level 1: kinder/prep I am Loved by God


level 1: kinder/prep I am Loved by God
level 1: kinder/prep
I am Loved by God
Background Notes for Teacher Reflection and Preparation
CHRISTIAN LIFE: Response to God’s call to life in Christ through the power of the Spirit.
Being a Person of Hope and Resilience
Growing to Fullness of Life
Being a Person of Integrity and Responsibility
Students will explore and express their unique identity. They will be asked to identify their talents and gifts,
to rejoice in their individuality, and to thank God for the life given to each of them. Students will develop
a sense of respect, wonder and an appreciation of diversity.
See Good News For Living Refresh Document 2014
Core Doctrinal Concepts
Catechism Reference
2. God loves each of us.
4. God is our loving creator and continues to give us life.
6. God invites us to respond in love.
Christian Life
1. I am precious, unique and loved by God.
2. God invites me to love and care for myself and for others
3. My choices and actions affect others.
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Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
I am Loved by God.
Loving God and Others – Our Call To Mission
Children come to school from a wide range of cultural,
religious and social backgrounds. Differences in
child-rearing practices, and the variety of child-care
and pre-school provisions that families use provide
different kinds of learning experiences.
I am Loved by God
level 1: kinder/prep
In this period of early childhood, children are led by
natural curiosity to engage in a direct hands-on
exploration of their world, expressing themselves
through talking, drawing, creating, moving and above
all, playing. The content and experiences of this unit
are closely linked to the development of students in
this stage.
• Each of us is unique and has received the gift of life
from God. We have been created in the image and
likeness of God, and are each creative, gifted and
talented. We have been graced with intellect, with
creativity and with the freedom to use and express
these gifts and talents. By using our gifts, talents
and creativity, we enhance our own growth and
contribute to the community. It is also our responsibility
to respect and encourage the giftedness of others.
• God did not create us in isolation. Called by God to
become unique and gifted individuals, we are blessed
with people who help us to discern our unique
identities. We are oriented to relationships with other
people, so that we can share our unique giftedness,
thereby revealing God’s love and goodness.
• God knows us fully and loves us unconditionally.
John 15: 14, 15 – Jesus’ Friends
Jesus said, And you are my friends, if you obey me.
Servants don’t know what their master is doing, and
so I don’t speak to you as my servants. I speak to you
as my friends, and I have told you everything that my
Father has told me.
Psalm 139;14 The Lord is Always Near
I praise you
because of
the wonderful way
you created me.
Everything you do is marvellous!
Of this I have no doubt.
Mark 10:13-16 – Jesus Blesses Little Children
Some people brought their children to Jesus so that
he could bless them by placing his hands on them.
But his disciples told the people to stop bothering him.
When Jesus saw this, he became angry and said, “Let
the children come to me! Don’t try to stop them.
People who are like these little children belong to the
kingdom of God.
I promise you that you cannot get into God’s kingdom,
unless you accept it the way a child does.” Then Jesus
took the children in his arms and blessed them by
placing his hands on them.
God loves everything into being.
Knowing: The students will begin to understand that
God’s love is within all of creation.
Suggested Assessment Tasks
Level Focus
Thinking: The students will be able to wonder about
God’s intrinsic love.
Connecting: Engaging with all creation enables us to
deepen our encounter with God.
I am Loved by God
level 1: kinder/prep
Evidence of Learning
Students should be able to:
1. Identify some of the gifts and talents God has given
2. Recognise similarities and differences between
themselves and others.
3. Express thanks to God for their life and uniqueness
4. Describe how their actions affect others.
Overarching Goal
That the students will begin to understand the love that
God has for them.
Essential Questions
How does knowing that I am loved by God, help me to
appreciate others?
Enduring Understandings
• •
God loves me.
We are created in God’s image.
Each of us is uniquely gifted and talented.
Jesus loves each of us in a unique way.
God created us to grow in love of God, self and others.
We can experience God’s love in the love we
receive from our parents, families and others.
• Change and loss are a part of life.
Assessment tasks may include:
• Write and paint an: ‘I am Special’ story.
• Make a collage of a series of pictures that reflect
their own gifts and talents.
• Present ‘news’ item detailing why they are special.
• Complete the following… ‘I am happy to be me
• Mime a talent they possess, ask the rest of the
class to identify the talent being portrayed.
Suggested Learning Experiences
God is a very difficult concept for children at this age.
They are more accepting of Jesus as they can relate to
Jesus and his life. As ego-centric people, connections
to themselves and their experiences are important. It is
through Jesus and the child that we help children to
explore God.
Focusing Activity:
• Read story eg: Koala Lou (Mem Fox) to illustrate
how we are special.
• EEKK Children discuss aspects of the story, relate
to themselves. Questions like: “When did you feel
special?” “What made you feel special?” Who
made you feel special?” “What makes you special?”
(Teaching Strategies Book .)
• Teach the song “I am Wonderfully Made” Jack
Miffleton. Make up actions to go with the song, use
instruments to add impact.
• Label life sized pictures of each student in the class
with their own characteristics.
• Children bring photos and share something special
about themselves at talk time. Continue to add to
the list.
• In pairs draw a Venn Diagram with the things that
are the same about each other in the intersection
and keep the things that are different in the circle.
• Make a mural of class members, add things they
do well.
• After a meditation time students take turns in
verbalising their gratitude to God.
• Write a thank you prayer - Thank you God for
making me, because…
• Participate in singing songs that give thanks to God.
• Use role play to predict possible consequences for
given actions. Children illustrate consequences if
we use our gifts well.
• Introduce children to classroom meetings, where problems are raised and hopefully solved and
children are praised by their peers. These can
continue on a weekly/fortnightly basis. (“Friendly Classrooms, Friendly Kids” Helen McGrath) 01
Learning Activity:
• During prayer time introduce Isaiah 43:4. Explain
how God loves them each specially and knows
each of their names. Name each child and tell them
God loves them during the prayer. Display the text
surrounded by children’s names.
• Story map on story used (eg: Koala Lou) to show
sequence of story and to clarify the special
relationships. (Teaching Strategies Book ) Teacher
may need to model this.
I am Loved by God
level 1: kinder/prep
• List the characteristics the children have identified
and add to this as the unit progresses.
• Milling: Children at this age/stage may not be able
to write responses in advance but could have think
time before milling to each question (Use only 4/5
questions). While children move around the room,
music could be played and when it stops, children
stop and exchange their responses. Question can
be similar to those used for EEKK. (Teaching
Strategies Book.)
• Introduce children to Bible and the verse within Ps
139:14. Allow them to dwell on the fact that God
made them so wonderfully. Write this enlarged and
display on wall, refer to it often and use in prayer.
• Meditation on how wonderfully we are made. (Ideas
for meditation available in “Praying with Children”
Barbara Bretherton, “Prayer Strategies” Beth
Nolen and “Moonbeam” M.Garth)
• Prayer of thanks to God for making them so
wonderfully, first class prayer and then children can
compose their own. (A) Use Psalm 139:14 to show
how others have prayed their thanks to God over
the years. Display prayers – send some home.
• Role play themselves doing something they do well;
then extend this by role playing a class member
doing something they do well.
• Read “Pearl Barley and Charlie Parsley” and explore
the ways we can use our unique gifts to
compliment each other.
• Make a “Book About Me”, include photos, hair/eye
colour, height, etc. and some of their gifts and
talents. Children share books at home and in class.
• Teach children mantra prayer, eg: “God made me
special” “Thank you God for me” (Ideas for mantras
available in “Praying with Children” Barbara
Bretherton and “Prayer Strategies” Beth Nolen)
• Teach song: “We are Delightful” Monica Brown.
With actions.
• Discuss how people use their special gifts to help
• EEKK: How do other people in my life help me with
their special talents? In my family, at school, with
my friends? How do I use my special gifts?
• Children trace two hands, in one they write/draw
how others help them, in the other how they help
• Continue using stories to illustrate characters and
how they share their special gifts.
• Create class rules that show they care and respect
each other.
• Role play action with consequences of using gifts
to help others and using gifts to hinder others.
Discuss the differences they can make.
• Form a prayer circle with prayer centre using some
symbols from this unit of work. Sing “I am
Wonderfully Made”/”We are Delightful. Pray
Scripture and children’s own prayers. Children pass
a symbol around the circle and in turn state: “I am
special to God because…” Next time they could
say: “I like the way you…”
• Encourage children to acknowledge each others’
gifts. Make graffiti board with compliments on it that
children can say to each other.
• Encourage children to use their gifts to help
classmates, and encourage them to ask for help
from those whom they know to have a specific gift/
• Make class “yellow pages”, e.g. I can draw well / I
like to skip / I can write my name / I can do up
shoelaces – with list of children’s names under it.
NB: OP means ‘Out of Print’
Highly Recommended
Bretherton, Barbara Ann. (1997). You and me God: Prayer themes for guided meditations for children. Wentworth Falls: Social Science Press.
Fox, Mem. (1988) Koala Lou. Australia: Drakeford
Garth, M. (1992). Moonbeam. North Blackburn: Collins Dove.
Healy, H, Hyde, B & Rymarz, R (2004) Making Our Way Through Primary RE, NSW: Social Science Press
Liddy, Sally. And Wellbourne, Louise. (1999) Strategies for Teaching Religious Education. Australia: Social Science Press.
McGrath, Helen. (1993) Friendly Classrooms, Friendly Kids. Melbourne: Longman Cheshire.
Nolen, Beth. (1998) Prayer Strategies. A Teacher’s Manual. Melbourne: HarperCollins
Stead, Barbara, M. (1997) A Time of Jubilee. Using Luke’s Gospel with Children. Thornbury: DESBOOKS.
Bretherton, Barbara Ann. (1997). You and me God: Prayer themes for guided meditations for children. Wentworth Falls, N.S.W.: Social Science Press.
Garth, M. (1992). Moonbeam. North Blackburn, Vic: Collins Dove.
McCallen, A.J. (1976). Listen!: Themes from the Bible retold for children. London: Harper Collins.
Ryan, M. & Elliot, M. (1999). Religion quick prints: over 175 practical blackline masters for busy religion teachers. Katoomba, N.S.W.: Social Science Press.
I am Loved by God
level 1: kinder/prep
Teacher Resources
Andreae, G., & Cabban, V. (2003). Heaven’s having you. London: Orchard.
Blabey, A (2007). Pearl Barley and Charlie Parsley Camberwell:Penguin.
Bond, D. (2003). The granny who wasn’t like other grannies. London: Scholastic Children’s Books.
Box, S., & Poole, S. (2000). You are very special. Oxford: Lion.
Clement, R. (1990). Counting on Frank. Pymble, N.S.W.: Angus & Robertson. [OP]
Cummings, P. (1993). Midge, Mum and the neighbours. Milsons Point, N.S.W.: Red Fox. [OP]
Fearnley, J. (2001). Just like you. Mascot, N.S.W: Koala Books.
Fleischman, P. (1999). Weslandia. London: Walker Books.
Fox, M. (1988). Koala Lou. Bayswater, Vic: Drakeford.
Fox, M., & Staub, L. (1998). Whoever you are. Rydalmere, N.S.W: Hodder Children’s.
Graham, B. (1999). Buffy an adventure story. London: Walker Books.
Knowles, S. (1988). Edward the Emu. Sydney: Collins Publishers.
Laguna, S., & Argent, K. (2002). Too loud Lily. Norwood, S.A.: Omnibus.
Lester, A. (2000). Ernie dances to the didgeridoo. Sydney: Hodder Children’s.
Lucado, M., & Goffe, T. (1992). Just in case you ever wonder. Dallas: Word Kids!
Mattingly,C. (1995). The race. Gosford, N.S.W.: Ashton Scholastic.
McBratney, S., & Jeram, A. (1994). Guess how much I love you? London: Walker Books.
Oliver, N. (1993). The best beak in Boonaroo Bay. Port Melbourne: Lothian Books.
Oliver, N. (2003). The very blue thingamajig. Norwood,S.Aust.: Scholastic.
Peguero, L. & Spoor, M. (1999). Mrs Wilkinson’s chooks. Sydney: Randon House.
Wheatley, N. & Ottley, M. (1999). Luke’s way of looking. Sydney: Hodder.
Brown, M. (2001). A happy sound. On God delights in you. [CD]. Thornleigh: Emmaus.
Brown, M. (2001) God Delights in You (CD) Thornleigh: Emmaus.
Brown, M. (2001). Just little ole me. On God delights in you. [CD]. Thornleigh: Emmaus.
Brown, M. (2001). We are delightful. On God delights in you. [CD]. Thornleigh: Emmaus.
Farrell, B. (1997). I am special. On Great Gifts. [CD]. Dee Why: Willow Connection.
Flack, J., (2002). God is so clever. On As One Voice for Kids – Disc 7. [CD]. Manly Vale: Willow Connection.
Miffleton, Jack. (1990) Wonderfully Made and Other Prayer Celebration Songs. (cassette). Huntington Ind: Our Sunday Visitor.
Reid, C. (2002). I’ve got ten fingers. On As One Voice for Kids – Disc 7. [CD]. Manly Vale: Willow Connection.
Audio-visual/video Resources NOT ALL FILMS AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE – may have to hire from video outlet
I am Loved by God
World Wide Web / Internet
level 1: kinder/prep
Catholic Audio Visual Centre, (1989), I Am Me, Homebush: Catholic Audio Visual Centre.
It’s Me, Claudia! Australia: Jason Film.
Manefield, T., (1982), Stephanie, Lindfield: Film Australia.
You’re Special (1991), Sydney: Marscom.
Zondervan Publishing, Short legs and tall tales, Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing.
Treasures, New and Old http://vision.cangoul.catholic.edu.au
Scripture: a search engine for the NRSV translation.http://www.devotions.net/bible/00bible.htm
The Vatican: includes a detailed index for the Catechism of the Catholic Church. http://www.vatican.va/