Notes to the Company Accounts
Notes to the Company Accounts
Notes to the Company Accounts 1 Significant accounting policies Basis of accounting The separate financial statements of the company are presented as required by the Companies Act 2006. They have been prepared under the historical cost convention and in accordance with United Kingdom Accounting Standards and law. The principal accounting policies are summarised below. They have all been applied consistently throughout the period and the preceding period. Investments Fixed asset investments in subsidiaries and associates are shown at cost less provision for impairment. Bank borrowings Interest bearing bank loans and overdrafts are recorded at the proceeds received. Finance charges are accounted for on an accruals basis in the profit and loss account using the effective interest rate method. Cash flow The company has taken advantage of the exemption from producing a cash flow statement afforded by FRS 1 (Revised) because the group accounts include a consolidated cash flow statement. Taxation Corporation tax payable is provided on taxable profits at the current rate. 2 Profit for the period As permitted by section 408 of the Companies Act 2006 the company has elected not to present its own profit and loss account for the period. N Brown Group plc reported a profit for the financial period ended 26 February 2011 of £34.8m (2010, profit £31.1m). The non executive directors’ remuneration was £207,000 (2010, £182,000) and six non executive directors were remunerated (2010, six). The executive directors were remunerated by a subsidiary company in both years. The auditor’s remuneration for audit services to the company of £10,000 (2010, £10,000) was borne by subsidiary undertakings. 3 Fixed asset investment £m Cost and net book value At 26 February 2011 and at 27 February 2010 267.9 The company and group has investments in the following subsidiaries and joint ventures which principally affected the profits or net assets of the group. All are held indirectly. To avoid a statement of excessive length, details of investments which are not significant have been omitted. Company Principal activity J D Williams & Co. Limited Oxendale & Co. Limited J D W Finance Limited N B Insurance Guernsey Limited Gray & Osbourn Limited Figleaves Global Trading Limited 70 Direct home shopping retailer Direct home shopping retailer Financing and ancillary services Insurance services Direct home shopping retailer Direct home shopping retailer N Brown Group plc Annual Report & Accounts 2011 Country of Proportion incorporation held by the and operation group (%) England Republic of Ireland England Guernsey England England 100 100 100 100 100 100 Notes to the Company Accounts 4 Debtors 2011 £m 2010 £m Amounts falling due within one year: Amounts owed by group undertakings Prepayments and accrued income 103.3 0.1 103.1 0.2 103.4 103.3 5 Creditors 2011 £m 2010 £m Amounts falling due within one year: Bank loans and overdrafts Trade creditors Amounts owed to group undertakings Accruals and deferred income 55.2 1.0 213.6 0.2 2.0 0.7 229.1 1.2 270.0 233.0 6 Bank loans 2011 £m 2010 £m Bank overdrafts Bank loans 15.2 40.0 2.0 40.0 55.2 42.0 The borrowings are repayable as follows: On demand within one year In the second year In the third to fifth year 55.2 – – 2.0 40.0 – Less: amounts due for settlement within 12 months (shown under current liabilities) 55.2 (55.2) 42.0 (2.0) – 40.0 Amounts due for settlement after 12 months The company has unsecured bank loans of £40m (2010, £40m) drawn down under a medium term bank revolving credit facility committed until January 2012. At 26 February 2011, the company had available £80m (2010, £80m) of undrawn committed borrowing facilities in respect of which all conditions precedent had been met. The weighted average interest rate paid were as follows: 2011 % 2010 % Bank overdrafts 2.5 1.5 Bank loans 1.0 1.2 N Brown Group plc Annual Report & Accounts 2011 71 Notes to the Company Accounts 7 Share capital 2011 Number 2010 Number 2011 £m 2010 £m Authorised Ordinary shares of 111/19p each 352,857,142 352,857,142 39.0 39.0 Allotted, called-up and fully paid Ordinary shares of 111/19p each At 27 February 2010 Ordinary shares issued 278,404,714 2,024,740 274,104,714 4,300,000 30.8 0.2 30.3 0.5 At 26 February 2011 280,429,454 278,404,714 31.0 30.8 During the year 2,024,740 (2010, 4,300,000) ordinary shares were issued to the N Brown Group Employee Share Ownership Trusts for £223,784 (2010, £475,263). Movements in share capital during the year relate to the exercise of share options. The company has one class of ordinary share which carry no right to fixed income. Share capital 8 Reconciliation of movements in shareholders’ funds and reserves £m Profit and loss account £m Total £m Balance at 28 February 2009 Dividends paid Profit for the financial period Increase in share capital 30.3 – – 0.5 11.0 – – – 55.0 (29.7) 31.1 – 96.3 (29.7) 31.1 0.5 Balance at 27 February 2010 30.8 11.0 56.4 98.2 Dividends paid Profit for the financial period Increase in share capital – – 0.2 – – – (31.9) 34.8 – (31.9) 34.8 0.2 31.0 11.0 59.3 101.3 At 26 February 2011 9 Share premium account £m Guarantees Parent company borrowings which at 26 February 2011 amounted to £15.2m (2020, £2.0m) have been guaranteed by certain subsidiary undertakings. 10 Related party transactions The company has taken advantage of the exemption under FRS8 not to disclose transactions and balances with other group companies. 72 N Brown Group plc Annual Report & Accounts 2011 Shareholder Information Financial Timetable 2010 2011 12 October 10 December 7 January 26 February 10 May 31 May 1 July 5 July 29 July Announcement of interim results Closing of register for interim dividend Payment of interim dividend Financial year-end Preliminary announcement of annual results Publication of 2011 annual report and accounts Closing of register for final dividend Annual general meeting Payment of final dividend Registered Office Griffin House 40 Lever Street Manchester M60 6ES Registered No. 814103 Telephone 0161 236 8256 Registrars Capital IRG plc The Registry 34 Beckenham Road Beckenham Kent BR3 4TU Telephone 0871 664 0300 (Calls cost 10 pence per minute plus network extras) Bankers HSBC Bank plc The Royal Bank of Scotland plc Solicitors Pinsent Masons LLP Eversheds LLP Addleshaw Goddard LLP Auditors Deloitte LLP P O Box 500 2 Hardman Street Manchester M60 2AT Stockbrokers Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Ltd RBS Hoare Govett Limited Shareholder benefits Subject to certain conditions, shareholders are entitled to a 20% privilege discount off the selling price of consumer merchandise in any of the group catalogues. Shareholders interested in these facilities should write for further information to the Company Secretary, N Brown Group plc, Griffin House, 40 Lever Street, Manchester, M60 6ES stating the number of shares held and the catalogue or product of interest. Capital gains tax For the purpose of capital gains tax, the value of the company’s ordinary shares of 10p each was 6.40625p per share on 31 March 1982 and 1.328125p on 6 April 1965. For more information and latest news on the group, visit Design Elmwood Our brands Young (30-45) Midlife (45-65) Elderly (65+) Griffin House 40 Lever Street Manchester M60 6ES