May 2016 issue - Newark United Methodist Church
May 2016 issue - Newark United Methodist Church
May 2016 Celebrating Rising Young Leaders in Worship We are so thankful for all of those who came to worship with our youth on April 10. It was a wonderful service, and we hope that you felt God’s presence with you. A publication of the Newark United Methodist Church Thank you for the ways you support our youth. God Bless! Listen & Celebrate! On Saturday, May 14, Chelsea Spyres will be one of two young adults speaking to the General Conference of the United Methodist Church. This international quadrennial meeting is happening in Portland, Oregon. The scheduled time for the Young People’s Address is 8:45am (Pacific Time). I invite you to join me in Memorial Lounge for a livestream of Chelsea’s address. Please be at the church by 11:30. If you choose to watch at home, you may go to Let’s gather and listen and then celebrate Chelsea’s address to General Conference. -Rev. Palmer To the Wonderful People of Newark UMC, The Laughter of the Resurrected Christ Be With You!! 302/368-8774 This past Sunday, April 17, I had fun. While telling jokes and coming up with puns are NOT my strength, reading the scripture can produce such laughter in me. Then to see the children running around the building with their red noses—what holy hilarity! [email protected] Lay Leaders: Stacey Altemus, Karen DeMonte, Danny Fisher, Richard Gaines STAFF Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. David M. Palmer ext. 214 Pastor of Congregational Care Rev. George Ayer Tigh ext. 212 I am quickly coming to the end of my time with Newark UMC as your pastor. You have been a rich blessing in my life and in Cara Lee’s. We will return after taking a hiatus. I’m not sure how long that will be, but we will be back. We have never been in a church with such wonderful people, who are so hospitable to all. Beginning in May, I will be in the pulpit every Sunday. I will be using some of my favorite scripture passages and link them to important themes of living in the manner and spirit of Jesus. Campus Pastor Rev. Mary K. Haggard ext. 216 Assistant Campus Pastor Rev. Ward Mesick Director of Education Ministries Donna Hitchner ext. 225 Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministries Melanie Hartley ext. 217 Sunday School Administrative Assistant Lisa Santare On May 1, 15, & 29, I will be in all three liturgical services. On May 8 and 22, I will be in the 8 and 9:30 liturgical services and at SonSpirit at 11am. In June, we will only have three services (no liturgical service at 11am), and I will be at all of them on June 5. Director of Music Ministries/Principal Organist Ned Perwo ext. 220 On June 12, my last Sunday, we are having a single service at 9:30am. There is more information elsewhere about this Sunday on page 8 of this issue of the Parish Notes. Business Manager Rob Cappiello ext. 218 Office Manager Danette Eberly ext. 213 Bookkeeper Connie Wright ext. 215 Facility Manager Rob Taylor ext. 227 Custodian Piedad Luna ext. 227 I look forward to these final Sundays. I hope my preaching themes will help you on your spiritual journey. Shalom, Rev. Dr. David M. Palmer 2 Associate Organist/Bell Director Lauren Cataldi-May ext. 299 MUSIC MINISTRIES Delaware ACDA Church Choir Festival Sunday, May 22, 7pm Aldersgate UMC Join us as we make a joyful noise, celebrating music from each of the seasons of the church! 3 BELIEVERS IN ACTION, OUTREACH Believers in Action: NUMC Opening Doors Thanks to the dedication of the NUMC church family—including phenomenal staff!—our church opens doors every day! Those doors provide two-way passage: ways for us to enter our building where we experience the community and spirit within our walls, and passage back out into the world where we can radiate and share God’s love with the world! The Believers in Action (BIA) team challenges YOU (all of us!) to think about how NUMC opens not only physical doors, but also these “doors” for you and others: three doors. Recognizing that different “door openers” will work better at different times in life, BIA asks that everyone add to the “Open Doors” displays (front narthex, Cokesbury Lobby, Heritage Hall), writing your “door openers” on sticky papers corresponding to your age group (Builders, Boomers, Generation X, or Millennials). For example, has NUMC’s music program opened a door to the community for you or your family? Has a Covenant Discipleship group opened a door for your spiritual journey? At the June 12 Church Family Picnic, BIA will reveal the age group that contributed the most to the “Open Doors” displays and will share the various “door openers” you have shared. Doors to Spiritual Journeys Doors to the Community (local and worldwide) Doors to Ministry Each of these doors is important, and we want to know how NUMC helps you through these Outreach Adult Mission Trip to Detroit: Saturday, June 18-Saturday, June 25 Come experience this mission trip with us--it will be a great time of helping others, spending time together, and growing closer to God. Projects: Est. Cost: Lodging: Interested? NOAH – Networking, Organizing, and Advocating for the Homeless The Flood Recovery The Michigan Urban Farming Initiative $150 per person, plus travel Note: A church member has anonymously offered to fund anyone who would like to go but is in need of financial assistance. Group Housing (apartments or church-bound)—TBA Mandatory Meeting: Sunday, May 1 at noon in Room 121 Please contact Linda Steinkrauss or Karen DeMonte ([email protected]; [email protected]). May 22: Peace With Justice Sunday On this Special Sunday in the United Methodist Church, we recognize our mission to spread God’s love while having a voice in advocating for peace and justice through a broad spectrum of national and global programs. If you wish to give to Peace With Justice Sunday online, please go to the NUMC Online Giving webpage ( and enter Peace With Justice under Optional. The Outreach Committee is looking for new members who care about spreading the love of God by reaching out to and serving others. If you’re interested, please contact any church staff member or Linda Steinkrauss ([email protected]). 4 Bunting Library News BUNTING LIBRARY The library has many books for young children to hear and learn about Jesus, about God's love and caring, about prayer, and about the Bible. See the special display—some of the books are new to our collection. LISTEN! The most important questions you'll ever answer are those your child asks about Jesus, about God! It's never too early to start in their learning for a child's faith foundation! Who Is Jesus?, by Kathleen Long Bostrom I Know Who Jesus Is, by Helen Caswell Jesus at the Temple, retold by Pamela Broughton Jesus Performs Miracles, adapted from Matthew 14:15-33 by Judith Wolman What Is God Like?, by Kathleen Long Bostrom God's Love Is for Sharing, by Helen Caswell God Is Always with Me, by Helen Caswell What Is a Christian?, by Carolyn Nystrom What Is the Bible?, by Carolyn Nystrom What Is Prayer?, by Carolyn Nystrom I Can Talk with God, by Helen Caswell Praying with my Fingers/An Easy Way to Talk with God, inspired by Pope Francis Baptism/God Makes Me His Child, by Janet Wittenback My Big Church Family, by Helen Caswell A collection of parables (rewritten for children by Helen Caswell) is also available: Parable of the Leaven, Parable of the Mustard Seed, Parable of the Lost Sheep, and Parable of the Lost Coin. Recent Reads The Recent Reads Book Group will meet in Bunting Library on Monday, May 9, 1:15-2:15pm Come share books, laughter, refreshments… we look forward to seeing you! 5 EDUCATION MINISTRIES Youth Announcements Young Adult Announcements May 7, 10am-2pm: Youth Fundraiser at Blue Hen Car Wash Blue Hen Car Wash, 1008 Capitol Trail, Newark, DE 19711 Young Adult Bible Study Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30pm in Rm109 Please come out to support our youth summer mission trip! Students will be towel-drying and vacuuming cars to raise money for our summer mission trip to West Virginia. Details will be in the bulletin. We hope to see you there! Join us weekly for a not-so-typical Bible study. Young adults gather for dinner and discussion about the Bible—it’s still relevant for us today. There’s lots of laughs and intellectual discussion. Theology on Tap Wednesday, May 11, 6:30-8pm Folks are invited to join us for a night out on Main Street for a brew and discussions about theology, current events, politics and outreach. All adults—all faith identities and backgrounds— are welcome. Contact Melanie Hartley ([email protected] or 302-368-8774, x217) for more information concerning any Youth Ministry or Young Adult event. Graduation time is here! We love celebrating the accomplishments of our youth and young adults! If you would like us to include information about your high school or college grad in the June/July Parish Notes, please contact Melanie Hartley by May 10. Information should include the following: Name of graduate Where they are graduating from Future plans (optional) 6 We’re exploring big changes in the NUMC Sunday School program! After three years of Spark (workshop rotation) Sunday School, the Children and Family/Christian Education (CF/CE) team is up for a change. In looking at the present Sunday School program, the team considered the following: EDUCATION MINISTRIES What do children gain from school today? What are some additional skills which may help them be successful? In his day, John Wesley saw people suffering from a lack of basic literacy, and the Sunday School was born to fill that need while also providing spiritual formation. Today, critical-thinking, decision-making, and problem-solving skills are given less and less attention in a typical school day, yet these are essential skills for success in the real world—along with, of course, a strong spiritual foundation. This next-generation jump to a student-driven, project-based Sunday School program is designed to address the 21st-century needs of our children and youth. It’s also an opportunity for the whole congregation—members of any age—to explore and honor the creative drive in all of us. Check out the FAQ page here, then submit your additional questions using this form. We’ll post your questions with our best answers as they become available. Of particular importance is how this program can be of unique benefit to our youth and their families. Find out more here. Finally, take a look at what’s planned for the summer pilot program here. Sunday Morning (9:30am) Adult Learning Opportunities Sunday Morning Bible Study (Rm 121) is discussing material from the book of Romans. Teachables (Samuel Wesley Room) will spend most of May finishing a short study about Islam. Trying Christians (Memorial Lounge) will be viewing Adam Hamilton’s Making Sense of God’s Will on 5/1, 8 & 22, with curriculum planning on 5/15 & 29. Wednesday Afternoon Bible Study We’ve finished up our year-long study of Adam Hamilton’s Making Sense of the Bible. We’ll begin meeting again in September. Watch for an announcement of our fall study in the August Parish Notes. Chick Flicks will resume after the changes to the parking lot have been completed over the summer. 7 IN THE LIFE OF THE CHURCH Sunday, June 12 Celebrating Rev. Palmer’s Ministry, Recognizing His Retirement 8 As announced in church on February 6, Reverend David Palmer has elected to retire effective July 1, 2016. His last preaching Sunday is June 12. Don’t miss the fun and surprises planned for June 12! Join us to celebrate David’s retirement at two very special events on that day: A single combined worship service held in the sanctuary at 9:30am will include Communion and will be followed immediately by a casual reception in the sanctuary (Heritage Hall will be unavailable due to ROF construction). Beginning at noon, a potluck church family picnic will take place at White Clay Creek Park (co-sponsored by SPRC and BIA), and our celebration for David and Cara Lee will continue there! Bring your salads and other cold entrees. Dessert, cold beverages, paper products will be supplied, along with games and SURPRISES for fun to be had by all! Note that, in the event of bad weather, this may be moved to the NUMC dining room. More details will be coming to help you fully enjoy this great day (and to help you plan carpooling to the park). A note from George Tigh— IN THE LIFE OF THE CHURCH Cheryl and I have two daughters. Later this year, one of them, Karen, will celebrate a birthday with a “0” after the first number. I won’t tell which birthday it is, but it rhymes with “nifty.” Years ago, at a time in my life when I was commuting nearly daily from upper Montgomery County, PA to attend seminary in Philadelphia, doing my best to prepare sermons and Bible studies, attend official meetings, provide pastoral care to a growing congregation and still try to be an attentive and loving husband and father, little Karen asked, “Dad, when you’re done seminary—I mean all done—are you going to get a job?” It is funny how being a preacher is not really equated with work. Those of us who are clergy get used to quips such as, “If you ministers ever went on strike, who would know it?” Or, “I sure wish I had your job, Pastor. You work just one day a week and on Sunday it takes four men to carry all the money you make.” My customary retort to comments like these was, “Next payday, what say we trade paychecks?!?!” Never had any takers…I’m just saying. One thing I have greatly valued in the 2 ½+ years I held the part-time position of Pastor of Congregational Care here at NUMC is the realization and appreciation you have for the quality and quantity of effort we clergy expend seeking to fulfill our vows of ordination. We may not punch a time-clock, but we know what it is to heave an exhausted sigh of relief on leaving a hospital room, or concluding an official meeting scarred by discord, or presiding at a funeral even as our own hearts were breaking under the weight of personal loss, or feeling a shiver when the phone rings in the middle of the night… What I am saying is: you all get it! The affection and affirmation I received on April 3 is a memory I will treasure always. Thank you. I love you back. To: All Golfers From: Rev. George Tigh Re: Fore!!! Again this year, I will be honorary chaplain at the 24th Annual Joseph and Marian Munizza Memorial Golf Outing to be held Saturday, June 4, at the Avalon Golf Club in Cape May County Courthouse, NJ. In 2015, NUMC fielded 2 foursomes. The event primarily benefits the Fox Chase Cancer Center but also supports individuals and families struggling with the ravages of cancer. A 1 o’clock shotgun start is scheduled. Registration includes golf, cart, on-course beverage (from cold water to Yuengling’s), a delicious dinner, event favors, door prizes, etc. The cost is $115 per golfer. Non-golfers who may wish to enjoy the Cape May area and return for the post-golf dinner and presentation of awards are invited, as well. We’ll plan to meet at the church parking lot at 10am and carpool it to the event together. Contact me for details and registration. Men and women golfers alike are invited. Please notify me no later than May 15 if you intend to register (733-0203; [email protected]). 9 IN THE LIFE OF THE CHURCH Social Justice at NUMC: An Act of Love On April 10, NUMC screened the documentary An Act of Love. We had a good crowd of 50 folks from the NUMC community and beyond to watch this documentary film telling the story of Rev. Frank Schaefer and the struggle for LGBTQ inclusion in The United Methodist Church. A brief discussion after the film followed, in which all had an opportunity to share their insights and concerns. The screening came to us through Reconciling Ministries Network, a group dedicated to the full inclusion of LGBTQ communities in The UMC. For more information about NUMC’s LGBTQ Inclusion team, please contact Ruth Oatman ([email protected]). New members are always welcome! Wesley Foundation Alumni Weekend! June 3-5 is Alumni Weekend! We'll send out a postcard to our alumni, family, and donors with more details about how we'll gather together. We'll keep it simple, there will be food, and we will have fun. (We're Methodists—of course there’s food. It's Wesley—of course we'll have fun.) Brunch Angels—The End of the Semester is Near! The students are overworked and underfed. This is the time they need the taste of home most. We still have some spots open in May to sign up to be Brunch Angels: you name it, we'll eat it. The sign-up sheet is just outside Wesley Lounge. We have around 15-20 people. If you have any questions about what to bring, or what our favorites are, please email Rev. Mary at [email protected]. Mission Trip Shirts!!! We still have a few "He Lives!" t-shirts left. They are long-sleeved and hunter green, and go for $10. Size M, L, XL are available. 10 MAKING A DIFFERENCE 4th Quarter Camp Pecometh Mission Project: Help us reach our goal by June 30! NUMC is in the last year of a five-year pledge of $15,000 that is being used to construct a meeting room at the Pecometh Adult Retreat Center. We will be collecting contributions over the next three months with the goal of raising a total of $3000. Please consider giving to this mission through special gifts in your weekly envelope or with a check payable to Newark UMC (indicate Camp Pecometh on your envelope or on the memo section of your check). Pecometh Camp & Retreat Ministries partners with over 400 churches of the Peninsula Delaware Conference of The United Methodist Church to provide camps, retreats and outdoor programs to persons of all ages and from all walks of life. Pecometh has operated continuously since 1946 on the Chester River near Centreville, Maryland and emphasizes spiritual formation, leadership development and programming for life needs to equip and inspire guests for service in and to the world. Emmanuel Dining Room: Cookies Needed We are asking for pre-packaged storebought cookies to fulfill our monthly commitment to Emmanuel Dining Room. We appreciate your help in bringing these to the church office by 9am on Thursday, May 19. Questions? Call 368-8774. Go-Bags The Outreach Team needs the following items to complete 250 Go-Bags for the Empowerment Center: Gallon-size Ziplock plastic bags Protein meals, easy-open flip lids Fruit cups Breakfast bars Peanut butter/cheese crackers Juice boxes (real fruit juice) Dessert/pudding cups (optional) Please leave donations for Outreach GoBags in the Main Office, clearly marked for OUTREACH. Looking for a way to make a difference? Our congregation is active in many, many ways to serve in our community and beyond. On the NUMC website, visit the Serving Others page. There is so much we can do! 11 69 East Main Street Newark, DE 19711-4645 302-368-8774 Return Service Requested TAIZ SERVICE Wednesday, May 4, 7pm in the Chapel A time of healing, A place apart... Parish Notes Deadline May 15—email [email protected]