

Bandits Senior Yearbook – 2010/11
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Bandits Senior Yearbook – 2010/11
Bandits Baseball Club
Seniors Yearbook 2010/11
Presidents Report.................................................... 5
President’s Junior Report ......................................... 9
Bandits Club Executive/Committee ........................ TBC
Club Perpetual Award Recipients ............................. 11
Club Baseball Award Recipients .............................. 13
Individual Team Award Recipients ........................... 15
A Grade Report ..................................................... 19
B Grade Report ..................................................... 23
C1 Report ............................................................ 29
C2 Black Report .................................................... 33
C2 Blue Report .........................................................
C2 Grey (Masters) Report ...................................... 39
Women’s Report ................................................... 43
Sponsors ............................................................. 53
Bandits Senior Yearbook – 2010/11
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Bandits Senior Yearbook – 2010/11
Presidents Report
Welcome to the Bandits Baseball Club Senior Yearbook for 2010/11.
As I prepare this fourth instalment of our now regular season “yearbook”,
I look back on the past four years as President of Bandits, and I am
extremely honoured to have served as President of the Club which I have
been a part of for nearly 20 years. I am proud to have been provided
with the opportunity to lead my Club and have enjoyed (for the most part)
my time as El-Presidente.
I would like to thank each and every one of YOU, the players, volunteers,
coaches, managers, assistants and supporters. With your support,
assistance, guidance and feedback over these past four years, I believe
that Bandits are still the most successful baseball club in the region.
I would like to thank the Executive and the Committee of the Club,
without whom, we would not be able to exist. These people who are often
unrecognised for their efforts, are the heart and soul of our Club. These
members are the first, and sometimes only ones to put their hands up for
fundraising activities, working bees, meetings and jobs that need doing
and I thank you all.
In particular, I would like to thank the following who have supported and
assisted me well beyond expectations since 2006: Steve Berg (my right
hand, half-sized man), Di Berg, Stuart Beard, Vicki Beard, Cathy Blacker,
Jordan Stoka and Georg Eckardt. There are many others who have
provided their support over the past few years, but those above have
been a steady crew behind our successes both on and off the field.
Bandits has produced some of the most talented, and successful baseball
players not just from Canberra, but from Australia. Current household
names such as Michael Collins, Hayden Beard and Nick Kimpton are all
current Bandits who have played at the Elite level. In the Canberra
Cavalry’s inaugural season of the new ABL, Bandits had 7 players on the
team, including: Hayden Beard, Michael Collins, Tom Vincent,
Nick Kimpton, Mike Wells, Chris Kimpton, David Washington.
I would like to congratulate all of the senior players on their efforts and
their achievements this season. Bandits senior teams once again
performed extremely well on the field, with our teams competing in all but
one grade’s final series. Unfortunately, all of our finals teams lost out in
the semi-finals, but this was another example of the positive product and
environment which Bandits provide to all our players.
We saw large growth in senior player numbers once again this season,
due in no doubt to the arrival of the Canberra Cavalry, and this meant we
were able to field 3 C2 Saturday teams. Although numbers dwindled
towards the end of the year, all of these teams enjoyed their seasons and
Bandits Senior Yearbook – 2010/11
I look forward to seeing (and umpiring) all of these players again next
season, hopefully with even more new players to our great game!
Whether it is on the field, playing baseball or working behind the scenes
for the Club, the baseball bond that unites us is strong and everyone
shoulders the workload for the good of the game and the growth and
betterment of Bandits Baseball Club.
Some notes from 2010/11 include:
Canberra Cavalry arrival: Bandits has produced some of the most
talented, and successful baseball players not just from Canberra, but
from Australia. Current household names such as Michael Collins,
Hayden Beard and Nick Kimpton are all current Bandits who have
played at the Elite level. In the Canberra Cavalry’s inaugural season of
the new ABL, Bandits had 7 players on the team, including:
Hayden Beard, Michael Collins, Tom Vincent, Nick Kimpton, Mike Wells,
Chris Kimpton, David Washington.
Juniors: With the arrival of the Cavalry came a new enthusiasm and
interest in baseball, and this showed with a large number of new
players to our junior teams. This is the fourth increase in a row for
Bandits and shows that we are doing things right at the junior level.
One area where I believe Bandits can improve is the relationship
between our senior players and the junior teams within the Club. We
have some of the most experienced, well-known players in the ACT and
we need our senior players to take more interest in the junior
competition, and particularly, in assisting with coaching junior teams,
and providing something for the young kids to look up to and aspire to.
We need more senior players coaching junior teams and instructing
these kids on how to play the game, and how to throw, catch and hit
properly so I ask that each of you please try and help out next season
in some small way, even if you can only assist occasionally. These kids
idolise the senior players, no matter who you are, and they love having
us around to talk to them and give guidance.
Under 16s: I would like to say a special congratulations to
George Dashwood and the Bandits under 16s team who were the only
Championship team from Bandits this season. George offered to
mentor these young players this season, and with his unusual “hands
off” coaching style, they went all the way to winning a Grand Final
against an Ainslie team who had only lost 1 game in the past two
seasons. Congratulations to George and all the players, including those
new players who came across from ACT Softball.
Bandits Senior Yearbook – 2010/11
ACT Rep Sides: Bandits were once again lucky enough to have
several ACT junior rep players this season, and I would like to
congratulate Edan Kelly, Jack Middleton, James Trevanion, Brandon
Berg, Ashlea Bishop, Elliott Jordan, and Kai Meuronen on their
selections. I hope that you continue to play with Bandits and I look
forward to seeing you all playing A grade in years to come.
Canberra hosted the 2011 Women’s National Championships and
Bandits were once again very well represented here, with Matt Talbot
the Head Coach and Ashley Crump an assistant, with Di Berg as
Manager. Congratulations to the Bandits players selected for the rep
team including: Lisa Broomhall, Linda Harvey, and Cecilia Tran.
Scorers: Vicki Beard not only scores many of our A grade games, but
she also trains and mentors our new scorers and encourages others
from within the sport to take up scoring. This is a thankless task and
Vicki manages to ensure every team has a scorer every single
weekend, while also serving as a member of the Committee. I thank
Vicki for her work with scorers throughout the ACT and I hope that
some of you, or your partners may consider taking up scoring to assist
the Club in the future and to ease the burden on those few who have
been covering games over the past 2-3 years.
In summary, the 2010/11 season was another successful year for Bandits,
with plenty of wins from all our teams but I think we can do more off the
field with administration of the Club and development of new strategies to
ensure we keep growing and building.
I look forward to seeing you all again next season and handing over the
reins to a new President to lead us into the next decade.
Jayston Spindler
Bandits Baseball Club – 2010/11
Bandits Senior Yearbook – 2010/11
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Bandits Senior Yearbook – 2010/11
Bandits Club Executive/Committee – 2010/11
Thank you to the following members of the Bandits Club Executive and
Committee for their support and service during 2010/11:
Jayston Spindler
Cathy Blacker
Vice-President – Seniors
Greg Meller
Vice President – Juniors
Geoff Rodwell
Jordan Stoka
Senior Club Registrar
Stuart Beard
Junior Club Registrar
Brett Colman
Junior Development Officer
Dennis Grubb
Uniforms & Equipment Manager
Georg Eckardt
Coaching Coordinator
Publicity Officer
Ashley Crump
Club Scorer-Coordinator
Vicki Beard
Canteen Coordinator
Georg Eckardt
Umpires Coordinator
Jayston Spindler
Fundraising Coordinator
Claire Daly
Jayston Spindler
Stuart Beard
Cathy Blacker
Ashley Crump
Public Officer
Jordan Stoka
Ground Maintenance
Blair Howden
Committee Member/s
Ian Pearson
James Slade
George Dashwood
Steve Berg
Guy Telfer
Daniel Heffernan
Emily Ashcroft
Bandits Senior Yearbook – 2010/11
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Bandits Senior Yearbook – 2010/11
Club Perpetual Awards
Clubman Award – Jayston Spindler
(Voted on at Senior Presentation Dinner)
Voted on by all members present at end of season senior presentation
Recognises exceptional effort in assisting the smooth running of the Club.
Nominees for 2010/11 were: Blair Howden, Cathy Blacker, Claire Daly,
Georg Eckardt, Jayston Spindler, Steve Berg, Stuart Beard, Vicki Beard
Presidents Award – Claire Daly
Recognises outstanding contribution to the running of the club or activity.
Person whose efforts have greatly assisted the president with the operation
of the club.
Sainsbury Memorial Award – Not Awarded
Presented in memory of George Sainsbury.
Presented usually to a senior player (not the parent of a junior) who is
working or assisting with the junior side of the club.
The salient point being someone who is contributing to juniors and who does
not have a particular vested interest.
The recipient of this award is nominated by George's wife Pat or, in her
absence, the President.
Walford Memorial Award – Georg Eckardt
Presented in memory of Frank Walford. Clubman type award.
A person working behind the scenes, often unseen or not high profile.
Recognises outstanding contribution to the running of the club or activity.
The recipient of this award is nominated by one of Frank's sons or, in their
absence, the President.
Bandits Senior Yearbook – 2010/11
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Bandits Senior Yearbook – 2010/11
Club “Baseball” Awards
Triple Crown
Not Awarded
Home Run Award
Michael Wells (3)
RBI Award
Greg Patton (22)
Matt Gibson (31)
Road Runner (Stolen Bases)
Paul Cooper (25)
Brendan Thorpe (20)
David Washington (13)
Boot-boy (Errors)
Kevin Small (13 errors = .902%)
Jim Pipe (12 errors = .538%)
Khalid Putres (10 errors = .804%)
Mark Donne (9 errors = .775%)
Jon Fisher (9 errors = .667%)
Oliver Hennig (9 errors = .609%)
Fan King (Strike Outs)
Ian Pearson (22)
Brendan Thorpe (20)
Jamie Smith (15)
Jack Middleton (15)
Chris Hollett (15)
Goat Award
George Dashwood
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Bandits Senior Yearbook – 2010/11
Individual Team Awards
A Grade
Greg Patton
Ian Pearson
Players Player
Greg Patton
Josh Parker
Ashley Crump
Rookie of the Year
Not awarded
B Grade
Dean Stoka
Jayston Spindler
Players Player
Ashley Crump
Jayston Spindler
C1 Grade
Adam Roberts
Jason Osborne
Coaches Award
Spencer McMahon
MVP/Players Player
Glenn Boardman
C2 Grade - Black
Matt Gibson
Steve Berg
Coaches Award
Alissa Gosch
MVP/Players Player
Matt Gibson
Bandits Senior Yearbook – 2010/11
C2 Grade – Blue
Jonathan Fisher
Phil Napier
Players Player
Mark Donne
Daniel Russo
C2 Grade – Grey (Masters)
Zac Griffith
Paul Cooper
Coaches Award
Blair Howden
MVP/Players Player
Paul Cooper
Claire Daly
Esther Lam
Players Player
Tara Aherne
Linda Harvey
Bandits Senior Yearbook – 2010/11
Playing Milestones – 2010/11
The data provided below is based on factual information from score books
and best estimates based on playing lists from years gone by.
Thanks to hundreds of hours of work by Vicki Beard going through
mountains of old score books, we are pleased to be able to provide details
on significant playing milestones achieved by the players below in the past
two seasons.
100 Games
Adam Roberts
Andrew Mitchell
Gary Kingham
Georg Eckardt
Grant Pearson
Matt Talbot (128)
Michael McMahon
Micheal Cook (105)
200 Games
Blair Howden
Greg Patton (228)
300 Games
Dean Stoka (338)
400 Games
Dennis Grubb
Jayston Spindler
Ian Pearson (249)
Simon Beard (211)
Sander Warrener
Tom Vincent (223)
100 Games
Adam Roberts
Hayden Beard
200 Games
Greg Patton (221)
Tom Vincent (223)
300 Games
Dennis Grubb
Jayston Spindler
400 Games
Unfortunately, the Club no longer has all score books from every single
year so we have had to give best estimates for some seasons (as per
other ACT clubs) but we now have a starting point for the future.
Bandits will be putting up the full list of games played by ALL senior
players since the 1990’s in the coming months onto our web-site so keep
an eye out for that.
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Bandits Senior Yearbook – 2010/11
A Grade Season Report
Not available at the time of production.
Josh Parker
Greg Patton
Ian Pearson
Ashley Crump
Players Player
Greg Patton
Rookie of the Year
Not awarded
Bandits Senior Yearbook – 2010/11
Bandits Senior Yearbook – 2010/11
Bandits Senior Yearbook – 2010/11
Bandits Senior Yearbook – 2010/11
B Grade Season Report
Not available at the time of production.
Jayston Spindler
Dean Stoka
Jayston Spindler
Players Player
Ashley Crump
Bandits Senior Yearbook – 2010/11
Bandits Senior Yearbook – 2010/11
Bandits Senior Yearbook – 2010/11
Bandits Senior Yearbook – 2010/11
C1 Season Report
The C1 team started the year with a cast of thousands. As the season settled
down it consisted mainly of self proclaimed and old “Bandits Legends” with a
sprinkling of youth (well, guys in late 20’s & early 30’s) and two youngsters in
Hoff McMahon and Jonesy.
A notable inclusion to the team this year was Adam “White Line Fever” Roberts
who picked up exactly where he left off when some of us last played with him in
the mid 90’s. A super excitable and incredibly competitive individual, Adam
added a sensational bat along with dependable glove work up the middle.
Unfortunately for us, a rather innocuous incident in B Grade and his subsequent
suspension left a huge hole in the lineup toward the end of the year.
When Boardo, 7 -1 on the year with a 4.03 ERA, was on the mound we were
nearly unbeatable, but when he was away……. Well, we lost nearly every time as
Grinder 0 – 1 with a 10.03 ERA, Kingy 2 – 1 with a 8.44 ERA and Edan Kelly 1 –
2 with a 7.36 ERA, could not be counted on to hold onto a lead or start a game
without bleeding runs. In the end it probably cost us 1st place after the home
and away rounds. I’m keen on recruiting another pitcher for next year, Stoka
Hitting wise we were strong for the most part and scoring runs was generally not
an issue. The team managed to hit a healthy .359 for the year led by Adam at
.609, Kingy .542, Harro .409 (not bad for a cricketer!) Oz .405 and BC .393.
Leadoff hitter Grinder scored an amazing 29 runs, from 19 hits and 17 walks in
15 games for a .388 average. It was a close call for the strikeout award with
Jonesy just edging out Shane 11 to 10. There were some holes in the line-up
but everyone seemed to contribute when it mattered most.
Fielding, well we made 46 errors, Sander and Angelo the biggest culprits with 8
each, although they had plenty of friends. As always they seemed to happen
when we least needed them, and along with our lack pitching depth cost us
several games.
The end of the year saw the Boardo struggling with a sore arm. That coupled
with Adams suspension and my illness robbed us of any chance in the semi final
when we were beaten comprehensively by eventual runners up Indians. Special
thanks to Gibbo and Dan Russo for helping us out in the final weeks of the year
when we down on personnel.
Overall it was an enjoyable year and I was pleased to see big improvements in
both Harrow and the Hoff as the year wore on. Oh, and Tuesday night beers….. I
miss them.
Until next year, Kingy
MVP/Players Player
Glenn Boardman
Adam Roberts
Jason Osborne
Coaches Award
Spencer McMahon
Bandits Senior Yearbook – 2010/11
Bandits Senior Yearbook – 2010/11
Bandits Senior Yearbook – 2010/11
Bandits Senior Yearbook – 2010/11
C2 Black Season Report
Minor Premiers and justifiably so. Unlucky not to have won the grand final
but that’s baseball. Undoubtedly the best team throughout the season. As a
team we enjoyed excellent pitching depth and good defensive options across
most positions. Offensively we developed very good plate discipline and
made every hole a tough out. As a team we batted 362 with an 500 OBP.
We were fortunate to have a very stable roster with no real weaknesses.
Losing Jarod Dashwood mid-season (travelling overseas) was a big blow
Our regular season record of 14 wins, 2 ties and 2 losses was once again a
vast improvement on the previous season’s results. Hopefully next season
we’ll be able to go just that one better.
Jenny Gosch was our regular scorer throughout the season with Megan
Collins, Kay Wenban, Lisa Kingham and Di Berg helping out when Jenny
wasn’t available. Thanks to all girls as they did a superb job. Having game
records available is important as a coach and I know (judging by the number
of calls I received) the players looked forward eagerly each week for their
stats to be updated on the web site.
Raye Lee (RHP) won the League MVP and was voted Player’s Player (MVP) by
the team. There is no doubt, as a team, we rode on Raye’s back but there’s
a lot more to the story. During the first half of the season Raye, Dan Kelly &
Jarod Dashwood shared the bulk of the pitching duties. When the opposition
can’t score runs it makes it a lot easier to win games. Of course strong
fielding is essential in keeping the opposition’s bats quiet.
Behind the dish Damian Tybussek worked harder than anyone else on the
field. His approach to the game, attitude, and work ethic is first class. A
coach’s delight and winner of the fielding award. Damian was more than
ably backed up by Andrew (Mitch) Mitchell whose availability was restricted a
bit through work commitments but still managed to play in 12 games. The
more Mitch played, the better he got.
On first base Alissa Gosh was very safe fielding a genuine 1000 and turning
more than one wild throw into an assist through her excellent pick. Alissa
also pitched in some key games and in each case finished on the right side of
the ledger. Alissa can consider herself unlucky not to pick up the fielding
award but unfortunately there can only be one recipient.
Shane Kennealy was a late comer to the team (November) but very quickly
showed he knew which end of the bat to hold and how to use it. With a 778
batting average it comes as no surprise he won the batting award and ran a
close second for team MVP. Shane anchored second base for the majority of
Short Stop presented the greatest challenge for us once Jarod departed.
Brendan Thorpe was a natural for the spot but his work commitments made
Bandits Senior Yearbook – 2010/11
training impossible and back to back game appearances rare. Marc Dudok
(only guy to hit a home run for the season) had a few games in the hot spot
but never really looked comfortable. Being only his second season in the
game this is not surprising. With this experience under his belt he’ll be better
prepared next time.
Danny Kelly played the position pretty well but prefers the outfield. Danny
has a great arm and next season will probably see more mound and infield
responsibility. We were very lucky that Chris Hollett works Sundays so we
had a third baseman who should have been playing a higher grade. Good
third baseman are hard to find so we didn’t say anything.
Georg Eckardt showed he is a true utility playing every position during the
course of the season. Georg is one of those guys you can throw into any
situation and you know he’ll handle it. George Dashwood brought his vast
experience to the team and once Jarod convinced him to trade his 35/40 big
berther for a 33/31 twig George showed the younger guys how to make
something happen at the plate. George finished with a 400 BA, 600 during
the second half of the season!
There’s nothing like young eyes, arms and legs in the outfield and this is
where our rookies Daniel (Heff) Heffernan and Tim Neville spent a lot of their
time. Both got opportunities in the infield but generally the outfield was
where they lived. Both guys are good natural athletes with great attitudes
and approach to the game. They could also catch the ball which was a great
bonus. Both were also fortunate to have played in a grand final in their first
year of baseball, something some people never experience despite years in a
Marc Dudok and Michael “Mullos” Mullens were our veteran outfielders, well
this was Marc’s second year anyway... Both were charged with helping the
rookies learn their positions. Judging by the fielding stats they must have
done something right as Tim finished with better figures than his mentors!!
Heff batted 419 and finished with the 3rd best regular roster batting average
which was pretty good. Both rookies had a very good season and showed
they have a real aptitude for the game. Tim also picked up the coaches
award reflecting his commitment to training, attitude and approach to the
game. This was a tough decision as there were several very worthy
contenders for this award.
One of the joys of working with this bunch of guys was the depth of
experience and willingness by everyone to participate both on and off the
field. Every player contributed in meeting our team obligations in terms of
umpiring and Magpies duty. Mullos, Georg, George, Chris and Mitch also
assisted with coaching either during training, on game day, or with planning.
Their efforts were greatly appreciated by myself and the other players. Raye
stepped up to the plate and took on an U10 Zooka Ball team when they lost
their coach at Christmas time. I know that was a thrill for the kids (I saw this
at Junior Presentation) and greatly appreciated by the parents, Club President
and Junior Vice President. I know Raye also enjoyed this immensely.
Bandits Senior Yearbook – 2010/11
There wasn’t much need this season for Saturday / Sunday cross team
assistance. This reflects the good player numbers the club currently enjoys
and makes for more stable teams. I believe this team consistency / stability
was a significant contributing factor to the team’s success this season.
As coach, my approach this season was to try and build on where we left off
last season. We were very fortunate with the skill, ability and commitment of
our new players which blended nicely with that of our returning players. With
the players we had we were able to field every position with strength and
remain strong for complete games. The game time changes were always the
most difficult decisions to make. It’s never easy deciding who has to get part
games. Even harder when all 15 players are available. For those who can’t
do the math, that means 12 people can’t play a full game. It is also not
possible to keep this fair across all positions. We employed several strategies
throughout the season in an effort to try and give everyone as fair a go as
possible within our, sometimes self imposed, constraints.
Generally speaking training was well attended but we rarely seemed to be
able to train with a stable infield. This limited the things we could work on
defensively. Every practice included a significant focus on hitting which I
believe paid dividends on game day. This assertion is validated in our team
batting stats and runs scored. Two out clutch hits became a player’s
expectation rather than a mere hope and on many occasions that expectation
was delivered. Confidence is a big, big part of the game. Practice helps.
There is no doubt the team had an excellent season. The guys had the
respect of all opposition teams. Hopefully all the guys will be able to back up
again next season and we’ll go that final step further. It’s been a pleasure
working with these guys and I hope the players enjoyed it as much as I did.
Well done guys, congratulations on a very successful season. You should all
be very proud of your achievements this season. I am.
All the best.....Stu
MVP/Players Player
Matt Gibson
Matt Gibson
Steve Berg
Coaches Award
Alissa Gosch
Bandits Senior Yearbook – 2010/11
Bandits Senior Yearbook – 2010/11
Bandits Senior Yearbook – 2010/11
Bandits Senior Yearbook – 2010/11
C2 Blue Season Report
A surge in rookie numbers this season resulted in a third C2 team being
formed. With the exception of assistant coach Dan Russo the team consisted
of all first time players to the senior club. We started with about 17 players
and finished the season with 9 committed regulars. Along the way, when
numbers were short, we received grateful support from the C1, C2 Black,
Womens and U16’s teams.
The C2 Blue team objectives for the year were: players to learn the game;
gain game experience; develop pitching; have fun; and, if it happened, win a
game. As it was we won two games. I believe the guys had some fun along
the way and I know they learnt a bit. Our pitching developed during the
course of the season which will help set things up for next season. We could
have focused more on trying to win games but if we did our pitching would
not have developed as it did and rookie game time would have been reduced.
Both of these are in conflict with team objectives so winning only became a
priority when we found ourselves in a competitive position late in a game.
Without the involvement of Dan Russo (who thankfully answered an early
season call for help) my job would have been so much tougher. Dan, whilst a
competitor, understood and accepted the team objectives. The fact that Dan
can play any position provided me with late game options that I otherwise
would not have had. He also provided valuable on-field experience and
guidance which so helped the team.
It was wonderful to have Helen Russo back scoring again and young Hayden
acting as team batboy when available. Dan Russo took over coaching late in
the season (winning the last game too I might add) whilst I was overseas
Thanks too to Mandi Russo who took on managing the team during the same
period. Support like that is so great to have and means a team is not left in
the lurch when personal circumstances change.
Having game records available is important as a coach and I know the
players appreciate it too (most of the time anyway). As mentioned above,
Helen Russo was our regular scorer throughout the season with Vicki Beard,
Megan Collins, Di Berg and Marina Stoka all helping out when Helen was
unavailable or away battling cyclones in Nth Queensland. Thanks so much to
As a team we over achieved off field when it came to being good club
citizens. The C2 Blue team met all umpiring, fund raising, social and Magpies
commitments. Of this all should be proud.
Hopefully all the guys will be back again next season to continue the journey.
It’s been a pleasure and I hope the players enjoyed it as much as I did.
All the best.....Stu
Bandits Senior Yearbook – 2010/11
Player Précis
Mark Donne – great team and club man, always prepared to help out
whenever needed, good skills, developing well. Voted Player’s Player (top
award) which says it all.
Jonathan Fisher – a natural athlete, great arm and eye-hand. Whilst
developing nicely as a pitcher hit 387 to edge Mark Donne (379) out of the
Batting Award.
Phil Napier – another natural athlete, potential galore, played infield hot spots
and outfield. Safe hands and good arm – winner of the Fielding Award.
Dan Russo – team MVP hands down. Without Dan we would have been lost.
Shaun Godbee – another great club man, plenty of potential, keen enough,
good work ethic, more game time and experience required.
Oliver Hennig – developing nicely as a pitcher, plenty of potential, just
requires more experience and with it confidence. Watch him in about 3 years
Jamie Smith – natural leader, clearly has the raw skills, always willing to
pitch in and help, has plenty of sports experience, just requires a bit more
baseball experience.
Chris Sporer –availability suffered due to work commitments, raw skills are
clearly there, plenty of potential, would like to see a lot more of Chris next
Jason Suann – versatile, good team player, always willing to help wherever
needed, took on a lot of the catching duties, has ability, will benefit from
more confidence at the plate.
Daniel Russo
Jonathan Fisher
Phil Napier
Players Player
Mark Donne
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Bandits Senior Yearbook – 2010/11
Bandits Senior Yearbook – 2010/11
Bandits Senior Yearbook – 2010/11
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Bandits Senior Yearbook – 2010/11
C2 Grey (Masters) Season Report
There was a lot of good baseball played by the Masters team this year and
there was some days when we just gave the games away. In most games the
result came down to the final innings of the game. We won five of our games
and in the another five we lost it in one bad inning or a couple of lapses in
concentration that cost us the game. In the other five we didn’t turn up
mentally and just handed the games to the opposition
At the start of the season when I was given a roster of 17 players but
preseason injuries left us with a roster of eleven regulars and three who could
play about half the games. Injuries late in the season meant that I had to
rely on the under 16’s to make the numbers in a few games towards the nd
of the season and it was good to see them take the step up into the senior
The awards for this season went right down to the last game.
The Batting award was tight with a number of contenders going into the last
game. Zac Griffith retained his composure at the plate and came away with
the award. Zac also had a number of memorable games on the mound, not
the least being his closing innings of the season for the win against Bandits
The Fielding award was pretty straight forward this year. When your catcher
has the best fielding average for the team it’s pretty obvious that he has
been playing well. The fielding award goes to Paul Cooper. Blair was also vital
for us on the mound once again this year and pitched by far the majority of
our innings and still had an impressive strike to ball ratio. Without him on the
mound we wouldn’t have been able to field a competitive team and for his
great efforts on the diamond I have awarded Blair Howden the Coach’s
The MVP award was an almost unanimous decision with Paul Cooper getting a
big majority of the vote. His fielding was great, his batting was very good and
when needed I also got him to pitch a few innings.
Finally the Goat award. What would a Masters season be without a goat? The
goat is given to the player who does something stupid each week, preferably
not to do with how they played but to do with something they said or didn’t
do. It is getting harder to award this trophy as there seemed to be fewer
nominations each week. However for a player who didn’t play a lot of games
this year there were a lot of nominations for this player. The award this
season goes to George Dashwood.
On a sad note it was not good to see that Brendan O’Brien has had to move
to Melbourne. We can’t afford to lose good clubmen like Brendan. But Bandits
loss will be Melbourne’s gain.
Bandits Senior Yearbook – 2010/11
Thanks to all the guys for an enjoyable season and hope to see you all back
in uniform next year.
MVP/Players Player
Paul Cooper
Zac Griffith
Paul Cooper
Coaches Award
Blair Howden
Bandits Senior Yearbook – 2010/11
Bandits Senior Yearbook – 2010/11
Bandits Senior Yearbook – 2010/11
Bandits Senior Yearbook – 2010/11
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Bandits Senior Yearbook – 2010/11
Women’s Season Report
Congratulations to our team, making our first grand final was exciting and
quite deserved for all the hard work put in all season.
Unfortunately it didn’t end the way we all wanted but the one thing we can
say is that we have more fun playing how we want to play than most teams
and we did give them a scare
We saw the biggest jump in skill level right across the competition this
season and as coach I enjoyed watching you all become better players and
developing skills that made playing easier and more fun.
The performance in the stats shows that we have a very talented team who
put up good numbers but the big change this season was we had a whole
team who did more of the little things right, we made the routine little plays
or come up with good hitting when we needed it most and that helped us get
to where we ended up in a very close competition.
I think you all deserve credit for getting to training, turning up to games with
great attitudes and ready to play, because it really is fun to coach you all.
Again, we had a team with some players returning from previous seasons
who all had another good season and every player improved on previous
CC & Esther again did the job pitching for us, quietly flying under the radar
against so called better teams with better pitching, but they turn up ready to
compete every week and never let the team down. A big reason our pitchers
did a great job was Nez, who had a more dominant season behind the plate
and did some great things in our offence.
Claire, Linda, Sonea & Kim all had massive seasons with the bat, the stats
show just how dominant these girls were at the plate and it helps having
these girls come out week in and week out and chew up opposition pitchers.
Di added power hitting to her resume and put up her best numbers to date
and probably out hit Steve…..although found the down side to getting on
base lots is more bases to be run!
Kiz brought a new dimension to our team, having a specialist on first base
made all the difference to the field who just threw the ball over and let her do
her thing, and rightly bagged the fielding award. As coach one of the things I
enjoyed most the whole season was how good a combination Linda & Kim
made as our pivots, constantly talking, being in the right spot and helping the
rest of the team be ready and vocal during the game.
Bandits Senior Yearbook – 2010/11
Tash regularly played broke when she knew the coach wouldn’t let her play if
he knew, but always played well and the team missed her when she was hurt
and couldn’t play. You are exactly why I coach, Tash, to have fun and hang
out with friends at the same time.
Sonea , a special mention because at the start of the season you turned up
from the juniors and the club encouraged you to play senior women’s, wow!
Talk about a loss for the junior teams and a bonus for us, you had a great
season and crushed the ball all season and played a number of positions you
never had in juniors but you did a great job against players who still don’t
believe how young you are after playing against you. I am glad that you just
smile and laugh on the inside at the silly things that go on in our team dugout
and trainings, Jay & I do exactly the same.
We have fun but we are a crazy lot when together
Thanks to Mum, for being our scorer, the women’s game isn’t the easiest to
score because of the odd plays that happen and you do it without too much
worry. Also thank you to the lovely ladies from the other teams & Stu who
helped us out scoring on a few occasions.
Prez – again an enjoyable season of Saturday afternoons at the ball park
trying to figure out the team does what it does 
The biggest thank you to all the partners, parents and regular supporters who
turn up and watch the girls play.
Matt Talbot
Linda Harvey
Claire Daly
Esther Lam
Players Player
Tara Aherne
Bandits Senior Yearbook – 2010/11
Womens Statistics
Bandits Senior Yearbook – 2010/11
Bandits Baseball Club – Sponsors
Bandits are proud to be associated with the following sponsors
who generously support our club.