“Where strangers become friends, and friends become family.”
“Where strangers become friends, and friends become family.”
2201 Rainbow Drive Gadsden, AL 35901 Phone: 256-547-3731 rainbowchurchofchrist.org Times of Service: Sunday Bible Class 9:30 am Morning Worship: 10:30 am Evening Worship: 5:00 pm Wednesday: 7:00 pm Issue 35 Volume 47 “Where strangers become friends, and friends become family.” Blake Jones Dave Lasseter Jessica Lasseter • • • Minister Youth Minister Secretary • • • 256.504.5080 256.393.6405 256.547.3731 • • • [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Wallace Visitation team will be meeting on Sunday, September 13th, in the fellowship hall. If you are not currently a part of a visitation team you are encouraged to become an active part of this ministry. You will be glad you did. TODAY, Sunday, September 6th, everyone who’s last name begins with T, U, V, W, X, Y or Z are invited to the home of Blake and Rebekah Jones following our evening worship service. The evening is more about fellowship than food and if you can come, they would be honored by your presence. Our leadership will be meeting, Sunday September 13th. Our elders will be meeting at 2 p.m., our deacons will be meeting at 3 p.m., and then they will meet collectively at 3:30 p.m. We are so thankful for all of the men who serve this congregation so diligently in these important roles of leadership. Friday, September 18th, Rainbow will be hosting it’s annual Gospel Singing. You will not want to miss this wonderfully uplifting evening of singing praises to God. Elbert Lewis will be emceeing for us again this year and he always does a tremendous job. Mark your calendar and plan on being a part of this great evening. There are sign up sheets in the hallway for the refreshments needed that night. If you have any questions about this see Mike Simmons. On Thursday, September 24th, our Golden Generation Ministry will be meeting for its monthly time of fellowship in the fellowship hall. If you have any questions about this see Roy Harris. Celebrating Rainbow’s 59th Anniversary! On Sunday, October 4th, we will be having our annual Homecoming. This is a wonderful opportunity to invite former members (near and far) as well as friends and family to come worship with us as we praise God for His blessings on our family here at Rainbow. We will be having a fellowship meal following our morning worship and there will be no evening worship service. BIBLE STUDY 144 McGUFFY’S BIBLE CLASS 20 SUNDAY MORNING 245 SUNDAY EVENING MIDWEEK STUDY 149 LOCAL BAPTISMS 10 OTHER RESPONSES 69 WBS/JAIL BAPTISMS 59 ZIMBABWE BAPTISMS 44 CONTRIBUTION 6334 Our gust speaker for the day will be Dorian Flynn. Dorian is no stranger to us here at Rainbow and he always does a marvelous job sharing God’s word. Sep 10th-12th Jeff Birchmore & Dax McDonald With the hot summer weather comes the never ending need to keep the yard around the church building cut and looking good. We are so thankful for those who have volunteered in the past to do this kind act of service. It is greatly appreciated. If you would like to help out with this there is a sign up sheet on the hall way bulletin board or you can see Charles Clifton rainbowchurchofchrist.org facebook.com/rainbowcofc @rainbowcofc & @rcocym youtube.com/rainbowcofc Sunday, September 6th will begin a new quarter for our Bible classes and with it comes two new Adult Bible Classes to choose from. We hope that you will take advantage of these times of study. Your presence, participation, and prayers will help make these Bible classes to be the very best. Greg Hill - The Gospel of Matthew (emphasis on Beatitudes) - Auditorium Mark Westcott & Charles Clifton - Fundamentals of Faith - Fellowship Hall Classroom NEW BIBLE CLASSES New Morning Service! The Elders are pleased to announce there will be an additional worship service each Sunday here at Rainbow beginning next week on Sunday, September 13th. This worship service begin at 7:30 a.m. This service is designed for those who work the night shift (3rd shift) on Saturday. Our Bible classes will continue to meet at 9:30 a.m. and the second worship service will remain at 10:30 a.m. This will create another wonderful opportunity for people to worship God and study His word here at Rainbow each Sunday! This Wednesday, September 9th, our Ladies Bible Class will resume meeting each Wednesday morning. They meet in the classroom in the fellowship hall and you will be blessed if you are a part of it. All of our ladies are encouraged to attend. If you have any questions see Treva Jones. Congratulations to Zac Wood and Krissy Pittard! This sweet couple got engaged this past Monday, August 31st, and the big day has already been set! We are so happy for these two and we pray for God’s richest blessings as they prepare to unite their two lives into one. Sermon Outline … . T or F - We give our self to what we deem worthy. How Is Worship Expressed? Life of ___________________ (Hebrews 13:15; Matthew 12:34: Psalm 34:1) Life of ___________________ (Hebrews 13:11-13) Life of ___________________ (Hebrews 13:16) Life of ___________________ (Romans 12:1-2) Each month our Elders take a turn sharing the responsibility of “Elder of the Month”. During that month, that Elder is the contact person for our flock for any needs that they might have. During the month of August, John Wallace is the “Elder of the Month” you can reach him at 256– 393-4015 (James 5:14) September Servants for September 6th Serve the Family Opening Prayer: Clay Mikle / Cade Cleveland Christian Hammett / Luke Boyd William Birchmore / Joseph Wallace Joseph Buchanan / Sam Wallen A.M. Milton McArthur P.M. Jim McKleroy Tim Barbaree Scripture Reading: Ushers Chris Mikle Preside Lord’s Supper: Ben Akins / Jeff McGaughn Closing Prayer: Communion Preparation John Lengyel Lock Up the Building Jeff Birchmore A.M. Wilson Jones P.M. Tim Barbaree Greeters: McCarver Family Communion Cup Pick Up: Birchmore family A.M. Scripture John 4:21-24 P.M. Scripture Ephesians 6:5-6 McGuffey’s Group #3 Chris Mikle Deacons Elders Mike Bowdoin 256-282-2650 John Bowling 256-328-4727 David Wallace 256-390-2273 John Wallace 256-393-4015 Jeff Birchmore 256-547-3718 Elderly Care Tony Cleveland 256-538-5295 Prison Ministry Charles Clifton 256-549-1422 Involvement/Security Steve Lorren 256-442-8192 Building & Grounds Doyle McCarver 256-390-0770 Visitation/Transportation Chris Mikle 256-413-1038 Outreach Ministry/Daycare Tim Parker 256-490-2053 Fellowships Mark Westcott 256-441-0667 Benevolence Memories 20 years ago—Polk King made an emergency landing on I-59! Anniversaries Sept. 7—John & Cheryl Bowling Sept. 12—Doug & Tracy Brown Sept. 12—Allen & Karen Krienke Sept. 8—Christa Lagan Sept. 9—Misty McCarver Sept. 9—Clay Mikle Sept. 10—Berry Shirley Sept. 11—Olie Clanton Sept. 11—John McCullars Sept. 11—Joseph Wallace Sept. 12—Chery Amberson Sept. 12—Jo Hathcock Birthdays Sept. 6—Coby Cleveland Sept. 6—Savanah Ferguson Sept. 6—Judy McCullars Sept. 7—Kooper Hood Sept. 8—Jean Bowling Prayer Requests Seretha Watts, the aunt of Kyle Chambers, is battling cancer. Jeep Watkins, the neighbor of Kyle and Renee Chambers, is in intensive care at Riverview. Lana Calvert, a mother at the daycare, has been diagnosed with breast cancer. LaReda Buchanan was taken to the hospital recently. Judy McCullars is recovering from back surgery. Misty McCarver has a pseudotumer and will be having a lumbar puncture. Dewey East received a report back that says he still has cancer. Gene Brown will be having surgery on September 22nd George Elliot will be having a hearth catheterization in the near future. Barbara Voelkerding, friend of Penny Keck, is in rehab in Anniston with heart related issues. Jeanette Cole, neighbor of Penny Keck, will be having surgery soon. Ollie Clanton is having health issues Thompson Wagner, 3 year old grandson of a friend of Steve Lorren, has cancer in his eyes. Katherine Spivey, mother of Kathy Overbey, had knee surgery and is undergoing physical therapy. Lane Keener, son of Donnie and Rochelle Keener, is in need of prayers. Roy Helms has been having health issues Brittany Womack, Julie Lorren’s niece, had her colon removed and will be having more surgeries in the coming months. She is 26. Hudson Sullivan (3 years old), friend of Chloe Cook, has spine abitha and had surgery recently. Mrs. Taulton, friend of Donnie and Rochelle Keener is having an MRI done on her liver. Martha Cranford, asks for prayers for an upcoming surgery. Eugene Brown Lisa Cook Reginae Marbury Glenda Fitz Roger Dale Maureen Staudt Sherry Cardwell Steve Proffitt Jimmy Masters Wade Richey Libby McClendon Lila Buchholtz Please Continue to Remember These Also: Marilyn Gentry, Helen Cloud, Butch Jones, Kim Naler, Ron Patterson, Gordon Smith, Betty Jones, Beulah Sylvis, Louise Butler, Sarah Foote Jennifer Davis, Harriet Wade, Natalie Garner, Connie Barabalce, Jill Gardner, Paul Colbert, Nellie Ruth Teal, Alton & Eloise Miller, Bill Cooley, Betty Yancey, Bob Kennedy, Vangi Baker, Rita Bowdoin, Joseph Brown, Dewey East, If we have inadvertently left anyone off, we are truly sorry.