Understanding Social Marketing by Shinta P


Understanding Social Marketing by Shinta P
social marketing
What happened around us?
-each day , more than 4,000 youths aged
11-17 tried their first cigarette
-An estimated more than 1 million teens
became pregnant
1.More than 3,000 teens and children
died from gunshot wounds
2. More than 16,000 people were killed in
alcohol-related crashes
4 million tons of paper were throw
away (in garbage) by American
office workers
More than 5,000 people on waiting lists for
organ transplants died
Only 51.29% of eligible voters voted in the U.S.
presidential election
What should we do?
What the definition of SM?
SM is:
“the use of marketing principles & techniques
to influence a target audience to voluntarily
accept, reject, modify, or abandon a behavior
for the benefits of individuals, groups, or a
society as a whole”
“ SM seeks to influence social behaviors, not to
benefit the marketers, but to benefit the target
audience and the general society”
The history
Social marketing was "born" as a
discipline in the 1970s, when Philip
Kotler and Gerald Zaltman realized
that the same marketing principles
that were being used to sell
products to consumers could be
used to "sell" ideas, attitudes and
The focus
Like commercial marketing,
the primary focus is on the
consumer--on learning what people
want and need rather than trying to
persuade them to buy what we
happen to be producing.
SM n commercial sector marketing
* pemasaran komersial berfokus pada
keuntungan organisasi dan material,
sedangkan pemasaran sosial
berkonsentrasi pada peningkatan
kesehatan & keamanan, baik individu,
komunitas, maupun lingkungan
* Konsekuensinya, pemasaran komersial
termasuk bagaimana mempengaruhi sikap
dan perilaku konsumen untuk membeli (dr
berbagai mcm alternatif pilihan), sedangkan
tujuan dari pemasaran sosial adalah
diterimanya ide-ide sosial dan dampak
perilaku secara sukarela.
SM = promosi kesehatan
* suatu proses yang memungkinkan
pada individu dan masyarakat untuk
meningkatkan kontrol tentang
determinan-determinan kesehatan,
sehingga kesehatannya dapat
SM = difusi inovasi
* kebanyakan menggunakan
pendekatan sosiologis psikologis,
sedangkan pemasaran sosial
menggunakan pendekatan bisnis.
When it is used
and for what purpose?
*memberikan informasi jika diperlukan
perilaku baru
*memberikan informasi untuk melawan
advertensi negative
*menggerakkan orang agar mengambil
langkah-langkah realistis ke arah yang
lebih menguntungkan baginya
Elemen-elemen dasar
• Cause
• Change agent
• Target adopters
• Channels
• Change strategy
* Menganalisis lingkungan
* Meneliti dan menganalisis kel. sasaran
* Menyusun strategi