Radio Age Apr 1992 - Mid-Atlantic Antique Radio Club
Radio Age Apr 1992 - Mid-Atlantic Antique Radio Club
RADIO AGE Vol. 18, No. 4 April 1992 $2.00 See related article inside. THE POOLEY COMPANY 1600 Indiana AYenue Philadelphia 9 U. S. A. Cabi11cts PART III, By Donald 0. Patterson The model 2000 R-2 is somewhat unique with a built in horn that produces sound which exits the side of the cabinet (Figure 1), while at the other end the opening is designed so that there is ample room for the driver and the battery compartment located below the horn (Figure 2). Business must have been pretty good because in a 1928 flyer thaey claimed to have made over 600,000 cabinets. An artist's conception, pictured above, shows what the factory Figure 1. Model 2000 R-2 2RADIOAGE looked like at 1600-1672 Indiana Avenue in Philadelphia, and from outward appearances, it covered one city block. By September 1928 they had a whole new line of cabinets which utilized the Atwater Kent 40, 42 and 44 receivers, and they are shown on the following pages. Figure 2. Note battery storage below horn at upper part The 1928 Pooley Line-up Afoaef 7500 (left &. below) Afoaef 7200 (above) Console Radio Cabinet Price, without recieving set or s~r...$35 Chest Radio Cabinet Beautiful in Qroportions, rich and mellow in finish, is this Spanish chest type of Pooley radio cabinet Note particularly the fine effect of the columns and aiches solid brass hin~ ofcorrect Spanish design ana1 burl maple overlay on the doors. Doors open flat aga_inst sides. Radio set can be quickly installed from the front in the convenient drawer slide with its specially designed frontpanel, finished in Pooley duo-tone. Below the Chestis a drop frontc.ompartment for ~ines, record albums, etx:. And, on either side of speaker compartment are small cupboards, witfi built in pipe and ca~ racks and ample space for poker chips, score pads, tobacco jars humidors, and the like. Front, top and sides are made of specially selected walnut veneers. Designed to accomodate Atwater Kent Receivers Models 40, 42 and 44. Dimensions: height 46 1/2", width 32", (7800, continued) depth 16 1/4". Price - with above equipment and speaker front(used as a service shelf) lined with white butless set .. $125 enamel baked on metal. A roomy drawer, lined with white enamel baked on metal, and with a special moistening device can be used as a humidor. Humidor and Cellarette compartments have locks. The Radio Receiver is easily installed from the front in the convenient drawer slide. Doors fold back flat against sides of cabinet. They are finished with rich dark burl walnut veneers in Pooley duo-tone. Sides and top are finished in seleCted walnutveneers and the design, workmanship, and equipment of die entire cabinet are all that the name implies · De Luxe. Designed to accomodate Atwater Kent Receivers, Models 40, 42 and 44. Dimensions: height 48 3/4", width 20 1/2", depth 20". Price-cabinetwith above equipment and speaker but less set ..$450 Afoaef 7900 (right) Afoaef 7800 (above) Radio.Cellarette DeLuxe A new and decidedly different type of radio cabinet, equip~ with twenty-four glasses, fourdeCanters, silver shaker (quart size), tray, spo:an, fruit knife, cork screw, bottle opener, and glass fruit reamer. All glassware specially designed highest quality cut glass ; all silverware is oouble plated; knife blade is stainless steel. Cellarette compartment lined in white Japanese lacquer with drop panel (continued next column) 3RADIOAGE Radio Automatic Phonograph This De Luxe automatic electric phonograph plays 10 records continuously, changing and restackingthemautomatically. Control knob also makes it possible to selectanynumberof records from one to ten to be played as continuous performance. Cabinet made of carefully selected burl walnut veneers with solid walnut frames. Posts, aprons, ball feet and decorations hand carved in solid walnut Radio set installed from top by lifting hinl?ed lid. Has electric pick-up using auaio amplification of radio set with specful power amplifier and dynamic speaker. Plays all lateral cut records. AC 60 cycle, 105-120 volt motor, pilot light, and all necessary controls and conveniences with master switch. Eouipment also includes four 10" and four 12" record albums. . Designed to accomodate Atwater Kent Receiver Models 40, 42 and 44. Dimensions: height49 l/2", width 31", depth 24 3/4". Price - with all equipment and speaker but less set .. $1150 Afoaef 7400 Afoaef 7300(above> Radio· Desk This model inoorporates the same features as Model 7400, exceptthatstretx:herundemeath cabinet provides accommodation for any Atwater Kent speaker. Com~rtments for stationary, boolCs, ett:., make this model a complete and useful desk as well as an unusually handsome radio cabinet. E4uipment includes inkwell and large desk blotrer. Cabinet is made ofcareful!_y matx:hed American Walnut veneers, with Satinwood and ebony inlays, Pooley Standard American Walnut duo-tone finish. Designed to accomodateAtwater KentReceivers, Models 40, 42 and 44. Dimensions: height 44", width 29 3/8", depth 14". Price · cabinet without speaker... $58 Afoaef 7600 (above) Radio . Desk Same design as Model 7300. Price with ink well and large desk blotter but without receiving set or speaker... $60 Console Speaker Table Price without receiving setor speaker... $25 Afoaef 10 (right) Record Chest Holds six record albums. Perfect companion to set in hmt of Model 7600. Price without albums ...$35 (above two phoros) Radio · Phonograph Combination An adaption of the old Spanish Chest, with doors hand decorated in old blue and ivo!)'. Solid brass hlnges. Receiver installed from the front in drwer slide. Drop front record album compartment below. Jbonograph reached bv lifting hinl?ed top. Has electric pick-up, usif\g audio amplification of radio set and speaker. ~ays all lateral cut records. Electric motor: AC 60 cycle, 105-120 volt type. Pilot light illuminates phonograph compartment and shows from the front whether current is offor on. Radio and pnonograpn controlled by a master switx:h. Pooley standard Duo-rone American Walnut finish. Desifil\ed to accomodate Atwater Kent Receivers 40,42and44. Dimensions: height46 l/2", width32",depth 161/4". Price ·cabinetwithabove equipment and speaker but less set .. $2 75 4RADIOAGE Afoaef noo (above) Afoaef 7700(above> Radio Cabinet De Luxe Price without receiving set or speaker ...$325 Real Life Drama in the Radio Service Shop in the Thirties By Alan Roycroft PART XI I phoned Jean at the office who gave me details of two urgent jobs and I asked her to tell Wally that we were in business at the park with the Marching Girls Association PA system. The first call was to a Mrs. Scott at number 23 in Porters Crescent. I got out my handy street map and traced the street to an area down near the harbor and was very soon knocking at the door of a large house that had seen better days. It was clean but a good paint job was badly needed. Fishing nets drying on a frame in the back yard showed the source of this family's income. A plumpish motherly woman came to the door wiping her hands on her apron. "The radio man?", she asked with a smile. I grinned back in reply and was shown down a hall into a sparkling clean kitchen and sitting on a small side table was an Atwater Kent model 400 something, a couple of years old with 6 pin six volt type tubes, and an airplane dial with three bands. Anything more I guessed I would soon find out "This radio has taken years off my life", Mrs. Scott announced, "We will be listening in quietly, when all of a sudden the set lets loose with a shriek. Turning the volume down has no effect at all and we just have to switch it off and go to bed. My youngest son is trying to learn about radio, he has his own battery set and he has offered to try and fix this one but we think that he may cause more expense in his efforts." From another room a youthful voice called out, "I didn't say that I could fix it Mom, besides, I don't even think that I could get up to try working on it." His mother reassured the voice and suggested that I look at it I turned on the AK and as it warmed up there was a rustling noise that continued with the volume control turned down. I looked questioningly at Mrs. Scott, and she said, "Oh no, that noise is nothing." Then suddenly, as if on cue, the set burst forth with an ear spitting scream that also was unaffected by the volume control. I gave the cabinet a swift left jab and immediately the banshee wail stopped as suddenly as it had started. I pulled the set around and with the handle of my trusty knob screwdriver, gave the top of the 6B7 second detector a wallop, and with a crack, even the rustling sound RADIO AGE (USPS 312-371 (ISSN 0892-6360) quieted down to absolute silence. Further walloping could bring on a variety of whistles, crackles and howls, take your pick. That 6B 7 had an intermittent short internally and was due for immediate retirement. I pulled the tube out of the set and went out to the VS and brought in a new National Onion, er, Union. I plugged it into the AK and told Mrs, Scott that we should wait to prove that this was the only problem. The voice in the next room called out, "I thought maybe it was a tube, Mom". "Oh, go along with you, Ray, but maybe one day you will be able to take care of everyone's set". "Do you think that this man could look at my Polar Twin while he is here, Mom?" "I don't think so Ray, we are very short this month and it will be a miracle if we can pay just for the main radio." I interrupted this conversation by suggesting that since I have to wait on the Atwater Kent, I could spend a few minutes looking at Ray's radio. "Well thank you then", said Mrs. Scott, "Ray, take this man into your bedroom and show him your set". "Gee, that would be fine", Ray replied, and the kitchen door was clumsily opened to reveal what at first appeared to be a dwarf sitting in a wheelchair. A closer look showed a young man in his late teens horribly disfigured with that common scourge, polio. The only normally sized or shaped parts of this young fellow was his head, forearms and hands. His body was supported by a steel brace and his feet dangled helplessly down the front of his chair. A large boyish grin defies his physical condition. I recovered myself, shook Ray's hand and we were soon engrossed in his Polar Twin. The Polar Twin was a small two tube regenerative set in a small metal cube with tubes and plug-in coils on top. The coils were the common flat basket woven type of the 1920 English style. "I was listening to it when I dropped a small screwdriver inside it", Ray said, "I sure hope it is nothing costly, but the set is completely dead." I peered into the works and saw that they were completely wired with bare tinned buss wire and laying at the bottom was the screwdriver. "Oh (continued on p. 6) FOR PROSPECTIVE SUBSCRIBERS HOW CAN YOU REFUSE THIS OFFER? is published monthly at a subscription rate of $19.00 a year Second Class, $24.00 a year First Class and $25.00 per year Canada. Second Class Postage is paid at Augusta, Georgia. RADIO AGE will publish an expanded Spring issue in May, reaching thousands of non-subscribers as well as our regular mailing list If you subscribe now, you'll get a FREE 100-word "For Sale" ad plus a FREE 40-word "Wanted" ad. Each month threreafter, you can run another FREE 50-word "For Sale" ad and a new 25-word "Wanted" ad. 24-hour FAX. Donald 0 . Patterson, Editor Norma W. Patterson, Managing Editor RADIO AGE ads help you sell those items you no longer want , and find those illusive radios you're searching for. Subscribe today. RADIO AGE 636 Cambridge Road - Augusta, GA 30909 Copyright Radio Age 1992 5 RADIO AGE l st Class Mail $24 (2 yrs. $45) · 2nd Class Mail $19 (2 yrs. $35) Canada $25 (2 yrs. $46) Foreign $41/year RADIO AGE - 636 Cambridge Road - Augusta, GA 30909 (continued from p. 5) boy, I think we have trouble Ray, disconnect the batteries and get the screwdriver out while I go out to the car and get my testmeter". "OK", responded Ray and when I got back, he had already fished out the offending screwdriver. I pulled the detector tube, a PM4 Mullard with the usual four pin base with pins that are shaped like banana plugs, all the same size with the anode or plate set further out from the other three pins in a square. Neither this tube or the audio amplifier showed filament continuity. Ray's face fell upon hearing this bad news. "Well that finishes my radio", he said dolefully. "Not to worry fella, I believe that I have some spares at home that you are welcome to, so let's leave it until tomorrow." I checked the battery voltages and Ray was very interested in seeing how the multimeter worked. His wet battery was fully charged. "My brother connects it up to his six volt truck battery overnight through a resistor a friend gave me, but how is the B battery?" "Well the ninety volts are down to sixty without the load of the radio so I don't have much faith in that", I replied. This deepened Ray's gloom. "Now don't get too down about this Ray, wait until I call around tomorrow, so let's go out to the kitchen and see how the Atwater Kent is doing. The AK was singing along quietly and Mrs. Scott opened a well worn purse and looked at me inquiringly. I halved the price of the 6B7 mentally and lied about the time charge and Mrs. Scott whispered to me that if Ray's set needed parts, please get them, and she would find a way somehow to pay · for them. I thought of how the cost of the AK repair job could be shared with some wealthier customers later on. I thanked her and assured Ray that I would be along tomorrow with some good news. I stopped at the first pay phone and asked Jean for any nice easy jobs. "Wally wants to talk to you, please hold on". Our Service Manager sounded more up than usual, "And aren't you the busy one? Jack Gibson at the Marching Girls called and he was astatic. They even have to tum the volume down on the system, but wait for this, the secretary of Blandford Park has just called and they want an estimate on a new system after hearing ours". "There is nothing short of dynamite that would improve that junker", I replied. "Well we can talk about a new system next week. Our big boss is extremely happy and suggests that you take the rest of the day off at overtime rates". Wow, I will be able to get on to ray's problem sooner than I thought. I thanked Wally, hung up the phone and immediately called my old mentor, Albert. I had promised to tell him all the news over a week ago. Albert's Yorkshire accent greeted me, "111 bet you want something, otherwise you don't call". I soon got on to the question, "What do you know about Polar Twins?" "I thought so", said Albert, "Now that's going a long way back. I had two of them in my time and I do believe that I have some plug-in shortwave coils around some where". "You have?", I shouted, "111 be right around". I left the pay phone in a jubilant mood and spun the wheels of my Ford coupe in the gravel as I took off for Albert's workshop. As per usual Albert was waiting for me with a grin on his face as he handed me two sets of Polar Twin coils with an instruction booklet in its original folder. I described Ray's plight in great detail and with a smart alee smile, Albert reached into a cupboard and brought out a Philips B eliminator. "Now you have to clean it up, check it and find 6RADIOAGE some banana plugs for the front and it's yours, or rather your friend Ray's". I immediately set to. The rear cover over the rectifier had rusted tightly in place but I wrestled with it and finally got it open. After a clean up I checked the rectifier on Albert's checker and it was 100%. "Too bad", said Albert. "I had hoped that I would sell you a new 1561 tube". "Now the tubes that I have at home may be no good, so have you any four volt English based ones around?", I inquired. "Of course", responded my friend, pushing a large carton towards me. I finally had to empty its contents on the floor and rummaged through the many types. I found plenty of Philips A405's but they had UX American bases. There were lots of large four volt triodes such as the PX25A with a plate resistance of less than 1,000 ohms that Albert used on his talkie amplifiers, but then there was a group of A409 Mullards with the right bases. I very carefully set up the tube tester so as not to burn up the filaments at this crucial stage. The worst was 70% and the other two were 85%. Albert was doing some searching of his own and came up with a Brown horn speaker, with its adjustable diaphragm gap. It was a very sensitive speaker. "Now what else can I do, Sunshine?", Albert comically asked. "Well I don't think that there is any outlet in Ray's bedroom. I guess we could use a short AC extension and a two way light fitting", I replied straight-faced but very happy inside. We got together and made up a handsome extension with an extra light socket for a reading lamp. I had hardly thanked Albert before I was on my way to Porters Crescent. Mrs. Scott was all smiles, "You are the most welcome person at this moment Ray is way down over his radio". She ushered me down the hall and when we reached Ray's bedroom, I put a finger to my lips and gently tapped on the door. "Come in", was Ray's subdued response but when he saw who his visitor was, he managed a wide smile and when I emptied the box of goodies on his bed, he became his usual self. I described what each part was for, but when he saw the coils and the speaker, that did it - that was the tear jerker. But he soon recovered and we were installing the wiring, the B eliminator and were listening to a local station on the Brown speaker and Ray's face was glowing. "Now you read up on the shortwave coils and see how you can tune them. I'll be back in a few days to hear Rome or London or some other place". I took my leave of the Scott's feeling better than I ever had in months. NEED AN INDEX TO RADIO AGE ARTICLES? New subscribers can obtain one by ordering the January 1992 issue at $2.00. It has all of the articles Radio Age has published since 1975 and the costs of obtaining them. I · BOOK REVIEW By Donald 0. Patterson Distant Vision by Elma G. Farnsworth First of all let me give you a little quiz. Who do think is the father of modem electronic television and which company was responsible for its development? Most people would think the answer is Vladimir Zworykin and that RCA introduced it to the public. Many people would give these answers because of all the publicity Sarnoff got for RCA and Zworykin, but if you picked these answers you were wrong on both counts. Modem electronic television was conceived by Philo T. Farnsworth at the age of thirteen when he was living on a farm in Idaho. For a short time he attended Brigham Young University but moved to San Francisco to begin his endeavors. His basic patent was filed on January 7, 1927 and patent no. 1,773,980 was issued on August 26, 1930. His invention of the image dissector was a rudimentary replacement for the scanning disc and an integral part of his all electronic system. On September 7, 1927 he produced the first all electroruc television image. Later when RCA began to file for patents under the guidance of Zworykin, they ran into interference with Farnsworth's basic patent. Justice Tolman, his high school chemistry teacher, witnessed a sketch that Philo drew of his image dissector in 1922. This helped him win his suit against RCA's iconoscope and upheld Farnsworth's basic patent on electronic television. RCA was noted for never licensing patents, only ownin them. Farnsworth refused Sarnoffs offer of $100,000 as an insult, thereby forcing RCA to obtain a license. The war postponed television and after the war Farnsworth established manufacturing facilities in Fort Wayne, Indiana making both radios and televisions. It was also during this time that Farnsworth more or less divorced himself from television altogether. By 1949, the company had over extended itself with bank loans for new plants and old plant expansions. Sarnoff resumed his efforts to make life difficult for Farnsworth. RCA now had the fate of Farnsworth Television in its hands. The industry, including Farnsworth, had licenses with RCA for its radio type components which were also necessary for television. It was a mad scramble to get parts and cabinets, and somehow, Farnsworth's orders always found their way to the bottom of the pile. These delays slowed the Farnsworth assembly lines and made it difficult to fill orders. If Sarnoff could starve Farnsworth into submission or delay television until 1953 he would be free of any royalty payments. A last ditch attempt was made by Farnsworth to get funds to pay the bank loans from a new stock issue on Wall Street. This was not approved by the Federal Securities and Exchange Commission due to unexplained accounting irregularities. Eventually Farnsworth Television was absorbed 7RADIOAGE by ITT. The company was phased out of commercial television and it was learned years later that ITT agreed with RCA to stay out of television if the latter would not compete with it in telecommunications. Philo was not aware of this arrangement when the merger with ITT was made, but this ended his efforts to market the invention of his. Elma G. Farnsworth was at her husband's side as a lab assistant, helping him keep journals and making drawings of many of his diagrams. In 1971 after Philo T. Farnsworth's death, she vowed to set the record straight, writing the story of their lives. Her writing is on a more personal basis so you get the inside of what motivated him to develop his dream, and you also get to experience the mental torture he suffered by not being a part of television when it finally reached the broadcasting stage. She matter of factly describes a period of alcoholism he went through as well as his rebirth into new endeavors. Distant Vision was published by Kimberly Kent Publishers of Salt Lake City and is offered for sale by the Perham Foundation, 101 First Street, Suite 394, Los Altos, CA 94022, for $29 .95 plus $3 postage and handling. EDITOR'S COMMENT We have had a good month with advertising in many publications throughout the country. Subscriptions are really coming in and the May issue promises to be one of the best. Our mailing list of prospects numbers some 6,000 and we expect to attract many new people. Because I changed our expanded issue from April to May, and because some of you took advantage of the 100- word "For Sale" ad offer early, I am going to allow those of you who have already sent one in to send us another 100-word ad. Advertising for this issue is up considerably to about 74% of the issue. Let's keep this going. Next month I have several new things to review. One is a video on how to repair a radio if you are not an expert. Next month we will resume our series on Western Coil & Electric. Scott fans, I have a pattern for the restoration of your Warrington cabinet If you have an unusual Pooley cabinet not pictured thus far, send us a photo along with a description. One of our readers wants us to survey all of the different Ozarka chassis. These might include names like Clago, Marshall, Universal, RK Radio Labs, Fred Stein, Freshman, Clinton, Howard and others. They would have, on the chassis the first and last letter in the name "Ozarka", and could take the form of a small "OA" on the metal tag which shows the pattern numbers, or it could be just the "O" on one side of the chassis and the"A" on the other. Please send us yours and we will publish the results. Remember, next month is the most important month for you and Radio Age. Let's make it the best. Send in your 100-word "For Sale" ad and your 40word "Wanted" ad by March 27th. Our telephone numbers will change on May 3rd to (706) 738-7227 (office) and (706) 738-9246 (fax). Active Antenna ModelAAlO Allows antique radios which were designed for a long wire outdoor antenna to operate on a 42" indoor whip antenna. Operates from 9 volt battery. Only $34.95 Order from PTI, Box 191117, Little Rock, AR 72219, (501) 568-1995. Orders shipped @ UPS, prepaid in continental U.S. ... " 00~ Please allow 3 weeks for delivery. Arkansas residents add 5 % sales tax. Visa and Mastercard accepted 8 RADIO AGE SERVICE HINTS ATWATER KENT MODEL 55 I ECHOPHONE MODEL S-5 Improving Dead Some improvement in this model can be made by using 35 type tubes in place of 24 type tubes. The change is made by disconnecting the cathodes of the 24 type tubes from the original bias resistor, leaving the low end of the volume control connected so as to ground through the bias resistor. Connect the cathodes of the 24 type tubes together and place a 100 ohm resistor from this lead to the chassis. Disconnect the lead from the old bias resistor and connect it to the cathode of the 1st R.F. tube. Install the 35's in the 24 type sockets. Some improvement in selectivity will be noted. Remove the cardboard cover from the coils at the end of the chassis. Move the coils close together, maintaining an angle of 90 degrees. ATWATER KENT MODEL 237-Q Dead on 49 Meters Replace the 50,000 ohm resistor in the oscillator grid of the first detector oscillator 1C6 as this resistor changes in value. EMERSON MICKEY MOUSE Motorboating and Oscillation A frequent complaint of this set is "motorboating" and "oscillation" when the volume control is turned upward toward maximum. To correct this trouble, replace the screen grid by-pass condenser. This is one section of the filter condenser block. The best thing is to replace the entire filter block as it will pay in the long run. PHILCO MODEL 118 Low Volume BRUNSWICK MODEL 1 7 Irregular Volume Although this trouble may apparently be in the volume control, it is more likely in the tone control. Thorough! y clean the sliding shaft and tighten the tension on the spring. This is often caused by a high resistance short in the R.F. trimmer condenser. The installation of a new trimmer will clear up the trouble. PILOT MODEL 43 Improving Volume Control CROSLEY MODEL 148 Weak and Oscillates Generally due to leakage and loss in capacity of the 6-8 mfd. filter condenser. Try a new unit as the old one may appear to be O.K. A Mallory duplicate replacement proves quite satisfactory. CROSLEY MODEL 167 Dead If the heater of one 58 tube is too bright and the other does not light, the latter is shorted and the first receives excessive voltage as their filaments are in series. The short is usually between a filament wire and the chassis. Remove the lead between the pilot lamp socket and the 58 heater. Insulate this lead with spaghetti. A considerable improvement in the volume control action can be accomplished by connecting the detector screen bleeder resistor to ground instead of the R.F. cathodes and by substituting a 10,000 ohm resistor for the original control. Should the change result in oscillation, the volume control should be set for 100 or 200 ohm minimum. PILOT MODEL 93 Oscillation This condition accompanied by symptoms of misalignment is often due to a defect in the three section .1 microfarad condenser unit located below the 170 ohm filament resistor. Excessive heat sometimes causes the block to open and in some cases intermittent reception may occur. Weak and Distorted Try a new filter condenser block as leakage frequently develops between the filter condensers and the cathode bypass condenser of the 2A5. Suspect this if the plate current of the 2A5 is abnormal even with the grid coupling condenser disconnected. The disconnection of this condenser checks it for proper leakage. 9RADIOAGE STROMBERG CARLSON MODEL 29 Hum Increase the capacity of the filter by connecting an 8 microfarad electrolytic condenser between the high voltage side of the speaker field and the chassis. FOR SALE: Tubes, schematics, service notes for early radios. LSASE for price list. Sam Faust, P.O. Box 94, Changewater, NJ 07831. 4/92 IMPORTANT-PLEASE READ! FORSALEADSAREFREEUPT050 WORDS. ADDITIONAL WORDS WILL BE AT THE RATE OF $.10 PER WORD, $1 MINIMUM. Same ad run additional months will be at the rate of $.10 per word (no 50 word exclusion after first month). WANTED ADS ARE FREE UP TO 25 WORDS. Extra words are $.10 per word ($1 Minimum). If you want to run the same ad additional months please include $. lOperword times the number of months (no 25 word exclusion on the additional months). Name counts as one word, address one word, city, sta~and zip code one word, phone number one word. Add $7 for each halftone, $3 for line drawings, $1 for boxed ads, and $2 for shaded ads. NO STAMPS PLEASE! ALL ADS SHOULD BE TYPED OR LEGIBLY WRITTEN IN THE FORMAT YOU SEE IN THE AD SECTION AND ON A SEPARATE PIECE OF PAPER. IF I CAN'T READ IT, I CAN'T PRINT IT ACCURATELY. Include your complete name, address and telephone number. Please price your items for sale. Please do not pre-sell items before ad appears. You can now FAX your cl~ified ads in 24 hours a day. Our FAX number is (404) 738-9246. Please remit any monies due immediately to avoid delays. PLEASE USE THE FAX MACHINE FOR ADS AND ARTICLES ONLY. Other correspondence should be sent by mail to guarantee receipt. Ads not FAXED should be sent to 636 Cambridge Road, Augusta, GA30909. Even though it's cheaper to use either of the above, you can still call an ad in to (404) 738-7227. PLEASE USE FEDERAL EXPRESS FOR OVERNIGHT DELIVERIES. Not responsible for transactions between buyer and seller. Seller responsible for any damages in shipment of items. No non electronic items accepted. Older electronics please! lORADIOAGE WANTED: Condensers, variometers, varicouplers, crystal detectors, tap switches, points, terminals, sliders, headphones. Turke, 660 North Dixie Highway, Hollywood, FL 33020. 4/92 FOR SALE: Highest quality solid state vibrators for most American automobile radios 1932-58, some foriegn types. These are exact duplicates of the original ones in metal cans. Prices start at less than $15 (small quantities). Free catalog, one year guarantee! Order toll free: 1-800WE FIX AM, use Mastercard, Visa. Antique Automobile Radio, Box 892, Crystal Beach, FL 34681. (813) 7858733. . 4/92 FOR SALE: N.O.S. and used radios and TV tubes, 1940-1960, no oldies and picture tubes, send SASE for lists. C. Elmer Nelson, 11 S. Church St., Princeton, IL 61356. 4/92 WANTED: Complete chassis in working order if possible, but will purchase non-operating unit for model 321-36 (Pacific) (Riders 8-9); Also, turntable or complete record player unit for Zenith console 6S305 (Riders 9-78), this unit appears to be similar to the unit shown on page 9-62 Riders manual (for RCA 85E). F.V. Bernauer, 1503 Admiral Nelson Dr., Slidell, LA 70461. (504) 649-5453. WANTED: Western Electric 2A, 3A, 4C receivers; 182AW, 521CW horn speakers; loop antenna; picture of a 24A amplifier. Marc Ingenthron, 9748 Outlook, Overland Park, KS 66207. WANTED: Any plastic radios by Sparton, Majestic, Detrola, Kadette, also RCA Little Nippers and Remler radios. Solid colors or marbleized. AD DEADLINES FOR MAY ISSUE: MAR.27 FOR JUN ISSUE: APR 23 FOR JUL ISSUE: MAY 23 FOR AUG ISSUE: JUN 23 Cash or trade. Jon Steinhauser, 636 Westminster Rd., Baldwin, NY 11510. (516) 223-9878. FOR SALE: NOS and used radio and TV tubes, 1940-1960, no oldies and picture tubes, send SASE for lists. C. Elmer Nelson, 11 S. Church St., Princeton, IL 61356. FOR SALE: Heathkit model IT-12 Visual-Aural signal tracer with manual, $20 ppd. Ken Greenberg, 4858 Lee, Skokie, IL 60077. (708) 679-8641. WANTED: Chassis and speaker for Philco 37-620, must work. Ray Mayeux, 520 Gladstone, Shreveport, LA 71104. (318) 868-1202 after4pm. WANTED: Transistor service manuals up to 1962; Toshiba 5TR-193, 6TR186; Truetone D3614A; Continental 160; Sony TR-55, TR-63, TR-86; Regency TR-1, TR-lG, TR-4, TR-7, TR-99, TR-11; Arvin 9577; Raytheon T-100, T-150; Mitchell 1101, 1102, 1103; Sonora 610; Realtone TR-555, TR-701. Top dollar paid! David Mednick, 1450 Palisade Ave., #5-H, Fort Lee, NJ 07024. (201) 461-3082 until lOpm. WANTED: Still need the following to complete restoration of Eveready console: dial escutcheon - all consoles use same. Also terminal block cover from 30 or 40 series console. Please help! Ed Mondor, 121 Gatewaye Dr., Greenville, SC 29615. (803) 268-0952. WANTED: Early Nixie display tubes. Need two Sperry SP-352. Jack A. Freeman, 2512 Sunnycrest Dr., Reidsville, NC 27320. FOR SALE: Arvin AM/FM black & ivory, working; Motorola 59T5 wood cabinet, early push button set, works, (continued on p. 11) OUR AREA CODE CHANGES TO 706 ON MAY 3, 1992 (continued/romp. 10) new condensers; Hallicrafters SW 500 4 bands + bandspread, BFO, new filters, works; URC-4 2-way emergency set, 121.500, 243.000 MHz. pr. Table not to be used. WANTED: Farm sets: 6v OC + 11 Ov AC such as Zenith 7J232, 7J259 (5711 chassis), 61436, 6J463. Charles Rhodes, 3906 Quisenberry, Alexandria, VA 22309. (703) 780-0719 home. FOR SALE: Photocopies of original Radiola service manuals for the following: Radiola 16, 17, 18, 20, 44, 60 & RCA 103, lOOA speakers. $5 each. Dick Bergeron, Box 8311, Essex, VT 05451. (802) 879-0611. WANTED: Round 5" diameter dial escutcheon for Zenith 5-S-250 blackdial console. Also used on other mid1930's Zenith black-dial models. Carl Reinke, 2724 N. 27th St., Sheboygan, WI53083. WANTED: Handle and escutcheon for Radiola 26. Holme Hickman, 307 E. Ash., #41, Columbia, MO 65201. FOR TRADE: Zenith Royal 500, 7XT40 hand wired, red with case and earphone; Zenith Royal 500, 7ZT40 white with case, sox, earphone and owner's manual. Will trade for early TV's only. WANTED: 7" and 10" TV's from the 40's; Radio & Television Retailing, March 1949; Magnifier for Pilot 3" TV. Tony DeMara, 40231 Day, Mt. Clemens, MI 48044. (313) 263-0325. FOR SALE: Philmore VC2000 xtal Rocket Radio new in box, $165 O.B.0.; Zenith 12S265 with 6T5, $595; Zenith 12U158, $695. FOR TRADE: AK mint original breadboard for Sony CRF320 or CRF330K. Joe Nocera, 1222 Finch St., New Castle, PA 16101-4840. (412) 658-7805. WANTED: Mcintosh MR-55A factory technical service manual; McMurdo Silver Masterpiece ill power supply and speaker. Any condition considered. George Harris, 3212 36th St., Lubbock, TX 79413. (806) 795-5604. FOR SALE: Antique radios - pictured list, $1.50. Vacuum tubes, parts for most radios, TV's. Emerson Miracle Wand Transistor model 847. M.R. Ohman, Box 314, Albany, MN 56307. FOR SALE: National NC-57 with original manual and copy of SAMS. Very good condition, works all bands, 10 thru 6 mtrs. Best offer. W9MHS, 4539 N. Bartlett, Ave., Shorewood, WI 53211. (414) 964-0194. WANTED: Plastic or metal outer dial face for Philco 41-250. FOR SALE: Zenith table model battery set model 4K636, no rust, good set, $75 + pay shipping. Ray Mayeux, 520 Gladstone, Shreveport, LA 71104. (318) 868-1202 collect. WANTED: Chassis for AK 84 with xmfr restorable with or without tubes. Bob J. Moretz, K14EC, Caller service 112, Lenoir, NC 28645. (704) 7582383 (day), (704) 758-1995 (night). FOR SALE: Plastic table radios good cabinets - all work- DeWald D519, ivory, $90; Zenith J-506-C charcoal & white, $75; RCA 6X7-A black w/ gold dial, $70; Silvertone 3004, $60; Emerson? tiny brown bakelite w/ 1/2 circle molded dial & slide volume, $100; Radiola 61-10 brown bakelite w/ BC & SW, nice, $150; Zenith 60612 ivory w/ black dial & handle, $100; Stromberg Carlson 1101-H, deco, handle top, $100. All plus UPS. Chuck Bray, 1322 Ivy Rd., Bremerton, WA 98310. (206) 373-1013. FOR SALE: Stewart Warner shortwave converter (FOS p.176) nice original finish, $75; Crosley Coloradio 10-139, aqua, good condition, works but needs tune up, $95; Zenith t.s. model 5-S-29, all orig. unrestored, $225; AK 84 cabinet needs refinsh, some water damage on lower front but very restorable, orig. good grill cloth, $150. WANTED: Stewart Warner cathedral models "Apartment" and "Table". Considering ornate or unusual cathedral to buy or trade. Send photo. Jerry McKinney, 110 N. Franklin, Fayetteville, TN 37334. (615) 4331198 after 6pm CST. FOR SALE: Enameled magnet wire in coils and spools. Wire of various sizes, $5 a pound for 1/2 lb. or more, $ .35 and ounce for less than 1/2 lb. Send LSASE for list Power supplies, 13.6 volts DC, regulated, all new components, built on a formica board. 4 amp., $18; 6 amp., $25; 10 amp., $35, plus shipping. Elmer Thom, 11717 Kingfisher Ln., Saint Marys, OH 45885-9335. (419) 394-1104. (continued on p. 12) ANTIQUE RADIO BATTERY ELIMINATOR ARBE - III * 8 Different "B" and "C" Voltages *Adjustable High Current "A" Supply * Short Circuit Protection * All Outputs Electrically Isolated * S Year Warranty *Call or Write for Data Sheet: Antique Radios, P.O. Box 6352, Jackson, Michigan 49204 * (517) 787-2985 after 7:00 pm EST and Weekends 11 RADIO AGE 8/92 (continued from p. 11) FOR SALE: Hallicrafter S-22R, not playing, very nice, $45; Silvertone 2004 ivory plastic, plays good, $20; Westinghouse H-165, simulated pigskin case, fold down front. almost mint. not playing, $45; Admiral 7T10 black bakelite, plays and looks good, $30; RCA X711 AM-FM brown bakelite, plays good, excellent. $25; Home brew 5-tube neutrodyne, all good tubes, with FADA neutroformers, nice walnut cabinet, excellent workmanship, $65; Sparton Jr. 410 escutcheon for dial. Ferdinand Estree, 660 Pineview Ave., Kalamazoo, MI 49004. (616) 344-0231. FOR SALE: Sams Photofacts. Most folders from 300's thru 500's, $2 each, UPS extra. List available. AR's 14, 18 to 53, 161, 181, $5 each ppd. Sam H. Jansen, W6BBN, 304 Calif. Ave., Arcata, CA 95521. (707) 822-4510. WANTED: Motorola transistor radios: 56Tl, 66Tl, 6X39A (Weatherama), 7X23, 7X24W, etc. Also Zenith Royal 500's and small tube portables. S. Martin, 815 N. Hayden Rd., B-204, Scottsdale, AZ 85257. (602) 994-3162. FOR SALE: GE wood radio with push buttons, working, model 321Z, $27.50; Sam binder - 10 folders per binder, 1 thru 100, $11 each binder; book h/b by Ernest Turner "Text Book of Radio", $4. All items plus UPS. Thomas Burnside, 4838 S. Westhaven Dr., Jaackson, MS 39209-4711. (601) 9222235. FOR SALE: New stock of radios in plastic, wood and Plaskon - like white Packard Bell 5DA with small bottom crack plus tubes, parts, few novelties and paper. Philco 45, best offer or trade for metal radios. WANTED: Andrea radio, B&W photos of metal Arvins. LSASE to Stan Lopes, KB6LGV, 1201-74 Monument Blvd., Concord, CA 94520. (510) 825-6865. FOR SALE: Over 200 transmitting industrial and special purpose tubes with a current catalog value of over $1500. All tubes in excellent condition. Most in original boxes. Asking $300, but will consider a reasonable offer. Professional packing and UPS extra. Carl Reinke, 2724 N. 27th St, Sheboygan, WI 53083. FOR SALE: Retired and closed after 50 years in the electronics business. Great stock of old parts and tubes. Write or phone your needs, I might have it James Corto, 306 Alderson St., Lewisburg, WV 24901. (304) 645- 2449. FOR SALE: Philco 37-60 cathedral with tubes, not tested, $125; Philco 66 cathedral with tubes, not tested, veneer needs small repair, $145. Plus UPS. WANTED: Help! Replicating Erla 3tube Reflex. Need Hilco Variocoupler with taps. Need someone who has one of these sets to contact me. Bill Jelinek, 128 N. Stevens St., Rhinelander, WI 54501. (715) 3624881. WANTED: Electronics Illustrated, June 1961; manuals for EICO 379, Knight KG-687, Hallicrafters HA-1 keyer. Al Bernard, P.O.B. 690098, Orlando, FL 32819. (407) 351-5536. OLDTYME RADIO CO. NEED HARD TO FIND OLDE TYME RADIO PARTS SUCH AS: •VINTAGE TIJBES •AK STYLE BATIBRY CABLE •OLDETYMB HOOKUP WIRE •BROWNSll..K POWER CORD •BLACK 1WISTED POWER CORD • AUDIO 'IRANSFORMERS 12RADIOAGE • VINTAGE HEADPHONES • HEADPHONE CORDS • ANT, RF, OSC & IF COILS • LOUDSPEAKERS • SPEAKER GRILL CLOTII •PILOT LAMPS • POWER 'IRANSFORMERS • MANY OTIIER ITEMS WANTED: Manual for ME-297/U multimeter (or schematic); Manual for Triumph 1200 Q-meter. I have many other manuals to swap. Alan Douglas, BOx 225, Pocasset. MA 02559. FOR SALE: Dictograph horn speaker (copper), $150; Westinghouse RC, $325; Crosley 51, $100; Crosley 515-5 tombstone, $50; Precise audio frequency transformer, $5; Mallory Radio Service Encyclopedia 1938, $6; Mallory Radio Service Encyclopedia 1942, $6; Ghirardi Radio Field Service Data 2nd edition, 1936, $10; Howard W. Sams Dial Cord String Guide, 1938 to 1947, $15; Communication Engineering 1937, $5; Radio Material Guide 1943, $5; Experimental Electronics 1942, $5. Please add shipping. Brian Laughlin, 3450 Chili Ave., Rochester, NY 14624. (716) 889-2341. FOR SALE: Riders TV #4 - 6 - 8 Radio #11, $15 each; 2 Morning Glory horns Edison Standard - red, 11" @ $69, black, 18"@ $99. Hickok model 75v tube tester, excellent, $44; RCA tombstone, not working, $39; Pyramid RIC model CRA-2, mint, $39; 2 H.B. receivers, 1 & 2 tube, mint, $39 each. Dick Haynes, 12511S.83rd Ave., Palos Park, IL 60464. (708) 448-4577. WANTED: Ozarka 95. FOR SALE: #45 tubes NIB, $15; 6 volt vibrators NIB, $2, New, no box, $1. Plus postage. Gordon Wilson, 11108-50 Ave., Edmonton, AB, Canada, T6HOH9. (403) 434-6257. (continued on p. 13) Also can provide reprints of the following OLD TYME RADIO publications: • • • • • • • D.H. Moore's Vintage Identification Sketchbooks (see flyer for details). Atwater Kent Instructon Manual Atwater Kent Equipment Catalog Radiola ill - A Ownen Manual Vintaae Radio Fliclc: of the Switch Radios - Philip Collins and much, much more. Also we are the sole distributor east of the Mississippi of D.H. Moore's fabulous set of Vintage Radio Identification Sketchboolc:a. We also offer complete data paclc:ages for most vintage radios of the 1920'1 to 1950's era. For free flyer, send 2 stamp SASE to: OLDE TYME RADIO COMPANY, 2445LYITONSVILLE ROAD, SUITE 317, Sll..VER SPRING, MD 2()()10. Wish to reach us by phone: Call (301) 585-8TI6 between 10:00 am and 10:00 pm local time. (continued from p. 12) FOR SALE: Two (2) JBL Signature, 10-cu. ft. enclosures with JBL 15" full range speakers, mint, $1000 each. Art Robertson, P.0.B. 719, La Junta, CO 81050. FOR SALE: 1941Arvin532A Catalin butterscotch case with burgandy grille & knobs, rare, excellent condition, $2000. FOR TRADE: Microphone, Universal model "X" ring & button, excellent - want RCA 77 A or 77B. Jerry Talbott, 1440 SW 239th, Hillsboro, OR 97123. (503) 649-6717. WANTED: I still need horn speaker bells for O'Neil - black fiber gooseneck and Magnavox M4 - black - must be in good condition. Joe Pawell, 6 Augustine Ave., Ardsley, NY 10502. (914) 693-9374. FOR SALE: Three dozen table radios, hundreds of magazines, books, etc. Send SASE for photo list. WANTED: Radio Shack of Boston (pre 1963) small tuners, amps, catalogs. Items usually marked "Realist" or "Realistic". P. Majewski, P.O.B. 92, Tamaqua, PA 18252. FOR SALE: Thanks for the great response to my grill cloth ad last year. I have only a limited supply of the following types of cloth: (1) brown "V" - 12"x12", $7; (2) brown soft diamond effect, 12"xl2", $6. Postage included. Larger sizes available. Samples - $1 refundable with order. Jerry McKinney, 110 N. Franklin, Fayetteville, TN 37334. (615) 4331198. WANTED: Philco 90 cathedral, excellent condition; RCA 110/121/140/ Tambour-28D. Kunio Okura, JA8BI, 8-3-7 Tokiwa, Urawa, Saitama, Japan 336. FOR SALE: 100 radios, 40's to 60's, unrestored, as-found; chassis parts, transformers, and testers to keep them going; wire recorders, TV accessories, knob picture list, 20 pages with photos for 2-stamp LSASE. More available what is your area of interest? Eugene Sexton, 915 Union St., Brunswick, GA 31520. FOR SALE: Filter caps. 220 mfd x 385 volts, small size, 1"x2", $ . 50 each, 21 pc., $10.00, box of 50 pc., $22.50. Cloth covered wire, 22 awg, 100 ft., $5, 200 ft., $9.50. Service information from Riders, Philco, Emerson, Zenith, RCA, StewartWamer, and first 500 Sams - Up to 5 pages, $3.50 plus LSASE. WANTED: Dead Philco bakelite bathtub capacitors, send quantity and price; chassis for US Radio and TV model 24; need front for Arvin Hopalong or how to repair foil. Gerald Cromer, K4NHN, 1014 Summerland Dr., Cayce, SC 29033. (803) 794-1483. WANTED: Up to $1,000 paid for certain 78 rpm records! Memory Machines is one of the strongest buyers of old 78's and cylinders in the country. We deal in early jazz, blues, cajun and country records from 19251935, as well as Vogue picture records, Edison cylinders and Diamond Discs, 7" Berliner records, etc. If you have old records of any sort to dispose of, it would behoove you to contact me. I will be happy to send you a copy of my current want list which includes (continued onp.14) • • • • • • • • • OLD TIME RADIO BROADCASTS ON CASSETTES • • • • • • • • • •• •• • Many of your old time radio favorites are available on quality cassettes at a reasonable cost. • •• You select the shows you want and purchase them by the hour. Fast, friendly service too . • •• •• ••• The Great Gildersleeve Lux Radio Theater The Shadow ••• • • Fibber McGee & Molly Suspense • Sgt. Preston Jack Benny Sherlock Holmes The Lone Ranger Amos 'N' Andy Send for our catalog listing nearly 5,000 shows arranged by show category and title, many including original broadcast dates. Only $2.00 (P & H). Send request to: • •• • ••• ERSTWHILE RADIO P.O. BOX 2284 PEABODY, MA 01960 •••••••••• OLD TIME RADIO BROADCASTS ON CASSETTES • • • • • • • • 13RADIOAGE 8/92 (continuedfromp.13) actual prices paid for the records I am seeking. If you wish to receive a copy of this list, please send $1.50 to Memory Machines, 6323 Inway, Spring, TX 77389. Thanks! WANTED: Lower, back cover for a 1949 Admiral television floor model (diamond pattern front) Model# 24A12N. Eric Harris, 3 Malvern Ave., No. 4, Richmond, VA 23221. (804) 353-2189. FOR SALE: Admiral 12" TV AMFM-Phono, 4H18SN, in black onyx oriental, 2-door console, nice, $320; Magnavox magnificent 294-H AMFM-Phono console, ex. cond., great sound, $150; Air Chief7427-7, 5 push buttons, $30; Philco 41-255, 8 push buttons, $30; Motorola 110-1 AMPhono, $20; Feannola A-20 console AM-SW, $65; Philco Chairside 40170, $35; Truetone A12-126 chassis, $20; Zenith 5C02 chassis, $25; Magnavox 151H AM-Phono console, $50; Philco 42-350, $50. WANTED: Tube type Hi-Fi mono amps, tuners, Fisher, Harmon, Kardon, Marantz, etc. George Schwarz, 18504 Arrowhead, Cleveland, OH 44119. (216) 486-6489 evenings. WANTED: Dial magnifier and knobs for Radiola 80; cabinet for Zenith N512J. Dwight Baker, 4137 E. 24th St., Des Moines, IA 50317. FOR SALE: The authoritative history of the portable radio, The Portable Radio in American Life, can still be purchased from the author ($44.95 postpaid in US and Canada; $54.95 elsewhere). Don't miss out on this entertaining and well illustrated book. I am taking serious offers on a Tom Thumb Cameradio NIB (see P .R.AL p.144) and on assorted novelty transistors (see P.R.A.L. p.222). WANTED: Pocket radios with subminiature tubes, especially Belmont, Flacco, Hastings, Ekeradio, Micro, Hoffman, Westinghouse and any Japanese sets. Michael Brian Schiffer, 2718 . 10th St., Tucson, AZ 85716. (602) 325-3532. MESSAGE: Collectors, we need your help! We need a dial scale from Philco 37-61 to copy. It need not be perfect 14RADIOAGE but readable. We will buy a radio to get a usable dial scale. Please help. We have numerous requests for this dial scale. Antique Radio Restorations, 635 S. Lincoln Ave., O'Fallon, IL 62269. (618) 632-7423. FOR SALE: Crosley 148 cathedral, $75; Delco 3205 tombstone, $50; RCA 46Xl 1 1940 bakelite, $40; Coronado 650, deco, $25; Philco 39-70 semicathedral, $40; Victor R-32 console, $70; Motorola 5A7A tiny, $35; Philco 46350 rolltop, $25; Arvin 840T metal, $40; Coronado 578 deco tombstone, refinished beautiful, $95. John Lyle, 1161 S.W. Mulvane, Topeka, KS 66604. (913) 232-0128. FOR SALE: Precision model 200C RF signal generator, very nice, $35 plus $5 shipping; Dipmaster model DMR grid dip meter, in box with papers and coils, $25 plus $5 shpg.; like new Knightkit, gray wrinkle cabinet, empty, $10 plus $3 shpg.; NU Videotron tube ctiecker, FREE plus $4 shipping; Knightkit model KG675, RC sub, box, $15 plus $3 shpg.; crystal microphone, desk stand, untested, $5 plus $3 shpg., hand held microphone, looks like a single button carbon, no nameplate, $10 plus $3 shpg.; Heathkit model VCl voltage calibrator, $5 plus $3 shpg.; Sencore CR125 CRT tester, with papers and all adaptors, $25 plus $5 shpg.; 2 table madel farm battery radios. Write: James Fred, Rl, Cutler, IN 46920. (317) 268-2214. WANTED: Catherdral radios: AK 228, 627; Also looking for Lyric, Gulbransen Jesse French and Apex cathedrals. Jerry McKinney, 110 N. Franklin, Fayetteville, TN 37334. (615) 433-1198. FOR SALE: Publications, all postpaid: Radio Retailing, May 1929, $15; Mallory Radio Service Manual, Sep 1939, $12; Popular Science Radio Manual, May 1944, $7; Allied's Radio Circuits Handbook, 1950, $5; Heath Preamplifier WA-P2 Service Manual, 1957, $5; Eimac Klyston Tube Manual, 1956, $3; RCA Practical Analysis of Ultra High Frequency, 1943, $3; Sams Automatic Record (continued on p. 15) 1930's GRILLE CLOTH AS GOOD AS THE ORIGINALS Send$ .29 LSASE for samples Patterns currently in stock: #3 Philco 70/90 #4 Small Diamond (as in Peter Pan) #5 RCA(Z.enith/Echophone #6 Philco "V" (green) #7 Philco "V" (brown) #8 Philco "Ribbed" (for late 30's) #9 Atwater Kent Yellow (165, 217) #10 Basic "Generic" pattern Other patterns on order: Large Diamonds Pattern Herringbone Emerson AU-190 Catalin GE/RCA Orange Cloth WATCH THIS SPACE FOR FURTHER DEVELOPMENTS!!! Michael Katz 3987 Daleview Avenue Seaford, NY 11783 (516) 781-6202 Evenings (continued from p. 14) Changer Service Manual, Vol. 5, 1954, $12; Sams Photofact Index, 1965, $3; Arco Pub. Co. Hi-Fi Stereo Kits Book, 1961, $5; Arco Pub. Co. Stereo Hi-Fi Handbook, 1960, $5; Mallory, MYE, Radio Service Manual, 1941, $12; Systems Designer's Handbook, Jan 1966, $5; Flying Magazine, Oct 1942, $5; Radio News, May 1947, $5; Electronics World, Dec 1964 & Oct 1965, $3 each; Radio Electronics, Sep 1973, $2.50; Xerox copies of Hi-Fi Amplifier Circuits, popular in 1956, 65 schematics, $5; copy of TM 11-877 covering Army radio receiver R-520/ URR, Zenith transoceanics set, $10. Elmer Thom, 11717 Kingfisher Ln., Saint Marys, OH 45885-9335. (419) 394-1104 FOR SALE: Postpaid! 1932 Airline cathedral, WG-24, $300; excellent Stromberg Carlson "Dynatomic" bakelite, $125; Stromberg Carlson "500", needs capacitor, $120; rare 1932 "Wings" art deco, wooden knobs, $150; Motorola 65-Tl, $110; three Emersons, three Crosleys, plus many others! No junkers! Mostly woods, a few bakelites and plastics. 1927 Freshman Masterpiece, first Freshman electric, mint, pick up. 1936 Airline 62-308 "movie screen" dial, chrome chassis, $300 pick up (or best offer). George Friedrich, 7162 Lake Jacqueline, Custer, WI 54423. (715) 592-4901. FOR SALE: Yellow Emerson AU190; filter caps 220 mfd x 385 volts,$. 50 each, 21 pc., $10, box 50 pc., $22.50; 22 awg cloth hook-up wire, 100 ft.- $5, 200 ft.- $9.50; Service information from Riders, AK, Philco, Emerson, RCA, Stewart-Warner, Zenith and first 500 Sams, up to 5 pages, $3.50 plus LSASE. Gerald Cromer, K4NHN, 1014 Summerland Dr., Cayr,e, SC 29033. (803) 794-1483. WANTED: The above Pilot knobs, will pay $5 each for them. Thanks. Bill Moore, 1005 Fieldstone Ct., Hsv., AL 35803. FOR SALE: RME DB-2D 6-band RF preselector, BC thru 31.5 MC, (2-6K7, The Instructions for Atwater Kent Open Mounted Radio Receiving Sets A high quality exact reprint of a 12 page booklet put out by Atwater Kent in 1929. It has battery hook-ups and photos of sets like Model 5 (No. 4333), Model 9 (No. 4445), Model 10 (No. 4340), Model 9A (No. 4445A), Model lOA (No. 455@ and 4560), Model lOB (No. 4550 and 4560), Model 12 (No. 4620), Model 9 (No. 4660), Model lOC (No. 4700), Model 12 (No. 4910), No. 4052 and No. 4066. It's a dandy reference for only $4.95 plus $1.00 postage and handling. 5Y3) with schematic, instructions, works, $45 firm; Now demonstrate your $1000 Catalins by powering them from your vintage 6 volt automobile at the auto swap meets: ATR LID Type 6, 6 volt(+ or - ground!) input - plugs into lighter socket - 110 volts AC 60 hz output 35 watts cont. 40 w int. perfect for Catalin power! with spare vibrator, $25 firm. B&K 400 CRT rejuvenator with C40 color adaptor, near mint, $20. WANTED: Zenith 63-1074 volume controls (5 lugs, plus switch); good meter from RCA WV65A; Wurlitzer amplifiers: 501, 503, 506, 540, 700, 800. Jim & Nadiene Farago, 4017 42nd Ave. S., Mpls., MN 55406-3528. FOR SALE: Bosch Little Six model 46, $120; Federal Orthosonic "Type D" , $125; Crosley Trirdyn 3R3, $120; Pilot One Universal, $130; Crosley "Ace 3B" $130; Dayfan 5, $85; Thermiodyn TF6, $120; Amrad Neutrodyne, $135; Echophone Commercial, $35; Knight Space Spanner, $40; Heathkit GR81, $25. Plus shipping. Write for more details. David McKenzie, 516 South Exeter St., Eustis, FL 32726. (904) 589-0149. (continued on p. 16) INSTRUCTION FOR ATWATER KENT OPEN MOUNTED STYLE RADIO RECEIVING SETS Send check or money order to: Radio Age Publications 636 Cambridge Road Augusta, Georgia 30909 15 RADIO AGE ATWATER KENT MANU FACTlJRINO COMPA NY •700 WIUAHICCON AVlNUl (continued from p. 15) WANTED: Tuning wand - RCA, G-C, or Walsco. George M. Bonanno, 34 Charles St, Clifton, NJ 07013. (201) 746-5953. FOR SALE: lOK/lOOK dual section linear taper potentiometer with SPST switch, $3 ea., or five for $10, plus shipping. WANTED: Photocopies of owner's manuals for the following radios: FADA RN, Philco 70, Kolster 6D, RCA Victrola U9; AK type L horn speaker. Doug Fox, 1324 N. Russell Ave., Aurora, Il.. 60506. (708) 8965490. FOR SALE OR TRADE: Selection of advertising literature for British valves 1925-1945; Brown Bros and Premier catalogs; etc. Send for list Roger Hart, 4551 Kensington Ave., Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H4B 2W5. (514) 483-3857 6-9pm. FOR SALE: AK breadboard blanks, all sizes available; Sparton Bluebird reproduction radios, limited quantity, $300 ppd.; EH Scott replacement dials, most models; Scott book by M. Hobbs, $16 ppd. WANTED: Zenith wood table set (Bunis p.166), model 6D326 or 5S326; Pilot Wasp Universal (anyone ever seen one of these in the flesh?); base only for Atwater Kent radio light up glass sign; Radio Retailing, Dec 1934 issue. Visa/ Mastercard accepted. Jim Clark, 1292 Starboard, Okemos, MI 48864. (517) 349-2249. STILL WANTED: Zenith Stratosphere, 25 or 16 tube model. Also wanted 7S261 bookcase model Zenith, 6R688 phono Zenith, 15U272, 15U270 or any other 12 or 15 tube Zeniths. We also buy EH Scott, McMurdo Silver, Capehart and other classic radios. If you wish to trade, we have a fabulous inventory of select radios from which to choose. Check us out Alan Jesperson, POB 17338, Minneapolis, MN 55417. Fax only on (612) 7271908. Phone (612) 727-2489, ans mach after 4 rings, 8arn - lOpm CST, 7 days. FOR SALE: Jefferson tube rejuvenator, vgc, with original instructions, in box, $90; Zenith Royal 1000-D, vgc, $100. Plus shipping. Ernie Nagy, 1599 Boxford, Trenton, MI 48183. (313) 676-6491. OUR AREA CODE CHANGESM 706 ON MAY 3, 1992 FOR SALE OR TRADE: Send LSASE for pix list. Radios from the 20's, 30's, 40's. All radios play, many refinished & recapped, prices from $4 - $85. Tubes from 20's & 30's, used, tested good, some 45 and BIB tipped OlA, prices from $1.50 - $13.75. Dudd tubes 5 to 25 cents. Some books. Ralph H. Ripke, P.O.B. 430052, South Miami, FL 33243-0052. (305) 6675047. FOR SALE: Atwater Kent model 33, very clean and working, oak case! n/t. $90; Homebrew, exceptional! n/t, $65; Homebrew, a bit dirty but with documentation and boxes from parts used, n/t, $65. Send SASE for list of bakelite sets. WANTED: Aragain, (not Aragon) from Niagara Falls, NY. Please look carefully at your collections guys and let me know what you've got, even if not for sale. Joseph Pawell, 6 Augustine Ave., Ardsley, NY 10502. (914) 693-9374. FOR SALE: Books by Terman, "Electronics and Radio Engineering", 1955 edition (has transistors); "Radio Engineer's Handbook", 1943 edition; $35 for both ppd. R.J. Eastwick, N2AWC, 224 Chestnut St., Haddonfield, NJ 08033. (609) 4292477. WANTED: Three chrome tube shields for McMurdo Silver Masterpiece VI. Mike Clark, RR#2, Box 90, Franklin, IN 46131. (317) 738-4649. WANTED: Will pay $450 for original complete DeForest DT-600 Everyman crystal set. Will also pay top $ for DeForest or Radiocraft SP-1, SP-3 or SP-4. Richard Sharisky, P.O.B. 521, Belmont, MA 02178. (617) 484-5784. WANTED: Stromberg-Carlson radio models 74 and 22. Will handle shipping. Also verv seriously seeking S-C 100-300 series radios (especially 130U tombstone, 240H table top, 260L console) and upright battery sets (especially model 744), please inquire; trade or cash. Always looking for Stromberg-Carlson parts, advertising, literature, ephemera, etc. FOR TRADE: Choice Stromberg-Carlson pieces excess to my collection, for S-C (continued on p. 17) BUYING ESTATES, COLLECTIONS, ACCUMULATIONS Of ViNTAGE RAdios, WiRElEss 10 TRANsisTOR I specialize in purchasing and liquidating quality radio collections, from 1 piece to a barn full, anywhere in the country. In 1991 I travelled over 50,000 miles buying vintage radios throughout the country. If you have any quality radios to sell, contact me in complete confidence. JIM CLARK, 1292 STARBOARD, OKEMOS, Ml 48864. ( 517) }49-2249 16RADIOAGE (continued from p. 16) stuff above. APPEAL: Still compiling monograph on early history of S-C radio; all help much appreciated. John M. England Jr., P.O.B. 1674, Alexandria, VA 22313. (703) 841-949S. WANTED: Early battery sets. Grebe CRlS, pay $S75; Amrad 3366, pay $675; Cutting Washington 11, pay $475; Clapp-Eastham R-3, pay $275; RZ, pay $675; Paragon lOR, pay $575; Crosley Vlll, pay $275; Crosley crystal set, pay $475; Tuska 222, pay $475; Fedezal 102, pay $425; Federal 57, pay $500. Prices are for nice originals with tubes. These are only a few of the sets I'm looking for. Will buy entire collections. Ed Bell, 5311 Woodsdale Rd., Raleigh, NC 27606. (919) 8511517. FOR SALE: Grundig 96U, AM/FM, nice shape, works, $25; GE metal cabinet portable, 1lOv/wet cell (included), fair, untested, $20; Firestone 4-A-2X, large wooden table top for parts, $15; AK 46, no covers, otherwise fine, untested, $20; Zenith Shutter Dial chassis, #7-S-272, Walton??, offer; National TY converter, TYB-2, $8; Large wall mount coin op aluminum cabinet AM radio, make unknown, untested, $25; RCP #322 small suitcase type tube tester, with charts, nice shape, $22; Garrard model "T" 7S rpm phono, excellent for those old 7S's, very good shape, $35; Decca Records phono, DP-570, 33/45/ 78, very good shape, $20; Crosley console #1018, parts only, offer. All plus UPS. WANTED: Help! I have a good cabinet for a Majestic 307 (cathedral console); I need a restorable set for the electrics. Also need a cosmetically complete FairbanksMorse, any model, for a display. Jim Watson, P.O.B. 104, Coarsegold, CA 93614. (209) 683-7260 evenings. WANTED: Still looking for Sony TR55 transistor radio. Will pay or trade generously. Eric Wrobbel, 20802 Exhibit Court, Woodland Hills, CA 91367. (818) 884-2282. WANTED: Bulova table radios, please state model, color, condition & price. AJ. Long, 11S30 Heath Rd., Chesterland, OH 44026. (216) 7298451. FOR SALE: Assorted Acom tubes, $2 each; Nixie tubes, the manual of SW radio by Zeh Bouck 1930 National Co., $25; the National HRO and SW Listeners Guide (fair), both $8; Hammarlund SW manual 193S, $S; The Hammarlund Comet Pro, $5; Radio Design vol. #2 #3 - vol#3 #1 vol #3 #2 each $9; Philco and Motorola radio TY org ins guides 20 pieces, $9; RCA radio TY org ins books lS pieces all $10; Have lOOO's of unlisted radio repair parts, tubes, test equipment, books, magazines for sale. Write wants. SASE for replies. Shipping extra on all items. Minimum orders $S. Sales & service since 1930. Krantz, 100 Osage Ave., Somerdale, NJOSOS3. FOR SALE: Now available: Replace- ment glass rods for your Zenith 5R3 l 7, $5 each plus $2 shipping. Attention Philco fans: New! A white beverage mug with a 1930 Philco escutcheon, $8.50 ppd. Also, send SASE for our newly expnaded list of owner's manuals which includes at least 10 new Philcos. Also available on a limited basis, soome original Philco owner's manuals; call for availability. Just out: 1992 Passport to World Band Radio. It's a TV Guide to short wave radio, $19.95 ppd. An llx17 book featuring pictures of 97% of all the Zenith radios produced from 1920 through 1946 including 40 years of transoceanics is now available. Photocopy $24.95 plus $4 shipping. We also have brochures from companies from AK to Zenith to aid the collector. SASE for complete updated list. Philco T-shirt with 1930 escutcheon, Ym art deco, $12.95 ppd, XXL $14.95 ppd. 1936 Zenith poster replica, 25"x38", $19.95 ppd. Zenith 12A57 and 12A58 reproduction dial glass, $59 ppd. Zenith Royal 1000, 3000 and 7000 owner's manual copies, color laser cover, $12; We do take Visa/Mastercard on phone orders. Fax only please on this number: (612) 7271908, Sam to lOpm CST. Alan Jesperson, POB 17338, Minneapolis, MN 55417. {612)-727-24S9 Sam to 8pm CST, ans roach after 4 rings. WANTED: Riders volumes 18, 19 and 23 in excellent condition. John Sudduth, 1842 Hwy. 92, Fairburn, GA 30213. FOR SALE: Zenith radios: 6S 152, 7S53,6S362,9S262,9S365,7S363, 12H689, 12H670, 12S56S, 10S669, 7S681, 7S685; Pilot Wasp with coils; Tuska radios: 225 2-panel, 225 single panel, 301 Jr., 228, 305; Philco 20; Philco 60; Magazines: Modem & (continued on p. 18) mf/volta Mmufacturcr Each 20&up mf/volu Manufacturer Each 20&up .001/600 .0047/600 .01/400 .01/600 .015/600 .02/400 Sprague 71SP ......................................... $ .40 Sprague 71SP ............................................. 42 Xicon (radial) .............................................26 Sprague 71SP ............................................. 54 Sprague 6PS- ............................................ .SO Xicon (radial) ............................................ .ZT Sprague 71SP ............................................. 65 CMC (axial) ............................................... 35 Sprague 71SP .............................................68 Xicon (radial) ............................................ .35 Xicon (radial) ............................................ .SO Sprague 71SP .......................................... 1.00 Sprague 71SP .......................................... 1.50 $ .35 .37 .21 .49 .45 .22 .60 .30 .63 .30 .45 2.2/450 4.7/450 10/450 20/450 22/25 22/160 33/160 33/160 47/160 47/160 47/450 80/450 Rubycon (axial) ...................................... $ .65 ICC (axial) ..................................................66 ICC (axial) ................................................. .98 ICC (axial) ............................................... 1.20 Transcap (axial) ........................................ .32 Rubycon (axial) ..........................................75 Xicon (radial) ............................................. 88 Rubycon (axial) ....................................... 1.08 Xicon (radial) .......................................... 1.30 Rubycon (axial) ....................................... 1.30 Rubycon (axial) ....................................... 1.95 CWI (axial) .............................................. 2.60 Shipping Ouirge is a flat rate of $4.00 $ .60 .61 .91 1.05 .(1221600 .047/400 .047/600 .OS/400 .1/400 .1/600 .22/600 .90 1.35 .ZT .70 .83 1.03 1.15 1.15 1.80 2.20 FRANKENSTEIN'S RADIO LAB., 4010 Fairmont Pkwy, Suite 285, Pasadena, TX 77504 17RADIOAGE 4/91 (continued from p. 17) Popular Electronics, Radio News, Radio, Radio Craft. Short Wave Craft The following in annual binders: CP 1947-1973, QST 1951-1970, Ham Radio 1968-1974, "73" 1964-1973. Call weekdays between 6 am and 7:30 am, or write w/ SASE to Tom Maciolek, 15 Nora St, Chicopee, MA 01013. (413) 592-5835. WANTED: Ozarka S-7, Atwater Kent model 44. Don Patterson, 636 Cambridge Rd., Augusta. GA 30909. (404) 738-7227. WANTED: HELP - I still need details to reproduce the terminal strip on a Federal 1411 111 buy a junker tool Please respond. Joe Pawell, 6 Augustine Ave., Ardsley, NY 10502. (914) 693-9374. FOR SALE: Hallicrafters, antiques, microphones, Hi-Fi, books, cleaning out the garage! Send LSASE for list WANTED: RCA tube manuals RC-30 and later. Tubes - 6922, 7308, 8223, ECC88, E88CC, E188CC, E288CC, E388CC; British Mazda UU4 or equivalent Thomas Crocker, POB 11582, Glendale, CA 91226-7582. FOR SALE: Rare portables from the 20's: Crosley 51P; Radiola 26, needs TLC; Trav-LerT-4344 (P.R.A.L. p.94); Kemper K-53, excellent (P.R.A.L. p.94) make offer. I will consider ttades for early transistors and portables with subminiature tubes. Michael Schiffer, 2718 E. 10th St, Tucson, AZ 85716. (602) 325-3532. WANTED: Plastic escutcheon for RCA 86T (G.O.R. p.84), and restor- able cabinet for RCA T-7-5 tombstone. Kent Leech, 16 El Rincon, Orinda, CA 94563. (510) 253-9757. FOR TRADE: Wanted to trade, Nashville Banner Newspapers, Nov thru Dec 31, 1937, bound in one large book - wanted in trade, best offer in tube radios. Jack Ferris, 2110 5th SL NW, Atalla, AL 35954. (205) 5381805. FOR SALE: Subminiature tube Belmont Boulevard 5Pl 13; Zenith Solar set; 4 Zenith Royal 500's, no cracks: black H, black E, white E, black no letter designation. 2, one very nice, original Zenith 9S232 Walton's sets; bakelite RCA Little Nippers 40X31: white, $80, 40X30 brown, $70; 2 RCA John V assos brown bakelite: 96Xl, hairline w/ repro knobs, $325, 96Xll with white push buttons and knobs, $475; bakelite FADA FM tuner, brown, with copy of owner's manual, $85; Howard FM· tuner, wooden, $95; push button and thumbwheel tuning General Television bizarre white painted bakelite, $175; wooden Silvertone with Super Pee W~ chassis, $125; Silvertone black Plaskon with Pee Wee chassis, hairline, $100; generic Pee Wee chassis, cracked tuning knob, $75; white Crosley Trouper, p.309 BFTPast, $75; black Beetle Traveller 2160, Mercedes star style tuning knob, $75; white GE Plaskon C463, red knobs, slight crack, $95; late 40's Philco advertising clock, incandescent backlit plastic, $135; Navigator Globe parts set, no base, wheel, globe and radio in very good condition, $185; Philco radio timer clock, 1938, 6"x6" walnut, $110; Wilcox Gay Recordio 6B30 with copy of owner's manual, $75; 1930's RCA advertising globe, tin litho, $95; beautiful American Bosch treasure chest radio, $265; RCA R7 tombstone, $150; Arvin 444 metal, paint very good, $75; Belmont 6D120, white, paint chips, no cracks, $190; Philco 49-9011 secretary's foot radio, ivory painted bakelite, with original box, $150; wooden Zenith 6S222 cube, $225; Grunow Teledial 12; Dumont dresser radio RA 346, $100; Zenith 6D015 in box, $110; extra nice black Hoppy with owner's manual, $475; Zenith 5R312, p.71 Collins, $150; Airline w/ push buttons, like Truetone p.71 Collins, $95; plastic backlit CBS tunes clock, rewired, $85; Zenith 6D315 Wavemagnet, $250; Philco 604, $175; EH Scott Allwave 12, early Tasman cabinet, $650; EH Scott Phantom Deluxe AM FM, no cabinet, $375; Zenith wooden table models: 5S127,$165;6S321;6S322;6B129; lOS 130; GE A-63, p.155 Blast FTP, $165; RCA 128, $195; RCA 143, $360; Philco 16B deco, $295; Zenith Transoceanics: 80005, $175; H500, $125; 1000, $175, with NOS leather case, $250; 3000, $175; 7000 American, $295, with NOS padded vinyl case, $370. Zenith shutter dial consoles: 15S373; 15U269; 12S475; 12S471; 12S568; 12S265; 12S266; 12S268; 12S370;9S367;9S365; 9S262. Other Zeniths: 12A57; 12U159; 11S474; 10S470; 10Sl53; 10S155; 10S156; 10S160; near mint 8S154, 7S53 and many others in restorable condition, including many Zenith chairsides. Call for more info. A (continued on p. 19) RADIO COLLECTOR BOOKS Gulde to Old Radios, 225 pages, over 350 photos, by David & Betty Johnson ............................. $16.95 Vintage Radio Handbook, 263 pages, 1000 illus . ...................... 11 .95 Flick Of The Switch 1930-1950, 1000 Illus................................. 11.95 Official Radio Service Manual, 1930 Gernsback ...................... 19.95 Collector's Gulde to Antique Radios, by Marty & Sue Bunts, 5000 models, 400 plct ............................. 16.95 Fifty Yeara of Radio, March 1938 Issue of Hugo Gernsback's famous publication, 134 pages ............................. $15.95 Radio Manufecturera of the 1920'a. Vol. 1 ............................... 22.95 Radio Manufecturera of the 1920'a. Vol. 2 ............................... 26.95 Radio Manufacturers of the 1920'•. Vol. 3 ............................... 29.95 (Volume 3 Available Late Fall 1991) Thomas A. Edison • A Stroke of Luck, 562 pgs. PB ................ 13.95 Ordetw under $35.00 indude $1 .50 postage - Orderw CNer $35.00 ahipped free (USA only) Over 45 Publications Available - Write for Information. If you would like a full description of any book, just ask. Allow 3-4 Weeks for Delivery of your Order. Antique Radio Club of America, Inc. Museum Bookstore, 4704 Country Club Blvd., So. Charleston, West Virginia 25309 18RADIOAGE MID-SDUTB AITIQUB !ADID CDLLBCTD!B BBDW, BWU MBBT &MBBTIH~ Saturday, April 11, 1992 - 8 A.M. to 4 P.M. (no early birds) Days Inn - 1900 Lantaff Blvd. (Exit 44 off Pennyrile Pky.), Madlsonvllle, KY (in the Derby Room) INDOOR SWAP MEET - OLD RADIO CONTEST - EQUIPMENT AUCTION Admission & Seller's Fee: EB.EE to MSARC members. For non-members: Admission $2, Seller's Fee $7.50. Tables are limited. Days Inn Is offering special room rates for persons attending this event· $38 plus tax. For room reservations call (502) 821-8620 and mention MSARC. For more information, write to MSARC, c/o Ron Ramirez, 811 Maple St. , Providence, KY 42450-1857 or call (502) 667-5440. Come grow with the Mid-South Antique Radio Collectors! $1 O dues brings you our quarterly publication, OLD RADIO TIMES, and FREE ADMISSION to MSARC swap meets I To join, make your $1 O check payable to "MSARC" and send it to the address above. (continued from p. 18) photocopy book of the Zenith line from 1920 to 1946 is available for $24.95 plus $4 shipping. Stromberg Carlson consoles; RCA 816K w/ extra 813K chassis; RCA 13K; RCA 811K; Philco 37-116; and many others. If you 're looking for a Zenith shutter dial or other hard to find set, we may have what you need. We ship anywhere and we do it right. Please call, mornings best. Don't forget to send for our free updated and expanded merchandise catalog featuring T-shirts, mugs, posters, owner's manuals, restoration supplies, etc. We have a limited supply of used and NOS dial glass and used radio parts, primarily Zenith, please inquire. Now available, glass rods to restore the Zenith 5R317, $5 each plus $2 shipping. We accept Visa/ Mastercard on most orders. Satisfaction guaranteed. Shipping extra unless noted. FAX ONLY PLEASE Sam to lOpm CST (612) 727-190S. Alan Jesperson, POB 1733S, Minneapolis, MN 55417. (612) 727-24S9, ans mach after 4 rings. Sam to Spm CST, 7 days. FOR SALE: Old-time radio dealer retiring - selling box of early Philco NOS radio parts (few TV), approx. 250 pieces (in original boxes), $220 mostly volume controls - IFs - RF & antenna coils, etc. Box of new transistors (lots of audio) RCA, GE, etc., $195. Send SASE for free tube & test equipment lists - will continue selling tubes by mail. For antique numbers, send needs & SASE. Complete set Riders Television manuals, best offer; Ghirardis Radio Trouble Shooter's 19RADIOAGE Handbook, $75; 1952-53 Radio Masters Buying Guide, $75; Edison Diamond Disc phonographs; B&K oscilloscope model 1461, $1S5; B&K transistor checker 520B, $160; RCA WV-9SC VTVM, $95. All plus shipping. Maurer TV, South 4th St., Lebanon, PA 17042. (717) 272-2481. FOR SALE: Western Electric brass black & cage fan, 1910 vintage, very nice condition, $125; Western Electric mic., $125; Edwards FM tuner, $20; pre-war communications receivers. WANTED: Pilot radios & tubes, any vintage, any condition; AK 76SQ tombstone. Bill Moore, 1005 Fieldstone Ct., Hsv., AL 35S03. (205) SS01207. FOR SALE: Radio News 1922 - Mar (F) $S, Apr-May (no back) (F) $7, Jun (G) $9, Jul (F) $8, Aug (F) $7, Sep (F) $7, Oct (G) $S, Nov (E) $9, Dec (F) $S; 1923 - Jan (G) $S, Feb (G) $S, Mar (G) $S, Apr (G) $S, May (F) $7, Jun (E) $S, Jul (E) $S, Aug (G) writing on cover, $7, Sep (E) $S, Oct (VG) $S, Nov (G) $S, Dec (G) $S; 1924 - Jan (F) $6, Feb (G) $7, Mar (F) $6, Apr (G) $7, May (G) $7, Jun (G) $7, Jul (F) $6, Aug (G) $7, Sep (F) $6, Oct {G, some scotch tape on spine) $7, Nov (G) $7, Dec (G, some tape on spine) $7; 1925 Jan (G) $6, Feb (G) $6, Mar (G) $6, Apr (G) $6; May (G) $6, Jun (E) $7, Jul (E) $7, Aug (G) $6, Sep (E), $7, Oct (E) $7, Nov (F) $5, Nov (G) $6, Dec (G) $6; 1926 - Jan (P) $3, Apr (G) $4, May (G) $4, Sep (LC) $2, Oct (G) $4; 1927 - Jan (G) $3, Apr (E) $4, Mar (NC) $2, May (G) some soil on cover, $3, Jun (G) $3, Jul (F) $2, Sep (G) $3, Oct (G) $3, Nov (F) $2; 1928 - Jan (G) $3, Feb (G) $3, Mar (G) $3, Sep (G) $3. Buy a whole year and get a better deal! Shipping extra. Don Patterson, 636 Cambridge Rd., Augusta, GA 30909. (404) 73S-7227. · CRYSTAL SETS PARTS - PLANS - KITS- BOOKS CATALOG $1.00 MIDCO P.O. Box 2288 Hollywood, FL 33022 (305) 925-3670 B.A. Turke, Ph.D.E.E. Largest source of Vintage and New Variable Air Condensers, Variometers, Vario-Couplers, Tap Switches, Tap Points, Galena and Germanium Detectors, Detector Stands , Cat Whiskers, Terminals, Sliders, Headsets, Dial Knobs, Coil Forms, Magnetic Wire, etc. 10/92 ff PAR1'5 • SETS• ACCESSORIES ' o VINTAGE TV'S & RADIOS o """BUY • SEU • TRADE • REPAIR• RENT ?I FOR SALE: Picture Tubes..... WANTED: Paying $3,000 cash for mint, original Garod Peak-Top Model 126 in green, brown, or yellow&red! Great pria:s for other colors, even in poor condition. Call Harry Poster, (201)794-9606 til 7PM. FOR SALE: RCA 1K-30 Camera Chain. Very rare 1946 television camera set-up complete with separate power supply and command unit. Harry Poster, Box 1883, South Hackensack. N.T ITTrlil 15GP22, working 15" color tube ......$(JOO 10BP4, tested and working.................$40 7JP4, tested and working....................$40 PREDICTA.&millt 17" or21" CRT'swith dud retum. ...............$125 picked-up, or plus shipping. Call: Harry Poster, (201)794-9606 before 7PM. WANTED: TRANSISIDR radios! $100-$250 for Regency TR-1/Sony TR~3 $35-$150-other Regency's, Raytheons, Hoffmans, sun-powered, Mitchells, early Zeniths! DON'T GIVE TIIEM AWAY! Send photo/desc. to: Harry Poster, Box 1883, S. Hackensack, NJ 07ffi6. REPAIRS : B&W'IV's--$125 plus shipping. Predicta CRT extra-but we replace bad 7"/10" CRT's free! NO charge for unrestorable sets. Harry Poster 201-794-9606 WANTED: $450 cash paid for z.enith's Radio Nurse. Bakelite intercom, with metal "Guardian Ear." Will buy 1 or a pairHarry Poster, (201)794-9606 before 7PM. L ~:'~. w ' "'~. ~"" ,, <' WANTED: FADA Bullets! $3000 cash paid for this mint, original Insert Bullet in green or blue! Other colors, styles, even parts sets, bought for high Harry Poster, Box 1883, S. Hack., NJ 07ro6. TUBES • PARTS • SUPPLIES YOUR COMPLETE SOURCE SUPPLIES: TUBES: 3000 audio, receiving and industrial types in stock, including early and foreign types. Discount prices! CAPACITORS: High voltage electrolytic and mylar capacitors for tube circuits. Chemicals, test equipment, wire , batteries, tools, etc. LITERATURE: Extensive offering of literature and books on antique radios , hi-fi , communications equipment, tube data, and circuit diagrams. PARTS: TRANSFORMERS: Hard-to-find power transformers, audio transformers, and filter chokes for tube equipment. Resistors, lamps, tube sockets, potentiometers , grill cloth , knobs, vibrators and more. "Write or call for our 32 page wholesale catalog" ANTIQUE ELECTRONIC SUPPLY 6221 S. Maple Avenue, Tempe, AZ 85283, Phone (602) 820-5411 , FAX (602) 820-4643 20RADIOAGE BUSINESS CARD ADS 4~TIQ U E Andrew Mooradian R.4U IO ~E RYI CE Wanted Pre-1926 Radios by RADIOS RE BUILT BOUGH T SOLD TRADED Auto and Home Also, Radio Part s, Accessories and Literature WE BUY AUTO RADIOS 5 Priscilla Lane , Winchester , MA 01890 RI CHARD FOSTER 12 Shawmut Ave. Cochituate, MA. 01778 (508) 653-2418 4/92 6/92 ANTIQUE RADIO RESTORATIONS Te l. (203) 928-2628 Free Est imates ANTIQUE RADIO RESTORATION [, REPAJR ' 1920 - 1960's Buv & 635 S. Lincoln Ave. O'Fallon, IL 62269 (61B) 632-7423 xii Reasonable Rates Tubes . Pans & Service on all Ant1Que Car. Console & Table Radios. Tube flmps & Phonos 20 Gary School Roa d --...-.~ BOB ESLINGER Pomfret Center. CT 06259 Collectors of Old Radios Electronic Consultant Dial Reproductions Clinton Blais . P.E. Life Member l.E .E.E. Ron Blais AW A, ARCA 5/92 11/92 Antique Radios Jomes E. 'Jim' Thompson ~- THOMPSON RADIO AUDIO & SPEAKER SERVICE © 113 S. Tarboro Street Wilson. NC 27893 P.O. Box 6352 Jackson, MI 49204 (517) 787-2985 ~ Specializing in Speaker Re-Coning (9 19) 237-4588 David & Nancy Snow We Buy, Sell , Repa ir ARBE - III Battery Eliminators 12/9?. 7/92 ELECTRON TUBE ENTERPRISES CLASSIC RADIO SERVICE® (Dealers in Surplus Electron Tubes) SS - 60 - 10- 80- 91 - 100- 110 - 120 - 130 - 140 - IS0- 160 I[ e P.O. BOX 764, 25 MAPLE ROAD WOODACRE, CA 94973 DAN HEALY e Box 8311, Essex, VT 05451 Tel: (802) 879-0611 Fax: (802) 879-7764 J Telephone: 415-488-4596 FREE 1992 CATALOG AVAILABLE 9/92 21 RADIO AGE 9/92 BUSINESS CARD ADS 1920-1970 Schematics - $5.00 Postpaid Manual Prices - SASE EXACT REPRODUCTION RCA STATION TEMPLATES for Radiola's AR-812, Super 8, etc., & Brunswick radio/phono console models $2.50/set or 3 sets for $6 RADIOffV/HAM/MISC. "If I don't have it, you probably don't need it." postage paid Alton H. Bowman 4172 East Ave. Canandaigua, NY 14424-9564 Brian Wolf 4574 Windstream Lane Brecksville, OH 44141 9/92 RADIO AGE DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES BUSINESS CARD 1/3 PAGE (One Column 2 3/8" wide x 10" high) RADIO AGE ADS WORK l/4PAGE 1/2PAGE a 1!2" wide x 5" high) (Horizontal 7 1!2" wide x 21!2" high) RATES FOR CAMERA READY ART PAGE SIZE !MONTH 3MONTHS 6MONTHS ADD FOR TYPE/LAYOUT Bus. Card 1/4 Page 1/3 Page l/2Page Full Page N/A $17.50 $23.50 $35.00 $70.00 $15.00 $47.25 $63.45 $94.50 $189.00 $27.00 $84.00 $112.80 $168.00 $336.00 NIA $6.00 $8.00 $10.00 $15.00 Halftones $7 .00 extra CLUBS TAKE A 10% DISCOUNT ON ANY DISPLA y ADS Payment in advance is required for these rates. For billing, add $5 per month. 22RADIOAGE CLUB INFORMATION PROVIDED FREE Alabama Historical Radio Society (AHRS). Don Kresge, President. 4721 Overwood Circle, Birmingham, AL 35222. Monthly meetings 4th Monday except Dec. at Homewood Public Library, 1721 OxmoorRd., 7pm. Museum being planned. Antique Radio Club of America (ARCA). James Rankin, 3445 Adaline Drive, Stow, OH 44224. Pub: The Antique Radio Gazette, quarterly. Dues: $12.00. National and regional chapters. Antique Radio Club of filinGis (ARCI), secretary - Carolyn Knipfel, Rt. 3, VcLeran's Rd., Morton, IL 61550. Dues: $12 per year. Publication: ARCI News. Six meets a year including Radiofest Antique Wirele~ ~iation (AWA). Joyce Peckham, P.O. Box E, Breesport, NY 14816. Pub: The Old Timers Bulletin, quarterly. Dues: $10.00. National and regional conventions. Museum. Arizona Antique Radio Club (AARC). Monthly meetings Oct through May; one swap meet in Spring; four quarterly "Radio Club News" (sample issue, $2.50 ppd.). Dues: $15 for calendar year. Information: contact Lois Watson, SecretaryTreasurer or Clyde Watson, Editor, 8311 Via de Sereno, Scottsdale, AZ 85258. (602) 948-6466. California Historical Radio Society (CURS). Membership Secretary Adam Schoolsky, 38007 Stenhammer Drive, Freemont, CA 94536. (415) 791-0330. Dues: $15 year. Seven swap meets, four quarterly journals, and two biannual Audio News Tapes. Florida Antique Wireless Group (FAWG). P.O. Box 547432, Orlando, FL 32854-7432. Dennis Williams (407) 895-0146 and Paul Curry (407) 365-9305, co-founders. Bi-monthly newsletter. 23RADIOAGE Houston Vintage Radio ~ociation (HVRA) P.O. Box 31276, Houston, TX 77231-1276. Info: Richard Collins (713) 778-0271. Pub: Grid Leak, monthly. Dues: $15.00 (no special rate for out-of-towners). Regional Meets. Indiana Historical Radio Society (IllRS). Spring swap-meet, flea market, auction, contest. Pub: IHRS Bulletin, quarterly. Dues: $8.00. Info: Contact Ed Taylor, 245 N. Oakland Ave,. Indianapolis, IN 46201. (317) 638-1641. Please include SASE. Kentucky Chapter Antique Radio Club of America (ARCA). Kentucky has a new chapter. Dues are $12 yearly. Send check to KY Chapter Antique Radio Club of America for membership to: Robert E. Dickerson, Pres., 1907 Lynn Lea Rd., Louisville, KY 40216. (502) 447-6399. Michigan Antique Radio Club (MARC). Jim Clark, President. Pub: "Chronicle", quarterly. Meets quarterly. Dues: $12/year pro-rated. Write: Larry Anderson, 3453 Balsam NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49505. by sending $9 (American Funds) for a one year membership to: NFWA c/o Gary Parzy, 135 Autumnwood, Cheektowaga, NY 14227. Dues are payable each Jan. New members may join any time for $9. Floyd Engels, President Northland Antique Radio Club (NARC). P.O. Box 18362, Minneapolis, MN 55418. Pub: NARC Newsletter, six/year. Dues: $10.00. About six meets a year. Northwest Vintage Radio Society (NVRS). Info: Dan Howard, 2940 S.E. 118th Avenue, Portland, OR 972661602. Pittsburgh Antique Radio Society, Inc. (PARS). David W. Kraeuter, Secretary, 506 E. Wheeling Street, Washington, PA 15301. Pub: The Pittsburgh Oscillator, quarterly Dues: $10.00. Quarterly meetings. Puget Sound Antique Radio A~ocia tion (PSARA). Info: Max A. Kaplan, 14902 84th Avenue Ct. N.W., Gig Harbor, WA 98335. Mid-Atlantic Antique Radio Club (MAARC). Monthly newsletter. Some local events. Joe Koester, President Dues $12/year, 2 years $24, (one free issue), 3 years $36 (two free issues), lifetime $180. Write: Roy Morgan, P.O. Box 1362, Washington Grove, MD20880. Southeastern Antique Radio Society (SARS), Georgia has a new club! We welcome your support. Spring and Fall swap meets plus mini meet before each bimonthly meeting. Annual dues $10. Contact David Martin, 1502 Wood Thrush Way, Marietta, GA 30062. (404) 578-1279. Mid-South Antique Radio Collectors (MSARC). Ron Ramirez, 811 Maple St., Providence, KY 42450-1857. (502) 667-5440. Especially for collectors in Kenwcky, Tennessee, S. Indiana & S. Illinois, although anyone is welcome. Pub: Old Radio Times, quarterly. Dues: $10 per year. Two meets per year. Southern California Antique Radio Society (SCARS). Edward Sheldon, 656 Gravilla Place, La Jolla, CA 92037. Pub: California Antique Radio Gazette, quarterly. Dues: $10.00. Four meets per year. New England Antique Radio Club (NEARC). Marty Bunis, RRl, Box 36, Bradford, NH 03221. (603) 938-5051. Pub: THE ESCUTCHEON, quarterly (call or write for free sample). Dues: $10. Quarterly Meets. Niagara Frontier Wireless Association (NFWA) Your membership is welcomed. You may join the NFW A The Southern Vintage Wireless Association (SVWA) has been formed in northern Alabama to promote antique radio preservation and related activities in the southeast. Meetings will be held quarterly in conjunction with flea markets/swap meets. Anyone interested in joining should contact Bill Moore, 1005 Fieldstone Ct., HSV, AL 35803. (205) 880-1207. (continued on page 24) CLUB INFORMATION (continued from page 23) Vintage Radio and Phonograph Society (VRPS). Larry Lamia, P.O. Box 165345, Irving, TX 75016. Pub: The Sound Wave, quarterly. Dues: $13.50. Monthly meetings, Spring Auction, Annual Convention. NEW CLUB FORMING Interested radio collectors in the South Florida area please write to Victor Marett, 3201 N.W. 18 Street, Miami, FL 33125. CLUB EVENTS PROVIDED FREE Southeastern Antique Radio Society Swap Meet - Flea Market - Tailgating. Saturday, March 21, 1992, Sam-noon Marietta, GA (I- 75 exit 112, East on 120 loop to 2nd light, right on lower Roswell Rd., 3/10 miles and left into Sewell Park) Covered area for rainy day. Info: David Martin , 1502 Wood Thrush Way, Marietta, GA 30062, (404) 578-1279 or Charles Pierce (404) 233-1340. Antique Wirele~ A~iation Regional Conference. Union County Farmers Market, Monroe, NC. Friday, March 27th at 12 noon and March 28th until 4pm. Scheduled activities include swap meet 12 noon Fri. (no early admittance). Old equipment contest Sat., and programs. Info: Ron Lawrence, P.O. B. 220094, Charlotte, NC 28222-0094. (704) 289-1166. AWA Meet, April 4, Stewart Elementary School, 7905 15 Ave. NW, Bradenton, FL. Be there! MARC Spring Swap & Sell Meet, April 5 at the Holday Inn West, Lansing, MI. Hundreds of radios and related items for sale in addition to our equipment contest, silent & donation auctions and 50/50 raffle. Advance table reservations strongly encouraged. Contact Jim Clark (517) 349-2249. MSARC Swap Meet & Organizational Meeting, Saturday April 11, Days Inn (Derby Room), Exit 44 off Pennyrile Parkway, Madisonville, KY, Sam - 4pm. Swap meet, meeting, other events to be added. Call Days Inn for special rates (502) 821-8620 and mention MSARC. Info: Ron Ramirez, 811 Maple St., Providence, KY 42450. (502) 667-5440. Space available for swap 'n' sell. Another Great Radio Event, auction, flea market, seminars all day. April 18. Presented by Museum of Radio Technology, Inc., Antique Radio Club of America, Huntington, WV. Contact Geoffrey Bourne, 405 Eighth Ave., St. Albans, WV 25177. (304) 722-4690. NEARC Spring Swap & Sell Meet, April 18, 1992 at Resurrection Center, 449 Broad St., Nashua, NH from 8 am to 1 pm. Over 100 tables! Hundreds of radios for sale! Old equipment contests featuring restored radios and best junkers! 50/50 raffle! Info: Marty Bunis, RR 1, Box 36, Bradford, NH 03221. (603) 938-5051. ARCI Spring Meet, Sunday, April 26, Sam - lpm, Freedom Hall, Rt. 98 and Detroit St., Morton, IL. Swapmeet & Donation Auction. Info: Carl Knipfel, Rt. 3- 200 Langham, Morton, IL 61550. (309) 266-9440. HVRA -AWA 13th Annual Show & Auction. May 8-10, Houston Marriott Astrodome, 2100 South Braeswood, Houston, TX. Hotel reservations: 800228-9290 or 713-797-9000 ($59/night s or d). Events: two auctions (Fri night & Sat), old equipment contest, flea market, awards banquet NARC Radio Daze '92 with A WA, May 29-30 at the Seville Plaza Hotel, 8151 Bridge Rd., Bloomington, MN 55431. Swapmeet, radio contest, luncheon, auction, tour of Pavek Museum of Wonderful Wireless, guest appearance by noted collector and museum curator Ralph Williams. Preregistration $7 for members, $9 for non-members. (additional $2 for reg. during event). Info: NARC, POB 18362, Mpls., MN 55418 or call Don Hauff (612) 425-0089. MARC/AWA Extravaganza '92, July 10-12 at the Holday Inn West, Lansing, MI. Watch for expanded announcement in May issue or write for flyer to: Extravaganza '92, POB 585, Okemos, MI 48864. MAARC 1992 Meeting Dates: Saturday evenings at 6 pm in the Applied Physics Lab. (APL) of Johns Hopkins University: April 18 May 23 (Old Equipment Contest) June (no meeting) July 18 August22 September 19 October 4 (Sunday - annual picnic) November21 December 19 BUYING PRE·1926 BATTERY SETS, SPEAKERS, CRYSTAL, ETC. I am constantly adding to my collection. If you have a scarce single item or an entire collection, it will pay you to contact me. Having problems identifying? I'll try to help. I usually have extras for sale or trade. No lists. Let me know your needs. ED BELL, 5311 WOODSDALE, RALEIGH, NC 27606. (919) 851-1517 24RADIOAGE
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