inside - Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern Colorado


inside - Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern Colorado
Summer 2012
alentine’s Day marked 25 years of serving and supporting 8,000 families at our "House
that Love Built" while their critically ill children received the best possible medical
care in area hospitals. Ronald McDonald House provided for their needs, so they
can be near their child, helping them heal faster. Here are just a few of their stories.
Letter from
Beth Alessio,
Executive Director
20th Annual Cameron
Memorial Golf
Tournament &
Upcoming Events Radiothon
Gazette's Best of
Gingerbread Village
Indy GiVE!
Appreciation Dinner
e first met Cory
Johnson on August 5,
premature, Cory weighed
just 1 pound, 13 ounces.
Parents, Sondra and Rob
Johnson, held their breath
and on to one another as they cradled their tiny boy.
Aer seven long weeks, Cory finally tipped the
scales, weighing a whopping 4 pounds, 6 ounces>
e doctor said Sondra and Rob could take their
“big boy” home. Fast-forward 13 years later - Cory
dwarfs his parents, nearly 6’ tall and weighing 160
pounds. Sondra and Rob remain thankful to the
staff and volunteers at the Ronald McDonald House whose support allowed them to share
their tears and their fears while receiving kindness, love and support in return.
osh and Alia Bailey had everything going for
them. Four healthy children, a beautiful house
in the country, horses, a thriving construction
business and a deep love for one another.
Everything suddenly changed one night when
their four year old daughter, Elizabeth, became
very ill. Unable to breathe, she turned blue from a
lack of oxygen. Arriving at their local ER, they were
quickly transported to a larger hospital where an
MRI was ordered. e news was bad. e
inoperable brain tumor was large, located on her brain stem. Surgeries, chemotherapy
and radiation followed. e tumor’s location has paralyzed Elizabeth from the neck
down three times, requiring her to relearn to walk and speak. Mom Alia said, "Ronald
McDonald House has been an amazing blessing for my family and for others faced
with the crisis of a sick child. Truly, it is a place where entire families heal. ank you,
all!" Now 7, Elizabeth is taking steps on her own and even attends school. Press on,
Friend! To view their story, go to, enter Meet Elizabeth Bailey.
continued on page 3
Letter from Beth Alessio, Executive Director
TWENTY FIVE YEARS – Ronald McDonald House Charities of
Southern Colorado celebrated our Silver Anniversary!
It's been a tough Summer for Coloradans - the Waldo Canyon
Fire burned homes and acres , displacing many. Recently, a
senseless violent attack le many families, friends and
communities hurting. Our hearts go out to those who have lost
loved ones, their homes and their sense of safety. We’re reminded
of startling truths – life can change in a MOMENT, with little or
no notice.
For the last 25 years, the Ronald McDonald House at 311 North Logan Avenue has offered
nearly 8,000 families the most basic human needs – food, shelter, love and support while
their critically ill or seriously ill child received the best possible medical care at area hospitals.
Disease, illness and injury are the great levelers - none of us asks for it come. Not for ourselves,
and certainly NEVER for our children.
Our 11 room “House that LOVE Built” has been a home-away-from-home for Moms and
Dads, brothers, sisters, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles and special friends supporting their
critically ill child, which studies show help them get better, faster.
Realizing the House wasn’t the only program needed to “go beyond our walls”, RMHCSC
opened the first Ronald McDonald Family Room in Colorado located in Memorial Hospital,
a safe place offering respite for families within the hospital. Open 365 days a year, 12 hours
daily, the Family Room is staffed 100% by volunteers. Families love the convenience and
amenities available, allowing them to remain near their sick child. Soon aer, we opened
the second Family Room in St. Francis Medical Center. Last month, the third Family Room
opened at Children's Hospital Colorado Outpatient Specialty Care. In addition, the World’s
first “green” Ronald McDonald Care Mobile, arrived. Traveling four days a week to five
counties along the Front Range, it offers preventative and restorative medical and dental
care for children who are uninsured or underinsured from birth through age 21.
Earlier this year, we were able to move three of our four administrative staff off site to a new
office space allowing us to open two new rooms in the House. In 2011, our cornerstone
programs served just shy of 5,000 children and families, a dramatic increase from six years
ago when 300 children and their families benefited from our programs.
As impressive as these numbers and programs are and as much as we want to shout about
them from the rooops, truly, the greatest celebrations we have in this, our 25th year, is that
for the majority of families we serve, their children get better - some experiencing complete
and full healing. For others, there’s a “new normal” and we’re glad to be a part of the process
as they figure out what that looks like and what it means. For a few, whose precious little
ones pass away, we’ve held them close - being a support and a safe place walking beside them
as their journey has taken a path none of us asks for.
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern Colorado has been there when the
unthinkable and the unimaginable has become reality for our nearly 8,000 families at the
House. We've been honored to walk this road with each and every one of you.
Each family’s story reminds us of universal truths – that life is precious; that we all need a
place to call home; that children’s laughter is to be relished and enjoyed and that a sunrise
contains almost too much beauty to behold.
We’ve listened intently to the lessons our children have taught - that we can sing and dance
and play and laugh, despite our circumstances. As, the truth remains - a kid with cancer is
still just a kid, full of hopes and dreams.
Here’s looking forward to the next 25 years, thanks to your support that makes this work
possible! ank you, all!
House Charities
of Southern
Colorado lifts
children and
families in
need to a better
Sherri Wells
Vice President
Tammy Rivera
Marge Colgan
Katie Schaffer
Past President
Bob Limpert
Board at Large
Ashley Johnston
Bob Stephens
Brian Stewart
Cory Leppert
DJ Mitchell
Don Spicer
Doug Wells
Earl Patterson
Erin Turner
Gene Sanchez
Jeff Ansted
Jill Woodford
Kate Sakel
Laura Boschert, MD
Sharon McDermott
Stacey Knott
Travers Hyde
Treasure Davis
Executive Director
Development Coordinator
Family Room
Volunteer Coordinator
Beth Alessio
Sam Rush-Walton
Tina Dewar, Manager
Ronda Riley,
Lyn Hale, Manager;
Debby omas,
Night Manager,
Dona McConnaughhay,
Ashleigh Larson,
Luke Larson,
Diana Phillips
Weekend Managers
Summer 2012
Copyright © 2012, Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern Colorado, 311
North Logan Avenue, Colorado Springs, Co 80909. All rights reserved. Heartstrings
is printed two times a year by the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern
Colorado, 311 North Logan Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80909-5608.
Questions or comments: To request mailing change or about content, please
contact Sam at [email protected] or 719.375.3871.
Photos: All personal letters and photos have been used with permission and been
granted the non-exclusive right to use and/or reproduce the materials in any
manner and for any purpose. Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern
Colorado thanks Lynn Boutte, Lyn Hale and RMHCSC Global for their photos.
Other images, including stock, have been purchased from an image bank.
Volunteering: If you are interested in volunteering for the Ronald McDonald House
Charities of Southern Colorado, please contact Ronda Riley at 719.375.3871 or
[email protected].
Donors: We appreciate all your efforts in volunteer time and/or financial giving.
Donating Sponsor
Beth Alessio
Living in the “green” state, we’re conscientious about the environment. If you’re interested in receiving HeartStrings via email
helping save on printing and postage costs, let us know! Send your email to us at [email protected]. Thanks!
2 ♥
Typesetting donated in full and Printing services donated in part
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern Colorado
by TOPS Printing
continued from cover
e called her our little
sopapilla, as Sophia was
born weighing 1 pound, 9 ounces
at 24 weeks gestation. Aer staying
at the House for over 100 days and
nights, Mom, Stacy said, "I love the
Ronald McDonald House. It was a
warm and loving place at a very
hard time in my family's life. e
staff, volunteers and other families
will always have a cherished place
in my heart. I try to visit when I can
and talk to others who need
encouragement, giving them hope.
I look forward to my miracle being old enough to volunteer one day. ank you Ronald McDonald House for all
you have done, are doing and continue to do every day. We are blessed to have you."
ince 1995, two times a year, Steve and Jane Gabriel ring
the bell at 311 North Logan Avenue, armed with
homemade chocolate chip cookies for the 11 families who
call our Ronald McDonald House their home-away-fromhome. eir pilgrimage is in remembrance of their
precious son, Jonathan, who passed when he was just five
years old aer a valiant year-long battle with leukemia.
Jane said, “our annual financial donation along with
donating goods and services is our way of honoring
Jonathan’s memory and repaying just a little bit of the
kindnesses that came our way when we most needed
help.” eir ongoing commitment to providing for others in similar situations was again fulfilled when Jonathan’s
younger brother, Jason, chose to do his Eagle Scout Project at our House. With a crew of 45 volunteers, they scraped,
primed and painted all of the wood surfaces in the backyard, putting in over 300 hours to restore and beautify.
e Gabriel family continually honors Jonathan’s memory by reaching out to other families with critically ill children,
walking beside those who have suffered the ultimate loss. We are honored to know this amazing family.
Remodel and Expansion!
We were DELIGHTED, in our 25th year, to
expand our services, thanks to the support of
some amazing partners. ree of our four staff
moved offices off premise, two doors away,
enabling us to expand from a nine bedroom
House to an 11 bedroom House, allowing
support, care and housing for an additional 60
families annually. Our heartfelt thanks to
Marilyn Miller, Handyman Connection, HOM
Solutions, Home Depot, American Furniture
Warehouse, Mercy Springs, Lazy Boy Furniture
Gallery, Zechnas, Hewlett Packard, Cetis, City
Glass and Two Men and a Truck whose support
made the move possible.
Tanner Alen Lee Salyer
5/20/12 - 5/26/12
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern Colorado
♥ 3
20th Annual Cameron Memorial
Golf Tournament and Pre-Tourney
his year marked the 20th Anniversary for the Cameron
Memorial Golf Tournament and Pre-Tourney.
It was a packed house at the ProRodeo Hall of Fame for
the Pre-Tourney on ursday, June 7th. Nearly 300 stood
and applauded aer the premiere of the Bailey Family
video was shown. e Bailey's are a local family served by
the Ronald McDonald House. eir story has become the
international face of Ronald McDonald House Charities.
(Go to and type in Meet Elizabeth Bailey.)
ere wasn’t a dry eye in the house when the beautiful
seven year old Elizabeth walked to the front, thanking
sponsors and friends by presenting them with her original
works of art. Honored recipients were Children’s Hospital
Colorado, Texas Road House, ProRodeo Hall of Fame and
the Ronald McDonald House. e program also featured
entertainment by the Jeffrey Alan Band, fantastic prizes in
the silent and live auctions, food from Texas Road House,
beverages from Bristol Brewing, Weber Street Liquors,
RMC Distributing and Coca-Cola and ice cream cakes
from Maggie Moo’s.
e next day, a continental breakfast awaited golfers at the
Broadmoor. e weather was pristine for the 8 am shotgun
start. A day of golf on the immaculate East Course was
enjoyed by all, followed by an awards luncheon at the
Broadmoor. e winning team was Tom Wells, Mark
Lane, Todd Morris and Ray Beresford –
In our 25th year of providing services to families with
seriously ill children, we were excited to celebrate the 20th
Anniversary of the Cameron Memorial Golf Tournament
and Pre-Tourney, 100% of the proceeds staying locally,
benefiting the cornerstone programs of the Ronald
McDonald House Charities of Southern Colorado.
Recycle That!
May 19, 2012, we celebrated the GRAND OPENING of the
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern Colorado’s
Donation Center, conveniently located at 535 North Murray
Boulevard. e drive through donation center benefits our
cornerstone programs.
It was a great day featuring a ribbon cutting ceremony with
dignitaries, Bar-B-Que from Rudy’s, Ronald McDonald, himself,
and a live remote with our friends from KKLI.
Recycle at, LLC, is committed to working with non-profit
organizations and local community groups to engage them with
the three R’s: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, connecting the
community to recycling by reusing and re-purposing its goods.
We’re excited about this new partnership! anks for your ongoing support -- gather items as you clean out your closets,
dressers and garages. Your donations help sick children and their families.
4 ♥
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern Colorado
♥ Part of being a great
volunteer is loving what
you do!
Volunteers at RMHCSC
have found something
they're passionate about.
ere are dozens of
reasons to volunteer - find
the one that feels right for you!
Great Reasons to Volunteer
Help others, Make a difference, Find purpose, Connect
with your community, Feel involved, Use your skills in
a productive way, Meet new people, Expand your
horizons, Pay it forward
Whatever your reason/s, volunteering can transform
you & the world around you. Get involved!
To volunteer call Ronda at 719.375.3871
Partner with us
♥ Your ongoing financial support of the Ronald
McDonald House Charities of Southern Colorado
is very much appreciated! Truly, every donation,
regardless of size, adds up and assists RMHCSC as
we serve those in need. Maintaining your trust is
of utmost importance to us. View our Annual
Report at We
know your choices of where to give are many thanks for continuing to partner with us.
♥ Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern
Colorado is geared up for another great year with
the Combined Federal Campaign! If you or
someone you know is a federal employee, please
consider designating RMHCSC as your charity of
choice - our CFC number is 90242. Any and all
monies received stay in Southern Colorado,
supporting the cornerstone programs of Ronald
McDonald House Charities of Southern Colorado.
Upcoming Events
Ring up at the register at Cheer's during August
Want to beat the heat, buy some great beverages
AND support a worthy cause? roughout
August, Cheers Liquor Mart at Circle and Galley is
"ringing up at the register" for RMHCSC! Purchase
what you need while donating at any register!
October 3, 2012, RMCHC 25th Anniversary
Ronald McDonald House Charities of
Southern Colorado’s 25th Anniversary
Celebration on October 3, 2012 at the Mining
Exchange, Wyndham Grand Hotel.
Listen and support RMHCSC with our friends at KKLI for our
2nd Annual Radiothon, October 4th
Last year’s inaugural Radiothon was so successful, we’re
making it an annual event! Tune in to KKLI 106.3 on
ursday, October4th. Listen to great music mixed
with interviews and stories of families served by
RMHCSC. Last year, your pledges helped us raise
just over $15,000 for local children and families in
need of our programs. Join us again this year for great
incentives and give-aways for your donations to RMHCSC!
Safely shred your documents while donating!
Saturday, October 13th from 11 am - 3 pm join
us at DreamMaker Bath and Kitchen, 3205
North Hancock, for delicious food and
beverage, great remodel ideas and support
RMHCSC! Bring documents/papers you
want/need to have shredded. For a donation to
RMHCSC, Mobile Record Shredders will be on
hand, shredding your documents! For more information, call
Sam at 719.375.3871
How Can Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern Colorado continues to offer our hallmark programs, the Ronald McYOU Help? Donald House, the Ronald McDonald Family Rooms, the Ronald McDonald Care Mobile and the Healing Garden
promoting health and well being for children and families in Southern Colorado. If you know of a group or service
club that would like to learn more about us, please phone Sam at 719.375.3871. We're happy to send a
representative from our Speaker’s Bureau.
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern Colorado
♥ 5
Generous Partners
Cookie Mixes
Cake Mixes
Muffin Mixes
Sandwiches--single serve
Trail Mix--single serve
English muffins
Baby carrots
Easy Mac
Pot Pies--single serve
Pizzas--single serve
Burritos--single serve
Cereals--single serve
Fruit cups
Fruit snacks
Fresh fruit
Granola Bars
Pop Tarts
Icing in tubs
♥ Styrofoam coffee cups
♥ Sugar packets
♥ Creamer packets
♥ Sweetener packets
♥ Shaving Cream
♥ Tooth Brushes
♥ Tooth Paste
♥ Razors
♥ Deodorants
♥ One night lodging
or family $40 donation
♥ One week lodging
for family $280 donation
♥ Pre-paid Phone Cards 30 minutes
♥ Paper Towels
♥ Clorox Wipes
♥ Powdered Bleach
♥ Powdered Laundry Detergent
♥ Pledge dusting cloths
♥ Dishwasher tablets
♥ Air Fresheners-NOT electric
♥ Hand Sanitizer
♥ Safeway gift cards
♥ Costco gift cards
♥ Office Depot gift cards
♥ King Soopers gift cards
♥ Wal-Mart gift cards
♥ Lowe's gift cards
♥ Sam's gift cards
♥ Target gift cards
♥ Home Depot gift cards
♥ Rubber backed bath mats-Beige
♥ Fitted mattress pads-FULL
♥ Fitted bed sheets-Beige-FULL
♥ Flat bed sheets-Beige-FULL
♥ Pillow slips-Beige-Standard
♥ Blankets-Beige-FULL/TWIN
♥ Zippered, Plastic Lined Pillow
Covers - Standard
♥ Tall Kitchen Trash Bags
♥ Gallon size Zip-Loc Bags
♥ Quart size Zip-Loc Bags
♥ Aluminum foil
♥ Paper Plates
♥ Paper Napkins
♥ POSTAGE STAMPS (44¢ & 29¢)
(8 1/2 x 11 20# or higher)
♥ Sharpie FINE BLACK markers
♥ Dry Erase Markers (colors)
♥ HP 95 Black Ink Cartridges
♥ HP 98 TRICOLOR Ink Cartridges
♥ HP 02 Black, Cyan, Magenta &
Yellow Ink Cartridges
Your generous support will assist the Programs
of Ronald McDonald House Charities
of Southern Colorado
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern Colorado
311 North Logan Avenue
Colorado Springs, CO 80909
6 ♥
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern Colorado
Recycle That
ALL YEAR LONG, gather up your
unwanted and unneeded clothing,
shoes, books, cookware, linens, CD's
and DVD's. Bring them to the Ronald
McDonald House Charities of Southern Colorado's
Donation Center at 535 North Murray Boulevard. Call
719.362.5490 for a complete listing of donation box
locations nearest you.
Celebrating year two
of our relationship
with Kleinfelder, we
are thrilled to partner
with this employee
owned science, architecture and engineering consulting
firm as they provide solutions to meet the world’s
complex infrastructure and natural resource challenges.
ese geniuses choose to partner with RMHCSC by
volunteering in our Family Rooms, making meals for our
families, doing fund-raising and assisting with group
projects at the House.
Give A Little Love!
Just as the number of children and families served by
RMHCSC programs have grown each year, so did Give
A Little Love participants! RMHCSC is smitten with our
community supporters who provide donations and inkind gis, helping us as we li children and families in
need to a better tomorrow. Our
heartfelt thanks go to our
Happy 25
friends at Penrose/St. Francis, I GAVE
Handyman Connection, A LITTLE
HOM Solutions, ReMax,
Dillard’s (Chapel Hills Mall),
American Furniture Warehouse,
the Gazette, Clear Channel, KKLI,
Everest College, Add Staff, the Public
Defender’s Office, Lexis Nexis, the Office of
the District Attorney, Trails and Open Space, Peak Vista,
Blondie’s and local Girl Scout Troops for their support
of Give A Little Love! Red heart stickers were
everywhere! th
Ronald McDonald House
Charities of Southern Colorado's Cornerstone Programs
Ronald McDonald House
e doors opened to "e House at Love Built" at 311 North
Logan Avenue in Colorado Springs, Colorado on February 14th,
1987. Since that time, our Ronald McDonald House has served
nearly 8,000 families with critically ill children who are receiving
the best possible medical care at area hospitals. Primarily, families
come from Southern Colorado, Northern New Mexico and
Western Kansas. e House allows families to be near their sick
child, which studies show helps them heal faster, as well as stay
connected to their child's medical team, understanding and
keeping up with complicated protocols and treatment plans.
In 2011... The Ronald McDonald House served 213 families
Ronald McDonald Family Rooms
When a child is critically or seriously ill, family and friends don't want
to leave their bedside as too much can change, oen quickly. e
Ronald McDonald Family Rooms located in Memorial Hospital, St.
Francis Medical Center and inside the new Children’s Hospital
Colorado Outpatient Specialty Care location offer needed amenities,
allowing families and friends to be within steps of their hospitalized
child. Open 365 days a year, 12 hours a day, the Family Rooms are
manned 100% by volunteers, who greet guests into a warm, homelike environment where they can relax and recharge. Amenities
include comfortable seating areas, food and beverages, laptops with
internet access, kitchens, play rooms, private lockers and showering
and laundry facilities.
In 2011... The Ronald McDonald Family Rooms in Memorial Hospital and St. Francis Medical Center served 1,674 families
Ronald McDonald Care Mobile
Our Ronald McDonald Care Mobile is the World's first "green"
Care Mobile. A collaborative partnership between Ronald
McDonald House Charities of Southern Colorado and Peak Vista
Community Health Centers, the Care Mobile's mission is "to
provide exceptional health care to children and their families by
reducing community-wide geographic access barriers." Our 40'
Care Mobile travels to five counties along the Front Range, offering
both preventative and restorative medical and dental care to
children 0-21 who are uninsured and underinsured.
In 2011... The Ronald McDonald Care Mobile provided
medical and dental care to children 3,077 times
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern Colorado
♥ 7
Gingerbread Village
How do Michael Paradiso and his Culinary Arts
students from Pikes Peak Community College do
Food Artists, indeed, they again created an entire
village, using GINGERBREAD as their medium.
e display tickled our senses: aesthetically, it was
visually stunning with incredible attention to
detail; those with keen olfactory senses felt
Pavlovian, the delicious gingerbread, enticing us
to breathe deeply; and, then there were those who
longed to taste and/or touch!
As Ronald McDonald House Charities of
Southern Colorado’s gi to the community over
the holidays, we were thrilled to again partner
with PPCC and Dillard’s in Chapel Hills Mall to
display this amazing art form!
Indy GiVE!
RMHCSC was honored to participate in the Indy GiVE! Campaign, helping us raise
awareness and funds, along with getting new volunteers! We received a check for
$18,000 from community donations and matching grants. Hosting the inaugural “is
ain’t your Momma’s Cake Walk”, (in Dillard’s at Chapel Hills Mall) 30 non-profit
organizations created their mission, in CAKE-form, meeting new folks, talking about
who they were, what they do, and how the community could support their efforts. It
was great fun!
Chosen to participate again this year, our focus will be on “Share A Night”. Check
our website,  and the Colorado Springs Independent for more ways you can get
involved - donations made through Indy GiVE! stretch your gi, thanks to matching
Similar to People’s Choice Awards, the Gazette’s staff and readership vote
for the BEST OF in Southern Colorado. Ronald McDonald House Charities
of Southern Colorado was thrilled to be chosen to receive two awards – Best
Home Away From Home, the GO! Choice Award, and the Reader’s Choice
for Best Charity, RMHCSC taking the Silver Award. Given how many nonprofit organizations are based in our community, we were honored to have
this community vote for us! Thank you for your continued belief in the
work we do.
8 ♥
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern Colorado
Volunteer Appreciation Dinner
eaping into the next 25 years of liing children and families in need,
our Volunteer Appreciation Dinner was held February 29th at the
Pro Rodeo Hall of Fame. e Hall was filled with over 200 volunteers,
staff, board members and corporate supporters. We partook of the
delicious, plentiful food from Texas Road House, beverages from Weber
Street Liquors, Bristol Brewing and Coca-Cola, with Maggie Moo’s
providing delicious ice cream cakes. Coffee was from Colorado Coffee
Our “Silver Celebration” was
enhanced by a string quartet from
the Colorado Springs Youth
Symphony, festive décor of white
linen table cloths and silver and red
floral centerpieces.
Beth Alessio honored volunteers
who have served ALL 25 years with
us. Marge Colgan and Nancy Brummett received fervent applause for
their efforts. Just shy of 25 years were Duane Klug and Alan Shipley with
Carpet Care Crasman.
Choosing Corporate Supporter of the Year, Volunteer of the Year, Spirit
of the Charities, Presidential Volunteer Service Award Winners, Super
Heroes and the Dynamic Duo was a daunting task, as we truly appreciate
each and every one of our volunteers!
2011’s Corporate Supporter of the Year was Steve McCoy with
Handyman Connection. Steve’s staff of dedicated handymen donated
their time, energy and skills, enabling us to expand the number of rooms
at the House from nine to 11. In addition, his crasmen remodeled a
space two doors away for our administrative staff. e integrity Steve and
his crew exhibit can’t be matched. We are appreciative of our ongoing
relationship with Handyman Connection! Phone 88-handy for your big
and small jobs - we’re pleased to be just one of the over 5,000 local
customers serviced annually by this group of skilled professionals.
Volunteer of the Year was Eydie Mellin Eydie has jumped in with both feet,
volunteering her time in both Family
Rooms and at the House, as well as
promoting us on Face book, answering
phones for the Inaugural Radiothon,
promoting our relationship with Indy
GiVE!, volunteering at the Gingerbread
Village and participating in the Hungry
Heroes Program. We love her! And,
because she loves Tebow, we presented
her with a jersey!
winners were: Evelyn Aiken, Karina Allen de Oliveira, Karen Bellemare,
Diane Bianchi-Bell, Joshua Brown, Maggie Adams-Holway, Wendall
James, Susan Maxwell, Lilia Moore, Nancy Nylander, Ivan & Roberta
Rymes, Konnie Sandras, George and Jean Schimmack, Rex Schultz, Betty
Stevernson and Sharon Wells for the Ronald McDonald Family Rooms
and Lisa Black, Kaki Crystal, Angie Earle, Jen Feldman, Pat Hardin and
Deborah Montemayor for the Ronald McDonald House. ese fabulous
volunteers each gave over 100 hours of their time, serving in our
cornerstone programs.
Super Heroes Kathy Kaylan, Pat Hardin, Beth McCoy, Angie Earle, Maria
Pipal, Joan Godbey, Kaki Crystal, Lisa Black, Joshua Brown, Trice Dipner,
Sharon Wells, Dick Mammenga, Tom Dewar, Maggie Adams-Holway,
Sheryl Gunn, Cindy Cope, Deborah Montemayor and Marge Colgan
have been willing to cover shis at a moment’s notice, have served as
ambassadors for RMHCSC at events in the community and have helped
us raise awareness and funds.
Need a Dynamic Duo? We’ve chosen the formidable Gigi Williams and
Treasure Davis as ours! ese friends and colleagues are connected to
the House in many ways - each has experienced the need for our services
with their children. From a place of thankfulness, they give back to
others, bringing new supporters to the House – from face book friends
to bakers and professionals who pamper our Mom’s on Mother’s Day.
ey also conducted a wish list drive, collecting items from ReMax for
Give A Little Love. Needing a DAY OFF, we sent them to the spa.
In 2011, our volunteers collectively gave over 11,571 hours to Ronald
McDonald House Charities of Southern Colorado. We are honored by
the commitment of each and every one.
Corporate Supporters who made this last year possible are All About
Lawn Care, American Furniture Warehouse, American National Bank,
Boutte’s Portraits, Bristol Brewing, Carpet Care Crasman, Cetis, Chapel
Hills Mall, City Glass, Clear Channel, Coca-Cola, Colorado Coffee
Merchants, Colorado Springs Independent, Dillard’s of Southern
Colorado, Double G Carpet Care, EZ Flow, Gazette, Handyman
Connection, Hewlett Packard, Hobby Lobby, Home Depot, HOM
Solutions, KXRM Fox 21, Lazy Boy Furnishings, Maggie Moo’s,
McDonald’s Southern Colorado Co-Op, Mercy Springs, Miller Ventures,
PPCC’s Culinary Arts Program, Pro Rodeo Hall of Fame, Sinton Dairy,
Landscaping/Christmas Décor, TOPS Printing, Two Men and a Truck,
USOC Athletes, Waste Management, Weber Street Liquors and Zechnas.
Please express your thanks for the support given to Ronald McDonald
House Charities of Southern Colorado when you patronize these fine
businesses, who choose to continue supporting us as we support children
and families in need.
Spirit of the Charities encompasses someone who embodies what
RMHCSC is all about. is year, the choice was clear – we couldn’t
choose just one! We picked a team whose commitment to one another
rivals their commitment to the Charities. George and Jean Schimmack
have been volunteering in the Family Room at Memorial Hospital since
it opened. Treating every guest as if they’re entering their own home,
they show a true, deep caring for all they meet. We continually receive
positive comments from families, hospital staff and volunteers about the
Schimmack’s - they have collectively volunteered over 1,300 hours to the
Ronald McDonald Family Room. ank you, both!
Presidential Volunteer Service Award Winners inspire others to engage
in volunteer service, setting an example by their commitment. Our
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern Colorado
♥ 9
9-1-11 through 4-30-12
Special Thanks to Our Donors
PILLARS $10,000 +
Alberta Drake Trust
Dillard's Inc
Anschutz Foundation
McDonald's Corporation
Jacqueline G Archer Trust
ARCHITECTS $5,000 - $9,999
Denver Foundation
ENT Federal Credit Union
North Colorado Springs Rotary Club
Sam's Club Foundation
David & Barbara Cloud
Colorado Springs Utilities-Grant Program
Gregory & Jennifer Driscoll
Everest College
Safeway Foundation
$1,000 - $2,499
America's Charities
Castaways Foundation
Dellora A & Lester J Norris
Chris & Sarah Dole
Ken & Rae Driscoll
Drive-In Autosound
Stacy Eldredge
Elitch Gardens
Carole & Fredrick Freeman
German American Cultural Society
Giddings Foundation
HVAC Solutions Inc
ISSAC Corporation
Jen Barry Productions
LexisNexis Community
Affairs Committee
Mile Hi Foods
John Najarian
Richard Purdy
RMJ Leasing
e Allstate Foundation
e Ski Shop
Tri-Lakes Disposal Inc
Jon & Donna Visscher
WFB-Foundation (MN)
GOLD CIRCLE $500 - $999
Antlers Rio Grande Lodge
Burrell Family Foundation
Central Bancorp Inc
Coca-Cola North America
Colorado Lions Foundation
omas Dickinson
Frank & Deborah Dowis
Darrell & Kim Fleck
William Freedman & Diane Wood
High Noon Sertoma Club
Paul & Pat Kelly
John Morse
Constance & Peter Murray
Kate Sakal
Dr M Leigh Shapleigh
St. Michael's Episcopal Church Women
Western Scrap Processing Co Inc
Jim & Gigi Williams
Bev & Brian Wurst
10 ♥
SILVER CIRCLE $250 - $499
Dr John L Bengfort
Daniel & Debra Bowers
Joshua Ryan Brown
Bryan Keys & Associates
Burlington United Methodist Women
Lee & Marcia Clement
Ed & Chandra Collins
Darwin & Helen Dalzell
El Paso Corporation
Vincent Brindley
Holly Rigney
Pam Feilmeier
Kevin & Susan Fink
First United Methodist Church
Paul & Virginia Fredell
Brian & Linda Hall
Shirley Kurie
Bob Limpert
Maxim Healthcare Services
Medical Office Managers
Eydie & Ken Mellin
Cally O'Donnell, CO Insurance & Financial Specialists Inc
Parkview Health Systems
Pueblo Chieain
Tammy & Ralf Rivera
Rocky Mountain Bank & Trust
Dr & Mrs Charles W Ruggles
Katie & Samuel Schaffer
School District 11 GO Club
Serranos Coffee Company
Doug & Mary Lou Sieben
TeriLyn Snell
Donald Still
Duilio A Stricca DDS
John A & Beth Sullivan
Jackie Tedder
ompson Management Inc
Paul Turkal
Versi-Panel Enclosures LLC
Webb Family Fund
Caroline White
Joe & Linda Woodford
Gene & Katherine Yocam
BRONZE CIRCLE $100 - $249
ANB Bank
Frank Kozlowski
Cynthia Anderson
Jean Anthony
Ron & Wendy Arant
Dean Arfsten
Clyde Baldwin
David & Bonnie Baswell
Larry & Lynette Belkin
Diane & Mike Bell
Jeffrey & Sherrie Benesh
Anna Bentz
Dale & Janie Berkbigler
Black Forest Lutheran Church
Bristol Brewing Company
Wendi Britz
Bev & Steve Brodie
Jim & Nancy Brummett
Dr J Richard & Marilyn Brusenhan
Rebecca Buchanan & Family
Hamilton & Marie Buell
John & Roberta Burrington
Patricia Buys
Donna Cesar
Chatfield Community PTSO
Cita Corporation
Paul & Sherry Clarkin
Kandy Claybaugh
Norman & Patricia Cole
Marge Colgan
Collins Johnson Family Foundations
Keira Conley
Katharine Cornelius
Kaki & Todd Crystal
Harold & Vivian Darden
Lori & Jan Davis
omiana & John Davis
Tom & Tina Dewar
District Attorney's Office
William & Patricia Eccles
David & Jodi Eggert
Rod & Marcia Erin
James & Leslie Fitzgerald
Dan & Nancy Freeberg
John & Darlene Garnish
Bonnie Gavin
Orion & Barbara Ginn
Charlotte Gissel
Andrea & Tyson Good
Beth Gorab
Dr & Mrs Lawrence N Gorab
Leonard & Faith Gouger
Christi Gustad
Pedro Gutierrez
Mark Hammond
Ronald & Carolyn Henrikson
Hewlett Packard
Sheryl Gunn
Grant Warrington
Holly United Methodist Women
Holy Cross Lutheran Church
Julie Kiley
Lyn Krause
Joseph & Dianne Lambert
Julia & Jordan Lambert
Wendel & Wanda Lambert
Marty Lavash
Cory Leppert
Ed Leyba
Gary Logli
Patricia MacIver
Marna McLain
Karrie Meyer
Jenna Montanarello
Cheryl Moore
Greg & Susan Moore
Donna Mumma
Daniel O'Connell
John & Inge Oechsle
Bruce & Lynn O'Neill
Margaret Paselle
Pat & Gerald Payne
Teresa Peeken
Pamela Phillian
Charles Raye
Bob & Lisa Rennick
Karen & Jodie Rhone
Carrie M Richardson
John Ross
Rycole Enterprises
Leroy & Connie Schmidt
Charlotte & Nathan Sherman
Bobbie & Timothy Simmons
Don Spicer
Sherry Spotts
Shane & Karen Squires
Brian Stewart
United Methodist Women
Tracy Eckels
Derek Fraser
Matthew Rocha
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern Colorado
Stacie Vance
Vox Printing
Milton & Betty Waldron
Douglas E Wells
Nancy Wolf
Hunt Wornall
Under $100
Pamela & Gary Abbs
Deirdre Aden-Smith
Michelle Agricola
Eva Aldaz
Beth & Shawn Alessio
Brenda Anthony
John & Cassie Armstrong
Audubon Elementary School
Jean Ayala
Barb Aylward
Steve Bachmann
Andrea Baldrica
Barbara & Gary Bastian
Rita & Jerry Bay
Bear Creek Elementary School
Loretta Bechaver
James Beckenhaupt
Dan Bedell
Richard Benton
Marianne Berdon
Harvey L Beyer
Lynette Bianchi
Wilma & Lew Biegelsen
Biomat USA/Griflos
Fred Bland
Dan Boedigheimer
Brian Border
Laura Boschert
Marcus Bowers
Dennis Bowsher
Sara Bowyer
Shelley Brantley
Hilbert & Lucille Brinkman
Wesley & Adaline Brown
Eric & Laura Brown
Kandi Buckland
Jeri & Rafael Burcaicea
Phil & Doris Caine
David & Virginia Call
Randy & Janet Campbell
Gary Candreia
Joel Carson
Frank & Annie Carter
Kathlien Childers
Chris Christensen
Michael Christopher
Horace & Jeanne Clark
Martha Ann Clark
Vince Cloward
Mary-erese Cole
Genelle Collins
Community of Christ Church
Ruth Conaway
Dr. Curtis Cook
Patricia Cook
Dallas Cooley-Gartner & Ben Gartner
Erin Coscia
Jill C Cosgrove
Gayle Cossey
Judy Cowan
Cowan Diversified Inc
Marilyn & William Cox
Elaine Cunningham
D & B Rental
Jean Davern
James & Ina Jo Davis
Lynola DeDual
Dee & Bernie Dell
Debby Denmark
Ken & Susan Denning
Raymond DeNuccio
East End Senior Citizens
Eastern Star Minnehaha #48
EFK Investments LLC
Anthony & Patricia Ann Elia
Sheryll D Evans
Family Campers & RVers-Gray Wolves
Jessica Farias
Teri & Ron Fellman
Sue Finger
First Christian Church
Greg & Lesley Flaks
omas & Jerilyn Fortune
Fraternal Order of Eagles #145
Denise Freeman
Robert A. Frey
Lance Gale
June George
Grace Gerard
Phillis Gingerich
Good Seavch
Frank & Judith Goode
Grace Lutheran Church
Evelyn Graffis
Gina Gregerory
Audrey Guy
Nigel & Michelle Guyot
Bryan, Shan & Ciera Hale
Steven & Linda Hammond
Jill Hand
J.R. & Mary Hanson
Pat & Dave Hardin
Ed & Sharie Harmon
Dennis & Debra Hartley
Wilson Haughton
Corrine Hauter
John Hays II
Pam & Chad Hessel
Don & Swanda Hinson
Dolores & Richard Holler
Ron & Donna Hoover
Alicia Horner
Sara & Tess Howsam
Sharon R Huff
Walter & Debra Immer
Clifford & Phyllis Isaacson
Jack Avery Revocable Trust
Deli Jacques
JC Penney
Amy Doty
Amanda Rivera
Amy Jerby
Martha & Rev. Stanley Jewell
Richard & Jean Johnson
Glenn & Jennifer Johnson
Andres & Margarita Juarez
Chuck & Shirley Karlstrum
Tanya Keller
Lois Keller & Sue Gubser
Donavan Kennedy
King of Kings Lutheran Church (LCW)
Donal & Judith Kinsley
John & Sandy Kirk
KiAnn Kruttlin
Ladies Auxiliary VFW Post 4051 Pikes Peak
Mary Anne Lamecker
Emily & Brian Lamont
James & Cheryl Larkin
Lorraine Lau
Pete Lee
Debra Levack
Shelley Levi
Harold & Ladonna Lewis
Chandra Leyba
Roger & Shirley Lohse
Joseph & Betty Longino
Heather Lowry
James & Karen Madsen
Barbara & Skip Maffei
Jim & Donna Maguire
Danielle Malanvzuk
Lynn Ann Mancino
John & Janet Marroney
Doug & Becky Martin
Susan Marty
Glenda & Richard Mason
Michael & Maddy Mayfield
Michael & Mary McDevitt
Brooke McLay
Vada McNertney
Morris Medina
Don & Sue Meyer
Ronald & Linda Middleton
Teresa Miles
Jodi Miller
Susan & Bryan Miller
Rebecca Money
Mary Anne Moran
Virginia Moreno
Wally & Phyllis Mosher
Kathryn Murphy
Gary & Karen Neet
Melissa Nelson
Ginny Newman
Bunny & Red Noland
Eloise Day Noland
Brittney Oakland
Brad & Janet Ogle
Charles T Ogren
Barbara Olson
Teresa & Juan Ortega
Pam Osterhouse
Panda Restaurant Group Inc
Sharon Ann Parker
Jonathan & Carol Patten
Birdene Peters
Anita Petterson
Patrick & Susan Phelan
Lisa Phillips
Bill & Emily Phillips
Melvin & Florence Pick
Pikes Peak Community Foundation
Karen & John Pinell
Sandra Piraino
Frank & Barbara Porter
Steven & Pam Powell
Philip & Connie Pratt
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
Salazar Prozos
Tom Puskas
Aimee' & Paul Rankin
Raytheon Company
Bill Redstone
Retired Enlisted Association Pueblo
Jannet Rice
Robin & Leslie Rice
Lisa Riley
Ronda Riley
Norma & John Robinson
Albert Rogers
John Rudy
Rose Rutledge
M. Elizabeth Salvo
Marshall & Sandy Sanders
Marge Sandoval
Sanford Lee Attorney at Law
Jan & Richard Saunders
Herlinda Schaefer
Glen & Barby Schlabs
Gene M Schroeder
Amelia Schwam
Bonnie Schwam-Munoz
Cyndy Scriven
Vincent Scully
Connie & Mark Selakovich
Rebecca & John Sherman
Jan Shoobridge
Robin & omas Simpson
Verne Simson
Steven & Deanna Smiley
Hannah Smith
Michael & Velda Spicer
State of Colorado-Parole Employee
Gene & Fran Steinkirchner
Stellick Electric
Beth Stephenson
Tammy & Cindy Stogner
Yvonne & Jim Strachan
A. Marvin & Shirley Strait
eresa Straub
Talbert Styles
Jean Sudan
Sunflower Farmers Markets Inc
Dee Taldwell
Stephanie Teague
Lori ompson
J. Robert & Elaine ompson
Mary Louise ornton
Jerry Tolve
Tony & Susan Trinko
Dot Tunnicliff
Erin Turner
United Way of San Diego County
US Bank
USA Today
Trix Van Zwieten-Miller
Rita Vanterpool
Pamela K Varner
Joe & Charlotte Wallace
Bonnie Ward
Christine Warfield
Grant Warrington
Bill & Fay Watkins
Bev Watson-Goodwin
Ellis & Eleanor Weir
Ted G Weiss
John Weiss
Cheryl K Wells
Terese Whittemore-Dills
Georgina William
Kerri & Ellis Williams & Kirra
Norma & G.R. Wilson
Carol Witter
Dave & Jacqueline Wojnowski
Stephen J Wood
Louise Wright
Zeta Tau Chapter of Epsilon Sigma
Billie Eastham
Sue Steffers
Dan Zook
9-1-11 through 4-30-12
Riley Armstrong
By Mary & Michael Hurtado
Wyatt Beisnre
By Carol J Martin
Isabella Louise Boyd
By John & Diana Mauch
Winter Broadhurst
By Suzanne Broadhurst
Trey Robert Brown
By Ray & Tami Brown
By Sandie & Bill Roth
Christian, Susan & Craig
By Craig & Susan Temmer
Mallory Cline
By Stan & Lora Cline
Marge Colgan
By Barbara & Mark Anderson
Maya Cordero
By Colene & Jon Cordero
Courageous Children
By Kathleen E Brannan
Ava Crowder
By Bill & Kristina Crowder
Austin & Andria DeValois
By Edwin & Lou Ann DeValois
Ed & LouAnn DeValois
By Lisa Colen
Tate Dixon –Eagle Scout Project
By Kyungsoon Folan
By Sarah Kavanah
Deborah Dowis
By Doris Ollestad
Raymond Hagen
By Raymond & Carol Hagen
Ian Henry
By John & Jan Henry
Elizabeth Henry
By Meredith Henry
Hannah Holder
By Edwin & Lou Ann DeValois
Trish Hubin
By Network for Good
By Anonymous
Cory Johnson--1lb 13oz at birth
Now 6 tall 150 lbs at 13 yrs old
By Sondra Johnson
John Leutz
By John & Pam Leutz
Molly Mabie
By Sid & Patricia Mabie
Michaela Manfredo
By John & Teresa Manfredo
Ron Markon
By Audrey Markon
Maurine Mauch
By John & Diana Mauch
Sheila May
By Nancy Chase
Meyer Family
By Russell Chapman & Virginia Neely
Rachel Moore
By Angela & Jesse Moore
Tyler Murphy
By Tom & Sue Murphy
Tom, ReBecca & Audrey Myers
By Janet Myers
Cole James Nelson
By Kay Richardson
Vivian Patton
By Patricia & omas Webb
Ian Peveral
By Francis Plonowski
Dale Reed
By Ashley D Johnston
Cassandra Rheuff
By Carrie & Cody Rheuff
Luka Paul Schaffer Rodriguez
By Alyce Schaffer
Lucas Schotanus (preemie)
By Reed & ShawNa Schotanus
Carolyn Shogrin's Birthday
By Claire Shogrin
Mr. Mike Tait
By omas & Sallie Tait
David atcher
By Steve & Pamela Marsh
Jan Tollefson
By Joan Skoog
By Ronald & Cheryl McCoy
Eric Wasserman
By Kathleen Goldie
Carly Blake Yocam
By Marion Werner
For a complete listing of RMHCSC’s Goods and Services Donors,
visit our website at
9-1-11 through 4-30-12
Cooper Benson
By Keith & Debra Langill
Brandon Borish
By Patricia Borish & Brent Hegg
Frances Born
By Sally Little & Donna Proctor
Courtney Hannah Brazil
By Robert & Mary Anne Brazil
Kelti Brinkman
By Donald & Sharon Dodson
By Robert & Dorothy White
Gordon Brown
By Brenda & Don Graffis
Marilyn Brown
By Teresa Brown
Merlyn Burr
By Reuben Burr
Eileen R Carle
By Gerald Carle
James M Ciccone
By Jeanette Ciccone
Louise Cobb
By Melinda Stephan
BJ Condron
By Rob Condron
Tatum Cook
By Charlotte Desilet
Anne Cooper
By Lila Steyert
Charles Crawford
By Paula Crawford
Nancy R Croom
By Curt Croom & Gretchen Baker
Ollie & Clara Davies
By Arnold & Marcia Boese
Sterling Michael Davis
By Dallas Cooley-Gartner & Ben Gartner
By Cheryl James
By Alan & Victoria Monroe
By Bonnie Schwam-Munoz
Irving Doe
By Lila Steyert
Robert J Earle
By Angie Earle
Claudia & Jaime Ellis
By Roger & Norma Merten
Martha Lou Ellis
By Lila Steyert
Family members
By Sally Little & Donna Proctor
Richard H Faulkner
By Iris Faulkner
Mr & Mrs P E Fox
By J R Fox
Dad & Mom Fraser
By Robert & Sally McDonald
Jonathan Steven Gabriel
By Dr Steven & Jane Gabriel
Kenneth E Gloss
By Marianne & Harry Martin
Al Guilmette
By Judee Guilmette & Kevin Emmons
Doris Hammon
By Pene' Coplen
My Mother, Jeanette
By Ronda Riley
Justin Kalas
By Jim & Tess Mayes
By Mary Mayes
Bob & Mike Keeney
By Betty L Rodosevich
Tom Keeton
By Pam Cole
Cecelia Marie Knight
By Jacqueline D King
Phyllis Koch
By Joyce & Cardon Berry
Sylvia Link
By Frank & Deborah Dowis
Everett & Gertrude MacLeod
By Col Richard MacLeod
Lindsay Mar
By Donald & Sharon Dodson
Myles Maroni
By DeeDee McEvoy
Katie Martin
By Carol & Matthew Martin
By Michael & Sindi Blanchette
Charles Lee Martin
By Marianne & Harry Martin
Frank & Emily Mauro
By Elaine Gardner
Donna McMichael
By Robert & Marilyn Hopkins
Ramona Meraz
By Grace Church
Sam Midkiff
By Marcelle Midkiff & Cheryl
Janice Morse
By Donald & Frances Sumner
Mother, Sister, Niece, Brother
By Sam Rush-Walton
Dr. Richard Mutchler
By Lila Steyert
My 7 older siblings & my parents
By Corlyn Wolverton
Alva Oderkirk
By Lila Steyert
Geoffre C Paine
By Ann S Rowe
Jonah Paschall
By Paul & Norma O'Donnell
By Richard & Caroline Lee
Gabriel & Michael Plucinski
By Anonymous
Search Ronald McDonald House
Charities of Southern Colorado on
facebook to receive updates and news!
Dr. Joseph S Pollard
By Rose & Willis Griffee
Pammie Peyton Post
By Mary & David Tilney
Elden Pritz
By Lila Steyert
Maurice Ransom
By Ann Ette McCormick
Quentin Raymond
By Phylis Smith
Sherri Reid
By Charles Miller & Family
Terry Reomeling
By Sharyl & David Remme
Eddie Sather
By Mary & Edward Sather
Luka Paul Schaffer
By Rebecca Lane
Ethel Schnedler
By Sally Little & Donna Proctor
Trish Schomaker
By Craig & Leann Schomaker
Jared Shuey
By omas Shuey
Andrew Spicer
By Ronald & Myrna Spicer
Linda Standbridge
By Clifford & Lola Gares
Irene Wagner
By Judee Guilmette & Kevin Emmons
Lindsey M Weber
By Mira Herbert & Cheryl Escalante
Timmy Wells
By Cheryl K Wells
Bill & Timothy Wells
By Polly Wells
Randy Wright
By Maggie Wright
2011 Annual
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Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern Colorado
♥ 11
Non-Profit Org.
Ronald McDonald House
Charities of Southern Colorado
311 North Logan Avenue
Colorado Springs, CO 80909
U.S. Postage
Col. Springs, Co
Permit #816
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern Colorado (RMHCSC)
lifts children and families in need
to a better tomorrow.
♥ The Ronald McDonald House - a “home-away-from-home” for families of seriously ill
children receiving medical treatment nearby.
♥ The Ronald McDonald Family Rooms - retreats inside Memorial Hospital for Children,
Children’s Hospital Colorado Outpatient Specialty Care and St. Francis Medical Center
where families receive respite and regain their energy while remaining near their
hospitalized child.
♥ The Ronald McDonald Care Mobile - a mobile medical and dental clinic serving
children and families in the Pikes Peak Region, in partnership with Peak Vista
Community Health Centers.