PRINT September 2016


PRINT September 2016
PRINT October 2016
Wimborne Minster Parish Magazine No. 363
Cover: Spiral Galaxy NGC 3021photographed by the Hubble Space Telescope
Discussion group on science and faith meets this month.
At the Minster
Sunday services
8.00 am
9.45 am
11.15 am
Holy Communion
Parish Eucharist
Informal Communion (1st Sunday in month)
Matins (2nd Sunday in month)
Informal Service (3rd Sunday in month)
Holy Communion (2nd Sunday in month)
12.00 noon
6.30 pm
Weekday services
8.00 am
9.30 am
11.00 am
9.15 am
Holy Communion (Trinity Chapel)
Holy Communion (Trinity Chapel)
Holy Communion at St Margaret’s
New Horizons Prayers
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8.30 am
Monday to Friday
5.00 pm
Morning Prayer
Evening Prayer
In the Northern Villages
8 am
1st Sunday
of the month
2nd Sunday
3rd Sunday
4th Sunday
9 am
Village Hall
(BCP) Holt
10 am
Parish Communion
(CW) Horton
6.30 pm
Sung Eucharist (CW)
Hinton Martel
Parish Communion
Horton Village Witchampton
Parish Communion
(CW) Holt
5th Sunday
Parish Communion
(CW) Chalbury
Group Evening
But God proves his love for us in that while we still were
sinners Christ died for us (Romans 5:8).
I love this verse! If you read and think about it logically and carefully, and
if you, like me, are in a relationship with God through the Lord Jesus
Christ then this verse says:
1. God really loves us. We need to remember that when we feel small
(metaphorically speaking!) and insignificant, we are the apple of God’s
eye, we are his treasured possession. He never takes his eye off us, he
delights in us, he longs to hear us talk to him and spend time with him.
2. This verse says ‘while we were sinners’ (therefore we are no longer
sinners) we are justified – it is just as if we had never sinned! So there’s
a difference between being a sinner and sinning.
Because we have chosen to share our lives with Jesus Christ, we wear
his coat of righteousness. As we stand before God and he looks at us,
he sees us as righteous and holy – he sees the righteousness of his
beloved Son Jesus.
3. Each of us can say “Christ died for me. If there was only me on Planet
Earth Christ would still die, would go through that awful torment, suffering
and death just for me!”
I am told that short, three point sermons are best, so:
1. God loves us – you and me.
2. We are no longer sinners – you and me – we are justified; it is just as if
we had never sinned.
3. Christ died for us – you and me.
Now that is very Good News.
- Reverend Elise Harding
Associate Priest
In September
Baptism of Ivy Ridgway
Wedding of John Morrish and Louise Cotterell
Wedding of Steve Johnston and Alison Hardy
Wedding of Gianluca Firetto and Amelia McGrath
Wedding of Robert Davidson and Louise Marsh
Service of Thanksgiving for the life of
Anthony Yeatman
Funeral of Flo Green
Funeral of Alan Arnold, aged 67
Funeral of David Manuel, aged 78
Burial of the ashes of John Davies age 95
Dates for your diary
Saturday 1st
9.30 am onwards
6 pm onwards
Sunday 2nd
10 am
7.30 – 9.00 pm
Wednesday 5th
7.15 pm
7.45 – 8.15 pm
12 noon – 2 pm
12 noon
10 am – 4 pm
Thursday 6th
Friday 7th
Burnbake Trust Prisoners’ Art (for
2 days only)
Chichester Cathedral Ringers
Harvest Festival Eucharist
Greenbelt meeting (Church
Deanery Training for PCCs
Prayer Group
Oasis lunch
Lunch and Chat (Church House)
Icon making and exhibition
Saturday 8th
Sunday 9th
9 am – 2 pm
Joint meeting of PCCs from the
10 – 12.30 am
Children’s Society Coffee Morning
Benefactors’ Sunday
9.45 am
Licensing of Revd. Bill French,
with Bishop Karen
Monday 10th
Wednesday 12th
7.00 pm
7.00 – 9.30 pm
Stewardship Renewal meeting
Science and Faith study group
(Church House)
Prayer Group
Housebound Lunch (Church
Lunch and Chat (Church House)
Bible Society Weekend:
Preacher, Rev. Sandra Tebbutt
Thursday 13th
7.45 – 8.15 pm
12 noon
Friday 14th
Sunday 16th
12 noon
9.45 am
Wednesday 19th
9.30 am– 4.30 pm
7.00 – 9.30 pm
7.30 pm
7.30 pm
Thursday 20th
7.45 – 8.15 pm
2.15 pm
Cards for Good Causes opens in
Church House (Monday-Saturday
until December 15th)
Science and Faith study group
(Church House)
Mums Today: Which Season Are
Michael James Trust Bursary
Prayer Group
Mothers Union meeting: The
Probation Service
Lunch and Chat (Church House)
Stewardship Renewal Gift Day
Lewis Manning Art Exhibition
(Church House), daily until
Saturday 29th
Friday 21st
Saturday 22nd
12 noon
9.30 am – 5 pm
10 am – 5 pm
Sunday 23rd
Dedication Sunday
9.45 am
Parish Eucharist with Healing
11.30 am
Baptism of Florence Pettefer
3 pm
Animal Blessing Service
Wednesday 26th
7.00 – 9.30 pm
Friday 28th
Sunday 30th
7.45 – 8.15 pm
12 noon
9.45 am
Science and Faith study group
Prayer Group
Lunch and Chat (Church House)
Sermon series ‘Prayer and…
Spiritual Accompaniment’
Bereavement Service
3.00 pm
Charity Focus Weekend – Bible Society
Our next Charity Focus weekend will be on 15th–
16th October, when we shall be thinking about the
work of the Bible Society. The Revd Sandra Tebbutt, the Bible Society’s
Church Partnership Manager for the South and West, will be our preacher
at the 9.45am Parish Communion and there will be a ‘bucket collection’
for the work of the Society following that service. Unfortunately, it has not
been possible to arrange a coffee morning for the Saturday, so please be
generous with your gifts on the Sunday!
Spread the news!
The Minster has had a Twitter account for some
time, and now also has an official Facebook page.
These are both great ways of showing what the Minster does; huge
numbers of people use social media now to find out what is happening,
near them or elsewhere in the world.
If you are part of a special event connected with the Minster, remember
to send in a photo, or even better a video. It needs only a sentence or
two to go with it, no more. Send your images to
[email protected]
You can find the Minster’s account at @TheMinster1 for Twitter, or look
at the Minster website to see recent tweets.
Praying for the Minster & the Northern Villages,
Wimborne and the world
Prayer cycle for October
Our Rector
Those in training for ministry
The OASIS group; the widowed
The Lunch and Chat team
The Society of St Francis at Hilfield
Wimborne Deanery; Rural Dean Chris Tebbutt
Wimborne Town Counci
East Dorset and Christchurch District Council
Christian Aid
Victoria Hospital: staff, patients and Friends
Our associate clergy
Parish Office staff
The Mothers’ Union
Housegroups: prayer and study
The Bible Society
Staff of the Diocesan offices
East Dorset Heritage Trust
The police, PCSOs, the Probation Service
The Sudan Medical Link
Ambulance services, paramedics and firefighters
The shop manager and volunteers
PCC members
The Chained Library: custodians, volunteers
The MARS Trust
Diocesan links with Evreux and Latvia
The Citizens’ Advice Bureau
New housing developments
Botswana Orphans
Wimborne First School
A cause dear to your heart, not listed elsewhere
Looking Forward: A Community of Prayer,
A Community of Learning, A Community for Mission
(The Minster’s Stewardship Renewal Programme October 2016)
During the month of October we shall be ‘Looking Forward’ to the ways in
which we want to grow as a Minster community and how, together, we
will be able to resource the work to which we believe God is calling us.
Through our Sunday preaching, a Presentation Evening, and a Prayer
and Gift Day, there will be opportunities to learn more about our vision,
our plans and needs and how, through financial giving and practical
service in response to God’s calling we may help to make the vision a
reality. Every person who is on the Minster’s Electoral Roll will receive a
letter with materials giving more details and I hope you will all feel able to
respond in some way.
Key dates are:
Sunday 2nd October – 9.45am Harvest Festival
‘God’s Gifts to us’ (All age service)
Sunday 9th October – 9.45am Benefactors’ Day
‘Our response to God’ (The Bishop of Sherborne)
Monday 10th October – 7pm in the Minster
Presentation of Facts and Figures
Sunday 16th October – 9.45am Bible Society Focus Weekend
‘The Gift of the Bible’ (The Revd Sandra Tebbutt)
Saturday 22nd October – Day of Prayer and Gift Day in the Minster
Sunday 23rd October – 9.45am - ‘Looking Forward’ (The Rector)
Please note these in your diary and come to as many of them as you are
able. We will also be using the following prayer throughout the month of
October (including at other Sunday services) and I encourage you to pray
it each day:
Lord God,
you call us to be a community of prayer,
a community of learning
and a community for mission.
We thank you for your generosity
in giving us all that we need
to fulfil our calling to serve you
and to serve our community ‘beyond the walls’.
Help us to be generous in responding to your love
as we give to your work
through our money, our time and our actions;
that hope may be renewed and your Kingdom come,
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Extended Ministerial Development Leave – from the Rector
Every seven years or so, stipendiary clergy are encouraged to take a
period away from their everyday ministry to rest, to be refreshed and to
take the opportunity to focus on an area of interest in order to develop
and deepen their ministries. This ‘sabbatical’ principle, (something long
established in academic circles), now comes under the title of Extended
Ministerial Development Leave. My last period of such leave was in
Earlier this year, I was invited by the Diocese to consider the possibility of
taking EMDL and I put in an application, which was granted in May. The
PCC were notified at their meeting in July and this brief notice is to let the
wider congregation know that I shall be away from my duties at the
Minster from 9th January until 9th April 2017 (Palm Sunday). During that
period, I hope to spend some time thinking about issues relating to
mental illness and in particular looking at how the Church ministers in
three areas: to those suffering with dementia; to those on the autistic
spectrum; and to those who are homeless and who often have mental
health issues. I plan to spend a couple of weeks in a theological college
doing some reading around the subject, and will then spend a further two
weeks working as a volunteer with the Pilsdon Community at their house
in West Malling, Kent (a sister-house to the one here in Dorset). I shall
also take some time away on retreat and generally get some rest.
During the first three months of next year, therefore, the Revd Suzie Allen
will have oversight of the Minster and the villages, supported by the
churchwardens and the Revds Dr Brenda Gibson and Bill French (about
whose arrival you can also read in this edition of PRINT). The Revd
Heather Waldsax from Canford Magna will also be offering assistance on
some Sundays, weekdays and with pastoral ministry during that time, and
we will be welcoming a number of visiting preachers on Sundays. I am
grateful to all of them for making this period of leave possible and trust
that you will support them wholeheartedly whilst I am absent.
- Vanessa Herrick
Introduction to the Revd Bill French
We are delighted that, this month, the Revd Bill French will be joining the
clergy team at Wimborne Minster and the Northern Villages. Bill will be
licensed by Bishop Karen at the 9.45am service on Sunday 9th October,
when we shall also be joined by members of the congregations of the
Northern Villages. We look forward to welcoming them all.
Bill has kindly written a short introduction to himself which follows. He will
be working both in the Villages and in the Minster and we look forward to
getting to know him over the coming months.
- The Rector
On 9th October at the 9.45 am service I will be licenced by Bishop Karen
to be part of Wimborne Minster and the Northern Villages clergy team.
As a way of introduction, a little background of who I am.
I am married to Diana and we live at Chalbury with our cocker spaniel,
Sam. My theological training was at STETS college, Salisbury and from
there I was licensed to St Michael’s, Verwood. In 2010 was ordained
deacon and the following year I was priested.
Being a disciple of Jesus hasn’t
always been part of my life. As a
young man I joined the Grenadier
Guards, serving nine years. I
enjoyed being part of this elite
regiment who, in their way,
contributed to my formation as an
adult. From the guards I joined the
Dorset Constabulary and moved to
Wimborne in 1976. I stayed with
the force until retirement in 2000.
During the last 17 years of police
service I served on the traffic
division through which I was able to
pursue my passion for motor cycle riding as a police motorcyclist.
Following retirement I took up a number of small jobs to keep me busy
and subsequently I took on a larger role, becoming a magistrate, serving
on the East Dorset benches.
So, where was God in all my coming and goings? By this time I was
attending church and I would have called myself a Christian although on
reflection this was some way from the truth. Then, one day God came
dramatically into my life and I experienced the power and love of the Holy
Spirit. This dramatic encounter changed and cleansed me and I now
believe was making me ready for ordination.
My calling to Holy Orders didn’t happen for many years and clearly was
done in God’s time when he deemed me ready. Now God’s timing has
brought me to be part of the Minster family and the Northern Villages.
Diana and I look forward to this new part of our Christian servanthood
and also getting to know more of our new Christian family.
Celebrating 150 years of Reader/LLM Ministry
Saturday 1st October 2016
From a letter to clergy from Bishop Karen
… [T]his year we celebrate the 150 years of Reader Ministry in the
Church of England.
I am therefore writing to invite you to join with our LLMs at the Cathedral
at 11am on Saturday 1st October to give thanks for this ministry, and
celebrate together the contribution Lay Readers have made to the life of
our local churches.
Lay Ministry in our church and within the diocese is developing
significantly, with the growth of Lay Pastoral Assistants and Lay Worship
Leaders, and Licensed Lay Ministers find themselves increasingly with
oversight roles, as lay theologians and with important responsibilities
outside the church as well as within. I am delighted that a small number
have recently been selected for training to ensure this ministry continues
and look forward to seeing how we can continue to develop the gifts of
the whole people of God in years to come.
150 years is an important milestone so I hope you and/or your colleagues
will be able to join us in the Cathedral on 1st October.
RELATIVE VALUES: an occasional series on the family
Successful family life is founded on loyalty and love ‘that looks on
tempests and is never shaken’.
Home for Good: An Adoption Story
About two and a half years ago, my wife and I adopted two girls aged one
and three. We had thought and prayed a lot about to have a family and
decided that pregnancy wasn’t for us. Sometimes adoption is seen as
the third best way to have a family, which I think is a real shame. God
gave us a conviction that adoption was the way to go, mainly because of
the great need for permanent loving homes for children who are already
alive and waiting for people to step up and help them. Being a family is
an adventure, however it starts.
Sometimes people say silly things like, ‘Are they sisters?’ or ‘They’ll
always have certain needs because they were adopted’. We also had
some of these silly ideas, but not anymore. Adoption makes people
family. That means our girls are sisters. It means they really are ours. It
also means that the needs they came with, aren’t the same needs they
have now.
We’ve learnt so much about God, too. The Bible says that when we trust
and follow Jesus, God adopts us into his family forever. Jesus makes
people family. They really are God’s children. This has been our prayer
for our girls. They need us, but they need Jesus even more. It’s a thrill to
see them getting to know and love him more.
It has not been easy. I often say our girls are 99% pure joy and 1% very
annoying! We make mistakes, lose tempers and overlook things. But we
also learn to say sorry, forgive each other and learn together. We’re
grateful for them every day. Our girls are four and five now and we are
still loving the adventure of being a family and being God’s family.
For more information about fostering and adopting do look at and feel free to get in touch with us at
[email protected] .We’d love to help any way we can!
- Dave Pegg
Report of the Conservator on the Chained Library
Caroline Bendix, the library conservator who recently spent a week
making a survey of the Chained Library books, gave a brief report on her
findings to an audience of about 50, on Monday 19th September. It was
very interesting to hear about the signs of past damage in the library
(including mice!), and the condition of the bindings. Many of the books
were fortunately rebound in the 19th century, after a long period of
neglect. There have been more recent signs of problems, such as mould.
The Librarians and Churchwardens now have the full report, of 60 pages,
to work through. This is part of a year-long environmental survey of the
Chained Library, which will make it clearer what action needs to be taken
to protect this unique collection.
Dorset Historic Churches Trust
September 10th 2016
A huge thank you to everyone who sponsored Julia Stocker (cycling
– 29 sponsors!) and Bruce and Rosalind Jensen (walking) who took
part in the Ride and Stride on a wet Saturday. Julia visited 11 local
churches, while the Jensens walked around Weymouth to 4
churches of quite different characters. After the 9.45 am Eucharist
the next day, Julia also collected some very generous donations
from the congregation. The total came to an impressive £429.62.
A big thank-you also to Ruth Edgar, who welcomed cyclists and
walkers in a gazebo outside the Minster through the day.
If you enjoy visiting older churches, please do find out more about
the Trust, which gives grants but also runs visits to interesting
churches through the year.
- Rosalind Jensen
WANTED: Third co-editor for Print
HOURS: Intermittent, flexible, mostly in the second half
of the month
KNOWLEDGE: Interest in all aspects of Minster life
SKILLS: Creative ideas for content, using MSWord,
editing text, checking small details
PERSONAL QUALITIES: Patience, sense of humour
AVAILABILITY: Preferably available in July-August in
Please contact Arthur Little or Rosalind Jensen
Cartoon by Dave Walker, originally published in the Church Times
Cards for Good Causes will be running its Christmas Card
Shop in Church House Lounge again this year. We think it is
probably its 27th year of trading at the Minster; Margaret
Pearce started it off and a few years later Georgina Arnold
became the Shop Manager, running it for 15 years. Francis Vine has
been guiding it now for the past 6 years.
Cards for Good Causes supports over 36 charities both national and
local, and the 250+ shops around the country are staffed and manned
by volunteers. The Wimborne Shop has a fantastic team of volunteers
from around the community but is always looking for additional
volunteers. So if there are any Minster folk who can spare 3 ½ hours
either every week for 10 weeks or every fortnight, please give Francis a
call at 01202 883498.
The trading dates this year are Wednesday 19th October until
Wednesday 14th December. 71p in the pound goes to the charities that
sell their cards through the shop. Christmas gifts wrapping paper and
calendars are also sold. Please do support this fantastic supportive
Wimborne Wins Gold
The town of Wimborne Minster won a Gold Medal for the third year in
succession in the Regional South and South East in Bloom Competition.
The results were announced on Wednesday 14th September. Wareham,
which also received a Gold Medal, won the Small Town title.
There was a Silver Gilt Award for the second year running for Wimborne's
Redcotts Recreation Ground, in the Regional Parks category. The
awards were presented by Joe Talbot who presents the Gardening
Programme DIGIT on Radio Sussex and Surrey on a Sunday
Grateful thanks are expressed to everyone for all their help and support in
ensuring the town has looked its very best throughout the summer
- Anthony Oliver
Contact details
The Revd Canon
Vanessa Herrick
01202 882340
[email protected]
Associate Priests
The Revd Suzie Allen
The Revd Dr Brenda Gibson
The Revd Elise Harding
Mr Francis Vine
01258 840668
01202 881472
01202 884775
01202 883498
[email protected]
Mrs De Ashton
01202 889385
[email protected]
Mr John Hughes
01202 884753
[email protected]
Mr Ashley Coombs
01202 884753
[email protected]
Administrative Asst.
Mrs Donna Gosney
01202 884753
[email protected]
Parish Secretary
Mrs Penny Baxter
01202 884753
The Parish Office is open Monday - Friday 10am - 12noon
[email protected]
PRINT publication details
Co-editors: Rosalind Jensen and Arthur Little
[email protected],
[email protected]
Please send articles and information by email if possible,
or leave in the ‘J’ pigeonhole in church.
Deadline for November PRINT: Monday 17 October