- E-Book - Kementerian Kesehatan RI
- E-Book - Kementerian Kesehatan RI
A CONTROVERSIAL MENTAL HEALTH ISSUE IN PONOROGO, EAST JAVA .................................................................................................. 102 134. THE RELATIONSHIP MATERNAL HEIGHT WITH THE INCIDENCE OF LOW BIRTH WEIGHT ..... 103 135. DIFFERENCES MATERNAL WEIGHT DURING PREGNANCY IN LBW AND NO LBW CHILDREN . 104 136. POTENTIAL OF DRIED CASSAVA (MANIHOT UTILISSIMA) LEAVES AS CAROTENE SOURCE FOR PRE-SCHOOL CHILDREN ................................................................................................................. 104 137. CLINICAL AND LABORATORY DIFFERENCES BETWEEN PRIMARY AND SECONDARY INFECTION IN ADULTS ..................................................................................................................................... 105 138. GENDER INEQUITY IN FAMILY PLANNING ........................................................................... 106 139. OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY (OHS ) MANAGEMENT IMPLEMENTATION IN ANTI TB LUNG DISEASE GLOBAL FUND PROGRAM EVALUATION YEAR 2011 IN DISTRICT OF KOTABARU SOUTH KALIMANTAN - INDONESIA ................................................................................................ 107 140. DETERMINANT OF BACK PAIN AMONG SEVERAL HOSPITALS PARAMEDICS IN JAKARTA ..... 107 141. THE EFFECT OF HEALTH PROMOTION INTERVENTION ON COMMUNITY BEHAVIOR CHANGE ABOUT BASIC HEALTH ISSUES/PROBLEMS: AN OVERVIEW OF A MEDICAL STUDENT PROGRAM NAMED PENGALAMAN BELAJAR LAPANGAN IN CAWANG AREA, EAST JAKARTA ............................ 108 142. PERILAKU BERISIKO REMAJA JALANAN KOTA BANDUNG TAHUN 2010 ............................... 108 143. PENGETAHUAN REMAJA TENTANG PELAYANAN KESEHATAN PEDULI REMAJA DI KOTA BANDUNG TAHUN 2010 ................................................................................................................ 109 144. KEBIJAKAN PELAYANAN KESEHATAN HAJI INDONESIA DI EMBARKASI ................................ 110 145. POLA PENYAKIT ISPA DAN DIARE BERDSARKAN POLA RUMAH SEHAT DI INDONESIA DALAM KURUN WAKTU SEPULUH TAHUN TERAKHIR.................................................................................. 111 146. ANALISIS KETERSEDIAAN OBAT ESENSIAL DI RUMAH SAKIT DAN PUSKESMAS MENURUT REGIONALISASI BERDASARKAN SURAT KEPUTUSAN OBAT GENERIK NOMOR HK.03.01/MENKES/146/ I/2010 111 147. ANALISIS SPASIAL DAN STATISTIK TERHADAP PERUBAHAN STATUS GIZI ANAK BALITA DI INDONESISA (ANALISIS LANJUT RISKESDAS 2007 DAN 2010) .......................................................... 112 148. ANALISIS MAPPING TOPOGRAFIS (KETERPENCILAN, KEPULAUAN, PERBATASAN) TENTANG KETERSEDIAAN DAN KELAYAKAN FASILITAS FISIK PUSKESMAS BERDASAR DEMOGRAFI DAN GEOGRAFIS DI INDONESIA ............................................................................................................. 112 149. ANALISIS DETERMINAN PADA IBU MENYUSUI DI JAWA TIMUR YANG BERPENGARUH TERHADAP PERILAKU KONSUMSI OBAT TRADISIONAL ................................................................... 113 150. THE STUDY OF DEVELOPMENT MODEL OF INTEGRATED ERADICATION OF NEGLECTED TROPICAL DISEASE(COMPLETING THE MODEL FROM FINANCING SIDE) ......................................... 113 10 | R e g i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n H e a l t h R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ABSTRACT BOOK T o w a r d s U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h C o v e r a g e a n d E q u i t y | 11 ORAL PRESENTATION ID: 41 1. FACTOR INFLUENCE MIDWIVES REFERING PREGNANT WOMEN TO UNDERGO VCT CLINICS : STIGMA IS AROUND US Dinar Lubis, LPL Wulandari, Kadek Tresna Adhi, Putu Suariani Udayana University Background Development of HIV/AIDS cases in Bali and Indonesia shows an alarm situation. There is an afraid the epidemic ia slowly moving from concentrated to general population. Based of the development cases of HIV among pregnant women, it shows a steady increase from 0.2% in 2009 and increase into 0.5% in 2010. PMTCT program has been establish since 5 years ago in Bali. One of the program is to integrate ANC services and HIV program in community health centre and in midwives private clinics. However, the number of pregnant women refer to VCT clinics is far from the target of the programs. The aims of this study is to examine influence factors of midwives referring pregnant women to undergo VCT Clinics. Methods This was a qualitative, cross sectional study employed focus group discussion (FGD) as data collection method. Participants were midwives who formerly participated in PMTCT project run by Kerti Praja Foundation and Denpasar Municipality Health Department in Bali. A guideline questions was used to assess barrier of midwives referred pregnant women to VCT clinics. Thematic analysis was used to do data analysis. Result Finding revealed a number of barrier factor for midwife in refer pregnant women to VCT clinics. These factors are fear of reluctant from pregnant women due to strong stigma of HIV, time and working load of midwives, distance between home and VCT clinic, no transport from home to VCT clinics, lack of husband support and no match schedule between VCT clinics and pregnant women who were working. Conclusion Fear of reluctant from pregnant women indicated that stigma of HIV is still appear both among midwives and pregnant women and husband. Working load and lack of time from midwife should be consider if wanting to integrate VCT and ANC services in one stop health services. ID: 44 2. DIARRHEA OUTBREAK IN KAIMANA DISTRICT, WEST PAPUA PROVINCE :A WATER RESOURCES EXAMINATION Antonius Oktavian, Evi Iriani Natalia, Irawati Wike, Mardi Rahardjo Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Biomedis Papua Background: Diarrhea is one of infectious diseases that arise due to the low quality of the environment , particularly influenced by the poor quality of water . Diarrhea outbreak and associated deaths was reported in October 2011 from Kaimana District , West Papua Province. Base on West Papua Health Department showed there have been 222 cases of diarrhea in which 167 patients aged 0-5 years. Also recorded 3 cases died. Objectives A water examination was conducted to assess the biological parameters of water quality and identify the pathogens that contaminate water sources . Methods The study was carried out in Kaimana District on 7 to 10 November 2011 consist s of water collecting from water resources , environmental observation (surrounding water resources) and interview to determine the clinical symptoms of disease. In that time ABSTRACT BOOK we found three diarrhea cases and we decided to collected their stool sample. Bacteriological examination of water carried in the Provincial Health Laboratory of Papua in Jayapura , and the virological examination for water and feces conducted at the National Laboratory of National Institute Of Health Research and Development in Jakarta. Results The laboratory tests found that there was fecal coliform bacteria and E. coli in water samples , which indicate the presence of fecal contamination in water resources. The result of 3 stool samples found that two were positive for rotavirus Conclutions The water quality in Kaimana district was less qualified as a source of drinking water based on biological parameters included the environmental condition surround the resources . We suggested that diarrhea outbreak in Kaimana District caused by rotavirus Health education program and water treatment process for water sources before it consumed are needed for this area. ID: 61 3. MODEL PREDIKSI INDEKS MASSA TUBUH REMAJA BERDASARKAN RIWAYAT LAHIR DAN STATUS GIZI ANAK(STUDI LONGITUDINAL IFLS 1993-2007) Demsa Simbolon Politeknik Kesehatan Bengkulu Populasi remaja yang semakin meningkat diikuti dengan peningkatan masalah gizi ganda di negara berkembang, termasuk Indonesia, karena usia remaja merupakan salah satu kelompok umur yang rentan terhadap masalah gizi sebagai akibat riwayat lahir dan status gizi sebelumnya yang buruk, kemudian mempunyai konsekuensi buruk dalam daur hidup berikutnya. Penelitian bertujuan memperoleh model untuk memprediksi indeks massa tubuh (IMT) remaja berdasarkan riwayat lahir dan status gizi anak dengan mengontrol karakteristik anak, orang tua, kesehatan lingkungan, dan status sosial ekonomi keluarga. Penelitian ini menggunakan data Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS) dengan desain studi longitudinal. Sampel berjumlah 837 balita dipilih secara multistage random sampling. Riwayat lahir diukur dari berat lahir dan umur kehamilan. Pengukuran status gizi dilakukan 4 kali, yaitu saat balita (IFLS 1993), 5-9 tahun (IFLS 1997), 8-12 tahun (IFLS 2000) dan remaja 15-19 tahun (IFLS 2007). Analisis regresi logistik multinomial akan memprediksi risiko remaja kurus/sangat kurus dan gemuk/obesitas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata berat lahir bayi perempuan 147 gram lebih rendah dibandingkan bayi laki-laki. Terdapat 7,4 bayi BBLR, dengan prevalensi lebih tinggi pada bayi perempuan (9,3%). Tidak ada perbedaan ratarata usia kehamilan menurut jenis kelamin. Ditemukan beban ganda masalah gizi pada usia balita. 47% stunting, 29,7% underweight, 10% wasting dan 13,9% gemuk/obesitas, dimana status gizi balita perempuan lebih buruk dibandingkan laki-laki. Berdasarkan indeks antropometri komposit, 51,7% balita mengalami gangguan pertumbuhan, dengan kontribusi terbanyak dari stunting diikuti underweight dan wasting. Status gizi buruk saat balita cenderung tetap bertahan sampai remaja. Balita stunting cenderung tetap stunting sampai remaja, demikian juga masalah IMT. Risiko remaja kurus/sangat kurus dapat diprediksi dari anak kurus/sangat kurus saat usia 5-9 tahun (OR= 8,5 95% CI: 3,04-24,03) dan usia 8-12 tahun (OR=7,7 95%CI: 3,06 – 19,43). Remaja gemuk/obesitas dapat diprediksi dari umur kehamilan kurang bulan (OR = 2,7 95%CI: 1,02 – 7,53), stunting usia 8-12 tahun (OR = 2,9 95%CI: 1,14 – 7,84), dan gemuk/obesitas usia 8-12 tahun (OR = 10,2 95%CI: 4,08 – 25,41). Risiko remaja gemuk/obesitas yang T o w a r d s U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h C o v e r a g e a n d E q u i t y | 13 dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain, yaitu anak berjenis kelamin perempuan, riwayat ASI noneksklusif, ibu pendek, dan ibu gemuk/obesitas. Untuk memutus mata rantai kelanjutan gangguan pertumbuhan sejak lahir sampai remaja perlu intervensi yang diprioritaskan pada remaja wanita yang berperan penting dalam melanjutkan siklus kehidupan, sehingga saat hamil bahkan sebelumnya dapat mencegah bayi lahir kurang bulan dan fetal programming yang konsekuensinya berkelanjutan pada usia berikutnya. Perlu evaluasi program pemberian makanan tambahan yang lebih memfokuskan pada penambahan berat badan tanpa mempertimbangkan tinggi badan. Kata Kunci: BBLR, lahir kurang bulan, pendek, IMT, Kurus, gemuk, obesitas, remaja PREDICTION MODEL ADOLESCENT BODY MASS INDEX BASED ON THE BIRTH HISTORY AND CHILDREN NUTRITION STATUS (IFLS LONGITUDINAL STUDY 1993- 2007) ABSTRACT Increasing adolescent population followed by an increase double burden nutrition problems in developing countries, including Indonesia, because adolescence is one of the age groups vulnerable nutritional problems as a result of poor birth history and nutritional status, and then have bad consequences the next life cycle. This study aimed to obtain a predictive model body mass index (BMI) based on the birth history and children nutritional status by controlling the characteristics of children, parents, environmental health, and family socioeconomic status. This study uses data of the Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS) a longitudinal study design. The number of sample is 837 under five children selected by multistage random sampling. The birth history measured from birth weight and gestational age. Measurement of nutritional status carried out 4 times, when under five years (IFLS 1993), 5-9 years (IFLS 1997), 8-12 years (IFLS 2000) and adolescents 15-19 years (IFLS 2007). Method of analysis using multinomial logistic regression would predict adolescent risk of thin/very thin and overweight/obesity. The results showed mean of birth weight women less than147 grams. There are 7.4% born with low birth weight, with a higher prevalence of women infants (9.3%). There was no difference in mean gestational age by sex (36.9 weeks). Discovered the double burden of nutritional problems at under five years children. 47% stunting, 29.7% underweight, 10% wasting and 13.9% overweight/obesity, where the nutritional status of children of women worse than men. Composite index anthropometry showed that 51.7% had under five year children growth faltering, stunting as the highest contribution and then followed by wasting and underweight. Poor nutritional status in infancy tend to persist through adolescence. Stunting in under five year tend to remain stunted through adolescence, as well as BMI problem. Risk adolescents thin/very thin can be predicted from thin/very thin at the age of 5-9 years (OR = 8.5 95% CI: 3.04 to 24.03) and age 8-12 years (OR = 7.7 95% CI: 3.06 to 19.43). Adolescent overweight/obesity can be predicted from the gestational age preterm (OR = 2.7 95% CI: 1.02 to 7.53), stunting aged 8-12 years (OR = 2.9 95% CI: 1.14 - 7.84), and overweight/obese aged 8-12 years (OR = 10.2 95% CI: 4.08 to 25.41). The risk of adolescent overweight/obesity influenced by other factors: women children, non-exclusive breastfeeding, short maternal height, and maternal overweight/obesity. To break the chain of continuity of growth disorders from birth through adolescence need priority interventions in young women who play an important role in continuing the life cycle, prevent preterm and fetal programming before pregnancy of the consequences sustained in the life cycle. Need evaluation of supplementary feeding programs are more focused on weight gain without considering the height. Keywords: LBW, preterm, stunting, 14 | R e g i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n H e a l t h R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ABSTRACT BOOK BMI, Thinness, adolescent overweight, obesity, ID: 62 4. LEVEL OF RADIATION EXPOSURE IN uSv/hour in radiotherapy and 3 to 8 uSv/hour in the nuclear medicine. Conclusion: Heart catheterization workers had beyond allowable per hour radiation exposure. The others workers had less allowable per hour radiation exposure. Key words: radiation exposure, radiation worker and limited dose value SEVERAL HOSPITALS IN INDONESIA Frans Suharyanto suharyanto, Ratih Oemiati, Mulyono Notosiswoyo Pusat Teknologi Terapan Kesehatan dan Epidemiologi Klinik (Pusat 2) Level of radiation exposure in several hospitals in Indonesia Abstract Background: The Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency of Indonesia (BAPETEN) decreed the standard dose of the exposed worker (radiation workers). The purpose of this study was to know the dose of the radiation exposure to workers in their workplaces in several hospitals in Indonesia. Methods: Cross sectional study, interviewing, observing and measuring the dose of the radiation exposure to workers in their workplaces. The dose of the radiation exposure to workers will be divided according to their workplaces such as radio-diagnostic, radio therapy and nuclear medicine. Population of this study was all the medical workers who were exposed to radiation in nine hospitals in six provinces. Results: The total respondents involved in this study were 103 people of 9 hospitals. More male (51.3%) than female, and they were mostly 40-44 years old (27%). The highest exposure on the exposed workers in several workplaces was occurred while they were doing heart catheterization, with the range dose of 5 to 32.50 uSv/hour ( limited dose value is 25 uSv/hour) . Meanwhile, in other radio-diagnostic places (CT scan, fluoroscopy, and C-arm) the radiation exposure was in the range of 0.20 to 10 uSv/hour, 0.11 to 25 ID: 66 5. TRANSLATING RESEARCH TO POLICY: A CASE STUDY OF NOT FOR PROFIT HOSPITALS IN INDONESIA Mia Urbano, Shita Dewi and Dr Laksono Trisnantoro, Dr Krishna Hort Universitas Gadjah Mada, Nossal Institute for Global Health, University of Melbourne BACKGROUND: This presentation describes the findings of a case study that examined the policy influence of research on not for profit (NFP) hospitals in Indonesia. In 2009, the Centre for Health Service Management (CHSM) at University of Gadja Mada undertook research into the scale and role of the non-state hospital sector in Indonesia. The research found that non-state hospitals account for 50% of the total number of hospitals in Indonesia, and that NFP hospitals are the dominant non-state provider and are often the only health care provider located outside district capitals. Further findings revealed that the growth of NFP hospitals in Indonesia had stagnated over the last decade, and that NFP hospitals were tending to neglect their public welfare mission, as a result of financial pressures from the lack of government subsidies or taxation concessions. Recognising the threat to health service access for the poor, especially in rural and remote areas, the researchers communicated their findings to NFP hospital associations and together they advocated for T o w a r d s U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h C o v e r a g e a n d E q u i t y | 15 tax concessions to be included within the new Indonesian Hospital Act. While this advocacy contributed to new provisions in relation to NFP hospitals in the hospital law of 2009, further engagement with policy makers in the Ministry of Health (MoH) failed to finalize the necessary regulations over the subsequent 2 years. OBJECTIVES: Examination of how research can be utilised to influence health policy is recognized as complex, with few published studies of actual implementation. The case study that is the focus of this presentation was undertaken in mid-2012, and investigated whether the CHSM research had any influence on policy and how that influence occurred. METHODS: The case study consisted of documentary analysis of research papers, communication materials, and policy documents, supplemented by interviews of key stakeholders. Data collection and analysis used a framework developed from the literature of the factors identified as potentially influencing knowledge translation. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The case study identified changes in the attitudes and willingness to engage with government among NFPs and MoH policy makers, but also found barriers within the MoH which constrained the engagement of non state groups in policy making, and suggest the need for new governance mechanisms. ID: 70 6. CLEAN WATER AND TOILET AVAILABILITY SUPPORTED MULTIPLE GOALS AND TARGETS OF MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS’. A CASE REPORT ON EAST LOMBOK ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS, INDONESIA Dwi Susilowati Susilowati Pusat Humaniora, Kebijakan Kesehatan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (Pusat 4) Background: Improved water and sanitation is linked to school enrolment and attendance, especially for girls and it empower women because it will contribute to gender equality (goal 3). Goal 7 of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) addresses environmental sustainability, with a target (target 10) to “halve, by 2015, the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation―. The achievement of target 10 also contributes to lowering child mortality (target 5), a reduction of the incidence of major infectious diseases (target 8), and a better quality of life for slum populations (target 11). Objectives: to observe the availability of water sources, toilet and soap availability within selected elementary schools. To observe the gender needs for toilet usage. Method: the respondents were 420 students’ grade 4 and 5 selected by a simple random sampling and 80 teachers which were chosen purposively from 20 selected schools that participated in hand washing school program conducted by WFP and Unilever at East Lombok. Results: The water source for latrine and hand washing came from protected well (52.5%), piped water (31.3%), unprotected well (8.8%), river (6.3%), and spring water/stream/pond/lake/dam (5%). Most water sources were located at school premises (87.5%). There were 95.0% functioning latrines for teachers, 88.8% functioning latrines for boys and girls combined and 11.3% functioning separated latrines between boys and girls. There were 90 toilets within 20 schools, i.e. approximately one toilet for about 50 students and teachers. There were only 8 schools that had toilet just for female students, while that is important to give the girls more privacy especially during menstruation. Conclusions: water, toilet and soap availability were partially available in 16 | R e g i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n H e a l t h R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ABSTRACT BOOK those schools. Toilet separation between boys and girls are still needed. Key words: water, toilet, gender, elementary school, Indonesia. ID: 83 7. RELATED FACTORS TO MIDWIFES COMPLIANCE IN PARTOGRAPH FULFILLMENT OF CHILDBIRTH PROCESS AT PRACTICE MIDWIFE CLINIC IN EAST BEKASI AREA IN 2012 Aprilya Sintarini, Prof. Herman Sudiman, SKM, APU, dr. Noegroho Iman Santoso MKes. Respati Indonesia University Partograph is an early warning system to help midwife in decision making whether the childbirth has to be referred or to be accelerated or to be ended. Nowadays, partograph has not yet used as it has to be. When referring the childbirth with complication, midwife often excludes the partograph as attachment. This indicates that midwives do not fill the partograph or do not understand how to do it. The purpose of this research is to describe the midwife’s compliance in Partograph Fulfillment of Childbirth Process at Practice Midwife Clinic, and the correlation with ages, educations, knowledge’s, experiences, attitudes, apparatus, trainings and colleague’s support. This research is using Quantitative approach with cross sectional design and qualitative method with participative observation technique. This research is implemented at East Bekasi area on May – July 2012. Subjects of this research are private practice midwives at East Bekasi area with total 112 people, based on inclusion criteria. The analysis of this research is using univariat analysis (frequency distribution), bivariat analysis (chi square), and multivariat analysis (double logistic regression). The result of univariat analysis indicates that obedient midwives are 56,3%, equal or more than 35 years old midwives are 56,3%, midwives with high education (80,4%), midwives with very good knowledge (73,2%), midwives with 5 years experience or more (70,5%), midwives with negative attitude (61.6%), midwives who have partographs (89,3%), trained midwives (53,6%), midwives with colleague support (62,5%). The result of bivariat analysis indicates that there is no correlation between ages, education and experiences to the compliance of partograph usage. The final result of multivariat analysis indicates that colleague support is the most dominant variable (OR 62,148) after controlled by knowledge and attitude variables. Conclusions from this quantitative research are, the most respondents’ education level are at least diploma; negative attitude of the respondents have major influences in how-to fill up the partograp; half of the respondents are already got the training; more than half of the respondents supported each others; respondents age are almost spreaded equally on each age level and compliant levels are almost the same at 50%; there are still noncompliant respondents, although they have partograph near by their clinic/practice area. Qualitative result indicates that compliant level determined by the amount of patients/visitors; lack of resources; fatigues; sleepiness; and laziness. Good leadership in how to comply and to fill the partograph, will influence midwife’s assistant and in-house training students, as a good major habit. ID: 95 8. ETHNOSAINS COMMUNITY OF MALARIA IN OUTBREAK AREA: ROWOKELE SUBDISTRICT, KEBUMEN REGENCY, JAWA TENGAH PROVINCE T o w a r d s U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h C o v e r a g e a n d E q u i t y | 17 Anggi Septia Irawan, Aryani Pujiyanti Balai Besar Litbang Vektor dan Reservoir Penyakit Malaria is becoming a re-emerging diseases in Central Java, especially for Kebumen Regency, it has been hit by malaria outbreak with the increasing case. A study was conducted in rural area of sub district Rowokele, Kebumen, Central Java to identify local knowledge and practice of the community, becoming one of the importance factor for vector borne disease controlling, including malaria’s controlling. The overall objective of the study is to obtain and interpret detailed grassroots information of Rowokele Society understanding about the causation and transmission of malaria so as to select priority of interventions to improve home based management and prevention of malaria. This research was conducted between June 2011 and November 2011, apply qualitative method of ethnography focused on ethnosains study. Data were retrieved from 33 in-depth interviews and focus-group discussions and unstructured observations. Qualitative thematic content analysis was apply to understanding . ID: 107 9. BIOECOLOGY STUDY ON ABOUT MALARIA VECTOR Anopheles spp IN ROWOKELE SUBDISTRICT, KEBUMEN REGENCY, JAWA TENGAH PROVINCE Dhian Prastowo, Yusnita Mirna Anggraini Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Vektor dan Reservoir Penyakit Salatiga (B2P2VRP) In order to support local government health program for The Central Java Provincial Malaria-Free 2015, this research was conducted in the village of Wagirpandan Rowokele Subdistrict Kebumen Regency Central Java Province. This study aimed to identify and study the fauna, the characteristic behavior of mosquito vectors and the characteristics of its habitat (breeding location) mosquito vectors of malaria, furthermore was to know the location characteristics of the spread of mosquitoes in the research area. This type of research is descriptive exploratif by taking population. ID: 108 10. THE ABILITY OF RHIZOPUS OLIGOSPORUS MOULD TO SYNTHESIS THE VITAMIN B1, B2, B12 DAN FOLIC ACID ON THE PALM OIL WASTE SUBSTRAT IN THE SOLID FERMENTATION) Drs. Erwin Affandi dan Heru Yuniati Pusat Teknologi Terapan Kesehatan dan Epidemiologi Klinik (Pusat 2) Background: The experiment was conducted to test the ability of Rhizopus oligosporus mould to synthesis the vitamin B1, B2, B12, and Folic acid on palm oil waste substrate in the solid state fermentation. The objectives of the study based on the abundant amount of palm oil waste product and the ability of R.oligosporus to synthesis the vitamin B through the biotechnology fermentation process.Metodology: To enrich the substrate was conducted by formulated the substrate with added the urea as a source of nitrogen and sucrose as a source of carbon. The mould R.oligosporus was used as a mix culture which is used in the fermented soybean production. The fermentation was carried out for 3 days in incubator at 370C. Product of fermentation was analyzed the water, vitamin B1, B2, B12, 18 | R e g i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n H e a l t h R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ABSTRACT BOOK and folic acid contents.Result: There was a distinct result in the water content, where the palm oil waste as a control and palm oil waste added urea decreased and the palm oil waste added sucrose increased. In general, the vitamin B contents in the all substrates increased, while the vitamin B1 decreased. The vitamin B1 value in substrates of palm oil waste as a control, added with urea, and added with sucrose decreased 46,91, 20,31 and 30,76 percent. The vitamin B2 value in substrates of palm oil waste as a control, added with urea, and added with sucrose consecutively increased 45,07; 14,89; and 57,57 percent. The vitamin B12 value was also increasing by 30,0; 12,5; and 25,0 percent for all the substrate . The vitamin folic acid value was also increased 37,31; 4,19; and 15,17 percent for all the substrate.Conclusion: During the fermentation process of palm oil waste, the Rhizopus oligosporus mould has an ability to produce vitamin B2, B12, and folic acid, while the vitamin B1 decreased. The palm oil waste substrate without supplement is the best substrate in producing vitamin B2, B12, and folic acid. Sucrose as a source of carbon has positive effects on increasing vitamin B2, B12, and folic acid contents. Urea as a source of nitrogen shows the slightly effect in increasing the vitamin B. Keywords: palm oil waste, Rhizopus oligosporus, vitamin B, and solid state fermentation. ID: 110 11. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN LIFESTYLE WITH THE QUALITY OF LIFE OF THE ELDERLY IN STABAT DISTRICT LANGKAT REGENCY 2012 Setia Sihombing, Prof. Dr. Herman Sudiman, SKM, AP, Atik Kridawati, ST, MKes Respati University Of Indonesia Life expectancy is one of the main indicators of the quality of healthcare, acccording to the assessment of Human Depelovment Index. Indonesia is ranked at 108 with a life expectancy of 71.5 years with only a 0.677 HDI. A special problem faced by the elderly is influence of the aging process can cause various problems in achieving good quality of life, whether physically, biologically, mentally and socio-economically. The quality of life for the elderly, other than depending on engineering factors every living creature that is hereditary and can not be changed, also depends on external factors for example, a healthy lifestyle that does not run properly. In Stabat District, many elderly have difficulties in daily activities due to pain and other diseases, where the percentage of sick elderly people reached 32%. The objective of the research was to determine the relationship between lifestyle with the quality of life of the elderly in Stabat District, Langkat Regency, 2012. The type of the research was quantitative descriptive research with "cross sectional" design. The population were the entire elderly people in Stabat District Langkat Regency, with the sampling using the randomly (simple random sampling) with lottery technique to select as many as 110 people. The data was collected by interview with questionnaire with the quality of life instrument taken from WHOQOL BREF and the lifestyle instrument. The data analysis was done with chi square test and multiple logistic regression test. The study bivariat results showed that tere is a relationship between lifestyle with the quality of life for the elderly. Variables related were eating habits (p = 0,003), exercise habits (p = 0,000), smoking (p = 0,009), stress controlling (p = 0,019), resting habits (p = 0,002), and recreational habits (p = 0,047). Thus it can be concluded that a good exercise habit is the most dominant lifestyle variable (OR = 5.156) after controlled with the eating habits variable. It is recommended to T o w a r d s U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h C o v e r a g e a n d E q u i t y | 19 the healthcaree workers to increase their role in implementing elderly health program by providing counseling with sport habit. Bibliography : 45 (1992-2012) Keyword(s) : Lifestyle, The quality of life of the elderly. ID: 112 12. NEIGHBOURHOOD EFFECT IN PNEUMONIA IN INDONESIA CHILDREN UNDER-5: A MULTILEVEL ANALYSIS Rizanda Machmud, Sudarto Ronoatmodjo, Darfioes Basir, Adang Bakhtiar,Panji Hadisoemarto, Philips Loh, Anuraj H Shankar Faculty of Medicine, Andalas University Background: In Indonesia, Pneumonia contributes greatly to under-5 mortality rates. Though previous studies have found that many significant individual level risk factors for pneumonia exist, little work has been done on neighborhood-level risk factors. Thus, this paper aims to supplement previous working by considering the neighborhood level risk factors that might influence the rates of pneumonia by determining whether differences existing the odds of having pneumonia for an under-five child between different house hold and district levels risk factors. Methods: The study uses data from the Benefit Evaluation Study (BES) II, undertaken by the Center of Health Study at the University of Indonesia and funded by the Intensified Communicable Disease Control (ICDC) Project and the Indonesian Ministry of Health. Research was done in 27 districts from 7 provinces in Indonesia in 2005, with a sample size of 7,170 children under-5 within 10,900 households. We used multilevel logistic regression to determine the Intracluster Correlation Coefficient (ICC), the median odds ratio (MOR) and the Interval odds ratio (IOR). This was done to determine the relative contribution of neighborhood and household level risk factors on the incidence of pneumonia. Results: Odds to have pneumonia was 4.9% (95% CI: 3.4-7.1). The ICC calculation result that relative contributions of households level on occurrence pneumonia was 10.56%; then the contribution the district is 10.19%. The calculation of the MOR and the IOR for some selected significant house hold and district level factors show; On a household level, the MOR between the person with higher risk pneumonia and the person with lower risk of pneumonia is estimated to be 1.85 with an IOR 2.17-23.0. On a district level, we found the MOR was 1.88 with the IOR 2.13-23.47. Conclusions: We found several neighborhood level risk-factors that are significantly associated with the incidence of pneumonia in Indonesia. The Ministry of Health should consider these risk factors and create programs that are target populations most-atrisk for developing pneumonia. It means that the strategic planning might not make target program be the same for all district. And must be selected which kind of house hold should be come promotive target. Keywords: pneumonia, house hold level, district level, multilevel analysis, neighborhood effect ID: 116 13. MODEL OF TRAFFIC ACCIDENT SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM IN SURABAYA, 2012 Arief Hargono, Lucia Y Hendrati School of Public Health, Airlangga University Backgrounds Traffic accident is second leading cause of death for age groups 15-60. National police data mentions that in 2009 there have 20 | R e g i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n H e a l t h R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ABSTRACT BOOK been 57,726 traffic accidents. Traffic accidents in Surabaya in 2010 reached 711 cases with 941 deaths. Unfortunately, the accident traffic control has not been programmed optimally. The monitoring program such as surveillance hopefully could do coordination among relevant institution to collect data and generate useful information to prevent and reduce the incidence of traffic accidents. Objectives The objectives of this research are to develop model of traffic accidents surveillance system in Surabaya based on surveillance components. Surveillance components studied were data collection, data analysis, generated information and dissemination of information. Method This study was an operational research to describe model of traffic accident surveillance system. The respondent was the officer whom responsible for recording and reporting in Satlantas Polwiltabes Surabaya and surveillance officers in Surabaya District Health Office. The data was collected by indepth interview using in-depth interview guide. Research supported by document study using observational sheets to studied accident data and form of recording and reporting of traffic accidents. Results Type of data required by the surveillance of traffic accidents are characteristics of victims and accident information. Characteristics of victim’s data are age, occupation, education, gender, ownership of driving license and the victim’s status. Accident information data consist of time of accident, the parties involved, types of injuries, loss of material, cause of the incident, number of vehicles, type of vehicle and weather conditions. Data analyzed by descriptive analysis on a monthly basis. Data interpretation produces trend analysis and comparing data with the previous month. The results of data analysis are information of accidents character, characteristic of victim, causes an accident, settlement process and characteristic of offenders. The generated information is used to determine accident-prone areas and accident prevention program. Data disseminated to Polres, Polda, District Health Office, insurance companies and hospitals. Conclusions Some data need to be added to improve the quality of traffic accidents surveillance. The data are proportion of the number of cases investigated among reported cases, the length of time officers got to the scene, length of time victim was taken to hospital and risk factors data such as medical history of victims. The data can be used to measure the quality of services and identify the causes of the accident. Keywords: surveillance, traffic, accident, model ID: 117 14. THE USE OF CLINICAL PATHWAY AND STROKE REGISTRY FOR IMPROVING QUALITY OF CARE IN STROKE PATIENTS Rizaldy Pinzon, Laksmi Asanti, Sugianto, Kriswanto Widyo Bethesda Hospital Yogyakarta Background: The stroke care pathway is a simple resource that provides the user with a summary of the key aspects of care that should be considered for people with stroke at any stage in their care. The hospital based stroke registry is developed for monitoring the process and outcome of stroke patients. There is very limited study about the use of stroke clinical pathway in Indonesia. Aim: This study described the process of developing and implementation of clinical care pathway for patients with acute stroke. Method: The method of this study is after-before analysis. We compare the process and outcome of ischemic stroke patients before and after the pilot implementation of the pathway. The data was obtained from the stroke registry. T o w a r d s U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h C o v e r a g e a n d E q u i t y | 21 The data was analyzed descriptively and analytically. Result: The data obtained from 124 ischemic stroke patients. The data consist of 62 patients after the implementation of clinical pathway and 62 patients before the implementation. The analysis showed that there are improvement in the tracing for stroke risk factors, swallowing assessment, nutritional consultation, and functional status measurement after the pathway implementation. The use of clinical pathway decrease the complications (3,2% VS 14,5%, RR : 0,22; 95% CI : 0,05 – 0,99, p : 0,027) . There is no significant difference of mortality rate after clinical pathway implementation (6,5% VS 1,6%, RR : 4, 95% CI:0,46 – 34,78, p :0,365). The mean cost of care is lower Rp 1.492.136,25 in clinical pathway group. There are not significant reductions on the average length of stay and mortality rate between the two periods. Conclusion: Our study showed that clinical pathway is improving the indicator of stroke care services. The use of clinical pathway is associated with fewer complications. Key words: clinical pathwaystroke registry-outcome of care ID: 119 15. A DECADE OF INEQUALITY IN UNMET NEED FAMILY PLANNING IN INDONESIA (1997-2007) Ni'mal Baroya Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Population - Public Health Faculty University of Jember Background: Indonesia was committed to the fifth Millennium Development Goal (MDG-5) target of reducing its maternal mortality ratio by three-quarters between 1990 and 2015. The met need for safe and effective contraception can reduce maternal mortality through unwanted pregnancy prevention. Nationally, there has been an increased contraceptive prevalence rate in Indonesia. However, it is not in line with a decreased unmet need for family planning. The change of policy on family planning financing which benefits poor families can hopefully meet the contraceptive needs, especially those living in developing countries. Objective: To examine trends in the odds ratio of unmet need family planning according to key socio-economic status. Method: We used data from three Indonesian Demographic and Health Surveys conducted between 1997 and 2007. The subjects were all married women aged 15-49 years old. Data analysis used a chi-square technique to assess the effect of socioeconomic status on the odds of unmet need for family planning. Result: Based on the IDHS 1997, 2002-2003 and 2007, the odds ratio of unmet need was greater in poorest women than richest, never attending any formal education, and having low level of family planning knowledge. Other significant factors for the odds of unmet need were unexposed women with family planning information, problems in the access for contraceptive service and residential status in urban area. According economic status, education, family planning knowledge and exposed family planning information, trend in the odds ratio of unmet need was decreased from IDHS 1997 to 2007, but there was no changed in the access for contraceptive service and residential status. Conclusion: The implementation of policy on family planning financing for poor households can reduce the odds of unmet need in which the policy is then followed by the efforts on the improvement of women education, family planning knowledge and exposed family planning information. Keywords: family planning, unmet need, inequality 22 | R e g i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n H e a l t h R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ABSTRACT BOOK ID: 122 16. PREVALENCE AND DETERMINANT OF OBESITY AMONG ELDERLY IN JAKARTA Regina Satya Wiraharja, Charles Surjadi Atma Jaya Catholic University Objectives: In Indonesia few attention are put on nutrition status of elderly people, while obesity is a risk factor of non communicable diseases, we look for the prevalence and determinants of obesity among elderly people in Jakarta, based on 2007 national health research data. Methods: Census block were selected by probability proportional to size methods. Households were selected by simple random sampling of selected census blocks. People aged 55 year and above from selected households were included as individual samples (1671 respondents). Respondents were asked on their characteristics (age, sex, marriage status, number of household members), socioeconomic status (education, work, economic percentile), health problems (heart diseases, mental problems, dental problems, diabetes, arthritis, joint problems, hypertension) and behavior (fruit intake, alcohol intake, vegetables intake, physical activities). Body Mass Index was used to measure obesity (underweight: less than 18.5, normal: 18.5-24.9, overweight and obese: 25 or above). Data was analyzed by chi square and multiple logistic regression methods. Results: Prevalence of overweight and obesity among elderly persons is 30.3 %. There are 25.2 % smokers and 30 % household mothers. Age less than 75 years old, being women, being as household mother, higher socioeconomic status, not being head of households, do medium physical activities, smoking regularly, have non communicable diseases (such as diabetes and cardiac diseases) are significantly related to obesity (p < 0.05). Multivariate analysis shows that elderly aged 65 - 74 year (OR = 2.0; CI 95% = 1.28 – 3.12;), elderly aged 55-65 year (OR = 1.9, CI 95% = 1.2-2.7), household mother (OR = 1.73; CI 95% = 1.3 – 2.4), elderly with higher socioeconomic status (OR = 1.8; CI 95% = 1.25 – 2.56), elderly with mild physical activities (OR = 1.9 ; CI 95% = 1.3 – 2.71;), and regular smokers (OR = 1.61; 95% CI = 1.19 – 2.16;) are more likely to be overweight and obese. Conclusions: This study calls for attention on obesity prevention program for elderly people at Jakarta as part of NCD and elderly program. The program should targets on household mothers and smokers, and facilitates higher social economic groups to actively do physical activities. ID: 125 17. ARTEMISININ PLUS NAPTHOQUINE VERSUS DIHYDROARTEMISININ PLUS PIPERAQUINE IN ADULT SUBJECTS WITH PLASMODIUM VIVAX INFECTION IN INDONESIA Armedy Ronny Hasugian, Hadjar Siswantoro, Telly Purnamasari, Srilaning Driyah, Lidwina Yanuar, Tersila Adolorata Dua Dedang, Asep Purnama, Emiliana Tjitra Pusat Teknologi Terapan Kesehatan dan Epidemiologi Klinik (Pusat 2) Background: Dihydroartemisinin plus piperaquine (DHP) against Plasmodium vivax (Pv) was reported highly effective with a cure rate of >95% and mild adverse event. Artemisinin plus napthoquine (AN) is a new promising artemisinin-based combined drug which is given only with a single dose and effective for P.vivax malaria. However, there was reported an increasing proportion of Pv in Indonesia. Therefore, we conduct a clinical T o w a r d s U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h C o v e r a g e a n d E q u i t y | 23 trial of these artemisinin-based combined drugs in Pv malaria cases. Objective: To determine the efficacy and safety of AN compared with DHP in adults subjects infected with P vivax. Methods: This is a part of phase III clinical trial of AN versus DHP in adult subjects with uncomplicated malaria using the 2003 WHO protocol for assessing drug efficacy. A total of 158 Pv subjects were recruited in the trial, 80 subjects were randomized selected with AN and other 78 subjects with DHP. Subjects were observed clinically and parasitologically for 42 days. The efficacy of the drug was analysed in intention to treat (ITT), modified ITT (MITT) and per protocol (PP) population and presented in survival curves using SPSS 17. Results: Efficacy of AN versus DHP on day 42 in the ITT population were 93.7% (95% CI: 88.4% - 99%) vs 89.7% (95% CI: 83% - 96.4%) with Log Rank Mantel Hazel =0.354, in MITT were 97.3% (95% CI: 93.6% - 100%) vs 94.6% (95% CI: 89.7% - 94.6%) with Log Rank Mantel Hazel= 0.380 and in PP were 100% in both groups. The proportion of parasite clearance was 100% after 64 hours post-treatment with a median of parasite clearance times 24 (8-64) hours in AN, and 16 (8-56) hours in DHP. Adverse events (nausea, sleeping disturbance, abdominal pain and fatigue in AN; and vomiting in DHP) were reported mild and occurred <10%. Conclusion: The results demonstrate that the efficacies of AN and DHP do not significantly different and meet with the WHO recommendation. Both drugs were tolerated with mild adverse events. Keywords: malaria, artemisinin, dihydroartemisinin, napthoquine, P vivax ID: 126 18. EFFICACY AND SAFETY OF ARTESUNATE AMODIAQUINE AND CHLOROQUINE IN PLASMODIUM VIVAX MALARIA INFECTION, TENGGARA MAUMERE, EAST NUSA Armedy Ronny Hasugian, Emiliana Tjitra Pusat Teknologi Terapan Kesehatan dan Epidemiologi Klinik (Pusat 2) Background: Indonesia as a high endemic malaria country has a problem with chloroquine (CQ) resistance. In 2006, East Nusa Tenggara province reported 618.364 malaria cases with an annual malaria incidence (AMI) of 145 per 1000 population, and an annual parasite incidence (API) of 30 per 1000 population. Although artesunateamodiaquine (AsAq) was started use in 2004, the efficacy of AsAq showed only 52% for P.vivax malaria in Papua. There is also a need to evaluate the efficacy of CQ and AsAq in East Nusa Tenggara province, other endemic area. Objective: To compare the efficacy and safety of AsAq and CQ for P vivax malaria in Maumere. Methods: This was a prospective evaluation of AsAq and CQ using the 2001 WHO protocol for assessment the therapeutic efficacy of antimalarial drug at the Kopeta Primary Health Care in 2007. The subject with monoinfection of P. vivax was selected according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, and randomly given AsAq or CQ under close supervision. Subjects were followed for 28 day clinically and microscopically for malaria parasites. The therapeutic efficacy was presented in survival curve using SPSS 15. The safety was assessed by clinical only. Results: A total of 100 subjects were recruited with a ratio of 1:1. The day-28 efficacy of AsAq versus CQ by Intention To Treat (ITT) analysis were 88% (44/50) versus 38.0% (19/50) with p<0.000 and per protocol (PP) analysis were 93.6% (44/47) versus 51.4% ( 19/37) with p<0.000. Two cases treated with CQ had early treatment failure (ETF) by day 3. The common reported adverse events in AsAq 24 | R e g i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n H e a l t h R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ABSTRACT BOOK were vomiting (26%), anorexia ( 22%) and nausea (18 %). Either in CQ, vomiting (20.4% ) was the most common reported adverse event. (10/49). Two cases were hospitalized due to repeated vomiting after CQ treatment. Conclusion: The efficacy of AsAq was significantly better than CQ for treatment. Of P. vivax. Vomiting is the frequent adverse event in AsAq and CQ. An alternative tolerated ACT is needed for having a better efficacy. Key word: artesunate, amodiaquine, choloquine, P. vivax. (p-value=0,000; CI=95%). The Quality of life difference according to age, gender, marital status, occupational and acquisition variance were not significant. Conclusions: Quality of life of elderly in Sumbersari Sub-district Jember was different according to their ethnic variance. It means that quality of life of Javanese, Maduranese and other settler in Sumbersari sub-district was different. Based on this research, health promotion throuh elderly integrated service and developing multi sector approach between department of health and departement of education need to be improved. Keywords: Eldery, quality of life ID: 132 19. QUALITY OF LIFE OF THE ELDERLY IN SUMBERSARI SUB-DISTRICT JEMBER, 2012: QoL Comparison Based On Their Sosio Demographic And Sosio Economic Characteristic. ID: 133 20. LYMPHATIC FILARIASIS EPIDEMIOLOGY IN KOTA BESI SUBDISTRICT, KOTAWARINGIN TIMUR DISTRICT CENTRAL BORNEO PROVINCE Ratna Frenty Nurkhalim, Nur Fahita Budi Setiawan, Soeyoko, Tri Baskoro T Satoto Jember University Backgrounds: The increasing population of elderly has recently become a focus of interest in developing countries because of increasing life expectancy. Objectives: This research aims to compare elderly people’s quality of life based on their sosio demographic and sosio economic characteristic. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 211 elderly aged 60 and over, who lived in Sumbersari subdistrict Jember. Data were collected by using WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire from May to June, 2012. Statistics used for data analysis were Chi Square, Mann Whitney and Kruskal Wallis analysis. Results: The study found 45.5% elderly had a good level of quality of life, followed by moderate (25.6%), poor (22.3%,) very good (4.7%) and very poor (1.9%). Data analysis showed a significant different of quality of life in ethnic variance Tropical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Gadjah Mada Background. In Southeast Asia, as much as 60% of the population has been infected with filariasis. Meanwhile, according to Indonesia's health profile, filariasis cases increase each year in Indonesia. In 2008 as many as 11.699 cases has been reported. Distribution of the disease tends to spread in rural areas and epidemiological data needed about filariasis elimination program should be limited. AIM. The research aims to find out filariasis vector species and their bionomic aspect, to find out the cause of lymphatic filariasis microfilaria species and to find out the clinical symptoms of human patients with lymphatic filariasis. METHOD. This research conducted from February to June, 2011. This research is a descriptive observational study with 386 T o w a r d s U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h C o v e r a g e a n d E q u i t y | 25 samples of citizens who are willing to be respondent and to have blood drawn. Capillary blood sampling did at night by such loop coils sampling. Collecting mosquitoes done 10 times by people indoor and outdoor as bait, using light traps and in the morning. RESULT. 386 peripheral blood samples examined, the results are 4 people suffering microfilaremia, the average density of microfilaria in the blood 4.45 and found filarial species Brugia malayi. Periodicity of microfilariae is nocturnal periodic with harmonic waves and some nocturnal subperiodic with the non harmonic waves. Mf rate is 1.04%, Acute Disease Rate is 5.44%, while Cronic Disease Rate is 0%. The five months collecting vector mosquitoes gains as many as 23.194 heads, most mosquitoes are Mansonia uniformis (25.60%), Ma. Bonneae (20.70%), Culex tritaeniorhynchus (19.41%), An. maculatus (16.75%), An. balabacensis (15.27%), Ae. albopictus (1.39%), Ae. aegypti (0.88%). The highest density was caught in June with peak biting activity at 09:00 p.m to 10:00 p.m. However, this study found no larva 3 (L3) in the mosquitoes body examined, so it needs further experiments in laboratory using membrane feeding. Conclusion. Filariasis occurring in Kotabesi is lymphatic filariasis caused by Brugia malayi, an infection in the evening related to the behaviour of mosquitoes acting as vectors. Key words : Brugia malayi, Lymphatic filariasis, Periodisity, Mansonia uniformis. ID: 138 21. THE ASSOCIATION BETWEEN SEX, NUTRITIONAL STATUS, PHYSICAL ACTIVITY, AND NUTRITION INTAKES WITH PHYSICAL FITNESS STATUS OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS IN KEBUMEN DISTRICT, CENTRAL JAVA PROVINCE, INDONESIA 2011 Eskaning Pawestri, dr. H. Engkus Kusdinar Achmad, MPH PUSKA FKM UI Many researches showed concern regarding physical fitness condition among Indonesian people. The concern is related to the fact that low physical fitness status leads to adverse effects for health, such as cardiovascular diseases. This research is aimed to analyze the relation between sex, nutritional status, physical activity, and nutrition intakes with physical fitness status. The study applied cross-sectional design. A total of 293 students (adolescent aged 15–18 years old) from Kebumen District, Central Java Province, Indonesia were enrolled in the study. Physical fitness was measured using by Indonesian Physical Fitness Test for Adolescent 16-19 Years (Indonesian terms: Test Kesegaran Jasmani Indonesia untuk Remaja Usia 16-19 Tahun/TKJI). Components of the test are sprint (60 m), pull up (60 s), sit up (60 s), vertical jump, and running (1000-1200 m). Moreover, nutritional status variable was measured by percent of body fat and BMI/Year. Meanwhile, sex, nutrition intakes, and physical activity variables were measured by using questionnaire. The study showed that 58.7% respondents were identified as having low physical fitness status. The variables having statistically significant association with physical fitness status are sex, nutritional status (BMI/Year and percent of body fat), physical activity (exercise), intake of macronutrient (fat) and micronutrient (vitamin C). The result also showed that men’s physical fitness status is higher than women’s. Based on food recall 24 hoursquestionnaires, most of students have low mineral and micronutrient intake. The author suggests that District Education, Youth, and Exercise Office makes a curriculum which obligate schools to conduct fitness test twice 26 | R e g i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n H e a l t h R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ABSTRACT BOOK a year in order to monitor student physical fitness status. Moreover schools should provide more variety of food at cafeteria, particularly vegetables and fruits. These are essential in fulfilling micronutrient intake for student. Furthermore schools should support student activities such as basketball, football, aerobic, in purpose improving physical fitness. ID: 140 22. THE INDICATORS OF CHEMICALLY WATER POLLUTION MODELING (BOD) WITH GEOGRAPHICALLY WEIGHTED REGRESSION Ronny Koesnariyanto BBTKLPP Surabaya The Indicators of Chemically Water Pollution Modeling (BOD) With Geographically Weighted Regression Background. Spatial data is measurement data of location information. On spatial data, an observation in a location frequently depends on neighboring locations. Objectives. To overcome the problem of spatial data, the statistical method that will be used is Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR), namely a model that uses geographical factors as a predictor variable that can affect response variables. Result. The indicators of body water pollution of water river of BOD values from rivers in Surabaya is closely related to location or position of the river point because each river has the characteristics of a river network such as width of a river, depth of a river, river flow rate, stream flow, and temperature of a river that are different from one another. The analysis to know the significant on BOD values and to get the best model is done with the analysis of GWR regression by using weighting kernel bisquare functions. The application of GWR model on the data of BOD values of rivers in Surabaya shows geographical factors or spatial variations that influence significantly. In other words, there is a significant difference between OLS and GWR models. Based on significant variables, rivers in Surabaya can be grouped into eight river groups that have the similar characteristics. The GWR model produces R2 value of 90,90% that tends to be larger, and SSE tends to be smaller with the value 30,78961 compares to OLS model with the R2 value = 69,91% and SSE 101,85050. Conclusions. In short, the modeling study of the water pollution indicators is that GWR model is better and appropriate to be used in the real world than OLS model. Keywords : BOD values, Spatial, Ordinary Least Square, Geographically Weighted Regression. ID: 149 23. SEA CUCUMBER CRACKERS, NUTRITIOUS SNACKS THAT ARE SAFE FOR CONSUMPTION AND CAN COPE WITH CONSTIPATION Tutik Wahyuni, Sunarto, Sri Noor Mintarsih Lecturer Department of Nutrition, Ministry of Health Polytechnic Semarang, Indonesia Backgrounds: Sea cucumbers crackers are processed of the sea cucumber. Criteria sea cucumbers crackers are the colors: dark brown, texture: crispy (like crackers “rambak―), flavors: savory and aroma: a little fishy. Sea cucumber extrac processed by the drug industry in the form of capsules or jelly. For example brand: Gold-G, Gamat's and Gama Fit, which can cure various diseases. Sea cucumbers crackers are also beneficial for cope constipation. This is evidenced by the T o w a r d s U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h C o v e r a g e a n d E q u i t y | 27 Nutrition Department staff of ten people / family, who after consumptions can cope constipation. Objective: To find the dose of sea cucumber crackers that can cope constipation and determine levels of nutrients, fiber as well as mercury sea cucumber crackers. Method: Design: A quasiexperimental study. Subjects: The new student Health Polytechnic 2011/2012 Semarang, which are grouped into 3 dose groups: 15, 30 and 45 g. Inclusion criteria: willing to follow the research, defecation constipation, not allergies are sea fish, not the cure constipation, no diarrhea, no fasting. Exclusion criteria: resignation, illness, suffered complications after research, crackers consumed when not constipated. Defecation event before and after consumption of crackers, given feces type based on the standard scale "Bristol Stool Scale". Results of analysis of nutrients and fiber is descriptive analyzed by comparing other similar food. Levels of mercury, compared to standard health safety limit (500 ppb). Statistical tests: Fisher's Exact test at α = 0.05. Results: The prevalence of constipation: 19.4%, with the old constipation 1 s/d 7 days. After research, the group that consumed the crackers dose: 5-15 g; 22.5 to 30 g and 37.5 to 45 g. Dose group was able to overcome constipation on +1 day, respectively: 84.4%, 82.6% and 87.5%. Statistical tests showed the influence of sea cucumber crackers consumption at various doses on the incidence defication on one day after, at the second day and the third day, with a value of p and C respectively: p = 0.014 & C = 0.423, p = 0.015 & C = 0.399 and p = 0.021 & C = 0.381. Sea cucumber crackers contain more nutrients than prawn crackers, “krupuk ACI― and “rambak―. Mercury levels: 11.5 ppb (<500 ppb), so it is safe for consumption. Conclusion: Sea cucumber crackers is a nutritious snack and safe for consumption, and can cope with constipation to 84.4% at doses of 15 g. Keywords: Sea cucumber crackers, the prevalence of constipation, nutrients, fiber, mercury. students. ID: 151 24. NUTRITIOUS RICE, PROPERLY AND SAFELY CONSUMED PRESERVED IN MAGIC- COM FOR 24 HOURS Tutik Wahyuni, Sri Noor Mintarsih, Kustiono Lecturer Department of Nutrition, Ministry of Health Polytechnic Semarang, Indonesia Background : Processed the food with that are less good heating, after storage will change the color, flavor and texture was slimy unwanted, due to the growth of microbes thermofilik (Supardi, 1999). In general, people added lemon juice , so the rice stays white color (not yellow) and the taste has not changed. Objective: The aim of the study was to understand the influence of natural acids added and preservation length of time to total bacteria, organoleptic test and protein and vitamin C concentration of cooked and preserved rice inside the Magic-Com. Method: The study design was factorial nested (different time series experiment). Rice used was of Delanggu variety, given 3 treatments, i.e. without any acid as control, + lemon , + bilimbi. Acid concentration given was 2.5% . The rice were cooked and kept inside the Magic Com for 0 hours (control), 6 , 12 , 18 and 24 hours. To Analyze total bacteria , Total Plate Count method was used . Organoleptic test was done , limited to 3 expert panelists. Protein measured by Kjeldahl , while Vitamin C concentration by Iodometric methods. ANOVA was used to test the influence of treatments to total bacterial ( α = 0.01), continued by Duncan's . Organoleptic test was 28 | R e g i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n H e a l t h R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ABSTRACT BOOK analyzed using Hedonic quality test. Dependent t-test was used to see the defference of protein and vitamin C kept in 0 and 24 hours (α = 0.01). Results: Organoleptic test : the color of rice preserved to 24 hours was white in rice+Lemon, while in rice+bilimbi and control , they become yellowish-white . The smell were rotten in control and rice+lemon, while no smell in rice+bilimbi. The tekstur was good in rice+ bilimbi , but watery and lumpy in control and rice+lemon. . The taste was insipidous. Total bacteria after 24 hours preservation on rice in control 2.83 x106, which was greater than in rice+lemon (8.74 x 105) and rice+bilimbi (6.39 x105 ). Natural acid supplementation and preservation time gave influence to total bacteria growth (p = 0.003). No difference between concentration of protein and vitamin C of 0 and 24 hours preservation found in rice+bilimbi.. Conclusion: Rice would become nutritious, properly and safely up to 24 hours preserved in Magic-Com , if it cooked with addition of bilimbi. Keywords : Rice, Protein, Vitamin C, Organoleptic Test, Total Bacteria. ID: 152 25. TYPE OF TREATMENT OBSERVERS AND THEIR INFLUENCE IN TUBERCULOSIS TREATMENT IN MAJALENGKA DISTRICT, WEST JAVA PROVINCE Noor Edi W Sukoco, Puti Sari H Pusat Humaniora, Kebijakan Kesehatan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (Pusat 4) Background. Tuberculosis (Tb) causes death and prolonged suffering for millions of men, women and children in many parts of the world. There is an increasing number of new cases of Tb occur every year worldwide including in Indonesia. One of the problem cause is the drop out from treatment because many patients receiving self-administered treatment will not adhere to treatment. WHO recommended a strategy to control Tb (DOTs) that involves “treatment observer― (PMO) to supervise patients in swallowing tablets. Objectives. To identify the types of treatment observers (PMOs) in treatment of TB for improving the quality of patient’s compliance in developing an effective program to reduce tuberculosis rate in Majalengka District. Methods. This study design was exploratory with a qualitative approach. Majalengka district was chosen as a study area since it was ranked as an area where having the second highest percentage of smear-positive pulmonary TB patients in 2000. Information was obtained from treatment observers (PMOs), Tb patients, Tb health provider in subdistrict health center, the head of health center and Tb health control program officer (Wasor) in district health office. Results. This study showed that patients admitted that having PMO’s assisted them to be more compliant and reduced the risk of boredom likely to be encountered during treatment. Treatment observers came from family members were highly motivated to encourage patients to comply treatment and always available, whereas PMOs from health center had better knowledge about Tb but were less available to the patients. Conclusion. The most important criteria of selection PMO is to choose PMOs who have a close relationship with patients. This can be patient’s family member or a combination of a family member and a voluntary health cadre or health provider. It is recommended to give an incentive to PMOs for their time and costs and enable them to carry out their duties better. Training should be given to family members as a PMO, and not limited to cadres and health workers only. T o w a r d s U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h C o v e r a g e a n d E q u i t y | 29 ID: 157 ID: 159 26. UNDERSTANDING INFANT MORTALITY 27. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH RISK IN JEMBER REGENCY Dwi Martiana Wati , Thohirun, Ludfia Hermin Public Health Faculty Of Jember University Background: Infant mortality is an important indicator to assess the level of community health status, even the welfare of the country. In 2009, infant mortality in Jember Regency was 58 per 1,000 live births. Infant mortality is caused by endogenous and exogenous factors, which the endogenous factors were brought during pregnancy. Meanwhile, the exogenous factors related to external environment whose effects may be indirect because of having to go through a particular biological mechanism that causes a risk of death. Objective: The aims of this research was to analyze the endogenous and exogenous factors related to infant mortality in Jember Regency. Method: The research was conducted in 5 districts in Jember, named Sumbersari, Kalisat, Panti, Mayang, and Kencong on January 2011. The method used here was path analysis to cover the indirect effects of exogenous factors to the infant mortality. Result: The significant factors of the result of this research were the level of knowledge of the mother, antenatal care, infant morbidity, and birth weight. Conclusion: Gaining the effectiveness of antenatal care by communication, information, and education (known as KIE) to the mother before planning of pregnancy and during pregnancy could reduce the infant mortality rate in Jember regency, even in Indonesia. Key words: infant mortality, indirect effects, path analysis ASSESSMENT TO DETERMINE SANITATION RISK AREA IN JEMBER DISTRICT IN SUPPORTING MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS Khoiron Faculty of Public Health, Jember University Backgrounds : Sanitation generally refers to the provision of facilities and services for the safe disposal of urine and feces. Inadequate sanitation is the major cause of disease throughout the world and sanitation is known to have a positive impact on health both within the household and in society in general. The word 'sanitation' also refers to the ability to maintain hygienic conditions, through garbage collection and disposal of wastewater services. One purpose of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) is Inaccessibility of sanitation services. Environmental Health Risk Assessment (EHRA) is a district-level participative survey aimed to determine the condition of sanitation infrastructure, health / hygiene, as well as the behavior of the community that can be utilized for the development of sanitation and advocacy programs at the district level to the village. Objective : This study aimed to determine the sanitation risk area in Jember. Methods : Number of samples in the study of EHRA is 2000 respondents spread in 50 villages in 7 sub-districts, divided into 3 clusters. Sampling is done by cluster random sampling system. Results : The results showed that risk areas affected by these factors: 1) Household Waste Management, 2) Domestic Wastewater Disposal, 3) Environmental Drainage Around The House and Flooding, 4) Water Resources, 5) Hygiene Behavior, 6) Diarrhea Cases. Conclusions : There are 7 30 | R e g i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n H e a l t h R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ABSTRACT BOOK villages at very high risk, 14 villages at high risk, 27 villages at moderate risk, and 2 villages are not at risk. Key words : EHRA, sanitation, risk area, MDGs ID: 164 28. DETERMINANT OF STROKE DISEASE IN THE KEBON KALAPA COMMUNITY OF BOGOR(Baseline on Cohort Study of Non Communicable Disesases Risk Factors, 2011) Woro riyadina, Woro Riyadina, Anna Maria Sirait, Marice Sihombing, Ratih Oemiati, Sulistyowati Tuminah Pusat Teknologi Intervensi Kesehatan Masyarakat (Pusat 3) Stroke disease is the leading factor cause of death and chronic disability in the age group most over the age of 45 years in Indonesia. The aim of this study to identify the major determinant of stroke disease in community in Kebon Kalapa village of Bogor. The study was a deep analyses conducted 1912 respondents base on the subset of baseline data “Cohor study of Non Communicable Diseases Risk Factors.― Data were collected by questionnaire interviews on community resident to remain in the Kebon Kalapa village, central district of Bogor in 2012. Stroke were diagnosed by anamnesis and neurological examination by a neurolog. Independent variables included sociodemographic characteristics, health status and risk behavior. Data were analyzed with multiple logistic regression test. Stroke disease was found in 49 people (2.6%). The main determinant of stroke include hypertension, diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease and low economic status. Hypertension has stroke risk 4 times [odds ratio adjustments (ORA) = 4.20, 95% CI = 2.20n to – 8.03], coronary heart disesase (CHD has 2 times the risk [odds ratio adjustments (ORA) = 2.74,1.51 to 4.99] Diabetes Mellitus (DM) has nearly three times the risk [odds ratio adjustments (ORA) = 2.89, 95% CI = 1.47 to 5.64] and low economic status of nearly 2 times the risk [odds ratio adjustments (ORA) = 1.83, 95% CI = 1.03 to 3.33] suffered a stroke disease. Prevention stroke disesase should be done by increasing education (campaign) through the control of major risk factors of hypertension and prevention of other degenerative diseases are CHD and DM. Keywords: determinants, risk factors, stroke, Bogor ID: 171 29. COST OF MENTAL HEALTH PROGRAM IN PRIMARY LEVEL: DEMONSTRATION OF COST STUDY IN ACEH Sri Idaiani Pusat Teknologi Terapan Kesehatan dan Epidemiologi Klinik (Pusat 2) Background. Aceh is the only province in Indonesia that has been implementing community mental health programs. since recovery from tsunami .The program was held by the Aceh government in all districts and cities. The aim of this analysis is to provide information on the cost of mental health programs implemented by the community health centre (CHC). With this result, local governments are expected to allocate the cost of a mental health program in accordance with the current situation. Method: This study is a further analysis of the data Health Facility Research or Riset Fasilitas Kesehatan (Rifaskes) 2011. Cost calculation performed on a CHC in Aceh Besar district (KM) with the consideration of the location which is located 23 km from the provincial capital, it is T o w a r d s U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h C o v e r a g e a n d E q u i t y | 31 estimated that the program runs smoothly. We conducted cost analysis of mental health program in the CHC with assessment component of the cost such as investment, maintenance, operations. Activity Based Costing was used to identifies cost sources. Results Total cost of mental health program without drug is Rp 131,379,585. Unit cost for a mental disorder patient is Rp 1,799,720. The highest cost comes from the cost of the inside activities, there is Rp 62,390,425 (47.5% of the total cost of the program) followed by outside activities cost Rp 22,684,465 (17.3% of the total cost of the program). Cost of setting up program is Rp 46,304,694. Conclusion. The unit cost per mental health patient found in this study is higher than calculation of previous studies, although there are several different components that are assessed. The results of this study may be a reference to allocate mental health costs. Cost for training the team when program was set up can be considered to conduct refresh training for improving community-based mental health services by community health centers. Keywords: mental health program, cost, Rifaskes 2011. ID: 173 30. INFLUENZA CASES FROM SURVEILLANCE ACUTE RESPIRATORY INFECTION , 2011 Krisna N A Pangesti, Krisna N. A Pangesti, Ni Ketut Susilarini, Hana Apsari P, Vivi Setiawaty Pusat Biomedis dan Teknologi Dasar Kesehatan (Pusat 1) Introduction Severe Acute Respiratory Infection (SARI) or Pneumonia is an acute infectious process in the lung tissue (alveolar or interstitial tissue) with clinical symptoms of fever and cough accompanied by symptoms such as shortness of breath/ difficulty of breathing, infiltrates in the lung showed by Chest X-Ray. With funding from the CDC and DIPA, Center for Biomedical and Basic Technology of Health (CBBTH) – NIHRD carried out sentinel surveillance SARI at 10 hospitals in 10 provinces in 2011. SARI has a major contribution in the morbidity and mortality, however, so far Indonesia still has no epidemiological an pattern of bacterial and viral etiology data of SARI cases Methodology Every patient who meets the criteria of SARI will be included in this study. Serum and throat swab / nasal swab were taken and examined at the laboratory CBBTH to figure out both viral and bacterial etiology. RT-PCR test was used to detect influenza virus in specimens, not only the type of Influenza but also the subtype. Specimens which positive influenza by RT-PCR then cultured in MDCK cells. Results In 2011, nine sentinel hospitals were active participate. The total number of SARI cases was 400.We found 5 % specimens were positive influenza through RT-PCR examination. The proportion of Influenza A was 4 % and influenza B 2% from total influenza cases. We detected that seasonal influenza subtype A/H1N1pdm 2009 and A/H3N2 were circulated in Indonesia. Conclusion SARI surveillance can be used as tool to detect influenza virus circulating in Indonesia, especially from hospitalized patients and also if there is new influenza strain that potentially caused pandemic. It is important to consider sentinel system of SARI surveillance in the limited resources situation as in Indonesia. Keywords: Influenza, SARI, surveillance ID: 178 31. THE ASSOCIATION OF JAK2 V617F MUTATION AND CLINICAL SEVERITY OF PHILADELPHIA CHROMOSOMENEGATIVE MYELOPROLIFERATIVE 32 | R e g i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n H e a l t h R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ABSTRACT BOOK NEOPLASMS PATIENTS Fanti Saktini, Santosa, Puspita K. Dewi, Sultana MH Faradz Medical Faculty Diponegoro University Bacground: Chronic myeloproliferative disorders are clonal stem cell disease which is characterized by proliferation of one or more myeloid cell lines in the bone marrow and by the increase of mature and imature cells in the peripheral blood. William Damashek in 1951 introduced the term myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) to designate Polycythemia Vera (PV), Essential Thrombocythemia (ET), Primary Myelofibrosis (PMF) dan Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML). JAK2 V617F is the most frequent mutation in MPN with negative Philadelphia chromosome. The mutation occurs in ~95% PV, ~50% TE and ~65% PMF cases. JAK2 V617F is associated with thrombotic risk factors in PV and ET patients, pruritus in PV, splenomegali, and leukemic transformation in PMF. The study aims to know the correlation between JAK2 V617F mutation and clinical severity in MPN patients with negative Philadelphia chromosome. Methods: Subjects were recruited through consecutive sampling in RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang. Clinical data and hematologic parameters were obtained by anamnesis and medical records abstraction. Cytogenetic testing was done from bone marrow to detect Philadelphia chromosome. DNA was extracted from blood and analyzed using Amplification Refractory Mutation System polymerase chain reaction (ARMS-PCR) to identify JAK2 V617F mutation. Results: Diagnosis distribution were 5 (26,3%) PV, 11 (57,9%) ET, 1 (5,3%) PMF, dan 2 (10,5%) unspecified MPN. All 19 subjects were negative for Philadelphia chromosome. Fourteen (73,68%) out of 19 cases were positive for JAK2 V617F mutation. Subjects’ characteristics (age, sex, and mean values of hemoglobin, hematocrite, leukocyte, and thrombocyte) were not significantly different in patients with and without mutation. Both groups were not different according to the degree of hemoglobin, hematocrite, thrombocyte, leukocyte, frequency of phlebotomy, history of thrombosis, degree of spleen size, liver size, anemia, history of bleeding, frequency of PRC transfusion. Nineteen non-MPN subjects that are matched by sex and age were negative for the mutation. Conclusion: High frequency (73,68%) of JAK2 V617F mutation were found in MPN patients with negative Philadelphia chromosome. JAK2 V617F mutation was less likely correlated with severity of MPN patients. Keywords: ARMS-PCR, biomarker, Jak2 V617F, myelofibrosis primer, negative Philadelphia chromosome, neoplasma myeloproliferatif, polisitemia vera, trombositemia esensial. ID: 184 32. LESS VEGETABLES AND NUTS-SEEDSPEAS CONSUMPTION ARE ASSOCIATED WITH HIGH LEVEL OF LIPID PEROXIDATION IN TYPE 2 DIABETES MELLITUS Nazarina Nazarina, Dr. Reviana, Yunita Dianasari Pusat Teknologi Terapan Kesehatan dan Epidemiologi Klinik (Pusat 2) Less Vegetables and Nuts-Seeds-Peas Consumption are Associated with High Level of Lipid Peroxidation in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus ABSTRACT Background. Diabetic is associated with the risk of having lipid peroxidation causing macro and micro vascular diseases. Malondialdehyde (MDA) is a mutagen product of lipid peroxidation. Objective. This researchh was to identify some T o w a r d s U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h C o v e r a g e a n d E q u i t y | 33 factors, associated to Plasma MDA (P-MDA) level in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Methods. Eighty two respondents were recruited by purposive sampling. Respondents were members of Persadia, physical training club for diabetic at Mardjoeki Mahdi Hospital in Bogor. Data of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and legumes consumption were collected by interviewing using semi quantitative food frequency questionnaires. Fasting blood glucose and plasma MDA were assayed using spectrophotometry method. Other data such as physical training, smoking status, and diseases history were collected by interviewing using structured questionnaires. Nutritional status data was as Body Mass Index. All data was analyzed using Odds Ratio (OR) and logistic regression test to identify the dominant factors, contributed to MDA-P level. Results. Factors that contribute to Plasma MDA level is vegetables and nuts-seedslegumes consumption and physical trainning. Consuming vegetables less than 300 g/d and nuts-seeds-legumes less than 2,5 porsion/d are associated significantly with having high level of Plasma MDA (≥0.8 nmol/L), respectively OR:5 (95% CI: 1,154 ; 22,02) and OR:4,8 (1,26 ; 18.57). Not having physical activity routinely is risk for having high level PMDA (OR:1,3, 95%CI: 1,12 ; 1,45). Those factors are contributed to MDA-P level independently. Discussion. Although vegetables and nuts-seeds-legumes consumption have significant contribution to P-MDA level, it is important to know further which type and chemical content in those food that can prevent lipid peroxidation. Key Words: Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, MDAPlasma, vegetables, nuts-seeds-legumes, physical training ID: 186 33. KARAKTERISTIK PENDERITA DEMAM BERDARAH DENGUE KLINIS DAN DBD KONFIRMASI SEROLOGI DI LIMA RSUD JAKARTA Rossa Avrina, Emiliana Tjitra, M.Karyana, Siti Nur Hasanah Pusat Teknologi Terapan Kesehatan dan Epidemiologi Klinik (Pusat 2) Latar belakang: Diagnosis demam berdarah dengue (DBD) di Indonesia umumnya hanya berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan darah rutin hematokrit dan trombosit (DBD klinis). Seharusnya, diagnosis DBD berdasarkan pemeriksaan serologi (IgG, IgM) atau deteksi antigen NS1. Di Jakarta, kasus DBD cenderung meningkat. Oleh karena itu perlu diketahui penyebaran dan karakteristik penderita di beberapa wilayah DKI Jakarta. Tujuan: mengidentifikasi musim dan karakteristik penderita DBD Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian retrospektif menggunakan data rekam medis 2010 di lima RSUD Jakarta. Kasus DBD dikelompokkan menjadi DBD klinis yaitu berdasarkan klinis dan laboratorium darah rutin dan DBD konfirmasi serologi (IgG dan IgM atau NS1). Data yang dianalisis meliputi data individual (umur dan jenis kelamin), bulan rawatan, data penyakit (manifestasi klinis, hasil laboratorium, komplikasi). Data dianalisis secara deskriptif dengan program SPSS 17 for windows. Hasil: Jumlah data rekam medik yang dikumpulkan sebanyak 425, terdiri dari 244 penderita DBD klinis dan 181 penderita DBD konfirmasi serologi ( dua kasus diantaranya juga diperiksa NS1). RSUD Cengkareng paling banyak mendiagnosis DBD klinis (79,3%), sedangkan RSUD Tarakan mendiagnosis penderita 100% berdasarkan konfirmasi serologi. DBD klinis paling banyak terjadi pada bulan Februari (82,1%). DBD konfirmasi serologi terbanyak pada bulan Agustus (59,5%). Jumlah penderita DBD 34 | R e g i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n H e a l t h R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ABSTRACT BOOK antara laki-laki dan perempuan serta anakanak (<15 tahun) dan dewasa ≥15 tahun hampir sama. Penderita DBD klinis memiliki rata-rata kadar hematokrit 40,5%, median jumlah leukosit adalah 3600/mm³ dan median jumlah trombosit 64.000/mm³, sedangkan gejala klinis yang banyak dikeluhkan adalah demam (79,5%). Korelasi trombositopenia (<100.000/mm³) dengan perdarahan pada kasus DBD klinis berhubungan erat (r=-0,979). Komplikasi terbanyak pada penderita adalah efusi pleura (2%). Penderita DBD konfirmasi serologi memiliki rata-rata kadar hematokrit 41,8%, median jumlah leukosit adalah 3920/mm³ dan median jumlah trombosit 80.000/mm³, sedangkan gejala klinis yang banyak dikeluhkan adalah mual (73,5%). Korelasi trombositopenia (<100.000/mm³) dengan perdarahan berhubungan erat (r=-0,990). Sebagian besar komplikasi penderita DBD konfirmasi serologi adalah juga efusi pleura (9,4%). Kesimpulan: Di beberapa RSUD Jakarta, sebagian besar kasus DBD didiagnosis klinis. Distribusi penderita DBD klinis dan DBD konfirmasi serologi hampir sama jumlahnya berdasarkan usia dan jenis kelamin. Penyebaran kasus DBD tidak tergantung pada musim. Perdarahan dengan jumlah trombosit berhubungan erat baik pada kasus DBD klinis maupun DBD konfirmasi serologi. Gejala terbanyak yang ditemukan pada penderita DBD klinis adalah demam sedangkan pada penderita DBD konfirmasi serologis adalah mual ID: 190 34. KARAKTERISTIK DAN LAMA PERAWATAN PENDERITA HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS / ACQUIRED IMMUNE DEFICIENCY SYNDROME (HIV/AIDS) DEWASA DI RSPI SULIANTI SAROSO Heni Kismayawati, Aris Yulianto, Arga Yudhistira Pusat Teknologi Terapan Kesehatan dan Epidemiologi Klinik (Pusat 2) Latar Belakang : Informasi mengenai karakteristik penderita HIV/AIDS rawat inap dan panduan untuk memprediksi lama perawatan inap penderita HIV/AIDS masih terbatas. Sementara itu, penderita yang dirawat inap dalam waktu lama akan menghadapi risiko timbulnya infeksi nosokomial. Besarnya biaya yang dikeluarkan juga akan memperberat beban ekonomi penderita. Tujuan : Menilai hubungan karakteristik penderita HIV/AIDS dewasa dengan lama waktu perawatan inap. Metode : Desain penelitian adalah potong lintang. Data diambil dari rekam medis penderita rawat inap dewasa di Instalasi Rekam Medik RSPI Sulianti Saroso, Jakarta dari tahun 2009 2011. Sampel diambil secara purposive, meliputi aspek sosioekonomi (usia, jenis kelamin, tingkat pendidikan, jenis pekerjaan), faktor risiko penderita, stadium penyakit, infeksi oportunistik yang diderita, jumlah limfosit CD4, riwayat pengobatan ARV dan lama waktu perawatan inap penderita HIV/AIDS. Hubungan karakteristik penderita dengan lama perawatan inap akan dinilai dengan analisis bivariat menggunakan program SPSS. Hasil : Dari 289 rekam medis penderita HIV/AIDS dewasa diperoleh data bahwa 46% penderita HIV/AIDS adalah dewasa muda berusia 20-29 tahun, 78,3% adalah penderita laki-laki, dan 47,1% adalah pengguna jarum suntik. Sebanyak 40,8% pasien berobat pada stadium lanjut terutama stadium 3 (28%), 86,8% dengan jumlah CD4 rendah < 350 sel/mm3 dimana 83% penderita dengan CD4 < 200 sel/mm3. Hanya 29,1% penderita yang pernah menjalani pengobatan ARV. Lebih dari separuh (61,6%) penderita, mengalami infeksi oportunistik (IO) lebih dari T o w a r d s U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h C o v e r a g e a n d E q u i t y | 35 satu, dengan lima yang tersering adalah kandidiasis mulut (69,9%), TBC (67,8%), Toxoplasma cerebral (28%), Kriptokokus (1%) dan CMV (0,7%). Dari analisis bivariat, subyek yang menderita IO lebih dari satu, mempunyai risiko 2 kali menjalani perawatan lebih lama dari 11 hari (OR= 2,8; 95% CI: 1,7-4,6; p=0,000). Penderita berusia sampai diatas 30 tahun juga berisiko 1,7 kali (OR=1,7; 95% CI: 1,0-2,7; p=0,029) dirawat lebih lama. Semakin berat stadium, lebih lama juga perawatan inap penderita (OR=1,1; 95% CI: 0,1-17,5; p=0,962). Sama halnya pada pasien yang tidak pernah diterapi ARV (OR=1,1; 95% CI: 0,6-1,8; p=0,767). Sedangkan jumlah CD4 >= 200 sel/mm3 dapat mengurangi waktu perawatan inap 3 kali (OR=0,3; 95% CI: 1,1-1,13; p=0,078). Kesimpulan : Karakteristik penderita yang berhubungan dengan lama waktu perawatan inap penderita HIV/AIDS dewasa adalah usia dan banyaknya IO yang diderita. Kata Kunci : Karakteristik, HIV/AIDS dewasa, lama rawat inap. ID: 194 35. CAUSE OF DEATH AND CHALLENGES FACED BY ELDERLY CAUSE OF DEATH AND CHALLENGES FACED BY ELDERLY POPULATION IN INDONESIA ACCORDING TO 2007 BASELINE HEALTH RESEARCH Sarimawar Djaja Pusat Teknologi Intervensi Kesehatan Masyarakat (Pusat 3) Indonesia's elderly population continues to increase approximately 3 million every 10 years, in 2010 there were 18 million, was 7.59 percent of the total population. Analysis of cause of death in elderly from the Baseline Health Research 2007 is expected to give an idea of the cause of death aged 55 years and above and the challenges faced in Indonesia. Baseline Health Research 2007 using crosssectional method for the death over a period of one year before the survey in selected households. The sample was using a Susenas core sample and or module that include 258,366 HH, taken with a Probability Proportional to Size (PPS). The cause of death data was collected by quesioner using verbal autopsy technique and was classified according to ICD 10. The first rank of cause of death was the circulatory system, followed by infection, respiratory system, digestive, musculoskeletal, endocrine, neoplasm, accidents/injuries. The cause of deaths proportion of the circulatory system and endocrine were greater in urban than in rural areas, while deaths due to infectious diseases, respiratory system, and digestive were greater in rural than in urban areas. The infectious diseases are tuberculosis, diarrhea, viral hepatitis, malaria. The diseases of the circulatory system are stroke, hypertensive heart diseases and ischemic heart disease. Neoplasm recorded were breast cancer, gastrointestinal, lymphoid, pharynx, lung, brain, thyroid, nervous system, and ill defined. The highest proportion of respiratory system disease is bronchitis, asthma, emphysema. The risk factors that are detected, however if those are not prevented or treated, then in subsequent years will develop into noncommunicable diseases and end up as the underlying cause of death. The Ministry of Health should already make all efforts to improve the health status of all ages and the maintenance of health and well-being of the elderly. Keywords: cause of death, the elderly, the survey ID: 209 36. POLA DIARE DAN TERAPINYA PADA BALITA DI RUMAH SAKIT 36 | R e g i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n H e a l t h R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ABSTRACT BOOK Armaji Kamaludi Syarif, Syachroni, Aniska Novita Sari, Emiliana Tjitra Pusat Teknologi Terapan Kesehatan dan Epidemiologi Klinik (Pusat 2) Latar Belakang: Insiden diare tertinggi di Indonesia adalah pada balita. Rumah sakit merupakan pusat rujukan penderita diare. Untuk mencegah komplikasi dan kematian karena diare, program penanggulangan diare membuat pedoman penanganan diare berdasarkan penyebab atau jenis diare dan beratnya penyakit. Oleh sebab itu pelaksanaan penanganan kasus diare di rumah sakit perlu dievaluasi. Tujuan: Menggambarkan pola diare dan penanganannya pada pasien balita di Rumah Sakit rujukan. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian retrospektif dengan desain potong lintang menggunakan data rekam medis bulan Juli 2011 sampai bulan Agustus 2012 dari Rumah Sakit Penyakit Infeksi Sulianti Suroso, Jakarta. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif. Karakteristik balita dengan diare, jenis diare dan jenis pengobatan disajikan dalam persen menggunakan program SPSS. Hasil: Didapatkan 213 catatan rekam medis balita penderita diare yang ada di rumah sakit. Dari total 213 kasus balita dengan diare, 75,6% berumur kurang dari satu tahun, dan 59,2% adalah laki-laki. Jenis diare adalah sebagai berikut: 96,7% merupakan diare akut, 37,1% diare dengan lendir atau darah dalam tinja, dan 80,3% disertai dehidrasi sedang, Hampir semua (96,7%) kasus diperiksa darah rutin dan 27,8% diantaranya mengalami leukositosis, 74,3% diperiksa elektrolitnya dan 36.2% diantaranya normal, Sebanyak 59,6% diberi rehidrasi oral dan 31,0% diantaranya diberi oralit, semua diberi cairan parenteral dan 33% diantaranya diberi cairan Ringer Laktat, 46,9% diberi antibiotik dan 18,5% diantaranya diberi cefotaxime, 1,9% diberi antidiare, 93% diberi probiotik, 93,4% diberi zinc, dan 35,7% dirawat selama tiga hari. Kesimpulan: Diare akut banyak terjadi di Rumah Sakit. Diare pada balita paling banyak terjadi pada kelompok umur kurang dari satu tahun. Terapi cairan merupakan terapi utama untuk diare di rumah sakit. Pemberian antibiotik pada penderita diare akut masih tinggi, jenis antibiotik yang terbanyak diberikan adalah cefotaxime. Probiotik dan zinc sudah merupakan terapi diare pada balita yang lazim dilakukan. Secara umum standar tatalaksana diare sudah dijalankan dengan baik di rumah sakit. Kata kunci: diare, balita, terapi. ID: 215 37. STREET LEVEL BUREAUCRAT DISCRETIONTHREAT OF IMPLEMENTING UNIVERSAL HEALTH COVERAGE Arief Priyo Nughroho Pusat Humaniora, Kebijakan Kesehatan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (Pusat 4) Puskesmas (Primary Health Care) can be described as street level bureaucrat that has important role in improving health services. The study aimed to analyze street level bureaucrat threat in implementing Universal Health Coverage. We introduce Michael Lipsky theory about street level bureaucrat to explain why and how they take central role in policy implementation. This case study research was conducted in South Krembangan, Surabaya. Observation and secondary data analysis are the main tools to trace the daily pattern of street level bureaucrat discretion in implement a kind of policy. The findings shows that there are significant threat for implementing universal health coverage caused by ambiguity on goals and performance measure that usually as street level bureaucrat, medical staff take a T o w a r d s U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h C o v e r a g e a n d E q u i t y | 37 safe zone for their interest. Besides that there are human resources problem and insufficiency of infrastructure. This two main problem result policy discretion which usually regularly practice by medical staff in Puskesmas. Conclusion.The Vitamin D may be the new emerging nutrition problem in Indonesia though the criteria for Vitamin D deficiency is still debated. Key words. Vitamin D, 25OHD, population based, criteria for vitamin D deficiency. ID: 217 ID: 244 38. VITAMIN D DEFICIENCY AMONG 39. THE ENERGY INTAKE AND ENERGY CHILDREN 2-12 YEARSOLD IN INDONESIA (DEFISIENSI VITAMNIN D PADA ANAK 2-12 TAHUN DI INDONESIA) Basuki Budiman, Sandjaja, Fitrah Ernawati, Victoria Valentia Pusat Teknologi Terapan Kesehatan dan Epidemiologi Klinik (Pusat 2) Background. Vitamin D is necessary nutrient to bone health; however prevalence of stunted among children in Indonesia is high. The severity vitamin D deficiency in Indonesia has not been reported yet. Objective. A current Vitamin D state of children 2-12 years old in Indonesia was reported. Method. A National population based clinical study was conducted in 2011. Stratified random sample technique was applied to cover 4800 children 2-12 years old. Gender and residence were considered. About 276 children among them were examined 25OHD as marker of vitamin D state. The level was classified into <30 ng/mL (deficiency); 30-39 (insufficiency);4049(sufficient) and 50 (optimal).Results. About 352991 (13%)children in Indonesia were estimated deficiency and insufficiency in vitamin D (<40 ng/mL 25OHD;and girls more suffered than boys (p<0.00) especially among 5-12 years old. The older group seemed less prevalent (p<0.00). A Different prevalent between urban and rural was not found (p=0.82). This feature was not stand along with stunted feature in children. EXPENDITURE OF PREGNANT WOMWEN:Longitudinal study Yuniar Rosmalina, Amalia Safitri, Fitrah Ernawati Pusat Teknologi Terapan Kesehatan dan Epidemiologi Klinik (Pusat 2) Background: The energy intake during pregnancy is a factor contribute to maternal body weight gain to ensure the growth of the foetus. The adequte energy intake is also needed to do their daily physical activities. The deficiency of energy intake can influence the nutritional status of newborn baby. Objective: To determine energy consumption and the energy expenditure of the mother during pregnancy Method: The subject of the study were 323 pregnant women who were participated starting from 12- 16 months of pregnancy untill the babies were born. Data collection included nutrient intake data 2 times every month, daily phisical activities every month dan the characteristic data of the mothers (age, eduction level, occupation, parity etc.). The method of energy consumption was 24 recall, and and daily physical activities was 24 recall method using stuctural questioner Result: the average age was 26.5 years old with the minimum 16 years and maximum 45 years and the parity 0 – 8. The energy intake varies between mothers. The energy intake were 1008 Kcals, 1108 Kcals , 1247 Kcals, 1296 Kcals, 1298 Kcals and 1308 38 | R e g i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n H e a l t h R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ABSTRACT BOOK Kcals at 3 mo, 4 mo, 5 mo, 6 mo, 7 mo and 8 mo of pregnancy respectively. While the energy expenditure were 2088 Kcals,2099 Kcals, 2118 Kcals, 2113 Kcals, 2138 Kcals and 2120 Kcals at same month of pregnancy. Conclusion: The energy intake of pregnant women increase as the age of pregnancy increase and the balance of energy among pregnant mother was negative. Key words: energy intake, energy expenditure and pregnant women ID: 247 40. PROFILE OF MOTHER’S HEALTH AND NUTRITIONAL STATUS DURING PREGNANCY ON STUNTED AND LOW BIRTH WEIGHT BABIES early pregnancy and late pregnancy, birth weight baby and birth height baby. The statistical analysis used descriptive. Results: There were 4.6 percent of babies who had low birth weight(LBW) and stunted, 4.6 percent had LBW and normal height, 5.7 percent had normal birth weight and stunted, 85.1 percent had normal birth weight and normal height. The maternal weight, serum protein concentration and hemoglobin concentration of mother during pregnancy were lower in mother who had stunted and LBW babies compare to mother who had normal birth weight and normal height babies. Conclusion: Health and nutritional status of the mothers during pregnancy affects the nutritional status of babies. Key words; stunted, low birth weight (LBW), pregnant women, nutritional status. Fitrah Ernawati, Yuniar Rosmalina, Made Dewi Susilawati, Abas Basuni ID: 250 Pusat Teknologi Terapan Kesehatan dan Epidemiologi Klinik (Pusat 2) Background: Nearly one-third of children in developing world underweight or stunted. Under nutritrition’s most damaging effect occurs during pregnancy and in the first two years of life, therefore health and nutritional status of mother during pregnancy is very important. Objectives: To know the relationship between health and nutritional status of the mother during pregnancy with nutritional status of new born babies. Methods : The study design is a longitudinal study. The samples were pregnant mother with gestational age between 12-16 weeks who were followed until the babies were born. The number of samples were 261 pairs of mother and their babies. Data collection started from March to December 2011. Data collection included maternal education, early age of marriage, age at birth, maternal height, birth spacing, blood biochemistry levels in 41. SPATIAL PATTERN OF SCHISTOSOMIASIS SNAILS DISTRIBUTION USING REMOTE SENSING DATA AND GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM IN LINDU SUBDISTRICT , SIGI DISTRICT, CENTRALSULAWESI PROVINCE, INDONESIA Mujiyanto, Jastal, Triwibowo A Garjito Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan P2B2 Donggala Background. Schistosomiasis is a water borne parasitic disease endemic in sub-tropical and tropical areas . In Indonesia, schistosomiasis endemic areas found only in limited areas, in the Lindu, Napu, and Bada Plateau, Central Sulawesi. Geographical Information system (GIS) and remote sensing have a wide range of applications in health. These technologies have been applied to strengthening early warning system especially in water borne T o w a r d s U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h C o v e r a g e a n d E q u i t y | 39 diseases, such Schistosomiasis. Remote sensing (RS) systems are designed to measure and record reflected, absorbed, or emitted electromagnetic energy from features of the snails habitat or foci. Objectives. This research to analyze distribution patten of snails foci using spatial analysis in Lindu Sub-District. Method . In this case, application of GIS, RS and fieldtrip data were used to define the broad environment and landscape distribution of snails foci. Result.This research found 111 of snail foci in Lindu Sub-district. The spatial pattern of snails foci tend to cluster with the Nearest Neighbor Ratio 0,21, Z Score -15,98 and p value 0,01. Conclusion. The combination of RS data (Quickbird, Landsat imagery, SRTM imagery, or Google Earth application) and GIS provides a best solution tool for monitoring snails habitat, such breeding sites and landscape variations from lowland to highland that are suitable to water borne diseases. The environmental of snails can be detected with RS data then processed using GIS.. The results are very promising to create landscape distribution of schistosomiasis snails map in Lindu SubDistrict, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia and view them in three dimensional forms (3 D). Keywords : spatial, schistosomiasis, geographic information system, Lindu Subdistrict. ID: 257 42. APPLICATION OF OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY (OHS ) MANAGEMENT WEARING MASK AS PPE AND MELATONIN IN LOWERING LEVELS OF SOD, H2O2 AND TOTAL INFLAMATORY CELLS AT LABORATORY RATS STRAIN WISTAR EXPOSED TO COAL DUST DAY OR NIGHT Qomariyatus Sholihah Lambung Mangkurat University Background , coal mining activities have impact to the air quality at mine site has exceeded the threshold and cause respiratory system disorders. Generally, coal miners work in shift work patterns. This pattern will disrupt circadian rhythm directly related to the melatonin production that affect the miner's health. Respiratory diasease that caused by coal dust can be minimized by wearing mask as PPE. Objectives , this study aims to know the effect of exogenous melatonin on coal dust exposed wistar strain rats day and night . Methods, research carried out by dividing the rats into 5 groups each consist of 4 rats , control group, exposure to coal without melatonin, exposure with melatonin 0.5 mg/kg /day, exposure with melatonin 1 mg /kg/day and exposure with melatonin 2 mg/kg /day. The study was conducted in 2 phases, I exposed during the day and stage II exposed at night. Melatonin given for 6 days before the time of exposure. The period of dust exposure was 3 days of each 30 minutes. Result , the results showed that exposure to coal dust lead to significantly increased levels of SOD BAL during unit/100g 125.115 55.662 ± 38.162 ± 161.005 and night unit/100g. H2O2 BAL 5.510 ± 1.002 day pg / mL and 1.777 ± 0.636 night pg / ml. Lung histopathology structural damage caused by exposure to coal dust subacute indicated by an increase in the thickness of the alveolar wall during gram/m3 24.995 ± 41.363 and 18.82 ± 46.57 a night gram/m3 Conclusion , there is no significant difference in value to the difference in exposure time of day or night, which is thought to be caused by the lack of adaptation of rats as nocturnal animal against the natural human shifts. Exogenous melatonin dose of 2 mg/kg bw/day significantly proven effective as an antioxidant against oxidative stress and lung inflammation 40 | R e g i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n H e a l t h R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ABSTRACT BOOK caused by exposure to coal dust. And wearing PPE mask specifically made for mice was able to inhibit the coal dust particles in the mentioned into mice. Keywords: Exposure to coal dust, shifts, inflammation of lung tissue, SOD, H2O2 ,number of inflammatory cells, exogenous melatonin, mask ID: 261 Climate factors also had a positif significant correlation with DHF incidence. This study recommends that central and northern part of the Kupang City have to get more attention for DHF control activities. Children and young age groups have to be the priority of the DHF control program. DHF control activities have to start around October to November to reduce DHF transmissions before of rainy season. 43. INSIDENSI DEMAM BERDARAH DENGUE (DBD) DI KOTA KUPANG, PROPINSI NTT, 1998-2007 ID: 262 44. INFEKSI TRANSOVARIAL VIRUS DENGUE Wanti Ndoen, Irfan PADA NYAMUK AEDES AEGYPTI DAN AEDES ALBOPICTUS DI KOTA KUPANG Environmental Health Academy Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is one of the main public health global problems, which is caused by Dengue Virus (Denvir) and transmitted by mosquito. Kupang Municipality is one of the DHF endemic districts in NTT Province, where DHF incidence and mortality were higher than national standard. This study aimed to explore the spatial and temporal pattern, and risk factors of DHF incidence in Kupang Municipality. It was expected that the outcomes from this project will be useful for the betterment of DHF control program in order to forecast, prevent and reduce the incidence of DHF in the future.This study was an ecological study, focused in 45 boroughs of four sub districts in Kupang Municipality. This study used Excel, Ms Word, Arcview GIS software to analysed the research variables. The spatial pattern shows that DHF incidence was higher around the central and northern part of Kupang City and not correlated with the population density. The temporal pattern shows that DHF incidence was correlated with the change of season. Males and females had a similarly risk to get DHF infection. Children and young age have higher DHF incidence than other groups. Wanti Ndoen, Sugeng Juwono, Siti Rahma Umniyati Environmental Health Academy Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is one of the global public health problems. NTT Province is one of DHF endemic province which Kupang Municipality is an endemic DHF area with the highest IR in this province. Aedes sp can transmit DHF through their biting. The understanding about its epidemiology factors such as transovarial infection of Dengue virus in Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus is needed for predict the incidence of DHF in the the future and for prevention activity. Therefore, this research aims to describe the transovarial infection of Denvir in Aedes sp in Kupang Municipality, NTT. This research was designed as an observational descriptive with a cross sectional study. The subjek of this research is Aedes sp mosquitoes in Kupang Municipality. Ovitraps were used to collect mosquitoes` eggs. Furthermore, eggs were reared in the laboratory up to F1 for Denvir examination with ISBPC technique. Data analysis used software Excel, and Microsoft Word. This T o w a r d s U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h C o v e r a g e a n d E q u i t y | 41 research found the transovarial transmission in Aedes sp which the transovarial transmission rate (TOT) in Ae. aegypti was 20.1%, while it was 8.3% for Ae. albopictus. The positive transovarial transmission can be found in both of female and male Aedes sp which the transovarial transmission rate was higher in female than male. The presence of transovarial transmission of Denvir in Aedes sp shows that both Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus in Kupang Municipality can transmit the Denvir from adult mosquitoes to next generation and also can be as a reservoir of Denvir. Key words: DHF, transovarial transmission, Aedes aegypti, Aedes albopictus ID: 263 45. POTENCY OF QUERCETIN-3-OGLUCOSIDE (Q3G) DAN QUERCETIN4’-O-GLUCOSIDE (Q4G) ISOLATED FROM MIMBA LEAVES (Azadirachta indica A.Juss) TO THE GLUCOSE UPTAKE OF RAT INTESTINAL MEMBRANE Enny Rohmawaty, Vycke Yunivita KD Pharmacology and theurapeutic department, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran Mimba leaves (Azadirachta indica A.Juss) used in this study taken from Brigade Proteksi Tanaman (BPT) Situbundo, contains active compound quercetin-3-O-glucoside (Q3G) and quercetin-4’-O-glucoside (Q4G). These compounds isolated using Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC). From previous study, Q3G and Q4G had already known could inhibit the glucose uptake from intestinal membrane. This study was conducted in order to know whether the Q3G and Q4G isolated from mimba leaves has potency in inhibit the glucose uptake from rat intestinal membrane (Rattus rattus norvegicus). This experimental study employed 30 male rats, meeting the inclusion criteria. They were divided into 5 groups (n=6). Group I is control group, only received glucose solution 3,0 x 10-3 M. Group II, III, IV, and V received glucose solution with Q3G 1 mg/kgBW, Q3G 2 mg/kgBW, Q4G 1 mg/kgBW and 2 mg/kgBW. The inhibitory potency of Q3G and Q4G to glucose uptake was measured every 15 minutes for one hour, using Perfusi in situ equipment designed by Soedigdo. Data were analyzed by Oneway Anova and Duncan test. This research showed that Q3G 1 mg/kgBW, Q4G 1 mg/kgBW, and Q4G 2 mg/kgBW, had significant potency in inhibit the glucose uptake from rat intestinal membrane (Rattus rattus norvegicus). The study concluded that Q3G and Q4G isolated from mimba leaves has potency in inhibit the glucose uptake from rat intestinal membrane (Rattus rattus novergicus). Key words: Q3G, Q4G, mimba leaves, glucose uptake ID: 264 46. CORRELATION OF KATG CATALYTIC ACTIVITY WITH ISONIAZID RESISTANCE TO A CLINICAL ISOLATE OF MYCOBACTERIUM TUBERCULOSIS Purkan Purkan, Wiwin Retnowati Chemistry Department/ Airlangga University An isoniazid resistant of Mycobacterium tuberculosis clinical isolate (L) had mutation in katG gene encoding catalase-peroxidase. The research want to know the basis of INH resistance of the isolate at the protein level. The katG gene expression of L isolate and the characterization of its protein had been done. Expression of mutant dan wild type katG have been conducted in Escherichia coli and showed a molecular weight of 80 kDa in SDS PAGE. The catalase activity of KatG L show 42 | R e g i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n H e a l t h R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ABSTRACT BOOK lower of 1.7 time than the value of the natural type KatG (Kcat / KM = 8.62 x 104 M-1S-1). Moreover the peroxidase activity also decrease 2 time from the wild type value (Kcat / KM = 1.99 x 105 M-1S-1). The KatG L variant also showed a decrease in isoniazid oxidizing activity at 2.6 time lower than the wild type value. Decreasing of the catalase/peroxidase of the KatG mutant is suspected as the cause of INH resistance for M. tuberculosis clinical isolate (L) at the protein level. Keywords: M. tuberculosis, INH resistance, katG, catalase-peroxidase ID: 275 47. THE ANTIBACTERIAL AND ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITIES OF DRACONTOMELON dao EXTRACT Nurul Hasanah, Yuniati FK UNMUL Background: Synthesis of new antibacterial costly and high technology, while the plant is a source of medicinal raw materials for thousands of years ago. Dracontomelon dao potential to be further investigated on the ability of the present invention with the antibacterial activity of antioxidants. Objective: Determine the ratio of solvent ethanol - water is optimal for the extraction of selected, determine the antioxidant and antibacterial activity against the bacteria MRSA (Methicillin Resistance Staphylococcus aureus) and E.coli, L.monocytogenes. Determining the secondary metabolites, the MIC (minimum inhibition concentration) and MBC (minimum bactericidal concentration) bacteria (S. aureus, E. coli, L.monocytogenes). Methods: The study design using the post-test only control group design. Simplicia D.dao rod macerated using ethanol-water solvent with 11 the comparison of 0:10, 1:9, 2:8, 3:7, 4:6, 5:5, 6:4, 7:3, 8:2 , 9:1, 10:0. Then do the test with DPPH antioxidant activity and antibacterial activity test by disc diffusion thus obtained with a ratio of solvent extracts of the most optimal.After serial dilution test was performed to determine MIC and MBC values of the standard ATCC S.aureus bacteria, E. coli and L. monocytogenes is so known bacteriostatic and bactericide activity. Bioautography assay was performed to determine the secondary metabolites contained in extracts of the stem D.dao. Results : Maceration rod D. dao with a ratio of 60% ethanol-water has antibacterial activity and antioxidant potential. One-way ANOVA statistical test found 60% ethanol extract of the stem D. dao significantly different when compared with standard curcumin and vitamin E with p <0.001. In MIC testing looks bark extract D. dao has a MIC against MSSA bacteria (2.2 + 1.0), MRSA (1.8 + 0.4), L. monocytogenes (1.7 + 0.5), E. coli MDR (2.7 + 1.0) mg / mL. In MBC testing results obtained subcultures that are not encountered bacteria are as follows MSSA (3.3 + 1.0), MRSA (3.0 + 1.1), L. monocytogenes (2.7 + 1.0), E. coli MDR (3.7 + 9.8) mg / mL. Secondary metabolites with antibacterial activity in extracts stem D. dao polyphenols found in groups and are known to also have antioxidant activity at Rf value = 0.78. Conclusion: Extracts of the stem D. dao has a stronger antioxidant activity when compared to standard antioxidant vitamin E, but is weaker when compared with standard curcumin, has antibacterial activity against MRSA microbes, bacteria E. coli MDR, and L. Monocytgenes, has antibacterial activity that is bactericidal against MSSA bacteria, MRSA, L. Monocytgenes and E. coli MDR, has the secondary metabolites with antibacterial and antioxidant activity of the polyphenols group. Key words: D.dao, antioxidants, MIC, MBC, bioautografi assay T o w a r d s U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h C o v e r a g e a n d E q u i t y | 43 ID: 276 48. EVALUATION OF PSYCHOLOGIST PLACEMENT TO PROVIDE INTEGRATIVE MENTAL HEALTH SERVICE IN PRIMARY HEALTH CARE (PHC) IN SLEMAN YOGYAKARTA, 2011 Siti Isfandari, Tety Rahmawati, Selma Siahaan, Betty Rooshermiaty, Idawaty Abbas, Tina Afiatin, Rusdi Maslim Pusat Humaniora, Kebijakan Kesehatan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (Pusat 4) Objective The program was designed to bring mental health service closer to the community for early detection of emotional problem and support community care provision. The objective was to evaluate psychologist placement in PHC in Sleman Yogyakarta. Background As response to the 2001 WHO recommendation that mental health treatment provision in PHC is a fundamental step in community access to services, faculty of Psychology Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) and Sleman District Health Office set up collaboration of psychologist placement in several PHC in 2004. Since the word ‘mental health’ still bore stigma, it was covered as reproductive health service provision for young couple to be married, but colleagues in the PHC help to socialize the existence of mental health service in PHC by psychologist. The information will be used by the Ministry of Health to decide for implementation of such program in other places. Method Information was obtained by focus group discussion with directors, medical doctors, psychologists, responsible persons of community health program of 8 PHCs, as well as interviews with policy makers.. Result Policy makers revealed that, although further research is needed, psychologists are very useful to provide holistic approach at person level to complement existing services provided by PHCs. Colleagues revealed at first there was patient refusal to be referred to psychologist, for fear of community stigma, but eventually community acceptance improved. In addition to provide community treatment and medication monitoring, psychologists are valuable in promoting healthy life style. Conclusion Psychologist placement in PHC is beneficial for mental health treatment and health promotion. Implementation The program could be extended in the district with sufficient resources. ID: 278 49. FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH THE SEVERITY OF CARIES EXPERIENCE IN THE PROVINCE OF BANGKA BELITUNG ISLAND, INDONESIA Ch. M. Kristantigunarso Gunarso, Christiana Titaley Pusat Biomedis dan Teknologi Dasar Kesehatan (Pusat 1) Introduction: Approximately 87% of population aged 12 years or more in the Province of Bangka Belitung Islands, Indonesia, had tooth decay (Ministry of Health, 2007). This study aims to factors associated with DMFT>8 in Bangka Belitung Province, Indonesia. Methods: Data were derived from a cross sectional survey, the 2010 Oral Health Care Service Model Development in the Province of Bangka Belitung Islands. This survey included information from 1152 respondents, consisting of 288 samples aged 12 years (6th grade of primary school), 288 aged 18 years (3rd year of senior high school), 288 aged 3544 years, and 288 aged 60+ years. Based on 44 | R e g i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n H e a l t h R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ABSTRACT BOOK the WHO recommendation, the outcome used was DMFT (Decay, Missing, Filled Teeth) index of nine and above (DMFT>8). To identify factors associated with this outcome, logistic regression analysis was conducted. Statistical analyses performed in this study used the STATA/MP v10.0. Results: Our results show that approximately 47% of population in Bangka Belitung Island had DMFT>8. Most of health care service received by the population was tooth extraction (Mean Missing = 8) compared to filling (Mean=0.5). Our study found that factors significantly associated with DMFT>8 were increased age, low educational status, self treatment, and use of non-professional services to treat any dental problem. In contrast, it was found that regular visit to dentist (one or more visit per year) will significantly decrease the odds for DMFT>8 (OR=0.16, p=0.01). Conclusion: Efforts to increase community awareness about the importance of dental health should become a priority. Five levels of preventions should be conducted comprehensively, using dental health professional service. ID: 279 50. THE EFFECT OF EDUCATIONAL LEVEL, KNOWLEDGE ABOUT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH, AND HEALTHY LIVING BEHAVIOR TOWARDS YOUNG (10-24 YEARS OLD) POPULATION’S HEALTH STATUS IN CENTRAL JAKARTA investigate the effect of educational level, knowledge about environmental health and healthy living behavior towards young population’s health status. Methods: The study was conducted towards adolescents, male and female, among ages 10-24 years old (n=300) from five districts in ten selected neighborhoods in Central Jakarta and analyzed by using Path Analysis. Results: There are simultaneous significant contribution between educational level and knowledge about environmental health to healthy living behavior (18.2%). The direct contribution rate of education level to healthy behavior is 12.1 percent, and the direct contribution between knowledge of environmental health to healthy behavior is 3.4 percent. There is no significance contribution in both the level of education to the health status and knowledge of environmental health to the health status. Only healthy behavior have direct contribution to health status (58.7%).The indirect effect of education on health status through healthy behavior is 8.6 percent, and the indirect effect of knowledge of environmental health to health status through healthy behavior is 1.99 percent. Conclusion: There is no direct effect between the educational level nor knowledge about environmental health towards health status. The direct effect is through healthy behaviors. Keywords: knowledge about environmental health, healthy living behavior, level of education, health status Julianty Pradono Pusat Teknologi Intervensi Kesehatan Masyarakat (Pusat 3) Background: Health status is one reflection of human resources, an important capital in the development of a nation. Improving the quality of human resources can increase the productivity. The purpose of this study is to ID: 286 51. CURE RATE OF TB TREATMENT USING DOTS STRATEGY IN HOSPITAL Meryani Girsang, Dr. Lia Gardenia Partakusuma T o w a r d s U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h C o v e r a g e a n d E q u i t y | 45 Pusat Biomedis dan Teknologi Dasar Kesehatan (Pusat 1) Background: Tuberculosis is still become the public health problem in Indonesia. One of the effort to control tuberculosis disease is a strategy of DOTS (Directly Observed Treatment Short course Chemotherapy). The aim of this study is to analyze and compare the cure rate of the tuberculosis patient in two different hospital using DOTS and Non DOTS strategy. Method: Design of the study is Quasi-experimental with control group. Data of the study were patients who came to the hospital for treatment on May 2007 till May 2008 with the clinical symptom of having cough with large amounts of purulent sputum, out of breath, chest pain, and loss body weight. The patient were categorized as TB suspect based on the laboratory examination of smear positive and lung abscess. Result: The cure rate in the hospital using DOTS strategy were higher compare with the cure rate in the hospital using Non DOTS strategy, 74.0% and 19.0% respectively. {(95% confident interval(CI) =2.3;(1.6-3.5)}. The cure rate of the patient who treated in the hospital using DOTS were 1.4 fold higher compare with the cure rate of the patient who treated in the hospital using Non DOTS. The proportion of recovery patient female is higher compare with male, 30 (85.7 %) and 14 (37.7 %) respectively, Many factors which infuent for improvement of TB patients are drug antituberculosis such as streptomycin, ethambutol, result of Acid Fast Bacilli (AFB), and increased of body weight is significantly to judge whether suspect TB is cure or not (OR =0.123; 95% CI=0.017-0.904). Conclusion. The study conclude that the cure rate of TB patients who received treatment using DOTS strategy are higher than the patients who treated with Non DOTS strategy. Key words: Tuberculosis (TB), DOTS strategy, Hospital, Cure rate. ID: 288 52. KETAHANAN PANGAN RUMAH TANGGA, KONSUMSI DAN STATUS GIZI KELOMPOK RENTAN (BALITA, WANITA, LANSIA) DI KABUPATEN PRIORITAS MASALAH KERAWANAN PANGAN DI INDONESIA Dr. Ir. Annis Catur Adi, M.Si , Unair Surabaya writing writing writing writing writing ID: 289 53. ANALISIS POLA MAKAN (TERKAIT DENGAN HOMOSISTEIN) PADA REMAJA OBESITAS DI INDONESIA Dr.dr. Citrakesumasari, M.Kes , FKM Unhas Makassar writing writing writing writing writing writing writing writing writing writing ID: 290 54. PEMETAAN DAN PEMODELAN BALITA GIZI BURUK DI JAWA TIMUR DENGAN PENDEKATAN REGRESI SPASIAL Mochamad Setyo, S.Si, M.Si Pusat Humaniora, Kebijakan Kesehatan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (Pusat 4) 46 | R e g i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n H e a l t h R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ABSTRACT BOOK writing writing writing writing writing ID: 291 55. FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG BERHUBUNGAN DENGAN KEJADIAN CACAT PADA ANAK USIA 24 - 59 BULAN DR. Ir. Heryudarini Harahap, M.Kes , Pusat Teknologi Terapan Kesehatan dan Epidemiologi Klinik (Pusat 2) writing writing writing writing writing ID: 292 56. PARTIAL LEAST SQUARE PATH MODELING (STUDI KASUS QUALITY ASSURANCE RUMAH SAKIT PONEK BERDASARKAN DATA RIFASKES 2011) Sigit Ari Saputro, SKM , Unair Surabaya writing writing writing writing writing ID: 299 57. THE CORRELATION OF MOTHER Birth weight is an important factor that its impact on health will continue toward adulthood period. The weight of 2500 g is still being used as the cut off point to predict the risk of baby’s morbidity and mortality. Recently birth weight of less than 3000 is being rigorously assess as a risk factor for non communicable disease in adulthood. Therefore, it is important to assess factors that are affecting the fetal growth and development. The objectives of this study is to determine the relationship between infant’s birth weight and mother’s nutritional status, i.e. pre-pregnancy weight, weight gain during pregnancy, and maternal Hb level in the 3rd trimester as well as several other factor. The study design is cross sectional using secondary data from medical record of Budi Kemuliaan Hospital Jakarta which was measured in January 2012. The result of chi square and correlation regression test show there is significant relationship between pre-pregnancy weight and weight gain during pregnancy and birth weight. The multiple logistic regression test reveals that pre-pregnancy weight, weight gain during pregnancy, maternal age, and birth order are factors that are effecting birth weight significantly, with pre-pregnancy weight as the dominant factor (OR=6,643). Therefore, it is imperative to give more attention to undernou rished women who are planning their pregnancy Keywords : Birth Weight, Mother Nutritional Status, 3000 g. NUTRITIONAL STATUS AND OTHER FACTORS TO INFANT’S BIRTH WEIGHT IN BUDI KEMULIAAN HOSPITAL JAKARTA IN JANUARY 2012 Khaula Karima, Endang L Achadi Universitas Indonesia T o w a r d s U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h C o v e r a g e a n d E q u i t y | 47 Krismawati, Mardi Rahardjo, Evi Iriani Natalia Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Biomedis Papua POSTER PRESENTATION ID: 42 58. FIRST DENGUE HEMORHAGIC FEVER OUTBREAK IN KAIMANA DISTRICT, WEST PAPUA PROVINCE, EPIDEMIOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY INVESTIGATION Tri Nury Kridaningsih, Kridaningsih, Hana Background : Dengue outbreak first case had been occured in May-July in Kaimana District West Papua. This Dengue was the first case in Kaimana in last 50 years base on records of West Papua Health Department, presumptively caused by transmission of Dengue virus from infected temporer visitor that participating one of religious event, held by local goverment. Objectives: The porpuse of this investigation was to study the distribution of the DHF cases related to patient household. Entomological survey was intended to identified the species, breeding habitat of suspected mosquito vectors. Method: Interview on positives patients and an entomology investigation were overtaken on Juny 2012. Mosquitoes sample were collected on resting habitat as well as human landing collection. Larvae were collected from water container at 25 sampling site consist of patient household, school, and hospital. Larvae collection was rearranged in Entomology Laboratory. Dengue virus were detected in mosquitoes that had been collected from research area as well as from rearranged mosquitoes using RT-PCR method Lancioti primer. Result: Case report show that the age majority of DHF cases is 6-12 (48,1%) and dominan patients were woman (63%). The study found one dead (3,7%) cases and 26 (96,3%) sick cases. The symptomps of DHF patients were fever (100%), headache (74,1%), hemorhagic (25,9%), patechiae (100%), nausea (44,4%) and vomit (51,9%). Result of entomology survey indicated that Aedes agyepti had been known as dengue main vector in most area in Indonesia were absent, while the second vector Aedes albopictus was present abundantly in adult 48 | R e g i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n H e a l t h R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ABSTRACT BOOK stage as well as in larvae stage that had been collected. The mosquitoes were found more in their resting habitat than in patient’s houses. The most abundant of the mosquitoes was found at 13.00 in SDN Kaimana one of MTQ event took place. The container that contain A.albopictus larvae were unused tire, plastic container and ceramic container. The study from 25 sampling location indicated that 40% Aedes albopictus breteau with House Indek 26,6% and Container Indek 21,2%.The house index was more than 10% mean that this area has high susceptibility in DHF outbreak according to Ministry of Health criteria. Key words: Dengue, Aedes albopictus, outbreak Pharmacopoeia Indonesia and WHO methods. The results showed that extract of gambir in this study contains 86.60% of catechin, 12.92% moisture content, 22.49% watersoluble extract content, 80.63% ethanolsoluble extract content, 0.81% total ash, 0.32% acid insoluble ash content and 10.38% in dryness level. Ames mutagenicity test utilized a colorimetric microplate in mutant Salmonella typhimurium TA 98, Salmonella typhimurium TA 100 and Escherichia coli WP2 uvrA with and without the addition of S-9 enzyme. From the experiment, it was showed that there is no potentially mutagenic effect of gambir extract. Keywords: Uncaria gambir Roxb., Ames method, mutagenic, catechin, HIV ID: 45 59. UJI MUTAGENIK EKSTRAK GAMBIR (Uncaria gambir Roxb.) SEBAGAI KANDIDAT ANTIRETROVIRAL UNTUK HIV Novi Sulistyaningrum, Lina Rustanti, Sukmayati Alegantina ID: 50 60. THE RELATIONSHIP WITH ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION ON DIARRHEA INCIDENCE OF DISEASE SOCIETY COASTALAREAS VILLAGE NAMBO ABELI DISTRICTS KENDARI CITY Ramadhan Tosepu, Ramadhan Tosepu Pusat Biomedis dan Teknologi Dasar Kesehatan (Pusat 1) UJI MUTAGENIK EKSTRAK GAMBIR (Uncaria gambir Roxb.) SEBAGAI KANDIDAT ANTIRETROVIRAL UNTUK HIV ABSTRACT The main compound of Uncaria gambir Roxb. (gambir), catechin and it’s derivates have been believed to be potential as antiviral. EGCG and ECG are catechin derivates which are found to be potential as antiviral against HIV. However, gambir extract also contains quercetin that has possibility to be mutagenic. Therefore, a preliminary study towards safety of those compounds within gambir extract, mutagenicity assay using Ames Method has been performed. The extract was characterized according to Herbal FKM Universitas Haluoleo Incidence of diarrhea in Nambo village in 2008 as many as 72 patients, in 2009 as many as 97 patients, and in 2010, 104 patients. The purpose of this study was to investigated the relationship between the provision of clean water, latrines, waste water management, waste management, and personal hygiene with diarrheal disease. The research method used was an observational analytic Cross Sectional Study. The samples in this study was carried out by simple random sampling. The results showed that the value of statistical tests at significance level of alpha 0.05 obtained there was a significant correlation between the management of waste water T o w a r d s U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h C o v e r a g e a n d E q u i t y | 49 (Ï•Value = 0.000), processing waste (Ï•Value = 0.004), personal hygiene (Ï•Value = 0.012), with diarrhea and no there was a significant correlation between water supply (Ï•Value = 0.160) and family latrines (Ï•Value = 0.385) with diarrheal disease. Results analysis showed variable mulitvariat waste water management was a major factor with a value of Exp (B) = 2.651 95% CI = lower limit upper limit = 1.223 = 5.743. Keywords: Diarrhea, environmental sanitation, coastal zone ID: 51 61. BASELINE DATA OF STUDY COHORT OF RISK FACTORS NCD OF CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE (COPD)IN CENTRAL BOGOR CITY, WEST JAVA, INDONESIA test, and filling the questionnaires about respiratory symptoms, health status, and exposure of pollutans to COPD risk factors. There was two steps of WHO steps criteria in Non Communicable Major disease research standard. Based on spirometry’s test had prevalence of COPD 8.5 %, most of them men with age’s groups in 50 – 60 years old with lower education and Sundaness ethnic groups. According to risk factors most respondent had smoking habits, majority pollutan in door was stove’s smoke, out door pollutan was vehicle’s smoke and work area pollutan was dust and chemical componds. ID: 53 62. PROMOSI KESEHATAN UNTUK Ratih Oemiati Lisa Andriyani, Lisa Andriyani KESEJAHTERAAN: EFEKTIVITAS INTERVENSI PENYULUHAN DAN BACAAN PADA IBU MENYUSUI Pusat Teknologi Intervensi Kesehatan Masyarakat (Pusat 3) Inge Wattimena, Elisabet Widyaning Hapsari, M.Psi, Psi Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a growing cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, and accurate estimates of the prevalence of this disease are needed to anticipate the future burden of COPD, target key risk factors, and plan for providing COPD-related health services. According to World Health Organization (WHO) estimates, about 80 million people have moderate to severe COPD and 3 million died of COPD in 2005, which corresponds to 5% of all deaths globally. Total deaths due to COPD are projected to increase by more than 30% in the next 10 years. This was an secondary data analysis of observasional study with cohort prospective study to individual who had common risk factors in non communicable major disease. The respondents had completed post bronchodilator spirometry Fakultas Keperawatan Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya ABSTRAK Backgrounds: Air Susu Ibu (ASI) adalah asupan alami dan Ilahi yang dahsyat. Dalam ASI terdapat zat pertumbuhan yang setiap hari berubah kandungan gizinya sesuai dengan kebutuhan anak. ASI mengandung zat kekebalan ibu yang mengalir masuk ke dalam tubuh anak. Selain itu melalui proses menyusui terbentuk ikatan batin ibu-anak yang semakin kuat. Kenyataan ini menunjukkan bahwa ASI tidak tergantikan. Sementara itu target World Health Organization maupun Pemerintah Indonesia agar 80% ibu menyusui minimal 6 bulan belum tercapai. Angka keberhasilan adalah sekitar 30%. Objectives: Untuk mengantisipasi ketidakberhasilan ini, perlu dilakukan usaha 50 | R e g i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n H e a l t h R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ABSTRACT BOOK Promosi Kesehatan antara lain melalui penyuluhan dan bacaan (adalah buku ciptaan peneliti). Studi ini meneliti efektivitas intervensi ini. Methods: Ada dua kelompok penelitian: I) kelompok ibu hamil yang diberi intervensi suluh atau intervensi suluh+bacaan (ada 76 kelompok 3-5 ibu, intervensi dilakukan dalam tahun 2010-2011). Kelompok ini ditelusuri kembali berdasarkan data tercatat bahwa anak mereka yang sudah lahir, sekarang berumur lebih dari 6 bulan. Ada 100 ibu yang terpilih, dan kepada mereka dikirim (per surat) kuesioner yang terdiri dari 18 pernyataan dengan pilihan jawaban dan 3 pertanyaan terbuka. Kuesioner yang dikembalikan sebanyak 45. Jawaban dianalisis secara kuantitatif (one shot case study) dan kualitatif; II) kelompok eksperimen, terdiri dari 30 ibu hamil dan 30 ibu pasca melahirkan kurang dari 1 bulan. Tiap kelompok dibagi 3 sub-kelompok (a 10 orang). Masing-masing sub-kelompok mendapat satu bentuk intervensi, yaitu intervensi suluh, atau intervensi bacaan, atau intervensi suluh+bacaan. Kuesioner diisi sebelum dan sesudah intervensi (pre-post test design). Results: a) penelitian kuantitatif I: 84% ibu menyusui anak lebih dari 6 bulan; yang paling efektif berperan adalah intervensi suluh+bacaan; b) penelitian kuantitatif II: ke tiga bentuk intervensi berperan positif pada peningkatan wawasan. Yang terkuat perannya adalah intervensi suluh+bacaan pada ibu pasca melahirkan; c) penelitian kualitatif: para ibu merasa mendapat keuntungan dari intervensi, semakin cerdas, dan termotivasi. Perilaku positif ibu untuk bertanggung jawab memberi ASI sebagai hak anak berakibat pada kesejahteraan keluarga. Di pihak lain mereka mengutarakan bahwa belum sepenuhnya tim medis berpartisipasi dalam menggalakkan program menyusui. Keadaan ini dapat berakibat pada kebingungan, ketidak-tahuan, serta kegagalan ibu mencapai target untuk menyusui setidaknya selama 6 bulan. Para ibu mengusulkan agar pengertian tentang ASI juga disosialisasikan kepada keluarga serta mereka yang berkecimpung dalam proses kesehatan anak di awal kehidupannya. Conclusion: Intervensi penyuluhan dan bacaan sebagai sarana Promosi Kesehatan dapat diimplementasikan dalam masyarakat. Diharapkan dengan semakin gencarnya usaha ini, semakin dimengerti dinamika ASI, dan semakin sehat sejahtera keluarga, bangsa, dan negara. ID: 56 63. THE EFFECT OF STEAMED BROCCOLI (BRASSICA OLERASEA L VAR. ITALICA) COMPARED WITH CAULIFLOWER (BRASSICA OLERASEA L VAR.BOTRYTIS) TO CLINICAL SIGN AND HISTOPHATOLOGY OF COLON IN MICED INDUCED BY DSS Lusiana Darsono Maranatha Christian University Backgrounds: Chronic inflammation is an important risk factor for cancers. There have been reported that chronic inflammation could develop carcinogenesis and Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a predisposition for colorectal cancer. Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower are vegetables that could reduce risk of UC by its fitochemical component, sulforaphane that effective as anti-inflammation. Objectives: of this study is to examine the effect of broccoli- and cauliflowers-steamed in reducing clinical score of colitis and histological feature of colon in dextran sulfate sodium (DSS)-induced colitis mice. The method of this study was completely randomized design by comparing 1,5 g of broccoli- or cauliflower-steamed treated mice to 2, and 5 % (w/v) DSS-treated control group. Clinical score of diarrhea and T o w a r d s U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h C o v e r a g e a n d E q u i t y | 51 colon histological analysis of each group were observed. All data were analyze using KruskalWallis H test and continue by Mann-Whitney U test with ï•¡ = 0.05. The results showed that broccoli and cauliflower significantly reduce diarrhea in DSS-induced colitis mice compared to control group (p<0, 05). No differences could be observed between broccoli and cauliflowers in reducing diarrhea (p=456). Histopathological feature of proximal, medial, and distal colon significantly different among DSS group to negative control (p<0, 05). Treated group’s broccoli and cauliflowersteamed significantly different compared to negative control on proximal and medial colon. Broccoli or cauliflower significantly improved medial and distal colon histopatological features compared to DSStreated mice (p<0, 05). No differences could be observed between broccoli and cauliflowers in improving colon histopathological features. As conclusion, both broccoli and cauliflower steamed could reduce diarrhea and improve histological feature of colon in DSS-induced colitis mice, especially medial and distal colon. Broccoli and cauliflower steamed have no different effect to reduce diarrhea and improve histopathological feature of colon. Keywords: broccoli, cauliflower, ulcerative colitis, sulforaphane, fitochemical, mice ID: 58 64. PEMANFAATAN FASILITAS KESEHATAN DALAM PELAKSANAAN JAMINAN KESEHATAN DAERAH DI KOTA TARAKAN, KALIMANTAN TIMUR Tri Astuti Sugiyatmi Pusat kebijakan Pembiayaan dan Manajemen Asurasansi Kesehatan FK UGM dan Dinas Kesehatan Kota Tarakan Pendahuluan : Dalam sistem pelayanan kesehatan maka pelayanan yang dilakukan adalah dengan sistem rujukan berjenjang. Mulai dari puskesmas dan selanjutnya baru ke rumah sakit. Namun manakala puskesmas yang ada kurang kuat dan kurang bermutu maka sistem rujukan tidak akan banyak berfungsi dan pemanfaataan puskesmas rendah. “Sebaliknya RS menjadi sebuah puskesmas raksasa―. Tujuan : Untuk melihat angka pemanfataan puskesmas sebelum dan sesudah pelaksanaan jaminan kesehatan daerah di kota Tarakan. Metode : Penelitian ini memakai metode studi kasus, subyek penelitian adalah dokumen resmi dinas kesehatan Hasil Penelitian : Terdapat peningkatan angka pemanfaatan fasilitas kesehatan khususnya puskesmas setelah adanya pelaksanaan jaminan kesehatan daerah. Penguatan puskesmas dalam hal input (jenis dan jumlah tenaga serta pembiayaan), program (layanan 24 jam/layanan gawat darurat) dan manajemen mutu mempunyai pengaruh yang cukup besar dalam meningkatkan angka pemanfaatan puskesmas dan rumah sakit. Pelaksanaan jaminan kesehatan daerah meningkatkan pemanfaatan fasilitas kesehatan karena barier pembiayaan tidak ada lagi. Penguatan puskesmas dalam semua segi akan menjadi kendali yang cukup kuat terhadap jumlah rujukan ke rumah sakit. Kesimpulan : Pemanfaatan fasilitas kesehatan dalam pelaksanaan jamkes mengalami peningkatan yang sangat berarti. Penguatan puskesmas akan berpengaruh pada keberhasilan pelaksanaan jaminan kesehatan. Saran : Dalam pelaksanaan jamkesta 2014, penguatan puskesmas dalam hal input, program dan manajemen adalah penting. Kata Kunci : Penguatan Mutu puskesmas, angka pemanfaatan puskesmas, puskesmas, jaminan kesehatan. 52 | R e g i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n H e a l t h R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ABSTRACT BOOK ID: 60 65. BERAT LAHIR DAN KELANGSUNGAN HIDUP NEONATAL DI INDONESIA ANALISIS DATA SDKI 2007) Demsa Simbolon Politeknik Kesehatan Bengkulu Angka kematian neonatal Indonesia menduduki peringkat ke-10 tertinggi di dunia yang diperkirakan karena masih tingginya kejadian bayi berat badan lahir rendah (BBLR). Penelitian menggunakan data SDKI 2007 dengan desain kohort retrospektif bertujuan untuk mengetahui probabilitas kelangsungan hidup neonatal menurut berat lahir dan mengidentifikasi pengaruh berat lahir terhadap kelangsungan hidup neonatal. Sampel sebanyak 11.748 bayi dengan kriteria inklusi yaitu bayi anak terakhir dan saat wawancara bayi berumur minimal 28 hari, lahir hidup, lahir tunggal, data kelahiran dan status serta waktu kematian lengkap. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa probabilitas kumulatif kelangsungan hidup neonatal di Indonesia adalah 98,49%. Semakin rendah berat lahir semakin rendah probabilitas kelangsungan hidup neonatal. 95,68% pada neonatal dengan berat lahir rendah (20002499 gram) dan 89,83% pada neonatal berat lahir sangat rendah (1500-1999 gram). Hasil analisis regresi cox menunjukkan berat lahir berinteraksi dengan paritas ibu, sehingga pengaruh berat lahir terhadap kelangsungan hidup neonatal tergantung pada paritas ibu setelah dikontrol pengaruh paritas dan daerah tempat tinggal. Bayi BBLR dari ibu paritas multipara berisiko 2,9 kali (95% CI HR = 1,55,6) dan grandemultipara berisiko 3,9 kali (95% CI HR = 1,9 – 7,6) mengalami kematian pada periode neonatal dibandingkan dengan bayi lahir berat normal. Perlu upaya intervensi untuk mencegah bayi lahir BBLR sejak dini dan penanganan intensif pada bayi lahir BBLR. Kata kunci: Berat lahir, Kelangsungan Hidup Neonatal, regresi cox BIRTH WEIGHT AND NEONATAL SURVIVAL IN INDONESIA (IDHS DATA ANALYSIS 2007) ABSTRACK Neonatal mortality rate of Indonesia was ranked the 10th highest in the world as predicted from still high prevalence of low birth weight infants (LBW). This research used of data Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey 2007 with retrospective cohort design. The purposes of the research is to know probability of neonatal survival according to birth weight and to identify effect of birth weight on neonatal survival. The number of sample is 11.748 infant with inclusion criteria is last infant and the interview at least 28 days old, alivebirth in the year 2002-2007, single birth, complete date of birth and status and time of death. The study found the cumulative probability of neonatal survival in Indonesia was 98.49%. The lower birth weight, probability of neonatal survival also lower, 95.68% at neonatal low birth weight (20002499 gr) and 89.83% at neonatal very low weight (1500-1999 gr). The Cox regression analysis showed that birth weight modification effect with maternal parity, so that the influence of birth weight on neonatal survival dependent on the the maternal parity after controlling birth spacing and area of residence. LBW infants of multiparous maternal parity risk 2.9 times (95% CI = 1.5 to 5.6 HR) and grandemultiparous risk 3.9 times (95% CI HR = 1.9 to 7.6) experienced a death in the neonatal period compared with normal birth weight. Necessary early interventions to prevent low birth weight and intensive care to infants with LBW. Keywords: Birth weight, Neonatal Survival, cox regression ID: 63 T o w a r d s U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h C o v e r a g e a n d E q u i t y | 53 66. ANALISIS KETAHANAN HIDUP SATU TAHUN PASIEN STROKE DI RUMAH SAKIT UMUM BANYUMAS TAHUN 2010 ID: 69 Supriyadi 67. RELATED FACTORS TO INCIDENT OF Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto Latar belakang :Penyakit stroke merupakan salah satu penyebab kematian ketiga setelah penyakit jantung koroner dan kanker. Stroke merupakan sindrom klinis yang terjadi akibat gangguan pembuluh dalam otak, timbul mendadak dan biasanya menyerang penderita usia 45-80 tahun. Tujuan : Menganalisis Ketahanan Hidup Satu Tahun Pasien Stroke yang dipengaruhi oleh Umur, Tipe/Jenis Stroke, Lama hari rawat, Diabetes Melitus, Hipertensi, Hiperkolesterol, Penyakit Jantung, Merokok, Jenis Kelamin dan Riwayat Stroke. Metode : Desain penelitian ini menggunakan desain kohort restrospektif. Hasil : Probabilitas ketahanan hidup pasien stroke pada jangka waktu 52 minggu (satu tahun) sebesar 61% dengan median ketahanan hidup 52 minggu. Kesimpulan : Ketahanan Hidup Satu Tahun Pasien Stroke yang dipengaruhi oleh riwayat stroke, penyakit jantung dan kolesterol. Pasien stroke yang memiliki riwayat stroke berulang memiliki resiko untuk meninggal adalah 2,0 kali dibandingkan yang memiliki riwayat stroke pertama pada riwayat penyakit jantung dan kadar kolesterol yang sama, pasien stroke yang menderita penyakit jantung memiliki resiko untuk meninggal adalah 2,8 kali dibandingkan dengan yang tidak menderita penyakit jantung pada riwayat stroke dan kadar kolesterol yang sama, pasien stroke yang memiliki riwayat kolesterol memiliki resiko untuk meninggal adalah 1,8 kali dibandingkan dengan yang tidak memiliki riwayat kolesterol pada riwayat stroke dan penyakit jantung yang sama. Kata kunci : Ketahanan hidup, pasien stroke, stroke, Daftar Pustaka : 40 (1995-2012) PULMONARY TUBERCULOSISOF CHILD AGE 0-12 YEARS OLD BY LESS NUTRIENT STATUS IN PUSKESMAS JEMBATAN SERONG AREA, PANCORAN MASSUBDISTRICT, DEPOK CITY, 2009 Dipo Wicaksono Faculty of Public Health, University of Indonesia It had been taken a research about nutrient status and the other factor for incident of pulmonary tuberculosis to child age 0-12 years old in Puskesmas Jembatan Serong. Purpose of this research is to find out related factors to incident of pulmonary tuberculosis based on working area of Puskesmas. This is control case study using primary and secondary data analyzed by Chi Square test. Working area of Puskesmas Jembatan Serong is the most area by incident of pulmonary tuberculosis for year 2008 by which 144 cases. In consequence of many child age 0-12 years old suffered pulmonary tuberculosis and less nutrient status. Cases of pulmonary tuberculosis for these child were less attention by parents because it was difficult to diagnose. In accordance of it, then the research title is “Less status and other factors related to incident of pulmonary tuberculosis to child age 0-12 years old in Puskesmas Jembatan Serong Area, Year 2009―. There were 11 variables and 3 for meaning variables, air ventilation, residential crowded, and parents knowledge of pulmonary tuberculosis. Based on this research, it was expected that health service institution especially Puskesmas Jembatan Serong to develop knowledge for less nutrient, pulmonary tuberculosis and give an 54 | R e g i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n H e a l t h R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ABSTRACT BOOK counseling about home health physic environment, and monitor evaluation of pulmonary tuberculosis, because, it is believe that many pulmonary tuberculosis sufferers to child age 0-12 years old had not checked their condition in Puskesmas Jembatan Serong. Anopheles sundaicus bites, the most common mosquitoes biting occurred 0-1 AM and 4-5 AM. On the other hand the scarce time biting was 6-8 PM. Conclusion : breeding places of Anopheles that the highest Anopheles larvaes per dip concentration was among fishpond. ID: 71 ID: 74 68. BIO-ECOLOGY MALARIA VECTOR IN 69. IN VITRO AND IN OVO INHIBITION OF GALANG BATAM CITY, KEPULAUAN RIAU PROVINCE Muhammad Hasyimi, Supratman Sukowati Pusat Teknologi Intervensi Kesehatan Masyarakat (Pusat 3) BIO-ECOLOGY MALARIA VECTOR IN GALANG BATAM CITY, KEPULAUAN RIAU PROVINCE Abstract Background : Galang as one of the 12 sub districts in the Batam city, still has the problem of malaria, it has a unique topography because it consists of several islands, coastal areas and population distribution concentrated on certain islands. Other, Galang has annual parasite index (API) 43.3 ‰ in 2006. The number of malaria cases in Galang showed an increase from 788 in 2006 to 2447 in 2007. For supporting malaria control programs in the Galang district, then conducted a study with the aim to understand the bio-ecology malaria vector. Objective : to understand the bio-ecology malaria vector at Galang district. Methods :The study was conducted in 2008, by identification of vector breeding habitat, vector incrimination and collections of the adult Anopheles by catching the bait human body methods. Results :The results showed that in the district of Galang were found breeding places of Anopheles that the highest Anopheles larvaes per dip concentration was among fishpond and followed by drainages. In term of time of TYPE-A AVIAN INFLUENZA VIRUS BY XANTHONE DERIVATES FROM GARCINIA MANGOSTANA LINN FRUIT RIND Amar Muslim, Sarah Fitriani, Sherryn Sunny Albanny, Fajar Islam Sitanggang Bogor Agricultural University IN VITRO AND IN OVO INHIBITION OF TYPE-A AVIAN INFLUENZA VIRUS BY XANTHONE DERIVATES FROM GARCINIA MANGOSTANA LINN FRUIT RIND Mangosteen fruit (Garcinia mangostana Linn) is very popular in Indonesia. Experimental studies have demonstrated that extracts of GML have antiviral activities. The pericarp of GML is a source of xanthones. The two most beneficial xanthones have been named α-mangostin and γ-mangostin. The αmangostin and γ-mangostin in pericarp extract of GML previously used as HIV-1 protease inhibitor and now becoming an emerging investigational antiviral drug due to its protease inhibitor has the same type with avian influenza virus. To explore this possibility, n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and methanol extracts from some GML were investigated for their α-mangostin, dan γmangostin inhibitory activities using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). For in ovo study, eggs from Lohmann type between 9 and 11 days of age were used and injected with different levels of ï•¡- and mangostin extract at 30 days of incubation. There were five treatments and ten replicates T o w a r d s U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h C o v e r a g e a n d E q u i t y | 55 allocated to each treatment. The extracts and compounds were also evaluated using a range of concentrations in the in vitro Vero cell. The aim of this review is to summarize findings of beneficial properties on α- and γ-mangostin of GML extracts as avian influenza protease inhibitors. Although this evidence is still far from being definitive, the results so far obtained suggest that protease inhibitor should be seriously taken into consideration for further testing as potential therapeutic agents for avian influenza. Further studies need to be done in order to investigate the effects of GML extracts as avian influenza antiviral in human. Keywords : Garcinia mangostana Linn, type-A influenza, extracts, protease inhibitor, ï•¡- and -mangostin method. Results: This research found out that 60% of pregnant women have anemia, and 76.2% among them have low iron intake. Conclusions: There was association between iron intake and incidence of anemia. Pregnant women who have inadequate intake of iron, 18 times risk to get anemia than pregnant women who have adequate iron intake after adjusted by protein intake and iron supplementation. Iron intake is important in incidence of anemia, therefore pregnant women should have adequate iron diets to provide optimal health for maternal and infant. ID: 76 71. PENGEMBANGAN JARINGAN PUSKESMAS ID: 75 70. ASSOCIATION BETWEEN IRON INTAKE AND ANEMIA IN THIRD TRIMESTERS PREGNANCY AT BUNGUS HEALTH CENTER,PADANG IN 2012. DAN GAMBARAN KETENAGAAN PUSKESMAS KOTA BEKASI Dra. Raharni, Apt, MKes , Rini Sasanti H Pusat Teknologi Intervensi Kesehatan Masyarakat (Pusat 3) Mery Ramadani, Suryati, Bertha Helena Faculty of Public Health Andalas University Background: Anemia is one of the most frequent complications related to pregnancy. Severe anemia may have adverse effects on the mother and the fetus. There is also evidence that less severe anemia is associated with poor pregnancy outcome. Bungus was the second highest for incidence of anemia in Padang city. Objectives: The objective of this research was to know the association between Iron intake and anemia at working areas of Bungus Health Centre, Padang in 2012. Methods: Cross sectional design was used in this research. The respondents were pregnant women in third trimesters. Assessment of iron intake using food recall Backgrounds Community health center is a technical implementation unit in District/City health office (UPTD) which is responsible for the health development in an area of work that is generally located in district level administrative areas. Health care services that are managed by the community health center is a primary health care, i.e. for the individual health and public health effort, and it require an adequate health care resources needs in both quantity and quality. On the other hand, community health center networking development is needed to support primary health care services to be closer to the community. Objectives The objective of this study is to provide the community health center networking development and an overview of community health center human resources in Bekasi city, so that health care 56 | R e g i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n H e a l t h R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ABSTRACT BOOK services could be run is accordance to the goals. Methods The research design was cross-sectional and the study used a desk study to examine the various references of the documents required in the community health centers and sub of community health centers (Pustu) in Bekasi city. Conclusions The results shown the availability of human resources in community health centers in Bekasi city was still not sufficient and did not yet meet the needs especially of nurses, midwives and labor analyst, assistant pharmacist. The resources allocation has not been based of the right health education accordingly. Distribution of medical personnel especially specialists in community health centers in Bekasi city was uneven and the general doctor look not proportionate, because there are some community health centers have only one general practitioner. Not all of community health centers in Bekasi city have human resources who specializes in supporting pharmaceutical drugs and pharmacies.Thus, effort were gradually provide resources in accordance with the field work and the provision of training, so that the health service can be run better. Based on the location of community health centers, it was various, i.e. in the residential, the community health center is occupy the unclear ownership land tittle, i.e. the public/ social facility, in the office area is government owned land and some occupy the waqf land. Community health center networking development is performed through the development and establishment of sub community health center (Pustu) for residential areas that located far from the reach of community health centers and the provision of mobile community health centers for health services to be closer to the community. Key word: Community Health Center, Networking Development, Human resources, COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER NETWORKING DEVELOPMENT AND PREVIEW OF COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER HUMAN RESOURCES IN BEKASI CITY Abstrak Puskesmas merupakan Unit Pelaksana Teknis Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten/Kota (UPTD) yang bertanggungjawab menyelenggarakan pembangunan kesehatan di suatu wilayah kerja yang pada umumnya berada ditingkat wilayah administrasi kecamatan. Pelayanan kesehatan yang diselenggarakan puskesmas adalah pelayanan kesehatan dasar yaitu upaya kesehatan perorangan dan upaya kesehatan masyarakat, memerlukan tenaga kesehatan yang memadai baik dari segi kuantitas maupun kualitas. Disamping itu diperlukan pengembangan jaringan puskesmas untuk lebih mendekatkan pelayanan kesehatan dasar kepada masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan gambaran ketenagaan dan pengembangan jaringan puskesmas dan pustu kota Bekasi, sehingga pelayanan kesehatan dapat berjalan sesuai tujuan yang akan dicapai. Metode penelitian adalah potong lintang dan desk study dengan mengkaji berbagai referensi mengenai dokumendokumen yang diperlukan di puskesmas dan pustu di kota Bekasi. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan jumlah ketersediaan tenaga kesehatan di puskesmas kota Bekasi saat ini masih belum mencukupi dan belum sesuai kebutuhan terutama tenaga perawat, bidan dan tenaga analis, asisten apoteker. Penempatan tenaga belum dilatarbelakangi pendidikan tenaga kesehatan yang sesuai. Persebaran tenaga medis terutama tenaga spesialis puskesmas di kota Bekasi saat ini tidak merata dan sebaran dokter umum terlihat belum proporsional karena ada beberapa puskesmas yang hanya memiliki satu dokter umum. Tenaga penunjang kefarmasian yang khusus menangani obat dan apotik tidak dimiliki oleh semua puskesmas di kota bekasi. Dengan demikian diperlukan upaya secara bertahap pemenuhan tenaga yang belum sesuai dengan bidang T o w a r d s U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h C o v e r a g e a n d E q u i t y | 57 pekerjaannya dan penyelenggaraan pelatihan, sehingga pelaksanaan pelayanan kesehatan dapat berjalan dengan baik. Berdasarkan lokasi puskesmas cukup beragam yaitu di area perumahan menempati tanah fasos/fasum yang menghadapi ketidakjelasan status tanah, di area perkantoran merupakan lahan milik pemerintah dan beberapa menempati tanah wakaf. Pengembangan jaringan pelayanan kesehatan dilakukan melalui pengembangan dan pendirian puskesmas pembantu (pustu) untuk daerah-daerah dekat pemukiman yang lokasinya jauh dari jangkauan puskesmas serta penyediaan puskesmas keliling untuk lebih mendekatkan pelayanan kesehatan pada masyarakat. Key word : Pengembangan Jaringan, Puskesmas, Ketenagaan ID: 77 72. RISK FACTORS OF CORONARY HEART DISEASE IN NORTH SULAWESI PROVINCE INDONESIA Jeini Ester Nelwan, Oksfriani J. Sumampouw Faculty of Public Health Sam Ratulangi University Manado Based on the Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) 2007, the national prevalence of heart disease is 7.2% (based on the diagnosis of health worker and symptoms). The lowest prevalence of heart disease is around 2.6% in Lampung Province and the highest in the NAD is 12.6%, while in North Sulawesi is 8.2%. Coronary heart disease (CHD) is a multifactorial disease, because many risk factors such as hypertension, obesity, physical activity/sports, smoking, type of behavior, stress, diabetes mellitus, cholesterol, and alcohol consumption. The purpose of this study is to analyze the risk factors of CHD in North Sulawesi Province. This study is an observational study with the design of casecontrol study in November 2010 until April 2011. Data in this research were hospital based data and conducted in the BLU RSUP Prof. dr. R. D. Kandou Manado because this hospital was referral hospital CHD patients in North Sulawesi. The population of this research is all outpatients in cardiology and general interna clinic BLU RSUP Prof. dr. R.D Kandou Manado. Sample size was calculated using the formula in order to obtain the total study sample to 110 patients for case group and 110 patients for control group, so the total sample taken of 220 patients. Sampling using simple random sampling method. The independent variables is hypertension and the dependent variable is incidence of coronary heart disease. Data was obtained and analyzed using univariate after that bivariate with chi-square test. Based on the results of data analysis founded that age, family history, hypertension, smoking and type of behavior were risk factors for CHD. There is need a promotion for adult community about improving the quality of life through healthy behavior and avoid risk factors heart disease from health personnel, escpecially for coronary heart disease. ID: 82 73. ASSOCIATED NUTRITION CONSUMPTION, LEVEL OF KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDE WITH PEPTIC ULCER DESEASE EVENT ON TENAGERS IN SMAN 2 PADANG CITY 2011 dr. Fauziah Elytha, M. Sc, Azrimaidaliza, SKM, MKM, Vivi Triana, SKM, M. PH. Public Health Faculty Adolescents are particularly vulnerable nutrition. Health problems, one of which ulcer disease. Prevalence of gastritis as much as 58 | R e g i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n H e a l t h R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ABSTRACT BOOK 0.99%, the incidence of gastritis 115/100.000 population. Desert Health Center's annual report the number of visits of cases in January-December 2010 totaled 1818 cases of traffic (new + old), while cases of gastritis in adolescents (15-19 years) amounted to 259 cases. This study aimed to determine the relationship of diet and knowledge of the incidence of ulcer disease in adolescents in the city of Padang in 2011. This type of research is descriptive analytic cross sectional study research design. The entire population of juvenile cases is a status of high school students in the city of Padang. The samples taken were high school students Teenagers N 2 Padang city meet inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data were analyzed with Chi-square test. The results found a significant relationship between the diet and the incidence of ulcer disease (p <0.05), no significant relationship between the level of knowledge of the incidence of ulcer disease (p> 0.05) and no significant relationship between the attitude of the incidence of ulcer disease (p > 0.05). irregular eating patterns such as poor eating habits can lead to ulcer disease. Respondents who have a high level of knowledge and low will have no effect on the incidence of ulcer disease in adolescents. Researchers suggest that adolescents are given the attention of all parties, especially the families and health care to remind the dangers of ulcer disease, as well as how need a regular diet. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati Backgrounds : In Semarang, Pedurungan sub district had the highest undernourished prevalence of underfive children. 8.24% and 11.11% of the underfive children were classified as very thin and thin respectively. Objectives : This research aimed to investigate the factors influencing nutritional status of under five children in Puskesmas Tlogosari Wetan, Pedurungan sub district. Methods : The population of this cross sectional study was 776 children aged 2-5 years. Seventy three children were chosen as the subjects by multi stage sampling method. Anthropometric data in weight height z scores were collected by weighing and measuring height. In addition, interviews by structured questionnaires were also conducted to their mothers. Determinant variables analyzed were: mother’s education level, and nutritional knowledge, family income percapita, the energy and protein adequacy level, diarrhea and upper respiratory tract infections (URTI) incidences." ID: 92 75. VALUE DENTAL CARIES (DMF-T) TO THE WEST IN THE DISTRICT IN 2010 KETAPANG KALIMANTAN ID: 90 Indirawati Tjahja, Magdarina D.A., Sintawati, Made Ayu Lely S, Lely Andayasari 74. DETERMINANTS OF NUTRITIONAL P2 STATUS AMONG CHILDREN AGED 2-5 YEARS IN PUSKESMAS TLOGOSARI WETAN PEDURUNGAN SUB DISTRIC SEMARANG 2007 Ignatius Wirandoko, Hertanto Wahyu Subagio, Laksmi Widajanti Value Dental Caries (DMF-T) TO THE WEST IN THE DISTRICT IN 2010 KETAPANG KALIMANTAN Abstract Background : Dental caries are usually caused by poor oral hygiene, resulting in the accumulation of plaque that T o w a r d s U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h C o v e r a g e a n d E q u i t y | 59 contains a variety of bacteria. Method : This study uses diagnostic test research design. The study was conducted at the health center Kedondong ,Ketapang district of West Kalimantan. Subjects numbered 150 person, consisting of men and women aged 12 years, eged 15 years, eged 18 years, eged 35-44 years, and up to 65 years, each subject will be examined by 10 dentists and 10 non-dentists. Non dentists include nursing academy, academy of nutrition, pharmaceutical academy, academy of enviromental health and public health scholers. The research objective was to compare the results of the DMF-T (Decay Missing Filling Treatment) between a dentist and non dentist. ID: 101 76. HUBUNGAN KARAKTERISTIK REMAJA TERKAIT RISIKO PENULARAN HIV-AIDS DAN PERILAKU SEKS TIDAK AMAN DI INDONESIA Niniek Lely Pratiwi, Hari Basuki Pusat Humaniora, Kebijakan Kesehatan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (Pusat 4) ABSTRAK Salah satu fase yang mempunyai kerentanan yang tinggi terhadap penularan HIV-AIDS adalah masa remaja, suatu masa yang mempunyai mobilitas sosial yang paling tinggi dibandingkan masa usia lainnya. Pada tahun terakhir ini terdapat kecenderungan peningkatan kasus penyakit HIV-AIDS khususnya pada kelompok remaja yang merupakan usia reproduktif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan karakteristik remaja dalam risiko kerentanan dalam penularan HIV-AIDS dengan Perilaku seksual tidak aman pada remaja usia 15-24 tahun. Metode analisis berdasarkan jenis data Karakteristik remaja sebagai variabel independen dan perilaku seks tidak aman remaja sebagai variabel dependen. Pencegahan penularan HIV-AIDS yang bersifat nominal sebagai variabel dependen, maka uji analisis melalui 2 tahap analisis. Analisis tahap pertama yaltu analisis univariat, dan bivariat. Analisis tahap ke dua dilanjutkan dengan analisis regressi binomial. ID: 111 77. ASSOCIATED FACTORS WITH THE BEHAVIOUR OF MIDWIVES IN IMPLEMENTATION OF EARLY INITIATION IN SECANGGANG SUB DISTRICT OF LANGKAT DISTRICT YEAR 2012 Ernita Ruslaini Caniago, dr. Nugroho Iman Santoso, SKM, Prof. Dr. Herman Sudiman, SKM, APU Respati University Of Indonesia ASSOCIATED FACTORS WITH THE BEHAVIOUR OF MIDWIVES IN IMPLEMENTATION OF EARLY INITIATION IN SECANGGANG SUB DISTRICT OF LANGKAT DISTRICT YEAR 2012. IX + 100 pages + 24 table + 8 appendixes ABSTRACT Infant mortality rate is one important indicator in determining the level of public health. Lot of action are relatively inexpensive and easily applied to improve the health and survival of newborns. One of them is immediately breast-feeding after birth or called early initiation of breastfeeding. Based on Riskesdas report (2010) most of the process of started lactation performed in the range of time 1-6 hours after birth but there are cases started feeding after 48 hours. The purpose of the research is to get descriptions of behavior in implementation of early initiation of breastfeeding in Secanggang sub district. The design of the research is quantitative survey research using cross sectional approach. The population in this study were all midwives 60 | R e g i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n H e a l t h R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ABSTRACT BOOK working at Secanggang areas of Langkat District during the month of April 2012. Total midwives (population) in Secanggang sub district was cased in this research. Primary data collected using questionnaires and secondary data obtained from health centers and district Secanggang. Analyzed in univariate, bivariate with Chi square test and multivariate logistic regression using a test with 95% CI. It was found midwives implemented the IMD 41.4%. Bivariate test got significant variables in this study is educational with P value = 0.028, length of employment with Pvalue = 0.033, knowledge with P value = 0.000 attitude with Pvalue = 0.013, the training with P value = 0.000 and Policy with Pvalue = 0.018. The dominant factor affecting the implementation of early initiation is training for midwifes with OR values of 7.875. The suggestion o the District Health Langkat give training for midwives about early initiation of breastfeeding and provide rewards to midwives who perform early initiation breastfeeding according to Government policy and the rules of the IBI Organization. Bibliography : 44 (1978 – 2011). Keywords : Behaviour of Midwives, Early Initiation of Breastfeeding. ID: 113 78. CONTRIBUTIONS OF MATERNAL ANEMIA TOWARDS LOW BIRTH WEIGHT (LBW) RINI MUTAHAR Sriwijaya University Anemia remains a major nutritional problems suffered by pregnant women. Anemia in pregnant women may increase the risk of miscarriage, premature birth, giving birth to babies with low birth weight (LBW), stillbirth, perinatal death. Various studies show that 40% of maternal deaths are caused by bleeding during delivery and anemia is an important trigger of maternal mortality. An estimated 20% mortality was closely associated with low levels of hemoglobin (anemia) during pregnancy. The purpose of this study was to determine the contribution of anemia on the incidence of LBW in the District of North Indralaya Ogan Ilir. The study design used was cross-sectional. The study population was all pregnant women residing in the District of North Indralaya Ogan Ilir. Study sample was pregnant with the second trimester of gestation in. (16 weeks-24 weeks), who are willing and chosen as the sample. Trimester II is selected based upon consideration of the needs of most high red blood cells in pregnant women. The sample number is 70 people. Data analysis included univariate, bivariate analysis and multivariate analysis using Multiple Regression. In this study the known prevalence of Low Birth Weight (LBW) is equal to 16.31% and anemia for pregnant women as much as 48%. mothers with anemia risk 2.5 times greater for LBW babies compared to women who are not anemic. (OR = 2.53, 95% CI 0:44 to 14:57) after the work is controlled by a variable, parity, and frequency of the ANC. Recommended to the Health Department / Community Health Center to conduct health education for pregnant women so that people know about the importance of prenatal care to prevent the occurrence of LBW and the community to check the pregnancy with the frequency specified by the Ministry of Health is at least 4 (four) times the examination so that the health of pregnant women can monitored by health officials. ID: 114 79. OBESITY STATUS AND NUTRIENT INTAKE BALINESE WOMEN AGED ABOVE 40 YEARS OLD IN DISTRICT OF SOUTH DENPASAR BALI PROVINCE T o w a r d s U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h C o v e r a g e a n d E q u i t y | 61 Kadek Tresna Adhi Tresna Adhi School of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University Background: Waist Circumference (WC) is one of parameter body fat to indicates abdominal obesity. A high waist circumference is associated with an increased risk for type 2 diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular disease. Determinant factors lead to central obesity, such as consumption habit, genetic and also social factors. Objective: To determine obesity status based on waist circumference measurement, characteristic (age, education, labor), nutrient intake in Balinese women aged above 40 years in South Denpasar Bali. Method: This study used crosssectional approach. The samples was 82 women aged 40 years in South Denpasar. Samples selected by systematic random sampling. Nutrient intake such as energy, protein, carbohydrate, fat and fiber intake data obtained from interviews with Semi Quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire (SQ-FFQ), and then compared Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for women aged 40 years. Characteristics obtained from interviews using a questionnaire. Obesity status was obtained by measurement of waist circumference (cm). Result: The results showed the majority of sample aged 40-47 years (70.7%), work as housewives (43.9%) with secondary education level (63.4%) and had a family history of obesity (42.7%). Waist circumference greater than 80 cm (73.2%) and classified as obese. Level of nutrient intake which was over than 100%RDA for energy (58.8%), protein (70.7%) and carbohydrates (73.2%), while the consumption of fat (81.7%) was quite enough (≤100%RDA). Fiber intake (95.1%) was less than 25 g/day. Conclusion: Most of the Balinese women who live in South of Denpasar had waist circumference greater than 80 cm that indicate of obesity and most of them have nutrient intake more than 100%RDA. Keywords: obesity, waist circumference, women ID: 115 80. AN IMPACT OF BODY IMAGE TO FEMALE STUDENT EATING BEHAVIOR AND NUTRITIONAL STATUS AT SMUN 1 MEDAN CITY, NORTH SUMATRA Diana Sembiring, STIKes Sumatera Utara Background. Body image is a mentally personal description about ones shape and its size. Teenagers who have negative body image tend to have a bad eating behavior and as consequences they have a bad nutritional status like thin or conversely fat. Objective. This research aimed to analyze the impact of body image to eating behavior and nutritional level among teenagers at SMUN 1 Medan, 2011. Method. An analytic study has been done to randomly select female student from X, XI and XII class at study site. Body image have been measured by adapted questionnaire from Concordia Health Service, and eating behavior measured by using food frequency table while nutritional status compare to IMT WHO 2005. Result. This study has shown that 93 percent of students have positive body image and the rest were having negative body image. In addition, there were 60.1 percent student have a good eating behavior. It is found also of total respondent students, 26.4 percent were below normal nutrition level while 23.3 percent above normal nutrition level. Statistically, eating behavior affected by body image (p<0.05), and body image contributed to nutritional status (p<0.01). At the same time, nutritional 62 | R e g i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n H e a l t h R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ABSTRACT BOOK status affected by eating behavior (p<0.01). Students with negative body image potentially become obese compare to students with positive body image (OR=1.093). At p=0.368, students with bad eating behavior potentially become thin (OR=8.818) or become obese (OR=1.362). Conclusion. It is recommended to promote eating behavior for teenagers especially at school and regularly provide nutrition campaign trough Usaha Kesehatan Sekolah (UKS) activities, covering body image, eating behavior and ideal weight material. Keywords: body image, eating behavior and nutritional status, female student ID: 123 81. THE ROLE OF WOMEN IN REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH SERVICES DECISION MAKING AT MEDAN AMPLAS SUB-DISTRICT, MEDAN CITY Fotarisman Zaluchu Research and Development Institute, North Sumatra Province Background. Women’s health indicators are influenced by women status. Women status is an important entry point of reaching women Millennium Development Goals where women status is improved. Of all women’s health problems, women reproductive health decision making is still need to be improved. In making decisions, regarding to their own health, women position is still weak and usually women has no power. Women role in reproductive health services decision making in urban area is important to reflect women’s development and progress after decades of women and gender program application in Indonesia. Objectives. This research aimed to know the role of women in their reproductive health decisions in comparison to their husband. The role of women in making decision about delivery place, number and children sex, women and child health services access, contraceptive access, and health budget were questioned. Methods. This is a quantitative research, located at Medan Amplas Sub-District in Medan City. Women at reproductive age, married and have children, interviewed at 25 health facilities, by structured-questionnaire about “husband―, “wife―, or “together― domination decision making role. Results. Most of respondents were 20-30 years old. Respondents were dominated by housewives and have 1-2 two children. Of 134 respondents, choosing delivery places, children number, and contraceptive methods, were dominated together by husband-wife. Wife’s decision making was tend to be dominated by nutritional consumption, seeking information for children nutrient, immunization and place for immunization. Women also dominated for children feeding. In contrast, husband decision making dominated among children sex and budget for health. Conclusions. Women role was still dominated by traditional side, like feeding children and children health. Yet, men’s role was dominated by essential decision making in family. Therefore, women status in urban area seems not changing significantly. ID: 127 82. GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION OF NON POLIO ENTEROVIRUSES (NPEV) FROM ACUTE FLACCID PARALYSIS CASES IN WESTERN PART OF INDONESIA 20072010 Nike Susanti, Krisna N.A Pangesti, Yeremiah RC2 Pusat Biomedis dan Teknologi Dasar Kesehatan (Pusat 1) T o w a r d s U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h C o v e r a g e a n d E q u i t y | 63 Background Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) surveillance which comprises cases and laboratory investigation has been established by WHO in order to achieving the goal of global eradication of polio. NIHRD is one of national reference polio laboratory in Indonesia that conduct diagnostic test for AFP cases specimen from Western part of Indonesia. AFP cases can be caused by poliovirus and non polio viruses, such as enteroviruses. This recent study investigate the serotype of Non Polio Entero Viruses (NPEV) from AFP cases in 2007-2010 and its geographical distribution. Method This recent study used biological archive from AFP cases in 2007-2010. APF specimens was cultured in cell line (RD/L20B) in BSL-2 laboratory. Positive isolates from RD cell line and negative in L20B cell line were tested by neutralization test to determine serotype of NPEV. Demography data were also collected from case investigation form of the patients and geographical data was analyzed using GIS Arc View 3.3. Results From total 2625 AFP cases, 6,8 % are NPEV. NPEV cases were mostly found in North Sumatera provinces (20,4%), There is variation of the number of NPEV cases found each year in 16 province that send AFP specimens to NIHRD. NPEV cases is commonly found in age group 1-5 years old, (54,3 % in 2007, 86,7% in 2008, 62,2% in 2009, and 66,3% in 2010). Serotyping using WHO standard antisera showed that Echovirus is the common serotype found in 2007-2010. However, there were unidentified or untypeable NPEV isolates that need further investigation. Conclusion NPEV is one of the etiology that cause Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) in Western part of Indonesia. Further detection of NPEV serotype using molecular technology is needed to reveal other etiology of AFP. Keyword: Acute Flaccid Paralysis, Non Polio Enterovirus, serotype ID: 128 83. CITY AND MUNICIPALITY AS DETERMINANT FACTORS OF AGING DISABILITY IN WEST JAVA AND BANTEN INDONESIA Charles Surjadi, Yunisa Astiarani, Anisa Riza Chaerunnisa, Siti Isfandari Faculty of Medicine Atma Jaya chatolic university of Indonesia CITY AND MUNICIPALITY AS DETERMINANT FACTORS OF AGING DISABILITY IN WEST JAVA AND BANTEN INDONESIA Objectives: One of challenge in health for elderly is active aging. Some determinants factor play role on this matter such as city and municipality policies. Therefore we analyze 2007 national health research data for determinants affecting disability of elderly people in West Java and Banten. Methods: Census block were selected by probability proportional to size methods. Households were selected by simple random sampling of selected census blocks. People aged 55 year and above from selected households were included as individual samples (10121 persons). Data on age, sex, number of household members, socioeconomic status, and disability (based on WHO questionnaire) was analyzed. Questionnaires were distributed to cities and municipalities. Interviews were done to several cities to collect data on important policy and socio ecological factors in preventing disability. Chi-square (p < 0.05) and multiple logistic regression is performed to find significant variables for the ultimate model. Result: There are 40.8% of disabled elderly in West Java and Banten province. The city of Sukabumi has highest percentage of aging disability (59.4%), while the city of Tangerang has the lowest (25.3%). Four cities/municipalities have low disability 64 | R e g i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n H e a l t h R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ABSTRACT BOOK percentage (less than 30%). Multivariate analysis shows that most of disabled elderly are 75 years old and above (OR = 2.6, CI 95% = 2.2- 3.2), women (OR=1.3, CI 95% =1.1-1.5), low education (OR = 1.9, CI= 95%=1.5-2.3), did not work (OR =1.5, CI 95%= 1.3-1.8), have no teeth (OR =1.6 CI 95%=1.3-1.8), underweight (OR =1.3, CI 95%=1.1-1.5), low socioeconomic status (OR= 1.2, CI 95%=1-1.5), residing outside Municipality of Sukabumi (OR= 3.1,CI 95%=2.1-4.4), outside Municipality of Kuningan (OR =2.3,CI 95%=1.7-3.2) outside Municipality of Tangerang (OR =2.3,CI 95%=1.5-3.4 ), and outside City of Tangerang (OR =1.6, CI 95%=1-2.4). Some diseases also related to diability such as respiratory disease (OR= 1.5,CI 95%=1.2-1.8), cardiac disease (OR =1.4 1.1-1.8), hypertension (OR =1.2, CI 95%=1.1-1.5), joint pain (OR= 1.5, CI 95%=1.12), mental health problem (OR= 3.2, CI 95%=2.8-3.6) and paralysis (OR 2, CI 95%=1.52.7), Conclusion:Individual characteristics and socio contextual factors at municipalities and cities play roles in reducing prevalence of disability among aging. Efforts on aging health program on district level, which involve socio ecological factors, should be increased. There is a need to call attention of three areas of active aging (health, participation and security) to achieve active aging. ID: 129 84. TRADISIONAL HERBAL MEDICINE IN KARET BIVAK CEMETERY FOR HEALING THE DISEASES AFTERMATH THE FLOOD DISASTER IN URBAN COMMUNITY Weny Lestari Pusat Humaniora, Kebijakan Kesehatan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (Pusat 4) Backgrounds : This study concerns about experiences and responses from members of community, who live in flood plain at Karet Tengsin Tanah Abang Jakarta dealing with flood disaster and disease which came aftermath frequently. Flood disaster can cause a wide range of health impacts to the members of community. General diseases which came aftermath the flood are diarrhea, common cold, Dengue Hemorroic Fever (DHF), pulmonary infection, and skin infection. Objectives : The aims of this study are to understand the meaning of flood disaster and the disease from the members’ experiences that always encounter the same vulnerabilities frequently; and to know how the members of community make response and strategy dealing with those vulnerabilities. Methods : this study used ethnography’s method which datas collecting with actors approaches, while actors were the members of the community who life for years on flood plain. Building rapport, observation participants, and unstructured interviews with historically records were used to gain datas about experiences and responses from members of community, who live in flood plain dealing with flood disaster and disease which came aftermath frequently. Results : The result shows that flood disaster has been seen as normal occurrence, and so as with diseases aftermath. When flood disaster come frequently, members of community have many strategies faced the disease aftermath. One of the strategy was using the herbal medicine to medicate their vulnerable disease. Herbal medicine plants were available free on 16.2 ha Karet Bivak cemetery area which were still on the same area where the community lived. There were nine items plants which were used by the members of community for medication the diseases tradisionally, like Jarak (Ricinus communis), Saga (Adenanthera pavonina), Sente (Alocasia macrorrhiza), Kamboja (Plumeria), Sigsag (Euphorbia tithymaloides), Dadap (Erythrina T o w a r d s U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h C o v e r a g e a n d E q u i t y | 65 variegata), Waru (Hibiscus tiliaceus), Jambu biji ((Psidium guajava), and Lidah buaya (Aloe vera). Conclusions : utilization of plants on the Karet Bivak cemetery area for herbal medicine to medicate the disease aftermath tradisionally, was the one of the strategies of coping mechanism by members of community to deal with vulnerability that the culture adjust to disaster which deal as normal occurence. Keywords : Flood disaster, diseases aftermath, response and strategy, herbal medicine, Karet Bivak cemetery ID: 131 85. FAMILY DOCTOR,STRATEGIC AND OPERATIONAL HEALTH SERVICES MANAGEMENT MODEL, A REVOLUTION ON PRIMARY HEALTH CARE, IN INDONESIA Dr. dr. Jack Roebijoso, MSc (OM), PKK Roebijoso, dr. Alidha Faculty of Medicine Brawijaya Univ The former National Health System (NHS) before 2004, has less paid attention especially to first strata health service upon personal and yet has encouraged more on liberalistic health service by means: personal approach, curative, non holistic, fragmentative, nonadvocative (exploitative), high medical service cost. On the other hand, it is running another health service called socialistic health service model, by means similar to almost the liberalistic one, but it cost minimally and non advocative (obscurantism). The former NHS has long been revised by the government (Depkes RI, 2004), to improve first strata health service upon personal, with the family doctor health service practice mainly conducted by private sector. The approach of family doctor practice has such contrast characteristics with the previous two systems (which are: individual, family and community base, preferred to prevention instead of medication, holistic, continuous, advocative, rational health intervention (safety, effective, effcient, acceptable). The most health service run for employee, family and community in PT. PLN (Persero) Malang owns such characteristics of liberalistic model, resulting the high cost of health service profile and difficult to do a performance measurement. By 1997, the reseacher appointed for PT. PLN (Persero) Malang to design the management model of health service for employee and family, aiming at achieving the cost efficiency and improving the health service quality. The researcher has utilized the new approach of health service model as stated above (family doctor). The characteristic of family doctor has declared in the new health service management by several fixations including: 10 kinds of rational drugs for common desease and 10 standart operating procedure of basic family health service. The result of the record and health service history (new model) conducted since august of 1997, 1998, 1999 (18 month), for 550 KK (house hold ) about 5786 abulatory cases and some hospitalized cases, was applied as the basis of research using qualitative research model and case study methode (Robert K Yin and Lexy J Moeleong), and was discussed by using theoritical generalization and proposition explanation, applied for drawing conclusion and suggestion. The analysis of reseach result, indicates several positive outcomes influencing the cost of health service including (ambulatory) and (hospitalized) service. This result is proved by the significant decreasing number of patiens both for ambulatory and hospitalized case. On the other side, the discussion to explore the invisible cost spent by employees, when their family members must undertake referal specialist doctor and hospitalization had presented by this research as well. The analysis of the case study is 66 | R e g i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n H e a l t h R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ABSTRACT BOOK demonstrated through: profile matching, time series analysis and using logical model of Robert K Yin and its explanation. The result illustrates the phenomenon indicating the new health service management, which are: 1. Integrating medical healths service activities through five dimensions of location: at clinic, house, workplace, hospital and public site. 2. Using the ten products of family doctor health service (ten basics family doctor health service products). 3. Fixing several drug facilities (ten kinds of rational medication). 4. Funding the activities for doctor/medical staffs depending upon health service indication. All has addressed to conclusions that: the new management model could be applied as a basis to design the strategic management and operational for family doctors health service model, fixed on quality. The discussion that employs the SWOT model analysis, has been conducted in accordance with the broad range future and situation of family doctor practice in Indonesia. The analysis of this new insight has been able to construct the development with idea of the “new proposition and theory―, about balancing the health service cost (“family doctors team’s income―), compared to the “total health cost―, than it can be used as indicator of success of the health service performance for individual, by applying the new family doctor health service management, based on quality. While the conclusion of this research has led to several important suggestions for the decision maker in relation to: • The curriculum material of medical education, the training of family doctor and its medical staffs, that must be structured and reviced by the usage of bottom up, besides top down approach, which is not just need areal competency, but it needs strategic and practical competencies, as needed during a real health service practice at any place in Indonesia . • The health services of family doctor management should be adopted in the National and Local Health System, aimed at establishing the fixed family doctor health service networking based on quality, that it would brings to the efficiency of budgeting and improving the health service quality as well as absorbing more health staffs, compared to the previous model. • The application of this family doctor model needs to be applied broadly in the health service for employee and family in the stateowned Enterprise (BUMN), health insurance, public health centre medical clinics of strata I, to support the national coverage target of health insurance service in Indonesia by the up coming 2014, could be manage better. KEY WORDS Individual strata I health service/family doctor, strategic and operational, quality based. ID: 135 86. THE POTENTIAL HOST OF FASCIOLOPSIS BUSKI IN KALUMPANG DALAM VILLAGE, BABIRIK SUBDISTRICT, HULU SUNGAI UTARA REGENCY, PROVINCE OF SOUTH KALIMANTAN Annida Hasan, Annida, Lukman Waris Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan P2B2 Tanah Bumbu THE POTENTIAL HOST OF FASCIOLOPSIS BUSKI IN KALUMPANG DALAM VILLAGE, BABIRIK SUBDISTRICT, HULU SUNGAI UTARA REGENCY, PROVINCE OF SOUTH KALIMANTAN Abstract Backgrounds: In Indonesia, fasciolopsiasis has been found since 1982 in Sei Papuyu Village, Babirik Subdistrict, Hulu Sungai Utara (HSU) Regency, South Kalimantan Province with 27% of infection rate. Results of a survey conducted in 1991-2007 at 20 endemic villages showed a high prevalence of trend at Kalumpang Dalam Village, prevalence rates have never showed on 0% (0.2-15.2%). T o w a r d s U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h C o v e r a g e a n d E q u i t y | 67 Objectives: The purpose of this study was to identify the potential host in fasciolopsiasis at Kalumpang Dalam Village. Methods: This study used cross sectional design with purposive sampling. Freshwater snail survey to identify the cercariae by the crushing method, and aquatic plants survey to identify the metacercariae by the sedimentation method, whereas stool survey of the fowl to identify the eggs of Fasciolopsis buski were examined by the formalin-ether and technique. Result: Redia and cercariae found in the snail of Indoplanorbis and Lymnea, were potentially as the first intermediate host of F. buski. The trematodes eggs are similar to F. buski eggs was found in the stool samples of Alabio ducks (Anas platyrinchos borneo) and chicken (Gallus domesticus), but with a smaller size, which is between 93-100μm x 58-70μm in the feces of alabio ducks, and between 90-140μm x 60-85μm in the feces of chicken. Metacercariae was not been found in the aquatic plants. Conclusions: The snail of Indoplanorbis dan Lymnea were potentially as the intermediate host of F. buski or the other trematodes, and Alabio ducks (Anas platyrinchos borneo) and chicken (Gallus domesticus) were potentially as the reservoir host of F. buski. Key Words: fasciolopsiasis, Fasciolopsis buski, Indoplanorbis, Lymnea, Anas Plathyrinchos borneo, Gallus domesticus, Hulu Sungai Utara Regency. ID: 136 87. THE EPIDEMIOLOGY OF MALARIA IN AN INLAND AREA OF KALIMANTAN (KEKAYAP VILLAGE, SEBUKU DISTRICT, NUNUKAN REGENCY, PROVINCE OF EAST KALIMANTAN Lukman Waris, Liestiana Indriyati Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan P2B2 Tanah Bumbu Background : In 2007, AMI of Nunukan 22.85/1,000 population, prevalence of Sebuku 44.50 classified as HIA. In 2008, 2009 and 2010 the morbidity of malaria in Sebuku decreased significantly until the year 2010 there are only 1 case of malaria in Sebuku. Related with the decrease of malaria cases, the reporting crosscheck of malaria is needed in Sebuku. Methods: The study is a prospective study carried out by crosssectional conducted in the Village Kekayap Sebuku. Observed variables are host, agent, environment and health care policies. The population was all residents in Sebuku, samples are people residing in the village selected as research samples. Activities are parasitology, entomology, KAP survey, environmental survey and depth interview of policy makers at the district level. Results: The results of the research SPR 7.14% consisting of falciparum and vivax, mosquito An. maculatus as the highest density. The knowledge and attitudes people against malaria has been good enough but there are some behaviors that are still supporting malaria transmission such as habits to go out at night. The government focus on malaria because malaria is a serious problem in Nunukan currently handled by a global fund. At this time there are only 2 laboratory analysts in Nunukan. Target to reduce malaria is 5/1000 population. Conclusion: Transmission of malaria in the Village Kekayap Sebuku caused by the opening of new land and the construction of houses with holes making it easier for mosquitoes to enter into the house with the suspected mosquito An. maculatus as a vector-borne diseases. Keywords : malaria, vector, epidemiology ID: 137 88. FAKTOR RISIKO KEJADIAN MALARIA DI KABUPATEN TANAH BUMBU PROPINSI 68 | R e g i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n H e a l t h R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ABSTRACT BOOK KALIMANTAN SELATAN Nita Rahayu Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan P2B2 Tanah Bumbu Faktor risiko kejadian malaria di Kabupaten Tanah Bumbu Propinsi Kalimantan Selatan THE RISK FACTOR OF MALARIA IN TANAH BUMBU REGENCY, PROVINCE OF SOUTH KALIMANTAN Abstract Background: Malaria is one of the major diseases that threaten public health, the number of acute cases worldwide more than 300 million people and causing the death of more than one million lives each year. This study to determine risk factors for the incidence of malaria in endemic areas of South Kalimantan province District 6 Methods: cross-sectional design. Population and study sample inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria, are willing to have blood drawn and interviewed. Results: 112 samples Mentawakan Mulia city, 42 samples (41%) positive malaria, falciparum malaria 6 samples, 36 samples of vivax malaria. The results of bivariate tests: age, gender, education, occupation, risk factors for malaria (working in the garden at night, use of bed nets), environmental factors (the distance to health facilities, travel time to health facilities, cattle pens inside or outside home, the distance a house close to the breeding place). Multivariate analysis there are 6 variables: gender, education, risk factors for malaria (working in the garden at night, use of bed nets), environmental factors (the distance to health facilities, the distance a house near the cattle pens inside or outside the home). Conclusion: Risk factors that were most responsible is the habit of working in the garden at night p = 0.000, CI95% = 2.270 to 6.445. Working in the garden at night increases the risk of malaria in 80.3% compared to respondents who did not work in the garden, will be protected 19.7% were not exposed to malaria. Advice: Counseling to prevent and combat malaria: use mosquito nets, use mosquito coil, does not work in the garden at night, installing mosquito netting, cattle sheds away with the house. Key words: risk factors, the environment, the incidence of malaria ID: 142 89. UTILIZATION OF HEALTH FACILITIES IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF LOCAL HEALTH INSURANCE IN TARAKAN CITY, EAST KALIMANTAN, INDONESIA Tri Astuti Sugiyatmi City Health Office, Tarakan City, East Kalimantan /Center for Health Financing Policy and Insurance Management, Faculty of Medicine, Gadjah Mada University Background: In a health care system that services should be done with tiered referral system. In the situations of barrier of funding reduced or none at all, the utilization of health care centers and hospitals tend to increase. Objective: To see clinic utilization before and after the implementation of local health insurance in the city of Tarakan Methods: This study used the case study method, the study subjects were documents of district health office Results: There is a significant increase in the utilization of health facilities, especially in the public health center after the implementation of local health insurance program. The implementation of the local health insurance program increases the utilization of the health facilities because there is no more financing barrier. However, the strengthening of community health centers in the input (type and amount of health human resources ; finance resources), T o w a r d s U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h C o v e r a g e a n d E q u i t y | 69 program (24 hour / emergency services) and quality management also have considerable influence in increasing the utilization rates of clinics. Without efforts to strengthen the health center would only be a place to look for a referral through it. While the hospital would be a "giant health centers" that will deal with minor ailments that could be implemented in health centers. Therefore, strengthening community health centers in all aspects will be strong enough to control the number of referrals to the hospital Conclusions: Utilization of health facilities in the implementation of health insurance has increased significantly. Strengthening health center will have an effect on the successful implementation of health insurance Suggestion: In the implementation of national health insurance 2014, strengthening community health centers in terms of inputs, program and management is essential. Keywords: strengthening health center, utilization rates of health center , local health insurance. ID: 143 Kabupaten Sumbawa Barat. Angka tersebut merupakan jumlah terbesar kasus kematian bayi di Desa Mantar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kendala-kendala program penurunan AKB pada Desa Mantar Kecamatan Poto Tano Kabupaten Sumbawa Barat. Penelitian deskriptif ini melibatkan Kepala Desa, Bidan Desa, dan ibu bayi meninggal sebagai subyek penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor sosial budaya berupa keyakinan terhadap suatu penyakit dan pola pemberian makanan kepada bayi merupakan kendala utama dalam program penurunan AKB. Masyarakat cenderung menganggap penyakit-penyakit tertentu pada bayi merupakan pengaruh magis sehingga pengobatannya pun dilakukan secara magis. Masyarakat juga sulit mengakses pelayanan kesehatan karena jarak tempat pelayanan sangat jauh dan akses jalan yang belum memadai. Untuk itu disarankan kepada Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Sumbawa Barat untuk menggiatkan promosi kesehatan kepada masyarakat desa terpencil. Kepada Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Sumbawa Barat agar mempercepat akses transportasi menuju desa terpencil. 90. TANTANGAN PROGRAM PENURUNANANGKA KEMATIAN BAYI PADA DESA TERPENCIL(STUDI KASUS DI DESA MANTAR KECAMATAN POTO TANO KABUPATEN SUMBAWA BARAT) ID: 145 91. BASIC STUDY ON PATIENTS’ PROFILE Syaifuddin Naim, Muhammad Iqbal AND NEEDS ACCORDING TO HIV−AIDS PROGRAM AND VCT CLINIC IN ENDE DISTRICT, EAST NUSA TENGGARA Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Sumbawa Barat Luxi Pasaribu, Rachmalina S. Prasodjo, Siti Isfandari, Lutfah Rif’ati, Roselinda Penurunan Angka Kematian Bayi (AKB) yang merupakan isu global masih terkendala oleh faktor sosial budaya masyarakat dan keterbatasan akses pelayanan kesehatan, terutama di daerah terpencil. Pada tahun 2011, terdapat 7 (tujuh) kasus kematian bayi di Desa Mantar Kecamatan Poto Tano Pusat Biomedis dan Teknologi Dasar Kesehatan (Pusat 1) Background: The spread of HIV-AIDS in Indonesia has reach wider population and impacting the general population, including Ende District in East Nusa Tenggara. It is said 70 | R e g i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n H e a l t h R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ABSTRACT BOOK because of the increasing mobilization of the people due to tourism, commerce, and migrant employment and decreasing of moral and spiritual value that lead to growing the risk population. In Ende, the VCT clinic has not been used optimally as most patients are detected on late AIDS stage. The mortality is high (85%). Objectives: To determine the basic profile, wants, hope, and needs of patients, their family, and the high risk population to increase the usage of VCT clinic and to participate in HIV and AIDS program. Moreover, to determine the VCT clinic workers, formal and informal leaders need to improve the early detection. Methodology: This is a qualitative research. Data collected by in-depth interview. The subjects were the patients and their family, high-risk people, health workers and VCT clinic worker, also formal and informal leaders. The data analyzed by thematic analysis. Additionally, data and processes related to HIV-AIDS program was analyzed. Results: Half of the patients stay in the city, but half stay in villages which increasing the need for closer VCT to them; mode of transmission mostly sex and some because of migrant work. Most of subjects have low comprehensive knowledge about HIV and AIDS, especially the community and leaders. Health promotion given but have to employ more suitable method and should collaborate with more preferred people to approach patients, groups and community. Senior local health worker or senior health worker accompanied by local people is expected to go down to villages or groups so communication between health worker and community can be revived and stigma that is very high can be reduce, and the fear of test result also expected lessening. Extensive and intensive support for early detection and patient’s care need to be prepared so the high risk population can be persuaded to do the test and to participate in prevention of wider transmission. Funding, reagent, facility, ARV, and training need to be prearranged more and monitored so the availability is assure. Conclusion: The felt and normative needs show that leaders, health worker, VCT clinic and HIV-AIDS program should be prepared further and closer to the risk population in order to decrease the stigma and to increase participation. Keywords: HIV and AIDS, need assessment, Voluntary Counseling and Test, Ende District ID: 146 92. STRATEGY OF “SISTEM INFORMASI DAN KOMUNIKASI― (SISFOKOM) UNIVERSAL COVERAGE OF HEALTH SERVICES TO SUPPORT THE HEALTH SYSTEM REFORM AND IMPLEMENTATION OF UNIVERSAL HEALTH COVERAGE CONCERNING EQUITY AND QUALITY Zahrina Laborahima, Zahrina University of Indonesia Backgrounds Health is the primary requirement and should be the responsibility of the state to people, but this time the population of Indonesia who have health insurance simply reserve the 151.5 million or 63.5 percent. Through the Law Commission. 40 of 2004 on National Social Security System (Navigation). Indonesian people get health insurance without exception, then backed up with the enactment of Law No. 24 Year 2011 regarding BPJS which start to be implemented from January 2014. Objectives To improve the health state of Indonesia people. Health insurance is absolutely necessary, as the right of all citizens to have health care and the guarantee in the form of health insurance. The universal health insurance that will be applied have to consider the matters related the roles and responsibilities of all part T o w a r d s U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h C o v e r a g e a n d E q u i t y | 71 completely, human resources, and Health Insurance Professionals good governance. Moreover, the ignorance of the people against the government policy be one of the issues that must be considered. Many people that did not know about the Universal Health Coverage. So strategy of communication and information system is necessary for policies that have made. It able to be implemented, appropriate and sustainable. Methods With the observation and review of the literature. This Papper will explain the strategy to make the strong and accountable system of socialization to promote and give information about universal health coverage. SISFOKOM will involve all stakeholders include RT/RW and have the program “Saya tahu Jamkesta―. Results The expected result from the sisfokom strategy is to refine the effective and efficient methods of jamkesmas. Indonesia people from various background have to know about the universal health coverage, the system, the fee of contribution and the facilities that will be accepted. In order to there are no social problem that will happen in next time. Conclusions The strategy to inform the governmet policy or program is important. Public have to understand what the health service that become their rights and what is the people responsible to get it. Involving components of the society from the simplest level have to do to solve the issue of bureaucracy. The media of information also must be suitable with the output and outcome which is expected. Keywords : Universal Health Coverage; Strategy; Sisfokom; Health ID: 148 93. MATERNAL MORTALITY IN INDONESIA: FOLLOW UP STUDY OF PREGNANCY RELATED DEATH OF THE INDONESIA 2010 CENSUS POPULATION Tin Afifah, Teti Tejayanti, Yuslely Usman, Felly Senewe, Putisari, Oster Suriani, Lamria Pangaribuan, Thoman Pardosi, Poetrijanti Pusat Teknologi Intervensi Kesehatan Masyarakat (Pusat 3) Background: MMR in Indonesia is the highest in South Asia. It is important to find maternal cause of death as evident based for decision makers. This paper is the part of The Pregnancy Related Death Follow Up Study were derive from Indonesia 2010 Census Population data. Objectives: finding the underlying cause of maternal death in Indonesia. Methods: The population of this study is pregnancy related death cases which is determined solely by timing of death relative to pregnancy, childbirth and two months after birth (8484 cases). The primary sampling unit is the distric and the sample unit of this study is all pregnancy related death cases in every district. The list of all the district with the number cases which listed based on 5 regions (Sumatera, Java-Bali, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and East/others) as the sample frame. The 134 districts were selected by Stratified Probability Proportional to Size (PPS) technique. The total number of 4167 cases was derived 134 districts in 27 provinces. The intervewers were revisit the all 4167 cases. Data collection was conducted in mid November until mid Desember 2011 by using autopsy verbal instrumen. The interviewer was selected from those who have DIII or parmedic education background, and have experience on health survey. The cause of death was diagnosed by medical doctor based on ICD 10 and follow the rule of principles causal relathipships use The MMDS books to finding the final of underlying cause of death. Result: The respons rate of revisit was 91 percent (3796 cases) which 3389 cases was diagnosed. The result showed that 53 72 | R e g i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n H e a l t h R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ABSTRACT BOOK percent maternal death at after birth periode. The big five underlying cause of death in Indonesia are hypethention disorder/eclampsia and preeclamsia (32,61%), hemorraghage at 22 weeks gestation (25.53 percent), Others (12,20%), other infection (9,11%) and cardiovaskuler diseases (7,47%). Conclusion: Maternal death is various between region. The most cause of maternal death in Indonesia is hypertention disorder and followed by haemorrhage. Its must prevendable with adequate antenatal care. Its difference pattern between region. Keyword: maternal mortality, maternal cause of death, pregnancy related death, population census ID: 150 94. COMPILATION OF STUDIES FOOD CONSUMPTION, PHYSICAL EXERCISE, HEALTHY LIFESTYLE AND NUTRITIONAL STATUS IN INDONESIA ADOLESCENCE Tutik Wahyuni, Sri Krisnamurni Department of Nutrition, Ministry of Health Polytechnic Semarang, Indonesia Backgrounds: Adolescent is an age of transition from childhood to adulthood, whereby physical changes and seeking selfidentity are some of its characteristics. The interest of having ideal "body image" may lead to insufficient food intake and problems of adolescent health, such as bulimia or anorexia . Other heaIth problems that often occur are eating disorder, lack of sleep, smoking, use of alcohol and illegal drugs. Based on the above matters, it is necessary to review nutrition studies that exist in Indonesia, by looking at the current condition of adolescent food consumption, physical activity pattern, lifestyle, and nutrition status. The data will be useful as baseline data to support the design of Nutritional Guidelines for adolescent in Indonesia. Objective: To compile results of nutrition studies conducted in Indonesia between 2000-2010. Methods : Literature search was done using library visit and internet searching. Studies with sample ≥ 80 adolescents were included in the compilation. Results : This review identified 130 studies. The percentage range of intake compared tothe RDA wa as follows: energy 82-107%, protein 60-124%, carbohydrates 7892%, fat 68-115%, iron 95-99%, and vitamin- A 875%. Consumption of other nutrients and nutrition related items that were available included fiber, folic acid, vitamiB1, C, calcium, zinc, iodized salt. More adolescents who live in rural areas consumed vegetables and fruits than their counterparts in urban areas (80% vs.60% for vegetables and 61% vs. 45% for fruits respectively. Adolescents who had breakfast and consumed supplements (mostly vitamin –C) varied in 23-94% and 5-65%. Populer physical exercises for adolescent were jogging (79%) and sport games (71%). About one-third (29%) of adolescents had healthy lifestyle, which included ten healthy life behaviors and consuming food. From 30 studies that measured nutritional status using Body Mass Index, 23%-88% of adolescents were found normal, 0%-60% severe underweight, and 0-13% obese. The prevalence of anemia was 2-87%, while for goiter 31-52%. Other information available was Iodine Concentration in Urine (129 213µg/L) and Night Blindness (3.6% females; 2.5% males). Conclusions Setting populations goals for nutrient intake and healthy lifestyle is necessary to address unhealthy behaviors and nutrition problems exist Key Words: food consumption, physical exercise, healthy lifestyle, nutritional status, adolescence, Indonesia. ID: 153 T o w a r d s U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h C o v e r a g e a n d E q u i t y | 73 95. ROLE OF HEPARIN IN TISSUE FACTOR PATHWAY INHIBITOR WAY TO INHIBIT TISSUE FACTOR AND VASCULAR ENDOTHELIAL GROWTH FACTOR OF MENINGIOMA TISSUE Tiara Aninditha, Alida R. Harahap, Nurjati C. Siregar, Esti Dwi Sabarati, Santoso Cornain, Lugyanti Sukrisman, Rahayuningsih Darma, Teguh AS Ranakusuma Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia Background: Meningioma is the most common primary intracranial tumors and quite difficult to treat. As 90% of tumor cells cause hypercoagulation by secreting tissue factor (TF), the coagulation pathway was hypothesized as an alternative approach to treat meningiomas. Not only acts as a procoagulant, but TF also triggers intracellular signaling for angiogenesis by increasing vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and cells proliferation which can be evaluated by Ki67 index. The administration of heparin in malignancy may result in a better outcome. In normal condition, TF is inhibited by tissue factor pathway (TFPI) which its inhibitory potential can be increased by heparin via its binding to the third domain of TFPI. Thus heparin may inhibit TF activity and function including those related to angiogenesis. Aims: To evaluate the role of heparin in TFPI pathway in inhibiting TF and VEGF levels. Furthermore, to evaluate the association between grade of meningioma (based on WHO) and TF and VEGF levels, and Ki67 proliferation. Methods: This was a cross sectional and experimental study to meningioma tissues which were collected consecutively from January 2010 to January 2012. Tissue samples were divided into three different parts; one devoted for histopathology examination and immunohistochemical staining of Ki67 antibody, one for protein extraction, and one for cell culture. Each culture cells received intervention by adding FVIIa, FXa, TFPI, and heparin. VEGF level from the cell culture medium and TF and VEGF levels from protein extraction were measured by using ELISA. Results: A total of 56 meningioma patients were included, which mean age was 45 years (28 - 73 years), dominated by female (83,9%) and most of them (66,1%) have grade I tumor. A median of TF and VEGF levels of the samples were 284,02 (0,23 – 2624,62) and 640,68 (0,88 – 37.177,17) pg/mg protein. There was a significant association between TF level and VEGF level (p = 0,004), but no significant association between degree of malignancy and TF and VEGF. This study also found that there was a significant association between Ki67 proliferation index (cut off point 2,4%) and the grade of meningioma (p = 0,036). From the cell culture study, it was found that there was 7,5% increment of VEGF level after addition of FVIIa and 16,1% increment of VEGF level after addition of TFPI compared to controls. Conclusion: There was an asociation between coagulation factor (TF) and angiogenesis (VEGF). There was significant correlation between Ki67 proliferation index and the grade of meningioma. Addition of FVIIa and TFPI tend to increase VEGF level of the cell culture, whereas addition of heparin, though not statistically significant, tend to decrease its level. Keywords: meningioma, heparin, tissue factor, VEGF, TFPI, Ki67. ID: 154 96. ANALISIS PERBEDAAN TINGKAT KEPUASAN PASIEN PESERTA JAMKESMAS DENGAN PASIEN PESERTA JAMINAN KESEHATAN ACEH (JKA) TERHADAP PELAYANAN KESEHATAN DIRUANG RAWAT INAP RUMAH SAKIT IBU DAN 74 | R e g i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n H e a l t h R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ABSTRACT BOOK ANAK PEMERINTAH ACEH TAHUN 2011 Fahmi Ichwansyah, Hafnidar dan pasien JKA memiliki nilai mean/rata-rata yang hampir sama (15,28 berbanding 15,68, nilai p=0,522) dan Empathy (11,73 berbanding 11,15 nilai p=0,230). Loka Litbang Biomedis NAD Jaminan Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Jaminan Kesehatan Aceh merupakan Program berobat gratis yang dibiayai oleh pemerintah pusat dan pemerintah daerah, kedua program ini memiliki ketentuan yang berbeda yaitu pembiayaan, fasilitas, pemberian jasa bagi petugas dan ketersedian obat, perbedaan tersebut dihipotesiskan terhadap kepuasan pasien. Untuk mengetahui lebih jauh dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan tingkat kepuasan pasien peserta Jamkesmas dengan pasien peserta JKA diruang rawat inap rumah sakit ibu dan anak pemerintah aceh tahun 2011. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Rumah Sakit Ibu dan Anak Pemerintah aceh mulai dari tanggal 20 Mei - 10 Juni 2011 yang bersifat analitik dengan desain cross sectional. Populasi adalah pasien rawat inap yang menggunakan kartu Jamkesmas sebanyak 899 orang dan yang menggunakan JKA sebanyak 1618 orang, ukuran sampel dicari dengan menggunakan rumus estimasi beda dua proporsi dengan jumlah 40 peserta Jamkesmas dan 40 peserta JKA. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dengan kriteria yang disesuaikan dengan tujuan penelitian. Pengambilan data dengan menggunakan kuesioner/metode wawancara. Data di analisis dengan metode independen t-test dua sampel. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh Nilai mean/rata-rata kepuasan pasien JKA lebih tinggi daripada pasien Jamkesmas terhadap dimensi kualitas mutu Tanggapan (15,23 berbanding 15,5, nilai p=0,016), Jaminan (18,15 berbanding 15.68, nilai p=0,0005), Bukti langsung (17,95 berbanding 15,75 nilai p=0,0005), sedangkan untuk dimensi kualitas mutu kehandalan antara pasien Jamkesmas ID: 160 97. WHAT ARE THE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN DRINKING-WATER SUPPLY, SANITATION AND UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE COVERAGE? RESULTS FROM THE INDONESIA BASIC HEALTH RESEARCH 2010 Sri Irianti, Puguh Prasetyoputra, SE, MHEcon, D. Anwar Musadad, SKM, M.Kes Pusat Teknologi Intervensi Kesehatan Masyarakat (Pusat 3) BACKGROUND: The Millennium Development Goal (MDG) drinking-water target was met in 2010, five years ahead of schedule. However, in 2010, 43 million Indonesians are still without access to an improved water source, while 110 million do not have access to improved sanitation. Lack of access to improved drinking-water and sanitation brings severe health and economic consequences. In 2008, 4.3% of global deaths are attributable to diarrhoeal diseases, which can be prevented by improving drinking water and sanitation. Moreover, poor sanitation and hygiene costs Indonesia a hefty IDR 56 trillion, equivalent to 2.3% of gross domestic product. The per capita losses are also known to be higher in rural areas. Universal implementation of improved sanitation and hygiene could lead to up to IDR 40 trillion (USD 4.5 billion) of economic saving. Accounting for health impacts, the economic saving would become even higher. The Indonesian government will implement universal health care coverage by 2014, and the economic saving from improved T o w a r d s U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h C o v e r a g e a n d E q u i t y | 75 sanitation and hygiene could be used to fund the universal health care coverage. Both national- and household-based interventions have been proven to be cost-effective. However, their applicability depends on socioeconomic context of Indonesian households. If we can identify the significant factors determining access to drinking-water and sanitation, then appropriate policies can be implemented to modify the feasible factors to improve access to proper water and sanitation. Therefore, health benefits and economic saving can be gained. OBJECTIVES: This study aims to identify the significant factors affecting access to improved water and sanitation including equity. METHODS: This study uses data from the Indonesia Basic Health Survey in 2010 and by applying logistic regression, access to water and sanitation will be regressed on distance to water source, time taken to reach the source, person in charge of accessing the water, availability of water all year long, controlled by geographical locations, socioeconomic indicators proxied by expenditure and housing characteristics. Access to sanitation will also be regressed on socioeconomic indicators and geographical locations. RESULTS: Distance to water source, time taken to reach the water source, person in charge of accessing the water, and availability of water significantly determine access to drinking-water; while socioeconomic indicators significantly determine access to sanitation. CONCLUSION: Appropriate policies can be implemented to modify the significant factors determining access to improved drinking-water and sanitation and thus bringing health benefits and economic savings which can be used to fund universal health care coverage. ID: 162 98. SKRINING FITOKIMIA DAN UJI POTENSI ANTIDIABETES EKSTRAK ETANOL AKAR GATEP (Inocarpus fagiferus (Parkinson) Fosb.) PADA TIKUS PUTIH JANTAN GALUR SPRAGUE DAWLEY Dewa Ayu Putu Rasmika Dewi, Desak Gede Diah Dharma Santhi, Ni Putu. E. Leliqia Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences Udayana University Telah dilakukan penelitian terhadap ekstrak etanol akar Inocarpus fagiferus (Parkinson) Fosb. yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil kandungan kimia berdasarkan hasil skrining fitokimia dan KLT-Densitometer serta potensi antidiabetes yang dimiliki. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam dua tahap. Tahap pertama dilakukan penentuan profil kandungan kimia berdasarkan hasil skrining fitokimia dan KLTDensitometer. Tahap kedua dilakukan uji potensi antidiabetes pada 6 kelompok tikus jantan galur Sprague Dawley terdiri dari kontrol normal, kontrol positif, kontrol negatif dan 3 kelompok perlakuan yang diberi ekstrak etanol akar Inocarpus fagiferus (Parkinson) Fosb. berturut-turut sebesar 250, 500 dan 1000 mg/kgBB. Kadar glukosa darah seluruh tikus diukur pada menit ke-0, 30, 60, 90 dan 120 kemudian data dianalisis dengan ANOVAone way dan LSD dengan taraf kepercayaan 95%. Hasil skrining fitokimia dan KLTDensitometer menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak etanol akar Inocarpus fagiferus (Parkinson) Fosb. mengandung golongan senyawa triterpenoid, tanin dan flavonoid. Hasil penentuan profil ekstrak etanol akar Inocarpus fagiferus (Parkinson) Fosb. dengan KLT-Densitometer menggunakan fase gerak nheksan-etil asetat (1:1 v/v) menunjukkan bahwa terdapat bercak ungu Rf 0,70 (λmaks 206 nm) yang diduga golongan triterpenoid; pada fase gerak etil asetat-toluen (2:8 v/v) menunjukkan bahwa bercak ungu Rf 0,48 76 | R e g i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n H e a l t h R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ABSTRACT BOOK (λmaks 290 nm) diduga golongan tanin; pada fase gerak toluen-etil asetat-asam formiat (4:6:1 v/v) menunjukkan bahwa bercak hijau kekuningan Rf 0,79 (λmaks 287 nm) diduga golongan flavonoid. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak etanol akar Inocarpus fagiferus (Parkinson) Fosb. dosis 250 mg/kgBB dan 500 mg/kgBB mempunyai potensi dalam menurunkan kadar glukosa darah hewan coba tikus putih jantan galur Sprague Dawley setelah pembebanan glukosa monohidrat pada menit ke-60. ID: 163 99. DETECTION OF NUCLEOPHOSMIN (NPM1) GENE MUTATIONS AND ITS ASSOCIATION WITH IMMUNOPHENOTYPING AND CYTOGENETICS IN ACUTE MYELOID LEUKEMIA (AML) Delta Fermikuri Akbar, Lyana Setiawan,Meilani Syampurnawati Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia Mutations in nucleophosmin gene (NPM1) exon 12 is the most frequent genetic alteration detected in AML patients with normal karyotype. The incidence of NPM1 mutations in adult AML approximately 25% 35%. The A Type mutation, tetranucleotide TCTG duplication at position 956-959, is the most common mutations in adult AML with normal karyotype. The existence of NPM1 mutations in AML associated with good response to therapy. These mutations can also be used as a marker to detect minimal residual disease (MRD). Therefore, the analysis of NPM1 mutations emerged as a new step in the diagnostic or prognostic AML patients with normal karyotype. There has been no research on NPM1 mutations in a population of Indonesia, so there is no data and reports of NPM1 mutations in a population of Indonesia. Given Indonesia is a multi-ethnic state, it also allows the existence of variations of a new type of NPM1 mutations. Patients suspected of AML fills informed consent and subsequently sampled peripheral blood and bone marrow. The sample was then preserved, performed immunophenotyping, cytomorphology, and cytogenetic. Examined samples of A type NPM1 mutations using the techniques of the ASO-RT-PCR, a negative result followed by seminested-ASO-RT-PCR. To find other types of NPM1 mutations performed PCR exon 12 and subsequent direct sequencing. From this study, we found that only type A NPM1 mutations were detected and the frequency is 23.53%. This mutations express CD34 and HLA-DR and had an abnormal cytogenetic. ID: 168 CHARACTERISTICS OF BREAST CANCER PATIENTS IN SANGLAH HOSPITAL, DENPASAR, BALI 100. Putu Suariyani, Estuning Hanindyta Mediasta, Pasek Kardiwinata, Made Sutarga Udayana University CHARACTERISTICS OF BREAST CANCER PATIENTS IN SANGLAH HOSPITAL, DENPASAR, BALI Background: Currently, Indonesia is experiencing an epidemiological transition where there is a shift from infectious diseases to non-infectious diseases. There is an increase in breast cancer cases, where breast cancer the second numerous cases among cancer incidence in the community. Risk factors of breast cancer is multifactorial. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of breast cancer T o w a r d s U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h C o v e r a g e a n d E q u i t y | 77 patients in Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar, Bali Methods: This research was a descriptive study with case control design in Sanglah Hospital. The case of these research was breast cancer patients as many as 40 people and the control as many as 40 who were by simple random. Results: In this study, the distribution of age groups in the cases group was the age group 40-49 years as many as 15 people (37.5%). While most age groups in the control group aged 30-39 years were 19 people (47.5%). There is a significant difference between the level of education of the case group and the control sample (pvalue = 0.025). education level which were high school graduate / equivalent in cases group and control group, respectively 18 people (45.0%) and 22 (55.0%). Group of case was not working or housewives as many as 14 people (32.5%). Whereas in most of the control that works as a civil servant 11 people (27.5%). There were significant differences between case groups work and control group Conclusion: Therefore, the health department needs to pay attention to the community targeted group, especially its characteristics which will be the target in breast cancer prevention program. ID: 169 PERILAKU PEMENUHAN KEBUTUHAN SEKSUAL NARAPIDANA NARKOBADAN RISIKONYA TERHADAP PENULARAN HIV/AIDSDI LAPAS KELAS IIA JEMBER(THE BIHAVIOUR OF DRUG INMATES IN SEXUAL FULFILLMENT IN PENITENTIARY AND ITS RISK TOWARD HIV/AIDS INFECTION IN CLASS IIA JEMBER) 101. Dewi Rokhmah, S.KM, M.Kes Rokhmah, Husni Abdul Gani Public Health Faculty University of Jember PERILAKU PEMENUHAN KEBUTUHAN SEKSUAL NARAPIDANA NARKOBADAN RISIKONYA TERHADAP PENULARAN HIV/AIDS DI LAPAS KELAS IIA JEMBER (THE BIHAVIOUR OF DRUG INMATES IN SEXUAL FULFILLMENT IN PENITENTIARY AND ITS RISK TOWARD HIV/AIDS INFECTION IN CLASS IIA JEMBER) ABSTRACT From 101.036 inmates in penitentiary, 23.409 of them are because of drug case. 70% of them are addict and 40% are injection drug user (IDU). Most of them are on active sexual aged. Penitentiary is the high risk place in HIV Infection because enhancement of high risk bihaviour. This situation get worse because of high residental level and limited health facility for inmates. Consequently the mount of inmates test result HIV positive always be increas. This research aimed to analyse behaviour of drug inmates in sexual fulfillment in penitentiary and its risk toward HIV/AIDS infection in Class IIA Jember. This research used qualitative methode with fenomenology approach. The data is collected by purposive sampling to 8 drug inmates, aged 20-55 by indepth interview. The result of this research showed that the majority of drug inmates have libido in penitentiary. Only a few of them can diverted their libido with doing another activity in work area or praying. The behaviour of sexual fulfillment of drug inmates are warious. Majority of drug inmates did masturbation. A few of them used blue film from MP3. A few of them did another activity in order to fulfill their sexual satisfaction of themself and their sexual partner by inserting 2-20 bullets from toothbrush handle to their penis using knife making from toothbrush handle and coffee powder as depresant. Another responden said when libido came and they did not have any actifity, they drawed tatoo from dynamo toys modificated with bateray. This actities caused transmision HIV/AIDS to inmates because there was blood contact from unsteril tools between inmates. 78 | R e g i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n H e a l t h R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ABSTRACT BOOK This research concluded that there were risk behaviour in drug inmates in sexual fulfillment. Extra controling is needed to drug inmates actifity and tools were carried in penitentiary. Keywords : drug inmates, sexual fulfillment behaviour, HIV/AIDS ID: 172 ANTIGENIC CHARACTERIZATION OF THE PANDEMIC H1N1PDM09 PATIENTS IN INDONESIA IN 2009 102. Ni Ketut Susilarini, N.K Susilarini, Vivi Setiawaty, Mursinah, Herna Hariandja, Nur Ika Hariastuti, Krisna Nur A.P Pusat Biomedis dan Teknologi Dasar Kesehatan (Pusat 1) Background Until December 2009, in Indonesia, 1892 suspected cases of H1N1 were reported and the laboratory examination was conducted at the Center for Biomedical and Basic Health Technology, NIHRD. 890 positive cases were confirmed Influenza A/H1N1pdm09 and 12 deaths (Unpublished data). Influenza is a disease caused by influenza viruses that normally infect the human respiratory system that often require hospitalization until death. Antigenic characterization of influenza should be identified from virus isolates which are obtained from clinical specimens is an essential part of influenza surveillance in the whole world. This study will conduct the antigenic characterization of influenza virus isolates from cases Influenza A/H1N1pdm09 in 2009 in Indonesia which have not been elucidated. Methods Positive clinical specimens Influenza A/H1N1pdm09 by RTPCR from archive samples were cultured using MDCK cell. Firstly, grown culture was confirmed by using Hemagglutinasi (HA) test. Afterward, it will be characterized using Hemagglutinasi inhibition (HI) methods with reference antisera A/California/07/2009 (H1N1) pdm and A / Influenza / Brisbane / H1N1pdm. Results There are 205 specimens that met inclusion criteria for virus cultured. All isolates that can be grown were detected by using Hemagglutinasi (HA) test. Total 68 specimens or 33.2% out of 205 specimens were successfully grown and 3 specimens (1.46%) who eventually were excluded because of contamination. Of the 68 positive isolates of influenza followed by Hemagglutinasi Inhibition (HI) examination to identify antigenic characterization using two reference antisera ; A/California/07/2009 (H1N1) and A/Influenza/Brisbane/H1N1pdm. All isolates (100%) showed antibodies to the antigen binding antisera A/California/07/2009 (H1N1) pdm. Conclusion Regarding to the result, definitely, all H1N1pdm09 human cases which were circulating in Indonesia in 2009 had an A/California/07/2009 (H1N1) pdm type. Keyword : H1N1pdm09,Indonesia, 2009 ID: 174 PREVENTION MODEL OF MALARIA INCIDENCE IN AMBON 103. Richard Nahumury, Chatarina U.Wahyuni, Lucia Y. Hendrati BTKL & PP Ambon PREVENTION MODEL OF MALARIA INCIDENCE IN AMBON Ambon is one of the 11 districts / city in the province of Maluku to the number of cases of malaria is high. Annual Parasite Incidence (API) of Ambon in 2011 was 4.7 per 1000 population. Of the 50 villages in Ambon 32% of them are in areas with a high case incidence stratification. The purpose of this study is to formulate a model of the incidence of malaria prevention in Ambon. The study was observational, using case-control design, T o w a r d s U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h C o v e r a g e a n d E q u i t y | 79 which was done to measure the risk of the independent variables include the environment in the home, outside the home environment, socio-cultural, health care and the dependent variable was the incidence of malaria. Groups of cases are individuals who tested positive for malaria by microscopic examination, while control is the individual who expressed negative microscopic malaria with laboratory test centers. The results showed that the risk factors for not suffering from malaria is the use of wire netting (OR = 2.538, 95% CI = 1.214 to 5.306), the presence of the ceiling (OR = 2.854, 95% CI = 1.461 to 5.574), the presence of larvae (OR = 3.248, 95% CI = 1.280 to 8.240), use of bed nets (OR = 2.667, 95% CI = 1.315 to 5.409), and using insect repellent (OR = 2.638, 95% CI = 1393 to 4.996). Dominant factor for the prevention of malaria is the presence of Anopheles mosquito larvae. The resulting model is the use of wire netting, where ceiling of the house, the presence of Anopheles mosquito larvae the use of mosquito nets and the use of anti-mosquito with predictive value for malaria does not occur as much as 92%. It is recommended for the environmental clean up activities around especially in places where potentially serve as a breeding place, for the Department of Health is to maximize the vector control program to control larvae of Anopheles sp with a chemical (larvaciding) and against adult mosquitoes. Keywords: Malaria, Prevention, Risk Factors. ID: 175 DETERMINANTS OF EXCLUSIVE BREASTFEEDING IN RURAL JAVA. RESULT OF AN EXCLUSIVE BREASTFEEDING PROMOTION 104. Kun Aristiati Susiloretni, Yati S Sunarto, Hamam Hadi, RR Yayi Suryo Prabandari Semarang Health Polytechnic Abstract Backgrounds: Exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) during the six months of life plays an important role in child survival. However, the prevalence and duration of EBF tend to decrease in Indonesia. To improve EBF duration, we have to treat the suspected factors of the decline of EBF. Objective. The aim of the study is to identify EBF determinants at maternal, family, community, and organizational level. Methods. This was a pretest posttest control group design with one group per condition which two public health centers (PHC) in the Demak District as a unit intervention. A total of 163 families were enrolled, including pregnant mothers, fathers, and grandmothers. We also recruited the social environments of the mothers, i.e. voluntary health workers, traditional birth attendants, Muslim scholars, heads of villages, village midwives, and PHC staff. The outcome measured were EBF duration and the predictors at multiple levels. We analyzed using Cox proportional-hazard model. We did not analyze using multilevel analysis due to some reasons. Results. We analyzed EBF determinants at each level and the final model for all levels. At maternal level, mothers who had lower knowledge, lower attitudes, and breastfeeding difficulties were more likely to stop EBF. At family level, mothers who lived with fathers with low knowledge and attitudes, and grandmothers with low attitudes were more likely to feed their babies. At community level, mothers who lived in the village which village midwives had low knowledge and attitudes, and Muslim scholars had low knowledge were more likely to stop EBF. At organizational level, mothers who received free sample milk formula at discharge and breastfeeding initiation >1 hour were more likely to give food to their babies. The final model showed a greater chance to 80 | R e g i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n H e a l t h R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ABSTRACT BOOK stop EBF in mothers with low knowledge score (HR 2.36, 95%CI1.10-5.07), fathers with low attitudes (HR 1.43, 95%CI 1.02-1.99), and mothers received free sample milk formula at discharge (HR 3.17, 95%CI 1.86-5.42). Conclusions. The determinants of EBF identified were categorized into maternal, family, community, and organizational levels. Those should be addressed when conducting EBF promotion to prolong its duration and prevalence. Keywords. determinants, exclusive breastfeeding, , maternal level, family level, community level, organizational level ID: 177 GEOGRAPHICAL CONDITIONS AND CULTURAL DETERMINANTS AND IMPLICATIONS OF INFANT MORTALITY IN MUNTIGUNUNG VILLAGE, KARANGASEM REGENCY ,BALI PROVINCE 105. Ni Putu Widarini Widarini, I Ketut Tangking Widarsa, Luh Putu Suariyani, Sutiari Ketut Rina Listyowati PS IKM FK Universitas Udayana Background: The condition of the area in the village of Muntigunung Tianyar Kubu Sub District, Karangasem, Bali Province, is very alarming. This area consists of dry hills and have no springs. Residents live scattered in 35 groups and a total of 12 groups are located in the upper area, in the hills that are hard to reach. The village has the largest number of poor households in Karangasem regency and is known as a contributor of Bali's biggest beggar and the highest infant mortality rate in Karangasem. Objective:This study aims to identify the determinants of geographical and cultural and the implications for infant mortality in the village Muntigunung. Methods: The study design was a descriptive- explorative in the form of case studies. The case are families that came from the top and bottom of the hills who have experienced the death of a baby one or more times in the last 5 years. Data collection uses qualitative approach through observation and in-depth interviews. Transcripts were analyzed by descriptive-qualitative content according to the purpose. Results: Geographical factors influence infant mortality rate in the region. Geographical factors seen from the ratio of officers and health care to population and transportation allows people to access health services. Result of this research note that the ratio of health workers to population in Muntigunung is 1 / 5319. The road in Muntigunung does not reach all the groups and existing transit systems are also inadequate. This will affect access to health services at the health centers. Access difficulties affect the quality of maternal care, clean delivery and newborn care in Muntigunung. Cultural factors also affect the existence of the belief that childbirth is a normal delivery at home, mostly labor helped her husband and other family members and the umbilical cord is cut with "ngad "(sharpened bamboo) without sterilization. This issue also contribute to high infant mortality rate in Muntigunung Conclusions: The condition of geographical and cultural determinants associated with lower access to health care is a serious issue that has implications for the survival of poor children as the next generation. To improve a comprehensive and collaborative child health status, efforts are needed in the population to increase the access to quality services with the improvement of the transport system so that people's access to better health care and equitable. Other efforts include Pustu revitalization in Muntigunung, posyandu in its infrastructure, personnel and programs. Keywords: Determinants, geographical, cultural, Infant Mortality T o w a r d s U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h C o v e r a g e a n d E q u i t y | 81 ID: 182 SOCIAL HEALTH FINANCING AND COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT ON MATERNAL DEATHS IN INDONESIA: USING THE FOLLOW UP STUDY OF INDONESIA 2010 POPULATION CENSUS DATA 106. Anissa Rizkianti, Tin Afifah, Rika Rachmalina, Prisca P. Arfines Pusat Teknologi Intervensi Kesehatan Masyarakat (Pusat 3) Backgrounds: One of the health development goals is to improve the optimal level of public health, where Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) is the important indicator. MMR in Indonesia is the highest in Southeast Asia. Low accessibility of maternal health care is related to high cost and low community participation that contributes to the high of MMR. A follow-up study of Indonesia 2010 Population Census which had been implemented by National Institute of Health Research and Development provided some information of social health financing and community empowerment on maternal deaths, and this article is part of the report. Objectives: To obtain an overview of health financing and community empowerment on maternal deaths Methods: Follow-up study of Indonesia 2010 Population Census is a noninterventional study with a cross-sectional design. Population is all reported deaths occurred during pregnancy for up to 2 months after birth (1 January 2009 until data collection) as 8464 cases, with a sample of 4167 cases based on 134 districts/cities selected. Samples were obtained by PPS stratified probability sampling technique. 2572 samples were met the inclusion criteria of death up to 42 days after birth. Data collection was used verbal autopsy instruments and interviews were done by BPS enumerators during November-December 2011. Variables of the study were included demographic characteristics (age, rural/urban, educational background, and employment), the community status (availability of emergency response vehicle “Ambulans Desa― and village alert system “Desa Siaga―), and also social health financing (ownership and utilization of health insurance). Results: The study result shows that 43% cases had social health insurance, while 60,5% of them used Jamkesmas, 8,9% used SKTM, and 5,8% used Jamkesda. Although there were only 70% who utilized the insurances. Meanwhile, only 19% cases lived on the district with village alert system “Desa Siaga― and 8,8% cases with emergency response vehicle “Ambulans Desa―. Conclusions: The utilization of social health insurance on maternal death cases is still relatively low. It is also occurred to the level of community empowerment of some emergency cases related to maternal death that remains low. Keyword: maternal death, social health financing, community empowerment. ID: 183 CARE SEEKING BEHAVIOR AMONG MATERNAL DEATH CASES IN INDONESIA: FOLLOW UP STUDY OF PREGNANCY RELATED DEATH OF THE INDONESIA 2010 POPULATION CENSUS 107. Ika Saptarini, Tin Afifah, Novianti, Anissa Rizkianti Pusat Teknologi Intervensi Kesehatan Masyarakat (Pusat 3) Background: Every pregnant woman exposed to the risk of maternal death. Maternal 82 | R e g i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n H e a l t h R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ABSTRACT BOOK Mortality Ratio in Indonesia is the highest in Southeast Asia. The under existing socioeconomic conditions, inadequate of health facilities and care seeking behavior are the potential risks of pregnancy related death. This paper is the part of report the Follow up Study of pregnancy related death from Indonesia 2010 Population Census. Objectives: To describe the care seeking behavior among maternal death Methods: Population is pregnancy related deaths in Indonesia (8484 cases). All cases in every district were defined as a unit sample. All districts and the number of cases were listed as sample frame and referred to 5 regions (Sumatera, Java-Bali, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and East Indonesia). The sampling of districts used Stratified Probability Proportional to Size (PPS) technique. There were a total of 4167 cases selected at 134 districts in 27 provinces since 1 January 2009 until census, but only 2575 cases matched to inclusion criteria of pregnancy related death until 42 days after birth. The samples of pregnancy related death cases of Indonesia 2010 Population Census were interviewed by enumerator with criteria of D3 education, experience in health survey or paramedic educated. Data collection used autopsy verbal instrument during November until December 2011. Variables are demographic background of the cases (age, urban/rural, educational background) and care seeking behavior (antenatal care, birth attendant, post natal care and emergency care). Result: The maternal death in rural is higher than urban. Almost 92% maternal mortality that reported used antenatal care. The midwife is the highest percentage as birth attendant (42%), 27% cases still asked the traditional birth attendant and 40% still delivered at home. Among complication cases, only 80% got the treatment. Some cases faced the referral system problem. The three most common reasons of low affordability of health services were distant (35%), economics problems (32%) and transportations (26%). Conclusion: Universal coverage for pregnancy women vary between regions. Pregnancy women tend to visit health facility but in some area still more likely to traditional birth attendant and delivered at home. Keyword: maternal mortality, care seeking behavior, pregnancy related death, population census ID: 185 ANALISIS LANJUT RISET KESEHATAN DASAR 2010: PENGGUNAAN ARTEMISININ-BASED COMBINATION THERAPY DI INDONESIA 108. Yenni Risniati, Emiliana Tjitra Pusat Teknologi Terapan Kesehatan dan Epidemiologi Klinik (Pusat 2) Latar belakang : Artemisinin-Based Combination Therapy (ACT) saat ini merupakan pengobatan malaria pada kasus yang hanya sudah dikonfirmasi dengan pemeriksaan darah. Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) 2010 melaporkan hanya 49% dari responden yang positif malaria mendapatkan ACT. Di Indonesia, Obat ACT di tiap daerah berbeda-beda. Artesunat-amodiakuin di Jawa mulai digunakan tahun 2004 dan di Kalimantan-Sulawesi pada tahun 2010, sedangkan di Papua sejak tahun 2008 menggunakan dihidrortemisinin-piperakuin. Obat ACT sebagian besar sudah tersedia di Puskesmas, sedangkan sarana kesehatan lainnya terutama swasta dan praktik pribadi mendapatkan obat ACT dari Dinas Kesehatan. Tujuan : Menggambarkan penggunaan ACT di Indonesia. Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan analisis lanjut dari data Riskesdas 2010. Data diperoleh dari laboratorium data Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan. Variabel dependen dalam analisis lanjut ini T o w a r d s U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h C o v e r a g e a n d E q u i t y | 83 adalah ACT pada kasus malaria yang didiagnosis oleh tenaga kesehatan dalam satu bulan terakhir, dan sebagai variabel independen adalah karakteristik, daerah dan sarana kesehatan termpat responden didiagnosis. Hasil : Dari 1632 responden yang didiagnosis malaria dengan pemeriksaan darah dalam 1 bulan terakhir, hanya 761 (46,6%) mendapatkan ACT. ACT pada anak (40%) lebih sedikit dibandingkan dewasa (49,2%) (OR 0,7, CI 95%: 0,55-0,86, p=0,001). Terdapat 35,2% responden yang mendapat ACT dalam 24 jam, dan 41,7% responden yang meminum obat ACT sampai habis. Hanya 32% responden mendapat ACT dalam 24 jam dan meminumnya hingga habis (pengobatan efektif). Pengobatan efektif pada anak 26,8% dan lebih banyak pada dewasa 34,1% dengan OR 0,7 (95% CI: 0,56-0,90, p=0,005). Terdapat 36,4% responden di kota dan hanya 29,6% responden di desa yang mendapat pengobatan efektif (OR=1,4, CI 95%: 1,101,69, p=0,005). Penggunaan ACT tertinggi di Jawa-Bali (70,8%), Sumatra (52,8%), Papua (51,7%), Maluku dan sekitarnya (Maluku Utara, NTB dan NTT) (46,8%), KalimantanSulawesi (44,9%), dan terendah di Papua Barat (15,8%). Sarana kesehatan tempat responden terakhir didiagnosis malaria yang paling banyak menggunakan ACT adalah Poskesdes (87,5%), sarana kesehatan lainnya yang banyak adalah Puskesmas (51,6%), Rumah Sakit Pemerintah (49,8%) dan Polindes (51,2%). Sarana kesehatan yang sedikit menggunakan ACT adalah Puskesmas Pembantu (43,5%), praktik dokter (42,2%), praktik bidan (41,1%), Rumah Sakit Swasta (35,5%) dan Klinik/balai pengobatan (34,5%). Kesimpulan : Penggunaan ACT di Indonesia belum merata dan masih perlu ditingkatkan terutama pada anak. ID: 187 ANALISIS LANJUT RISET KESEHATAN DASAR 2010:FAKTOR YANG BERPERAN TERHADAP KEJADIAN MALARIA DI WILAYAH INDONESIA BAGIAN TIMUR 109. Eni Yuwarni, Yenni Risniati, Dwi Hapsari, Emiliana Tjitra Pusat Biomedis dan Teknologi Dasar Kesehatan (Pusat 1) Latar belakang: Kejadian malaria dipengaruhi oleh penjamu, parasit malaria dan lingkungan. Hasil Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) 2010 melaporkan angka kejadian malaria di seluruh provinsi wilayah Indonesia bagian Timur diatas angka nasional yaitu 22,9 permil. Pada Riskesdas 2010 tersedia data karakteristik penderita malaria dan data lingkungan tempat tinggal yang terbatas. Analisis lebih lanjut data yang tersedia tersebut dengan kejadian malaria di Indonesia bagian Timur menarik dilakukan. Tujuan: Menilai hubungan kejadian malaria dengan faktor karakteristik penduduk dan lingkungan fisik . Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan analisis lanjut dari data wilayah Indonesia bagian Timur yang dikumpulkan pada Riskesdas 2010. Variabel dependen adalah kejadian malaria dalam satu tahun terakhir yang didiagnosis oleh tenaga kesehatan berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan darah, dan sebagai variabel independen adalah karakteristik individu dan lingkungan fisik. Analisis data dilakukan dengan uji regresi logistik ganda untuk menentukan faktor yang berperan terhadap kejadian malaria. Hasil: Dari 23.451 responden di wilayah Indonesia bagian Timur, sebanyak 11,7% (95% CI:10,612,8) mengalami kejadian malaria. Responden yang tinggal di Papua mengalami kejadian malaria 4,2 (95% CI: 3,5-5.1, p=0,000) kali lebih tinggi dibandingkan responden yang tinggal diluar Papua, sedangkan responden laki-laki mengalami kejadian malaria 1,2 (95% CI: 1,1-1,4), p=0,000) kali responden perempuan, dan responden yang tinggal 84 | R e g i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n H e a l t h R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ABSTRACT BOOK dekat pemeliharaan hewan besar mempunyai risiko 1,9 (95% CI: 1,5-2,4, p=0,000) kali dibandingkan dengan yang tidak tinggal di disekitar tempat pemeliharaan hewan besar. Kesimpulan: Masyarakat di Papua, laki-laki dan tinggal di dekat tempat pemeliharaan hewan besar adalah kelompok berisiko terhadap kejadian malaria di Indonesia bagian Timur. ID: 188 THE EFFECT ON LIFE QUALITY OF ORAL CANCER PATIENTS AFTER THE ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY 110. Chi-Chang Chang Chung-Shan Medical University Backgrounds According to statistics of the Department of Health in Taiwan, the percentage of oral cancer death ranked the fourth among men, there were 35.9 people with oral cancer per ten thousand, and oral cancer occur death age have been dropping as well. One can only imagine the impact of these changes to their quality of life as a result of these changes . Objectives The objective of this study was to investigate the extent of psychological symptoms that individuals experience following orthopedic trauma and whether these are associated with quality of life. Further, this study can act as a guide in improving and creating a quality of life rehabilitation of care for patients with oral cancer . Methods This study adopted the cross-sectional survey, the sample consisted of one sixty-four patients (> age 18) with oral cancer, recruited from the orthopedic clinic of Medical Center at central Taiwan, were Chinese speaking , were cognitively able to complete the questionnaires and provided informed consent . The participants completed 2 established questionnaires, SCL90R scale and SF-36.Descriptive and inferential statistics were used in the analysis. Additionally, we conducted regression analyses to determine predictors of quality of life among study patients. Results The proposed model predicted 54.6% of the variance in patients’ SF-36 Mental Component scores. Patient Physical Component summary scores were associated with older age ( β = 0.308, P =0.006), state of education (β = 0.308, P = 0.006),smoking habit (β = -0.249, P = 0.048) , surgical management(β = 0.193, P = 0.048) and Positive Symptom Distress Index (i.e., the intensity of psychological symptoms; β= 0.782, P = 0.022). In addition , the proposed model predicted 47.4%of the variance in patients’ SF-36 Physical Component scores. Patient Mental Component summary scores were associated with Somatization (β = -0.354, P = 0.002) , Anxiety(β= 0.654,P =0.022), Hostility(β= -0.375,P =0.048), Psychoticism (β= -0.5,P =0.031),and Global Severity Index (β= 4.463,P =0.005) . Conclusions In a prospective study of 64 patients, 1 in 3 met the threshold for psychological distress. psychological symptoms were significantly associated with both SF-36 Physical Component and Mental Component summary scores. Future research is necessary to determine whether orthopedic surgery patients would benefit from early screening and intervention to address comorbid psychopathology. ID: 192 DOSIS TUNGGAL ARTEMISININNAFTOKUIN DIBANDINGKAN DENGAN DIHIDROARTEMISININ-PIPERAKUIN PADA SUBYEK DEWASA TERINFEKSI PLASMODIUM FALCIPARUM TANPA KOMPLIKASI DI INDONESIA 111. T o w a r d s U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h C o v e r a g e a n d E q u i t y | 85 Hadjar Siswantoro, Armedy Ronny Hasugian, Telly Purnamasari, Sri Laning, Lidwina Yanuar, Tersila Dedang, Emiliana Tjitra Pusat Teknologi Terapan Kesehatan dan Epidemiologi Klinik (Pusat 2) LATAR BELAKANG: Saat ini progam menggunakan kombinasi dihidroartemisininpiperakuin (DHP) sebagai obat lini pertama untuk malaria falsiparum tanpa komplikasi. Telah dilaporkan terjadinya penurunan efikasi ACT yang dapat diakibatkan karena dosis obat tidak diminum sesuai petunjuk dokter. Kombinasi artemisinin-napthokuin (ANT) merupakan obat ACT baru dengan dosis sekali minum yang dapat memperbaiki kepatuhan minum obat. TUJUAN: Membuktikan keamanan dan efektifitas ANT dosis tunggal sama dengan DHP pada pengobatan subyek dewasa terinfeksi P. falciparum tanpa komplikasi. METODE: Penelitian ini merupakan bagian dari studi invivo: “a phase III, randomized, open label, to assess the efficacy and safety of orally administered fixed single dose artemisinin plus naphthoquine (Arcoâ„¢) in comparison with dihydroartemisinin plus piperaquine (DuoCotecxinâ„¢), 1:1 (Arcoâ„¢:Duo-Cotecxinâ„¢) in adult patients affected by acute, uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium vivax malaria and other malaria: A Multi-centre study in Indonesia―. Uji klinik dilakukan sesuai protokol WHO 2003. Subyek penelitian diobservasi selama 42 hari, dan analisis efikasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan survival curve program SPSS 17 pada sampel intention to treat (ITT) dan menurut protokol (PP). Keamanan dinilai secara klinis. HASIL: Sebanyak 153 subyek direkruit pada penelitian ini. Efikasi terapeutik ANT pada hari ke 42 per populasi ITT dan PP adalah 96.2% (95% CI: 94.1-99.5%) dan 100% (95% CI: 96.8-100%), dan pada DHP adalah 89.2 % (95% CI:87.1-92.5) dan 97.1% (95% CI:95.0-99.4). Rerata bebas parasit dan bebas demam dengan ANT adalah 22.2+10.8 jam dan 12.8 + 7.2 jam, dan 20.7+9.0 jam dan 12.3 + 6.2 jam dengan DHP. Perbaikan kadar hemoglobin terjadi pada hari ke 28 setelah pengobatan ANT dan DHP. Kejadian sampingan yang dilaporkan dengan ANT adalah batuk sebanyak 2.5% dan 1.4% dengan DHP. KESIMPULAN: Artemisinin-naftokuin menunjukkan efikasi dan keamanan yang sama dengan dihidroartemisinin-piperakuin pada pengobatan subyek dewasa dengan malaria falsiparum tanpa komplikasi. Kata kunci: dihidroartemisinin-piperakuin, artemisinin-napthokuin, Plasmodium falciparum, Indonesia. ID: 195 EPIDEMIOLOGIC TRANSITION IN INDONESIA FOR 21 YEARS AND HEALTH CARE IMPLICATION ACCORDING TO HOUSEHOLD HEALTH SURVEY, NATIONAL HEALTH SURVEY, BASELINE HEALTH RESEARCH (1986-2007) 112. Sarimawar Djaja Pusat Teknologi Intervensi Kesehatan Masyarakat (Pusat 3) The result of cause of death from several national health surveys could provide an analysis of the epidemiological transition in Indonesia as well as health care efforts to improve public health. Material taken from the Household Health Survey (HHS) 1986, 1992, 1995, National Heath Survey (NHS/Surkesnas) 2001, Baseline Health Research (BHR/Riskesdas) 2007 using crosssectional method for the death over a period of one year before the survey in selected households. The sample of the 1986 HHS 86 | R e g i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n H e a l t h R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ABSTRACT BOOK comes from 7 provinces covering 56,900 households (HH) based on stratified random sampling technique. Household Health Survey sample in 1992, 1995, 2001, 2007 using a Susenas Core sample and or module that include 65.664 HH, 206.240 HH,211.168 HH, 258.366 HH. Susenas samples taken with a Probability Proportional to Size (PPS). Cause of death data was collected by quesioner using verbal autopsy technique and was classified based on ICD 9 and 10. Ongoing epidemiological transition period continues in Indonesia and unfinished, this Epidemiological Transition has started earlier in Java and Bali, more powerful, and run faster than in regions outer Java and Bali. Reduction burden of disease is focused on communicable disease (infectious, maternal-perinatal, nutritional deficiencies) and non-communicable disease. Non-communicable diseases to be prevented and treated properly is endocrine disease, diseases of the circulatory system (heart and blood vessels including stroke), and neoplasm. In Java Bali region, the burden to overcome non communicable disease is greater than the burden to overcome communicable disease. In outer Java Bali region, the burden to handle communicable disease including maternal disease and perinatal disorder is greater than in Java Bali region. The Government responsible for realising equitable health care for all citizens, improving the quality of health care resources and arrangement performance of duty are evenly distributed throughout Indonesia. Key words: epidemiologic transition, diseases, region ID: 197 PROFILAKSIS PRIMER TUBERKULOSIS PADA ANAK DI PUSKESMAS KOTA BEKASI 113. Retna Mustika Indah, Armaji Kamaludi Syarif Pusat Teknologi Terapan Kesehatan dan Epidemiologi Klinik (Pusat 2) Latar Belakang : Tuberkulosis pada anak dapat menyebabkan penurunan kualitas generasi. Imunisasi dasar BCG tidak menjamin kekebalan anak terhadap penyakit tuberkulosis. Pemberian INH profilaksis merupakan salah satu cara untuk mencegah penularan. Pedoman Nasional Pengendalian Tuberkulosis mencantumkan pemberian profilaksis pada anak, terutama balita yang kontak erat dengan penderita tuberkulosis dewasa. Dalam rangka mendukung penurunanan angka kesakitan tuberkulosis pada anak, perlu diketahui gambaran pelaksanaan kegiatan profilaksis primer tuberkulosis pada anak di kota yang padat penduduknya. Tujuan : Menggambarkan fasilitas dan pelaksanaan kegiatan profilaksis primer tuberkulosis pada anak di Puskesmas Kota Bekasi. Metode : Penelitian ini berupa survei di 31 Puskesmas kota Bekasi. Survei dilakukan terhadap petugas pemegang program tuberkulosis dengan wawancara dan menggunakan kuesioner terstruktur. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif dan disajikan dalam persen. Hasil : Seluruh Puskesmas tidak mempunyai fasilitas pemeriksaan rontgen thorax. Empat (12,5%) Puskesmas dapat melakukan pemeriksaan tuberkulin, dan 27 (87,5%) Puskesmas lainnya merujuk ke Rumah Sakit atau Puskesmas lainnya. Sediaan INH untuk dewasa tersedia di 12 (38,8%) Puskesmas. Semua Puskesmas mempunyai buku Pedoman Nasional Penanggulangan Tuberkulosis. Sebanyak 20 (64,5%) Puskesmas mempunyai 1 petugas yang telah dilatih program direct observe treatments (DOTs), 9 (29%) Puskesmas memiliki 2 petugas yang telah dilatih DOTs, dan 2 (6,5%) Puskesmas mempunyai 3 petugas yang telah ikut pelatihan DOTs. Rata-rata masa kerja di T o w a r d s U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h C o v e r a g e a n d E q u i t y | 87 Puskesmas selama 8.5 tahun. Hanya 2 (6,5%) petugas pemegang program TB menjawab seluruh 11 pertanyaan mengenai skoring tuberkulosis dan profilaksis dengan benar. Dari 13 (41,9%) Puskesmas yang telah melakukan skoring pada tuberkulosis anak sebagai dasar untuk pengobatan atau pemberian profilaksis, hanya 3 (9,7%) Puskesmas yang melakukan profilaksis primer pada anak yang kontak erat sejak tahun 2011. Puskesmas dengan kasus BTA positif terbanyak belum melaksanakan kegitan profilaksis. Demikian pula, Puskesmas dengan kasus anak terbanyak juga belum melaksanakan pemberian profilaksis. Kesimpulan : Profilaksis primer tuberkulosis pada anak belum dilaksanakan rutin. Sosialisasi, pelatihan secara berkala kepada petugas, dan peningkatan fasilitas Puskesmas diperlukan untuk menunjang pemberian profilaksis. Kata kunci: tuberkulosis, anak, profilaksis, primer, Bekasi Therefore, a confirmation diagnoses using molecular techniques is required to obtain definitive result. Samples are blood spot of malaria patients collected from an exploration study of P knowlesi in several sites in Kalimantan. The DNA was extracted using commercial column method. A Nested PCR method was applied using primers of rPLU1rPLU5 for the first round PCR, and rPLU3 –rPLU4 for a nested PCR to identify the Plasmodium genus. When the result is positive, another nested PCR using primer of Kn1f and Kn3r is run to identity P knowlesi from the first PCR product. Nucleotide sequence analysis was conducted to confirm the result. The result shows that there was one sample identified as P knowlesi, the size of the band is 290 bp. Sequence analysis from the PCR product showed that the sequence is 100 % identical with ss ribosomal RNA P knowlesi gene previously submitted to GenBank. Key words: Plasmodium knowlesi, identification, molecular ID: 202 MOLECULAR IDENTIFICATION OF PLASMODIUM KNOWLESI FROM SOUTH KALIMANTAN 114. Rita Marleta Dewi, Rita Kusriastuti, Retno Triastuti, Sarwo Handayani, Endah Aryani, Ryanti Ekowatiningsih, Budi Prasetyrini, Basundari Sri Utami, Sahat Ompusunggu, Sekar Tuti, and Balbir Singh Pusat Biomedis dan Teknologi Dasar Kesehatan (Pusat 1) ABSTRACT Plasmodium knowlesi is the fifth human Plasmodium which previously infected macaques. Microscopically, this Plasmodium was doubtly identified as P falciparum or P malariae, since in the young stage the morphology is look like P falciparum and its similar to P malariae in mature stage. ID: 203 CONFIRMATION OF PLASMODIUM FALCIPARUM TREATMENT FAILURE CASES BY PCR GENOTYPING 115. Ervi Salwati, Emiliana Tjitra Pusat Biomedis dan Teknologi Dasar Kesehatan (Pusat 1) This study was a part of the activity in clinical trial artemisinin-naphthoquine (AN) in comparison with dihydroartemisininpiperaquine (DHP) in Maumere and Jayapura. Treatment failure in clinical trial, may be caused by P. falciparum resistant to antimalarial drug or new infection. PCR genotyping with three markers, merozoite surface protein 1 (MSP1), merozoite surface protein 2 (MSP2) and the glutamate-rich 88 | R e g i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n H e a l t h R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ABSTRACT BOOK protein (GLURP) has been recommended by WHO to distinguish between parasite resistant and new infection. In this study, Plasmodium falciparum infections on failure cases were genotyped for allelic variation in the 3 markers, before (D0) and after antimalarial drug treatment (DF). The genotypes at D0 were compared by DF to confirm 13 of 19 P.falciparum treatment failure cases whether resistant or new infection. PCR amplifications completely successful 100% for MSP1 (D0 &DF), MSP2 (DF) and GLURP (D0) and the lowest (76,9% ) for GLURP (DF) and 69,2% (9 0f 13) when all 3 genes were combined. Interestingly, 3 of 4 (75%) samples with no amplification (mean asexual parasite 4049 /ul), were found for GLURP locus with day failure in the same day (D35) and also shown there were gametocyts at D0. Identification allele for each locus genes shown that MSP1 had alleles lower (13 alleles) than others because MSP1 locus just had one allele (D0 and DF). Conversely, for MSP2 and GLURP, there were some additional alleles either at D0 and DF. By comparing the pattern of genotype P.falciparum at D0 and DF each locus genes, the confirmation of P.falciparum resistant from new infection could be determined Outcome resistance and new infection were interpreted based on the WHO guidance. We found that the proportion of recrudescence and new infection almost the same (54% and 46%, respectively). Recrudescence occurred within 17 days after treatment and new infection occurred >28 days after treatment. Key words: P.falciparum, PCR, MSP1, MSP2, GLURP, allele _____________ 1 National Institute of Health Research and Development, Ministry of Health, Jakarta, Indonesia ID: 204 THE EFFECTIVENESS OF “HYPERTENSION QUARTET― FOR PRIMARY AND SECONDARY STUDENT TO PREVENT HYPERTENSION CASES IN DISTRICT REMPOA, 2012" 116. Nadia Tahsinia, Badra Al- Aufa Fakultas Kedokteran dan Ilmu Kesehatan, UIN Jakarta Background: Hypertension is a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. Based on the results of field studies found on 2011, the biggest health problems in the Rempoa Village is hypertension. In January – October 2011, there are more than 1.140 prevalence of hypertension. Most people with hypertension in Rempoa is elderly. Then, based on depth interview there are many risk factors that affect the cases of hypertension in the elderly, include stress, lack of rest, lifestyle, and diet high in sodium. Prevention of hypertension should be done early. Primary prevention can be aimed to children and adolescents, so it can be expected to break the chains of hypertension. Left from thes thought, researchers developed an interactive game called “Hypertension Quartet―. This game can do by 3-4 people and assisted by an instructor at the end of game will provide an explanatory of hypertension. Methods: The method used in this study is a qualitative method (semi-structured interviews), by giving a few questions before and after the game progresses. Results: After the game, the students know about the dangers of hypertention, how symptomps and prevention for it. So, they begin to avoid the risk factors. From 10 children who play, there are 8 students increased their knowledge. Discussion and Conclusions: The results showed that: Hypertention Quartet was independently with increased hypertention risk in School Child. T o w a r d s U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h C o v e r a g e a n d E q u i t y | 89 PROFIL OF STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS€™S CONTAMINANT IN INFANT FORMULAS IN INDONESIA IN 2011 TUBERCULOSIS SUPPORT GROUP "AWASI" (ATASI PENYAKITNYA, WASPADA PENULARANNYA, IKUTI PENGOBATANNYA): CONCRETE STEP TOWARDS INDONESIA FREE OF TUBERCULOSIS Mariana Raini, Ani Isnawati, Nelly Puspandari, Ondri Dwi Sampurno Bastomy Ali Burhan, Amalia Riza Umami, Mochammad Sholehuddin Pusat Biomedis dan Teknologi Dasar Kesehatan (Pusat 1) Public Health Faculty University of Jember 118. ID: 206 117. Abstract Scope of exclusive breastfeeding is still low because parents choose to give infant formula. In 2010, Riskesdas 2010 report showed national exclusive breastfeeding rates is 15,3% (Riskesdas 2010). Powdered Infant formula are not sterile product and could be contaminated with various bacteria including certain pathogen such as Staphylococcus aureus. The aim of this study was to detect the prevalence of Staphylococcus aureus in infant formula in Indonesia. The study were conducted in the Center of National Laboratory of Drug and Food (CNLDF) and the National Inastitute of Health Research and Development (NIHRD) Laboratory from January through June 2011. Methods used to detect and enumerate S.aureus were conventional culture method, biochemical examination and API staph (BAM-FDA). Eighty eight brand name powdered infant formula were collected from retails in Indonesia by Provincial Office the National Agency of Drug and Food Control (NADFC). Result showed all of powdered infant formula (88 samples) are not contaminated with S. aureus. All of powdered infant formula meet the requirements of the National Agency of Drug and Food Control (NADFC). Key words : infant formula, Staphylococcus aureus, contamination ID: 210 Background In Indonesia, tuberculosis is the third leading cause of death and including East Java in Indonesia's largest contributor. In Jember Regency there is an increasing number of people alleged to be positive and suffers from tuberculosis. These health problems have to be solved with the building of effective partnerships in tackling tuberculosis and one step to solve the problem is with the tuberculosis support groups. Objectives Tuberculosis support group “AWASI― aims to help decrease numbers of TB problems in Sukowono District Jember Regency Methods This activity is carried out by direct interview, observation and documentation of the data. Data sources used are primary and secondary data. The location of the execution of the activities carried out in the District of Sukowono. The analysis of the situation carried out on the 20th-27th June 2011 while socializing activities and declarations tuberculosis support group was held on July 29, 2011 Results Tuberculosis support group was formed with a Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and three sections namely netting section, accompaniment section and counseling section. Netting section functioned trapping sufferers, mentoring section served as PMO (Pengawas Minum Obat/Trustees on medication), and counseling section give you guidance about TB. Conclusions Tuberculosis support group ―AWASI― is to build a partnership within the community as the 90 | R e g i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n H e a l t h R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ABSTRACT BOOK container to produce independent community who care about health, espescially diseases of the pulmonary tuberculosis. Stewardship in this tuberculosis support group consists of exformer sufferers of tuberculosis, patients and health workers from the Puskesmas Sukowono. In this tuberculosis support group ―AWASI―contained three sections namely netting, mentoring and counseling section that synergistically tackle tuberculosis in Sukowono. Keywords : tuberculosis, tuberculosis support group, netting, mentoring, counseling more than half of the informants trust the food taboos. Taboo food on abstinence by the informants are animal groups such as eggs, catfish and meat. Groups in abstinence fruits like mango, kuini, kasturi, pineapple and durian. Group vegetables in cucumber abstinence, abstinence and other foods in ice water and herbs. Conclusion The occurrence of anemia in pregnant women because of the belief that food taboos should not be consumed, but these foods contain many nutrients for pregnant women. Keywords: Pregnancy, Food Taboos, Anemia ID: 216 ID: 218 REVIEW OF CULTURE FOOD EVENTS TABOO ANEMIA IN PREGNANT WOMEN IN THE VILLAGE OF SUNGAI ALAT SUB DISTRICT ASTAMBUL BANJAR 2011 119. Meitria Syahadatina Noor, Adi Noegroho, Siti Nur Fitriyana IMPROVING QUALITY AND COMMUNITY HEALTH AWARENESS THROUGH RECOVERY PROGRAM FOR DRUG ADDICT 120. Riki Irawan, Eka Prahadian Abdurahman Yayasan Caritas PSE FK UNLAM Iron nutritional anemia in pregnant women is one public health problem in Indonesia because the prevalence is quite high. The main cause of anemia is iron deficiency. Cultural food taboos is one of the causes of anemia. The purpose of this study identifies and analyzes the cultural factors of pregnant women about food taboos on the incidence of maternal anemia in the Village District equipment River Astambul Banjar Regency in 2011. This type of research is exploratory study using qualitative methods. The subject of this study were 8 pregnant women with anemia informant, the informant secondary education that is second bottom, two informants lower middle income and upper secondary education two informants, two informants upper middle income. The method used in-depth interviews. The study found Background • According to data from BNN 2011 the number of addicts and drug abusers in Indonesia 2% of the total population of Indonesia • The number of addicts and drug abusers in North Sumatra by BNNP 259.715 people of a total population of 12.985.075 people. • The habit of some people in North Sumatra who like to drink alcohol as a behavioral addiction. • The majority of addicts and drug abusers are in the productive age and live in the family. • Understanding Addiction by WHO, UNODC and Narcotics Law, addicts are sick people in the Bio-PsychoSocial. • Addiction and drug abuse has a direct impact on the family (wife, children, parents and other family members). • The disease is generally attack the addicts, drug abusers and families such as HIV, hepatitis, tuberculosis, sexually transmitted infections, impaired organ (heart, liver, stomach, etc.), T o w a r d s U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h C o v e r a g e a n d E q u i t y | 91 and Mental Disorder. • Co-depency as a disease that often occurs in families addicts. • Addiction Recovery is a main strategy to improve the quality and health of addicts and family awareness. • Recovery of drug addiction aims to improve the quality of life of addicts and families. • Four aspects that restored the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. • Addicts and their families as a community. Objectives The goal of the recovery program are : • Improve access to health care for addicts and families. • Restore the life pattern addict to a normal life before he used drugs. • Improve the quality of life of an addict. • Improved quality of life of an addict is obtained when: improved family relationships with addicts, addicts able to face the problem, addicts have a purpose in life, addicts have lifeskill, and 4 aspects: physical, mental, and spiritual emosioanl recovered. Methods The methods used to answer the problems : • Provide information centers and treatment centers and drug addiction recovery community based in North Sumatra. • Design and carry out daily activities in drug addiction recovery treatment center that touches aspects of BioPsycho-Social. • Provide outpatient services and inpatient ward for addicts. • Intake and assessment processes as a starting point early intervention addiction recovery. • Establish a referral system and collaboration with health care providers and other service providers. • Dissemination of information services through the involvement of an addict, media, outreach, community churches, schools, schools, law enforcement, the public and others. • Implementation of individual counseling and family counseling services available. Result • Community Churches, schools, addiction recovery, law enforcement officers and community members affected communities refer to the program are available. • From the activities carried out in the information center is affordable and recorded 566 drug addicts who access services at the information center. • In addiction recovery treatment center and established a year since there are 26 people who follow the inpatient addicts. • 26 resident has performed medical examinations and medical treatment. • The presence of health problems such as addiction and family HIV, TB, STDs, hepatitis, organ disorders and mental disorders. • Relationships with family addicts improved. • Families participate and be actively involved in the recovery program. • Families have the right information about addiction, a disease common in addicts and how to access needed health services. • Increased awareness and quality of health of addicts and their families. Conclusion Drug addiction recovery programs are implemented with the active involvement of families basically have a significant impact on improving the quality of public health awareness and given the high rate of addiction and drug abuse in the community. ID: 219 NILAI KESEPAKATAN MIKROSKOPIS MALARIA DI BEBERAPA RUMAH SAKIT DI JAYAPURA 121. Endah Ariyanti, Riyanti Ekowatiningsih Pusat Biomedis dan Teknologi Dasar Kesehatan (Pusat 1) Latar Belakang. Papua merupakan daerah endemisitas tinggi malaria, oleh karena itu kemampuan tenaga mikroskopis sangat diperlukan dalam mendiagnosis malaria. Hal ini berkaitan juga dengan kebijakan Artemisinin-based Combination Therapy (ACT) yang memerlukan konfirmasi diagnosis mikroskop. Tujuan penelitian adalah menilai ketepatan tenaga mikroskopis rumah sakit dalam diagnosis malaria. Metode. Cek silang 92 | R e g i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n H e a l t h R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ABSTRACT BOOK pemeriksaan mikroskopis dilakukan pada 301 apusan darah malaria yang diambil pada hari 0 (sebelum pengobatan) dari subyek penelitian uji klinik artemisin – naptokuin vs dihidro artemisin – piperakuin di tiga rumah sakit di Jayapura. Cek silang dilakukan oleh mikroskopis Badan Litbangkes terhadap ketepatan hasil bacaan mikroskop yang dinyatakan dengan nilai kesepakatan (kappa). Hasil. Hasil cek silang menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan tenaga mikroskopis di ketiga Rumah Sakit di Jayapura dalam mendeteksi malaria baik (100%), namun masih terdapat kesalahan dalam menentukan spesies Plasmodium. Ketepatan menentukan spesies P falciparum sebesar 71,15%, P vivax (85,07%) dan infeksi campuran (53,97%). Nilai kappa untuk penentuan spesies di ketiga RS tersebut adalah 0,53 – 0,79. Pelatihan, penyegaran dan supervisi mikroskopis terus diperlukan untuk meningkatkan atau menjaga kemampuan dan ketrampilan tenaga mikroskopis. ID: 220 COMPLETE BASIC IMMUNIZATION SERVICES IN INDONESIA 122. Idawati Muas Pusat Humaniora, Kebijakan Kesehatan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (Pusat 4) Background: The Ministry of Health implement the DevelopmentProgram on Immunization of children in an effort to reduce the incidence of disease in children. Imunization programs for disease preventable disease by imunizations for children covered under the program is a one ime immunization of BCG, three DPT-HB, four times a polio immunization and one measles immunization. Indicators used to measure the achievement of the immunization program is the percentage of villages that achieve Universal Child Immunization (UCI) is a in infant full 100% rural/urban villages in 2010 (MOH 2005). Indonesia has complete basic immunization coverage rates are already quite good, but some areas are still low(Riskesdas 2007). Objective: Objective of the analysis is to describe a complete basic immunization in Indonesia 2010. Methods /Description : Cross Sectional Study with interviewsnusing a questionare covering all provinces in Indonesia to the group of mother who had children aged 12-23 month. Results / Outcomes: The percentage of the children aged 12-23 month sare fully immunized according to a province in 2010 amounted to53.8% and incomplete at 33.5%, the lowest found in Papua (28.2%) and highest in DI Yogyakarta (91.1%). Found 12.7% of children 12-23 months who have not been immunized, with the highest found in Papua (35.3%) and lowest in DI Yogyakata (0.0%). Meanwhile, according to the characteristic tendency of the higher level of education and economic status, the higher the full immunization coverage. Differences in full immunization coverage of children age 12-23 months according to the education of family heads who are not heads of households with school and college education is 30,5%. Differences in full immunization coverage among children aged 12-23 months of low economic status (quintile-1) and highest (quintile-5) 21.6%. The percentage of complete immunization in urban areas is higher (59.1%) than in rural (48.3%) and there are still 17.7% of children 12-23 months in rural areas who are not immunized at all. Many studies show that fully immunized in the implementation of such factors influenced a lot of education, economic level and location of residence Conclusions / lessons learned: Services have not been fully immunized according to the proper, seen from the coverage of 53.8% of that in programed 100%. It is hoped the public T o w a r d s U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h C o v e r a g e a n d E q u i t y | 93 would know the importance of immunization to carry out a complete basic immunization. And relevant agencies to carry out programs for the achievement of targets are fully immunized. Keyword : basic immunization ID: 225 KEBIASAAN IBU MENIMBANG BALITA DI POSYANDU DI PUSKESMAS SEPATAN, KABUPATEN TANGERANG TAHUN 2008 123. Feri Ahmadi, MPH Pusat Teknologi Intervensi Kesehatan Masyarakat (Pusat 3) Background Untuk mengetahui status gizi balita dilakukan penimbangan secara berkala yang dilakukan di posyandu, atau fasilitas kesehatan yang ada. Dari hasil penimbangan balita pada tahun 2005, sebanyak 291.634 balita dan yang berada pada kondisi gizi buruk sebanyak 0,38%. Objective Untuk mengetahui secara rinci dan mendalam tentang alasanalasan kebiasan menimbang balita oleh ibu di posyandu dan faktor-faktor menghambat dan menunjang Subjects and Methods Penelitian Kualitatif dengan rancangan studi kasus. Penelitian dilakukan pada empat desa dalam wilayah kerja Puskesmas Sepatan Kec. Sepatan Kabupaten Tangerang Provinsi Banten tahun 2008.Sampel dipilih secara Purposive random sampling untuk ibu balita yang rutin menimbangkan balita, dan ibu balita yang tidak rutin menimbangkan balita indepth interview, Focus group discussion (FGD).Untuk Petugas Gizi, dan Pimpinan Puskesmas dilakukan indepth interview. Data diolah dengan menggunakan software kualitatif yang ada. Data kualitatif hasil diskusi kelompok terarah dan wawancara mendalam diolah melalui teknik triangulasi berdasarkan temuan atau makna Results 1. Predisposing factors: Pada umumnya ibu yang melakukan penimbang berumur 25 tahun dan 35 tahun, dilihat kelompok umur tersebut adalah ibuibu muda yang aktif melakukan penimbang bulanan, dan yang produktif untuk melakukan aktifitas penimbangan, serta faktor umur adalah sebagai indikator faktor pemicu: ―.....saya masih muda saya usahakan untuk menimbang anak saya supaya sehat. Selain itu pada tenyata anak balita yang tidak ditimbang dengan dengan umur yang sudah tua untuk membawa cucu ditimbang di posyandu dirasakan sangat melelahkan dan merepotkan untuk melaksanakannya, hal ini dipertegas dengan pernyataan nenek tersebut : ―.....saya sudah tua malas sekali untuk melakukan penimbang cucunya, jalan aja sudah ngak kuat untuk ke posyandu― Disamping umur pekerjaan rumah tangga Ibu juga akan mempengaruhi ibu datang ke posyandu untuk menimbangkan balitanya hal ini dipertegas pada pernyataan berikut ini untuk ibu balita yang mau datang ke posyandu : ―.....saya mau datang ke posyandu, walaupun pekerjaan rumah tangga banyak, tetapi ada keluarga yang mengingatkan untuk ke posyandu. Sedang untuk Ibu balita yang tidak mau datang ke posyandu terlihat dari pernyataan ibu balita tersebut yaitu : ―.....saya malas untuk ke posyandu, pekerjaan rumah tangga ngak putus-putus, boro boro mau ke posyandu pak ngurus rumah aja repot benar. Dengan demikian pekerjaan rumah tangga merupakan salah satu penyebab ibu balita balita tidak menimbangankan balita di posyandu. Disamping pekerjaan yang menjadi pemicu adalah pengetahuan ibu balita tersebut tentang manfaat menimbang,dengan menimbang berat badan secara rutin,berkala diketahui pertumbuhan berat badan balitanya. Hal ini terlihat dari pernyataan ibu balita tersebut: ―.....supaya tahu berat badannya, kalau berat badannya turun berarti kurang sehat. ―.....sehat aja pak kalau ditimbang tiap bulannya ―.....supaya tahu 94 | R e g i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n H e a l t h R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ABSTRACT BOOK berat badannya, kalau sakit beratnya jadi kurang Dengan demikian ibu balita mengetahui keaktifnya untuk memanfaatkan posyandu agar menimbang balitanya secara rutin tiap bulan, dengan demikian diharapkan melakukan penimbangan tiap bulannya balita diketahui kondisi kesehatannya. Sedang ibu balita yang tidak aktif melakukan penimbang tiap bulannya mempunyai belum mengetahui dari manfaat melakukan penimbangan tiap bulan hal ini terlihat dari pernyataan berikut ini : ―.....anak saya ma ditimbang atau tidak beratnya sebegitu aja. Kebiasaan ibu balita untuk menimbangkan balita adalah pekerjaan yang rutin, dan berkala yang dilakukan oleh ibu, kebiasaan ini dilakukan agar supaya balitanya menjadi sehat, dan berat badan terpantau karena dilakukan penimbangan bulanan. Hal ini terlihat dari ungkapan ibu balita yang disampaikan yaitu : Ibu balita yang aktif melakukan penimbangan tiap bulannya. ―.....pokoknya sudah rutin aja melakukan penimbangan tiap bulannya. ―.....rutin aja tiap awal bulan melakukan penimbangan di rumah ibu kader. Ibu balita yang tidak aktif tidak ada upaya untuk melakukan penimbangan dikarenakan kebiasaan untuk menimbangkan anak tidak ada. Hal ini terlihat dari ungkapan ibu yang disampaikan. ―.....malas untuk menimbangkan anaknya ―.....badan sudah tua malas untuk membawa posyandu 2.Enabling Factors a.Kondisi Posyandu. Untuk melaksanakan proses kegiatan penimbangan balita di laksanakan di posyandu, adapun sarana yang dibutuhkan untuk kegiatan tersebut antara lain yaitu : adanya dacin untuk menimbang, adanya sarung timbang, buku pencatatan dan pelaporan. Disamping itu adanya tempat untuk melakukan kegiatan penimbang, karena tempat khusus untuk menimbang tersebut tidak ada, maka tempat untuk menimbang tersebut dilaksanakan di rumah kader sebagai pos tempat penimbangan. ―.....sarana yang ada yaitu dacin, sarung timbang, tetapi untuk tempat khusus untuk penimbang tidak ada, jadi rumah saya (rumah kader) dibuat untuk tempat penimbangan balita. ―.....kalau KMS sudah lama ngak ada, jadi untuk pencatatan penimbangan dilakukan dibuku. ―.....ya yang bantu diposyandu melati 2 hanya dua orang kader yang membantu kegiatan posyandu, yang lain pak, ogah mau jadi kader. Hanya saya membilangi warga, kader yang satu lagi punya anak kecil masih repot. Jika dilihat dengan kodisi posyandu tersebut masih banyak kekurangan yang dibutuhkan untuk melaksanakan kegiatan posyandu: antara lain meja untuk kegiatan pelaksanaan posyandu, Kartu Menuju Sehat, yang seharus dimiliki oleh tiap-tiap ibu balita yang melaksanakan kegiatan penimbangan, sehingga hasil penimbangan yang diperoleh tiap-tiap dari penimbangan dapat diketahui tingkat pertumbuhan anak tersebut, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa anak tersebut naik beratnya atau turun dari hasil penimbangan tersebut. b.Kemudahan untuk menimbang. Kemudahan untuk menimbang oleh ibu-ibu yang mempunyai balita tidak menjadi permasalahan, yaitu mudah dari akses yang di jangkau,maksud jarak yang ditempuh antara rumah dan tempat posyandu tidak terlalu jauh. Seluruh responden menyatakan bahwa jarak sangat dekat, dan waktu tempuh tidak terlalu lama, hal ini terlihat dari ungkapan yang dinyatakan oleh ibu balita . ―.....ya cuma 100 meter dari rumah, kira-kira 10 menit, jalan kaki. ―.....mudah pak hanya 300 meter dekat kok dari rumah. Disamping kemudahan dari segi jarak dan waktu, kemudahan untuk mendapatkan pelayanan penimbang tidak menjadi permasalahan, serta penimbang tidak dikenakan biaya untuk penimbang, hal ini terlihat dari ungkapan yang dinyatakan oleh ibu balita . ―.....mudah pak, datang daftar dulu tak lama kemudian dipanggil untuk ditimbang. ―.....gratis tidak bayar setiap kali penimbangan. Keramahan yang diberikan oleh para kader, sangat baik T o w a r d s U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h C o v e r a g e a n d E q u i t y | 95 hal ini terlihat dari ungkapan yang dinyatakan oleh ibu balita . ―......enak di posyandu ini ada yang mau memperhatikan kesehatan orang yang kurang mampu. ―......pelayanan yang diberikan oleh kader ramah sekali. 3.Reinforcing Factors a. Dorongan suami dan keluarga Peran keluarga atau suami untuk mendorong ibu balita dalam melakukan penimbangan anak sangat besar sekali, walaupun motivasi ibu balita ada, tetapi tanpa dorongan dari keluarga dan suami tidak akan mungkin seorang ibu balita untuk melakukan penimbangan. Hal ini terlihat dari ungkapan yang dinyatakan oleh ibu balita yang aktif menimbangkan anaknya di posyandu. ―.....kalau saya lupa suami saya yang mengingatkan ―.....waknya bilang tu ada posyandu, cepat dibawa biar ditimbang. ―.....anak yang tua yang mengingatkan, ma dedek belum ditimbang. Tetapi kenyataan tersebut berbeda dengan ibu balita yang tidak aktif menimbangkan balitannya. Hal ini terlihat dari ungkapan yang disampaikan oleh ibu balita ―.....malas pak, suami pagi-pagi udah kerja, repot, anak sewaktu ada kegiatan posyandu selalu tidur. b. Dorongan tetangga. Disamping peran keluarga dan suami peran tetangga ikut juga seorang ibu balita untuk membawa anaknya untuk melakukan penimbangan berat badan anaknya. Hal ini terlihat dari ungkapan yang dinyatakan oleh ibu balita yang aktif menimbangkan anaknya di posyandu. ―.....tetangga bilang che ma (mari) bawa anak besok ada ke posyandu ―......yuk bareng aja (tetangganya bilang) besok keposyandu. Tetapi kenyataan tersebut berbeda dengan ibu balita yang tidak aktif menimbangkan balitannya. Hal ini terlihat dari ungkapan yang disampaikan oleh ibu balita ―......yuk (tetangga mengajak) ke posyandu, anak saya lagi tidur duluan aja. Conclusion Umur Ibu balita yang 25-35 tahun, Predisposing factors antara lain adaanya upaya ibu balita untuk menimbangkan balita ke posyandu, agar balitanya menjadi sehat. Enabling Factors kemudahan dan letak posyandu yang dekat dari rumah ibu balita,dan keramahan petugas posyandu. Reinforcing Factors adalah dorongan suami, tetangga untuk melakukan penimbangan balita. Advice: Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Tangerang menyediakan KMS, memberikan support kepada bidan, kader agar lebih aktif untuk memberikan pelayanan di posyandu, serta perlu refresh training bagi para kader lama, dan pelatihan bagi kader baru. ID: 226 THE EFFECT OF TEMPE EXTRACT ON BREAST CANCER CELLS APOPTOSIS AND PROLIFERATION IN DMBA-INDUCED RATS STRAIN WISTAR 124. Bastomy Ali Burhan, dr. Candra Bumi, M.Si Public Health Faculty University of Jember Background Cancer is the leading cause of death worldwide and breast cancer is second rank of largest cancer in the world. Breast cancer ranked first on the patients hospitalization throughout hospital in Indonesia and ranked second in East Java. Breast cancer require high costs, for both preventions and treatments.Tempe contain isoflavones that suspected be able to induce apoptosis and inhibit proliferation of breast cancer cells. Objectives Therefore this research needs to be done to find out the effect of tempe as breast cancer prevention through increasing apoptosis and decreasing proliferation of breast cancer cells. The objective of this research is to examine and analyze the effect of tempe extract to increasing apoptosis and decreasing proliferation of breast cancer cells in DMBAinduced rats strain Wistar and to know the effective doses of tempe extract. Methods 96 | R e g i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n H e a l t h R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ABSTRACT BOOK This research is a true experimental design study using randomized posttest control group design with completely randomized design. Research done to Rattus norvegicus strain Wistar induced DMBA and given tempe extracts according to the oral dose per group. The number of apoptosis and proliferation of calculated and analyzed with MANOVA test (Multivariate Analysis of Variance) and Simple Linear Regression test. Results The results is there are significant differences effect of giving tempe extract against apoptosis and proliferation of breast cancer cells in all dose groups. Dose of 20 mg/kgBW has a significant differences with the other treatment group. The results showed the most effective dose is the dose of 20 mg/kgBW. Keywords : tempe extract, apoptosis, proliferation, breast cancer cells ID: 227 IMPACT OF JAMINAN PERSALINAN POLICY TO JKBM PERSALINAN IN CITY OF DENPASAR(CASE STUDY IN PUSKESMAS II DENPASAR BARAT, RSUD WANGAYAAND DINAS KESEHATAN KOTA DENPASAR) 125. Putu Ayu Indrayathi, Ngakan Bagus Danip Pradipta Udayana University Backgrounds : In July 2011, Jampersal program replaced the implementation of JKBM persalinan in Denpasar. Since both programs has different criteria therefore several problems appeared. Objectives : This study intended to find out implementation of such programs from management and health worker’s perspective in Denpasar. Methods : This research is a collective case study with a qualitative descriptive, crosssectional design. Data was collected through in-depth interview with 9 key informants, which is selected through purposive sampling methods. It consists of 2 informants from Denpasar City Health Department, 3 informants from Puskesmas II Denpasar Barat (West Denpasar Community Health Center II), and 4 informants from RSUD Wangaya (District Hospital). Results : In JKBM persalinan program, access to health care services for pregnant women are still limited. After Jampersal is being implemented, access to public services is increasing. There are no much different regarding tarif of both programs in West Denpasar Community Health Center II. However, in RSUD Wangaya JKBM persalinan rate is considered higher than Jampersal and award given Jampersal program felt very less, not comparable with the specialist services provided. Regional autonomy Wangaya hospitals should submit proposals to Walikota Denpasar about the subsidy cost of labor through cost sharing from JKBM persalinan. Conclusion : Jampersal has bring equity to all pregnant women in Bali. This is because access to public services is increasing. Since Jampersal can be used for those who live in Bali but not Balinese The thing need to taken into consideration is synergy between Jampersal with Indonesia family planning program and the development of Jampersal should considering Undang-Undang No. 32 Tahun 2004 about Pemerintahan Daerah. . Key word: JKBM persalinan, Jampersal, City of Denpasar. ID: 228 EVALUATION OF MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN PURI RAHARJA HOSPITAL APPROACH TO TECHNOLOGY ACCEPTANCE MODEL (TAM) 2012 126. I Made Adi Sastrawan, Ketut Hari Mulyawan T o w a r d s U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h C o v e r a g e a n d E q u i t y | 97 Udayana University Puri Raharja Hospital has been using hospital management information system (MIS RS) that is integrated with client-server based. The units that have integrated the medical records, operator, cashier, pharmacy, ICU, ER, VK, Laboratory, Askes, Warehouse, Patient Care, and Finance. With the development of information systems should be coupled with increasing user are more competent. Implementation of new systems in an organization, resulting in the user tends to be difficult to adapt to the system. This study a descriptive research wich used cross sectional approace. Sample used 32 user MIS RS in Puri Raharja hospital.. Variable used is the Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU)Perceived Usefulness (PU), Attitude Toward Using (ATU), Behavioral Intention to Use (ITU)and Actual System Using (ASU). this study analyzed with descriptive statistics. And the result, the variable is the acceptance percentage from the user is 84,4% (PEOU), 83,3% (PU), 63,5% (ATU), 87,6% (ITU) and 81,2% (ASU). MIS RS well received by users. User acceptance of SIM in the hospital is very good. Although there are things that are still considered to be lacking the security of stored file. In this study suggested to add anti-virus software. So that file stored on each computer is secure. Keyword: Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Information Systems Evaluation, Hospital Management Information System ID: 229 POSITIVE DEVIANCE IN FEEDING AND CARE HABITS OF TODDLER IN REMOTE AREAS SIDOARJO DISTRICT 127. Lailatul Muniroh, Wahyu Dian Pratiwi Faculty of Public Health, Airlangga University Backgrounds.Generally, children in poor families, poor environmental sanitation, and in remote areas with limited access to food and health facilities, have impaired growth and malnutrition. However, there are few children actually have a good nutritional status even in such unfavorable conditions. This situation is called a positive deviance. Objectives.This research was conducted to describe the positive deviance in feeding and care habits of toddler in remote areas Sidoarjo district. Methods.This research was a qualitative descriptive study with cross sectional design. The number of informants was 8 mothers from poor families who had children aged 6-60 months in good nutrition, which was determined by purposive sampling technique. The data was obtained through anthropometric measurements of children, indepth interviews, and direct observation. The research variables were family characteristics, environmental conditions, socio-culture, consumption level of energy and protein, and the positive deviance in feeding and care habits. Results.The results showed that although the parents of toddler was poor family with low education levels, they had some positive habits in terms of feeding were giving colostrum and breastmilk since born, giving various solid foods, and never give up feeding when her toddler was sick. Positive of care habits were talking and introducing things around toddlers since childhood, never got lazy to answer the questions asked toddler, watchfull toddlers when played and father didn’t smoke around them. Conclusions.The conclusion is the positive deviance in the nutritional status of toddler happens due to the positive habits that parents do to their children, especially feeding and care habits. Positive deviant mothers should share their positive habits to the 98 | R e g i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n H e a l t h R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ABSTRACT BOOK people around them so that the whole community can implement the positive habits in their own family. In addition, the health workers should give more attention to health services in remote areas. Keywords : positive deviance, feeding and care habits, nutritional status, toddler, remote areas ID: 235 COMPUTERIZED PHYSICIAN ORDER ENTRY (CPOE) APPLICATION SYSTEM ON CLINICAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS STRENGTHENING OF PRESCRIBING IN GMC HEALTH CENTER, GADJAH MADA UNIVERSITY, YOGYAKARTA 128. Al Asyary University of Indonesia Health is the discipline with data usage, which is used to make the correct decision for optimizing health care. This way continues to develop in real-time or in routine which is used to being as an good information in decision-making in all management's levels. In major of its applying, CPOE has been shown to improve patient safety by reducing medication errors and subsequent adverse drug events (ADEs). Medication error such as elixir writing, determination of dose and correct drug type use at patient with the certain health condition in health service can be depressed. But, and so do own the negative impact. One of them is the existence of time addition in entry of patient information by physician. The goals was to identify how far the CPOE on prescribing implementation or also called with electronic prescribing in academic health facility of GMC Health Center currently, especially from technological themes, organizational policy, and consumer perceived. This case study design, depth interview and observation was conducted in academic healthcare facility GMC Health Center. The subject was managers, physicians, and farmacists as enduser of CPOE system on presribing. From interview guide and check list observation tools obtained that CPOE on prescribing implementation in GMC Health Center influenced by some principles from existing themes. Technology themes consisted by technology itself/temporal concern, meeting information needs, integrated systems, and security system. Organizational themes comprise with vision and leadership, organizational context, project management and continuous implementation, while usefulness, entry behaviour, special people, and training/support were about personal themes. The results obtained that the application system demonstrate absoultely end-user (user comprising; management, physicians, and pharmacists) agreed with the needs of existing service flow. However, based on the analysis of correlations in the system, the diagnosis of disease present with prescribed drug therapy found the use of doses of prescription drugs pattern had possibility of prescribing errors. CPOE systems can not give a warning of the use of certain drugs (alert) directly (real-time), also in the decision making (decision support) from information in the existing applications. For that the need, about of optimum utilization of this application systems has given the usefulness of the efficiency of the service, but its effectiveness in reducing or minimizing the main goal in every health care need to be improved. So it is not just paperless, but also the system is used as a decision-support. Keywords : CPOE, case study, successful principle, GMC Health Center ID: 236 T o w a r d s U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h C o v e r a g e a n d E q u i t y | 99 POTENTIAL OF TOBACCO PLANTS (NICOTIANA BENTHAMIANA) AS THE MEDIA DEVELOPMENT OF ANTIRETROVIRAL THERAPY SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES HIV/AIDS 129. Bastomy Ali Burhan, Yasmin Alissa Public Health Faculty University of Jember Background Sexually transmitted diseases HIV/AIDS is a disease that attacks the human immune system and until now there is no meaningful recovery or treatment. There were 19.973 cases with the fatality cases were 3846 in Indonesia from January 1st, 1987 until December 31st, 2009. Presumably because of the high cost of treatment, then there is only 5-10% with HIV who could seek treatment using recents drugs. Objectives Alternatives way of HIV/AIDS treatment can be developed using tobacco plant as a media development of anti-retroviral drugs called griffithsin through tobacco virus (Tobacco Mosaic Virus) as the main of the protein production. Tobacco plants grown a lot since, especially in Indonesia and to explore the positive side of this tobacco plant which until now is used as a cigarette and become health hazard, so this plant is suitable for use as a media development of anti-retroviral. Methods This scientific paper is descriptively consisting of references, and the analysis is based on the data and/or information gotten and converted with the references. Meanwhile, the synthesis describes that this writing can show the information about the potential of tobacco plants as a media development of anti-retroviral griffithsin (GFRT) for sexually transmitted diseases HIV/AIDS. Result From the analysis and synthesis problems we can get the information that GRFT block or prevent the activity of gp120 to CD4 cells and also prevent the same activity on the viral envelope gp41 and gp24. GRFT perform significantly inhibit the binding of gp120 monoclonal antibody (mAb), 2G12 (have depending on carbohydrates) and (mAb) 48d, which binds CD4. Conclusions There are three main points in the working of griffithsin against HIV activity there are (1) worked on the viral envelope glycoprotein of HIV/AIDS (gp120, gp41 and gp24), there could preventing HIV to enter and infect CD4 cells, (2) because griffithsin worked on the viral envelope of HIV / AIDS, the griffithsin can keep other CD4 cells that are still healthy and not infected by HIV so that the spread of HIV budding from an invasion of previous CD4 cell can be prevented, (3) work in reverse trancryptase (RT) of HIV to prevent the increasing of viral load in CD4 cells and decreased the RT activity so that griffithsin as virucide to reduce the viral load in which the decrease in RT activity on the HIV virus constantly will result in the death of the virus. ID: 237 IMPLEMENTATION of BIORISK MANAGEMENT in OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY DIVISION at CENTER FOR BIOMEDICAL AND BASIC TECHNOLOGY OF HEALTH (CBBTH) LABORATORIES 130. Frans Dany, Frans Dany, N.K Susilarini, Herlinda, Vivi Lisdawati Pusat Biomedis dan Teknologi Dasar Kesehatan (Pusat 1) Background Hazard to laboratory worker may occur due to the negligence or other causes beyond human ability. Inter alia, laboratory workers have a high risk of exposure to many blood borne diseases that can be transmitted through blood penetration such as HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and other viral infections. The high risk of exposure in the laboratory requires biorisk management to 100 | R e g i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n H e a l t h R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ABSTRACT BOOK prevent intentional and unintentional release of pathogen. Biorisk management identify all hazards, the entry and exit infectious material, evaluation of the potential for misuse and prevention of infectious materials and prioritize the handling of emergencies. There are several implementation of biorisk management for the prevention of number of diseases that can be carried out by the Occupational Health and Safety Division in every institution to the safety of laboratory worker such as: the annual vaccination program. Occupational Health and Safety Division at Center for Biomedical and Basic Technology of Health (CBBTH) in National Institute of Health Research and Development (NIHRD), Indonesian Ministry of Health, had already implemented biorisk management by doing the annual vaccination program. Hepatitis B is one of an infection of the potentially life-threatening liver and included in a preventable disease by vaccination. The annual vaccination program in CBBTH is included hepatitis B vaccination. The data will be presented as follow Methods Data were obtained from laboratory workers at CBBTH in November 2011 to July 2012. ELISA was used to test sera for HbsAg and anti-HBs. For those with adequate antibody levels (anti-HbS >100 IU/ml) and positive HbsAg, vaccination was not implemented. The workers with anti-HBs titer of 51-100 IU/ml will be administered booster shot once. Those having the titer of 11-50 IU/ml got booster shot twice and levels <10 IU/ml received 3 dose of the vaccine. Staff which is experiencing immunization series were screened again to check their immunity status by using ELISA. Results Of 148 persons, 38 (25.67%) already had adequate anti-HbS, thus deemed having immunity to hepatitis B, 3 (2.02%) were HbSAg positive, 94 (63.5%) were negative, 13 participants (8.78%) dropped out from vaccination. After rescreening, 93 of 94 (98.9%) vaccinated had adequate antibody against Hepatitis-B. Conclusion Vaccination Program included screening of Hepatitis-B is “a must― for laboratory workers and must be done annually to prevent an increase cases of Laboratory-Acquired Infection. ID: 238 SOYBEAN (GLYCINE MAX (L.) MERILL) AS A ANTI-CANCER SOLUTION IN INDONESIA 131. Bastomy Ali Burhan, dr. Candra Bumi, M.Si Public Health Faculty University of Jember Background Cancer is the leading cause of death in the world (about 13% of all causes of death), estimated to number about 7.9 million deaths in 2007.In Indonesia are expected to have at least 170-190 new cancer cases each year for every 100 000 people. Asian women have a lower incidence of breast cancer than Western women, because a diet rich in soy and fiber and low in fat. This suggests that soy may also be a prostate cancer prevention. Epidemiological data has resulted in the tendency of the benefits of soy as a cancer prevention. Objectives Based on the above information, the author will review and analyze the potential anti-cancer properties of soy effectively and efficiently in cancer control efforts in Indonesia. Methods This scientific work written in a descriptive literature review, while this analysis is based on the data and or information obtained and adapted to review the existing literature. While the synthesis illustrates that scientific writing is to produce an information about the potential of soy in preventing cancer disease in Indonesia. Results Soybeans contain many substances that are useful for the human body. One of them is phytoestrogens. Of the several types of phytoestrogens, genistein is a compound T o w a r d s U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h C o v e r a g e a n d E q u i t y | 101 that can prevent the occurrence of cancer in the human body through the mechanism of increased apoptosis (programmed death) in cancer cells. Conclusions Research has shown that genistein can induce apoptosis in various malignant cell types. Inducting apoptosis is one mechanism of genistein are expected to affect the expression of Bcl-2 proteins are important in the regulation of apoptosis protein. Due to an increase in apoptosis, cancer cells growth can be prevented. To increase consumption requires the development of soybean variety are processed. Therefore, efforts to diversify the processed soy needed. Soy can be processed in Tempe, tofu, soy sauce, attackers know beancurd, Nata de soya, milk, soyghurt, and others. The existence of some processed soy products can result in increased public interest in the consumption of soy. High consumption of soya by diversifying its products to further enhance the consumption of soy genistein in preventing cancer. ID: 239 MATERNAL BEHAVIOR IN IMPLEMENTING THE BALANCED NUTRITION IN PADANG CITY 132. Azrimaidaliza, Idral Purnakarya, Dewi Yurika Sari was conducted on 110 women who lived in Padang city. Maternal behavior, education, knowledge, attitude, economic status and role of health worker towards balanced nutrition were collected by questionnaire. Especially, maternal food consumption behavior were collected by food recall 24-hours then compared with general guidelines balanced nutrition. Results: The result showed that 40% of maternal had low education, 72.7% lower knowledgeable balanced nutrition, 12.7% being negative towards balanced nutrition. The results also obtained 57.3% of maternal with poor economic status and 73.6% of health workers with poor role. Maternal behavior in implementing the balanced nutrition unknown 76.4% had unfavorable behavior. Analysis Chi-Square showed that education (P=0,019) and knowledge about balanced nutrition (P=0,006) associated with maternal balanced nutrition behavior. Then, by logistic regression analysis obtained knowledge of balanced nutrition is the most dominant factor related to the behavior of balanced nutrition (P=0,003, CI=1,644-11,916, OR=4,426). Conclusions: Knowledge of balanced nutrition is the dominant factors associated with maternal behavior in implementing the balanced nutrition in Padang city. Therefore to Health Institutions can socialize about balanced nutrition to the public through routine counseling and the media so that they can apply in the family. Public Health Faculty Andalas University Backgrounds: West Sumatra is one of the provinces in Indonesia that have a higher prevalence of malnutrition above the national average (20.22%). Thus the implementation of balanced nutrition has not been going well in the family to address the nutritional problems. Objectives: The aim of this study is to determine factors associated with maternal behavior in implementing balanced nutrition in Padang city. Methods: Cross sectional study ID: 240 PARINGAN, THE “PSYCHOTIC KAMPONG―
A CONTROVERSIAL MENTAL HEALTH ISSUE IN PONOROGO, EAST JAVA 133. Aan Kurniawan, Pramita Andarwati, Yunita Fitrianti 102 | R e g i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n H e a l t h R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ABSTRACT BOOK Pusat Humaniora, Kebijakan Kesehatan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (Pusat 4) Backgrounds “Kampung Gila― or the “Psychotic Kampong― was a phrase that introduced by several media to claim their findings on 60 people with mental illness (PWMI) lived in a village in East Java, namely Paringan. Those report had become a multilevel controversy for quite a while. The government considered this report as a questione about their credibility in dealing with mental health issues in Indonesia. The society preceived it differently. Some confront it, some other considered it a bless as attentions and aids were coming afterward. A big change happened to this village as a result of those releases. Objectives This research aimed to describe Paringan village with its socio-cultural condition. We underlies the Paringan people’s experiences in dealing with PWMI, including their explanation on mentall illness, deviant attitudes, emotional expressions and behaviours shown by people who was subjected as PWMI. The result of this research is intended to contribute community based mental-health efforts in Paringan village. Methods This research was a case study employed an exploratoryqualitative method. Data were collected during 3 weeks of live-in at the Paringan village by conducting indepth interview and participant observation. Results The findings of this research showed that there is a change in the Paringan society in terms of health care to PWMI. The press releases did give a big change to it. The estabilishment of Community Health Care in Paringan village as one of the answer to the ―Psychotic Kampong― case has changed the way a treatment is given to PWMI. They get a better access to health care than before. We also found that the people of Paringan has a various conception in explaining ill-health condition of people that were considered to be PWMI. This conception influenced the way PWMI were treated. Family, as the primary care giver were treating PWMI based on their conception on ill-health condition. ID: 243 THE RELATIONSHIP MATERNAL HEIGHT WITH THE INCIDENCE OF LOW BIRTH WEIGHT 134. Erna Luciasari, Yurista Permanasari, Fitrah Ernawati Pusat Teknologi Terapan Kesehatan dan Epidemiologi Klinik (Pusat 2) Backgrounds. The prevalence of stunting among under five years in Indonesia reached 36,8 %. The impact of stunting in adulthood such as limited in working capacity. Stunted woman will have high risk pregnancy because they have a small pelvic size and risk of having infants with low birth weight. When the situation is not corrected it will be more stunted mothers in the future. Stunted mother will give birth an infant with low weight (< 2500 gram) . Objective.To assess differences between maternal height with the incidence of low birth weight. Methods. Type of this research was cohort prospective . It continuously observing pregnant women from 12-16 week of pregnancy until giving birth. Maternal height were measured at baseline using microtoise. Stunted mother who those have height less than 145 cm. Birth weight infants were weighed using scales for infants (baby scale) digital. Data analyzed was performed with univariate and bivariate. Univariate analyzed was conducted to identify the distribution of the sample. Bivariate analyzes to determine the differences birth weight child from normal and stunted mother using t- test with a significance limit of 0.05. Results. There were 261 pair of mothers and T o w a r d s U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h C o v e r a g e a n d E q u i t y | 103 infants. There were 24 ( 9,2%) of infants had low birth weight, only 1 of 24 infant who those have a height <145 cm. The T- test results no significant difference between birth weight child on maternal height <145 cm and more. Conclusions. There was no differences of weight birth on infants in this study was not due to a low birth with mothers height less than 145 cm. There was no association between maternal height and incidence low birth weight child . trimester and birth weight were grouped into low birth weight (<2500 g) and non low birth weight or normal (> = 2,500 g). Results: From 115 subject, there were 13.9% LBW children and 86.1% children who are not LBW. The statistical test showed that there are difference in maternal weight during pregnancy on low birth weight children and children who are not LBW with p = 0.00 (α <0.05). Conclusion: Birth weight babies are different depending on maternal weight during pregnancy. Keywords: low birth weight, maternal weight ID: 246 DIFFERENCES MATERNAL WEIGHT DURING PREGNANCY IN LBW AND NO LBW CHILDREN 135. Yurista Permanasari, Fitrah Ernawati, Erna Luciasari, Made Dewi Susilawati Pusat Teknologi Terapan Kesehatan dan Epidemiologi Klinik (Pusat 2) Background: A healthy child should be prepared during pregnancy. That because the fetus expereienced period of rapid developments during pregnancy. Therefore, sufficient nutrients needed to achieve it. Increased nutritional needs during pregnancy influence maternal weight gain during pregnancy. Enough weight during pregnancy can prevent LBW (low birth weight) or below 2500 grams. Therefore, a mother must maintain his physical condition to replenish their nutritional needs.. The purpose of this study was to determine the difference in maternal weight in LBW and non LBW. Methods: Data were obtained from a prospective cohort study in Bogor district in 2011-2012 against pregnant women who were followed from the first trimester untill they delivery the baby. Data obtained from this study the average maternal weight during pregnancy from the first trimester to the third ID: 248 POTENTIAL OF DRIED CASSAVA (MANIHOT UTILISSIMA) LEAVES AS CAROTENE SOURCE FOR PRE-SCHOOL CHILDREN 136. Almasyhuri, Erna Luciasari Pusat Biomedis dan Teknologi Dasar Kesehatan (Pusat 1) Abstract Foreword. Vitamin A deficiency especially on women and children from low socio-economic income are abundant in world. Vitamin A deficiency can lead to blindness and moreover it also brings 2.2 million babies to death per year because of diarrhea and 1 million died because of measles. In 2005, WHO estimated 250 million pre-school children were lack of vitamin A, and 250,000 – 500,000 of them will suffer blindness every year. Vitamin A can be obtained from foods and supplements. One of vegetable which contains high vitamin A is Cassava leaf. Moreover, in most case in Indonesia cassava leaves are rarely used as food. Those leaves are abundant considering the big area of fields. Cassava leaves consumed usually come from the younger leaves which have tendency can’t last long 104 | R e g i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n H e a l t h R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ABSTRACT BOOK in storage. Furthermore, drying can be one of traditional way in preserving foodstuffs. Objective. This research aims to get to know the potency of dried cassava leaves as a source of β-carotene for pre-school children. Methods. Young and matured cassava leaves are blanched, dried, and then cooked with gulai seasoning. Three kinds of gulai: (1) dried young cassava leaves gulai, (2) dried mature cassava leaves gulai, (3) fresh cassava leaves gulai are designed as complete menus and furthermore portion acceptance tests are conducted. Three groups of pre-school children act as panelists, be given those gulai three days in row, and documented. The difference in three kinds of gulai portion acceptance is analyzed by using Anova and Duncan test in SPSS 15.0. β-carotene level of cassava leaves in gulai and the fresh one are also analyzed. Result. The average consumption of dried young cassava leaves are 81.3 g / day, dried mature cassava leaves are 64.9 g / day, and 91.8 g / day for the fresh one. Result of Anova test shows there is no significance between those kinds of gulai (P>0.05). β-carotene content in dried young cassava leaves gulai is 2,363 μg with 81.9 g water per 100 g, dried mature cassava leaves gulai with 2,394 μg of β-carotene and 82.7 g water per 100 g, fresh cassava leaves gulai with 2,233 μg of β-carotene and 84.0 g water per 100 g. Dried cassava leaves that come from young or mature cassava leaves can be well-accepted by pre-school children and there is no difference in portion compared with fresh cassava leaves gulai. All of those kinds of cassava leaves being used can be utilized as a source of β-carotene. Keywords: Dried cassava leaves gulai, Portion acceptance test, β-carotene ID: 249 CLINICAL AND LABORATORY DIFFERENCES BETWEEN PRIMARY AND SECONDARY INFECTION IN ADULTS 137. Taufiqur Rakhim Aditra, Umi Solekhah, Yanri Wijayanti Gadjah Mada University Background: Dengue infection has been known to affect mostly children, especially those aged less than 16 years. However some studies proved that there is a shift in the age distribution to older age. In children, primary infection is not uncommon and was emphasized to be less severe than secondary infection. Adults, when infected, showed different clinical manifestations from children. Thus, it is necessary to also investigate the profile differences between primary and secondary infection in adults. Objective: To compare the severity of primary and secondary infection in adults based on laboratory and clinical manifestations. Design: This study is retrospective using secondary data derived from medical record data of patients in Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM) in the year 2008 Subject and materials: The subjects included in this research are patients of Ciptomangukusumo Hospital that has been diagnosed with Dengue infection. The data collected from the medical records include age, sex, clinical presentations, and laboratory findings Results: We collected 244 patient data who were diagnosed with dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF). Out of those, 116 (47,5%) were diagnosed with secondary dengue infection. In the primary dengue group the common symptoms recorded were presence of nausea (86,7%), vomiting (47,7%), headache (87,5%), myalgia (71,1%), and arthralgia (70,3%), epistaxis (7%), ptechiae (49,2%), melena (3.1%) and positive Rumple Leede test (14.1%). The secondary dengue group T o w a r d s U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h C o v e r a g e a n d E q u i t y | 105 presented with similar clinical symptoms but none of the clinical manifestations differ significantly from the primary dengue group (p=0,05). Among the laboratory parameters, the mean maximum hematocrit (45,1 volume%) and the mean maximum hemoglobin (14.9 g/dL) were significantly higher than that of the primary dengue group. The mean minimum platelet count (43.300/mm3) was significantly lower. The hematocrit, hemoglobin, and thrombocyte count upon admission were also significantly different. Clinical categorization between both groups was not significantly different (p=0,05). Conclusion: There were no significant differences in the clinical manifestations between primary and secondary infection groups. It was found that hematocrit, thrombocyte and haemoglobin values were significantly different between the two study groups, suggesting a more severe manifestation in secondary dengue infection. However, leukocyte count did not show significant differences. The two groups did not vary in severity according to WHO 1997 disease classification. Keywords: Primary dengue; secondary dengue; DHF ID: 251 GENDER INEQUITY IN FAMILY PLANNING 138. Dwidjo Susilo, Nurfadhilah, Triana Srisantyorini Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta Backgrounds Condom is one of the most ideal contraception devices for family planning due to the high effectiveness and without side effect. However, the utility of condom in Indonesia is very low. The 2010 Basic Health Research revealed that the highest percentage of married women who use condoms as a tool for family planning in the age group of 35-39 years old was at 1,6%. Compared to the 2000 and 2005 National Health Surveys, percentage of condom use in this age group increased from 0.3% and 0.4% respectively. Objectives The objective of the study was to discover information about the different role of husbands and wives who are succeeded in condom use. The specific target of the study is to raise males’ role in using condom as their reliable contraception device. Methods The method used in this study was Positive Deviance (PD) approach to observe and imitate the uncommon behaviors and strategies that had been successfully done by the PD initiators though there were only 1% of the community use condom as their contraception device. We collected data from 163 respondents in Jakarta and South Tangerang in 2012 by using questionnaire to screen potential informants who have been using condom consistently. Forum Group Discussion was conducted on non-condom user and wives of non-condom users. In depth interviews was held on 3 condom users, 2 condom users’ wives and 3 non-condom users’ wives. Results Among 163 respondents, there were 80 people did not use any contraception. Of the contraception users, there were only 16 people (10%) who consistently using condom in the last 8 months. Other respondents mostly used hormonal contraception such as injection (22%) and pill (15%). Behaviors related to condom use equally and fairly simple. Condom is easy to use because the usage instructions clearly stated on the packaging. However, there are significant differences in motivation of husbands for using condom. Some husbands used condoms because of negative experiences of wife when using hormonal contraception. Others decided not to use condom because of low support from wife. Conclusions The determinants of behavioral intention for using condom are the 106 | R e g i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n H e a l t h R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ABSTRACT BOOK wife’s support without showing unpleasant feeling while using condom and health professional suggestion to use condom as the ideal contraception method. Comprehensive information on advantages and disadvantages of contraception methods is necessary to reduce gender inequity in family planning. ID: 258 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY (OHS ) MANAGEMENT IMPLEMENTATION IN ANTI TB LUNG DISEASE GLOBAL FUND PROGRAM EVALUATION YEAR 2011 IN DISTRICT OF KOTABARU - SOUTH KALIMANTAN INDONESIA 139. Qomariyatus Sholihah Lambung Mangkurat University Background Tuberculosis still a health problem in Indonesia. Prevalence of pulmonary tuberculosis with sputum smear (+) was higher by 0.3%. TBCTreatment program has performed nationally since 1969, then in 2004 joined the donor countries in the Global Fund to fund all activities related to the program in the District Kotabaru P2TBC lung. Objectives , This study aim to reveal the implementation of the program before and after lung P2TBC Global Fund interventions in the District Kotabaru year 2010 - 2012. Looking at the inputs and processes in the implementation of the program, the number of program outcomes include patient discovery rate, conversion rate, the cure rate and error rate. The research method was descriptive describe the actual state of implementation of the P2TBC lung program, evaluating aspects of the input, process and output using a questionnaire. The population of the study sample were all officers in activities P2TBC lung in health centers and one district Wasor. The results showed that overall both the input, process and output increased from before Global Fund intervention . Input funds increased 100%, 100% officers had been trained , and equipment like Mikrokop 95% binocular, OAT fulfilled 100%. The process of program implementation is also progressing as 100% SPS sputum examination, supervision, minitoring 100%, negligent patient tracking and inspection of patient contacts increased to 80%, recording and reporting from regular and complete 80%. Output activities such as patient findings BTA (+) increased 40.1% to 67%, Conversion from 80% to 81.5%, the cure rate increased from 78.2% to 90.7% and the error rate dropped from <3, 4% to <2.7%. Conclusion P2TBC implementation has been successful with the application of occupational safety and health ( OSH ) management from inputs to outcomes. For that program continued to reduce and suppress the development of pulmonary TB disease. Keywords: pulmonary P2TBC program, the Global Fund interventions, program evaluation ID: 272 DETERMINANT OF BACK PAIN AMONG SEVERAL HOSPITALS PARAMEDICS IN JAKARTA 140. Lusianawaty Tana, FX Suharyanto Halim Pusat Teknologi Terapan Kesehatan dan Epidemiologi Klinik (Pusat 2) Determinant of Back Pain among Several Hospitals Paramedics in Jakarta Abstract: Back pain is a major health problem for workers in the world. Many risk factors are related to back pain, such as manual handling of the patient, physical stretching, psychological T o w a r d s U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h C o v e r a g e a n d E q u i t y | 107 factor, and age. The purpose of this study was to analyze determinants of the back pain among paramedics who are working in several hospitals in Jakarta. A cross sectional study was conducted to paramedics who are working in medical care unit in three hospitals in Jakarta. Back pain was diagnosed based on clinical diagnosis by general practitioner and neurologist. The inclusion criterias were age 20–45 years old, have been working in the hospital for at least 1 year, without spinal congenital disorder, and not pregnant. There were 382 samples that fulfilled the study criteria. The percentage of back pain is 28.5%. Determinant factors of back pain among paramedics were trauma history, back pain prevention practice, smoking habit, age, and psychological distress.(p<0.05). Increasing of the back pain prevention practice is important to prevent back pain. Keywords: occupation, back pain, determinant, paramedics ID: 277 THE EFFECT OF HEALTH PROMOTION INTERVENTION ON COMMUNITY BEHAVIOR CHANGE ABOUT BASIC HEALTH ISSUES/PROBLEMS: AN OVERVIEW OF A MEDICAL STUDENT PROGRAM NAMED PENGALAMAN BELAJAR LAPANGAN IN CAWANG AREA, EAST JAKARTA 141. Forman Erwin Siagian Faculty Of Medicine The Christian University Of Indonesia Background: Indonesia still faces numerous health problem challenges, from maternal mortality to malnutrition and also infection caused by soil transmitted helminths or vector borne disease such as malaria. Its geography makes extending coverage of healthcare services to sub-urban and rural areas even more challenging. Poor behavior on personal hygiene (individually or collectively), poverty and demographic transformation caused by massive urbanization with distribution of health inequalities in urban areas will lead to serious and profound implication for health. One of alternative approach for solution is to improve health status through health promotion/education in the community. The aim of this study was to review the effect of health promotion intervention on community behavior change in basic health issues/problems through a medical student program of the Christian University of Indonesia named Pengalaman Belajar Lapangan (PBL). This program held periodically (3-4 times a year) in Cawang, a crowded sub urban area located in east Jakarta. Methods: a systematic review of the program report published during 2006-2012 was undertaken. Report were considered eligible for inclusion if it evaluate the impact of intervention using valid indicator or specific measure of health issue baseline. Results: altogether, 19 program report were found to match the inclusion criteria. With a total sample size of 2549 respondent which live in the area during the program held. Pooled results indicated small but positive overall effect of the interventions with respect to community behavior change Conclusions: health promotion intervention can be considered effective to change the behavior of the community on basic health issues/problems Keywords: Cawang, health indicator, education, community, intervention ID: 280 PERILAKU BERISIKO REMAJA JALANAN KOTA BANDUNG TAHUN 2010 142. Heny Lestary, Sugiharti 108 | R e g i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n H e a l t h R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ABSTRACT BOOK Pusat Teknologi Intervensi Kesehatan Masyarakat (Pusat 3) Latar Belakang :Usia remaja merupakan usia yang paling bergejolak dalam kehidupan seorang manusia. Remaja cenderung mencoba berbagai perilaku berisiko seperti merokok, alkohol, narkoba, sex bebas, aborsi, penyakit menular seksual, mencuri, tawuran, dan sebagainya. Remaja jalanan merupakan kelompok remaja paling berisiko karena tidak ada lembaga yang melindunginya. Tujuan:Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui gambaran perilaku berisiko remaja jalanan di Kota Bandung dan harapan mereka terhadap layanan peduli remaja baik di Puskesmas maupun lembaga lainnya. Metode :Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode Wawancara Mendalam (WM) dan Kelompok Diskusi Terarah (KDT). Populasi adalah anak jalanan Kota Bandung yang berumur 15-24 tahun. Informan terpilih secara acak dari beberapa kantong remaja jalanan di berbagai penjuru Kota Bandung. KDT dan WMdikelompokkan berdasarkan jenis kelamin, usia, dan status kawin. KDT dilakukan pada 8 kelompok dan WM dilakukan terhadap 8 informan dengan karakteristik yang berbeda. Hasil :Hampir semua remaja jalanan Kota Bandung pernah melakukan perilaku sex bebas, alkohol, narkoba, dan merokok. Sebagian pernah mengalami penyakit menular seksual dan ditolak pengobatannya oleh Puskesmas karena tidak mempunyai jaminan sosial. Sebagian kecil pernah terlibat pencurian dan dipenjara. Beberapa remaja pernah melakukan percobaan bunuh diri karena frustasi dengan kehidupannya yang tidak berjalan seimbang. Sebagian besar mulai hidup di jalanan sejak berusia 10-12 tahun, bahkan ada yang mulai sejak usia 6 tahun. Hampir semua remaja mengakui turun ke jalan karena perceraian orangtua atau kehidupan keluarga yang tidak harmonis, serta alasan ekonomi. Kesimpulan :Perilaku berisiko kelompok remaja 15-19 tahun dengan kelompok 20-24 tahun berbeda. Pada umumnya mereka yang berusia 20-24 tahun sudah bosan melakukan perilaku berisiko dan ingin kembali ke jalan yang benar. Sedangkan remaja 15-19 tahun masih terbiasa dengan perilaku berisikonya.Pada umumnya tidak ada perbedaan yang nyata antara perilaku berisiko remaja laki-laki dan perempuan. Remaja menikah lebih memilih untuk mencari nafkah untuk keluarganya, dibandingkan dengan remaja yang belum menikah. Perlu adanya dukungan dari puskesmas, dinas sosial, dan swasta untuk menangani masalah perilaku berisiko remaja jalanan di Kota Bandung. Kata kunci: perilaku berisiko, remaja jalanan, alkohol, narkoba, sex bebas ID: 281 PENGETAHUAN REMAJA TENTANG PELAYANAN KESEHATAN PEDULI REMAJA DI KOTA BANDUNG TAHUN 2010 143. Sugiharti Ananda, Heny Lestary Pusat Teknologi Intervensi Kesehatan Masyarakat (Pusat 3) PENGETAHUAN REMAJA TENTANG PELAYANAN KESEHATAN PEDULI REMAJA DI KOTA BANDUNG TAHUN 2010 Abstrak Latar Belakang Masa remaja merupakan periode terjadinya pertumbuhan dan perkembangan pesat baik fisik, psikologis maupun sosial. Pola karakteristik pesatnya tumbuh kembang ini menyebabkan remaja mempunyai sifat khas yang sama yaitu rasa keingintahuan yang besar, menyukai petualangan dan tantangan serta cenderung berani menanggung risiko atas perbuatannya tanpa didahului pertimbangan yang matang. Pelayanan Kesehatan Peduli Remaja (PKPR) merupakan pelayanan yang memenuhi hak remaja, T o w a r d s U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h C o v e r a g e a n d E q u i t y | 109 mengakomodasi semua segmen remaja yang beragam, termasuk kelompok yang rapuh dan rawan, tidak membatasi etnik, status, kecacatan, memperhatikan keadilan/ kesetaraan gender, menjamin privasi dan kerahasiaan, mempromosikan kemandirian remaja, menjamin biaya yang terjangkau/gratis. Tujuan Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui gambaran pengetahuan remaja di Kota Bandung terhadap Puskesmas PKPR. Metode Jenis penelitian ini adalah studi potong lintang dengan metode penelitian kualitatif. Populasi penelitian ini adalah remaja kawin usia 15 – 24 tahun dan remaja belum kawin usia 15 -24 tahun. Hasil Dari hasil wawancara mendalam dan diskusi kelompok terarah terhadap remaja menunjukkan bahwa semua informan remaja menyatakan belum pernah mengetahui dan mendengar adanya Puskesmas PKPR, sebagian besar informan remaja menyatakan memerlukan adanya pelayanan yang peduli terhadap remaja. Pelayanan yang diharapkan sebagian besar informan remaja adalah pelayanan dengan biaya yang terjangkau atau gratis, petugas yang ramah dan mau mendengarkan keluhan remaja, menghargai remaja, bisa menjaga rahasia remaja dan dapat memberikan pemecahan masalah yang dihadapi remaja. Kesimpulan Puskesmas PKPR belum banyak diketahui dan dikenal oleh remaja. Kata kunci : Remaja, PKPR, Puskesmas ID: 282 KEBIJAKAN PELAYANAN KESEHATAN HAJI INDONESIA DI EMBARKASI 144. Qomariyatus Alwi, Ratih Oemiyati Pusat Humaniora, Kebijakan Kesehatan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (Pusat 4) Pelayanan kesehatan haji di embarkasi sangat krusial karena merupakan penapisan akhir dan penentuan laik terbang seorang calon haji. Pada kenyataannya masih terjadi jemaah haji yang dinyatakan tidak laik berangkat tetapi masih tetap diberangkatkan (meninggal di pesawat, di jeddah) serta setiap tahun terjadi kasus persalinan dan keguguran di Arab Saudi. Kematian jemaah haji banyak terjadi pada kelompok Risti karena usia maupun karena penyakit yang dideritanya sejak dari tanah air. Pada 10 tahun terkahir ini jemaah haji Indonesia wafat 2,1 – 3,2 per 1000 jemaah, jauh lebih besar dibandingkan dengan kematian jemaah haji di negara negara Asean lainnya. Pelayanan kesehatan haji diselenggarakan dengan memanfaatkan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang berkembang, serta mengutamakan pendekatan komprehensif yaitu promotif, preventif, kuratif rehabilitatif. Tujuan Umum penelitian adalah tersedianya kajian tentang Kinerja dan Kebijakan Pelayanan Kesehatan Haji di embarkasi tahun 2010/1431 H. Tujuan Khusus memperoleh informasi tentang jumlah, jenis, unit asal petugas, waktu yang terpakai untuk setiap tupoksi, kegiatan pemeriksaan dokumen dan pemeriksaan kesehatan fisik dan kehamilan, pelayanan kesehatan di poliklinik, kebijakan pelayanan kesehatan haji di embarkasi. Studi kualitatif terkait kinerja pelayanan kesehatan jemaah haji pada 15 embarkasi di Indonesia dilakukan pada tahun 2010/1431 H. Informan adalah seluruh petugas pelayanan kesehatan yang sedang bertugas pada saat pengumpulan data. Cara pengumpulan data dengan observasi, wawancara mendalam dan diskusi kelompok terarah serta telaah dokumen manajemen dan kebijakan. Temuan penelitian • Lama jemaah berada di embarkasi sebelum berangkat hanya 1x 24jam, sedangkan jumlah petugas terbatas untuk memeriksa kelengkapan dokumen dan kondisi kesehatan seluruh calon jamaah (1kloter sampai 450 orang), sehingga kadang pemeriksaan kesehatan tidak dilakukan 110 | R e g i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n H e a l t h R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ABSTRACT BOOK dengan baik sesuai SOP • Karena waktu terbatas, tidak semua embarkasi melakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan pada seluruh calhaj, sebagian hanya memeriksa yang Risti saja. • Belum ada standard kebutuhan jumlah tenaga kesehatan yg bertugas di embarkasi dan belum ada standar waktu pemeriksaan dokumen haji per calhaj. • Pemeriksaan kehamilan tes urin dan palpasi kadang tidak dilakukan secara lengkap dan kurang teliti sehingga membuka peluang calon jemaah haji untuk berbohong (terjadi peristiwa persalinan di Mekah dan aborsi di Madinah) • Ada intervensi pihak Kemenag dalam menentukan keberangkatan calhaj dengan alasan tertentu sehingga menimbulkan kerancuan/polemik. • Kebijakan yang ada: PEDOMAN TEKNIS PEMERIKSAAN KESEHATAN JEMAAH HAJI oleh PUSAT KESEHATAN HAJI KEMENTERIAN KESEHATAN RI 2010 Jemaah haji dinyatakan TIDAK MEMENUHI SYARAT, apabila ; 1). Status kesehatan termasuk kategori Tunda. 2). Mengidap salah satu atau lebih penyakit menular tertentu pada saat di embarkasi. 3).Tidak memenuhi persyaratan keselamatan penerbangan. Ketentuan Keselamatan Penerbangan a) Penyakit tertentu yang berisiko kematian dikarenakan ketinggian/penerbangan. b) Usia kehamilan: Ibu hamil diperbolehkan berangkat apabila pada saat berangkat dari embarkasi usia kehamilan mencapai di bawah 14 minggu dan di atas 26 minggu. Bukan kehamilan risiko tinggi untuk ibu dan janin. Pertemuan Penetapan Kelaikan Kesehatan Jemaah diselenggarakan oleh Kepala Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten/Kota. Paling lambat 2 minggu sebelum mulai operasional haji. Opsi Kebijakan dan Saran 1. Adanya kebijakan terkait standar jumlah dan kualifikasi tenaga kesehatan di embarkasi sesuai beban kerja (jumlah jemaah haji). Untuk itu perlu penelitian tentang standar jumlah dan kualifikasi tenaga dikaitkan dengan beban kerja 2. Adanya kebijakan terkait Penilaian reward dan punishment terhadap kinerja setiap petugas dan terhadap manajemen pelayanan dengan indikator angka kematian di setiap embarkasi dan kasus persalinan/keguguran 3. Perlu dibentuk tim pengawasan dan tim penilaian terhadap kinerja petugas di embarkasi dan di setiap unit pelayanan kesehatan haji baik di tanah air maupun di arab saudi ID: 293 POLA PENYAKIT ISPA DAN DIARE BERDSARKAN POLA RUMAH SEHAT DI INDONESIA DALAM KURUN WAKTU SEPULUH TAHUN TERAKHIR 145. Supraptini, SKM, M.Kes, Pusat Teknologi Intervensi Kesehatan Masyarakat (Pusat 3) ID: 294 ANALISIS KETERSEDIAAN OBAT ESENSIAL DI RUMAH SAKIT DAN PUSKESMAS MENURUT REGIONALISASI BERDASARKAN SURAT KEPUTUSAN OBAT GENERIK NOMOR HK.03.01/MENKES/146/ I/2010 146. Dra. Selma A.S.Siahaan, Apt, MHA Pusat Humaniora, Kebijakan Kesehatan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (Pusat 4) T o w a r d s U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h C o v e r a g e a n d E q u i t y | 111 ID: 295 ANALISIS SPASIAL DAN STATISTIK TERHADAP PERUBAHAN STATUS GIZI ANAK BALITA DI INDONESISA (ANALISIS LANJUT RISKESDAS 2007 DAN 2010) 147. Noviati Fuada, SP, MKM , Pusat Teknologi Terapan Kesehatan dan Epidemiologi Klinik (Pusat 2) ID: 296 ANALISIS MAPPING TOPOGRAFIS (KETERPENCILAN, KEPULAUAN, PERBATASAN) TENTANG KETERSEDIAAN DAN KELAYAKAN FASILITAS FISIK PUSKESMAS BERDASAR DEMOGRAFI DAN GEOGRAFIS DI INDONESIA 148. Rukmini, Betty Rosihermiatie Pusat Humaniora, Kebijakan Kesehatan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (Pusat 4) Latar Belakang : Sarana pelayanan kesehatan dasar milik pemerintah yaitu Puskesmas telah terdapat di semua kecamatan, namun akses terhadap pelayanan kesehatan belum merata yaitu masih terbatasnya sarana pelayanan kesehatan dan tenaga kesehatan di Daerah Tertinggal Terpencil Perbatasan dan Kepulauan (DTPK). Bagi masyarakat di DTPK, keterbatasan akses juga disebabkan kondisi geografis yang sulit. Riset Fasilitas kesehatan (Rifaskes) tahun 2011 dilaksanakan sebagai upaya mengetahui gambaran yang komprehensif mengenai sarana pelayananan kesehatan pemerintah sebagai perencanaan dalam rangka pengembangan pelayanan kesehatan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat. Tujuan : menganalisis mapping topografis (keterpencilan, kepulauan, perbatasan) tentang ketersediaan dan kelayakan fasilitas fisik puskesmas berdasarkan faktor demografi dan geografis di Indonesia. Metode : dengan menganalisis data sekunder Rifaskes tahun 2011 mengenai Puskesmas. Hubungan antara kelayakan fasilitas fisik dengan keterpencilan diuji dengan korelasi Spearman, hubungan kelayakan fasilitas fisik dengan puskesmas kepulauan dan perbatasan dengan Mann Whitney test, sedangkan hubungan kelayakan fasilitas fisik Puskesmas dengan topografi wilayah menurut jumlah peduduk dan lokasi puskesmas perkotaan/pedesaan dengan TwoWay Anova. Hasil : sebagian besar Puskesmas terdapat pada wilayah dengan jumlah penduduk <30.000 jiwa (63,4%), daerah biasa (73,6%) dan pedesaan (74,2%). Luas tanah puskesmas sebagian besar (%) sudah memenuhi persyaratan Kemekes RI, bila Puskesmas memiliki 1 bangunan maka luas tanah ≥ 1,5 kali luas bangunan sedangkan bila memiliki ≥1 bangunan dan atau bertingkat maka luas tanah ≥ 2 kali luas bangunan. Menurut bangunan Puskesmas, fungsi bangunan sebagain besar (61%) adalah non perawatan, jenis bangunan (93,5%) permanen, kondisi bangunan lebih separuh (55,2%) baik dan (79,8%) berlantai satu. Ruangan pelayanan Puskesmas terutama ; yang tersedia (96,4%) poliklinik umum sedangkan yang paling layak adalah (81,4%) poli gigi. Adapun ruangan non pelayanan yaitu ruang tunggu (99,6%), gudang obat (84,5%), toilet (77%) sebagian besar sudah tersedia dengan kategori layak. Demikian pula dengan ketersediaan air sepanjang tahun, sebagian besar sudah tersedia (83,6%) dengan kategori layak (81,2%). Namun untuk penanganan limbah puskesmas lebih dari separuh (66,8%) tersedia tetapi dengan kategori kurang layak (72,7%). Terdapat hubungan signifikans antara 112 | R e g i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n H e a l t h R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ABSTRACT BOOK kelayakan ruangan pelayanan, non pelayanan, air bersih dan penanganan limbah dengan topografi wilayah. Demikian terdapat hubungan antara kelayakan ruangan pelayanan, non pelayanan, air bersih dan limbah tetapi hanya berdasar keterpencilan menurut jumlah penduduk dan lokasi puskemas. Kesimpulan : Di Indonesia ketersediaan fasilitas fisik Puskesmas, yaitu tanah dan bangunan, ruangan pelayanan, non pelayanan, air bersih, sebagian besar sudah tersedia dengan kategori layak, baik berdasarkan topografi, demografi maupun geografi. Sedangkan fasilitas penanganan limbah, sebagaian besar kategori kurang layak. Menurut kelayakan fasilitas Puskesmas terdapat hubungan antara kelayakan ruangan pelayanan, non pelayanan, air bersih dan limbah dengan keterpencilan menurut jumlah penduduk dan lokasi puskemas. ID: 297 ANALISIS DETERMINAN PADA IBU MENYUSUI DI JAWA TIMUR YANG BERPENGARUH TERHADAP PERILAKU KONSUMSI OBAT TRADISIONAL 149. Dr. Oeke Yunita, Ssi, Msi, Apt Universitas Surabaya ID: 298 THE STUDY OF DEVELOPMENT MODEL OF INTEGRATED ERADICATION OF NEGLECTED TROPICAL DISEASE(COMPLETING THE MODEL FROM FINANCING SIDE) 150. Wahyu Pudji Nugraheni Pusat Humaniora, Kebijakan Kesehatan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (Pusat 4) There are several diseases that fall into the group of neglected diseases (Neglected Disease) in Indonesia. There are Leprosy/Kusta, Yaws/Frambusia, Rabies, Japanesse encephalitis, Leptospirosis, Brain cysticercosis and Soil Transmitted Helminthiasis. Until now, the abovementioned diseases is still a public health problem in Indonesia. Although the disease is still quite problematic in Indonesia, but received little attention in the control in the absence of strategic importance for any party and also the lack of political pressure groups to defend his suffering. Besides these diseases also have a lower mortality rate than TB, malaria and HIV / AIDS, in addition to no potential for outbreaks. The general objective of the study is calculate the cost of an integrated eradication (by model) on a neglected tropical disease Leprosy/Kusta, Yaws/Frambusia, Filariasis and disease more caused. Expected results of this study complement previous research (Integrated Model Development Neglected Tropical Diseases) from the financing side. Research Design: Cross Sectional conducted in three districts namely Alor (NTT), District Piddie (Aceh), and Pekalongan (Central Java). The study was conducted over 10 months by way of secondary data is data tracking coverage of T o w a r d s U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h C o v e r a g e a n d E q u i t y | 113 disease financing program in 2010 in each of the District Health Department . The results showed that the cost of an integrated eradication (by model) at the four neglected tropical diseases in Alor District in 2010 found as many as 813 cases by the number of operating costs for the eradication Rp.44.745.722 case number. In 2011 found as many as 333 cases by the number of operating costs for the eradication Rp.252.860.236 case number, and the prediction of an integrated eradication costs in 2012 amounted to Rp.242.831.986, - an integrated eradication fee (according to the model) in the four neglected tropical diseases City Pekalongan: Total cost for integrated NTD eradication of Rp. 616,688,474 (100%) in 2011 and Rp. 648,412,313, - (98.49%) in 2012. While the cost of an integrated eradication (by model) at the four neglected tropical diseases in the district Piddie in 2011 amounted to Rp. 1742334507, -, and 2012 amounted to Rp. 1,852,967,709. -. Suggestions for programs related to the results of this research are activities and programs to eradicate neglected tropical disease control in health districts and health centers reactivated, it is necessary financing of the division of authority at central level, provincial and district levels so that the costs do not occur in the district, need role active in other sectors such as education, water supply and other related sectors in the eradication and prevention activities, maximizing the BOK funding for case finding activities in endemic areas that lack operational costs, increase activity so that limited funds of health promotion integrated counseling in health centers can be controlled, and training of health supporting staff and personnel associated with the program of neglected tropical diseases more enhanced frequency and done routinely. 114 | R e g i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n H e a l t h R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ABSTRACT BOOK T o w a r d s U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h C o v e r a g e a n d E q u i t y | 115 116 | R e g i o n a l S y m p o s i u m o n H e a l t h R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t ABSTRACT BOOK T o w a r d s U n i v e r s a l H e a l t h C o v e r a g e a n d E q u i t y | 117