDMENT TO RESOLUTION(s): 116-14K87 List original and all previous amendment resolution numbers. Explain why the amendment is needed: Additions/deletions ofname(s) / Org.'s. or other comments: Original K Resolution had error in Lead Agency name SERVICEfPROGRAM DESCRIPTION: 121-24K5 (What the service and program description are; why the services are reqnired; how the services will benefit the District) The Starr King ExCEL After School Program is seeking to continue partnership with the Urban Services YMCA. As Lead Agency, the Urban Services YMCA will provide overall management of the program, including programmatic and fiscal accountability. Total amount paid to the Urban Services YMCA includes reimbursement for supplies, materials and staffing not to exceed $200,381. Category: Tutoring & After School Activities Code: 26 School Site/ and or Department: Student Support Services Participants: (Those students, sites, or personnel who will be directly served by this consultant) 185 Starr King Elementary Students Original Dates of Service: Amended Dates of Service: Cost ofthis Amendment Request: July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012 $0 Funding Source(s)/Program Title: After School Education and Safety Program (ASES) NCLB: Title IV, Part B, 21 st Century community Learning Centers SACS Code(s): 01-60100-2012-1110-2100-5803-838 01-601 00-2012-111 0-21 00-51 00-838 01-41245-2012-1110-2100-5803-838 01-41245-2012-1110-2100-5100-838 $25,000 $79,756 $25,000 $70,625 80 J( Resolution Amendmmt 121-24KS Cont. Page 2 a) Name of Consultant: Urban Services YMCA $200,381 Bay Area Community Rcsources ($200,381) Credit Cost of this Request $0 $0 b) Evaluation: (if applicable) Backgl'ound c) Original Cost Adopted $200,381.00 d) Previous Amendment(s) if any $Q Total Program Cost To Date $200,381.00 (Add Items a to d) ============= DISTRICT GOALS AND EVALUATION: DISTillCT [g]Goal 1: Access & Equity - Make social justice a reality. GOALS: [g]GoaI2: Student Achievement - Engage high achieving and joyful learners. [g]Goal 3: Accountability - Keep our promises to stndents and families. EVALUATION: [g]Levell: Complete Task [g]LevellI: Complete Task, Provide Feedback and/or Produce Product DLevel III: Complete Task, Provide Feedback and/or Produce Product, and Show Evidence that Services are Successful DLevel IV: Complete Task, Provide Feedback and/or Produce Product, Show Evidence that Services are Successful, and Show Evidence of Transference of Skills and Capacity Building SELECTION PROCESS: The Urban Services YMCA is an approved ExCEL provider through the Request for Qualifications process. The Urban Services YMCA was chosen by the school community to provide overall support to the after school program. DEGREE OF STUDENT CONTACT: o Limited Contact 0 More Than Limited Contact 0 No Student Contact PREPARED BY: Aurelio Cisneros SUBMITTED BY: Yashica Crawford SCHOOL SITE/and or DEPARTMENT: Student Support Services 81 J( Resolution SUBJECT: Consultant Services D Individual Amendment IZ::J Organization DATE OF BOARD MEETING: January 24, 2012 AMENDMENT TO RESOLUTION(s): 116-14K96 & 1110-2SK22 List original and all previous amendment resolution numbers. Explain why the amendment is needed: Additions/deletions of services to students. 01' other comments: Number ofstudents to be served has clulIIgedfrom 106 students to 99 students to reflect contractual agreement SERVICE/PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: 121-24K6 (What the service and program description are: why the services are reqnired: how the services will benefit the District) Cleveland ExCEL After School Program is seeking to continue partnership with Bay Area Community Resources (BACR). As Lead Agency, BACR will provide overall management of the program, including programmatic and fiscal accountability. Total amount paid to BACR includes reimbursement for supplies, materials and staffing not to exceed $87,000. Category: Tutoring & After School Activities Code: 26 School Site/ and or Department: Student Support Services Participants: (Those students, sites, or personnel who will be directly served by this consultant) 99 Cleveland Elementary Students Original Dates of Service: Amended Dates of Service: Cost of this Amendment Request: July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012 July 1,2011 to June 30, 2012 $0 Fnnding Source(s)/Program Title: After School Education and Safety Program SACS Code(s): 01-60100-2012-1110-21 00-5803-481 01-60100-2012-1110-2100-5100-481 a) Name of Consultant: Bay Al'ea Commuuity Resources Cost of this Request $0 b) Evaluation: (if applicable) $0 82 K Resolution Amendment 121-24K6 Cont. Page 2 Background c) Original Cost Adopted $96,054.80 d) Previous Amendment(s) if any ($ 9,054.80) Total Program Cost To Date $87,000.00 (Add Items a to d) DISTRICT GOALS AND EVALUATION: DISTRICT GOALS: [g]Goal l: Access & Equity - Make social justice a reality. [g]Goal 2: Student Achievement - Engage high achieving and joyful learners. [g]Goal 3: Accountability - Keep our promises to students and families. EVALUATION: [g]Level I : Complete Task [g]Level II: Complete Task, Provide Feedback and/or Produce Product DLevel III: Complete Task, Provide Feedback and/or Produce Product, and Show Evidence that Services are Successful DLevel IV: Complete Task, Provide Feedback and/or Produce Product, Show Evidence that Services are Successful, and Show Evidence of Transference of Skills and Capacity Building SELECTION PROCESS: Bay Area Community Resources (BACR) is an approved ExCEL Provider through the Request for Qualifications process. BACR was chosen by the school community to provide overall suppOli to the after school program. DEGREE OF STUDENT CONTACT: D Limited Contact [g] More Than Limited Contact D No Student Contact PREPARED BY: Karen Polk SUBMITTED BY: Yashica Crawford SCHOOL SITE/and or DEPARTMENT: Student Support Services 83 K Resolution Amendment SUBJECT: Consultant Services D Individual ~ Organization DATE OF BOARD MEETING: January 24, 2012 AMENDMENT TO RESOLUTION(s): 116-28K56 List original and all previous amendment resolution numbers. Exphtin why the amendment is needed: Funding source changed to cover cost of services. or other comments: Seeking to cover cost associated with Lead Teacher portion ofExCEL Program SERVICE/PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: 121-24K7 (What the service and program description arc; why the services are reqnired; how the services will benefit the District) Bessie Carmichael ExCEL After School Program is seeking partnership with Embarcadero YMCA. As one of the two Lead Agencies, Embarcadero YMCA will provide overall management of the programs, including programmatic and fiscal accountability. Total amount paid to Embarcadero YMCA includes reimbursement for supplies, materials and staffing not to exceed $58,143. Category: Tutoring & After School Activities Code: 26 School Site! and or Department: Student Support Services Participants: (Those stodents, sites, or personnel who will be directly served by this consultant) 60 Bessie Carmichael Students Original Dates of Service: July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012 Amended Dates of Service: July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012 Cost ofthis Amendment Request: ($2,500.00) Credit Funding Source(s)/Program Title: After School Education and Safety Program SACS Code(s): 01-60100-2012-1110-2100-5100-449 a) Name of Consultant: Embarcadero YMCA b) Evaluation: (if applicable) Cost of this Request $(2,500.00) $0 84 J( Resolution Amendment 121-24K7 Cont. Page 2 Background c) Original Cost Adopted $60,643.00 d) Previous Amendment(s) if any $.Q Total Program Cost To Date $58,143.00 (Add Items a to d) ============= DISTRICT GOALS AND EVALUATION: DISTRICT GOALS: ~Goal I: Access & Equity - Make social justice a reality. ~Goal 2: Student Achievement - Engage high achieving and joyful learners. ~Goal 3: Accountability - Keep our promises to students and families. EVALUATION: ~Level I : Complete Task ~Level II: Complete Task, Provide Feedback andlor Produce Product DLevel III: DLevel IV: Complete Task, Provide Feedback and/or Produce Product, and Show Evidence that Services arc Successful Complete Task, Provide Feedback and/or Produce Product, Show Evidence that Services arc Successful, and Show Evidence ofTransfercllce of Skills and Capacity Building SELECTION PROCESS: Embarcadero YMCA is an approved ExCEL provider tlll'ough the Request for Qualifications process. Embarcadero YMCA was chosen by the school community to provide overall support to the after school program. DEGREE OF STUDENT CONTACT: o Limited Contact ~ More Than Limited Contact 0 No Student Contact PREPARED BY: Karen Polk SUBMITTED BY: Yashica Crawford SCHOOL SITE/and or DEPARTMENT: Student Support Services 85 Ie Resolution Amendment SUBJECT: Consultant Services D Individual I:8J Organization DATE OF BOARD MEETING: January 24, 2012 AMENDMENT TO RESOLUTION(s): 116-281'57 and 119-13K25 List original and all previous amendment resolution numbers. Explain why the amendment is needed: Funding source changed to cover cost of services. aI' other comments: Seeking to covel' cost associated with Lead Teacher portion ofExCEL Progmm under Bessie Carmichael's school account. In addition, we are providing additional DCYFfunding to expand services to students for enrichment and language development SERVICE/PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: 121-241'8 (What the service and program description are: why the services are reqnired: how the services will benefit the District) Bessie Carmichael ExCEL After School Program is seeking partnership with Filipino American Development Foundation (FADF), As one of the two Lead Agencies, FADF will provide overall management of the programs, including programmatic and fiscal accountability. Total amount paid to FADF includes reimbursement for supplies, materials and staffing not to exceed $83,143. Category: Tutoring & After School Activities School Site! and or Department: Code: 26 Student Support Services Participants: (Those students, 60 Bessie Carmichael Students sites, or personnel who will be directly served by this consultant) Original Dates of Service: Amended Dates of Service: Cost of this Amendment Request: July 1,2011 to June 30, 2012 July 1,2011 to June 30, 2012 $22,500.00 Funding Source(s)/Program Title: After School Education and Safety Program DCYF Mayor's Wellness Program II SACS Code(s): 01-60100-2012-1110-2100-5100-449 01-90539-2012-1110-21 00-5803-152 a) Name of Consultant: ($2,500) Credit $25,000 Filipino American Development Foundation b) Evaluation: (if applicable Cost of this Request $22,500.00 $0 86 K Resolution Amendment 121-24K8 Cont. Page 2 Background c) Original Cost Adopted $60,643.00 d) Previous Amendment(s) if any $Q Total Program Cost To Date $83,143.00 (Add Items a to d) ============= DISTRICT GOALS AND EVALUATION: DISTRICT GOALS: [gJGoal 1: [gJGoal 2: [gJGoal 3: EVALVAnON: [gJLeve! I : [gJLevellI : DLevel III: DLevel IV; Access & Equity - Make social justice a reality. Student Achievement - Engage high achieving and joyful learners. Accountability - Keep our promises to students and families. Complete Task Complete Task, Provide Feedback and/or Produce Product Complete Task, Provide Feedback and/or Produce Product, and Show Evidence that Services are Successful Complete Task, Provide Feedback and/or Produce Product, Show Evidence that Services are Successful, and Show Evidence of Transference of Skills and Capacity Building SELECTION PROCESS: FADF is an approved ExCEL provider through the Request for Qualifications process. FADF was chosen by the school community to provide overall support to the after school program. DEGREE OF STUDENT CONTACT: D Limited Contact [gJ More Than Limited Contact D No Student Contact PREPARED BY: Karen Polk SUBMITTED BY: Yashica Crawford SCHOOL SITE/and or DEPARTMENT: Student Support Services 87 J( Resolution Amendment SUBJECT: Consultant Services 0 [gJ Organization Individual DATE OF BOARD MEETING: January 24, 2012 AMENDMENT TO RESOLUTION(s): 118-9K22 & 1111-15K21 List original and all previous amendment resolution numbers. Explain why the amendment is needed: Otlter; Site is intending to use these funds to hire additional certificated staffto supportfamily educational workshops andpurchase computer resources for families in tlte teen center. SERVICEIPROGRAM DESCRIPTION: 121-24K9 (What the service and program description are; why the services are reqnired; how the services will benefit the District) Thnrgood Marshall High School ExCEL After School Program is seeking to continue partnership with Urban Services YMCA to implement the 21st CCLC Family Literacy grant. As Lead Agency, Urban Services YMCA will focus on supporting the school site in addressing needs and resource gaps for parents/caregivers and family members of enrolled ExCEL youth. Urban Services YMCA will provide overall management of the program including fiscal accountability. Total amount paid to Urban Services YMCA includes reimbursement for supplies, materials and staffing not to exceed $8,000. Category: Tutoring & After School Activities School Site/ and or Department: Code: 26 Student Support Services Participants: (Those students, ExCEL youth and families of Thurgood sites, or personnel who will be Marshall High School directly served by this consultant) Original Dates of Service: Amended Dates of Service: Cost of this Amendment Request: July 1,2011 - June 30, 2012 ($5,000.00) Credit Funding Source(s)/Program Title: NCLB: Title IV, Part B, 21 st Century Community Learning Centers SACS Code(s): 01-41243-2012-1110-2100-5803-853 a) Name of Consultant: Urban Services YMCA b) Evaluation: (if applicable) Cost of this Request ($5,000.00) $0 88 ](Resolution Amendment 121-24K9 Cont. Page 2 Background c) Original Cost Adopted $13,000.00 d) Previous Amendment(s) if any $.Q Total Program Cost To Date $ 8,000.00 (Add Items a to d) ============= DISTRICT GOALS AND EVALUATION: DISTRICT GOALS, ~Goall: Access & Equity - Make social justice a reality. EVALUATION: ~Level ~GoaI2: Student Achievement- Engage high achieving and joyful learners. ~Goal 3: Accountability - Keep our promises to students and families. I : Complete Task ~Level II : Complete Task, Provide Feedback andlor Produce Product DLeveI III: Complete Task, Provide Feedback and/or Produce Product, and Show Evidence that Services arc Successful DLevel IV: Complete Task, Provide Feedback and/or Produce Product, Show Evidence that Services are Successful, and Show Evidence of Transference of Skills and Capacity Building SELECTION PROCESS: Urban Services YMCA is an approved ExCEL Provider through the Request for Qualifications process. Urban Services YMCA was chosen by the school community to provide overall support to the after school program. DEGREE OF STUDENT CONTACT: D Limited Contact ~ More Than Limited Contact D No Student Contact PREPARED BY: Jennifer E. Quevedo-Serrano SUBMITTED BY: Yashica Crawford SCHOOL SITE/and or DEPARTMENT: Student Support Services 89 Ie Resolution Amendment SUBJECT: Consultant Services D Individual ~ Organization DATE OF BOARD MEETING: January 24, 2012 AMENDMENT TO RESOLUTION(s): 1111-15K12 List original and all previous amendment resolution numbers. Explain why the amendment is needed: Choose from list below: or other commellts: Additional legal services needed. SERVICEIPROGRAM DESCRIPTION: 121-24KI0 (What the service and program description are; why the services are reqnired; how the services will benefit the District) Under the direction of the General Counsel, the attorneys will represent the District in labor & employment related legal matters as well as aggressively protect and advance the interests of the District. Category: Legal Services Code: 11 School Sitel and or Department: Legal Department Participants: Legal Department (Those students, sites, or personnel who will be directly served by this consultant) Original Dates of Service: 10/24/2011 to 06/30/2012 Amended Dates ofSeryice: 01125/2012 to 06/30/2012 Cost of this Amendment Request: $25,000.00 Funding Source(s)/Program Title: Risk Management & Mitigation Fund SACS Code(s): 67-00199-2012-0000-6000-5897-250 Cost of this Request a) Name of Consultant: Burke Williams & Sorensen LLP $25,000.00 b) Evaluation: (if applicable) $0.00 90 K Resolution Amendment 121-24K10 Cont. Page 2 Bad{ground c) Original Cost Adopted $25,000.00 d) Previous Amendment(s) if any $0.00 Total Program Cost To Date $50,000.00 (Add Items a to d) DISTRICT GOALS AND EVALUATION: DISTRICT GOALS: [gJGoall: DGoal 2: DGoal 3: EVALUATION: [gJLevel I : DLevel II: DLevel III: DLevel IV: Access & Equity - Make social justice a reality. Student Achievement - Engage high achieving aud joyfulleamers. Accountability - Keep our promises to students and families. Complete Task Complete Task, Provide Feedback and/or Produce Product Complete Task, Provide Feedback and/or Produce Product, and Show Evidence that Services are Successful Complete Task, Provide Feedback and/or Produce Product, Show Evidence that Services are Successful, and Show Evidence of Transference of Skills and Capacity Building SELECTION PROCESS: Consultant was selected based on their experience, knowledge and expeliise in identified areas and matters. DEGREE OF STUDENT CONTACT: D Limited Contact D More Than Limited Contact [gJ No Student Contact PREPARED BY: Brenda Arzate SUBMITTED BY: William Michael Quinn, Interim General Counsel SCHOOL SITE/and or DEPARTMENT: Legal DepaIiment 91