The Blueprint for Sugar Daddy Dating


The Blueprint for Sugar Daddy Dating
Daddy Formula
Sugar Daddy Formula
Inch-by-Inch, or Step-by-Step:
The Blueprint for
Sugar Daddy Dating
A Guide to Building
Lasting Sugar Baby Success
Taylor B. Jones
Lifestyle Coach for Sugar Babies
© Copyright, R&D Global Inc , 2011. All Rights Reserved. • @taylorjones
Daddy Formula
All rights reserved. No part of this document or the related files may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, by
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including resale rights: you are not allowed to give or sell this eBook to anyone else. If you received this publication
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Please contact us via e-mail at support at Sugar Daddy and notify us of the situation.
Please note that much of this publication is based on personal experience and anecdotal evidence. Although the
author has made every reasonable attempt to achieve complete accuracy of the content in this eBook, they assume
no responsibility for errors or omissions. Also, you should use this information as you see fit, and at your own risk.
Your particular situation may not be exactly suited to the examples illustrated here; in fact, it’s likely that they won’t be
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Any trademarks, service marks, product names or named features are assumed to be the property of their respective
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Finally, nothing in this eBook is intended to replace common sense, legal, medical or other professional advice, and
is meant to inform and entertain the reader. So have fun with the Sugar Daddy Formula, and get the Sugar Daddy
that you want.
Copyright © 2011 R&D Global, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.
© Copyright, R&D Global Inc , 2011. All Rights Reserved. • @taylorjones
Daddy Formula
Let’s face it: finding, meeting and seducing mature and generous Sugar Daddies isn’t exactly a
walk in the park.
After all, let’s think about all the obstacles you need to overcome. There’s signing up for the right
Sugar Daddy dating website and setting up a profile that sings.
There’s the challenge of attracting the exact type of Sugar Daddies you’re looking for (and
avoiding the scammers!), tempting them to respond to your profile, and writing the kind of
responses that seduce them right then and there.
Then there’s the hurdle of meeting up with them and striking the right note between sophisticated
and seductive. Additionally, you need to be able to quickly identify your Sugar Daddy’s personality
type, so you can tailor your conversation specifically so you can seduce him through your words.
And let’s not forget everything you need to go through once you’ve managed to seduce your
Sugar Daddy. For example, how do you keep him coming back for more? What do you do when
you want to make a financial arrangement with him? How do you keep things fresh and interesting
so he’ll always want to keep you around?
Is your head spinning yet?
Luckily, you don’t have to struggle through the world of complicated Sugar Daddy dating alone –
because The Sugar Daddy Formula Blueprint is here to guide you through it all!
I want you to think of The Sugar Daddy Formula Blueprint as a map through the winding and
twisting roads of Sugar Daddy dating – and the Sugar Daddy Formula will be your GPS that
ensures you stay right on track.
So what can you expect to discover from The Sugar Daddy Formula Blueprint?
• You’ll discover how to set up the foundations for your ultimate Sugar Baby success;
• You’ll uncover the secrets of creating the kind of profile and responses that make Sugar Daddies
practically want to meet you;
• You’ll reveal how to transition your online relationship into the real world;
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Daddy Formula
• You’ll learn how to create a seductive aura of mystery that will leave him begging for more;
• You’ll discover just how to keep your Sugar Daddy coming around;
• You’ll learn just how to ask for what you want from your Sugar Daddy;
• You’ll uncover the exact techniques you need to use to grow your Sugar Daddy relationship;
As you can see, The Sugar Daddy Formula Blueprint is a must-have guide no Sugar Baby should
go without!
If you’re ready to heighten your Sugar Baby success…
If you’re ready to master the hidden secrets of finding and meeting wealthy and mature Sugar
And if you’re finally ready to achieve the exciting Sugar Baby lifestyle you deserve…
Then the Sugar Daddy Blueprint will show you exactly how to do it!
To Your Sugar Baby Success,
Taylor B. Jones
Lifestyle Coach for Sugar Babies
P.S. Supplement the Formula Blueprint with a Sugar Daddy Formula membership, and you’ll be
given instant access to the kind of tools, resources and products that will make you a Sugar
Baby force to be reckoned with.
© Copyright, R&D Global Inc , 2011. All Rights Reserved. • @taylorjones
Daddy Formula
Blueprint for Sugar Daddy Dating
Slide a Little Closer:
Connecting with Your Sugar Daddy
First Impressions
Are Lasting:
Quality Replies to
the Personal Ad
First Foot Forward:
An Intro to
Sugar Daddy Dating
From the Ground Up:
Setting Goals, the
Foundation for
Sugar Daddy Dating
To Be or Not to Be:
Are you the Hunter
or the Hunted in Your
Dating Life?
A Word is Worth a
Million Dollars: Personal Ads that
Attract Six-Figure Sugar Daddies
One of
a Kind:
Your Sugar
Baby Personality
The Brand of Man:
Deciphering Your Sugar Daddy’s
Personality Type
for the
Long Haul
When Everyday is Christmas:
Getting What You Want from
Your Sugar Daddy Relationship
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First Foot Forward:
An Intro to Sugar Daddy Dating
© Copyright, R&D Global Inc , 2011. All Rights Reserved. • @taylorjones
Daddy Formula
First Foot Forward: An Intro to Sugar Daddy Dating
Let’s face it: there’s a world of Sugar Daddy dating sites out there for you to explore.
These sites claim that you only have to upload a single profile to start enjoying the kind of
relationships with generous, mature and in-demand men. They make you feel as though finding a
Sugar Daddy simply boils down to uploading your best picture, smiling and waiting for the Sugar
Daddies to come to you.
And you know what? That may work – at first. But ladies, I just want to stress here that the odds
are against you. Statistics have indicated that there are eight women for every Sugar Daddy – and
I don’t need to point out that that’s a lot of competition! Don’t believe me, just look through the
number of women on any given sugar baby site just in your town. And let’s not forget the fact that
some of those Sugar Daddies aren’t what they appear to be. Some are fake Sugar Daddies – and
the only goal they have is to exploit you and take advantage of you.
So if you somehow manage to stand out from the crowd and attract an appealing Sugar Daddy,
what happens next? What happens when you start emailing with a potential Sugar Daddy? What
happens when you start to go on dates? How can you tell if he’s a fake Sugar Daddy? Your safety
(personal and emotional safety) should always be your number one concern.
And if you manage to jump through these intimidating obstacles on your own, how can you avoid
the fake Sugar Daddies, how can you guarantee that you’ll keep your Sugar Daddy interested –
not to mention willing to give you exactly what you want?
That’s where The Sugar Daddy Formula Blueprint comes in.
Before I get into this, let me take a minute to introduce myself. I’m Taylor Jones and I consider
myself to be a chic entrepreneur and a Sugar Baby. These are my two passions – and thanks
to my Sugar Daddy, I’ve found a unique way to combine my two loves by founding The Sugar
Daddy Formula. I teach Sugar Babies with the “know how” to get what they want from their Sugar
Daddies - and I teach them how to do it with proven, guaranteed and easy-to-follow steps that
accelerate Sugar Baby success.
And those are the exact steps you’re about to find in this Blueprint!
© Copyright, R&D Global Inc , 2011. All Rights Reserved. • @taylorjones
Daddy Formula
First Foot Forward: An Intro to Sugar Daddy Dating
As for my own story, I have always been attracted to men older than me. Perhaps it was the
maturity and the wisdom they provided and the guidance I yearned for. I was in a relationship
with a much older man and at that time I certainly didn’t know the term “Sugar Baby.” I was
dating him for over a year when he finally told me the truth about his age. I was shocked. He was
older than my father. He lived an above average lifestyle. Had a house, nice cars, Single and no
kids living in the home.
I couldn’t believe that he had lied to me about something so important. It left me confused,
feeling deceived and unsure if I wanted to continue with the relationship. I confided in a friend
who asked me a question that changed my life…
“What is he doing for you?”
At first, I didn’t really understand that question. What did she mean, what was he doing for me?
Well, when we would go out, he would cover the bills on our activities, like any other guy would.
Of course, we were intimate with each other, but I wasn’t about to give her all the dirty details
about that.
My friend told me he was “enjoying my youth” and I should benefit just as much as he was.
Based on my friend’s advice, I came up with a little proposition: I was going to keep dating him,
but the relationship was going to be on my terms. Of course, I didn’t reveal my terms to him
directly. I used my system of “How to Ask For What You Want and Get It” (check it out on the
Sugar Daddy Formula website!) and he eagerly agreed to my terms.
It changed my outlook on relationships, regardless of how old or young the partner is. When
you have a relationship, you have to get your wants and needs from that person - and if you’re
not getting it in your existing relationship, you will seek it out until your needs are being met.
So that leads me to The Sugar Daddy Formula Blueprint – the guide on how to get what you
want out of life. A mature and generous guy who wants to have fun with you, lavish attention on
you and reward you with plenty of gifts.
The Sugar Daddy Formula Blueprint is meant to be your ultimate supplement to your online
Sugar Daddy dating experience. While these dating websites can put you in potential reach with
© Copyright, R&D Global Inc , 2011. All Rights Reserved. • @taylorjones
Daddy Formula
First Foot Forward: An Intro to Sugar Daddy Dating
Sugar Daddies, this Blueprint will show you how to seal the deal and surmount some of the
biggest Sugar Baby hurdles.
Not to mention your ultimate Guide for long-term, successful Sugar Daddy dating!
So what exactly will you learn with The Sugar Daddy Formula Blueprint?
You’ll learn the exact things you need to know to attract intrigue and keep a generous and
mature Sugar Daddy, including:
• How to set your best Sugar Baby goals – and why they can make or break your success;
• How to design the perfect Personal Ad so you have swarms of Sugar Daddies lining up to
meet you;
• How to get your Sugar Daddy to reveal his true personality so you can fulfill his needs –
and get what you want;
• The kind of spontaneous role-playing action that makes your Sugar Daddy breathless with
• The biggest signs that you’re dealing with a fake Sugar Daddy – and they’re not what you
think they are;
• And how to make it so that your Sugar Daddy just naturally turns to you for comfort and
emotional support.
Whether you consider yourself to be a Sugar Baby newbie or an experienced Sugar Baby,
The Sugar Daddy Formula Blueprint will provide you with exactly what you’re looking for.
These are real and very specific techniques that have been used by some of the most
successful Sugar Babies around.
So if you’re ready to make the most of your online Sugar Daddy dating experience, then
grab a cup of coffee, sit back and relax – because The Sugar Daddy Formula Blueprint is
about to take your Sugar Baby skills to the next level!
© Copyright, R&D Global Inc , 2011. All Rights Reserved. • @taylorjones
Daddy Formula
From the Ground Up: Setting Goals,
the Foundation for Sugar Daddy Dating
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Daddy Formula
From the Ground Up: Setting Goals, the Foundation for Sugar Daddy Dating
Before we start off the Blueprint, let’s address a specific part of the Sugar Baby experience.
For many women, the thought of getting paid by men for their company might seem a bit
off-putting; however, Sugar Babies don’t see themselves as “getting paid.” Rather, she
sees her situation as showing her appreciation to the friend (the man) who helps her out.
She may also see it as “found money”, there for the taking if he’s willing to give it away.
Whatever or however Sugar Babies rationalize it, she does not see herself as getting paid.
In fact, the Sugar Baby is largely in control of the relationship. The Sugar Daddy’s treatment
of her must conform to her sense of reality, not is, or he’ll lose what he found. Few girls ever
take the step of having sex for money in their mind, and those who take that step rarely
recover. Sugar Babies will instantly disappear if they sense that’s what their Sugar Daddy is
after, as it’s a sign that he wants to control her in some way.
So what does this have to do with setting goals? Simple: it’s easy to become lost without
having an idea of what you’re getting into. If you’re getting paid for sex, let’s call it like it
is: you’ve entered into hooker territory. As I’ve hoped to illustrate, Sugar Babies are not
hookers – and women who hide behind the “Sugar Baby” label to morally justify sleeping
with men for money should face reality.
Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s move on. As always, finding the ideal Sugar
Daddy should be the main motivation behind each and every one of your Sugar Daddy
goals. For example, I’m into different types of business endeavors and my Sugar Daddy
complements me in that and offers me guidance and financial assistance. This is a Sugar
Daddy in which there is no sexual encounters, but I do offer him something in return.
He’s a retired businessman and most of the people in his peer group they are only thinking
about what their health condition is, what medication they are on and their golf swing. They
passed the point of creativity, ambition and wanting to accomplish things in life, and are
only seeking a comfort zone.
One of the things he gets from me is the ability for him to think and feel young. He gets
© Copyright, R&D Global Inc , 2011. All Rights Reserved. • @taylorjones
Daddy Formula
From the Ground Up: Setting Goals, the Foundation for Sugar Daddy Dating
pleasure out of me being creative about my business endeavors. I ask him questions and include
him in my thought process and that brings him excitement. Also, he enjoys our conversations and
we actually have a synergy between us. I keep him interested in life.
So come to terms of why you want to be a Sugar Baby, as with anything in life it will have an effect
on you emotional well being. Either way, we have the tips and techniques for every facet of the
type of Sugar Daddy relationship you’re seeking, even if it is purely for financial gain.
So with that said, let’s move on!
Setting goals may not necessarily be the sexiest aspect of the Sugar Baby lifestyle, but it’s an
undeniably fundamental one. Goals will help you protect your happiness, achieve financial
independence and actually find Sugar Daddies who suit your needs, and not necessarily the other
way around.
So how can you set successful Sugar Baby goals? Follow these tips and techniques below:
• Write down your reasons for pursing the Sugar Baby lifestyle in the first place. Are you looking
for a way to enjoy seeing the world? Do you want to meet older men who can act as a mentor
to you? Are you only seeking financial gains? With these reasons in place, write down your
passions. If you’ve always wanted to open your own music store or you have your heart set on
designing and selling jewelry, see if you can merge these passions with the Sugar Baby lifestyle.
For example, perhaps you could set some goals where you would make enough money to start
your own business, or strike up a partnership with a Sugar Daddy who can connect you with
important industry peers.
• Once you have your goals and passions in place, write down a monthly strategy for meeting
these goals. For example, if you eventually want to start an online jewelry business, you could
make it a point to research online jewelry stores and talk to potential Sugar Daddies with online
entrepreneurial experience. If you can, break down the monthly strategy into a day-by-day
guide – this will ensure that you remain on track.
© Copyright, R&D Global Inc , 2011. All Rights Reserved. • @taylorjones
Daddy Formula
From the Ground Up: Setting Goals, the Foundation for Sugar Daddy Dating
• Always evaluate the progress you’ve been making – and be extremely honest in your
evaluations. Are you doing enough to achieve your goals? What’s holding you back from
putting your Sugar Baby goals in place? What could you be doing better? If you have trouble
with assessments, connect with outer Sugar Babies via the forum or email us directly to help you
with your personal evaluation.
Remember, the key to your success as a Sugar Baby is to lay down a map for where you want this
incredible journey to take you. Being a Sugar Baby is undeniably fun, but the real thrill from the
experience is getting what you want and you in the driver’s seat steering straight for your goals –
be it a new business venture or the financial security that gives you more peace of mind.
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Daddy Formula
One of a Kind:
Identifying Your
Sugar Baby
Personality Type
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Daddy Formula
One of a Kind: Identifying Your Sugar Baby Personality Type
Now that you’ve set your Sugar Baby goals, it’s time to move onto the next step: identifying
your Sugar Baby personality.
No matter who you are or where you come from, as a Sugar Baby, you fall into one of four
Sugar Baby categories:
1. Mercenary Sugar Baby. Mercenary is just another word for a Sugar Baby who’s just
looking for financial benefits from her Sugar Daddy. From getting that tuition bill paid to
using credit cards with virtually no limits, the Mercenary Sugar Baby is looking to make
stacks of cash.
2. Sugar Baby Opportunist. This Sugar Baby is looking to benefit both emotionally and
financially. She wants a Sugar Daddy that won’t just take care of her bills, but can
provide her with a fulfilling emotional relationship as well.
3. Sugar Baby Enhancer. This Sugar Baby is looking to live the high life without receiving
any financial benefits. She already has the money to treat herself to what she wants – she
just wants the right man to open those exclusive restaurant and club doors!
4. Traditional Sugar Baby. She’s looking to meet with Sugar Daddies to form deep
emotional connections and have a fulfilling relationship with her Sugar Daddy.
So why is it so important to understand which Sugar Baby personality type you fall under?
The reasoning is simple: once you understand more about your Sugar Baby personality,
you can better communicate your needs and expectations to your Sugar Daddy.
Understanding what exactly you want from your Sugar Daddy is crucial to ensuring that you
actually get it. For example, if you’re a Mercenary Sugar Baby but you keep finding Sugar
Daddies who would rather open exclusive doors than their wallets to you, then knowing
that you want financial gifts will help you narrow down better Sugar Daddies for your needs.
Conversely, it can also help you better communicate with your Sugar Daddy about what you
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Daddy Formula
One of a Kind: Identifying Your Sugar Baby Personality Type
expect, and what you don’t particularly care for.
If the thought of being so upfront with your Sugar Daddy about what gifts you expect from him
makes you cringe, not to worry: you don’t have to be so forthright with the information. All you
have to do is find a void that’s missing in his life, and determine how you can fulfill that void. While
it might seem a bit depressing, choosing a Sugar Daddy who has something missing from his life
will give you an opportunity to fill that void and is the best way to guarantee the success of your
As an example, I used to have a Sugar Daddy who was an absolute workaholic. He loved working
late, and weekends were just extra days that could be spent on take-home work. I found that what
was missing in his life was a companion who was understanding of his lifestyle, and who would be
ready and waiting when he wanted to have some fun.
If you want to learn how to ask your Sugar Daddy for what you want check out the SD Formula
special report: How to Ask Your Sugar Daddy for What You Want…And Get It. I guarantee you’ll
have your heart’s desire fulfilled in no time!
© Copyright, R&D Global Inc , 2011. All Rights Reserved. • @taylorjones
Daddy Formula
The Brand of Man:
Deciphering Your Sugar Daddy’s
Personality Type
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Daddy Formula
The Brand of Man: Deciphering Your Sugar Daddy’s Personality Type
Like with Sugar Babies, Sugar Daddies come in specific types and categories – and as soon as
you can nail down which one your Sugar Daddy belongs to, you’ll be able to use this information
to establish the kind of bond that will result in some serious benefits. Here are the four Sugar
Daddy types:
1. The Mercenary Sugar Daddy. The mercenary sugar daddy falls into two subtypes: Old
Money and New Money. A sugar daddy that is used to money (Old Money) but is bored by
what it can get him; therefore, he expects more from his sugar baby than just looks. The New
Money sugar daddy, on the other hand, is likely looking for a flashy sugar baby who’s good in
2. The Emotionally Starved Sugar Daddy. This sugar daddy is looking for an emotional
connection. This sugar daddy wants a sugar baby who isn’t just attractive, but has more
traditional values as well. This Sugar Daddy is all about TRUST!
3. The Sugar Daddy Enhancer. This sugar daddy wants an attractive and articulate sugar
baby who appreciates the same lifestyle that they can offer. With the right sugar baby on his
arms, this sugar daddy wants to take advantage of everything that the world has to offer- he
wants a big slice of pie with ice cream too!
4. The Traditional Sugar Daddy. This sugar daddy may make a lot of money, but his values
certainly haven’t changed. He wants a sugar baby who wants to be cared for and loved, but
not because he has plenty of money. His self-worth is on the line here – therefore, this type
of sugar daddy needs a sugar baby who never, ever makes him feel like her motives are just
about money.
Okay, you might be thinking to yourself. This is all well and good, but how exactly will I be able
to tell which type my Sugar Daddy falls into?
I’m not going to lie here – online Sugar Daddy dating poses a particular challenge to identifying
your Sugar Daddy’s personality, especially if all you have to go off of is his profile description
and a few exchanged emails. But it’s not impossible.
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Daddy Formula
The Brand of Man: Deciphering Your Sugar Daddy’s Personality Type
With that in mind, let’s take a look at how you can identify your
Sugar Daddy’s personality type:
• Take a closer look at his online profile photo. Is he standing in the middle of a busy club with
a drink in his hand? Chances are that the way to his heart involves being an active and happy
socialite who’s always up for a night on the town. If he posts a traditional business photo, then
you have a Traditional Sugar Daddy on your hands, who is looking to be cared for. Of course,
if your Sugar Daddy doesn’t have an online photo, it can mean one of two things: he wants to
protect his privacy, or he’s married.
• If you have a few emails, pay careful attention to what he talks about the most. Does he go on
about his business? If so, you have either a Mercenary Sugar Daddy or a Traditional Sugar
Daddy on your hands. Does he talk about his love for travel and the nightlife? Then say hello
to the Sugar Daddy Opportunist or the Sugar Daddy Enhancer.
• Finally, if you meet face to face, be sure to note what he talks about the most, and how
willing he is to flash the cash. Mercenary Sugar Daddies are more likely to use money to try
to impress you, while the Traditional Sugar Daddy will probably try to be more discreet. Of
course, if your Sugar Daddy has a five-star hotel room ready to go, then he’s a Mercenary
Sugar Daddy, while the Traditional Sugar Daddy wants to take the time to get to know you.
Understanding your Sugar Daddy’s personality type is key to knowing what behaviors,
conversations and interests will keep him intrigued. Once you’ve unlocked his personality type,
you’re ready to seduce your Sugar Daddy – not to mention be seduced yourself!
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Daddy Formula
To Be or Not to Be:
Are you the Hunter or the
Hunted in Your Dating Life?
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Daddy Formula
To Be or Not to Be: Are you the Hunter or the Hunted in Your Dating Life?
When it comes to how Sugar Babies pursue their dream Sugar Daddies, many women fall into
either one of two camps: they prefer to be the ones doing the hunting, or they want to be pursued
by their Sugar Daddies and entice them into a chase.
No matter which camp you fall into, there’s no denying that both of them have their benefits. So
here’s a question for you: why are you limiting yourself to just one selection, when you can opt to do
both at the same time?
The point about hunting for and being hunted by your Sugar Daddy is that it’s all about seduction.
At the end of the day, your Sugar Daddy is like any other man on the planet: if you make things too
easy for him, he’ll lose interest; make it too hard, and he’ll think that you’ve lost interest.
So when it comes down to it, how can you opt to be hunted and be the hunter at the same time?
It all comes down to gathering up intelligence on your Sugar Daddy and determining the emotional
or mental void that needs to be filled by you. For example, if your Sugar Daddy often complains
that his wife is unsupported or that he can’t find anyone who shares his passion of history, these are
massive clues to you that he’s revealing more information about his emotional and mental voids.
Hunting your Sugar Daddy means understanding this emotional void, and then making “The
Seduction Move” that shows him you can fill that void. Let’s say that your Sugar Daddy has an
incredible love for travel, but can’t find anyone who will travel with him at the drop of a hat. Pick
your time wisely to casual drop in a gem about how you once went backpacking through Europe in
college, or about how you went on a road trip without a map and without hotel reservations. This
will immediately seduce and intrigue your Sugar Daddy, as you’ve just indicated that you can fulfill a
very real emotional need.
Once you’ve made the seduction move, it’s time to sit back and let your Sugar Daddy do a bit of
hunting. Now, don’t confuse this with hard-to-get – nothing can be more frustrating for a busy
businessman than chasing after a woman who appears disinterested. Maintain an air of mystery,
use a little coy flirtation with your conversations and always hint at stories and personal anecdotes
that pertain to his emotional need.
He’ll be like putty in your hands – and you’d have finally found the powerful balance between being
hunted and hunting.
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Daddy Formula
A Word is Worth a
Million Dollars:
Personal Ads that
Attract Six-Figure
Sugar Daddies
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Daddy Formula
A Word is Worth a Million Dollars: Personal Ads that Attract Six-Figure Sugar Daddies
In this section, we’re going to stress just how the online ad plays a crucial role in attracting tons
of Sugar Daddies to you. The online ad is the first impression you’ll be making on these Sugar
Daddies. The goal of the profile is to be read so that you can begin the seduction process – and
that will occur through your words. It’s as if you’re painting a mental picture, and as the Sugar
Baby, you can control what image you’re projecting based on your preferred Sugar Daddy type.
The purpose of the profile is to pique the Sugar Daddy’s interest into wanting to get to know you,
which involves understanding the experience your Sugar Daddy is hoping to have with you. You
need to know the end result they want so you can convey that in just a few seconds so you can
get them to respond to your profile.
Now that we’ve covered the bases on why your online profile is so important to attracting Sugar
Daddies, let’s begin the process!
There’s no denying that you want to make the most of the online Sugar Daddy dating website you
signed up for. So you draw up a profile that details more about you, post your sexiest picture and
wait for the responses to come rolling in.
Only they don’t – and you’re left wondering just what the heck you’re doing wrong.
If you want the secrets to attracting dozens of six-figure Sugar Daddies (and let’s face it, who
doesn’t?), then it’s time to reveal some of the best tips and techniques you can use to turn your
online dating profile into a Sugar Daddy magnet.
Use these tips and techniques at your own risk!
• Whatever you do, please don’t post a picture of yourself in a bikini or an extremely sexy outfit
that shows a lot of skin. Six-figure Sugar Daddies are looking for companions, not evening
escorts. Besides, showing that much skin in an effort to attract a Sugar Daddy – or any man, for
that matter – indicates to the world that you don’t value yourself enough to let your body take a
• Another classic mistake that many Sugar Babies make is that they mention financials in their
online profiles. While you may think that this is a great way to screen out Sugar Daddies who
© Copyright, R&D Global Inc , 2011. All Rights Reserved. • @taylorjones
Daddy Formula
A Word is Worth a Million Dollars: Personal Ads that Attract Six-Figure Sugar Daddies
might not be able to afford you, six-figure Sugar Daddies see it as such: she only wants me for
my wallet. Remember, Sugar Daddies are just as invested in the emotional aspect of the Sugar
Daddy relationship as the financial, so don’t make him feel like an ATM machine before you’ve
even met the guy.
• Highlight your interests in your profile, but be sure to post interesting questions that your Sugar
Daddies will be unable to resist answering. One of the most successful Sugar Baby dating
profiles I’ve seen ended with the beginning of a joke – which meant that if Sugar Daddies wanted
to hear the rest, they had to email her. It was pure brilliance.
• How do you know if your ad is hitting the mark? Simple – take stock of the kind of emails you’re
getting from Sugar Daddies. If you’re after a specific type of Sugar Daddy personality and you
seem to be attracting the wrong ones, take stock of your online profile and see what could be
attracting the wrong Sugar Daddies. For example, if you’re after a Traditional Sugar Daddy
and you’re only getting emails from New Money Sugar Daddies, see if your profile is unwittingly
highlighting your sexual skills, your love of flash, or anything else that could be catching the
latter’s eye.
• Finally, pay attention to the emails you get from your potential Sugar Daddies. If they’re
genuinely interested in learning more about you, then they’re worth talking to. However, if an
inquiring Sugar Daddy immediately wants to talk financials without getting to know who you are
first, you might want to back away from that one, as he’s far more interested in money rather
than the special connection between the Sugar Baby and the Sugar Daddy.
A great online Sugar Daddy dating profile is the key to Sugar Baby success – so use these tips
and techniques to ensure that you’re not your own worst enemy!
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Daddy Formula
First Impressions
Are Lasting:
Quality Replies to
the Personal Ad
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First Impressions Are Lasting: Quality Replies to the Personal Ad
Now that you’ve learned what it takes to craft a great online profile, it’s time to move onto the
next step – designed winning replies to the personal ad. After all, you’ve spent ages creating the
perfect profile to protect a certain mental image – and the reply you send to Sugar Daddies must
continue in the vein of that mental image.
When you use the Blueprint to make your online profile, it’s pretty much a guarantee that you’re
going to have more than your fair share of Sugar Daddies interested in getting to know more about
you. However, don’t think that the hard part is over just yet – the replies you send their way can
either lead to a great Sugar Daddy relationship, or a missed opportunity.
Let’s take a look at how you can write up a winning reply to a personal ad.
If your Sugar Daddy writes to you, be sure to take a careful look at his online profile before you
write back. Use the tricks highlighted earlier in the Blueprint to determine what personality type this
Sugar Daddy falls into. If it’s a type you’re intrigued by, then you’ll need to craft the reply based on
his personality, as this will practically guarantee that he’ll be writing back to you:
• If you’re responding to an Old Money Mercenary ad, be sure to highlight your shared traditional
values; if you’re responding to a New Money Mercenary, ask him if he’s ever been to a big-name
club in town, as he loves going out on the town.
• Sugar Daddy Opportunists want to make an emotional connection – so if you want to craft a
dynamite response, you have to make the email all about them. Ask follow-up questions about
his interests, and be sure to avoid the topic of work.
• Sugar Daddy Enhancers love adventure, so your response needs to reflect your own abilities to
keep up with him. Talk about travel or something crazy you’ve done, like skydiving or bungeejumping. He’ll be head over heels before he knows it.
• Traditional Sugar Daddies should be approached with a reply that combines Old Money
Mercenary and Sugar Daddy Opportunist responses.
So what happens when you see a Sugar Daddy who catches your eye, and you want to break the
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First Impressions Are Lasting: Quality Replies to the Personal Ad
• Use The Sugar Daddy Formula email template to guarantee that you’ll catch the eye of a
potential Sugar Daddy. The email template – not to mention other secrets for attracting six-figure
Sugar Daddies online – is available in my special report, “The Right Ad for the Right Man: My
Personal Ad for Attracting Six-Figure Sugar Daddies.”
• Make sure that your reply is centered on his Sugar Daddy personality type. You can use the
above advice for help here, as the fundamentals are precisely the same.
• Finally, don’t badger a Sugar Daddy if he doesn’t get back to you. If he hasn’t yet, then it’s
probably because he’s busy – and if it’s been awhile since you sent the email, then it’s likely that
you’re not his type. Not to worry – there are plenty of Sugar Daddies where he came from!
David P. Lewis /
Writing winning replies to your perfect Sugar Daddy doesn’t have to be hard – and with these tips
by your side, they won’t be. Just remember to keep that mental image alive in his mind, as it’s the
key to seducing your Sugar Daddy and guiding him to you.
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Daddy Formula
Slide a Little Closer:
Connecting with
Your Sugar Daddy
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Slide a Little Closer: Connecting with Your Sugar Daddy
The connecting part happens when you’re talking offline with your Sugar Daddy; in other words,
when you’re meeting person to person. Your Sugar Daddy already has a mental image of you and
he’s intrigued – and now you need to use that image to allure your Sugar Daddy.
Connecting with your Sugar Daddy isn’t about ensuring that you get what you want (although it
doesn’t hurt). Rather, connecting with your Sugar Daddy is making sure that he feels valued as
a man, and thus creating an emotional need for you that guarantees a long and happy Sugar
Daddy/Sugar Baby relationship.
So with that in mind, how can you connect with your Sugar Daddy? And how will this affect your
efforts to get what you want?
First, it’s important to note that like with all things pertaining to Sugar Daddies, you need to be
highly aware of his personality type. Many Sugar Babies often make the mistake of diving headfirst into a Sugar Daddy relationship, only to fail to really connect because they’re missing out on
key elements of his personality. Let’s face it: if you really want to get to the heart of your Sugar
Daddy, you need to understand what he holds close to that heart.
Once you’ve used the previously mentioned tips for identifying your Sugar Daddy’s personality
type, it’s time to start building up trust. Trust is hugely important for a Sugar Daddy – as a man
with money, it might be more natural for him to mistrust others. That’s why it’s not always the
wisest decision to bring up financials right away. Instead, let him get comfortable with who you
are. Show him that you’re listening to his needs, and be attentive to his conversations. Let him
build up a desire and passion to be with you and know more before he finds out the price of bliss.
Express an interest in what he finds interesting, and you’ll soon start to see a more trusting Sugar
Only once you’ve reached this stage should you begin to talk about financials - that is, if he hasn’t
already brought it up himself. Even if he brings it up you may want to ask him to hold off on that for
a bit as you are mostly interested in learning more about him and are you two compatible. Then
before this date or conversation is over go back to the topic of finance and you find your sugar
daddy eating out of your hand. But trust me: if you’re making him feel comfortable and like he can
trust you, then he’ll bring up financials sooner than you think.
Daddy Formula
Slide a Little Closer: Connecting with Your Sugar Daddy
Even after discussing financials, be sure that you continue to meet his needs based on his
personality type. Too many Sugar Babies give up on flattering and attending to the emotional
needs of their Sugar Daddies once they start getting money, because they figure it’s a done deal.
Guess what ladies: your Sugar Daddy is still a man. And like any man, if he’s not getting his
emotional fulfillment from you, then he’s going to seek it elsewhere.
Finally, be sure that you’re always in control of the Sugar Baby/Sugar Daddy relationship. This
doesn’t mean overtly planning dates and demanding that things be on your timeframe; it means
that you understand precisely what it takes to keep him coming back to you, be it five months or
five years down the line. After all, the best Sugar Babies know exactly what to do to emotionally
please their Sugar Daddies…
And they’re not afraid to use it!
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Daddy Formula
Durability: Cementing
Your Relationship for
the Long Haul
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Daddy Formula
Permanent Durability: Cementing Your Relationship for the Long Haul
You’ve finally found the ideal Sugar Daddy for you- and he’s fantastic. The two of you always
have a great time when you’re out together. He genuinely cares about your interests, and you find
him fascinating. The two of you could spend the entire evening talking about your passions and
hobbies – and you often do! And of course, let’s not forget the fact that he’s incredibly generous,
both with his time and his money.
So when it comes down to it, how can you cement the relationship and ensure that you have your
Sugar Daddy in your life for as long as you’d like?
As it turns out, it’s surprisingly simple to cement your relationship with your Sugar Daddy,
particularly if the two of you have already reached the stage where you really enjoy each other’s
company. Use the following techniques to take your Sugar Daddy/Sugar Baby relationship to the
next level, and you won’t ever have to worry about him wanting another Sugar Baby:
• It’s all about intimacy. We’re talking hand-holding, reaching over when you’re riding in the car
and touching him, and giving him compliments. It’s the little things that make an impact on a
man and draw him into you. It’s about keeping the early stages of a relationship alive by keeping
everything exciting for him.
• Make it fresh every time you see him. The two of you may already have your favorite
restaurant or bar already picked out but, try to keep things exciting and fresh by keeping him on
his toys. The next time you see him, why not bring him a small gift that reminds you of him? Or
suggest that the two of you do something interactive and fun, like a cooking class, wine tasting
or even an all-you-can-eat BBQ festival. He’ll love how you’re able to constantly coming up with
great ideas for fresh and fascinating dates.
• Always leave your Sugar Daddy wanting more. As a Sugar Baby, this could mean anything
from indulging in some mysterious flirtation (always a great idea) or wearing an outfit that
tastefully hints at your gorgeous body (body con dresses with long sleeves are particularly
scintillating without being too revealing). The more you leave your Sugar Daddy in suspense, the
longer the relationship will last – guaranteed.
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Daddy Formula
Permanent Durability: Cementing Your Relationship for the Long Haul
• Finally, build a bond that lasts. This means connecting with your Sugar Daddy on multiple
levels, like you would with a good friend. Engage in meaningful conversations about your
interests, share a personal secret with him, or hold his hand as he talks about a painful
childhood memory. As you can see, it’s the smaller gestures that really add up to long-term
Sugar Baby/Sugar Daddy relationships.
Your Sugar Daddy is perfect for you – so make sure he stays right by your side with these
relationship-cementing tips!
© Copyright, R&D Global Inc , 2011. All Rights Reserved. • @taylorjones
Daddy Formula
When Everyday is
Christmas: Getting
What You Want from
Your Sugar Daddy
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When Everyday is Christmas: Getting What You Want from Your Sugar Daddy Relationship
Now that we’ve come to the end of the Blueprint, it’s time to wrap up what we’ve covered and
carefully examine how each tip can help you get exactly what you want. Remember, the process for
becoming a successful Sugar Baby involves the following:
1. Understanding the rules of the road;
2. Setting Sugar Baby goals;
3. Identifying your Sugar Baby personality;
4. Understanding your Sugar Daddy’s personality;
5. Choosing to be the hunter or the hunted;
6. Writing a personal ad that will attract dozens of six-figure Sugar Daddies;
7. How to craft winning replies to potential Sugar Daddies;
8. How to connect with your Sugar Daddy;
9. And how to cement the relationship.
With so many amazing tips, techniques and secrets, what could I possibly reveal to you to round off
The Sugar Daddy Formula Blueprint?
Simple: you need to learn exactly what to do to get what you want from your Sugar Daddy – and you
can even learn to get something without asking.
Another Sugar Daddy Formula publication (“How to Get Exactly What You Want From Your Sugar
Daddy…Without Asking For It!”) takes a step-by-step approach to learning how to gently yet
effective manipulate your Sugar Daddy. However, as a bonus to you, I’m going to reveal some of
the steps you’ll find in “How to Get What You Want”…
So take a look at these key techniques, and start getting exactly what you want from your Sugar
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Daddy Formula
When Everyday is Christmas: Getting What You Want from Your Sugar Daddy Relationship
1. First, you need to learn the proper way to ask your Sugar Daddy for what you want. While you
might be tempted to either come right out and ask, or dance around the subject, neither approach
is going to get you want you want. Want to know more? Head to the “How to Get What You
Want” page to find out!
2. Always read his body language before you ask him for what you want. If he looks tense, upset or
otherwise closed off to you (crossed arms, leaning away from you), it might be in your best interest
to wait until he’s in a more relaxed and open mood.
3. If you’re wondering if you should ask in person or on the phone, the answer truly depends on the
relationship you have with your Sugar Daddy. However, from my own personal position, I think
asking while you are in his presence or on the phone is a great way to have more of a personal
4. Make sure that your attitude sets you up for success. If you’re always complaining or negative
about life in general, your Sugar Daddy isn’t going to want to spoil you with presents. Keep a
winning attitude and make him feel happy whenever you’re around – his generosity will thank you
for your positive attitude.
5. Finally, knowing when to back off is key to getting what you want. If your Sugar Daddy says no to
your request (no matter what the reason), don’t bring it up again. Otherwise, you’ll just seem like a
petulant child – and that’s certainly not a great foundation for building a healthy and lasting Sugar
Daddy/Sugar Baby relationship.
Now that you have the Blueprint by your side, it’s time to get out there and find the Sugar Daddy of
your dreams. Whether it’s online or in person, The Sugar Daddy Formula Blueprint will give you the
fundamental tools you need for success.
Of course, like with any blueprint, you’ll need highly specific techniques to make it come to life.
Whether you want to know more about getting what you want or want to turn your Sugar Daddy
dating profile into a surefire success, take a look at the number of resources you’ll find at The Sugar
Daddy Formula.
Good luck, and best wishes for finding your perfect Sugar Daddy!
© Copyright, R&D Global Inc , 2011. All Rights Reserved. • @taylorjones
Daddy Formula
Sugar Baby Survival Kit
About Taylor Jones
Taylor Jones is a chic entrepreneur who lives her life with the understanding that women should
be pampered and catered to. Jones is regarded as the premier expert on Sugar Daddy dating,
and has developed a popular following of fans who want to discover her secrets to living the
rich-and-famous lifestyle.
While there is some controversy with regards to Jones’s life choices and views about
relationships, she stands by the lifestyle that she chose to live and travels the world encouraging
other women to demand the same things. Between her books, articles and website, Jones
hopes that potential Sugar Babies come away with this important message: “Men and women
are different. We were designed this way on purpose. Men have always put us on pedestals,
especially in the courting process. No one expects us to get off, so I intend to enjoy my stay!”
Her mission is for every woman to know their value. If you had to put a price tag on you, how
much would that tag read? The answer should be you are priceless.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: There’s more to my story follow me @taylorjones
© Copyright, R&D Global Inc , 2011. All Rights Reserved. • @taylorjones