Torver - Cumbria Rural Housing Trust
Torver - Cumbria Rural Housing Trust
Cumbria Rural Housing Trust Redhills House, Redhills Business Park, Penrith, Cumbria, CA11 0DT T: 01768 210264 E: [email protected] W: Torver Housing Needs Survey Report March 2006 C Cuum mbbrriiaa R Ruurraall H Hoouussiinngg T Trruusstt R Reeddhhiillllss H Hoouussee,, R Reeddhhiilllss B Buussiinneessss PPaarrkk,, PPeennrriitthh,, C Cuum mbbrriiaa,, C CAA1111 00D DT T T: 01768 210264 E: [email protected] W: Torver Housing Needs Survey March 2006 CONTENTS 1. Map of Torver and return rate 2. Key findings of survey 3. Methodology and Table of Recommendations 4. Summary of survey Part One, Questions 1 to 8 5. Summary of survey Part Two, Questions 9 to 19 6. Comments from the surveys 7. House Price information from Land Registry and Right Move C Cuum mbbrriiaa R Ruurraall H Hoouussiinngg T Trruusstt R Reeddhhiillllss H Hoouussee,, R Reeddhhiilllss B Buussiinneessss PPaarrkk,, PPeennrriitthh,, C Cuum mbbrriiaa,, C CAA1111 00D DT T T: 01768 210264 E: [email protected] W: Requested Return date Parish 3rd April 2006 Torver No. of surveys forms issued No. of surveys forms returned 124 31 Image produced from Ordnance Survey’s Get-a-map service. Image reproduced with permission of Ordnance Survey and Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland Return rate 25.00% Cumbria Rural Housing Trust Redhills House, Redhills Business Park, Penrith, Cumbria, CA11 0DT T:01768 210264 F: 01768 210265 E: W: Torver 2006 Housing Needs Survey Key Findings The Survey We posted out 124 survey forms to the parishioners of Torver (100%). 31 households returned their completed forms. This is a return rate of 25.00%. Of the returned forms, 8 (25.81%) responded, saying that either the whole household or someone living in the household needs to move, within the parish, in the next 5 years. This will be analysed further in the conclusion to this report. In Cumbria since 2003 on average 19.15% of returned survey forms, completed by Cumbria Rural Housing Trust, have identified a local housing need. This brief report details the information derived from these 8 survey responses who expressed a need. 1 of the households is on the Local Authority or Housing Association register or waiting list. Housing Need 1. Of the 8 households indicating a housing need, we consider that 7 are in need of affordable housing within the Torver Parish area. 1 2 4 Now Within 3 years Within 5 years We consider that the remaining 1 do not fit the criteria of being in genuine housing need. 2. The current household types of these 7 are: Household Now Adult children family Couple Family, adult children plus grandparent Young children family < 12 months < 3 years < 5 years 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 Cumbria Rural Housing Trust - Housing Needs Survey - Key Findings Printed 02/05/2006 Torver 2006 Housing Needs Survey 3. Your household. How many people living in your home are in each of these age groups, who wish to move? 5 4 3 2 1 0 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 Male 0 1 2 0 1 2 3 4 0 0 1 Female 0 0 0 2 1 2 2 3 0 0 0 7 survey forms completed this question Number of people living in your home ... households 4 2 0 2 3 4 5 Number of people Which best describes your household? 14% 14% Couple 14% Family, adult children Family, young children Other 58% Cumbria Rural Housing Trust - Housing Needs Survey - Key Findings Printed 02/05/2006 Torver 2006 Housing Needs Survey 4. The needed property types indicated by responses from these 7 are: Housing and number of beds required 3 bedro o m Ho use 2 bedro o m Ho use 2 bedro o m B ungalo w 1bedro o m Ho use 1bedro o m Flat 0 1 move ... Yes, now 2 Yes, w ithin 3 years 3 Yes, w ithin 5 years 5. The total weekly (monthly) take-home income of the 7 households with a housing need are: Total weekly (monthly) take-home income Unspecified £551-600 (£2384-2600) £451-500 (£1951-2166) £251-300 (£1084-1300) £151-200 (£651-866) £101-150 (£434-650) £ Less than £100 (£433) 0 move ... Yes, now 1 Yes, w ithin 3 years Cumbria Rural Housing Trust - Housing Needs Survey - Key Findings 2 Yes, w ithin 5 years Printed 02/05/2006 Methodology The Manager of CRHT had a meeting with Coniston Parish Council, who were going to coordinate the distribution of survey forms for Torver, with Torver Parish Council. The Parish Council would deliver them by hand, with a form being delivered to every house in the Torver, including second homes and holiday homes, ie 100% distribution. A return envelope was provided. (These households are in the post code sector LA21 8.) The Parish Council were also supplied with posters to advertise the survey House Prices House prices of house sales per quarter, for the period October 2004 – December 2005, for Postcode sector LA21 8, which includes Torver, were obtained and can be found at the end of the report. Details from Open Market Prices House Prices for houses for sale on the open market were obtained on the 6th April 2006 from right move and can be found at the end of the report. Details from Affordability Calculations To determine whether households could afford to buy a house on the open market in Torver, the above information was used along with information on household income. Household Income Annual Income (x 52) Less than £100 / week £101 - £150 / week £151 - £200 / week £201 - £250 / week £251 – £300 / week £301 - £350 / week £351 - £400 / week £401 - £450 / week £451 - £500 / week £501 - £550 / week £551 - £600 / week £601 - £650 / week £651 - £700 / week £701 - £750 / week £751 - £800 / week £800 + / week £5,252 £5,252 - £7,800 £7,801 - £10,400 £10,401 - £13,000 £13,001 - £15,600 £15,601 - £18,200 £18,201 - £20,800 £20,801 - £23,400 £22,401 - £26,000 £26,001 - £28,600 £28,601 - £31,200 £31,201 - £33,800 £33,801 - £36,400 £36401 - £39,052 £39053 - £41,600 £41,601 + 10th April 2006 Mortgage (x 2.9) Dual Income £15,230 £15,230 - £22,620 £22,621 - £30,160 £30,161 - £37,700 £37,701 - £45,240 £45,241 - £52,780 £52,781 - £60,320 £60,321 - £67,860 £67,861 - £75,400 £75,401 - £82,940 £82,941 - £90,480 £90,481 - £98,020 £98,021 - £10,5560 £105,561 - £11,3250 £113,250 - £12,0640 £120,640+ Page 1 of 4 Mortgage (x 3.5) Single Income £18,383 £18,383 - £27,300 £27,301 - £36,400 £36,401- £45,500 £45,501 - £54,600 £54,601 - £63,700 £63,701 - £72,800 £72,801 - £81,900 £81,901 - £91,000 £91,001 - £100,100 £100,101 - £109,200 £109,201 - £118,300 £118,301 - £127,400 £127,401 - £136,682 £136,683 - £145,600 £145,601+ Torver Methodology Of the 8 households completing Part 2 forms, 1 household was judged not to be in housing need, 7 households were identified in housing need. In summary: No’s Not enough information to make judgment Aspirational – but change of tenure may free up bottom of “ ladder” Wish to return – but no need identified Afford to buy on open market Other reason 1 Total No's 1 Please see following table for further information. Recommendations 7 households were identified in housing need. In summary: Yes To be near employment Acc. on 1 level or adapted Acc. on 1 level or adapted Other reasons Other reasons In Tied Accommodation In Tied Accommodation Mortgage Recommendation Renting from Private Landlord Renting from Private Landlord Renting from Private Landlord Renting from Private Landlord Renting from Private Landlord Renting from Private Landlord Renting from Private Landlord Rent Rent Rent SO/SE SO/SE SO/SE SO/SE Renting from Council or Housing Association Renting from Council or Housing Association Rent SO/SE Living with parents Living with parents Living with parents Living with parents Living with parents Rent Rent SO/SE SO/SE SO/SE Rent SO/SE Rent SO/SE Rent SO/SE SO/SE 1 1 1 1 Bed 2 Bed 3 Bed 1 Bed 2 Bed 3 Bed 4 Bed 1 Bed 2 Bed 1 Bed 2 Bed 3 Bed Total Yes's 1 3 7 Please note SO/SE means that the households have been judge to be able to buy a share of the property as shared ownership or shared equity. These households may also be able to self build. The following table expands on the above information. 10th April 2006 Page 2 of 4 Torver Methodology Torver 2006 Housing Need Survey Housing Aspiration /Need (inc. reality check) In Housing need? (inc. reasons, & assessment how need met Couple Move within 3 years Present home too small. Renting, would like to buy. Total Weekly Income £251 – 300 Born/grew up in Parish Live in Parish now Currently employed in Parish. Close family ties in Parish Live in Parish now. Currently employed in Parish Close family ties in Parish. Need to be close to parents as they are unable to cope totally independently. Live in Parish now Close family ties in parish 3 Bed House Rent Torver 1 Bed House Renting Torver No Judged aspirational as present house is adequate for needs – renting from Council or HA Yes 1 Bed House Renting 1 Bed Flat Shared ownership Torver Adult child Move now First independent home Registered on LA/HA housing list. Savings £5 – 10,000 Total Weekly Income £101 – 150 No savings 2 3 Adult child Move within 5 years First independent home Adult child Move within 3 years First independent home. Still in full time education No savings Total Weekly Income less than £100 (still in full time education) Bed rooms Reason for needing to be in the Locality Recommend 1 Unable to rent &/or buy on open market because Number 1 Inadequately Housed Need No. N 1 Y 1 R 1 Yes 1 Bed Flat Renting Y 2 R 1 Live in Parish now Close family ties in Parish State could afford Under £75,000 1 Bed House Rent Torver Yes 1 Bed House Renting Y 3 R 1 Live in Parish now Currently employed in Parish 2 Bed Bungalow Renting Torver Yes 2 Bed Bungalow Renting Y 1 R 2 Born/grew up in Parish Close family ties in Parish 2 Bed House Shared Ownership Torver/Coniston Yes 2 Bed House Renting Y 2 R 2 No savings 4 5 10th April 2006 Analysis 1 .doc Family – Adult child Move within 5 years Present home too large. Cannot manage stairs. Present home in poor condition. Health deteriorating – spinal problems. Adult Children/couple Move within 3 years Moved away and wish to return. To be closer to parents or dependents. Total Weekly Income £251 – 300 No savings Total Weekly Income £151 – 200 No savings State could afford £100 – 125,000 Page 3 of 4 3 Torver Methodology & Torver 2006 Housing Need Survey Housing Aspiration /Need (inc. reality check) In Housing need? (inc. reasons, & assessment how need met Couple Move within 5 years First independent home. Couple setting up home together. Private tenancy, need more security. Present home in poor condition – cold, damp, draughty, old wiring. Renting, would like to buy. To keep Torver alive. Family – young children Move within 5 years Moved away, wish to return. To be closer to a parent or dependent. Total Weekly Income £451 – 500 Live in this Parish now 3 Bed House Buy on open market Torver Yes 2 Bed House Shared ownership/ equity Y 1 SO/ SE 2 Yes 3 Bed House Shared ownership/ equity Y 1 SO/ SE 3 Savings £20 – 30,000 Bed rooms 10th April 2006 Analysis 1 .doc Reason for needing to be in the Locality Recommend 7 Unable to rent &/or buy on open market because Number 6 Inadequately Housed Need No. State could afford £75 – 100,000 Total Weekly Income £551 – 600 Born/grew up in Parish Close family ties in Parish 3 Bed House Buy on open market Torver Savings £5 – 10,000 State could £150 – 175,000 Page 4 of 4 3 Torver Methodology & Torver 2006 124 survey forms issued 31 survey forms returned 1. YOUR HOUSEHOLD How many people living in your home are in each of these age groups? 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 Male 1 3 2 2 2 3 7 7 4 6 1 Female 0 1 2 2 3 5 4 7 8 3 1 31 survey forms completed this question Number of people living in your home ... 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 Which best describes your household? 19% Couple Family, adult children 6% 49% Family, young children Other 13% Single 13% Cumbria Rural Housing Trust - Housing Needs Survey - Part One (completed by everyone) Printed 12/05/2006 Torver 2006 124 survey forms issued 31 survey forms returned 2. WHAT IS THE TENURE OF YOUR HOME? Tied to job Private landlord, renting Other Mortgage home ow ner Home ow ner, outright Family, ie. living w ith parents or relatives Council or Housing Assoc, renting 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Other ... 1 Joint owner, hoping to buy with mortgage Is this your second home? 1 Yes, second home No, main home 30 Cumbria Rural Housing Trust - Housing Needs Survey - Part One (completed by everyone) Printed 12/05/2006 Torver 2006 124 survey forms issued 31 survey forms returned 3. YOUR HOUSEHOLD'S EMPLOYMENT Jobs ... 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 15 2 1 Accountant Builder Doctor Gardener Housewife Mining Analyst/Stockbroker Outdoor Instructor Retired Self Employed Craftsman Student 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 Admin Assistant Cable Layer Estate Manager Head Teacher IT Consultant Nurse Physiotherapist Sales Manager Social Care Worker Teacher 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 Advisor Company Director Farmer Head Waitress Membership Officer Optometrist Restaurant Manager Self Employed Stable Owner Unemployed disabled Does any of your household work from home? 2 No response 11 Yes, w ork from home No 18 How far does your household travel to work? 14 12 no. of people 10 8 6 4 2 0 Under 5 5-10 10-20 miles 20-30 Cumbria Rural Housing Trust - Housing Needs Survey - Part One (completed by everyone) 30-40 50+ Printed 12/05/2006 Torver 2006 124 survey forms issued 31 survey forms returned What is your household's weekly take-home income? 12 10 households 8 6 4 2 0 Less than £100 £101-200 £201-300 £301-400 £401-500 £501-600 £701-800 £800+ No response w eekly income 4. HOW LONG HAVE YOU LIVED IN THIS PARISH? 8 7 6 households 5 4 3 2 1 0 <5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 30+ years Cumbria Rural Housing Trust - Housing Needs Survey - Part One (completed by everyone) Printed 12/05/2006 Torver 2006 124 survey forms issued 31 survey forms returned 5. HOUSING REQUIRED IN THIS PARISH Other No further homes are needed Homes for elderly people Homes for people w ith disabilities Homes for single people Large family homes Small family homes Homes for young people 0 5 10 15 20 25 Other: 1 All must be locals only 1 Mixture of types to cover all needs Cumbria Rural Housing Trust - Housing Needs Survey - Part One (completed by everyone) Printed 12/05/2006 Torver 2006 124 survey forms issued 31 survey forms returned 6. OBJECTIONS Would you object to a small number of new homes in the parish which would help to meet the needs of local people? No 31 If Yes, briefly explain your concerns ... Very important for our village Cumbria Rural Housing Trust - Housing Needs Survey - Part One (completed by everyone) Printed 12/05/2006 Torver 2006 124 survey forms issued 31 survey forms returned 7. POTENTIAL SITES Sites thought to be suitable for development ... Number of responses 13 3 1 1 1 1 1 Old Goods Yard Infill plots in Village Centre Allotment at Kitchen Syke, Torver Anywhere where there is space Field North of School Rooms Land behind Church House Inn Warehouse 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 By Green Cottages Fields adjacent to village Anywhere Farm land within village boundaries Infill between Kitchen Syke & the Garth Torver motorway Wood Yard Cumbria Rural Housing Trust - Housing Needs Survey - Part One (completed by everyone) Printed 12/05/2006 Torver 2006 124 survey forms issued 31 survey forms returned 8. YOUR FUTURE HOUSING INTENTIONS Do you need to m ove to another hom e in this parish now or w ithin 5 years? 5 Yes No 26 Does anyone living w ith you at present need to set up hom e separately from you in this parish now or w ithin 5 years? 5 Yes No Yes No 26 Have any form er m em bers of your household left this village/parish in the last few years? 9 22 Cumbria Rural Housing Trust - Housing Needs Survey - Part One (completed by everyone) Printed 12/05/2006 Torver 2006 124 survey forms issued 31 survey forms returned ...... If Yes, former members of your household have left this village/parish in the last few years, how many? 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 …… If Yes, w as it because of: Other Marriage To go to university or college To take up employment elsew here Lack of affordable housing 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Other: 1 Death Cumbria Rural Housing Trust - Housing Needs Survey - Part One (completed by everyone) Printed 12/05/2006 Torver 2006 124 survey forms issued 31 survey forms returned Questions 9 to 19 are only answered by those needing accommodation and are currently living in this parish or wishing to return to this parish 9. WHEN DOES THE HOUSEHOLD NEED TO MOVE FROM THIS HOME? Yes, w ithin 5 years 4 Yes, w ithin 3 years 3 Yes, now 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 10. WHY DOES THE HOUSEHOLD NEED TO MOVE? 1 . First independent home 2 . Couple setting up home together 3 . Present home too small 4 . Present home too large 7 . Private tenancy, need more security 10. Cannot manage stairs 11. Present home in poor condition 12. Renting, but w ould like to buy 13. Moved aw ay and w ish to return 15. To be closer to a parent or dependent 17 . Other Main Reason 0 Additional Reasons 1 Cumbria Rural Housing Trust - Housing Needs Survey - Part Two 2 3 4 5 Printed 22/05/2006 Torver 2006 124 survey forms issued 31 survey forms returned Questions 9 to 19 are only answered by those needing accommodation and are currently living in this parish or wishing to return to this parish Other: To keep Torver alive Cumbria Rural Housing Trust - Housing Needs Survey - Part Two Health deteriorating - spinal problems Printed 22/05/2006 Torver 2006 124 survey forms issued 31 survey forms returned Questions 9 to 19 are only answered by those needing accommodation and are currently living in this parish or wishing to return to this parish 11. WHAT IS THE HOUSEHOLD'S CURRENT CIRCUMSTANCE? Private landlord, renting Mortgage home ow ner Family, ie. living w ith parents or relatives Council or Housing Assoc, renting 0 1 2 3 4 5 In what type of home does the household currently live? 5 Detached 1 Semi Detached 2 Terrace How many bedrooms does the household currently have? 4 3 2 1 0 2 3 Cumbria Rural Housing Trust - Housing Needs Survey - Part Two 4 5 Printed 22/05/2006 Torver 2006 124 survey forms issued 31 survey forms returned Questions 9 to 19 are only answered by those needing accommodation and are currently living in this parish or wishing to return to this parish 11. THE HOUSEHOLD'S CURRENT CIRCUMSTANCES (continued) Do you have double glazing? Do you have central heating? 3 4 4 5 Yes No If Yes, is it? If "no central heating", how is your home heated 1 Open Fire & 2 oil filled radiators Open Fire & Storage Heaters Open Fires & electric radiators Open Fires & electric radiators 1 6 No response Oil Solid Fuel In what condition is the household's home? If 'bad' or 'very bad', why? 5 Cold, damp, draughty, old wiring. 4 3 2 1 0 Bad Fair Good Cumbria Rural Housing Trust - Housing Needs Survey - Part Two Printed 22/05/2006 Torver 2006 124 survey forms issued 31 survey forms returned Questions 9 to 19 are only answered by those needing accommodation and are currently living in this parish or wishing to return to this parish 12. RENTING Do you receive Housing Benefit? 3 No response Yes 4 No 1 How much rent do you pay per week? 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 £51-£75 Cumbria Rural Housing Trust - Housing Needs Survey - Part Two Printed 22/05/2006 Torver 2006 124 survey forms issued 31 survey forms returned Questions 9 to 19 are only answered by those needing accommodation and are currently living in this parish or wishing to return to this parish 13. HOME OWNERS If you own your current home, how much do you think it is worth? 2 1 0 £150-175,000 Do you have a mortgage on your current home? 1 No response Yes 7 Cumbria Rural Housing Trust - Housing Needs Survey - Part Two Printed 22/05/2006 Torver 2006 124 survey forms issued 31 survey forms returned Questions 9 to 19 are only answered by those needing accommodation and are currently living in this parish or wishing to return to this parish 14. COUNCIL TAX BAND What is your Council Tax band? 3 2 1 0 B C E F 15. YOUR HOUSEHOLD'S INCOME The total weekly (monthly) take-home income of the households £551-600 (£2384-2600) £451-500 (£1951-2166) £251-300 (£1084-1300) £151-200 (£651-866) £101-150 (£434-650) Less than £100 (£433) 0 1 2 3 households Cumbria Rural Housing Trust - Housing Needs Survey - Part Two Printed 22/05/2006 Torver 2006 124 survey forms issued 31 survey forms returned Questions 9 to 19 are only answered by those needing accommodation and are currently living in this parish or wishing to return to this parish 16. YOUR HOUSEHOLD'S SAVINGS 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 No Savings £5,000-10,000 £20,000-30,000 17. YOUR HOUSEHOLD'S EMPLOYMENT How many people in the household wishing to move are:Other In full time further/higher education Unemployed but not seeking w ork Working part time Working full time 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Other: Disabled and housewife Cumbria Rural Housing Trust - Housing Needs Survey - Part Two Printed 22/05/2006 Torver 2006 124 survey forms issued 31 survey forms returned Questions 9 to 19 are only answered by those needing accommodation and are currently living in this parish or wishing to return to this parish 17. YOUR HOUSEHOLD'S EMPLOYMENT (Continued) Jobs ... 1 1 1 Admin Assistant Farmer Restaurant Manager 1 1 1 Advisor Head Waitress Sales Manager 1 1 2 Disabled Housewife Self Employed Craftsman Does any of your household work from home? 3 Yes, w ork from home No 5 How far does your household travel to work? no. of people 6 4 2 0 Under 5 5-10 10-20 miles 20-30 50+ In which villages / towns does your household work? 1 2 Ambleside Torver 1 1 Bedfordshire Torver & Elterwater Cumbria Rural Housing Trust - Housing Needs Survey - Part Two 1 Coniston Printed 22/05/2006 Torver 2006 124 survey forms issued 31 survey forms returned Questions 9 to 19 are only answered by those needing accommodation and are currently living in this parish or wishing to return to this parish 18. TYPE OF HOUSING NEEDED 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 house bungalow 3 bedrooms flat other Is your household registered on the Local Authority housing register/waiting list? 1 7 Is your household registered with any other Private Landlord waiting list? Is your household registered on any local Housing Association waiting list? 1 Yes No 7 8 Cumbria Rural Housing Trust - Housing Needs Survey - Part Two Printed 22/05/2006 Torver 2006 124 survey forms issued 31 survey forms returned Questions 9 to 19 are only answered by those needing accommodation and are currently living in this parish or wishing to return to this parish 18. TYPE OF HOUSING NEEDED (continued) Does anyone in your household wishing to move need: Accommodation on one level 0 1 2 Which would best suit your household's housing need? Shared ow nership Renting Buying on open market 0 1 2 3 4 5 If you wish to buy your own home, what price range could your household afford? 3 2 1 0 Under £75,000 £75-100,000 Cumbria Rural Housing Trust - Housing Needs Survey - Part Two £150-175,000 Printed 22/05/2006 Torver 2006 124 survey forms issued 31 survey forms returned Questions 9 to 19 are only answered by those needing accommodation and are currently living in this parish or wishing to return to this parish 19. WHERE WOULD YOUR HOUSEHOLD LIKE TO LIVE? Numer of responses 1st Preference 2nd Preference 3rd Preference 1 Coniston 7 Torver 3 Coniston 1 Langdale 1 Torver 1 Hawkshead 1 Ulverston Reason for your household's first choice Live in this parish now Have close family ties in this parish Currently employed in this parish Born/grew up in this parish 0 1 2 Cumbria Rural Housing Trust - Housing Needs Survey - Part Two 3 4 5 6 7 Printed 22/05/2006 Torver 2006 124 survey forms issued 31 survey forms returned Questions 9 to 19 are only answered by those needing accommodation and are currently living in this parish or wishing to return to this parish 19. WHERE WOULD YOUR HOUSEHOLD LIKE TO LIVE? (Continued) How far away is your household willing to move? 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 5-10 10-20 miles 20-30 Are you a former resident of this parish who wishes to return? 2 Yes No 6 If yes, please tell us why you originally left Lack of employment opportunities Lack of affordable housing 0 Cumbria Rural Housing Trust - Housing Needs Survey - Part Two 1 2 Printed 22/05/2006 Torver 2006 124 survey forms issued 31 survey forms returned Part 1 - You and your household - Additional Comments: Potential Sites: I am not sure, but they need to be carefully thought out and appropriate for the village and environment. We have only lived in the Parish for 18 months, but returned to the village after 16 years away. When we bought our house, 28 years ago, no local would buy it, it had to be advertised in national papers to get someone interested! So how can I be blamed? My husband and I eventually intend to retire here anyway. We get involved with everything in the village – ask Councillor P Barr. We are currently about ½ way through converting a derelict building into 2 x 1 bed flats for rent to locals, providing 2 new homes. Cumbria Rural Housing Trust - Housing Needs Survey - Comments Printed 12/02/2006 HOUSING NEEDS SURVEY FOR PARISH OF TORVER MARCH 2006 SOUTH LAKES DISTRICT COUNCIL From Land Registry Oct – Dec 2004 Jan – Mar 2005 Apr – June 2005 July – Sep 2005 Oct – Dec 2005 Jan – Mar 2006 Postcode sector LA21 8 Detached Av Price Sales 0 0 0 0 £276,666 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 House prices from 06 April 05 Includes: Coniston & Torver Semi- detached Av Price Sales 0 0 0 0 £139,375 4 0 0 £198,750 4 0 0 Terraced Av Price Sales £202,500 3 0 0 £207,250 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 Property Type Detached Detached Bungalow Terraced Cottage Flat/Maisonette Av Price Sales 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Number of Bedrooms 4 4 2 Overall Av Price Sales £202,500 3 0 0 £207,764 11 0 0 £198,750 4 0 0 Open Market Price £359,500 £295,000 £195,950 Page 1 of 1 16 September 2008 7 Torver House prices.doc