The Ladera Ranch News
The Ladera Ranch News
December 16, 2011 Troops Return Home for the Holidays! December 16, 2011 Page 2 The Only Weekly Newspaper Exclusively for the Ladera Ranch Area The Ladera Ranch News The Ladera Ranch News The Ladera Ranch News The Only Weekly Newspaper Exclusively for the Ladera Ranch Area December 16, 2011 THE LADERA RANCH BOYS B10 AYSO TEAM BECAME THE AREA 11 CHAMPIONS Front row (from left to right): Val Cavaricci, Carson Lewis, Will Codd, Sean Maurer, Daniel Urdaneta-Carrera Back row (from left to right): Zachary Lewis, Coach Paul Lewis, Aidan Burakoff, Irfaan Karim, Ethan Scholz, Assistant Coach Nancy Urdaneta The Ladera Ranch Boys B10 AYSO team became the Area 11 champions on December 6 by beating an undefeated Laguna Hills team in the championship game. The team, led by Coach Paul Lewis, had fought its way to first place in the fall Ladera Ranch AYSO league. This secured them a spot at the two-day tournament held at the World Cup Fields in Mission Viejo where they posted an impressive 4-1 record. The tournament consisted of the best teams from each of the 10 local regions that make up Area 11, including Mission Viejo, Rancho Santa Margarita, Laguna Hills, Lake Forest, San Juan Capistrano, Laguna Beach, Laguna Niguel, San Clemente and Aliso Viejo. FREE GUITAR with lesson purchase! You Pay for the Lessons, We Give You the Guitar OC Music Center during the month of December will credit new customers whatever you spend on lessons (up to $360) towards the purchase of any new guitar in our store. Samick Avion Electric Guitar $239 or FREE w/ 12 Lessons Fender Starcaster Classic Pak $119 or FREE w/ 12 Lessons (949) 858-0900 Kay Pink 3/4 Classic $99 or FREE w/ 5 Lessons In RSM on Empresa @ Aventura - next door to Papa John’s The Ladera Ranch News Page 3 The Only Weekly Newspaper Exclusively for the Ladera Ranch Area December 16, 2011 The Ladera Ranch News ELKS LODGE REMEMBERS FOURTEEN DEPARTED MEMBERS AT ANNUAL MEMORIAL SERVICE Mission Viejo / Saddleback Valley Elks Lodge No. 2444 (“Elks Lodge”) held its annual memorial service (“Program”) to remember fourteen of its members that passed away during the past year. Honored members included: Past District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler Robert Lionetti, Inner Guard James C. Peterson, Elk of the Year Leo Hazell, Edward Gosse, Alan L. Petersen, Thomas Cahill, Patrick J. Weagraff, John J. Hargy, Al Haywood, John Scott, Don Petrics, George E. Way, Jr., Hugh Dewey and R. Scott Cornelius. The Program was attended by Elks Lodge members, friends and family of the deceased. Fronting the podium were two posters with photos of the deceased members, a poinsettia, fourteen white candles and Elks Lodge Emblems. The Program was opened with the presentation of the colors by Boy Scout Troop 603 and a welcoming message from Elks Lodge Exalted Ruler Gloria Le Couvre. As each deceased Elks Lodge member’s name was announced by Secre- tary Charlie Hart, a candle was lit by Chaplain Steven A. Rusie and chimes were struck by Assistant Inner Guard Howard Sargeant. Sharon Scott sang Amazing Grace. Throughout the Program, organ music was provided by Elks Lodge Life Member, Andy Costello. The Memorial Service was closed with the playing of Taps by Ray Mallen and the reading of the Elks Eleven O’clock Toast by the Exalted Ruler. The hard copy program was provided by Assistant Chaplain Michael Alarcon of Fairhaven Memorial and the photo posters by Elks member Karen Chaklos. Boy Scout Troop 603 The Mission Viejo / Saddleback Elks Lodge No. 2444, celebrating forty one (41) years of service to the Saddleback Valley communities, is one of ten lodges in the Orange Coast District of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks (BPOE) whose headquarters is in Chicago, Illinois. The BPOE is a charitable organization with a 143 year history of giving, “Elks Care, Elks Share.” Memorial Service Remembrance Table BEASLEY’S L AS FLORES DRY CLEANERS Family Owned and Operated 4 Generations of Dry Cleaning Full Service Cleaners • Tailoring • Wedding Dress Heirlooming • Formal Wear DRY CLEANING ALL BLANKETS & BEDSPREADS 15 OFF 30 OFF % Must Present Coupon With Incoming Order Except leathers, alterations and laundry service. One coupon per order and can not be combined with any other offer. Not valid with pick-up and delivery. Exp. 12/31/11 % Must Present Coupon With Incoming Order Except leathers, alterations and laundry service. One coupon per order and can not be combined with any other offer. Not valid with pick-up and delivery. Exp. 12/31/11 28562 Oso Parkway Plaza de Las Flores FREE PICK UP AND DELIVERY! • (949) 766-5021 Page 4 The Ladera Ranch News The Ladera Ranch News The Only Weekly Newspaper Exclusively for the Ladera Ranch Area December 16, 2011 SEGERSTROM CENTER FOR THE ARTS OFFERS MILITARY DISCOUNT TO IRVING BERLIN’S WHITE CHRISTMAS Subscription Rates $26.00/year Editorial offices: 23472 Vista Del Verde, Suite 6 Coto de Caza, CA 92679-3930 949-589-9990 To send a press release: [email protected] Nancy Fitzgerald Sandra White Display Advertising Diana Calvaneso, Manager Valerie Mincheff Legal Advertising David Flood, Art Director Graphics Department Jerry White Publisher Ladera Ranch News is an independent weekly newspaper published every Friday. We are not owned or operated by any of the big daily newspapers. The views and opinions expressed are those of the publisher and not any organization. No reproduction, in whole or in part is permitted without the express written permission of Ladera Ranch News. Legal Advertising: The Ladera Ranch News was adjudicated by the Orange County Superior Court as a newspaper of general circulation pursuant to Government Code 6000 case #A227454 on December 30, 2004 and as such is the appropriate newspaper to place legal and public notices for the South Orange County Judicial District and the community of Ladera Ranch.. Segerstrom Center for the Arts is offering a 25% military discount to performances of the popular holiday musical IRVING BERLIN’S WHITE CHRISTMAS from December 27 – January 1. Prices will be as low as $15. For a complete list of performance dates and times and to purchase online, please visit Tickets can also be purchased at the Center’s Box Office at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa or by phone at (714) 556-2787. Ticket purchases must be made using the code word: USA. I RV I N G B E R L I N ’ S W H I T E CHRISTMAS is the stage adaptation of the beloved classic film that tells the story of two showbiz buddies putting on a show in a picturesque Vermont inn, and finding their perfect mates in the bargain. Full of dancing, romance, laughter and some of the greatest songs ever written, including “Count Your Blessings Instead of Sheep,” “Happy Holiday,” “Sisters,” “Blue Skies,” and the unforgettable title song, IRVING BERLIN’S WHITE CHRISTMAS promises to be a merry and bright experience for the entire family! The New York Times claims “this cozy trip down memory lane should be put on your wish list.” And, the New York Daily News hailed IRVING BERLIN’S WHITE CHRISTMAS as “a holiday card come to life.” I RV I N G B E R L I N ’ S W H I T E CHRISTMAS features music and lyrics by Irving Berlin with book by David Ives and Paul Blake and is based upon the Paramount Pictures film written for the screen by Norman Krasna, Norman Panama and Melvin Frank. One of these days, the people are going to demand peace of the government, and the government is going to have to give it to them. -Dwight Eisenhower, 34th President of The United States The Ladera Ranch News Page 5 December 16, 2011 The Only Weekly Newspaper Exclusively for the Ladera Ranch Area The Ladera Ranch News LOCAL DENTIST MICHAEL TESSIER REVEALS WAYS TO DETECT ORAL CANCER Oral cancer is on the rise for the fifth year in a row. In the US alone, 100 new individuals will be diagnosed with oral cancer daily and one person will die every hour of every day because of this disease. It used to be that oral cancer was attributable primarily to age and smoking. Now, there is evidence to the effect that it is being transmitted in young people thru sexual contact. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be this way. Early detection, like everything else in the body, is the key. We use ViziLite, which is a chemoluminescent test for early visual detection, and a “Brush Biopsy” (from Oral CDx) when we see a suspicious discontinuity in intra-oral tissue. Oral Cancer has been a hot topic of discussion in the US over the last few months, especially since Michael Douglas has been so candid in the media over the last few months appearing on both Oprah and The View. He, like many oral cancer patients and survivors, is urging the public to get an annual oral cancer exam. The Great Dr. Oz even did a segment on it Lesions from the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) which is a sexually transmitted disease can also be discovered by visual dental examinations. There are more than 100 types of this virus, four of which are associated with oral cancers. HPV is the number one cause of throat and mouth cancer after tobacco use. In the United States, 1700 new cases of HPV-associated head and neck cancers are diagnosed in women and nearly 5700 in men each year. The dental community is of paramount importance in the early detection of oral cancer, because, along with checking teeth, we evaluate the health of the soft tissues of the mouth in their entirety. Please keep up with your regular dental visits. If you have any questions, I can be reached at 949-459-7212. My office is at the corner of Oso and Antonio Parkways at the south end of Rancho Santa Margarita. MUSIC ED 4 U , INC. MUSIC 4 U, U, INC. Piano Instruction ED for Preeschoolers to Adults Piano Instruction Instructionsfor forPreeschoolers PreeschoolerstotoAdults Adults Piano Instruction for Piano Instruction for Preschoolers to Adults • Step-by-Step Teaching Preschoolers Material to Adults Step-by-Step Teaching Age Level Teaching and Ability • Step-by-Step Materials Appropriate Programs Materials Age Level and Ability • Easy for Special Needs Age Level and Ability Appropriate StudentsPrograms CAROL LYNN CLARK Appropriate Programs is a California native, CAROL LYNN CLARK is a CAROL LYNN CLARK • 40forYears Teaching Easy Special Needs Students born andnative, raised in and is a California native, California born Easy Experience for Special Needs Students Orange and born and raisedCounty in has raised in County Orange and Parent Participation and been a private piano Orange has has beenCounty a privateand piano Parent Participation and teacher for 40 piano years. Great Gift been a private AttendanceHoliday Required teacher for 40 years. She She was a pupil of Susan teacher for 40 years. Attendance Required was a pupil of Susan Talevich Talevich completed 40 Years Teaching Experience She was and a pupil of Susan and completed MTA level 10 MTA leveland 10 completed in Susan's Talevich 40 Years Teaching Experience in Susan’s studio. Carol was studio. Carol a Piano NEW YEAR SPECIAL MTA level 10 inwas Susan's aPedagogy Piano Pedagogy Major at Major ataCSUF studio. Carol was Piano CSUF and studied with Earle and studied with Earle Pedagogy Major at CSUF Voorhies. Carol Voorhies. Carol waswas and studied with Earle provisional, apprentice, provisional, apprentice, Voorhies. Carol was then then active status active status teacher in the provisional, apprentice, teacher in the MTA. She thenShe active status MTA. is also registered is also registered Levels teacher MTA. She Levels 1-6ininthe SAA. The studio 1-6 in SAA. The studio is also registered Levels program includes a weekly program includes a 1-6 in SAA. Theclass, studio lesson, monthly weekly lesson, monthly program includes a quarterly recital, and yearly class, recital, weeklyquarterly lesson, monthly performance. and yearly performance. class, quarterly recital, and yearly performance. 10 Week NEW YEAR SPECIAL Lesson Class 1x/wk Private Half Hour - one student hour ($120/mo.) 1x/wk $30/half Private Half Hour - one student 1x/wk Private Hour - one student $30/half hour ($120/mo.) hour ($240/mo.) 1x/wk $60/half Private Hour - one student 1x/wk Shared Half Hour - two students $60/half hour ($240/mo.) per student 1x/wk $60/month Shared Half Hour - two students 1x/wk Shared Hourper - two students $60/month student $120/month per student 1x/wk NEW Shared Hour two students STUDENTS ONLY. 1x/wk Half Hour Class students $120/month per- five student Any Age! PreSchool to Adult! $30/month per -student 1x/wk Half Hour Class five students 1x/wkLimited Hour Class - per five students enrollment. Please hurry $30/month student $60/month 1x/wk as Hour Class - per five students these classes fillstudent up fast! $60/month per student only 100 $ Carol Lynn Clark Carol Lynn Clark 949-246-5815 949-246-5815 7 Sablewood Circle, Ladera Ranch, California 92694 (Studio located in Bannister Street, off Eton and O’Neil) 7 Sablewood Circle, Ladera Ranch, California 92694 (Studio located in Bannister Street, off Eton and O’Neil) Page 6 The Ladera Ranch News The Ladera Ranch News The Only Weekly Newspaper Exclusively for the Ladera Ranch Area December 16, 2011 SMALL TOWN TROOP GREETERS WELCOME HOME 1,247,843 TROOPS, 303 DOGS AND COUNTING By Patricia Campion There is a tradition in Bangor, Maine. It is a ritual of honor observed by a precious and dedicated group of men and women who make the sporadic pilgrimage to Bangor International Airport “no matter the hour” to welcome our troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan. They are the Maine Troop Greeters. I learned about the Maine Troop Greeters the day my husband and I flew into Bangor for a business trip. As it is my own custom to shake the hand of any military member I see in public, be it at an airport or crossing a grocery store parking lot, I was awestruck by the number of troops I saw clustered in the small terminal when we arrived. “It will take you an hour to shake all those hands,” my husband teased, knowing full well I was tempted to give it a try. “You just missed it,” said our host, business partner and proud Maine native Mike Dugay. He pointed to a small but brightly lit room just to the right of the international arrivals gate. Above the door is a lit sign: “Maine Troop Greeters.” Inside was a cluster of camouflage-suited bodies mingled with a handful of vets from wars past. “They greet every plane,” Mike told us. “They line up, applaud and shake every hand.” He said it reminded him of the famed Budweiser commercial where spontaneous applause breaks out as a plane-load of troops enters the terminal. “It still makes me cry when I see it.” I learned that Harold Clossey, executive director of the Sunrise Economic Council, who is advising our group in our business matters, would be greeting his son Zane through that very gate the next morning. I had to return. I had to be a part of this. My husband and I took a break from our business matters and returned to the airport Thursday at 8 a.m. As we rode the escalator to the second floor, we were joined by another man. “Is this the way to where they greet the troops?” I asked. “Oh yes,” he said with a cheerfulness rare to find at that hour in the morning. “I’m one of the Greeters. Just follow me!” Larry Bridgham is a glorious man with an irresistibly welcoming spirit. As a WWII Air Force vet who served his country for four years as part of the Air Train Command, today Larry spends his days greeting troops home from the new wars. On this day, Larry would be greeting two plane-loads totaling over 500 troops returning from Iraq. Larry has been welcoming each troop home with a personal handshake and a heartfelt thank-you for a year more than he served in the military himself. “I believe we should give our troops an honorable welcome home,” Larry said, recalling the abhorrent treatment of those who returned from the war in Vietnam. “They put it on the line for us and we owe them that.” Larry has an infectious patriotism; without provocation, he became my personal tour guide, escorting me through the Troop Greeters room and explaining everything on display. Larry hustled me over to the “library,” a few shelves of books and ring-binders that tell the history of the Greeters and what they have done over the years. Larry’s favorite part of the collection is the binder of thank-you letters, sent to them from military leaders and members of Congress expressing gratitude for their efforts. “If we ever get to close this place,” Larry said wistfully, “if they ever don’t need us to do this anymore, this is the one thing I would want to take with me when they close the door for the last time.” I met Bill Dean, who served in Vietnam (1954-1957). Today he is determined that our troops are welcomed home with gratitude and honor. “It just wasn’t right,” Bill recalled of the disgraceful way he and his fellow troops were greeted upon their return. But he acknowledged that the social perception of our men and women in the military has changed. “It took 9-11 to wake this country up.” Jodie Rand was there to greet her son, Zachary, an Army captain returning from his second tour in Iraq. With her was her daughter, Brielle, and her sister, Jacki Murray. “I just want to hug him and kiss him,” Jodie said anxiously, her face utterly beaming with joyous anticipation. “Most of the troops don’t hav Seated alone in the first chair to the left of the arrival gate was an anxious-looking man. In the chair next to him was a green gift bag decorated with bald eagles and American flag stickers. A pair of small flags were sticking out of the tissue wrapped contents. He kept looking at it, fussing with it as if adjusting the clothes on his child. Then he’d sit back, still scrutinizing its appearance while clasping his capped, Styrofoam cup of coffee in his hands like a prayer. “Are you here to meet someone special?” I asked. His answer caught in his throat and his tears came immediately. “My daughter,” he managed. Bob Smagula served in the Army, sergeant first class. He retired in 1985. “The reception we got,” he recalled sadly, and for a moment his voice trailed off to bad memories. But he shook them away. Lessons learned are more important than lessons lost. “What they do here is fantastic,” Bob chose to say instead. “It’s such a turnaround this country has made.” His daughter, Lotta - a master sergeant in the Army - had no idea he was there. He hadn’t seen her for a year. Now, in a matter of minutes, she would be walking down the entry tunnel. He looked back at the gift bag, showing me the contents as if they were Lotta’s baby photos. The thing of which he was most proud was a margarita glass full of lime-green margarita-flavored Jelly-Bellies. They are her favorite. “I couldn’t find any in New Hampshire,” Bob laughed. “But I found them here in Maine!” Due to mechanical difficulties the flight was delayed twice, held over in Ireland for two days. It was now scheduled to arrive at 8:38 a.m. Bob had driven four hours from Manchester, N.H., to be there. It wasn’t until then that I learned Bangor is only a layover stop. From there the troops would be flown to Ft. Hood, Texas, for debriefing. Bob would only get to see his daughter for one hour. “I don’t care if I only got to see her for 10 minutes,” Bob said proudly. “I’d be here.” “They’re here,” someone said. “They’re on the ground!” Then, as they have done for 15 years, the group began lining up at the international arrivals gate. My husband and I joined them, and we waited. My heart pounded. I was already crying. “It’s like waiting for him to be born all over again,” Harold exclaimed. He was about to burst with excitement. Jena was literally vibrating with eagerness. As the first soldier was sighted, the applause began. “Welcome home,” one greeter shouted, shaking the hand of the first soldier and then the next and the 341 who came after. And it was just as Mike had said -- it was just like the commercial, all the way down to the looks on the faces of the soldiers, the surprise, the humble smiles, the wonder that all of this fuss was about them. But this was real -- and I was there, bearing witness to one of the most profound moments I have ever known. “Thank you!” I said reflexively, reaching my hand to the first troop who neared me. “Welcome home.” “Thank you,” said a local man. A mother and her young daughter were across from me reaching for other hands, thanking them one and all. “Welcome home.” I have never grasped the hands of so many heroes. To be thanked by them was awkward. Tears were flowing freely from the eyes of the greeters as each soldier walked the line. One huge soldier came down the chute. He looked like a tank with legs. He saw the little girl who came with her mom to greet the troops; as he approached, he smiled and ripped his unit patch from the shoulder of his uniform. He stopped in front of the child and bent down low, smiling as he handed her the patch. She hugged him, smiling, grinning. She held the patch as if it were an autograph from her most favorite Disney Channel star. Bob Smagula was to the child’s left. He was holding his camera in front of his face and making his way into the flow of soldiers, sending the current slightly off course for a moment. He had spotted his daughter, and he made his way toward her. She didn’t recognize him at first. She even tried to go around him until he lowered his camera to reveal his face. It took her a moment. The look on her face was priceless, their embrace inspirational. The terminal now swarmed with troops. Some sat exhausted in chairs. Others chatted with the Greeters. Most had one of the donated cell phones clasped to their ears. Before we left, Larry - my tour guide found me. He wanted to say goodbye and thank me for coming to help them welcome our troops home. “I have something for you,” he said, handing me a small, clear plastic envelope. Inside was a minted, enameled coin. On one side, on a back-drop of the stars and stripes, is a pair of hands locked in an eternal handshake surrounded by the emblems of each branch of the military. On the other side is the state seal encircled by the words “Maine Troop Greeters - Bangor Int’l Airport.” There is a tradition in Bangor, Maine. It is a ritual of honor observed by a precious and dedicated group of men and women on the second floor of the Bangor International Airport. To observe their custom will move you; to participate will change you forever. The Ladera Ranch News Page 7 The Only Weekly Newspaper Exclusively for the Ladera Ranch Area December 16, 2011 The Ladera Ranch News Society Scene by Kelly Bennett Exclusively for the Ladera Ranch News RED BALL II RAISES $275,000 FOR AIDS SERVICES FOUNDATION A red carpet, classic movie music and camera flashes greeted arriving guests at the Red Ball II Hollywood Royalty, the signature fund raising event for AIDS Services Foundation Orange County (ASF). The Red Ball raised $275,000 and was held on the grounds of the Laguna Festival of Arts with around 400 attendees. Among the evenings highlights was a moving tribute to Elizabeth Taylor including commentary from Project Runway finalist Mondo Guerra who honored the late actress for her fashion sense and commitment to fighting HIV/ AIDS. Guerra, who appeared on season eight of the popular Lifetime cable television program, announced on the show that he is HIV positive and had been living with the disease for 10 years. ASF was blessed by Elizabeth Taylors generosity and caring. In 1993 she donated her magnificent Nolan Miller sapphire beaded gown that she had worn to one of President Ronald Reagans Inaugural Balls, says Ken Jillson, a founding ASF board member who created the tribute to the actress. Im sure she would have enjoyed Red Ball and been pleased with the amount of money we raised for a cause that was so important to her. Dinner was spectacular as ever, guests munched on hor doeuvres of bruschetta, red & yellow bell peppers, fresh basil, eggplant, kalamata olives served on a goat cheese homemade crouton; chicken Sate Skewer served with a peanut sauce, assorted cheese and a fresh fruit platter along with vegetable crudités served with homemade ranch dipping sauce. Dinner was a scrumptious pear salad with fresh crisp romaine lettuce, candied walnuts, and gorgonzola cheese, poached pears tossed in balsamic vinaigrette along with a lovely filet mignon served with black pepper cognac sauce, fresh asparagus, candied carrots and potato gratin. Everyone raved about the dessert, a lemon snowball made up of lemon cake topped with a delicate lemon mousse, with marshmallow frosting and coconut. Broadway actors Jason Graae, Nicolette Robinson and Chryssie Whitehead teamed up for an after-dinner Hollywood-themed song-and-dance spoof entitled Coup de Graae. Graae created the show especially for the Red Ball. The silent and live auctions helped to bolster proceeds from the night. A few of the live auction packages included a mens Tiffany Mark watch donated by Tiffany South Coast Plaza and a two night stay in an executive suite at the St. Regis Hotel in Laguna Niguel which was picked up by Randy Harmat and Eugenio Vasquez for $4,000. Brian K. Rosenstein was the lucky winner for the two hour presentation with the Montage Resort and Spa falconer followed by lunch at the hotel for $2,500 We are so grateful for all of those who attended the Red Ball and the many businesses and individuals who donated auction items, in-kind services and their time and talent to make this event a success, said Jillson. In addition to Jillson, Red Ball II host committee members from ASF included Maria I. Marquez, MFT, board president and event chair; Al Roberts, founding board president; Shelly Virkstis, board vice president; and Philip Yaeger, executive director/CEO. ASF was launched in 1985 as a result of a very successful backyard fund raising event in Laguna Beach called the Big Splash. That was an annual event until last year when ASF started the Red Ball as a part of its 25th anniversary observances. Annually, ASF helps more than 1,600 people and their families that are either living with HIV or are impacted by HIV disease. Services include food, transportation, housing, case management, emergency financial assistance, children and family programs, community outreach, mental health counseling, support groups, HIV testing and an extensive array of HIV prevention and education programs. Visit for more information. Page 8 The Ladera Ranch News Barbara Venezia, President and Founder of The Friends of Dorothy Guild with Tim Stoaks, ASF Board member. Maria I. Marquez, ASF President of the Board and Philip Yaeger, ASF Executive Director/CEO. Anita May Rosenstein, Member of the ASF Advisory Board with Ken Jillson, ASF Board member and ASF founder, Mondo Guerro, Lifetime Network Season 8 Project Runway finalist and AIDS activist and Al Roberts, ASF Founding President, and current Board member. Jason Graae with Nicolette Robinson and Chryssie Whitehead put on quite a show. The Ladera Ranch News The Only Weekly Newspaper Exclusively for the Ladera Ranch Area December 16, 2011 Merce Benz F des ac Certiietory d! Hours: Mon.-Fri. 7:30AM to 5:30PM Holiday Greetings 949-470-0970 OC Best Cleaning’s Service Goal is to provide our customers with the best service possible using professional products at a competitive price. ICES V SER R U O • Daily • Weekly • Bi-Weekly • Monthly • Move In / Move Out Cleanings • Post Construction Cleanings • Pre / Post Party Cleanings • Special Occasion Cleanings • Vacant Property Cleanings SUPERIOR QUALITY • EXCELLENT REFERENCES • AFFORDABLE RATES • EXPERIENCE • RELIABILITY Markdowns 20 -70 % A full service lighting store % Consultation & Design Lighting The Finest in Chandeliers, Table & Floor Lamps, Celing Fans San Clemente Over 200 Popular Manufacturers Consultation and Design Weather Resistant Finishes All Major Credit Cards Accepted (949) 492-3745 1421 N El Camino Real, San Clemente The Ladera Ranch News Page 9 The Only Weekly Newspaper Exclusively for the Ladera Ranch Area December 16, 2011 The Ladera Ranch News I’LL BE HOME FOR CHRISTMAS A SENTIMENTAL FAVORITE WITH US TROOPS THROUGH SIX WARS By Timothy B. Benford Bing Crosby recorded Irving Berlin’s “White Christmas” for the movie ‘Holiday Inn’ in 1942, and it became an immediate hit and instant classic. But did you know? Der Bingel followed that success a year later with ‘I’ll Be Home for Christmas’ in 1943 and it instantly topped the charts as one of America’s most popular holiday songs. Jimmy Gannon wrote the lyrics and the music was the work of Walter Kent. It was Crosby’s fifth gold record, back when a gold record was a really big deal. “I’ll Be Home For Christmas” was a perfect sentimental wartime song with deep meaning to U.S. troops overseas. Once the Allies landed in Normandy in June of 1944 and pushed their way through France and much of Hitler’s Festung Europa, they were knocking on Germany’s door by early December, 1944. “I’ll Be Home For Christmas” was on the lips of GI’s and civilians back home alike. It was the number one seasonal hit for the second straight year. Everyone, well, almost everyone, felt the war would be over soon and that the troops truly would be home for Christmas. LAST LAYER FINE CERAMIC TILE KITCHEN AND BATH Standard and custom. Gorgeous stone and glass mosaics. Open 9 to 5 23091 Antonio Pkwy, Ste. 300 Rancho Santa Margarita 949-589-8453 SMALL WORLD DOGGIE DAY CARE CATERING TO YOUR SMALL DOG UNDER 30 POUNDS Buy a five day pass and get one day FREE With this ad only. 29821 Aventura #A (next to Rancho Post office) Home for Christmas. Maybe it would be over by Christmas. That feeling, or wish, was widely held by U.S. troops not only along the so-called ‘Ghost Front,’ but throughout Europe on December 16, 1944, the 1,105th day since the surprise Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and other military installations in Hawaii brought the U.S. into the war. The Ghost Front, as it was commonly called, was so named by U.S. troops because nothing of significance was expected to happen there. It was an area in the Ardennes Forest near Belgium’s border with France. Troops who had been rotated out of combat for R&R were stationed there, as were new, green troops. Reserves. But Hitler had a plan, codenamed “Watch on the Rhine,” for an all-out German counteroffensive against the Allies. It wouldn’t be further south where U.S., British, and other Allied troops were at full, combat strength, it would be up and around their flank and directly through the Ardennes forging a German salient, also called a ‘bulge.’ That effort would be remembered in history as The Battle of the Bulge. SPEECH AND LANGUAGE THERAPY Hate to clean windows? Let us do it fast and cheap. Home or Office. You’ll love our service! Call for free estimate Alex Resnick 949-858-4386 WOOD SPECIALTIES 949-306-3959 (949)313-1088 RYAN’S HAULING SERVICE Lynn J. Larson Interior & Exterior, Moulding, Paneling, Patio Cover, Deck Doors, Cabinets, Gates, Termite Repair, Hand Rails. Remodeling and Additions. Licensed & Bonded Lic#477356 Guy Gates WHY LET YOUR COMPETITION GET ALL THE BEST LEADS? MATH TUTOR RETIRED MATH TEACHER CHARLES FINE FURNITURE REQUEST A DESIGNER HOUSE CALL We come to you with the very best in Fine home furnishings – over 100 lines of furniture. 714-577-5380 Page 10 LET US WASH YOUR WINDOWS-CHEAP! FORMER OC COUNTY PROSECUTOR AND PUBLIC DEFENDER 100% CRIMINAL DEFENSE CALL TODAY FOR A FREE CONSULTATION 949-306-8510 949-589-9990 LAW OFFICES OF LISA BETHUNE Book,’ after U.S. astronauts Frank Borman and James Lovell were returning to Earth in their Gemini 7 spacecraft in December 1965, after setting the record for the longest U.S. space flight ever up till that time, the pair asked Mission Control in Houston to pipe I’ll Be Home For Christmas up to them. Yet whenever I hear it during the holiday season, I can’t help but recall those members of the armed forces in World War II who heard it for the first time and believed the message I’ll Be Home For Christmas was possible. Take action now to correct your child’s speech problem. Let me help you with stuttering, voice, accent reduction, stroke recovery 949-713-3291 Advertise with the Coto de Caza News and get your phone ringing again? The objective was to push to the sea and capture the port of Antwerp, Belgium, thereby cutting off Allied supply lines. It would commence on December 16th, and nobody would be singing “I’ll Be Home For Christmas,” and meaning it, anymore that year. By the time the German counteroffensive was deemed over on January 28, 1945. The battle had claimed some 77,000+ Allied and 130,000+ German casualties. The war in Europe would end in just over three months. The song has remained a sentimental seasonal favorite ever since. Sadly, it tugged on American heartstrings again during the Korean War, Vietnam, the first Gulf War in 1990, and the current conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. It has a special meaning to our GI’s in harm’s way and their loved ones back home. As noted in my Harper & Row tome ‘The Space Program Quiz & Fact LADERA RANCH ANIMAL HOSPITAL FULL SERVICE, VETERINARY HOSPITAL Free 1st office call with this ad In the terrace shops 1101 A-7 Corporate Drive, Ladera Ranch NO JOB TOO SMALL Demolition, Trash pick-up and Garage clean up. Also handyman/odd jobs. 888-580-3651 HANDYMAN SERVICE MR. FIX IT! Carpentry, Dry Wall, Electrical, Plumbing and MUCH MORE! NO JOB TOO SMALL! CALL ART: 949-293-5691 949-842-1850 SERENE FAMILY DENTISTRY MUSIC LESSONS CENTER STAGE STUDIOS OC MUSIC LESSONS FREE CONSULTATION WITH THIS AD Complete dental services including oral surgeon on staff for dental implants + wisdom teeth. 25662 Crown Valley Pkwy, Ste. H4 Ladera Ranch 949-218-4000 949-858-0900 BUY A NEW OR USED CAR NEED A TAX EXPERT? WHY LET YOUR COMPETITION GET ALL THE BEST LEADS? WITHOUT VISITING A DEALER SHOWROOM! Get better prices and delivery to your door Fliegler auto brokers IRS AND TAX LITIGATION Tax planning and estate and trust Tax returns. Zaher Fallahi,Attorney At law, MS,MBA,JD CPA 949-290-7865 714-546-4272 The Ladera Ranch News PERFECT FOR RESIDENTIAL, PET AREAS, PUTTING GREENS, POOL AND MORE! 949-347-6803 EXPERIENCED MATH TUTOR IN RANCHO SANTA MARGARITA Elementary thru College Algebra 949-521-2526 TIGER TURF IN RSM on Empressa at Aventura ( next to Papa Johns ) Advertise with the Coto de Caza News and get your phone ringing again? 949-589-9990 ARE YOU READY TO DANCE? Hip hop, jazz, ballet, tap. Classes starting soon ages 5 to 14 years 27101 Aliso Creek Road Ste. 136 Aliso Viejo 949-305-9758 DR PHILIP SHUPE PODIATRIST 25 YEARS IN PRIVATE PRACTICE FOOT AND ANKLE SURGERY DIABETIC FOOT CARE Laser surgery for fungal nails 29851 Aventura Suite M Rancho Santa Margarita 92688 949-858-7611 The Ladera Ranch News The Only Weekly Newspaper Exclusively for the Ladera Ranch Area December 16, 2011 L ADERA R ANCH A NIMAL H OSPITAL Hours: M-F 8-6 Sat & Sun 8-5 A Full Service, State-of-the-Art Veterinary Hospital FAMILY DENTISTRY Creating Healthy Teeth and Happy Smiles Over 15 years of experience Kid friendly Family care to exquisite smile design Most advanced technology Now oral surgeon on staff for dental implants and wisdom teeth Call today! 949-218-4000 for a complimentary consultation! Preventive dentistry to maintain optimal dental health throughout your lifetime VISIT OUR BRAND NEW STATE-OF-THE-ART OFFICE at Mercantile West (in the Pavilions Center) next to Beachfire Grill Adult Cleaning, Exam & Digital X-Ray $ 59 00 $350 value! Kids Cleaning, Exam & Digital X-Ray $ 39 00 $300 value! Website: E-mail: [email protected] 1 edom Celebration of Fre nd 4th of July Weeke Call us for details New Clients Only. Not Valid with some other offers/discounts. (949) 347-6803 IN THE TERRACE SHOPS 1101 A-7 CORPORATE DR. LADERA RANCH, CA MAJESTIC We hang Christmas Lights! (ages 12 and under) Mercantile West Mall 25662 Crown Valley Pkwy Suite H-4 Ladera Ranch, CA 92694 949-218-4000 July 1, 201 FREE 1st Office Call/ Physical Exam (in the presence of no gum disease) We accept most dental plans and provide discounts for patients without insurance Open Monday through Friday - Saturdays by appointment only 2012 New Client Special We Now Offer Low Cost Affordable Spay & Neuter At Majestic, we offer Holiday / Christmas Lighting services in the holiday months. We provide installation and removal of all Holiday decorations. Whether you need your own lights installed or you are interested in one of our amazing custom packages, we offer low pricing to fit your budget. 949-407-XMAS (9627) EARLY BIRD SPECIAL Set your lights up with us before November 15th and SAVE! • • • • Professional Installation Prompt Removal after Holidays Pro-Active Maintenance Take-Down and Storage ALREADY HAVE LIGHTS? SINGLE STORY starting at $150 TWO STORY starting at $275 The Ladera Ranch News Where Readers Can Afford the Best You Have to Offer! PLAN YOUR 2012 ADVERTISING BUDGET NOW! The Ladera Ranch News is read by people who can afford your very best. No less an authority than the United States Census Bureau designates Ladera Ranch residents as having one of the highest per capita incomes in all of Orange County. The Ladera Ranch News not only reaches the residents of Ladera Ranch, but also has many subscribers in affluent adjacent communities, and is distributed weekly to medical and legal professional offices, banks and financial organizations as well as most major businesses. This newspaper contains positive news about the local communities and is widely regarded as the area’s most influential publication. Don’t Wait… Call Today! (949) 589-9990 EFFECTIVE! AFFORDABLE! ATTRACTIVE! PATRICK’S LANDSCAPING & OUTDOOR LIGHTING New Lighting Free Estimates Repairs LED / Low Voltage [email protected] 949-494-0185 The Ladera Ranch News Page 11 The Only Weekly Newspaper Exclusively for the Ladera Ranch Area December 16, 2011 The Ladera Ranch News BAPTIST CHURCH HOW TO THROW AN ELEGANT AND EASY DINNER PARTY Hosting a dinner party is one of life’s greatest pleasures, but choosing the menu can be both exciting and intimidating. A dinner party is about sharing good food and enjoying one another’s company. So why not create something easy, convenient and unique for your next party and indulge your friends in a dinner they won’t soon forget? Party Prep Tips Go for the wow factor. Look to a delicious and flavorful protein for your main dish, such as lobsters from Maine, which can be delivered directly to your door and are easy to prepare. Keep things simple and organized. Allow your guests to pitch in and help create a communal dinner party. Ask your guests to bring a side dish or their favorite dessert. Stock up. Visit your local wine shop to purchase a few different bottles that pair well with lobster, such as a flavorful Sauvignon Blanc, a crisp Chardonnay or a bubbly bottle of Prosecco or Champagne. Order Your Lobster Online To begin planning your ultimate dinner party, order fresh live lobsters from and choose which day the delivery should arrive. There are several adPage 12 ditional choices on the website to accompany the main course, including clam chowder, mussels and classic New England whoopee pies for dessert to get the full Maine experience. Plan one or two side dishes, such as corn on the cob or an arugula salad with a simple vinaigrette, and let the lobster shine as the main act. Planning this elegant and ex2-4 sprigs of fresh rosemary lobsters to an ice bath before serving. citing dinner party is simple, and 2-4 sprigs of fresh thyme Savory Butter Recipe whether you are a gourmet chef or 3 tablespoons of bacon grease, 1 stick unsalted butter an amateur, hosting a lobster dinner hardened 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped creates a fun and decadent evening 5-8 fresh bay leaves 1/2 teaspoon fresh thyme, for your guests. chopped Boil bay leaves for 30 minutes 1/2 teaspoon bacon grease, How to Prepare Fresh Lobster hardened before adding Maine lobsters. Recipe Heat over low heat until melted and Let Maine lobsters cook for about 1 tablespoon salt for every fragrant. Keep warm until lobsters are 9 minutes. quart of water Immediately add cooked Maine served. 1 lemon, quartered The Ladera Ranch News The Ladera Ranch News The Only Weekly Newspaper Exclusively for the Ladera Ranch Area December 16, 2011 O.C. PIZZA of Rancho Santa Margarita WE DELIVER ( 949) 459-0181 Must mention Coto de Caza News when you order. TRY OUR ORIGINAL CRUST PIZZA ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS!! 100% Real Mozzarella Cheese, All Fresh Ingredients PICK UP OR DINE IN SPECIAL PICK UP OR DINE IN SPECIAL 1 Large, 1 Topping Pizza X-Large 16” Pizza Plus Tax Large 14” Pizza Delivery Available, Minimum Order 2 Pizzas or More $ 8.99 Must bring coupon when ordering. Not valid with any other offers. Exp. 12-31-11 $ 4 OFF $ 3 OFF Must bring coupon when ordering. Not valid with any other offers. Exp. 12-31-11 FREE DELIVERY with this coupon! Monday - Thursday 11 am to 9:30 pm Friday & Saturday 11 am to 10 pm Sunday noon to 9:30 pm O.C. PIZZA ( 949) 459-0181 21612 Plano Trabuco Rd #G Trabuco Market Place 2012 1 July 1, 201 edom Celebration of Fre nd 4th of July Weeke The Ladera Ranch News Where Readers Can Afford the Best You Have to Offer! PLAN YOUR 2012 ADVERTISING BUDGET NOW! The Ladera Ranch News is read by people who can afford your very best. No less an authority than the United States Census Bureau designates Ladera Ranch residents as having one of the highest per capita incomes in all of Orange County. The Ladera Ranch News not only reaches the residents of Ladera Ranch, but also has many subscribers in affluent adjacent communities, and is distributed weekly to medical and legal professional offices, banks and financial organizations as well as most major businesses. This newspaper contains positive news about the local communities and is widely regarded as the area’s most influential publication. Don’t Wait… Call Today! (949) 589-9990 EFFECTIVE! AFFORDABLE! ATTRACTIVE! H y p o p u a r! H Monday - Friday 4:30 - 6:30 *bar only 50% off bottles of wine every Monday and Tuesday *excludes captain’s list Finest Quality steaks and the freshest served Seafood in the Orange County area! (949) 646 - 7944 1695 Irvine Ave, Costa Mesa The Ladera Ranch News Page 13 December 16, 2011 The Only Weekly Newspaper Exclusively for the Ladera Ranch Area The Ladera Ranch News SAN JUAN HILLS HS OFFERS SADDLEBACK COLLEGE COURSES TO STUDENTS High school students at San Juan Hills High School will get an early jump on college through a pilot project approved on Monday night by the Capistrano Unified School District Board of Trustees. Saddleback College will offer college courses on the high school campus in the spring semester while developing student outreach programs. “We want to provide multiple pathways for our students’ lives after high school graduation, including careers, colleges, universities, and trade schools,” Superintendent Joseph M. Farley, Ed.D., said. “Our partnership with Saddleback College will continue developing innovative ways to prepare our students to be successful after graduation.” Officials from the District and the college said the project enhances student preparation and success in college. The outreach program will also help high school students understand the college application process, financial aid, career and technical education, and transfer programs. “This is where the future of education is going in our state and in our nation,” Saddleback College President Tod A. Burnett, Ed.D., said. “This project is just a beginning. My vision is that all students take this kind of course during their high school careers.” While high school students are able to take classes at Saddleback College, this program will offer courses during the traditional school day and remove transportation as a barrier to their access to secondary education. Classes taken will become part of the student’s record and count as elective credits to meet District graduation requirements. The courses are volun- tary and students will be charged a fee for taking the classes. The agreement remains in effect through the end of the spring semester and will be revisited for possible expansion to other schools at that time. CONCERT PIANIST & ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE KEVIN KWAN LOUCKS TO PERFORM RECITAL AT GREAT PARK Hear concert pianist and Artist-in-Residence Kevin Kwan Loucks as he performs classical selections at one of Orange County ‘s most beautiful new arts venues - the Orange County Great Park Palm Court Arts Complex - beginning December 17. A recital will be held on Saturday, December 17, at 2 pm and repeated at 4 pm, in the Great Park Artists Studios. Limited space is available for these initial performances, and reservations are required. The recitals will feature Loucks along with Bill Kalinkos on clarinet and Iryna Krechkovsky on violin playing selections from Bernstein, Brahms and Bartók. Kevin Kwan Loucks is a critically-acclaimed pianist and graduate of the Juilliard School in New York . He has performed throughout the world including Prösels Castle in Italy , Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall and the Kennedy Center . He is currently completing his Doctor of Musical Arts degree at Stony Brook University where he served as Head of Piano for the Pre-College Division and Teaching Assistant for both the Emerson String Quartet the Graduate Chamber Music Program. Loucks’ engagement will include monthly performances in the Palm Court . Reservations for the December 17 recitals can be made by sending an email to [email protected] and including the number of people in your party (maximum 4 per email). The Great Park Artists-in-Residence program is dedicated to showcasing artists, providing an educational experience for the community while Page 14 designing site-specific visual or performance works for the Great Park . The program provides artists with suitable studio space and open studio hours to routinely interact with the general public during their six-month residency. The artists were selected by a panel of public arts experts through a competitive selection The Ladera Ranch News process administered by Arts Orange County , the county’s designated local arts agency. The Orange County Great Park is located at Sand Canyon and Marine Way , and can easily be reached by the 5 or 405 freeways. For more information, please visit or call 866-829-3829. The Ladera Ranch News The Only Weekly Newspaper Exclusively for the Ladera Ranch Area December 16, 2011 ladera ranch news R est aurant Antonucci’s RestAuRAnt Serving authentic Italian seafood and award-winning pizza since 1976 with exciting appetizers and a full bar and live entertainment on Saturday evening. 24190 Alicia Parkway Mission Viejo. 949-472-4332 BeAch FiRe BAR & GRill Burgers, Sandwiches, Tacos, Salads plus Spiced Chipotle Chicken, Blackened Catfish. Open Monday-Friday 11:30am to11pm; Saturday 11am to 11pm; Sunday 11:30am to 10pm. Sunday Brunch 10-3 25682 crown Valley Pkwy. 542-7700 cinnAMon PRoductions BAkeRy cAFé Breakfast can be delightfully decadent with sugary cinnamon rolls like grandma used to make or lighter eggs and toast or scones. Some interesting sandwich possibilities and strong hot coffee OPEN Sunday/Monday 6:30am to 4:00pm Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 6:00am to 8:00pm 25672 crown Valley Pkwy. 949-218-1515 clAiM JuMPeR Monster salad bar, great steaks, full bar with a wide selection of beers and wines to choose from. 27845 santa Margarita Pkwy, Mission Viejo 461.7170 cosMo’s itAliAn kitchen Owners Bob Quinn and Dick Fisher celebrate their 5th anniversary with special dinners Monday, Wednesday and Sunday. Open 11am Monday to Friday. 28562 oso Pkwy 949.216.9029 diho siAM Authentic Thai and Chinese food at affordable prices. Many varieties of Thai and Chinese delicacies. Chicken, Beef, Pork, Tofu and Vegetarian! Barbecue Chicken, Crispy Duck, Beef w/Oyster Sauce. Spicy Cat Fish. Hours: Open daily from 11am to 9pm; Sat. & Sun. until 9:30pm. 27702 crown Valley Pkwy e-3 365-8777 don GustAVo’s Authentic Mexican Food with home-style flavor, menu items include Chile Relleno, Carnitas, Fajitas, Eggs Machaca, Chimicangas, Veggie Burrito, Fish Tacos, Shrimp Enchiladas, Taco Salad. Margaritas, Tequilas y Mas! Plus catering at your home or office. Open for lunch & dinner 7 days a week, plus Weekend Breakfast. Located at Oso/ Marguerite in the Pavillion’s Shopping center, inFusion RestAuRAnt And BAR Featuring an open style kitchen, our executive chef will tempt your palate with entrees including thick steaks, chops and island style fresh fish. In addition, we feature an extensive wine list and a martini bar. Open for lunch and dinner. Catering is also available. 25612 crown Valley Pky, ste l-1. 364-1100 JeRRy’s Wood FiRed doGs Breakfast served daily from 8am to 11am Smokey Joe Croissants, Sausage, Eggs, Bacon.Try their hot link Breakfast Burrito, for lunch the wood fired dogs have all best flavors, tastes and toppings. 1701 corporate drive, ladera Ranch (949) 364-7080 JAlAPeno’s RestAuRAnt Open for breakfast, lunch & dinner. Authentic Mexican food including Chili Verde, Omelettes, Huevos Rancheros, Tostadas, Carne Asada, Menudo, traditional burritos including Beef, Chicken, Fish, Beans (Vegetarian), Chile Rellenos, Taquitos, Enchiladas. Imported and domestic beers. 27602 Antonio Pkwy, 364-5614 lAtte dA BAGelRy & GRill Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner served all day. Fifteen different types of bagels made daily. Salads, burgers, plus Italian specialties like Chicken Alfredo. opens at 6am daily; closes at 9pm Monday through Saturday, open until 4pm on Sunday. 21612 Plano trabuco Road at santa Margarita Parkway in the Albertson’s center in Rancho santa Margarita. 949-589-6405 neWPoRt RiB coMPAny A complete selection of aged, midwestern corn-fed USDA choice steaks and prime rib, tender pork & beef ribs, fresh seafood, chicken, fresh salads and sandwiches. Take out daily from 10:30am; lunch from 11:30am. Now open for dinner at 4pm. 27742 Antonio Pkwy. 364-9111 o’neill’s BAR & GRill at the Arroyo Trabuco Golf Club. Sunday Brunch at O’Neill’s is a delicious and leisurely experience. Zagat calls it the “best value in Orange County.” Daily specials include fresh fish, steaks, pizza and hearty sandwiches. G u id e PePPino’s tRABuco oAks steAkhouse Newly remodeled restaurant on the Lake, expanded the dining area, full service bar, waiting lounge and a front dining patio. The rear-dining terrace offers a beautiful view of Lake Mission Viejo. Happy Hour daily from 3:00 to 7:00 pm. Forty years serving choice meats and seafood. Home of the famous “2-pound steak.” Relax while you sip one of our sumptuous wines or cocktails or a frosty beer. Everyone welcome - straight from work or off the trail or dressed for a night out. OPEN: Sun.-Thurs. 5pm to 9pm; Fri. and Sat. 5pm to 9:30pm. Please call after 2pm for reservations. 27780 Vista del lago, Mission Viejo 859.9556 P.F. chAnGs chinA BistRo Superb Shanghai Street Noodles, available in few places on the globe, make the trip to Mission Viejo Mall a veritable necessity. 800 The shops at Mission Viejo, Ruby Rosensteel, 364-6661 the RAnch sPoRts GRill All Laker games, NHL, Fox Soccer and all Top Games. Taco Tuesdays, Slider Wednesdays, Taste of Italy Thursdays, DJ Friday nights. Happy Hour 11am to 6pm Mon.- Fri. 27412 Antonio Pkwy. 429-7737 949-586-0722 RestAuRAnt ReVieWs WAnted! Have you dined out recently in Ladera Ranch? The Ladera Ranch News would like your opinion and we are actively looking for more reviews of local area restaurants that are NOT already listed on this page. Please make it brief and informative with 50 words or less. Reviews must include your name, phone or email address (please do not send reviews on fast food or strictly pizza places). Please send your Restaurant Review to [email protected] RoMA d’ itAliA Menu items include Calabrese Pizza, Pasta Estiva, Gnocchi Catanzaro, Grilled Halibut or Salmon, Shrimp Calabrese, Mostaccioli Arrabbiata, Veal Sorrentino, Osso Buco, Eggplant Sorrentino and more. Don’t forget to try one of the homemade desserts like Tiramisu, Rum Cake, Cannoli and Cheesecake. You can also order beer and wine with some good, inexpensive Chiantis by the bottle. 25606 crown Valley Pkwy. 276-5712 siMPly Fondue Fabulous fondues composed of delicious meats, cheeses, breads, fruits and vegetables with steaming savory sauces. Worth the short trip to 31761 camino capistrano, san Juan capistrano 240.0300 tAco MesA Offers healthy, authentic, and innovative Mexican cuisine from fresh ingredients. Open Sun. - Thurs. 8am to 9pm; Fri. & Sat. 8am to 10pm. Bridgepark Plaza, 27702 crown Valley Pkwy. 364-1957 26772 Avery Pkwy, Mission Viejo. 949-305-5100 26012 Marguerite Pkwy #A, Mission Viejo 348.2386 The Ladera Ranch News Page 15 The Only Weekly Newspaper Exclusively for the Ladera Ranch Area December 16, 2011 The Ladera Ranch News DISCOVER GOD’S HEALING POWER JOIN US Church Services - Sun at 10 AM Sunday School - Sun at 10 AM Healing Tesimony Meetings - Wed at 7:30 PM Child Care at all Services Visit Our Christian Reading Room Open Monday- Friday 10 AM - 2 PM Saturday 10 AM - Noon FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST (949) 589-5155 30442 Via Con Dios Rancho Santa Margarita If You or a Loved One is Facing Criminal Charges You Need Someone On Your Side ! 100% Criminal Defense 24 – 7 Assault, Battery, Drug Cases, DUI, DMV Hearings, Juveniles, Theft, Shoplifting, Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Fraud, Expungements, Resisting Arrest, Probation Violations Call Me TODAY for a FREE Initial Consultation SUNDAY: BIBLE STUDY & IGLESIA DE CRISTO 9:30am Law Offices of Lisa Bethune (949) 306-3959 23151 Moulton Parkway Suite 102, Laguna Hills, CA 92653 Former Orange County Prosecutor Former Public Defender Licensed to practice in all State Courts in California 12 years Experience Marguerite Christian School Serving our community with quality preschool education in a Christian environment. Ages 3-6. Director Susan Johnston 949-582-5856 Pastor Rev. Fred K. Bailey A Catholic-Christian Faith Community within the Diocese of Orange Bread Blessed and Broken… this is my body. Wine poured and shared… this is my blood. Do this in memory of me… Corpus Christi! We’ve grown! Corpus Christi Catholic-Christian Community invites you to share our life in our exciting new church. Come, share our WORSHIP, our HOSPITALITY, our EFFORTS to be the Body and Blood of Christ in Aliso Viejo. JOIN US FOR THE CELEBRATION! MASS: Saturday 5pm • Sunday 8am, 10am and Noon “Through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, our Catholic-Christian community seeks to fully understand, embrace, and live as God’s children and diciples of Jesus Christ.” - Corpus Christi Catholic-Christian Community Mission Statement 27231 Aliso Viejo Pkwy., Aliso Viejo Phone(949) 389-9008 Fax(949) 831-6540 Find out More About us at Kingdom Covenant Church Where it’s all about God, the Great I AM! Where we continue to advance HIS Kingdom and equip HIS people. Where Truth matters. A place to fulfill your destiny. Welcome to the Kingdom! Come join us Sunday Mornings at 10AM. We are a charismatic / Pentecostal church. Kingdom Covenant Church 22600 Lambert St Bldg B Ste. 809-810 Lake Forest ,CA. 92630 1-877-977-3446 Page 16 The Ladera Ranch News HOLIDAY DINNER TO BENEFIT AMERICA’S MILITARY Luxe Restaurant in Dana Point to Donate All Proceeds to Fisher House Foundation Luxe Restaurant and Martini Bar in Dana Point is proud to invite the community to join dignitaries and local celebrities at a fundraiser for The Fisher House Foundation. Guests will enjoy a Holiday Dinner and entertainment by renowned saxophonist Charles Hayes. All of the proceeds from this event will go towards The Fisher House Foundation. When: Time: Location: Saturday, December 17, 2011 Accepting reservations between 5:00 P.M. & 10:00 P.M. Luxe Restaurant and Martini Bar, 24582 Del Prado, Dana Point, CA 92629 The Fisher House Foundation is a unique non-profit, private-public partnership that recognizes the special sacrifices of our men and women in uniform and the hardships of military service. Their goal is to meet a humanitarian need beyond that normally provided by the Department of Defense and Veteran’s Affairs. Because members of the military and their families are stationed worldwide and must often travel great distances for specialized medical care, Fisher House Foundation donates “comfort homes,” built on the grounds of major military and VA medical centers. These homes enable family members to be close to a loved one at the most stressful times - during the hospitalization for an unexpected illness, disease, or injury. More information about the Fisher House Foundation can be found at: Dinner is $100 per couple plus tax and gratuity. Reservations can be made by calling: 949-276-4990 or by visiting The Ladera Ranch News PET SITTING DOG SITTING – Pet Sitting. Experienced! Local Resident and High School Student with Law Enforcement Family background. Call Alek at 949378-2676 T Holiday Travel Plans? FIRST CLASS PETSITTING! Daily Visits to you Home. Loving Care by Experienced Pet-Lovers. Call Jeri: 949-273-9030 Insured / Bonded. CHILDCARE BABY/CHILD CARE, experienced, responisble and reliable HS senior with local references. 949-939-7348 TUTOR READY FOR FINALS!? Math & Statistics Tutor- UCLA Grad with over 10 years experience. Effective SAT Math Expert. Local references in Coto de Caza, Dove Canyon and Ladera Ranch, www.boomerangtutoring. com , 310-384-7628. MATH TUTOR - Experienced, professional & caring. Grades 3-12, Pre-Algebra, Algebra I/II, Geometry, Trigonometry, Pre-Calculus, College Algebra. Also a home-school tutor. 949-302-9423 EXPERIENCED Math Tutor in RSM! Retired Math Teacher Tutoring Elementary through Colllege Algebra. Call 949-521-2526 MUSIC PIANO AND VOICE lesson with Peter. My studio or your home. Great with kids. All musical styles, 949-282-7756. First lesson free! MUSIC LESSONS OCMusic Center located in RSM at Empressa & Aventura. WWW.OCMUSICCENTER.COM Call 949-858-0900 EMPLOYMENT Display Advertising Sales Representatives. Experienced ad sales representatives to sell ads for South Orange County’s top 5 weekly newspapers. Weekly draw against commissions, benefits, protected accounts. Experienced only, no trainees. Fax resume in confidence to 949-5896429 LOCKSMITH LOCKSMITH SERVICE 24/7. Commercial, Auto and Residential. Great Rates ! Call For A Free Quote. 949-529-4744 HOME SERVICES WOOD LAMINATE FLOOR INSTALLED $2.69 Sq. ft. Hardwood, Laminate, Molding Free Estimate, www.flooringconceptsoc. com 949-870-8508 RYAN’S Hauling Service, demolition, trash pick-up, garage clean up. No job too small. Also handyman/odd jobs 949293-5691 STABLES Maxwell Stables in Coto, stalls available 12x24 covered stalls, feed & clean twice daily. 949-858-9700 or 636-3458 HOMES FOR LEASE 3400 / 3br - Just Reduced! Highly Upgraded - Walk to Beach (San Clemente, The Only Weekly Newspaper Exclusively for the Ladera Ranch Area CA) This highly upgraded custom 3 Bedroom, 2.5 bath, plus office/utility area has many upgraded fixtures including travertine flooring, custom staircase with rod-iron railing, granite counter tops, stainless steel Jen Air appliances, custom cabinetry, recessed lighting, beautiful light fixtures, wiring for flat screen in master bedroom & family room and 2 fireplaces and balconies, tankless water heater and much more! 949-292-4895 $4100 / 4br - 3500 SF HOME, Mission Viejo. Upgraded to the max and absolutely wonderful - island kitchen with walk-in pantry, granite counters, travertine floors & imported antique hardwood floors throughout (no carpet anywhere), 3 fireplaces including one in the master bedroom and a fabulous master bathroom. 949-683-0498 December 16, 2011 Close to lake and shopping. 1 bedroom with loft. Great views. Fireplace. Highly upgraded. Light and bright with high ceilings. Private and gated. Pets considered. agent 949-858-8185 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 car attached garage, membership to Mission Viejo lake and amenities. Single story home in Mission Viejo with yard. Upgraded in beautiful neighborhood. agent 949-6973342 San Clemente Great 2 bedroom 1 bath with fireplace, one car garage, carport, $1275 / 2br - Living Too Far Away and big kitchen with pool and coin washer Executive home in the guard gated Paying Too Much? (Newport Beach) A and dryer. Right near Starbucks and in community of Dove Canyon with view. gated community near the prestigious the middle of downtown, Great location Upgraded with granite counters, french doors, decorator paints & treatments. 4 Santa Ana Country Club, Palm Mesa three ocean Writtenblocks memorial to tributes in theand pier. $1500 newspaper are always meaningful to friends, bedrooms up & 1 bedroom/bathroom suite Apartments feature first class amenities 949-212-3246 relatives and loved ones. down. Built in spa. Close to community For obituary assistance, or to be certain at coach prices: lush landscaping, heated that an obituary or other memorial pool, lighted tennis courts, hiking trails pool and spa, on-site laundry, welltribute is included in the newspaper please call (949) 589-9990. & championship golf course. agent 949equipped fitness center, patios, balconies, 355-9520 and courtyards. Easy freeway access means we’re only minutes away from the John Wayne Airport, the shopping centers of South Coast Plaza and Fashion Island, CLASSIFIEDS WORK FOR YOU 24 HOURS A DAY! and the sparkling sands of the beach. 714-546-9860 In Loving Memory The Ladera Ranch News $1189 / 1br - One Bedroom (Mission Viejo) Starting rates are for selected units on a 12 month lease term only with approved credit. Terms and rates are subject to change without notice. $450 Security Deposit is on Approved Credit. 888-485-7125 CLASSIFIED ORDER FORM $1 Per Word ($15 Minimum) LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE TS # CA-10-371264-AL Order # 100398780-CA-GTO YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 10/5/2007. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. A public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash, cashier’s check drawn on a state or national bank, check drawn by state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, or savings association, or savings bank specified in Section 5102 to the Financial code and authorized to do business in this state, will be held by duly appointed trustee. The sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by the Deed of Trust, with interest and late charges thereon, as provided in the note(s), advances, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, interest thereon, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee for the total amount (at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale) reasonably estimated to be set forth below. The amount may be greater on the day of sale. BENEFICIARY MAY ELECT TO BID LESS THAN THE TOTAL AMOUNT DUE. Trustor(s): STARLENE S. HARRIS, AN UNMARRIED WOMAN Recorded: 10/15/2007 as Instrument No. 2007000630113 in book xxx , page xxx of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of ORANGE County, California; Date of Sale: 1/6/2012 at 9:00am Place of Sale: on the front steps to the entrance of the Orange Civic Center, 300 E. Chapman, Orange, Ca. Amount of unpaid balance and other charges: $457,047.43 The purported property address is: 21 DURLSTON LADERA RANCH (AREA), CA 92694 Assessor’s Parcel No. 930-56-641 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the property address or other common designation, if any, shown herein. If no street address or other common designation is shown, please refer to the referenced legal description for property location. In the event no common address or common designation of the property is provided herein directions to the location of the property may be obtained within 10 days of the date of first publication of this Notice of Sale by sending a written request to JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. 7301 Baymeadows Way Jacksonville FL 32256. Pursuant to California Civil Code §2923.54 the undersigned, on behalf of the beneficiary, loan servicer or authorized agent, declares as follows: [1] The mortgage loan servicer has not obtained from the commissioner a final or temporary order of exemption pursuant to Section 2923.53 that is current and valid on the date the notice of sale is filed; [2] The timeframe for giving notice of sale specified in subdivision (a) of Section 2923.52 does apply to this notice of sale. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder’s sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid to the Trustee, and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, or the Mortgagee’s Attorney. Date: Quality Loan Service Corp. 2141 5th Avenue San Diego, CA 92101 619-645-7711 For NON SALE information only Sale Line: 714-573-1965 or Login to: Reinstatement Line: 619-645-7711 Quality Loan Service, Corp. If you have previously been discharged through bankruptcy, you may have been released of personal liability for this loan in which case this letter is intended to exercise the note holders right’s against the real property only. THIS NOTICE IS SENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF COLLECTING A DEBT. THIS FIRM IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT ON BEHALF OF THE HOLDER AND OWNER OF THE NOTE. ANY INFO RMATION OBTAINED BY OR PROVIDED TO THIS FIRM OR THE CREDITOR WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. As required by law, you are hereby notified that a negative credit report reflecting on your credit record may be submitted to a credit report agency if you fail to fulfill the terms of your credit obligations. IDSPub #0017835 12/16/2011 12/23/2011 12/30/2011 Start Date: Category Desired: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 TOTAL WORDS:______ $ Please select newspapers below. Add 1 or more extra newspapers at half price for each. Please run my ad Coto de Caza News Mission Viejo News Ladera Ranch News San Clemente News Newport News times. TOTAL $ Please Bill My Credit Card: MC AMEX Visa Card# Exp: / 3/4 Digit Code: Name: Address: City: State: Phone: ( Zip: ) Fax Credit Card Orders to 949-589-6429 DEADLINE IS NOON TUESDAY! 949-589-9990 23472 Vista del Verde, Suite 6, Coto de Caza, CA 92679 The Ladera Ranch News Page 17 The Only Weekly Newspaper Exclusively for the Ladera Ranch Area December 16, 2011 The Ladera Ranch News LIFETIME’S ‘COMING HOME’: ONE OF THE MOST MOVING & WORTHWHILE SHOWS ON TELEVISION By Melanie Patrick A few years ago my oldest nephew, an Army SGT in Iraq , came home on leave just long enough to get married. After returning to Iraq it would be a year later, their first wedding anniversary, before he and his wife saw each other again. In an airplane hangar in Germany my niecein-law waited anxiously with hundreds of other Army wives and children, ready to welcome their troops home. Later our family got to watch the video footage online. My nephew’s normally strong, tough Army exterior melted the instant he saw his wife running to him. The overwhelming relief and joy seen on his face as he held his wife for the first time in a year was an incredible thing to witness. Soon after, it was time for the rest of our family to welcome our soldier home. We were quite a spectacle in the airport as well with our colorful signs and “Proud Army Family” T-shirts. Quite a few passersby waited around to watch the homecoming. I fell apart watching the video of my nephew coming home to his wife, and I lost it again in the airport that day as I saw my sister hug her son for the first time since his wedding over a year before. And when I see video of other troops returning safely to their loved ones, I feel that same emotion all over again. prise their loved ones in elaborate ways. With the network’s help, service men and women cook up creative schemes to surprise their loved ones in experiences they will never forget. The show’s premier episode included the story of a high school football star announcing his college choice on National Signing Day. J.J. Rutledge finished his senior year with multiple scholarship offers from some of the most elite universities in the country, a bittersweet moment since the young player’s biggest fan, his dad, had been deployed to Afghanistan throughout that process and would miss National Signing Day...or so he thought. As excited as he was, the pain of not having his dad there on such an important day was evident. Having no idea his father was about to give him the surprise of his life, J.J. said in a hopeful but sad voice, “It’s hard, but hopefully I can talk to him on the phone on signing day.” But as J.J. announces his decision to attend the US Naval Academy, an unmistakable voice cuts through the crowd as his father enters and proudly says, “That’s my boy!” The utter shock, joy and emotion displayed on J.J.’s face as he jumps to embrace his dad was enough to evoke tears from the entire room and viewers everywhere. Staff SGT Jerry Rutledge said of his son’s reaction, “The look on his face told me, ‘He still needs matter to him.’” THE SURPRISE OF A LIFETIME Other “Coming Home” surprises inLifetime’s newest show “Coming Home” features troops returning to sur- clude a soldier who shocks her husband Page 18 The Ladera Ranch News in an early return from Afghanistan by being disguised as the goalie he’s competing against in a contest at a Nashville Predators hockey game. Another episode features a dad hidden in a large treasure chest for his pirate-loving little boy to find at the end of a treasure hunt. A LOOK INTO MILITARY LIFE DURING WARTIME Beyond the deeply moving moments of surprise, “Coming Home” shows a window into what our military families face everyday as they press on with a loved one deployed, and what our troops feel as they serve half a world away from their families. Viewers hear firsthand the joys, struggles and sacrifices of having a spouse or parent deployed. The work at hand for a soldier may be different from the responsibilities of their loved ones back home, but they would never be able to do what they do without their faithful, dedicated families on the home front. During her husband’s combat deployment in Iraq , Army wife Melanie has been holding down the fort with their three young children. In an emotional interview Melanie explains the very real fear of never seeing her husband again, “If I hear a knock at the door and I’m not expecting anyone I fear so much that it’s someone in uniform here to tell me he’s not coming home.” Executive producer Star Price described this point in a press conference, “This show is a recognition of the incredible sacrifice men and women make, but their families go through a lot of worry and stress. They are worthy of an emotional surprise. It is incredibly informative. We have no idea what these families go through and the sacrifices they make, how they stay strong and support each other. This is a big eye opener for viewers.” “Coming Home” also features clips of home video throughout each episode of troops coming home to their families and pulling off their own surprises. A few of these videos have made the rounds in the news, but most have not been seen yet by the general public. Military families say goodbye to their troops knowing full well the chances that they may never see them again. There’s just something inexplicably moving about watching these brave men and women come home safely to their spouses, children and other loved ones, who serve our nation in an indispensable way and are just as courageous as the troops they love. Seeing just a slice of the sacrifices they make everyday for our country makes these special surprise reunions even more amazing to watch. The remaining installments of “Coming Home” air on Sunday nights at 9 pm central (after Army Wives) on the Lifetime network. But to catch up on previous episodes just visit or even check out clips on YouTube. The Ladera Ranch News T The Only Weekly Newspaper Exclusively for the Ladera Ranch Area December 16, 2011 H E N AT U R A L , N O N - S U R G I C A L L O O K ROBINSON F A C I A L P L A S T I C S U R G E RY DO IT FORYOURSELF, AND THE REST OF THEWORLDWILL NOTICE! Dr. Ernest Robinson Background & Training Medical School: Loma Linda University Internship: General Surgery Residency: Otolaryngology/Head & Neck Surgery Fellowship: Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Board Certification: American Board of Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery American Board of Otolaryngology/Head & Neck Surgery Ask about our “lunchtime” procedures such as the new FDA approved filler that is an instant and long lasting wrinkle correction Secondary & Revisional Facial Surgery Nasal Surgery Ear Pinning Intense Pulse Light the newest laser technology, a no downtime skin treatment that improves coloration and texture Botox, Collagen Eyelid Rejuvenation Facial Liposuction Lip Enhancement Facial, Cheek & Chin Implants Cosmetic Mole & Blemish Removal Chemical Peel Cosmetic Skin Cancer Reconstruction Forehead Lift Face Lift Laser Resurfacing Portrait Plasma - tightening procedure that diminishes wrinkles and improves tone and texture 24541 Pacific Park Drive, Suite 103, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 949 831-5900 100% financing available. Visa, MasterCard and American Express Accepted. The Ladera Ranch News Page 19 TA P ES TR Y RE DU CE D ONE OF A KIND LARGE CORNER LOT Offering approx 3900 sq .ft. with 5 bedrooms and 4 baths. Outstanding upgrades and shows like a model home. Complete with a sunset view, pool/spa, built-in bbq area and outside fireplace. $929,000.00 SINGLE STORY WAGON WHEEL LD Walk to school! Wonderful family neighborhood close to parks and schools. Offering approx. 1600 sq. ft. with 3 bedroom, 3 baths and a bonus room. Newly remodeled with tile floors, fresh new paint and carpet. Kitchen with granite counters and new appliances. Nice size backyard. $449,000.00 SO LIS NEW TIN G LIS NEW TIN G Charming curb appeal and a great family neighborhood offering approx 3200 sq. ft with 4 bedrooms and 4 baths. Private office and an entertainers Backyard with pool/spa and built-in BBQ area. $739,000.00 A LITTLE DOLLHOUSE Cute as a button. Offering approx. 1600 sq. ft. with 3 bedrooms, three baths and a loft. Very nice upgrades including rich hardwood flooring downstairs. Large entertaining backyard. Attached 2 car garage and interior laundry. 5 Beaumont $449,000.00 EXCEPTIONAL LOT Very private w/exceptional curb appeal, approx. 3700 s.f. Newly upgraded w/stone & wood flooring. New carpet & paint in neutral tones. 19,000 s.f. lot complete with lush new landscaping. 16 Via Terracaleta, Coto de Caza $969,000.00 LD TA N END UNIT LOCATION Happy Holidays TREMENDOUS TANGLEWOOD Inviting courtyard entrance invites you into this beautiful home offering approx. 3170 sq. ft. 5 bedrooms and 3 bull baths. 4th bedroom would be a great home office or bonus room. Extensive stone flooring, granite counters and gourmet kitchen. Entertainers backyard complete with built in BBQ. One of the best family neighborhoods in Coto! 19 Westchester Coto de Caza $770,000.00 LIS NEW TIN G LD SO A RARE FIND NEWLY REMODELED Offering approx 1800 sq. ft with 3 bedrooms and 3 baths. Beautiful detached home in West Park with all the upgrades. Turn key and ready to move into. Excellent school district. 14 Palermo Irvine $719,000.00 WHAT A CHARMER Offering approx 2300 sq. ft with 4 bedrooms and 3 full baths. Beautiful hardwood flooring and a tremendous kitchen. Wonderful family neighborhood with a nice size yard for entertaining. 32 Celestine $614,000.00 LD A RARE FIND Exceptional private location located directly across from the park. Offering approx 1600 sq. ft with 3 bedrooms and 2.5 baths. Beautifully upgraded with shutters, hardwood and gourmet kitchen. Two car attached garage with lots of storage. 44 Sheridan $379,000.00 The Ladera Ranch News WONDERFUL CONDO Great location with an exceptional floorplan. Offering approx. 1200 sq. ft. with 2 bedrooms and 2 bath. Newly upgraded with carpet and paint. Cute kitchen with granite counters. Nice size rear yard with 2 car garage. 192 Greenmoor $389,000.00 SO ES IN CR OW LIS NEW TIN G Extraordinary lot and a SINGLE STORY home with over an acre of land and unforgetable views of mountains and valleys. Offering approx. 4300 sq. ft with 4 BD and 4.5 BA. Extensive upgrades throughout. Beautiful yard with pool/spa and entertainment area. 5 Thurston, Coto de Caza $1,899,000.00 EXTREMELY PRIVATE Beautiful townhome with ultimate in privacy. Offering approx. 1327 sq. ft. with 2 bedrooms and 2.5 baths with a darling private courtyard. Vaulted ceilings and loaded with upgrades. Attached 2 car garage. 16 Front Row $365,000.00 LIS NEW TIN G Private end unit with lots of privacy. Offering approx. 1300 sq. ft. with 2 bedrooms, 2.5 baths and a large loft. Large yard with lush new landscape. All new flooring and appliances and an attached 2 car garage with storage. 2 Haley $389,000.00 Page 20 SO GL EW ES IN CR OW OO D What a find! Exceptional floorplan on a large corner lot with lots of privacy. Offering approx. 4500sq.ft with 4 bedrooms and 4.5 baths. Top notch upgrades and a beautiful backyard complete with pool/spa, covered pavilion and endless views. 2 Bordeaux $1,749,000.00 The Ladera Ranch News HO DOL US L E The Only Weekly Newspaper Exclusively for the Ladera Ranch Area December 16, 2011 CULDESAC LOCATION Charming neighborhood and located on a quiet culdesac. Offering approx. 2000 sq. ft. with 3 bedrooms and 3 baths. 6000 sq. ft. pie shaped lot with a long private driveway. Very nicely upgraded. 1 Gala $589,000.00
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