LARMAC Looking for a Few Volunteers
LARMAC Looking for a Few Volunteers
August 2014 Ladera Times Ladera Rancho Times & News Monthly We Must Conserve Water Page 1 August 2014 pages 2, 6, 10 LARMAC Looking for a Few Volunteers page 12 Ladera Times Page 2 August 2014 August 2014 Ladera Times A MESSAGE FROM THE PUBLISHER Fellow Laderians, It looks like we’ve gone and done it. Used up all pure drinking eater in South Orange County. I’m just kidding, or “JK,” as my 10-year-old grandson Peter likes to say. The truth is, we have about a two-year supply of drinking water, thanks to the forward thinking and planning of the Board of Directors of the Santa Margarita Water Authority, which supplies us with drinking water. As you may recall, our good friend and neighbor, Chuck Gibson, was elected to the Board last fall and is really working hard with his fellow Board members to ensure we have drinking water for the foreseeable future. That’s not to say we don’t have a problem. California is in what’s being described as the worst drought in recorded history and experts are saying the drought could last another year or more. Let’s hope not, but prepare for the worst-case scenario. With all the greenery around us, it’s easy to forget that we live in the desert. And I don’t know about others but I find it particularly ironic that we have an ocean of undrinkable just a few miles down the road. The problem is, while our and neighboring water authorities have planned ahead for this situation, those in Northern California have not done so well. Now California’s huge agricultural industry in the upper state are in serious trouble. I’m told California provides 30% of the produce consumed by the other 47 lower states. The state is under various executive orders to conserve water and that includes us in South Orange County. Can the government take away our water for use by the rest of the state? No, and yes. No, the government or water authorities cannot take our current stored water supply. But, if the drought lasts another year or longer, heaven forbid, things could get real dicey. The state could divert future water supplies to the upper state to keep our agricultural from About the Cover California Oroville Lake is shown collapsing from lack of water. So, for no other reason, it is in our on the cover. The brown areas best interest to conserve our precious water as much as possible along the shoreline shows how now and in the foreseeable future. much the water has receded during this drought. The recreationThere are a lot of things we can do individually and collectively. al boats are all bunched together To the latter point, the LARMAC Board of Directors is changing because there's not much water in which to navigate. our CC&Rs to allow for replacing turf with drought resistant plants or even artificial turf, costs of which have declined while quality has gone way up. Of course, any suvh alterations must be approved by the Architecual Review Committee. Do whatever you can. Replace spray-type sprinklers with drip-style. Don’t shave in the shower, or run the water while brushing your teeth. Flush the commode as little as you can stand. Let’s make a bold statement and out-conserve the rest of the state. Let's show them hot we in South Orange County really work together for the common good. Jim Schmitt, Editor and Publisher 27660 Marguerite Pkwy #G Mission Viejo, CA 92692 949-364-9611 [email protected] In House Financing Call the Store for Details OAC Page 3 Page 4 Ladera Times August 2014 August 2014 Ladera Times When Thunder Roars, Head Indoors! by Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna It’s that time of year when we notice large cumulous clouds forming around southern California. This ‘monsoonal pattern’ is produced by an area of high pressure over the four corners. The clockwise flow draws moisture into southern California from the south. These clouds can produce lightning, thunder, hail and heavy rain reminds Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna. Pay attention to weather forecasts and “when thunder roars, head indoors” as a safety precaution. There is no place outside that’s safe Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna when thunderstorms are in the area. If you hear thunder, that means lightning is close enough to strike you. Just last week, one per- son was killed and 13 injured after lightning struck in Venice Beach. Stay indoors and away from windows and doors, and stay off porches. Be proactive. If the forecast calls for possible thunderstorms, you may need to change some of your outdoor plans such as hiking, golf, swimming etc. If you are caught outside, immediately get off elevated areas such as hills, ridges or peaks. Never shelter under an isolated tree. Get indoors or remain in your car for at least 30 min- utes after the storm passes. Stay out of areas subject to flooding. This includes low lying areas, canyons, creeks or washes. With the ground so dry from the record drought California is experiencing, water can't be absorbed as readily Avoid already flooded areas and do not try to cross a flowing stream either by foot or car. 80% of flood deaths occur in vehicles, and most happen when drivers make a single, fatal mistake – trying to navigate through floodwaters reminds Chief DiGiovanna. During storms make sure you bring in your pets! own No D ent Paym Page 5 Page 6 Ladera Times August 2014 State Water Board Invokes Emergency Regulation To Ensure Agencies & Residents Conserve Water Sale Ends this Sat. at 5pm 40 off up to % Sale tural fields are left unseeded; communities are running out of water; fish and wildlife will be devastated. "The least that urban Californians can do is to not waste water on outdoor uses. It is in their self-interest to conserve more, now, to avoid far more harsh restrictions, if the drought lasts into the future," said Felicia Marcus. "These regulations are meant to spark awareness of the seriousness of the situation, and could be expanded if the drought wears on and people do not act.” In addition to approving the emergency conservation regulation, the State Water Board made a plea for water suppliers, communities, and businesses to do even more. For example, water agencies are being asked to step up their programs to fix leaks and other sources of water loss, use more recycled water or captured storm water, and find additional ways to incentivize demand reduction among their customers. The new regulation was developed following two drought emergency declarations by Governor Gerry Brown. On January 17, Governor Brown issued a drought emergency proclamation following three dry or critically dry years in California. The April 25 Executive Order issued by the Governor directs the State Water Board to adopt an emergency regulation as it deems necessary. As drought conditions continue, the State Water Board may revisit this regulation and consider other measures to enhance conservation efforts throughout the state. The regulation goes into effect on August 1 and remains so for 270 days, unless extended. Governor Brown has called on all Californians to reduce their water use by 20 percent and prevent water waste – visit to find out how everyone can do their part, and visit www.Drought. CA.Gov to learn more about how California is dealing with the effects of the drought. • Hardwood Flooring • Natural Stone • Laminate Flooring • Carpet • Tile • Countertops • Bathroom Remodeling • Shower Remodeling PROFESSIONAL INSTALLATION LOWEST PRICES GUARANTEED GUARANTEE We will beat any legitimate estimate by 30% of the difference 100% We use our own installers License # 744261 25626 Crown Valley Pkwy #B9 • Ladera Ranch, CA 92694 • Between Pavillion and CVS P: 949.481.6100 • F: 949.481.6668 Come In & Visit Our Showroom Monday-Friday 10 - 6 • Saturday 11-5 Closed Sunday Oso Pkwy 5 73 Crown Valley Pkwy 5 Antonio Pkwy Water Shortage Contingency Plan to a level where outdoor irrigation restrictions become mandatory. In communities where no water shortage contingency plan exists, the regulation requires that water suppliers either limit outdoor irrigation to twice a week or implement other comparable conservation actions. Finally, large water suppliers must report water use on a monthly basis to track progress. Local agencies could ask courts to fine water users up to $500 a day for failure to implement conservation requirements in addition to their existing authorities and processes. The State Water Board could initiate enforcement actions against water agencies that don’t comply with the new regulations. Failure to comply with a State Water Board enforcement order by water agencies is subject to up to a $10,000 a day penalty. “We are facing the worst drought impact that we or our grandparents have ever seen,” said State Water Board Chair Felicia Marcus. “And, more important, we have no idea when it will end. "This drought’s impacts are being felt by communities all over California. Agricul- Page 7 Moulton Pkwy Golden Lantern In response to the ongoing severe drought, the State Water Resources Control Board approved an emergency regulation to ensure water agencies, their customers, and state residents increase water conservation in urban settings or face possible fines or other enforcement. The new conservation regulation is intended to reduce outdoor urban water use. The regulation, adopted by the State Water Board, mandates minimum actions to conserve water supplies both for this year and into 2015. Most Californians use more water outdoors than indoors. In some areas, 50 percent or more of daily water use is for lawns and outdoor landscaping. Many communities and water suppliers have taken bold steps over the years and in this year to reduce water use; however, many have not and much more can and should be done statewide to extend diminishing water supplies. With this regulation, all Californians will be expected to stop: washing down driveways and sidewalks; watering of outdoor landscapes that cause excess runoff; using a hose to wash a motor vehicle, unless the hose is fitted with a shut-off nozzle; and using potable water in a fountain or decorative water feature, unless the water is recirculated. The regulation makes an exception for health and safety circumstances. Larger water suppliers will be required to activate the Ladera Times August 2014 Ladera Times Page 8 August 2014 Mission Hospital Golf Classic Raises Over $382,000 For Neuroscience & Spine Institute Thanks to the leadership and generosity of Ladera Ranch resident, Matt Gunderson, the 2014 Mission Hospital Golf Classic raised over $382,000. The owner of Audi Mission Viejo and Infiniti of Mission Viejo, Matt once again served as the tournament sponsor. “Every member of my family has been touched by the efforts of Mission Hospital,” said Matt. “South Orange County is very fortunate to have access to Mission’s incredible care and I encourage people to join me in supporting our hospital.” Since the tournament began 22 years ago, over $3.6 million has been raised to incorporate new technology and to enhance holistic patient care at Mission Hospital. This year’s net proceeds will support Mission Hospital’s new Neuroscience & Spine Institute, offering the most advanced care in Orange County. Opening in the fall, the Institute will raise the bar and advance the practice of medicine in neurosurgery and rehabilitation through research and innovations in clinical techniques, technologies and collaboration. One of the highlights of the tourney is the announcement of the winner of a new Audi or Infiniti, complements of Audi Mission Viejo and Infiniti of Mission Viejo. Blake Dillion of Corona del Mar is now enjoying a beautiful Infiniti QX60. Tourney dignitaries are shown in the photo here, from left to right: Matt Gunderson, Tournament Sponsor; Jim Bastian, Golf Chair; Charlene Jessup, Sponsorship Chair; and Kenneth McFarland, President and CEO of Mission Hospital. FIRST T EAM SELLS N A H H OI CE 20T L PEOPLE’S C CalBRE# 01892077 We’re hiring! Make a positive change and join the #1 team. CALL TODAY! 949-347-9000 *Based on a 2014 TRENDGRAPHIX, Inc. report for Ladera Ranch, CA, all residential property types. Report published 04/14, based on reports from 02/13 - 01/14. All reports presented are based on data supplied by the Orange County, Orange Coast, Pacific West, Downey. Rancho SE AOR, Laguna BOR, and Desert BOR or their MLS’s. Neither the associations nor their MLS’s guarantee or are in any way responsible for their accuracy. Data maintained by the associations or their MLS’s may not reflect all real estate activities in the market. Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Copyright TRENDGRAPHIX, Inc. © First Team® Real Estate. All rights reserved. 5348 UA CalBRE# 00680027, 01704019 Ryan Argue N CalBRE# 01939173 Steve & Krista Widner N CalBRE# 01449473 Troyce Hargis-Monroe , 2011, 2012 2013 A Sommer Myers H CalBRE# 01343335, 01407413 Richardson Team CalBRE# 01896924, 01201950 TATE REAL EPSANY COM 20T Blatman Group C CE When it comes to making the right choice, there’s only one choice. Choose the team that sells 213% more homes than the competition. Choose First Team. VOTED ’S OI HOMES THAN THE COMPETITION IN LADERA RANCH N PEOPLE Cash toll collection ended on Orange County’s toll roads on May 14th. To assist with the transition, the Transportation Corridor Agency has implemented a program that will waive penalties for first-time violations for drivers of the State Route-73, SR-133, SR-241 or SR-261 toll roads if they are paid within 30 days of receipt. This grace period will be in place through the Labor Day holiday. The following improvements have been, or are being, implemented: n Additional signage is being installed to inform drivers about the OneTime-Toll™ online payment option. n Customers who drive on The Toll Roads can pay online within 48 hours after their trip at or with The Toll Roads free app. n Information about the closure of cash booths has been added to changeable message signs. n Penalties are being waived for drivers who use the 73, 133, 241 or 261 Toll Road without paying for the first time through the Labor Day holiday. n Additional temporary customer service representatives are being added. n Adjustments have been made to information on the website to address common questions. With five ways to pay tolls, there's a custom payment method that will work Andrew Klein, MD! H 213% MORE L UA Ladera Times Page 9 FAMILY PRACTICE & URGENT CARE! ® * August 2014 Monina Geda, DO! Karl Gebhard, MD! 10 Years in! Ladera Ranch! OPEN DAILY:! 8AM-8PM Mon-Fri ! 9AM-5PM Sat & Sun! 10AM-4PM Holidays! Ladera Ranch! 800 Corporate Ste.100! (949) 364-9112!! Save Water, Save Money Page 10 Ladera Times August 2014 for a cumulative water savings of 140 acre feet. Two new incentive programs have just become With California expesaved since 2007. available to homeowners riencing its worst drought Turning our atand are ready-made to help in more than a century, tention inside the residents beat the drought. residents are being home, SMWD First, homeowners can asked to cut back on provides rebates receive a free Water Smart water use wherever for highHome Certification survey, possible. efficiency where their home is checked But did you clothes wash- for leaks and recommendaknow Santa ers ($110) tions given for efficiency Margarita Water and toilets improvements. District (SMWD), ($100). The second is a Sprayworking with partSince 2001, to-Drip Rebate, in which ner agencies, will SMWD cushomeowners can receive actually pay you to tomers have $175 per drip kit (up to 3 save water? installed more kits) to convert existing More SMWD custhan 7,700 highspray irrigation to drip. See tomers than ever before efficiency clothes for have applied for rebates for washers. This amounts details. taking certain water conserto a savings of over 1,170 Now that the rebates the Tree of Life Nursery’s vation measures cover the acre feet – or 380 million levels are higher and new “Designers in Residence” past few months. gallons. programs are available, program. Sign up at www. As for high efficiency Rebate amounts have SMWD expects to see more californianativealso increased, with more toilets (HETs), since 2005 activity and more water people taking advantage SMWD customers have in- savings in response to the Since 2008, SMWD has stalled more than 925 HETs drought. of incentives to help them reduce water use inside and also seen more than 1,200 Jett worked on projects weather-based irrigation outside of their homes. including Library Square in controllers installed, rep To learn about rebate Los Angeles, Grand Califorresenting a total savings of information, visit www. nian Hotel, San Diego and www. nearly 2,135 acre feet of vention Center, Mission water. overwateringisout. Hospital Conference Center The rebate amount for org. and the Ronald Reagan WaterSense-labeled weath Lawn removal rebates Medical Center at UCLA. er-based controllers is $380 are now at their highest Jett McCormick, of He graduated from level ever in SMWD, at $2 for the device and an addithe University of Southern per square foot of living turf tional $120 for installation. Ladera Ranch, has been appointed to the Orange California with a degree in The costs for these devices replaced. Santa Margarita Civil Engineering. Jett is are completely covered with County Planning CommisWater District has saved sion. He was nominated by a founding member of the this rebate! 22 acre feet of water since 5th District Supervisor, Pat Ladera Ranch Civic Council late 2010 simply from turf- At $4 a nozzle, rotatBates. and currently serves as its ing sprinkler nozzles are removal – enough water to Jett recently left the Chairman. He also serves supply two families of four also eligible for rebates. Irvine Company after nine on the LARCS Board. He The SMWD service areas a year or fill up more than years where he was a Senior and his wife Carol and three has seen more than 17,500 10 Olympic-sized swimDirector of Design and children have been residents rotating sprinkler nozzles ming pools. of Ladera Ranch since 2000. installed, which apply water Construction. He previous Those interested in obworked for 20 years for Both Jett and Carol have taining ideas for designing a more efficiently to landbeen active volunteers in the scapes. This equates to more Turner Construction as a California-friendly waterSenior Project Manager. community. than 380 acre feet of water wise landscape can use Ladera Times August 2014 Page 11 GRAND OPENING 777 Corporate Dr Suite 100 Ladera Ranch, CA 92694 949.485.2375 Parker Dentistry, home to Dr. Lincoln Parker, provides exceptional cosmetic dentistry, dental implants, sedation dentistry, family dentistry and much more. We offer you the most advanced treatment technology for healthy, beautiful smiles. McCormick Appointed to OC Planning Commission $ 19 99 Exam & X-Rays (All proceeds donated to Laura’s House*) With Coupon. Not valid with other offers. Expires 8-31-14 $ 8 first r o F nts patie 499 Implant With crown and abutment With Coupon. Not valid with other offers. Expires 8-31-14 *Laura’s House in Ladera Ranch provide a multitude of programs and services for battered women and children. Page 12 Ladera Times August 2014 LARMAC to Recruit a Few Good Reps The LARMAC Board of Directors is looking to appoint 60 Neighborhood Representatives. If you live in one of the following unrepresented neighborhoods or know someone who lives in one of these neighborhoods, please continue to read on to see how you might be able to help: Alisal 3, Amarante 1, Amarante 2, Amberly Lane 2, Arboledo, Arborage 2, Bellataire 1, Belmont Hill 1, Belmont Hill 2, Canopy Lane 3, Capistrano, Chesapeake 2, Chimney Corners 1, Chimney Corners 2, Claiborne, Clifton Heights 2, Covenant Hills-Tract 15985, Covenant Hills-Tract 15988, Encantada, Evergreen, Evergreen 2, Hampton Road 1, Lexington 1, Lexington 2, Maplewood 2, Meriden, Meriden 2, Montanez, Mosaic, Potters Bend, Prescott 1, Prescott 2, Reston 2, Reston 3, Reston 4, Sarasota 1, Sarasota 2, Savannah, Sedona 2, Segovia, Sherborne 2, Skye Isle 1 & 3, Sumners Way 1, Sylvan Oaks, Tamarind, Tarleton 2, Tattershall, Tattershall 2, Tether Moon 1, Tether Moon 2, The Gables 1, The Gables 2, Trail Ridge 2, Walden Park 2, Weatherhaven, Whispering Creek 2, Willow Bend 1, Willow Bend 2, Wyeth 1, Wyeth 2 Visit the HOA page at for more info and to submit an interest form, the deadline for which is September 15. If you have questions email Jennifer Niemela at jennifer. niemela@fsresidential. com or 949-218-3216. Military Banner Program The LARMAC Board is considering implementing a military banner program in Ladera Ranch, consisting of hanging banners in a specific area for a select amount of time during the year. The banner program that is being considered would be for current Ladera Ranch residents and would list personal info, such as the soldier's name and branch of the military. Upon submitting a request form, banners would be placed into a rotation throughout the year in order to accommodate all approved banner requests and would be displayed for a predetermined period. Before moving forward with this proposed program, the Board would like to hear from the community. Visit the HOA page at for inputs. August 2014 Ladera Times Page 13 Page 14 Ladera Times August 2014 Ladera Times August 2014 Page 15 10% OFF Entire Check (up to $20 max) Dine In only Not to Be Denied – The Capo Girls Softball 14U All-Star team’s run of seven consecutive tournament championships came to an end after finishing second to Garden Grove at the Central/LA-South Bay C District Championships. However, the team rebounded and remained determined, and won the ASA C State Championships at the Big 8 Softball Complex in Lancaster on July 18-20. Capo went undefeated during the State tournament, prevailing in each of its five total games. The team players include, front row, l-r: Elibeth Flores, Claire Steines, Kyra Massucco, Taylor Hopper, Alyson Salas, and Catherine Norby. Back row, l-r: Alyssa Peterson, Regan Salas, Angelica Gonzalez, Grace Collier, Alexis White, Nicole Arico, and Mariah Bohl. With Coupon. Not valid with other offers. Expires 9-30-14 $5 OFF Any Take Out Order Over $25 With Coupon. Not valid with other offers. Expires 9-30-14 Two Convenient locations $ $ $ 35–$65 25–$35 $ 18–$25 $ 15–$20 $ 25–$35 25–$35 7H]PSSPVUZ:OVWWPUN*LU[LY *YV^U=HSSL`7R^` 6JLHU9HUJO=PSSHNL9HSWO»Z .VSKLU3HU[LYU 3HKLYH9HUJO*( +HUH7VPU[*( JVYULYVM(U[VUPV7R^` JVYULYVM*HTPUV+LS(]PVU Hours 11A-10P Page 16 Ladera Times August 2014 6 Chasing 4 Seats on Council by Jett McCormick, Chairman Ladera Ranch Civic Council worked with the Orange County Planning Commission to provide photo simulations of the building from various locations. The simulations demonstrated the structure will not be highly visible from most of the community. The facility will house eight indoor sports courts, which should be a great Mayor Lisa Bartlett asset for the community. More information is avail They are estimating sev- able on the Council’s weben or eight antennas will be site. needed to ensure adequate coverage of the community. Lisa Bartlett Visits The poles will look The Civic Council like a light pole with a box Meeting and antennas on top. Lisa Bartlett, candidate The Gas Company is for the 5th District Superviworking with LARMAC sor seat, being vacated by and the Ladera Ranch Civic Pat Bates, who is termed Council to review the loca- out, attended the July meettions and is seeking input. ing. Lisa is currently the It is anticipated the Mayor of Dana Point. poles will be installed this Mayor Bartlett provided year with the meter retroan introduction and briefly fits occurring next year. discussed the importance The new system will allow of the Supervisors role for customers to access their unincorporated areas like natural gas usage on a daily Ladera Ranch. basis. More information is available on the Council’s Next Meeting website. The LRCC’s next meeting will be at 7:00 pm on Ladera Sports August 18 at the Santa Complex Margarita Water District The Council reviewed building. Help your Civic the proposed Sports ComCouncil help you. Your Program plex to be located on the membership will ensure The Gas Company is lot next to the self-storage you have a voice in your getting ready to convert facility on Terrace Road. community’s future and their meters over to elecThe building will be four keep you informed on comtronic metering. To accomplish this, they stories, making it the tallest munity issues. Join today building in Ladera Ranch. at www.lrciviccounwill need to install pole There was concern over Membership is mounted antennas throughthe height and visibility of FREE. The Civic Council out the community to read the building. The developer is over 1,000 members the signal. up recently by the Rancho Santa Margarita City Six candidates submitCouncil which provided ted applia lot of good information. cations for The Council’s discussion the Civic focused mostly on the Council tools the community has to Board. prevent and educate about All four bullying. incum There are a number bents, Jett of resources through the McCorCapistrano Unified School Jett McCormick mick, Jeff District (CUSD), but invesHamilton, Scott Weisgerber, tigation is needed to deterand Todd Stearns are runmine how effectively they ning for re-election and Joel are being used. Almedia and Mike Ellzey There are groups like have submitted their names Laura’s House that educate in the race for the four and help in the community, seats/ and the Ladera Times is Joel Almedia has been distributing "Stop the Bula resident since 1999 and lying" wristbands to help has been a Neighborhood he cause. There is also a Representative, while Mike Facebook page – Ladera Ellzey has been a resident Ranch No Bullying since 2008 and has worked – created to specifically in the public sector for address this issue following many years. the video of a bullying in All the candidate state- cident in Ladera Ranch last ments are posted on the month that resulted in the Civic Council website arrest of two Ladera Ranch www.lrciviccouncil. students. org. The election will be This is a community isconducted online by mem- sue and has no easy answer. bers of the Civic Council The Council will continue from September 5 to 11. If to reach out and work on you're not a member, join this issue. Stay tune. today at MemberGas Company ship is FREE. Advanced Meter Anti-Bullying Discussion The Civic Council had an open discussion about how to address bullying in the community. Is it a punishment vs. prevention issue? The discussion was also taken August 2014 Ladera Times It’s Delightfully Mad at The Clever Cake! Order your custom cake today! 949-500-9633 Read our 5 star reviews on Page 17 Ladera Times Page 18 August 2014 All Electronic Tolling Conversion Update Cash toll collection ended on Orange County’s toll roads on May 14th. To assist with the transition, the Transportation Corridor Agency has implemented a program that will waive penalties for first-time violations for drivers of the State Route73, SR-133, SR-241 or SR-261 toll roads if they are paid within 30 days of receipt. This grace period will be in place through the Labor Day holiday. The following improvements have been, or are being, implemented: n Additional signage is being installed to inform drivers about the OneTime-Toll™ online payment option. n Customers who drive on The Toll Roads can pay online within 48 hours after their trip at www. or with The Toll Roads free app. n Information about the closure of cash booths has been added to changeable message signs. n Penalties are being waived for drivers who use the 73, 133, 241 or 261 Toll Road without paying for the first time through the Labor Day holiday. n Additional temporary customer service representatives are being added. n Adjustments have been made to information on the website to address common questions. With five ways to pay tolls, there's a custom payment method that will work for every driver – no matter their method of payment, how they want to pay their toll, and how much of California they intend to explore. Five ways to pay tolls on The Toll Roads: 1. FasTrak: Establish a prepaid account, pay tolls that are $1.00 less than all other drivers and receive Dedicated to Skin Health and Quality Patient Care Specializing in: Skin, Hair and Nail Diseases Elizabeth V. Lener, M.D. Diplomate, American Board of Dermatology $P\+/LWFKˉHOG0' Diplomate, American Board of Dermatology Stephanie K. Fogelson, M.D. Diplomate, American Board of Dermatology Catherine H. Lee, M.D. Diplomate, American Board of Dermatology Skin Cancer Detection and Treatment 949.364.8411 Advanced Acne Treatments Fillers, Botox®, Dysport®, Lasers, Products and Peels 600 Corporate Drive, Suite 240 Ladera Ranch, CA 92694 (next to 24 Hr. Fitness) Fax: 949.364.8511 Call today to schedule your annual skin exam! a transponder that allows you to pay tolls electronically on every tolled bridge, lane and road in California. 2. Charge ExpressAccount: Establish an account with no prepayment. Drive The Toll Roads and each toll is charged individually to your credit card. 3. Invoice ExpressAccount: Establish an account with no prepayment. Drive The Toll Roads and, at the end of the month, receive an invoice for your accumulated tolls. 4. Prepaid ExpressAccount: Establish a pre-paid account. Drive The Toll Roads and each toll is deducted from your prepaid account. 5. One-Time-Toll payment option: Drive The Toll Roads and within 48 hours after your drive, use our website or free app to pay your toll(s) with a credit card. Ladera Times August 2014 DOUBLE AA DETAILING “We’re in your Neighborhood” Email Your Stories to [email protected] Individuals or organizations, such as sports leagues, clubs, non-profits, businesses, etc. with a news story should email it to LaderaTimes@cox. net. The story should answer the questions: "Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How." Photos should be 200 pixels- or dots-perinch or at least 6" wide. The Ladera Times is published the Thursday on or about the first of every month, so stories for that issue should be submitted by the 15th of the prior month. Page 19 (714) 478-0556 Car, Trucks, SUVs Wash and Wax Special! $ 5000 (Reg.$70.00) With coupon. Not valid with other offers. Limit one per household. Expires 8-31-14 We will wash three cars for only 5000 $ (Excluding Trucks & SUVs) With coupon. Not valid with other offers. Limit one per household. Expires 8-31-14 100% Car Wash At your home or office! Mobile Car Wash & Auto Detailing Licensed & Insured Page 20 Ladera Times August 2014 Movin' On Up – The Ladera Ranch Wings U11B team played in the JUSA Signature League this spring. On May 18 in Placentia the players met Ladera FC in the play off final. After a very competitive and sometimes bruising final, they came away 2-0 winners. Through hard work and dedication of all the coaches, players and parents, the team improved all season to be crowned champions. The team is now moving forward into Flight 3 SCDSL with FC Strikers. The team is looking to recruit additional talented players. Interested players are asked to contact Coach Simon at [email protected]. The players are, front, l-r: Connor Teasley, Kai Seagraves, Kevin Dugan, Matt McClintick, and.Noah Burin. Middle row are, l-r: Kaleb Averell, Ryan Servin, Adam Salen, Jacob Eminger, Ben Pringle, Jack Frankovic, Cory Hatchell, Caden Bradford, and Levi Burin. The coaches in the back row are, l-r: Jordan Seagraves, Jeff Teasley, and Simon Pringle. Laura’s House ‘Drives’ with South County Maserati at 2nd Annual HOPE Golf Tourney Ladera-based Laura’s House, a leading nonprofit dedicated to providing domestic violence education, prevention, shelter and counseling services to empower individuals and families affected by abuse, will host its second annual HOPE Tournament: Building Brighter Futures for Families Affected by Domestic Violence. The charity golf tournament, sponsored by South County Maserati of Mission Viejo, will take place on Monday, August 11, at Marbella Country Club in San Juan Capistrano, with proceeds benefitting Laura’s House and its mission of ending the silence of domestic violence. “We are delighted to team with South County Maserati to create another exciting HOPE Tournament benefiting Laura’s House,” said Margaret Bayston, CEO and Executive Director, Laura’s House. “During our 20th anniversary, special fundraising events like this golf tournament are vital in bringing the community together to shed light on the prevalence of domestic violence in our community and how it impacts the families we serve.” The HOPE Tournament will begin at 11:00 am, with registration, a putting contest, and box lunch, followed by a 12:00 noon shotgun start. The event will use a four-player scramble format and will feature longest drive, closest-tothe-pin and hole-in-one contests. The hole-in-one contests include: a luxury Maserati car on the fourth hole and Fiat vehicles on holes 7, 11, and 16. Harlow’s Cuisine will feature signature cocktails at the clubhouse and Orange County Airstream will be on site. The tournament will conclude with an awards reception at 5:30 pm with wine and spirits, a stationed dinner, entertainment, and the always popular silent auction. Leading the charge for the annual charity golf tournament is Committee Chair Matt West of 1st Enterprise Bank. August 2014 Ladera Times Page 21 Page 22 We are living in a remarkable age. It is not uncommon for someone to work from a balcony at the beach or close important deals in the middle of a hairy commute. It is difficult to imagine what ancestors from recent history might think if we could tell them about hand-held devices that compute and entertain, tell us what the weather will bring, and connect us to people all over the world. Even the Jetsons had to sit at a desk to talk on their face-to-face phones, but not us. Today we do it on the fly and think nothing of it. The remarkable technological progress we’ve made cannot be denied. It has transformed this world into nothing short of a daily wonderland. Along with the advances in technology, we’ve come quite a long way as a society. Equality for races and sexual orientation, as well as advancement for women, is moving along at a speed heretofore unthinkable. And yet… There is work to be done. And that is why Women Network is proud to announce two upcoming events supporting women running for office. While we can certainly brag about our technological advances, the United States, in particular, lags woefully behind other nations in women seeking and holding public office. Ladera Times It is sad to think how disappointed our Mother Suffragettes would be to know the slow pace at which we’ve made ground. A worthwhile site, www.shouldsherun. org, touts abysmal statistics. Women hold only 18% of the seats in Congress, State Legislatures contain only 24% women, while only five out of the 50 States boast female governors. What is remarkable about women in the home, in the school systems and in Fortune 500 companies is that we are “wired for collaboration.”* Not weighted down by a testosterone driven need to compete, women in positions of authority most often lead to women seeking solutions and the win-win scenarios so needed in today’s politics. To imagine a world run solely by women is to envision a world that tips the scale in a way that would be unhealthy and unbalanced. Mother Nature created a roughly proportioned earth of 50/50 ratio for men and women. Masculine and feminine energy bring equilibrium. It is without malice or a lack of appreciation that we acknowledge our need for women in our public offices. From the small community August 2014 Network Wellness presents Wine, Women, & Wellness on Wednesday, August 2, at the Patterson House, 7 Lewiston Court, Ladera Ranch! It is a privilege to live in this phenomenal era. We stand on the shoulders of giants, but there is so much left to do and improve and build for the generations to come. We must be women of courage. We must stand up and use our voices for good. We owe it to the brave with a qualified and passionate women who paved the way before us, we owe it to those who female mayor to, well, as far will follow in our footsteps. up the chain as we choose to – Michelle P. Young, Women go, we need women to stand up and take their places next to Network Editor You can reach us at info@ good and honorable men who have already taken the brave (Visionary and lauded step into the public domain. Women Network is delight- business accelerator Michelle ed to present two public forums Patterson is President of the Global Women Foundation about women and public and The California Women's office. Please join us for two Conference (www.californiaconsecutive weeks: - the Please join us Tuesday, largest women's symposium in August 19, for the event: Women Network – Public Of- North America that has featured esteemed First Ladies, Afice Presents: Orange County List Hollywood celebrities, and Supervisor, Lisa Bartlett at high caliber business influencBLK Burgrz, Ladera Ranch ers. Michelle is also the CEO from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. of Women Network LLC, an And again on Thursday, online digital media platform August 28: Women Network dedicated to giving women a – Public Office Networking Event Location: Black, Starr & voice and a platform to share Frost, Newport Beach at 5:30 - their message. Michelle may be reached at WomenNetwork. 7:30 pm. com.) We also have Women August 2014 Ladera Times Page 23 Page 24 Ladera Times August 2014 County OKs $32.6-M Athletic Complex in Ladera Orange County has given the go-ahead for investment entrepreneur Michael Schwartz, of Ladera Ranch, to build a $32.6 million athletic complex on a vacant lot he purchased in 2010. Michael is the owner of the 100,000-square-foot Smart Storage facility on Terrace Road. It's there that he plans to build the 119,000-squarefoot, four-story Ladera Athletic Complex on 3.57 undeveloped acres of land. The athletic facility will include a 41,400-squarefoot storage facility with 255 storage units, more than 21,000 square feet of office space for Smart Stop’s expanding headquarters, and a 56,800-square-foot gymnasium with eight basketball and volleyball courts. The complex will also have cameras on each basketball and volleyball court so parents or sport scouts can log in to watch games or practices, he said. The building will also have solar panels on the roof. “It’s not a small endeavor, but we really believe in the community,” Michael said. “The mixed-use financially makes sense. We can build the nicest indoor gymnasium in the U.S., and we need to expand storage space and offices for our growing operations.” Planning Commissioner Jett McCormick, of Ladera Ranch, was one of four who voted in favor of the project. Planning Commissioner Anthony Nguyen did not attend the meeting “It will be a great asset to the community,” Jett said. “The developer has identified an under-served need in the community.” The Ladera Ranch Civic Council, was split in a vote about the project at its July meeting. Council members Robyn Moore Hubbard and Scott Weisgerber supported the project, as did Jeff Hamilton and Jett McCormick. Council members Todd Stearns and Gary Kephart said they hadn’t had time to review the project and gather resident input. Anyone will be able to rent the athletic center, including players and club teams of the National Junior Basketball League in Ladera Ranch, Mission Viejo and Rancho Santa Margarita. And he hopes high school teams will use it as well. The project is expected to get underway in the spring of next year and be open for business by the end of the year. 20-Year-Old Former LRCC Chair, Connor Traut, Now Candidate For School Board At the age of 20, Connor Traut sees no barriers. Former Ladera Ranch Civic Council Chairman, Connor moved to West Anaheim where he has since been involved in his community every day. In February, he was appointed by the Presiding Judge of the Superior Court to serve as Orange County Juvenile Justice Commissioner and has since worked to imple- ment gang prevention programs within elementary schools, where he continues to see firsthand what happens to young people when they get off track. A graduate of Orange County public schools and a proud Eagle Scout, Connor currently serves on the Boards of Directors of the Boys and Girls Club, Cops for Kids, the Arts Council, and his local chapter of Head Start Early Childhood Education. His grandmother, who was a teacher in the Centralia School District, inspired him to run for the Centralia School Board. His Campaign Kickoff is Thursday August 7, 5:30 to 7:30 pm at 8207 Dracaena Drive in Buena Park, and is open to the public. For more information about his candidacy, visit or contact Connor at Connor@ August 2014 Ladera Times Page 25 Page 26 The 2014 summer recess for Capistrano Unified School District is almost half over. As I have seen every year, one can find the youngsters at the 24-Hr Fitness working out with either dad or mom. One dad and his daughter work out almost every day at the gym. v v v The Friday concerts at the Town Green is packed on Fridays with dad and/ or mom and the kids. It is so nice to see the little kids dancing in front of the stage. v v v At Oso Grande, the Ladera Times August 2014 Superintendent of Capistrano Unified School District (CUSD. The Board also ratified the employment Agreement of the new Superintendent, Kirsten M. Vital with annual salary of $305,000 and a relocation allowance of Kindergarten start times for be open on August 14 and $15,000. 2014-2015 have changed. 15 from 8:00 am to 12:00 She will take the helm Please note the revised noon; August 18 through 29 of CUSD on August 4. In times for Kindergarten next from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm; the interim, Deputy Superyear. and September 2, normal intendent Clark Hampton is AM classes will be 7:45 business hours, 8:30 am to running the District. to 11:38 am. 3:30 pm. The Board adopted the PM classes will be I am sure all other 2014-2015 budget with a 10:30 am to 2:23 pm school sites will have a total revenue of approxi(Wednesday 9:12 am to1:05 similar schedule. mately $390 million and a pm). v v v total expenditure of ap Grades 1-5 will contin- Here comes the 2014proximately $393 million. ue to have the same times 15 school year. First day This is about $10 million as last school year: 8:00 am of school for all students at more in revenue than the to 2:20 pm (Wednesday. CUSD is September 4th. previous 2013-14 budget. 8:00 am to1:05 pm). v v v At this meeting the v v v June 26 Board Meeting Board approved the Agree School site administra- The Board recognized ment with the Teamsters. tors are planning for the Dr. Joseph Farley for his The Board also apnew school year. over 40 years of service as proved the employment The Chaparral elemen- a California educator and Agreement with the Capisttary school front office will for his four years tenure as rano Unified Management Association (CUMA). In the prior Board meetings the Teacher and Classified employee contracts were ratified with no furlough days. v v v Ram Mukherji is a former Trustee of Tri-City L.A. County Unified School District and Past President of Ladera Ranch Maintenance Corporation. August 2014 Ladera Times Page 27 Ladera Times Page 28 August 2014 Monthly Real Estate Report by Cathie Berlin Ladera Ranch Recent Sales Activty - 30 Days Ending July 27, 2014* Address 1 Arabis 65Strawflower 44Hoya 5 Duxbury 49Platinum 52Palladium 5 Clifton 56Half Moon 30Hoya 9 Hydrangea 21Fieldhouse 10Azara 29Potters Bend 8 Evergreen 6 Oatfield Farm 20Glicina 27Amy 6 Mill Ridge Farm 15Globe 43Tuscany 15Clematis 44Half Moon 7 Whidbey 7 Sklar 6 Whidbey 3 Candlewind 17Capricorn 7 Roycroft 32Bushwood 65Bedstraw 9 Sleepy Hollow 10 Brynwood 54 La Salle 4 Tudor 15 Tango 24 Sutherland 6 Craftsbury 40 Downing 34 Corazon Beds Baths 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 4 4 Sq Ft Date Closed 1320 1373 1308 1600 1431 1700 1700 1400 1586 1800 1550 1838 1550 1500 1500 1831 1600 1771 1800 2339 1800 1969 1900 2000 2152 2300 2062 2200 2463 2800 2600 2449 2400 2577 2935 2600 3294 3400 2834 7/15/14 7/9/14 7/11/14 6/26/14 6/30/14 7/10/14 6/26/14 7/20/14 7/11/14 7/11/14 7/9/14 7/13/14 7/2/14 6/26/14 7/16/14 6/30/14 6/27/14 7/3/14 7/2/14 7/15/14 7/8/14 7/24/14 7/3/14 7/16/14 7/16/14 7/21/14 7/21/14 7/21/14 6/27/14 6/27/14 7/22/14 7/7/14 7/17/14 7/15/14 6/26/14 6/30/14 7/14/14 7/17/14 7/23/14 Days On Market List Price 80 64 18 45 109 80 36 88 77 75 33 84 66 69 52 44 49 47 103 38 79 86 93 75 71 47 154 47 101 65 41 54 38 113 106 60 81 194 58 $415,000 $419,000 $429,526 $455,000 $434,900 $499,000 $499,000 $527,000 $512,160 $518,000 $528,500 $522,500 $529,900 $549,900 $548,700 $570,000 $595,000 $599,000 $609,990 $625,000 $619,000 $614,900 $650,000 $649,000 $699,900 $755,000 $765,000 $779,000 $796,000 $829,900 $849,950 $834,900 $825,000 $849,000 $865,900 $895,000 $949,000 $999,000 $927,520 Sold Price $400,000 $420,000 $429,526 $435,000 $436,500 $490,000 $499,000 $505,000 $512,160 $516,000 $519,000 $522,500 $527,000 $535,000 $542,000 $570,000 $575,000 $596,500 $608,000 $610,000 $612,000 $614,900 $645,000 $659,000 $660,000 $755,000 $765,000 $772,500 $796,000 $820,000 $820,000 $824,000 $825,000 $835,000 $850,000 $895,000 $925,000 $925,000 $931,953 Price Per Sq Foot 303 306 328 272 305 288 294 361 323 287 335 284 340 357 361 311 359 337 338 261 340 312 339 330 307 328 371 351 323 293 315 336 344 324 290 344 281 272 329 Ladera Times August 2014 Address Beds Baths Sq Ft Date Closed 17 Vivido 19 Magnolia 6 Adele 5 Pleasanton 11 Markham 2 Blue Spruce 21 Sea Grape 2 Weldon Heights 11 Pisano 2 Jenny 4 5 4 6 5 5 5 4 4 5 4 3 3 3 4 3 5 4 5 6 2834 3000 3286 3345 3800 3000 3750 3393 4286 3850 6/30/14 7/22/14 7/21/14 6/30/14 7/25/14 6/30/14 7/15/14 6/27/14 7/24/14 7/9/14 23 Julia 4 5 3536 23 Portalon 4 4 8 Saybrooke 5 5 Cambridge 1 Paniolo Page 29 Days On Market List Price 14 17 61 31 158 90 126 55 64 242 Sold Price Price Per Sq Foot $867,990 $999,000 $985,000 $1,049,000 $1,070,000 $1,099,000 $1,135,000 $1,150,000 $1,174,000 $1,259,000 $932,025 $976,000 $980,000 $1,035,000 $1,040,000 $1,095,000 $1,120,000 $1,130,000 $1,174,000 $1,215,000 329 325 298 309 274 365 299 333 274 316 6/27/14 86 $1,265,000 $1,235,000 349 3100 7/7/14 36 $1,299,900 $1,300,000 419 4 4000 7/11/14 50 $1,350,000 $1,315,000 329 5 6 3900 6/26/14 117 $1,475,000 $1,440,000 369 4 5 4116 7/17/14 156 $1,489,000 $1,489,900 362 5 Stockmen 3 5 3628 7/10/14 38 $1,695,000 $1,680,000 463 *Based on information from the Association of Realtors/Multiple Listing as of 7/26/2014. Display of MLS data is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed accurate by the MLS. E S | P L R S 4 Sheridan Lane, Ladera Ranch SOL D! 2 bedrooms, 2.5 baths Wonderful view location from covered front porch Fantastic open and spacious floor plan Hardwood floors throughout Beautiful stone fireplace Plantation shutters and designer paint 2-car attached garage with large storage space Upgraded glass doors Sold for $460,000 Ladera Ranch Resident, Knowledgeable & highly accessible Orange County Magazine 5 Star Award Recipient 2010, 2011, 2012 & 2013. Find out why so many of your neighbors put their trust in Cathie. Find Us On Facebook Ladera Ranch Homes - Cathie Berlin Page 30 Ladera Times August 2014 sweat pants, is walking with a walker and groceries and the informant was concerned that she may be lost and get dehydrated in this weather, but she lives two blocks away in Mission Viejo and even had a bottle Following are highlights from the Orange County Police Blotter. For more, go to of water with her, Cecil PasJuly 28 stole her identity then start- ing and hit a curb, CROWN ture Road and Crown Valley 7:41 pm, deputies asValley And Antonio ParkParkway. ed rambling about random sisted the OC Fire Authorways. 4:24 pm, informant things. When asked if she ity with a 40-y-o male who was on Antonio, she said reported a van parked all overdosed on pain pills, July 26 day near Town Green but probably because she once Sellas Road N. 9:06 pm, a woman was told the operator of the worked with an Antonio, 7:24 am, woman said called to say a man was not van was there setting up 27400 Antonio Parkway. she discovered six juveniles 9:09 am, woman says waking up, but the male the stage for that evening's sleeping at the community called back to say he had Concert in the Park, Sienna she's in an argument with pool and they refused to Parkway and Mercantile her ex-husband over a child the flu and his girlfriend leave, Aviburnum Way. and daughter overreacted, Way. custody exchange and she hit the back of his car, Daisy Hydrangia Street. July 27 5:20 pm, a 2-1/32-y-o July 24 and Avendale Boulevard. 10:21 am, woman who 6:13 pm, informant 12:20 am, sheriff's depu- child was reported locked called police earlier called reported a dog was locked in ties put out an arrest search in a car in the Water Park back and said she was parking lot but father broke a car near Staples in Mercanfor a drunk driver when a stranded because someone tile East shopping Center. woman said he was swerv- the window to get inside, Sienna Parkway and O'Neil. 5:57 pm, a woman called 12:33 am, 17-y-o female hysterical and crying claimis reported having trouble ing her husband, who has breathing and is convulsfiled for divorce, is refusing ing and going in and out of to give her money and is consciousness after taking with another woman, 27400 marijuana, Copious Lane. block of Antonio Parkway. The Ladera Times is published monthly by Scholze Communications, 29851 Sienna Parkway, Ladera Ranch, CA 92694, and 12,000 copies are delivered to every home, business, corporate offices, and apartment complex in Ladera Ranch the Thursday on or about the first of every month. Jim Schmitt.............................................. Editor & Publisher Jason Scholze.......................................... Advertising Sales KC Mitchell............................................... Advertising Sales Ram Mukherji.............................................Education Editor Cathie Berlin............................................ Real Estate Editor Chuck Gibson................................................ Feature Editor John Alvarez................................................... Photographer Michelle Patterson.................................Business Columnist Bo Kelleher, Ladera Portal.............................Media Partner Phone:..........................................................(949) 481-3593 Fax ..............................................................(949) 481-3594 Email: .............................................. [email protected] Editorial & Production Advisors: June Rodgers, Chairman/CEO, Thelma E. June Rodgers, LLC, Laguna Niiguel Kathy L. Scholze, Chairman/CEO Scholze Communications, Ladera Ranchl July 25 8:03 pm, tan informant heard the sound of one gun shot coming from the parking area of his complex but no one was found, Chadron Circle. 8:03 pm, informant reported a fight between two young males and is afraid a brawl might ensure because there's a large group of juveniles (30+) involved, Mercantile West Shopping Center. 5:14 pm, an informant called to say an 80-y-o woman, wearing a white T-shirt and baggy blue July 23 11:01 pm, a woman called to say her vehicle was hit earlier in the week and now she sees her vehicle's paint on her neighbor's car, Sklar Street. 10:54 pm, a man called to say he was locked inside the self-storage facility, Terrace Road. 4:51 pm, a passerby reported a 26-y-o male in the passenger seat of a white van was suffering from a seizure and, while his eyes were open and he was breathing, he was no responding, Antonio Parkway and Avendale Boulevard. August 2014 Ladera Times Page 31 Ladera Times Calendar of Events Page 32 August 2014 Dates, times, locations, and events are subject to change without notice so double check before setting out to attend an event. Events can be added to the Calendar by emailing details to [email protected]. For a more extensive list of events, go to Friday, August 1 – Concert in the Park, 6:30 to 8:30 pm, Town Green, corner of Sienna Parkway & Mercantile Way (details to be announced closer to the event). Saturday & Sunday, August 2 & 3 – Relay for Life offers a 24-hour round-the-clock inspiring event to honor cancer survivors and cancer victims, promote how individuals can reduce their cancer risk, and raise money to help end cancer at Cox Sports Park from 10:00 am Saturday thru 10:00 am Sunday. Friday, August 8 – Concert in the Park, 6:30 to 8:30 pm, Town Green, corner of Sienna Parkway & Mercantile Way (details to be announced closer to the event). Get Your Free Wristband Support the Campaign To support the "Ladera Ranch No Bullying" Facebook campaign, started by Dave Matthies, following the local bullying video that went viral, the Ladera Times has made up "Stop the Bullying" wristbands to be made available to students as well as adults who would be willing to wear them to make a visible statement against this destructive behavior. The Ladera Times needs help distributing them, making them available to students and adults that would like to pass them out as well as locations where they can be picked up for free. Right now, the free wristbands are available at the Ladera Ranch Library at 29551 Sienna Parkway, and at the Ladera Times office at 29851 Sienna Parkway. Respond by emailing your name and phone number to LaderaTimes@ if you'd like to help this effort, as well as providing locations for distribution. The Ladera Times will make as many available as are necessary. Lets work together to make our community "bullying free." Saturday & Sunday, August 9 & 10 – Family Campout: games, campfire, movie, and continental breakfast, 3:00 pm Saturday thru 9:00 am Sunday at Chaparral Park, 29075 Sienna Parkway (Registration to be held in July). and 1K Race through the streets of Ladera Ranch from 6:00 to 11:00 am, starting at Founders Park, Avendale Boulevard. A LARCS Partnership event. Friday, August 15 – Concert in the Park and Food, 5:00 to 8:30 pm, Town Green, corner of Sienna Parkway & Mercantile Way. The final concert of the summer will also feature an array of food vendors (details to be announced closer to the event). Saturday, October 4 – Oktoberfest, a LARCS Partnership event with the Ladera Rancho Chamber of Commerce, 4:00 to 8:00 pm, Oak Knoll Clubhouse, 28192 O'Neill Drive (details to be announced closer to the event). Saturday, September 27 – Charity Event, 6:00 to 10:00 pm at Flintridge Monday, August 15 – Clubhouse, 28112 Roanoke Laura’s House second annu- Drive. A LARCS Partnership event (details to be al HOPE Golf Tournament at Marbella Country Club in announced closer to the event). San Juan Capistrano. Saturday, August 23 – Movie Night on the Green, bring a picnic and a blanket and enjoy a family movie from 8:00 to 10:30 pm, Town Green, corner of Sienna Parkway & Mercantile Way (details to be announced closer to the event). Monday, September 1 – Labor Day Sunday, September 7 – Heroes Run, 5K Run Monday, October 13 – Columbus Day. Saturday, October 25 – Teen Event, 7:30 to 10:00 pm, Oak Knoll Clubhouse, 28192 O'Neill Drive (details to be announced closer to the event). Friday, October 31 – Halloween. Sunday, November 2 – Daylight Savings Time ends, move clocks one hour back at 12:00 midnight, August 2014 Ladera Times Page 33 Baby Sleep Problems Lead To Weight Gain, Postpartum Depression, and Lack Of Intimacy Between Parents Ask just about any new parent what’s on their mind, and you’re likely to hear the same answer over and over again: Sleep. Parents of newborns may joke about sleep deprivation being a “rite of passage,” but the fact is that many families suffer sleepless nights for months (or even years) – and the toll it takes on the child and the parents is no laughing matter. Moms whose babies keep them up at night are more likely to suffer from postpartum depression, and they are three times more likely to be carrying an extra 11 pounds by baby’s first birthday, according to recently published research. Dads suffer too, as the ongoing stress Rebecca helps leads to a disconparents develop a nect between customized sleep the parents, and plan that addresses can impact both their family’s parents’ perforspecific challenges, mance at work. using techniques Plus, studies have and strategies from recently linked The Sleep Sense™ sleep problems Program developed in children to a by world-renowned number of behavsleep expert Dana Rebecca Nazzal ioral problems Obleman. and ADHD. “Rebecca will be offering According to local infant Orange County parents the and toddler sleep consultant same relief I’ve personally proRebecca Nazzal, of Ladera vided to thousands of families Ranch, tackling the problem through my private practice,” early is the most important step Obleman said. in avoiding these issues. “With her help, parents will Through one-on-one learn to stop arguing about how sessions and group seminars, to deal with their tired baby or toddler, develop a plan they can implement together, and regain their connection as a couple and a family.” The important thing for families to understand, according to both Obleman and Rebecca, is that sleep problems, while very common, don’t have to happen. Babies and toddlers want to sleep and are happier, healthier, and more able to learn when they can do so successfully. More information about Rebecca Nazzal and the Sleep Sense program are available at www.DreamBigSC. com. To book a consultation or enquire about the next group seminar, contact Rebecca directly at (949) 272-0725. Ladera Times Page 34 Robert M. knew something was wrong when his one-year-old cat, Kitty, stopped eating and instead began throwing up. But what he didn’t know was that Kitty had somehow swallowed a penny. Robert drove Kitty from his home in Bellmore, Long Island, to the ASPCA Animal Hospital in Manhattan. X-rays revealed what looked like a shiny penny lodged in Kitty’s small intestine, having already passed through her stomach. “It was the worst day ever,” says Robert. “She is such a wonderful cat and she was just so sick.” Dr. Anna Whitehead, who performed surgery on Kitty the same day, has retrieved coins from dogs in the past, but says it’s rare for cats to swallow loose change. She also says Kitty was lucky her condition was A Full Service, State-of-the-Art Veterinary Hospital FREE 30% Off NEW CLIENTS ONLY Microchips Any Veterinarian Service Not valid with any other offers or discounts. Expires 8/31/14 Not valid with any other offers or discounts. Expires 8/31/14 949/347-6803 1101 A-7 Corporate Dr. Ladera Ranch To advertise in your local Money Mailer call 949-305-5630. Minimum $50.00 TERRACE RD. lley n Va Crow y Pkw AN IN THE TERRACE SHOPS 1107 A-7 CORPORATE DR. TO NIO WINDMILL AVE. PA R KW AY CORPORATE DR. eg aH wy. (one coupon per family) Not valid with any other offers or discounts. Expires 8/31/14 Ort Exam $10 Off August 2014 in a thin plate of copper. The penny's composition was changed in 1982 because the value of the copper in one cent pieces rose above one cent. “Stomach acid corrodes pennies made of zinc and can cause hemolysis, or a rupturing of red blood cells that leads to life-threatening anemia,” says Dr. Whitehead. In Kitty’s case, the penny had turned black from corrosion, making the 1986 mint date barely legible. “It’s hard to say what happened or how long it had been in there,” says Dr. Whitehead. As for the penny, it won’t turn up again. Robert is keeping it as a reminder of Kitty’s ordeal and has taken it out of circulation. Beau did a very similar not worse, because of the thing when he was only a penny’s composition. few months old. He chewed Pennies dated before on a rubber ball he found 1982 are made of 95 percent and got a hunk of it stuck in copper, and those dated his intestines. 1983 or later are made of He was rushed to the 97.5 percent zinc and coated Animal Hospital where he was X-rayed and the unidentifiable mass was disDr. Angele Sumpter, DVM Dr. Louis Mauna, DVM covered. After a night-long vigil to see if he would pass HOURS: M-F 8am-6pm it, further X-rays revealed Sat & Sun that it hadn't moved at all. 8am-5pm So Beau was taken by ambulance to the animal surgery center where he underwent surgery to remove the chunk of sponge ball which, coincidentally perfectly matched a notch missing from the sponge ball, albiet, a different color. He's well now – the incidnt occurred five years ago – but not before he gave the family a real scare. © 2013 Targeted Media Group, Inc. LADERA TIMES August 2014 Ladera Times Page 35 Advertise in the And Reach Every Home, Business, Corporate Office, & Apartment Complex in Ladera Ranch For a Total of 12,000 Copies Distributed Monthly Monthly Display Advertising Rates Display Rates (per Issue) One X Six X 12 X Full Page (38 col. inches) .......... $ 800 ......... $ 650 (per issue) ........ $ 500 (per issue) 1/2 Page (19 col. inches) ........... $ 600 ......... $ 450 (per issue) ........ $ 350 (per issue) 1/4 Page (9.5 col. inches) .......... $ 450 ......... $ 300 (per issue) ....... $ 250 (per issue) 1/8 Page (4.75 col. inches) ........ $ 300 ......... $ 200 (per issue) ........ $ 150 (per issue) Open Rate (per col. inch) .......... $ 70 ......... $ 50 (per issue) ....... $ 35 (per issue) Back Page (38 col. inches) ........ $ 1,000 ......... $ 750 (per issue) ........ $ 600 (per issue) Center Pages (78 col. inches) ... $ 2,000 ......... $1,600 (per issue) ........ $ 1,200 (per issue) Marketplace Directory Ad – Sold as a 12-Issue Package $1,200 for a double business card-size ad (3.5” wide by 4.25” high) in 12 consecutive issues. ALL Ad Rates INCLUDE Spot or Full Color for FREE Ad Production Fees All Ad Rates are based on the advertiser providing camera-ready copy. Layout & design services are provided at a rate of $60/hour, billed in 5-minute increments. LADERA TIMES 29851 Sienna Parkway, Ladera Ranch, CA 92694 Ph: (949) 481-3593 – Fax: (949) 481-3594 Email: [email protected] – Website: We accept major credit and debit cards Page 36 Ladera Times August 2014 OC Law Enforcement, Schools Team Up for Student Safety agencies and OCDE to col- "We are grateful to lect the data from schools OCIAC and the Orange and provides feedback to County Sheriff’s Depart In response to the Sandy formation from every school schools regarding their ment for their willingness Hook tragedy and other in Orange County to ensure emergency plans. This col- to share their expertise and incidents of violence in the the safety of all students. laboration between school guidance with emergency nation, there has been a call The data being collected officials and local law planning and coordination.” to reduce gun violence and includes school emergency enforcement strengthens Orange County Sheriff protect children and complans, evacuation routes, protocols for school safety Sandra Hutchens said, “It is munities. maps, and other details that across the county. critical for local law en Orange County law will be provided to first Orange County Superforcement agencies to work enforcement agencies and responders during school intendent of Schools, Al in collaboration with our educators have responded to emergency situations. Mijares, stated, “Student schools in creating emerthis call to action. OCIAC is a collaband staff safety is the num- gency plans and performing The Orange County orative effort of 11 public ber one priority at all school practice drills. Intelligence Assessment safety agencies including events, on campuses, and "The data collected Center (OCIAC), which law enforcement, fire and especially in our classin the School Assessment is operated by the Orange healthcare service that rooms. Therefore, it is our Project coupled with mitigaCounty Sheriff’s Departprovide resources, expertise collective responsibility to tion activities offers the best ment, and the Orange Coun- and information to detect, protect the welfare of our protection for the schools in ty Department of Education prevent and respond to students at all times. our county.” (OCDE) have launched the criminal and terrorist activSchool Assessment Project, ity. OCIAC works closely Investigators Seek Public’s Assistance a united effort to collect in- with local law enforcement in Identifying Armed Robbery Suspects On July 21, at approximately 11:20 pm, Orange County Sheriff’s deputies responded to an armed robbery at the Arco AM/PM gas station store in Mercantile East Shopping Center. The suspect used a black handgun and demanded cash from two registers in the store and then fled on foot with an unknown amount of cash and no vehicle was seen. The suspect is described as a male African-American in his early 20's wearing a grey shirt, PJ bottoms and a black baseball cap with a Pittsburgh Steelers emblem. He was wearing gloves and his face was covered with a green bandana. A second suspect was seen pacing outside the store just prior to the robbery and later discovered to have intentionally distracted a witness while the robbery was in-progress. The second suspect (shown here) is described as male, AfricanAmerica or Hispanic, early 20’s or late teens, wearing a black T-shirt, grey jeans and a red/yellow baseball cap. Both suspects fled eastbound on foot to the rear of several adjacent businesses. Anyone with information regarding this suspect is asked to call the Orange County Sheriff’s Department at (949) 425-1900 or (714) 647-7000. Anonymous tips may also be submitted to Orange County Crime Stoppers at 855-TIPOCCS (855-847-6227) or August 2014 Ladera Times Page 37 Christopher Salisbury Named Battalion Commander at Army and Navy Academy The Army and Navy Academy has announced that Christopher Salisbury, Christopher Liu, and Mark Ruiz have been selected to be leaders of the Corps of Cadets for the 2014-2015 school year. Leaders are selected based on merits in academics, citizenship, leadership, and recommendations from Faculty and Staff. Christopher Salisbury of Ladera Ranch, was selected to serve as Battalion Commander, signifying the Academy's confidence in his leadership capabilities. He was selected after completion of the Leadership Candidate Course held at Camp Pendelton, where Cadets were evaluated by JROTC instructors on written exams, the ability to lead drill, discipline, and personal appearance, among other things. He's shown here receiving his promotion. Each Cadet received a rating on these tests, which were presented to the Selection Committee comprised of the Academy's President, Chief of Staff, Commandant, JROTC instructors, Faculty Chair, Director of Studies, 11th Grade Counselor, and Residential Life Officers. In order to be selected as Battalion Commander, the Cadet must be in the top third of their class in all of the areas listed above. As one of the six pillars of the Army and Navy Academy, leadership is a major focus. Leader selection not only represents Cadets' previous achievements and performance at the Academy, but also their potential to grow and develop into even stronger leaders and as model Cadets exemplifying the Academy's mission of educating and developing young men of good character. Page 38 Ladera Times August 2014 MARKETPLACE DIRECTORY August 2014 Ladera Times Page 39 MARKETPLACE DIRECTORY THANK YOU FOR VOTING AMERICA’S TIRE THE BEST IN ORANGE COUNTY! VISA ® PREPAID CARD Teacher for Tutoring WHEN YOU BUY ANY SET OF 4 TIRES OR WHEELS INSTALLED! ONLINE OR MAIL-IN REBATE. VALID THROUGH 10/31/13. CANNOT BE COMBINED WITH ANY OTHER OFFERS. PC 87991 I am an experienced educator in Orange County and I am available for after school or summer tutoring. ¥ Credentialed, GATE certified, Common Core ready ¥ Necessary curriculum for extra support provided ¥ Prepare for next year/strengthen areas of need ¥ Meet at library or your home ¥ Reteach/preteach lessons GO TO AMERICASTIRE.COM TO FIND A STORE NEAR YOU! Please call for more information and I will gladly answer any questions. Frances Prieto 714-504-5354 Fischer Painting Corp. l Painting & Drywall Tom & Todd Gelatka l Clean, Honest Jobs Done Right A Family-Owned Business Ph: (951) 674-9614 Fax:(951) 674-9618 [email protected] Lic # 911980 $ 5 OFF FIRST SERVICE Pamper Your Pet with Our Ultimate Pet Spa Treatments Ladera Times Page 40 August 2014 BUYING? SELLING? We are experts in Ladera Ranch and South OC Real Estate Thank you for Helping us Earn a place as TOP 10 AGENTS for the entire Realty One Group Brokerage for 2013. We appreciate your continued Support! 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