Notice of USPS decision to consolidate originating mail
Notice of USPS decision to consolidate originating mail
2/46 May-16·2013 03:30 PM USPS · HQ · LABOR RELATIONS 202·268·6946 lABOR RELATIONS ~ UI\IITEDSTIJTES ~ POSTJJ.t. SERVICE May 16, 2013 Mr. Cliff Guffey President American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO 1300 L Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20005-4128 Certified Mail Tracking Number: 7012 2920 0002 1174 9562 Fax: (202) 842-4297 Dear Cliff: This is to inform you of the Postal Service's decision to consolidate originating mail processing operations at the following Capital Metro Area location: • Southern Maryland (MD) Processing and Distribution Center (P&DC) Into the Suburban MD P&DC After review, it was decided that this consolidation is in the best Interest of the Postal Service. Implementation of this AMP is expected to be completed by September, 2013. Enclosed, per your request, and in accordance with the Non-Disclosure Agreement dated February 11, 2013, the Postal Service is providing both redacted and unredacted copies of the Area Mail Processing (AMP) feasibility study to the American Postal Workers Union (APWU) and National Postal Mail Handlers Union (NPMHU). The Postal Service must continually look to improve productivity and increase efficiency while maintaining excellent service. The decline in mail volume and revenues due to the economic downturn has only heightened the need for such improvements. This consolidation will allow us to accomplish this goal by making better use of excess space, staffing, and equipment, and to process mail more efficiently. It is projected that this consolidation will result in significant savings for the Postal Service. Some affected career employees may be reassigned to other vacant positions. Reassignments will be made in accordance with the collective bargaining agreement. If you have questions, or need additional information, please contact Rickey Dean at extension 7412. Sincerely, ~ Pa~ck M. Devine Manager Contract Administration (APWU) Enclosures 476 L:ENFN\IT PLAZA sw WASHINGTON DC 20261).4101 WWW.UBPS.OOM (CA2013-467) May-16·2013 04:07 PM USPS · HQ · LABOR RELATIONS 202·261 REDACTED Type of Distribution to consolidate:! Facility Name & Type:! Street Address: I Clty:l State:i 50 Facility ZIP Code: j District: Area:· Finance Number:! Current 30 ZIP Code(s):! Miles to Gaining Facility:! EXFC office:i Plant Manager: Senior Plant Manager:; District Manager: • Facility Type after AMP:! i i MODS/BPI Office Originating Southern MD P&DC 9201 Edgeworth Drive Capital Heights MD 20790 Capital Capital Metro 237481 206, 207 34.7 Yes Wendy Mcilwain Wendy Mcilwain Kelvin L. Williams P&DCIF ;_.<:.~:.~·itfllli.Yifilc{ · · · · Facility Name & Type:! Street Address: I City: State:! 60 Facility ZIP Code:i District:· Area:! Finance Number:! Current 30 ZIP Code(s): I EXFC offlce:i Plant Manager:j Senior Plant Manager; District Manager:; i i Start of Study: Date Range of Data: Processing Days per Year: Bargaining Unit Hours per Year: EAS Hours per Year: Date of HQ memo, DAR Fector'$/Cost of So"owlng/New Facility Start-up Costs Suburban MD P&DC 16501 Shady Grove Road Gaithersburg MD 20898 Capital Capital Metro 238751 208, 209 Yes Winfred L. Monroe (A) Wendy Mcilwain Kevin L. Williams 10/09/12 Oct-01-2011 : Sep-30-2012 310 1,746 1,820 11123/11 Updat6 Date & Time this workbook was last saved: Area Vice President:! VIce President, Network Operations:! Area AMP Coordinator:! HQ AMP Coordinator:! j 4/23/2013 20:14 David C. Fields David E Williams Janet Hester Barbara Brewington rev. 02127/12 Package Page 1 AMP Data Entry Page 4/46 May-16-2013 04:07 PM USPS · HQ · LABOR RELATIONS 202·268·6946 Approval Signatures Losing Facility Name and Type:.;S:,;o;;uth:.;&;:;m.:.:M.:.:.:O:::..:.,:P&::;D~C;:._..._~-----~------~-- street Addl'9ss: 9201 Edgeworth Drive Clty: capital Aelghta Sllltit:.;;M"-"0~--~ Feclllty ZIP Ctl<l$! 20790 FlnantJe Nt~mber:. ~~~37::;4;.;6~1- - Currtlnt aOtlP Coc:le(s):,t.2~0~6.c!:2~W!-_ _ _ _ _~---------------~-~ Type of DliltrlbtJtlon to CQI1$CiidBte:.::0:::.!'1Slll!!.!intJ::!li~·n~g-------Gafnlng Facrllt.y Name and Type.:.;:S:;:;ub::iu~l'b:;;:a~n::::M~D.,:.P:=:&::o.::.c=-:;------------~------ StreetAddrel!ll!!i: 161501 &lad¥ Grove Road City: Glilftl'ie'liburg S~w:~M~O~--------------~-----~ Facility ZIP Cod&: 20898 Fln:an~;;e Number: .;;23~ffl=5":"1- - ·-·~ currl!flt 3D ZIP Cwe(s):.::2:::;;0&=20~9::......._ _~-------------------''*:;::::;sgey;aa,sw;u&&nbiz·~c:·trftl¥'Pts HMH'¥&1!1\·\IW«i' W*'§'J& &..l.. ff!;;\:. t;dliiW.iiii&i4#4#4•-t;.qzJ:Uf.:&a:lllil:fitlf~+nM··tmer.;;, a;;. ···h· I!Ji5''1 ;t·HPD&wtiUiP· ~:,a ACKNOW!.£OGEMENT OF ACCOUNIASILITY ·I i!CkROWietlge !hat I am a<lc.oo!ilabi!O! tor retpeotlng anti $Upportlng the lntegru:y of all Qfficlal po$lal (aportlng eystems, InCluding firn;~nolal re;lllrts and ~~~~ rel~lng to oompdana wllll eontrecllng, complaml!ltlt, or similar effortslnvollllng tM invaetrn~nt and axpenditure of funds, as wall alii ell iYstems to sarvfl!)a to our cu~!Qrners. Senior Plal'lt Manager: Wendy Mcilwain l'rt~laiS Neme Olstrlct Managlllr: Kelvi11 L. Williams fiA!N!N~ fACJLrTY~ Plant Manager: Winfred L. Monf'oe (A} I ?rintetJ Nams Senior Plant Manager: Wendy Mcllwalr'i Printed NDnltl 7 tlale .~/l\/~.3 District Manager: Kevin L Wilflams cat• DI'Fl ,;, Area Viee President: David C. Fields Prinlod Name lmp!emenfatJon DatG: tiEADQIJAR'l!lBgj VIce President, Network Operations: David E Williams Comments: _ _ _~---------------------~- Package Page 2 AMP Approval Signatures May-16·2013 04:07 PM USPS 5/46 · HQ · LABOR RELATIONS 202·268·6946 Executive Summary L.ast Saved: April 23, 2013 Losing Facility Name and Type: Southern MD P&DC Street Address: 9201 Edgeworth Drive City, State: Capital Heights, MD Current 3D ZIP Code(&): 206, 207 Type of Distribution to Consolidate; Origlnating Miles to Gaining Facility: 34.7 Gaining Facility Name and Type: Suburban MD P&DC Currant 30 ZIP Code(s): 206, 209 Savings/Costs Mail Processing Craft Workhour Savings Non-MP Craft/EAS + Sharad LOGs Wornhour Savlngs (less Malnt!Tteme) =_____:.(.:_$0..:...) ftom Workhour Costs • Proposed = frQm Other Curr vs Prop __ $55,469 ..;..;.~- PCES/EAS Supervisory Workhour Savings = _ _$~2:..::1.::;;8•:..:.4:.:22:.. from Otflet 01.1/T VIii Prop Transportation Savings = $1,532,667 frOm Tran11porffit/on (HCfi !lld PVS) Maintenance Savings Space Savings ~ $507,278 --=..:...:;:;~ = $0 Total Annual Savings :::: $2,313,825 ----~ from M<~intenance from Sp<~ce /iivaluatlon and Othet Coet11 ----- Total One-Time Costs= $120,000 Total First Year Savings : : : $2,193,825 from Spac& Evlllll<~llon and OtharCosts Staffing Positions Craft Position loss PCES/EAS Position Loss =__.::6.:...7_ _ from Stafffn{}- Craft =_---:(~5};,.___ from Sttlfffng - PCES!f:AS Volume Total FHP to be Transferred (Average Daily Volume) = Current FHP at Gaining Facility (Average Dally Volume) 0 -----=- =_____:0::.,. Losing Facility Cancellation Volume (Average Daily Volume} ;:: 296,450 from Vi!Orkhour Costs· Current from Workhour Costs- cvrnmt (=o Total TPH I Operating Days) Service Service Standard Impacts byADV First-Class Mail® Priority Mail® Package SeNices Perlodlcale Standard Mall Coo& to deE!tinatlon 3-dlglt ZIP Codll! volume Is not availabla rav 10115f2009 Package Page 3 AMP Executive Summary 6/46 May-16·2013 04:07 PM USPS · HQ · LABOR RELATIONS 202·268·6946 Summary Narrative Laat Saved: April23, 2013 Losing Facility Name and Type: Southern MD P&DC Current 30 ZIP Code(s): 206, 207 Type of Distribution to Consolidate: Originating Gaining Facmty Name and Type: Suburban MD P&DC Current 3D ZIP Code(s): 208, 209 BACKGROUND This is a summary of the feasibility study for the consolidation of originating mail from Southern Maryland P&DC (206-207) to Suburban MD P&DC (208-209). The study was conducted to determine the feasibility of relocating the outgoing operations 34.7 mfles and estimated (52) miles from the furthest point, which Is Waldorf to Suburban P&DC. Currently, Southern MD P&DC is a 223,104 square foot owned facility 1hat processes outgoing and Incoming mail in the 206-207 ZIP range, Monday through Friday. Currently, Suburban P&DC is the AMP for outgoing processes on Saturday for the Capital District. With the approved AMP, all of Southern P&DC's outgoing processes will transfer to Suburban P&DC. It is expected thet 20,000 square feet will be gained at Southern MD P&DC with the approved AMP. Along with processing operations, the Southern facility houses administrative offices and a Business Mail Entry Unit. The Hampton Park Post Office is a retail unit co-located at the Southern MD P&DC. FINANCIAL SUMMARY The annual baseline data for this AMP feasibility study is taken from the period of October 1, 2011 - September 30, 2012. Financial savings proposed for the consolidation of an average daily volume of 490,701 FHP from Southern MD P&DC to Suburban P&DC are: First Year Savings: $2,914,953 Annual Savings: $3,034,953 A one~trme cost of $120,000 will be incurred for the relocation and Integration of two AFCS 200 machines from the Southern MD P&DC to the Suburban MD P&DC. CUSTOMER 9 SERVICE IMPACTS, Specific service standard changes associated with this Area Mail Processing consolidation are contingent upon the resolution of both (a) the rulemaking in which current market dominant product service standards in 39 CFR Part 121 are being evaluated, and {b) all remaining AMP consolidation proposals that are part of the same network rationalization initiative. A complete file reflecting any new service standards will be published at VM\N. usps. com once all of the related AMP decisions that provide the foundation for new service standards are made. Priority and Express Mail service standards will be based upon the capability of the network. There is a Bulk Mall Entry Unit at the Southern P&DC. This unit will continue to operate at the present location. The Hampton Park Post Office is a retail unit co-located at the Southern MD P&DC. No changes will be made at the Hampton Park Post Office and delive times will remain unchan ed. rev 06/1 Of20!il9 Package Page 4 AMP Summary Narrative 7/46 May-16·2013 04:08PM USPS · HQ · LABOR RELATIONS 202·268·6946 Summary Narrative (continued) Summary Narrative Page 2 A public meeting to discuss the consolidation was held on March 28, 2013. Stakeholder Input, both written and verbal, was received and analyzed. Concerns about delays in service, community impact and job Joss were discussed with the stakeholders. The Vice President, Network Operations has received all stakeholder input and will take into account all costs and benefits in the AMP proposal along with the summaries of public input when rendering a decision on the consolidation. EXPRESS MAIL Originating and destinating Express Mall operations will remain P&DC and Suburban P&DC. at both Southern MD EMPLOYEE IMPACTS In this feasibility study, (594) craft employees and (49) management positions Will be impacted. There is a net reduction of 57 craft employees and an increase of five management positions. The increase in management positions is required in order to bring both facilities to authorized complement. As a rnatter of policy, the United States Postal Service follows the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act's ("WARW) notification requirements when the number of employees experiencing an employment loss within the meaning of WARN would trigger WARN's requirements. Some or all of the impacted employees described within this workbook may not experience an employment loss within the meaning of WARN due to transfers or reassignments. Craft"' e~ll 2 Craft "' F1 + t-::4 at Losing; F1 only at Gaining 1 rev 06/1 0/2009 Package Page 5 AMP Summary Narrative 8/46 May-16·2013 04:08PM USPS · HQ · LABOR RELATIONS 202·268·6946 Summary Narrative (continued) Summary Narrative Page 3 EQUIPMENT RELOCATION AND MAINTENANCE IMPACTS The AMP feasibility study projects an annual Maintenance savings of $507,278. Equipment identified for relocation from Southern to support operations at Suburban includes the transfer of two AFCS 200s at a cost of $120,000. TRANSPOB,TATION Both HCR and PVS transportation will be used to support the Suburban AMP feasibility study. The proposed transportation to support the study will be operated at an increased annual cost of $119,889. Existing HCR transportation will be modified or eliminated . where needed and additional PVS service will be utilized. HCR Narrative: HCR 20633 -Southern MD P&DC to Clinton, MD -No change to contract Estimated Annual Mileage: 36,201 Increase/Decrease In Annual Mileage: 0 Estimated Annual Cost/Savings: $107,701 Narrative: HCR 20637 -Southern MD P&DC to Waldorf DOC, MD -Trips 9 and 11 will depart Southem MD P&DC, go to Waldorf and terminate at Suburban P&DC ~Trips 10 and 12 will depart Suburban P&DC and terminate at So. MD P&DC -Trips 13, 14, 15 & 16 will be terminated Estimated Annual Mileage:148,675 Increase In Annual Mileage: 30,676 Estimated Annual Cost/Savings: $649,031 Narrative: HCR 20731 -Southern MD P&DC to Suburban (MD) P&DC -Southern MD plans to eliminate this HCR and convert It to PVS. This contract performs 2 trips between Southern MD P&DC and Suburban P&DC 6 times a week and another 4 trips between these same 2 plants on Saturdays only. With an excessive rate per mile of $3.66 and the need to add additional trips between these plants, PVS should prove to be more cost effective and offer more flexibility. Estimated Annual Mileage:54,280 Decrease In Annual Mileage: -54,280 Estimated Annual CosVSavings: -$208,124 Narrative: HCR 207LO- Southern MD P&DC to Savage, MD -this HCR currently transports midday and closeout trips to So MD. We propose to redirect trips 38, 40, 42, 44, 52, 54, 56 and 58 and have them terminate at the Laurel Annex (20707) which will be used as a HUB for this AMP. Estimated Annual Mileage:398,481 Increase/Decrease In Annual Mileage: -23,655 Estimated Annual Savings: $47,604 rev OS/10120Q9 Package Page 6 AMP Summary Narrative May-16·2013 04:08PM USPS 9/46 · HQ · LABOR RELATIONS 202·268·6946 Summary Narrative (continued) Summary Narrative F'age 4 Narrative: HCR 207L8- Capital Metro STC, MD to Suburban P&DC -this HCR currently transport mail between the STC and Suburban and the Suburban annex. Trips 5, 37, 45, 47, 53 and 55 that transports priority surface volume from the annex to the STC can now be utilized to transport fern surface volume from the Suburban P&DC to the STC. Estimated Annual Cost Increase/Decrease: No change. This will prove to be a wash with no additional cost or savings. PVS Narrative: 207VS -Southern MD P&DC proposes to hub mail at 2 locations, the Calvert Annex (20700) and the Laurel Annex. These 2 HUBS will receive mail from the various stations, finance units and mailers that are located in close proximity to them. PVS will operate some of these trips along with all of the trips that will transport the FCM from the HUBS to the Suburban P&DC. Estimated Annual cost Increase: .f.$29,408 -Additional PVS trips will be needed to transport mall between So. MD P&DC and the Suburban P&.DC. This Is the service that will replace HCR 20731. Estimated Annual Cost Increase: +$61,098 Narrative: 208VS -Suburban P&DC can now use their PVS drivers that were transporting priority air volume from their annex to BWI to transport FCM air volume from suburban P&DC to BWI. Estimated Annual Cost Increase/Decrease: No change. rev 06/10/2009 Package Page 7 AMP Summary Narrative 10/46 May-16-2013 04:08PM USPS · HQ · LABOR RELATIONS 202·268·6946 24 Hour Clock Last Saved: April 23, 2013 losing Facility Name and Type: Southern MD P&DC Current 30 ZIP Code(s): 206, 207 Type of Distribution to Consolidate: Originating Gaining· Facility Name and Type: Suburban MD P&DC Current 30 ZIP Code s : Package Page 8 208, 209 AMP 24 Hour Clock 3: ::::u . . "< ~ MAP 0'\ N l..a!!l Sawd: Ap1123. 2013 0 ~ Losing Facility Name and Type: Southern MD P&DC w Current 30 ZIP Code(s): 206, 207 0 Mlle.s to Gaining Facility: 34_7 ,.!::>. 0 Gaining Facility Name and Type: Suburban MD P&DC co CUrrent 3D ZIP Code(s): 208, 209 3: -o c: VI -o VI :::c 0 s;: o::;l 0 ;::o ;::o il"1 ~ ....... 0 :z VI N 0 N . co . N 0'\ 0'\ '...() ,.!::>. 0'\ rev 0312llt200B ~ Package Page 9 AMP MAP ~ ......... ,.!::>. 0'\ 3: OJ . . « ,..... 0'1 Service Standard Impacts last Saved: N 0 ,..... Aplil23, 2013 w 0 ..j:::o. Losing Facility: Southern MD P&DC 0 \0 -o Losing Facility 3D ZIP Code(s):.:2:.::0.::6,!..:2::0:.:.7_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.;........_ _ _ _ __ Gaining Facility 3D ZIP Code(s):-=2=0.=8,~2:..:0:..:::9_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 3: c: {./) -o {./) Based on report prepared by Network Integration Support dated: mm/dd/yyyy :::r: 0 s; c;c 0 ;;c ;;c I"T1 I ~ 0 z: {./) .. - Periodical and Standard man oriain 3-dialt ZIP Coda to destination 3-diait ZIP Code volume is not available Selected summary fiefds are transferred to the Executive Summary N 0 . . N N 0'1 00 0'1 \0 ..j:::o. 0'1 rev 1011612009 ,..... Package Page 10 AMP Service Standard Impacts N ........ ..j:::o. 0'1 13/46 May-16·2013 04:09 PM USPS · HQ · LABOR RELATIONS 202·268·6946 Stakeholders Notification Last Saved: Apnl 23, 2013 (WorkBook Tab Notification -1) Losing Facility: Southern MD P&DC AMP Event: 01/2412013 Service Talk APWUWDC 01/24/2013 (Ti!leli)iliqOI t•aie NPMHUWDC 01/241:101:3 iT !11!1/UI~Gr.! Dele APWU Mon~ome!}: Coun~ f', """. w.t i ·r.r. ~.;r•-1;, .§i.!~f!tsf.i.l!._ • .r~ i,"(~'~ l)~<•·,~·h: 01/24/2013 \ TI~$A.!r~11t.) Oat~ NPMHUSOMD 01/24/~01:3 D•l" muelll,~OIIi Sen. Barbara Mikulski Stakaholder Notification Page 1 Start of Study NAPUS 01/2412013 fTi~<l!Union) Dale Nat'! L.ee2ue of PMs 01/24/2013 ITIHI;Ii\)1110n) D.!l& United states Senate 01/24/2013 ~"!"ltff.·!.)tll:..l?.) ().>!~- United states Senate ~r·ttaiOtll~ij:l 01/~4/~01:3 D6le 01/24/2013 Stennx Hoxer Member of Coog!'EII.Ie l('::iJ.,l:a!'.t ~r~~ll~ ITitle!DffiC~) Oat~ Donna E:dwan:Js I(;"~\1elC~ FtH'fKt11~ Member of Con2ress 0112412013 !TiHe/Offic:JI) D.! If.> Southern MD medle Southern MD media 01/2412013 Approx 300 File at Area Oftloe 01/2412013 Package Flage 11 AMP Stakeholders Notification 3: :::u . . "< foo-l 0"'! Workhour Costs - Current N Last Saved: April23, 2013 Gaining Facility: Subu!lJan uo ~!fd:JC ____________ _ losing Facility: -~~!_l_-:_1!!!![)P&DC D•la Ral!g& ar Data· 1()11)1{1 t «== : = » 0!11301t2 Function 1 foo-l w 0 ..j::>. _.b.12fi:sJ!l9 'Qgf!:~Jl!;Worknoiir~~ij}~);;yl!'PSJli1 "' 0 0 <..0 Function 4 11 $40.&3 12 $48.64 3: ]~ $43.9111 c: I S4Z.i1 II $3T..G! !& $~.DD tl $t!..811 18 $39.1fi "'0 V') "'0 V') :c 0 s;;: I J l ] l ] ] l ] CP UU'I 0 ;:o ;:o ~05 em 012 om 016 017 1"'11 I ~ ........ -- 0 0(8 Oi9 :z V') ] 1--021 ) ] 1 002 000 040 ll47 J J 006 ] 000 ] OS6 ] ] 001 070 ) 091 ] 109 111l J J J I 1 J ] ] ] l j ] l 1 } 1 ] Packa91! Page 12 N 0 . co . N N 0"'! 050 0"'! <..0 ..j::>. 0"'! 11-t 115 120 124 140 141 142 tsa. 1 1 21.2 230 235 I 2.71 272 282 461 ] 565 ] 618 foo-l ..j::>. AMP \1\ktrkhoor Cosls - Current ......._ ..j::>. 0"'! 3: s:u . . « ....... O'l N 0 ....... w 1 ] 0 ..+==0 \0 -o 3: c: -o (/) (/) . . ::r: 0 r- )> OJ 0 ;::r;:::J ;::r;:::J rt'1 r- ~ ........ 0 :z (/) N . . 0 N N O'l 00 O'l \0 +==O'l ....... Package Pag:e 13 AMP WOO<:hour Costs - Cumam C1 ' .j::I. O'l :::::: OJ . . « !--" 0"1 N 0 !--" w 0 .j::::o 0 <.0 -o :::::: c: VJ -o VJ :c 0 s;: CP 0 ;::r::J ;::r::J rr1 I ~ ........ 0 :z: VJ N 0 N . co . N 0"1 0"1 <.0 .j::::o 0"1 !--" Pac:bge .Page 14 AMP \1\obrkhour Costs - Ctlrrent 0"1 ......... .j::::o 0"1 3: :::u "< . . ........ 0'1 N 0 ........ w 0 ~ ........ 0 '"'0 3: c:: V'l '"'0 V'l ::c 0 s; OJ 0 A' A' f"1"'1 I ~ ........ 0 z V'l N . 0 N N 0'1 . Q:l 0'1 >;.0 ~ 0'1 ........ Pacl<age Page 15 AMP Wcrllhour Costs - Current "-.! ......_ ~ 0'1 3: s:u . . "< ....... 0'1 N 0 ....... w 0 ..j:::o. ....... 0 '"'0 3: c Vl '"'0 Vl ::I: 0 );: CD 0 ;::o ;::o ,.,., ~ ....... 0 ::z: Vl N 0 . co . N N 0'1 0'1 <.0 ..j:::o. 0'1 ....... Package Page 16 AMP Wxkllour Cosls - Current co '0'1 ..j:::o. 3: QJ . . '< t-' 0'1 N 0 t-' w 0 ..j:::o t-' 0 -o 3: c: V) -o V) :::c 0 j;: OJ 0 :::0 :::0 rr1 -~ 0 z V) N . 0 N N 0'1 . co 0'1 <..0 Total FHP to be Transfem!d (Average D~n~~ Vo!uma) : ..j:::o 0 0'1 {This niJIIlberiS carried~ IOAMP Wail<sheetEl<ecl.l~~e SimiTmmy) CuiTant FHP !It Garnrng Facility (Average Dally Volume) : 11 {Tilis ~mlleris amoofCll\'llll'lfl<lANJPlll'lld<stteet~ SWitma.ry) Combined Current !Norkhour Annuai!Norkhotlf Costs : $0 [Thi\i r.~mberis carried fclwanllo llle bllCiclm of liMP W:ulalheet ~ur Ctms-.F"roposed} •. (<N'~112l111 t-' Package Page 17 AMP Wo!khour Costs - CtJrrerrt <..0 ....... ..j:::o 0'1 3:: OJ . . « ........ 'Workhour Costs - Proposed O'l Last Saved: April 23, 2013 Losing Facility: ~_(l~~niUI_O_J:"~_(: _____________ _ Gaining Facility: N 0 ........ Suburban MD P&DC ---- w 0 +::> ........ 0 ""'0 3: c: Vl ""'0 Vl :I: 0 s; CD 0 :::0 :::0 rr1 I ~ 1-1 0 z Vl N . 0 N N O'l . co O'l \.0 +::> O'l N Package P~e 18 AMP Workhour Coots - Proposed 0 -....... +::> O'l 3': s:u . ""'. '< 1-' N 0 1-' w 0 ..t::::> 1-' 0 ""0 3: c:: {./) ""0 {./) ::::c 0 £co 0 ;:o ;:o rr1 r- ~ ....... 0 :z:: {./) N 0 N . ""'co. N ""' ..t::::> ';.Q ""' N Package Page 19 AMP Worktmur Costs - Proposed 1-' ....... ..t::::> ""' 3: g) . "< ....... . 0'> N 0 ....... w 0 ..j::>. ....... 0 ""'0 3: c:: Vl ""'0 Vl :::c 0 j;: aJ 0 ;::t:J ;::t:J rr1 ~ ....... 0 :z: Vl N 0 . N N 0'> co 0'> <.0 ..j::>. 0'> N Pactage Page 20 AMP Workhour Costs - Proposed N ....... ..j::>. 0'> :::3: s:u . . "< ...... 0"1 N 0 ...... w 0 .+::> ...... 0 ""'0 3: c Vl ""'0 Vl ::::c 0 ~ r::;o 0 ;A:! ;A:! rr1 I ~ ........ 0 z Vl N 0 . N N 0"1 <» 0"1 <.0 .+::> 0"1 N Package Page 21 AMP Workhour Cosls -Proposed w ..,__ .+::> 0"1 3: QJ . . "< ....... 0'1 N 0 ....... w 0 .+:::> ....... 0 ""0 3: c:: (/) ""0 (/) ::::c 0 s;;: CP 0 ;:7;:1 ;:7;:1 F"T"' I ~ ...... 0 :z: (/) N 0 . co . N N 0'1 0'1 <..0 .,J::>. 0'1 N Package Page 22 AMP Workhour Costs- Proposed .,J::>. '.+:::> 0'1 3: QJ . . "< J-lo O'l N 0 J-lo w 0 ..j:l:o J-lo 0 "'0 3: c: Vi "'0 Vi ::::c 0 ~ OJ 0 ;;c ;;c 1'"'1"1 I ~ ........ 0 z Vi N 0 . . N N O'l Cl::l O'l <.0 ..j:l:o O'l N Pactage Page 23 AMP Wo!kllour Costs· Proposed 0'1 ' ..j:l:o O'l 3: ~ . ""'. "< (1) PI'DflCIISed Oper.rlion [2} Pltlposed Annual AlP Nu!11be<rS Volume {4} Pltlposoo (3) Proposed Annual TPH or NAtPJl VolurtM Annwl Worlc~O!JI!! 45) fG) Pro;KJ~Sed Propo!hl<l Prolfm:IWily __f!PI1 01t N.AlPHI Ill~ (7) Proposed Almua[ Woll<hour Cools_ .,t9D!1!!JMII:- PI'Clfl'OIMld HIP Annm~l Oper.ation lfumbet:s VofJJrn':.,_ {9) Pltlposed Annual TPH or NA.If'l:l VoiLim>& (11) Propos ad Pltlducti .. i!jt (101 Propos ad ll.~nt1af I {TPH or NA.TPHI . Yforlmoom 1--' (12j f>roposed Annual Wotld>OUr Costs N 0 1--' w 0 0 .- ..(:::. TPHINATPH FHP Productivity Workbours Woridlour Cost 1--' 0 ""'0 3: c:: (/) ""'0 (/) :X: 0 ~ c;o 0 ;?:! ;?:! rr1 ---- ~ 1-< 0 z (/) N . 0 N N ""' co . _!I Totals _Q_ 0_ No Calc _to_ TCJfai_!L _ _ _I)_ 0 0 No Calc $0 ""'~ <..0 Combined Current Anrmal Wor1thoor Cost : $0 (This nlmiler brooght forward fiom ~Costs - Crmiliir} Proposed Annual Worldlour Cost : $0 (rolal of Columns 6 aoo 12 on 1bls page) l'llnlmum Function 1 WorldKJUr Savings : $0 (Thj:; ntunber rEf!C8SI!Ills pmpasecf woridtour savflllJS mill Ill] pmd'uc!MIY imPJl:M!fllapplied to operolions atlhe IJSiringfacifrl!") Function 1 WorldKJUr Savings : {$0) (This IIIJillber equals 1he 'lllleretlte irlllle cment an!J JlRlposed UIIClithaur mstf al!ooYe and is carrt!MI rorwan:f to the ~119 &!mmaly) !'c..b.Crn..ij: [) Cost f:k'!f;;.od;..:; Impact t . Ct.i.U:~ :. D 0 0 ii 0 !.'<':llalig_.~- i9D1Vf0l #DIV/01 Ol NoCalc [)\ NoCalc D ; .: ." . . . •.. #OIVIO! c ·•• • "-·. ' f ;:_ ·.: $0 $0 $0 -#DIVIDJ rev 04JO:!I2009 N Pa~ePage24 AMP Workhour Costs - PropDSed ""'....... ""' ..(:::. 3: s::u . . '< I Other Workhour Move Analysis ] lai;LSa>ad: Aj:d 23, ::11013 Losing F81llily: SOUIIIIem MD P31JC Gailing Facility: &lb!Eban tiD P&DC Il!iil1a Renga of Dela: \001111 1o ~Oo:!!IOOtl=:.!!;2_ _ _ _ __ 1-' 0"1 N 0 1-' w 0 ,.J::. 1-' 1-' -o 3: c {,/) -o {,/) :c 0 s; O:J 0 ;::o ;::o f"T'1 r ~ ....... 0 z {,/) N 0 . co . N N 0"1 0"1 <..0 ,.J::. 0"1 N P'acll:age Page 2S AMP Olha CulT YS Prop ""-l -....._ ,.J::. 0"1 May-16·2013 04:11 PM USPS · HQ · LABOR RELATIONS 202·268-6946 28/46 3: s:u ,_.. "< 0"1 N 0 ,_. w 0 +=- ,_. ,_. '"'0 3: c<.f) '"'0 <.f) ~ s; CD 0 ;;t:l ;;t:l F"T'1 r ~ 0 :z: <.f) N 0 . N N 0"1 . co 0"1 <.0 +=0"1 P~ePageZl AMP OlheJ Curr vs f'rop N <.0 +0"1 =- May-16·2013 04:11 PM USPS . · HQ · LABOR RELATIONS 202·268·6946 30/46 3: QJ . '< 1--' 0'1 N 0 1--' w 0 ~ ....... 1--' ""0 3: c: (./) ""0 (./) a s;;: CP 0 ;:c:J ;:c:J rr1 -~ 0 z (./) N 0 . N N 0'1 . co 0'1 <..0 I Grouped Subtotals for Transportation, Maintenance, Supervision & Flow Adjustments, along with Facility and Combined Summaries . ~-] ~ 0'1 - .. ~ w Padtage Pag& 29 AMP Olbar Curr w Prop 1--' ........ ~ 0'1 3: s::u "< . 1--' 0"'1 N 0 1--' w 0 +::> 1--' 1--' ""0 3: c Vl ""0 Vl :c 0 ~ OJ 0 ;,::l ;,::l rr1 r Summary by Sub-Group ~ $peQBI/ufus!menls ........ 0 '~§i ~'11 Sul"fCQft Joint Gpo Oldu 4) Total CJ ~ :z AmWJCQiats 41 Vl $0 821 SD Oi Oi 3,761 I """""" ~·-~ $0 $0 S1611.827 N . 0 N 0 N 8,.761 0"'1 . co 0"'1 <,0 +::> 0"'1 LQ(: L.DC J4 3A - 1)1ou~... gctlglo'l'la!H'YS"&'Moln1eno_,.,. :!) 90<lg1o '1lllm-fW .... $) Ptg1o.lll.lirl;r!-.:e bib 4)moc,s..,~,..__,.,,.. Tok w Package Page 30 AMP Other Curr YS Prop N ......... +::> 0"'1 33/46 May-16·2013 04:11 PM USPS · HQ · LABOR RELATIONS 202·268·6946 Staffing- Management Last Saved: April 23, 2013 losing Facility: Southern MD P&DC Data extraction Date: Finance Number: 10/16/12 237481 -------- Management Positions (1) Position Title Line 1 PLANT MANAGER (MAJOR} 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 MGR IN-PLANT SUPPORT MGR DISTRIBUTION OPERATIONS MGR MAINTeNANCE (LEAD) MGR TRANSPORTATION/NETWORKS MGR DISTRIBUTION OPERATIONS OPERATIONS INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER (FI MGR MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS MGR MAINT ENGINEERING SUPPORT OPERATIONS SUPPORT SPI:CIAI.IST MAINTeNANCE ENGINEERING SPECIALIST MGR FIELD MAINT OPRNS (LEAD) MGR MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS SUPPT MGR PVS OPERATIONS OPERATIONS SUPPORT SPECIALIST OPERATIONS SUPPORT SPECIALIST SUPV DISTRIBUTION OPE: RATIONS SUPV MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS SUPV TRANSPORTATION OPERATIONS NETWORKS SPECIALIST ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT (FLO} (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Level Current Auth Staffing Current Proposed Staffing Difference PCES·D1 EAS-25 EAS-24 EAS·24 EAS·23 EAS-22 1 1 1. EAS-22 1 1 2 3 EAS-21 3 EAS-20 1 1 EAS-20 EAS-19 EAS-19 EAS-19 EAS-19 EAS-16 EAS-17 EAS-17 E!AS-17 EAS·17 EAS-16 EAS~12 On-Rolls 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 2 -2 2 3 1 1 3 1 3 D 1 0 1 1 (I 1 1 ' 1 0 2 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 5 0 1 -G ·1 2 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 1 4 16 1q 9 4 4 2 3 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Package Page 31 AMP Staffing - PCES/EAS May-16·2013 04:12 PM USPS 34/46 · HQ · LABOR RELATIONS 202·268·6946 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 I 54 . 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67. 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 .. Retirement Eligibles: Package Page 32 Totals 20 50 49 (7) 42 Position Loss; I 7 AMP Staffing- PCES/EAS 35/46 May-16·2013 04:12 PM USPS · HQ · LABOR RELATIONS 202·268·6946 Gaining Facility; Suburban MD P&DC Data Extraction Date: Finance Number: 09/02/12 238751 ------- Management Positions (12) Line Position Title 1 MGR PROCESSING/DISTRIBUTION 2 MGR MAINTENANCE 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 MGR DISTRIBUTION OPERATIONS MGR IN-PLANT SUPPORT MGR MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS MGR TRANSPORTATION/NElWORKS MGR MAINTENANCE OPE:RATIONS .SUPPT NE1WORKS SPECIALIST OPERATIONS SUPPORT SPECIALIST OPERATIONS SUPPORT SPECIALIST 11 SUPV DISTRIBUTION OPERATIONS 12 SUPV MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS 13 SUPVTRANSPORTATION OPERATIONS 14 NETVIIORKS SPECIALIST 15 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT (FLD) {13) (14) (15) (16) Level Currant Auth Staffing Current Proposed On-Rolls Staffing 1 0 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 E!A6-25 EAS-24 EAS-22 EAS-21 EAS-21 EAS-21 EAS-19 EAS-18 EAS-18 EAS-17 EAS-17 EAS-17 EAS-17 EA6-16 EAS-12 (17) Difference 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 18 4 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 2 2 1 18 2• 23 6 4 3 3 1 1 2 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ' 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Package Page 33 AMP Staffing ~ PCES/EAS 36/46 May-16·2013 04:12PM USPS · HQ · LABOR RELATIONS 202·268-6946 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 .. Retirement Ehg1bles: Total 13 38 34 46 .. Pos1hon Loss:l 12 (12) j Total PCESIEAS Position Loss: ========(!.i5&..)=--(This number carried forward to the Executive Summary) rev 1110512008 Package Page 34 AMP Staffing- PCE:S/EAS 3: . . SlJ '< Staffing - Craft Last Saved: t-' 0'\ Aprtl23, 2013 N 0 Losing Facility: Southern MD P&DC t-' 237481 w 0 10116/12 Data Extraction Date: Craft Positions Finance Number.: -+==t-' (1} {2) (3} (4) (5) (6) casualsiPSEs On-Ro!ls 32 Partllme On-Rolls Full Time On-Rolls Total On-Rolls Total Proposed Difference Function 1- Clerk Function 4 - Clelk 0 Function 1 - Mail Handler 16 Function 4 - Marl Handler 0 Funetion 1 & 4 Sub-Total 48 Function 3A - Vehicle Service 2 Function 38- Maintenance 0 Functions 67-69- Lmtd/RehabJWC l~t'c~i',$1H•:tlti~~ other Functions 0 Total 0 211 0 0 7 130 0 7 ""0 3: (10.1 c VI ""0 153 95 {58 396 237 47 73 (159) (12 51 7 0 0 416 (179) VI 0 341 57 81 51 0 0 0 0 7 50 142 243 N 7 59 81 51 7 537 594 5 {8 s;;: c;o 0 :::0 :::0 Retirement Eligibles: ·7·~'~-~ ~~~- ·-··:::::·:K·... J:-~0-~...,~.-;..;..~~ fT1 I 191 '· .. -1 :_·,..- -:-~ r-t-:- ·.. ::: :,~ ~:, ....... • ....;2 ~'-{."-· ~-·-· ·~'~'!=>::~-~,.:; :<::.·F~-::. ,. --·~.::-'..-g4?!t:'y;,;:;,,;.,:i.'i--· ,~'f·~ ~~~ ~. Gaining FaciUty: Suburban MD P&DC (8) CasualstPSEs On-RoUs Par! Time On-Rolls Retirement Eligibles: 0 238751 :z N {11) Full Time On-Rolls 0 10 10 47 ~ ....... VI (7) Function "'I - Clerk: 35 Functron 1- Mail Handler 5 Function 1 Sub-Total 4B Function 3A- Vehicle Service 2 Function 38- Maintenance 5 Functions 67-69 - lmtdiRehabJWC""' Y"~ "'Other Functions 0 Totar FinanC9 Number: 10/16/12 Data Extraction Date: Craft Positions , ·.";'- ~-0¥·-~-~--~1.r::·::~F~:::::;:~~..;~.::-.:L.:O (11) Total On-Rolls Total Proposed 290 325 110 400 450 125 0 0 i 0 69 76 3 71 81 10 3 11 507 615 9 . 0 N (12} (1D) N 0'\ . Difference co 90 41S 155 570 71 3 30 120 0 2 0 0 737 122 83 11l 0'\ <..0 +:=- 0'\ 244 Total Craft Position Loss: 57 {This number carrled forward to ltle Exeoolive Summa!)') (13) Nores:. Maint- SOMD (3) MPE related loss, ~5) MSC related loss, SUB (2l additional MPE rflY 11/U51201rB w Package Page 35 AMP Staffing - Craft '"-.,J ........ +:=0'\ 3: QJ . . '< ....... Maintenance 0"'1 N Last Sa...ed: April 23, 2013 0 Losing Facility: Southam MD P&OC Date Range of Data: _;.. LDC37 ~ ~ 0 ..r;:.. IProp~ Cost! I ..i8 Mail Processing .$ Equipment 4,400,333 $ Building Equipment$ 13,276 $ LDC36 I ~ w Oct-01-2011 : Sep-30-2012 Workhour Activity·:· • ....... Gaining Facility: Subuman MD P&DC 3,872,293 .$ I OHf:nce (528,040) 0 13,276 $ (4) Worl<hour Activity • ' fi Current Cost I I ....... {6} (5) l IProposed Cost N Dlftemnce '"'0 3: ,.., [0css Mai.! Processing $ Equipment 3,774,472 $ jtDC37 Buirding Equipment $ 820,107 $ 3,947,250 $ 172,778 Building Services $ (~C!a<Ming) Mainfenance $ LOC39 Operations Support Maintenance $ Training ' lDC93 Total 377,928 $ 240,912 $ 0 820,107 $ :X: 0 I 0 (C'flSftll1lal ~rlirlg) Maintenance $ Operations support LOC 39 (137,016) 943,907 $ 943,907 $ 0 449,045 $ 449,045 $ 0 s;: o::; 0 ::0 ::0 rr1 I 0 115,390 $ Building Services $ LDC 38 127,101 $ LDC93 0 127,101 $ ~ ....... 0 6,322,450 $ $ I & Faci!i'!.v Co:s1s 1,415,524 $ 115,390 $ ·~~~:i~-k~~~'i;~t;~~· Otil~t' R£-lat~d ~.~"~intenan.::e 1,415,524 $ '"'0 (./) .--- LIJC 38 c(./) Cummt Cost • Mainlenance Parts, SuPf:les & $ II FaciliJy Utllllies 2,971,034 $ Adjustments $ 5,657,394 $ Proposed Cost\ 2,956,034 $ $ (665,056} I DHference 6,287,410 $ 112,m :z (./) N l (15,000) 6,114,632 $ 0 N . . Other Re~ated ~.·1 J ll1t1P1JI1 c~3 & Fa.:illt,· Cosls N 0"'1 00 Total Maintenance Part&, Supplies & S FaciJity Ulilities 1,428,421 $ 0 1,428,421 $ 0"'1 '-0 ..r;:.. 0"'1 (lhlm "(J(h@l· C!Nr I'S' Proj;,• ra.l:ll - • - -.......--...-- Grand 0 (from Adjustments ·or11w Curr <'$ Proo•liStJ} $ 0 ----¥ Total $ 9,293,484 $ 8,613,428 $ (680,056} Annual Maintenance Savings: - Grand Total $507,278 $ 7,543,053 $ 7,715,831 $ 172,778 {This JWmbl.w earned forward to 111e ~ St!Jrlmoor) ~)~s:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------reoi'D41:1312009'. w Package Page 36 AMP Maintenance 00 ....... ..r;:.. 0"'1 3: QJ . . "< ....... 0"1 Transportation- PVS N 0 ....... Last Saved: April23, 2013 w 0 ..j:::. Gaining Facility: Suburban MD P&DC Finance Number. ......:2;;;:;3::::8..:..75:::.1.:....._ _ _ __ Losing Facility: Southern MD P&DC Finance Number: 237481 ~~~~~--~--Date Range of Data:_10/01/11 -to- 09/30/12 ....... N '"'0 3: (2) Proposed (1) Current (3) Difference PVS Owned Equipment :~ 0 (8) 12 0 ... :. ,....... ··-._~--~ -~---· :.·~- ,.__ ._..._~ _;~- (6) Difference Vi '"'0 Vi ~ r.: :!'"-~ PVS Transportation Tolal Number of Schedules To!.a! Annual Mileage Total Mi1eage Costs ~~,.-, ~.-:•.-:.•!"': --~--~"'-""~~ ).•. ~-: ~--.,;-·.o -- ,:. ~ ....·;, .-;:.-·.·-:-:. :::'."'.. ·--- ~.- 0 Seven Ton Trucks Eleven Ton Trucks Single Axle Tractors Tandem Axle Tractors Spotters 0 0 13 0 13 0 4 Spotters ~ (5} Proposed PVS OWned Equipment Sevefl Ton Trucks Eleven Ton Trucks Singre Axle Tractors Tandem Axle Tractors . ; __ .. c: (4} Current ... -,; ---~ ~~ ''1- "· .• __ . --~ ~ ~- ·< ,,._,. •. -- ~:-~~ ;-~. -~ 0 0 ~: ~ :,_::-~ : --. ~ -;:::;~ 0 0 _. ':":-~·;..-_ PVS Transportation 17 203,331 $291,100 25 295,452 {8) {92,121 $401,107 ($109,9471 5 ~ 0 :::0 0 Total Number of Schedules Total Annual Mileage 0 $() Total Mileage Costs :::0 rl1 I ~ ....... 0 PV$ Leases :z: PVS Leases Total Vehicles Leased Total Lease Costs PVS Workhour Costs lDC 31 {617, 679, 764) lDC 34 (765, 700) Adjustments {irom "Oitler Curr vs Prop" lab) Total Workhour Costs 0 Tota1 Vehicles Leased 0 $0 Total Lease Costs Vi $0 r:': · ;uH- $151,151 $4,428,232 lf,~.~~[J~r~~;.~:e-: $168,627 [{f£:?~~·-0~0+:~~,-~ $4,579,383 $4,748,210 ~$1613,827) PVS Transportation Savings (Losing Facility): LOC 31{617, 679, 764} LDC 34 (765, 766) $0 $0 I Adjustments (ffom ·other Ctm w Prop• tab} Total Workhour Costs Total PVS Transportation Savings: $111,408 $5,379,673 :r~;if~,~~{;:':~~;: $111,408 $5,379,673 ($278,774) $0 $0 $0 :1··; ~,~~·~1~~ 1;•·-e-~~.: $5,491,08_!_'-$5,491,081 PVS Transportation Savings (Gaining Facility): ($278,774)j . . N 0"1 Q:J PVS Workhour Costs $151,151 $4,428,232 N 0 N I 0"1 <..0 ..j:::. 0"1 ;: $0 $01 <<= (This munber is summed w11h Total from "Trans-HCR' ami carried forward to the Executive Summary as Transpor:tatioo Savings} (7}Motes: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~---=== rev o4lf3i2009 · · Package Page 37 AMP Transportation- PVS w <..0 ........ ..j:::. 0"1 3: . . i:lJ "< ....... Transportation~ 0'1 HCR N 0 Last Saved: April23, 2013 ....... w Gaining Facility: Suburban MD P&DC Losing Facility: Southern MD P&DC 0 ..j::>o CETforOGP: ...... CT for Outbound Dock: "'"'0 CET for cancellations: Type of Distribution to Consolidate: Originating N --~--~---------------- Date of HCR Data File: Current Route Annual Currant Annual Current Cost per 11/01/12 I 5 Proposed Annual 6 7 Current Route Annual Current Annual 11 Current Cost per Mile 12 Proposed Annual I 3: c 1 Proposed Annual I Proposed Cost per Vi "'"'0 Vi ::c 0 s;;: o:t 0 :::0 :::0 rl"1 r ~ ....... 0 :z Vi N . 0 N N 0'1 . co 0'1 <.0 ..j::>o 0'1 ..j::>o Package Page 38 AMP Transportation- HCR 0 ' ..j::>o 0'1 3: . OJ 9 Route Route Current Annual Current Annual 11 Current Cost per l « 1--' 12 Proposed Annual O"l N 0 ....... w 0 ..j::>. ....... N ""'0 3: c: (/) ""'0 (/) ::::c 0 s; o:l 0 :;::t:l :;::t:l rr1 I ~ ....... z 0 (/) N 0 . N N O"l . co O"l <.0 ..j::>. O"l Package Page 39 AMP Transportation- HCR ..j::>. 1--' ' ..j::>. O"l 3: 3 Current Route Annual 4 6 Proposed Annual CIJJ'I'ent 10 Current Annual M Annual Cost 9 Proposed Cost per Num Route Numbers Current Cost per I 12 Proposed Annual I s::lJ . . '< ...... 0'1 13 Proposed N Annual ...... w 0 0 +=...... w -o 3: c:: Vl -o Vl Moving Moving to Lose(-) Proposed Result to Gain (-) Proposed Result :c 0 HCR Annual Savings (Losing Fadllty): $1,811 ,441 Total HCR Transportation Savings: HCR Annual Savings (Gaining $1,1311,441 Facil~): s;: o:l $10 number is summed wi1f1 Tolal tram 7rans-P\IS' and carried fo!Watd lo I he~ S'llYIIIlt8IY as 1l'ansp:lit!lti0fl SaYings) «=> {111is 0 ;::o ;::o rr1 r · rEV 11105:/2008 ~ ........ 0 :z: Vl N . 0 N N 0'1 . co 0'1 <..0 +=- "" Package Page 40 AMP Transportation - HCR +=- N '+="" May-16·2013 04:13PM USPS 43/46 HQ · LABOR RELATIONS 202·268-6946 Distribution Changes Last Ssved: April ~. 201 ~ L.oslng Facnlty: Southam MD P&DC Type of Oistr'ibuticm to Consolldata:..::O~r.!lolg!.!:ln!:a~tl:!..!nltg_ _ _ _ _ _~-Jndlc~te e~eh OMM htbefin!j! li&hffectad by placing an ·x·· to the left of thw lf~t. (2) (1) OMM hQ01 If ravh;lons to DMM L005 or DMM 1..201 11re n~elittd, Indicate OMM label chan e below. DMM Labelhl!ll..i~ LOOB • ~·Oiglt ZIP Coda Pre x roupa • SCF Sor!Jiti<)n pr~>posad _DMML011 cctumn s- L$1ltllo _L..DMML.t01 _ _ _ DMML601 _ _ _ OMMLS02 _ _ _ DMML603 _DMMUl04 llon COil&' Column A- 3-Dl!lil ZIP Code Prefix Brou _ _ _ DMML6011 OMMLBOe 0MMUii07 fmMrU!Qt Ngfj;; Seotlon 2 & 3 !UU$IIil19 PQJtlb!e CNIIl!l&a te DMM lobellng i!Jru.. Section 2 roll!!•~ (Q eonaonaallon of Doetina!IOII Opti'I!Uont. S..cflcn 3 pertain> 10 Ortgirul!!ll!l Opere.t1011a. Th6 Alea DkriribuUan Netw"'k group wlll u~mft appropriate tt>quem fcf OMM ehangea after AMP appl'l>v•l. cawmn c - I..llb~l to (4) (5) Drop Shipments for Destination E!nt y Discounts· FAST Appointment SummaiY Report Month I.Oilnsl<hlnlnJ ~~s: Poolllt¥ lllitma Tal'lll Sohd APPI8 Oount A\19 '1Z Losing Facility 207 Soulnern MO P&DC BB7 190 "' 28% Sept '12 LO~ing P~QIIIty 207 SQ\Ithem MD P&OC ®I 170 A\IQ '12 GO\Inlng Facility .206 Suburban MD P&OC 0 Sept '12 Galnlne F•~lllty 20B SUb11rban MD P&OC 0 No~s: o •n LlMAfflVII CoYnl % aunt 214 40% 0 0% 492 7Z% SB 27% 274 44% 0 0% 464 7'3% 211 0 0% Q 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 o.S ow unochlt lil<l1111<1 % cou~tt % Count W1!h ths approval of lh• AMP 1 labeling net cnsnge<$ wUI be coordinated w1111 !h<! llteoi! md local FAST caordftlsto!'$. Surtlur1>a11 rl'll!il <11¢11 ah!!med at Buburllan MO Anmtx l20SAN). Package Pags 41 AMP Distribution Changes 3: ;Cu '< ,...... . 0"1 MPE Inventory Last Saved: April23, 2013 Gaining Facility: Suburban MD P&DC Losing Facility: Southern MO P&DC Data Extraction Date: Equipment Tvoe 0 {3) Current Number Proposed Number Difference Equipment Type 1 4 3 0 0 {1) AFCS (} 1 a CSBCS DBCS DBCS-OSS 16 0 5 DJOSS FSS 0 0 SPBS UFSM FC I MlCRO MARK ROBOT GANTRY HSTSIHSUS LCTStLCUS LIPS MPBCS-OSS TABBER PIV LCREM w .{::>. {2) AFCS200 AFSM-ALL APPS C!OSS ,...... 10/16/12 (1} AFCS N 0 3 0 1 0 16 (I 5 0 0 0 0 0 (l (] 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 (} (4) AFCS200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AFSM -ALL APPS C£0SS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 CSBCS DBCS DBCS-OSS DIOSS FSS SPBSIAPBS UFSM FC I MICRO MARK ROBOT GANTRY HSTS/HSUS LCTS/LCUS UPS MPBCS.OSS TABBER PN LCREM MaiJ Processing Equipment Relocation Costs from Losing to Gaining Facllity: (4) (5} (6} (7) (8} ,...... w CutTent Number Proposed Number Difference Equipment Change Relocation Costs 3: 2 5 3 0 2 0 18 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 7 2 3 0 2 0 18 {) () 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 $120,000 (2} 0 0 0 0 0 (3) (2} D D D $121).000 ""0 c Vl ""0 Vl :I: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 :A:l 0 0 :A:l (2} (I 0 0 0 0 0 -~ 0 0 0 0 0 ~ O::J rr1 0 z Vl 0 0 0 N 0 0"1 {) 0 0 0 0 0 N 0 . N . 0;:1 0"1 '-0 .{::>. 0"1 {This r.Jmber is camed forward to Space Evaluation ami Other Costs) (9) Notes: AFCS will be tarped' or removed - no <lCoSt 1o AMP packBge SPBS moving to aoolher facility - no <lCoSt to AMP pacllage Relocate 2 AFCS 200 lium SO MD to Suburban. rev ~310412oos Package Page 42 AMP MPE Inventory .{::>. .{::>. ....... .{::>. 0"1 3: :::u . "< ........ . 0"1 Customer Service Issues N 0 Last sa'IQoc ;\pill 23.. 201:> ........ w Losing Facility: Southern MD P&DC 0 .Po 5-Diglt ZIP Code:__::;W/=90==------Dsla Extraction _ _ __ ........ w ..()igit ZIP COOe: ""0 ~·C -~ "'"~: .C~t~~;·:}:S\] ~.LC~c~~~dfflit~- 3: .. i. CollediOil Points Numller pid<ed up llefae 1 p.m. llmlber picked up between H.l p.m. Nullkr pidred up after 5 p.m. lion. • Frf. Tol.all'bnberai"Cclllet::lloo P<:Wlts Sat, Mon.· Fri. 33 216 144 71 o o 605 5ro 13 249 215 1,188 S\11. 659 342 o 1,001 Sat. 1 1 I I I I 0 2. How manycollectkm boxes are designated for •rocaJ delivery"? I n-0 3. How many "locar delivery• boxes will be nmK~Ved as a result of AMP? I o cf./1 ""0 f./1 I 0 0 () a s;: I CD 0 ;::o ;::o 4. Delivery Pei'fonnaru:e Report % C~rs re!Witlg before 5 p.m. Ouarbr!riFV Peroent Q1 FY12 Q2 FY 12 013 FY 12 37.7% 49.5% 50.6% Q4FY 12 42.2% I"T1 ~ 0 z f./1 6. Business (Bulk) Mail Acceptance Hour.s N 0 t.lalldB'J ocan 9:1JO TUesdB'J Wedoosday 9:00 9:00 Jhursday 9:01J 9:00 9:00 Ftlday Salurd3y Slsrl Elld 17:00 17:00 17:00 9:00 17;00 9:(]0 17;00 17:00 17:00 17:00 16:00 17:00 ' ' I 17:00 16:00 ' 9:00 9:0[} 9:00 9:00 N 0"1 a:oo 19:00 ll:OO 8:00 8:00 19:00 19:00 19;00 8:00 19:00 19:00 19:00 8:00 15:30 8:00 1S:&l B:OO a:oo 8:{)0 7. Can customer.s oblain a local postmaril: In acoordance wiiJl applicable policies in the Postal Operatfuns ftllrmua1? a Noms: . co . N ~ 0"1 <.0 .Po 0"1 Yes The Hampioo Park Post Oflioe is locaiadatlfle SafJIE! a~~ as the Scuthem MD plarrt. Gaining Facility: Suburban MD P&DC 9. What posbnaril: will be prf.nted on oollectioo mail? Line 1 Suburban MD 208 lmE2 ______________________________ ..,..Mili2!Xl1l: Package Page 43 AMP Customer Servlce Issues .Po 0"1 ......_ .Po 0'1 46/46 May-16·2013 04:13 PM USPS · HQ · LABOR RELATIONS 202·268·6946 Space Evaluation and Other Costs Lsst !'laved: April 23, 2013 1. Affected Facility Facility Name Street Address:-='~::;.;.;. City, State ZIP:-7i-~rt e 20790-9201 2. Lease Information. (If not leased skip to 3 below.) Enter annual lease cost Enter lease expiration date----~----------enter lease options/terms_~-------------- 3. Current Square Footage Enter the total interior square footage of the faclllt~-i2i123::;.1:,:0:=4------------ Enter gained square footage expected with the AMF....::2~0~00:..;:0'-------------- 4. Planned use for acquired space from approved AMI Not datarminad at thi~> time 5. Facility Costs Enter any projected one-tlme facility costs: $0 ·:.....::::;(Th:;-:i-sn-u-mTba-r-ah:-c-wn~be~lc.,.w-u..... nd""e:::-r"""On:-:e-c-:n:::m::-ce:-; 6. Savings Information Space Savings ($) :,....=.;$0:=-,-.-.,......___,,......._-,..,.-.,--=---:::-...,.....,=7:'":. (This number cerrlecl fcrwarcl to the Sx,ecullve Summa!)') 7. Notes: Employee Relocation Costs: Mall Processing Equipment Relocation Cost&: $120,000 (from MPE /nventQtY ) Facility Costs: ..._z$0.::..__ _ _ __ (from above) Total One-Time Costs: $120,000 (ihle number carried forward toExec!lllve Summ4ry) Gaining Facility: .::S::::ub:.:u:c:rb:=ancwM~O::;.:,.;P&::::O~C=--------- l.o6Jng FacUlty: $oulhern MD P&DC Ranga of Report: {1) Product FY 12 [i) J3) Aisoc:latod REC Current Cost Jlll!r 1,000 (41 ~~ Product Associated Rc:c Letters FIIOGS/Curseen Morrfi!IWK:hi!s RIOSS/CUfaeen M¢1'ril;Mildlha RIOSS/CYr~;ean MorrlsMlchl!a RIOSS/Curaeen Monwv.l~ti! RIOSSICIII'$1en Mon1sM1chlts Images Wlelll!a Wichita Wichita Wichita Package F'age 44 $$4.Hl $34.65 Flats l>ARSCOA 4.12 $34,66 PARS Redirects AI>PS (G) Current Cost per 1,000 lmligeiJ $$4.10 $34.66 $196.02 $34.12 $34.66 AMF' Space Evaluation and Other Costa