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November 4, 2011 Gentle Reminder: Set Your Clocks Back One Hour This Weekend November 4, 2011 The Only Weekly Newspaper Exclusively for the Ladera Ranch Area The Ladera Ranch News SELLING HOMES in a Challenging Market Requires EXPERIENCE… KNOWLEDGE… RESULTS CONVENIENTLY LOCATED AT THE TERRACE SHOPS of LADERA If You are Considering LEASING or SELLING I would be happy to discuss your needs and evaluate your home. Call me with any questions you may have regarding our LOCAL MARKET. Please Stop By the Office Anytime JUST LISTED 7 Jenny Ln, Covenant Hills OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY Nov. 5th 1pm-4pm SHOWS LIKE A MODEL HOME. 5BR, 5BA, Dramatic Great Room, A Chef’s Dream Kitchen with 2 Islands and Breakfast Nook, Private Exterior Courtyard with Custom Fireplace, Attached Casita with Private Bath, Large Backyard with Spool and Built-in BBQ. Located on a Quiet Cul-de-Sac in the Heart of Ladera Ranch. Approximately 3846 Sq. Ft. Offered at: $999,000 NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY IN COVENANT HILLS. . . . OPEN HOUSE THIS SUNDAY 1-4pm MELISSA KEYE 949.444.3137 [email protected] Page 2 The Ladera Ranch News Herein Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed, DRE License # 01280500 WWW.SELLINGOCPROPERTIES.COM The Ladera Ranch News The Only Weekly Newspaper Exclusively for the Ladera Ranch Area November 4, 2011 DAY LIGHT SAVINGS TIME FALL 2011 By Julie Wimmer With fall upon us, the days are getting shorter and cooler. It also means it’s the time of year where many of us change our clocks. This change is called Day Light Savings Time. Day Light Savings Time actually happens twice a year, once in the Spring (second Sunday in March), and once in the fall (first Sunday in November). In the Spring, we turn the clocks forward an hour, and in the fall, we turn the clocks backward an hour. The sayings “fall back” and “spring forward” are popular, catchy phrases to help us remember which way to turn the clocks according to season. This fall, Day Light Savings Time will occur on November 6, 2011 at 2am. This change in the time will make the days seem shorter because the sunlight will diminish earlier at the end of the day. Most people have also noticed how much darker the morninngs have been in October as well. Day Light Savings had originally been suggested by Benjamin Franklin, but it never came to fruition. In 1907, William Willett of England also wrote a similar document regarding preserving daylight, but Parliament did not implement time change in England until 1916. For the United States, the country began adjusting clocks after World War I to save energy such as fuel for electric power. Day Light Savings had been repealed many times, before and after World War II for instance, but in 1966 The Uniform Time Act brought back Day Light Savings to the United States, but states, towns and cities were allowed to choose, by law, whether they wanted to to abide by it or not. Day Light Savings has always been a contraversial subject. Not all countries take part in this tradition (such as Japan, China and India,) but about 70 countries around the globe do. The contraversy with Day Light Savings Time is with having to change the clocks, enduring change in sleep patterns, and just dealing with a general change in schedule. Not everyone can transition as easily, so it can be a sore subject amongst many. So, don’t forget to set your clocks back an hour on November 6th at 2am. Spring Day Light Savings Time will be on March 11, 2012. MISSION VIEJO WILL RECOGNIZE VETERANS ON NOVEMBER 11 The City will pay homage to local veterans in a poignant ceremony on Friday, November 11. The annual Veterans Day ceremony begins at 2:00 p.m. at the Mission Viejo Veterans Memorial, located next to the Norman P. Murray Community and Senior Center at 24932 Veterans Way. Mayor Dave Leckness will welcome community members and Rev. Canon Ellis E. Brust, Lead Pastor from the Epiphany Church, will give the invocation. The U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) Headquarters Battalion First Marine Division will provide the Color Guard and Colonel Rudy Janizcek, commanding officer from Mission Viejo’s adopted Headquarters Battalion First Marine Division, will serve as the event’s keynote speaker. Musical entertainment will be provided by Benny and the Brass plus Southern California Children’s Advanced Chorus. The City’s Marine Adoption Committee and the Teens for Marines will tout the upcoming “Tee it Up Fore Marines” Golf Tournament planned for March 23, 2012, and T-shirts and hats will be available for purchase/donation. Refreshments, compliments of Fairhaven Memorial Services, will be served in the Sycamore Room of the Norman P. Murray Community and Senior Center immediately following the ceremony. For more information, call (949) 470-3061. The Ladera Ranch News Page 3 The Only Weekly Newspaper Exclusively for the Ladera Ranch Area November 4, 2011 The Ladera Ranch News MISSION VIEJO RESIDENT KRISTEN ETHERINGTON RECEIVES CAL STATE LONG BEACH’S INAUGURAL RICHARD HOLLINGSWORTH PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SCHOLARSHIP Kristin Etherington of Mission Viejo, a graduate of the Global Logistics Specialist (GLS) program offered through Cal State Long Beach’s (CSULB) College of Continuing and Professional Education (CCPE), has been awarded $1,000 as the inaugural recipient of the Richard Hollingsworth Professional Development Scholarship, which honors the memory of the visionary who believed passionately in education and selfdetermination and was devoted to his community. Etherington, who works for Fluidmaster, a manufacturer of plumbing supplies based in San Juan Capistrano, accepted the scholarship from Marianne Venieris, executive director of the Center for International Trade and Transportation (CITT), at CCPE’s recent 40th-anniversary reception. The fund, which is CCPE’s first and only endowment to date, enables outstanding students with limited resources to enroll in CITT’s most distinguished professional development programs. Hollingsworth, who co-developed the GLS program curriculum and was the facilitator for the inaugural class in 1997, passed away of pancreatic cancer on Aug. 5, 2008. He was president of Gateway Cities Partnership, Inc., an economic development corporation and Gateway Cities Community Development Corporation, a new venture dedicated to creating workforce housing and eliminating blight in inner cities residential neighborhoods. At Fluidmaster, Etherington’s responsibilities include handling all exports to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and distributors in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. She was encouraged to enroll in GLS program by her former supervisor and mentor, Isabel Gonzalez, whom she credits for teaching her everything she knows about exports and for helping her discover her passion for the industry. “My favorite part about this entire (GLS) experience is being able to educate my customers and the company I work for on their options for shipping, analyzing their freight volumes, and offer them cost savings,” Etherington said. “The job can be tough, but I love a challenge. And saving customers, and the company I work for, money, is just an added bonus.” Etherington, who enrolled in the GLS program last spring to broaden her knowledge of the industry, recently completed courses at Orange Coast College and intends to transfer to California State University, Fullerton to purse her undergraduate degree in logistics/supply chain management. “I am humbled and deeply moved by the contributions from friends, colleagues, relatives and the LA Transportation Club to make this endowment possible,” said Venieris, who was married to Hollingsworth for seven years prior to his death. “I am delighted that from now on every year my dear husband will be remembered by helping a deserving student, by his passion for life-long learning and to help the underprivileged.” The fund was made possible by the Los Angeles Transportation Club (LATC), whose significant contribution enabled it to become an endowment. Jim DeMask, former president Marianne Venieris (at left), executive director of CSULB’s Center for International Trade and Transportation, congratulates Kristin Etherington on her selection as the inaugural recipient of the Richard Hollingsworth Professional Development Scholarship. and current advisor of the LATC and executive director of WZI Worldwide, and Tony Williamson, first vice president of the LATC and director of business development and diversity services for Total Transportation Services, Inc., were in attendance during the reception. Williamson is also a graduate of CITT’s GLS and Master of Global Logistics programs. L S E Y’S A E B L AS FLORES DRY CLEANERS Family Owned and Operated 4 Generations of Dry Cleaning Full Service Cleaners • Tailoring • Wedding Dress Heirlooming • Formal Wear DRY CLEANING ALL BLANKETS & BEDSPREADS 15 OFF 30 OFF % Must Present Coupon With Incoming Order Except leathers, alterations and laundry service. One coupon per order and can not be combined with any other offer. Not valid with pick-up and delivery. Exp. 10/30/11 % Must Present Coupon With Incoming Order Except leathers, alterations and laundry service. One coupon per order and can not be combined with any other offer. Not valid with pick-up and delivery. Exp. 10/30/11 28562 Oso Parkway Plaza de Las Flores FREE PICK UP AND DELIVERY! • (949) 766-5021 Page 4 The Ladera Ranch News The Ladera Ranch News The Only Weekly Newspaper Exclusively for the Ladera Ranch Area November 4, 2011 LADERA DIRECTOR, BILL NISSIM ASKS “WHAT IF?” by Mark Halloran Silhouetted against a night sky, clad in matching black fedora and jacket, the central character in a pivotal scene from Bill Nissim’s new short film “Your One Day” asks, “What if you had one day to live all over again? Do you know which one it would be?” Nissim, an amateur director and resident of Ladera Ranch, Calif., admits it’s a big question. And with the announcement of a new contest to promote his film, he says he’s hoping to get a lot of answers. Subscription Rates $26.00/year Editorial offices: 23472 Vista Del Verde, Suite 6 Coto de Caza, CA 92679-3930 949-589-9990 To send a press release: [email protected] Nancy Fitzgerald Sandra White Display Advertising Diana Calvaneso, Manager Valerie Mincheff Legal Advertising David Flood, Art Director Graphics Department Jerry White Publisher Ladera Ranch News is an independent weekly newspaper published every Friday. We are not owned or operated by any of the big daily newspapers. The views and opinions expressed are those of the publisher and not any organization. No reproduction, in whole or in part is permitted without the express written permission of Ladera Ranch News. Legal Advertising: The Ladera Ranch News was adjudicated by the Orange County Superior Court as a newspaper of general circulation pursuant to Government Code 6000 case #A227454 on December 30, 2004 and as such is the appropriate newspaper to place legal and public notices for the South Orange County Judicial District and the community of Ladera Ranch.. A veteran marketing professional with a lifelong love of cinema, Nissim wrapped up production of the 30-minute feature “Your One Day” in early October. Since then, he has set up a special email address, bill@ideawerksstudios. com, where he’s inviting residents in and around the Southern Orange County area to send their own unique, life-changing stories. His plan, he says, is to select a few of the most interesting contributions, film the authors relating their stories live for the camera, and showcase them during the last few minutes of his new movie. “A contest like this makes so much sense,” says Nissim, “because it gives people a chance to share their compelling stories with a larger audience and, potentially, to see themselves on the big screen. At the same time, it offers me an opportunity as a director to underscore the theme with real experiences related by real people.” Incorporating elements of realism into his new movie is something Nissim says he worked very hard to do. The director used the familiar streets, offices and shops in and around Ladera Ranch as a backdrop. Where possible, he chose natural over artificial lighting and actual interiors over sets. Wrangling a volunteer cast and crew on a nearly non-existent budget, Nissim tells the story of Samantha Thompson (played by Jennifer Avellan), a young woman whose life is at a crossroads. “She feels stuck,” Nissim explains. “In many respects, things just aren’t working out as Brandon (Rick Dovel) and Samantha (Jennifer Avellan) she’d planned, and meet in the cafe scene from local director Bill Nissim’s she doesn’t know new short film “Your One Day.” The Cinnamon how to fix it. Then, Productions Bakery and Cafe in Ladera Ranch served she meets the mys- as the location for the important exchange between the terious stranger – siblings. acted so skillfully Another local businessman, Dave by Thurman Dalrymple – who offers her what could be a second chance to Babiracki, opened his offices at Pacific Shores in Ladera for the filming of an change everything.” According to Nissim, the process important part of the film in which Saof creating the “Your One Day” short mantha meets with her demanding boss. “These guys were so accommodatwas anything but. Production began in ing,” says Nissim. “The scenes wouldn’t December of 2010, and virtually every step - from actor auditions to location have been nearly as believable without scouting - had to be planned around their help.” With long evenings and weekends demanding work, family and volunteer of shooting and editing finally behind schedules. “It was a labor of love, for sure,” Nissim him, Nissim says he’s looking forward laughs. “My family and friends were all to reading contest entries and capturso supportive, but I don’t think any of us ing a few interesting stories to feature realized how challenging the process of during the closing credits. He says he’ll be accepting submissions at bill@ assembling a short film would be.” until November Ladera Ranch residents who watch th “Your One Day” are sure to recognize 15 , 2011, and will contact winners to several local landmark businesses. One schedule film dates after that. In addition to being featured in the final of them, Cinnamon Productions Bakery and Café, is a popular neighborhood cut of “Your One Day,” authors of the restaurant which serves as the spot selected contest entries will be invited where a lively conversation between to a special debut party where they will Samantha and her brother Brandon be presented with DVDs of the movie, reveals important details about their past. Nissim says. Once the project is completely Nissim worked with restaurant manager wrapped, Nissim plans to submit it to Randy Farah to secure the location for festivals in San Diego, San Bernardino, the scene. Riverside, Los Angeles, Beverly Hills and Newport Beach. “Ask Not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for Thee” -John Donne (1624) Also inspiration for the title of the later book by Ernest HemingwayFor Whom the Bell Tolls The Ladera Ranch News Page 5 November 4, 2011 The Only Weekly Newspaper Exclusively for the Ladera Ranch Area The Ladera Ranch News LOCAL DENTIST MICHAEL TESSIER REVEALS WAYS TO AVOID ORAL CANCER PLAN YOUR 2011 ADVERTISING BUDGET NOW WITH THE LADERA RANCH NEWS Where Readers Can Afford The Best You Have To Offer! EFFECTIVE! AFFORDABLE! ATTRACTIVE! Don’t Wait....Call Today!! Oral cancer is on the rise for the fifth year in a row. In the US alone, 100 new individuals will be diagnosed with oral cancer daily and one person will die every hour of every day because of this disease. It used to be that oral cancer was attributable primarily to age and smoking. Now, there is evidence to the effect that it is being transmitted in young people thru sexual contact. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be this way. Early detection, like everything else in the body, is the key. We use ViziLite, which is a chemoluminescent test for early visual detection, and a “Brush Biopsy” (from Oral CDx) when we see a suspicious discontinuity in intra-oral tissue. Oral Cancer has been a hot topic of discussion in the US over the last few months, especially since Michael Douglas has been so candid in the media over the last few months appearing on both Oprah and The View. He, like many oral cancer patients and survivors, is urging the public to get an annual oral cancer exam. The Great Dr. Oz even did a segment on it Lesions from the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) which is a sexually transmitted disease can also be discovered by visual dental examinations. There are more than 100 types of this virus, four of which are associated with oral cancers. HPV is the number one cause of throat and mouth cancer after tobacco use. In the United States, 1700 new cases of HPV-associated head and neck cancers are diagnosed in women and nearly 5700 in men each year. The dental community is the first line of defense against oral cancer, because, along with checking teeth, we evaluate the health of the soft tissues of the mouth in their entirety. Please keep up with your regular dental visits. If you have any questions, I can be reached at 949-459-7212. My office is at the corner of Oso and Antonio Parkways at the south end of Rancho Santa Margarita. 949.589.9990 MUSIC ED 4 U , INC. MUSIC 4 U, U, INC. Piano Instruction ED for Preeschoolers to Adults Piano Instruction Instructionsfor forPreeschoolers PreeschoolerstotoAdults Adults Piano Instruction for Piano Instruction for Preschoolers to Adults • Step-by-Step Teaching Material to Adults Preschoolers Step-by-Step Teaching • Age Level and Ability Step-by-Step Teaching Materials Appropriate Programs Materials Special • AgeEasy Levelfor and Ability Needs Students Age Level and Ability Appropriate Programs CAROL LYNN CLARK • Parent Participation Appropriate Programs and is a California native, CAROL LYNN CLARK is a CAROL LYNN CLARK Easy Attendance for Special Required Needs Students born andnative, raised in and is a California native, California born Easy for Special Needs Students Orange and • 40 Years Teaching born and raisedCounty in has raised in County Orange and Parent Participation and been a private piano Experience Orange County and has has been a private piano Parent Participation teacher for 40 piano years. been a for private Attendance Requiredand teacher 40 years. She She wasfor a pupil of Susan teacher 40 years. Attendance Required was a pupil of Susan Talevich Talevich completed 40 Years Teaching Experience She was and a pupil of Susan and completed MTA level 10 MTA leveland 10 completed in Susan's Talevich 40 Years Teaching Experience in Susan’s studio. Carol was studio. Carol a Piano NEW YEAR SPECIAL MTA level 10 inwas Susan's aPedagogy Piano Pedagogy Major at Major ataCSUF studio. Carol was Piano CSUF and studied with Earle and studied with Earle Pedagogy Major at CSUF Voorhies. Carol Voorhies. Carol waswas and studied with Earle provisional, apprentice, provisional, apprentice, Voorhies. Carol was then then active status active status teacher in the provisional, apprentice, teacher in the MTA. She then active status MTA. She is also registered is also registered Levels teacher in the MTA. She Levels 1-6 in SAA. The studio 1-6 in SAA. The studio is also registered Levels program includes a weekly program includes a 1-6 in SAA. Theclass, studio lesson, monthly weekly lesson, monthly program includes a quarterly recital, and yearly class, recital, weeklyquarterly lesson, monthly performance. and yearly performance. class, quarterly recital, and yearly performance. NEW YEAR SPECIAL 1x/wk Private Half Hour - one student hour ($120/mo.) 1x/wk $30/half Private Half Hour - one student 1x/wk $30/half Private Hour - one student hour ($120/mo.) hour ($240/mo.) 1x/wk $60/half Private Hour - one student 1x/wk with Shared Half Hour two students st $60/half hour ($240/mo.) 1 Month’s Enrollment per student 1x/wk $60/month Shared Half Hour - two students 1x/wk $60/month Shared - two students $30.00Hour PERper MONTH student $120/month per student PRESCHOOL 1x/wk Shared Hour CLASSES - two students 1x/wk $120/month Half Hour Class students per- five student Limited enrollment $30/month per student 1x/wk Half Hour Class - five students 1x/wk $30/month Hour Class - per five students Please hurry as these student $60/month per student classes fill up fast! 1x/wk Hour Class - five students $60/month per student Dr. Michael A. Tessier Free Lesson Carol Lynn Clark Carol Lynn Clark 949-246-5815 949-246-5815 7 Sablewood Circle, Ladera Ranch, California 92694 (Studio located in Bannister Street, off Eton and O’Neil) 7 Sablewood Circle, Ladera Ranch, California 92694 (Studio located in Bannister Street, off Eton and O’Neil) Page 6 NO DRILL NO SHOT LASER DENTISTRY The Ladera Ranch News ADA and CDA Member • Complete Dentistry for Children & Adults • Mercury-Free Fillings • Orthodontics (tooth straightening) • Emergencies seen promptly • Dentures Repairs / Relines • Tooth Bonding & Bleaching • We meet all prescribed standards of sterilization and infection control Las FLores PLaza 28562 oso Pkwy. at antonio Pkwy. 459-7212 1-877-GentLe-t MOST INSURANCE PLANS WELCOME MOST MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED The Ladera Ranch News The Only Weekly Newspaper Exclusively for the Ladera Ranch Area November 4, 2011 CHANGE YOUR CLOCK CHANGE YOUR BATTERY Pass it on: Use the Extra Hour to Remind Your Friends, Family and Neighbors to Change Their Smoke Alarm Batteries and Make a Positive Change in Your Community Daylight-saving time ends Sunday, Nov. 6, and marks the 24th anniversary of the Change Your Clock Change Your Battery® program, created by Energizer and the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC), which reminds people to check and change the batteries in their smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors during the fall time change. This message is simple, and the habit can be lifesaving. Forty percent of fatal fire injuries occur in homes without working smoke alarms, while 23 percent occur in homes in which at least one smoke alarm is present but fails to operate.* Firefighters work tirelessly to help reduce the risk factors by educating their residents on the importance of having a working smoke alarm. In many communities, fire departments are able to distribute free batteries to citizens in need as a result of the Change Your Clock Change Your Battery program. Over the past 22 years, Energizer has donated more than four million batteries to local fire departments. This year, people have an opportunity to get involved in a very simple way to help increase the donation. In an effort to reach more community members nationwide, Energizer, as part of its new Now That’s Positivenergy program, is enlisting people across the country to help double the donation of batteries to local fire departments. When people visit the CYCCYB tab on the Energizer Bunny® Facebook page, (, they can send a Change Your Clock Change Your Battery reminder to their friends to trigger a battery donation. In addition, people can make an online pledge to change the batteries in their smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors or develop a home escape plan online to help increase the number of batteries the company donates this year, up to 400,000 batteries. “Each year, thousands of lives are forever changed due to the devastating effects of a home fire, especially when home fire fatalities are a factor,” said Chief Jack E. Parow, EFO, president and chairman of the board of the International Association of Fire Chiefs. “For that reason alone, Energizer’s donation of batteries has become a vital and necessary component to keeping communities across the nation safe and sound. A working smoke alarm is a family’s best defense for surviving a home fire.” This year, the public can play an important role in helping to spread the life-saving message. “For 24 years, Energizer, the IAFC and more than 6,200 fire departments have partnered to educate communities on the importance of home fire safety and having working smoke alarms,” said Jim Olsen, Vice President of Marketing for Energizer North America. “By asking for the public’s help this year, we hope to further raise awareness of the lifesaving message, while also increasing the battery donation to help more community members in need avoid devastating home fire fatalities.” Extra Good in Your Neighborhood Setting the clock and replacing the batteries in smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors is quick and easy. In addition to encouraging others to do so, also consider using the extra hour you gain from daylight-saving time to create some positive changes in your community. One positive change residents are encouraged to make is to use the The Friends of Dorothy Guild, supporting AIDS Services Foundation Orange County, raised a record $70,000 during its October 22 Haunted Halloween at the Village Crean Costume Party, Dinner & Auction – the most the dynamic volunteer support group has raised at any of its events since being founded in 2007. This brings the Dorothys’ total fundraising efforts for ASF to $622,782. “This Halloween, we exceeded every goal – the décor was over the top. Supporters were generous beyond our dreams and the costumes were fantastic. The event was sold out, we felt badly we had to turn people away,” said Guild Founder and Chair Barbara Venezia. This Friends of Dorothy Guild event has become the most in-demand Halloween party in Orange County. The legendary Crean estate was filled to capacity with 250 partygoers bedecked, bedazzled and ghoulishly costumed, all opening their hearts and hands to support AIDS Services Foundation. Venezia said, “Even as we laugh and cheer each amazing costume, we’re always deeply aware of our purpose: to raise money and make it possible for ASF to continue its important services it provides.” These services include food, transportation, housing, emergency financial assistance, family support programs, mental health counseling, support groups, and HIV education and prevention. “The Dorothy’s continue to prove that generosity is alive and well in our community and that you can keep the “fun” in fundraising,” said Venezia Dorothy Guild Member Mark Eskander was among the generous donors and presented Venezia with a check for $10,000 from the Louise Mandel Charitable Trust. Other underwriters who offered inkind support so the maximum gift could be made to ASF were: Barefoot Wine & Bubbly; Billy’s Naked Chicken for the dinner; D.J. Golden Mike and his pal Elvis Presley, AKA Gary Anderson. Ellie Shoes provided the signature shoe awards and Pat Kennedy led the decorating team. The Newport Beach Explorers, Spirit Halloween Store and Classic Party Rentals all donated time and services. Desserts were donated by Caroline Soaks, Diva Cakes and Everything Bundt Cakes in Costa Mesa. The live auction items of the night, garnering the most dollars, were dinner and a Duffy rides at Venezia’s waterfront home with her fellow OC Register columnist Frank Mickadeit, who will offering up his famous Tritip Santa Maria BBQ for dinner. As a bidding war ensued, Venezia and Mickadeit donated the package twice raising a total of $8000 for the charity. ASF Board President Maria Marquez and Executive Director Phil Yaeger and were also on hand to welcome extra hour “gained” to remind their friends, family and neighbors of the life-saving habit of changing and testing smoke alarm batteries. The simple reminder is one of the easiest, most-effective ways to reduce tragic home fire deaths and injuries. Secondly, you can spend your extra hour spreading good in your neighborhood. More than 80 percent of local fire departments are staffed by volunteers. Energizer and the IAFC are encouraging people to use their extra hour volunteering to make a change in their community. “It’s about taking small steps together to make a big difference, from reminding each other to get in the habit of the Change Your Clock Change Your Battery® program to using our extra hours to make a difference in the community- Now That’s Positivenergy ,” Olsen said. THE FRIENDS OF DOROTHY GUILD HALLOWEEN FUNDRAISER CONTRIBUTES $70,000 TO AIDS SERVICES FOUNDATION ORANGE COUNTY the colorful throng. They introduced the Dorothys’ signature Shoe Awards presentation, where donors and inkind supporters receive sparkling high-heeled shoes in various colors to recognize their in commitment to ASF and, in particular, the Friends of Dorothy Guild. Founded in 1985, AIDS Services Foundation is the largest non-profit provider of care and services to people with HIV/AIDS in Orange County, helping 1,600 clients across the county. For more information The Ladera Ranch News Page 7 The Only Weekly Newspaper Exclusively for the Ladera Ranch Area November 4, 2011 The Ladera Ranch News Society Scene by Kelly Bennett Exclusively for the Ladera Ranch News $1.3 MILLION RAISED FOR BECKSTRAND CANCER FOUNDATION A sold out crowd helped raise $1.3 million at the Beckstrand Cancer Foundation’s eighth annual Diamond & Pearl Ball that was held at The Balboa Bay Club. The elegant black tie affair honored actress, advocate and cancer survivor, Fran Drescher, and highlighted the story of 20-year-old leukemia survivor and Beckstrand program recipient, Nicole Shulz, who was first diagnosed at the age of 14. “Each year, the need for Beckstrand’s support in the cancer community grows and at The Diamond & Pearl Ball 2011, our donors really stepped up to the challenge put in front of them: To raise $1 million toward programs that support this growing need,” shared Lil Spitzer, Executive Director of Beckstrand Cancer Foundation. The event started out with a VIP red carpet entrance to one of the largest one-of-a-kind auction areas for the cocktail reception. Folks were then led to the ballroom where the Moulin Rouge theme was very apparent with everything from the décor of the room, feathered lamps, and ruffled chairs with colors of red/gold and black to the entertainment by “burlesque” can-can dancers; the ambiance gave you the feeling of sitting in a cabaret somewhere in Paris. Even the center pieces were whimsical plastic “legs” with fishnet stockings! Dinner was absolutely delicious by Balboa Bay Club Executive Chef Josef Lageder. Served up for the first course were jumbo prawns and a crab cocktail with a classic sauce remoulade. Then came French onion soup with a Gruyere cheese crostini. The main course was a fabulous European butter seared filet Mignon with an “Oscar” sauce Béarnaise with lobster oil potatoes gratin and sautéed asparagus. Oh and dessert, Terrine Au chocolate “Moulin Rouge” was delectable. Heartfelt speeches were given by the evening’s honoree, Fran Drescher, as well as National Spokesperson Eva La Rue and Inspiration Speaker Nicole Schulz. Drescher explained her cancer diagnosis took two years and eight months and was misdiagnosed by eight doctors before being discovered. Using her comedic wit, she was very funny but serious as she promotes early detection and prevention saying everyone needs to change their life styles because “cancer is not going away”. She wrote the book Cancer Schmancer to raise consciousness for men and women to become more aware of the early warning signs of cancer, and to empower themselves as she turned her diagnosis from lemons into lemonade. The Diamond & Pearl Ball 2011 also featured an Opportunity Drawing by Fashion Island – a $2,500 shopping spree won by Tami Kahn – and an impressive list of live auction items from Lugano Diamonds, Eva La Rue, Jimmy Choo, Oday Shakar and Neiman Marcus Fashion Island, Honoree Fran Drescher, Aston Martin Newport Beach, Regina King, Meadowood Napa Valley, The Winery Restaurant, American Film Institute, The Los Angeles Dodgers, and more. Joe Cappuccio and Eva La Rue walked away with the “Lugano Diamonds in Tel Aviv” experience for $70,000; Mary Ellen Moschetti will enjoy a “Behindthe-Scenes with Fran Drescher” package for $40,000, and Patricia McNamara is headed to “Florence, Rome and The Holy City” for a special Vatican Tour for $30,000. Other live auction winners included Dave and Holly Wilson, Vinay and Elsa Jatwani, John Laura, Blaine and Renetta Caya, Michael and Tami Kahn, Ed and Christine Capparelli, Mike and Debi Bolen, Thomas and Catherine Hawkes, Keith and Sandy Watkins, and William and Elisabetta Graff. George and Eden O’Connell, Mike and Jan Salta, and Dave and Holly Wilson gave a combined $300,000 during the Fund-a-Need portion of the evening, followed by a $75,000 donation by Keith and Mara Murray, a $50,000 donation by Jeff and Holly Miller, and a $25,000 donation by William and Elisabetta Graff. Page 8 The Ladera Ranch News Dress Designer to the stars Oday Shakar with Executive Director of Beckstrand Cancer Foundation Lil Spitzer Celebrity Gilles Marini and his wife Carole Moti and Idit Ferder from Lugano Diamonds pose with Honoree Fran Drescher The Cast of CSI Miami Omar Miller, Jonathan Togo and Adam Rodriguez came out to support Eva La Rue, National Spokesperson. Renetta Caya, Nicole Shulz with Jeff and Holly Miller Beckstrand Cancer Foundation improves and enhances the quality of life for cancer patients and their families through providing financial assistance, patient advocacy, supportive counseling and practical help to patients in the midst of their cancer treatment and struggling to cope with critical survival needs. For more information about Beckstrand Cancer Foundation, visit www. Photos by Carla Rhea The Ladera Ranch News The Only Weekly Newspaper Exclusively for the Ladera Ranch Area November 4, 2011 i i hat’s! W k o o L ning Happe CONSERVATORY CLASSES DANCING, ACTING, SINGING, PRIVATE VOCALS, GUITAR, COMEDY, AUDITION TECHNIQUE, MUSICAL THEATER MUSICAL THEATER BIRTHDAY PARTIES SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS AC T i SING DANCE i FUN i Everyone is a star at CSS! ii i 27101 Aliso Creek Road, Suite 136 • Aliso Viejo PLAN YOUR 2011 ADVERTISING BUDGET NOW WITH THE LADERA RANCH NEWS Where Readers Can Afford The Best You Have To Offer! EFFECTIVE! AFFORDABLE! ATTRACTIVE! Now is the time to bring in YOUR share of the big business that is forecast for 2011! With money to spend and the time to spend it, Ladera Ranch shoppers are ready to buy from you like never before. But they won’t know about you unless you advertise. Advertise this year with the newspaper that reaches high income homeowners right where they live. Put your ad in their hands and take your share of this fabulous buying market! Don’t Wait....Call Today!! 949.589.9990 Markdowns 20 -70 % A full service lighting store % Consultation & Design Lighting The Finest in Chandeliers, Table & Floor Lamps, Celing Fans Over 200 Popular Manufacturers Consultation and Design Weather Resistant Finishes All Major Credit Cards Accepted San Clemente (949) 492-3745 1421 N El Camino Real, San Clemente The Ladera Ranch News Page 9 The Only Weekly Newspaper Exclusively for the Ladera Ranch Area November 4, 2011 The Ladera Ranch News PHILIP R.SHUPE DPM,FACFAS Podiatric Medicine and Surgery Merce Benz F des ac Certiietory d! Cold Laser Therapy for Tendonitis, Sprains, Plantar Fasciitis, Post-Operative Healing, and more! Foot and Ankle Surgery Hours: Mon.-Fri. Cold Laser Therapy 7:30AM to 5:30PM Diabetic Foot Care Injuries / Trauma Routine Foot Care Laser Surgery for Fungal Nails 25 Years in Private Practice 949-470-0970 Philip R Shupe DPM,FACFAS Fellow, American College of Foot & Ankle Surgeons Board certified in foot and ankle surgery OUR OC Best Cleaning’s Service Goal is to provide our customers with the best service possible using professional products at a competitive price. S VICE SER • Daily • Weekly 29851 Aventura, Suite M Rancho Santa Margarita,California 92688 • Bi-Weekly • Monthly • Move In / Move Out Cleanings (Next to the post office) • Post Construction Cleanings • Pre / Post Party Cleanings (949) 858-7611 • Special Occasion Cleanings • Vacant Property Cleanings SUPERIOR QUALITY • EXCELLENT REFERENCES • AFFORDABLE RATES • EXPERIENCE • RELIABILITY LAST LAYER FINE CERAMIC TILE KITCHEN AND BATH Standard and custom. Gorgeous stone and glass mosaics. Open 9 to 5 23091 Antonio Pkwy, Ste. 300 Rancho Santa Margarita 949-589-8453 SMALL WORLD DOGGIE DAY CARE CATERING TO YOUR SMALL DOG UNDER 30 POUNDS Buy a five day pass and get one day FREE With this ad only. 29821 Aventura #A (next to Rancho Post office) SPEECH AND LANGUAGE THERAPY FORMER OC COUNTY PROSECUTOR AND PUBLIC DEFENDER 100% CRIMINAL DEFENSE CALL TODAY FOR A FREE CONSULTATION Hate to clean windows? Let us do it fast and cheap. Home or Office. You’ll love our service! Call for free estimate Alex Resnick 949-858-4386 WOOD SPECIALTIES 949-306-3959 (949)313-1088 RYAN’S HAULING SERVICE Lynn J. Larson Interior & Exterior, Moulding, Paneling, Patio Cover, Deck Doors, Cabinets, Gates, Termite Repair, Hand Rails. Remodeling and Additions. Licensed & Bonded Lic#477356 Guy Gates 949-306-8510 WHY LET YOUR COMPETITION GET ALL THE BEST LEADS? MATH TUTOR RETIRED MATH TEACHER 949-589-9990 CHARLES FINE FURNITURE REQUEST A DESIGNER HOUSE CALL We come to you with the very best in Fine home furnishings – over 100 lines of furniture. 714-577-5380 Page 10 LET US WASH YOUR WINDOWS-CHEAP! Take action now to correct your child’s speech problem. Let me help you with stuttering, voice, accent reduction, stroke recovery 949-713-3291 Advertise with the Coto de Caza News and get your phone ringing again? LAW OFFICES OF LISA BETHUNE LADERA RANCH ANIMAL HOSPITAL FULL SERVICE, VETERINARY HOSPITAL Free 1st office call with this ad In the terrace shops 1101 A-7 Corporate Drive, Ladera Ranch NO JOB TOO SMALL Demolition, Trash pick-up and Garage clean up. Also handyman/odd jobs. 888-580-3651 HANDYMAN SERVICE MR. FIX IT! Carpentry, Dry Wall, Electrical, Plumbing and MUCH MORE! NO JOB TOO SMALL! CALL ART: 949-293-5691 949-842-1850 SERENE FAMILY DENTISTRY MUSIC LESSONS CENTER STAGE STUDIOS OC MUSIC LESSONS FREE CONSULTATION WITH THIS AD Complete dental services including oral surgeon on staff for dental implants + wisdom teeth. 25662 Crown Valley Pkwy, Ste. H4 Ladera Ranch 949-218-4000 949-858-0900 BUY A NEW OR USED CAR NEED A TAX EXPERT? WHY LET YOUR COMPETITION GET ALL THE BEST LEADS? WITHOUT VISITING A DEALER SHOWROOM! Get better prices and delivery to your door Fliegler auto brokers IRS AND TAX LITIGATION Tax planning and estate and trust Tax returns. Zaher Fallahi,Attorney At law, MS,MBA,JD CPA 949-290-7865 714-546-4272 The Ladera Ranch News PERFECT FOR RESIDENTIAL, PET AREAS, PUTTING GREENS, POOL AND MORE! 949-347-6803 EXPERIENCED MATH TUTOR IN RANCHO SANTA MARGARITA Elementary thru College Algebra 949-521-2526 TIGER TURF IN RSM on Empressa at Aventura ( next to Papa Johns ) Advertise with the Coto de Caza News and get your phone ringing again? 949-589-9990 ARE YOU READY TO DANCE? Hip hop, jazz, ballet, tap. Classes starting soon ages 5 to 14 years 27101 Aliso Creek Road Ste. 136 Aliso Viejo 949-305-9758 DR PHILIP SHUPE PODIATRIST 25 YEARS IN PRIVATE PRACTICE FOOT AND ANKLE SURGERY DIABETIC FOOT CARE Laser surgery for fungal nails 29851 Aventura Suite M Rancho Santa Margarita 92688 949-858-7611 The Ladera Ranch News The Only Weekly Newspaper Exclusively for the Ladera Ranch Area November 4, 2011 Have the Sparkling Smile You've Always Dreamed of…Today! L ADERA R ANCH A NIMAL H OSPITAL COSMETIC & FAMILY DENTISTRY We Now Offer Low Cost Affordable Spay & Neuter Ed Samra D.D.S Celebrating 5 years of Serving Ladera Ranch OUR OFFICE OFFERS MOST ASPECTS OF DENTISTRY, INCLUDING: Comprehensive Exam with Smile Design Implants Thorough Cleanings Gum Disease Treatments Natural Looking Fillings & Crowns Root Canals Porcelain Veneers Dentures ZOOM 2 Teeth Whitening Routine & Wisdom Teeth Extractions Most Insurances Accepted Payment Plans Available No insurance? No problem! Ask about The Dental Savings Card A Full Service, State-of-the-Art Veterinary Hospital $ 5900 reg. $235.00 Comprehensive Exam, X-Rays & Thorough Cleaning In the absence of gum disease Adults & children welcome ZOOM 2 IN OFFICE TEETH WHITENING $ Offer expires in 30 days. In case of insurance, fees will be based on contract 19900 (949) 347-6803 PLAN YOUR 2011 ADVERTISING BUDGET NOW WITH THE LADERA RANCH NEWS Where Readers Can Afford The Best You Have To Offer! EFFECTIVE! AFFORDABLE! ATTRACTIVE! Now is the time to bring in YOUR share of the big business that is forecast for 2011! With money to spend and the time to spend it, Ladera Ranch shoppers are ready to buy from you like never before. But they won’t know about you unless you advertise. Advertise this year with the newspaper that reaches high income homeowners right where they live. Put your ad in their hands and take your share of this fabulous buying market! Don’t Wait....Call Today!! 949.589.9990 IN THE TERRACE SHOPS 1101 A-7 CORPORATE DR. LADERA RANCH, CA MAJESTIC We hang Christmas Lights! A $450 value! 949-364-0006 FREE 1st Office Call/ Physical Exam New Clients Only. Not Valid with some other offers/discounts. At Majestic, we offer Holiday / Christmas Lighting services in the holiday months. We provide installation and removal of all Holiday decorations. Whether you need your own lights installed or you are interested in one of our amazing custom packages, we offer low pricing to fit your budget. Expires in 30 days 800 CORPORATE DRIVE, SUITE 200 LADERA RANCH, CA 92694 New Client Special Call us for details EARLY MORNING AND LATE EVENINGS APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE NEW PATIENT SPECIAL Hours: M-F 8-6 Sat & Sun 8-5 949-407-XMAS (9627) EARLY BIRD SPECIAL Set your lights up with us before November 15th and SAVE! • • • • Professional Installation Prompt Removal after Holidays Pro-Active Maintenance Take-Down and Storage ALREADY HAVE LIGHTS? SINGLE STORY starting at $150 TWO STORY starting at $275 REFINANCE TODAY LOCK IN THE LOWEST INTEREST RATES IN 50 YEARS Free iPad for anyone who closes a loan with me!! Josh Sanderson After graduating from SMCHS and playing collegiate and European basketball, I have returned to my Southern California roots, ready and eager to help you save your hard earned money. With mortgage industry experience, I have positioned myself as an outside loan officer with access to unbelievable rates. I will work hard to give you: Access to the best possible interest rates Someone you can trust and has your best interest at heart The fastest possible underwriting and funding 24/7 availability to address any questions/concerns CALL ME TODAY - (949) 439-8425 for a FREE RATE QUOTE that is specific to your loan needs 30-year fixed as low as 3.875% at 0 points* Josh Sanderson NMLS #391582 [email protected] The Ladera Ranch News * as of 11/1/2011 Cell: (949) 439-8425 Fax: (949) 485-6325 Page 11 The Only Weekly Newspaper Exclusively for the Ladera Ranch Area November 4, 2011 The Ladera Ranch News TONY AWARD-WINNING BROADWAY AND OPERA STAR PAULO SZOT MAKES SEGERSTROM CENTER DEBUT Paulo Szot, the acclaimed and versatile baritone with matinee idol looks, will make his debut at Segerstrom Center for the Arts December 15 – 18 in Samueli Theater. His star-making turn in the smash revival of South Pacific was one of the most talkedabout performances of that, or any other year. Since that Tony winning performance, he has continued to wow audiences every time he takes the stage, from the Metropolitan Opera to the Café Carlyle and beyond. The New York Times wrote, “Mr. Szot’s lady-killer aura is matched vocally by a much more persuasive emotional connection with this material…He delivered it with the authority of Zeus hurling thunderbolts.” Tickets for Paulo Szot are $75 and available online at, at the Box Office at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa or by calling (714) 556-2787. For inquiries about group ticket discounts for 15 or more, call the Group Services office at (714) 755-0236. The TTY number is (714) 556-2746. Szot has won international acclaim both as an opera singer and actor. For his portrayal of Emile de Beque in South Pacific at Lincoln Center Theatre, he received the Drama Desk, Outer Critics Circle and the Theater World Awards, as well as the Tony, becoming the first Brazilian actor to receive such honors. Born in São Paulo and raised in Ribeirão Pires, Brazil, Szot began his musical training in piano at the age of 5 and later added violin and dance. He studied at Jagiellonian University in Poland, the country from which his parents had emigrated following World War II. Szot began singing professionally in 1990 with the Polish National Song & Dance Ensemble, Slask. He made his opera debut in a production of Il Barbiere di Siviglia at the Teatro MuPage 12 nicipal de São Paulo in 1997. Since then, Szot has appeared with many major opera companies throughout the world both in Europe, the U.S. and his native Brazil. Szot made his New York Philharmonic debut during the 2008-2009 season in a concert conducted by Marvin Hamlisch, appearing alongside Liza Minnelli. In 2010, he made his highly acclaimed Metropolitan Opera debut in a new production of The Nose by Shostakovich, conducted by Valery Gergiev. He also made his Carnegie Hall debut with the New York Pops Orchestra. In 2011, Szot returned to the Metropolitan Opera as Escamillo in Carmen and made his Paris Opera debut at the Palais Garnier as Guglielmo in Così Fan Tutte. He also returned to Carnegie Hall to appear in concert with Deborah Voigt. He has performed in the Allen Room at Jazz at Lincoln Center as part of the American Songbook Series and at Café Carlyle in New York. Segerstrom Center for the Arts is unique as both an acclaimed arts institution and as a multidisciplinary cultural campus. It is committed to supporting artistic excellence on all of its stages, offering unsurpassed experiences, and engaging the entire community in new and exciting ways through the unique power of live The Ladera Ranch News performance and a diverse array of inspiring programs. Previously called the Orange County Performing Arts Center, Segerstrom Center traces its roots back to the late 1960s when a dedicated group of community leaders decided Orange County should have its own world-class performing arts venue. As Orange County’s largest nonprofit arts organization, Segerstrom Center for the Arts owns and operates the 3,000-seat Segerstrom Hall and intimate 250-seat Founders Hall, w which opened in 1986, and the 2,000-seat Renée and Henry Segerstrom Concert Hall, which opened in 2006 and also houses the 500-seat Samueli Theater, the Lawrence and Kristina Dodge Education Center’s studio performance space and Boeing Education Lab. A spacious arts plaza anchors Segerstrom Center for the Arts and is home to numerous free performances throughout the year as part of Segerstrom Center for the Arts’ ongoing Free for All series. The Center presents a broad range of programming each season for audiences of all ages from throughout Orange County and beyond, including international ballet and dance, national tours of top Broadway shows, intimate performances of jazz and cabaret, contemporary artists, clas- sical music performed by renowned chamber orchestras and ensembles, family-friendly programming, free performances open to the public from outdoor movie screenings to dancing on the plaza and many other special events. It offers many education programs designed to inspire young people through the arts. These programs reach hundreds of thousands of students of all ages with vital arts-in-education programs, enhancing their studies and enriching their lives well into the future. In addition to the presenting and producing institution Segerstrom Center for the Arts, the 14-acre campus also embraces the facilities of two independent acclaimed organizations: Tony® Award-winning South Coast Repertory and a site designated as the future home of the Orange County Museum of Art. Segerstrom Center for the Arts is also proud to serve as the artistic home to three of the region’s major performing arts organizations: Pacific Symphony, the Philharmonic Society of Orange County and the Pacific Chorale, who contribute greatly to the artistic life of the region with annual seasons at Segerstrom Center for the Arts. The Ladera Ranch News The Only Weekly Newspaper Exclusively for the Ladera Ranch Area Courtside Restaurant November 4, 2011 O.C. PIZZA of Rancho Santa Margarita Courtside Restaurant is a beautiful location specializing in exquisite and memorable events. We offer casual elegance for any type of event. Planning A Wedding or Other Special Event? Everything All In One Beautiful Loaction! Our friendly staff will assist you with anything may need for your event. DINING EVENTS C AT E R I N G Weddings Receptions Rehearsal Dinners Parties Bar Mitzvahs Graduations Holidays Corporate Meetings Bridge Clubs Networking Events Call us for your next special event! 949-361-2211 111 Ave Vista Montana San Clemente 949.361.2211 949.492.1516 Located in the Rancho San Clemente Tennis Club WE DELIVER ( 949) 459-0181 Must mention Coto de Caza News when you order. TRY OUR ORIGINAL CRUST PIZZA ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS!! 100% Real Mozzarella Cheese, All Fresh Ingredients PICK UP OR DINE IN SPECIAL PICK UP OR DINE IN SPECIAL 1 Large, 1 Topping Pizza X-Large 16” Pizza Plus Tax Large 14” Pizza Delivery Available, Minimum Order 2 Pizzas or More $ 8.99 Must bring coupon when ordering. Not valid with any other offers. Exp. 11-30-11 $ 4 OFF $ 3 OFF Must bring coupon when ordering. Not valid with any other offers. Exp. 11-30-11 FREE DELIVERY with this coupon! Monday - Thursday 11 am to 9:30 pm Friday & Saturday 11 am to 10 pm Sunday noon to 9:30 pm O.C. PIZZA ( 949) 459-0181 21612 Plano Trabuco Rd #G Trabuco Market Place PLAN YOUR 2011 ADVERTISING BUDGET NOW WITH THE LADERA RANCH NEWS Where Readers Can Afford The Best You Have To Offer! EFFECTIVE! AFFORDABLE! ATTRACTIVE! Now is the time to bring in YOUR share of the big business that is forecast for 2011! With money to spend and the time to spend it, Ladera Ranch shoppers are ready to buy from you like never before. But they won’t know about you unless you advertise. Advertise this year with the newspaper that reaches high income homeowners right where they live. Put your ad in their hands and take your share of this fabulous buying market! Don’t Wait....Call Today!! 949.589.9990 H y p our p a ! H Monday - Friday 4:30 - 6:30 *bar only 50% off bottles of wine every Monday and Tuesday *excludes captain’s list Finest Quality steaks and the freshest served Seafood in the Orange County area! (949) 646 - 7944 1695 Irvine Ave, Costa Mesa The Ladera Ranch News Page 13 The Only Weekly Newspaper Exclusively for the Ladera Ranch Area November 4, 2011 The Ladera Ranch News EXCITING NEW OPENINGS AT SOUTH COAST PLAZA low and pink gold, diamonds and semiprecious stones. The jewelry collection is available in only five stores across the U.S. CARTIER NOVEMBER 22 All purchases at the event from La Perla will also be 20 percent What would a grand re-open- off. Appointments for the boudoir ing at Victoria’s Secret be with- styling event can be made by calling: 714-754-7500. out a few of the world-famous Victoria’s Secret Angel models present and outfitted in lingerie, OSCAR DE LA RENTA TRUNK SHOW NOVEMBER 14TH no less? While the new Victoria’s Secret store will AND 15TH Come preview Oscar de la reopen officially on November 17th, the public will be treated to Renta’s Spring 2012 collection a special in-store appearance by with a special trunk show at the Victoria’s Secret Angel Miranda boutique from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Kerr from noon to 2 p.m. on November 29th. Kerr FERRAGAMO DEBUTS NEW will be modeling the dazzling JEWELRY COLLECTION Fantasy Treasure bra, a $2.5 Salvatore Ferragamo’s firstmillion stunner encrusted with ever jewelry collection, in col142 carats of white and yellow laboration with Gianni Bulgari, diamonds. is set to arrive to South Coast Plaza this month. The striking A BOUDOUR MAKEOVER AT collection will be comprised of LA PERLA NOVEMBER 8TH, three jewelry lines. The Futuristic Line, inspired by painter 6 P.M. TO 9 P.M La Perla and Giorgio Armani L u c i o Ve n n a , f e a t u r e s s i l v e r will be offering glamorous bou- ridged bracelets, earrings and doir makeovers at the La Perla pendants.” The Vara Line feaboutique from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. tures the famous buckle used November 8th. Full makeup will in Maison Ferragamo’s footwear be done by Giorgio Armani with and the distinctive buckle symlight hairstyling and Crush Stu- bol has been transferred onto dios is offering a private photo bracelets and cabochon rings in session with a complimentary silver, white gold and diamond. 8x10 provided for each guest. The Gancino Line features yel- VICTORIA’S SECRET NOVEMBER 17TH Page 14 The Ladera Ranch News Cartier, one of the world’s most esteemed luxury houses, is set to open its doors on November 22 to reveal its newly expanded boutique. The new boutique will more than double its original size – from 2,831 sq.ft to 6,008 sq.ft., which will officially make it the largest Cartier boutique in the United States. The larger space will now house a broader variety of pieces from Cartier’s iconic collection of signature jewelry and timepieces, including a dedicated area for the Fine Watchmaking Collection, a wider selection of engagement rings and bridal jewelry, new accessories salon for men and women and four new private viewing rooms. brothers will arrive to WilliamsSonoma at South Coast Plaza at noon to sign purchased copies of their new cookbook, “Volt ink: Recipes. Stories. Brothers.” (Proof of purchase at WilliamsSonoma required.) The cookbook features the concept of “families” with ingredient-driven recipes, personal experiences and modern perspectives on food. C I G A R D I N N E R AT M O R TON’S NOVEMBER 14TH Cigar aficionados are invited to Morton’s The Steakhouse on November 14th for a special cigar dinner on the patio at 6:30 p.m. The 4-course dinner includes a starter of broiled sea scallops, mixed greens salad, an entrée choice of filet mignon with Bearnaise or broiled salmon filet with Beurre Blanc sauce and dessert of crème brulee. Cost: $125 per person. STADE CALIFORNIA NOW HAUTE CHEFS AT WILLIAMS- OPEN SONOMA NOVEMBER 8 Billy Stade, the man who For fans of Bravo’s Top Chef Season 6, there needs no real introduction to critically acclaimed chefs Bryan and Michael Voltaggio. The brothers famously competed against each o t h e r f o r To p C h e f b r a g g i n g rights – ultimately, Michael won the top honors while Bryan placed second, but both of their careers have continued to garner much buzz in the culinary world. Locally, Michael Voltaggio recently debuted his first solo restaurant venture, Ink, easily one of Los Angeles’ most highly anticipated restaurant openings of the year. On November 8th, the Voltaggio brought Orange County its first slew of indie designer labels under one roof at The Closet, opened his new concept store inside South Coast Plaza. The 4,000 square-foot store features a savvy mix of high-profile and under-the-radar brands such as Deus Ex Machina, Comune, Copy, Insight, RVCA, Emerald from Element, WeSC, Item, Penny Stock, Nudie and Freeway Eyewear, to name a few. Stade California will also house a “barbalon,” a fullservice barber and salon called Preme. Level 3, Crate & Barrel/Macy’s Home Store Wing. The Ladera Ranch News The Only Weekly Newspaper Exclusively for the Ladera Ranch Area November 4, 2011 ladera ranch news R est aurant Antonucci’s RestAuRAnt Serving authentic Italian seafood and award-winning pizza since 1976 with exciting appetizers and a full bar and live entertainment on Saturday evening. 24190 Alicia Parkway Mission Viejo. 949-472-4332 BeAch FiRe BAR & GRill Burgers, Sandwiches, Tacos, Salads plus Spiced Chipotle Chicken, Blackened Catfish. Open Monday-Friday 11:30am to11pm; Saturday 11am to 11pm; Sunday 11:30am to 10pm. Sunday Brunch 10-3 25682 crown Valley Pkwy. 542-7700 cinnAMon PRoductions BAkeRy cAFé Breakfast can be delightfully decadent with sugary cinnamon rolls like grandma used to make or lighter eggs and toast or scones. Some interesting sandwich possibilities and strong hot coffee OPEN Sunday/Monday 6:30am to 4:00pm Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 6:00am to 8:00pm 25672 crown Valley Pkwy. 949-218-1515 clAiM JuMPeR Monster salad bar, great steaks, full bar with a wide selection of beers and wines to choose from. 27845 santa Margarita Pkwy, Mission Viejo 461.7170 cosMo’s itAliAn kitchen Owners Bob Quinn and Dick Fisher celebrate their 5th anniversary with special dinners Monday, Wednesday and Sunday. Open 11am Monday to Friday. 28562 oso Pkwy 949.216.9029 diho siAM Authentic Thai and Chinese food at affordable prices. Many varieties of Thai and Chinese delicacies. Chicken, Beef, Pork, Tofu and Vegetarian! Barbecue Chicken, Crispy Duck, Beef w/Oyster Sauce. Spicy Cat Fish. Hours: Open daily from 11am to 9pm; Sat. & Sun. until 9:30pm. 27702 crown Valley Pkwy e-3 365-8777 don GustAVo’s Authentic Mexican Food with home-style flavor, menu items include Chile Relleno, Carnitas, Fajitas, Eggs Machaca, Chimicangas, Veggie Burrito, Fish Tacos, Shrimp Enchiladas, Taco Salad. Margaritas, Tequilas y Mas! Plus catering at your home or office. Open for lunch & dinner 7 days a week, plus Weekend Breakfast. Located at Oso/ Marguerite in the Pavillion’s Shopping center, inFusion RestAuRAnt And BAR Featuring an open style kitchen, our executive chef will tempt your palate with entrees including thick steaks, chops and island style fresh fish. In addition, we feature an extensive wine list and a martini bar. Open for lunch and dinner. Catering is also available. 25612 crown Valley Pky, ste l-1. 364-1100 JeRRy’s Wood FiRed doGs Breakfast served daily from 8am to 11am Smokey Joe Croissants, Sausage, Eggs, Bacon.Try their hot link Breakfast Burrito, for lunch the wood fired dogs have all best flavors, tastes and toppings. 1701 corporate drive, ladera Ranch (949) 364-7080 JAlAPeno’s RestAuRAnt Open for breakfast, lunch & dinner. Authentic Mexican food including Chili Verde, Omelettes, Huevos Rancheros, Tostadas, Carne Asada, Menudo, traditional burritos including Beef, Chicken, Fish, Beans (Vegetarian), Chile Rellenos, Taquitos, Enchiladas. Imported and domestic beers. 27602 Antonio Pkwy, 364-5614 lAtte dA BAGelRy & GRill Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner served all day. Fifteen different types of bagels made daily. Salads, burgers, plus Italian specialties like Chicken Alfredo. opens at 6am daily; closes at 9pm Monday through Saturday, open until 4pm on Sunday. 21612 Plano trabuco Road at santa Margarita Parkway in the Albertson’s center in Rancho santa Margarita. 949-589-6405 neWPoRt RiB coMPAny A complete selection of aged, midwestern corn-fed USDA choice steaks and prime rib, tender pork & beef ribs, fresh seafood, chicken, fresh salads and sandwiches. Take out daily from 10:30am; lunch from 11:30am. Now open for dinner at 4pm. 27742 Antonio Pkwy. 364-9111 o’neill’s BAR & GRill at the Arroyo Trabuco Golf Club. Sunday Brunch at O’Neill’s is a delicious and leisurely experience. Zagat calls it the “best value in Orange County.” Daily specials include fresh fish, steaks, pizza and hearty sandwiches. G u id e PePPino’s tRABuco oAks steAkhouse Newly remodeled restaurant on the Lake, expanded the dining area, full service bar, waiting lounge and a front dining patio. The rear-dining terrace offers a beautiful view of Lake Mission Viejo. Happy Hour daily from 3:00 to 7:00 pm. Forty years serving choice meats and seafood. Home of the famous “2-pound steak.” Relax while you sip one of our sumptuous wines or cocktails or a frosty beer. Everyone welcome - straight from work or off the trail or dressed for a night out. OPEN: Sun.-Thurs. 5pm to 9pm; Fri. and Sat. 5pm to 9:30pm. Please call after 2pm for reservations. 27780 Vista del lago, Mission Viejo 859.9556 P.F. chAnGs chinA BistRo Superb Shanghai Street Noodles, available in few places on the globe, make the trip to Mission Viejo Mall a veritable necessity. 800 The shops at Mission Viejo, Ruby Rosensteel, 364-6661 the RAnch sPoRts GRill All Laker games, NHL, Fox Soccer and all Top Games. Taco Tuesdays, Slider Wednesdays, Taste of Italy Thursdays, DJ Friday nights. Happy Hour 11am to 6pm Mon.- Fri. 27412 Antonio Pkwy. 429-7737 949-586-0722 RestAuRAnt ReVieWs WAnted! Have you dined out recently in Ladera Ranch? The Ladera Ranch News would like your opinion and we are actively looking for more reviews of local area restaurants that are NOT already listed on this page. Please make it brief and informative with 50 words or less. Reviews must include your name, phone or email address (please do not send reviews on fast food or strictly pizza places). Please send your Restaurant Review to [email protected] RoMA d’ itAliA Menu items include Calabrese Pizza, Pasta Estiva, Gnocchi Catanzaro, Grilled Halibut or Salmon, Shrimp Calabrese, Mostaccioli Arrabbiata, Veal Sorrentino, Osso Buco, Eggplant Sorrentino and more. Don’t forget to try one of the homemade desserts like Tiramisu, Rum Cake, Cannoli and Cheesecake. You can also order beer and wine with some good, inexpensive Chiantis by the bottle. 25606 crown Valley Pkwy. 276-5712 siMPly Fondue Fabulous fondues composed of delicious meats, cheeses, breads, fruits and vegetables with steaming savory sauces. Worth the short trip to 31761 camino capistrano, san Juan capistrano 240.0300 tAco MesA Offers healthy, authentic, and innovative Mexican cuisine from fresh ingredients. Open Sun. - Thurs. 8am to 9pm; Fri. & Sat. 8am to 10pm. Bridgepark Plaza, 27702 crown Valley Pkwy. 364-1957 26772 Avery Pkwy, Mission Viejo. 949-305-5100 26012 Marguerite Pkwy #A, Mission Viejo 348.2386 The Ladera Ranch News Page 15 The Only Weekly Newspaper Exclusively for the Ladera Ranch Area November 4, 2011 The Ladera Ranch News DISCOVER GOD’S HEALING POWER JOIN US Church Services - Sun at 10:10 AM Sunday School - Sun at 10 AM Healing Tesimony Meetings - Wed at 7:30 PM Child Care at all Services Visit Our Christian Reading Room Open Monday- Friday 10 AM - 2 PM Saturday 10 AM - Noon FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST (949) 589-5155 30442 Via Con Dios Rancho Santa Margarita If You or a Loved One is Facing Criminal Charges You Need Someone On Your Side ! 100% Criminal Defense 24 – 7 Assault, Battery, Drug Cases, DUI, DMV Hearings, Juveniles, Theft, Shoplifting, Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Fraud, Expungements, Resisting Arrest, Probation Violations Call Me TODAY for a FREE Initial Consultation SUNDAY: BIBLE STUDY & IGLESIA DE CRISTO 9:30am Law Offices of Lisa Bethune (949) 306-3959 23151 Moulton Parkway Suite 102, Laguna Hills, CA 92653 Marguerite Christian School Serving our community with quality preschool education in a Christian environment. Ages 3-6. Director Susan Johnston 949-582-5856 Pastor Rev. Fred K. Bailey A Catholic-Christian Faith Community within the Diocese of Orange Bread Blessed and Broken… this is my body. Wine poured and shared… this is my blood. Do this in memory of me… Corpus Christi! We’ve grown! Corpus Christi Catholic-Christian Community invites you to share our life in our exciting new church. Come, share our WORSHIP, our HOSPITALITY, our EFFORTS to be the Body and Blood of Christ in Aliso Viejo. JOIN US FOR THE CELEBRATION! MASS: Saturday 5pm • Sunday 8am, 10am and Noon “Through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, our Catholic-Christian community seeks to fully understand, embrace, and live as God’s children and diciples of Jesus Christ.” - Corpus Christi Catholic-Christian Community Mission Statement 27231 Aliso Viejo Pkwy., Aliso Viejo Phone(949) 389-9008 Fax(949) 831-6540 Find out More About us at Kingdom Covenant Church Where it’s all about God, the Great I AM! Where we continue to advance HIS Kingdom and equip HIS people. Where Truth matters. A place to fulfill your destiny. Welcome to the Kingdom! Former Orange County Prosecutor Former Public Defender Licensed to practice in all State Courts in California 12 years Experience PLAN YOUR 2011 ADVERTISING BUDGET NOW WITH THE LADERA RANCH NEWS Where Readers Can Afford The Best You Have To Offer! EFFECTIVE! AFFORDABLE! ATTRACTIVE! Now is the time to bring in YOUR share of the big business that is forecast for 2011! With money to spend and the time to spend it, Ladera Ranch shoppers are ready to buy from you like never before. But they won’t know about you unless you advertise. Advertise this year with the newspaper that reaches high income homeowners right where they live. Put your ad in their hands and take your share of this fabulous buying market! Come join us Sunday Mornings at 10AM. We are a charismatic / Pentecostal church. Kingdom Covenant Church 22600 Lambert St Bldg B Ste. 809-810 Lake Forest ,CA. 92630 1-877-977-3446 Page 16 The Ladera Ranch News Don’t Wait....Call Today!! 949.589.9990 The Ladera Ranch News TUTOR MATH & STATISTICS TUTOR- UCLA Grad with over 10 years experience. Effective SAT Math Expert. Local references in Coto de Caza, Dove Canyon and Ladera Ranch, www., 310-384-7628. EXPERIENCED Math Tutor in RSM! Retired Math Teacher Tutoring Elementary through Colllege Algebra. Call 949-521-2526 MUSIC MUSIC LESSONS OCMusic Center located in RSM at Empressa & Aventura. WWW.OCMUSICCENTER.COM Call 949-858-0900 EMPLOYMENT Display Advertising Sales Representatives. Experienced ad sales representatives to sell ads for South Orange County’s top 5 weekly newspapers. Weekly draw against commissions, benefits, protected accounts. Experienced only, no trainees. Fax resume in confidence to 949-5896429 HOME SERVICES WOOD LAMINATE FLOOR INSTALLED $2.69 Sq. ft. Hardwood, Laminate, M o l d i n g F r e e E s t i m a t e , w w w. 949-870-8508 The Only Weekly Newspaper Exclusively for the Ladera Ranch Area $1275 / 2br - Living Too Far Away and Paying Too Much? (Newport Beach) A gated community near the prestigious Santa Ana Country Club, Palm Mesa Apartments feature first class amenities at coach prices: lush landscaping, heated pool and spa, on-site laundry, well-equipped fitness center, patios, balconies, and courtyards. Easy freeway access means we’re only minutes away from the John Wayne Airport, the shopping centers of South Coast Plaza and Fashion Island, and the sparkling sands of the beach. 714-546-9860 $1189 / 1br - One Bedroom (Mission Viejo) Starting rates are for selected units on a 12 month lease term only with approved credit. Terms and rates are subject to change without notice. $450 Security Deposit is on Approved Credit. 888-485-7125 $4100 / 4br - 3500 SF HOME, Mission Viejo. Upgraded to the max and absolutely wonderful - island kitchen with walk-in pantry, granite counters, travertine floors & imported antique hardwood floors throughout (no carpet anywhere), 3 fireplaces including one in the master bedroom and a fabulous master bathroom. 949-683-0498 Ladera Ranch Birth Announcement The Ladera Ranch News is Happy to Announce the Birth of Your Newborn Baby’s Name _________________________ Date of Birth__________________________ Weight ______________________________ Length ______________________________ Parents _____________________________ ____________________________________ Send with photo! The Ladera Ranch News, 23472 Vista del Verde, Suite 6, Coto de Caza, CA 92679 CLASSIFIEDS WORK FOR YOU 24 HOURS A DAY! CLASSIFIED ORDER FORM $1 Per Word ($15 Minimum) 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 car attached garage, membership to Mission Viejo lake and amenities. Single story home in Mission Viejo with yard. Upgraded in beautiful neighborhood. agent 949697-3342 HOMES FOR LEASE Executive home in the guard gated $2795, Coto 3 Bedrooms Plus Loft community of Dove Canyon with view. Condo. New Carpet and Paint. Walk to Upgraded with granite counters, french Clubhouse. Agent Jim 949-293-2291 doors, decorator paints & treatments. 4 3400 / 3br - Just Reduced! Highly bedrooms up & 1 bedroom/bathroom Upgraded - Walk to Beach (San suite down. Built in spa. Close to Clemente, CA) This highly upgraded community pool, lighted tennis courts, custom 3 Bedroom, 2.5 bath, plus office/ hiking trails & championship golf course. utility area has many upgraded fixtures agent 949-355-9520 including travertine flooring, custom staircase with rod-iron railing, granite counter tops, stainless steel Jen Air appliances, custom cabinetry, recessed lighting, beautiful light fixtures, wiring for flat screen in master bedroom & family room and 2 fireplaces and balconies, tankless water heater and much more! 949-292-4895 Start Date: Category Desired: San Clemente Great 2 bedroom 1 bath with fireplace, one car garage, carport, big kitchen with pool and coin washer and dryer. Right near Starbucks and in HANDYMAN SERVICE – MR. FIX IT. the middle of downtown, Great location Carpentry, Drywall, Electrical, Plumbing three blocks to ocean and pier. $1500 and much more! No job too small! Call 949-212-3246 Art 949-842-1850 Close to lake and shopping. 1 bedroom RYAN’S Hauling Service, demolition, with loft. Great views. Fireplace. Highly trash pick-up, garage clean up. No job upgraded. Light and bright with high too small. Also handyman/odd jobs 949- ceilings. Private and gated. Pets considered. agent 949-858-8185 293-5691 STABLES Maxwell Stables in Coto, stalls available 12x24 covered stalls, feed & clean twice daily. 949-858-9700 or 636-3458 November 4, 2011 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 TOTAL WORDS:______ $ Please select newspapers below. Add 1 or more extra newspapers at half price for each. Please run my ad Coto de Caza News Mission Viejo News Ladera Ranch News San Clemente News Newport News times. TOTAL $ Please Bill My Credit Card: MC AMEX Visa Card# Exp: / 3/4 Digit Code: Name: Address: City: State: Phone: ( Zip: ) Fax Credit Card Orders to 949-589-6429 DEADLINE IS NOON TUESDAY! 949-589-9990 23472 Vista del Verde, Suite 6, Coto de Caza, CA 92679 The Ladera Ranch News Page 17 The Only Weekly Newspaper Exclusively for the Ladera Ranch Area WAGON WHEEL Y TR ES TA P ONE OF A KIND Walk to school! Wonderful family neighborhood close to parks and schools. Offering approx. 1600 sq. ft. with 3 bedroom, 3 baths and a bonus room. Newly remodeled with tile floors, fresh new paint and carpet. Kitchen with granite counters and new appliances. Nice size backyard. 10 Longhorn Rancho Wagon Wheel, $459,000 Offering approx 3900 sq .ft. with 5 bedrooms and 4 baths. Outstanding upgrades and shows like a model home. Complete with a sunset view, pool/spa, built-in bbq area and outside fireplace. 5 Blackhawk Coto de Caza $979,000.00 LD SO LD SO Southern Hills Beauty CARRIAGE UNIT Offering approx. 4100 sq. ft with 4 bedrooms, 4.5 baths and a private office. Spacious floorplan and an exceptional view lot with private spa, built in BBQ and plenty of room for a pool.Culdesac location. 9 Portmarnoch $1,099,000.00 The Ladera Ranch News LARGE CORNER LOT Charming curb appeal and a great family neighborhood offering approx 3200 sq. ft with 4 bedrooms and 4 baths. Private office and an entertainers Backyard with pool/spa and Built-in BBQ area. 6 Roosevelt Coto de Caza $749,000.00 AR TH BO E UR S HO DOL US L E HIL LS BO RO November 4, 2011 Beautiful complex of California court. Offering approx 900 sq. ft with 2 BD and 2 BA. Newly remodeled with wood floors, granite counters, new carpet and paint. 1 car garage below you with a private laundry room. Close to shopping and toll roads. 229 California Court Mission Viejo $257,000 LADERA RANCH TREMENDOUS TANGLEWOOD Inviting courtyard entrance invites you into this beautiful home offering approx. 3170 sq. ft. 5 bedrooms and 3 bull baths. 4th bedroom would be a great home office or bonus room. Extensive stone flooring, granite counters and gourmet kitchen. Entertainers backyard complete with built in BBQ. One of the best family neighborhoods in Coto! 19 Westchester Coto de Caza $770,000.00 A RARE FIND Extraordinary lot and a SINGLE STORY home with over an acre of land and unforgetable views of mountains and valleys. Offering approx. 4300 sq. ft with 4 BD and 4.5 BA. Extensive upgrades throughout. Beautiful yard with pool/spa and entertainment area. 5 Thurston, Coto de Caza $1,899,000! WHAT A VIEW Offering approx. 2800 sq. ft with 4 bedrooms and 3 bath. Tremendous views of the mountains and city lights. Spacious floor plan and just remodeled. Large yard and culdesac location. LD 21231 Longridge Rancho Santa Margarita $739,000.00 SO SO LD LIS NEW TIN G Located in Covenant Hills is this magnificent home located on a culdesac with a large gated courtyard. Just remodeled with top notch upgrades. Offering approx 4500 sq. ft. with 5 BR and 6 BA. Gorgeous yard with private spa, putting green and outside family room with bar area. 20 Elissa Ladera Ranch $1,159,000.00 SO LD TA N GL SO EW LD OO D #1 Choice for Orange County’s most prestigious communities EXCEPTIONAL LOT Very private w/exceptional curb appeal, approx. 3700 s.f. Newly upgraded w/stone & wood flooring. New carpet & paint in neutral tones. 19,000 s.f. lot complete with lush new landscaping. 16 Via Terracaleta, Coto de Caza $969,000 NEWLY REMODELED Offering approx 1800 sq. ft with 3 bedrooms and 3 baths. Beautiful detached home in West Park with all the upgrades. Turn key and ready to move into. Excellent school district. 14 Palermo Irvine $719,000 PRIVATE & SERENE SETTING Highly desirable neighborhood located on a quiet culdesac in Southern Hills Encore. Offering approx. 4300 sq. ft. with 4 bedrooms and 4.5 baths with a convenient upstairs bonus room.Extensively upgraded with all the ammentities. Very private and serene backyard with Pool/spa and builit in BBQ area. 42 Water Lily coto de caza $1,199,000.00 Where integrity meets excellence. Page 18 The Ladera Ranch News The Ladera Ranch News T The Only Weekly Newspaper Exclusively for the Ladera Ranch Area November 4, 2011 H E N AT U R A L , N O N - S U R G I C A L L O O K ROBINSON F A C I A L P L A S T I C S U R G E RY DO IT FORYOURSELF, AND THE REST OF THEWORLDWILL NOTICE! Dr. Ernest Robinson Background & Training Medical School: Loma Linda University Internship: General Surgery Residency: Otolaryngology/Head & Neck Surgery Fellowship: Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Board Certification: American Board of Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery American Board of Otolaryngology/Head & Neck Surgery Ask about our “lunchtime” procedures such as the new FDA approved filler that is an instant and long lasting wrinkle correction Secondary & Revisional Facial Surgery Nasal Surgery Ear Pinning Intense Pulse Light the newest laser technology, a no downtime skin treatment that improves coloration and texture Botox, Collagen Eyelid Rejuvenation Facial Liposuction Lip Enhancement Facial, Cheek & Chin Implants Cosmetic Mole & Blemish Removal Chemical Peel Cosmetic Skin Cancer Reconstruction Forehead Lift Face Lift Laser Resurfacing Portrait Plasma - tightening procedure that diminishes wrinkles and improves tone and texture 24541 Pacific Park Drive, Suite 103, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 949 831-5900 100% financing available. Visa, MasterCard and American Express Accepted. The Ladera Ranch News Page 19 R The Only Weekly Newspaper Exclusively for the Ladera Ranch Area November 4, 2011 The Ladera Ranch News Save like never before - everything must go! Don’t miss this sale! Prom Gowns, Bridal Gowns & Cocktail Gowns - ALL ON SALE! OMANO’S 20-70 % OFF Tailor • Tuxedo Sales & Rentals • Fine Apparel Select Merchandise Men’s & Women’s Suits • Women’s Dresses • Shoes Fashion Accessories • Custom-made Jewelry HURRY! ROMANO’S ONCE A YEAR BLOWOUT SALE! Incredible savings on entire inventory of Men’s Shirt, Ties, & Accessories Exclusive Romano Label FABULOUS ITALIAN SUITS! UP TO WHILE THEY LAST NEVER BEFORE! NEVER AGAIN! SAVE BIG LIKE NEVER BEFORE! 50 % OFF Formal Wear Evening Wear Special Occasions Weddings Cocktail Parties ELEGANT FASHIONS AT AMAZINGLY AFFORDABLE PRICES! Magnificent BRIDAL GOWNS Reduced for quick sale! Bridesmaids Gowns, Mother of the Bride, Dresses, Ensembles Better Hurry - 20-70% OFF! selected items Romano’s Ladera Ranch 949.218.3535 In the Mercantile West Center 25642 Crown Valley Pkwy Suite D-3 Also shop our Rancho Santa Margarita location: Antonio Plaza Shopping Center - 22441 Antonio Pkwy, Suite A-330 949.589.1555 Page 20 The Ladera Ranch News
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