carol lynley wallpaper
carol lynley wallpaper
he te Laker c/l X •c o p n r- p ^c 3a r- Mk ran u t. pntaotpaM monagu* mtch p*rmll 60 atrm ptwon A COMPANION PUBLICATION TO THE OCEANA COUNTY NEWS (Si .21 EA 16,000 M A I L E D F R E E TOTAL CIRCULATION B O T H PAPERS W E D N E S D A Y , M A R C H 2 6 , 1 9 8 0 - T W 0 SECTIONS-36 P A G E S o ^ r- o cc rU n nference on Chemical i W H I T K L A K E - E n v i r o n m e n t a l Attor-w Win ton Dahlstrom, an avowed critic of ITea polluters, has announced a press conference for today (Wednesday) at 11 a . m . on Muskegon Chemical at Whitehall City Hall. J u s t a little over a week ago, Dahlstrom charged thfe firm with illegally burying chemicals b e n e a t h their plant. During a Saturday morning p r o b e of the ground near the plant by city officials, the White Lake attorney was ejected from the property by police. Observers expect Dahlstrom to make additional charges against the Whitehall ~Tn. A g r i c u l t u r e still the bright spot in Michigan economy Muskegon officials hear talk of recession EAST L A N S I N G - A s the economic b a d news for Michigan continues to pile up, one bright spot remains: Michigan agriculture. Gov. William Milliken told participants in the annual Governor's Breakfast at Michigan million and will increase bean acreage by 170,000 acres. Even the bright outlook for agriculture is darkened by some major concerns. Energy is one, though Milliken t e r m e d the potential for fuel alcohol production and research to develop that potential "extremely encouraging." The p r e s s u r e s of inflation, Milliken noted, have oeen particularly tough on farmers. They remain, however, the world's most efficient food producers, raising food so inexpensively that Americans pay only 17 cents out of every dollar for food-- " b y far the lowest cost in the w o r l d . " The n u m b e r of mouths to be f e d continues to increase geometrically, however, Milliken pointed out. At the same time, total f a r m acreage and the n u m b e r of f a r m s in Michigan have dwindled. Efforts to preserve irreplaceable agricultural lands from being diverted to other uses include the Farmland and Open Space Preservation Act. More than one million acres of farmland are not enrolled. Preserving farmland also m e a n s preventing erosion. The state drain code is being reviewed with that aim in mind. In spite of the problems, " t h e f u t u r e of agriculture in Michigan is bright at this t i m e , " Milliken said. " I t will continue to b e an extremely important, highly productive s e g m e n t of this s t a t e ' s economy. And that is good news for all of M i c h i g a n . " Shelby man named fo Michigan Cherry Commission by Milliken L 4 SHELBY HEAD S T A R T - M r s . Eunice Fenton, owner of the Goody Goody Restaurant. Whitehall with two pre-schoolers from the Shelby Head Start Center, as she is taking a class of 10 children on a tour of the restaurant State University's F a r m e r s ' Week last week that tough economic times underline the importance of agriculture to Michigan's well-being. " M i c h i g a n is very clearly in a recession t o d a y , " Milliken said. " O u r economy is still heavily d e p e n d e n t on the motor vehicle industry, and the motor vehicle industry is going through some very difficult times. Unemployment and inflation are both expected to drop by more than four percent, the largest drop since the 1 9 3 0 ' s . " If federal revenue sharing p a y m e n t s to the states are cut off, an already constrained state b u d g e t will have to be cut even f u r t h e r , he continued. " I t is in tough economic times such as we face today that we can especially appreciate the role agriculture plays in Michigan's e c o n o m y , " Milliken said. He noted that Michigan f a r m e r s received more than $2.4 billion in cash for their 1979 crops. The value of processing, transporting a n d marketing t h e s e products raised the total value of the food industry in Michigan last year to $12 billion. About $500 million a year s t e m s from agricultural exports, Milliken pointed out, making Michigan the second leading export state and a major contributor to the agricultural exports that pay for more than half our imported oil. A recent success story is the sale of Michigan b e a n s to Mexico, he a d d e d . It will bring Michigan b e a n f a r m e r s some $85 kitchbn. Following the tour, she passed out Easter eggs to the children. The field experience took place Monday. March 10. Bette Diem is teacher at the center with Carol McVicker as aide. LANSING -- Gov. William G. Milliken Monday announced the appointment of a Shelby man to the Michigan Cherry Commission. Michigan Cherry C o m m i t t e e - E a r l L. Peterson of Shelby and John D. Rich of Dowagiac were appointed and Carl W. Olmstead of Ludington was reappointed. All are for t e r m s expiring February 1, 1983, subject to Senate confirmation. Peterson, 1190 S. 88th Avenue, a fruit a n d vegetable f a r m e r , has 275 acres in tart cherries, 200 acres in asparagus, 100 acres in apples and 30 acres in sweet cherries. H e succeeds his father, LeRoy Peterson of Hart, who did not desire reappointment. A former H a r t Public School elementary school principal, he has been farming for the past 10 years. H e is secretary of the Oceana Cherry Queen Committee for 1980, m e m b e r of the Michigan Farm Bureau and the Oceana Farm Bureau, and has served as secretary of Oceana Pomsters (a f a r m group). He will serve as a tart cherry grower representing District #2. Olmstead, 5005 Olmstead Road, a fruit f a r m e r , has served on the committee as a sweet cherry grower representing District #2 since 1972. H e is a m e m b e r of the Mason County Horticulture Society and has served as its director. jr US House trims budget: Cuts in local share of revenue WEST MICHIGAN--There was some good news a n d some bad n e w s , o u t of our nation's capital last week. The House h a d decided to side with administration plans to chop $1.7 billion in revenue sharing to the states in 1981. Original plans called for $2.3 billion to states. But the same House panel voted 19-6 to keep $4.6 billion h e a d e d for local govern^nts. Revenue sharing f u n d s currently are used for parks, salaries, roads, education, lights, welfare and many other services. In the original r e q u e s t for f u n d s sent to Congress nearly two months ago, the Carter administration has asked for $2.3 billion in 1981. W h a t impact will this have on Michigan and local units of government? Officials say that it could make a " b i g i m p a c t " a s at least 44 percent of all of the s t a t e ' s portion of revenue sharing f u n d s is usually passed on to local counties, cities and towns. It's full impact on unemploy- sharing could hurt ment-stricken Oceana and Muskegon Counties will not be known for some time, however. The House also voted to end Saturday delivery of U.S. mail. Two Michigan officials were in Washington last week to u r g e special consideration for the state by budget-cutters. House Speaker Bobby Crim and Senate Majority Leader William Faust, both Democrats, briefed Michigan congressmen on the s t a t e ' s deteriorating economy. " O u r unemployment (11.3 percent) is nearly double the national a v e r a g e , " Crim said. " T h e nation is facing a potential recession, but Michigan is already in a recession." P e r h a p s the most unlikely money-saving idea voiced in Washington this week comes from Sen. J e s s e Helms, who proposed that senators and House m e m b e r s take a 10percent pay cut to " d e m o n s t r a t e that Congress m e a n s business in cutting the budget." (torch 26.1980. Page 2 WL USDA Sale ends: March 29 I—mm CHOICE CHUCK h i ROAST OR STEAV priced the "Plumb Way "... ALL CUTS: ONE PRICE! tender, well-trimmed Round bone, center cut, english cut, or bonelessl PORKORSTEAK BUTT ROAST NONE HICHERI Plumb Way! , icriA / CBOlCr PtUMB BUTCHERS CUT 0 N i Y O H E C R A D E 0 F BEEFI RIB STEAK OR ROAST HOSTESS Hamburg iwinkies count No-Name Products Save YOU Money! C O M P A R E T H E S A V I N G S TO N A T I O N A L B R A N D S ! white, yellow, c h o c o l a t e evaporated quartered Spread 37 Jr Cake Mix c lb. ctn. 16% Can Milk OZ. 38< 9 1 3 OZ. s m o o t h or crunchy Peanut Butter 50 7 9 < ( OZ. 60 c 69 .. white Toilet Tissue sM* 56 c 5 91. «s US No 1 rangy fresh 9 ^ ^ ^ Q Lemons for " 9 . C saltlne Crackers G r a p e Jelly SAVE c pieces & stems SAVE 5 6 ^ 391. Mushrooms A® 39< OZ. Imitation Cheese spread • SAM® S i 2 0 $449 lb. dry liquid all-purpose g r i n d Dog Food Bleach Coffee $ * S 9 s0 o S l ^ 2 5 ibs. us NO 1 Young tender Q Q e , 5 0 ' S9 W W C gallon gal ( lb. bag 'kttmky siDanran stones Asparagus 9 9 Z. US No 1 California 115 size Navel i n O A C Oranges FOR OS# All-purpose Idaho POTATOES $119 US NO1 I 10 lb. bag i _ a j W e reserve the right to l i m i t q u a n t i t i e s open 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. « « « « o/i open 24 hours 1663 w . S h e r m a n Muskegon 8 6 2 7 M a c , { , n a w T r a " . Reed c i t v m-37 & M-82. N e w a v g o 706 C o l b y , W h i t e h a l l 1834 H o l t o n , N . M u s k e g o n open 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. 2828 s a n f o r d . M u s k e g o n Hts. Apple & c e t t v . M u s k e g o n Laketon & w o o d . Muskegon 5690 Apple, w o l f Lake ALL STORES CLOSED SUNDAY...THE DAY TO SHOP FOR "SOUL FOODI" March 26.1980, Page 3 W L Energy stirvival Is gasohol the answer to rural energy survival? ^ ^ EAST LANSING--The attention grabber, again, was alcohol and whether it can be produced economically in farm-size stills. About 100 people, most of them farmers, gathered Tuesday morning at Michigan State University for a f a r m e r s ' Week presentation on "Rural Energy Survival." But more than half stayed only long enough to hear the talk entitled, "Gasohol: Does It Make Sense?" It was one more sign among many in the past several months that Michigan farmers are eager for information about on-farm production told the group that alcohol and other liquid fuel substitutes for petroleum products remain shrouded in questions and controversy. Guest speaker Robert Herendeen, a physicist and member of the Energy Research Group at the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana, told farmers and other participants that gasohol is interesting but requires more research. Herendeen and other researchers at the University of Illinois have been studying the potential production and use of gasohol, a fuel mix combining 90 percent gasoline and 10 percent ethanol. Their work has demonstrated that gasohol may be a practical alternative for farms, but only if it is produced and used under specific conditions. Critics of gasohol claim that production of the fuel consumes more energy than it produces. Herendeen, however, said that gasohol definitely emerges as a " n e t fuel producer," yielding more energy than it takes to make. But the words were barely out of his mouth when he began to outline the limitations of the fuel. To produce more energy than it consumes, the alcohol used to make gasohol must be produced with something other than a liquid fuel, he said. If petroleum products, rather than crop residues, are used to feed a still, there may be little or no net gain in liquid fuel energy. Herendeen warned that neither farmers nor the nation should think that gasohol is a panacea for U.S. energy ills. "Gasohol isn't going to do it for the nation," he said. It may reduce farmers' dependence on petroleum, but it cannot provide enough energy for the whole country. Even for agriculture, he said, " t r u e energy self-sufficiency is a pretty elusive concept," because farmers rely heavily on petroleum-based products such as fertilizers. Acres of crops might be used for fuel production instead of food, but farmers still will need petroleum products to grow them. The only immediate and widespread ease of the energy crunch lies in conservation, Herendeen said. "Everybody wants to import liquid fuels from someone e l s e , " he noted. Somewhere, some people are going to have to cut back. His comments echoed the words of State Rep. Perry Bullard, D-Ann Arbor, who told the assembly that Americans are "oil addicts" who have to break the habit of ever-increasing demands for more oil. He pointed to statistics that show that U.S. oil consumption has increased 35 percent since 1973 and runs eight times the world average. "Unfortunately, as a nation," he said, " w e haven't learned much since the oil embargo. The U.S. is painting itself into a comer." Bullard said Americans would have to look for ways to bolster mass transit and decentralize control of energy resources. They would have to depend more on alternative sources of energy, such as solar, wind, water and wood. Michigan's rural residents, he added, have to consider the importance of conservation immediately and look for new ways to satisfy old energy demands. He encouraged tax incentives and subsidized loans to prompt creative solutions and energy savings. He urged farmers to examine the opportunities offered by solar heating, crop drying and greenhouse systems, as well as alcohol, wood fuel for heat and small wind energy systems. MSU agricultural economist Roy Black suggested that farmers should try to envision the energy crisis as a time of opportunity. One of the chief effects of the energy pinch on agriculture is to limit the transportation of crops, he said. That limitation may give Michigan farmers an edge over East Coast and West Coast growers. In addition, he said, the energy crisis may help farmers devise unique and life-sustaining methods of preserving the family farm. If the energy supplies and costs in the country continue to threaten and frustrate lifestyles that were possible when energy was inexpensive and plentiful, new ways to live and succeed will have to be found. One possibility might be to form groups of farms, with each playing a different role in the total operation. For"example. Black said, one farm might be responsible for the care and raising of livestock; another, the crops; and still another, the energy. * PANCAKE PROFITS FOR THE MUSIC SHELL-These two Rotarians, George Shatlner (Head cook) and Darwin Bennett (assistant cook and bottle washer), ham it up ^ d u r i n g the Montague-Whitehall Rotarians" Pancake Day over the weekend. All the profits from the all day affair will go toward the cost of construction of the $50,000 music shell built on White Lake by the Rotarians. Leo Valdez Photos. Blue Lake featured WHITE L A K E - A picture taken at Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp is being used by the Michigan Travel Commission to promote Michigan as a place to visit during the summer of 1980. The photo, which shows a Blue Lake ^ f a c u l t y member giving viola lessons to four students, is one of five pictures in a full-page magazine advertisement being used by the State Travel Commission as part of its summer vacation campaign. The full-color ad is appearing in regional edition's of Reader's Digest and National Geographic, eight national and regional travel and motorist club magazines and a magazine for educators. The 11 magazines have a total circulation of 8,500,000. Blue Lake President Fritz Stansell said © t h e ad with the Blue Lake photo " c a m e as a pleasant surprise." " W e knew that a photographer from the Top Mathematicians BIG RAPIDS- Whitehall High School had five students participate in Math Field Day at Ferris State College March 3. Dave Augustin, a sophomore, placed first in the Rapid Transit contest. Other participants _ w e r e Katie Dorow, Charlie Richlie, Yakkun ^ S h i n o z a k i and Cheryl Wistrom. The Whitehall team placed sixth overall. EXCHANGE STUDENT OPEN HOUSE-Exchange students from Western Michigan were hosted last week at the home of Rev. Thomas Williamsen. of Hayes Rd., Shelby Township. Students attending the event were (left to right back row) Anders Olsson of Sweden, who is staying with Dr. and Mrs. Claude Johnson, of New Era; Frank Peter Schuitze of Germany, living with Mr. and Mrs. John Hanna. of Montague; Norbert Zimpler of in Michigan Michigan Travel Commission visited Blue Lake last July but we were unaware that one of his pictures would be used in an ad promoting Michigan until we received our copy of one of the magazines," Stansell said. "Naturally, we are pleased it is appearing in the a d . " Other photos in the ad were taken at Greenfield Village, Fort Michilmackinac, Crossroads Village near Flint and Detroit. Gordon Collins, the principal violist with the Ft. Wayne (Ind.) Philharmonic Orchestra, is the Blue Lake faculty member in the picture. The four high school students are unidentified. The picture was taken by Gilbert Clarke of Detroit, the Travel Commission's Chief Photographer. He is a former Detroit News photographer. In addition to Reader's Digest and National Georgraphic, the ad is appearing in Adventure Road, Travel/Holiday, Today's Education, Minnesota Motorist, Wisconsin Traveler, Hoosier Motorist, Michigan Living, Ohio Motorist and the Montgomery Ward Auto G u b magazine. PROMOTING M I C H I G A N - A picture similar to this one that was taken at Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp last summer is featured in a Michigan Travel Commission advertisement promoting Michigan as a vacation state for 1980. magazine Blue Lake is one of the nation's largest summer arts schools. About 3,400 children wm Germany, now staying with Mr. and Mrs. John Wyns. of New Era (Front row) Raif Bode of Germany, who is staying with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hegebns. of Montague; Heike Riemann of Germany, staying with the Carey family of Shelby; Masae Ishikawa of Japan, living with Mr. and Mrs. mike Fuller, of Hart and Dan Luethi of Switzerland, a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Johnson. Grant Studios. Hart. ad and youth are expected to attend its 15th season which opens June 24. March 26.1980. Page 4 W L Zero balance checking is just what the term implies. Your checking account balance is always zero. The money you normally keep in checking is immediately transferred into savings where it earns interest. When the checks you write reach Muskegon Bank, we automatically transfer just enough money; from savings to cover them. Not a penn\; more - not a penny less. At Muskegon Bank, we have developed this service with your interest in mind. With CheckSave, the money you normally keep in checking is in savings earning 5.25% dai/y interest continuously compounded for an effective annual rate of 5.47%. And, when you need money to cover checks, it's available automatically. No trips to the bank, no phone calls to transfer funds. May we discuss zero balance checking with you? Just visit any office of Muskegon Bank or call 722-7683 and ask for a customer service representative. * 'Get the service of the Future — NOW! ,, Zero Balance Checkinc^^ BARBARA VANDERVELDE Ass't. Cashier — Mgr. Bookkeeping Get the service of the future NOW — CheckSave, the zero balance checking account from Muskegon Bank. CHtCUNC ACCOUNT avc Just another way we serve your better interests THE m U S K E G O n BfiPIK S TRUST C O m P R n Y Member First American Bank Corporation / Member FDIC 3 3 5 M u s k e g o n M a l l • 1 0 7 0 P e c k St • 1 2 7 0 E L a k e t o n • 8 2 1 W B r o a d w a y • 8 7 8 W N o r t o n A v e . • 1 3 7 5 W h i t e h a l l R d N M u s k e g o n • 1 1 9 S M e a r s - W h i t e h a l l March 26. 1980, Page 5 W L D O M T V T O W N WHITEHALL THURSDAY March 27,1980 7 P.M. to 10 P.M. k'W ~ ' R: ~ •J The D e p o t Shop these participating Whitehall Merchants for great savings during the light of the Moon! 9 VS* i?- # ^ • T a t e s Shoes & A p p a r e l Ansbach's . • P a r s o n s of W h i t e h a l l • C l a r k Sav O n C e n t e r Bartlett Hardware • S m i t h ' s C a r r i a g e House • Pitkins D r u g & G i f t Shop • T h e Kid Stop • W e s t e r n Auto • B e l l Furniture • K l i n e f e l t e r s Ben F r a n k l i n H o m e Services • T h e Owl's Nest • The C h i c k e n C o o p DAYLITE and MOONLITE SALE! THIS THURSDAY, MARCH, 27th SALE HOURS: 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. & 7:00 p.m. till 10:00 p.m. MEN'S and WOMEN'S ITEMS UP TO 50% OFF AMOUS BRANDS -lOO's OF ITEMS TO CHOOSE , WHEN WE HAVE A SALE, IT'S REALLY A SALE! SALE STARTS SALE ENDS 9 : 3 0 a.m. 1 0 : 0 0 p.m. THURSDAY THURSDAY O F WHITEHALL March 26, 1980. Page 6 W L Closing out ALL POSTERS r MOO I each O r\, MOONLIGHT Buy Now for Springl SALE Close out T-SHIRTS OFF STOREWIDE OFF TOO! ON DEVOE PAINT Selected SHIRT DECALS 3 HRS ONLY 25% off 7 - 9 P.M. ONLY • BARTLETT HARDWARE * SELECT WICKER ITEMS to COLBY STREET, W H I T E H A L L T/ie Oivl's Tied GOODY GOODY COURT 2 0 6 E COLBY WHITEHALL SALE !! RECORD SALE SPECIAL TANK •CASSETTES 8 TRACKS of Tropicdl Fish 4 fish only FLOURESCENT LIGHTS 48" ^15°° 20% .« All Pioneer Speakers in Stock 36" Record Club Cards not accepted on sale Graat for Aouorium • Plant grow light HOME SERVICES (RECORD STOP) OF WHITE LAKE 1 2 4 E. COLBY ST. FOR THE GALS! *W>0 WHITEHALL m 20% OFF STOREWIDE THURSDAT, MARCH 27 7 TILL 10 PM EARLY ARRIVAL OF SPRING TOPS y 3 OFF H.I.S. FASHION JEANS SELEq GROUP 25% OFF LEVI'S FOR GALS ^SELECT G R O U P / 1 0 O Z D E N I M $ 1 4 " OTHER BLOUSES SELBlrT $999 t o $ ] 499 WOMEN'S BELTS $^99 FOR THE GUYS! LEVI'S SPORT COATS. SELECT G R O U P / R E G . ' 6 0 . 0 0 *39 9 5 LEVI'S PANTS SELECT^GROUP/T? ' 2 0 . 0 0 • $ ^ ^ 8 7 KNIT SHIRTS ^ SOME IRREGUlAR/BROKEN SIZES BELTS LEVI'S SMALL EtELL CORDS <» JEANS A.PP/A REL SHOES iiiwiwiiiifwiiiiiimiiifiniimiiiMiiiiiiiiimim'inmnii.mniimiiiiiiiiiiiimnmiiiiiumiiiimuM DOWNTOWN WHITEHALL m__ o f? y IB y H y lii 101 E.COLBY WHITEHALL PHONE 894-5135 $499 $^99 $ 16 8 7 • »f*ljl MJTMJ • 1 » I • • • > • March 26.1980. Page 7 WL THURSDAY, MARCH 27 7:00 - 10:00 PM ONLY Thursday, March 2 7 t h 7 - 10 p.i •CLOTHES •SHOES •TOYS •HOUSEWARES Off storewide •GAMES •EVERYTHING STORE WIDE ALL NEW Save now during AAoonlite Madness at Ben Franklin! Think Easter, Think Spring! All fabric and the notions 2 0 °o JuULI MERCHANDISE off too! SMITH'S CARRIAGE HOUSE KLINEFELTER'S D O W N T O W N WHITEHALL R ! / V IM K L 1 112 E. COLBY STREET, W H I T E H A L L , M I C H . I M H a p p i n e s s is I Q at Ansbach's Group of Spring Dresses STOREWIDE on all Spring & Summer childrens wear. DON'T FORGET TO VISIT OUR SPECIAL SALE ROOM WITH SAVINGS TO '72 OFF AND MORE! KJD slop Boys 4 Girls Togs 116 S. Hears Whitehall The Store The Bank's A c r o s s F r o m ! T h u r s d a y Night GIVLY •SLACKS •BLOUSES •TOPS 7 0# 9 ## at 11™ Ansbach's V, 5 1 1 E.COLBY > Society March 26.1980. Page 8 W L Annual Q. The controversy over marijuana has been going on for years. White Breakfast set April 2 in Whitehall^ Is marijuana smoking a health hazard? A . Recent studies have shown that marijuana smoking may be a greater health hazard than smoking cigarettes! According to an article in the American Lung AMOclatlcn Bulletin. (November 1979), we now have evidence that marijuana may have an effect on the lungs even worse than that of cigarettes. Studies were made of young, healthy people who smoked marijuana regularly. After six to eight weeks of smoking an average of five joints daily, a statistically significant alteration in the function of the large airways of the lungs was noted. The changes were also The Women's Fellowship of the First Congregational Church of Whitehall will have their Annual White Breakfast on Wednesday, April 2 at 9:30. It will be held in Fellowship Hall. All the women of the W^hite Lake Area are invited to share this meaningful day. The theme is Hunger and the speaker will be Elanora Walcott from Grand Rapids. She is a very dynamic speaker. She served as president of the Church World Board for foreign ministries. While president, she was responsible for the missions representing over a million people. This is the oldest mission ministry in the U.S. She has traveled all around the World, showing her concern for women all over. Her speech is titled " A Woman's Place, Focus on Third World." Not only has she served on a national level, but also in her own church, both women's groups and church affairs. She has been vice-moderator and moderator of the State Conference. It should be an interesting experience to hear her speak. There will be special music. Babysitting will be provided. Reservations can be made by calling 893-8415 or 894-4292. very slow to resolve. This study was then followed by another, which demonstrated that the lungs of marijuana smokers had an even greater increase in resistance to air flow than the lungs of similar groups of tobacco smokers. We know that, statistically speaking, 20 years of smoking a pack of cigarettes daily can lead to severe sinusitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis or emphysema. This same effect can be seen in marijuana smokers after only one year! Certainly, marijuana smoking is a health hazard. Furthermore, the article went on to say that a number of investigators, who originally favored deregulation, have changed their minds and have begun to speak of the alarming health hazards associated with smoking marijuana. Send questions 1o Medical Bag, Box 276M, Montague, Michigan 49437 Combined choirs to sing on Palm Sunday WHITE LAKE - Local residents are invited to an Easter celebration in song, presented by The United Methodist Church of Montague and the Ferry Memorial Reformed Church, at The United Methodist Church on Cook Street in Montague Palm Sunday at 4 p.m. The combined choirs, under the direction of Carol Brand and Martha Tanis will perform the Easter portion of Handel's Messiah including chorus and solos which feature Sally Weersing, Sharon Knol, Dan Yakes and Jim Knol. Easter fellowship will be furthered with a light lunch immediately following the performance. A free-will BBG talent show next week NOTICE WHITEHALL DISTRICT SCHOOLS FRUITLAND BAPTIST CHURCH There are four vacancies to be filled on the Board of 4611 N. Orshall Rd., Whitehall Education at the annual election to be held June 9,1980. Two are for four years and two are for one year. Rev. Donald LeMalre, Pastor Nomnlnating petitions for those vacancies may be picked up SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP . . . . 11:00 A.M. EVENING WORSHIP 7:00 P.M. at the office of the Superintendent of Schools at Whitehall High School, Slocum Street. Whitehall. Petitions must be filed with the Secretary of the Board of Education on or before 4:00 p.m., April 7,1980. . . Wednesday midweek service 7:00 First Congregational 3/19 & 3/26/80 Church WHITE LAKE WHITE LAKE -- The Third Annual BBG Talent Show will be held at the Howmet Theatre on March 27 and 28. The show is sponsored by BBG's (Basketball Booster Girls) and highlights the talents of our own student body. This year there will also be middle school and elementary acts. The show begins at 8 p.m. and the cost is SI .50 students and S2 for adults. You may buy tickets ahead of time at the high school office beginning on Monday, March 4. Featured will be " R o o t s . " 1 J 809 South Mears Avenue Whitehall Annette Fruge' to Roger E. Nesburg, son of M r . and M r s . ^ Don Nesburg of Montague. A May 31 wedding Is being' 5 2 8 0 D O W L I N G ST. MONTAGUE planned. EASTER LILIES The C h u r c h That T e a c h e s G o d ' s W o r d W i i h o u ' A p o l o g y PASTOR JIM H O U S F M A N Sunday School 9:25 a.m. Ph. 6 9 3 - 3 2 6 5 Youih Fellowship 7 : 0 0 p.m. Sundoy Morning Worship 11:00 Sunday School 9:45 Eve.7:00 Wed. Eve. 7 p.m. Coffee Hour 10:30 a.m. Fellowship Hall Palm Sunday 11 a.m. Special Musical Service"Passion of our L o r d " By Billings Nursery Provided FOR SAIE JOHN PAWLOWSKI 894-5802 Ph. 8 9 3 - 5 5 3 2 For I n f o r m a t i o n AREA RELIGIOUS WHITE LAKE NURSERY 1311 C o l b y St. - Whitehall Rev. James Knol, Pastor Phone-Church 893-5915 Parsonage 894-9415 Morning Sen/lce 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:15a.m. Evening Praise 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening Family Nlte 7:00 p.m. Says; "BEAT HIGH FOOD COSTS, Raise Your Own Garden!" £ Shaping lives to be His church ST. J A M E S LUTHERAN CHURCH Lasley & Stebblns Streets Montague Rev. Walter Teske Phone 894-4846 Worship Services Every Sunday 8:15 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. Sunday School & Bible Classes at 9:30 a.m. First robin 4 b l o o m s a n d up (Enjoy Bible Study Course In Your H o m e ) FERRY M E M O R I A L REFORMED CHURCH Corner of Knudsen & Old Channel Trail M r . and Mrs. Orvllle A . Fruge" of Boyne Falls, Michigan announce the engagement of their daughter BAPTIST C H U R C H Dr. John W i l l i a m Esfes, Pastor offering will be taken with proceeds to be used to support a Vietnamese family sponsored by the church. DIRECTORY FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH Alice & Warner Streets Whitehall Phone 893-7722 Robert L. Dorow, Pastor Worship Services 10:30 a.m. Sunday School FRUITLAND EVANQEUCAL COVENANT CHURCH 4355 N. Weber Road Whitehall Mark A. Frykholm, Pastor Morning Worship - 9:30 a.m. sunday School-10:45 a.m. Wednesday Evening Family N i g h t - 7 : 0 0 p.m. For All Ages 9:15 a.m. Milford Cook, R o o s e v e l t ^ Road, near Lake Michigan saw first robin Thursday 3/20 about 3 p.m. White Lake Area's Full Gospel Church WHITE LAKE ASSEMBLY OF Q0D Corner ol Spring & Division , Whitehall William Alexander, Pastor Sunday School-9:45 a.m. Worship Service -11 a.m. Evangelistic Service - 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study 7 p.m. Radio Program "The Word 01 God" W.K.J.R.-Saturday 12:45 p.m. WE WELCOME YOU TO JOIN US IN OUR WORSHIP Holding Forth the Word of Life m WHEEL HORSE lawn & garden tractors VEGETABLE & FLOWER SEEDS (3 Packages for) $ 1 0 0 EVANQEUCAL COVENANT CHURCH Warner & Lewis Streets Whitehall N E W ERA CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH New Era JohnG.Sjoblom, Pastor Phone 894-9322 or 894-4271 Rev. Jake Weeda Phone 861-5018 Sunday School-9:45 a.m. Worship Service -11:00 a.m. Evening Service-6:00 p.m. Youth Meeting - Wed. 7:30 pm Midweek Service Thursday 7:30 p.m. Nursery Provided Regular Schedule MornlTig Service-9:30 a.m. Evening Service-6:00 p.m. Sunday School-11:00 a.m. GREEN HOUSES 9 9 ^ (W/POTS & SOIL) $ ^ 9 9 STARTING SOIL 49< & 2Va" $ BAHAI FAITH 1 5S PEAT POTS - A" 40<- 90< per Dozen Weekly Fireside (Discussion Group) 8 p.m. Wednesday Call 894-9545 for Information Old 99 off Melnert Park Road Rev. Edward H. Slate Phone 893-2315 CHURCH SCHOOL 10:00 a.m. DIVINE WORSHIP 11:15a.m. THE FRIENDLY VACATION CHURCH " W E WELCOME YOU" SEED STARTER WHITEHALL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Division near Colby Rev. Edward H. Slate Phone 893-2315 DIVINE W O R S H I P - G ^ a . m . Nursery Provided at the King's House -123 South Dlvlson Avenue CHURCH SCHOOL - 10:45 a.m. A WARM WELCOME TO VACATIONERS SAINT PETER'S BY-THE-LAKE CLAYBANKS UNITED METHODIST CHURCH GILES R O A D BAPTIST C H U R C H 2815 W . G i l e s Road Muskegon Roy Williamson. Pastor Doug Carlson, Youth Pastor 744-7201 - Parsonage 744-9610-Church Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Morning Worhslp 11:00 a.m. Evening Service 6:30 p.m. Mid-week service-Wed. 7 p.m. LEBANON LUTHERAN CHURCH 1101 S. Mears Whitehall Larry L. Foster, Pastor Phone - Church 893-5745 Parsonage-893-8525 Worship 10:15 a.m. Sunday School 9:00 a.m. Nursery Provided The Episcopal Parish of W h i t e Lake 8451 Old Channel Trail Montague Rev. Douglas Schwert Phone 893-2425 Holy Communion - 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion - 10:00a.m. (Nursery) Come and break bread with us PRINCE OF PEACE .'ARISH Fr. Bernard Schai IIOODykstra Phone 744-3321 MASSES Saturday-6:00 p.m. Sunday 9:00 a.m. ,11:00 a.m. Pre-school CCD classes & Nursery during 9:00 a.m. Sunday Mass Sacraments of Penance Saturday 5:30:6:00 p.m. Holy Days 9a.m. and 7 p.m. Eveof Holy Day 7:00 p.m. • ' i -" i Church CHAPEL CHORALE-The Marlon Chapel Chorale, of Marlon, Indiana, will be appearing In a worship service of ^ s a c r e d music at Whitehall Wesleyan Church located at E l l i o t and Division St., Whitehall on Tuesday, April 1 at 7 March 26.1980. Page 9 W L p.m. The Chapel Chorale is a touring group from Marlon College, a Wesleyan denomonlnatlonal college. The group has toured extensively throughout the Midwest, Including the states of Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin and Kentucky. In early 1980 they traveled to Phoenix, Arizona, presenting concerts and working in various capacities at a Southwest Indian School. The director of the group Is Mrs. Carolyn Kindley. She is a graduate of Houghton College In New York, and of Indiana University and has been leading the chorale for about ten years. The program contains a variety of sacred music, intended to lead the congregation In a meaningful worship service. The Rev. John Bridget is host pastor. The public Is cordially Invited to attend this concert. Admission is free. Jeonnie's Back from Brazil She'll be taking appointments starting Monday, April 7th Tues-Sat - W e d & Thur Evenings {by appointment only} < 11'S 111 IH I I 1 12 E. Colby Whitehall 8 9 3 - 7 7 5 5 y FERRY M E M O R I A L R E F O R M E D C H U R C H Palm Sunday - Special Service Combined choirs with Montague United Methodist and Ferry Memorial Reformed Churches at Montague Methodist Maunday Thursday Holy Communion 7 p.m. Good Friday Silent meditation at the church from 12 noon to 3 p.m. Short devotionals will be given at the haif hour Easter Sunday Easter Worship Celebration 10 a.m. Easter Breakfast 11:15 a.m. Easter Worship 6 p.m. Festival of Praise and Thanksgiving Rev. James Knot FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH Palm Sunday Sunday School 9:15 A . M . Worship Service 10:30 a.m. Maundy Thursday Communion Service 7:30 p.m. Good Friday Vesper Service 7:30 p.m. Easter Sunday Youth Service 8 a.m. Easter Breakfast 9 a.m. Festive Service 10:30 a.m. Rev. Robert Dorow x. ;: Week Services! OUR LADY OF F A T I M A Tuesday-April 1 7 to 8 p.m. Individual Reconciliation Good Friday 12:00 Noon - Meditation 12:30 p.m. Stations of The Cross 1:00 p.m. Meditation and Reflection 1:30 p.m. Liturgical Service Holy Saturday 12:00 Noon - Prayer Service Easter Sunday Sunday Morning 5:45 A . M . Followed by Breakfast in the Parish Hall 11:00 A . M . Mass Fr. Patrick C t w l t y OUR LADY OF A S S U M P T I O N Friday, March 28 Communal Penance Service - 7:30 p.m. Holy Thursday 7:30 p.m. Massof The Lord's Supper 10:00 p.m. Closing Evening Vesper Service Good Friday 7:30 p . m . . Evening service Stations of The Cross will precede Easter Sunday 9:00 A . M . Mass Followed by Coffee and Rolls Fr. Pttrick Cawley ST. PETER'S BY T H E L A K E EPISCOPAL C H U R C H Good Friday All night vigil Thursday 9 a.m. until Friday noon Services 12 noon and 6 p.m. Easter Sunday Communion Services 8 a.m. Choral Eucharist Service 10 a.m. Rev. Douglas Schwert MONTAGUE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Palm Sunday - Special Service Combined choirs with Ferry Memorial Reformed Church and Montague Methodist at Montague Methodist. Maundy Thursday White Breakfast - 9:30 a.m. Communion Service 7:30 p.m. Easter Sunday Sunrise Service 7 a.m. Easter Breakfast 7:45 a.m. Morning Worship Service 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Rev. Blrt Beers N E W £RA CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Palm Sunday Services 9:30 a.m. & 6 p.m. Good Friday Combined Community Service 1:30 to 2:45 p.m. at Christian Reformed Church Easter Sunday Community Sunrise Service on Meyers Hill at 6:30 a.m. Group Singing. Easter Scripture Service 9:30 a.m. Service and 6 p.m. Service Rev. JakoWeeda FRUITLAND EVANGEUCAL COVENANT CHURCH Palm Sunday Morning Worship 9:30 a.m. Evening Bibie Study 7:00 p.m. Maundy Thursday Communion Service 7:00 p.m. Easter Sunday Sunrise Services at 7 a.m. followed by breakfast at church Morning Worship 9:30 p.m. M a r k A. Frykhdm, Pastor WHITEHALL METHODIST CHURCH Palm Sunday Worship Service 9:45 a.m. at Whitehall Worship Service 11:15 a.m. at Claybanks Evening Hymn Sing 7:00 p.m. Whitehall Maundy Thursday Communion Service 7:30 p.m. at Whitehall Sanctuary Good Friday Combined Service at First Congregatinal Church from 1 to 2 p.m. Easter Sunday Easter Celebration 9:45 a.m. - Whitehall . Easter Celebration 11:15 a.m. - Claybanks Rev. Edward H . Slate LEBANON LUTHERAN CHURCH Palm Sunday Sunday Church School 9 a.m. Worship Service 10:15 a.m. Maundy Thursday Sedar Meal 7:30 p.m. Good Friday Liturgy 12 o'clock noon Easter Sunday Sunrise Service 7 a.m. Easter Breakfast 8 a.m. (No Classes) Festive Worship Service 10:15 a.m. Rev. Larry Foster wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ST. J A M E S C A T H D U C - C H U R C H Palm Sunday-8a.m., 9:30a.m., 11 a.m. Maundy Thursday - 7:30 p.m. Good Friday Services 2 p.m. & 7:30 p.m. Saturday-7:30 p.m. Easter Sunday 8a.m., 9:30a.m., 11 a.m. Fr. Joseph Godzlsz St. John, Claybanks Easter 9:30 a.m. WHITEHALL EVANGEUCAL COVENANT CHURCH Palm Sunday Morning Worship Service 11 a.m. Evening Service 6 p.m. Maundy Thursday Communion Service 7:30p.m. Easter Sunday Worship Service 11 a.m. Evening Service 6 p.m. Musical Story of Christ from Birth to the Cross Rev. John G. Sjoblom ST. J A M E S L U T H E R A N C H U R C H Maundy Thursday Worship Service and Communion 7:30 P.M. Good Friday Services 1:00 P.M. and 7:30 P.M. Easter Sunday Sunrise Service6A.M. Easter Breakfast 7 A.M. Morning Festival Service 10:45 A . M . Rev. Walter Teske N E W ERA R E F O R M E D C H U R C H Palm Sunday Regular Services at 9:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. Maundy Thursday Communion Services^7:30a.m. Rev. VanderMolen will be sharing the ministry of music and Words Good Friday Combined services at Christian Reformed Church at 2 p.m. Theme "Aspects of the Cross". Offering goes to Lakeshore Community Hospital Easter Sunday Community Easter Sunrise Service on Meyers Hill at 6 p.m. Easter Service at 9:30 a.m. with Sunday School following Evening Services at 7 p.m. Rev. Steven VanderMolen, Pastor W H I T E L A K E ASSEMBLY OF GOD Palm Sunday Message 11 a.m. " T h e Meaning of Palm Sunday" Good Friday 12 noon - 3 p.m. Open Church Evening Service 7 p.m. Movie "The Power of Resurrection" Easter Sunday Service 11 a.m. "The Resurrection of Christ" Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Rev. William Alexander F R U I T L A N D BAPTIST C H U R C H Good Friday United Service with Evanston Avenue Baptist Church Muskegon - 1 p.m. Speaker - Rev. Warren Magnuson (Rebroadcast over WKJR at 6 p.m.) Easter Sunday Sunrise Service 7:30 a.m. Breakfast follows Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship 11 a.m. Evening Service 7 p.m. Rev. Donald LeMalra . , I'VM jfl Vl iVIT-VI iL March 26.1980. Page 10 WL MVEITISEI ITEM POLICY i960 OCVTOl roqer comparable item, when available, rellecting the s a m e s a v i n g s or a r a i n c h a c k W h i c h Will e n t i t l e y o u l o purchase the advertised i t e m at t h e a d v e r t i s e d p r i c e w i t h m 30 d a y s Each ot x h a t t c d v e r t i M d r l « m s is ' • q u i r e d l o be ' • • d i l y s v i i l e b t e fot u l e m each Kroger store, e i c e p i as s p e c i t i c a l l y n o i e d i n t h i s ad II w e d o run o u t o) an advertised item, w e will o l •er y o u y o u r c h o i c e o l a incooMicMMrr MWfTOflMtmwwH — f HB. I M » an MM a na • ^ 7 E l - Q t . , 1 - P t . , Btl Or 15' Off Label 3-Lb'Can CRISCO OIL OR Your SHORTENING Choice NEW CAR RAFFLE-This brand new Chevrolet, donated by Rypma Chevrolet, of White Lake, will be given away by the Whitehall Athletic Boosters April 18 In order to help raise funds for various athletic activities. Leo Valdez. Jr.. son of one of our free lance photographers, Assorted Colors SPRING NORTHERN * BATH TISSUE p°ci< checks the new car out. The Long Form could save you money on your taxes I THE I N C O M E TAX P E O P L E f | Grade A A IOFFI MARKET BASKET LARGE EGGS SALE Kroger Grade A LARGE EGGS LOWEST PRICES EVER ON BRAND NAME TIRES GOODYEAR B.F. GOODRICH FIRESTONE UNIROTAL ER78x14 FR78X14 GR78X14 GR78X15 This year, make sure you are using the proper tax form. Even if you filed the Short Form last year, your circumstances this year c o u l d help you save m o n e y b y f i l i n g t h e L o n g F o r m . At H&R Block, we'll review your tax situ1 ation to decide which form allows you to pay the lowest legitimate tax. H&R BLOCK A K Seedless Sweet n' Juicy a FOR I CALIFORNIA ^ *180 NAVEL ORANGES Fed. Tax included Family Pride Grade A GOODYEAR TIEMP0 ALL WEATHER TIRE YOUNG TURKEYS 1 ^mVEAR P185/75R13 P195/75R14 P205/7514 P215/75R14 P225/75R14 P205/75R14 P215/75R15 P225/75R15 P235/75R15 F.E.T. $2.02-J3.11 Limited Supply Open9a.m.-6 p.m. Monday - Saturday (No Appointment Necessary) Evenings by Appointment PHONE 894-8492 516 E. C O L B Y - W H I T E H A L L Lead t h e Easter P a r a d e in OIL FILTER & LUBE FOREIGN A U I O SUGHTLY MORE 5QI.1KW«Q.S 7 POINT TUNE UP CHECK CHARQEINQ • STARTINQ INSTAAROINTS - CONDENSER T ROTOR INSTALL SPARK PLUGS SET DWELL « TIM INQ LUIRICATE CHOKE • ADJ. CARB Spring let us bring your wardrobe BACK TO LIFE,TOO! 0 0 0 0 SOOPER COST CUTTERS r r o IGNITION $4420 Another Great Way To Cut Your Costs At Krogerl ELECT. IONITIOH $402° FRONT DISC BRAKES ONLY INSTALL N E W PADS T U R N ROTORS REPACK BEARINGS C H E C K FLUIO LEVEL 51 Chunk Style $4/00 TRIX DOG FOOD 2 5 W e not only b r i n g back t h e Flower Fresh look to y o u r g a r m e n t s , we actually put t h e " S P R I N G " BACK into t h e F I B E R S . No more puckered seams, ripples or " w e a k " looking g a r m e n t s — g e t t h e Brand New look Colt's TOWN & COUNTRV CLEANERS G o o d y - G o o d y Court Whitehall s 0 3 9 Bag ROTAL 921 E . C O L B Y W H I T E H A L L Mon, Fn 8 a m -6 p m., Sat. 8 a m 4 p m Breakfast Of Champions VITA GOLD ORANGE JUICE OPEN WHEATIES Monday thru Saturday 7 am to 12-IVIidnight Sunday 9 am to 7 pm PHONE 8 9 3 - 5 7 5 5 1680 APPLE •• e - f « AVENUE i 530 WHITEHALL m * • • • H i ROAD •arch 2 6 , 1 9 8 0 . P a g e 11 WL Cable Facts m m m iraD®® CibU Station Channel ChiniMi {[ 2 3 A . . .Milwaukee & HBO O • • • Kalamazoo ( D spotTsamai a w i ) O • . Mi Iwaukee .Weather Channel HBO. Milwaukee O .Grand Valley P^S . Grand Rapids T ra v e r s e C i t y O C 0 . Mi i w a u k e e P 3S . Battle Creek .CD. . WGN Chicago .W. . Grand Rapids 4 5. 6. 7. I A . 9. . 1". 11. 12. 13. Oceana County Stations 1 I MARCH 26. 1980 6:00 O « w s ® SPORTSCEKTER (LIVE) ® ROSS BAGLEY HOUR (JOINED IN PROGRESS) ® CAROL BURNETT AND FRIENDS 9 MY THREE SONS .11 CD ABC NEWS CD BRADY BUNCH ffi J-2-1 CONTAO H B O DAYS OF THRILLS AND LAUGHTER A hilarious hair-raising anthology o( some ol the best classic shorts and serials ever captured on film. Featuring Charlie Chaplin. Douglas Fairbanks. LaurelandHardy. HoudiniJpnsKarloffJheKeystone Cops. ® O O O C D CBS NEWS PROGSAM UNANNOUNCED NBC NEWS BM NfWHART SHOW GOOOTMS J - M CONTACT HOG AN'S HEROES AICNEWS BEWITCHED OVER EAST Guest: Frankie Lane Host: Hugh 8:00 SHOW NEWS m NATCH GAME 7 JO I NIC NEWS I CD $100,000 NAME THAT TUNE WELCOME BACK KOTTIR T.V. HKH SCHOOL Grammar VH' PLAY THE PtRCINTAGES IL0KL0CT OLD HOUSIWORKS CROSS WITS H A m DATS AGAIN TKIACDOUGH . HOOCEY SI. Loob *5 Washington (Irre) FAMILY FEUD ) AT HOME WITH H i B > U I CD J O K B ' S W U ® ® ALLIN THE FAMILY O NEWIYWED GAME O C D PRICE IS RIGHT ® CAROL BURNEH AND FRIENDS Guests: Steve Lawrence, Tim Conway. ( S ) ® MACNEIL-LEHRER REPORT ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW HOLLYWOOD SQUARES H B O MAN VS SHARK: AN UNSANCTIONED COMPETITION Shiver al a death-defying, deepsea eihibition as diYersplajjagwilh unpredictable blue sharks. ®OOCDTHEDATCHRISTDIEDBasedonBibllcal record and historical interpretation, the special is a dramatic reconstruction of the politically troubled city of Jerusalem afthe fateful lime when Jesusol Nazareth enters the city to face the events which changed the course of the world. Stars: Chris Sarandon. Colin Blakei(3hrs.) OOREAlPEOPLEAvisiftcaschoollor major league baseball umpires, a look at three female cyclists traveling across the country, and Byron Allen goes skiing on grass. (60 mins.) ® FOCUS ON THE FAMILY O ROOTS An epic chronicle tracing the historyol one Black American lamily from a village in Africa through the cities of the U.S. ® BASKETBALL Atlanta Hawks vs Philadelphia S EVENING 6J0 2 . . . ® ..Green Bay Channel 2 4.. ® ..CBN Christian B. Network 1 1 , . . ® ..Green Bay Channel 11" 6.. ® ..Atlanta Channel 17 The ONLY TV M A G A Z I N E SENT FREE TO ALL HOMES 8:30 m > LOWS ARMSTRONG CHICAGO STYLE ® J SHUTER-HERZBERG EDITION Transsexuals ® ( D CD EIGHT IS ENOUGH Joannie's boss wants speciallavocsinreturnfofassigningherfocoverchoke news stories. (60 mins.) CD BOWLING GAME © SHAKESPEARE PLAYS Henry IV Part I. Anthony Ouayle and Jon Finch star in this drama about the English monarch. (2 hrs.. 30 mins ) HBOM0Vi-(COMEDY) "FtslBreak" 1971 Gabe Kaplan. Harold Syslester. A lormer deli clerk coaches a basketball team in the least known college in Nevada. (Rated P6) (2 hrs.) ® THE PRESENCE Of GOD 35) OVEI EAST Guest: Frankie lane. Host: Hugh o o Dfff lENT STROKES Willis gets stung when a street gang called the Scorpions b caught red-handed oaintino graffiti on buildings, ® 7MCLUI O THE DAT OBtST DIED Based on Biblical record and historical interpretation, the special is a dramatic reconstruction of the politically troubled city o( Jeru•• "•» ' . u . j i i m . whan UUK oi Naiareth enters 9:30 10^)0 10:IS 10:30 the city to face the events which changed the course of the world. Stars: Chris Sarandon. Colin Blakely. (3 hrs.) ® C D CD CHARLIE'S ANGELS Sabrina. Kelly and Bosley have just welcomed new angel Kris Munroe to the team when Charlie calls from Hawaii to say he has been kidnapped and will be killed unless the angels lly to the islands, (Repeat, 2 hrs.) CDMOVIE-(DRAMA)•• Mi "ShockIreahtenl" 1964 Stuart Whitman, Carol lynley. A man commits himself toanasylumtoinvesligaleaninmatewhoclaimstohave burned a million dollars he stole. (2 hrs.) O O HELLO.LARRTlemporarilyunemployed-and loo old to host a disco show- -Larry goes into a holding pattern as a flying traffic reporter, BASKETBALL Chicago Bulls vs Denver Nuggets ) PROGRAMMING UNANNOUNCED RE 10 ETERNITT Sergeant Warden I O FROM HERE survives the bungled attempt on his lile by Major Holmes, whose fate he holds in hb hands when he b ordered to file an oHicial report on the incident, (60 mins.) H B O BOXING Amateur Athletic Union fnter-City Invitational Boring Championship 6 i UPSTAIRS, DOWNSTAIRS A Family Secret ® AIAW DIVING Divbion II Championships (Rspeat) ® MAI MORRIS © NEVADA FALLOUT: THE HOI YEARS This lilm chronicles the hoi years' of above ground nuclear bomb 11:45 17:00 HQ) NEVADA FALLOUT: THE HOI TEARS Ihb lilm chronicles the hot years' of above ground nuclear bomb testing during the I950's. ® BOB NEWHARI SHOW CD ODD COUPLE CD PRISONER: CELL BLOCK H © ABC CAPTIONED NEWS C D AMERICA HELD HOSTAGE H B O MOVIE - (ROMANCE) • * * Hie Pronbe" 1979 Kathleen Quintan. Stephen Collins. On their way to an altar, a couple are in a car crash. Her face is crushed beyond recognition. She ends their romance, but their ; is still bound by the promise they made to each other. (Rated PG) (2 hrs.) CD lLOVE B0A1 Ihree Vignettes Folks From Home Stars: John Mdntire, Jeanette Holan. 2) Captain sCup Stars: Pat Harrington. Florence Henderson, 3) legal Eagle Stars: Bert Convy, Leigh laylor-Yong ® GUNSMOKE C3) NHL HOCKEY St. touis vs Washington (Repeat) O NEWS ® PROGRAMMING UNAVAILABLE AT PRESS I1ME DICK CAVETI SHOW Jed Harris' Part II. ® MARCUS WEIBT.M.D. C D POLICE WOMAN Solitaire' A policeman dying ol leukemia tracks the men who murdered hb partner and encounters a mad bomber. Guest stars Eugene Roche, Richard lynch. Monte landb and Diana 7:00 0 ) CROSS wns 7:30 TWILIGHT; IIM ® 11:15 11:30 JEWISH v o t a BENNY HRl SHOW DICK CAVHI SHOW Jed Harrb Part II MJLSJi LOVE AMERICAN STYLE J MiJJI. _ ) O CD CBS LATE MOVIE BLACK SHEEP SQUADRON: The 200 Pound Gorilla' Sgl, Andy Micklin is promoted and he's torn between acceptino what he s oflered and refusing to become what he has always despised-anofficer,TSYCHlCKILlER'I975Stars:Paul Butke. Jim Hutfon. ® SPORTSCEKTER (LIV!) O O THE TONIGHT SHOW Host: Johnny Carson. Guests: Crystal Gayle. Fernando lamas. (90 mins.) ® ROSS BAGUT SHOW ® M0VK -(MUSICAL-COMIDT) • • W "Wonder l « " Al Jobon. Kay Francb. Elaborate musical production of nightclubs and the people who work in them. (115 minO nc o r o ert ^ . A 8:00 MARCH 27, 1980 EVENING 6:00 (23 SAJFOID AND SON IOOOCDCD NEWS SPORTSCEKTER (LIVE) ROSS BAGUT SHOW (JOINED IN PROGRESS) CAROL BURNEH AND FRIENDS ) MT THREE SONS )CD ABC NEWS I BRADT BUNCH I 3-2-1 CONTACT ) O O O C D CBS NEWS ) PROGRAMMING UNANNOUNCED I NBC NEWS ) BOB NEWHARI SHOW ) GOOD TIMES ) 3-2-1CONIACI 6:30 0 1 ) H06AN 5 HtRIHS CD ABC HEWS CD IfWnCHEO 6 0 OVER EAST Divorce and Older Marriage Host Hugh Downs. O ) AHDT GRIFFITH SHOW ®00(n)NEWS O HATCH GAME ® BACKYARD ® SANF0RD AND SOM O NBC NEWS O C D FAMIIT FEUD ® WELCOME BACK KOTTER ® WE THE PEOPU...READ CD PLAT THE PERCENTAGES CD IIOVELUCT ffi HIGH SCHOOL QUIZ BOWL City High School n Grand Rapids Baptist @ HAPPTWTS AGAIN O TKIACDOUGH ( J ) NCAA HOCKEY Division I Semilinal Game I (Live) O MUPPnS SHOW ® ZOLA LEVITT O C D JOKER'S WILD 6 1 ® ALLIN THE FAMILY O NEWIYWED GAME O CD CHILDREN OF THE FIRST WORLD ® CAROL BURNEn AND FRIENDS Guests: Ken Berry Carl Reiner. ( 1 0 ) © MACNEIL-LEHRER REPORT CD ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW C D HOLLYWOOD SQUARES H B O HBO SNIAKPREVKW ® O O CD PALMER STOWN. U J i . David's folks bring him a new crystal radio set from Memphis, am) Booker I. quickly learns his friend has no more lime (oi him.(50mim.) O O BUCK ROGERS IN THE 25th CENTURY Buck Rogers makes a daring pioneer journey through t black hole into an alternate universe, where he is coerced into joining (orces with Princess Ardala to save a peacelul planet (rom being destroyed by a beauti(ul dictator (rom a neighboring world, (PI. I. of a two-pan eoisode; 60 mirul ® MISSKMAIRES IN ACTWN O BOOTS An epk chronicie tracing the history ol one Black American lamily from a village in Africa through the cities of the U.S. ® H0VIE -(COMEDY-tOMAlia) • • • "Co«e Se^ f e n b e r " 1961 Rock Hudson. Gina loflobrigida Wealthy American arrives al his Italian villa two months Za n ^hus!'^k c „;„ ^ H B o ^ O n t h , ^op/erf e ,^®Or •*ndth e r e ed ^ o o : ^ Ht-fa MONTAGUE 8812 FERRY ST. PHONE 893-4695 M a r c h 2 6 , 1 9 8 0 , P a g e 12 W L eariief than usual and d o c o w s no careia w r uses m« ptece as hotel It* eteren months o) the rear.(2 hfs_ 3C ®M0VK-(WISrai0**^ 1:30 MO Ttelie Guns'1967 George Montgomerr Yronne de Cario. A U i . raarshall transporting prisoners to a penitentiary discovers that temale prisoner is a toman he once loved. (2 hrs.) ® ) BEHIND M HfAWMS Jonestown and the Press 03) C D CD MORH M D MIMOT Mork borrows Endor s mountain cabin lor a resttull weekend, but (indshimsell and Mindy stranded in a rootless, burned out ruin just as a Winard arrives. (Repeat) € 9 I0WIIN6 GAME © M l MOraS" JOURNAL The Black Agenda H B O MOVIE -(DRAMA) • • "luckilone Countr Prison' ' E a r l Owensby, DavidAllenCoe.Ihechaingang tears him. The sherilt hates his guts. But the people in this small North Carolina town loved the man called SeaboSeaboisaneipert tracker. Wheninmatesatthe Buckstone County Prison escape and hold a lamily hostage, only Seabo can track them down. (R) (90 mins.) G D WAKE UP AMERICA ( C D OVa EAST Divorce and Older Marriage Host: Hugh Downs ( S ) ( 9 C D BENSON Benson has to do some tancy fool work when the governor decides to sample public opinion and. incognito, visits a rough waterfront bat and starts a brawl. ( D O O O GD BARNAIT JONES Barnaby Jones Is impersonated by a criminal mastermind who uses murder and legal cunning in an attempt to acquire a publishing empire. (60 mins.) O O OUHKY When three deaths Irom botulism are traced to the coliseum where the world's soccer championship is to take place, Ouincy and an attractive health department doctor must find the source ol the deadly bacteria, (60 mins,) ® jooaui 3® IARGEI (33) C D CD BAR NET MILLER A disgruntled, idealistic architect determined to see his own building demolished, and a braien rescue attempt by a pair ol hapless hoods make for a crazy Sunday lor the men of the 12th precinct ODMOVI-(COMEDT)"*^ "0»ReUlio«"1934 9:30 10:00 Stan Laurel. Oliver Hardy. Iwo dim-wits discover they have an identical pair of twin brothers, and the lun begins., (2 hrs,. 30 mins,) ffi ALL CREATURES GREAI AND SMALL ?ups. Pigs and Pickles' Tristan proves he is a gentleman and James love of good food is severely tested when a gratefuf farmer oilers him a breakfast ol lat bacon and piccalifli. 11 © C D THE ASSOCIATES Eliot is terrified because the prosecution attorney in the government case against the newspaper he is defending is none other than Professor Charfes Kingsfield, who caused him so much grief in hb student days. Guest star: John Houseman. HBOMOVIE-(COMEDT) • • W "AiAMlHouse" 1978 John Belushi, Tim Matheson. A riotous look at the madcap mayhem ol Iraternity lile during the '60s (Rated R) (2 lusj QDOOCDRNOTSLANOlNGHisalcoholic sickness leeding on itseH. Gary is a nearly psychotic wreck when Val and Sid linally locale him well into his three-day drinking binge. (60 mins.) ( 3 COLLEGE VOLLEYBALL Pepperdine vs UCSB O O THEROCKFORORLESJimis joined bytwoyoung detectives to solve the mysterious slaying ol a senator who was about to address the awards dinner of the priyate detectives association. (Repeat; 60 mins.) O PALMERSTOWN, U i JL David s folks bring him a new crystal radio set from Memphis, and Booker T. quickly learns his friend has no more time for him. (60 mins.) (9) NEWS ® ) SNEAK PREVIEWS Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert review the Academy Award nominees and predict the winners. C v C C S C D SOAP ffi MASTERPIECE THEATRE Duchess of Duke Street fl Lottie returns from finishing school with an unexpected ® NORMAN VINCENT PEALE ® AMERICANS 111101M. Estes President ol General Motors. He made it to the top from a small town taclory worker. 2 O O O O O G D Q i ) ® NEWS 11:00 ® GOD'S NEWS BEHIND THE NEWS ! 9 000 COUPLE 5 ® D O CAVETT SHOW Jed Harris Part III. € 0 DICK CAVETT SHOW Jed Harris Part II. CD M J l i J l . 11 JO @ M-A-S-H. O O C D CIS LATE MOVIE COIUMBO The Most Dangerous Watch A world chess champion is found badly injured just before a scheduled match and suspicion falls on the American player. (Repeal) MARY HARTMAH. MARY HARTMAH Stars: Louise Lasser. Greg Mullavey. (Repeat) C3) SPORTSCENTER(LIVE) O O THE TONIGHT SHOW Host: Johnny Carson. Guests: Judith Blegen. Mac Davis. (90 mins,) ® ROSS BAGLEY SHOW O MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW ® MOVIE -(MUSICAL) "Go Into Your Dance" 1935 Al Jolson, Ruby Keeler. An actor becomes Involved with a murder while trying to open a new nightclub. (115 mins.) 9 © PRISONER: CELL BLOCK H OS) HEALING The phenomenon ol laith healing is etplored in this moving documentary which balances moments of strong emotion with cool-headed logic. (35 BOB NEWHART SHOW C D 000 COUPLE ffi ABC CAPTIONED NEWS CD AMERICA HELD HOSTAGE H B O G0RGE0USIBABYI BEAUTIFUL! An Insiders Look At The Modeling Industry: The rutheless yet rewarding world ol the lashion model is revealed in this Insider s look at this glamorous industry, when modelling great Cheryl Tieas steps in front of the lens. 11:45 CD POLICE WOMAN Kight 01 The Full Moon 12:00 CT) GUNSMOKE ® NCAA HOCKEY Division I Semifinal Game I (Repeat) O CBS LATE MOVIE BLACK SHEEP SQUADRON: The 200 Pound Gorilla' Sgt, Andy Micklin is promoted and he's torn between accepting what he's offered and refusing to become what he has afways despised-an officer. PSYCHIC KfLLER 1975 Stars: Pauf Burke, Jim Hutton. ® MOVIE -(COMEDY) • • Vi "Jeisia" 1962 Angle Dickinson, Maurice Chevafier. fn her village, an ftafian midwife is lusted after by the male population. (2 hrs.. 10 mins.) (33) MARCUS WELIY.MJ). © CHARLIE'S ANGELS To Kill An Angel' Kelly is shot by a child mishandling a firearm and is hospitalized in crificaf condition. (Repeat) © TWILIGHT ZONE 6:30 10:00 HBO MOVIE -(COMEDY) lake Down" 1979 Edward Herrman, Kathleen Lloyd. A delightful look al an inept high schoof wrestling team. (Rated PG) (2 hrs.) ® HAPPY DAYS AGAIN 7:30 O TKTAC DOUGH ® NCAA HOCKEY Division I Semifinal Game II (Live) O YOUNG PEOPLE'S SPECIAL I'alm Trees And Icebergs' ( 4 ) THE LESSON O © JOKER'S WILD ® ALL IN THE FAMILY O NEWLYWED GAME ® CAROL BURNEn AND aiENDS Guests: Joan Rivers. Vincent Price. ( 3 3 ) 6 0 MACNEIL-LEHRER REPORT (33) STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE An all new animated musical fantasy special designed to eiplore important lessons in human values through adventure, magic and musk. © STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE CD PRICE IS RIGHT 8:00 ® O O © HERE COMES PETER COTTONTAIL The story relaleshowPeter faib to deliver more Easter eggs than the evil rabbit. Ironfall, but is saved from disgrace byMr. Sassafrass and hb time machine, (60 mins) O O KRE'SBOOMER IN TOUCH ROOTS An epk chronicle tracing the history of one Black American famify from a village in Africa through the cities of the U i , ® BASKETBALL Atlanta Hawks vs Washington Bullets ® M O V I E - ( D R A M A ) * " * "TheCha«pion" 1949 Kirk Douglas, Arthur Kennedy. Young fighter gets to the top, onty to lose to the syndicate. (2 hrs.) ID! FOR THE RECORD: IN BRIEF (311 © C D WHEN IKE WHISTLE BLOWS Bun has the chance ol a lifetime to become a television commercial star but can't decide if he wants to ghre up hb job and Iriends. (60 mins.) © BOWLING GAME © WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW 8:30 O O PINK LADY The scheduled guests are Florence Henderson. Roy Orbbon, Sid Caesar and Boomer. (60 mins.). ( 5 S ) f f i WALLSTREETWEEK ® O O O © THE DUKES OF HAZIARD Boss 9.-00 Hogg Imports hb nasty nephew to hefp him bag the Dukes. (Repeat.- 60 mins.) ® 700 CLUB (38) HEALING (33) © CD a ID AY NIGHT MOVIE The Pink Panther Strikes Again' 1976 Stars: Peter Sellers, Lesley Anne Down, Inspector Clouseau'sformer chief escapes from a mentaf home and builds a vast criminaf empire with one great goal-the destruction of Clouseau, (2 hrs,) © BASKETBALL Kansas City Kings vs Milwaukee Bucks © GRAND RAPIDS PHILHARMONIC CONCERT Cal Stewart Kellogg leads the Grand Rapids Symphony Orchestra in Serenade for Thirteen Winds, Op, 7 and Concerto No, 2 in E flat by Strauss, Featured artbt is world-renowned French horn player Barry Tuckwell. H B O ON LOCATION: DAVID BRENNER By popular demand, comedian David Brenner returns for afl-new uproarious performance. Brenner traveb | the college campus where he gives viewers a rioti lesson in the golden rule as he relieves hb own coll* 10:15 10:30 11:00 11:15 11:30 S EVENING H T (2J SANFORDANDSON O O O O © © NEWS ® SPORTSCENTER (LWE) ® ROSS BAGLEY SHOW (J0WED IN PROGRESS) ® CAROL BURNETT AND FRIENDS Guest: Glen Campbell. : 9j MY THREE SONS (33) C D ABC NEWS © BRADY BUNCH ffi 3-2-1 CONTACT ® 0 0 0 © CBS NEWS ® PROGRAMMING UNANNOUNCED O NBC NEWS ® BOB NEWHART SHOW ! 9 ) 600D TIMES g ® 3-2-1 CONTACT (33) MUPPETS SHOW © ABC NEWS CTl n f w n r w n 11:45 12:00 SAT., MARCH 29TH URRENDER vinnnnnnnnnnr COUPON vmnmnnnnnng DELICIOUS S MARCH 28TH EXPIRES 4 / 2 / 8 0 TO 'UN LIVE MUSIC at The Talk of the Town Tavern • C H I C K E N • P O R K • S I O P P Y JOE E^FORI B A R - B - Q $ I 0 9 11:00 - 1 : 3 0 P.M. LEBANON LUTHERAN • ^ • S A N D W I C H E S CHURCH <2 WHITE LAKE PARTY W I T H THIS C O U P O N • UMII 1 PER CUSTOMER STORE 6 0 3 COLBY ST. - WHITEHALL 1101 S. Mears Whitehall Shelby Chiropractic Life Center ,P.C. 1 Part Heaven... Part Hell... Pure Havana. ^ 861 -5774 ciob ispe . ^EAT CO. Sf r WE D O CUSTOM • • • CUHING h p T T e e k us-31 o c e a m * DRivt iioTHBURy W E ACCEPT V P O O D STAMPS CANNED HAMS ^ (fully cooked), 3 ibs * 5 . 8 9 j r _ HQUfSj y ^ - J h u r s - f" * 1 9 . 7 9 - 6 Sat - 9 - 2:00 i FISHOII— © COMEDY CUTUPS ® OLD HOUSEWORKS CD A»YGR FTTH SHOW ® l l i . W . BOWUIG O INNER VIEW O MILWAUKEE ALIVE ® N0V1E -(COMEDY) • • • " W i d H t SWp h Tfce A n r " 1960 Jack Lemmon, Ricky Hebon 1943: AMaval Lieutenant b given command of a rickety old sailing vessel with a crew that knows nothing about sailing and finds himsell on a dangerous missioo, (2 hrs.) OMOVIE-(ADVENTURE) — "RedTeat" 1971 Peter finch, Sean ConneryThe story of a General s disastrous flight to the North Pole in 1928, including a crash and the crew's eventual rescue, (2 hrs,) O © SIX MILLION DOLLAR MAN ® CD CLAS0L CROWN TENUIS Among competitors leatured are Tracy Austin and Martina Nanatilova in thb prestigious $200,000 tournament. (JS WORLD TheRealWarinSpace'Thbprogramtakes a startling look at the technology which bmaking outer space the next potential battlefield ol the superpowers. (60 rains.) m WORLD SaiESOE AUTO RACIiG © MOVIE (ADVENTURE-ROMANCE) • • " O t a G d " 1943 Gene Tierney, George Montgomery. Story of the foves and sacrifices of a Eurasian girf and an American newsreel photographer in f 941 China. (90 mins.) © LOST IN SPACE 6 0 FIRING LINE Host: William F. Buckley Jr. (60 mins.) H B O TIME WA$-1960i Series host OickCaveHrecalb Vietnam, civil rights sit-ins,' the lemlnist movements, Woodstock, man's first moon walk and other landmark DON'S A P P L I A N C E SERVICE 8728 Aitken Street. Montague Serving Muskegon & Oceana Counties Ph. 894-8252 Don Carnos Guaranteed Work at Reasonable Rates IT'S A BARGAIN H'Srr^inn O M^ «iu E ^T••ac*V MWMTOWM WUrriMAU. DOWNTOWN MONTAGUE Res. 894-5733 Phone 893-5683 SPANISH MOVIES asHiBois C O M I E N S A A ALA AN ALEX W1NITSKYARLENE SELLERS PROOUCTTON SEAN CONNERY BROOKE ADAMS A RICHARD LESTER FILM "CUBA' -wWCK WESTON HECTOR EUZONOO DENHOLM ELLKJTT MARTIN BALSAM CHRIS SARANDON ALEJANDRO REY LONETTE McKEE CHARLES WOOO P r o ^ ^ ARLENE ^LLERS ... A L « WINITSKY RICHARD LESTER —DENISOtCLL o, PATRICK WILLIAMS - (H| 1 ~ U n i t e d Artists 1 PM-Y SE REPITE A LAS 2 t 4 5 P.M. MB"0 UBfRTA* LAMAIOW UIOMMUUZ MMITlai „ "PPOtRO ESCUELA DE MUSICA" CUBA March 28, 29, 30 Friday 7 & 9 : 1 5 Saturday 7 & 9 : 1 5 10 lbs.... _) 0 |ICAA FENONG Division I Championship O CHRISTOPHER CL0SEUP O O © 30MHIJTIS ® PRE SEASON BASEBALL Atlanta Braves vs Los DOMINGO MARCH 30 * Sunday 7 f w ® AUSTIN CITY LIMITS Hank Williams Jr. and the Shake Russell Barxf (60 mins.) (33) T.V.BOWUtG © BUGS BUNNY AND aENDS MARKET TO MARKET © IN THE NEWS HIMMUTES PRE SEASON BASEBALL Detroit Tigers vs Houston PARK THEATRE IF N O A N S W E R CALF 854-1455 , ^ f PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 9 TO 5 M 0 N . thru SAT. ANSWERING 893-5683 10 a m t o 1 p m & 2 p m t o 7 p m pH0Mt SHAZAMI O HOT l U O SANDWICH MOV* -(COMEDY-DRAMA) • • • " T * i i e " 1933 JohnBarrymoreMyrnaloyThestofyolaFrenchschod teacher who becomes a business tycoon. (90 mins.) HO) 3-2-1 CONTACT © C D WEEKEND SPECIAL © HOT FUDGE 12:15 91 YOUR INCOME TAI 12:26 ® 0 0 © IN THE NEWS 12-30 ® O O O © TARZAN AND THE SUPa SEVEN 9 i CHARLAND0 (5$ CROCKETT'S VICTORY GARDEN Transplant Seedlings' Ol) FARM REPORT © C D AMERICAN BANDSTAND © BIG BLUE MARBLE CROCKETT'S VICTORY GARDEN MOVIE-(DRAMA-MYSTERY)**Vi "EfcaofDooa' 1950 Dana Andrews. Farfey Granger. Young man. caught in the emotkmal chaos ol poverty, sick parents andthwartingreligiouscircumstances,gropesir)eflectually against society and the church. (2 hrs.) 12:56 O O © IN THE NEWS 1:00 O KIDSW0RLD ® 700 CLUB O SOUL TRAIN MANY UNITS & SPEAKERS DOWNTOWN MONTAGUE THEATRE AUTOMATIC iir'c OOO© AM/FM/CASSETTE Office Hours Tuesdays & Thursdays APPOINTMENT W B I C T MARCH 29, 1 9 8 0 AFTERNOON FERRY STREET MONTAGUE 0 5LQ-Q.Q.Q 9 8flaflg Q p g ^ j 2 4 HOURS BY O NBC NEWS WHITE PAPa "We're Moving Up: The Hispanic Migration' The documentary will locus on the many problems caused by the huge inllui ol illegal Merican immigrants crossing the United StatesMeiican border and the root causes of this migration-the poor rural areas and the overcrowded cities of MeiicoJ90 mins.) ! 2 O O O © DALLAS The happiness feft by the Ewing famify on Sue Eflen's return from the hospital changes to concern when it becomes obvious she has little enthusiasm lor anything, including her new baby. (Repeat,- 60 mins,) HIGH ® WG SCHOOL BASKETBALL McDonald s Capital Classic 91 NEWS (3S) WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW H B O MOVIE-(COMEDY) "FodPUy" 1978 Chevy Chase, Goldie Hawn , Plot to assassinate the Pope b masterfully interwoven with the romance ol a detective and a girl on the run. (Rated PG)(2 hrs.) ® PERSPECTIVE ON GREATNESS FDR. Part II. The Prince ol Peace' ® RICHARD HOGUE (3® CAMERA THREE American Dance Machine Thb ensemble performs to music from Broadway and the movies ol the I930's. '40 $ and 'SO"$, © FRANKIE AND JOHNNY Thb b a recreation of the first American ballet, with choreography by Ruth Page and BentlySlone, ® 0 0 0 0 0 © ( 3 3 ) © NEWS ® DAN GRIFFIN ® ODD COUPLE 10) © DICK CAVETT SHOW Jed Harm Part IV. C D M-Ai-H, ® LOVE AMERICAN STYLE @ M-AiJl. O O © © NBA BASKETBALL San Diego Clippers vs Los Angeles Lakers O O THE TONIGHT SHOW Host: Johnny Carson Guests: Clark Terry. Carl Reiner. Steve Lawrence. (90 mins.) ® ROSS BAGLEY SHOW O MARY TYUR MOORE SHOW ® M O V I E - ( H 0 M 0 8 ) " * "ColoiiuiOlNewYoit" 1958 John Baragrey. Otto Kruger. A brain surgeon transfers hb dead scienfbt-son's brain to the head o( a 9-foot, 480 pound robot, but the organ resents the action and goes on the rampage, (90 mins.) . 9 ) PtISONa: CELL BLOCK H (3S) MASTERPIECE THEATRE -Duchess ol Duke Street fT Lottie returns Irom linbhing school with an uneipected guest, O l ) BOB NEWHART SHOW © 000 COUPLE © A K CAPTIONED NEWS CD AMaiCA HELD HOSTAGE _ ) CHARLIE'S ANGELS The Seance' A confidence man CD( uses a woman medium as a means ol robbing elderty rich women, (Repeat) ® GUNSMOKE ® SPORTSCENTa (LIVE) O MOVIE -(SCIENCE RCTI0N) • • * •Cowjuertollhe Plaoetot the Apes" 1972RoddyMcDowall,DonMurray. The apes enslaved by the human popufation of the Earth, which b under control of a Fascbt government, are fed in a revolt by Caesar, a talking chimp. (100 mins.) ® MOVIE -(COMEDY-MUSICAL) • • "Fof Those Who Think Young" 1964 James Darren. Pamela Tiffin. The hMinks of students on a college campus. (2 hrs.) (11) MARCUS WELBY. Hi). © MOVIE -(SUSPENSE) • • • % H f H Must Fair' 1937 Robert Montgomery, Rosalind Russell. A babyfaced kifler who carries a severed head in a hat bot b befriended by a crochety old woman and her niece. (90 mins.) H B O MOVIE -(DRAMA) • • • "Sondve" 1976 Hugo Stiglitz. Norma Lazareno. A chartered plane earning 45 passengers crashes high in the Andes Mountains ol South America. All but 16 were killed in the crash. Thb b the story of the ordeaf of these sunrivors, who survived by eating the flesh of the dead for 7 2 days before rescue (90 mins.) 9:30 CD CROSS wns MARCH 28, 1980 Casserole Luncheon y 7:00 10:30 G 0 OVB EASY 'Employment Host: Hugh Downs. C D ANDY GMRTH SHOW G D O O ® NEWS O MATCH GAME ® STUFF 6 SANFORDANDSON € 3 NBC NEWS O © HEE HAW Guests; Blackwood Brothers, Ronnie McDowell, Wendy Holcombe, Ralph Sloane and the Tennessee Travelers, (60 mins.) 9 WELCOME BACK. KOTHR CIO) CINEMATKEYE LaStrada' © PUY THE PERCENTAGES © I LOVE LUCY © ADVOCAHS IN BRIEF Should There Be A Constitutional Amendment Requiring A Balanced Federal Budget!' # M a r c h 2 6 . 1 9 8 0 , P a g e 13 f i oi this volatile decade. LAW AND TOO NEW HOff WITH DAU 6AU0WAT EAKl 60CS RSMNG IHE AMERICAN SPOIISNAN Today $ show will feature lour daring adventurers including Beverly Johnjon. the wofw J top leraale climber eiploring M a r c l ^ i f r o z e n eiateau on cross country skis. y p O O O u ) HEIITAGf GOU 340 4:30 lomi JUST PASSMG THRU MCONPlEn SPORTSMAN IMOVf-(HORROR-DRAMA) • * * " l U d Sabbath" I H 4 Boris Karlott, Mark Damon Three shuddery tales o( terror: The Telephone. "The Wurdalak. and A Drop ojWater.' (2 hrs.) ffi PROPHET FOR A U SEASONS: A1DOIEOPOID H B O MOVIE -(MTSTERT) • • • W Tke 6 e l a » a y " 1972 Steve McQueen. Ali HacGraw A bank robber and his wile lake it on the lam when a robbery goes haywire. (Rated PG) (2 hrs.) ® AIAW 6TMNASTKS Division III Championships O NATIONAL m \ SCHOOL CHuRLEADERS CHAMPIONSHIP ®FORDPt«lPOT ® AT ISSUE ® CD PROfESSWNAL MWLERS TOUR Today s show will feature the J 100,000 PBA National Championship from Michigan (90 mins.) C S O O O G ) SPORTS SPECTACULAR DCollege All-Star Basketball Game, leaturing topcollege seniors from across the country, 2) Hawaiian International Powerlrtting. 3) A report on the long Beach Grand Prii 11 Auto Race. (2 hrs.) AJLU. SWMNIN6 REHtfTH C0PELAN0 UNT0UCHA1LES MT THREE SONS SOU TRAIN 0 ^ ' THUUNGEIONT 3:30 4:00 0 2 ) AMERICAN SHORT STORY Shelley Duvall plays an ugly duckling who b transformed into an alluring vamp in F. Scoff Fitzgerald's Hernice Bobs Her Hair". Ron Howard and Amy Irving star in Sherwood Anderson's story of a young man finding romance at a racetrack, T m AFoor.(90mins.) CD OUTER LMTS € 0 H t n LADIES Of MUSK A look at Olive and Marie Endres. who have spent more than 50 years teaching, conducting, composing and pertorming music. CD PROfESSIONAl BOWLERS TOUR Today's show will feature the S 100,000 PBANational Championshiplrom Michigan. (90 miro.) Q WOMEN'S KEMPER OPEN ® ) JULIA CHILD AND MORE COMPANY 0 3 SOMEONE KSE'S CHILD Theprogramconcerns itsell with the adolescent losler care placement in rural EVENING 6.-00 t 5:30 onsin. IOIGASS RSHIN' HOLE HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL Girls Class A Championship FEATURE CD WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS Coverage ol Matthew Saad Muhammad defending his WBC World htHeavywelghtChampionshipagainstJohnConteh, rains.) TWILIGHT ZONE © SOCaR MADE IN GERMANY H B O nANDING ROOM ONLY: L I U An Evening With Liia Minnelli Liza Minelli brings down the house at Ihb concert performance when she bells out everything from blues to ballads to her own show-stopping hits. ( a ) PROGRAM UNANNOUNCED C D ROSS BAGLEY SHOW f e D RAT PATROL 6:30 C D LAWRENCE WEK SHOW FUTURETALK SPORTSCENTER (LIVE) $1.91 BEAUTY SHOW PEOPLE TO PEOPLE CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTIING MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW I C D NEWS AND VKWS OFF THE RECORD O O O C D CBSNEWS PROGRAMMING UNANNOUNCED NBC NEWS YOUNG PEOPLE'S SPECIAL Palm Trees And Icebergs' 19 MCHALE'S NAVY O S CD NEWS RAT PATROL ANOTHER VOICE C D RE1 REED'S MOVIE GUIOf EXPIRES 104 N . T H O M P S O N - W H I T E H A L L ^ O P E N 24 HRS.® W H I T E LAKE and Lunch Items to Choose The Frem Crosswindg EAGLES M Live Lobster & Clam Boil 1 2 0 4 L o k e Streei DAILY NOON & EVENING SPECIALS Senior Citizens S u n d a y 12 n o o n - 8 p . m . Closed Monday PHONE 861-S100 D R I V E - 894-4129 OR 894-6339 Cooked wdh pAide and mved mth pmdel 603 Colby St. - W h i t e h a l l ALL YOU CAN EAT! O C E A N A TUES - WED. - THURS. 5 P . M . - MIDNITE FRI. & SAT 5 P . M . - 3 A M SUN. 5 P . M . - TT P . M . CLOSED M O N 893-7275 WHITE LAKE PARTY STORES SOUP & S A N D W I C H BAR EVERY TUESDAY S O U T H CHICKEN & SEAFOOD DINNERS VARIETY OF S A N D W I C H E S 7901 Cook Street Over 20 Different Breakfast Friday Saturday 1t-3 5-10 p . m . EAT I N OR CARRY O U T Montague, Michigan 49437 4 / 2 / 8 0 J O H N ' S PIZZA All Kinds - All Occasions °SPECIAU S e *11 per person April 5th Discount S H E L B Y Angela & Rlccardo^s • FOiOlD)! ITALIAN SPECIALTIES STEAKS & LOBSTER (Members & Guests) Match our Glanl S4" Band - Dancing 9 : 3 0 - 1:30' on Sunday Reservations 8 9 4 - 6 2 6 3 1 WHITE LAKE EAGLES W I C H w/talad b a r . . . . $4.95 M u i l c by " T h e Reason W h y " HUNDERBIRD LOUNGE IN THE 1 2 0 4 Lake Street Friday. M a r c h 28 PERCH OR SMELT DINNER n CRAB LEGS n ITEMS A N D SOFT DRINKS 10% OFF FOR ALL SENIOR CITIZENS Breakfast Monday-Friday after 5:30 A . M . Banquet facilities available S U N D A Y S - D I N N E R TILL 9 Take-Dur S544G95 11 - 1 P M M o n - Fri Saturday. M a r c h 29 FRIDAY & SATURDAY MARCH 28 & 29 EVERY W E D N E S D A Y • SENIOR CITIZENS DAY - ALL FOOD O p e n to fhe Public M u s i c by " T h e R e a i o n W h y " FRANKLIN HOUSE S7.95 161 N . D i v i s i o n . H e s p e r i a W e serve dinner every Potato & Salad B a r SALAD BAR DAILY L U N C H E O N SPECIALS Noon Lunches Cottage Fries & Salad bar $ 5 . 9 5 Television Screen F R I D A Y & S A T U R D A Y N I G H T S - S P E C I A L S - P R I M E R I B ft F I L E T M I G N D N A T $1.96 W e d . , M a r c h 26 OPEN PRIME RIB SAND- Friday Evening Music by Daryl (Members & Cues's) O LIVE MUSIC Monday....Pitcher Night Thursday Ladies N i g h t w n D •MONTAGUE* i WE RE MORE THAN A feL NICE PLACE TO EAT O N ^ W H I T E LAKE C O C K T A I L S - BEER • W I N E EASTER SUNDAY TWO SPECIALS M A K E R E S E R V A T I O N S EARLY SATURDAY SUNDAY •Prime Rib Dinner... • T 9 5 ATRIP T O THE SALAD BOAT) ! N O O N on THURSDAY 4 on SATURDAY I • Specials • NSCH - I A U YOU C M CAT) CUB M S - (AU roo CMB IIMS MT} WOUfO WHfTE FBH S T W I B IN BEER (| IB) BAR OPEN AT 3 . 0 0 P V,. • FRIDAY * H o m e Style Chicken Dinner.. (•11 you em eat) ^ £ L IEVERYI WEEKEND 12 -8P M ( J ( T H E ABOVE DINNERS INCLUDE ^ C h o i c e 7 OZ. |FISH NITE (Ball SWEETER ROAD FRIDAYI 10BSTER M i l BROIliO (I IB) SUNDAY I ALSO SERVING O U R REGULAR M E N U Cloud MOD.-TUM.-WMI. PHONE 8 9 4 - 6 3 p O ^ ^ ^ M Open 7 Days A W e e k SIRLOIN SIZZLER Lake Perch Dinner 53.95 C H I C K E N OR T U R K E Y Dinner W i t h Dressing 3.95 FRESH LAKE PERCH 4.50 BARBEQUE BEEF RIBS.. 4.95 in the area ^ $5.75 WEDNESDAY P R I M E RIB 5.95 H a m Steak ala H a w a i i a n Pepper Steak with Noodles CLUB STEAK 5.95 »All dinners include Baked potato, salad — bread basket. :Our Italian specials...Spaghetti. Veal Parmlgiana, Try Lasagna. ROOMS Fresh Lake Perch $5.25 Alaskan K i n g Crab AVAILABLE $5.25 I • Tuesday thru Saturday • English Cut Prime • PRIVATE ROOMS AVAILABLE • COMPLETE LUNCHEON AND DINNER MENU ffV T W O LOCATIONS 2S11 H i l l R d . f t S h e r l d o n WE ACCEPT RESERVATIONS CLOSED ON SUNDAY « COUHM Ttw sehlllad Family Welcome You M Breakfast served anytime 10% DISCOUNT TUESDAY-FRIDAY $8.25 A i l D i n n e r s I n c l u d e S a l a d ft P o t a t o A If y o u c a n ' t t a k e y o u r w i f e t o I t a l y , t a k e h e r t o both Dinners Include Our Delicious Salad Bar BREAKFAST SPECIAL 9 9 SENIOR CITIZENS MONDAY Ted Gaul at the organ and piano TRY OUR $7.95 Slzzler : 44-1666 $5.50 Slzzler ( A c c o m o d a t i n g u p t o 250 people) W h i t e h a l l R d . ft G i l e s R d . $5.25 SATURDAY •DAILY LUNCHEON SPECIALS* BANQUET 7 FRIDAY ; C h i c k e n B r e a s t R o m a n o a n d Pizza. 7 all you $350 can eat... $6.25 THURSDAY Delmonlco $450 Ocean Perch Dinner TUESDAY Pen Fried Chicken Phone 894-5311 906 Colby'Sf. Whitehall WL CD SHANANA ( D O O CD THE TTM CONWAY SHOW Guests. KC and the Sunshine Band. (60 mins.) O B0WIIN6 WTTHCHAMP Women s25lhAnniversaiT Tournament C4J 700 UUB O ROOTSAn epic chronicle tracing the history of one Black American family Irom a village in Africa through the cities of the U i . ® POP GOES THE COUNTRY O BJ AND T K BEAR BJ and a pretty young marina patrol officer in the Fiorida Keysf ry tosolve the punf ing disappearance of BJ's best friend and become trapped in a deadfy crossfire between rival factions of smug$. (60 mins.) *WILD KINGDOM Land At River s End (1® A U CRUTURES GREAT AND SMAU The Name of fhe Game' The annual cricket match between Rainby and Darrowby has. in the past, captured both Siegfried and Tristan, but this year they are wary. ©CDCDAlL-STARFAHLYFEUDThecasfsofAngie, Benson, WKRP In Cincinnati, and Dallas compete for charity. (60 mins.) CD UNDERSEA WORLD OF JACQUES C0USTEAU Forgotten Mermaids' 6 0 NORTHWEST VISIONARIES This program features artists from the Puget Sound area, including Mark Tobey, Margaret Tomkins, Helmi Juvonen and George Tsufakawa. (60 mins) « B I G CATERING SERVICE S E A S O N S O P E N I N G S I N G L E D I F S Captain'si tKable Open T u e s d a y - T h u r s d a y 11-3 5-9 p . m . - SHINKLE 12 FOR 1 COUPON 1:00 ( T ) DANCE FEVER C D NCAA HOCKEY Division I Championship Game (Live) O HOLLYWOOD SQUARES ® THE LUNDSTR0MS O IN SEARCH OF Tidal Waves O TOM AND JERRY • 9 DICK VAN DYKE SHOW ® ANOTHER VOICE CD $100,000 NAME THAT TUNE C 0 GUINNESS GAME SYNTHESIS 11 Coal: Solntinn nr Pnlliitinn'' jnnnr COUPONTmr; O iiANMiKjp.w. 7:30 S J e n j o y real ice cream SUNDAY BRUNCH H B O BOXING Amateur Athletic Union Inter-City Invitational Boiing Championship > 0 NEWS I O O LAWRENCE WELK SHOW BLACKWOOD BROTHERS JOKER,JOKER.JOKER MUPPETS SHOW LOVE AMERICAN STYLE WISCONSIN ENERGY REPORT Energy in the Workplace' ( 3 ) HEE HAW Guests: Senator Robert Byrd, Hoyt Alton, Con Hunley. Riddle and Phelps.(Repeat. 60 mins.) C D WILD KINGDOM C g C D DANU FEVER SNEAK PREVIEWS Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert review the Academy Award nominees and predict the Stay over to listen & dance to the organ of Lee Arvey RHAPSODY HAVEN O F F U S - 3 1 A T . W H I T E H A L L EXIT N E A R C O L B Y 8 9 4 - 9 0 9 7 March 26.1980, Page 14 WL Be an instant winner! TOP VALUE If TMa CO—NATION AmAJU ON VOUft JACKFOT TICK IT DELTA TOWELS ^ROMAN BLEACH 0 H 0 B H - 7 7 7 . $ 0 0 0 0 0 S ' 77." *7." Q D Q B B r . s QHiHHrir WITH COUPON WITH XOUPON S 0 0 0 H H E Coronei 7 7 3K m : ncxm Q0B00:. . lUelta JOWeis r WEEKDAYS 8-9 JUMBO COLD BEER GALLON SWANSON Family Pack ^ Boneless CHUNK CHICKEN FRYER I PARTS ^ FAMILY STEAK WITH COUPON Steaks from Top Round tac\\ PaeVfl^8 5 OZ lb. y i i r t a i n s LB 'ZlaMmS. USDA backs micE „ ECKRICH Slender Sliced 0 ^ cut S W I S S S T E A K S LUNCH MEATS $ 0 2 9 Lb VARITIES FARMER PEETS THORNAPPLE VALLEY Ri Rt ;L oi i w w.i SLICED BACON L RING BOLOGNA *139 *109 \^.v\ " 1 ^ 12 O z Pkg Shop Our Store for 6 0 Free Stamps C O U P O N * * 0 0 * Romdn Bleach 1 GAllON I M I 1 Mm Coupon per bmily A C OO additional purchase soapl Bear. Wine. Cigarettss and other coupons with purchcse requiremenl Prices good thru l / x / n C O U P O N Delta Towels JUMBO L'" 1 '* 1 Mth Coupon par tatnlly and SCO additional purchase ecapl Beer, Wine. Clgarettes and other coupons »rith purchase rtoulrvnent Prtqs uood thru 3 / x / t O Place 1st W e e k Sticker Here C O U P O N Swanson Chunk Chicken $0* UiNt 2 with Coupon par family and C 00 additional purchase except Baer, Wine. Clgarettas and other coupons with purchae caqulrament. Prices good thru 3/30/10 c o i l PON Fresh 2% BLUE T O P UaA 2 with Coupon par tafrtly and COO additional purchase aoap* Beer. WWM. Clgaand other coupons with purchase raqwraraent Prtas good thru y x / B O Kraft Mayonnaise 32 O Z 1 with Coupon par (amity & SS additional purchase anafX Bar, Wine. Cigarettes and other coupons with purchase raquirament. Pnces good thru V3Q/S1 B I G •F 6 W E E K CO^J WORTH UP T Place 4th Week Sticker Here Place 2nd Week Sticker Here Place 5th W e e k Sticker Here Place 3rd Week Sticker Here Place 6th Week Sticker Here TOP VALU HERE'S HOW IT WORKS: Each for six weel $10 or more purchase* at our Store. Attach tl provided. At the end of six weeks w t " ' y stickers take your filled card to our Stt.e Stamps. A coverall card with 4 or 5 spaces fil 3 spaces filled may not be redeemed. Cover through May 7. Cards must be redeemed b Mini SAVE THIS COVERALL CARD! IT'S WORTH-6OO Top Value Stamps when filled - 3 0 0 Top V / < e CARDS MUST BE REDEEMED BY (DATE) March 26,1980, Page 15 W L DOWNY FLAKE .WAFFLES DELTA 79 9744 M r r y KELLOGGS CORN FLAKES Save 30* KEEBLER Facial's | 5 24 OZ c 7 9 1 LB MW 9-6 "* 0 GRAHAM CRACKERS TISSUE Q - CR 4 7 ' S t . $ J U C K R A F T KRAFT CREAM CHEESE Choice Boneless Whole Grade A 6 9 * MUFFINS SIZZLE STEAKS FRYERS j BAYS 6 PK % iwjcf LB TENDERLEAF ITEAI """flCiS Homemade POLISH SAUSAGE STEAKS $039 ' 5 | 8 9 ioo a WELCH'S GRAPE JUICE . TOP ; VALUE Lb HENRY HOUSE KRICH ANKS SLICED BACON 111 Meat Ends & Pieces ORE IDA PARKAY POTATOES MARGARINE « 9 $ 1 2 O z Pko g ) Top V a l u e | 1 9 2 LB Box MM W O R voi HASH BROWNS KEN-L-RATION DOG FOOD 4 / $ 1 0 0 15 O Z SRALL 6 9 * ...BEEF I *lavor 600 EXTRA STAMPS ou will receive a weekly cover all sticker with a icker to your coverall card in the weekly space l a - j J i l l e d your card with the proper weekly d m o w and you will receive 600 Top Value > worth 300 Top Value Stamps. Cards with 1 to tickers will be distributed at Millers, April 25 ay 14. 'Excluding items prohibited by law. RS Miller's Known for "Fresh Produce" Cabbage Carrots 3 Lb Bag * TOP TOP TOP VALUE VALUE VALUE TTAMPS i r ^ with 4 or 5 spaces filled Onions lb 39 2lbs 25 4 March 26.1980. Page 16 W L H B O MOVIE .(SCIEIICE'nCTMM) • • • " P U ^ " and some ferocious sabre-carrying Bedouins when 1911 Daniel Pikm, Kate Rek). A scientific ejpenmenl accident produces a deadly plague which is quicklr spreading through the c i t f I ension mountsasscientists struggle to stop the deadly disease. (90 mins.) 8:30 9:J0 lOM 10:30 11.-00 11:15 11:30 6 M0Vl!-{TmEU«W«0UIICED) 9 ) IN SEARCH Of © HKMSCHOOUASKETIAll C S O O O O HAWAII FIVE-O Paul Burkeguesl stars as attorney Datid lawrence, a political candidate •hose promising bid lor the U i . Senate is endangered by the murder of a man vho tried to blackmail him. (60 minsl O O S ANfOSD Fred Saniord tries toget rich making whiskey in the kitchen. 9 ) PEOflE 10PEOPLE ® W 0 8 L D IheRealWarinSpace'Ihbprogram takes a startling look at the technology which is making outer space the neit potential battlefield ol the superpowers. (60 mins.) Q ! ) CD CD THE LOVE BOAT Isaac finds himsell in a precarious position when he meets a beautHul lormer school chum and her macho husband. (60 mins.) O LAWRENCE WELK SHOW 6 3 S0N6 IT S0N6 Oscar Hammerstein II The man who was writing hit shows lor 25 years before his collabora tioflwithRichardRodgersisrememberedinthismusical evening with featured performers Polly James, Unda LewiiDavid Kernan and Elaine Stritch. (60 mins.) OilHEANDHAJUFilledwithhighhopesofmeeting her mother at the Plaia for her birthday lunch, M a n ventures to the posh New York hotel, but it's her father who shows up to cheer the wailing f 1 -year-old ® THE LESSON ® PROTECTORS H B O MOVIE -(DRAMA) * * " l u c k s f o n e County P r i u n " EarfOwensby.DaridAflenCoe.Thechaingang fears him. The sheriH hates his guts. But the people in this small North Carolina town loved the man called Seabo. Seabo is an eipert tracker. When inmatesat the Buckstone County Prison escape and hofd a family hostage, onfy Seabo can track them down. (R) (90 mins.f ( ? ) O O O CD HA6EN Hagen goes to a small town to fry to help a friend who has been sent to prison, only to discover that he was killed during an escape L (60 mins.) U SWIMMING Division II Championships ' PRIME TIME SATURDAT ROCK CHURCH SCHOOL IASKE1IALL Girls Class AA Championship ( S ) IILL MOTERS' JOURNAL The Black Agendaa ( 3 D C D CD A K NEWS aOSEUP This ShatteredJ Land' A searching look at the Cambodians, victims of power he struggles, war, terror and starvation. Includedl iinn tthe program are interviews with former Prime Minister iter Pol Pol and Prince Sihanouk. (60 mins.) CD POP GOES THE C0UNTRT 6 0 AMERICAN FILM THEATRE The Man in the Glass Booth" Maiimilian Schell and Lob Nettlefon star in this mystery involving a wealthy New York businessman who a a survivor of Naa concentration camps. He isironicalfy abducted by breeli agents and charged with being a member of the S i 1(33) NEWS ® ZOLA LEVITT 6 1 DKK MAURICE AND COMPANY (3S) CAMERA THREE American Dance Machine This ensemble performs to musk from Broadway and the movies of the 1930 s, W s and M s, CD DONNA FARGO SHOW CD MJLSJI. H B O MOVIE -(MYSTERY) • • • K "The Gefaway" 1972 Steve McQueen. Ali MacGraw. Abank robber and his wife takert on the lam when a robbery goes haywire (Ra!edPG)(2hrs.) O CD MOVIE -(DRAMA) • • • "Tlie Sician Oan 1970 Alain Delon, Jean Gabin, A gangland family s plans for a major jewel heist grows increasingly compfei. (2 hrs.) S ) MOVIE -(SCIENCE FICTION) • % "Strange New W o r l d " 1975 John Saion, Kathleen Miller. Three aslronaulsrelurntoearthafterlSOyearsin suspended animafiontofindscientistswhohavedevelopedeternal life and primitives who live with jungle beasts (2 hrs,) O MOVIE-(MYSTERY) * "PicfiBeMomiiyDead" 1966 Don Ameche, Martha Hyer. A recently married woman battles her stepdaughter, who is possessed by her late mother's spirit. (2 hrs.) O O SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE ® RICHARD HOGUE O MOVIE -(WESTERN-ADVENTURE) ^ "Thj Ptofeisionalj" 1966 Burl Lancaster, Lee Marvin. A millionaire employs four soldiers ol fortune to rescue his beautiful wile, kidnapped by a Meiican guerilla leader. (2 hrs., 10 mins.) m NATIONAL NUCLEAR DEBATE Pro: Dr. Norman Rasmussin, MIT,- and Congressman Thomas Corcoran. Con: Dr. Henry Kendall, Union of Concerned Scientists, and Dr. John Gosman, University of Cafifornia, (2 hrs.) (33) CD WRESTLfNG HOGAN'S HEROES MOVIE-(COMEDY) • • "GrMdOUGtrt" 1936 Fred MacMurray, May Robson. A conflict eiists between the elderly principal of a small town high school and one of her former students. (90 mins.) ® SPORTSCENTER (LIVE) ® MARANATHA MUSIC ffi ROCK CONCERT 9 NEWS © M O V I E -(DRAMA) • • • "Tribes" 1970 Darren McGavin. Jan-Michael Vincent. A Marine drill instructor has a tough time dealing with a longhair. (90 mins.) 8 12:00 MARCH 30. 1980 1:30 240 2:30 340 j-is 3:30 440 4:30 12:30 ( 1 3 AMERICA'S ATHLETES 1980 Series devoted to eiaminlng and revealing the best athletes who were to represent the United States at the Olympics to be held in Moscow. O THAT GOOD OLE NASHVILLE MUSK ® AIAW BASKETBALL Division II Championship Game (Repeat) O BOWLING WITH THE CHAMPS ® TIME OF DELIVERANCE O PUBLIC CONFERENCE O BOWLING CLASSIC O CD FACE THE NATMN ® CISCO KID 3.13) WALL STREET WEEK CD MAI MORRIS © CAMERA THREE American Dance Machine This ensemble performs to musk from Broadway and the movies of the 1930 s. '40 s and 50's. CD ISSUES AND ANSWERS O CHAMPIONSHIP FISHMG OIAL ROBERTS TONY BROWTS JOURNAL O MOT THE PRESS O C D SPORTS ARELD 9 1 LONE RANGER ® BEHMD THE HEADLWES Jonestown and the PTMS ® ITS YOUR BUSMSS CD FOCUS BRADY BUNCH MARKET TO MARKET SPOTUGHT ) CHAMPWNSH# RSMNG IOCDCD NMBASKETBALL MET THE PRESS D. JAMES KBiB>Y WU DANCE OUTDOORS RAT PATROL „ MOTTO THERESA Of CALCUHA P ^ M - ( M Y S T H Y ) » * "Ckarle O i m i t t h e W u Hcaaa ( 9 4 1 SidneyToter,M4rcLawreoceConvicled by C k w . a oanoster escapes and hides out in the wa^ 540 5:30 CMucrmaffi' 8:30 940 640 6:30 740 9:30 1040 10:30 840 8:30 c i THE JEFFERSONS Louise b furious with George when she leams he's conniving with the landlord to expand JeHerson Cleaners into the space occupied by hb next-door neighbor and friend. Charier. ® PORTER WAGONER SHOW ® PROGRAM UNANNOUNCED © DR. JACK VAN IMPE JOHN MJ). A brilliant neurosurgeon. Trapper John. Gonzo. Ripples and Jackpot are ail involved in Ihe case of a girl who b going blind due to a brain tumor. (60 mins.) ® KENNETH COPttAND 6 ) VALIANT YEARS The final Christmas" ® LAWRENCE W E K SHOW (3® MASTERPIECE THEATRE Duchess ol Duke Street tr Louba and her daughter come to blows over Lottie s new career as a cabaret singer. (60 mins.) © MY VIEW © NATIONAL NUCLEAR DEBATE Pro: Dr. Norman Rasmussin, MIT,- and Congressman Thomas Corcoran. Con: Dr. Henry Kendall, Union ol Concerned Scientbts; and Or, John Gosman. University of California. (2 hrs.) H B O GORGEOUSIBABYIBUUT1FULI Anbider sLook At The Modelling Industry; The ruthless yet rewarding world ol the fashion model b revealed in this insider s look at thb gfamorous industry, when modelling great Cheryl Tiegs steps in front of the fens. ® RUFF HOUSE O CBS NEWS ® SPORTSCENTER (LIVE) ® NEWSIGHT 8 ) OPEN UP 10) DAD'S ARMY © WORLD TOMORROW H B O M O V I E - ( H I S T O R I C A L - D R A M A ) " * * "ABfhe President's Men" 1976 Robert Redford, Dustin HoHman. Extensive investigative work by two Washington Post reporters exposes the Watergate scandal. (PG)(2 9.40 9:30 1040 ha) 11:15 11:20 11:30 11:50 1240 O NEWS O © CBS NEWS O STAR TREK ® MOVIE-(DRAMA) • • • "Toe Lale the Hero" 1970 Michael Caine, Cliff Robertson. Two reluctant soldiers sent on a suicide mission on a Pacific Island during World War II. turns info a battle of wits, between them and a Japanese offker. (2 hrs.) ® NCAA WRESTLING Divbion II Championships (Repeat) O MOVfE -(DRAMA) • • " H e a l e i s " 1974 John Forsylhe, Pat Harrington. Penetrating exploration of the tensions and conflicts in a vital medkal research hospital. (2 hrs., 30 mins.) ® THE KING IS COMING O BAXTERS O MOVIE -(DRAMA) * * * "Bang the D m Slowly" 1973 Robert De Niro, Vincent Gardenia. Alktionalized account of what might happen to a big league baseball team if one of its key members were suffering from a fatal disease. (90 mins.) O © DR, JACK VAN IMPE ® M O V I E (ADVENTURE) • • • " C i l o l l h e W l d " 1935 Clark Gable, Jack Oakie. Ahardyyoungman, hbpaland a girl are stranded In the Yukon, and join forces to locate a gold claim in the Arctic wastelands. (97 (3® ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE Mighty Good; The Beatles This show look at the Beatles and their times. © HOGAN'S HEROES © PUBLIC POLICY FORUM ® NEWS CD 700 CLUB O MAVERICK © BARNEY MILLER Moonlighting' While Harris struggles lo hold down a second job, his 12lh precinct colleagues must cope with a minister who stocks his thrill shop with stolen goods, (Repeat) © MYSTERYI "Rebecca" Part III, At the traditional costume ball, Mr. de Winter gets an unwelcome shock when Mrs. de Winter wears an exact copy of the dress once worn bv Rebecca. (60 mins.) U1 w k MARCH 31, 1980 EVENING 640 SPORTSCENTER (LIVE) ROSS BAGLEY SHOW (JOINED M PROGRESS) CAROL BUINfTT AND FRIENDS ) MY THREE SONS )CD ABC NEWS fBUNCH "IwldAS 140 7:30 1140 O P R t a IS RIGHT : 6 , CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING O GRIZZLY ADAMS EASTER SPECIAL m CROCKETT'S VICTORY GARDEN Transplant i FISHERMEN FROM URK T h b b a look at the fishing viflage of U r t in the Zuyder Zee, a viflage planned to be eliminated. ® O O O © ARCME BUNKER S PUCE Archie finaDy begins wort on the restaurant addition to hb bar only lo have construction halted bv a shortaoe of building materiab-especiafly the folding, greenkind, ' ' © K S t S s S ! BROKEN WWGSThb documentary focuses on a gifted foster mother, her motley group of children and the lamily s horseback journey across the southern New Mexko desert, (60 mins.) H B O M O W f f O M A N C f ) • • • "Olver'iStoiy" 1978 Ryan 0 Neal, Candice Bergen. Sequel to l o v e Story. (90 m i n s l ® O O O © ONE DAY AT A TIME Ann discovers love with her Greek archaeologyprofessor and for once everyone approves, leaving Ann to make a crucial decision about her future, (35) OVER EASY "Employment' Host: Hugh Downs. © JIMMY SWASGARI ® O O O © ALICE Vera introduces Mel to her new friend. Bobbi, a bus four guide, who immediately falb in love with Mel and makes his diner a tourist © MASTERPIECE THEATRE Duchess of Duke Street IT In the final episode, Louba has become a living legend, and an ambitious young author wants to write her O O © LONG BEACH GRAND PRfX WIDE WORLD Of TRUTH MISTER ROGERS ALIAS SMITH AND JONES FIRING LINE Host: William F. Buckley. Jr. OLD TIME GOSPEL HOUR MARKET TO MARKET DISNEY'S WONDERFUL WORLD The Shaggy D A." A man's campaign against a corrupt district attorney b complicated by his uncanny ability to be transformed into a sheepdog at the most inconvenient times. Stars: Dean Jones. Suzanne Pleshette. (Concfu, 60 mins.) JIMMY SWAGGART HOCKEY Atlanta Flames vs Philadelphia Ryers ) PRESEMTEI © C D GALACTKA 1980 TWILIGHT ZONE UP STABS, DOWNSTAIRS 14agk Casements Lady Marjorie falb in love with a young oHker in her son s m m SKIING Divbion 1 Championship (Repeat) fENTJesus Of Nazareth" f979Star$: EB1G EVENT Robert Powell, Olivia Hirney. The story of Jesus ( Earth-f rom hb birth, through the days of hb teachings and miracles, to the agony of Ihe crucifixion and the spiritual power of the resurrection. (Pt. I. of a four-part series; 2 hrs,) ® 700 CLUB 0 5 ) NORTHWEn VISIONARIES Thb program features arfbts from the Puget Sound area, indudlno Mark Tobey, Margaret Tomkins. Helmi Juvonen and George Tsutakawa. (60 mins.) (33) CD SUNDAY NIGHT MOVIE City In Fear l980Sfars: David Jarusen. Robert Vaughn. When a psychotic kilter ol women terrifies a city, an ambitious columnist capitalizes on the panic, under orders f r o m his circulation-hungry publisher, and turns the murderer into a page-one celebrity. (2 hrs.. 50 mins.) © MOVIE-(MYSTERY) • • • "Wtalevef Happeaed lo Aonf A k e l " 1969 GerakJine Page. Ruth Gordon. A woman murders her husband for h b money, only to discover hbeslatebworthless.Shecontinueskillingfor her protection before she learns her husband s stamp collection was worth one-hundred thousand dollars.(2 ® M1SSI0NARIIS IN ACTION © NEVADA FALLOUT: THE HOT YEARS This film chronicles the hot years of above ground nuclear bomb testing during the 1950 s. HBOMOVf-(HlSTORKAl-DRAMA)*" ^ "Alfc) j Men" 1976 Robert Redfo.d, Dustin Hoffi investigative work by two Washington Post reporters exposes the Watergate scandal.(P6)(2 hrs., 30 mins.) ® HE LIVES ® NASHVILLE ON THE ROAD Qfl) NOVA "Mr. Ludwig's Tropical Dreamland' This program examines a bold capital enterprbe founded by a reclusive American billionaire whkh flourishes in the Amazon rain forest. (60 mins.) © THfNKING Of HOLLAND CD INTERNATIONAL BOXING (JOINED IN PROGRESS) ® NCAA BASKETBALL Division II Championship Game '•fi f T ) i « r NEWS © LfFE AND TIMES Of GRIZZLY ADAMS © JULIA CHILD AND MORE COMPANY H B O MOVIE-(COMEDY) "Revenge of The Pink Panther " 1978 Peter Sellers. Dyan Cannon. The inept Inspector Clouseau gels his revenge in the most hilarious Pink Panther yet. (Rated PG) (2 hrs.) ® SPORTSCENTER (LIVE) O NBC NEWS ® FOCUS ON THE FAMILY ® MOVIE -(DRAMA) • • • "King of Kings" 1961 JeHreyHunter.RobertRyan.Thestoryofthelifeof Jesus (3 hrs.) ) HERE'S TO YOUR HEALTH Hypertension ) © NEWS JAPAN: THE LIVING TRADITION I CIRCUS (D O O O © 60 MINUTES NCAA SWIMMING Divbion II Championship surpfiM IB EVENING 8 140 O ADAM 12 ®PRE-SEASONBASEBALLAtIantaBravejvsCincinnatiReds OO) FOR THE RECORD: IN BRIEF (33) fSSUES AND ANSWERS © ASK THE DOCTOR ® RSHING WITH ROUND MARTIN ® NCAA HOCKEY Division I Championship Game (Repeat) O PEOPLE Of THE BOOK ® WORLD Of PENTECOST O AMERICA'S ATHLETES 1980 Series devoted to examining and revealing the b « t athletes who wereto represent the United States at the Olympics to be held in Moscow. O HOME FOR PASSOVER A humorous drama, based on a story by Sholem Aleichem. about a teacher named Fishel and the ordeal of his journey home for the Passover seder (3S) NORTHWEST VISIONARIES This program features artists from the Puget Sound area, including Mark Tobey, Margaret Tomkins, Helmi Juvonen and George Tsutakawa. (60 mins.) ( 3 3 ) © THE SUPERSTARS CD CLAIR01 CROWN TENNIS Among competitors featured are Tracy Austin and Martina Navratifova in this prestigious 1200,000 tournament. H B O DAYS Of THRILLS AND LAUGHTER A hilarious hair-raising anthology of some ol the best claisic shorts and serials ever captured on film. Featuring Charlie Chaplin. Douglas Fairbanks. Laurefand Hardy, Houdini j p r i s Karloff, the Keystone Cops. ( t ) SPORTS AFIELD O O W O M E r S KEMPER OPEN ® THE DEAF HEAR CLA1RDL CROWN TENNIS Among competitors featured leatured are Tracy Austin iand Martina Navratilova in tournament. HERITAGE GOLF CLASSK $ AT HOME WITH THE BIBLE ( I S ) SONG BYSONG'Oscar Hammerstein ITThe man who was writing hit shows for 25 years before his collaboration withRichardRodgenbrememberedinfhismusicaf with Rich evening with featured performen Polly James. Linda Kernan and Elaine Stritch. (60 mins.) ^ ( t D Bfl INTERNATIONAL BOUNG -(MYSTERY) * Mi "PhanfoaofChtatown" CD MOVIE-I 1940 Keye Luke, Grant Withers. Murder follows the discovery of a valuable clue lo an oil deposit. (105 SPORTSWORLD I) Grand National Steeplechase from England. 2) Women s National Powerfifting Championships, 3) NASCAR Charlotte 300 Auto Racing. (?0mins.) ® THINK ABOUT TOMORROW ® CLA1R0L CROWN TENNIS Among competitors featured are Tracy Austin and Martina Navratilova in this prestigious S200,000 tournament. ® MOVfE -(ADVENTURE) • • • ^ " M a r t Of Zono" 1940 TyronePower,Ba$ilRalhbone, 1800sCalifornia; The foppish son of a California arbtotrat is actually a masked hero battling evil, (2 hrs.) (31) CD WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS Featured: NCAA Swimming and Diving Championships.- the Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo, and a preview look at the champions and challengers on tomorrow night's boxing. (90 mins.) 1971 Jack © MOVIE-(DRAMA) "M. Wild. Mark Lester. Adventures of pre-teens in British school and their sBce-oMHe growing up experiences. AFTERNOON 12.-00 ® WASHINGTON WIEK M REVIEW (31) PORTER WAGONER SHOW © ISSUES AND ANSWERS © SHAKESPEARE PUYS Henry IV Part I Anthony Quayle and Jon Finch star in this drama about the English monarch. (2 hrs, 30 mins.) SUNDAY CELEBRATION ® RSHUTHOLE 6:30 ' o o o I r© CBS NEWS NCAA GYMNASTICS Division 11 ( :NEWS BOB KWHART SHOW GOOD TIMES 3-2-1 CONTACT HDGAjrsieocs ABC NEWS O O CNPtA 13-year-eidCBradioenthusiastbthe only witness when officer Bonnie Clark b injured while to avoid a large truck on a dangerous strip of BEWITCHED OVER EASY Guest; Pete Seeger. Host: Hugh 10:30 1140 O O ® (j® © © © CD ® I I NBC NEWS © AMERICA "The More Abundent Life" WELCOME BACK, K0TTER T.V.WGH SCHOOL "Grammar VIIT PUY THE PERCENTAGES I LOVE LUCY THRU THE EYES 0 f _ An Historian' CROSS wns HAPPY DAYS AGAIN TKIAC DOUGH CD FAMILY FEUD RDSOf HOPE JOKER'S WILD ALL IN THE FAMILY NEWLYWED GAME ) CAROL BURNETT AND FRIENDS J © MACNEIL-LEHRERREPORT © ANDY GRIfRTH SHOW WKRPM CINCINNATI Johnny Feverwinsabroadcastingawardthafsetsoffabuzzsaw qliealous squabbling among hb fellow workers. 0 0 UITLE HOUSE ON THE PRAKIEThelngaiblamily is shocked and saddened when their attempt to legally adopt Albert b blocked by the boys real father, who wants him back. (Repeat; 60 mins,) ® ROCK CHURCH ® MOVIE -(COMEDY-DRAMA) ^ "Wfcal Prke Glocy" 1952 James CagneyDanDailey. The WWIstory 01 the hot-tempered Captain Ffaggand the bobterous. brawling Sgl. Quirt. (2 hrs, 30 mins.) ® MOVIE -(WESTERN-ADVENTURE) • • " B a d l t i f c " 1956 Rkhard Widmark, Donna Reed. After five men die in an Apache raid, the law and townspeople seek a sixth man who b reported to have a fortune in gold. (2hrs.) Cl® AT ISSUE 03) © CD WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT BOXING CHAMP IONS HIPS ABC Sports will present live coverage ol lour world tiHe fights, including an event unprecedented in boxing annals--two heavyweight champions. Larry Holmes WBC and John Tate WBA defending their titles on the same telecast, (4 hrs.) © BOWLING GAME © MARK RUSSELL COMEDY SPECIAL "Mart RusselTs ® f ^ O O © THESTOCXARDCHANNMGSHOW Whalbeginsasaroutineinvestigationintophonylslent agents and schoob backfires and could propel Susan info a career as an international superstar. ® NCAA SWMMMG Divbion III Championships (3® OVER EASY Guest; Pete Seeger Host: Hugh Downs. © MANMALS Thbaward-winning fifm baninfriguing portrait of city pets and their owners. H B O M O V I - ( C O M E D Y ) , , % " A * M I Home" 1978 John Belushi. Tim Mafheson. A riotous fook at the madcap mayhem of fraternity fife during the '60s, (Rated R)(2 h r s j ® O O O © M JLS J i A South Korean woman misinterprets Kfinger's motives when he tries to aid her daugMer financiaffy. (Repeat) 0 O MONDAY NfGKT AT THE MOVIES "Jesus 01 Nazareth' 1979 Stars; Robert Powell. James Farentino. The story continues with the execution of John the Baptist. Jesus" procfamation that his coming b the fulffillment of the scriptures, the first miracles and the g a t h e r i n g t o g e t h e r of the devout believers who become hb apostles. (PI. II. ol a lour-part series. 2 hrs.) ® 700CLUB' (35) MARK RUSSELL COMEDY SPECIAL Mark Russell's Washington" " © MOVfE -(ROMANCE-COMEDY) " V , "Do Not Disturb" 1965 Doris Day, Rod Taylor. A woman's friendship with a suave Italian gentleman makes her executive husband jealous, (2 hrs.) © AFRICAN SHORT STORY In Ernest Hemingway s Soldier's Home', a young soldier returning Irom World War I suffers alienation from h b town, neighbors and family. A black teenage farm worker struggles toward manhood against hboverprotective parents in Rkhard Wright's "Almos a Man". (90 mins.) ® O O O © FLO Flo reluctantly hires her strait-laced safer, Fran, who turns out to be so obnoxious that nobody in the bar can stand her-especially 115) MANIMALS Thbaward-winning film b an intriguing portrait of citypets and their owners. ® O O O © LOU GRANT When Lou b the onfy witness to a neighborhood murder, he b mystified atthe way police handle the case anddbcoversa fouchyarea (3® AMERICAN SHORT nORY In Ernest Hemingway s "Soldier s Home, a young soldier returning from World War I suHers alienation Irom hb Iowa neighbors and famify. A Wack teenage farm worker struggles toward manhood against hb overprotective parents in Richard Wright s Almos' a Man'. (90 mins.) ® PROGRAMMING UNANNOUNCED ® RISE AND BE HEALED ® BIG BATTLES The BattlesolBerfin-theRussiansAre Coming' © SYNTHESIS I Here Today ...Here Tomorrow This program looks at the controversy raging over nuclear wastes in the U i . E ^ j ^ m E -(ADVENTURE-BtOGRAPWCAL) • • • "CMJ a Giant Shadow" 1966 Kirk Douglas, Senta Berger The advbertoPresidentRooseveltbpersuadedbyanagent lor Israef lo undertaking the training of Israels first "generar in 2000 years. (2 hrs, 46 mins.) (1® G i D U R Y ( 3 3 ) © NEWS © TWILIGHT ZONE CD MJLSJL H B O MOVIE (COMEDY) • • • H T o W » 7 l Chevy Chase. GoWie Hawm. Plot to assassinate the Pope b masferlufly infetwoven with the romance of a detective and a oirl on the run. (Rated P G W h r O mmm APR. 1 , 1 9 8 0 EVENING I O O O © © NEWS SPORTSCENTH (UVE) 7.-M O MATCH GAME ® THE T H 1 D STORY ( T ) U V O F D AND SON 6:30 I Q O C 3 Cl!«wl ) PROGRAMMMG UNANNOUNCED I NBC NEWS ' BOB NEWHART SHOW GOOD TIMES 3-2-1 CONTACT £ HOGATS HEROES ^ ABC NEWS BEWITCHED OVER EASY Guest; Vincent Prke. Host; Hugh 740 ROSS BAGLEY SHOW (JOMED M PROGRESS) CAROL BURNETT AND F U N D S MY THREE SONS © A N D Y GRifFITH SHOW H B O DAYS Of THRILLS AND UUGHTER A hilarious hair-rabing anthology ol some ol the best cfassk shorts and seriab ever captured on film. Featuring Charlie Chaplin. Douglas Fairbanks. Laurel and Hardy, Houdmi Boris Karlofl, the Keystone Cops. ®00(33) NEWS MATCH GAME PUPPET TREE GANG i SANfORDANDSON . NBC NEWS I © FAMILY FEUD WELCOME BACK. K0TTER W I WE THE PEOPLE. J E A D PUY THE PERCENTAGE J I LOVE LUCY I ONCE UPON A CLASSIC "King Arthur" Uncelot saves Guinevere from death. G D CROSS wns 7:30 840 ® HAPPY DAYS AGAIN O TKIAC DOUGH ® NHL HOCKEY Pittsburgh vs Washington (Live) O TUESDAY NIGHT ATTHE MOVIES Jesus Of Nazareth' f979 Stars: Robert Powefl, Anne Bancroft. Tonight, the of Jesus feeding the multitudes and raising Lazarus from the dead, the Sermon on the Mount and Jesus" procfamation that he b Ihe Son of God. (Pf, III. of ' ur-part series. 2 hrs.) FAITH THAT I M S W © JOKER'S WILD (33) ALL IN THE FAMiY NEWLYWED GAME © STAN HITCHCOCK 1 CAROL BURNETT AND I © MACNEIL-LEHRER I ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW FAMIY FEUD TUESDAY WGHI M 0 « Dig Jake' 1971 S t a n John " Wayne. Maureen O'Hara. A cowboy leams up with hb sons to track down the gang that has kidnapped his WHTTE SHADOW Future shock comesearfy to certain members ol Carver's basketbafl team who feef threatened by the IHe that lies beyond graduation, (60 mins.) ® ORAL ROBERTS ® MOVIE-(MYSTERY) — T t o W r o ^ M * ' # Henry Fonda, Vera Miles. I h e story ol a New York musician fabely accused ol murder. (2 h n , 15 mins.) O DAFfY DUCK'S EASIER SHOW When Prbsy the hen lays a golden egg. DaHy and Sylvester try to outfox each other to get hold of it. ® GOSSIP COLUMNIST The story of Dina Moran, a beautifuf journalbt - turned gossipcolumnbt caughtup in a Hollywood power struggle. Stars: Robert Vaughn, Kim Cattral, Bobby Vinton. m THINKING EBONY ( 3 3 ) ® C D HAPPY DAYS The Fonz strikes a bargain with the devil's nephew losave Chachi Irom a trip to the old hot place agreeing to go 24 hours without a kia. but the Fonz b assailed by beautHul girts, and if fakes a tittle help lo get Fonzie through the 8:30 CETBOWUNGGAME © NOVA The Keys ol Paradise' Scientbts explain how endorphins, a substance mamrfactured in our brains, could revolutionize the treatment ol pain, depression and even schizophrenia. (60 mins.) H B O MOVIE (DRAMA) "Convoy" 1978 Krb Krist offer son, Ali MacGraw. It'struckers versus thecops in a rough and tumbfe war on wheeb directed by Sam Peckinpah. Krb Krbtofferson as Rubber Duck stars in thb 18-wheeIer epic based on the hit song. (PG) (2 hrs.) ® GOOD NEWS O THE LAST OF THE RED HOI DRAGONS Thb lighthearted animated musical special telb the story ol a flying dragon who regains his fire in time to rescue trapped animab at the North Pole a ® OVER EASY Guest: Pete Seeger. Host; f ® © © U VERNE AND SHIRLEY Laverne and Shirley are shocked when they find their old high school club, the Angora Debs, has turned into a tough gang 940 ®00000©NEWS ® FESTIVAL Of PRAISE 1 9 ) ODD COUPLE © BENNY HILL SHOW © DICK CAVETT SHOW 11:30 ® MJ.SJI. • O O © CBS LATE MOVIE HARRY 0 ; Confetti People Robert Dawes b an ex-mental patient wholears he has killed his brother. Harry finds the supposed victim alive and well. But then Dawenomes lo him again wit the same fear and thb time he b c o r r e c t - h b brother is dead. (Repeat) 'MCCL0UD: Return To The 1 Alamo' Stars: Dennb Weaver, Ken Lynch. (Repeat) ( T ) SPORTSCENTER (LIVE) O O THE TONIGHT SHOW Guest host; David Letterman. Guest: Pauf Strasseb. (90 mins.) ® ROSS BAGLEY SHOW O MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW ® MOVIE-(DRAMA) • • * 1 'They Made Me i C r i ^ v a l " 1939 John Garlield. Claude Rains. A champion rizelighter. believing he murdered a man in a drunen brawl, runs away. (2 hrs.) i 9 D © PRISONER: CELL BLOCK H (3® DICK CAVETT SHOW Jed Harrb" Part V. © ABC CAPTIONED NEWS 12.40 ® GUNSMOKE ® NCAA GYMNASTICS Division 11 Championships NRepeat) O CBS LATE MOVIE C0LUMB0; Ihe Most Dangerous Watch' A world chess champion b lound badly injured just before a scheduled match and suspkion falbon the American player. (Repeat) MARY HARTMAN, MARY HARTMAN' Stars; Lou be Lasser, Greg Mullavey. SANFOID AND SON ) JUUAOU)ANDMOIECOMPANY ) © C D TENSPEED AND BROWN SHOE E l s latest scam and Liooefs bewildering naivety put the twosome in a dangerous lineup between two u n d e m r l d thugs ) C D ABC NEWS I BRADY BUNCH I 3 - 2 - 1 CONTACT 3 0 HBO SNEAK P R E V I W 9:30 1040 10:1S 10-J0 1140 S o l l S & E S D A Y N I G m MOVIE Dig Jake' 1971 Stars; John Wayne, Maureen 0 Hara. A cowboy teams up with hb sons to track down the gang that has kidnapped his grandson. (2 hrs.) ® 700 CLUB O TUESDAY NIGHT AT IHE MOVIES Jesus Of Nazareth' 1979 Stars: Robert Powell, Anne Bancroft. Tonight, the miracles of Jesus feeding the muftitudes and raising Lazarus Irom the dead, the Sermon on the Mount and Jesus proclamation that he b the Son of God. (Pt fll. ol a lour-part series.- 2 hrs.) f a ® NOVA The Keys ol Paradise' Scientbts explain ^ w endorphins, a substance manufactured in our brains, could revolutionize Ihe treatment ol pain, depression and even schizophrenia. (60 mins.) ( 3 5 © ® IHREE'SCOMPANY WhenChrbsyfindsout that Jack has become a male escort and b running around with an older woman, she thinks that Jack b not receiving enough allection at home and decides to make the ultimate sacrifke. (Repeat) © M O V I E - ( D R A M A ) • • • 'Ugh Wind In J a a i i c i " 1965 Anthony Ouinn, James Coburn. A g r o u p of children reveal their bask nature when left adritl on MY STERYI Rebecca' Conclusion. With the past laid to rest, the de Winters attempt to begin a new file at Manderley. (60 mins.) O NEWS FOUR-DECISION'80 , O S ) © ® TAXI Alex finds the girl of h b dre V ji a beautiful television soap opera actress and their romantic aHair leads lo thoughts ol matrimony, but he faces stiff competition from her gfamorous career and an offer to go to Hollywood, (Repeal) ® WCT TENNIS From Milan (Singles Finab) 19 J NEWS (1® MYSTERY! "Rebecca Conclusion. With Ihe pasl laid to test, the de Winters attempt to begin a new fife at M l " © 6 ^ B A R B A R A WALTERS SPECIAL Barbara Wallers will interview Cheryl Ladd. Bo Derek, Beffe Midler, and Farrah Fawceft, (60 mins.) © AUSIM C i n LIMITS Johnny Gimble and the Texas Swing Pioneers. (60 mins,) H B O H K SNEAK PREVKW ' 6 l FIGHT AGAINST SUVERY f r e e Paper C o m * ® FAITH 20 H B O MOVIE -(SCIENCE'FKIWN) • • • " P U g w " 1978 Daniel Pilon. Kate Reid. A scientifk experimenl accident produces a deadly plague w h k h b quickly spfeadingthroughthecity,Iensionmountit$scienfbb s l r u o d l e t o s l o o j h e 6 « a d j j d b e a s e j 9 0 mins.) _ J O O O © (33) © NEWS TODAY I B S U P R O P H K Y ) ODD COUPLE ) © D O CAVETT SHOW B A M H U SHOW MJLSJL 1I:IS 11:30 UOVEAMERiCAN STYLE ) 0 0 © C A M P A ) G N B 'B K a n s a s a n d Wisconsin ® SPORTSCENTH (UV!) ® ROSS BAGLEY SHOW O MARY ITLBMOOH SHOW . ®H0VI-(*AMA) • • W -DBlkeByDeifcf-l rni John Gartietd. Prisclla Lane. A young misfit triestofind March 26.1980. Page 17 W L yaiM i AUTHORIZED ! SALES & SERVICE 1 MAKE YOUR RV DREAM COME TRUE. ALL THESE A N D . M A N Y MORE, j «tC/| [BUTTON Muskegon Mall • March 24-30 Adam's Camper Sales VanKam Trailer Sales Hall's Sport Center m Bob Comstock Recreational Sales Big Jim Singleton's R.V. Center ev ElectroVolce 0HITACHI Come see the motor home, trailer or camper of your dreams! COINMASTER GET IN SHAPE AT OUR HEALTH S P A Discounting Model Home 24 Z 52 3 Bedroom 1 CI1/} Bath 8 9 3 0 W a t e r Street - M o n t a g u e S W I M M I N G POOL •WHIRLPOOL •SAUNA •EXERCISE EQUIPMENT HOME TV open 6 days 5 Miles West of ^Expressway on Shelby Road 894-1500 DOWNTOWN 9 Ph. 861-4591 TO 5 MONDAY WHITEHALL THRU SATURDAY ||»|^ ll iililllililllllllilililllililililililililillli rgMiTH PAYING 2500% VALUE for 1921 BU silver (lo"arS of Also Paying up to 2000% of Face Value for pre-1965 silver coins I 17"1ADLE TV = 5IAGOSAL 894-2545 WHITEHALL m FINDS COINS & JEWELRY ^Top Market Prices Paid for: 2 DAYS ONLY The OCEANSIDE • L I ' 2 0 W (But doetn't buzz on junk) COINMASTER» ; JAWCO. INDEPENDENT ZENITH DEALER CONSUMER PROTECTION PLAN fTcCC Coins' and Jcu/Ccny gold coins all rare coins Sat., March 29 • 10 am to 6 pm Sun., March 30 • Noon - 5 pm t/tom ^ u n b $50°° T O s 5 • 2 • 1 44000 5 2 c^ufJionigecl Fun & Profit HOME TV sterling silverware • class rings wedding bands gold pocket watches i stamp collections Banquet Room Rhapsody Haven Motel - Restaurant 8215 Whitehall Road Whitehall Take WhitehallMontague Exit ®*f Highway 31 Prices Subject to Market Condition GREAT LAKES PRECIOUS METALS < nii'i i-n irii 1 BINGO Wednesday, 7 p.m. Rothbury American Legion TUESDAY BINGO White Lake Eagles 1204 S. Lake Street 7:00 p.m. Open To The Public SATURDAY BINGO Legion Auxiliary Colby St., Whitehall 1 to 5 p.m. Doors Open 12 Noon 11 | BINGO St. James Cithollc Church 5179 Dowllng, Montague Every Sunday 6:45 p.m. For a period of two years from date of purchase (3 months Zenith - 21 months J.A. White) J A White Dist. Co. will provide no charge service labor for defective color tube replacement by approyed Zenith Service Center when needed as a result of factory defects. For a period of one year from date of purchase (3 months Zenith - 9 months J.A. White) J A White Distributing will pay for sen/ice labor by a distributor approved Zenith Sen/ice Center when needed as a result of factory defects. BINGO VFW BINGO Lakewood G u b OPEN TO THE PUBUC Civic Bldg., 6677 Kedzie Walsh Road, Montague Street Every Monday 7:00 p.m. Wednesday's 7:00 p.m. THURSDAY BINGO AMERICAN LEGION Colby St.. Whitehall 7:00 P.M. For a period of five years from date of purchase (2 years Zenith - 3 years J. A . White) J A White Co. will supply new or rebuilt color picture tube to replace factory-defective color picture tube. 1 1 1 M ONLY AT YOUR F R A N C H I S E D I N D E P E N D E N T Z E N I T H DEALER Universal Electronics US 3 1 , S h e l b y Ph. 8 6 1 - 5 6 8 7 | ^lllll|l|lllllliillllllHlllllllllllllllllillli.!:i:l!1!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHll!lllllllllilllillUIII'l;lil1''r March 26.1980, Page 18 W L Dine cTMore Elegantly^ Serenata tWi, i' With A "FREE Place Setting Of From Muskegon Federal Savings when you deposit $50 ormote WK Empress F u n d s o n d e p o s i t t r a n s f e r r e d f r o m o n e a c c o u n t to a n o t h e r d o n o t q u a l i f y for s t a i n l e s s offer. A high-fashion five-piece place setting of International Stainless is yours absolutely FREE when you deposit $50 or more to a new or existing savings account at Muskegon Federal Savings. Select either the traditional Empress or contemporary Serenata pattern and begin today building a complete set of your very own. And, as you make additional $50 deposits you'll be able to purchase your next place settings at just $4.95 plus tax. Also, there are lovely accessory pieces available at very attractive prices whenever you deposit $25 or more to your savings account. For larger deposits of $500 or more, you can purchase the complete 50-piece service for eight at one time for a very reasonable amount. So, besides earning interest on the deposits you make, you'll be able to build a complete set of elegant and useful tableware with your first place setting FREE from Muskegon Federal. (Limit of one per family.) Since this free offer will end May 31, 1980, be sure to visit any office of Muskegon Federal Savings and start your collection today. am' no. ain- ilhei MUSKEGON FEDERAL SAVINGS M e m b e r Federal Savings a n d Loan I n s u r a n c e Corporation MAIN O F F I C E : 880 First Street D O W N T O W N DRIVE-UP: T e r r a c e at W e b s t e r N O R T H M U S K E G O N : D y k s t r a at W h i t e h a l l Rd. ROOSEVELT PARK: 3145 H e n r y Street G R A N D H A V E N : Beacon at C o l u m b u s W H I T E H A L L : 211 S. M e a r s F R E M O N T : M a i n at W e a v e r HART: 424 State Street •S March 26,1980. Page 19 W L Montague pair w i n s Shamrock r t i / x e c f doubles tournament Nelsons roll a 1418 t h r e e g a m e series to win top prize WtUTKHALL- A record total of 351 couples enjoyed bowline in the fifth annual Shamrock mixed Doubles tournament held March 7-9 and March 14-16 at the White Lake Lanes and organized by the WhitehallMontgue Lions G u b . First prize of $150 was won by Lynn and Jollie Nelson of M b n t a g u e , who bowled a three g a m e series of 1418 with handicaps on March 7. Second place was won by Nelson and J u d y Lowe, Ravenna, with 1377, third place went ^ J a n i c e and Roger Santos, North MuskeK J T I , with 1365. William Madison a n d Minnie Bullock, Muskegon Heights were fourth with 1358; Fred and Betty Near, Shelby were fifth with 1339; Douglas and Mary Keck, Hart and Pam Scott and Tom DeWeerd, Muskegon, tied for sixth a n d seventh with 1336; Hobart Hill and Janice Hardy, Muskegon tied Ruth Gonzalez, Twin Lake a n d John K e e n e , Montague for eighth and ninth place with 1335; Garve and Shirley Stanfield, Twin Lake, won the tenth spot with 1334. Seventy-one couples received monetary prizes totalling $1580. Bowlers from as far away as Flint, Owosso, Lansing and Michigan City, Indiana rolled in the t o u r n a m e n t . , Over $1,200 was raised by this benefit tournament, proceeds of which will go toward various Lion's state and district projects aiding the blind and handicapped and toward local civic projects. On the east day of the tournament, March 16, the Lions drew the winning tickets of their beef raffle. First prize of half-a-beef was won by Bill Nichols, M o n t a g u e and second prize of a quarter beef by, Minnie Bullock, Muskgon Heights. Net proceeds of about $500 will be donated toward the White Lake Music Shell. The Lions Club thanks all who participated in the bowling tournament and the beef raffle for their generous support. LYNN A N D JOLLIE NELSON, left, winners at the 1980 Charles Kassner Photo Shamrock Mixed Doubles bowling tournament receive check from Lion President Hubert Scott. ^ i l l netting meeting next w e e k FORD - MERCURY CARS & TRUCKS M U S K E G O N - F e a t u r e d speaker for the ^ M u s k e g o n Country Steelheaders meeting W e d n e s d a v . April 2 will b e Bill Hicks from the Traverse Bay Sportsfishing Association. Bill s p e a r h e a d e d their Association actions which culminated with an injunction against gill netting in the Traverse Bay. Meeting is at the Mona Lake Boat G u b starting at 7:30 p . m . with social hour at 6:30. Public welcome. Ail-Sedway Team PRE-EASTER SPECIALS Here are just a few COUGARS H.Tops ^ N a m a , School, H e i g h t , Grade - G a r y Simms, Reeths-Puffer. 6 - 4 , 1 2 Kevin Johnson. Ludington, 6 - 1 , 1 1 Curtis Adams, Orchard View. 6 - 1 , 1 1 S C O n ALWARD, WHITEHALL, 11 _ M i k e McCarty. Orchard View. 6 - 4 . 1 2 Dan Westott. Spring Lake, 6 - 0 . 1 2 WE Steve Pomeroy. Ludington. 6 - 2 . 1 2 HOPE TO HAVE SOON. . . . Tom Anderson, Ludington, 6 - 2 , 1 1 W E HAVE NOW Calvin Hiiilard. Reeths-Puffer, 5-10,12 Bill Stone. Fruitport. 6 - 1 , 1 2 A Honorable Mention (LHS) Joe Uebetreu. 5-11,12; Tom -fetzak. 5-9,12. Soccer club off to roaring start W H I T E L A K E - T h e White Lake Football G u b , Inc. h a s sponsored a soccer p r o g r a m for our a r e a youth between the a g e s of five a n d 18, both boys a n d girls. During the three week sign-up period, t h e club regis^ b r e d 300 boys a n d girls, making a total of 17 soccer t e a m s . " A g r e a t response to say the l e a s t , " said Dave Tinsley of the football club. At a p a r e n t s ' m e e t i n g held March 13, between 250 and 300 4dults came out to learn more about the p r o g r a m that g u a r a n t e e s playing t i m e , no cuts, a n d a whole lot of family f u n . Tinsley, president of the White Lake Football Club, Inc., said h e is still working out the details on obtaining practice fields, ^jiut is optimistic about getting both city and ^ A u r c h fields for the 17 t e a m s . He stated that the g a m e s will be played at the M o n t a g u e Football Field, starting May 3, 1980, at 9 a.m. This progressive club Ts also sponsoring a six mile run on July 4 in conjunction with the Settlers Day Festivities. The soccer seminars are scheduled for Saturday, March 29, 1980 at 10 a . m . , April 3 at 7 p . m . and Sat., April 19 at 10 a . m . Topics to be covered are coaching, rules and first ^ i d . All seminars will be held at the V l o n t a g u e High School gym. FORD PINTO, 2-door - Rental. FORD FAIRMONT WAGON - Rental FORD GRANADA, 4-door - School Car MERCURY MONARCH, 2.Door School Car LINCOLN, 4-Door Town Car MERCURY COUGAR XR-7 FORD PINTO WAGON FORD LTD II, 4-Door FORD T-BIRD, air, speed. FORD LTD, 2- Door - Low-mileage FORD LTD, 4-Door - Air MERCURY MARQUIS, 2-Door - Air, Speed, Stereo. FORD GRANADA, 2-Door FORD PINTO WAGON FORD T-Bird FORD TORINO WAGON CHEVROLET MALIBU, 4 - D o o r A i r Sharp. 1975 MERCURY COMET, 4-Door 1975 FORD GRANADA, 4-Door MALIBU, 2 Door OLDS CUTLASS, 2 Door MUSTANG, 2 Door M A V E R I C K , 6 cylinder GRANADA, 6 cylinder, auto. FORD PINTO TRUCKS It's 1979 1978 1977 1976 1974 1973 FORD RANCHERO - Demo - Air, s p d . CHEVROLET 4X4 PICK-UP FORD 3/4 ton PICK-UP CHEVROLET 4X4 PICK-UP, 6 cyl., std. FORD SUPERCAB PICK-UP FORD PICK-UP 1/2 ton — M O R E COMING — Easter Car Buying — M O R E IN STOCK — -HOURST u e s . , W e d . , F r i . "til 6 p . m . Time M o n d a y & T h u r s d a y 'til 8 p . m . S a t u r d a y 'til 4 p . m . A/ —SERVICE HOURS— W e e k l y until 5:00 p.m. FORD Saturday until 12:00 Noon MERCURY —SALESMEN— Shelby Motor Soles Inc. Bob Jablonski Jim Eklund Russ Loncore NEW ERA, MICHIGAN P h o n e — 8 6 1 - 2 9 1 1 or 861-4800 J o h n Gustaf — CALL OR STOP IN NOW — General March 26,1980. Page 20 W L White Lake Area Obituaries M R S . I V A N JORGENSfcN EVELYN M.JARVIS Mrs. Marian Jorgensen of Wilmington, Delaware, former librarian for the Montague branch of the Muskegon County Library, died Feb. 7. 1980 after a lingering illness. A memorial service will be held at 2 p.m. on May 17 at the Good News Baptist Church located at 68th Street and Eastern in Grand Rapids. Rev. Wirth Tennant, former pastor of the Montague United Methodist Church, will share the service with the pastor of the Good News Baptist Church. Mrs. Jorgensen was born August 26, 1915. A native of West Michigan, she was married to Ivan Jorgensen. They made their home in the Delaware area about 25 years before coming to Montague. She was a member of the Montague United Methodist Church and served as president of the Montague Garden Club. She was a teacher for six years at Pearl, Mich. She also worked at the Hagley Museum in Wilmington. Calendar T H E W H I T E LAKE COMMUNITY CLUB will hold it's monthly potluck s u p p e r on April 2 at 6:30 p . m . in the Old School House on South Shore Drive and Lamos Rd. in Whitehall. The speaker for the evening will be M r s . Lucille Carlson of the C o n s u m e r s ' Protective Agency. The drawing for the three Easter h a m s will take place, also. CASSEROLE LUNCHEON--at Lebanon Lutheran Church, 1101 S. Mears, Whitehall - March 28, 11-1:30 p . m . $2. WHITE LAKE SENIOR CENTER Wed., March 26-1:30 - Bus to Muskegon Thurs., March 27--10:30 - Crafts. Cookbook Comm. Fri.. March 28-10:30 - Cribbage; 11:30 - Blood Pressure Clinic Mon., March 31-DROP-IN! (Cards & Conservation) Tues., April 1 - 1 0 - 3 Quilting L E W I S R. S T R I K E R Mrs. Evelyn M. Jarvis, age 57, passed away Friday morning, March 14 at Muskegon General Hospital after a short illness. She was born Dec. 14,1922 In Muskegon. She was the former Evelyn M . Armstrong and was married to Clifford Jarvis on Dec. 22,1939. She had been emplyed as a cook for the Oakridge School Stysem for 12 years until her retirment in 1978. She was a member of V.F.W. No. 446 Aux. She is survived by her husband, Clifford: three sons, Douglas and wife Carol of Montague, Glen and wife Karen, Wayne and wife, Jackie, all of Muskegon: one daughter, Diane and husband Jon DenHerder of Nunica: 12 grandchildren: one great granddaughter: her mother, Mrs. Eva Armstrong: four brothers, Robert, Kenneth, Merlin and Duane Armstrong: six sisters, Mrs. Gene (Vivian) Pulslfer, Mrs. Oscar (Genevieve) Potter, Miss Joyce Armstrong, Mrs. Ardis Merriman, Mrs. Gordon (Louise) Anderson and Mrs. James (Lorraine) Seltsema: one sister-in-law, Mrs. Bart (June) Underhill. Services were held from the Sytsema Chapel with Rev. Abraham DeVrles officiating. Interment was in Sunrise Memorial Gardens. G E R M A N Y - M a r y K. Viles, d a u g h t e r of Mr. and M r s . Dale N. Viles, R. 1, Williams Road, M o n t a g u e recently was promoted to Army specialist four while serving, as a medical specialist with the 45th Medical Battalion in H a n a u , Germany. The appointing orders for this promotion stated " . . . T h e Secretary of the Army has placed special trust and confidence in this sold i e r ' s patriotism, valor, , fidelity and abilities." The promotion was b a s e d upon t h e s e qualities and the demonstrated potential for increased responsibilities. Area births Old Stock Certificates LAYING A R O U N D March 14 A girl to M r . and M r s . Kurt Stembol, R. 2, M o n t a g u e at Hackley. S T A T E OF M I C H I G A N Circuit Court for the County of MUSKEGON MARIE E. GLOVER, Plaintiff, vs. ROBERT H. GLOVER, Defendant. ORDER TO ANSWER. File No. 79-15246 -DM On November 2, 1979, an action was filed by Marie E. Glover, Plaintiff, against Robert H. Glover, Defendant, in this Court to obtain a Judgment of absolute divorce and for other relief, including custody of the minor child of the parties, child support and attorney fees. It Is hereby ordered that the Defendant. Robert H. Glover shall answer or take such other action as. may be permitted by law on or before May 16,1980. Failure to comply with this order will result in a judgment by default against such Defendant for the relief demanded in the complaint filed in this Court. Date of Order: February 14, 1980 Ronald Pannucci, Circuit Judge P-18617 Guerry B. McNabb. Plaintiffs Attorney 401 Muskegon Federal Savings Building Bus. Address: P.O. Box 216 Muskegon, Ml. 49443 3/5,12,19,26 COUNTRY WESTERN We now have singles HOME TV B R I N G T H E M I N O R CALL N . O . SARGENT STOCKBROKER M R . SHIRLEY R . D U N H A M M r . Shirley R. Dunham, age 57, passed away suddenly Tuesday evening, March 11 at Blodgett Hospital in Grand Rapids. He was born April 26,1922 in Plymouth, Mi., coming to Muskegon In 1953. Mr. Dunham married the former Violet Mitchell in Hulbert, Ml., In 1947. He was a member of the Methodist Church of Hulbert, Ml. Mr. Dunham served in the U.S. Army during W W II. He was employed in maintenance for the Hooker Chemical Company In Montague. Surviving are his wife, Violet, one step-son, Mervin L. Mitchell of Muskegon: two sisters, Mrs. Jean Horvath of Brooklyn, Mi. and Mrs. Nancy Meyer of Ann Arbor, ML, also two grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. The Memorial Service for Mr. Dunham was held at the Edgewood Lutheran Church, Fruitport with Rev. Jack Horner officiating. Arrangements were by Lee Funeral Home, Muskegon. KATHYLEE HAMMOND Kathy Hammond, age 19 died in Portland, Texas, Sunday morning, March 16. Born in Grand Haven she had lived most all her life in the Whitehall area before moving to Texas. She was a 1978 graduate of Whitehall High School. Surlvors are her parents Mr. and Mrs. Gil Hammond of Whitehall, one brother Rodney at home; grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Sandel of Grand Haven; Perry Hammond of Thompsonville: Angle SPECIALIZING IN OLDER HOMES for all your LOW OVERHEAD REASONABLE RATES (after 4 PM) 8 9 WARRANTY 4 - 6 0 7 sewing 3 and alterations 1 ) 1 COLBY - WHITEHALL 8 9 4 - 9 7 4 2 ELECTRIC ^ C A U T O M O T I V E P A R T S 10397 FRUITVALE ROAD MONTAGUE 894-8592 R0NAlD 1(8011 893-4935 Licensed & Insured T A C C E S S . ^ - O G A C * 8725 WATER ST MONTAGUE - ^ S SURREY CARPET — r FLOOR' 1 COVWIMCS L A K E S W E E P S FIREPLACES W 894-5921 or 894-4481 MONTAGUE Everything In... CARPET. VINYL AND CERAMIC TILE W H I T E • ^ C H I M N E Y M K ^ W H I T E LAKE SIGN SHOP TOM WONDERS 8 8 6 8 W a t e r Street Montague ^ D bS E RAY VAN SLYKE R S s (616) 8800 F E B R Y S T R E E T , W E BIND CARPET . BIG WALLPAPER SELECTION 125 BOOKS 8 9 4 - 2 4 9 2 HANSIN CONSTRUCTION CO x CONSTRUCTION W O R K REMODELING . M O N T A G U E . ML 893-5135 894-5033 INSULATION FORMICA INSTALLATION C0PV MACHINE AFTER 5 p V BLUEPRINT COPIER * P I T T s B U R G PA,NT 8 9 4 - 5 6 6 6 2 1 5 C o l b y Si. - W h i t e h a l l , A Clean Home is a Healthy Home! M l 4 9 4 6 1 Ph 8 9 4 - 2 2 4 3 or 8 9 4 - 5 1 4 1 rffaudf rw WUcefa-" 1574 M I C H I L L I N D A RD PLANTING TIME LAWN & GARDEN FERTILIZER$ 16-8.8 50 lbs 14-14-14 SO lbs 6-24-24 50 lbs 4.95 *5.20 *5.80 •BULK LAWN & GARDEN SEEDS •PEET POTS FOR STARTING PLANTS M SEE US FOR QUANTITY DISCOUNTS DAHL'S FARM SERVICE 8819 F t r r y St., M o n t i g i N Ph. 893-7196 myv-yiMW MUSKEGON PHONE 722-33M MI A0445 2/6.13,21,27 PERSONAL - BUSINESS - FARM INSURANCE 'CLAIMS HEM* • •WIBMI • *'• • W y k m • C«Mfal 1 Hmw POIT PORTY CLMNUP • Vototion • HwwHrmon S c n i c t t R O B E R T CASSETTE 24 YEARS EXPERIENCE 9 3 5 S. D I V I S I O N WHITEHALL D A Y T I M E & EVENING H O U R S C A L L 8 9 3 - 5 8 3 5 | Gras-meyer | || Downtown Montague | i Depend onus... 8;30 - 6:00 •Snow Plowing Monday thru Saturday .•Roof Snow Removil •Interior Painting & Wall Papering • H o m e Repair & Maintenance • •Cleaning Services [Commercial & Residential] •Ceramic Tile Installation •Janitorial Supplies •Hostess Helper •Aquarium & Pet Supplies [Tropical Fish] •Car Wash & Waxing •Used Furniture & Appliances •Record Stop [Tapes, A l b u m s , Acc. A Equip.] HOME SERVICES of WHITE LAKE 1 2 4 E. C O L B Y » 8 9 4 - 9 0 0 2 r The Tailor's Corner SUjM DO Y O U HAVE A N Y Hammond of Holland: great grandmother Elma Hammond of Grand Haven. The funeral service was held from the Clock Chapel, Whitehall with the Rev. William Alexander officiating. Interment Oakhurst Cemetery. Mr. Striker, age 79, died at Muskegon General Hosplta March 17. Born In Jackson he has lived most all his life in the greater White Lake area. He was retired from the former Rothbury Foundry and was married to the former Nora Crawford. Survivors are his wife, Nora; three sons, Carl and Bruce both of Twin Lake, Edward of North Muskegon: four grandchildren. The funeral service was held from the Clock Chapel, Whitehall with the Rev. Edward H. Slate officiating. Interment Rothbury Cemetery. Complete See our plumbing displays in s h o w room electrical & plumbing supplies Classified Deadline Saturday 893-1395 H O R S E S H O E I N G and trimming. Notices EASTER BREAKFAST April 6 Pancakes-Eggs-Sausage at the W h i t e Lake Eagles • 0 : 3 0 a . m . - 1 : 0 0 p.m. Open To The Public Tickets available at the club. 3/26.4/2c IS D R I N K I N G Y O U R PROBLEM? Call W h i t e Lake A A Group 893-4365 - 894-6255 - 894-4330 894-4452 1/9ttc CASSEROLE L U N C H E O N at Lebanon Lutheran Church. 1101 S. Mears, Whitehall - March 28 11-11:30 P.M. $2. 3/26c R U N N E R S U N I T E . Call if interested in forming a running club in V V ^ e Lake area. 894-2057.3/26, W E S P E C I A L I Z E in outdoor, weddings, senior grads, families, group activities, and portraits at Grant's Studio. Hart. Ph. 8734665. tfc H E L P US R E C Y C L E old newspapers. W i l l pick up if you have quantities. Call 759-2196. 3/19. 26c N O W Y O U have a choice young r r ^ w h o is doing professional porJalts. New ideas, new ways of thinking at Grant's Studio, Hart, tfc MONTGOMERY WARDS announces its APRIL Truckload Appliance and Lawn Equipment Sale. For early shoppers who order qualifying merchandise we offer merchandise certificates ranging in value from S5 to $30 thru March 29. 1980. Huston S ^ j M Agency, Montague. Ph. 8b. ^ 5 0 2 . 3/12,19,26c FARM DRAINAGE CONTRACTOR FREE ESTIMATES John Near 861-4424 evenings Contact W i l l Lent 861-5033. tfc FOR E A S T E R B U N N I E S - Call 8946955. 3/26C D O G & C A T wild bird feeds and supplies. Water softner and salt 1 and Delcer salt. Dahl's F a r m 1 Service, Montague. Ph. 893-7195 1 11/7tfc ENJOY A F A V O R I T E summer time activity now. Rent the swimming pool at Our Health Spa, only $15 per hour. Rh. 894-2500.1/30tfc WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY • • j t a c t us for high quality pictures, invitations, thank you notes, napkins and accessories. All at reasonable prices. Call Ross Photography 861-5273.3/12 19,26c R E D U C E S A F E & F A S T with GoBese Tablets & E-Vap "water pills" T o d d Pharmacy. 2/27 thru 4/9p BUS T R I P T O Dearborn Falrlane Stopping Mall, Saturday, April also a bus trip to Nashville May 16 thru 19 to Grand Old Opery, Operyland, and a visit to Amish Acres. Contact Noble Gadabouts, 821-2273 after 9:30 p.m. or write Box 26, Holton, M l . 49425. No alcohol allowed on bus. 3/19,26,4/2.9c EVERY TUESDAY >BEEF •PORK •VEAL«LAMB 873-3874 C H A R L E S H I L T Z 7763 Carefree Drive, Whitehall has won 2 Free tickets to the Park Theater. They may be picked up at the Observer office, 8674 Ferry St., Montague 3/26 thru 4/2. POTTING SOIL - peat pots - peat '72 BRONCO - runs good - good moss - cactus mix - Vermiculite - dune buggy. Call 861-5625.3/26p plant foods. Wonders Western Suppliers - U.S. 31, Montague, Ph. 894-4481. 3/15tfc We Sell Bottled Gas and Make Hook-ups P E D A L I N T O S P R I N G 2 6 " , 24 , , 1 2 0 " single speed bikes, expertly reconditioned. $30 each. Call 894-2212 after 5 p.m. 3/19p '73 S U Z U K 1 1 0 0 - $150; 12 inch chain saw with case; Sanyo stereo cassette deck. Excellent buys. 894-4790. 3/26c Ask us for infortnolion Postema Bros. HARDWARE & APPLIANCES H A Y FOR SALE - good quality first cutting, also some year old B A R K FOR SALE - Jarvis Sawfirst cutting. 894-4908. 3/26 thru mill, Inc. 861-2078 tfc 4/16c S & S S I D I N G S A L E S . Save hundreds of dollars. Eliminate salesmen and buy from installer. Call 869-5930. 3/26,4/2c 4 0 ^ 0 P E R C E N T O F F upholstery fabrics, naugahyde leather. Foam rubber cut to your sizes, draperies reduced to 50 percent, good selection. T h e Fair, 1292 E. Broadway, Muskegon. Open 9 to NEW ERA PH 861-2442 1 know it wasn't promised in the millage campaign, but wiH the Middle School be able to go back to a full day? * Not at this time, but as soon as funds — are clearly available,' it will be done. 6. tfc SLAB W O O D $70 & $80. Free delivery within 20 mile radius. Jarvis Sawmill, Inc. Ph. 861-2078 1/30tfc W H I T E H A L L DISTRICT SCHOOLS BOARD OF E D U C A T I O N Cent, next page ARROWHEAD | CALL FOR QUOTES WFRETHE NEIGHBORHOOD PROFESSIONALS. FINAL WEEK! 50,000 FREE S&H GREEN QnMKn NEW Home. We AGENCY 893-0005/894-5009 CHARLES KASSNER STAMPS with purchase of ANY 8779 Ferry Street Montague, Michigan WHITEHALL cannot Phone 894-9085 extend this offer! HURRY IN TODAY- nff COASTAL REAL ESTATE 11 r n N E W H O M E S AS LOW AS ASSUME 83/4% INTEREST. This spacious 4 bedroom home has the charm of the past plus today's conveniences. Large kitchen and first floor laundry. Aluminum siding, storms and screens. Woodburning parlor stove keeps everyone toasty. Near shopping and schools. s 8,995 A B U N D A N T FINANCING! 1 2 4 E . C o l b y St. Whitehall PARK SPACES A V A I L A B L E ! 894-9061 W h e t h e r y o u r e t h i n k i n g of b u y M o t t l e Homes MUSKEGON Apple Ave. & Carr Rd. OPEN 7 DAYS 733-2544 ng. s e l l i n g o r a n e x c t t i n g car e e r coll C e n t u r y 2 l f i r s t . Bach eRica la Indepanaaotly awaad a»4 oparatad. CHEAP! 2 bedroom house in Rothbury. $9,000. •Professional Portrait •Outdoor Weddings •Senior Graduation •Passports SEE us IN HEGG'S DEPT. STORE WHITE LAKE FRONTAGE -- Beautiful building site on South side, near Yacht Club and Golf Course. 87 feet of frontage with fantastic view of channel area. The BEST LOT AVAILABLE--$35,000. Terms Possible. NEW LISTING. 'A.I 'A.i PHOTO PORTRAITS Wick Homes BEST COMMERCIAL LOT in Whitehall. 125 feet x 180 feet on Business U.S. #31. Terms possible, just $22,900. NEW DIMENSION COUNTRY GEM, Sharp 4 bedroom, IVt story charmer, extra large closets, 16' x 24' living room, sliders off dining area to large patio, woodburning stove, located 4 miles East of Rothbury on 5 partially wooded acres, only $39,900 with assumable 9 3 /i% mortgage. Series D 1 0 Words-$1.60 minimum 8 cents Each Additional W o r d 50 cents Extra For Border 50 cents for changes Card of Thanks $3.00 Sorry! No refund for cancellation PROCESSING W O R K C L O T H E S - pants $1.00, shirts $.75. Also jackets, coveralls, socks, caps, etc at low prices. Factory Surplus Sales, Montague stoplight corner. Ph. 894-6633. Open 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 12/10tfc WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER HART, M l • 8 7 3 - 4 6 6 5 CUSTOM BUTCHERING 2 8 . 0 0 x 16.5 reg. tires. $25 pair. 894-2212 after 5 p.m. 3/26c to CLASSIFIED RATES HART MEAT CO. H A N D C R O C H E T E D baby blankets. Call 894-5809. 3/5 thru 3/26p F I R E W O O D - seasoned red and white oak - $25 per face cord A K C B A S E N J I PUPS 8 weeks delivered in Shelby/Hart area. old. 744-4563 after 5 p.m. 3/19, 1 $30 in Whitehall/Montague area. 1 26c 2/27c $35 in Muskegon. Ph. 861-5751. 4 2 " P O N Y - Ariel Colby % ml. 3/5.12c I east of Rothbury. 3/26c E L E C T R I C hot water heater; box springs and matress; B / W TV; HAPPY ADS P O U L T R Y , hog, cow, horse and washer and dryer (gas). Call other feeds. D i h l ' i F i r m Service 894-2423 after '5 p.m. 3/19.26p I Montague. Ph. 893-7195. tfc O N E R E G I S T E R gas floor furTo Frank Dohnal: " Y o u light up T W O G O A T S - 8 weeks old for nace with 20' of new 6 " flue pipe our l i v e s " - a n d Sandy Lane and butchering or raising. $25 each. - $25. One pair used Goodrich Shari Drive. Thanks for all the Don VanDoren. New Era, 861- tires ER 78/14 $15. Call 861-5320 hours you spent to convert our 4614. 3/26p 3/19,26c gas lights to electricity. F E E D S FOR H O R S E - pig The Neighbors S T O P D O N ' T T H R O W away that chicken - rabbit - duck- dog - cat old chair. Let us repair It for you. bird. W o n d e r s W e s t e r n SupCaneing, Wicker, Reed, Rattan,, pliers US 31, M o n t a g u e . tfc Lost A n d Rush. W i l l make new rockers and Found I S P R I N G S A L E at Slelskis Saddle other little things. Upholstering. 1 POKE - ABOUT SHOPPE. Ph. Shop. 15% off all purchases the 894-8450. 3/9tfc week of March 24 thru March 29. LOST - L I T T L E B O Y S P E T • Open 1 till 6 Tuesday, Thursday, Terrier and Poodle mixed - little Friday and Saturday. Masterblack dog. white on chest, named charge and Visa welcome. 4355 McKeaver last seen on Shelby Kinney Road. Ludlngton 843Road in Benona. Call 861-5031 or 8633. Other hours by appoint873-2821. R E W A R D . 3/26c ment. 3/26c YOUNG CATERING SERVICE Let us cater your special occasion party. Reasonable. 894-2058. 10/18tfc WRAPPING & SHARP FREEZING SALE March 26.1980, Page 21 WL DEUR IMPLEMENT Stock Reduction and Consignment Auction. Located 3 miles east of Fremont on 48th Street and 1 mile south of Baldwin Avenue or 4 miles west of Newaygo on M-82 and 2 miles north of Baldwin Avenue. SAT., MARCH 29 - Starting 10 A.M. SHARPI Farmall H to be given away day of auction. Over 25 tractors; 5 combines; hay equipment; tillage and misc. tools; many other items too numerous to mention. TERMS: Cash - Day of Sale. 10% discount on all parts - cash only day of sale. Tractors to sell at 11 a.m. Loading will be provided. Listing subject to change due to daily business. Evert Deur, owner - (616) 924-3420. AUCTIONEERS: U n y Kalne John Stamm - Alfred Chase. 3/26/80 Suburban and simply b e a u t i f u l ! That's t h e -sVN E W P O R T . O n e of the exciting n e w h o m e s In our N e w Dimension Series. It's FULL of luxury f e a t u r e s — I n c l u d e s Wick H o m e s exclusive E n e r g y n S a v i n g S y s t e m ® too. f L A n d it's sized to fit small O or n a r r o w sites. Plus, luxurious exterior styling choices blend beautifully with a n y s u b u r b a n setting! F i n d o u t m o r e about ail of o u r n e w Wick H o m e s ! Ask about creative financing too! (CSaf) Wick Homes V V A product ot Wick Building Systems Inc BOB SAMUELS/WICK HOME DEALER 7887 W. Shelby Road SHELBY 861-4591 5 Miles West of US 31 Freeway *TO QUALIFIED BUYERS I HANDYMAN SPECIAL-partially finished 3 bedroom home on 63/i rolling acres, live in the walk-out basement while you complete the upper level, $27,000 and LAND CONTRACT TERMS, located on Roosevelt Rd. 7 miles NW of Montague. w h i ' I ' k LAKE VIEW, 3 different homes, all with a beautiful will be just right for you. Don Holmstrom Herb Jacobs Frank HoQlster Bob Miller Gordon OdeD Jack Bendekm Leslie Patterson 894-5136 861-4033 894-4331 894-6067 894-5914 894-6124 894-6286 March 26.1980, Page 22 W L H E A V Y D U T Y trailer w/B* x 12' bed. Single axle - $750. Call 894-5929. 3/26,4/2,9,16 1975 M E R C U R Y C O M E T , good condition. Ph. 861-4620 or 8946955. 3/12.19.26p C O A S T E R W A G O N S medium E L K H A R T T R A V E L E R . 7 3 . 26 and large sizes $15 each; tricycles foot, twin beds. Call 894-4288. $15 and $10 each. 894-2212 after 3/26c 5 p.m. M I C H A E L C O O K 5042 Dowling, Montague has won 2 Free tickets to the Park Theater. They may be picked up at the Observer office, 8674 Ferry St., Montague 3/26 thru 4/2. FOR SALE " U S E D J E A N S " $5.00 - bibs T A K E A TRIP $6.00. Many other bargains; INTO W H I T E LAKE'S PAST jackets, flannel shirts, casual Order a copy of the W h i t e Lake pants, sweaters, sport shirts; Area Historical Society's 48-page belts, etc. Factory Surplus Sales, self-guiding tour of over 21 Montague. 12/10tfc historical sites in the White Lake 1977 D 0 0 G E M I N I M O T O R - area, including the site of one of H0fAE-22/2 ft., low mileage, John Jacob Astor's (1790) originsleeps 6. very clean, $9,500; 1979 al fur trading posts at DuckLake. Dodge Aspen miniwagon, slant 6. special edition, factory air A M - Over 65 photos, maps and illusFM. automatic. PB/PS. 13.500 trations. plus background of each miles, very clean. $4,750. 894- site. Send $1 for booklet, mailing BIKES TRIKES 1977 Y A M A H A 650 - like new, new tires. Call 861-4694. 3/19, 26p '76 H O N D A CB 360 - sell, trade or buy Honda 90 trail bike. 8614506. 3/19,26c and handling charges. Member- 8161. 3/26c MONTGOMERY WARDS announces its APRIL truckload Appliance and Lawn Equipment Sale. For early shoppers who order qualifying merchandise we offer merchandise certificates ranging in value from $5 to $30 thru March 29. 1980. Huston Sales Agency, Montague. Ph. 894-5602. 3/12,19.26c C A R F M R A D I O ? Convert your car A m to an A M - F M for $22.17. Easy to install - works good. H o m e T V , Whitehall. 3/26c RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT excellent condition, 6 burner gas stove, grill, exhaust system w / hood, tables, chairs, Silex coffee maker, more. Country Coffee Shop - 3 miles west of Freeway, Shelby. 861-4024. 3 / 2 6 , 4 / 2 p 100 8 F T . C E D A R POSTS $1.50 each. Call Rothbury 894-6027 after 6 p.m. 3/26c W H I R L P O O L W A S H E R - needs some repair. 4-burner electric stove top with built-in cabinet. New diamond-engagement ring with matching wedding bands. 894-4735. 3/26p W A T C H BATTERIES for all electronic. LED & LCD watches. Mitchell Jewelry, 909 E. Colby, Whitehall (across from W h i t e Sands) Ph. 893-4782. tfc CHESTNUT KNOLL ANTIQUES now open for business, corner West Webster Rd. and 60th Ave., off Old US 31. W e have round and square oak tables, old rockers, clocks, kerosene G.W.T. W . hanging and leaded lamps, phonographs. Much furniture, much more all refinished. W E A L S O A R E BUYING ANTIQUES. OPEN F R O M M O - 6 894-6220. 3/26tfc DAILY & Halls for Rent S H A R P 2 4 " Champion '72 motor home, excellent condition. Make offer. Any reasonable offer accepted. 873-3377. 3/26,4/2p V F W H A L L FOR R E N T Weddings - Parties - etc. Ph. 894-5765. 9/11 tfc 1975 W I N D S O R mobile home excellent condition, on 2 acres land, partially furnished, double car garage, nice location. Call Tom Beckman 861-5955 after 5 p.m. 3/26p ROTHBURY AMERICAN LEGION HALL for rent - parties - receptions, etc. Call 894-8413. tfc REAL $7.50 per family. ESTATE Send check or money order to White Lake area Historical Society. Box 276-Z, Montague. M i . 49437. tfc USED CARS&TRUCKS M O N T A G U E - S m a l l , neat 2-bedroom home close to schools. No pets. $185/month plus utilities, deposit required. Available March 15. Call 894-9085 for Jim. 3/12tfc IMMEDIATE CASH for land contract Arrowhead Agency Montague 894-9085 1973 C A M A R O - built for racing, 350, 4-spd., headers, Keystone classic. Custom paint. Call 8936355 or 894-8327 after 5 p.m. 3/26c 7 2 M E R C U R Y M A R Q U I S - 2-dr. hardtop, all the goodies. $300. 744-3315. 3/26c •This past year there has been much interest throughout the State about N E W OPENING TERRY'S L A K E V I E W HALL 1975 S H U L T Z W E L U N G T O N 12 Whitehall - Available anytime. x 54. 2 bedroom. Set up in $100. Parties - Receptions - Etc. Edgewood Trailer Park, section Ph. 893-3444 or 894-9691. 3/19tfc for children 894-2133 after 4 p.m. 3/26,4/2p H A L L FOR R E N T - f o r reception, parties, etc. Ph. 744-9063 894-5412. 11/7tfc ship in the historical Society is $5 per person. W H I T E H A L L - One bedroom apartment, $175/mo. includes utilities, no pets, first and last months rent plus $100. Security deposit. Call 894-9085 ASK FOR N E W L Y R E M O D E L E D 1 bed- d q n . 3/26tfc room apartments, downtown Montague. Stove, refrigerator & L O W W I N T E R R A T E S . ^ J utilities furnished. No pets, studio apartments and kitchen894-9021. 3/5tfc nettes. Call 894-9097. 1/16tfc 1975 W I N D S O R mobile home, 2 car garage, excellent cond. in Shelby, must sell this week! Call 861-5955. 3/26 providing school programs for gifted and talented students. How Whitehall feel about this? J E E P S - Cars & Trucks available at government Auctions from $22.50 and up. Call Information Services Incorporated on how to obtain your directory. Call 312-742-1143, Ext. 1146. 3/19,4/2,16.30c or and develop his own capabilities. H A L L FOR R E N T - Twin Lake Civic Building. Call 828-6379. 3/7tfc Students with learning disabilities are given special help; opportunities should be provided for the gifted and talented as wnll. P. M. WATERBEDS Whitehall District Schools Board of Education Store Policy cont. next page •r * Free Delivery and Setup SPECIAL NOTICE WHITE RIVER TOWNSHIP * One Year No Charge Service and X M l a y Trial * Special Customer Rates * Our Customers Come First Phone: 843-4340 ANNUAL MEETING 219 S.James St., Ludlngton SATURDAY, M A R C H 29,1980 Mastercharge - Visa - WATERFRONT-Hlllslde-Building Sites in White Lake Area. Terms available. BUILDERS LOOK, if you buy to build a special house-no down payment or installments until you sell! Arrowhead Agency 894-9085. 3/12,19.26c W A N T RESULTS? Observer-News classified ads are the answer. Phone 893-1395. EAR P I E R C I N G F R E E by qualified personnel. 24 Kt. gold over surlgical stainless steel earrings at only $7.50 pair. No appointment necessary. Sorry no children under 5 year r A . The Board Policies state that education must help the student to find The Annual Township Meeting of the Electors Layaway and Easy Terms 1979 J E E P P I C K U P - 4x4, under warranty, V8, 4 speed, lockouts, black with rollbar, brush guards, sliding rear window, all terrain tires, white spoke rims, under 4,000 miles - $6,650. Call 8614589. 3/26 does of W H I T E RIVER T O W N S H I P County of Muskegon - State of M i c h i g a n Tniloied building / y / l e m / W i l l be held at the Mouth School beginning, at 1:30 p.m.' E.S.T., Saturday, March 29,1980 to transact whatever business that may legally come.before it. Dan Eilers The P O S T BUILDING & SUPPLY C o m p d n y 11335 A p p l e Drive, N u n i c a , M i c h i g a n 40448 (616) 837-6466 Township Clerk Post (Pole) Buildings Backache? Arthritis? Can't Sleep? NOTICE Jim DeHorn Coopersville, M I 3/19,26 616-837-6196 ANNUAL MEETING SATURDAY, M A R C H 29,1980 The Annual Township Meeting of the Electors NOTICE of WHITEHALL TOWNSHIP A Waterbed C J J E W E L R Y ^ - IS the answer! HART & SHELBY in Shelby Mini M a l l and in Hart at the stop light. 12/19tfc • 30 Day Trial NOTICE VILLAGE OF ROTHBURY Easy terms are always ANNUAL MEETING W i l l be held at the Whitehall Township Hall, beginning at 2:00 Notice Is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of Electors of Fruitland Township will be held at the Township Hall, 6421 Durham Road at 1:00 p.m., Saturday, March 29, 1980. A proposed budget for General and Revenue Sharing Funds will be presented. Mary Jane Kruse p.m. E.S.T. Saturday. March 29. 1980 to transact whatever business that may legally come before it. ^nr We will be presenting the budget and will be holding a public hearing on the expenditure of Federal Revenue Sharing monies, Don Holmstrom, i Township Clerk Township Clerk 3/19,26 3/19,26 available MUSKEGON WATER BED The Rothbury Board of Appeals will have a Hearing on Wednesday, A p r i l 3.1980 at 7:00 P.M. In the Rothbury Village Hall. This Hearing will be on a petition by Jim Sweeney to put a fishing business in the former Ken's Body Shop located at 7699 VISIT EITHER Michigan Avenue. Don. J. Alvesteffer, Secy. LOCATION 5270 Apple Avenue. 5 miles Board of Appeals E. of U.S. 31 Rothbury, Mich. 49452 County of Muskegon-Stata of Michigan FRUITLAND TOWNSHIP 3/26/80 Or 1447 Sherman Blvd. Hours M o n . - F r i . - 1 0 - 9 Sat. 10-5 NOTICE CITY OF WHITEHALL MINUTES OF SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING NOTICE MONTAGUE AREA PUBLIC SCHOOLS , S U M M A R Y OF B O A R D O F E D U C A T I O N M E E T I N G OF M A R C H 20,1980 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. Members present: Andersen,Cogswell, Winteringham, Schmiedeknecht, EXPENSES E S T I M A T E D Fire Protection ESTIMATED BUDGET INCOME ESTIMATED State Revenue Share Township Tax Collections Fees Sales Tax Bldg. & Trailer Permits 7,000 5.000 2.000 16.000 5,000 Muskegon Cemical Company. The City Council recommended that on Page 6 of the repor' Insurance t . . 1,250 Town Hall 600 that Muskegon Chemical Company will contract for the 1,200 necessary well contractor services, collect and analyze the Building Inspection 3,100 necessary water samples, measure water levels, measure the 5. Authorized the rental of two driver education cars from Printing, Advertising, Postage, etc 1,250 quantity of waters purged, coordinate the various necessary Shelby Motors for a three month period at a cost of $500. Dues & Contributions 1,150 inputs, and prepare and submit 'to the City of W h i t e h a l l and 6. Accepted the resignation of Katherine TenBrink, first grade Mileage 600 the D . N . R . ' Elections 900 interpretation assistance from Williams and Works, I n c . " W . L . Ambulance 400 Misc * the progress reports with consultation and Moved by Marke!, seconded by Winteringham, to accept the proposed program to correct the groundwater pollution at SUB-TOTAL $26,850 Liquor Licenses 798 Board of Review State Income Tax 800 Salaries 19,000 600 50,000 Intangible Tax 1,200 Road Improvement Interest 4,000 Building Improvement 5,000 Muskegon Chemical Company with the preceding modification. Motion carried. The Council also expressed its need to be kept informed of the status of the program through verbal reports at each council $65,798 T 0 T A L Moved by Markel, seconded by Anderson, to adjourn the By Robert C. Wackernagel Supervisor . City Clerk for 1980. teacher at Rothbury, effective at the end of the school year. 7. Adopted a policy on transportation to become effective upon the beginning of school In the fall of 1980S 8. Entered into an agreement with Muskegon Public Schools to provide co-op services for MAPS for the 1980-81 school year. 9. Authorized MAPS to join in a consortium with Whitehall Language Arts Coordinator. your Board of Education. Citizens desiring more Information W i l l i a m E. Beauvals 3/26/80 4. Authorized an application for a summer migrant program The above summary conveys the most significant actions of Submitted by: $101,450. 3. Adopted a policy regarding talented & gifted students. District Schools and apply for a $38,600 grant for a meeting from the City Manager. meeting at 7:39 P.M. Total M r . Carlson expire this year. 2. Approved payment of bills In the amount of $65.776.89.,"• the following words be inserted: " A t this time, it Is proposes 28.000 3.000 Proposed Hydrogeologic Investigation Plan for vLcancies will occur since the terms of M r . Roesler and 400 Cemeterys 1978-1979 The purpose of the Special Meeting was to receive the $ 9,000 G a r b a g e s Dump MONTAGUE, Ml 49437 Federal Revenue Share 1. The annual school election is scheduled for June 9,1980. Two Cogswell and Huttenga. Township of White River are Invited to inquire of the Board or the Administration. 3/26/80 3/26/80 March 26.1980, Page 23 WL DIVflOPMENT l)i\ElOPMINT DtVHOPMENT Purchase your building todayl We can erect tomorrow. SHORELINE DEVELOPMENT ^ W I L L SAVE MORE $$$ i, c i L i P ^ ^ Check these q u a l i t y buildings UTILITY A D D ON PLUMBING SHOP M E C H A N I C S T R U C K GARAGE ADD ON BUILT A R O U N D EXISTING STRUCTURE -m ,\ 4 ' NEW F A R M U T I U T Y BUILDING ERA CANNING COMPANY WAREHOUSE DRYLAND BOAT HOUSE HERE ARE JUST A FEW STYLES AND PRICES 24 , X24 , -8' G a r a g e Steel Colon; White, Gold, Green, Red, brown, Avocado , 1 - 1 6 x 7 Fiberglass Overhead Door > 1 - 3 ' 0 " x 6' 8 " P re-finished Insulated Door 24 > X32'-10 f Complete BUILT ^ ^ ON YOUR SITE _ Painted steel - Your choice of colorel 1 - 1 0 x 1 0 Sliding D o o r - M e t a l framing. 1 - 3*8" x 6 ' 8 " Pre-flnlshed door with f V w / K e y LocK 1 • 4' x 2' Aluminum Sllde-ty Window All Lumber shall be No. 2 or Treated M # \ 0 M M ' m • jam HB • CEMENT FLOOR (OPTIONAL) 24>X32V-8V G a r a g e Complete Colored Steel of your choice! ERECJEP 1 • 16 x 7 Flberglau Garage Door 1 - 3' x 6 ' 8 " Insulated Pre-flnlshed Door A & • Jm ^ # ' Erected PilCO A ^ — CEMENT FLOOR (OPTIONAL) ^ 32 > X40 V -12 I Complete ERECTED % Complete 1 - 3 ' 0 " x 6 ' 8 " Pre-flnished Insulated Door CEMENT FLOOR (OPTIONAL) 9 Colored Steel of your choice! 1 - 1 6 x 7 Fiberglass Garage Door 1 - 3 ' 0 " x 6 ' 8 " Pre-flnlshed Insulated Door w / K e y Lock - 4' x 2' Aluminum Sllde-by Windows Door Jambs & Stops Covered PRICE: .1 - 1 0 x 10 Sliding Door - Metal framing. • la'XAS'-S' G a r a a e , 32 , X40'-10' ^ S with Key Lock ftAi 1-4' x 2' Aluminum Slide-by Window Door Jambs & Stops Covered All Lumber shall be No. 2 or Better or Treated e fe £07'Price... . eErected PRICE: 2 - 12 x 12 Sliding Doors - Metal A ^ B 1 . 3 " 0 " x 6 ' 8 " Pr«-flnlih#d IniulftBd # 1 I U N I U N A L ) $ CEMENT FLOOR (OPTIONAL) ^ # w ' KM 1 O w — 1 CALL BRUCE or we'll custom build your plan DIVE l O P M E N T A ^ -4020 Aluminum Sllde-by Windows. CEMENT FLOOR (OPTIONAL) Door Jambs & Stops Covered •FREE Complete Erected Price 4 8 4 5 FIRST STREET NEW ERA, M l ESTIMATES* DEVEEOPMENT DEVEEOPMENT PHONE COLLECT 861-4027 DEVEIOPMENT March 26.1980. Page 24 W L SEWING M A C H I N E SERVICEtune-up special $12. any make. Ph. 894-9832. Donna Collins. Post Road. 11/28tfc FOR R E N T OR SALE - 2-be(lroom house with W i wooded acres, north of Montague, near Lake Michigan. Carpeted. Franklin stove in living room, utility & storage room J185/mo. utilities. 828-6672 after 5 p.m. 3/26c 1 or 2 B E D R O O M apartments for rent, all utilities furnished - $225 and up. 268 Park St.. Pentwater or call 869-2271. 3/ WANTED B WANTED SILVER COINS - C & 0 COINS Buy and sell. Gold, rings, pocket watches, clad. Franklin Mint, foreign collections, sterling, etc. Confidential. Reference - Shelby State Bank. 861 -5103 or 861 -2390. 3/26 thru 4/16p W A N T E D T O B U Y , cow manure - call 894^173. 3/19.26c STAMPS-Singles. Collections. Accumulations, any amount. Have for sale stamps and all stamp supplies, albums and supplements. Call 861-5625. 3/12, 19,26 4/2p SILVER COINS W A N T E D Gold and sterling silver. Clad halves , 6&-70. Paying highest rates. Call and see! Bank reference. Prompt pickup. Confidential. Shelby. 861-4509 or 861-5484.1/9tfc W A N T E D - Cream Separator In working order. Call 894-8426 or 893-0645. 3/19,260 SILVER A N D GOLD COINS Coin Collections, FRANKUN M I N T , C A N A D I A N C O I N S . Call for price 894-5417 after 4 p.m. 1/23p Jobs Wanted S N O W P L O W I N G day or night. Tree t r i m m i n g or removal. Free estimates. Wood for sale. 8949483.1/9tfc ! i HELP WANTED CAMP CARETAKER WANTED The Muskegon Y Camp-Pendalouan is looking for a general handyman/maintenance person for care and facility supervision of year-round camp. Full time position includes 2 bedroom house, utilities, part time board and salary. For more information contact the camp director at 894-4538 or 722-3741. 3/26c EQUIPMENT BILL P E T E R S O N CONSTRUCTION New construction & Remodeling. Licensed & Insured. Install kitchen cabinets, formica work. Ph. 894-5094. 6199 Bell Rd.. Whitehall. 11/28tfc K I T C H E N C A B I N E T S - baths, appliances, carpeting. Armstrong vinyl and Bath Boutique. Style Trend Interiors, Inc., Ludlngton. Ph. 845-6500. tfc WINTERS BARBER SHOP 4954 Hunt St., Montague. Hours 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Closed Friday & Saturday. Ph. 894-6311. tfc AAA TREE EXPERTS Call for free estimate. Fully insured. Whitehall 894-5012 or 894-8505. tfc B A B Y S I T T E R for first shift. References required. Rothbury area. Call 894-6911. 3/19.26c LPN or RN - Apply in person, Whitehall Manor, part time or full time. Applications taken for nurses aides. 9/12tfc N O W T A K I N G applications for waitresses, cooks and chamber maids. Driftwood Lodge. 8937035. 2/13tfc H E A L T H & LIFE INSURANCE for individual & small group. Let me quote. Ed Sikkenga Agency FOR " a job well done f e e l i n g " 894-8244 or 861-4012.12/19tfc clean carpets with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer $2. Ben W A T C H R E P A I R I N G ring sizing, Franklin Store, Whitehall. engraving, Mitchell Jewelry, 909 3/19tfc E. Cobly, Whitehall (Across from White 8/tfc SERVICES A U T O I N S U R A N C E - canceled. See Ed Sikkenga Agency - Rothbury. No fault Insurance for anybody. Ph. 894-8244 or 8614 0 1 2 . 1 / 2 8 tfc W E L D I N G and assembly opening available • part time to start, eventual full time. Some welding experience a must. 894-6015 afternoons. 3/19c MILLER CONSTRUCTION P.O. Box 61 - New Era Remodeling, New Construction Roofing, Siding, Sprayed Ceilings Licensed 861 -5032 or 894-2236 FREE ESTIMATES W A I T E R S , waitresses, bus3/5,12,19.26p persons, chamber maids and kitchen help are needed for restaurant and resort on W h i t e Lake. M u s t be available for part time in spring and fall and full time summer, 18 or over. Send resume to Jack and Pat Groessl. 6934 South Shore Dr.. Whitehall. M l . 49461. 3/12.19,26c Sands). Ph. perienced waitress and cook. Apply in person, Gary's Restaurant, Montague between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. No phone calls. Experienced only. 2/19,2601 W O M A N T O C A R E for woman in wheel chair and do light housework. Hours 9 to 4. Call 724-2191 days, 893-3235 evenings. 3/26, 4/2c 766-2378. 3 / 5 E X P E R T O I L B U R N E R or gas furnace repair service at reasonable rates. Save 10% on your heating cost with a power humidifier - Spring Special only $148.50 M O N T A G U E DISPOSAL Installed. Pro Heating & A / C SERVICE Service. Ph. 744-2133. Sales & Service for complete comfort Serving W h i t e Lake & Rothbury area. Phone Nelson 5220 Stanton control systems. 3 / 1 9 thru 4/9c Montague, 894-4677. tfc Furniture-Marine-Campers REASONABLY PRICED 894-9774 ftoHeli * Students must have their immunizations brought up to date before Tuesday, April 8 . 1 9 8 0 . or they will be suspended from ^ j e w e l r y school. If you have any questions, please call your principal's activities to the existing educational oroqrams. Whitehall D l t t r i d Schools Board of Education NOTICE FRUITLAND TOWNSHIP HART & SHELBY given for a zone change from R-2 to Commercial for the purpose of establishing a F M radio station on the land located on Michillinda Road near Blank Road and described as: The East V i of the Northeast % of the Northeast of the Northwest V4 of Section 15. Town 11 North. Range 17 West. Fruitland Township. Muskegon County. Mich. Jane Kruse f Clerk 3/26/80 An error appeared In last weeks Bruce W l e r s e m f . advertisement. The copy should have read: Rebates effective" on all 1979 model T h e new 1980 models are not eligible for this rebate program. 3 / 5 / 8 0 and 3/26 NOTICE CITY OF WHITEHALL s a a 88 » P JOIN THEl FORD 15001 CROWD The City of Whitehall "Dlal-a-Dumper program will begin A p r i l 1st, 1980, weather permitting. the discards. This is a good opportunity to dispose of bagged leaves and yard debris also. NO GARBAGE Is acceptable. Leaves will be picked up this Spring provided they are bagged. Budget constraints preclude the operation of the leaf machine in the Spring. W i l l i a m E. Beauvais City Manager 3/26/80 CALL M O R N I N G S OR AFTER 9 : 0 0 p.m. FORD NOW OFFERS $500 l FACTORY REBATES TO ALL 88 f BUYERS OF 1979 FORD £ PICK-UPS, VANS & CLUB WAGONS EQUIPPED WITH ANY SIZE V-81 S NOTICE CITY OF WHITEHALL COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES SYNOPSIS Notice Is hereby given that the A N N U A L M E E T I N G of Electors 8 r March 11,1980 of Claybanks Township will be held at the Township Hall on Authorized payment of bills as follows: General Fund 36th Ave., at 1:00 p.m. Saturday. March 29.1980. Make your best deal with our sales staff...Then get an extra $ 500 from the factory. Hurry... Time is limited $21,939.60, Library Fund $710.56, Ambulance Fund $2,324.44, Lillian R. Kirk Major Street Fund $4,021.21. Local Street Fund $7,552.25, Township Clerk Motor Pool Fund $9,753.15 and Water and Sewer Fund 3/19,26 $6,752.63. Granted permission to American Cancer Society to hold annual fund raising residential drive and adopted resolution to proclaim April as Cancer Control Month. NOTICE Request of ladies from W h i t e Lake Area Churches to hold PUBLIC H E A R I N G Community Bazaar August 2nd on City Hall grounds was i j Received departmental reports for February. A public hearing will be held by the Whitehall Accepted Hydrogeologic Investigation Plan to alleviate Planning Commission on Wednesday, April 16. 1980, at 7:30 ground water pollution at Muskegon Chemical Company, P.M. at the Whitehall City Hall. 405 E. Colby Street, for the subject to approval of Prein & Newhof, and with proviso that purpose of hearing from all those persons Interested in the plan will automatically go into effect April 1, 1980, in Proposed Whitehall Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map. accordance with City resolution, and may be modified at any A copy of the Ordinance and Map will be available for public examination at the City Hall and Library located at 405 E. Colby point by City Council where conditions so warrant. It was agreed that the City participate In Mayors Exchange Day. Street during regular hours. Authorized Sexton to attend Michigan Association of Donald Nordlund, Chairman Municipal Cemeteries Convention June 19. 20. 21. Whitehall Planning Commission BRUCE WIERSEMA FORD 7148 West Main Street -- Fremont -- Phone 924-3200 Submitted by: W i l l i a m E. Beauvais W i l l i a m E. Beauvais, Clerk City of Whitehall I- referred to committee for recommendation. CITY OF WHITEHALL 3/26/80 City Clerk G the regular Fruitland Township Board Meeting, approval wa: office. ' 861-4743 CLAYBANKS TOWNSHIP A . All we can do at this time is attempt to provide supplemental materials and Correction W A T C H , C L O C K and Jewelry reapir by certified jewelers in Shblby Mini Mall and in Hart, at the stoj) light12/1dtfc employees will pick the truck up in the morning and dispose of ANNUAL MEETING NOTICE school doing for the gifted and talented students? thatching Fertilization - Leaf Removal. Free Estimates. Call Lohman's Lawn Service 894-8855 3/26c be placed In your driveway or alleyway overnight. The City NOTICE Q . Sinc0 Isn't possible - to •'"» add WW any UMJ r •pdcial programs right now. what Is the i o K S P R I N G I Now is the time UPHOLSTERING TforH I Nthat spring cleanup. De- basement or garage of accumulated trash, call City Hall, • N E W HOMES •ADDITIONS •REMODELING 'J7 Fruitland Township 894-4048, and we will schedule a time for a large dump-truck to COMPLETE D R Y W A L L SERVICE W I T H Q U A L I T Y A N D EXPERIENCE 4/9c * P L E A S E T A K E N O T I C E that on Monday, March 17, 1980 a i If you live In Whitehall's City limits and want to rid your PAYNE'S DRY WALL thru WASHER & DRYER repairs. Most major brands. Allen Blanshan, Rt. 2, Montague, 894-6222. If no answer...please call again. 11/7tfc , ATTENTION PARENTS! W A N T E D - 2 young men 18-22 M A N W I T H T R U C K will haul years, not in school, interested in appliances, junk, trash, anything ' a j w n maintenance WhitehaN/ - a n y t i m e . Call 894-8260. tfc Montague area. Call 894-6220. 3/26,4/20 Call 893-4782. MONTAGUE AREA PUBLIC SCHOOLS T A K I N G A P P L I C A T I O N S for ex- I N C O M E T A X done, long form only $10.00, including Michigan. -3* - " V R E L I A B L E C U S T O M carpentry - remodeling - trim and special projects. Insured. 861-5157. 3/ RENTAL N O W A C C E P T I N G applications for waitresses, bartenders, etc. Stop by in person and pick up application at T h e Ciptiln'i Table in Shelby. 3/19c X 7 3/26/80 *6 « £ 8 March 26.1980. Page 25 WL r HlHFT Our Si- 0r »Sw SENIOR CITIZENS SHOP TUESDAYS STORE HOURS MON-SUN 9-9 K i n g AND GET A 5 % DISCOUNT. r*Ol>UCTs n *nie) from BAKED GOODS MORAT'S BAKERY GARLIC BREAD a e##( OLD FASHIONED FRIED CAKES lottiif " ' t h ® raj '1.09 89* C r «ie /es s . Price Ove diffi e renf fOOO 'tens, » fl DEL FOODS DEL COUPON PALMOLIVE $ 47' 1 FOODS ON 2 jnEHORETOW FOODS DEL jumbo roll FOODS <!• Save 49 72 CORN 17 DEL COUPON FOODS 16 oz (ampStlk PORK* beans ON 2 DEL CAMPBELL LIMIT 1 PORK 'n BEANS c Bi 24 DEL'S C O U P O N EXPIRES 3 / 2 9 / 8 0 30 NO NONSENSE .is. p a h « e " pair 50* UEL'S C O U P O N EXPIRES 3 / 2 9 / 8 0 LIMIT 3 c off DEL'S C O U P O N EXPIRES 3 / 2 9 / 8 0 DEL COUPOK RSI PANTY HOSE "Regular p a n t y ssr--?:. COUPON 1 lb pkg DEL'S C O U P O N EXPIRES 3 / 2 9 / 8 0 LIMIT 2 FOODS KENT FRANKS 44J 99 FOODS 89 LIMIT 1 U A DEL 1 DEL'S C O U P O N EXPIRES 3 / 2 9 / 8 0 46 OZ COUPON' LIMIT 2 72< KOSHER DILLS 99 COUPON Save COUPON i VLASIC UMIT 1 | 121/2 0 1 89 FOODS FOODS PLUS DEPOSIT s r L U DELUXE GRAHAMS n F L ' S C O U P O N EXPIRES 3 / 2 9 / 8 0 DEL'S C O U P O N EXPIRES 3 / 2 9 / 8 0 DEL ON 2 C O U P O N EXPIRES 3 / 2 9 / 8 0 KEEBLER SPAGHETTI SAUCE CORN FLAKES 24 OZ Save DEL COUPON PRIMA SALSA LIMIT 2 KELLOGG'S DEL DEL'S C O U P O N EXPIRES 3 / 2 9 / 8 0 D E l ' S C O U P O N EXPIRES 3 / 2 9 / 8 0 DEL 1 liter bottles ON 6 LIMIT 2 72 COUPON COCA COLA, TAB or SPRITE LIMIT 2 19 DECORATOR TOWELS Save FOODS oz UVi COUPON GALA DEL FUDGE STRIPES D E l ' S C O U P O N EXPIRES 3 / 2 9 / 8 0 DEL COUPON KEEBLER UMIT 1 LIQUID DETERGENT 32 oz Save FOODS LIMIT 3 FOODS COUPON ECKRICH BOLOGNA O T (Beef or Regular] 1 lb pkg 30 DEL'S C O U P O N EXPIRES 3 / 2 9 / 8 0 ——DMIUM— c off ; March 26.1980. Page 26 W L DUNCAN NINES & MEMBER CAKE MIXES (assorted varrties) C OLD F A S H I O N I D CARRY OUT S I R V I C I DEUXEII C A K t MIX NESTLE QUIK 18.5 oz We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities 32 oz |LARGE| PEPTO BISMOL HOSTESS TWINKIES 10 individuolly wropped COUNTRy LANE PeptoBismol •Cream/ Smooth •Assorted Flavors COUNTRY FRESH KELLOGG 24 .z CORN FLAKES (with coupon) Cottage Cheese VIKING ss r APPLESAUCE 50 oz Chocolate Delight JIF PEANUT BUHER Ice Cream Bars (SMOOTH or CRUNCH/) S P R I N G $ PROMISE MARGARINE COMET lb q u o r t e r s SPIC n HEFIY 4 >n C1EANSER TRASH CAN LINERS 25' off 10 c t 9 l i s * !m r SUNSHINE HONEY GRAHAMS 79 MEAT or CHEEZE JENO RAVIOLI 30 .x SALUTO PARTY • 5^*' tor floors wtlls bslhtuba ANACIN TABLETS 16 oz 88 30 t a b l e t s ) FOOTBALL & OLD FASHIONED LOAF SALUTfl BEEF & BEAN BURRITOS $ 29 1 lb pkg > M a r c h 2 6 . 1 9 8 0 . Page 27 •MUELLER ELBOW| Mueller's MACARONI elbowd *' •OVEN FRESH! RAISIN BREAD I l 6 oz l o a f * ENRICMEO M A C A O O N I mi •* PRIMA SALSA SPAGHETTI SAUCE qt , ketchup IL oz ctn TWICE as FRES AIR FRESHNER A " )^OZ(2l6:' SUNMAID " SEEDLESS RAISINS ALPINE M E A D O W . LEMON B I O S S O M , ROSE PETAL OR A U T U M N HARVEST of 12 .95 oz I l I v SPAN i I r w Z * MR. CLEAN 2 0 T O PwithJOB 28 oz 54 oz 33 H O O I HUNT S c faim AMMONIA V-—f 28 oz §99' WHOLE TOMATOES 69^ CAMPBELL coupon) PORK'n BEANS "oz 2 8 0 1 "> quarters BAND-AID ^1.48 p k 9 o f 70 CELLO m MARGARINE QUARTERS Imperial margarine RADISHES 6 0 2 5 6REEN HY-RATION DOG FOOD ONIONS » CELLO SPINACH to.. 113 SUNKIST ORANGES » l r " 25 lbs BANQUET 8 oz POT PIES (BEEF - TURKEY - CHICKEN) c WL March 26.1980. Page 28 W L 1 0 0 6 E. COLBY* WHITEHALL* PHONE 8 9 4 - 2 3 0 4 SHURFRESH . . . •BACOM—1.19 HORMEL MIDGET S 02 pkj •SAUSAGE LINKS CLAUSSEN ! 89" 6 « « W 5 •picKiEs.....'. .r... 1.19 SWIFT PREMIUM 2 lb pkg & •TURKEY R0AST.. $ 3.19 Portions [White end Derk Meet) HENRY HOUSE - ^ $ 1 $ 1 Center BRAUNSCHWEIGER... .ib 69 <( SPRING BONELESS LEAN AND MEATY PORK SPARE RIBS ROLLED PORK SIRLOIN FRESH TIP ROAST ROAST SAUSAGE (from the Boston Butt) $ | 1 9 $ | 3 « ECKRICH ECKRICH SMOKED SAUSAGE KIELBASA SAUSAGE $ | 7 « DEL'S FAMOUS COUNTRY STYLE $ | B 9 99! ECKRICH . FAMILY STEAK 1 $ 2 3 9 BEEF DRUMSTICKS THIGHS (FRYER PARTS) SAUSAGE (FRYER PARTS) T 9 99f 99! DRUMSTICKS(no beeks) GROUND BEEF.-.s. 1.39 THIGHS (no becks) BREASTS (FRYER PARTS) $ | . 9 - BUY BIG - SAVE BIG! New York Pel's Famous SIZZLE STEAK GRADE A HAND CUT GRADE A HAND CUT GRADE A HAND CUT CHICKEN STRIP STEAKS .?. 3 . 5 9 CLOSE TRIM $ 2 1 9 FAMILY PACK SPECIALS $ EXTRA LEAN PORK Center &m .».89* LOIN CHOPS !!$1.59l a W SPARE RIBS »$1.09] Extra Lean ISTEW MEAT. .;.$1.89 BREASTS. (no becks) 1 9 9 ' PORK STEAK **1.2 |