WKYS (FM) - Great 98 WRC
WKYS (FM) - Great 98 WRC
PR&FII'E BROEDCEST 28243BOYALROAD cA9138+3028 cASTAlc, WKYS(FM) Profile Preparedfor Skip McCloskey permitfor a newWashington A construction D. C. FM broadcast stationwasgrantedin thefall of 1946by the FederalCommunications Commission. Recipient of the"ClassB" permit,whichspecifieda powerof 20 KWon94.5megacycles, wastheNationalBroadcasting CompanyInc.(NilesTrammel,President), licensee of the District'sNB0-affiliated WRC on the standardAM dial. A transmitting site on the groundsof the WardmanParkHotelwassecuredfor WRC-FM,anda combination FMandTV towerwas builton the site in April 1947. An RCA FM transmitterwas securedand installedthere. The FCC's FM frequency realignment of June12, 1947placedWRC-FMat 93.9megacycles. WRC-FMwenton theair underan S. T. A. (SpecialTemporary Authorization) on Fridaymorning,June27, 1947. Studiosof WRC,on the secondfloorof theTrans-LuxBuilding,724 14thStreetN. W. wereutilized by WRC-FM,whichfromthe startduplicated fullytheWRCNBCAM programschedule.FrankM. Russell was NBCWashington VicePresident whileCarltonD. Smithwasthestation'sfirstGeneralManager.The FCCissuedWRC-FMits firstFM stationlicenseJuly 13, 1948. On October7, 1949,JosephH. Mc0onnellwas namedto succeedNilesTrammelas President.Mr. TrammelwaselectedChairmanof the Boardof NBCInc.at thistime.WilliamR. McAndrew wasappointed WRC-FMGeneralManagerin 1949. He was succeededin thatpositionin 1951by EugeneJuster. ln a consolidation move,studiosweremovedto the WRC-FMtransmitting location,the WardmanParkHotel building,in 1952. The hotelnamewas changedto the Sheraton-Park Hotelin late 1952. In 1953,Vice PresidentCarltonD. SmithwasagainnamedGeneralManagerof the WRCstationsin Washington. The FCCissuedWRC-FMa permitto moveits studioandtransmitter to a newlocationon April19,1957 - to 4001NebraskaAvenueN. W. In late 1957,JosephW. Goodfellowwas promotedto StationManager. WRC-FMwas silencedJanuary8, 1958for the movefromits old quartersat the Sheraton-Park Hoteland retumedto the FM airwavesfroma new484-foottall towerat 4001NebraskaAvenueN. W. on February8, 1958.A newlyinstalledtransmitter thenmadeits air debut.OnThursday,May22, 1958,the new4 million dollarWRC Radio-TVCenterbuildingwas dedicated.WRC-FMwas authorized to reducepowerfrom20 l(A/to 3.9l(A/ on July28, 1958.A daylater,a licensecoveringthemoveof studioandtransmitting location was issuedby the FCC. A licensecoveringthe powerreductionfrom 20 l(A/ to 3,9 KyVwas issuedto WRC-FMby the FCCNovember 5, 1958. Powerwasagainboostedto the20 lflV levelin late1959andJosephGoodfellow becameVicePresident andGeneralManagerof theWRCstations.Hisreplacement as StationManagerin 1960wasHarryA. Karr Jr. becameWRC-FMStationManager. Programming at this time was a duplicationof the WRC AM schedule,18 hoursa day. On November partiallyseparateprogramming 28, 1966,WRC-FMinaugurated witha "Classical programunitat WIC/G-FMCleveland, Music"format.Tapeswereprovidedby NBC-FM's Ohio.45 percentof itsoperatinghourswasdevotedto duplication of WRC'sNBCnetworkschedule."Jazz WI(YS(FM)Profile(continued) PaoeTwo: "Concert"programming Musid'elements wereaddedby 1967.Thestation'ssyndicated cameto a closeat "Pop the end of 1967when a Standards"musicformatwas undertaken.HarryKarr Jr. was promotedto GeneralManagerin 1968,the year WRC-FM'santennaheightwas reducedto 480 feet. By 1969,it programmed separately from11:00a. m. until1:00a. m. dailyand by the end of thatyear,all broadcasts wereinstereo.An adult"Progressive RocK'musicformat debutedDecember14,1970.Musicwasprovided by a newly-installed automation system.At thistime,its NBCnetworkaffiliationwas dropped. GeneralManagerHarryA. KarrJr. diedat 51 at a Bethesda, Marylandhospitalon May2, 1972.PeterV. in Juneof that year. A 100 percentseparatelyprogrammed"JazzMusid' O'Reillywas his replacement formatwas inaugurated in late 1972- BruceA. HoustonjoinedWRC-FMas its newGeneralManagerin October1972.The FCCauthorizedthe stationto increasepowerfrom20 l(A/ to 50 l(\A/andto installa new transmitter on February5, 1973. Priorto the implementation of thosetechnicalimprovements, WRG-FM droppedits "JazzMusic"formatto switchto a "BeautifulMusic"formateffectiveMarch5, 1973. Powerwas increasedto 50 KA/andWRC-FM(knownnowas "Stereo93.9")expandeditsdailyoperatingschedulefrom 18to24 hourson March19,1973.An FGClicensewasissuedJune20, 1973coveringthesechanges.ln earlyJanuary1974,Mr. Houstonwas succeeded as GeneralManagerof the WRC stationsby HaroldL. Green. ln mid-April1974,the nearly27 year-oldcall lettersWRC-FMwerereplacedby newones-- WK/S (FM). Effective June18,1975,WKYS(FM)switched to a "Contemporary Musid'format, a musicalformat inherited fromAM sisterstationWRGwhichwentto an all newson thatdate. In thefall of 1975,thatchangedto an 'All DiscoMusiC'format. GeneralManagerHaroldL. Greenresignedthatpostin March1976.InApril1976, FrankScottwasrecruitedfroma Coloradostationto becomeGeneralManagerofWashington's WI(YS(FM). The FCCon May2, 1977grantedWlffS (FM)a permitto reducepowerto 32 l(A/ and decreaseantenna heightto 410 feet. WIO/S(FM)continuedto broadcastfroman antennaheightof 480 feet with a powerof 50 KW. Mr.Scottwaspromoted to VicePresident andGeneralManagerin earlyJune1978.Namedas FM 1978wasRaymond GeneralManagerin lateNovember A. Yorke(Mr.Scottremainedin chargeof WRCon the AM band), Succeeding Mr.Yorkeas GeneralManagerof "StereoDisco94" in lateMarch1980was "UrbanContemporary" BartleyD. Walsh. ln 1980,the stationswitchedto a Black-oriented musicformat. In 1982,Mr.Walshwas promotedto VicePresidentand GeneralManager. WK/S (FM)installedtwo newHarris25 l(W transmitters at itstransmitting siteat 4001NebraskaAvenue N. W. in early1973. RetiredGeneralManagerJosephGoodfellow diedon August5, 1983at his Florida home. He was 73. His deathwas followedby thatof CarltonDabneySmith,managerfromthe station's inceptionuntil1949,on April27, 1984.Mr.Smithwas79. He becamePresidential announcerforFranklin D. Rooseveltin 1933andwas namedmanagerof WRC in 1941. In 1985,WKI'S (FM)increasedantennaheightto 485 feet. EffectiveJune9, 1986,WKYS(FM) was transferred fromNBGlnc.to newownerGeneralElectricCompany.The FCCapprovedthis multi-station purchaseJune1t (WRChadearlierbeensoldto others-- in September 1984). lts newlicenseewas now NBCSubsidiary 9 Inc. RobertWrightwasnamedPresident of NBCon September 1, 1984. WIC/S(FM)wassoldby NBCSubsidiary 9 Inc.to minority-owned AlbimarCommunications on December '10,1988.The newowr'rers werepartners'BertramM. LeeandSkipFinley.Thetwoobtaineda 10 milliondollarloanfromNBCto carryoutthepurchase.FCCapprovaltookplacein late1988.SkipFinleybecame Presidentand GeneralManagerof WlryS (FM)in December 1988andinstalleda new'VarietyUrbanBlack" musicformat. The FCG authorizedWI(YS (FM)to reducepowerfrom 50 l(A/ to 24 KJ'A| (horizontaland verticalpolarization) andto increaseantennaheightto707feeton October25, 1989. In 1990,powerwas reducedto 24 l(A/ and its antennaheightroseto 7QTteet. The WIC/S(FM)antennawas mountedon one leg of the WRC-TVtoweron NebraskaAvenueN. W (itsstudiositeas well). WC/S (FM)Profile(continued) PaoeThree: ln 1994,WK/S (FM)affiliated withtheABCContemporary Network.SkipFinley'sAlbimarCommunications soldWl(/S (FM)to AlmicBroadcasting Inc.(ownedby Catherine L. Hughes,Chairman andher30 year-old tor 34 milliondollarsin earlyJune1995. Theyalsoownedthe licenseeof sonAlfredC. Liggins,President) Washington'sBlack-formatted WOLandWMMJ(FM)in nearbyBethesda,Maryland.Laterin 1995,WK/S (FM)was transfered to commonly-owned RadioOne Inc. Tony Washington,WOL's GeneralManager, assumedthe samepositionat WI(YS(FM)in 1995. Namedas StationManagerwasAndreCarpenter.He was succeededin thatpostin 1996by JanelleHines. WI(YS (FM)movedofiicesand studiosin 1997to 5900 PrincessGardenParkway,Lanham,Maryland. MicheleWilliamssucceeded JanelleHinesas StationManagerin 1999, Powerincreasedslightly* from 24 l(W to 24.5I(VVin January2000. AlfredC. Ligginswas elevatedto Chairmanof RadioOne Inc.in 2001 and Ms.Williamswas promotedto WO/S (FM)GeneralManager. Today,WK/S (FM)"Kiss94 FM"operates24 hoursa dayon 93.9mHz.witha powerof 24.5l(A/(horiz. & vert.)from4001NebraskaAvenueN. W., Washington, D. C. at an antennaheightaf 7O7feet, Studios are located at 5900 Princess Garden Parkway in nearby Lanham, Maryland. The "Black Urban Contemporary" music-formatted stereooutletremainslicensedto RadioOne Inc.and is affiliatedwith the ABCContemporary Network.GeneralManageris MicheleWilliams.