Squelch Tale
Squelch Tale
Squelch Tale ”Field Day is the place to be!” June 2010 Next Meeting: September! 7pm at the Red Cross building on West street in Pittsfield. See http://www.nobarc.org for directions. Summer: Field Day and the HAMFEST are our two biggest summer events. We need you to come to both. Please try to see your way to making a little time for us. We had big plans for both events so can you make a little plan and come, maybe even help out. Visiting a Field Day Site? Following a few reminders of basic etiquette can ensure an enjoyable experience for both the visitor and the host. 1.) Bring your own food and beverages. 2.) Bring your own chairs. 3.) Bring your own shade equipment or shelter. 4.) Park a small distance from the main set-up. Although spaces may appear clear, there are cables, guy wires, stakes and other equipment that can be damaged or cause damage to your vehicle. Rick N1SYN Repeaters: 6m through 921.1 We have some problems though. Freq PL 53.23 162.2 (listed in directory as 79) 146.91 162.2 147.03 162.2 This is a local area repeater that mostly just covers Pittsfield. 224.1 162.2 (or 100hz, not sure) sometimes No PL. ATTIC Antenna. 449.425 162.2 927.875 -25mhz ?PL 100? Weekly nets: ARES: Sunday's starting on 146.91 at 9am and continuing onto some of NoBarc's other repeaters! NTS: weekdays 10am & 1pm 146.91 Newcomer: Bi-Weekly Nets on the 1st and 3rd Mondays at 7:30pm local. Email the Squelch Tale editor: [email protected] Do you have anything to share? Email it to the NoBarc snail mail address on the back cover. If you wish to opt out please email me at the same email address and do not forget to give me the email address you are concerned with. Squelch Tale ”Field Day is the place to be!” June 2010 HAMFESTS coming up! (Full summer schedule) ******************************************************************************* 2010 Contact Source ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 12 June Windsor CT VR+C Mus 115 Pierson LN @8AM Tailgate John 860 673 0518 W+ 12 June Rochester NH GBRA @ CommCtr Larry K1SRJ 603 335 4805 A 13 June Queens NY HOSARC @HoS $5@9 $10/sp@7:30 Stephen WB2KDG 718 898 5599 W 19 June Newington CT NARL @StMarySchool Steve WV1X 860 667 8199 A 19 June Windsor VT CVFMA @HS 10AM Ray K1XV 802 875 4525 A+ 20 June Cambridge MA FLEA at MIT Nick 617 253 3776 Third Sunday April thru October 18 July Cambridge MA FLEA at MIT Nick 617 253 3776 24 July Thomaston ME PBARC @AmLegion $5@8 $5/T Norman NY1B 207 354 6853 W 24 July N Haven CT YankeePeddler @HI $7@8$19/sp$15/T John N1GNV 203 440 4468 F+ 14 Aug Gales Ferry CT RASON @FireHs $4@9 $15/T Chip N1MIE 860 376 0888 + 14 Aug Swanton VT StAARC @RavenIndPk Arn N1ARN 802 309 0666 A+ 15 August Cambridge MA FLEA at MIT Nick 617 253 3776 Third Sunday April thru October 22 Aug Adams MA NoBarc @ AggieFG $5@@8 $10Sell Tim KE3HT 413 822 7075 27,29 Aug Boxboro MA FEMARA NE Conv Mike 11 Sept Windsor ME AARA @FG $5@8 Bill 11 Sept Windsor CT VR+C Mus 115 Pierson LN @8AM Tailgate 12 Sept Newtown CT CARA @TownHall $6@8:30 $15/T Joe 18 Sept Alton NH MASONS @Lodge @7:30 Tg$10 $20/insidT Bob 19 Sept Cambridge MA FLEA at MIT 25,26 Sep Wakefield MA Photographica @AmericalCtr ~photo~ K1TWF K1NIT John AB1DO W1GWU Nick John 978 207 860 203 603 617 781 250 623 673 938 776 253 592 1235 A 9075 0518 W+ 4880 W 0086 + 3776 2553 From the definitive MIT list at: http://web.mit.edu/w1gsl/Public/ne-fleas August 22nd 2010 NoBARC, the NEW Hamfest! There are still some hospital activities occurring in North Adams. No details are available. Can anyone document some of whats going on? From the editor, I could use some help with the newsletter! Any ham activities, assistance to other organizations, PLEASE send them to me.. Please, if you have anything at all to publish email it to: [email protected]. Squelch Tale ”Field Day is the place to be!” June 2010 Club Officers for 2010: President - Ellis Rud N1MWJ Vice President - Rick Smith N1SYN Treasurer - Ed Grosso N1FGY . Secretary – Pat Pietrowsky N1LZH & Sigurd Kimpel KJ1K BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Paul Losaw N1PUA Jack Keena K1JFK George Allen WA1AZX Will Brinker K1WMB Tom Jaworski WA1MJE Al Vigiard K1SAV Most officers can be reached by: [email protected] 53.230 Mhz Jim McKnight K2LM 146.910 Mhz Tim Ertl KE3HT 147.030 Mhz Tim Ertl KE3HT 224.1 Mhz Dick Frey WA2AAU 449.425 Mhz Eric Mazur KA1SUN 927.875 Mhz Steve Flood N1FZH 145.05 Packet John Lindley WA1ZHM Webmaster Rick SmithN1SYN Squelch Tale Editor Tim ErtlKE3HT Alarm Specialist Ed GrossoN1FGY FCC Club Callsign Trustee Eric MazurKA1SUN V.E. Coordinator Tom Jaworski WA1MJE Some of these classifieds may be sold. Contact the seller for more info. Classifieds: JR. MONITOR ANTENNA TUNER From WA1WSB, Aurthur Stein has some really great stuff for sale: KDK FM-2030 2 MTR.? MOBLE SANTEC HT-l200 2 MTR.? HAND HELD – Antenna Tower with rotator MIRAGE MPl HFWATTMETER – Heathkit SB-220 2KW amplifier ASTRON RS-4A POWER SUPPL – Yeasu HF SSB transceeiver FT-10120 TRAC TE20l MOMORY KEYER – Realistic DX-300 Quartz Synth Receiver KANTRONICS FIELD DAY 2 CW READER – Viking Phone Patch MIDLAND l8-l43D PWR SUPPLY/CHARGER JAMES MULLEN 9065l-A GRID DIP METER SWR/PWR METER – 7 amp reg DL Power supply Belmor MURA CBM-20 – Realistic Ioneter ssb/cw transeiver MASTER Master MOBILE ANTENNA MATCH – T2al message memory keyer DRAKE DL300 DUMMY LOAD – 12 volt Power Supply – Micro Artia ASTATIC D-104 MICROPHONE – Alinco flr-2062 AEA PK-232MBX CUSHCRAFT ATB-34 For more details call: 30 FOOT TOWER PH: (413) 445-5711 WILSON WR-500 ROTOR/CONTROL ** Some of the items listed here may have been sold.... CLUB DONATION KAlARN JOHN ROOSA Contact Paul N1PUA PACKET CONTROLLER 4 ELEMENT TRI-BANDER KENWOOD TS-930S HF TRANSCEIVER SP-930 SPEAKER SM-220 STATION MONITOR DENTRON MT-3000A ANTENNA TUNER You can advertise here FREE! Call 822-7075 or email [email protected] News of the month 147.91: Is still a little off. Its CTCSS output is not keeping the squelch open all the time. If you see this problem just turn off your PL Decode. We should be able to fix this problem on Field Day weekend. 927.875mhz: Is back on the air! For info on all the NoBarc repeaters click below: http://www.ke3ht.org/repeaterstatus.html Squelch Tale ”Field Day is the place to be!” June 2010 NoBarc HAMFEST 2010: We applied for and received a ARRL sanction for our 2010 Hamfest! Held August 22nd at the Aggie Fair grounds in Adams. The sanctioning means more publicity and visibility. We are not just going to be listed by ARRL we are also sanctioned! We could use everyone's help getting the word out. Pass the word! Can you help? We appreciate all those that helped last year but perhaps someone that has not helped would like to? I have a schedule that attempts to keep people from having to work for very long. Everybody should get a turn at shopping. Don't forget to get a license upgrade at the VEC testing done by our own Tom Jaworski, You contact Tom at 413-528-9002 if you have any questions. WA1MJE and his VE team. Thanks ,,, Tim Local VHF Races nets: From N1QOV (Obie) Our local Areas rep. The Races Nets occur every first Monday of the month at 7pm. 1 Region to sectors, simplex 147.54 Secondary 1A, 1B Newton/Framingham 146.64(-) Primary 1A, 1B Newton/Framingham 146.79(-) PL 146.2 Secondary 1C Groton/Westford 146.955(-) PL 74.4 1D Wilmington 146.715(-) PL 146.2 1E W Newbury/Amesbury 146.625(-) Primary 1E W Newbury/Amesbury 145.49(-) PL 131.8 Secondary 1F Beverly/Peabody 147.39(+) 2A Bristol County 147.135 / Taunton 2B Plymouth County 145.250 / Norwell PL 77.0 2C Cape and Islands 146.955 PL 88.5 2D Norfolk County 146.865/ Sharon PL 103.5 3 Hampden/Hampshire CTY 146.940 PL 127.3 Primary 3 Hampden/Hampshire CTY 146.670 PL 127.3 Secondary 3 Berkshire CTY 146.910 PL 162.2 Primary 3 Berkshire CTY 145.210 PL 77.0 Secondary 3 Franklin CTY 146.985 PL 136.5 Primary 4 South Worcester Cty 146.97/Paxton PL 114.8 4 North Worcester Cty 145.37/GardnerPL 136.5 Wmass HF Western Mass ARES 3943+/- LSB Statewide Statewide � Primary 53.31- Mt. Wachusett PL 162.2/71.9 input 100.0 Output 75 Meter State RACES HF 75 Meter Net @ 6:45pm local 3943+ KHz LSB Squelch Tale ”Field Day is the place to be!” June 2010 Why Field Day? (June 26th-27th) From a true NON-contester Amateur Radio encompasses a wide variety of activities from emergency communications, to radio contests, and public service, to name just a few. FIELD DAY is the granddaddy of them all and an important event for all ham radio operators, as it helps us prepare for emergency situations, and to present our capability to the public. To this end, different groups across the country try to set-up in easily accessible locations to attract visitors. During FD, amateur radio operators are testing our emergency communication skills and preparedness; how fast we can move to a site; set up our equipment; and be functioning on the air. Providing communications during emergencies is after all, a public service so therefore we want people to know who we are and what we do while also possibly creating an interest in amateur radio. Public service is one of the principle purposes of amateur radio as defined in the rules. This event helps raise public awareness for the important role amateur radio operators may play during emergency situations. This event also helps train you for that un-expected emergency. Just holding a license isn’t good enough! And FD is not just about making points! FD also provides the opportunity for us to put an experimental radio or antenna design to the test, or to try out a new operating mode. We are the only licensed radio service authorized to build, test, and put equipment on the air without certification. This continuation and extension of the amateur's proven ability to contribute to the advancement of the radio art is another purpose of amateur radio as defined in the rules. Anyone have one of these antennas in their attic? FIELD DAY can be likened to a “show and tell” weekend camping party for radio operators – camping, food, friends, and operating – what a life! It's a good time, but also involves a lot of preparation. Key operators arrive hours before the FD start time to set up and check that their equipment is working properly, and to help each other. Once the on-the-air activity starts, the goal is to keep reaching out to as many people across the country (and beyond) as possible. Ham operators will constantly be listening, or calling CQ, for other stations using either Voice, Morse Code, or one of the many Digital Modes, to name just a few. Once a contact is made, an exchange of basic signal strength and location info occurs. Once that information is confirmed the operator moves on to another contact and do it again. Did you notice the “and beyond”? Another purpose in the rules is to promote international good will. Radio waves have no boundaries, nor do ham radio operators who are willing to take the challenge. Are you going to give some of your time during the last weekend of June and find out how good it gets? We hope so as we can always use relief operators. Whether it is for an hour, a day, or the weekend, we would like to have you join us. And while you are at it, let your local boy & girl scouts, cub scouts, and any other youth organization leader know what is happening. It is an inexpensive outing that all can enjoy. 73 ( I am not a contester, never was and never will be, but I enjoy FD and would not miss it. The camaraderie is awesome!! ) Squelch Tale ”Field Day is the place to be!” June 2010 Squelch Tale ”Field Day is the place to be!” June 2010 Squelch Tale ”Field Day is the place to be!” June 2010 Newsletter printing Sponsor: http://www.linktolife.com A Berkshire county based company! NoBARC Hamfest! August 22, 2010 gates open 8am We do it for you so please take some time and visit us! Nobarc Amateur Radio Club P.O. Box 2097 Pittsfield, Ma 01202-2097 Volunteers helping Berkshire County! Membership expires: 12/25/10 opt out via the return address above or via [email protected]