st. andrew`s presbyterian church newmarket sunday august 28, 2016
st. andrew`s presbyterian church newmarket sunday august 28, 2016
ST. ANDREW’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH NEWMARKET SUNDAY AUGUST 28, 2016 S T . A NDREW ’ S P RESBYTERIAN C HURCH 484 Water Street, Newmarket, Ontario L3Y 1M5 Phone: (905) 895-5512 Website: Minister: Rev. Dr. Neal Mathers Email: [email protected] Associate Minister: Rev. Laura Duggan Email: [email protected] Director of Music: Edward F. Luka Office: [email protected] THE CHURCH GATHERS Organ Prelude Lighting of the Christ Candle Announcements Call to Worship Hymn #371 “Love Divine” Prayer of Approach, Confession & Lord’s Prayer (Sung) Assurance of Pardon/Passing the Peace (Please greet one another) Contemporary Hymn #424 “Sing, praise & bless the Lord” Page 1 T HE C HURCH H EARS G OD ’ S W ORD Children’s Story Presentation of Offerings Duet: “I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say” F.G. Rathburn (Sue Phillips & Karen Shepherd) Doxology (Hymn #661 vs.1) / Prayer of Dedication Scripture Reading Genesis 41:47-57 (Blue pg. 45: Gold pg. 49) 2 Corinthians 1:3-7 (Blue pg. 222: Gold pg. 239) Matthew 6:19-21 (Blue pg. 9 Gold pg.8) Hymn #315 “A mighty fortress” Message Overcoming Obstacles #8 Healing THE CHURCH RESPONDS TO GOD’S WORD Pastoral Prayer Hymn #749 “Be Still My Soul” (v.1,2,& 4) THE CHURCH RETURNS TO THE WORLD TO SERVE Benediction Organ Postlude Copyright Information: CCLI #752773 Page 2 Our Vision To share, show and speak about the love and joy of God. Welcome! A special welcome to those who are worshiping with us, especially for the first time. Please sign our guest book in the foyer and introduce yourself to Neal and Laura. Fellowship Time Follows Worship St. Andrew’s is a community. You are invited to join us downstairs following each worship service for a time of friendly conversation and refreshments. Hosts this week: The Lutchman Family Next week: Heather Cromie & Lisa Podd Worship Time 10:00am (with nursery and church school) Hearing Assistance Devices & Large Print Bulletins Please request either from one of the ushers. An elevator is available. Page 3 Greeting Elder and Ushers Our greeting elders welcome you and are always available to answer any questions you have about St. Andrew’s. Today: Sue Phillips Greeting Elder Next Sunday: Carolyn Clementson Ushering this week Team 1: Peter Leyland, Ted Burton, Rosemary Bennett, Mike Bennett Ushering next Sunday Team 6: Stella Brennan, Carole Mackey, Matt Buist, Bruce Lindsay Tech Booth Today: Andrew Lindsay Next Sunday: Matt Buist Children’s Program Information Children’s Bulletins [for ages 4-6 & 7-12], are located at the entrance to the Sanctuary. They usually contain activities based on the Scriptures used in worship today. If you are a guest you may wish to accompany your child to their Church School class, following Children’s Time. As part of our “Leading with Care” policy, parents are asked to pick up their children from their classes at the end of the Service. The Nursery: Downstairs off the main hallway. Our Summer church School Programme Has Begun! Children ages 3 and older are invited to take part in a “One Room Church School” for the Summer months. We will meet in the classroom off of the Church Hall. We are a “Leading with Care” community. Page 4 Y OUTH C ORNER Sept 4: Backpack Blessing Sept 18: Bagel Breakfast & Church School Sept 23: Fearless Friends, 7:00pm Sept 25: Pancake Lunch Sunday September 4 Bring your backpack to Church and we will ask God’s blessing as you begin a new school year. STUDENT CARE PACKAGES St. Andrew’s Annual Christmas Care Packages for our College and University Students will be assembled and mailed in the Fall. Can you help? We are looking for: Student Names and Addresses Contributions to fill the shoeboxes Thank You! Financial Update To July 31, 2016 Revenues YTD $173,700 Expenses YTD $189,570 Deficit YTD -$15,869 Property fund givings were $11,867 YTD Presbyterian Sharing givings $16,900 YTD Many other givings have been made over the summer: - Bible camp donated $740.85 to the Ethiopian Drought. - Furnace $6010.00 YTD. - Loaves & Fishes donations are $3173 YTD - Donations to PWS&D, Young People, the Food Pantry and Youth in Mission. THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY Page 5 T ODAY W ORSHIP 10:00 AM W ELCOME! T HIS W EEK Neal is on Vacation September 2-10 Tues Aug 30 Prayer Shawl Group 1:00-3:00pm (Lounge) & C.E. Meeting at 7:30pm L OOKING A HEAD Sept 5: Labour Day Holiday, Office Closed Sept 10: Sept 11: Men’s Breakfast @ 8:30am Re-Covenanting Sunday. Corn Roast following worship at St. Andrew’s. Please bring a salad or dessert, corn is provided. Thank you! Sept 14: Sept 18: Wednesday Evening Bible Study 7:30pm Regular Church School Classes Begin, Bagel Breakfast resumes at 10:00am Sept 23: Sept 24: Fearless Friends resumes, 7:00pm Annual St. Andrew’s Fun Golf Tournament at Kettle Creek. Come and enjoy the day! Sign up sheet in the Fellowship Hall. Pancake Lunch following Worship, proceeds to the YIM trip to Ghana Worldwide Communion Sunday and Presbytery Visitation. Special Guest: Rev. Sam Priestley Sept 25: Oct 2: Oct 4: Oct 9: Presbytery Visitation Team meets with Ministers, Board and Session. Harvest Thanksgiving Sunday Oct 12: E.P.I.C. Worship 7:15pm -All Welcome! Oct 21&22: Creative Retreat, Scrapbooking & Cardmaking Fun Oct 23: “Let My People Sing” Hymn Sing Event, 7:00pm Page 6 The Loaves and Fishes Growing Project continues through the Fall. Please speak to Merv Jessop for more details. S u m m e r w i t h “ F L AT J e s u s ” It’s time to send us any of your pictures with “Flat Jesus” so we know where you took Him this summer! We hope you have had a great summer! S UMMER CHURCH S CHOOL Join us this summer for our “One Room Church School” Long weekends are “Movie and Popcorn” Sundays H y m n F e s t i va l Favourite hymns arranged for congregation and mass community choir accompanied by organ, brass and tympani In support of St. Andrew’s Youth Mission Trip to Ghana Come, Sing, Listen and Celebrate! Sunday October 23, 2016 at 7:00pm St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church 484 Water St. Newmarket All are Invited Freewill Offering Refreshments to Follow
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484 Water Street, Newmarket, Ontario L3Y 1M5
Phone: (905) 895-5512
Minister: Rev. Dr. Neal Mathers
Email: nealmathers@st...