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i ®83 Regional
(ISSN 0044 1848)
2 - I I.L. I N O IS -1N D IA N A
V E N T IO N , Joliet, IL
Oct. 30 - O H IO -M IC H IG A N
C O N V E N T IO N , St.
M a ry ’s Church and H a ll, C o llinw ood, OH
Oct. 21 - “ D IN N E R O U T ” Br. 50, at K u h a r’ s in
Geneva, OH
Oct. 23 - C A R D P A R T Y , Br. 14, Knuth C om m unity
Center, Cleveland, OH
Oct. 23 - “ B” P A R T Y , Br. 39, B iw abik, M N
Nov. 4 - MASS fo r members, Br. 2, Chicago, IL , 8
a.m. at St. Stephen’ s Church
Nov. 6 -F O U N D E R S ’ D A Y MASS, Br. 1, Sheboygan,
W I, 7:30 a.m. Sts. C y ril & M ethodius Church
Nov. 6 - P O U L T R Y
B r. 43,
M ilw aukee, W I, 1:30 p.m .
National Officers:
Oct. 9 - Corinne Leskovar, E d ito r, Chicago, IL
Oct. 14 - Frances Sim onich, Regional President o f
Colorado-Kansas-Missouri, Pueblo, CO
Oct. 15 - Anna Pachak, H onorary Regional President,
Pueblo, CO
A m alia Oswald, Br. 41, Cleveland, OH
M ary E. Roso, Br. 45, Portland, OR
Rose Bradach, Br. 68, Conneaut, OH
M ildred James, Br. 95, So. Chicago, IL
Jean Planisek, Br. 10, Cleveland, OH
Nancy Satkovich, Br. 97, C a irnbrook, PA
Oct. 15 - Sandra M alm quist, Br. 33, D uluth, M N
Oct. 23 - Josephine Comenshek, Br. 32, E uclid, OH
Oct. 31 - M ary Taucher, Br. 47, G arfield Hgts., OH
O C TO B E R , 1983
NO. 10
V O L. 55
Member, Illinois Fraternal Congress
O fficial Publication o f the Slovenian Women's Union o j
America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske 'Zenske Zveze.
Published monthly except January, June & August —
izhaja vsak mesec razen januar, ju n ij in avgust.
Annual Subscription f o r non-members, $10.00 —
naročnina $10.00 letno za ne-članice.
43! No. Chicago St., Joliet, II. 60432
Telephone (815) 727-1926
Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, II.
A ll communications f o r the next issue o f publication must
be in the hands o f the Editor by the firs t week o f the month —
vsi dopisi zo naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo b iti v rokah
urednice do I. r mesecu.
Editorial Office, 2032 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, II. 60608
Telephone (312) 847-6679
Mrs. Josephine V o g r i n j s a remarkable senior
citizen. She lias deeded her home to the city of New
Smyrna Beach, Florida as a Slovenian Heritage Library
and Museum and as its director, has assembled many
interesting and historical artifacts. She also conducts 6
week Slovenian language courses for many young people.
As you see on the photo, she prepares the lessons on long
sheets that she uses for her classes, then rolls up and
stores for future use. All the students “ graduated” from
her first course given this summer have wonderful
memories of having an enjoyable time. The fall class is
beginning this month, according to Pat Hagemeier, the
Secretary of the Library and one of her most enthusiastic
students. “ We are all anxious to continue learning
Slovenian!” says Pat. When one wonders what could be
done to further promote our heritage, just take Mrs.
Vogrin as an example!
(Meet Mrs. Vogrin and read about the
founding of the Slovenian Heritage Library
and Museum on page 14.)
Membership Campaign till March 31,1984!
/T ^ N D H P K N D E N 'I
1515 E 260th, Euclid, O h io 44132
920 F 185th Cleveland. O h i o 4 4 1 1 9
731- 8865
486- 4100
H 54788
Let us welcome the fa ll season w ith a new surge o f
energy and am bition to get programs going fu ll speed.
State Convention in Joliet on October 2nd w ill be in
conjunction w ith their 55th anniversary - a double
celebration. M y apologies fo r not mentioning Wisconsin
State C onvention and 55th anniversary held on Sep­
tember 25th. A privilege and honor to have two such hard
w orking branches in our midst. M any good wishes fo r
their continuing progress.
By now, our young people have returned to their
respective schools - we wish them well in their endeavors.
M any branches hold election o f officers in the next
few months - an im portant function. We need officers
who are capable, interested and able to shoulder
responsibility, as well as make decisions. This is a trust
our SWU founders left fo r us. It is an honor to be
selected fo r office and shows the confidence and good
w ill your sister-members have in you.
O ur present campaign “ Keep The S p irit” should be
attracting some new members; i f our ladies are making
an e ffo rt in that direction. This is a good time to invite
friends to our meetings. W ith the holidays approaching,
our festive spirit takes over and we tend to open our
hearts to conviviality.
The cookbooks are selling and we hear they are
enjoyed by all recipients. M any young people are now
interested in recipes “ like M o m ’s” . There is so much
variety that everyone’ s tastes can be accommodated.
On the fro n t page o f September Z A R J A : a bevy ol
“ Youth Personified” . The future o f SWU is secure w ith
potential leaders such as these.
O ur Heritage Museum has received some interesting
items lately and should be looked into. Have you con­
sidered making this a stop when in the area? You w ill be
pleasantly surprised by the exhibit.
I wish fo r our sick and ailing members and friends a
quick return to health and fo r our beloved deceased, the
com fort o f G od’ s solace in Heaven.
M ay God W alk W ith You.
Sylvia Vukodinovich was born in South Chicago and
attended De Paul College of Commerce, then was em­
ployed as a secretary until 12 years ago.
Since then she resides in Crete, Illinois with her
husband of twenty-two years, George. Altlio never
blessed with children, they enjoy having many nephews
and cousins that keep (hem busy.
Sylvia is a member of the St. Liborius parish in
Steger, Illinois and is a member of the Croatian Catholic
Union. She is active with the Crete Women’s Club whose
main activity is philanthropic.
The members of Br. 95 elected her as Vice-President
and this work she especially enjoys as it brings her in
touch with many old friends in South Chicago as well as
those who, like her, have moved away from the city and
meetings and get-
Sylvia was elected to fill the post left of Treasurer by
Mary Marolt, who was a very diligent officer. She has
already shown herself ot he most capable and energetic in
her new position. We know she will always be an asset to
the SWU and extent heartiest congratulations!
Sylvia Vukodinovich
National Treasurer
The understanding o f the By-laws is imperative fo r each
branch o ffice r to help her w ith branch business.
A new membership campaign w ill begin, retroac­
tively from A p ril l, 1983 to conclude M arch 31, 1984. It
w ill be called “ KEEP T H E S P IR IT G O IN G C A M ­
P A IG N ” in remembrance o f the high degree o f spirited
a ctivity and sisterhood displayed by the convention
delegation in C hisholm . Awards w ill be the same as in
past campaigns, cash fo r each new member plus points
fo r each new member tabulated as follows:
For each new Class B member, $2 cash and 3 points;
For each new Class A member, $1 cash and 2 points;
For each new Junior Class member, 50<t cash and 1
A special prize w ill be awarded to each w orker who
reaches 15 total points; this award w ill be a SWU emblem
pin. The secretary was authorized to order a supply o f
these pins immediately.
The discussion o f By-laws and the proposals adopted
at the Convention was the main work o f the afternoon
session o f the meeting. T w o m ajor points were stressed
that the delegates unanim ously approved. First is that the
Principles o f the organization as stated by the founders
and to which we have adhered fo r over 50 years be
retained even i f in co n flict w ith current ecumenical
trends, namely, that the SWU C onstitution state
members are to be o f the C atholic fa ith and secondly,
that the organization w ill remain under the direction o f
its women members o f Classes A and B. The delegates’
decision to lim it the privileges o f Social Class Members
was also clearly stated in the By-laws. It was moved by
Mrs. Bobence and seconded by M rs. Jagodnik that the
Several points were brought up by the Convention
changes and additions to the By-laws approved at the
Parliam entarian, Hermine Dicke, which w ill be recorded
19th N ational Convention, and reviewed by this Board o f
by the N ational Secretary to be included in the guidelines
Directors would be submitted in their fin a l form to the
fo r the next convention. Mrs. Dicke suggested that the
Illin o is Department o f Insurance and subsequently
printing o f Convention Reports by all N ational Officers
printed fo r the membership.
and submitted in advance to the delegates be repeated in
The Directors also discussed the handling o f the
1987 as it was beneficial to the business discussion. Also cookbooks and were in agreement that the sales are doing
suggested was the need to have delegates instructed
very well. “ POTS A N D P A N S ” is already in its 2nd
earlier as to their duties and obligations.
p rin tin g and proceeds were used to help defray con­
Letters o f thanks w ill be sent from this meeting to
vention expenses, as w ill future proceeds. Diligent in ­
the President o f Br. 38, the hostess branch in Chisholm ,
dividual and branch sellers are complimented fo r good
namely, Mrs. Jennie Samsa w ith a copy o f the Con­
w ork and urged to continue. Mrs. Dicke, the editor o f the
vention Resolution o f A ppreciation; also to Convention
new cookbook, reported that she is elated over the
Chairm an, Ms. Veda P onikvar. These ladies and their
success o f the book and the Directors expressed gratitude
committees did an outstanding jo b o f running a smooth
fo r this excellent fund-raiser.
convention and giving the group most pleasant days.
The Directors met b rie fly w ith the Home O ffice
Secretary, Jonita Ruth and set up a schedule o f regulated
This convention was the first time delegates received
o ffice hours, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. daily. The Board was
per diem (3) as well as travel expenses from the general
grateful to Mrs. Ruth fo r her fine w ork.
Fr. Athanasius, SWU Spiritual A dvisor, paid the
The importance o f the By-laws and adherence to
meeting a visit and offered his blessing.
these regulations by branches and members was stressed.
In fo rm a tio n on the Heritage Room and w ork being
For the benefit o f the new officers, the president
done to update the material received fo r the L ib ra ry was
outlined the general operation o f Z V E Z A business.
given by the National Secretary. Heritage Day records
National Secretary read some o f her correspondence
from Br. 30 who have been hostesses o f three successful
dealing w ith problems incurred by branch officers and
Heritage Days w ill be prepared fo r the Minnesota
Regional Presidents in the conduct o f their offices. Most
Committee in charge o f the next Heritage Day in 1984.
problems occur when branches do not have many ac­
The Board extended its deepest sympathy to E ditor
tivities. The importance o f more involvement by younger
Corinne Leskovar on the recent loss o f her beloved
members is evident. Examples were cited where branches
husband, Ludw ig. His funeral was attended by numerous
which were struggling before arc doing much better with
officers and members who live in the vicin ity o f Chicago.
new, young officers.
Mrs. Leskovar was very grateful fo r the many messages
Further discussion was made on Scholarship
and prayers offered in his memory.
requirements fo r students in the future and it was
The meeting adjourned at 7 p.m . w ith prayer and
suggested by Mrs. Dicke that a new subject be found for
wishes fo r safe return home to traveling officers.
the student essays that are printed in Z A R .IA . The
M a ry M u lle r, President;
Directors responded w ith several acceptable topics.
Corinne Leskovar, Recording Secretary
A special meeting was
called by the N ational
President, M ary M uller to conclude the fiscal year 198283 and conduct an audit fo r the first six months o f 1983
before the new N ational Treasurer and newly elected
N ational A u d ito r take over their positions; also to
welcome the new members o f the Board elected at the
I9th National Convention.
Present at the meeting were the follow ing: President,
M a ry
M u lle r, Vice-President C irila
Secretary Olga Ancel, Treasurer Sylvia V ukodinovich,
2nd A u d ito r Irene Jagodnik, T h ird A u d ito r V ictoria
Bobence, E ditor Corinne Leskovar, Youth D irector,
A nna L. H odnik and President o f the Scholarship Fund
Hermine Dicke. Also present was out-going Treasurer,
M ary M a ro lt.
The meeting was called to order at 9:30 a.m. at the
Home O ffice o f S.W .U . in Joliet, Illin o is. The president
welcomed all. For some this meeting was the firs t visit in
an o ffic ia l capacity to the Home O ffice. A prayer was
offered fo r the membership and on behalf o f the at­
tending officers fo r fru itfu l deliberations.
Greetings were received from form er National
President, M ary Bostian and W omen’s A ctivities
D irector A lbin a Uehlein.
Upon completion o f the six month audit o f financial
ledgers, the A uditors found all in perfect order.
The president asked all those present to share their
memories o f the recent N ational Convention and to make
suggestions and comments fo r future improvements.
Everyone present had marvelous memories o f the five
days, spent in the friendly city o f C hisholm , Minnesota.
Z A R J A —T H i : D A W N
R ev. Athanasius Lovrenčič, O .F .M .
God keeps his promises.
A t autumn time we receive the fru its o f our fields;
the promise o f spring is fu lfille d . In the spring the farmer
sows seeds in hope that these seeds w ill bring him fru it.
He sows in hope. Why? Because that is the promise o f
nature, that these seeds w ill be returned in hundredfold.
But there is one condition: the farm er must do his part;
he must cultivate the field, put seeds and plants into the
ground and take care that the soil has enough moisture.
Then the promise o f spring w ill be fu lfille d in autumn.
God makes us promises, too; Here again we have
conditions that we do what God expects o f us. The most
basic promise, that He w ill give us our daily bread, is
fu lfille d only i f we fu lfill our duties. God promised many
things in the Old Testament. M any o f these were already
fu lfille d . The most im portant promise being, that He w ill
send us a redeemer fo r the human race, was fu lfille d in
C hrist. C hrist H im self promised many things, some o f
which were fu lfille d ; some are fu lfille d in our tim e and
some w ill be in the future.
H ow about us? D id God make any promises to us?
He certainly did; in baptism He is prom ising us that we
w ill become children o f God i f we love H im ; especially in
the blessed Eucharist there is a great promise: Whoever
receives holy com m union w o rth ily w ill have everlasting
life. We could go on and on! I f God promises something,
that promise brings great things! Here too, there are
conditions which have to be fu lfille d on o u r'p a rt. When
we pray to our blessed M other or other saints, we
frequently add: “ Pray for us that we may be made
worthy of the promises of G od!” Do we get the point?
We must be made w orthy o f the promises o f God. We
play a great role so that the divine w ord to us w ill be
fu lfille d . \ t the same time The A lm ig h ty is sending us
His help i ! k i ! His promise o f eternal life in us w ill become
a reality!
V ^ y c to b e r — One o f the quieter months after a busy
summer and before the holiday season. We can now
focus our attention on the programs o f all the branches.
To try to get new ideas, we can share w ith each other
our programs fo r the year by sending them in to be
highlighted in the Z arja. W ith the new ideas from the
d ifferent areas o f the country whether there are 30
members or 300, an account o f their activities w ill be
W ith the help o f our state and local presidents
rem inding all our ladies to participate this program can
be successful.
The fo llo w in g is a guideline to be used:
Branch n u m b e r..............................................................
C ity and S ta te .................................................................
When fou nd e d .................................................................
Number o f m e m b e rs.....................................................
Religious activitie s..........................................................
Educational activities.....................................................
C ivic a c tiv itie s ................................................................
C hildren’ s a c tiv itie s .......................................................
Sport activities................................................................
E n te rta in m e n t................................................................
General explanation o f m e e tin g s................................
H igh points o f the year...................................................
Other c o m m e n ts ............................................................
K indly send material to be published to:
Albina Uehlein, Women’s Aelivities
774 Lakewood Beach Drive
Sheffield Lake, Ohio 44054
Thank you.
At the picnic of Br. 42, Maple Hgls., Ohio, a visiting charter member
from Florida attended and it was a grand reunion. She is Frances Legan who
came with her sister, Betty Gawor, also our member. On (his photo is another
charter member, Mary Yemec. The lady with the cast on her arm is secretary,
Mary Lou Prhne. The baby is youngest member, two week old Katie Gruden
held by her grandma, Angie Gruden.
Br. 42 youngest member, Katie Gruden, was only two weeks old when
she attended the branch's summer picnic with her mom and dad, Mary
Catherine and John. She also has a sister, Gabrielle who's 3. All are members
of Br. 42. Congratulations!
NO. 1, S H E B O Y G A N , W I
NO. 13, SAN FR A N C IS C O , CA
Greetings: M ore plans were made
fo r our annual card party on Sep­
tember 12th at the August meeting.
n o te s
w e re
acknowledged from Rev. R. Fale and
Christine Sterk.
As declared at the N ational
Convention in M ay, Founders Day is
to be observed the first Sunday in
November the 6th. Mass w ill be held
at St. C yril & Methodius Church at
7:30 a.m. Please try and be present.
In C a lifo rn ia , especially in San
Francisco, we have warm days as I
d o n ’t remember in all 55 years since I
came here from Slovenia.
First meeting o f the branch was on
the 1st o f September. Granddaughter
o f Rose S ko ff, our member, got
married on March 26th at Tahoe.
Her name is Cathleen O ’ Connor,
daughter o f Rosemary Gallagher.
Rose is very happy about the
S ister
T illie
K u rn ic k
vacationing in Europe and we hope
she had a w onderful time. T illie was
secretary o f local lodge fo r many
years and very efficient, hard
w orking and a w onderful person.
Being no further business the
meeting was adjourned and a social
was held, hostesses being: D orothy
Brezonik and Margaret Fischer.
Kate Pechaver was hospitalized
and we hope she feels better. She and
her beautiful sisters are a credit to
Zveza. Always ready to help.
To our convalesing and sick
members may the dear L ord bless
you and keep you in His care.
Meeting date: Oct. 16th. Hope you
can be present.
The picnic o f the Church o f the
N a tivity was a success.
On Sept. 4th we had a beautiful
wedding in our church which was
fille d to capacity. O ur organist
T o m ’ s second son m arried a
beautiful g irl, Debra Ann Loza. The
marriage ceremony was o fficiated by
Rev. John Susterich from M in ­
nesota, the bridegroom ’s uncle. The
bride wore a hand made creation
w ith the bodice o f lace w ith a high
collar. The skirt was satin and had a
long tra in ; also, she wore a long veil.
She could w in a beauty contest, she is
so beautiful and the bridegroom what a handsome man! Her mother
and father, M r. & M rs. Loza,
celebrated their 35th anniversary at
the same time. M rs. Loza looked
very young and elegant. As the bride
and groom were dancing in each
others’ arms to the tune o f
‘ “ Edelweiss” , a German song, my
thoughts went back to my wedding
and the happiness o f so long ago.
Their reception was in one o f the
beautiful hotels on the peninsula.
A report on bus transportation to
West A llis in observance o f the 55th
anniversary o f Branch 17, combined
w ith the State C onvention was given
by Agnes Gruenke.
NO . 2, C H IC A G O .IL
October approaches us again, and
we hope many members w ill be
present at the meeting - especially
those eligible to vote. As you know,
October is election time. I f yo u ’ re
nominated fo r o ffice, kin d ly con­
sider accepting the position.
O ur “ penny social” takes place in
November. Please bring in your
prizes as we are in need o f them.
Also, your baked specialties w ill be
appreciated along w ith your at­
tendance and that o f your fa m ily and
friends. A good time is in the
planning. Now that vacation time is
behind us, perhaps our meeting and
parties w ill keep us busy.
Sick List: Helen Storcz, M ary
Rochay, Anne Z o rk o , Verona
A n to lin and Anne H ow ard, all who
are hospitalized. Please remember
our sick members in your prayers.
Mass fo r the health o f our ailing
members w ill be o ffe re d
November 4th at 8:00 a.m.
Hope your vacation was safe and
enjoyable. Looking
forward to
seeing you at the meeting. M ay the
Lord keep you all in good health.
Am ong the many guests were
Dr. Ravnik w ith his gracious wife,
D r. Erlach and his beautiful wife,
Dr. Ravnik, Jr. and w ife and our
organist and his darling w ife, parents
o f the groom , radiant w ith jo y .
Am ong honored guests were Rose
S co ff our past president o f C a lif.Washington-Oregon and our form er
great singer, A nn Fabian Judnich.
Our new sporano w ith a golden
voice, D r. Linda A ngin was there in
an elegant evening gown. There were
6 bridesm aids, all dressed in
organdy, very impressive. Most
beautiful were tw in girls o f M r. &
Mrs. Flyn, about 2 old, marching
down the aisle like tw o little but­
terflies. The singing was beautiful,
especially “ Sanctus” and the great
Amen by Hayden. 11 year old Diane
F ir was singing all the solos including
the 150 Psalm which Ales Simens,
our organist and her mother im ­
provised. It was m anificent.
NO . 14, E U C L ID , OH
The S .W .U . State Convention o f
combined branches w ill be held right
here in Cleveland on Sunday, Oc­
tober 30. It w ill open w ith a 10:30
mass at St. M a ry ’ s Church on
Holmes Ave. follow ed by dinner.
For more in fo rm a tio n call Vera
Bajec at 481-7473. This event is open
to all members and promises to be an
interesting and pleasant afternoon
fo r all who attend.
Congratulations are in order fo r
M ary Stražišar (A rrowhead) whose
granddaughter Joan, liv in g in
M aryland, gave b irth to a baby girl
m aking M ary a great-grandmother.
Good luck to a ll!
O ur Vice-Pres. M ary Stražišar
(Kewanee) is excitedly aw aiting Sept.
23 when she and T illie Spehar leave
fo r a one-week trip to O ur Lady o f
Fatima Shrine in Portugal. They
signed up on the w aiting list after
representatives from O ur L a d y’s
Blue A rm y gave a fascinating
presentation at a lodge meeting, and
have now been placed on the
passenger list.
Get well to M o lly Legat who is
hospitalized and also to M rs. A n ­
tonia M eklan. M ary Dolsak, who
does all o f our delicious cooking,
had eye surgery recently and is
recuperating nicely. By the way,
M ary is taking a bus trip once again
to O ur Lady o f Consolation in
Carey, O hio. We pray fo r a speedy
recovery fo r all o f our ill members
and their families.
U nfortunately, we’ ve lost many o f
our fa ith fu l members w ith in the last
few months. We are saddened to
report the death o f member Mrs.
Josephine Cebulj who passed away
August 29. O ur sympathy to her sons
John and Frank and their families.
Mrs. Cebulj w ill be missed by those
o f us who were used to seeing her
regularly at our m onthly meetings.
Condolences to the Sadar fam ily
on the passing o f member M illie
Sadar on August 11 and also on the
death o f M r. Sadar, M illie ’ s
Condolences also to the fa m ily o f
member A ntonia Kostrevec, who
was a resident at the Slovene Home
fo r Aged, who also passed away the
end o f August. M ay the eternal light
o f O ur L ord grant our deceased
eternal rest and peace and provide
consolation to their families.
Remember to purchase your
tickets fo r our Card Party October
23 to be held at 24151 Briardale in
Euclid fro m 1:00-4:00 p.m . W e’ ll
have free refreshments and table and
door prizes. Tickets are $2.50 and
available from members o f N o. 14,
at the door, or by calling Vera Bajec
at 481-7473. The party is being
chaired bv Ileene C ollins who
promises a fun afternoon fo r all!
NO . 17, W EST A L L IS , W I
West A llis , W I, Branch No. 17
extends its deepest sympathies to the
fa m ily o f Ludw ig Leskovar. He was
an active fraternalist and a civic
minded person. His presence w ill be
greatly missed by both the young and
the old.
Here we w ill miss the KSKJK nights and Ladies N o. 237
secretary, Joseph P. Matzelle. Joe
was also an active fraternalist who
prom oted many a ffa irs here in our
area and was always w illin g to give a
helping hand whenever needed. Our
sympathies are extended to w ife,
Catherine and fam ily.
A nother loss to our com m unity is
Don Streicher, son o f Josephine
K riv itz Streicher. He was the owner
o f Don Streicher Guns, and active in
civic and church affairs. Sympathies
are extended to his mother, w ife and
fa m ily.
To the shut-ins, we send them
good wishes and best o f health.
Josephine Im perl, Elsie Valenčič,
and Josephine Stariha are now on
the way to recovery.
Members, i f you are in arrears,
please try to pay the dues.
Meetings w ill again resume on
September 18, at 2:00 p.m. in the
Baraga H all.
M A R IO N M . M A R O L T
NO . 20, J O L IE T , IL
O ur October meeting w ill take
place on Tuesday night October
18th, at 6 p.m . instead o f 7:30 p.m.
We are going to have a picnic style
meeting, w ith hot dogs and all the
trim m ings. A ll husbands arc invited;
this w ill be a fun meeting, relaxation
after the busyness o f the Grape
Festival Dance and the Convention.
The end o f the school session in
June, brought us news o f the
graduation o f Wileen M . Dragovan,
daughter o f M r. and M rs. W illia m J.
Dragovan. She received a B A degree
w ith a m ajor in A rt H istory from the
College o f the U niversity o f Chicago,
in convocation ceremonies on June
11. Congratulations and best wishes
fo r the future. She is also a graduate
o f Joliet Township H igh School.
O ur sympathy is extended to
Barbara Ancel and fa m ily on the
death o f her husband, Joseph, and
their father and grandfather. Bar­
bara, her daughters, daughters-inlaw and granddaughters are all our
members. Son Edward is the
husband o f Olga A ncel, our
N ational Secretary.
A 90th birthday was celebrated by
M ary Kuncic, mother o f Josephine
Tezak. Jo and her husband Dick
entertained at an open house in her
honor at their home. Mrs. Kuncic
resides at the O ur Lady o f Angels
Retirement Home and is an active
participant in all activities. Her
greatest pleasure is being able to
attend daily mass and receive
C om m union.
Olga and Ed Ancel celebrated a
happy event in their fa m ily on
August 1st. when their daughter,
M arie and M a rk
Benko were
married. The ceremony took place in
St. Joseph’ s C h u rch , w ith
reception fo r immediate fam ily
members at the Ancel home. The
couple w ill reside in New Y ork.
O ur get well list has a few more
names added to it: Kay Sukle, Louise
D o bczyk, Dolores P lu t, Gene
Klainsek, husband o f Gen, one o f
our auditors,
F lorian
M arkun,
husband o f M aria, and A1 Lovati,
our Secretary Agnes’ husband.
Prayers fo r the return o f good health
to all.
Congratulations Marge Grayhack
on your w inning a cash prize on our
local radio station sponsor wheel
contest. I heard it w ith my own ears
and was th rille d to know a w in n e r!!
I had a b rie f encounter w ith a
form er Joliet resident who was in
tow n fo r a visit. Met her at St.
Joseph’ s Park at a picnic and we
reminisced about our days in the
Cadet D rill Team. D orothy Jevitz
S artori, who now lives in Florida,
and her husband Reno, were here fo r
a few weeks. Nice seeing you again,
D orothy.
A nother o f our members, having
ventured into the business w orld, has
taken the step to move out o f the
downtown area to J o lie t’ s west side.
H arriet H rva tin , owner o f N ik k i’s,
form erly R yan’s Ladies Shop, has
changed locations and we hope the
move to Springfield Ave. promotes
the sale o f the lovely fashions she
The end o f the month brings
Halloween: I ’ m sure we’ ll all be
invaded by modern day ghosts and
goblins. Treat them kin d ly, w ith the
kind o f goodies you like — iust in
case you H A V E to eat the le ft­
overs!! Remember the poor souls on
A ll Souls Day.
It takes both the rain and the sun
to make a rainbow.
NO . 22, B R A D L E Y , IL
One o f summer’ s daily pleasures is
the a b ility to get around w ith greater
ease-no coat, no boots, no ice to
w orry over! So it was that our dear
Anna Jam nik ventured out after
dark (so to speak) to the home o f
A nn Richards to jo in A nn and
Mayme Drassler in hosting us fo r the
August meeting. It was like old times
to see Anna and Mayme among us.
We missed a few this tim e but do
expect to enjoy their company in
October. Needless to say that our
hostesses did a superb jo b ! M any
In the business portion o f the
meeting, words o f appreciation were
read from
the Bishop Baraga
Association fo r the g ift in memory o f
Ludw ig Leskovar and also from the
Leskovar fam ily.
The discussion on the Illin o is State
C onvention in Joliet centered mostly
on how to get there in the first place,
there being no local business o ffe rin g
bus or van service. The in firm itie s o f
age or lack o f experience in distance
drivin g , especially in u n fa m ilia r
te rrito ry , make us wary. W e’ ll fin d a
A t games, Anne K in d e r’ s score
d id n ’ t q u a lify fo r an award but
nonetheless she went o f f w ith two
prizes - including the door prize. Not
bad fo r one evening.
School days are here again and fo r
Professor James Richards i t ’ s a step
up from associate professor to fu ll
professorship in the department o f
computer science at the Bem idji State
U niversity in Minnesota. Nice going!
But the pride Ann and Francis
Richards feel doesn’ t stop w ith Jim.
They are pleased that daughter
Barbara C lutter has advanced in her
association w ith the C ity N ational
Bank, becoming teller supervisor and
also assistant manager o f the Bradley
branch. Barbara does not promise to
double your money overnight,
M a rg e
P la n to n
s till
vacationing the day o f our meeting.
She and sister, M ary R ittm anic,
attended the Spreitzer fa m ily reunion
M r. & Mrs. M ark Benko
Alm ost nineteen years ago the Junior colum nist o f
“ For the Young at H eart” namely Regina, wrote o f her
five-year old daughter M arie. “ A lovable, gay,
imaginative, sympathetic and helpful child, she poses
such questions as ‘Where is God?’ Ever since she was
able to talk she would tell me ‘be happy, mommy!’
August 6 in Ely, M in n ., but Marge
was not about to rush back to her
housewifely routine, rather elected to
let husband indulge in his fishing and
she in visiting her many relatives and
On October 18 we meet again at
the home o f Helen Sebastiani.
W ith the waning days o f summer,
we are acutely aware o f the later
sunrise and the earlier sunset. It
prom pts this quote from W illia m A .
W ard: "E very sunrise is a new
message fro m God; every sunset H is
signature.” Do we take fo r granted
the free g ift o f each new day?
E M M A LU S T IG , Reporter
NO. 32, E U C L ID , OH
Congratulations to M a rilyn Kuhar
and Gregory Legan who w ill be
married this month on Oct. 15th at
St. W illia m s’ Church. M a rilyn is the
whenever I was upset. Nowadays she also tells me not to
make those ‘lines’ on my face.
“ Following the president’s assassination, our little
girl said, ‘Why do they always kill good guys — first it
was Jesus, now it’s Kennedy.’
“ Her one problem is keeping busy. Her day includes
watching T V , helping her mommy with baking, washing
dishes, vacuuming, painting and coloring. She brings
much joy in many ways to her older brother and three
sisters, as well as to her baby brother.”
In the years since then she became involved in sports,
dramatics, music, Slovenian fo lk dancing, including
director o f the Junior dancers, drum m ajor fo r the St.
Francis Academ y-Joliet C atholic H igh Schools band and
Jo lie t’ s only Kazoo Band.
For three summers beginning in her Junior year at
the Academy, M arie and colum nist Davy composed and
directed vaudevillian and musical stage productions at
the St. Joseph H all on N o rth Chicago Street (which was
torn down in 1982), as well as composed, produced and
directed their original movies, which were spin-offs o f
the M arx Brothers, at the J o lie t’s train depot. Her love
fo r animals resulted in an agricultural degree at the
U niversity o f Illin o is . A nd it was at Champaign-Urbana,
home o f the U niversity, that she met her future husband
M a rk, who received a degree in Human Factors
In the late afternoon o f a lovely M onday, August 1,
M arie became the bride o f M ark Benko, son o f Edward
and Josephine Benko o f N o rth b ro ok. The ceremony took
place in St. Joseph C atholic Church at which the Rev.
Athanasius Lovrenčič o fficia te d . Her college friend,
C arolyn Kelley o f S pringfield, was her m aid-of-honor.
The gro o m ’ s lifelong friend, Russ Budde o f A rlin g to n ,
was the bestman. A reception fo r only the very im ­
mediate members o f the fam ilies took place at the home
o f the bride’s parents. The newlyweds make their home in
South Salem, New Y ork.
O ur fam ily was not decreased but increased and
enriched by a son-in-law and his fam ily. M y husband Ed
and I pray that God grants our newlyweds His choicest
blessings. And may the peace o f Christ dwell always in
their hearts and in their homes.
Y our friend,
R E G IN A (alias Olga Ancel)
daughter o f my nephew, John Kuhar
and his w ife, Julie, a member o f Br.
25. The groom ’s mother, Ann
Legan, is a member o f Br. 32 as is
her mother. Their wedding reception
w ill be held ai the Rechar H all. Also,
belated birthday wishes to John
Kuhar who was 65 on August 30th.
Many happy returns!
M y granddaughter, K atliie Cooke
Mchi and her husband, Dave are
living in Rochester, N .Y . since
February. Dave was transferred
from S to u ffe r’s in Houston to be on
hand at the grand opening o f the new
Hotel Rochester in July. He is
director o f kitchen and beverages
there. Kathie’ s sister, Christine,
moved in June from Houston to
Tampa, Florida where she started
college. Her sister, Carole Cooke
Kozan and husband Bob have
become the parents o f a boy, Ryan
Joseph, who was a year old Sept.
28th. His grandma, Ann Cooke,
enjoys their visits as do I, his great
grandm other.
I send greetings to all my friends
and members o f Br. 32. I just
celebrated my 85th birthday July 1st
- I ’ m really an old tim er! 1 have been
a widow 29 years and on Oct. 15th
w ill celebrate 61 years since I came to
Am erica!
We are happy to know that Mrs.
Agnes Rastello, a member o f Br. 28,
C alumet, M ichigan, is alive and well.
She was m istakenly listed in the
Mem oriam Colum n in last m o n th ’s
Z A R J A . We know that she w ill
forgive this error and we wish her
well in her 84th year!
H .O .
ZARJA— l i l i : DAWN
NO . 33, D U L U T H , M N
Ursula Despot is a new member o f
our branch. Welcome!
Peggy C ollard was honored in
August as Queen and Helen Z ilk o
was to be Queen in September.
Prayers o f sympathy to Tina
Zupancich who lost her sister.
Wishes fo r good health to Sunnie
(Louis) Spehar, M ary Krueger,
Josephine Gregorich, Verna Zwak
and M ary Mega.
Congratulations to Cora Jones,
tw o new grandchildren.
We planned a bus to Keewatin fo r
Minnesota State Day Sept. 11th.
LO IS P E LA N D E R , Reporter
NO . 35, A U R O R A , M N
T w enty-five ladies met on Aug.
23rd (today) fo r a very interesting
To make people aware that the
19th SWU C onvention was to be held
in Chisholm , we had a beautiful
display o f articles from Slovenia are
our local bank in M ay. Many
favorable comments were received
about this display. President Anna
Rose Smolich thanked all the ladies
who donated and worked on the
d isp la y. C o nve ntion com m ittee
reports were given by N a t’ l Youth
D irector, Anna H od n ik, on planned
youth activities. Delegate Anna Rose
S m o lich
P h y llis
T u rk ,
S ch ola rship, D o ro th y
J a m n ik ,
Membership, and AnneO razem , ByLaws. We all agreed it was a “ well
ru n ” convention. A special thanks to
our hostesses o f Br. 38.
Ladies, have you read the reports
on the convention in the July-August
issue o f ZA R JA ?
We are happy to welcome tw o new
members, Barbara Vodovnik and
Josephine Potter.
Sincere condolences to the fam ily
o f Frances Paulisich who passed
away on July 19th. M ay she rest in
Today we are saddened by the
death o f D orothy Jam nik’ s husband,
Frank. O ur sincere sympathy to
D orothy, D ottie and the Jamnik
fam ily. M ay he rest in peace.
D orothy is our Secretary-Treasurer.
Plans were made to attend the
State Convention in Keewatin Sept.
11th. Pres. Smolich thanked today’ s
hostesses. The next meeting is Dec.
4th at 3 p.m . at Sr. C itizen’ s Center.
Election o f officers w ill be held then
and a Christmas party w ith $2 g ift
exchange. The dinner w ill also cost
$2. Jr. members are invited. Youth
D irector for our branch, Barbara
K alar, w ill be in charge o f the
program. Hostesses w ill be Florence
H olland, Helen Sim onich, Alice
O C T O B IR , 1983
W ils o n , A n n (F ritz ) Mismash,
Marcella Servatka, Louise C ondit,
Connie T u rk , Anna Rose Smolich,
Frances Smolich, Betty Orazem, Ria
Bradach, Nancy M a rtin e tto , Ann
Royer and M ary Landgren. Meeting
was closed w ith prayers.
N O . 38, C H IS H O L M , M N
H ello, sisters! August was a
lovely, hot m onth. I hope you all
enjoyed the summer. We did not
meet in July or August but we were
looking forw ard to Sept. 7th when
we w ould meet again. We are hoping
to get new members and enjoy our
m onthly gatherings. We were getting
ready fo r our State Convention at
Keewatin. Hope we had lots o f
members in our group. We planned
to wear our Slovenian o u tfits!
We s till have some copies o f the
“ m in i” cookbook on sale and i f
anyone is interested in it, please send
$2 plus m ailing.
O ur dear sister, A nn Bradach
passed away in August. We w ill all
miss her. She did a lot fo r our Br. 38,
arranging programs, music sheets
and she was our Santa Claus every
year at the Christmas party. O ur
deepest sympathy to the Bradach
fam ily.
A m looking forw ard to attending
the Grape Festival in A u ro ra on Oct.
1st and hoping to see many SWU
members there. W hile 1 was on a trip
to Chicago, M ilwaukee, and Penna,
I did see Angela N ico in Chicago and
had a nice talk w ith her and we
danced to a Slovenian polka!
NO. 39, B IW A B IK , M N
We have resumed our meetings
after our summer recess. The
September meeting was well a t­
tended. A fte r enjoying our beautiful
summer, everyone seemed anxious to
get back into the swing o f things.
Plans were made to hold a “ B ” party
on Oct. 23 at St. John’ s H all.
H opefully everyone w ill get out and
sell Iheir tickets as our treasury is
quite low. M ary Berknes w ill take
charge o f the p rin tin g o f the tickets
and getting them out to the members.
On Sunday, Sept. I I , we joined
the A u ro ra women and drove to
Keewatin, to attend our Minnesota
Day. Although the weather was a
little gloom y, there was a lot o f
sunshine and happy smiles at the
m eeting. State Pres., V ic to ria
Bobence did a beautiful jo b and
should be commended fo r her
diligence and hard w ork this past
year. She w ill be succeeded by Rose
Maras o f H ibbing. 1 am sure all o f
the members w ill give her help and
support as we have given the
presidents in the past.
Father O ’ Donnel is a. delight. His
Irish w it was enjoyed by all. Vocal
selections by the A u ro ra W om en’ s
Chorus were excellent. Everyone
enjoys meeting old friends and
making new ones at these meetings.
A fte r a delicious dinner we
departed fo r home. Next year, God
w illin g , we w ill meet in K itzville !
Thank you ladies o f Keewatin fo r
a most enjoyable day.
_________ A N N K RO G ER, Rec. Sec.
NO . 40, L O R A IN , O H
As you read this; a long, hot
summer is behind us. Labor Day has
come and gone, and my youngest
granddaughter, Raelene, is very busy
in first grade, a day long activity,
and w ill soon be getting ready fo r
“ T ric k and T re a t.”
A t the August meeting 13 mem­
bers attended. The door prize
donated by M o lly Glavan and won
by M a ry Ploszaj, lucky me! Minutes
were read by Agnes Tomazin in the
absence o f M a ry M atos
recording secretary. Thank you,
Agnes, fo r a fine jo b ! We missed you
M ary.
O ur hostesses and birthday girls
were A nnette Septaric, Steffie
P o lu tn ik, and Rose Jancar. They
served a lovely dessert lunch, and we
sang “ Happy B irth d a y.”
Thank you to Angela Smith and
M ary Matos fo r their donations..
Angie V oytko, back from a 17 day
trip to Yugoslavia (and surrounding
areas) gave a very interesting talk
that kept us all spellbound.
Sorry to hear K athryn Fush is
having eye surgery - hope you’ ll soon
be well; and to all our ill members hurry and get better, our prayers are
w ith you.
To M ary K urjan - we miss you and your cheerful outlook on life.
H u rry back.
Steffie P olutnick - looking fo r
matches, ran across a very old piece
o f paper containing the names o f the
founders o f our Branch - they were:
M ary Baraga, Angela Berta, Frances
Bresak, M ary Cerniles, Johanna
Debevec, Jennie Kragel, Johanna
Svete, Francis Tomazic and A ntonia
Udovich. Thank you ladies fo r a fine
foundation in a good organization and may we be able to carry on in
your place.
Slate C onvention coming up on
October 30. Not too much on this.
I ’ ll close w ith this little thought;
O ur greatest g lo ry is not
in never fa ilin g , but in
rising every tim e we fa ll.
2362 Paddock Lane
Restcn, Va. 22091
Part II
L e t’s see, where was I? Oh yes, I recall after leaving
Richmond Brothers, in 1925, I got a jo b fo r 301 an hour
at the Cleveland Public H a ll on E. 6th and St. C lair,
where flow er shows and operas were presented. The hall
and a regular wood flo o r, and after a flow er show, there
were piles and piles o f d irt. We cleaning women paired
o f f and swept the hall, fillin g many baskets w ith d irt.
Then they drove the truck right in to the hall and we
emptied the baskets into the truck. By the way, we
scrubbed the flo o r w ith soapy water and wiped it w ith
clear water using rags, not mops, scrubbing on our hands
and knees. One day, 1 slipped, h ittin g one o f the two
pails each woman used, and broke my rib. They sent me
to a doctor on E. 9th Street who bandaged me. Returning
one week later, 1 could hardly breathe, but continued to
w ork, breaking the rib in the same place fo r the second
Let me tell you how my husband and I became
United States Citizens. A t that time, M r. H opkins (the
Cleveland A irp o rt is named after him ), was Cleveland’ s
C ity Manager. However, when that political issue was to
be changed, and Cleveland would change to the mayoral
government, M r. M ille r announced, “ I ’ m going to run
fo r mayor o f Cleveland; anyone who is a citizen, vote fo r
m e.” W ell, I was a citizen but could not vote in that
mayoral election because I was a woman, but my
husband voted.
Im m igrants were encouraged to become citizens,
through the efforts o f M r. A n to n G rdina, one o f the
early Slovene im m igrants in Cleveland, who died at 90,
and published the Nova Domovina newspaper, when I
came to Am erica. (M r. Louis Pirc, the next owner,
changed the newspaper’s name to Clevelandska
Amerika). The editorials encouraged Slovene men to
become citizens -- not the women, because they couldn’ t
vote — only men could. M y husband got his citizenship
papers in 1913, during W orld W ar I. They put on the
citizenship paper (which cost $1.00) that he was a father
o f three; therefore, he d id n ’ t have to go to the m ilita ry
service. Also, his name, age, height, weight, color o f
eyes, along w ith my name, age; and that o f our children,
my sons, A nthony, age 5; Louis, 3; and Fred, 3 months. I
still have that citizenship paper.
Women reeived the right to vote in 1921, the year my
youngest sister, Frances, arrived in America. I ’ ve voted
ever since that time in the basement o f St. Vitus Church,
and still admire those suffragettes who worked so hard to
establish this right fo r women.
There wasn’ t always complete agreement or good
w ill amongst the im m igrants. I recall a religious incident
which developed in 1907. There was a big disagreement
among some o f the parishioners who wanted to dismiss
Father Vitus H rib a r from St. Vitus Parish because they
said, “ He puts everything in his pocket.” M r. A nton
G rdina, father o f the funeral director, fought to have
him replaced. Then Father Zakrajšek, a Salesian priest,
came from Slovenia to replace Father H rib a r, but the
Bishop said, “ None o f you w ill get what you w a n t.” He
sent Father Zakrajšek to New Y o rk , moved Father
H rib a r to A kro n , O hio, and appointed a new priest,
Father Bartholemew P onikvar, who came from my
form er parish in Slovenia. But, nobody wanted him ! The
parishioners kept fighting. F inally, the Bohemian Bishop
came to the house where the people were gathered and
protesting loudly, “ We don’ t want P o n ikva r.” The
© Irene M . Planinšek O dorizzi, 1983
Bishop said, “ H e’ ll be okay. Help him. D o n ’ t fight
h im .” I was young at this time. Father Ponikvar
remained, but some discontented individuals revealed
through gossip in later years, that even Father Ponikvar
had money and an apartment building when he died.
Years later, the Slovenian people decided to build a
new church by tearing down the old one and erecting a
new brick building in the same place. M onsignor
P onikvar said, “ N o! The church must stand someplace
else, not where this one is.” So, another disagreement
ensued but was fin a lly settled in 1932 when the new
church, a magnificent structure, was fin a lly erected on
the opposite corner, at E. 61st and Glass Ave. where it
stands today.
In the late 1920s, economic times began to change,
and soon the depression hit, five o f us ladies were out o f
w ork. M y husband who worked fo r 25<t an hour at the
bicycle factory also lost his jo b . Then ail the factories
closed down.
We lost our house on N orwood during the
depression after paying $11,500. There were ten houses,
all alike, on the one block. They were constructed in
1924, five on one side and five on the other side. During
the depression, all banks were closed, including the one
which financed the building o f our house. In the
meantime, we received a government loan and bought
two lots in West Park Village fo r $250.00. C urrently, this
section is included in the city lim its, but when we p u r­
chased the lots there were no city luxuries, and we paid
$5.00 yearly tax on the property. M y husband intended to
construct a home there, u ntil the city installed sewers,
water and sidewalks, increasing the tax b ill to $500.00.
We couldn’ t pay the high taxes and lost the property as
well as the house. What bad luck!
F inally, when Roosevelt became President, the
economy o f the N ation started to change w ith new
programs and the repeal o f bad ones. We voted fo r the
repeal o f p ro h ib itio n , and rid ourselves o f a “ dry
c o u n try .” Then came the Social Security A ct in 1937,
which took one penny from a person’ s wages and one
penny from the company fo r Social Security benefits. M y
youngest son, just out o f school, worked at Fisher Body
Company fo r 45« an hour. He often came home so tired
he would cry. 1 recall a big fig h t occurred at Fisher Body
Company bccause the company d id n ’ t want to pay their
share o f the Social Security. Even the police were called
to the scene because there was a lot o f fighting. When the
union was fin a lly organized at Fisher Body Company,
Fisher gave a $500 pension to each 30-year w orker, along
w ith other m ajor changes.
M ore and more C IO unions were started in the
Cleveland factories to protect the rights o f workers who
had been taken advantage o f fo r years. P rio r to the
unions, workers were merely slaves who had no rights or
considerations. Companies accepted no responsibility fo r
the welfare o f their employees. Such was the case o f my
husband who became ill, w orking a punch press, stan­
ding on cement, one leg at a time. Finally, his legs started
hurting and the company told him to stay home. One leg
worsened. He received no pension, so it was necessary fo r
him to return to w o rk; however, he couldn’ t stand the
pain bccause by then both his legs were completely
finished. Again, A nton was w ithout a jo b . By the time he
died, he was completely crippled. Now the same shop
gives a pension and they pay hospital and doctor fees.
Fraternalism was extremely im portant in Cleveland,
which boasted o f the largest Slovenian population in
America. For many years I was active in Slovenian
organizations in Cleveland, and recall how Branch No.
25 o f the Slovenian W om en’s U nion started in 1938. Mrs.
M arie Prisland, organizer o f the N ational W omen’ s
U nion wrote a letter stating, “ W hy are you Slovenian
ladies on St. C lair Avenue sleeping when there are so
many o f you? Start your own Branch.” Five o f us ladies
went among the Slovenian women and invited 50 ladies
to meet at Mrs. M ilavec’ s house. We form ed Branch No.
25; I was elected Recording Secretary and served fo r 47
years in that office. Three o f us charter members are still
living from those that formed Branch No. 25.
explosion remains as a bad memory fo r all the people on
St. C lair.
On February 6, 1982, I was 92 years old and am here
in the Slovene Home fo r the Aged after breaking my hip.
I ’ ve had five operations and was in the hospital more
than at home. One o f the operations was fo r stomach
cancer; 75% o f my stomach was removed. Incidentally,
my son and mother both died o f cancer. It runs in the
fam ily. But I ’ m still living, u ntil the dear Lord calls me to
his side. When 1 was a young im m igrant woman,
struggling to adjust to a new home in Am erica, never did
I th in k that God w ould bless me w ith so many years on
this earth — some o f those years have been good, some
bad -- just like fo r everyone else. Looking back, I am
glad those struggles were in Am erica. I have experienced
some beautiful memories w ith my husband, children,
grand children, and dear friends. God bless them all!
The End
In 1944, a large area o f St. C la ir Avenue was burned
down when the East O hio Cias Company tanks exploded.
M any homes and stores went down. It was a miracle
more people were not killed. On the empty place left by
the fire, many new homes were constructed and the gas
- ^ ^ ■*■ A A
± ±
Spread the w ord! Keep the term “ Slovenian” alive!
We can help you do just that by the heritage items which
are fo r sale through the home office. Proceeds from the
sale, though relatively small, w ill go to the Heritage
Fund. Mrs. Jonita Ruth, clerk at the home office,
receives your order and prom ptly and efficie n tly packs
and sends the package on its way. Remember your
friends and relatives when yo u ’ re th inking o f a g ift. Do
something d ifferent. T hin k heritage!
“ Love”
and “ Kiss” celluloid buttons. These
specialty items in.red, white & blue are great
fo r picnics, parties and fo r teenagers who
love to wear an assortment o f buttons. Price
$ 1.00 plus postage.
“ Love” aprons come in two different styles but both
have a pocket im printed w ith “ it is in every
Slovenian.” Cobbler aprons cost $6.00 plus
postage. Full aprons cost $12.50 plus
postage. One size fits all.
“ Love Tee Shirts” come in two different styles; both
are im printed w ith the “ It is in every
Slovenian.” The shirts are white w ith red
trim and blue printing. Baseball style comes
w ith red sleeves and the V Neck style has red
trim around the neck and sleeves. Both are
attractive shirts. Sizes: Y outh (medium and
large); A dult (Small, M edium , Large, X
Large). Price $8.00 plus postage. Good
quality fabric.
Send check to the home office: 431 N. Chicago St.,
Joliet, IL 60432.
I I I R ! T A C E EES T l I A I C A I E N I) A R
Members o f the Heritage C om m iitee appointed at
the recent convention include the Regional S .W .U .
Presidents, Victoria Bobenee. Angelu Nico, M a n Jasina,
Frances Siinonieh and Ann Tercek. The Joliet committee
includes: Mildred Pueel, Agnes Lovali. \1ar> Ivanieh,
Marie Malnerick and Rev. David Slal/er.
Each o f the regional presidents w ill discuss having a
This story was tape-recorded at the Slovene Hom e f o r
Aged in Cleveland on M a y 22, 1982, by Irene Jagodnik,
and prepared f o r p u b lication by Irene Odorizzi. Since
that time, M rs. Strnisha has passed to her f in a l reward.
Heritage Festival fo r their assigned year at one o f the
state conventions. It was decided that the calendar fo r the
areas w ould be as follow s:
1984 ........................................................Minnesota
1985 ....................... O hio, M ichigan, Wisconsin
1986 . . . Pennsylvania, New Y ork, W ashington, DC
1987 ................ C a lifo rn ia , Oregon, Washington
1988 .....................C olorado, Kansas, Missouri
1989 .............................................. Illin o is, Indiana
Branch No. 20 is very w illin g to share all the per­
tinent data acquired through their recent heritage
festivals. A booklet o f suggestions w ill be available fo r
each president, i f she needs assistance. Branch No. 20 has
also volunteered to help in any way possible. We suggest
that prelim inary plans be undertaken early and dates and
locales fo r the festivals be planned before the local
calendar is filled.
Minnesota, under the leadership o f Victoria Bobenee
and Anna Hodnik, are well on their way to making ’84
Heritage Festival a smashing success - much like the '83
convention. Announcements o f date and other pertinent
in fo rm a tio n w ill be forthcom ing. We commend them on
their enthusiasm and early arrangements.
Do you live in the v icin ity o f the Home Office? I f so,
you may wish to donate a few hours a week in the
Heritage Room. There are all kinds o f duties from
translating and typing to dusting and running a vacuum.
We have been fortunate to have two additional ladies
assisting in the cataloging o f the books and magazines
donated to the Heritage Room.
Miss Helen Horvat and Miss Jean (iovednik, both
form er SWU C ham pionship cadets o f Branch No. 20,
have been donating tim e weekly ever since the dedication
o f the Heritage Room in February. We wish to thank
them most sincerely fo r their time and talent in con­
tinuing the w ork o f Heritage. These ladies have been
w orking on translating titles o f Slovenian books and
magazines into English and have been typing cards for
each book and magazine which w ill be placed in our
L ib ra ry file.
W ith best regards to all members, appreciation to
those who are w orking w ith heritage projects and to those
who have donated to our very w orthy cause.
Irene M . O dorizzi
Youth Director’s Notes:
The Illinois-Indiana Regional Convention, is
Sunday October 2, 1983. Serving o f coffee and rolls w ill
begin at 9:00 a.m. The meeting w ill be at 10:00 a.m .,
Mass at 12:30 p.m ., followed by dinner and the
celebration fo r the 55th Branch No. 20 anniversary; they
are hosts o f the State Convention in Joliet this year.
Check w ith your local branch fo r other details.
Please have your reports ready, and nominations fo r
the Regional President. This is election year.
I have completed my firs t term as the Regional
President. I have enjoyed meeting so many interesting
people. You were w onderful. I would like to continue in
my associations w ith all o f you and prom ote the con­
tinuing maintenance o f our heritage. The Slovenian
W omen’ s U nion has always done this.
W ishing you all health and happiness.
Angela K uhar Mico
III.-In d . Regional President
Greetings to all National O fficers, officers and
The C olorado State C onvention held in Gunnison
Sept. 12th, 1982 was a grand success. Mass was held at
St. Peter’ s church and a luncheon follow ed at Escalente
H all on the campus o f Western State College.
Fr. King was a special guest and gave the blessing. 70
members and guests attended.
This was our 20th C olorado State Convention.
Charter member o f Br. 3 M ary Bozaich, a member fo r 57
years, was present. A letter was read by our Br. 3 delegate
Frances Skul from Br. 64 in Kansas C ity, Kansas wishing
us every success. Bishop Tafoya also sent us his wishes
along w ith regrets at not being able to be present.
A m otion was made that we w ould have our con­
ventions every two years because o f the great distance
between branches. The next convention w ill be in Pueblo
in June o f 1984. I spoke and reminded the members that
a convention is a good time to bring as many members
together as possible to help us continue the w ork fo r the
betterment o f the S W U .
M argaret Malenšek told us o f the history o f Br. 92
and gave us some interesting highlights. Ann Malenšek
and Margaret are charter members o f Br. 92.
O ur program at Br. 3 is much the same as in the past
years. In the month o f M ay we honor the M other o f the
Year and present her a g ift. For December meeting we
have election o f officers and Christmas party fo r all
senior and ju n io r members. In 1982, 9 members passed
away, 6 junio rs transferred into Class B and 2 new ju n io r
members were enrolled. O ur total membership is 309 and
all are in good standing. The meetings are held 9 months
o f the year w ith no meetings in June, July and August.
I wish to thank the president o f Br. 92, Freda Forcier
and members fo r hosting the state convention and fo r all
the goodies they served and preparations they made to
make our visit so enjoyable. It was a very good time fo r
all and so nice to be together. Best wishes to all birthday
celebrants and speedy recovery to those who arc ill. May
God keep you all safe and well u ntil we meet again.
The hot busy summer is behind me and I ’ m looking
forw ard to my favorite time o f the year — fa ll, which 1
hope w ill be a little less hectic. I want to w rite about two
o f the fun things that happened this summer.
In July, our newly elected auditor, T ory Bobence
from Tower, M n. and 1 attended the national board
meeting in Joliet. We were invited to stay w ith Ed and
Olga Ancel. What Super hosts they were! They showed us
true Slovenian hospitality, the kind that was so prevalent
years ago. We met at the S. W. U. home o ffice where
Pres. M a ry M u lle r conducted a very orderly meeting
giving everyone a chance to express their opinions freely.
It was a chance to get to know each other better and I
came back feeling we have a very knowledgeable and
enthusiastic board, who deserve our wholehearted
support and cooperation. We were given a to u r o f the
building and a look at the heritage center where we have
many fine Slovenian historical items on display which
were donated by our members. I think we should all
make a special e ffo rt to make others aware o f what we
are doing to preserve fo r our future generations, our
heritage through this museum. We should all be looking
fo r items o f interest to donate.
Another highlight o f my summer was the two weeks
visit w ith my grandsons from Alaska, A ndy — 13 and
Frank — 8. I d o n ’ t get to see them often because they live
so fa r away. It was nice to get to know them better and
talk to them o f their interests and activities. I found out
that A ndy is interested in cooking and uses our Pots and
Pans cookbook a lo t! His specialty is omlets which he
served me fo r breakfast. Frank celebrated his 8th b ir­
thday w hile he was here and requested that I make
“ Zeenkrofe” fo r his birthday dinner party. He is very
interested in the Slovenian language and he and I tried
out a few new words. Both o f them were proud to wear
the Slovenian m o tif T-shirts.
I am happy to hear that our ju n io r page w ill have
some new contributors and I want to ask our adult
members to encourage more to participate fo r the
Christmas issue. I w ould also like the branches to send
the names o f the ju n io r chairperson to Z arja where it w ill
be published on the ju n io r page. Thanks fo r all your
Attention Junior Members:
W rite a short story telling o f one o f your most
memorable Christmases. Send in by Oct. 31st to Z A R J A ,
2032 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, III. 60608.
All the S .W .U . Branches in Minnesota want
to express our thanks to Victoria Bobence, our
Regional President who will be ending her term
of office at the end of the year. She has really put
in a lot of hard work during her term of office to
upgrade the proceedings of our Minnesota Day
Convention to a more orderly fashion and has
also worked to promote the purposes for which
our organization was founded. She is a Christian
lady in every sense of the word and an example
for all of us to aspire to. As our newly elected
president, Rose Maras said, in accepting the
gavel for her term of office, “ Tory’s shoes are
■nighty big ones to fill."
We are all very happy that Tory has been
elected to the office of National Auditor and we
know she w ill do a super job. W e’re proud of you
and we love you, Tory. May you enjoy God’s
richest blessings!
A nna H o d n ik
/A R J A - I I I I . DAWN
NO. 42, M A P L E H G T S ., O H
We had a beautiful day fo r our
picnic and a nice crowd attended.
Then the rain came fo r a short while,
just to give us a rest between games
and fun.
H appy b irth d a y to Theresa
Simončič, Frances Tomsic, Jeanne
O ffu it, L illia n Chase, Josephine
B ilick, Lynn M arie Kossakowski,
Jamie W ilk , Tracy Buehner and our
new member, Louise Toth.
Mrs. Simončič spent 2 months at
St. Vincent H ospital and is in St.
Augustine M anor now. Jennie Perko
is at Anna M arie Nursing Home in
A urora, O hio. Please remember
them w ith cards.
O ur shut-ins are M rs. Stavec,
Frances Prhne, Anna M olek. We are
always thinking o f you ladies. Jennie
In tih a r is home from Brentwood
H ospital. She had knee surgery and
we are glad to hear she is doing well.
Welcome to our branch to two
social members, Louise T oth from
C a lifo rn ia - she likes our Z A R J A and Mae Dancic o f Seven H ills.
Ladies, our State C onvention is
Oct. 30th. Mass at St. M a ry ’ s
church, lunch and meeting a f­
terwards. Hope a lot o f you w ill
Meeting next m onth, election and
preparations fo r holiday doings.
____________ M A R Y LO U PRH NE
NO. 43, M IL W A U K E E , W1
Now that summer is over, we w ill
feel like returning to our routine o f
w ork. The heat and h u m id ity in
August was unbearable. I had no
am bition to w rite, but as the cooler
weather comes, I ’ ll get on the ball.
M any o f our members had
vacations and I ’ m sure they all
enjoyed themselves. Those o f you
who spent anytime up N orth found it
somewhat more com fortable. The
meetings resumed on Monday Sept.
The main event forthcom ing w ill
be our Fall P oultry Card Party on
Sunday, Nov. 6, 1983 at 1:30 p.m.
Door and other prizes w ill be needed;
any donations o f either w ill be
greatly appreciated. Also homemade
bakery is needed. A ll members and
(heir friends are cordially invited.
Fran & Louie Widemsek were out
West to visit ther son, Gary, in
A lbuquerque, fro m
there they
travelled to Cheyenne, M t. Rushmore, So. D akota and then headed
fo r home. The trip was fantastic and
Fran really needed this vacation as
she is really active in several
organizations. Jim and Josephine
Verbick are spending the summer up
N o rth . M itz and A l T ra tn ik are in
Las Vegas and so is Christine Stein.
Ann Konczal and M a ry M a rtin o
have retired, A n n from C & H
C om pany
M a ry
fr o m
Milwaukee School Board. They are
now busier than ever.
Robert Puskarich, son o f Celia
Puskarich, and Bonnie Wieseke,
daughter o f M r. & M rs. Robert
Wieseke, were married at the M it­
chell Park Domes. Congratulations
and best wishes to all.
On our sick list we have M ary
Frankowski who was hospitalized, is
now at home recovering. Ann
Rebernisek also was hospitalized
and isn’ t feeling too well. She is
home now. Her sister M itzie from
Pennsylvania has been spending
some tim e w ith A nn. A m alia Fritzel
has been laid up and isn’ t getting
better. Jean Luzar is doing quite well
and w ill soon becoming home. Keep
up your spirits Jean. Josephine Kolar
has gone to the Riverhills Nursing
home. To these and all others who
are ailing and shut-ins a speedy
recovery. A card or visit would
greatly be appreciated.
Deepest sympathy to Amanda
Esperes on the death o f her brother,
George. M ay his soul rest in peace.
O ur sincere condolences to C orinne,
M iria m and Ludw ig Jr. on the death
o f husband and father, Ludw ig
Leskovar. M ay his soul rest in peace.
NO. 47, G A R F IE L D H G T S ., O H
A fte r an unusually hot summer,
we are ready to go to our fall ac­
tivities; being we had no meetings
during June, July and August I have
some belated news.
and Tapes - Free Bulletins
“ K E E P T HE
S P IR I T G O I N G ! "
O ur 19th SWU C onvention held in
Chisholm , Minnesota in M ay was
attended by 58 delegates, 17 from
O hio. T w o N ational O fficers were
elected from Cleveland, namely,
C irila Kermavner, Br. 25, N a t’ l Vice
President, Irene Jagodnik, Br. 50,
N a t’ l A u d ito r and from L o ra in , Br.
40, A lb in a Uehlein, W om en’ s A c ­
tivities D irector. The oldest member
present was Anna Pachak, H onorary
State P resident fro m
P ueblo,
Colorado. She is in her late eighties
and has never missed a convention
since she is a member.
A mass fo r living and deceased
members o f Br. 47 was said on July
2nd at St. Lawrence Church after
which we went fo r supper to the
H ofbrau House restaurant. Each
member received a $3 credit toward
her dinner from the treasury.
O ur O hio-M ichigan State C on­
vention w ill be held Sunday, Oct.
30th beginning w ith a mass at St..
M a ry ’ s church. Please make an
e ffo rt to attend.
Barbara Harsh, employed by
General Electric in C om puter B illing
was transferred to Glen E llyn,
Illin o is . C indy Lea w ill be attending
Bowling Green U niversity this fa ll.
Jo Godec from
West Covina,
C a lifo rn ia sends a big hello to all
members, also a few dollars fo r our
treasury as a g ift! Thanks, Jo. Ann
Mareda and husband attended her
sister’ s 50th wedding anniversary in
Oregon and had a nice trip .
New members: T w in girls, Sarah
Elizabeth and K ristin M arie Greene
are granddaughters o f A ntoinette
Happy birthday to our ladies that
have Sept. and Oct. birthdays. T o all
our sick members and A ntonia
D o lin a r
w ho
re c e n tly
hospitalized, a sincere get well wish.
Deepest sympathy to members,
Jennie Cvelbar, M ary Godec and to
Corinne Leskovar, our Z A R JA
editor, on the recent loss o f husband,
Ludw ig Leskovar. May they rest in
peace and the perpetual light shine
upon them.
Last but not least, remember that
we need your support in the new
membership campaign. We need that
new member! Have on hand the new
POTS & PANS cookbooks -' they
make lovely gifts. Also, check your
dues books and i f behind, this is the
time to pay up fo r the year. Thank
you. W ill see you at the next
M A R Y T A U C H E R , Sec.-Treas.
NO. 50, C L E V E L A N D , OH
Hope everyone had a nice summer
in spite o f the te rrific hum idity and
hot weather. As we all know, this
can’ t last too long as autum n always
follow s summer and then we shall
be com plaining again!
O ur August picnic was wellattended, in fact, w ith 102 guests! I
believe the attendance was one o f the
largest in recent years. Everyone
looked so summery and the food was
good and p le n tifu l. Ann Ryavec and
her helpers, namely, Julia Sadar,
Rose S kully and A lbin a M a ro lt, did
a fine jo b on the chicken again this
year. It seems we can’ t have a picnic
w ithout chicken and we’ re glad Ann
offers her kitchen fo r this.
A great (leal of thought and planning went into the 19th National
Convention preparations. Among the highlights was the “ Polka Mass” held
al St. Joseph’s church featuring the Polka-Masters and Fr. Frank Perkovieh,
pastor of Resurrection Church in Eveleth. This mass has become very
popular all over the country. Fr. Perkovieh and his musicians and singers are
to be complimented on the high degree of professionalism they bring into the
Mass service. His mother, Mrs. Johanna Perkovieh, is a beloved member of
We had some very good games led
by A nn Tercek that needed thinking
and some that required luck, but all
were enjoyed and a good many o f us
stayed to the end. We were fortunate
to have a cooler day fo r the picnic.
Haven’ t been in touch w ith too
many members this summer to get
news and I hope you w ill report to
me about your travels at the next
Ann O rlik o w s k i’s son, John, was
tra n sfe rre d
D ayton to be
Supervisor o f Maintenance at the
Top Vending Company. Now Ann
w ill have to travel a bit to visit.
Alice Karberg toured C a lifo rn ia
and o f course stopped in Las Vegas
and did what we all do when we get
there, leave our quarters and dollars!
She said it was hot there, too. So, the
west was a hot as the east!
Bea Tome went to New Y ork State
to be w ith her daughter and welcome
her new granddaughter, but she
made it back home in time to attend
my 75th birthday party.
Just want to say at this time that 1
enjoyed my luncheon w ith kin and
friends and card pals. I hope they
did, too. 1 want to thank everyone
who was able to make it. Sorry that
our Euclid C lub House wasn’ t large
enough to invite more members but
God w illin g , we’ ll have another. O ur
C lub House really can look classy,
eh, ladies? D id any o f you ever come
there to sec the beautiful flowers
planted and to enjoy the sunsets,
too? Y ou’ re missing something i f
Mac and Frank Fabee visited their
son and fam ily which had a new
addition, a grandson fo r Fabecs and
while in Chicago made contact w ith a
niece and her fam ily. They had a
pleasant trip and so did Ann and
Charles Tercek who traveled to
C olorado Springs under the guidance
o f A dolph Somrack tours. Also
along were Julie and Frank Sadar,
During the procession of gifts, members of Br. 38 were dressed in
beautiful Slovenian National Costumes and brought up an array of
traditional and symbolic gifts. Among them was (he flag of the United
Nations show here. At the microphone is Convention Chairperson, Veda
Ponikvar. She introduced each item telling its meaning to the Slovenian
Women's Union and to its members. On the second photo are Sylvia
N ikoloff, an enthusiastic former teacher and historian on the Iron Range and
Violet Ruparcich who performed frequently during the Convention bringing
an added measure of beauty and meaning to all the social programs.
Z A R J A —T H E D A W N
Hi, Joe! Shake hands with M ary Lou!
Larger Ilian life-size figures «1' miners are a source of interest and fun at
the Iron Range Interpretative Center in Chisholm. On the day of the
dedication of the Slovenian M iner’s Memorial, Mary Lou Prhne, delegate of
Br. 42, dressed in her Slovenian National Costume, happened to meet one of
Louise and John H o rva l, M ary W o lf
and Jane Somrack.
Irene Jagodnik and Irene Meden
are in Lourdes, France and then w ill
visit Rome.
Please send “ get well wishes” to
our pianist, Jane Berkopec, who
fractured her shoulder - fell on St.
R obert’ s Church stairs a lte r services.
Christine Leskovec has a pinched
nerve, Rose Lousin had surgery,
M ary Budas, surgery, too and H attie
Jenko, Rose Bavec, M arie D olinar
and Jane Novak are all ailing.
Hearing fro m us should help some.
O ur sympathy from our branch to
Corinne Leskovar, our editor, who
lost her husband and Nellie Z allar
who lost her brother-in-law , John
T u rk . Anne Cern learned her sisterin-law died two days before they
were ready to visit them in Alabam a.
So sorry!
Just heard that we’ ll have another
bus trip and dinner at K uhar’ s in
Geneva on Oct. 21st. Reservations
must be in now, so contact Ann
Ladies, do remember the State
C onvention w ill be here at St. M a ry ’ s
Church on Oct. 30th. We w ill have
mass, luncheon and meeting at the
same place w ith our president, Ann,
presiding as Regional President.
L e t’ s all go and enjoy! God bless!
________________ V E R A ŠEBENIK
NO. 52, K IT Z V IL L K , MN
A beautiful statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Flanked by lighted pink
candles and amid a wreath of pink carnations was the center of attention at
the Memorial Service for departed SWU members at the Convention in
Chisholm. President M a n Muller is holding a bouquet of white carnations
jusl presented in the name of departed national officers. Songs were sung by
the Aurora, Minn. Festival Singers under the direction of Anna Hodnik and
readings were done In members of Br. 38, Louise Puhek and Veda Ponikvar.
Fathers David Stalzer and Athanasius Lovrenčič, O .F .M . are seen left and
right of Mar> Muller on this picture.
0 ( IOBF.K. I <>83
Dear sisters: Vacation time is over.
We have again resumed our meetings
at the Kochevar residence. We are
hoping that we w ill have our com ­
m unity building soon so that we w ill
be able to hold our meetings there.
Progress is being made towards the
O ur meeting was well-attended
and talk was going on fo r us to
attend Minnesota Day at Keewatin
and tickets were sold. A bus was
scheduled to pick up the ladies. It
was so nice to see all our sisters
back w ith us again.
We were very sorry to hear that
Katherine D olinich
was having
surgery. And, Angeline Russ un­
derwent surgery, too. We hope and
pray they w ill recover quickly and be
w ith us soon. To all who are ill, at
home or wherever, we all wish them
Godspeed to a rapid recovery.
To all who have lost relatives, we
wish to express our deepest sym­
pathy, especially to Angeline Hrovat
who lost her dearly beloved brother,
T ony Sm ith and to Gertrude
Kochevar who lost her dearly
beloved sister, M ary Breen. W ords
cannot say all that is in our hearts,
but we all feel the loss and hope that
Continued on page 16
Florida Slovenian Women Take Action
Five hundred and twenty-six N orth Dixie H w ’yi a
little jewel o f a house fronted by a meticulously kept
form al garden, is now the home o f the Slovene Heritage
L ib ra ry o f New Smyrna!
by Penny H um phrey, Circle 57; George Benedict, Lodge
608; Slovenian Social C lub; Montesson Florist and the
Kevin W right Fam ily from Golden, C olorado.
Entertainm ent was provided by Circle 57 dancers
w ith Ron Luznar as accompanying accordianist.
The ceremony closed w ith the Slovenian Singers,
accompanied by John Schager, singing several Slovenian
fo lk songs.
A w a itin g the congregation was a picture-pretty
buffet table filled w ith Slovenian goodies. Georgia
Nyburg was Chairm an o f the refreshments. Her
daughters, Jeanette H um phrey, Pauline Ford, M aryann
Reichel, assisted her.
Special guests attending the ceremony beside M ayor
Musson and Father D illo n were: John and Ann Rist from
C incinnati, O hio, sister-in-law and brother-in-law o f
Josephine V ogrin; C ity Manager, Mrs. Beckman;
H ill;
Councilm an
W illiam s; and Recreation D irector Owen Davidson.
Mrs. Josephine Vogrin, along w ith her daughter
M rs. Olie W rig ht, donated the home at the dedication
ceremony on M ay 1, 1983. Over 100 people attended the
co lo rfu l garden eeremoney, a b rightly decorated ‘ venec’
hung from the tall palm w ith the American and Slovenian
flags waving side-by-side in the soft M ay breeze.
Slovenian men and women in native costume, w ith their
children, too, attired in co lo rfu l ethnic costumes, added
to the charm o f the occasion.
The ceremony began with the presentation o f the
colors by the Gold Star Mothers, followed by the
N ational Anthem and “ Hey, Slovenci” by the Slovenian
Singers, accompanied by John Schager, accordianist. Pat
Hagemeier was the M .C . fo r the program. “ 1 give my
home to the city o f New Smyrna fo r a Slovenian Heritage
L ib ra ry in the memory o f my late husband, Frank
V ogrin, and my son, F elix” said M rs. V ogrin. " I give it
so that our Slovenian people w ill have a place where they
can come together, to w ork together, to preserve our
Slovenian heritage; a place to teach our Slovene Heritage
to our young people.” Then Mrs. Vogrin, together w ith
In response to M rs. A ncel’ s request fo r some news
about activities here in New Smyrna, we’ re happy to
bring you this fine piece o f news from our area. We know
you w ill rejoice w ith us as w ill all o f our sisters o f the
Slovenian W om en’ s Union.
M ayor Musson, placed the sign “ SLO VENE
H E R IT A G E L IB R A R Y ” over the door to complete the
transition. Father Michael D illo n , pastor o f Sacred Heart
Church, came fo rth to bless the house and to bless the
undertaking o f the Slovenian ladies.
Program speakers were: Paul Tomasin, fo r the
Youth Circle 57; George Benedict, Pres. Lodge 603,
Samsula; John Schager, Pres. ASRC; Theresa M iska,
Pres. Slovenian Social C lub; and Slavka Renner, Sec’y
Treasurer, Slovenian Social Club.
Flowers and corsages were presented to M rs. Vogrin
It was at our Feb. 7th Board meeting that we
decided that we w ould conduct the dedication ceremony
on the morning o f M ay 1st. A lthough this day is already
a fu ll day here, being proclaimed as Slovenian Day many
years ago and has continued to be a co lo rfu l Slovenian
celebration in our area since then, it seemed appropriate
that our dedication should be a part o f our Slovenian Day
celebration. This year, then, we add a new dimension, a
new reason fo r celebrating as we launch out to add the
Slovenian Heritage L ib ra ry to our Slovenian activities.
Mrs. Josie Vogrin donated her home to us in
memory o f her husband, Frank V ogrin, and her son,
Felix, who died in action in W orld W ar II. It has been a
dream o f Mrs. V ogrin that area Slovenians w ould have a
place to serve as a Slovenian L ib ra ry where language
classes w ould be offered, a place where Slovenian culture
w ill be perpetuated, and w ith hopes that our Slovenian
Heritage L ib ra ry w ill be Smyrna’ s hub fo r all Slovenian
cultural activities.
Over 200 Slovenian books have already been
donated to the lib ra ry. “ O ur start, tho hum ble!” says
Josie Vogrin. “ W ith our love, devotion and dedication to
our ideal — to have a Slovenian Heritage L ib ra ry where
we can all come together to learn about our culture, to
keep it flourishing, and to pass it on to our 2nd, 3rd, and
4th generations o f Slovenians, w ill grow to be a credit to
our com m unity and to our Slovenian in stitu tio n s.”
As we develop and grow and as we interest and
stimulate our young, it is conceivable that we can look
forw ard to organizing a branch o f the Slovenian
W om en’ s U nion here in New Smyrna in the near future.
You can be sure that the Z A R J A magazine w ill have
a prominent place in our lib ra ry to be made available to
our Slovenian readers.
P A T H A G E M E IE R , Sec’y.
Slovene Heritage L ib ra ry
W hat a te rrific Scholarship Fund drive during the
national convention in Chisholm , M in n ., realizing a
grand total o f $1,612.90! $892.90 was the p ro fit at the
Br. 38 booth where handicraft articles were sold and $725
was received in donations during the festivities and
meetings. A heartfelt thank you is extended to all fo r
your generosity; to members o f Br. No. 38, to you who
brought and purchased the lovely hand made items and
to you who contributed so generously.
Convention Scholarship Fund Drive:
From Br. $38 s a le :..................................................... $892.90
Br. 14, E uclid, O H ........................................................10.00
Br. 25, Cleveland, O H ................................................ 25.00
Br. 26, Pittsburgh, PA .................................................15.00
Br. 32, Cleveland, O H ................................................ 20.00
Br. 33, D uluth, M N (in memory o f
deceased members) ............................................ 100.00
Br. 35, A u rora, M N ..................................................... 15.00
Br. 47, G arfield Hgts., O H ............................................5.00
Br. 47, in memory o f Jennie C v e lb a r............................5.00
Br. 50, Cleveland, O H ................................................. 100.00
Fran M orison, Chicago, IL
(in memory o f Frances P u ch re ite r).....................50.00
Charles and Helen Adkisson, Tower M N ................ 25.00
Vera Bajec, Cleveland, O H ............................................ 5.00
Frances and Sam Kosanovich, D uluth, M N
(in memory o f parents: M r. and M rs. M arko
Kosanovich and M r. and M rs. Joseph Železnikar).
Anna H o dnik, A urora, M N ....................................... 20.00
Rose Maras, H ibbing, M N .......................................... 10.00
T ory Bobence, Tower, M N ..........................................20.00
All you early Christmas shoppers will have a much
easier job this year - and late shoppers, too! - with the
nice assortment of Slovenian Heritage gifts available at
the Slovenian Women’s Union Home Office.
Tee-shirts with the LO VE motif are offered in two
styles, the jersey with contrasting red sleeves and the
baseball type with v neck and two red stripes on the
shoulders. Two styles of aprons also are available, the
cobbler’s apron in unbleached muslin and the full cut
unisex apron in red with white pockets.
The new SWU cookbook, POTS & PANS, is
another grand gift! Everyone likes a good cookbook;
they are the most popular items in book stores! Ours is
one of the best and you will always please a friend by
giving him or her the SWU “ POTS & P A N S !”
See Irene Odorizzi's Column for more information
on the Heritage Gifts you can buy for Christmas!
Members of Br. 20, Joliet, Illinois model some of
the Heritage Gifts for sale at the Home Office. Margie
Cepon, center, Tara Challenger and Robert Zelinski
show the tee-shirts that are so popular in two styles.
Fr. Athanasius Lovrenčič, SWU Spiritual Advisor,
seems to be asking Margie Cepon if she’s going to cook
or dance the polka? Margie is wearing the cobbler’s
apron and holding the full-cut apron while Ken Juricic,
Joliet's popular band leader, plays his button-box accordian. (Photos by Jonita Ruth)
M aria Cvetnic, G irard, O H .......................................... 10.00
Dawn Choral G roup, W illo w ick, OH
(in memory o f Choral group deceased members)
Anne Dickovich, Keewatin, M N .................................10.00
Josephine Jevec, Euclid, OH
(in memory o f mother, Margaret Jam nik) . . . 10.00
M ary Jasina, San Francisco, C A ................................ 25.00
Cecelia Kermavner, Cleveland, O H ......................... 25.00
Agnes Lovati, Joliet, IL ................................................ 5.00
M a ry M a ro lt, Joliet, IL
(in memory o f Boucher and M a ro lt Families) . 5.00
Rose Niem i, Chisholm , M N ........................................15.00
Anna Pachak, Pueblo, CO (in memory o f my
husband and five deceased children) ................ 20.00
M ary Petritz, Ely, M N ...................................................5.00
Margaret Prebil, Chicago, IL (in memory o f
A nton J. P re b il)......................................................10.00
M a ry Slaney, P ittsburgh, PA ..................................... 10.00
M ary T u rk , Cleveland, OH
(in memory o f Kovacic and T u rk Families) . . 25.00
A n n a T ro n te l, Pittsburgh, PA
(in memory o f husband, Louis, and son, H e n ry ). . .
Fr. D avid Staizar, Lockport, IL ...................................5.00
Cecelia W o lf, Richmond Heights, OH
(in memory o f M ary T o m a ric )............................ 10.00
A ntoinette Zabukovec, W illo w ic k , OH
(in memory o f Sophie A nn M c D o n o u g h )
Hermine Dicke, M adison, WI
(in memory o f M arie and John Prisland) . . . . 25.00
Respectfully Submitted,
Herm ine Dicke
H e rm in e P ris la n d D icke
3717 C o u n c il C re st
M a d iso n , W is c o n s in 53711
P o ts
Alice M orison o f Branch No. 2,
Chicago, submitted tw o o f her
original very tasty recipes. The
S H R IM P C R E O LE has more spices
than most creole recipes making it
more appealing (no salt) while her
unusual C H O C O L A T E B A N A N A
B R E A D would be ideal fo r a
neighborhood “ coffee” .
From Lorain, O hio, Angie V oytko
o f Branch No. 40, brought several
excellent recipes to the national
convention in Chisholm. Three o f
that collection follow s: STEAK
A N D RICE which could become one
o f your favorite meat dishes and her
f a v o r it e
Fondly,_______________ Hermine
NO. 52:
in some way this may help sustain
you in your sorrow. The burdens in
life and heavy crosses they carried
are now lifted and their souls are sent
into heaven. May God bless you all
and may their souls and all souls o f
our fa ith fu l departed rest in peace.
Thanks to everyone who sent cards
and memorials.
We all have burdens but w ith all
our friends and relatives beside us,
we manage to be able to hold up.
We concluded our meeting w ith a
prayer by president, Rose T rom bly
who brought the meeting to a close.
Hostesses were sisters Margaret
Kochevar, Terry Oberstar, Gertrude
Kochevar. Games were played with
honors to sisters, Theresa M ontcalm ,
A nn Roberts, D orothy Russo, Rose
T rom bly in Smear; Bridge - Ann
T o ol, M ildred Barbatto. D oor prize
went to M ary Tcchar. A nd we had a
delightful evening.
May God bless you all and keep
you in the best o f health u ntil we
meet again. O ur meeting is the first
o f the month at the Kochevar
Yours truly,
tablespoons margarine
clove garlic, crushed
large onion, chopped
large green pepper,
213 cup chopped celery
can (15) ounces) whole
tomatoes, drained
can (15) ounces) tom ato
1/8 cup dry red wine
small whole bay leaves
tablespoons dried
parsley flakes
*/2 teaspoon
d rie d
thym e
Few dashes o f H o t Pepper
1 to I 1 / 2 pounds shrimp,
cooked and deveined
H ot cooked rice
Melt margarine in large, deep skillet. Saute garlic u n til sizzling,
but not brown. Add onion, green pepper and celery. Saute u n til onion
is golden and translucent. A dd tom ato sauce, whole tomatoes, wine,
Hot Pepper sauce and seasonings. M ix well. Simmer fo r 1 hour to 1
hour and 15 minutes, U N C O V E R E D , u n til thick stirrin g occasionally.
Add shrim p and mix to coal. Cover and simmer an additional 10 to 15
minutes. Remove bay leaves. Serve over hot rice. 6 servings.
cups sifted flo u r
teaspoons baking powder
*12 teaspoon baking soda
1 / 2 teaspoon salt
tablespoons cocoa powder
1/ 4 pound butter, softened
cup sugar
teaspoon vanilla
large eggs
medium very ripe bananas
31A cup chocolate chips
3/ 4 cup chopped walnuts
Grease and flo u r a bread lo a f pan. Pre-heat over to 350°. Sift
together flo u r, baking powder, baking soda, salt and cocoa; set aside.
In medium to large bowl, cream the butter, Cream in sugar gradually,
beating u n til light and flu ffy . Add vanilla and eggs, and continue
beating u ntil well blended. Mash the bananas in a separate bowl w ith
fo rk or pastry blender u n til somewhat “ liq u id y ” . Add flo u r m ixture
alternately w ith bananas (beginning and ending w ith flo u r) to egg
m ixture, m ixing after each addition just enough to moisten. Add
chocolate chips and walnuts; stir to mix. Turn in to lo a f pan and bake
fo r 55 minutes to 1 hour and five minutes at 350° until toothpick in ­
serted in center comes out clean. Remove to cooling rack fo r 10
minutes. Remove from pan. (A suggested additive m ight be a thin layer
o f cream cheese on bread before serving).
NO. 55, G IR A R D , OH
O ur Sept. meeting was opened
w ith a prayer by our president, Marie
Cvetnic; the minutes o f the last
meeting were then read and ap­
We are making plans fo r our
Christmas Party at this time. O ur
hostesses fo r the evening were M aria
Selak and her sister, A nka Kregar.
These lovely ladies served a beautiful
The ladies that have birthdays fo r
October are
M artha
W ilm a Macek and Sophie Cckuta.
Happy birthday to all and we wish
you many more.
To our dear E d ito r, Corinne
Leskovar, we wish to express our
sincere sympathy and kind thoughts
in your time o f sorrow fo r the loss o f
her dear husband.
O ur reporting secretary, M atilda
C igollc, went fo r a fo u r day trip to
the Pines w ith the G ira rd Senior
Citizens and had a good time.
M a tild a ’ s
g ra n d s o n ,
T hom as
C igolle, Jr. was married to Kim
H olland on July 2nd. The couple was
joined in H oly M a trim o n y by his
cousin, Reverend Joseph Yelenc,
T .O .R ., at St. Paul’ s Church in No.
Canton, Ohio.
W ell, summer is over and the cold
weather w ill come soon and if that is
G od’ s w ill, then let G o d ’ s w ill be
I ove,
/ . AR.I \
l l l l DAW N
1 112 pounds beef round steak
1 1/ 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
large onions sliced and
can (4 ounces) mushrooms,
drained, reserving liq u id
can (10 112 ounces) cream
o f mushroom soup
* / 2 cup dry sherry
teaspoon salt
1/ 2 teaspoons garlic salt
cups hot cooked rice
Cut steak into strips. In skillet brown the meat in o il. Add onions
and saute u n til lim p. M eanwhile blend liq u id fro m mushrooms w ith
mushroom soup, sherry, salt and garlic salt. Pour over steak and mix.
Transfer to a casserole dish. Top w ith mushrooms. Cover and bake at
350° fo r 1 hour or u n til meat is tender (or reduce heat under skillet;
cover and simmer 1 hour o r u n til tender). Serve over cooked rice. 6
c u p s a la d o i l
1/ 2 c u p s u g a r o r s u g a r t w in
' / 3 c u p c a ts u p
1/ 2
1/4 c u p v in e g a r
teaspoon W orcestershire
medium onion, minced
Salt and pepper, to taste
Beat all ingredients together w ith rotary beater or blender, adding
o il gradually. Refrigerate covered. Shake before using as it separates on
quarts sliced unpeeled
onions, sliced
cloves garlic cut in h a lf
1/3 cup canning salt
1 '/2
1 1/ 2
cups sugar
cups cider vinegar
teaspoons tum eric
teaspoons celery seed
tablespoons mustard seed
Wash cucumbers and cut into 1/8 inch slices. Slice onions. Layer in
large pan w ith garlic, sprinkling salt between layers. Top w ith a tray o f
ice cubes. Let stand 3 hours. D rain. Discard garlic. Bring to boil syrup
ingredients. A dd cucumber m ixture and bring again to b o il. Pack in hot
sterilized jars and seal. Makes 5 to 6 pints.
Ančka Ahacic, beloved charter member of Br. 2 is only % years young!
She’s very independent and lives alone taking care of all personal needs
herself! She attends mass at St. Stephen’s daily. Happy birthday Oct. 29th!
At the July 19th Zveza Day a( Lemont, Illinois, National Officers took a
moment to pose for this snapshot with Ančka who seems to be saying
"hello” to everyone! They are, Hermine Dicke, Anna Hodnik and Tory
Bobence. Anna and Tory had just attended their first Board of Directors’
meeting in Joliet the previous day.
Q la n c l C elebration
NO. 56, H IB B IN G ,M N
W o w !!
W hat a celebration!
Branch 56 held their 50th an­
niversary party at the Open Pit
beginning w ith a beautiful dinner.
F ifty-six members and guests were
present including tw o o f our fifty year members, namely, Amelia
Domen and Anna Staudohar. Our
th ird charter member, Ursula Zaic, is
in the nursing home.
A beautiful centerpiece donated by
A nn Selvo centered the head table
and a cake comm emorating our 50th
anniversary was served.
Corsages and gifts were presented
the honored guests. C arol Maras
made the corsages. F ollow ing the
dinner, president, Rose Maras gave
several re p o rts .
le tte r
congratulations was received from
A nna H o d n ik on our 50th an­
niversary. Thank you, Ann.
A report on the flag donation was
given and we have more than was
needed so we w ill keep the money in
the treasury fo r replacements. Also,
the firs t letter received by the branch
when it was installed was read by
A m elia Domen. In this letter was
given the o ffic ia l number, 56, and
statement fo r the first assessment,
S8.00. It was decided to have a copy
made fo r the local branch and the
original to be sent to the S.W .U .
historical lib ra ry.
JulLa Znidar invited all who could
to come to her m other’s 103rd
birthday on Sept. 26th. She is Ursula
Zaic, our charter member.
Prizes were won by Manda
Butorac and M argaret M acDonald.
The flo ra l centerpiece was given to
the oldest member present who was
A nn Staudohar, 89 years young.
“ Big N ic k ” Maras, Rose’ s husband,
treated everyone to refreshments on
the occasion o f this 50th anniversary
that coincided w ith the 50th an­
niversary o f their business. Thanks,
N ick! A good old Joe!
Sophie Garmaker entertained on
the piano w ith a lot o f singing and Vi
Staudohar sang a solo “ Y o u ’ ll Never
W alk A lo n e ” which was beautiful.
Everybody enjoyed the party
which was a memorable occasion.
God bless you. all.
A N N E S A T O V IC H , Reporter
NO. 57, N ILES , O H
i mm mm mm ■■ ■ wm ■■ ■ wm m ■■
O ur August meeting was held at
the home o f our secretary V irginia
Zevkovich. A fte r a sack lunch we
held an elephant sale; they are a lot
o f fun and help to bring in a bit o f
money. Missing the fun were V iola
After our nice ho( summer and vacations are over,
we will get right into business with our meetings and
activities in our Slovenian Women’s Union.
The Ohio-Michiuan State Convention will take place
on Sunday October 30. There will be a Mass (annual) for
the late Mrs. Albina Novak, who was the mother of our
Editor, Corinne Leskovar, at 10:30 at St. M ary’s Church
on 15519 Holmes Ave. (Collinwood). Following the Mass
we proceed to the cafeteria for lunch, and after that we
will have our meeting. This should be satisfactory to all,
having everything at one location. Thanks to our friend.
Father Vic Tome, Spiritual Director of Branch No. 50.
The weather should be favorable at this time, so we
should have a good attendance, and really make it a
memorable day. So, my dear members, do take (his
convention seriously, mark it in your calendars and make
it your duty to be there. This is your organization, be part
Logar, M ary Young and M ary
Klobučar who are on the sick list.
Recuperating from
surgery are
Frances Stanec and Frances M ollis.
Both are now at home and doing
Denise Bahn now living in Denver,
C olorado was home fo r a visit with
her parents Frances and Lou Racher.
V irginia and George Zevkovich, with
their daughter Nancy and grand­
daughter Becky are in Des Moine,
Iowa visiting their other daughter
Pat. M ary Strah, Nettie H offm an
and I are packing our bags fo r two
weeks o f fun and whatever comes
along in Florida.
We were greatly saddened by the
sudden death o f M ary M oler. She
had been our recording secretary fo r
many years, never missing a meeting
and doing a fine jo b . Prayers were
said and may her soul rest in peace.
She w ill be missed by all who knew
/ never had it before
I w ill never have it again.
In reverent hands
I hold this moment o f timeA glistening bubble
Or, i f I handle it well,
A durable gem.
A lice Kelsey H ulet
A N N PEASE, Reporter
N O . 59, B U R G E TTS TO W N , PA
H i! The hot, humid summer days
d id n ’ t last forever after all! Relief is
now in sight w ith cooler days ahead.
The kids are back in school and the
parents can say, thank goodness!
Already along the woodlands and
roadsides you can see a blaze o f
foliage during the month o f October.
No meeting in August, but I
managed to gather up some news for
this issue.
A m ong the people who attended
of it, and get to know and hear what each Branch is doing
and get some new good ideas. Be proud of our Slovenian
Women’s Union of America, as we are the only
Slovenian ladies’ organization which has branches
throughout the United States.
This invitation is extended to all officers and
members of all Branches in Ohio and Michigan. We are
looking forward to seeing you!
Again, Mass is at 10:30 at St. M ary’s beautiful
church. You will enjoy the Slovenian church choir.
Refreshments, pastries and coffee will be served at a
reasonable price. Punch will be served free.
I trust that you will be there in good numbers to
make this a successful convention.
God bless all of you!
A n n J. Tercek
O hio-M ichigan Stale President
the Slovenefest Ethnic C ultural
Festival at Enon Valley, Pa. were the
fo llo w in g , M r. & Mrs. Frank
Korošec, V irg in ia Bendick, Frances
and H ilda M ontequin and yours
tru ly and fam ily. The Slovenefest
included all kinds o f ethnic foods,
polka bands and button box music.
M itz i Lawrence, H ilda Montequin
and I dropped by to visit C aroline
w ho
W ashington C ounty Health Center.
We found her in good spirits. A lso, I
had the chance to meet her daughter
and son-in-law. It made our day!
M itz i Lawrence spent a week in
Monongahela, Pa. visiting her son
and fam ily.
M itz i w ill have a birthday in
October. In November w ill be the
birthday o f Caroline Papesh who
w ill be 83 years young and Kelly
Bendick. Happy birthday!
Get our your masks and costumes,
folks! Halloween is just around the
corner. Have a spooky day!
_____________________ ROSEM ARY
Our fa ll meeting held in September
was well-attended with 26 members.
We were also joined by M ary Yauch,
Ann Pavella, Jo Jacobs and M ary
Bier from the neighboring lodge at
D uring the meeting, we discussed
the bake sale that we held in the
summer to raise funds fo r the bus
trip to Pittsburgh. We are con­
sidering attending a live, daily talk
show or a Broadway play this month
o f October. Plans were indefinite at
this w riting.
We also appointed Marge Valenčič
and Marlene Tkach to represent our
lodge at the annual Slovene Radio
Program meeting.
Get well wishes to Marge Striner,
A ntonia O ’Shinsky and Josephine
Cargnoni. We hope all o f you are
feeling w onderful soon.
Birthday greetings fo r September
go to Frances D ixon, Denise Davis
and M ary A nn Lesko.
C ongratulations to John and
Catherine Sroka on their 60th
Wedding Anniversary this summer.
God bless you both!
We were saddened by the passing
o f two o f our members this summer.
M ary Sedmak passed away on July
3rd leaving six children, eleven
g ra n d ch ild re n
and fo u r great
grandchildren. On August 15th,
Helen Meny passed away unex­
pectedly leaving three children, five
g ra n d c h ild re n
and tw o
grandchildren. The heartfelt sym­
pathy o f our members go out to their
families. God grant them eternal
Following the meeting, a social
was held and delicious treats were
provided by Sharon Boštjančič,
Frances D ixon, Rose Lawrence,
Marge Striner, Lucy Sm ith, D orthy
Bruce, Denise Davis and Peg Gricar.
Marlene Tkach, Marge Valenčič,
Sharon, Aggie Boštjančič, Lucy and
M ary Lesko donated wrapped gifts
to make our games more fun.
O ur Octobermceting w ill be on the
13th at 7:30 w ith a Halloween Social
follow ing. A ll members are urged to
come in costume!
___________________ PEG G R IC A R
NO. 73, W A R R E N S V IL L E H G TS.,
We moved up the date o f our
annual cookout to August 22nd,
because o f the unpredictable weather
the past few weeks. Forty-seven
adults, seven children attended.
Thank you Louise Epley fo r allow ing
us to have this cookout again at your
Z A R .IA — T H E D AW N
A n n a L . H o d n ik :
Learn Slovenian!
One o f the biggest topics o f conversation fo r all seasons deals w ith our
anatomy so I thought this month our lesson w ould be about the different
parts o f our bodies,
finger —prst
heart -- srce
anatomy —anatomija
jo in t -- sklep
chest - prsi
head —glava
abdomen —trebuh
leg —noga
brain -- možgani
knee —koleno
lung - pljuča
face —obraz
ankle - gleženj
tooth - zob
throat —grlo
foot - stopalo
kidney —ledvica
neck —vrat
stomach - želodec
c h in - brada
tongue - jezik
blood - kri
liver - jetra
nose -- nos
breast - dojka
arm - laket
ear - ušesa
elbow —komolec
hand - roka
eye —oko
ranch type acreage, and fo r all the
w ork you, our President Kay
Yuratovac, as well as the additional
members did to prepare fo r and
clean up after this entertaining a f­
fa ir. We want to thank Rudy Novak
and M ax M iklaus who played their
accordions fo r singing and dancing.
N o va k
fro m
F o rt
Lauderdale was in Cleveland at the
time o f this a ffa ir, and we were so
glad she was able to attend as well as
V irginia and Joe Fortuna fo r jo in in g
us this year also. A ll, including the
husbands, w ould like more than one
cookout a ffa ir such as this a year.
We have a new Junior member,
Stephen W illiam Lax, baby son o f
B ill and M ary Lax, and proud
grandparents Steve and Evelyn
M ajersic.
Congratulations to M ary A nn and
P iku s
w ho
re ce n tly
celebrated their th irtie th wedding
O ur deepest sympathy to A nn Fike
and fam ily due to the recent sudden
death o f her husband Ralph. Also to
John and Sylvia Kocjan upon the
demise o f John’s mother, M ary
Kocjan. M ay they rest in peace!
Josephine Novak and Louise
Epley visited Rose Zbasnik in the
nursing home; she sends her regards
and prayers to all. M ary Szabo
recently spent some time in the
hospital, but were happy she was
well enough to attend the co o ko u t.
Louise Epley recently spent three
weeks in Slovenia visiting relatives,
friends, as well as seeing her 92 year
old uncle, her m other’ s brother, and
this was the high point o f her trip .
Josephine Novak and Louise
Epley drove to St. Catherine, O n­
tario to visit Josephine’ s son, John
M ., a past scholarship winner o f our
lodge. He is now teaching having the
title o f Professor. Josephine is very
proud o f him as she should well be.
W hile in Canada they also visited
other relatives and friends.
U n til the next time M IL D R E D D. ROBERTS,
NO. 81, K E E W A T IN , M N
O ur August meeting was held on
Aug. 23rd at St. M a ry ’ s church. O ur
president, Josie Kapla opened the
meeting w ith a prayer. M ost o f the
meeting was devoted to discussing
details w ith our committee members
fo r the Minnesota State Convention
held in our city. We were busy
getting the fin a l preparations in
order, planning and taking care o f
reservations and selling tickets. We
were looking forw ard to seeing many
on that day.
M A R Y M IC H E L IC H , Reporter
NO . 92, G U N N IS O N , CO
August meeting on the 16 was held
at the home o f Beth Weaver. Meeting
was opened w ith a prayer by a ll; roll
call, 14 members present. Minutes by
Linda M ikus approved as read as
was the treasurer’ s report.
Correspondence was a letter from
Irene O dorizzi.
Old business: the nursing home
birthday party w ill be held on the 24
at 2:00, a money making project. We
w ill have a bake sale on October 13.
New business: our annual picnic
was planned fo r Sept. 3rd at the
Legion Park.
Mystery box donated by Frieda
won by Bonnie. High prize winners
Betty and Fern; Low Bonnie and
We worked on our project as our
hostess served a delicious peach
Meeting closed w ith a prayer lead
by Fern. We all wish well to Louise
Massaro, husband o f member Elsie
Heidi’s Gone
(Part 11)
H i Boys and Girls,
Last month yo u ’ ll recall my story.
When I returned home from work
one evening I found H e id i’s collar
had broken and she had wandered
o f f somewhere. A fte r searching two
days I received a tip fro m an
apartment house tenant that she
maybe there.
I was told the little dog spent the
nights sleeping either under the air
conditioning unit or in fro n t o f the
door o f one o f the tenants.
“ Sure, 1 know what dog yo u ’ re
talking about. She’s been sleeping
outside my door not letting anyone
in or o u t,” one man said.
From the description I received
from the othere tenants I knew it
must be H eidi. Chasing and barking
at everyone, but never allow ing
anyone near her! However, no one
knew where she was now. The last
she was seen was about 1:30 that
So, as the sun set once again I went
home w ithout my little dog.
The next m orning when 1 was at
w ork 1 received a call from the
A n im a l C ontrol. They believed they
m ight have H eidi.
M y boss let me go and see. Boys
and girls, my heart was beating fast
w ith excitement as I prayed it was
When 1 arrived, the man told me
they picked her up at an apartment
complex called Summer Place. That
was the a p a rtm e n t I had visite d
the o th e r n ig h t.
There in the corner ot her cage was
Heidi all curled up. Never had she
ever looked so sad.
“ H e id i!”
“ I t ’s H e id i!”
“ I t ’s
A t the sound o f her name she came
to me. She looked as though she
couldn’ t believe it was me. I know I
was th rille d to see her!
who is in the hospital. A speedy
Next meeting was to be at the
home o f Fran Austin on the 20th o f
FERN, Reporter
p . A ta n a z ij L o v re n č ič , o f m
Bog je zvest svoji obljubi.
Jese n je tis ti ča s v le tu , ko z e m lja da svo je
sadove, da bo la čn i im e l hrano; je s e n je čas, ko
sem e, ki je b ilo vse ja n o v s p o m la d i, vrne svoj
o b lju b lje n sad. Bog je naravo ta ko m o d ro u s tva ril,
da če č lo v e k iz p o ln i s v o jo d o lž n o s t, p o te m narava
iz p o ln i svo je o b lju b e in stre že č lo v e k u . Mi vzam em o
nekaj vsa kd a n je g a , da bo narava n a re d ila s vo jo
d o lž n o s t; če se ra n im o , navadno o č is tim o rano, jo
obvežem o, p o te m pa č a ka m o , da bo te lo sam o
za c e lilo , kar je ranjeno.
T u d i v na dnaravn e m ž iv lje n ju Bog iz p o ln ju je
s v o je o b lju b e . Prav od z a č e tk a č lo v e š k e zg o d o v in e
v id im o , kako Bog od ča sa do časa o b lju b i stva ri, ki
jih p o te m iz p o ln i. A kar se tič e našega la s tn e g a
p o s v e č e n ja in zve liča n ja , iz p o ln ite v božje o b lju b e
zm ira j o d v is i od našega so d e lo v a n ja . Kar nam Bog
o b lju b lja , so z m ira j v e lik e stv a ri, b o d is i za č a s n o ali
v e č n o ž iv lje n je . N a va d no m i si n iti ne vzam em o
časa, da bi p re m is lili, kaj vse nam B og o b lju b lja .
Zakaj so n e š te ti brez p o m is le k a š li v s m rt za vero?!
Pred o č m i so im e li b o žjo o b lju b o o v e čn e m
ž iv lje n ju . In ti lju d je so se d o b ro zavedali, d a je B og
n a jp re j v s e m o g o č e n , da la h ko iz p o ln i, kar o b lju b lja ;
saj je a n g e l izja vil M a riji pri o z n a n e n ju : “ Pri B ogu ni
n ič n e m o g o č e ” . P otem n a d a lje Bog te lju b i z vsem
b itje m ; in prav tu k a j n a jd e m o težave: kako m e Bog
lju b i, ko pa m i p o š ilja te ali o n e težave?! Pri te m mi
p o z a b lja m o , da Bog g le d a na v e č n o s t, kaj je d o b ro
zate in n o č e n ič d ru g e g a , da boš ti n e ko č p ri N jem
in tam o s ta l, o s ta la vso v e č n o s t. T o re j Bog te
o č iš č u je , da bo š vreden, vre d n a te v e lik e o b lju b e .
Če mi d rž im o s v o jo b e se d o , B og bo držal svo jo .
Če g le d a m o nazaj v s vo je ž iv lje n je , m o ra m o
p riz n a ti, da sm o v e lik o k ra t v s v o ji g o re č n o s ti B ogu
o b lju b ili stv a ri, a ko sm o n a le te li na težave pri iz­
p o ln itv i, je b ilo k o n e c n a ših o b lju b ; v s ve te m p ism u
be re m o :
“ Iz p o ln i o b lju b o ,
ki si jo
n a re d il
V s e m o g o č n e m u .”
§T. 2, Chicago, IL
Lo vro K u h a r— P re žih o v Vo rane
P re jšn ja vse b in a:
S trm o v h rib u je s ta la s a m o tn a k m e tija za osem
g la v živin e . Z a d a j h rib , s p o d a j s trm in a v g lo b e l,
e d in i kraj, k je r so lju d je in živ in a d o b iv a li vodo. Tja
je b ilo treba h o d iti p o n jo p o le ti in p o z im i, ž iv in o pa
n a p a ja ti. T rp lje n je je b ilo ta ko ve liko , da se n o b e n o
k m e č k o d e k le z d o to n i u p a lo tja p rim o ž iti.
G o s p o d a rji so že več ro d o v sam tu h ta li in
ra z is k o v a li te re n d a le č o k ro g hiše, k je b i se n a š e l
p ro s to r za vodnjak. Vse s u h o in p ro d n a to . Tik p re d
s m rtjo je z a d n ji g o s p o d a r v n e ke m p riv id u g o v o ril
s in u , kje bo d o b il p re p o tre b n o vodo. Težko je verjel,
p o d o lg e m o m a h o v a n ju je p rič e l k o p a ti res na
su h e m svetu. Pa t i p rid e m im o n e p rilju d e n č lo ve kp ija n č e k in se p rič n e n o rč e v a ti.
p u s titi k m e ta sam ega. O d še l je brez p o zdrava čez
G o s p o d a r B o ro v n ik je m o lč a l. K u h a lo je v d v o riš č e in ko je zaprl za s e b o j leso, se je o b rn il še
njem , da se m u roga ta č lo v e k , o b e n e m pa se je bal,
e n k ra t nazaj in za vp il, da je o d m e v a lo v s o n č n o
da znova ne pla n e iz n je g a m a lo d u š je , kaj č e k o p lje
p o d n e b je :
z a s to n j. K akor u d a rci s k ije m so p a d a le te s a rje v e
“ V oda, vo d a ! B o ro v n ik iš č e vodo. V o d a rji!”
be se d e
n je g o v o
ra zp o lo že n je .
Z je z n im
N a to je o d š e l po p o ti, ki je v o d ila sko zi le so ve k
p o g e ld o m je p re m e ril te s a rja K riv o n o g a s to je č e g a
s o s e d u , ki je b il tam na d ru g e m h rib u . V g lo b e li je
na tra ti in sovražno je zarenčal:
b re z s k rb n o za v ris k a l, da se je razlegal g la s do
“ Kaj te to b rig a ? ”
d o lin e pod B o ro v n ik o m in za tre n u te k n a p o ln il vse
“ B rig a ,” se je o v e s e lil te sa r, da je izzval m ir­ o z ra č je s p rije tn im zvo ko m .
nega B o ro vn ika. “ B rig a m e res ne, b rig a — k o p lji,
B o ro v n ik u pa je b il ta vris k , ki je p riv re l iz
da sa m o g a sa ta n a iz k o p lje š — vo d e pa ne boš. He b re z s k rb n ih p rsi s iln o n e p rije te n . J e z ilo ga je, da je
— saj vem — s ta ri je nekaj p re ro k o v a l, ko je u m ira l. ravno ta č lo v e k v ta k n il svo j nos v n je g o v v o d n ja k in
On, ki je p re vrta l ves h rib in is k a l vo d o tam , k je r je da bo ra zn e se l po vse j s o s e s k i, kar je v id e l pri njem .
ni. Bi m ari prej m en e v p ra ša l! Tako se pa m u č iš V edel je, da se m u b o d o lju d je ro g a li, h o d ili b o d o
z a s to n j — za prazen nič. B o lj p a m e tn o bi b ilo , u le č i g le d a t n je g o v o d e lo te r mu o d s v e to v a li, češ, naj
se na h rb e t, g le d a ti v n ebo in p re š te v a ti zvezde. Se p u s ti vse s k u p a j. On pa m o ra d o k o n č a ti in n a jti
boš vsaj s p o č il. T a ko pa d e la š in stra d a š, da si že vodo. In č e je ne najde? S tre s lo ga je o b te j m is li.
ta k ka ko r tr lic a .” ....
T oda h itro se je p o to la ž il z m is lijo , da se d a j še
te m h ip u je K riv o n o g u m o lk n ik , k anjtiič e s a r ne ve. R a z u m ljiv o je, da pri p e tih m e trih
B o ro v n ik o v o b ra z so n e n a d o m a p re p re g le ta ko g lo b in e na ta ke m s ve tu ni m o g o č e p riti d o vode.
g ro ze če p oteze, da se m u je z d e lo u m e s tn e je
P o m irje n je o d š e l v h išo , p o v e č e rja l in se
u le g e l k p o č itk u . D ru g o ju tro je zg o d a j vs ta l,
n a k rm il ž iv in o in ko m a j je s o n c e p o s ija lo s p rv im i
žarki na vrh b o ro ve g a s le m e n a , se je B o ro v n ik že
s p u š č a l v v o d n ja k. Z ačel je k o p a ti s p o d v o je n o
m o č jo in p o š ilja l je na vrh kad za ka d o z e m ljo . K opal
je, krhal la p o rn a te p la s ti z e m lje iz s u h e g a dna,
č u te č , da je n je g o v c ilj n e k je z d o la j v z e m lji. Zena, ki
je v la č ila kadi, je s liš a la , kako je p rih a ja lo iz ja m e
so p e n je , k a k o r bi ko p a l s tro j, e n a k o m e rn o , brez
p re sta n k a . In d n o se je p o g re z a lo z v s a k im dn e m
niže v n a ro č je ze m lje . V o d a pa se ni h o te la p o ka za ti.
B o ro v n ik o v a bojazen, da bi K riv o n o g raznesel
ve st o k o p a n ju v o d n ja k a na vse s tra n i, se je
u re s n ič ila . Že prve d n i so je li h o d iti po p o ti, ki je
v o d ila m im o hiše, so s e d je . M o žje so o b s ta ja li ob
ja m i, o d k im a v a li z g la va m i in s k o m ig a li z ra m e n i te r
d e la li
re sn e obraze.
N e k a te ri
so o g o v a rja li
B o ro v n ik a v g lo b in i in bi ga radi iz v a b ili na dan.
T o d a B o ro v n ik je bil za d o v o lje n , da m u ni b ilo tre b a
g le d a ti teh obrazov, iz k a te rih je se va lo p rik rito
ro g a n je ali pa p o m ilo v a n je , ki m u je b ilo še b o lj
zo p rn o . O d g o va rja l je na k ra tk o in n je g o v g la s se je
zdel ču d e n in s p re m e n je n . S o s e d je so d ru g za
d ru g im o d h a ja li z n e p rije tn im v tis o m .
Že d ru g i te d e n se je b liž a l k o n c u . G lo b o č in a je
p ro d rla sp e t za nekaj m e tro v b o lj v o s rč je ze m lje .
V s e k a k o r pa d e lo ni ta k o n a p re d o v a lo k a k o r prvi
te d e n . Z e m lja je p o s ta ja la ve d n o b o lj suha, vča sih
je b ilo tre b a p re k o p a ti c e le p la s ti n e n a va d n o trd e g a
la p o rja , ki se je le z v e lik o te ža vo dal k rh a ti s
kra m p o m . Težava je b ila tu d i z z e m ljo na vrhu; žena
in s ta rk a n is ta u te g n ili o d va ža ti ta k e m n o ž in e p rs ti,
z a to sta jo z a če li o d la g a ti na kup o n k ra j c e s te . Kup
je ra ste in ra stel.
“ A li m is liš , da bo tam v o d a ? ”
B o ro vn ik, ki se je ves p o p o ld a n bal, kd a j bo
s tric p rič e l o te m , se je o d d a h n il. N o b e n e g a
o č ita n ja ni b ilo v v p ra ša n ju . T ako si je že da vn o že le l
g o v o riti s kom , ki bi m u o d k ritis rč n o ra zlo žil svo je
s k rb i in u p a n je . Z ačel je sam in na š iro k o , kako
h u d o je z v o d o p ri h iš i, ka ko se je o d lo č il za ko p a n je
tam , k je r m u je sve to va l o č e na s m rtn i p o s te lji. Šla
s ta s s tric e m ven in si o g le d a la ja m o , to d a s tric je
na vse o d g o v a rja l d v o u m n o in m a lo d u š n o . Na
p o v rš ju z e m lje ni b ilo v id e ti, da bi m o g la b iti kje
voda. Tam na o n i s tra n i h iše , da ta m p rej, ke r je svet
n e k o lik o ja m a s t, to d a ravno tu k a j na ro b u brega?
B o ro v n ik m u je razlo žil, kaj je p re ro k o v a l o če
na s m rtn i p o s te lji, to d a s tr ic se je n a m rd n il in d e ja l:
“ K adar č lo v e k um ira , se m u b le d e, na to ne
dam nič. — Ko bi b il jaz na tv o je m m e stu , ne bi
k o p a l,” je p ris ta v il čez nekaj časa.
B o ro v n ik se je trd o v ra tn o u g riz n il v u s tn ic o .
V e d n o is ta pesem . “ T eden d n i bom še ko p a l: če do
ta kra t ne bo vode, pa p u s tim vse s k u p a j” .
Ko je s tr ic o d še l, je p o s ta l B o ro v n ik ž a lo s te n .
Pri v e č e rji s p lo h ni g o v o ril. M o lč a li s ta tu d i že n a in
m ati. Po v e č e rji je ta k o j le g e l, d a s i ni m o g e l sp a ti.
O b ra ča l se je na p o s te lji p o zn o v n o č. Žena, ki je
ležala ob n a s p ro tn i s te n i, je s liš a la , da bedi.
“ A li ne m oreš s p a ti? ” ga je vrpašala.
“ S krbi m e ,” je k ra tk o o d g o v o ril.
“ S tric je rekel, da tam ni v o d e ,” je b o je č e
d a h n ila ž e n a .
“ K do ve .”
" In če je n i? ”
"S a j pravim : te d e n d n i še in če se vo d a ne
prikaže, p u s tim vse s k u p a j,” je s k le n il m ož
p o g o vo r.
K o p a n je , ki ga je začel d ru g i dan, se je
e n a k o m e rn o n a d a lje v a lo ves p rih o d n ji te d e n . V
s o b o to pa še ni b ilo vode, če p ra v je lezel B o ro v n ik
ta k o g lo b o k o v z e m ljo , da je m oral že m o č n o za v p iti,
a ko je h o te l d o k lic a ti že n o iz jam e. Na svoj s k le p , da
o d n e h a s k o p a n je m , ni več m is lil. Z a g rize l se je v
vero, da m o ra p riti d o vo d e na tem kraju. V č a s ih je
p re n e h a l s k o p a n je m , p re s k u š a l p rst, deval jo na
je z ik , č e bi m o g o č e o k u s il kaj vlage. T oda p rs t je
b ila s u h a k a k o r zg o ra j pri vrhu. Sem in tja se mu je
zazdelo, da č u je ne ko ž u b o re n je . T a k ra t je le g e l na
d no, p ritis k a l uho k z e m lji in p o s lu š a l d o lg e m in u te ;
to d a ž u b o re n je se ni h o te lo p o n o v iti in ko p a l je s p e t
d a lje .
T u d i tr e tjo n e d e ljo B o ro v n ik ni šel v cerkev.
M rk in sam vase z a to p lje n je p o le g e l o k ro g h iše in
z d e lo se je, da se iz o g ib a ženi in m a te ri. Ž e n s k i s ta s
s tra h o m o p a z ili to s p re m e m b o : v z n e m irje n i s ta b ili,
ke r ni šel v ce rke v. Prej ni z a m u d il n o b e n e m aše
brez vzroka.
N a s le d n ji te d e n pa je sp e t ko p a l brez
p re s ta n k a . Ž e n s k i s ta mu m o lč e p o m a g a li in
n o b e n a si ni up a la u g o v a rja ti n je g o v im č u d n im ,
z a p o v e d u jo č im p o g le d o m . K er je b ila g lo b in a že
p re c e j ve lika , ni ena sa m a ž e n ska z a d o s to v a la za
d v ig a n je z e m lje iz jam e: m o ra li s ta v le č i o b e za
m a s tn o o č rn e lo vrv.
Po o k o lic i se je ra zn e sla č u d n a no vica .
'S o s e d je so si p rip o v e d o v a li, da B o ro v n ik ni pri pravi
p a m e ti; v e n o m e r k o p lje tis ti v o d n ja k , ne g o v o ri z
n ik o m e r, n iti z ženo, ne gre n ik a m o r in z a n e m a rja
vs a k o d ru g o d e lo . Ta in o n i se je o p o g u m il in s to p il
m im o h iše , da bi v id e l, kaj je na stv a ri; n e k a te ri so
se s k lo n ili v g lo b in o in z a k lic a li na ves g la s v
v o d n ja k :
" K a j pa d e la š, B o ro v n ik ? ”
“ V o d o iš č e m ,” je z a v p ilo po k ra tk e m iz te m in e .
Ž ena je v e d e la to lik o ko t n ič: im e la je o b jo k a n e
o č i in je s s tra h o m čakala, kaj bo. M ati s ta rk a je
o b n e m a la in vsa iz č rp n a od p re n a p o rg e n g a d ela
č e p e la za p e čjo . M o lila je m n o g o več k o t p re jš n je
M in u l je m e se c in še več. V o d n ja k je b il že
p e tin d v a js e t m e tro v g lo b o k . B o ro v n ik pa ni nehal
k o p a ti in d e la l je na p re j s p o d v o je n o s ilo . T o d a
n e ke g a dne d o lg o ni p riš lo iz ja m e no b e r.o
z n a m e n je , d a je kad p olna.
T a kra t se je s liš a l iz g lo b o č in e p re s u n ljiv ,
ra d o s te n , d iv ji glas:
“ V o d a — v o d a .”
“ A li re s? ” je z a v p ila ž e n a na ves glas.
Z d e lo se ji je, da p rih a ja od sp o d a j neko
č o fo ta n je , n ekak šu m , ki je b il p o d o b e n ž u b o re n ju
m o č n e g a s tu d e n c a . P o te g n ila je za vrv in ko je
p riš la p o s o d a na vrh, je b ila p o ln a g rd e z z e m ljo
p o m e š a n e vode. Iz v o d n ja k a pa ni b ilo n o b e n e g a
o d g o v o ra na k lic a n je ; ž e n s k i je o b š la g ro zn a
s lu tn ja . Ž ena je s te k la k so s e d u . L ju d je so p rih ite li z
le s tv a m i in vrvm i na p o m o č . T e sa r K riv o n o g se je
p rivezal na vrv in zlezel v v o d n ja k. Z d o la j v te m i je
p rižg a l svečo.
“ U to p il se je, p o te g n ite .” S tru d o m so
p o te g n ili te s a rja in m rtv e g a B o ro v n ik a na vrh.
V o d a pa je n e n a v a d n o h itro n a ra šča la in v
ne ka j urah n a p o ln ila v o d n ja k. Čez dva d n i so o d ­
n e s li m rtv e g a B o ro v n ik a na p o k o p a liš č e .
D o r IM
Draga Corinne Leskovar
in njena družina!
N e nadn a s m rt vašega s o p ro g a
in o č e ta nas je vse p rizadela.
B ožja roka poseže tja, k je r jo
n a jm a n j p rič a k u je m o . G o sp o d
L u d v ik L e sko va r bo vsem nam
o s ta l v s p o m in u d o ko n c a dn i,
d o k le r se tu d i nam ne iz te č e jo
naše p o ti v ve č n o s t.
V se č la n ic e naše p o d ru ž n ic e o b ­
ž a lu je m o s m rtn e izg u b e v p re te k ­
lem p o le tju ! C h ris tin a B ra d ish in
M ary G erm (s o p ro g a p o k o jn e g a
J o h n a G erm a, k a te ri je
p re d s e d n ik K .S.K.J.) s ta b ili v
m učnem
s ta n ju
na b o ln iš k i
p o s te lji. C a ro lin i B re g a r je b ila
s m rt lahka, ke r je za v e čn o
za spala na s to lu brez b o le č in .
N aša 19. n a ro d n a k o n v e n c ija
Zveze v C h is h o lm , M in n e s o ta ie
kra sn o izp adla . V se je s o d e lo v a lo
in vse p o te k a lo v p ra v iln e m redu
k a k o r ste č ita le v Z a p is n ik u
k o n v e n c ije v Z a rji. P o g re ša le sm o
vse p o k o jn e g lavne o d b o rn ic e .
Se razum e, da sm o b ile v d u h u
navzoče z n jim i. B ile so žene d e la
in m o litv e ; im e le sm o jih v naši
s re d i, a seda j jih ni več. Im ela
se m
č a s t,
da sem
sp o zn a la in im e la kra te k p o g o v o r
s č.g.
A ta n a z ije m
L o v re n č ič
O F M , ki je naš Zvezin d u h o v n i
v o d ite lj. Je ze lo p rija ze n
v g la v n e m
u ra d u
Zveze. S p o zn a la sem tu d i č.g.
F ra nka P e rko vich iz E veleth,
M in n . P o g o vo r z n jim je bil
k ra tek, a vse e no sem hvaležna,
da sva se o s e b n o spo zn ala . P olka
m a šne p lo š č e so še ve d n o v
p ro d a ji. K ako kra sn a je b ila p o lk a
m a ša
na k o n v e n c iji.
Č .g .F .
P e rko vich , upam , da vas bo pot
p rip e lja la tu d i v našo državo
C o lo ra d o . H vala za p rija z n o s t in
na v e se lo sv id e n je . Z B o g o m !
im a
z e lo
d e la v n o
D ire c to r a c tiv itie s za m la d in o . To
je M rs. A n n a L. H o d n ik . Hvala,
ke r je b ila ta k o d o m a č a in
p rija z n a .
N aša
g la v n a
p re d ­
s e d n ic a je b ila nadvse d o m a č a
d o m ene in m o jih s o p o tn ic
F ra n c e s
S kul
F ra n c e s
S im o n ic h . To je naša M ary
M u lle r. H vala za p rija z n o s t na
k o n v e n c iji. O, kako sem b ila
Zadnji nagelj
na krsto
g. Leskovarju...
v e se la in izn e n a d e n a za o b is k g.
in ge. K e n e th in Irene O d o riz z i iz
R e sto n , V irg in ia , W a s h in g to n .
S am o za kra te k ča s; vse e n o je bil
vesel s e s ta n e k (n e xt tim e m ore).
Irene je h č e rk a m o je d rage
p rija te ljic e
Eme P la n in š e k iz
J o lie ta . Že o m e n je n a
p o k o jn a C h ris tin a B ra d ish je I.
1952. d o s e g la č a s t kot konve n č n a k ra ljic a . P rid o b ila je 62
č la n ic v našo p o d ru ž n ic o , tu d i z
m o jo p o m o č jo .
B o d i sem p o k o jn im č la n ic a m
s p o m in
sedaj v
n e b e š k i d o m o v in i!
D ne 5. o k to b r a je
tr e tja
o b le tn ic a s m rti m o je g a sin a
W illia m a . Cvetje na tvojem grobu je
ovenelo, listje pada z dreves, toda
tv o j spomin bo za vedno ostal svež.
T o p le
p o z d ra v e
in zd ra v je
vsem , p o s e b n o M ary B o s tia n .
F o r you, C o rin n e !
C o rin n e , u re d i s p o p ra v k o m
m o j d o p is , veš, ne g re jo b e se d e
več ta ko k o t b i rada. S ta ro s t je tu
in o č i o b o lje n e . B o ln o o k o se
p o č a s i zdravi. H vala za p o s la n o
zahvalo. C o rin n e , ja z g re m s k o z i
to s m rtn o iz g u b o in ža lo s t.
Z g u b ila sem p e t o tro k in moža,
B o g jih je p o k lic a l k sebi. Vem, da
je tvo ja ž a lo s t in s a m o ta n e iz ­
m erna, pa B o g je h o te l tako.
Arina Pachak
Draga Anna Pachak,
Mene osebne* ne poznate, pač pa
moje ime preberete v listu Zarja pod
n aslo vo m
“ Naša
dediščina” , katerega je
posrečeno izbrala naša urednica
Corinne. Vam, Mrs. Pachak se
slovenske dopise, pravtako Mrs.
Poklici Podgornik in še ostalim
slovenskim dopisnicam. Ne morem
vam povedati, kako cenim in
spoštujem vse starejše članice, ki ste
tiste, ki ste ustanovile Slovensko
Žensko Zvezo. Koliko slovensko
zavest in ljubezen ste prinesle iz
rodne domovine Slovenije; prinesle
ste s seboj zvestobo do slovenstva, ki
pri vsaki traja prav do njene smrti.
Tudi Mrs. Leskovar se iskreno
zahvaljujem za njeno veliko skrb in
delo (ki je zelo veliko), da se
slovenski kotiček v Zarji ohranja.
A na Gaber, u č ite ljic a ,
p re j v S lo v e n iji
In še to...
M rs. P achak slavi svo j ro js tn i
dan 15. o k to b ra in m i ž e lim o naši
s o -s e s tri vse n a jb o ljš e in b o žji
b la g o s lo v še m n o g o le t! H a p p y
B irth d a y , M rs. P achak!
ŠT. 13, SAN F R A N C IS C O , CA
Pozdrave iz s o n č n e K a lifo rn ije .
V San F ra n c is c u so še p re le p i
p re to p li d n e vi, da je naša lju b a
m e g la prav d o b ro d o š la . N o v ic e
sem p o ro č a la v a n g le š k e m de lu .
Rada bi o p o z o rila se s tre , ki
n im a jo
lis t a
A ve
M a ria
L e m o n ta na č la n e k ž iv lje n je p is a
o dr. L u d v ik u L e sk o v a rju . B ra ti bi
ga m o ra li vsi S lo v e n c i, saj je dr.
L e sko va r to lik o žrtv o v a l za nas
O d lič e n
S lo v e n e c
A m e rik a n e c , v e lik m ož, vzoren in
p le m e n it .
D r.
u s ta n o v il
s lo v e n s k o
ra d ijs k o
p o s ta jo le ta 1950 s p o m o č jo
s v o je
C o rin n e
u d e js tv o v a l v k u ltu rn e m , ve rske m
in p ro s v e tn e m d e lu za naš narod.
n je g o v e m
s lo v e n s k o
a m e r i š k e m r a d io k lu b u se je
r a z v ila f o l k l o r n a p l e s n a s k u p in a .
Z d ru že va l je S lo v e n c e iz USA in
Kanada. U d e jstvo va l se je pri
vseh s lo v e n s k ih a k c ija h p o s e b n o
pri d e lu za S lo v e n s k o ka p e lo v
a m e riš k e m n a ro d n e m s v e tiš č u
B rezm adežne v W a s h in g to n u .
T u d i pri B aragovi zadevi je v e lik o
d e la l. Č a s o p is i v C h ica g u so ga
nazvali “ S lo ve n ia n C o m m u n ity
L e ade r” .
Na lju b lja n s k i
u n iv e rz i je
g ra d u ira l iz prava in v A m e rik i je
n a jp re j
š t u d ir a l
L o y o la
U n iv e rs ity . B il je p re d s e d n ik in
č la n v s a k o v rs tn ih u sta n o v in
d ru š te v .
P o g re b
im e l
v e lič a s te n
k o t z a s lu ž e n
s in
s lo v e n s k e g a
n a ro d a .
L is t
m e s e č n ik A ve M a ria p iš e o njem
več in p o d ro b n o . P rip o ro č a m , da
si n a ro č ite ta ve rsk i lis t, ke r je
zelo d o b e r. Ga c e n im k a k o r našo
Z arjo. M oral bi b iti v vsaki
s lo v e n s k i h iš i.
D o p is u p rila g a m verz za ro js tn i
dan s v o je g a d ra g e g a m oža. L e to s
18. s e p te m b ra je p o te k lo 49 let,
kar sva se p o ro č ila . Š koda, da mi
je u m rl p red š tirim i le ti.
__________dr. Ivan Pregelj_________
II del.
17. Testam ent in še nekaj.
— Nadaljevanje—
»Pojdem ,« je de ja l m irn o , »to d a ta ko , ne!« In
s to p il je z o p e t tik k n je j in d e ja l:
»S o d ili b o s te d ru g a č e , če vam p ovem , da
m o rem p o s ta ti p re je g o s p o d a r na Peči jaz, k o t vi.«
In d a si je še ve d n o kazala z ro ko na vrata, je
g o v o ril on d a lje .
»Da, lažje k o t vi. K adar K a tra s v o jo skle n e ,
te d a j jo izvede. In ta ko je izvedla, da vas m ož v
o p o ro k i s k o ro o m e n il ni, da je o d lo č il svo je
p re m o že n je vaši tašči.«
»To ni res!« je v ik n ila se d a j A n ic a , »m oj m ož
te g a ni s to ril. On ve, da sem m a ti! On je vedel!«
»Da,« je o d v rn il Tom až, »tega n ise m trd il.
O tro k u je z a p u s til, to d a če bi u m rl, p rip a d e
p re m o že n je nazaj m a te ri J u rije v i, in vi, vi im a te pri
h iš i sam o u ž ite k in še te g a le d o te d a j, d o k le r
o s ta n e te vdova. Tak je b il vaš m ož! T o d a ne, to vse
je znala n a p ra v iti iz vašeg a m oža vaša ta š č a . A li zdaj
v e ru je te , da bi znala n a p ra v iti tu d i iz m ene
g o s p o d a rja ? A li bi vam to p ra vil, če bi b il vaš
A n ic a je g le d a la h la p c u v obraz. P re p rič a n a je
bila, da g o v o ri re s n ic o , in ni d o b ila u g o vo ra p ro ti
n jem u . In ve n d a r je č u tila , da bi b ila m a n j v stra h u ,
če bi ji b il zm aj p riš e l z k a te ro s ib o d i n o v ic o , ka ko r
pa ta č lo ve k. T edaj pa je T om až s to p il k vra to m ,
»Ne je z ite se na m e! N o b e n č lo v e k ni ta k o
h u d o b e n , ka ko r kaže. B og vam daj s re čo , A n ic a , od
m ene se pa ne b o jte več so vra štva !«
S ko ro g in je n a in hvaležna je s to p ila ko ra k k
n je m u , ko pa je o p a z ila v n je g o v ih o č e h pa le či
o g e n j, je p o v e s ila o č i in zaječala:
o n OB I R , 1<)83
V d o b i c v e tja se ro d ila
v s rc u tv o je m je p o m la d ;
n a s m e h tv o j ra d o s tn i ž iv i
in še ves za čaran je.
K o t s p e t p o m la d sko z g a je gre,
k o t p tič ic s p e v i iz srca d o n e
m i lju b e p e s m i tvoje.
M e n e z d a j s p o m in ja j se,
k o k lič e m ti: B o g č u v a j te.
Poldica Podgornik
»Zakaj,« je d e ja l m e h ko . »Zato, ker bi m o ra l b iti
zver, k o m u r bi ne v z b u d ili o b č u d o v a n ja , zver, zver -«
»Ne, ne!« je z a m a h n ila z ro ko . V n a s le d n je m
h ip u jo je p u s til Tom až sam o. O na pa se je v rg la z
o b ra z o m na p o s te ljo in č u tila , da ji p o lje kri v obraz,
ko da je o m a d e že va n a in o n e č a š č e n a . In z g ro zo je
m is lila na m oža, ki jo je ra vn o ka r z a p u s til. Ves o n i
g n u s, ki jo je n a p o ln je v a l že od p o ro č n e g a ve če ra
do te g a č lo v e k a , ki n iti z d o b ro h o tn o in m o č n o
s a m o z a ta jo ni m o g e l p rik riti nam ena, s ka te rim
s p re m lja n je n e ž iv lje n js k e p o ti, ves ta g n u s je č u tila
se d a j in d rh te la , ko da je vsa b la tn a in o n e ča še n a , in
ih te je p o n a vlja la :
»Bog, B og! Č uvaj me, č u v a j ta k ih p rija te lje v ...«
Tom až je g o v o ril re s n ic o . S o d iš č e je p o zvalo
K a tro in A n ic o v zadevi o p o ro k e , ki je b ila s ic e r v
c e lo ti p ra v iln o n a p ra v lje n a in p o d p is a n a , ve n d a r pa
v s e b o v a la ta k o iz k lju č n o s a m o v o ljn e p o g o je , da se
je za zd e lo b e s e d ilo is te še s o d iš č u n e ja sn o . In v
re s n ic i se je pokazalo, da ta z a p u š č in s k a zadeva še
d a vn o ni rešena. Prvič ni b ilo dete , k a te ro je
p o s ta v il J u ri za d e d ič a , še ro je n o , o b enem pa je že
d o lo č a l p o k o jn ik K a tro za v a ru h in jo a li vsaj
u p ra v ite ljic o p o to m č e v e g a g o s p o d a rs tv a . N a d a lje je
b ila tu d i to č k a , da izg u b i A n ic a v s lu č a ju o tro k o v e
s m rti in v s lu č a ju , da se v d ru g o p o ro č i — tu je
A n ic a ra h lo za rd e la — vso p ra v ic o do Peči, in bi se
m o ra la z a d o v o ljiti z g o lj z g o to v o iz p la č a n o ji sv o to ,
m ed te m ko bi K a tra p o d e d o v a la vse p re m o že n je .
To je b ilo s o d iš č e o b ra z lo ž ilo ženam a.
»Toda o p o ro k a je veljavna?« je vp ra š a la nekako
n e m irn o Katra.
»Veljavna,« se je n a s m e h n il u ra d n ik , »v c e lo ti
v e lja vn a . Seveda,« je p ris ta v il, » d e late la h ko c e lo na
iz v e lja v ite v o p o ro ke ,« in pri te m je K a tra o p a zila , da
se je o b rn il p ro ti A n ic i.
A n ic a ni o p a z ila n ič e s a r. T e m n a sra m o ta , k a ko r
da je ta k o p o s to p a n je od J u rija za slu žila , k a k o r da
ni iz p o ln je v a la s v o jih z a k o n s k ih d o lž n o s ti, k a k o r da
je ra jn e m u m ožu p re lo m ila z v e s to b o , se ji je zaz­
d e lo , da zveni iz b e s e d ila o p o ro k e . In s k rč e v itim
p re m a g o v a n je m je iz k u š a la p rik riti s v o jo vz­
n e m irje n o s t. Ko pa je č u la p rip o m n iti K a tro , da se ji
zdi, da tu ni n o b e n e n e ja s n o s ti, in da je b il J u ri,
k o lik o r on a ve, v s e le j p re p rič a n ja , da je za Peč in
vse n a jb o lje , da g o s p o d a ri ona, Katra, te d a j je
p la n ila in d e ja la A n ica , da to ne m o re b iti res, in da
o n a m a rsika j ve in m is li, kd o da je v te p e l J u riju
g o to v e m is li v glavo.
»Sama si b ila kriva!« je d e ja la n a to K atra,
»saj si p o b e g n ila od njega!«
A n ic a ni ve d e la kaj o d g o v o riti nato.
T ako s te se ženi v rn ili, K a tra z za v e s tjo , da je
o d s le j on a g o s p o d in ja na Peči, A n ic a ž a lo s tn a in
z a m iš lje n a . S o d iš č e pa se je m is lilo še d o b ro
p re m is liti in p ro u č iti zadevo pred z a p u š č in s k o
ob ravnavo. A n ic a pa je s s k rb jo m is lila na
b o d o č n o s t in zdaj zo p e t z b rid k o s tjo na p re te k lo s t.
V e lik a ž a lo s t jo je navdajala. Ne da bi se č u tila
z a p o s ta v lje n o ali o š k o d o v a n o v o p o ro k i. N ekaj
d ru g e g a jo je v e n o m e r m u č ilo : zavest, da ji m ož ni
»Kaj si m i s to ril, kaj si m is lil!« mu je o č ita la .
»Ali si m e im el za tako, ki ti bo z a p u s tila o tro k a ?
K daj je m a ti o d je d la svo je m u o tro k u p re m o že n je ?
In tu d i, ali sem jaz z a s lu ž ila n e za u p a n je ? Si m e im el
za ta tic o ? In za razuzdanko? Zakaj sem ti pa
o b lju b ila , da se ne bom m o žila ? M o rd a radi
le p še ga? H o te la sem , da u m rje š m irn o in m i ve ru je š
p re d n o u m rje š. Kaj si m i n a p ra vil, J u ri! K a tra naj bo
g o s p o d in ja na Peči, in m e n i g re jo p o s ta v n e pravice.
P ro ti n ji, p ro ti ka te ri m e n is i m o g e l ti b ra n iti, kaj ne,
naj me bra n i p ostava? V le p o va rs tv o si pre d a l ženo
in svo je g a o tro k a . T oda, k a ko r h o če š. Z a te k la se
b om k postavi.«
In s k o ro d iv je je d e ja la nato:
»Jaz sem ti o b lju b ila v e č n o z v e s to b o in
s p o m in , ti pa si m e o s ra m o til. H ahaha! Ti si um rl.
S m e je m se ti. U m rl si tu d i v m o je m s rc u . P ro sta
sem in se sm ejem ...«
A li v e n d a r se ni sm e ja la . S k o ro g ro za je je b ilo
n je n ih la s tn ih besed. O b en e m je č u tila v e lik o
s la b o s t po vsem te le s u . M a lo se je p a zila za d n je
čase. T e le s n o se je za n e m a rja la in d u š e v n o je tr­
pe la v e lik o . O m a h n ila je na p o s te lj in p o la g o m a se
je d o ka j u m irila . N e p re m ič n o je g le d a la p ro ti okn u .
S like, ki so b ile s ice r, ka k o r se ji je zd e lo , n e kje
d a le č v p re te k lo s ti, ki so pa p rih a ja le pred n je n e g a
d u h a č u d o v ito izrazite, so jo za zib a le v n ekako
m rtv ilo . P ris ilje n o se je č u tila s k o ro s trm e ti p ro ti
o kn u .
Tam so b ile še krvave s le d i.
»Tam je u m rl!« je d e ja la A n ic a š e p e ta jo č in
v id e la ga je prav živo, kako s lo n i z g la vo m ej rože
n a s lo n je n o — m rtev.
In ža rko u s m ilje n je se je je p o la s tilo do
p o k o jn e g a . T e d a j ji je š in ilo sko zi g lavo. D o m is lila
se je o s o d n e g a lis tič a , n e d o p is a n ih besed.
In v h ip u je za m rla n e m o č v n ji, z ja s n ilo se ji je,
ko da je š in ilo n a e n kra t s to s o ln e v m o rje m e g le . S
tre s o č o ro k o je p o is k a la A n ic a v p re d a lu , k je r je
h ra n ila s p o m in e na m a te r, na p rvo o b h a jilo in božje
p o ti, s k rvjo p o š k ro p lje n i lis tič . In č ita la je v e n o m e r
eno: p re k lič e m , p re k lič e m , p re k lič e m ...
In se d a j je ra zu m e la n je g o v o s m rt. Č akal jo je,
da prid e . V g ro zn e m s tra h u , da je p re p o z n o izp re v id e l k riv ic o , ki ji jo je d e la l, je p ris ilil te lo , da ga
je d o n e s lo v n je n o s o b o d o okna. In m o rd a jo je
v id e l, m o rd a jo je k lic a l z z a d n jim i m o č m i, in
M a rja n ic a ni sa n ja la , in je b il res n je g o v g la s, g la s
d u š e n e s k o n č n o m u če n e , prevarane, ki ji je h ite la
n a p ro ti, ali je o m a g a la k a k o r roka, prej ko je
d o p is a la : » P re k lič e m o p o ro k o , ki je s ra m o tn a in
k riv ič n a za m o jo ženo. P re k lič e m jo , ker se m jo p isa l
v z m o ti, p o d š u n ta n . P re k lič e m , da b om u m rl m irn o ,
in ne bo p o g u b lje n a m o ja duša!«
In jo k a la je A n ic a od ve se lja , za d o š č e n ja ,
d o lg o . P o te m je s to p ila k o kn u . Ne, od to d i ni v id e ti
n je g o v e g a gro b a . H ite la je iz so b e d o li za h le v na
vrt. L e d e n o je ve lo od severa po d o lin i, in d ro b n e in
g o s te s n e ž in k e so p le s a le sko zi m e g le n o o zračje.
O na je pa v e n o m e r s trm e la d o li na vas, d a s i je
p a d a jo č i sn e g z a g rin ja l vse v n e p ro d irn o k o p re n o .
S tra h o m a jo je o p a zo va la J e ric a in p riš la za njo:
»A li ko g a čakate?« je vp ra ša la . A n ic a se je o zrla
in o b je la d e k lic o :
»Šla bi k n je m u in m u po ve d a la , da naj spi
m irn o !«
D e k lic a jo je z a č u d e n a m o trila in jo p rije la za
» P o jd ite v h išo . K ako je tu mraz!«
A n ic a se je je o tre s la in g o v o rila s s o lz a m i za
»Spi m irn o , s p i m irn o , s p i m irn o !«
T edaj je J e ric a o d h ite la po M a rja n ic o in jo
p o k lic a la še ravno p ra vo ča sn o . A n ic a se je b ila
s p u s tila po b regu d o li, da o b iš č e m ožev g ro b . S s ilo
jo je p riv e d la nazaj M a rja n ic a in jo s p ra v ila v
p o s te ljo . S re ča la jo je K a tra in ko je č u la , kaj se je
b ilo z g o d ilo , je vprašala:
»Se ji je zm ešalo?«
»Saj bi se ji la h ko !« je p rip o m n ila M a rja n ic a
p ikro .
— N A D A L J E V A N J E P R IH O D N J IČ —
JOLIET, IL 60435 (815) 741-2001
/ A R J A — 1 m : l)A\VN
Youngster is proud of Granddad!
sending postcards. U n til he was captured, his fam ily
am responding to an article, in the Z A R J A , about
thought that he was dead, because there was no word
ju n io rs w ritin g a poem, picture o r an article o f their
from him again. They even held a mass in memorial fo r
grandparents. W ell, here is mine o f my grandfather. M y
name is Teresa M lakar o f Branch No. 100. 1 am 14 years
A fte r his release, he rode home on cargo trains. When
old and going the tenth grade. 1 am from Fontana,
the trains stopped he w ould steal watermelons from local
C a lifornia.
farmers. One night, he knocked on the door to his
fa m ily ’ s home. Once he explained who he was to his
Teresa M la k a r
parents, his mother fainted and his father was just
shaking while opening the door to his son.
Aloysius (or Louis) Novak was born on June 13, 1983,
A fte r he came home, he looked fo r a jo b fo r himself,
the fo u rth son o f A nton Novak and Magdelena OrazenNovak. Their house or clan name was Kozinc. He was but nothing turned his way. Then he decided to move to
the United States to meet his other tw o brothers, A nton
born in a small village called Doljne Laze in Ribnica. His
brothers were A n to n , Frank, John, Steve, and he also and Frank, in Chisholm , Minnesota. He found a jo b
there in a underground iron ore mine on the Mesabi Iron
had one sister, M a rija .
Range. He came in a borrowed suit and w ith borrowed
Aloysius Novak went to school only up to the fifth
money. W ith in a very short time, Aloysius paid o f f all his
grade, then he went to w ork on his fa m ily ’s farm . To
earn more money fo r the fa m ily, Aloysius w ould go w ith
his father to Vienna during the winters. There they w ould
He lived in a boarding house owned by M r.
and M rs. Frank Putcel. They were friends and neighbors
go sell roasted chestnuts on street corners. He liked
o f the Novaks in Europe.
Vienna and w ould talk about the beautiful Saint
Stephen’ s Cathedral.
In 1926, he was invited to a 25th anniversary o f M r.
When Aloysius was 19 years o f age, he was drafted
and M rs. John Baraga. (Their house or clan name in
in to the A ustrian-H ungarian arm y. A t this time W orld
Europe was Belč.) It was there that he met Teresa Baraga
whom everyone called Reska as a nickname. He met and
W ar I had not broken out yet. A t the age o f 21, after
training fo r three months, W o rld W ar 1 had broken out,
m arried her all w ith in twelve days. Their wedding date
was February 13, 1926. (They had to get m arried before
so he went directly into war w ith two o f his brothers,
John and Steve. He fought during most o f the war until
the Lent season, because couples weren’ t allowed to be
he was captured by the Russians, where he was a prisoner
m arried during that period o f tim e.)
o f war fo r six years. (The Russians d id n ’ t like to call the
They continued to live in Chisholm . In the meantime,
people they captured “ prisoners” , because they wanted
they had tw o children named Louis and Rosemary.
to be friends, so they called them “ brothers” ). Aloysius
D uring the years (about) 1930-1934, the Great
Novak worked in the Russian factories, while he was
Depression had a great effect on Aloyisus and his fa m ily
there. He really d id n ’ t m ind being there i f it wasn’ t fo r
along w ith m illions o f other people. He couldn’ t fin d a
being away from his fa m ily. He d id n ’ t get very much to
jo b , so he struggled to make the best o f things.
eat, but the Russians d id n ’ t either. D uring this tim e, The
In 1959, he retired and moved to Fontana, C a lifo rn ia .
Russian Revolution was taking place.
He loved the warm climate, but most o f all he enjoyed his
Aloysius (w hile in Russia) got very sick vith m alaria;
year-long garden. Then just before his 41st wedding
therefore, he was released to go home. Before he was
anniversary, he died. It was the year ju st before I was
captured, he always kept in contact w ith his fa m ily by
born, so I never had the chance to meet him .
My Uncle
Ludw ig Leskovar was my uncle.
He wasn’ t only a great man fo r his
w ork in the com m unity but also was
a great uncle. Uncle Lud was very
concerned that all o f his nieces and
nephews have a very fine education
and career. Uncle Lud always talked
to me about school and activities.
The one thing he always asked was
“ Do I enjoy m yself where I attend
school?” M y answer to that question
was “ Yes, very m uch!”
Uncle Lud was very, very active in
com m unity affairs. A m ong these
c o m m u n ity o rgan izatio ns is a
com m unity action group, Heart o f
Chicago C om m unity C ouncil. He
was also active in Slovenian
organizations, also m ain ly the
- I
K .S .K .J. But his firs t love was the
SARC, which is the Slovenian
Am erican Radio Club. He was
founder o f the SARC in support o f
the Slovenian Radio Program which
he founded in 1950.
Uncle Lud was a very proud
Slovenian. He taught my fa m ily and
m yself a lo t. One thing I know I ’ ll
use when I need to are the few words
o f Slovenian he taught me, which
were “ P rosim ” , “ Ž iv ijo ” , “ Dober
D an” , and “ H vala lepa” .
by Kathy Nusko
Jr. Member, Br. 2, Chicago, III.
IS O N P A G E 19
Ena, dva, tri...
Eight "young folks from Samsula,
FI., ranging in age from 6 to 12 along
w ith their parents spent much o f
their summer holidays learning the
Slovenian alphabet, counting to 100,
learning conversational phrases and
singing “ Presla K ukuca” . M rs. Josie
V ogrin ju st completed a six week
Saturday m orning course fo r the
group at the Slovene Heritage
L ib ra ry , w h ile Pat Hagemeier
conducted the all adult Wednesday
m orning sessions. I t ’ s ‘ school’ s o u t’
now fo r the youngsters u n til Sep­
tember, but the adult group is
continuing to meet using the Gobetz
Slovenian Language M anual as the
instruction guide.
i, >
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