Levy Talk Surrounds Teachers` Pay Hike Sheffield Lake Fire
Levy Talk Surrounds Teachers` Pay Hike Sheffield Lake Fire
March 21,1990 40th Year, No. 24 AVON LAKE m m >• BUSINESS REVIEW I • Im See Page 27 J Community Pulse And More... flJH.Jr. . Alarm.' " VVhilo g f g Corp. on ptn OakTaAwBy In Avon Luke was the iiono^of,,:. it-xalcium . carbide and nwgnbalum spill or release Xast WcdnesV d«y,',the important thing to note today, is tiwt-companyofficials.and the Lorain .Cotinty';Emergency Management Agun^have. assured us that the small quenli-; ' l ) d was'contained and there Is y Brian Nelson of ond, Roajborough officials tmeeting^around, press time . to ^ T ^ h W h reporting such ll bo shared Bi'Still a lot of talk around «o|ouff^area' cbmrounltlei"regarding Ihu & '%y6n^Lake>:Sdiool;'strlkennckout.. As J.t^picsTgo;;iwb-searched our-memories *and.Brenives for/an issue to match' and' „ )hallevo7nio:nbno exists. Whether it be W^tettors-to4hVeditor or- a", conversation ^s.|o«rTpdfffle' the subjoct was truly second: ; A NEWSPAPER OF GENERAL CIRCULATION IN LORA1N COUNTY 35C This year the budget will huve a $554,591 carryovpj balance. "The result is tho Board of Education will have to go to the public for more money," said Bolognia: "Schools are funded by the public. Presently, the schools have a five-year 5.75 mill operating levy which expires In 1992, and is up for renewal in November 1991. Some resident made suggestions for raising cash ranging from using high school teachers oa lndustrt&l consultants to renting out school buddings, others asked thu board to-consider putting a levy on tho ballot befbrn 1991. Bologn-a said the board did not want to en-ale u negative altitude concerning lev les which coul I popartlirt* pi*^ago of tho rvumral levy IIo tKitsd thai"ihs last limy ihVtoanipassed4lwyi\£#&imirm the fifth irj. ><**";, Thw mcsi^t,u Is tliaL thare is a cer^mn Mgtiioiit vtho Mould not bu Inuucsted in passing a levy It's a different town now (hen it was a Tow jcars ago," Bolognla ndded -» Tho recently negotiated teachers.' cantract becamo effective March 1,-1990 Sheffield Lake Fire Department Vindicated by Gtnny Aniklenko , SHEFFIELD LAKE - After the December 8, 198!) firo at the home of bank VIco-Prcsfdnnt. Sandra Kotradi. Brian Nelson, then safety director far Sheffield Uike, was handad n tajjed Btatoment regarding Uie ovonls of that evening. At the same timo, according to Nelson. Mayor Charles Kelly told him thor-j had betm a fire and |w wuntod the circumstances investigated. "Vifti.on i Uatonod to the tape/" Nelson Mid 'and nfter spuaking with tho citizens uamod by the person who mado U>e uipud statements, only two thing* wire cloar One, there were numerous Inconsistencies between theijo accounts v Quarter ry\ 'Meeting. I understand I^Trfayor Richard ^ W Haunrod I* con #*i iwnplaUnga return of hut quarterly com^ l t round table meetings. In the pa*t d has mot on occasional Saturf discuss the city. WOILII further *Bauoa for details Wantcd.*Tlie hunt Is on for adulu a sincere Interest to umpire Tluir | « a n , Munson, (13-15) Lfltto League ,by Alisa Sicker .; ,, ••_: >gMnesin~Avo5/Avon Lake and ShofPcld •:.•' AVON - Protests from rnorothan 25 fefljjcnfrom May through July Spend this Jaycox Road residents wore hoard Mon and two the only thing all five agreed on was that thoy believed the Sheffield Lake Firo Department was jll-pruparud to hutidJu fires, both in training and equipment." Nelson concluded that iht* Sheffield Lake Fire Department. «cled properly after he: - spoke with representatives from tKo Slate Fire Marshall'* office. -i discussed what athor fioi aepart m«ntfl*onr'lho st-flno knmv Lorain nndA Avon Ijiku also respi nded to Iho Lell - reviowed the National Fito.ProIection Association Manual, which, state*; proper firofigliting procedures. * Nelson said thai r l t atatomonU wow inado to him about the specific' problems evident in the handl-. Ing offireat tlK?Kbtrad(-rosIdonca.' • . ',* •>•> "For ojaimple.^.ha'aaid.'^I rivas: told that the fire department loofceti like they wore performing/a' Cbinwo 7flro diilL nVeU, to the aVeragoperson, fighting a, 'fim^ aeaeraUy ?:; •doea-CWol?-^*!^"" ;th*t^ • although ?! ]h^jneVeris«n^tfvChihes«; Residents Protest Fee Increases 2pV*Grwt5 Breakfast. Thn Avon Lako KIws.nls'Club Is now Bulling tickets for tholr-^ annual Pancahi 'n Sausagu ^Breakfast. This semi annual event is set iTot'Falm Sunday, April 8th at tho Avon «Ea«e High School Tickets can be pur £J chased from any Ktwanlan. nt tho door ftbt by tho Press office at 156 Loar f •Undor;Way.rThe 1000, MGP oE^Singln* In Iho Rain" ^jdtfi»-_pffiFriday!;'All reports indicate as ^fiSia!Js*hrjAoW;jto;-one'JhaIjy9Uvdon't ©Si^t^to[jnissv;Fo"rmCH)information see ?t *tpedal ad this isiuq^-^^'.V.1"'-".'-'1 • taSatEf/rui'^Lih^g^yccrnflr-, day aftor Avon City. Council mistakenly passed un ordinance culling for an increaso of nearly $500 In sowtjr top-in fees.,-. ; .. . • " . . . ' • • • • Council. Prcsidont Ed Kryatowski told the standing-room-o.ily crowd iho ordinance had bean passed after one reading by emergency contrary to city chartor rogulations calling for throe .readings of ordinances rogulotlng utilities. Tho ordlnonco, which would affect Jaycox Road residents, will roceivo second and third readings at future council meetings, Krystowski said. "It was an error, on my part.' > ' - • • « COPYRIGHT Levy Talk Surrounds Teachers' Pay Hike by MatHyh O'Donnell AVON LAKE - Although happy that the ivi.*cl.-ianR lockout is ov«r. scvural residents questioned school board members last waek as to wlicro the money to fund Ihc new 12.5 .percent teacher pay raises will coma from. "Wti Imvu negotiated n selllcr.icnt that is buseti on our best projecllon uf 1 ravonuo over tho next few years." said board member Frank Dolpgtila. Basically, estimates predict the school district will end the 19W- 1901 school year with a $023,000 deficit followed by a SaSO.OOO deficit, in tho 199M992 school yeur. ^ AVON SHEFFIELD LAKE fiWfiftatunno Awaiti Winnir-g 933-5100 SHEFFIELD Krystowski sold. "There w.is ho Intent pn council's part to ramrod this" through. According IO councilman William Hydo, utilitlos commission chulrtnau, tho Too covers a $350 payment to NonhL Ridgovlllo for upo of tho trunk Una; S1Z0 for Inspection 61 (he hook-up and a $10 opplicotion fee. Th<i Increaso. which will bring tho"tap-in fee cfaso to S1000. brings the city's foe "more In.line" with those of neighboring cltinit, octtorrilng to Krystowski. Jaycox residents wore particularly concerned because tho tap-In fou will add to the thousands.of dollars In ox* Continued on page 18 Allsasrcker - PRESS Welcomes New Staff Writer; AVON LAKE - Tho PRESS todoy announces thu addition of a now stuff writer who will Enhance, Avon inows T coveiugo ~ ' A lisa A Slrkor. of 6030 ^Opal -St., North Ridaovillo, will cover Avon by writing feature stories and tho "hard no-vs sttvies goneratod fiom city govurnmont and school board mcatings. Sicker is a 1QBZ grdduato of Reg!nn High Schooi in South Euclid, Ohio. Sho - v ^Sieatb^y:for*M>^n^»r^^#^ then attended Qhiu . University wlioru ^p@lin%ootod>uy^M^raejBDditP^^ site majored In journalism. She has bbtm dovelpors.ond.lh^citys difforonces employed as a writer for Iho ~-Baavee* wut ilxk lajtf\vfloki<CS)uactI ugroeo to rnuinsldor crook Dally Nmvs and tho CcittervUlo Timas. iho mattor ct the March 25 meeting froutatfon with the'Jail In \t» present A lisa and her husband, Ron. arc tho Vaughl asked Landig to briuf council 5qr d i i ^ 5 q r *<. " v purctitfl oFCnly, 3. und Kurt. 0 months. on tho advisability of hiring a plans ex ^ Hyd» wrindTHylng - ' H » been n In announcing Slckcr's omploymont Btnlnor an a per inspection busui. Lnndf g ]r ldlculoui-»hua(Ion foryeer* and It's 1 3 and ptens^ex- with The PRESS, managing otlitor ilmBwoaddn»w>d It" v "*&• "'* ^ x 'told,tauncll a state cortiOed 1 j ^nmlner couldit\tevlew blueprints' " for publlshur Richard J. Hammer, Jr. stiid, "I 4 V UagijflldtholOcellaipdyorTO U h l l i d d fhd oxt)octod demand* of the city but ihroo*ramlly homiuT' and commercial mn very plun&ud lo hnvo such an onstructure*.' Tho city would collect tho thusjiistic nud tnluntcd writur to stay on thai thfl^pracrice of accoutlng tmnai«a feos. Instead of tho stalo. «nd dovelopars lop of the fascinntlng and continuallyfrom Otbor lurUdlctlons for reunbuw could, »jjct v quicker ;actlan- on -plans, changing ovtints in Avon. I also am mosl t mwi wa iild hoip fund fcUl costs in Urn ganaxally']within ^waj,woelui,"y*Landfa confident Avon residents will be at case in developing a good rapport with Allsa." Ml • ! pecial cut meat orders are always ^ welcome at Food Mart SGonvenient ^ Redeem iKii tuwpon at any Convenient Food Mart Store in Erie, Lofotn, Medina, Woyrte. Summit, Portage, of Stark county and rrceive one loal o(._ ^ 3 V A I U A B LE COUP ON Food Men* > * " ' - ^ ice cream White 1 with coupon . 69* without coupon knit one Uml wtth rath coupon coupon n | M n at midnight March 2 Wi, 1990. X Fresh S l i c e d ^ ".•.'• ^American cheese... Z *,^v ^ o t time of purcho^\ ii meat ,* $ © 3 ^ 7 turkey ham..... I V ^ .a* Hamestyfe cole slaw Andre Champagne -> lit deluxe gard0^ salad..:... I roast chicken i • Paeon 5and«l O fiHtt ^ M f • tlbpt D*li3« • chocakit* (wdg« Mmfmch Elfin Packs.... Mountain Dew, Dr. Pepper or • $ Sour cream chip dip O a T . t ch«ke H pot pies ,,, : i Uonanrf MMI»T U.S.D.A. TOP CHOICE 1 joheless v * chuck roast... i ^ IB. IB. U.S.D.A TOP CHOICE banejess ^ sirloin steak.. fmt^fut N m fi»podiag*d Chicken 3r6sst , * z^ Owcfc and toijr LB. Chickon Patties $179 •?5 Certified Angus Bent available ol participating tloret only enter our Serving you today and everyday ^ f V Avon Lake Sheffield Lake • 137 lear fid. • 4786 Lake Rd • 453 Avon-Botdon Rd. KonvenSeni ^ Food Mart 9 W« m m . itw >^M M bmd qMMMt ond < J >^ r& ~rT&1 Letters UseP.O Box Consider The Consequences To lilt. Editor; Allt-i set ing the March 7 artic'e dbtiut protecting >our children, 1 just Jiiid f write *o tclf parents about usinj; their home pho i t numbers when placing it classified (rifor u babysitter. Pie-fee u e a post office box whentn-ec pos ibk. because thesu mis have been used b% potential vtctttnUars fo get to' children This happened to my husband s boss Name withheld by rrqucst 12" URGE PIZZAS 1 with One Hem ....MM To The Editor: As Easter draws near, so docs Mm time fur Eastt-rfgcs antl busk'/Isfilirxlwilli all Vim.b of goodies. Untcirtun'ntt'ly many 2 with One Item ......$8.10 people f(.-ci compcliud tu buy baby chicks, ducks and rabbits, inmc Wun 3 with One Item ...$11.20 dyed in bright 'Easier colors, fnr their children. * AddtUona! Items 80 5 Each Before purchasing one of these animals, please take a mon crit to consider tho consequences. While the jay of EVERYDAY... receiving onu of these cute young animals is short lived, (he care they need EVERY WEEK! U long term. Chicks turn into chickens Editors \ote: Although Ttio Press "ITS NOT HOW UTTLE IT COSTS. H r-nd ducklings into ducks and. of course, hasn t learned of, any specific cast: ITS HOW UUCH YOU GETT | | small rabbits into large rabbits. All of where 'his has happened, as a public s»rvice WL will now offer prFKKE f.O. these animals need space, proper nutriTHERE IS NO PRICE Box number for responds to those plac- tion and rti-an surroundings for healthy growth. Isucks and chickens are specialing a Help Wanted classified ad when LIKE OUR PRICE ly mossy. Young animcis el3Q need looking for a babysitter. This ONLY apdelicate handling, which children don't plies lo those seeking babysitters. always give in their uxcitumenU It is abu illegal in many cities to keep farm animals within city limits. • You Get What You Pay For So this Easier how abort some - . „ Features'^ the Week ~ To The Editor < chocolate bunnies, ducks nnd chicks inThere is yet another aspect tt, Jiis reFAROH'S OWN...SOFT, TENDER , w stead. It will cut down the horror stories cant education controversy. of what happens to live animals whon e ARAM ALLO EGGS M 1 was raised Catholic, including atten- they are dumped off at our parks or dance at O** >Iic schools and had along side the road. , . : V (made this wedt) ^ |J aspired to on Jay teach at one. Imagine Richard S. Sohi Our Own Soft Garamd Topped With Our Fluffy Marshmalio* ^ J my horror when I realized I'd be earning Sheffield Lake, O. less than ono-half of what my counterSV Packaged 12 to a Crate • Milk Chocolate WJ puts corned in'an'averase public school Sk "raaas^-Kb— THIS WEEK ONLY M system , . , • Adutta, Wake Upt Unfortunately, with my new degree in hand and no experience, the only posiTo The Editor ;: SAVE 95* tion J could find was in a parochial It always makes me sad to read a letter schooL What I found there, being now Opm. on the "Stt Jyaldet* as a teacher, was such as appeared in the February 28 7 Day* Press, from a young person having boon shocking. Firstly, the day of the perceivAW«k chased away for skateboarding and ask, ed prutigo of a parochial school hod itCotmsFtomFMOHS'K ing for a safe, legal place to skate. ended wlth'the^SOV/Nuns teaching In June, 1989, replying to a letted you CLSSRS were .virtually'extinct.What I found was an abundance of now graciously printed forme suggesting a skateboard rink at Bieser, Mayor graduates who were unable to secure any other position. (Thp .more ex- . Hausrod courteously called mo to say perience you have, the'greater tho his copy of the letter had been referred salary) There were also ro^ny women to the Recreation Committee. It seems to HT. S3 * WALKER RD.r AT "THE LANDMOS" teaching who were,provld | a second;.;, _havo died there. I have not heard nor lncoms in their hbiiMhold> How'many, - seen any action to establish a skateboard male teachers.: hava;;ybu/V•**?," in : rink. . : , parochial seruMlsTl^EacrVH spring.', there For most young people, thtire natural"BACK BY POPUU^R DEMAND" was a mad scramble for openings in sur- ly comosd. time when swing sets and rounding school]aystp',is."; -'••-, , , • sliding boards are outgrown and they 1BEST PHOTQjGRAPHYJS ready, for highly organized, comI won't go.Jntajtholevelofhypocrisy••• :aren't sports or boat ramps. Thuru't an and. narrowuluidedness flnd;"tunnel yi-'_. petitive 4th ANNUAL HEALTHY need for daring. obsorvedthore, but suffico it to 1Important challenging fun activities which Is going PET CONTEST!! unmet. Maybo C.A.T., C.O.R.E. v ly when I hod to pay my bills. C.A.R.E., PTA. and all the rest can got •y *~ I have since .''retired? and ;now hove bohlnd an effort to meat ;this need, P my own children in Avon Lalco schools. rather than endless warnings and talk ^ ^Yos.'we ore still devout Catholics but 50% OF ENTRY FEE W I U BE DC«A FED TO THE ANIMAL PROTECTIVE LEAGUE -When will adults wako up.,Young peo",' have moved here for the excollont public ple Let us capture their personality for you can see that our talk.Jalk, talk to < schools The ta^char-^Mdent ratio is low them about staying away from drugs Now thru Marr.h 31st 1990 {the fJationalt Education -Association and alcohol and going for tho natuUl ' t recommonds 15:1 and parochial schools highs Is so phony when we don't really MB O\BT TWICE^ that.) Also, r iour care ebJUgh to put our"money where < > children ant belog educated by teachers our know-H-all mouths ore. who have both a multitude of experience Name withheld by request • ^ and with over•;80% of> them holding ^ master's dogrees,; with the fair, but far _ f . rrom extravagant wages they earn, they ?lr caiVpay their.blUsywith' dignity. • T" yMt there are always, exceptions but I Congratulations -ssbelieve "you get wliat ypii pay"for". I'm , thankful Avon Laks is willing to pay a MUttlembre to1 attract the best teachers. In To The Editor: : i- there's no choice like the Just a note cf congratulations to both {e'ehurch for spiritual depth and tho girls and boys Avon Lake Varsity _./»andL'_thoi'8*§. uo;place like.Avon basketball teams for providing us (and jfor a quality education^ The two many other fans) an exciting season. We ^adon't and won't mix. really onjoyod Iho gamos and were saddonod to BOO It all und (by only one Namo withheld by request baskdt). Don't lose slghi of tho hard work and effort that made it such a groat year. Incredible WINNERS: l«t PlaceflSMrfwWA i6i20 WaB Portrait 01 Tndr Pet SrtectoO From Their ' ' Jlt.i & Barb Gerrasch IBBQRibs BBQ Chicken mi 933-4224 933-4477 _ 933-5708jJ $coo Candies LAST CHANCE!!! id t To The Edl'or I think It's incrediblo that 2,000 signature* were gathered in Avon Lake to put the issue of the Town Conteiitin the ballol and It appears Mr. Kopf doesn't really care. He Is going on with his. project a* scheduled. You would think Mr. Kopf would rather go nhond with the Town Center with tho people's support.,but "ho doesn't care.'Me anys this Town Center Is In the best interest of Avon Lako. How con 2.000 peoplo bo oo wrong. •; , .; Toll mo. Is the Town Center for Mr. Kopf or is it for me nnd you7 Who Is runnlpg this city? When 2.000 signatures don't mean a hill of beans ngainst one contractor, we're In a world of hurt. :•:: '< •-;•:- Noroon & Tim Chernock Favontc* Pose 2nd Place Wins An 11x14 Portraii 3rd Plata Wins An BxiO Pal Portrait (and the Grandmas) CONTEST RULES: Our customers ehobu tho winner. Anyone can stop by our studio, view thfl pet display and vote lot their favorite Stop in and vote u often as you lit** {one vote per person, per day - no mall votes accepted1, i . Thank You To 'The Pnronts and Students: Just a nrito to let you know how much wo appreciated your willingness to help during tho District Oand nnd Choir Contest. It wouldti't huvc gone us smoothly without your cooperation. You ddsorvu u roiuu! of npplnuse. Thunk* ogdln. ' Hnnd-Alds ENTRY FEE $5.00 L.50% will be donated to the Animal Protective League TO ENTER Call 833-2247 Of 140O-322*376 (Toll F » * | . Call NOWI BEST PHOTOGRAPHY'S BEST PHOTOGRAPHY # IMPORTANT * 090 AVON BELDCN RO. AVON LAKE. OHIO 44012 B33-2247 TOLL 1-eOO-322-!37B ' FRtC Bring t n * coupon wMn you pUct your O f t * t n l oX 3CM ofl v«ur tout Otom. HMlMM W* <••» ;\ R.). Hemmer Jr., Publisher R. J. (Dick) Hemraer Sr., Founder 1922-1989 GREAT GIFT IDEAS! * Great S^eoon of j M H.:MIM. tudv ;.; , .• "RaK-3 &-:•.« C^Sti Kt'.i'f l.t-.in. V . l.-ci'", 1 V.'.jn, f. ire lil.ifiuri M.i'k»i;t-r ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION RATE S25.00 ttin tUO, Av'tm I J U , O.. 44I1U Till? Prev* is a Newspdper of General Circulation in Lordin Courtlv TELEPHONE 933-S100 COPYRIGHT** 1990 TONING & TANNING SALON Circulation 1 1,673 r Serving Lalte Eric's South Shore Since 1951 ' , We've Just Changed Our Bulbs • Call For Package_Pfices_- 4 Ladies Casual Clothing (Including Plus Sizes) Avon L Slop lop tn and • « • our unique unique setKtton at - tiluWmaa* i»n«*ry from from ttn n » »rti«tii!l • L Set. B-5 933-7447 FAMILY VISION CARE CONTACT LENSES •TINTED • DISPOSABLE •ASTIGMATIC Erieview S c h o o l Saf&ty Patrol M o m b e r s Kfmberly W a c h i e r (left), R i s a A l l e n {right). • ' . • . . SCHOOL CALENDAR WecL. March 21.7:30 p.m. - Wintpr Band ConcoH - Old C y m ..... / •: . ' - . ' . - ': ' •• •' "' Wed*/:March ; 2I,-7J0p.m. - Inslramural Basketball Field House : Tfauni.. March 22, 7:30 p.m. • Intramural Basketball • Field House Sun., March 2S; 7 p m . - Wintur Sport* Awards • Auditorium t t - • . . " ' • ' . . • • • ; •• r . •. ER1CVIEW VOLUNTEERS IN EDUCATION Erieview VIEs (Volunteers in Education) continue to1 give counties? hours of thelt time to assist ths sludnnts in a variety of ways. Boys Wnd girls look forward to this special attention given to them - THANKS ERIEVIEW VIES. ;' OPTOMETRIST [216)933-5300 32730WALKEHRD BLDC 1 EVENINGS AND SAT. AVAILABLE . , ; ATTHELANDINGS'; CtVONLAKE.OH44012 •••-••'• • •• • ERIEV1EW HAPPENINGS Congratulations to tho following stuttenlu who participated in the 1990 Cruativo Arts Fair: Kindergarten/First Grade: Haley Nightman, Angellu Elliott, Michael Keegan. Maria Ralston, Patrick McDcrmoli, 'Emily Montemagno, Michelle Shdionbcrger, Susan Youtt,. fason Herborth, Jonathon Leonard. Andrew Fondorbosch,..Bruit Skarkody. Sarah Htilbert. Brandy; Carr, Angels Didalvo. Amy Bridonbakor, Julio ' Berg. Gregory Magufro, Duslin Duns, Michael Koarns, Kelly Phillips, Mark Ughtfaot, Kioth Lawior. Justin Co Id bach. Loslto Wilholm. Carl Smerk, Midwife Funovits, lohh vendor Oord, Met in Eron. lulfrey Davis. Second/Third Grod«: Ryan Frankhaustir, Kitvin , Krwoger, Nicky Hart, Andrew Phillips, Jessica Elliott, Kristin Dudas, Dan McDermott, Elizabeth Antorhaw, Matt Ughtfoot, Nicholas Herman, Becky Upson. KenVIE, Alice Ramafey, and second grade studra Koch, Matthow McDormoit, Christophe. Holbert, dent, Joshua Flesher. Timmy Cuenther. Jonathan Sullg, Both Diamond, Robbio Craobtirl, Jaclynn" Looser, Jonathan Ulrich. Tony Ceorger, Erin Niobea. Jennifer Huang. Anthony Hart. SCHOOL LUNCH MENU (Subject to Chungc) Jennifer Helbfg, Jessica Kowalczyk, Murk Vyvoda. Kalia March 2o - Submarine Sandwich, Vegetable Soup. Harrigan, Sara Paine, KHsten Hcnncl, La'uron Taylor. 1 Fruit. Dessert. Milk. Mogan Ryan. Fourth/Fifth Grade: Michael Huang, March 27 - Huraburgor on a Bun, Friiis. Picklus, , Adnm Zakol, Amunda Crellin, Oonny Clark, Derek Chocolate Urowtno. Milk. Kauffrmnn, David Hort'on, Shana Hurbanek, Jason Con- March 2(J - Pepperoni Pizza. Mixed Vegetables. Pi.ieupger,' Mlko LfghtfoiJt, Emily Fendcrbosch, Jannette An- ple. Coo kin, Milk. tochow, Dustin Koch, Kim VVnchlor, Eric Lawior, March 23 - Turkey, R(c« w/Gravy, Pnos. App!c.Hiiui;i!. Brianne Kossldr, Jacky Hornm, Michelle Harmon, Juson CornbrtMtl w/Honoy. Milk. Andro, Brandon Aslpkson, Ron'Pawluk. Smin McDor- Mnrclt 30 • Grilled Cheese. Tomato Soup, Fruit, Kice mott, Jenny Poland. Kntie Latvior. Alison Mtttner. Rob Krisple Square, Milk. Ciionthur, Stephanin Cwrroiie, Vnlorio i'ervo, Sarah C Avon Schools Menu ERIEVIEVV SAFETY PATROL One of the most responsible* partitions that a fifth grade student might be a part of is the school sitfuty Wed.. March 2! patrol. Students come to school early or atfiy Inter to Tnto assist other students in cmning tour leiivinri school snrely. They urn outside In (ill kind* of woalhur .nut (tru Corn pp dedicated and hard working individual.-]. The following fifth grndo studutiln nr» p:irl ul the 1980-00 Eriovicw nrcmd School Safety Pntrol: Erin Thiylman, Josh Shumhlin, , Cooklu Stephanie Dnrnott. Nicholo Alien, Kis« Alltm. [im Thur-i.. Mutch 22 CJrcon. Stacy Ilarkhust, Megnn Moore. Shnlly VVnhl, Snli.ibury-.trill, iinil rici; Motif Max«,t 1J. Frank UUIOKII, Puhhy Clark, [onny (jM!i:n Iliiintn Poland, Jennie Oagvtad. Shann Hurbunok, Kim Slcirch, Fruit Kini Witchtor, Hrtanno Kcwslor. Joflh Wusi, Parti Ice Cream Sinidwich Paasmore. Abby Valok, Brad Kauffinan. Andy Ftnvkes, Fri.t March 23 Brfiin Fair, Abby Wighiinan, Sean McDurmnlt. Rachul Twisted Cheese Sandwich Tomuto Soup Krumweide, Melissa Montguniery, Cain Kyitn, Q l Fruit , Wheelcn • -A DR. SCOTT H.SEIPEL Cnokitr Mon , 2li Coakiu 'Cues.. Mtirch 27 Krmst Turkey Oread Fruit Pens * Milk is served with nil lunches. TAt'BUStApr22-MayU)Y0UafC going to fall in love today or lomor> ruwbutitmaybewtthncauseorijob nther than a person. In-laws could nukeyouskktoyourstomach. You will \k looking fur something cutlunl to da this weekend and what voii find may make such an mpr*aon yo*» want to pursue it further. CEMINI (M»» 23-JuoIl) You *i!l go out of your way to take rkks toliy. If you're thinking about fudging on your u»es you'd belter think twice. Slopping with Ihe gang on the way home tonight could, nuke a ditam come true. Eut you may have to look for a new job on Monday morning. CANCKH (JunU-Jul 20) Ymtf love life could be rather dreary ami you need to spice it up. Have you ever tried one of the do-it-yourself books? You are go.ng lo need more than knowledge la get through the reitof the, week: it will Uke excellent instincts also. When in doubt, uke the advice of the loved one. oiuttic bent now but it may be in a Mrangemodc. You are going to be playing one-upmanship wiiri s rwighbu*^ Yt>uhavcpleni¥ofenergy for things you enjoy but not somuch for other mailers. Out if you're sman. you'llfindthe energy tofinli*i your household chores. llamburgrr Tfllcr Tots Fruit M l l be depressed 'xcause lift seeeni to be passing you by. Tbe problem could be thai you are wasting your energy oo trivii issues. -AMI c r '*, find yourself in • precarious situation before Ihc week is ocl and K will p i your name in front of the public ,ivy VIRGO (Aui Zl.Stp 22) Make'no dctuioflj today (ewen if you can) is your thinking i* wipetL You are going to be thrm ng your money away chasing an im^ossilde ro- p with yo»r tm. coutd be Oerikipatg^ Y d i k r more optimistic; Y« /will u n ** *pe«I your ntoney having tar V l»methisw«ekend. Bu*ifyocdo,^ oeijhbor could bring you «* Mr*-" plorinal upense. ° SCOHnO (Oet tt-No* 33} Ywfs may no; "a, wotting very hard but 'i^ you'ienmspbyfagrortl And you're gong to mfeondenund • signal tnix "*idd up emBtrrasjeiL'Jrou'Burjr emBtrrasjeiL..rouBurjrS decide you need u< go bmcfc id >clibotc| or pick up i cJtst" But It could be »>'& learaiornethingyoulikerathcriban^» •omeUung you need. • "• ':,•*;.:•'•$>' ' . . . . •: • • . j ' i V . ' ^ SAGITTARIUS (Nov 24-D«c 2 1 ) ^ You could be vtxed Miu/\tiaa£ Congeniality today. windfall could come your ' you'll probably throw il t w i y / wi U come to you from a very umtsuaI5j direction. You will do some Ofym*. pic eating ihli weekeAd instead Ur lacing life. . W. „ CAPRICORN ( D M XX J a n 17)Tn*l romance of your life couldget staned i> now. Pay especial auendon lo b u s l i ^ ness call*, one of them will be P*t4t&' dirt. You could be taking a little trip% with fnends. li'i tiny.you stopped^ being so conservative and s u r u d 4 | allowing yout mind to roam \ AQUARIUS Una IS-Fcb U ) You will be dancing to • strange tune tally and while you may be out of ^it step, you could leani a new routine. You are thinking about uking »tab", batical — alone.ofcourK Rutliu* i<tne the drtams >»u rcuun with could be very practical ones. „ PISCES <Ftb 17-Mar 20) Youw should be experiencing tne rebirth of your optimistic nauire and you II >c] probably run right out and Uke an unnecessary chance. You should be ** yeucrhatffuJi Wniiflg about « h u / c u want iff (to >, out yourfinancialaoubtcs wia have the rest of the way. Yo« *wiJd do r JUH begun.) You ihoulii plan some- wdl to discuss your ideas with dote ** associates. thing artistic for t(ie weekeeJ. Alien Wolf. Onvvtr. OG. Bvd •PL.MS DEALER AUTHORS. Pameft H'ill-Szvsi'dy, Irene Shuihttr. and ShirU'y MiicheK contributcd'artie'es to ','.'*:*' I'la;^ Uv,',\'-v s s p f t t a l Oliiu Right t o ' L t A R W U O D ' S PEER T U T O R S SHOW KESULTS. Principal ' Bill Hamilton !i.r- i.-vcrv r-.-^un lo'hv proud •vf t'rn-' "I'i'i'r" tistortti^ program -,ut upby . I've been thinking ab for the last coupU- of day< . Iy having trouble deciding whatK) u :;;••. My last two wrt?k«. h;j •«. bion filled with a variety of emotions ^-.d !'•:; itill trvinu to sort things out. Tuesday • it;hl's uoar«i of education meeting and last ivr'A't Avon LaPe Press got my fe«l mi<i slinei! up again and it wasn't until I took pen in hand that I reali/vd something. IT'S NOT OVER. Sure, lhis labor dispute is ifitidily ended and teachers are bat! in our classrooms.. , The settlement n "signed aud the new contract is being tyf.'J.'But the process cf labor-managemei 1 relations continues.' We started a p' ices* called Relationships by Obfc: .'Uns (RBO) about 18 months ago wit. Ihe help of the same Federal Mediator -hat worked with us in these recent ncg\ >PJ turns.'(Mike Noga, The Press reporci. did a great job of describing RBO in •' c* March 7 tuition of our local papt •) Teachers and Tianagemeht had bogun ;• dialogue about icutua! concerns and thought the process was working prett; well. Tho challenge ahead for both the teachers' union and management is to get RBO working again. It won't be easy, but the effort must ba made. \nv '<! n: !! .1 .">••..-U 1 h i <ui'.t»r\ !h.- n" I 1 •veil.(i l.'ij-1in!Ivr the hiei< |; \vi\l .tlw.fvs 1'" ;iV.iii.!l!it-' ' n <5I1_V {ili7f[j, Our fciujnis. 1 J ! | I T .jll, hclor>g ' to. ihtf ri".idi!rtt> cf A i o t i Laki:. O u r [in.i'icMl n.'ntr'J*. i:i F.r.'.t j|i:io*t a!! of u u r rect»rds. .«n( Dfjt'ii u_- tin; tmliik: and u i n be viw.«i"i by tn-iVini; J;i ijp;joiiili:li-'nt with cithor thf TttMsurer o r myself. W e h.ivt- nn •ii:c.ri!l"> Hiiii'ivt.- iirt" vt;r> tviiling tu t a w linst' in exp!;n!i thi- infi^rmatitin !n anyone ivhn .i%*s. O m i n i e n • i:ourtf;ty would sui;i>t.'st lh,!t m.jkinj; a n appointine'nt sirnt'or >;jur ".pacific tequL'st in ;id- vancii K .tpp'mpriatc. Hut, if history toacht'K anything. I would guess thai this sudden intere'st in this fictuiit (I.tt.t will quickly di.tiipptiiir until November of 1091 when ;i levy will lit; on tliw hallitt. Such i» life. IT HAPPENED TUESDAY N'iC.HT (A brief report on 'Ihe official actions taken at the March mcrtinK of the btiard Bernard firtuJur, W,3!iir nup.ir rtltr.itmri Duanu Uuriiry. Cilv Hirip!-:yt-o Ken KiUcngcr. W.itt'r1 nVport PfdlutitJii • Eliza Records. Hrjin<;mi]'i.f?r Irene Shuaier. 'IVather. Avon Mit;h School l!.'.- '.i.M.r-.i,miti i;mda.*n;tf -itdff. G r a d e s •.•.••re; r(j(i;;s.ir''ij \»tU}tv .i-id diter tutori"K too*. ;JUK,*' tHi'i icradfj w e r e u p ' u n a n u'.tTiiai; o f 2:-'J of a :;idd«. Iti ihis p r o g a m •itudet't'- 1'jtfjr other ',tud*;nfs d u r i n g A CLOSING T H O U G H T . T h e ilhict".!' word fur "crisis" in cornposetl >'f i\«-o ,pictiirt'-charactcrs...th« onu iiierjinn>! ''d-iiitft'r" dnd the oth»fr mean-' iriK "opportunity". Fur additional information fvntitct Clayton Dusuk. Nursery School Registration Set The Sti-pptiiji Stones Nurswry School is registering for the 191)0-91 school oyar tliat will, begin in Scpt^mlwr of 1090. Thi: school 'is lociitcd in tliu United Church of Christ. (K)3 Sunset AvenLe in S he ffield Lakii I'ln's is a -1-year old pre-scho il witli Liaises being held in the morning and iiltumoan by The Ohio Department of Human Servicos and provides a preIcindergartcn program for children 4 years of aj{e. The aim of the program is to provide for the all around growth of the child which will contribute to u happy and successful adjustment to his formal education. It is our aim to foster your child's own creativity, self-reliance and positive solf-iinagu. For more information or to register your child, pleaso call B-19-S171 oh Mon- • day. Tuesday or Wednesday between, fl:.3O a.m. uiid 2:30 p.m. or S33-4731 when school Is not in session. /GOT Ascot imousine ervice White Lincoln Presickv tia! Stretch (Seats 5 6} Al's 3 hr. Wedding Package .... $9£ .00 AI's 8 hr. Wedding Package.. $225:90 ) offer t) i, ilaimad glais nanmnbtont" oi u«Wir>g. ijf.i (of attwidant* afJ \k1h l\ to Also 6hr. Prom Package $180.00 Pieaae Contact Paul or Honnah 949-6760 3930 Colorado Ave., Sheffield Village •••••••••*•••••• tOPE5\l CV£ +c Come In and \ \ -. ^c M See Our Low Prices! ^ v / \ ) -k '$• WEAR IT AGAIN* -k Consignment Shop * ^ Shopping at Wear It ^ -K Again is like raiding * M your sister's closet. 'New £ * fashions arriving daily. * •k + ^ Earn money wnen you ^ -K let someone "Wear It * ** Again". Sell your gently * ** consignment. used clothes on * Call for Appt. or Just Stop In * * 36927 Detroit Road Avon Plaza (Behind Papa's Pizza) 934-6004 J Hrs. Mon.-Sat. i o a.m.-6 p.m. * • • • • • • • • • * • • • * HOW ABOUT YOU? Who takes c v of your beautiful things? • • , Clothes today arc expensive and you always want to look your best. Don't take them just anywhere or trust them to jusl anyone. Come In and see wh^re quality still lives. You'll love our 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE. THE FUSSY CLEANERS * 116 MOORE RD. 933-3164 MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 7:00 AM TO 8:00 PM SAT 8:00 AM TO 6:00 PM • CLOSED SUNDAY Ken ChapmkJ at. Mqr. Rotend Slotter, R,Pru SUM Pharmacist Sheffield Lake Safety Report j_ Dick Kauttman P harmscl st-M gr. AU Your Avon Lah Drug* Prescription; and Health i\'«J> Art ,tt Fcx the Pofcce L03J OOA-Gcne On Astnai 1637 - HOV^ELL-Comolanf of vandattm ireciiMMly SLt^oci ao\i«oa* 2135 - LWtE BH£ETE/»<J*ICKER9OCXEB.Tn_™ -, stop. Mate OTestmt Oil •arrant out of Parma PJB.1S BOLOBe On me Lookout Phone 933-2525 _' .^ A !l W O C * PS Q U A R E '375 LEAR R P-AV°N L A ^ PRESCRIPTIONS ARE THE HEART OF OUR BUSINESS: Your Fiitl Service Neighborhood Pharmacy Modem. Computerized For Efficient Professional Service Registered Pharmacist On Duty VW AH Times , , if Wrf»1llrf*I7w'lK»T€?ra»Ieti?iITT-IST?lil aTsfeT¥iTiTtrara-e Grandma Au^^?! CheesePizza I Conditioners j ^ j i potato Chios -.* J g g ivfiSSESS? 12 0*. 16 oz. FOX DRUG FILM DEVELOPING. • " MONEYTSMVING COUPON/ ,• ^ S4.ag: 2nd S«to434 Prints FREE > , f _ _ COUPON ^ FREE STAMP i (25< Value) With Purchase O f *« Any American" t i g ) Greetings Card \ V i fit <nhulten Harts aibnim'^s 5 ' • 1756.- £A&r PT. CnrnpfcHnt of a bdfWnfl dotfJrti lhaaraa A K m - v 1830 ' OUVL^rMANHOC-Cornotail o l ntputotrt AdvlB«d Chech* *K qi»ei . •• • • \ \ ; • .. •• ••-,)) 0058 •> LAK£*.V0OD OEACH-Unil out al a pasty lo sOvfcM o* n»£afry parKBd CA-a '11BT- LAKE RD.-Complaint ol tnatt 1201 •. LAKE BD -Mmor MVA. Rvpwt, &7DnOCYC jocstw&iwt. UTL 1522 - OAYLE-Comptomt of neicjtibor problam. . •& Veterinary Career Day Set On,Saturday. .April. <21, .1900, Ohio Statn University College of Voiurfnary Modidno vrill presont Its annual Opon uHouso and Career Day. Tho program Ifi ^deslgnod.tq stitiiulalQ [nterest in tho "'VatBrinnry pretension, tore,cal avnilablo opportunflioa.-and to attract tiuallty appltcantfl for admission to tho callcga Tho Opon, House alto will bo; informative, to! the'general community and >thoio Interested In th<t college's scrvico Draperies Plus Cordially Invites You To Our. . ^ • • " • • ; 3rd Annual Spring Open House ^ M Saturday, March 31, 1990. 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. &£:4: Lv 1 P.M. Jane Morse. Interior Designer "Focus On Color" : Bring your questions. 2 P.M. Spring Fabric Showing The Newest In Designs And Colors 3 P.M. Flower Arranging By Mary Ellen Ptazzo ••' 'J* » ,«* Savings Up to 50% Win A $500 Gift Certificate tlVJHA CUVfLAND tORAIN 327-8044 252-1503 933-3518 #^:te;v^.:-!•:•",-> Draperies, • • 9 { K A V T *&*— ^ , ' LU*!*" Custom Decorating 3 2 6 7 2 CENTER RIDGE MH(S CHECK COMMONS NORTH RIDGEVIILE _ 2017 - LAKE RO Unit to delver > ITIOMB>M --, — SVPO, UTT. aubiect *-T^&.*«- <" 2023-LAKIf RO CcotpWrtf of a anal I raro» R«ferratf lo OW -^ 2130 • HOLL. naport ol * poafcbte prowler. OOA (L io program will run from 3 pmA to 4 pro at tho caOegvHn Ctihl Ohio. " -. " . ^ , For tnrortnation abnut Caraer D B ^ 1 lerastod Individuals may contact ',1 Donald '»!. Kowloa of Landings Aniir Hospital at 933-214S or 238-3629 or^ the O.S.U. Colloge or VcMrinat Medlclno. Studotit Affairs OfTIca at (614)1 202-6831. " V>«J ij=£ ; _ 2150 - tAKC RD-Cornpteit of loud rnuKte « t i campion. Advtwd 2247-WESTOR ft«oortO(ai Out attfwdrh»«woy OOA & UTI_ MARCH 14 - , 0102- UtFAYETTE-ComclsM offtvan p t t U d k S the rrnddla ol I t s read 0e2l^^^vOO0>H bfe olrou.'urbl ssaltling, 1212 ,~ A80E RO-CwnpteaH of e CMe*ia OK. foouna ouL 1419 - W ERIE Uwt pdUng up m on *> S our•wsnarri IS17 FREEDOM PARK Report ol a(drt bike bo Ing ridden. GOA a UTl_ & , f, 1715-LAKE RO VandoNntoa v«ti. LrVooft^i tr30-MAth5ON-ns.r««pondkigJu^ -1' M m t t t i U UnitMai«iing.. ^ 173S . FEBNOAIX-CompUnt of opM 1323 - L>KEWOOD QEACK'-t.S.feapoodino to Itjoble brmttWQ, Vciiis us3i*^«<f. 1331 - f rAnK-Comy*atfil jt vanUbam 1'J35 - HAWTHORNE-Rdport o l domea'x:; HsaotwK* 1952 - LAKE PO.-Mmpf MVA. Report 2145 - KEl"Ji.WORTH.nepoit o( susptctows vohii C h O 23'C - LAKE BO Report o l au3C»r<ou» malfl. •! 9°J^P2^L!r-fl^^j Mr ' 06 ZJ - ASEE PD -Unit a.-ianiU'i SM.'fr*4d P 0. wen traffic controt 1651 - LAKE ntX-flepart o(.posa<t»<j hfl.*it. Soo(ects advisctt. . •' ' . , '- , 2119 - IflWtG PARK-Comolaidi at phone caffl, Rcpo't. MARCH 9 • , , .' 0311 - LAKE ftO-Trstnc 3tt»p. VMe DUI ' . . • C452 - LAKE BD-Und checKaig on ccpttcco Checks OK. ' , 1815 - LAKE RD.-Comfciiiinl o l thett. Report. l92b-HAnniSfiD-PfiyjtemwlhiuvwiA.a GOA. MARCH 10 0 M 7 • LAKE RO.-Un-toickoauo sutnert liorrLPD on our Kfarrant. ' • ' 0235 • LAKE HD.-Unrf out with, dooriieriy nu)o ArrestM (of OCi (nfox. UT40 ,• reWiD/LE-'HOV/ELL-TfaWtc1 atop Ma*« artesied for OUI ' 0255 - HOLL HD. -Complaint o l unwanted mato. Sub(«ci orivBoiJ., , ' • . 1120HCLLVWOOO-B.S. responding "lo ur*(*cwn prcf^ern. Urtits as^sted. 1154- FEB^DALE-Beport ol oktorty • C t w c k t OK.- • MARCH 11 'OneTo Keep, One To'Share". Fresh Baked fvwyday Lew Price 2 Prints i Buy 1. O»( 2nd FHEEf ••'•• 1 D A Y S E R V I Q E . Italian Bread on 0 0 1 6 - LAKE RD.-Omt * -??^ 0307 - t A K F PD-l .«ts ctwAlng on AuoeicfOUti' condition. Checks O^_ ^ ^ 0735 - HAHRISrFERNOALE Mnor MVA, ftafOrtfe4 1621 • V^EST SHORE-Cwnomnt <rf ver*d» htttJcJ a mi&OK.' Subrcls advt*«j 1629 - HARRIS BO-Cvrptart of suspqeut.^ ifWKW cafl. R*porl - •.^eigSrt 2042.- WEST SHORE Compfawit ol ,p»x>ne caa. Report. 2349 - GULF RT 1^4-Un from OSP. on our warranr MARCH 13 0135 -.EQOEWAIbRUntt dskrand • tor LFO. 030? LAKE Unit ricJw lo A.L «**» 033? < SSOUnit crwckwg 2 n M M i AOVvwd MARCH a ate>jua('|iy'ii4'ii'if^iiiBmHi|ft.r;k'MiiPi:jB«.psCT^rryr^ •:H-_-. MARCH 12 DWHJnyjftg Whte Intojucatwj MCC-Na Cause lor C«r-c*aint Oiip-Unlt-Oisinli^ed Urala OUl-Drw>ng UIKJW ifto lotluencw Toll Free Phone 871-3728 p Bepa<L *• Looking For SUE MARINER To do your Hair? Formerly from MANE EVENT Sue has moved to: HAIR DESIGN ALL SERVICE SALON Serving You If, Our Pleasur* 26945 Wntwood Road. WnUake 871^2172 Come In with coupon and receive 10% OFF Service with Sue only!! Letters thinV of ms (or my parenting skills or my students. 1 do licit feel *'Fuwcr Plsv Tac& Sincere Thank You 7> T v' U»!«'y lo UmjJ »f they discovered a drug tics" should be used..! feel if TltUST.anJ : 1 prc 'Wm in my family?" ntvi "What is U N D E R S T A N D I N G c o u l d , b« - ToThcEd;:or ' "•• "''''"' hcthne going to do next?" Frnxc within' ESTABLISHED and PROVES betwemi t would lite to take ttus oppufumt} lo Keep An Open Mind the cfacinical abusor sounds liku thi*1 B.O.E., Administrators, Teachers. thani; jll of tl-o*c people that hrlped ^ "IVow. [ really cam* dose to getting killStudents, and Taxpayers, needed tax mak« the D'j'nct Bdnd ajd Chair Cor- X To The Editor eii. caughi. e t c " and "What will they levies COULU BE PASSED. lest rua so well in spile of very trying T, think of me if they discover 1 can't conAs 1 nwd the letters to the -ditor regarj° Again, thank you in all who had any circunutances ding reaction to the teachers' salary set- , trolthisr* Four tb^utand four hiiodred p&oplo g part in the "Pay to Participate" tlsiedirt. 1 became quite concerned. porforrwd at Avon Lake High School _ Unfortunately, none of these < .jars are programs. We are one of the new resldonts of aihd Learwood Middle Scl,ool on Msrch S voiced loo often. But they do a lot to conJohn W. Bonar Avon Lake -who chose this community 9 and 10 This tiimondovj undertaking o trol our actions. Fear quite often keeps because, ol;your educational systnm. us 'ram acting and getting the help that Thank Ycu . ' was ooli accomplished through :hc ^ Kesltors and citizens remarked With combined efforts of many people First — is needed. It keeps people cycling To The Editor .•':'.'•: pride and displayed articles promoting of alL I meat thank Dr DucaL and all of through the pain, grief and anger which Avon Lake Brownie Troop U76O the quality of schools. my coUi-agucs un *hn teaching staff fur § accompanies this illneas. Fear leads us would like to thank the following offering (heir total support aiwi ^or. being to the !ncvit*bla consequences o r unYet I have been told about the history restaurants for their generous donations completely profescw>nal during tho week, treated chemicai dependency; severe of struggle to p*«* lgvys and road of pizza: Pizza Hut. Sheffield Lake: Marwe were nut of school Don Cash, Dave physical illness or Injury, insanity, statements; from .citizens promising tin's. Sheffield Lake; Whistle Slop. Avon ' Aijakswn *nd the maintenance-crew for suicide or premature death by other wnrar to vote for passage again. Lake; and Gepptrtto's. Avon Lake. picking up and returning ch*irs. risers, ••-..•'./' ' • ' I was- surprised as many were to see m e a a s . . •tsnds ani'i equlpmicl from --other Your contributions helped maJu; our the range of compensation for teachers. If you are thinking this sounds a lot schools. \ht secretaries, Sherrl. llarb. Thinking Day celebiJtioit a huge sucBut to feel they are undeserving and onlike your family, community or yourself Joan. Jcidy and especially Irene; the concess. Thank you. ly woikfl months a year is unfair. We and you have been avoiding or feeling test simply rapid not nave gone on ' •'. , Brownie Troop M76O oajy see the tea^o^v.working 9 months. uncomforoble with this topi*:, f ask you rvilhout these ladies. Tlarwlngcuriiculura,. organizing inforto reach foe the courage to leati) more Thank You mjtion, preparing lesson plans and corabout it. This week you'll have thai opGerry Severn* was invaluable in runsr^ recting papers iiakes couatless hours as portunity at a special forum presented ing the stages at learwood vritL the help To Tho Editor and People of Avon Lake: does the time devoted to seminars or adby the Cora Team of Avon Lake High of Gary Loia. The parents really-saved The Avon Lake High School vanced degrsfy work. Good teachers, like School. It is a three week series beginnthe day - Barb McCaw Marlls lankey Shoremen Band Aids wish to thank you many1 we have In this community, also ing this Thursday. March 22. entitles and-Janet Coffey who organized the for your support of the OMEA District attend ^school r,functions or support. "Teens and Chemicals": For Parents many parents that ran t i contest from IV High School Contest We would hko Dtudents; in-; other ways that are s o ! and other Concerned Persons." It will 2^0 pan, on Friuiy until 4.30 n"(n, on thank all the ttudonLi. adul>a and measured as "hours working". It is not be held from 7 p.m.- 0 p.m. In tho hjg'i> to Saturday; Robbie and Mary Ann 1 Stern f businesses who helped to make this concompensated, but its effect is great school cafeteria.. I hope you will join us for organizing and rennint the kitchens. .V*test a success. . ... and receive answers to questions you Most Importantly, 1 can never thank Teachers may: enter- the field for We' thank everyone for working haven't been able to ask, nope to subside the young ladles and gentlemen that are ' altnJsH^reasons but this is the,real together as a team to mako this project a your fears, and courage t& continue facmembers of ou.high school bonds world and earning a comfortable living huge success. Without you it could not ing the problem of substance abuse. (See enough. They not only helped set-up and % seems to be part of 1L Would any of ush Family Awareness column for more hae been done. A special thanks goes lo run the content but truly proved the saytell our employer that.we should only tho administration, principals, teachers.' details.) ing that whan the going goU tough, r U3/\ have a small Incremental raise because secretaries, A.UH.S.i Band Aids tough-got going. After natjhr^ing , ^ \ we earn a flood wage already?. , Marita Pompeani. members, nurses, and school employees rehearsed togethe- for eight (Sj^daya, x , Core Team Advisor who'helped In many.ways. Thanks to 1 nope the bitter and polarized feelings both groups performed ard earned ^ \ ; Avon Lake High.School the people who did the. telephoning. can be healed In the next months as "superior" ratings which* makes thom <> ' ,* paper work, ordering the food/serving many dd: And I hope the citizens of eligible for State Contest. Special thanks 7 ^ the food, giving but information at the Avon Lake keep an open mind regarding to Robin and Tim -»^th whom I was In •. ' \ doors, were announcers, parked school future levys.f_Quality education means,. Look At The Whole Picture the glus,^, zd buses, plus all the other fobs which had . dally contact and who provided f_ money and.thai means Increased taxes. " T ^',-*-' ^ W i U> b*4one.Thanks to the band and choir to keep us all logatbe;/ » -_ X^^thinJcofa.taxinctwueasanuivestTo The Editor: •/•:... I have read manr.J«tter» in this paper.- " ,]*$ studwis for helping guide bands and ,'*%ment In'bur children,dry and country. ; Congratulations: to the players, a most of therein H yigaliva vain toward/' ~£jpi chofrs around .the)buildings;:,answer *• NI knovr'there>rIs a high percentage of coaches. Booster Club and all others honwowners;who do not have children . who had a part In the "Pay to Par- questions, plus everything <i£w you did. one group 6^ itooyher. I have always "*. f^jfj been proud to be a member of this com-' 1 ' - Thanks goes to the news media for the '* aitanciog'thiijpublicsehooU. Those of • ncipate'*: program In the Sheffieldmunity and ichoi*Lr •ystem.j I, wish r j !5 'yoo who;atteod Catholic tchoots, please; Sheffield Lake Schools. In 198(1 the exceUant coveraga pfthU'event everyone could put tfiei^personil fee%^ 0 ~', ' - remember tbai'we of tho church support. : S.-SX. B.O.E. made a decision to cancel Ings aside and realize what weThave In"Thirty-six-bands andi forty-six choirs your school from our weekly donations.. all. extra currlcular, activities In the Avon UVo • *ln>|it]r UMJ finest peopta and In "attendanca^Everywhere you Jast as you "pay double" so do we. And •cbool sysletn to MVD Iho ayslem , were, kids around. Last Friday an^Saturday* , wen! at Learwood Middle. School and ' r those, of'you i who have children who - $87,014, which was spent on these pro1 Avon Lake High schoolydu could hear* proved that, not only to us but to sixty « JbavBgnduaUdplaaieconslderwhatniy grams in 1088-1989.'with 521 students .music \B0) other school system* thnt tanw to' o r scales^ WeSvish'allthe bands L * Vraother Used ^ say. "Others supported participating. The Booster Club w«nt to : this lighthouse w h o o r district,». Now ' and choirs good 'luck-*n.jthdr.future ^ t h e schools when you children were el1 the B.O.E. and aaSed them to ntconsldor more than ever./ • , v-' *-£,*?! C/•*„•. plans whether they do to State Contest .^ ^ tending, ,1 can d o the same now.** and that they would help out Thalr offer Harry Pflng»tea £ „ -^'~ Pride In our schools means support of was turned down. V. They; then asked or not. Band Aids Officers schools, t Support sometimes will about a "Pay to Play" program and were voting yes on a levy. Isn't It lime told'^f they could'come up with a Thanks The Press . J '«&* * _• expand our thinking from fust selfSupport Group No workable plan where it wculd not cost j^'Vlaleiest toward community. Let's aupthe school system any money; the B.O.E. ToTheEdlton -•Zr*^ ^v ' Longer To Meet g i . pod the odncation of our grandchlldron. would listen to the proposal A plan was On' behalf of the Avon Schools " ^nWosy nephews and - neighborhood put together and presanted to the B.O.E. Citizens' Advisory Council, X wish to To Tho Editor "children. If they lived somewhere «ue and was voted 3*2, to accept It. :'--'-:,\ ihankyouandthcstaffofTbc-Prcsafor , Due t o the lack of response from XK-, wouldn't you. hope their community your; assistance and publishing oC our TheyV-2iI.fi* work to nwkb It work. would do the same? Community 1* not parents, the "Parent Support Special EdCommunity Survey. •« •-, ^ Z• just supporting your own; it Is sjppor- Tho next:roadblock surfaced when the ucation Group" will no longer be meeting teachers voted not to support or par- at the Avon Lake Community Center. fj ting others to make them your own. Your cooperative effort has enabled ticipate In any of the programs.. Hats off All resource raatsrials from ACLD will £ Anno Butts our committee lo proceed wUh the proand thank you to tho two coaches who be available at the Community Center cess'efficiently and effectively.'The opreturned; all other coaching positions portunity to follow the text ofjthc survey office. Many lhanScsto Jbosc who have had l o b e filled. Learn More About It was helpful for both the phone callers given of their time in pi^pansig helpful At a cast of $210 per activity, for each r and respondents.. Numcrou individuals ' information to teb few parents that *l!d participant.; a Varsity and J.V. football To The Editor: responded with the matl-ia v qucstionattend the meetings.: _V:: ;;' ; - : '. J team < and cheerleader squad: was This past year, member* of this comnaircs to add to the number of com,' Remember, you are your child's best organlzod. The season ended with a 3-7 -m u n i t y have been forusing quilp pleted surveys. record and all games wore very well al-,: advocate in fighting for their education cuurageousiy on the Issuo of tcunago The high response rale and ultimate tended by students and supporters. To * according to the stale laws provided for substance abuse. Thorn has been a effectiveness of this project •'«• a'direct 'renewed Interest with I ho development date, ono senior football. player has. the handicapped child, Relying'txa 'tie received a srholarshlp to continue his profcuionak to make tdc decisions for compliment lo the civic minted conumtof the concerned parents group, the up* education arid participate: In o football your,child's welfare it noi'always the ment of yourself and the staFToTThc i!ng DARE program sponsored by program. • r • . right one. A well informed parent knows Press. I the Avon Lake Police Department and .many other activities getting started ut their child and should not be afraid lo Winter sports consisted of wrestling Your support of Shis project 13 truly the grass-roots levol Of course, there Is and basketball. Basketball hed Varsity, stand up and speak out if they don't appreciated £* the continued comr^lintpni by long lime I V .Freshman, and Elgth Grado toams. agree with the procedure taken. If you ' ' Richard E. Hronek, players In tho J*»cal substoncn nbusc Fifty-five boys and girls partfclpaled have an "at risk" child then you may conSuncrinteiiuont • prevention _»r«ma tho Community Ac- with 8 cheerleaders. The boys basketball tact your local resource center, SERC, , David Newman. tion Team, the funlor and senior high toain won Suctional Tournaraont and "Special Education Resource Center" in -- , Chairman. school Core Team*, tho school board wore In the HnatOln District. Alt gnraos Lorain County. SERC will give you helpI'rgStrang, and the police deportment wore very well oNonded. Tho wresting ful information on psychological testing _• Survey Coordinator r-A tr bollevo all of these efforts to bn program had 24, participants and did £er*couragDOUi und would I Ikf to very well. Two'made tt to Iho Stole Tour- j and other resources available An linportitnl fmiLtion of the com: '£iJ acknowledge the hard work and honi»t narncnt with one sonior finishing third I regret to say that 5% of the student munity , n*'wiiinprr 11 to provldn > confrontation of the problem by the pod' In Division Two. , population in Avon Lake arc in Special residents witli u forum to uxpross n *~ pie who actively work on managing this In the Spring tports, boys baseball and Education and only a. half dozen parents variety of ciplnlons and viewpoints With !hi« In mind lltu VRFbS [iiib]lnlios girU softball nro planned. ., ' ""' came lo the meetings , dilemma. us rrtrtny Icttcm to thr ctlitnr ai spoco I foeltho movoinndoby thoD.O.E. and •r This Is nn Issuo not overyono Is willing All I can say is, 'WAKE LfP A N D permits. tho teachers as lo got tho much notstlod to look at and grapple with so readily SMELL THE COFFEIV It's about time irliool levy passed. If tlib woi tholr Lcllnrs In the L(litur ihould be ^Surrounding the drug Bbuao-issue Is a parents bind together kind help the sys< reason, I foci they wore wrong. 1 feel bad ariginitl.' \\\» vvnlkii if pmilljlc and |^;cloud of fooling* and myths, fear Is tine (cm give our children Ik; education they that many students dill not get to pnrcluulilo spactd All It It* ri1 must bu 5l«nL'd ~ " a many-feelings nswclnled with deserve. ticipato in thes* activities. 1 also feel thut fn Ink. und tht teluphoiu uuml'tir of the leal use and dependency - nt the extra curriculnr nctivittps are a very tm-1 On the other hand, if only one child tvritnr must bo InclndLd Phoni, P|';school and community lovot tt translates portant port of education for our was helped from all the time spent on , numbors lire iiLro-.^ury fur ilto purposo children. 1 hop« that In tho future if tho -' " 'fwan'tX,hayeltho.:; "edgfl',';;.ovor our . : B.O.E. feols cuts have to be.made that . -preparing the meetings, agenda*and out of vorificaiion Tho PRESS iiianagomont reserves tho of pocket expense, then the effort was ^neighboring Michools ond cdmmunitlos." they will look at the whole picture and : worth it. 'right to edit letters because of legal or , ':,-*' -.'.•' . "iiFear within the family sounds like this: do what Is best for the majority of our spaco limitations ir"What ^buld ray Friends and family l,^^ Zl SPRING LANDSCAPE SHOW CUYAHOGA COUNTY NURSERYMEN'S ASSOCIATION MARCH 23 through APRIL 1 GREAT NORTHERN MALL NORTH OLMSTED "COME PREVIEW THE FULL BLOOM OF SPRING" • Landscape Design • Landscape Materials • Brick And Stone Patios And Walkways • Wood Decks • Custom Wood Fences AWARD WINNING LANDSCAPES FROM T E aTAHOCA NIKFRVMEN'S ASSOCIATION:' BARNES NURSERY. INC. CONNELLY LANDSCAPING. INC, BILL SOEDER LANDSCAPING ELYRIA FENCE AND IMP CO. CAHOON NURSERY , LIFESTYLE LANDSCAPING, INC. CAMPO LANDSCAPING & DESIGN CO. SCHRAU'F LANDSCAPING. INC. BULK-N-BUKSHEL LANDSCAPING MATERIALS, INCL CHUCK HECK LANDSCAPING, INC. • . EMERALD LANDSCAPING. INC. KIMMICH'S LANDSCAPING AND NURSERY, INC, , , ZERGOTT LANDSCAPING. INC. AND GARDEN CENTER Come And Sec The Unique Styles Of Area Landscapes REACHING OUT. Edith Neuman, President of Lakeshore Women's Club, andSu. Crawford. Avon Lake Junior Women's,C'ub/GFWC jointly purcha-wd the book "Reaching Out" from the General Federation of Women's Clubs and are dedicating this book to the Avon Lake Public Library, "Reaching Out" i i the history of GFWC and ihe women began the organization. An excellent book on the struggles women underwer ^gain the respect and the opportunity they worked so hard for in this world. Accepting the award on behalf ni Avon Lake Public Library is Marcia Waugaman. Itching For Spring? Tim month of March is upon us. Do you find yourself Itching for spring and aU tlio frills t^at come with ft? Do visions of hoaulifully landscaped yards, fragrant flown r gardens, inviting arbors, spacious wooden docks, and other npjKinling Ua'tno improvijntcr.ts danco in your huad? Arc you fUMrching for just tin; right'addition that witl bring a touch oT t;lt!jn and an cxlni monsuro of comfurl tu your homu this season ami tho , Ypu'll sea spring in full bloom while attending the Great Northern Landscape Show. Award winning arm landjcaper* will be displayiog thulr tkills as moinbors . of the Cuyaboga County; Nuraerynmn's Association, Enfoy previewing boau'ifully stulplwl spring gardons, brick and stone palloa and walkways, wood docks, garden arbors: custom wood fences, and other unique idsas that ndd character und churm to onus tu Kttmtil . any home. If your ansiV«r was yes to ANY of So relieve your cabin favor - ipnng ts thovt qut!<i(ions. hmke it a fKiint jo'ot- on its way. Come out and onjoy the tund llii! C.T'iiw Nplhwrn Lmidsr,ap<* paradu of creative and fundiotial comShow io !HI hold of Great Northern Mall forts at the Great Northern Landscape from March 23 through April 1. Show March 23 through April 1. t Grand Opening Drawing DR. KATHLEEN FLEMING DR. GEORGE CARLSON OPTOMETRV lor a Norwalk Sofa Friendly ProfessloncJ Eyecsrv f o r t h * «ntlro ramify * NEW PATIENTS WELCOUF » Contact ;-->••• SAVE AN EXTRA 20% OFF•—"•» sale prices! Everyday w e discount our N o ^ a i K sofas, loveseats, chairs, r.ecliners, sleepers and sectionals 25% off.foctoiylEyfJjrices.Butnow during our GRAND OPENING SUPER SAUE" ' vyevyill give you an e x t r a 20% discount! . j . '..' : . ' . • • r ;' • ',' 'J -' •' .' Visit our New Norwalk Home • Fashion Gallery arid see displays of upholstered .furniture as they • (woul'd appear.in your home, • complete witrr suggested lamps, r tables and accessories! This new, : ' gallery will moko it easier for you 'r. to envision.the final look. We will do everything we can to be sure' •:. you get exactly what you want and need. Norwalk .offers a choice of 400* different sofas, . chairs, loveseats, recliaers, J sleepers and sectionals in*.alt' f ; s t y l e s - a n d each f r a m e ' i s available in more thon 700 . fabrics. Place your/order now . and save on additional 20% off our low everyday prices. ... • "Brown ayw B W • Tinted • Q«a p»rme«b)« - EJctaoded w « r • Aatigmaton Wa g*v» you th» proftnsionat (oHowMjp cart and attention you n«ed to be a tuccanful contact ten* wearer. 1989 CHOICE OF 4 Was $7995NOW $749! STOBlHOURS FURNITUREVSLEEP.SHOP WrtTBtOAOlT- OOWNIOWN(iY»l« ' ' Nf MI TOBURCER K>JC p t o M m . l h m A t,\ 9«0 •• S 00 Oih« Ooy. I.It 3 00 • 322-6 U S '. 1530 Kansas Ave:, Lorolrt 288-1116 '^""JT/-"^ Superintendent Speaks CAMPC'S LANDSCAPE & DESIGN CC. 933-6261 fay Richard E. flront*. Avon Schools m': [Sf ,.. THINK KIDS - AVON KIDS Wo need to plan for the future to give our students the beat possible education at the most reasonable cost. We also need to maintain the fiscal stability of the Avon Local Sclioob District so our children can continue lo receive the finest education possible. , . The income tax option Is a new way <o - meet the need for additional local school funding. The income tax is fairer and more equttablu to taxpayers and ; especially to property ovraers and - senior citizens. We as taxpayers must ;', 'decide whf<> lax we prefer to pay to support our school. : Listed below are some Informative points about the 1/2 percent ^^viol in, come tax; . 1. The additional revenue from tt\e , 1 / 2 % Income lax b needed* We need the additional local revenue to maintain our current educational programs and services. Presently our school Is funded -'by the state, and local funds. We are ex-1 pecting our expenditures to exceed our .income by over $350,000 next school -. year- We need to contfnua to provide up^.tb-date textbooks and material* for our,. /-fstudents. Our teachers voted to remain >>bb the same salary schedule this school iy-yeaiv/* Their conuira was for Avon ^Schools:and students. We cannot ask r these teachers to make this sacrifice :>ear:;after year. Our teachers' salaries '.-are among toe lowest base salary, of at! i.Xorairi County Schools.'W« must pay i^our teachers a competitive salary so that. ^iWB: can^retain-imd attract, tho most. ^ipalifled teachers;'The Avon Schools .!. spent almost $400 loss per student than "atato average to nducate rach child of pur student* scared nt o: viexpectancy level on nationally v nonned standardized tesU Uut fall Our ^community U getting a lot for the dollaru fspent. Incotno tax Is a fairer and &&* / m,*-o2.r eTha equitable raslhod of school sup- J-. port, rInolead of taxing fust propory ^"ownsn, tho Incomo tax would sproad ^support for the school across a greater .\ number of people.There ore Individuals \ who do not directly pay property taxes - ^uut vote and send childreu to the public schools. They would now help pay for To this man custom building is the rule, not the exception. schools with an income tax. Iatlivitii al are treated equally as their income IIAU may Increase or decrease. For example. these who may earn less, retire, or became unemployed would not pav the same tax amount. 3. Many senior citizens will pay no tax locrease at the 1/2 percent rate Social security, disability and survivors railroad retirement and welfare beniftt? are not taxed. In addition, there is a S5U senior citizen school income tax credit A senior citizen can earn SIU.OOC beyond social security benefits after personal exemptions before there would bu any school Income tax at the 1/2 percent income tax optioii. The 1/2 percent income tax for the , Avon Schools is needed to maintain the existing school programs and services for tho district's 1061 students. We will continue to evaluate and improve school programs and efficiently manage the funds so that they will last us long as possible. ';;•., The Avun Levy Committee meets every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. In ihn Middle School library. The children and commmiU)' i eed our schools for their future. W< , u a not let them down. Everyone is welcarrV to help in this effort. : 1 If morn information is needed or, if you have questions, please talk with any school board member or call Or. Hronck at 934-6191. Speaking engagements for any size group would be welcome. Scholarship Offered The PTA Council of Avon Lalco City Schools IA offering « t^00 nchoIuMU. scholarship to : any graduating 1990 Avon Lake High School studonl. '. The scholarship being offered will IHJ awarded on the bo»i« of financial need scholastic ability, work experience and extrs-curricular and community activities. It la usoable at any accredited university or college. Applications are available to nil senior students In the guidance offics of Avon Lake High Z_hnol. Tho deadline for apK i i Aprl'll. 1900. ; „ Meet Widud Mantlllakis. pfesident of M*ndiUkis Portfolio Hom-a. Michael is A perfectionist and 4 craftsman. He builds only custom homes of estate dimensions and exceptional quality. Me is A man ol vision who works with his clients to create the ptttett .tHric. Current projects include homes in Avon Lake. Wtsuake and Brecksville.Before you makca decision on selecting i buildet talk to Michael The dillerence is obvious and impressive, tic will work with you to turn ideas ln(o reality Michael is also announcing the opening of The Dakotas. a premier community of luxury homes in Avon Lake. Unlike other developments. The Dakota* offers large wooded lots, wafting trails and an impressive gatehouse entry. The tommunity also features the Hie of dual energy, with ,the Add-On H^t and Coo! Pump. Prices begin, at $400,000. To visit the ' site or to establish i n appointment to discuss your custom home, call Michael Mandllakis at 835-3848 or 933-664J. ; Member Of: Ohio Landscape Assoc Cuy. Cty. Nurserymen'^ O.S.U. Graduate JEFF CAMPO Owner • QUALITY LANDSCAPE DES1GNS/INSTAILATION • LAWN CARE MANAGEMFNTIncluding weekly mowing, fertilization program, shrub pruning, spring and fall clean-ups, core aeration. • PATIOS & DECKS Brick, sandstone and the new UNI & OMNI stone patterns. Treated lumber, redwood decks and gazebos. •SPRINKLER SYSTEMSFully automatic, trench less installation • SEED & SOD LAWNS (Recommended times Aug. 15-Sept.3O) ~ • PROFESSIONAL OUTDOOR LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING :-\ ' • r VISIT US AT OUR D i S P L ^ A X H i ' GREAT NORTHERN MALL SH0W "A GARDEN PARTY" ' I".-. .' ; - March 23 thru April 1st .'- HOPE TO SEE YOU Avon Lake Kiwahis Club Pancake 'N Sausage Breakfast SUNDAY, APRIL 8TH 7:30 a.m, to 2:00 p.m. . Avon Lake High School Cafeteria Adults Pre-Sale S3.00 (AtTheDoorS3.50) PORTFOLIO HOMES® Children Under 11 Yrs. , S1.S0 Under4Yre. FREE // you iJ/i inugint II. w» can build It. " A l l The Pancakes You Can Eat RESTAURANT & LOUNGE Dancers in rehearsal for the MGP production of "Singing in the Ram " ., MGP Opening Night This Friday FRIDAY, MARCH 23rd Great place for eating, drinking & dancing D.J. Nightly! Great Luncheon Specials Served Daily!!! Fridays - Fish Fry - Fresh Lake Erie Perch 5284 Lake Rd. . Sheffield Lake ««««, This Friday. March 23, the curtain w(U riso at Ihc Avon L*is High School Auditorium for the 1900 MGP productiao "Singing in tho Rain". You won't want to raiss your frieud? ^hd neighbors in this year's production. In tho past few weeks, we've told about, the lead characters and the "bosses" behind the scenes- Now it's time to list tho chorus aod other musicians who make MGP a big family. Look through tho Ust...if you recognize a name, bo sure to call one of tho MCP/PTA representatives and order your ticket for March 23. 24, 25. 30 or 31. Don't forget the dinner theatre on March 30. Tickets are $4 each, with a $1 discount for senior citizens and t' ^ r o n Men-Sat. tt:O0a.m..£30-V:m.. 949-8829 oowdSuneay, The Whistle Stop Pizza and Fine FOCKJS Restaurant 33382 Walker Road in Avon Lake Located in the Drug Mart Plaza Phone:933-7172 ^Delivery Available Tuesday - Sunday after 5:00 p.mj COUPON — — T " — — COUPON — — - for the MFICH 25 performance oni k ; Vho dinner theatre tickets are on $12.50 each. 1 Z ' • • ' . . ' • . - • • • • • . Plan NOW on coming to sue one of thssa wonderful singers, musicians or dancers: Anna M. beeman, Bill Beoiaan, Jean Breew. Jackie Cannon. Stephanie Carlson. Jeff Clark, Debblo Eckcnrodo, Lisa Ecknnrodo, Fran EmmerlinK, flrotl- 2 l^arge 31arge itom Pizzas | 1 Item pizzas .^0iiiy5MB^*wi!w •, ••.-•^j.';.' Only MSO Helens Country Kitchea : • ' 'i ^ " " • P r f d a y - M a r c h 2 3 r d O n l y ! ^ $ 9 9 S JfiWeaBucMoilatePercli (btdudM FrtM & Tarttr Sauce) . da Flufre. Sandra Flnke. Vickj Rob Garrett. Saudi Gerhan. Batty Ge*£| man, Cheryl Harmon. MicbLfe Kar? raon, IVS Hart. J l a Hart. Hlava. ITI;-. Kotlmann, Tnsha HortoifiS Bran (oineson. Mary Ann Mantini, Donna MecUcsseL Joai Novotny, Julio ProssnelL Eileen Ruj Fiona Rupert. Ron.': Sarralno. Schmllz, Deo Ann Seipel, Sbamblin. Barbara Stiver, Paul Connie Uhlinan, Jon^Wearsh, Mariljfn* ZwolenUc Mary Frances McGlnry, Affly? Cox. Kay Davis,' David Paine, LoreOa^ Conrad, Karrcn SmJgel; g ; 1 yr Jean BUke, Terry Kimblo, Bob Fredi John Hendron^ nd MU» K J u r r ^ ' Call either Sandy Dolikiit,-.{Eastview): Carol Zakel.'Kfl (ErfovIow):C Nancy "Stonabtmiisi 933-2086 (High: School):; Bocky--G«iti;1 933-8693 or Carol Miller, 033-7855 (T"' wood). Nancy Daitfal*. 930-484011 wood): und Diane Belmont. 933^343 (Westvfaw] • Read SUS9 Tho Classifieds ohiy*\2** : Serving Breakfast Dally!,(-; Tuesdays - Maatloafj * and B««ff StTOganofff^V' Lunchoon/DInnw SpdctatilJi Sr '.•' :•>•" 'A * ' • \ 933^7600 •;•?$ 1» •'•i : lii* DeAngelis Restaurant & Lounge 933-9743 • 933-4007 R. COUPON—--;--' 30° Off Any Breakfast «1«>Off Any Located in Avon Lako Shopping Center • 'i"2 •' V 1 ? ptezasnbts Dally Luncheon Specials LENTEN SPECIAL CtoMd Sunday Hon. a •.m.-a pjn, Every Wednesday PERCH DINNER & SPECIAL Wed./SrVurday Nrghta BBQ Ribs T-S • ejnra p jn. 3BTM D « T * Bd, A « a OH S34-S194 Nightly Oinnmt Specials served trtwn 4 p.m. - 1 0 p m BrMMtH Serv*d e «jn. til 11 a j n . D«lly 375 LEAR RD., AVON LAKE : "LEARWOOD SQUARE" 933-5181 Friday- LAKE ERIE PEHCH, COD AND WALLEYE^ - Op«n Sunday For BraakfMt And Lunch 9 a.m. • 2 p m. Sunday Open 1 p.m.-11 p.m. 33499 Lake Rd Avon Lake Cany OJIS -$7.77 Old Fashion Shakes, § Sundaes & Sodas _ (NOSUBSTtnmONSPLEASE) The Landings 63 & Walker Rd. 2 - T h r e e Piece CHiCKEN DINNERS 933-3803 V/iats /Veiv/ + Meatloaf Dinner * Open F K * Roast Beef Sandwich AvaJLtblv Lunch/Diniw (Umctnoi op«ci«l Uflly) 12/$3.50 } 10% Off J;Sunday thru j ; Thursday .•?•:'• 4ny Tivo Dinners' With Salad Bar . with Coupon (PERCH S1X0 SXTTU Wmr DImw) • Dine In Onry I NOTVAUDFTOOAY J N O SATURDAY Wed.. & All The fish YoirCin Eat V . '..-, : . • : • ' I -I To Go Sun.- Thuri. . ? 3 Large 1 Hem Pizzas To Qo Sun.. Th»r« T h u r s . . - MPJI LoalDinm-r : • ' SATURDAY - SUNDAYS: DINNER SPECIALS! Daily Luncheon Special Soup, Sandwich & Beverafi onfy 2 Largo 1 ttem Pizzas SOTS Expires • T.UCS.^ Sloppy "Jor's & Irrncli PtJ.. 1 COUPON DINING ROOM -G5ul«h • • / " . ' F r i . " ,, .ShrimpBj)l|'l'w»-:K'Frfmiiftt*v •NOW SERVINGMild or Hot -r*.— Mon.- tut* Wtn Fiwh M«N«1 Potato**. Includes: Potato, Cole Slaw & Dinner Roll >,,• ;..,' (NO SUBSTITUTIONS PLEASE} jp'.— Menu Items Open 7 Da ; -Toppings includo Popperbni, Sausage, Ham. Qreofl Peppers. Onions, Mushrooms. Black Olives BUFFALO WINGS Avallabfe On All Parlour "CARRY OUT ONLY" 2 - 1 2 " Seven Topping •: ' S19SS ""• $ 2 W ''1 AVON LAKE • 227 MILLER • 933 5181 tifKiipc. SundayThursday 7 a.m.-lO p.m, ; n u u n a . Friday-Saiurday 7 a.m.-l 1 pan. ; •n Caregiver Seminar Set A siMcul MMnmar'un CARECIVING will bw held at the Aion Lake United Church pf Christ on Sundjy. March Z:> at 7 p.m. •An increasing nuiiibvr of JKTMIP.S art; finding themselves, with the ri'Spunsibility of being the primary, provider of cure for Older pan-uts. WhiUt this is a1 loving task, undertaken by the caresiver . it is net always an uasy out1. As a recent statistic points Uijt, 85% of all car^n ini; for older adult;, uhoare becoming increasingly dependent is provided by .ttin family. Who cam for the1 c-iregiviT? Eldonn^ Shields-Kyle is ii Ccr'on-. Fun Auction Slated How would you !iU* tu cruisu doivn Lake erie and have dinner at a fine lestauraut of your choice? Or perhaps you'd like to receive a homemade pit; for several holidays throughout the yea.? These are a couple of the many items you can bid on at St. Joseph School Auction held on Saturday. April 7 in *.he School Social Hail. 32929 Lake Rd. Doors will open at 7 p.m. lor registration and reviewing of &<) items to be auctioned by Waaner Auction Services. These goods and services have been donated by local businesses and citizens of Avon £*ke. Your $5 ticket provides you with rWino. beer, hoes d'oeuvres. and an enjoyable evening. tu logical Nurnv Specialist* vvprking ou! of the Nurd Community Men La! Health Center. She specializes in working with 'jldi^r iidul't* and their c.iregivrrs. >Shc will adtirt^s hen-elf to such qtn-vtions as: J. What faciors predict the h nf s'!i"i> rxp-Ti'. t'ii by the fjtnily. life Ts? 2. VVIi.it ,m-.i> > K ; r* 3. I luiv I'OVS thv cuetfiver sup- port tirouii help in ccpinj: with ci revivers' sire**? Vou cm sign tip by c.illim: :he i.hu:\:!i office .ft 933-324 5. The church is Incu'.eO on Electric Blvd.. \t2• block ««.**!. of Avon . Ucliien Ki). The soininar is free lu Our public. Pet Photo Contest Best Photography is conducting tliL'i,yearty Pet Photo Contest for the b-jnufit of the f.orain County Animal Protective League. Pictures will be taknn until March 31. and voting between April 10 and April 14. Entry (be is $3. half of which will be donated to tho Lorain Counly Animal Protective League. First prize will be a 16 x 20 portrait of your pet, 2nd pyizuan 11 x .-.portrait and third prize tr;;-8 x 10 portrait For more infortnation call the LCAPL at 322-2606, or Beat Photography at l-eOO-322-BESf Members of (fie Lorain County Communfty College CMc Chorale who have performed with ihe group sinre its inception 10 year.) ago are (women, left to right) Dorothy Stobe, of Elyria; CSsryi Huene, Avon Lake; Frances Moorg, Elyna; Unda Rowe \ ivon Lake; Connie octite. Elyria; Judy Pond. North Olmslod; and Licfef Betounw,' Elyria: (men. left !o right) Errol Browne, Elyria: Dave Weaver. Avon Lake: William Fariey, Avon Lake; Richard Coffey, Avon Lake: arw* V^ce Bailee.' Elyria. These 10-year members have seun the ranks of the Civic Chorale grow Irom 20-vnm* members to more than 100. Tha Chrfc Chorale celebrates its 10-vear anniversary with a performance of "Carmlna Burana" March-11 in LCCC's Stocker Center, and later this year members of the Civic Chorale perform in New York's fameJ Carnegie R j l . speaker. Mindy Hawkins will kick off the program on a total of $00 in donations. Monday. Her Innovative speaking style is a thought proO.W.E. programs from Avon. Avon Lake, Columbia,' voking blend of humor and wit Her workshop, "Wdiw. Elyria. Elyria West. Midviow, and Morth Ridgcvilla. as i •-/;-, y "' ." ' • • ' J up and Smell the Coffeo". duals with self-ef^en."^' well as the D.E.C.A. program from Elyria participated. parents, and teachers, kids, love, pride and self ;-w)rth. The 109 participanu raisod a total of $1.838.Thanks to ± BLOOD DRIVE. Avun High School's Student Council On Tuesday, March 27 speakers wfll be addressing will bo sponsoring a Blood Drive on Wednesday, March the students of-> a variety of topics. Tho sP : ^alh grade everybody Involved for a Job well done. 22, In the high school lobby from 9 am until l pm. will hear Flo Dryer, a Iborapist with Fatally i*?rvlces ^ Anyone between the ages of 17 and 66 and weighing at < specializing in adolescent and child/ Bod Wtog MUUliU , ^" least 110 pounds may be eligible to douate blood. Stood disorders..Sh0 will speak on "Body Watch**, cover jifcV * donations will be taken by Lorain County Blood Bank. , weight control, personal grooming and general j^>dtn i Please feel free.lollop in and participate In the life- concerns. Tho eighth grade will hear Tim Cuenfhcri 8 ''-^baring experience of donating blood. ,, ; youth counselor and radio show host. He will speak on u PHYSICS CLASSBSJOno of tho prefects of Avon's "Self Esteem" covering peer pressure nod positive I DO I TTCUHTAl > ' ' ^.Physics classes is the building of the Lou-Veo-AirCar. values. The tenth grade will hear Doug Hallfa counselor VIDEO: Thl* project tales place in class and emphasizes skills at Shofflold-Shofnold Loka Mlddlu, School who h u . . ONLY 49*j in following, directions, aerodynamics and nianipulaspoken at many Teen institute evesnts and at Avon Higu. h NEW QU VIDEO ^tkrnyrSome of"tho students>get carried away and pro- School Leadership Day Activities in 1DU7-1983; Ho will • , duca'txus works btart and tLutomotlvo gonius. . be speaking on "Substance Abuse". Morino FalkeES•CASUALTIES OF WABi, tflin, a therapist with Farully Servicns specializing in family/child relallomhlp*; will address tho lllh grade. --WBMK. I She will discuss "Thoughts for the Future", covering In-!1 mmAtu HKI • dependence and Jobs. The I2th grade will hear Judy •nmii I Ebbltt-Glovur tho Director of Podlatric and Sexually FREE Transmitted DUoase Unit at the Lorain County Health . J S S S S l 'i 52.S0 FOR 2 DAYSJ Department. She will bo speaking on "Sexual Dcclr. slons" covering areas such as parenthood and AIDS. '" | On Wednesday, March 28 the ninth grade will hnar 933-8999^ Philip Belzunce, Ph.D. and Director of St. Joseph's Psychiatric Division. He will bo speaking on "Stress Management"' which, will include topics over parent/family issues, sulcidu pruvbntion and relaxation. Avon School News cvie>r\ait Students will be offered opportunities for further; discussions fin the weeks following tho Awareness pro- . gram. Tho program was developed by the Avon CORE loam, chaired by Rosalie Cainer. 'llohn^Bouer^and'Sean Kleefetd working the the ^.Physics Class at Avon High School -^AWARENESS WEEK. Avon High Schol is hoi -inn an x Awareness Weak Juring the wouk of March 2G, 1090, The Awareness Week program will invoho the ontlro 7 through 12 Motivational r studont -body. pra.Ho O.WX M.D. BOWL-A-THON. The Occupational Work Experience class nt-Avan High School recently participated in the lorry tewis Muscular Dystrophy 13owl-A<Thon at Cantor Ridge Lpnea In North (Udgevillu. Tho class from Avon raised n lotal of $159 for this worthy causa. Rick Kinzel led tho way collecting THE PERFECT ANYTIME GIFT MIIIM -•••••->•• Restaurant & Lounge Now Showing 16 Great Reasons to~Visit Us | . Hard To Kill R Illtlllllllllllllllllin ^ i national Theatre Corp; 2. Hunt For Red October (No Passes) PQ 3. Joe vs. The Volcano PQJ 4. Driving Miss Daisy PG iTlovie ITloney *d - ^Coupon Bookk ti Starts Friday _ 1B0NUSC0UP0N S IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1IIIIIHIIIIMI11I1IIII S5.50 VALUE i^N flvon Lake Z' * ) 871-5976.933-3155 » ^} 3148T W U U fO»(t W , B.irgam Matmqoa Daily until G 00 p.m. Tickets 50t(J 30 win txtore showtime. Phone l<ora<fi| 933-3155-Elyna. 1-J24-?1 1 . Joe vs. T h e Volcano po| 2. Pretty Woman <NO posses) . " . R • • • • • . ' . . 3. Hunt For Red October PG • 4. Driving Miss Daisy PG ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • ' Daily Business Men Luncheons Daily Dinner Specials Super Dining at Reasonable Rates Specializing in Steaks & Seafood Fish Fry Wed. & Fri. Sunday Liquor © • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4798 E. -Lake Rd. Sheffield Lake, OH 949-7977 FISHING THE PRE-SPAWN Much is said about (he excitement of fishing for spawning bass but actually it's the "prc-spawn* lhal otters the best action of the year. The several weeks prior to the spawn offer anglers the best opportunity to catch a trophy bass. Generally speaking it is this time of year that finds bass at their healthiest and heaviest. After being sluggish and unagrcssivc for the t>rccceediag winter, months, bass move in :•:; the shallows and feed heavily. The first thing to remember is that tliu prc-spawn period will be at different times ifi different parts of the country. Because water temperature plays such a vilal role, (lie period may begin as early as February in tbc deep south and as late a* May in the northern states For bcticr 'determining llm pre-spawn lime in jour area, look for a water temperature around 60 decrees. A prime area for locating prc-spa'.vn bj.si is in deep water adjacent to shallow water. Actually to define this area even more, look for bass to be holding righi on the drop off between deep and shalItr. *v-Hcr. ». is not uncomiion for bass in this prc-spawn period to move into the shallow? several times during a day (6 actually feed then lclrcal to the edges of the drop off to deeper water. It is during this time that a crankbait can be so effective. Since crankbaits can be fished effectiv '~* in both the shallows and on the edges of drop offs, it's the perfect versatile lure for the tyre-spawn. Shad and perch colored crankbaits that dive to depths of 6-12 feet are ideal and produce well. Remember, early spring brings some of the most unpredictable weather of the year and these prc-spawn bass are affected. Even th: weakest cold front will cause these bass to not only leave the shallot** biit the drop offs as well. Once they have moved back into deep water, these fish will be harder to locate and even harder to coax into taking a lure. On the other side, unseasonably warm weather may cause these bass to abondon the drop <• 'h and spend most of their day in shallows. If ycu're fishing a body of water that you've seen bass beds on in previous years, try using a depth finder all around thai area until you've located the ad-1} jaceat deep water and in particular; the % drop offs. This can lake a lot o* guess*work out cT locating the fish- ~\ Remember too that different areas of £ | any body of water will find **ass in V fcrent stages of the spawn. Look to ^ north banks for the warmest vater **&M the best place- to get an early teasoa starts on pre-spawn bass., -v Ooc final word. j \ I stated eariier «q this artliic, this time of year offers yours best chance of catching a Uopbyba*fc.i PJcase remember thai in just a fcw&b»t|1 weeks this trophy fish can give life Ib^ literally hundreds of baix that I i a r e j J potential of growing up lo be?likei 'mam'. Please consider rcleatiog yottr| trophy to help preserve bass fiihipg fprf future generations. Thanks for. i fiihln" with Mark Weaker. Lake Erie Seniors The Laka Erie Seniors meet every Thursday at ' BY THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF RADIOLOGY Northern Ohio Imaging Center, Lorain Community Hospital, St. Joseph Hospital and Health Center, Elyria Memonal Hospital and Medical Center by their association with Drs. Russell, Berkebile & Associates, have received the certification of the American College of Radiology Mammooraphy Accreditation Program. Mamrpegraphy is.arv-x-ray examination of.the breast, which .-. the Arne;iCan Cancer Society and.othermedical* experts •' see as the best means for early detection.of breast cancer:' •_7ne accreditation program; as instituted because of the condems']of:r^iplpg|ste(\6ther;national medical organizations, *,and the public;that qualified personnel psrform and interpret mammograms and that dedicated marriiiiography equipment be noon at the United Church of ChfUt, Avon Lake. Luncheon is served by Novotny Catering. For reservations call 933-5392 or 933-7602 by Tuesday evening. On Thursday, M»rch 22 COLUMBIAN CLUB J PARTY ^ CENTER^ Wedding*, Banquets, PartWi - » J Up To 300 Guests ->?"** ? (218) 934-4253^ \ *J Avon. Ohfci 44011 Breast.Cancer will.strike one in .JO American Women The AmericanCahcer Society predicts that: about 41,000 women will die of breastcahcer this year. As there Js no Way to prevent the disease, :ear!y detection and treatment offer the greatest hopefor survival; • :_ ^ The American Cancer Society recommends that women do monthlyabreast self-exams and have regular physical breast exams by a jDhysician/It further recommends mammography on : j the following scheduler r:~:- ---—T----\••• ----^-..r.:•-•-• • A baseline rxiammogram (for reference) between age 35 and 3 9 . • A mammogram every one or two years between age 40 and 4 9 . • An annual mammogram from age 5 0 . If you have any further questions, the accredited facilities can be reached at the following numbers: • Northern Ohio Imaging Center 324-3226 or 233-8004 • Lorain Community Hospital 960-3443 or 321-3846 • St Joseph Hospital & Health Center 233-1006' • Elyria Memorial HospN & Health Center 329-7521 • Drs. Russell, Berkebile & Assoc., Inc. 246-5454 or 3224255 >.ri DfcfcKrabs'r VISIT THE CHRISTIAN SCIENC! CHURCH lilAVON, L^i ^ 31847 Lake Road-f __;"^H Sundays - Churcn Service and Sunday School at 10 *.v Wednesday* • Tettlmony Meeting « 7.30 p.m. Tue*daysp2nocnto3pjTL)and -^ - i/tv^ Saturdays ( 1 0 J L « . to noon) •Raadind Room used. 'The,program is voluntary and.is designed to insure that women receive^opUmumja^ The • process Is done through a peer review evaluation of the facility's staff qualifications, equipment, quality control and quality _--. ^-_——amsii^mafge:guality-and breast;dpse; bingo will be,-playe Prtuu wiU be rurnlsbecL Next Thursday-, 29. Anita Hlavs will tain by slngfng -lot grou^ Hope to, there. *5» ttvmm WELCOME WAGON WANTS TO VISIT YOU Just engaged? New patent? Moved? I'd like to visit you. I'll brint useful gifts, information and cardsr you can redeem for more gifts at i ; focal businesses. All free to you.'"" Avon Lake - Mary Jean Garrett, 933-5378 " j Avon Lake - Olga Schaaf, 933-&.30 We can arrange, to get together in your home for a brier visit. BETWEEN THE AVON LAKE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOOKENDS 933-8128 hat.you should ^onsrder befbreretaininqan attorney ;;•:.•,";;,:•;'• •> ' * . -r.v'. rn-'i!i\ »•••••;. ' ':•• :• V . t i i i ' , " i nW , , - : ; ! ^ ; ! ; - : : •:;..•:;• : i - ; v •- , s • '•.' ' ' • ' : • M ' - i 1 • •••.'. , , : • ; ' , •. < • , , : • ' : . - i \ U. : 1 i h r :,•:•. ". T.Mi.li.-rs.uni •.-.?-•. I , 1 , .-,r ... '.' " .(tl. -'*'"»:: "- 1 '-' Vrs r.1-.rv; -..( iii-J^ui!i.i nt. •! m.i! i. >u .ii",' L M : u - . i i ' t<HI | i - KARTH !)AV MESTEH ROAD AVOS,CHlv !-'.iC S B i t C l i • • JlEASY 'i'^t* Skill, I'cr\o!i;H Injury .Mutlica! Malpractice I Workers Compensation | Wrongful Death •••( i f i v ' l Professionalism & Personalized Attention you need is A vailnhle for your Cunvetiience in Avon Luke 1-*R£E INITIAL CONSl'LTATION Domestic Relations Probate Wills & Trust Keal Estate Law Corporate Law Traffic Violations/DUl ", Ul'tpL'-r ! l ( ' OFF1CK H O U R S I H L (.tiikifLii'v K(i(<r:i c! ;!;L A•.-•:! LaL-j L i b r a r y , i n i l i i h v liv'ip : ' I ! : ; L FrictiJ' i«i th-c ! ii'r;!tv, will 1'L- ii-Ioptifi-'.'-t WO1J-. O i i M r c i i v,Mi \ , i k wiitdi u n l f r . f CRAM) : ! VISA •^•PHpJSE/v- 933^231 ttJLiii.ir i.-tr.in.;![ui.-ii''- Vtd. tri. .^..__MQ .VM.-V30 P.M. Sal. .^ , 9.W \M.-im PJH. 934-6300 NEW USED RENTAL RETURNS DEMOS REPOS 24 HOUR ACCESS T-y- MINI STORAGE SPECIALS! nOKin ACCESS • T DAVS \ WEEK • fULL LtSC U HAUL nt (ORGANS, DIGITAL PIANOS, TOO) Instant On-Tne Spot Michael Kearns DDS Douglas Voiers DDS i --Lfl >.^l I Credit istry THE LARGEST SELECTION OF GRAND PIANOS EVER IN THIS AREA! SPINETS, Convomen! Eveninq & Sat Ho-iir*, Now Pnticnta Wt'icofiit! Landings J Bldg. 32730 Walker Rd. Avon Lake ***«& m—WA Approval ^ W ^ & vk Dr. Kearns 933-4486 Dr. Voiers 933-3270 Solo pfaclilionari (not STUDIO PIANOS, CONSOLES, AND ORGANS, TOO! SHOP OVER 150 PIECES AT UNBELIEVABLY LOW PRICES! FRIDAY, MARCH 23 .^Npjjn 'til 9 P.M. SATURDAY,MARCH 24 : : ...9 A.M; 1 9 P.M." Buy an XL 1200 Central Air Conditioner or Heat Pump Now... and get 2 '100 Cash Rebate! Buv and install a tone XI-1200 .;,N6oh'til 6 PWh! WejihHitiQf Heil f u bt'.Httn now ana Mjy7*j SM j'ld 1 curie tvf/i .J» ComeEarlyForBest[Selection': Buy an XL90 Gas Furnace, too. Get an additional '100 Cash Rebate! Anil tfrtXL?0 Lvrrr't with4 Gal f iiin.irr.(! IHe *»IT:C i-'P Cjn vqf'i'iU"t'V if'iLHi! v'J'J HAD TO RENT THE NATIONAL GUARD ARMORY Route 57 North of Access From Route 2 antf Ohio Turnpike :• y'•" E x i t 8 : • • } . • " : / 1 1 Wiiy you It I)! ' .1 IJ'IMI ttcji r.T t.m ill !fJda/fDM!t;[.)iti TROME f /•.(*•«.!••' ZINN REFRIGERATION 288-6518 If ever you thought, or are now , thinking, or MIGHT think of buying a piano or organ... NOW IS THE TIME! Look For The Giant Piano Truck j*,rr.wly nn ttir <i«ir wti.wqers Or Choose 0% Financing. I Baldwin LORAIN) 36TH ARMORYl RT. 254 Orpans -Pianos MANY MANUFACTURERS REPRESENTED* Nuw and Usod Including. YAMAHA, BALDWIN. KIWEJALL. KORG. CASIO. GULDBANSEN. WUIUITZER. CABLE-NELSON, KAWAI, HAMMOND. LOWHEY. CF1AMD.1 AMD MORE'! 'Curtain siyios. finishers, mid brands .sublet lo v"at vitu NO DEALERS, PLEASE . All must tit' Mill lo R'iv;it» partios. schools, churches, cilioa. ;ind toaefmtr. TO TOLEDO TO CLEVELAND ROUTE 2 (f) " - M l MIDWAY H H MALL C OHIO TURNPIKE ?•$•" S Card Party Planned CRS.Helps'Youth In Helping Others Tbe Avon Lake Community Resource Services (CRS) has volunteers waiting to help'you!' If you have the ne«*d of" -volunteer services and its a project you fe«l a young person can do - CRS has the help you uecd. Members, of (he Boy Scouts, high school Key Club and Loruin County Community Colluge Circle1 K are looking for projects through'which they can serve their community. These groups roster the good Feelings and experiences (hut come from helping others, i-c* these young people help themselves tvhfle they help you. you need each other. Please ceil the CKS officu nt <J33-5G3'J tf you have 11 need we can help you meet. Ix-l us know of your situation ami we'll be happy to discuss it with you. Tht! CKS agency would like to thank fiic is<ib« Ha Guild Js sponsoring a." c r d pirtv on Sunila}. April 1 ill 3 pvC dl the K of C HJII on Moore Kd. in Avon. Tht""o«t is S1" per person 1 he menu will " induce Lhitku-i nuj pdaf, '.rgeUbte, bt-vr-oge arc!homemade p'e rherwwill a!su be raifles and door pr.zes If you don I unjo> p'aving cards, you may' come just for tho wonderful mpaland 51 ill oc eligible for the prizes Everyone is IVIILDIIII' ror ribenaticns please call 933-3646 or 934^053- Tom Brock of Avon Lakti Printing for his continuud support of Uie efforts ,ol CKS through his busini* a well us his personal lire. Tom ami h 5 i%ife 'am rccent'y donated S500 to CRS M.-HJ1 kind wishes that the money be used to help those in nevtl.- Without (lie moral and financial support of, carinu community members such as Tom and June Hrock, CRS would not have re- 'i^t d the success and growth that it has. THIS AD SPONSORED BY THESE COMMUNITY MINDED BUSINESSMEN & WOMEN Compliments of DR. MARK D. COULD - PODIATRIST KOPP'S BI-RITE ARDICK SEAFOOD til BONNIE'S LAKESIDE SALON LINDEN v r CONSTRUCTION AA ALL SECURITY CENTER 37525 CO!<M<MI<> Avt.AVIHI.UI-I-SIU'J .ikwiv'M-F 9-y ; Sit. ft-H; Son.'J-(. CLJIJIJ>U A fMHwIi/cit h.Hf «H linji It null, ivimii-rt t> 1 tulrirtt AQUAMARINE LANES DeANCELIS RESTAURANT* LOUNGE J t-IWf L>Li> KiJ. AviniL.iLe'Jf I-V74! SISSON'S FLOWER FURNITURE & GIFTS 690 Avon Belden Rd. LANDINGS ANIMAL IH-J Mitlff Hif. PAINT & PAPER PLACE AVON G U N & TACK SHOP HOSPITAL Dr» Dwuld R. Bow I n 5(6 Avon 8«Hd*n Avon Ljte BURMEISTER FUNERAL* SERVICE ~ ^ C*' I S«IUJM* Bblu 1^001) Di'trmi Rd -Awin - ' ! 933-2148 M 5HW Wliim**clty M l Nobody Treats You Like PINEHAVEN GREENHOUSE 1 M »-i r>-i(...t h.i,. Av«ofl 'U-VI4M ;.'• TTHE PRESS - "ICBY" L •» K W P«tHT •>>>*> <xi )Ou. But tfM'i not the (Mr of C «e tnrfd be M> wiilmutrH Prw, A V O N LAKE CHILDREN'S CENTER *Avon I jhe Gnrtrmmifi CducjtfoM C M I I , , J37UtnxtrBntt - ' i * '£fi' BILL & DON'S SHEFFIELD I N N * COODSAMARITAN NURSING HOME* , 32900 Detroit Rd Avon 937-6201 A V O N LAKE PRINTING ALLEN REFRIGERATION " * Avon Lake,.- • . ' 93328OOV-";'•:.,'" I-IKW-231-I43I :.:. MFLODIE AUSTIN'S V , SEASONS I N COLOR and IMAGE OFSUCCESS » W [ C M VVTYLER RENTAL : BRE-ANN'S HAIR DELITE : . ! 8 2 0 CenterR«L (RL 83) ; - A v o n 9 3 7 - 6 0 8 6 .••.•>'••' !44Lc.irRd -. -"All your'hJndyTTwn' ' it AVON LAKE CHRJST EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH SHEFFIELD LAKE M HOLYSPIRITCHURCH SAIiVT THOMAS THE APOSTLE CATHOUC CHURCH w*iiiB3 jA730pm. Ratwl F r FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH --"J Pstior l i km. AVON LAKE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH' 323M EheWcBlvd 9336240 Dr.AUiadAHattMlnMta RM.87IWK6 AVOff LAKE UNITEO CHURCH OP CHRIST '32801 CbrticBhd. 933-IM1 f "fV Sunby tMtihlp 9,00 a jn.4 11«) > m. Srf SS a.m. & 11 00 a.m.; 5 V & y 0 0 0 a.m. V«qMr SovtoM. Satunlay SCO tun.; ^CALVARY B A P T I S T CH U R C H f 32607 Dvcbic Blvd. 931B8iM G«y R. Sdiwitar. M >5 9 « 5 ?-. ll£0«m.MMMntWofiHp ?&«rtngS«rvlc« SmaD youp» call 93188^8 *farInfarmatlon Wtd 6 0 0 8 1 5 pm. AlVANA Clubf Ttuti 7-00 pm. Prayer Mcetlno. .FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST 31847 LJwHd. 9333330 Flnl HCMW -'nianw* E. rUrh. Jr. S d 10 ^ Sat 9.00" M);»>l2Nwjn;••/;:•.,--•.:. •':•; Mt 5un. 8J0 a.m.'10.30 a.m. 12J0p.m. •.;,;•-. •• / Sat 4 3 0 p . m . . , . , , Sun.7JOam-900nm1 I 0 3 0 * . n . , - l 2 N c B o 'I .. .. • ' „ •• • , • - " AVON LAKE BAPTIST CHURCH *^*,gS brmpwyHBw' 1 Mi l^a*Jia^a+ MahaJ ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH Mane Dnctm BftdShwfer Sui Schod945»m^' MofrtnaWoHhpU'jJJa m. ^I DOr- CHRIST ^ ' /-I J Wwihtp Swvtef 11.00 a m. ChrtitMn fjijctaofi CLiim 9 45 a.m. HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH. 0 4792OtkvRd. CHURCH OF GOD. SHEFFIELD Wor»hJplQ30 Jnty Lamtwtt ftei«(« n( ^ ou'li Jk MUM. Suncb/SrhyJ 1000a n MomJng Wo-ihp 1100 j m Sunday [tuwu Uor>h«) ( i n p n wV«lLlFt.700pn, CHURCH 1B78 Abb* R d . S w < M ( l SAINT TERESA CATHOUC *> & rri 10 a.m: ibSlUV 7p m Wor»lup • ' t 7^0JP LAKE SHORE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 33119 Ba-Me Boul»ard9335Z3B IH IMIC w n l of Bout* 83 at WdiUnd Ortvc) Gmxgi C Bender. Mrttki WoriRp Servtca 1000* m. O u c h Sctnd 11:10 a.m. Junor Church lor chiUmhiraoVt 15 <j Cnb, nwwrv and hfevkroartm e»" It nvalUbla durtig both Ihi iwihlp and truch lefiod hou> • SaL430pjn. } Sun.9O0aJrt.aod t K O u t LAK'Z BREEZE CHURCH OP T H ' £ B R E T H R E N -.-: • - r - . .;;••, 14W Lake Bf « « • FkL: ShrllirU Lake 949 7HS8 '•; Kavm A. Cotch. PaMw (»», M19| 281<7412 Sun School 9 30 a m . ' ' .; Wcwihp 1 0 3 0 a m vC * '•''<, ' )] ; " BAYVILLAGE l&OO a m ; W«dnd 1000 P BMWKJproMM,MMttit • S«n,l0-30a.m FKEEDOMCHAPEL K t L " - K«v EttwanlJ Ltxa. JO>,Paaiof J AVON MARY of the IMMACULATE CONCEPTION A V O N UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 2640StancyRldpRd.9344212 3771! DrtoHRd, Avon 934 5121 uAwn.0h« Sunday-IOam v Arthur 8 Ejpn.M»>*lCT WrdnrMlay Ewnng Dlbt* Study 7.30 pm Maiam S a t & J O p 5urtBa.m.:l0a.m.l'12ncJon .CHRISTIAN HERITAGE Wad. 7J0p,m; NEW HAVEN BAPTIST ASSEMBLY O F G O D FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH 36090 ChniWKd 93762Z6 C«OmanclLakaU»dDr..A«xt Rw John Bunnvy 934-4710 9.30 a. m. Sund*v OniiHan EdL Rw W M W D DteJwr , „ J t j Siairiav School Adult BftfcOatt 900 a in 10:45am.Morning Worthip Snvki . bJO pm. Ew*ia SanvW* - ' • 7J0pm,Thwid«yFamfltfN>^itSWric» t 633Han[»Hd.,ShrflWUUk«rrv 1 Communioo. Sunday Schoot.' 'B**• Mae*1 KiMrakl MlnhMr >V.",1™-;;i'^\S1i S w a y 10 a.m.* 6 p m , j";",'' jT^VjfS? '•' "' " ' - •" • * i 7 l P i n v ' : ; : ' ^ : : " ; ; ' ' / • ? r - : : j i ^ i HOLYTRINITV ROMAN CATHOUCCHUnCH^ 1 11: van937&3A3 Swr9»m'-!O3u*ni .-•./ ;•'';\'.'•'!;i'V"-^^?*. ' • - •••.'','' :'•',.'•-"•• ..Wi'^iJ Held-Ka!ouria Engan^ment Mr. and Mrs. Wr.*;.:* A, Held of Avon Lake arc pleased u> a.'uu.Mtnce the engagement tif their daughter Louise lo Karara Kalouria, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jasbir Kalouria also of Aron Lake. Louise is a graduate of Avon Lake High School, and Bryant S: Stralton Business Institute. She is presently employed as a legal secretary at (he law firm of Dcnunc and Killam in S)lvania, Ohio. Karam is a graduate of Bedford High, Bedford, Michigan. He received his B.S. degree in electronic engineering Neimeyer - Zickuhr Wedding Cayle Lynn Niemeycr and Terry Michael Zitturh were married in a daubkr Tiiiii ceremony D'?c. 23. 1989 at the Mayflower Cungn'gationaf Church, in UIIHFIKS, Mnntani). Thi; Rev. William Burkliardt officiated. , Parents of tliu couple lire Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ntuiiteyi'r of Cleiufivi.-, Ml., find Mr. n:id Mrs. Henry Zickuhr of Avon I^jku, Oliiu. Louise Held anu Karam Kalouria , Thy honor uttundants w«r« Nancy I'edereon of Glendivc, Mt.. and Sharon technology from ihc University of Toledo and is currently employed as an Neel o I'diiora, la., both sisters of the electrical engineer al Matrix Tech- bride. Bridesmaid was (unnifer Cartnor of Billings. nologies in Toledo, Ohio. Tho Dost Man was Robert Golubski of A July 7, 1990 wedding is plannedHiliingi. Mt. Ushers and groomsmen were Mark Uoltz of Billings, Mt., and Kevin Niemuyer. brother of tho liride. of Bismark.ND. A reception was held .it Irm church aftur lh« ceremony. Tl.a britlo is a graduate of Dawsfjn County High School and Dawson Community College in Ciendivo. Mt.. and Eastern Montaiid College in B tilings. Mt. She is finploywi by Dana Kepncr Company of Montana as an office inanaKor. The uroam is a ^radua^c of Avon Uike Hish Schoul. Community C»>itej{« of the Air Force, and attended Eastern Mtmtnnfi C'lilcKt-'. Ho Is an ass is- Schneider - Mack Wedding Suianne E. Schneider and Kevin W. Mack were married December 22, 1900 in Holy Spirit Catholic Church. Avon lake. Parents of the newly wt\is uru Willium and Ann Schneider; 32037'Surrey Lane, Avon Lake, and Wayne tami Nancy Mack. 281 Butternut Urits, UUHM. Janu Ginmt served •is maid »f liotuir. Frances (ones, lunnifcji Schn.-iifer ;inil Debbie S c h n e i d e r ' s o r r o d a s bridesmaids. The flawer- girl was Katie Pagenstecher. ' Brian Hums served as bvsl man. The ushers were Mike Ciuker, Bill Schneider, Matt Visnich and Rick Santos. Lucas Schneider served us ring bearer. . The bride attended Dyke College, Cleveland, and is employed by Benekisor Consumer Products. I n c . Berea-.Her husband graduated from :Hlckok Technical Institute. Cleveland, and fs employed by Handy Andy Home Mr: and Mrs. Terry M. Zickuhr- tant manager for.Godfatber'r Pizza of Montana.' .'•- :•'.••' Koch - Stevens Engagement Louis and Maggie Koch of Shields. North Dakota arc pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter. Centers. The couple honeymooned Rosaliu, to Ellis Scott Stevens, jr., ion of New York City. N. Y. Ellis and Atice Stevens of Sheffield Lake. , Rosalie is a 1937 gradueta of.St Gertrude High School. Shu is currently stationed wilh the military police In West Lakq High School. Me served in Iho Germuny. Scott, H t<J07 graduate of Brookside Navy far six years and worked on a nuclear submarine- Presently h« works Hi((h School is also stationed in West Germany with iho mUilary patlco. ul Porry Nuclwur Puwpr Plitnt iitid la uiA June M. 1990 wedding Is being plantending evening Classes al Lnkulnml Community College to attain an ned at/St. Gertrude's Church In Raleigh; NoitJi Dakota. There will, bo a local engineering degree. held for the bride and groom. The wedding will take place- on May 31. 1390 at, the LDS Temple In, Washington, D.C, The couple pinna lo reside in Cleveland. Mr. arid Mrs. Kevin Mack Groesbeck - Smith Engagement : % Mrcdnd Mrs. William A: Groesbeck of _ Rocky River aro pleased to announce the "engagement of their daughter, Pamela: to" Gregory D. Smith, sou of Mr. unit Mrs Ronald Q. Smith of Avon Lake. Pamela is a 1980 graduate of Rocky . River ' High School. She attended Brlgham Young University and is now working as Q computer graphics designor for Ernst and Young In Cleveland. - . J ^ Gregory Is a 1973 graduate of Avon Jones - Peterson Engagement , Richard & Marilyn Jonos of James Clr^le, Avon Laka, are pleased to announce the enagement of their daughter, Patricia M. lo Kirk W. Peterson, son of the Into."Harold'& Carolyn Peterson, of HyattsvUIe, Maryland. _.The bride-elect is a graduata of Avon Lv JB High School. Bowling Green State University, Bowling Croon, Ohio and Is employed by Stockdale Savings and Loan Association. Bakersflold, California. Her flancb is a graduate of The Citadel. Charleston, South Carolina and Is employed by Owens-Corning Piberglas. Bakorsflold, California. A September 1,1S9O wedding is planned in Kakersfield, California. Marowsky - Beach Engagement Mr. and ..Mr*. Harry Marowsky of Avon 'Laka, announce the engagement of their daughter. Kimborly. to Randall Beach. .--;., ; -Miss Marowsky graduated from Avon Lake High School and is employed by EdMulliimx Ford. Her Tiance graduated from Elyrfu High School, and is employed by Society National Bank and Elyria Auto & Truck Service. A September 1 wedding is plunnud ut Miller Road Park Gazebo. Young Authors Conference Held Dr. Jerry Mullctt, an author of children's books, and teacher of children's literature, wai the featured speaker at the Young A u t h o r s ' Conference sponsored by the West Shore Council of the International Reading Association. :#T "he Conference was held at Holly Lane School in West lake on Saturday, .March1 10,1W0. Dr. Mallctt. a professor of education at The University of findlay, has enjoyed a varccr of teaching and writing, and portrays his enthusiasm in hi*, language arts publications. Books authored by Mallei! include Good Old Ernie. The First & Last Oriivci^hurg Eicrticninry Spe)ljng Bee, and noodbvq.ty, Cfl'PP Qrumh. Dr. Mallctt has also written motivational activity materials for classroom teachers such us L,ihrarv Skills Actjvilics and Stories lo Draw. , The Youth Authors' Conference pro: vidci) an opportunity for some 300 urea s'udenls >n grades I through 6 to share books which they authored and illustrated. This Conference was a concluding activity for "Right to Read Week" observed March 5-9. \*/Xi. t ~ After a wedding trip to lacksoif Hole, Wy., Ihoy wili reside in Billings. * t •No monthly service chaige. ( » r ' • No minimum monthly balance requirement • No monthly per check charge. •Unlimited check writing. " •Free ATM (automated teller machine) card with no chaige for ATM transactions. •%)ur canceled checks iefurned to you., •A complete, detailed monthly statement. •Only S50 to open an account •FDIC insured to $100,000. • No-fee utility bill payments. • limited time offer-200freechecks. Stop in or call us today "THE LANDINGS" 32730 Walker Rd. 933-4575 SAVINGSBANK What banking should be.* FOCInaured , * • * ; • j ; ' " '••_'_ •• - - ' - " " • ' - - "'"•."' " . ; • " ' • i - • - • - ; . - • - . - • • '--'-;-:•• • . : . : . • ; ' « ? - ' • . " . • : _ ' , ' • ':-' • ' . . • •' - , ; ' . : . • , • _^ ! - .' ." s I ^ ~ ? ; > , - ^ 3 ^ " - - " * • } , ~ . ; •• - . - . ; . ; . THE PRESS, MARCH 21, IBM MSMBBBBBBi K> |>OWNEIvi I Wpk ill San 1 1 mm To IF''timBfJJHMTWF 16 1 \ FOH ADDITIONAL SAVINGS, PICK-UP OUR 4-PAGE CIRCULAR AT YOUR FAVORITE BI-RITE SUPERMARKET mi BtiiSii [A -' w USDA CHOICE BEEF CHUCK BLADE CUT CHUCK ROAST FRESH FRESH, CRISP GROUND BEEF HEAD LETTUCE 1%, SKIM OR 2% DAIRYMENS GALLON MILK $ fffii m LB. JAMESTOWN 1 LB; PKG. - LIMIT 3 PLEASE ASSORTED, PORK LOIN SLICED BACON PORK CHOPS LB. THORNAPPLE VALLEY, FRESH 8 02. PKG. ASST, VARIETIES, BROWN & SERVE DELI BOLOGNA SWIFT'S SAUSAGE ..LB. PEPSI 2 LITER „ fe LB. REGULAR OR DIET . DEW, DR. PEPPER PEPSI-FREE OR WM *«^ QUALITY, FARM FRESH PRODUCE CALIFORNIA _ ASPARAGUS FRESH CRISP HEAD LETTUCE LB. WITH EACH AND EVERY $10.00 PURCHASE YOU CAN TAKE ADVANTAGE OF ONE OF THESE SPECIALS :WITR$20 - 2 ITEMS, WITH $30 - 3 ITEMS. WITH $35 r 4 ITEMS WITH EACH AND EVERY S10.00 PURCHASE PRESH, ENDIVE, ESCAROLE OR ROMAtNE PERCH FILLETS LB MtLO TASTING FILLETS OF , .ORANGE , LETTUCE r, hi EA. CALIFORNIA KIWI FRUIT •i QUARTERS GREEN BEANS TOORNAPPLE VALLEY COOKED SALAMI .. L ••••HBOI WfTH EACH AND EVEBV $10.00 PURCHASE 22 OZ. BOTTLE SUNLIGHT DISH LIQUID BLACK, THOMPSON GREEN-& RED FLAME SEEDLESS GRAPES LB. SUGARDALE. CHUNK ONLY BRAUNSCHWEIGER C*:.;..«. LOW SALT, AM1SH '" DUTCH L O A F ; :....iB. ASS'T. FLAVORS SUGAR FREE YOGURT, REGULAR OR LITE LOW SALT; AMISH PiCKLELOAF ^O1 7 ." .« *£.' f TURKEYHAM U N O -O U K E S , YELLOW AMERICAN CHEESE .: , WITH EACH AND EVERY S10-00 PURCHASE 100% LAND'O LAKES BRICK CHEESE! SINGLE R O U . 24 OZ. BOTTLE LB ASSORTED PIERRE'S PINTS ICE CREAM w THORNAPPLE VALLEY MINI STRUDELS PURE WESSON OIL i8 MELCH'S POTATO SALAD /,.;,...;*..-..«. IN-STORE BAKERY KAISER ROLLS ii&L/ Ulilili L SPECIAL VALUE 7.5 0 2 . SWEETMILK OR BUTTERMILK SHURFRESH BISCUITS teliiiilft fpSilii 2 UTER. ASST. FLAVORS WITH EACH AND EVERY $5,00 PURCHASE FAYGOPOP.. 4 ROLL, WHITE 4 ASSORTED. SHURHNE BATH TISSUE ;..:..: ASST. FLAVORS $189 12 OZ. PKQ. SINGLES. KRAFT QUARTS AMERICAN CHEESE .PIERRE'S ^SHERBET 16 OZ. POLY BAG, CORN, PEAS OP- MIXED VEG.- BIRDSEYE VEGETABLES tO OZ. SAUSAGE. PEPPERON1 OR COMeO TOTINO'S F R O Z E N P I Z Z A . ; ,.,... 6-8 OZ. CAN CONTADINA TOMATO SAUCE OR PASTE.,'.. : 16 OZ- WIDE. EX. WIDE OR OUMPUNGS CREAMETTES NOODLES «OZ.CANSHURRNE TOMATO JUICE/. COUNTY FAIR 39OZ.BOX.OXYOOL ^gJJU^g i : LAUNDRY: POWDER,....,. WHITEBREAD 32OZ.JAH.BONTEMPO ; : . - .. • •PIZZA:& PASTA'SAUCE:.-:.; 99* 99* I 9° III I 9° 1 1 $• $• 64 0 2 . BOTTLE SHURFINE APPLE JUICE ASST. FLAVORS - HALF G A L BI-RITE ICE CREAM "ill 1 B?ilyimi $• II « S 1 ;; STORE HOURS Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Saturday 0 a.m.-8 p.m. Super Markets Sunday 9 a.m.-6 p.m. 066lV2HOyVH'SS3Ud3HX: }gwSi^»f»!ii^'ii jwt r-wali JB ; H 13 Sheffield Lake Fire Department Vindicated Continued from page T lire drilL I wonder how many of thi*se 1 people actually have been to China .to observe their drills, anyway," As to the allegations of insufficient hose. Nelson said that, like all other firo . departments, the Sheffield Lake truck had 200 feet of pre-attachedhose, with additional lengths kept on the truck fur use as needed, ^If you have tc-o rtfuch hose it taugjea like spiagisetO and water doesn't ficw." According to Nelson. what uV' <^n=on must imve heard was a fireman saying he didn't have enough hose to reach bis target and for someone to give him additional hose. "The bottom line is that the people were highly critical of the Fire Department, when they shouldn't have been." he summarized. "The findings of my investigation showed that the Fire Deport- meat act«i properly." He added this is precisely tho conclusion reached by thu Slate Fire Marshall's office. "I did nuka that statement." ho admitted, aliudinjf to the accusations levered upon him u'/ having violated nn adrniriKtrative "(?,a? order."* Hi* vJoiation of the gag order led to his tt/M Wing rcappointod to the position of rcKTcation director and park superintendent. He said he felt he was chastised fur supporting tiio fire department, stating that tfcc evidence showed they acted properly and the facts were inconsistent with the theory of a rekindle. The five critical citizens had alleged that the second fire had been a rekindle caused by1 the ineptitude of the fire department. Tho State Fire Marshall's report vindicated the firemen and determined that the second fire was due to ataon. SELF STORAGE ':"••'"'"' V " " ' , '':. '.' . . 5 x 1 0 7 5 x 1 5 , '• ' • ' ' . Rent One Month and Gel Second Month Free!!' •.-."". :• , , • Hurry!!! Umitod Space One Coupon Pw Customer Available!!! ; Exptres4Oa» (for now rental* only) • Sun flami In A Prtvati Concrete a Steel Endowd Aim & You K t t p The Key '••:•• 34 Hour Security • Fui Time Uve-fei AHwKianl . ' " • Security Fane* & W«I Lighted . ~- •" , ; • Outside Storage F o r R V > & Boats • • ' - . ' , , ;-• v 998 Avon Belden (Rt. 83) Avon. Ohio OfficeHeunt Moa-SaL 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Gate Hours: MorySat 7.-JD0 «-m.-8 p.m. - Eve. By Appt 937-6527 nda}sNoonto9p.m. EARLYBWiPECIALS 4 t o 6 p.m. FromOnly Z** . <-ipak . so»nachSalad . S w W t&SourCtncKen, , P o r t l chops Pork offish Sctod Sunday*^^ k\ A F r i d a y " * Chicken Breast .ChtcksnorBeelSwFry ^ J g j y • Chopped Beei Steak t o Authentic Wiener Schnitzel • • . . , • • — Brian Nelson former Sheffield Lake safety director Kolradi is not a suspect in the continuing investigation. Although at the timo of the Initial investigation arson did not enter the picture. Nelson says ha felt he had, to publicly support the Fire department because those men. were carrying the burdecof knowing tho residents of Sbef-' field Lakodid not trust their capabilities, while they had no sound basis Tor their distrust.. "After cxl," Nelson added, "the fire occurred, on i coUl. wet night. By the time of the second b'aze. ihore was water in tha house and uie windows had been broken. Add to thnt tho fact that thw second HrP happened tibout onv half hour after tile first blaze was put out A rekindle takes hours to build into a blaze, theru. was-water ovorywhere, and yet; by the time the firemen returned, the fire was rafting." He also said he felt that maintaining such a tight lid on the evidence spurred the propagation of ruraors that hurt tho fire department "What \ can't understand," be added, "was Iiow it could ba,^ iwld that my statements, the^ only positive, statements made at thai'time. ^ could possibly have been construed a* putting the city in a bad light" • ^ "The bottom line." he said."»that the * i citi^ans of Sheffield Lake bavc a>flrs department they can truly bo proud of as . they rightfully are of their police depart-^ menL UV necesMry for thsni to starts". working together to achieve positive ^ results which will go a long wuy. it u a7 1 with traceltenl safely forces." ,-" Jaycox Residents Protest Fee Increases SPR1NC CLEANING! SRBCiAL :: "TAe feo/tom //jie /s r/ia/ the citizens of Sheffield Lake have a fire department they can truly be proud of as they rightfully are of their police department It's necessary for them to start working together to achieve positive results which will go a long way. It is a good city with excellent safety forces.'* chicken or Beet SMr-Fry complete dinner S"T9B * at that time Krystowakl said residents j / i g Continued from page 1 \ . .were recently ordered to tap In I "* *"*"' pensos they face hiring private contrac- - line by tho county after a Jaycox tors to hook thorn up to tho trunk lino. homeowner complained After hearing of the. hew tap-In fee, system and it was found to aoveral residents claimed to have lost hazard. •> j ~ - r- ^ ; money and work-time investigating the The council president sitidf a -1 situation. - ..-; . - -. , ,• assessment to put a nwer lino oa"t "We should have been notified by mail wcMt aide of Jaycox Roadjwould.'cwt because thiB i* going up $500," a resi- moro-tlian the up-front costs oCtbe < dent complained.. " 1 ' lost half a day's In to the existing'lino. Hyde *akl/hojj work to gel in here and pay the tap-In fee would make avnibble a ^1989.*xep6~rir flwfore U we* Increased). •, '•'; looking Into cost-tmttiog'mBssurestfor,. Another resident • told council "you the tap-Ins, such as slurring one bonrto]. want to hurry up and pass this thin); to the trunk ilne among several bamcs.gj*££ Residents will be aole to.purcluife.tap-S charge us more-'* . •'> ' 'Several othora questioned why they in permits before the rataii wore unable to hook up with the sewer Mnto effect,; which;will;be<3_ —<^,|_.__, when their homes were constructed as council approves the final reading pt tun ordinance,Krystow«kl,»ald;i tho trunk line existed at that^time. v " John Smitok,'public service director,': councilman^ " "" and Krystowskl told tho residents they Sewer»'andi could not tap in to the lino 10 years ngo look at'the when, the homes were built because whether the city could lake H on B9re Avon was not part of tbu sower district project. "* ~ Ji >'&$ Art Course Offered The Sheffield Luke; Art Association will stnrt the second session of class Instruction In watcrcolor painting. Tho fivo week course began Monday evening, Murch tD at 7 p.m.. closing at 9:30 pm This will bo thu third year that Mrs. Dlnnnc Boltlman of Avon Lako will bo torching her popular wntcrcolor painting techniques to art.a residents She also toadies at tho Raycrnftera in Bay Village nod the Westlake Art Leagus a n d ^ i is wbll known ID the nothern O b i o . a r t ^ circles i, ,- <- V s J S The class sessions will continue to bg-^ conducted at tho Sheffield Lako C ^ tnuntty Civic Center. >•- t , There is a S30 fee for tho fivo' w « course For moru information, call Mrs^'-,-, Groco Stockort. treasurer, at 940-5137t ,•£ V Avon Student Is Semi-Finalist - " T u e s d a y (pajunNHM Oufnowlamoia»» Chicken Paprikas $795 complete dinner CKckenFtittu Combo SuprwM..- • - flew Sandwiches ; * New Dinners Dine an '.Thursday f .3128 C01 34139 Center Ridgo, North Ridgovillo '•i.^.'i^t'WoslofPr.-iHlovncl/ .. - ? P c n 236-.3993 ' P a i !V- : '•• - .... - R W f v a i k j n ^ ^ recommended Holy Trinity eighth 'grader "Andrew Scliober Is onu of four Loral 11 count) scml-flnallsl In Mathcounts, a itational program of math compotuncy for 7th and Blh graders,.sponsored by. tha National Society of Profosslon.il Engineers Andrew placed third out of 41) competitors from 13 (iron schools, thus qualifyingforthe team representing I-onlln' County in slato competition n) theutul of March. Andrew is ttie Ron of Eil and JJurb Schubur of Kollor Drive in Avuti. His, muth teacher at Hol> rnnlt> is Mrs Cnrolyn Echmotzor, owner of Sclimotzcrs Apple Orrhnnl in Avon Lake Her luum from Hulv Trinity ron sisilng of Andruw. Attain Mkavt'c, Luko Wyoockl, and Miko I'utkash plncei] fourth ovurall In county competition Congniiulatloiis. Andrew Schober ~" -T^r^iWuim-'IR'^fft U ' IS THEflE A DOCTOR IN THE H O U S E ? - N o , but William Barr Elementary stu •jF dent Michael Kruman models hospital "scrubs" as nurses Jell Zink and Sherry g& ^ Hyde answer student questions. {PffESS photos by Martfyn 0'DonneHJ A N 0 N 0 WF 0 R T H E 9'von to herb NEWS -- FH th grader Stephanie Wsschers reads a news wire V Ranae Edward3, a disk jockey from WEOL 9 3 FM £.When I Grow Up... I Students Learn Career Options Need Not Be Stereotyped by Marilyn O'DonneU glV- SHEFFIELD - The nurse stood In front of the fifth grado class taking |£& questions.' ' ' V ;.?:**Do you evbr wear a dress?" asked a ; knowing his inquiry would draw l h ;V"I,Woar scrubs most of the time." Janswered St. Joseph Staff Nurse Jeff '^-Zink;Who. along with sbc other career [professionals, wefo trying to break ;dpwn. career stereotypes. was.part of a seven-speaker rgroupv.that: 'went to William Barr | Elementary School In Sheffield Village """ ' Friday,, .during Women's History to speak 'about' their non- traditional careers. Other speakers included a female disc jockey, police officer, advertising executive, naturalist,, banker and hospital program manager. , According to Linda Brass* career education coordinator at Lorain County Joint Vocational School, the speakurs were Invited to help cut through stereotypical thinking. "We want kids to expand their options," she said. "They doh'l have to limit themselves - by saying That's a male or female Job.'" Curious students asked questions including: "How. old are you?" "Do you .Middle School Honor Rcll HIGH HONOKSs Cnute 6 rivMu. Ryan Cox.1 KrUty Phillip*, yrtm&Amaad* North. {mntfer Suott, |Maad]r.Wa«B«r.' [Mtwrtta }««*. David Setfoxo. |Mkh»dW,Twombly,Trtib« Blovsna.' Adriennu hntntm. Aatln^rGuy. MERIT ROLL: Michanl |CoopdniU. Maltaa CbutM. Mary Scsrvdli l & b m t rJKanary^ Kart>\' N « M , " Alexander lion. Jrninllor Drown Jannlfrr Fugot* yHatclvJennifer hfeyar, Tabllha Put- ""Iholarship Available ?Once again Avon Lako PTA Council will be'offoring to o high school studer* the Robert J- Robinson Summer Enrichment Scholarship. The obfectivu of this ~'~ ilarship Is to financially assist an indergraduate student wishing to at* d summer academic enrichment IB**1 kcholarshlp Fund shall ha for no jre than $200 but the money may bo jrpixUed to a program costing more. Tho applicant shall currently be a freshman. ' jhomoro, or junior. Many colleges and universities offor k'long ntsidontial workshops Atten* tng ono of those programs would bo on 'lent vtey to gflt a insla of college life ^V become familiar with a parr collego. man. Amy Remali, Julie Schlndlor, Suzanne Snorf. Michael 5u«ruB. Sean Swrniney: Ilntti WillUm*, Craig Scott., Ucona Iwililo. Iir«adon Kuykendall. Siuon PhllUp*; Ko^n ScImBbelin. KauU ZambounK David' Catana«t. HIGH HONORS; Grade 7 - loan F«f«r. Jaioti Rulp. HONOR ROLL: Ron Rados. D«lo Slain, Shane VVhltBtnan, Mt!Uu Czach. Slophen Vovok, (Cartie Unnnrth, Tina Tandy. Do«na Warfl«Id. Suun Knimin, A«ron Corri*Mu. April Fonlana. Sabriik Slmo. MERIT ROLL: Josaph Manh.D«vid PbiUips. Shawn McFadden, Lisa Epplay. l«nnir«r Halt, foulca Jorgonwn. Sakur* Oiah. Tbareut Badfffat. Ka\hf Knuley. Mntidy Kflmms. Brian LeHarto. Lba Vaughl, Matthew Carty, TricU Cwch, Mary Saylor. HIGH HONOKSt ,Grad« 8 - Haathor Lennirih. EllzthAh Dlatz. HONOR ROLL: Cam Utm. Slilrioy Stevmiion. fajon Sweenay, Chri<tophw Fankrttr, Holly Burns. Michael Oorge. U M (tuldcwto. Rttbocca Patrick. Rvbocca Pnlino, Wyra Snullwood. Charlei Camp*. Tricy FellM. Gregory Frtmm. Hope McTlgiM. Heidi Mo ran, llratttvr Purk.ChrUtopharScluJ!l.Warroji W«ingart*. Mo^nle faegar, Martin Krall. Amy loannidU. MERIT HOLLt SUcy Johnaon. lanet : MarLotkL Crystal Amdt. Ben EUlott, Charity, North. Sloven Splrkct, Curtis Patrick. WtllUm Bador. Heidi Brilllan, Joel EilromBM, Midi alls Kryu. Brand! .MulTina. MoJiiw Ritlonhouw, Uywm Watklni.Amanda Will la.ns. UrUii Zajac laion, Bahotino, Daneiba Cardnar, Bronda Gardner, ChrUty Norrli, Heather Rlckol. Laura Schwarz. Jame* Trot fa. AngnU Coutno, Brad Profpal, Actara Kurczl, Jaton Kittenhousv, joy DeriUlng. Philip Mllbr.' , ; OUT OF BUSINESS SALEUI I&C4246 Lake Rd. 949-8679 <|NMt ToTheC+r Wash) lictosod Sun. A Man. Tim -Sat. I t a.m:• 5^K)p.m. EVERYTHING IN OUR SHOP IS 4 0 % OFF! 5 0 % Off Selected Hems! Including - gift baskets, ' all greeting cards, all ,wreaths; teddy bears an.'stuffed animals. broken Into radio during the last 15 years. School Principal Jack Moskovitz said ho hopos to bring this program back annually to "Impress" students that "(hero's a great future out there." "They need to reach for it," he Bait*. Meeting Slated On Avon Tax Amendment AVON - An Informational meuting to discuss a proposed 0,5 percent tax credit reduction in the Cfly of Avon is schoduled far 7 p m Monday, prior to tho regular city council meeting If the ordinance pusses, residents who wirk outsido tho city will rocotvo a reduced tax credit of 0.5 porcont. The 0.5 percent would (lion go to the city; A special meeting has been scheduled in council chambers for 0 p.ni.-Thursday to discuss 1090 permanent appropriations which are In exces* of $4 8 million. Council must begin action on the budget at Mondn>*s mooting, according to council president Ed Krystowski ' * * • •„-*-• * Women's League Meets .i Tho Erie Shore, CareerWomen's l.eagu» will meet on Thursday, March 22 lit 6:30 p.m. nt Iho Avon Lake Library. Judith - Rtggte, Avon LB\LO Librarian, will speak to tho group otraul "Spring and Eostor Customs". Ho*to»*e» for this meeting aro Mnrlboo S n y d o r and Carol Aufdenkiimpw All working or retired Avon Laku, Avon, and Shoffloli! Ijiko women aro Invllud to attend, Please cull 033-5070 for reservations, Happy 11th Birthday TIM LYONS SPECIAL WINTER SAVINGS /, TBEE WORK, » Trimming, Thinnings'; v i ^ Removal, Storm Damage, ^ Pruning, Fertilizing', •£ Cleaning, Stump «£.PIanting. ' >, FULLY INSURED INSURANCE ' AGENCY, INC. 7 Auto-Home - High Risk •: Boats Business - Bonds - Motorcycle A Full Service Agency Since 1952 33399 :,WalkerRd. Suite B Avon Lake Call For Free Consultation From An Ohio Certified Arfoorist. 9:06-5:00 Dally Evenings By Appointment 933-5223 Cleve. 835-7242 Bob Allen Donna DcCbant/Aoent - r*( » - i *** BOB ALLEN liNot Just A House; GIFT SHOP Shefield Lake like, your job?" "What1 was your worst mistake?" und "Ilow. much rnonuy do you .make?' Rahae Edwards, a disc jockey from VVEOL-93 FM had kids come uu and read news wires and weather reports. She told I horn Ilial women have only 734-2874 Sweat Brothers, Inc. Legal Questions Answered For Caregivers SHEFFIELD LAKE -, "Eucli day in our. communities, carygivurs must iake on and solve problems ihut would make Superman foolt like a pussy cat." stutnd Ian, Kl«inberg. director of Northeast Luntin County Social .Services. "J( lakvi exceptional courage and stamina 16 shoulder the care and demands of in- valid, hahtiicapptxi. or agwJ pt.Tsu.-is ami still livo their own lifts." .Vany of the problems that f.ai t!f;u%'rs encounter are legal - involving lU«m and lh« person (hey care for. To help carugivers gain amwers In k-ivil art:.!-., Ihw support group of the Northeast Ixrain County Social Services have in.viluti atlurriey Mark A. Aufdenkampe lu its April 28 meeting. The local al'urney has (jfaciyuslv accepted. , • jna _ and implement Handcrafted ffhitt Cedar Fencing Slwrdjr find Obtir.ctiv* Ftncirtg Over t5O£xcto$nre Designs to Choose From Rt- 57 • Graft on • Ohio 926-2621 The Unicorn Restaurant & Pub Dinner fare at this charming Irish Restaurant 4 Pub features: prime rib, flame-broiled stc.(lc5, Alaskan King Crab legs, and seafood. Friday and Saturday, enjoy Louisiana Shrimp Peel! M urdery -Mystery Dinner Theatre performances are scheduled throughout (he , year. Open Tue.-Fri. from .11:00 a.m. and Saturday from 4:30 p.m. Being a general- practitioner, AuffJenkampe's , expeiienco cavers a •.vide rangu of lugat .problems. He also has another perspective on law by serving as prosecutor for the cities of Avon and Avon Lake. For the Carcyiver Support Group. A u Wonka in pe will speak and, answer questions about povvcr-of-attorncy, gnar, dianship, wills; trusts, preparing for probale, savings prelection, and living wills. This will bo an informal, rolled-upslccves, problam-solving session which should prove to bo interesting find" informative. '•..,'.., All caregivers in area communities are invited to atlemi. There Is no charge.Transpo rial ion can ho provided if' necessary. , • The Caregiver Support Group meets at fi;30 p.m. Monday, Mardi 26. at (lie Sheffield Lake Comnt unity Civic Center. 4575 Lake Kd. For additional inforrnulion, call Northeast County Social Ser vices at Choirs To Perform Requiem Mass Byria, Ohio 44035 "Wir.tett Sr( BttSOadtnlt *r CuMtyftnang A n 007" located jutt minutes from M80 & CMM! Northern Mill E*it uke MBO/Rlo. 10 Wrtt. M Clyru/Mediru Exit go South OR Rte. 57. Thu Faure Kcqulfm will be presented by the combined chaacul choirs of the Lake Shore Uuited Meliuxiist Church and Avon Lake United ChurchofChn-t This program will \m presenled on Wednesday, April 4. ID90 at S p.m in thu Avon Dike United Church of Christ. 32801 Electric Blvd.. Avon Lake. Ohio. This lovely setting of the Requiem Mass will be presented undor Uie diroc- Uon of Ms Karon Weaver and MrA William Davis with musical acepwpantment by a 25 piece orchestra. A free will; offering will support the missions ot Blanket Sunday" and "The Zetma: George Home \ ^ Please plan on attending this Lenten* season ovenL That's the Faure Requiem Wednesday, April 4; 1990, 8 p.m.. ot the Avon Lako United Church of Christ • Around And About Avon Lake The Landings, Avon Lake XtilM 11T 3 933-8075 Houra. Mon. & Wad. 0 •.m.-KJO pjn., TuM.t TIHITS. SJO t m + J 0 p m ; , FriLflajn.-fl pjn.; . 1 S*t 530 i m - 4 p.m.:' Sun. 11 ».m.-4 pjn. ONE YEAR MEMBERSHIP SPECIAL * • 5>0****'(Reg. $250.00) •] r Spring is here, and It Is time for many people to update their wardrobes. This week on Around and About Avon Lako Doris Arndt will show women how they can gut more mileage out of their war: drobe , through, the use of scarves to change outfits. ,"• ';[':, :'-y. •"'"'• Nancy Woznlak, "Miss Nancy" to the man" boys and girls who attend the nursery program at the Avon Lake YMCA, will tell abouRthe children's ncUvitlea available at' tKtt Y.; Thr program will "then show highl'jhta or the Creative Arts Fair whlc.i Included;art;works created by Avon Lake boys and girls. The work In- cludes drawings, paintings, collages. photograph, music, literature, nnd th dimensional objects. ~ **~^»5 Folbwlng Around and AboutiAvou Lake, an Interview..wtth Stevo ^ d t Avon Lake service director,* ^ ^ shown on Let's Talk. Steve4 teUs.about<j the service department and its activities?* Arouna and About Avon ~Lk£l shown daily at 10 UJIL. 2 pjn., S p z The Avon Late Cable Advisory^Cennr mission brings now programs to ***" " nel31 oech Thursday.T- * "f - • New Members Only • Offer Expires March 31,1990 Free Massage With Each New Membership! • Reduce Stress • Feel Good AllOyer • Licensed Massage Therapist Available 1 Stairmaster • Olympic Free Weights • Exercise Bikes • Tanning Beds Nautilus Machines • Concept I! Rowing •Massage * Sauna, Showers, Lockers COUPON1 Marty's Cycle Center Get Your Bike Serviced For Spring! You Have 10 Days Left 1990 HORIZON Air Conditioning Automatic P. Storing & Brakes Ran* Wlfwr AM-FM Storoo 1990 PLYMOUTH ACCLAIM i Air, Condi (wrung Automatic AM-FM Stores Roar Defroster P. Stoerinfl A BraKos LEBARON COUPE Air Conditwnlng Auiomatlc Tilt & Cruls« ArA-FM Stereo Rear D«lros1ar Plus Much Mora Off I-abor on any in-shop service Most repairs completed In 2 days or tess, any makes or models 32087 ELECTRIC BLVD. (Comor Electric & Lear Rd),) 933-4204 Ifcwi Men., Tun., Fit, Sat 9 - » 6 TTHSI. 9:308 powd W«dn«idiyftSindny Dr. Frank Andosca CHIROPRACTOR 933-3220 FREE CONSULTATION Worker's Compensation fit ' Personal Injury Insurance • Blue Crois The 8 Danger Signals of the Pinched Nerve ; • : ; . - : • Shoulder/ Arm/Hand Pain • Hip, Le,j & Foot Pain • •--•". • Numbness In The Arms & Legs • H c i i d a c h e s • • Neck Pain • Pain Between Shoulder Blades • Low Back Pain > If you suffer from any of the above symptoms...aill, for an appointment Licensed Massage Theraatst • Physio Therapy Facility 33111 Lake Rd., Avon Lake, Ohio " All Prices Include Any Rebates or Incentives 33725 Walker Rd. Avon Lake : Loraln : 933-3500 • Cleveland835-5900 7 $ p-m . 98 p nu and midnight on Channel* ^ CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH way to go ™U!SHa Degradability Of Plastics Researched This is Part II of an interview with Bola Mikofalvy. Research and Development Manager of Emerging Technology at B.F. Goodrich in Avon Lake.. A<*jun»t the, questibns Is Holly KowaULi, chairperson of the Avon Lakj> KecyciinR CoalitionHow long does plasstic lake to birdegrade? As a general rule^ plushes do not biodegrade. Research U qniier•vay to modify some plastics to maVf b b i gd i b k Much more information 'is needed abjut the controllability of degradation end about the environmental effects or decomposition products before biodegradable plastic can become sidely used. T h e time it takes any. biodegradable material to degrade depends an the condition* [moisture, oxygen, light, etc) to which it Ss exposed. Even then the exact lime can not be predicted.. One of the most striking facts that come to light roccittly Is that even materials that are expected to decompose, such as papdr and foodstuffs, are not breaking down i n landfills. Therefore, biodegradable materials would not necessarily case th« burden on landfills. Will pholodegradabls (curitstarch) pbutic bags truly help tho solid waste situation? PhotodegrrJablo plastics will play only a minor role in solving the, solid waste problom. They may help to redi'co litter on thu land if used tn some special products However, some people wonder if dogradable plastics may eventually make the problem worse by providing falst justification for Uttering. People may think, "It's going to degrade ^anyway." In addition the Introduction of degradable plastics Is often at cross ^purposes to recycling. The degrsdable items can be contaoiinants to recyclable •ic mate-rials. What happens when plastic is burned? i*Iasiic« - like other burnable tirg-jutc materials, including wood, decompose leading lo carbun dioxide, tarb«n monoxide, u'a'er and other gi»>etms byproducts. Some of thit bj products are toxii:. This is why most communities no lunger allow back yard burning. However, today's .wustiMo-encrgy incineration technology has been proven to eflectively remove or control potential harmful emissions. EPA standards will require the usu of this technology on • all new wasie-ttHjnerfjy installations. Plastics ure valuable sources of fuel in these modern and safe incinerators. Plastic products are derived from cptrochemlcais and when bumed, they produce as much energy a s o i l a n d c o a l . What is B.F. Goodrich doing to promote recycling? While realizing that the real solution to solid waste manage* man! is a balanced approach involving waste reduction, recycling and safe incineration and landfill*. B.F. Goodrich is currently focusing on plastic recycling. It is sponsoring' and assisting municipal recycling programs such as Avon Lake's Recycle Now program J>jid Akron's waste recovery program. , Last year, Goodrich launched a million dollar a year program to conduct research and development work on recycled vinyt products., Coodrich is building a plastic recycling laboratory at tho Avon Lake Technical Center to boost recycling efforts. , On a national lovol. with other vinyl manufacturers. Goodrich entered into a program with* National Recovery Technologies. Inc., In Nashville, Ten, nessee. Their goal Is to accelerate the commercial"development of, sortation systems for municipal solid waste. RECYCLING HERO — Avon Lake firefighter/paramedic Gary Vtrgel.sets up barrets (or recyctables at the Fire Station. "It's really pretty :easy once Recycled vinyl plastic'products, such everyone gets used to it," he saysj The : as pipe and bottles are being made In Fire Department has also been parthe Pilot Plant facilities at B.F. ticipating in Aluminum Cans for BurnGoodrtch's Avon Lake Technical ed Children for three years. Center. Recycling Coalition To Meet ' "'•"'iri. $ oversees and coardinatw the Recycle Thu Avon Lake Recycling Coalition Now program- Recycle Nqwr. accepts will meet Thursday, March 29 at 7 p.m. at the Avon Lalur Community Education glass, aluminum _and..,stBel- cans, newspapers, and container •plastcia Center, 237 Bolmar. Anyone intorosted in recycling and solid waste Issues is {HOPE and PET). Flyers detailing invited. ', • ' . ••• preparation of materials are available at The evening's agenda will include Avon Lake City Hall. 150 Avon plans for Clean Up Avon Lake Day, final details foe the Earth Week Press footuro, Recycle Now U located at Bleser Park the now motor oil recycling program, on" Electric Blvd.. (ust-weat'Lof Avon and previewing a possible addition.to Betden Road. It U between City Ilall and our plastics program. : The Tot Spot Recycle Now Is open B30 1 The Avon, Lake Recycling Coalition ' a-m. to 7"p.m; evoiy d a y v . , ^ ^ ; - ^ ^ ; . n u . - , . • . • . • • - • - • ' . i Ciirnct Floorinn • Wallcoveriifrt-T Paint • Mini Blind** » ^ • ^ HALL RENTAL!! Br VIRGINIA'S > For Your-Special Occasionl -/:\r::^:'-:'--:;^Ca\l\.;;. .•'.•; ""• Decorating Center" • 31072 W&iker R d , Avon Lake, O. ^ f £ j - f e ^ ' \^:933-6695 •"-. > ""•"-. -K fit tam. W, SSL1MS CMd «M > ft* New 1990 Collection King Fisher Partners " COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR ON THE PREMISES fiS..=-:«iii.,,.j^;••,-'•-;_445 'nrho 1ANDWQS" Avon Belden Road •' Avon Lake, Ohio 44012 « \X/hy;vvaitfbr ; your federal ;i j t i l iriebme tax refund? fm n S w W • « M l l d antWpjrtfcjnjbah in a ^^matterofdarys^1""'' ""•• "• t noca^rie«krf from your check . I avaitobtewhetw we prepare your return or " O t ^ H&R BLOCK* 215 MILLER BD., AVON UKE 933-2577 Frid«?9an. .Satu THELOOKTHArCZXSTHEUXMS. PAINT Save Over Wallcovering Now In Stock Buy Today HangTonite! Save Xw/o Exterior Interior Primer' Over 1000 Custom Colors, Tinted Free! f'ri? SSli «;?:.-j-".ii',-ii.,'i1'i.}f |''/i--'.'."-/'.T---^*;' Off Sugg.Manii Retail Price Wallcovering Books Over 800,000 Patterns Of the Latest Styles Sale Ends 3-31-90 Exdudas Sea&rook, Schumacher, 4 Kminy Booka \fIRGINIA S Decorating Center 31966 Center Ridge Road North RldgevlIIe Ca// Today For A Quote HOMVTWWIGB «w 1-800-252-SALE - OR -327-6525 Frtd ^SX 1 9 W mmm r^H9 &o The ora SPRING CLEAN-UP SPECIAL 6 STEP RECONDITIONING PROCESS.,.. At WATER WHEEL & Tax (Mini Vans S5.00 Extrx) IN YOUR COURTS For All " For An , Size Cars Call 933-4377 Appointment , •- Expires: Apnt W. 1990 It preserves, restores & beautifies fine car finishes Special 6 Step Reconditioning Process... 1) Rub out,body' 2) Qsan& wax chrome 3) Glaze body 4) Completely wax & seal finish p&ra~/&r«m*j 5) Clean & dress tires 6) Interior cleaning included Daily Hours:Mon.-Sat8:30a.m.-7p.m.. Sun.8:30a.m.-5p.m. 454 Avon Beiden, Avon Lake, OH 933-4377 Brown. 44044 Edgewood A v e , Loraln. X65r~fi Late Municipal Court Donald M Moss. J016 Lawis Dr.. Lsfcgwood. £ , Rodney ABen, 12109 Lena Ave', Cleveland, $45; Maruarei A. BaKar. EJyrla. $40: and Kwfa P-7 was firwd SSOO and was sentenced to 30 days In Walsh. 1409 Trotter Hrfga L a w . Weslian*. $30. jad 00 a charge of having no operator's fccense. Kaltwyn E Ramsoy 1512 Hunters Chas*.. He was Ofdarad to serve o*ctt days and tnen Westlaka grvofi credit for eight days already sp#nt la Jail, tha romatndar of mo aentence was deleirad on conation of no traffic violations over two points * (or twra years. Also. S2S0 of We 5ne was deferred Sheffield Village Mayor's _ . , T on condition that ho pay tho remainder within six -Edward G. CumnVm. 2402 E. 33rd S U t«*W-^ J th waa fined S663 <or DUI. dmirtQ under *J«wVWchset J . Oshea. 247 Loar Rd.. siort, and speeding and wa* «*rtaac#d to)O ima fined $350 and sentencedto30 days in {ail 1 days in jaa. Ha drtvef * hMi*« w*a :suspanded. on acharge of DWt. Kith the wntencs defe^ed • - ' •"-'Is ' > on condition that he spend thnu days in com- :toron* year. munily eennce arid haw no similar vbteliona tor one year. H * driver's Ucertw was suspended tor cobiSL, Loraln. $44. Ebert S. Karssr,. MflWjfl Qectrtc Blvd., Avon Laka.' *43:J " 90 days and h« was fined SSO for exfiwuiw BAC.' S*uca. s Weitwooda, Amharet- * Vincent GlgGottl. ?02S Hamilton Av*.. Loraln Schubwt. Palatlrw. BL. C42; Jeftrty X ( was fined S350 and sentenced to 80 days in p& ' SumnerSt,Srteffl«ldVinBgs;sS2;6usift;M;I on a charge of fumisWna beer to a minor. Jeff A. wards. 4240 HoB A ~ --^--» Brooks, 2S3 HarrmanAv*-, Avon L*ko, was Sned 92SO and sentenced to 30 davs:t^-iaH on a charge of underage consumption of *ict£"* -*?" . the sentence deferred on condition of 14 days - RfctiCfd A:FraemarO spent U% community service. Ha also was lined Valw. * * 2 : R U S M B K Ph«lpj,1178 tMMH I $100 tor possession otmart|u«n*..-' '• > •f r CouClAn^$4R,Vnmob^8&K0 _ , . Ktaberty A. Mfller. 22447 LaJw R 4 . Rocky Undenwood Court. Lorain. M7: Madt EJ Brver. was fined $350 and sentencfKl to 30 days In Jail on a charge of petty theft with tha sentence. I l l M u B ; d , ; o n L . i $ S >B deferred pending 10 dsys otcofnrnL-iKy vetvfca.' Robinson. Oberfin,> $43;;?Arthu«r»:3. '. Flr» and costs was ordered to b» paid within SO n a W E $ 8 £ 9 202 E. 22d StH.Lw»fcv»4a: RWwd.HtyrM Joes L. Roman. 1006 LsatngUn *Av», and 3137 SL Andrews Dr., WMaftke,J47;Jeroe»" Ricardo R. Qullles. 324 W. 29th St.-both of Be&«2HiRo;ShffiUtto7s37f£ffl Lorabi. ware fined >!50 each and were sentanc' C Tombin, ed to 15 days in Jafl onacnargts of almlnal$30: Agq8» a r^wta^I04S LonO A M ^ t trespasslno, Roman's sentence was deferred on, condition of ffvs days of community service and ^ QuUas's on condlUon of three /toys of service. They also were dried J100 each on charges of havftig a ffctJUous IDs. , Emest.A.:Vasauaz J r . 1073 E~ 42nd S t , Uxmin.wa* fined S150 on a charyecf hawing r » r operator's Scents. Syria. $43: UcraNri^SNMky^tniiriiri^l Fined S50 for speeding wefe Ksrsn H. SherByiia. $MK Frederick J^OtttroPtaWOI man. 21823 Austin Dr., Rocky Rrver; Sharon A: B M . Lorab). l4flrD«rrte R , H ' Pervo. 208 Cherry Lane; Avon Like; Stephen f V WHow PMc RcL; EfyrH^S22t, Dennett, 4310 Canter Rd.; Avon Lake; James Ji Scva,'20881 Loraln AL.'Falrvle« Duma, 31398 Lost' Nation fid., WUooQhoy; AKrad X CKedricfc,.74S CrwtlnvOr^A Rhonda O. Schneidar.- 12Bt''i.*)untt Rd., $10. Brady A. Schroadar. 2235 UXewood; Norbert K. Dombrowsi*, 1222 W. Avon, S22r Jamae F. Mukoy,r 3 2 * 3 Cfmterf 40th S t . Loraln; wid Stuart A-Btystonc. 1504 W^stfwd Centar, Westtait*. BcL. North ndgevWe. M 9 : m d ~ 471TAihhndAv«j;[ Other speeders and their fines Vrsre Joseph M.'; Patton, 32453 Detroit Fid.;'Avon; $75; Jamas D. days. fr • . ••-••••• . • • . - . ' . ' • . ' • - . ' - • •• ; . • • I^Plea^e Don't Pay | ; - Me,Now." ];':*; Now, for alimited time only from Amana, ;,j;. ,,you can purchase a central ait condrtion0^iz: ing"systemi with qualified credit and mate \ rwpaymenteuntil January 1991! Heating _., systems: also qualify,when •- purchased with an air conditioning system." See your local Amana dealer for the f.details on How you can enjoy a comfortable 1 environment from one of the top names in the business. AVON LAKE - T h o coro toam of Avon Lake Hijih School Is presontinu a community forum on Icons and chemicals Tor purcnts and other concerned persons. The throu-porl forum begins* with n program from 7 lo Q p.m. on Thursday. M a r c h 2 2 . Thonuis S t u b o r of Lu-jrolwwod Hospital will discuss "How To Recognize a Drinking/Drug Problem." On Thursday, March 2 1 , and 9 p.m. Iho Avon Lake High Sc com toam will nddross " H o w - T b i R - ™ To A Teon In Troublo W i t h C h t m t o a l t ^ Also, from 7 lo 9,p.m. on ThurtrJaW April 3..,tho.Acora- foarn^aJongwwIt recovering. paronts"nnd ~'ilhdetiuljSi discuss "Sources of, Support prevent TochnlQues'and Rocovory Tu\ies*'&f All sessions w i l l Be held,in r thf3 M school ctiretorta. ( --/Jy^j^ , No &m Mnla I - Unlit «* iw-ry V . toot When you know exactly what you want IVTFRNATIONAL AWARD WINNING CHOCOLATES •GOLD" CROWN .; ,STORE', "•• When You Care Enough To Send The Very^Best *-"'Jeff Mitchell - Owner Furnaces * Air Conditioners • Air Cleaners Heat Pumps • Water Heaters • Humidifiers Free Estimates financing Avaflab/o 1-800-229-7525 1055 Bradley Rd. 24 Hour Emergency Sorvico On.AII Makes South Shore Plaza • Vtrrrttion. OH, 44089 Mon. to Sat. 9 to 9. Sun. \0 - 6. (216) Qfi7.fi* 18 v EASTER OPEN HOUSE it ^ # •;•". March 24th &. 25th. Noon till 5 p.m; '-• v ^ ' v ^ f i f ^ ' __•.;.•••; • FrccKlichcrVToursj}tef&\m^&"'./-'<.K'.}\/J0$j$ Federation Of Women's Clubs Celebrates Centennial Reported by Joyce Kuuik KIDS AND KlVDNESb up. Thinking bick on iht rtjviiis ih> fsniMtcs prtnidc pels Tor their ihildrtn •:. some of the first thinju thai rorn> lo ^ mind arui*t nccessaniv tht, b« rn.fi'je JM B r u f * " n 3 t i l c tJ°H claming lite c i t dish i-;fs- and emptying tht; bird cage uj not '- heve been in the plan when the decision ui< it af HLm.jnL- I-du.atiun tc pro ide i pmi rim aUut chititrun itnrnals ami L itid[j I >*^ *u<Js arid KnicJni st program ILILIV<3 n ipccl for oiunijls UIIILII t m trinshttt* into le.irnnif, to it =>p< cl n'l f r^ utin r pcojtlt. in t^try r?n aim LUIIUIX What oru today's women thinking iiboul this fuluru? TIKJ Cctivral Fcdunition of Winuon's Clubj of Avon Lako un i ourayi s rt ^|K,I ' L^i oth< n tin L lviron i^cut ttu! lift. Us* IT to ht, pn.\ fliont in the viai nitdt. th it the. fainih ivould luw [JLlb •\i i l dUribuli"! duLb pt I cm t rslitp p'OMtle.* Ppts pniinin cuitipatuaiiilitj) lud ( i i u tclt -ilitiJi ig (ii 1 'JVI of <imm<ils Tli» Cit m r il 11 HLraiicn ot Vi (in t n s Cuibs m iK a itur> ul <1L(IH tiioti to education lu*. i> ifitd f u r t f wiilt lln Nalioitui As OLiatum tor tl L thinking of lixLi s women. A \ « j Lake luuio- Women support respact far animab through _, ^ sdeh as Canine Curapa = iiions IF you liavL pots dt homt un T (Muraiju your child to trcui ilium with ^ lovt. uud respect, lo keep thericJean <.mf g f X L i t n e Uiem dn'> _ For niLmbfrshtp infuni—non call S 1-800-14 3-CFVVC. • S SPRING HAS ARRIVED AT... V UAMIE'S FLEA MARKETv Open Every Wed. & Sat. 8-4 Year Round Market Mighty Goliath Productions R t 11314 Mile West of Rt. 58 Presents: S. Amherst 16-986-4402 ©RELANDS FLOORS FLO INC; C O M M U N I T Y LITTLE THEATER WHEN: MARCH 23,24,25 & 30,31 FRIVSAT.8P.M. * " SUNDAY 2 PM • "8w*teg tha CoralfUGilon tadua&Y M Loratn County for OwHYMn" WHY: PTAFUNIWJ5£R .* ~^ DINNER THEAJRe FPi.,MAR.-30;6:45 P.M. •NovoinyGitefed$12.50perper5oat j? * Reserved c e h t w ' ^ f a t f f p r r a ^ h b w U ^ znmnm WHERE AVON LAKE.HIGH SCHOOL'STAGfc » ^nj^y'tbeCljarm 175 AVON BELDENROADsfc-^JW (Rte. 83 nearEIeclric BlvdJ t DIRECTOR:DOU DICKENS J ->j ^ ! ^ > , . i : v CHOREOGRAPHERilOm M G F TICKET REPRESENTATIVES: UJitui decorating and gift A.L H S. Learwood Eastvfew Erievlew Westvlew Redwood PTA/MGP PTA/MGP PTA/MGP PTA/MGP PTA/MGP PTA/MGP HOW MUCH: Tkt. Rep . . . Tkl. Ren Tkt. Rep Tkt. Rep Tkt. Rep TkL Rep . .\ r -- Nancy Stonebumer 931-2086 -~ , Becky Gantz 933-6G93 or Carol Miller 933-7855 Sandy Dellkat 933-6862 Carol Zakel 933-718SV / Diane Belmont 933-3425 Nancy Daniels 933-4840 EVENING PERFORMANCE: $4.00 all ages / SUN. MATINEE PERFORMANCE: L$4.00 Adults ' „ , , . $3.00 Sr. Gtizens and students', The Ad Sponsored By The Following NEW HOMES. AVON LAKE THEATRE 33487 Lake Rd. Avon Lake, Ohio I l ( ^ your homo was built within tho last soven years 'yr Nationwide can give you a discount on your ) $ homeowners Insurance premiums ol 2 % to 14% £ T H y o u re a Nalwnwfde poticyrtoider. you »recaiwe i^jthe same discount automatically ot renewal limo •( you quaCfy 5254 E UkeKd Sheffield Lake, Ohio Drug Man Plaza Avon Lake,'Ohio 949-6296 KLINGSHIRN WINERY 933-4247 NOVOTNY CATERING 33050 Webber Rd. Avon Lake; Ohio 32557 Electric Blvd Avon Like, Ohio 933-2208 NATIONWIDE INSURANCE Nattonwkl* Is on your «fda 174 Lear Road Avon 933-8686 FANTASTICSAMS 33720 Walker Rd. Avon Lake, Ohio Michnal W . B o m m e r 934-4313 BUTTS PLUMBING 933-3155 SNURR'S HARDWARE 933-6666 KENNEDY'S DAIRY QUEEN BRAZIER 933-5375 JAMES REALTY "BreakALe&MGP'ers" Walker Square Slug 32745 Walker Rcf Avon Lake, Ohio 933-2500 LUPE CHEVROLET EASY STORAGE 607 Miller Rd. Avon Lake, Ohio Self Storage 3B390 Chester Rd. Avon, Ohio 933-6151 BASKIN ROBBINS 32730 Walker Rd The Land ings Avon Lake, Ohio 933-5141 Local Businesses 934-6300 THE PRESS 158 Lear Rd. Avon Lake, Ohio 453 Avon Belden' Avon Lake, Ohio J: ^ 933-9115,^^ - * ^ PAINT & PAPER PLACE^I Walter Square Building '.^T 32745 Walker Road / > • - & • • Avon Lake, Ohio" 1 *' ^ ' T 933-31 i f r . ' V " ACE HELPFUL HARDWARE /. Lrarwood Square" • Avon Lake, O h n BjyVUfagE Square _ BjyVHtagc. Ohio _ 9335445 : 899j1130* SMITH & SMITH ATTORNEYS;110 Moore ^ ' Avon Lake, Ohio 933-3231 ' * if \ ' EXCELLENCE IS THP' MEASURE OF OUR SUCCESS. ix--y m .AV0N.L-A.K-t"--. ACADEMIC SPOTUGrfT — Avon1 Lake^HJgh^SroiBftttf luminating Company's "Academic Chalfeinge^fka\ 6:30 p.m. on WEWS, Channel 5. Team members a.a^^™,^,,.,^,, Berger, JtH Clymer and Mike Bairett- Standing (from le^) are^lennyil nate. Pamela Hoffmann, team advisor and Anne,Marie'MayeriYaf team's opponents in the scholastic quiz will be from BrecksvUI Heights H'gh School and Madison High ATTORNEYS^AT LAW - 228 Miller Rd. • Avon Lake. Ohio • 933-3486 520 Broadway, Suite 200 • Lorain, Ohio • 244-5214/323-7000 Dewey Furniture & Carpet Vermilion i- . i st i What a breath of fresh airl From contemporary to Victorian, genuiner-VP: wicker and rattan fills your home with a light, airy, spacious look... < -,--?VP casual, yet elegant. And very affordable! i - v *» ? "Basketweave" • ' 'Meadowood'' Henry Link Kranwood by , • surro -'„ cosUS4«.ll by .tlonoforfkariaiid^l it __ Tbu United.Cht Christ,'160j shtfriouukywiu; ' vlng'an oat-fn or cany Lako Erie flohfdinabt 1 Frldny, March 23 frcnfj _ P.m. Carry,-* bo plrkoti u ".tr^/T ^ - ^ on all stock and custom order sets by Henry Link & Kranwood ,Swirl Rattan,, t *.\V Meadowood" Dinette by Kranwood ^ffjjl fronch, fries, cololtlaiitiaa freneh bread.? - • * * ^ - bevarega for n by It, a Henry Link •a* 1 Planned! Lake Rd d. ^- •*£ Mond«y througft Friday , * .> - 'i-j .- t« '-f (Rte.'6) i 'Delivery r v«mnDon,owo , INC. under 12,'and FreOjtii^eri 3. /or,rwervatlor*'""^ (Md- 5350 or S40-5C Breakfast; > • ^ Spring Fever...Catch It Now At Dewey Furniture! -* ' ^ ^ • J , ^Satunlay 2&i^^£?fti* monil ' will • uivjuuii^iivuig / 9 I R \ QR?.Q^nn • J ; Use Our Convenient Dewey Charge, Visa, MasterCard or Discover ^ ' ° ' 3 O f "5»**yU I On Marchyr2S,*J^o VFW Poit 7035v»ndiA Uiary will L bs. tei Country, Breakfast Posi Home. v3805O: Mills Road, from 0.30 a.ni^t61t p nu Tho menu Includes s a usn go, ia us ago 1*graV] and biscuits, bgg>, namorrtos.'Juico andicbfTBO. Cost for vadul(s-\t;rfi S4.50, stintor clttzons^w S3 50; and children undar$! 10, J2.50. Come and , . . , _ , ^ yourself and let the tuokg-£ do (ho work. Lake .* W- m Please tend all items for this column ,tp |o Ann Me Pall 5529. E. Lake Rd.. Sheffield Lake. Ohio 44054 or call 945-5531. All items must'boreceivedby noon Thursday. ' . • ;SO'B- BO'S Dance 4;"Rock and Roll is here to stay, so says I^thfi Middle School O.VV.A. The studunts i'ptthe Sheffield Middle School Occupail Wqrk Adjustment program along their teacher. Allen Klcsh will be the school's traditional Parent:. Oldies Night. The nostalgic will take place on Friday. March £30 from 6:30 p.m. lo 9:00 p.m. in tho ^school gymnasium. ^."For your dancing ploasurc; ihe sounds ^pfthe 50*s and 60*3 will be provided by *Dair.Cohen .of Mobile D |*» Inc. An "c 50Vstyln mMt shop will prorefreshments under the direo. Emma DcFranccsco. - Impact .Economics teacher, and her NPWS 5.00 to 8:00 p.m. The dinner AVIII be serv ed ir. Grismer Hall ut 715 Harris Rd. The cost will be $0 for adult*. S3.50 for children ami 5 and under arc free. A senior discount will b« ovuilablu with t curd. Carry-otils will be available. Fur more informal ion c<ilf Justine it 949-6471. Cummunity-Otisiness Advisor> Council , The ShefricltifShofrield Uko Board of Education is forming a Community Businoss Advisorj' Council to provide e forum whereby community members as a group may snare ideas. Information and recommendations with school personnel In an advisory, capacity. The District Advisory Council and Building Advisory Committees will have structure and will deal with specific tasks assigned to them. Tasks and areas of in vestigatian can be suggested b> members or requested by the Principal, . admission charge will buy you 3 Superintendent or Board. tr jgtburs of 50*s and 60's dances and tunes If you are interested in helping in this " 'seyeral fun-filled contests. There applications are available,at rill be a prize for the best dressed (50's- capacity, the Board of Education Office or at any £style) jjuy and gat ; building during regular school "fr/Tho dance is open to all Middle School school hours. Completed applications need to students.and their, families. So, 1st tho be returned by March 23 to the Shef,roll'and jaLri us, as the Leku Board of Education. ta one of tho most exciting field/Sheffield 1824 Harris Rd.. Sheffield Village. Ohio sntsin town. . ' 44054. • Congratulations to the Broblcslde High |Schoot Concert Band who received a I J a r Superior Rating at the District Band ^Contest held on Friday. March 9 at F^rXvon Lake High School. Way to go guys! !&&•-. 7 , f Boole Sale a note of the Doiuonkas Book TSale this month. It will bo on March 22, 823, and24 during regular library hours. IBooks'records and tapes will be for sale gtirtth Ihe profits benefiting the library, [the game time, the Friends of irakafl will be holding a nave ^membership "driv*. Como and support '"""ir library. Erfa Perch Dinner .United Chu;r,h of. Christ. 003 JuuMtAve1; will be serving en oat- in or "oury-outLake Erie Fetch Dinner on Friday, March 23* Tha [tinner will bo serv^fl«',f«vm 500 p m . to 7'fJO om with ut available at 4 30 p m. rmeuu will ronslst of Fish. French 'ties, Cole Slaw, French Broad, Pio and •"""rflgo. The cost will be $5 50 for i, $3 forchlldren undor 12 and free brlthildron under 3. For rcsurvations 1949-5358 Dmonkas Doings * .Children in second through sixth rade can satisfy their sweet tooth by at .indlnij^n Children's Chocolate ^Workshop'ouiMarch 31 at 2 30 p m ut ,the library. ""(Children will learn about molding loeolale and making chocotute tvered*-* pretzels, Talsfns nnd rice i. Everyone gets to take homo the treats they maku. Although the ^grkahop Is free, chUdron will have to [pte^ivglstor by calling tho library "°"' '* out about software avallablo far kwilh'proschoolars during a freo .jputor .orientation and domonstrat,™ia ofsoftwaro nt the library on March [ZJyat 10J0 o.m and 7.00 p m Thu proim'^Is froe and open lo adults For ire information pteoso call tho library ££940-7401. heffteld Lake Citizens* Group JSThls group will bo holding a mooting [Mfirch 29 at 7 30 p m in Iho Ambor Jptektr meeting room This group is Mtyallabla to talk nhout anything of In "jerost to tho community Art Classes _ < The Sheffield Lake Art Association wtll start thu second session of classes in wutcrcolor painting. Tha five week course will begin on March 10 ot 7 00 p.m. and will closoot 0:30 p.m. The classes, which .will meet at the Community Center, will be taught by Mrs Diane Botdman of Avon Lake.---' There is a $30 foe for this fivtj week courso. For more information please call Grace Stockorl at 040-5137. Soccer Registration SOCCER TIME! V«s, it is that timu of ypitr, no got out find'have a liltlo bit of fun Tha Sheffield/Sheffield Lake Youth Soccer Asuoc. will bo holding regtslni tion fur the in house teams. If you wore born bntWEiau 1982 and April 1.1960. wo would like t-j invituyou to1 join us in tha sport of soccer Soccer requires; no spoe.inl skills just tho interest In having fun. Registration will bo March 24,1800 nt the Shnffiold Luke City Hall on Harris Rd from * 1 00 a in lo 2 00 p.m. There i» k foe of $10. For more Information call Stove at 049-B346. £&r I ANCHOR DIVE CENTER of North Olmsted, Inc. 779-9660 UJ iSMiinsnucnH OCWCUmfTOHTU 26669 Loram Rd., North Olmsted Sat. & Sun. 8 a.m.-6 p.m. MorvFrl. 12 noon-8 p.m. Closed Wednesday You've always wanted to try it Why wait any longer? ki !•( ,\-.ATTENTION WOMEN!! LowCosVBreast Screening Are you aware that many medicat organizations recommend breast screening for women age 35 and above?:; ^" ^' Breast Self Examination Taught .; High Quality, Low Cost, Low Dose Mammography > Private office, personalized attention with all (envio staff, Registered Technologists and B r v d Certified Radiologist _/-.. y y CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION . 327-8381 or 1.-800-274-10^9 : Breast Screening and EducstiohJCenter k ^4 AVON LAKE TEACHERS ITJQ A C U A M P l h a t m a n y P a r e n t s l e e I y ° u deserve a raise , but are t 11 0 M O M M I V I U very upset at your actions. -A I T ' O A C L t A I I C thai you insulted our Intelligence with your proposal of 11 5 A OnAML half day strikes. I T ' C A C U A M C that you used our children for your own gains ^ 11 0 M OnMlVIC especially at the high school That Is intorglvat^' I , r ' 11 0 A O l i A I V l t that you had to act so unpiofessional Doug Turner For Returns Lenten Series Tho Rov Douglas E Turner, o 1970 grudua*o of Avon Lake High School and longtime rosidont of this community, will return hero next weekend to preach at tho Aian Lako Utu'od Church of ChrfBt Doug won a loader in high school athletics and In other school and community activities His parents, Don and Pat. wore civic leaders hum before rctir ing lo Ihe in Florida After high school graduation Doug nttonded Toludo State Unlvursity.and tho Lancaster Theological Seminary of the United Church of Christ. Presently ho ii seving as the Pastor of Frlcdons United Church of Christ, Irvinfjton. Illinois. This Sunday mornrng Doug will preach in Ins homo church whom he was ordained in 1977. Worship at tho . Avon Lako United Church of1Christ Is at Service Council 0 and 11 a.m. Tho church is located ut ,„ _jngratulnHons to thu new officors of 32801 Electric BKd opposite Ihe [Service Council. The president is Kotl.y municipal swimming pool. rinoflllc^vlce-prosldent Is Clorls Lavoly "t Am the Good Shepherd" Is Doug n ind-rSecretary/Tren3urer is Lynolte sorman title. His message will bu part of tho church's 1390 Lenten PreuchliiB ^Vfooro. Series on Iho groat "I AM" statements or SpServtco Council will be giving out |osus. Ol course the public is invited to itt«tor Baskets if you wish to make a 6natlon. it may bo dropped off at tho hoar Rov."Tumor* and ho will especially ha delight ml to see old Avon Lake ICommunfiy Centor #hap. tho offico is friends. A coffoo hour follows oech wor[open flhlp service and provides an opportunity for fellowship « « Erie Porch Fry SlSThomas Church will bn tha alto of a Ever Since You W*«e a Kid You've Wanted to Try It. Lake Erie Petch Fry on Marcii 2J from 11 0 A O l i A I V l t that you let emotions rule over common sense I T ' C A Q H A M P that you've lost the respect of the community and y don't see thfit IT J C A C U A M P that you don't realize how much you havfl hurt the 11 w M OnMlVll- students, their parents and the community^ IT»O A C U A M C the boys'and girls'basketball seasons had to fall I I 0 A gMAIVlC victim to this mess IT'C A C U A M P that more ol y° u dontt J°tn v o u r PTA unitp wnose main 11 0 M O n M i l l C IT'C A CUAMIE M O M OMMIVIC IT!C A CM A M P I ! 0 M OnMlVIC objective is the welfare of the students. , the system can't gei nd of bad teachers. There were a lot of good subs in our schools during this mess people are afraid to speak openly about poor teacher performance fcr fear of reprisals against their children I T ' O A C U A M £ you didn't romember that the parents have to approvo 11 0 M OnMlVIC levies, not the students We hope that you work as hard for levy passage as you did on your strike tactics IT'S A SHAME ,„ think that you would, "Do it all over again" ITIQ A CLJAJUIP most teachers only attended extra-curricular activities 11 0 M OnMlVIC in thu past few weeks, when they were told to I do so by Iho union to, "Be Visible'1 Trie students love your support when given with the right attitude. I T ' C A CUAIUIP 11 W A OnMIVlC a ° o o d P 0rtl0n o f t h 9 teachers cannot stand up for hat they know Is right against the Irrational group W loading them. we alt had to be put through this mess. We hope that it never happons aga'rt IT'S A REAL SHAME Paid tor bf Concerned Pv*nts 'l*v. Avon Lake Police Log Law Offices Of RUSSELL LMclAUGHLIN General Practice of Law Since 1974 Detroit/Wisteria Professional 8Idg. 2217 Wisteria Way Avon, OH OefinUionset^oma ol tha abbrevlaliona found in the PoNce Logs.-< QOA-Gon* On Arrival UTWJrtaWo lo Locate MVA-Motor Vehicle Accident Behind The Avon Family Csru Center 934-6543 a o un_ o BOLO-B* On The Lookout ORTHODONTICS ffS Dr. Neal M. Kaufman is pleased to.announce the opening of his JAVON LAKE OFFICE W v 215 Miller Rd. Avon Lake, Ohio ['..:.',•: (across torn Aqua Marine) 1933-9555 or 871-1173 Vv After School Evenings & SaL Appts. Available ChechaOS J«rrt reporting 101*pnonecass. 102? - Squad rwp dnatoSeachpsrkT 1324 BqjWieet reporting the h spprehensto'io* ht 3, araoiner 1635 - Juvenles breaMno boMea on DWKWvlna WMe IMoxlCMted NCCMo Cause for CoaoUnt 0lsp.Unh>0l9pctcfled Untts DOVOrtvmg Undw (ho Influence FEB.18 • • OOta-SouedrupondinQtgBonnlovlew 0102 - C/24» 10/1S w/15 from Forest on wartwit (romLon*iP,D.v . ' 0221>CV241 1 0 / t 8 w / 1 5 for OW). Needs tow: 06S7 • Squad responding to Psrtc*>ood 0040 • Squod respondng to Moorewood 0818 r VantWtomtoveNcto rvportod by MiBof Rd. 1 cofttrectof. •". 1044 - C/24S 10/19 w/16 from L M T Rd. on warrant from Syria P. D . _ • ,. ..:.-•;• .• • ••.-.,.•„•... 1311 -MVA reported at aectrUBeck. Reports 1604 - Theft from vehicle reported at AJ_ Shoppno Center• .1945.- Susnlciouo rnfls In area ol Learwood Square. UTU 2138 - Report of obscene tetephomi c a b from Electric Bfvd. 2250 - Juveniles .ttvowkio eggs on We«twlnds. localed by C/241, edmonhhed, reteaeed-to parenta. 2310 - ParUno complaint on Long Polnte, leftovers of s party.. Sent on their way. FEB. 19 0008-9-1-1 HanQ/tecaSalMSerRd.lxMtoeu. C/249 10/1S W/15 fuvenle, reieaaod to tether. 0106 • Criminal mfatcttef oompMnt on Westwindt Or,, iuvenie femeis fled. UTL. 0438 • C/Z40.10/10 w/15f»mata from Moor* Rd. Traffic stop., Cited for no operator's Icense, jnd reloosed. * 0658 * Mem n local business on'Jcycdx Ml, 200$ - Squad leepondnQtoQecttic B M . ' FEB. 2 0 0954 - Squad respondnstoBeachperxT 2023 - Squad mpondnetoOrchard Parlfcai 2103 * Juvansaa^sncoDno off- flr«wor)a Oafcwcod Park. GOASUTL. r\ , v v 2245 • Sc*ad raapondng la BroofcftehJ FEB.2t ' ^f t?", 071S- Squad raapondfeiQtohBaarRd. 0741 • Loud imrfBereonvisK on 0939-Squad retpondnotoDBechpark; 1206 - Squad raspondbgtoBerkshire,^ 1216-Squad reapondhgtoMOH-Rd. 1726 - Squadraspondbigto,Karen Dt^-f 1738 PrfVAreportwlonJtoacteCt^ J 2100 CV241 tocatad opart door at 0207 LarD*crjwdbifroritofLjfcaf&t ReposaeaatX) vehicle from OonwevHw;'0434 CV241 locaud on open Landngs, - **£• 0836 • Squad reapondnotoLate I _ „ „ „ 0026 « drookfWd feaJderd roportngilim phoneeale. f' ~" 1S25- Squad raapondfei.,. . 1746 • Squad respondnQto\ FEB 2 3 ^ w v . „„. 06S1 PartdnQvlaWona reported oril 0 6 M - WarnsbWB riatdent reporVnD^s^ 1042 on Brittany. CtwcfcX 1419 - Squad resoondkicjbAwnW l A r EAST OT BT-.tJ r ^ ^ - i ',-Ti-.^'S'- W.-'P-'* SECTEQI inntM / A^SSErailNSBaW. LORAIN NATIONAL BANK m • CoUecttblea • Coastry Accoato < • Stained Gists ^ B&B Vfj If you're t!« .agvof &Oorovafl:we'\le)iot agreat new spocfnl-privik'gp diecldng account csllwt Fortune 60 - available only at Lorain National Dank. j Fortune 60 cmnbliwn fuU-mrvice checking with extra money>saving benefita and cams Intetfst, too! What's best, with a SlOO minimum bat nmro. youH pay no service cruu-ftw and no percheck CKBTBOU. •. ;: l.Minnte"D. Bennett. Vour Fortune 60 account will cam our prevailing Check Invest intercut : rate atmply by maintaining a $500 minimum bubnra. We II provide you with nn unlimited supply of custom Fortune 60 chcckti Tor an long a.i you remnin B member plus many KHEE sorvlces. .' SUPER FOAM RUBBER SALE!! li * t Fumlturat** Auto •• t Lorain;,Ohto4 j i ' ; . FErtiUMWCmmllnahir' ; L .v'a4**ooo.''"~ "••>/ •-•",™ W?M CUSTOMUPHOLSTES - : t CARPETING n'Bra G VA \* Comtntm CwHn- Iniurann ~t DlKounta on Travel A RMn * Ejmrrt Discount*' - • D l m u n t PturtRBry 9n > m '»C.D.It«t«*flfMcI«!* , ,•Tra**IDh>cwiia» . . ' ' . ' ;t )22S Ilnm 1 Equity Loan DtK * Vlw With NoAnmul F « t SpirUJ Portutw 50 ActlvlUe* " * lut Yrttt Safe I>po«il l)u> Ftrt * Cmllt C«nl PraUclim t .• * ( Ovtntrafl ProtecUon Kry Hlnir ITrHltcKmi ' . iniUllmonl L™n IHKuuJt flu* Much. Mmti Ktor*! ; . . Htittnit your <mn Kortun* 60 iiumbrr*hH> 1" va"y. Simply IUIJ. hy th* Lwain NBLIHIWI lirnnk utttcv utmr you and on" nt our ciutumrr HTVICB rvpnwiUtivcs cui ntwn yrwi1 acniunt In minuu*. ..• Visit our Vatiuam SO prt*r»m cw»itinau r , Mitinlw llentwU ul ihf Forturw fill , lltsilattartcn «t 4ri7 HnnHnrajr in lidnln. ^ Or call MbinM »t I f 1 MKW in t ^ u i n i>r V36-6041 front Elyris or ClnrUml. ~~ Umll«I EdIUwi Print* By:-U. , „ |> Dateman • Braodon • Doollttte • Frac«* > VVyaocJ and others * ONtESSTHAlJ COMPLETE OUST . FRAMING PIECES': SAVE 25% SAVE 30% SAVE 25-50%* it ON3ORMORE . COMPLETE CUSTL^g FRAMING P t E C E S ; ^ ON FRAMED ART f>0^ (fom rtnii ptte* wnti ihit nci E » p « « Apta M , < BECOME A FORTUNE 50 MEMBER TODAY Because you've earned the benefits/ 1 bi'.'.;!!"-,- J. K T ^ i T w - ; . .... '•".'"•.•".••.I—— •-! K j r - - ^ - • • " • - ' - - ' • • --*=• 1DR4IM NKTIONAL ART AND FRAMING SPECIALISTS IN SEVEN AREA LOCATIONS • Parma Hslghls • Strongsvitl* • Solon • Woodmara • Mentor • Stow—Hudson WESTUVKE 871^)015 W003. Cwrtw Rtdpe R d , Wetlfsko, OH w Cleveland's Premier Residential Cleaning Service USEWORK • • *<& - m* JO cabinet ^ / f e / r o f o d n g ^ •••* Formica Cpifcn tops Thorough • Consistent •'Quality Bonded • Insured BEST IN THE WESTERN SUBURBS 871-0506 Creative Kitchens st Face It ^Design? Installation • Service Home and Business foaOUHD....;_;-. .•• - . . ..; . . . s.•y';-*'Wareom «r»3 Puttie Address Systems W^~ • Background/Foreground Music * S E C U M T Y - c ; - ; - . ; ; - ,.,,,'.x.:.••>.. '•'. ' '• K n i s f D ^ a h d Fin* Protection •fawnty Tour Hour Monttorinp' • iTi«_* -«,-. -ISHAKES lifcYEMDWBHSlOKAL EKNGLES ^BUILT-UP.KXJFS ' ' ^ ^ftAIMODtSPATCHEOCRANe SERVICE 3 » 0 MOORE no.-, AVON U K £ - 835-4300 by Lisa C Fosdtck fust face it..you're tirod of coming home to that samo old kitchen. tij.eci of Ihc colors, lircd of the style, and just plain tirud of thinking about it. , Well, "Jusl Face It!" • Or so says CreatUo Kitchens, a WcstlaLo-based conipnny specializitiK in just that - ru-facirig those old kitchen cabinet*. 1 Creative Kitchoni* cngipooring specialty is En maintaining the existing i cabinets as the foundation Tor the "<-w cabinet, and thon fust facing it for you, in formica or wood. In a mattvr of twonnd-one-half to three days, the installer fallows these detailed stops lo transform your tiresome kitchen fnto a thing of beauty;.;' . • ' , 1. Your old doors and drawer fronls are mmovod and discarded. , 2.' OIu: muuluing and•'•':valance are" removed, ^.FAJR.WEATHEfl ROOFING ^RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL 1080 OCdBaswt* Rood Wosilako •. •' .;": '" :^m m •r-t , •' . 3. Counter lop, back splash, sink and faucet (as requested) ore roplaced. 4.-Bottoms, sides'and front arc ' rwfuced." , 5; New doors and drawer fronts, hard ware nnd trim am installed: 6. All debris, scraps and sawdust nrt* ridiculously rmiiuvud from yemr kitchen. AH cabinets are recovered with cure without' disturbing the top, floor or wallpaper.' , .' Much of the cructivity Is done hist while shopping In the 1,000 squaro-foot, - state-of-the-art showroom. Homeowners enn ;on)oy ; viewing • model kitchen dfsp!ay»,:a wido variely of color and ilyle selections and' quality materials and hardwaro, while consulting with ex: perienend sales coiuiultonts. A "before and afior'-display enables customers lo .visualize ; the distinct . diffaronce refacJng can moke. """" -v<uWhIIe.in'.the showroom, customers can" also view the Impeccable 6,000 'square foot shop, where skilled craftaman complete many custom -ordors, each one given their undivided m ffia ^ A CUT ABOVE - Creative Kitchens employee Mark McGlnnEs cuts wood to fit the bottom of a cabinet which is being recovered (Press photo by Marilyn O'Oonnell) 0 re thrilled; they've saved money and thoy have a custom-styled kitchen that will last. And we offer tin exclusive 15-year "guarantee. Traditional wood cabinets would only offer a one-year a t t e n t i o n . ' . " •.'. ••;• '.••• - i - .••.• ,'.' ::'• guarantee." f Gary.Fratianne, president and ownor An entire kitchen can b« re-facud at of. Creative. KItchans, j a w 'a, need 12 airaut 5C jsercent uf the cost of remodelyears ago - In; .the remodeling - mnrkol. ing, keeping a lot mare money-In the Realizing that people shouldn't have to family cookie far spend a fortune In their kitchen' makoAnd how do the customers fool about ! overs, hn began offering the olternatiye Creativu KItchans? His company has seen a steady growth Mr. Robert J. Denk of North Olmsted ever i»inco, which led him to move to his • writes. "We wish to thank Creative Kit: facility two-and-one-hftir years ago;. , chens for the beautiful job that was don? -."Wo recently created the tlogan 'Jusl on our kitchen cupboards. It Is almost Foco It'," says Fratianne. "It tutprossos unbelievable to-soo the before nnd U10 simplicity of tho change/whllosavafter...the job was done to wirfecIng people both time and, money. Whun tion...tho installer was so very "|ual, pooplo soo their brand now kitchen, thoy quiet, anxious to please und a vory cons- cientious worker.' Creative Kitchens also features other services and products including full cabinets and kitchen Islands., sinks, h a r d w a r e , and for tho '''do-itjoursulfor' counter tops to go con bo custom manufactured * ' £* , A wide variety of stytu are also available "One of the most popular designs has been the European Stylo," states Fratiannu "We sol) tho cabinets, or we will custom mako tfcrf Euro-style on your existing cabinets,'using tho ro> facing toclinlques." located at 1080 Old Basset Rood, showroom hours are Mon -Frl B a m. to 4.30 p in,; Sat, 10 a m , lo 2 p m , and evenings by appointment, by cnil'ng 035-13 DU. , Avon Lake 9? 3-2327 LADIES SIJVCKS :• fcREATlV REDUCED PRICES! GRAND OPENING ;f ' 1 MARCH 23rd : 5284 Lake Rd., Sheffield Lake 949-8820 Decorative Stamped Concrete fly Utinuhan Una Dtntofimaitt Call Today - For Free Estimate 937-6187 (125 Ccnlur Kd , Avor 9 a.m.-10 p.m. ^very Day of The Year Including Sundays 8, Holiday* • Registered Pharmacist Always On Duty • We Ship UPS or Parcel Post < Copies 15* • Video Rental 99* • New Release Videos $199 1 i 4K. A Taste of Nutrition By Kathy Germain, R.D. carbohydrates and can contribute to cavities. . Cavities develop when carbohydrates came into, contact ,wllb bacteria in your mouth and produce acid. Foods containing large amounts of sugar tend to produce more acid. The more often these •' foods are eaten, especially betweon meals, the greater the chances of toath decay. It's best to try to limit the intake of sweets or eat them with meals. This allows them to be diluted with ether .foods and produce loss acid. It's best to brush your teeth as soon as possible after eating to remove some of the'sugar. When most people think of sweets they most often think about sugar, particularly things such as table.sugar, a candy bar. or a cookie. Sweeteners, however, coma In many forms and varieties. The two basic categories of sweeteners aro caloric arid non-caldric. Tho ' most commonly used /caloric SWEETENERS The average American consumes about 12S pounds of sweeteners a year, mostly from table sugar and corn syrup. This amounts to almost 1/2 cup a day from beverages, baked goods, candy, and other foods. We are all born with a tasto for swuct bill sweat foods are not a necessary part of our'diets. Sugar only supplies tho body; with calorics. It contains 00 vitamins., minerals, protein, or fat This Is why sugary foods are often referred lo as "empty calories" - they contain calories.but havo no other nutritional value. It's iirporUnt for sweets not to ba used in place of healthy food choices. The'•'over consumption oF-fooda. in* eluding sweets; can load to weight gain. The amount of sweets you eat can cot only affect year weight but also your teeth. * Sugars and slarchits>re two typos of MS sweeteners ore sucrose, or .table sugar, and corn sweeteners. Other lugars which occur,naturally In foods are fructose, found frifruit, and lactose, found in milk. Non-caloric sweeteners such av aspartamo (Nutra Sweet] and saccharine ore found in - soft drinks ; and other beverages, table sweeteners, chewing gum, and gelatin and pudding desserts. There aro many ways to say sugar. Hero are just a few: Brown Sugan'-Tho sugar crystals""of molasses syrup. Confectioner's Sugar: Finely ground sucrose; coui'monly called "powdered sugar**. Corn Sweeteners: Corn syrup and other sugars derived from.cornv Fructose: A light-colored syrup. made from corn starch, also a simple sugar found in fresh! fruit. Glucose: Occurs In small quantities in fruit. Honey: A mixture of fructose.' glucose. and water that.Is produced by bees. Lactose:. .The . principle: carbohydrate' found in milk; commonly, called "milk sugar". Mapla: Sugar: The sap flow of-sugar maple truer Molasses: Rosfduo from processing sugar cane or beet juice into, sucrose crystals. ,,-j. Raw Sugar: Tan to brown. ln*.ap-<_~K pearance, coarse, granulated* obtained by evaporating the,molsiure£j from sugar cane juice .:-*- * J J i i t Sucrose: Produced by concentrating r;j sugar cane or sugar beet juices; includes £j» granulated table sugar, raw sugar, con> g ' fecttoncr's sugar, or brown sugar.,__ ' r^s Non-Caloric Sweeteners: " * -V£, Aspartame (Nutra Sweet); This Is 180 to^J 220 times sweeter than sugar I M o d e r a t e ^ saTe levels for a 130 pound parson havo*j been determined at 18 packets of Nutra." Sweet or3 cans of diet srela per day^uT each individual mustfinLhis or herownl level of comfort with the 'amounl'jbf sweetener consumed. "f&— Saccharine: This was the first, manr, made sugar substitute and U 300 to 40OJ times sweeter than sugar. ' ^ • ^ / • ^ • f CycUmtta: This b approximately™!^ times sweeter than sugar. Because^ofj studies llnklng^cyctemateai V»» h '*"' v '* a creased cancer* risk; •*--'- banned In the United „,—.__„ ^^ 1 encourage you to sead yourlavaj recipes to be testod^Bnd^allersdVto^ ., more nutritious.* I also ass: that raftnuil any nutrition related auestioiis&i ~ ~ as Idoas to be dlscussacLln future^ c/o The Press, P.O. 0.44012 *- AFSMeetini ^•'The March me Who says you can't teach an old piggy new tricks? ill ba'>old>,Wedi__._ night, March M a t S ^ j '.at j^'Awi4Liiki®M^ Library*; Jain lus.£ nndBinSUvBSsniiro slides o r ,FbiIand£p Rlani > p ^ p ^ re demonsttauoi chasing newt ' ' . ' - " T h c ^ Bank. IRA has just become more flexible than erer Now you a n : *"'.w^Nfone^"iron{pensiorC profit sharing and strnflar plansranbe rolled over into an EST - mS6 the-hinpsum. SpecialEkedRate-IRA /$• « « - * „ „ m* « -. .^.i^riic T ' ' 1 fc - - Is* -• Earn a rate « ^torheVonesponding - . „ U& Treasury bsue. i t ' „ . •_*• *"—d" -rf . Rust* A rate bonus of I basis pouit per $1000. deposit Upto25 points. _ _.^ Rale remains Used throughout maturity. „•> A $500 deposit.1? aB you need ^T"^T_ 1 r.' ;"':;A.lrarisfcr> not a withdrawal You can transfer funds from a variable rate IRA into an ^ • r ^ / % i ! * * C 0 octransfcr one IRA'to another - even man one banktoanother - without paying <~*'r"+~ !".''\-" J T " i -*1 : J ! T""' ''T^V j " ' ^ ^ * ? ~ , f • ^ T ' ^ ' ^ ' N ' A ' / L • I - ' ^ I - ":/ t*-"i -tlm.V-rr-*"*^* - W . ^ f?-^ - — -^ • " , r - -T , , — % r - v i -. '!- ' •.". ' , ' . • ' . . •. ' . --' ••' .•-*"^ L' - r:,;- - - ' '1' —• " . ' ' " L •'"'.•' " ' . ' - A " ^ ' i ' - '' - — ' "•'" <-y^r' ' " —• - . -- . .. • - i . . -• } - - , C * U'. '•• 'I ,-;-r*v- %•.-"' - r ^^Sftft - 1 * 1 - ' / , ' , ' , ' ' - ' ' " ' 1 . 1 ' l ^ - x i . r ^ ' j V ^ Y - . - - ; . , > ' j ' . * V ; • ;• ••• • • ,-••:.'•.- L ' , ' •*^.:- " * ' / 1 •'•••• ': .•-•;.•.. • . "" ;•".••>.i'i'.^Bie^**?** 1 GopiiHafids Kodger Names Professional Of The Year 33382 WftflaifBd. Really OIK- IS proud tu snnmmizc tlj.i1 Ken KwJjjrr lus fartiijij t!u- Ciotf.-l.ir.iJ • An-a Uu-ini uf Kv.jltorS ""I'rol^MiirMi .,< llio Year" jtvartf. K«» wj* ulso. n'uusjniitui rvceiu!\ bv Realty Out at thdr iinmtiit avi'.mlii-i fur fnniiu; .idliew.-ii u!i,:-i in ih 933-2327 L)«I1!JV Club" antj inr:!u<ii>.>n ii1-Hit*1 pr tj-iou-v , "Dozer." awiird r*,i:.t,;iiL-:iiii: K ;is being in thy lop 5'-:» in Milrs c.f .i!l acfossihe* rulioii. K^n ;tSv> rrcoiu.'ti tli.Ohio , Association j)| Kf.'jltur't "F';VM'deal's Club Aw-dnr1 fruni bnlb1 tW Loraiti County ami tK- t;!rv.>l.miJ AN-J Bourds of R'NiUurs. Inducting Sunday* And KoiWay* It's o beautiful, sunny May afternoon i_ (May 0, exactly). The crystal ball shows '"" hundreds of Avon Lakers gathered at the high school waiting for the event to *ti- begin.-The.breeze is> blovving/Jhe flags are waving gracefully, tho band is playIng. The checkered flag is lowered, and ~ t h e y ' r e o f f . • • • • — ,-,-_ ; -• • - • - uNikes and Avias seem to be preferred gear but, stroller whaels. wheelchair whacU and tricycle wheels are acceptable Speed Is nice, but completing the course Is the only requirement. Kost and, refreshment breaks are available, at WostvteW School and Redwood School. f^The levant.'Is.11 the first annual Avon Lake Education Association's Scholar- Oatmeal Bread 16 02. loaf Ken Kodger , Q-Tips Cotton Swabs number of professional committees to nssist hts Run I Efltntn industry. Me is ulso deeply comtnitted to involvement at bis church. Ken resides in Avon Luke with his wife of 2;i years, Lois. They have'five children, four of whom iv colics*; during 1990. iho following: "Popita Greus" by Pascoal Choul, "Incidental Suit«" by Claude Sinith, and "Symphonic Movement" by Elliot Del Borgo. Crincort Band directed by Hufry Pfingstcn playoti "Moraehtations" by fared Spears, "Centennial Overtures" by James D. Ployhar, and "Tbccatn For Uand" by Frank Etickson, while the Chorale Mixed Chorus was directed by William C. Zurkey in singing "Cantoto Domino" by Schutz, "Come, Lovely Spring" by Haydn, and "UBt Caritas" by Duruflu. , Cood tuck to our Avon IMikn lijindu and Choir when they go to State Contest. If You Can Walk, This Will Fly C Prices Effective 3-21-90 thru 3-28-90 48'oz., District Contest Results • Threo of tho Avon Lake High School's music organizations which participated io Iho Ohio Music Education Association District Band and Chorus competition on March 9 end 1Q earned Superior : ratings. The Symphonic and Concert 'Bands and Chorale will be able to pariticlpatojn tho State Band Chorus Corn* .petition at a Inter dale. The A.L.H.S. A Cappella Chairearned a Superior rating which Is a Tqo, so they cannot take part in the Slate Contest. .-.'Judges for tiio bands were Thomas Heodley, Gayle Stald«im, Dalu Laukhuf. •wight Somcrvillc (night ruading). A.L.H S. Symphtr jc Band,, under, the direction of Harry Pfingstoa, performed, • Registered Pharmacist' Ahvays On Duty Dove Dishwashing Liquid 1 If that •ivL-rim'i etiotjufi fur o u r \<-;tr, durlnjj IHH'J K.Jii • also pjrntid t l m •diMigtiatipn of Rva\ GM.H,- Utoi.LT. T i n s designation required additional courses c)f study and the succt«,sful com pit-(ion of th« Stale of Ohio lest torthu Broker's license"The real rewards'come from helping home buyers and se'lcn,-," Ken <wiys. "tiio professional recognition naturally follows." "MyListing/Sale* volume has exceeded SS 1/2 million since 1987, that's over 60 transactions. There is a great deal of satisfaction knowing (hat I have personally helped over 1GO,'homu owners achieve their goals. •.'•-,Ken also finds time to x'oluntecr for a 1-S0O-233-3S72 OPEN 9 a.m.-10 p.m. Every Day Of The Year ship Walk. The proceeds will finance coHego scholarships forlocnl students, but tho fun will be shared by all involved. If you can run. walk, crawl or p'idal from the high school to Moron Rd. via Elnctric Blvd. and back to (1m high school down Redwood Blvd., you won't want to miss the camaraderie. Make it a family activity. Pack a picnic basket and |oin tho community for dinner on tho high school grounds after tho walk. Details are not yet available. Tho crystal ball forc-as; serves only to alert you to springtime fun and give you plenty of time to dust off Iho sneakers and loosen up those logs. See you May Oth. 300+75 Free =375 9 Lives Crunchy Meals Super Supper Cat Food Limited Edition "Muppet" Collectible Glass 18 oz: Grape Jelly 99* Strawberry Jam ; * 1 *? Awake Frozen.^ Beverage Sara Lee Pound Cake 10% oz. 79? 12 oz. can Reg. 99* Farm Fresh Grade A Extra Large Eggs DRUGMART VIDEO CLUB HOC4 DR. ROMAN BOiWKA OPrOMCTRIST SAFEBIKINC5 Your «y«s play on • , essential role In safe bicycling. Four eys functions aro especially Important: : • Clear distance vision, also known as visual acuity. Is needed to see quickly and ctearty oil tratttc signals, road signs, pot holos and road obilrucitons, so that you can roact sadly. • Color purceptlon Is a mujt lor proper responses to IralDc signals and stop or yield signs. • Depth perception nlknvs you to safely judge the distances botwoon you and your bike and other moving objects, as well as stationary objects that are in your cycling path. • Good peripheral, or side vision, Is important tor anticipating and actually seeing vehicles and people that are not directly in Iron! of you, but may be approaching from side roads in a comprehensive eye examination, thoso four , elements ol vision ara ,. evaluated and corroctod, it necessary. Remember, safe bicycling depends a great deal on seeing well. Brought to you In tha uitmrmst ot better tr&ton by: ROMAN BOIWKA, O.D. 515 Moore Road-Suite 3 Avon Lake, ONo 44012 216/933-EYES , Anyone able Io help for a two hour'*M shift on Wednesday, Thursday, F r i d a y ^ or Saiunby. please call Barb or £oooreV|g as soon as possible.' "-":;-;'^ Thank, you for supporting the St. Lunch includes a hot don, potato, chips, Jelly-b«tins and ice cream. Activities will include face painting, clowns. Iwilloon twisters and pictures with the Easier Butiny. Pictures are S2 filch- Coloring contest winners will 1M: announced. Circle April 7 uti your calendar and join, the Busier fun. By Decra Balracrt Polovich 'success. ' . . SCHOLARSHIPS Pleasu send or drop off article*- you ACADEMIC BOOSTER CLUB wish to have in this column to Deb™ MEETING CHANGE Avr.n Worueiis'Club is offering j$50O Bjlmort Poiovich.. 3576Q Kk^ulsburwtfr , Academic Boosters have changed scholarship to un average, or above kd.. Avon by NOON on Thursday tliiiir regularly (latin! iiievltii^ !r> April 9 nvL-riige student who is a senior ittbefore dale of publication; «t 7 p.m. al the Avon East Scriuol. Iercs>tcd in furthering their education. DATEMINDER LAWN CARE PROGRAM This student must be an all iiround perWant to loam liow to put in a n«*v. Miirch 21 -'Avon'Harming Commission s'lnnnd an active volunteer io school liiwn or care for ihu one you now have? March21-LevyCommission-Avon Midand/or community services. The appliCharles BuhrtVu of , tho Ohio Codle School Library 7:30 cant must, be an Avon resident. The 0[M;r<itivc Kx tension Service will speak March 21 • Jazzcrcise-Avon Middle scholarship is uot based on financial at the Avon Branch Library on WednesSchool 6:30 p.m. need. For more infprmation contact the day. April 4 from 7-B p.m. If you have March 22 J Lions Club Cuidunce Office at Avon High School or lawn caru rjuestlans or problems. si«n March 22 - Kiwanis Club the Avon Public Library. Application March ,22 - After Super Club-Avon vip for this program. Came hi to tho deadline is April 15. 1990.. Library at 2400 Ridgeland Dr.. to S E E N I A G A R A A N D Library 7 p.m. register or'call the, Library at 934-4743 WILUAMSBURG March 22 -Trim-Up Class-Avon Middle during regular hours. School 7:30 p.m. The Avon Women's Club Is planning F L O W E R A R R A N G I N G March 24 - Avon Festival of Flowers two bus trips this year. You are cordially DEMONSTRATING Easter Egg Hunt 1 p.m. Invited to iain us. The first trip is SsturMarch 25 - Country Breakfast Post 7035, loin Avon Library's fling, into Spring duy, April 21 to Niagara Falls, Outlet 0:30 a.m. -1 pjn, ' on Tuesday evening, April 3 from 7-8 Mall. This mail {s within walking distance from the Falls. For thi:- one day March 25 • Avdti P.T.A. Roller Skating p.m. Mary Ellen Piazza will demonstrate ihc art of flower arranging trip llie cobt per {wr»un is $35. ReservaParty 4-6 p.m. •• . . focusing on spring varieties. Then learn tion deadline is April 1. March 26-Avon Council , to make designer bows with deborah March 26 - Opeta-Avon East School The second trip Is to Wiliiamsburg., Danchuk. Pro-registration is required March 26 - Jazztircise-Avon Middle Virginia leaving Avon Friday. June 1 in for this program. Come in to the Library School 6:30 p.m. the evening and returning late Sunday March Z7- Trim-Up Class-Avon MirJJIu at 2406. Ridgeland Dr.. or call during evening. June 3. Cost for transportation regular Library hours at 934-4743 to School 7:30 p.m, and lodging is a reasonable $95 per per' son {four people to a room). Enjoy shopMarch 28 - - Jazzerciso-Avon Middle register. FAMILY NIGHT CELEBRATES ping at the famous Pottery or visit ColSchool 0:30 p.m. EASTER onial Willfamnburg. * Reservation March 28 - Levy Commitleo-Avon Middeadline j May 1. For more Information Sign up for the last Family Night of the dle School 7J0 p.m. ; March 28 - Pack 333 French Creek Inter- season on April 5 from 7-8 : p.m. call Fran at 037-5507 after 8 p.m., Mary at 037-5790. or Sharon ot 937-6823 durCelebrate the Easier season with a craft protlve Contor 7JO , ing tho day. You can also call Marilyn in and story. Children of all ages as well as CUB SCOUT PACK 333 MEETING Elyrla at 365-0330. Call early for your Cub Scout Pack 333 Is having its morns and dads are welcome to come. reservations and enjoy a mini-vacation March pack meeting at the new French Pro-registration Is required. Sign up at full of fun. ..'••' : Creek Interpretive Center, 4530 Col- the Library or call 934-4743 during orado Ave., on March 28 at.7 p.m. All regular Library hours. Family Night will ST. MARY'S RUMMAGE SALE resume in October with a full schedule Cub Scouts and their faro'Jies era urged SL Mary'* P.T.U. Rummage Sale will to come. There Will bo a brief meeting of crafts and activities. bo hold April 6 from 9-3 p.m. and April 6 with awards; followpil by the program from 9-Noon. Fill a bag for SI on April 7 on ecology and earth day. Please do not LUNCH WITH THE EASTER BUNNY only. go to The Barn this month., , Make Easter extra special for your I'loasu dropoff Ilbmson April 4 from AVON SCHOOL LEVY SUPPORTER youngsters this year. Bring them to tho 0-8 p.m. and April S from 0-6 p.m. ONThere will be o committee meeting Avon Women's Club annual "Lunch LY. Workers will be in the school hall at EVER* WEDNESDAY at the Avon Mid- with the Easter Bunny". This spoclul llioso times. Far largo pick- ups call Barb event will be hold in the Avon Middle dle School Library at 7:30 p.m. This Is* Miller at 034-4830 or Lenorn Cathren at open to anybody who would like to work School: cafterla, April 7. 1090 from 0344407. Please call ahead for help with on this important Lovy Commitiee. Your 11:3O-1 p.m. Tickets are $2 each and will theio items. b l snd Ideas are vital.to pur school bo available at thu door. AVON,.,PeopleOnthemove ! M * g M a r y ' s • M E N U ANNIE'S BAKE SHOP VIDEOS TO CO • . ' ' .'. J - , . \ •••;••••' * & $ ' • ' • ••-". •-.• : :"••-; ••. V * t f 0 The Avon Post 7035 is having aCoun-j try Breakfast on March ;25~ froinifcT* a.m. til 1 p.m. Tho { menu Hincltid sausQKe. sausage gravy- and-bUcuito^ eggs, homefries, juice andcaITB&':J!0$t Cost for - adults --Is t-$4.5OrV»cnIo citizims. S3.5O-. ond children undorilC S 2 J 5 O -' : ",--••• ^ • : i ; v - ^ - # ? ^ ^ V EASTER EGG HUNT-4 ^::§ Avon Festival-.'.of ..-Ffcjwer*} holding tho:»^2iul Annual Ed5ter^Ej»i Hunt on \f ^£h'?24Vat>^?pji£Srii(£t Schwartz «iiHad Park. This isvopanj ALL children preschool thru 6tb gii'd Many prizes, candy, eggs-andi Face painting . will ; be; offeredSi refreshments will be avaUabloiiFor i information call 7 C)ebra s Polovichai 1 937-5400.' ' •v":T^,^^^Vftpfe ST. MARY'S J1SH FRY v:!;: St. Mary's Cbtirch will bo boldli _ Lako Erie Perch r^h Fry dh'Marchj; rrom 4-8 p.m.Jat the Scbool HaH.^ " Cost lor adults U$8"and .cbJIdreDut Advance, tickets11 available^ai Barber Shop or by; calling Jean^SnUtfiil; 034-3302 or Anita Stoctard at93«331 ROLLER SKATING P A R t T ^ ^ i t The Avon^P.TJ^MTa^aaoium Roller Skating Party1 on • March 25;frbl 4-6 p.mi'flt tho Elyria Roller Arima^Coi Is $2 for admisflion ondStJ25.ror,slcif^ rontali For more InformaUott'caU^Jaii ParlM-at037-530O->^;^£iBs^' ;; '^ :ij ** wmmiM&mA. 37190 Colorado Ave-, Avon * ** * i V T . U . BOOSTER CLUB T-SHIRT SALE ,. T-Shiri Salo, sponsored by tho Avow, P.T.A. Academic Booster Club, Uniorw in progress. The t-sbirts have the -Avon, Eagle emblorn in the center with names of AL?.studentsgrades KthruBthgraded printed on the front. Colors offered areji Pink. Cold. White and -the ' sixos-htorpchildren are 6-8; 10-12; and 14-16 arid*: cost is SJ-50. . ;• - ; "^>? To place your1 order phono or call Mary Ellen Piazza at 35658 Detroit Rd£ Avon. Phone. 937-5722. > •"-",-.;•.-•£#£ Al ihLi time you can also order your ABC Club folders for 75 centS-^Ordoi blanks are also available at the schools!', COUNTRY BREAKFAST IS ON THE O9©o•o ©e©•oo ALBERT P. Z A K E L ; D ; D . S : S I J ANGELOSPIZZAMtg:? ALBERT P; ZA»<Eg|p|^ -------rrrgwrg,M-l 934-5040 New Hours: Mon.-Sat. 1-9 p.m. Sun. 1-7 p.m. Sunday Kids $100 Korner NEW RELEASES Casualties of War Innocent Man Queen of Hearts Millenium : ••.•••;;:. Ftemily:D^i&^§^ Free Membership Nintendo Rentals VCR Rentals, Sales & Accessories 17Y&rsinPrivat&Pi$dtice>M NEW PATIENTSWELCOME We $$fl Party Balloons TWO DAY RENTAL EVERYDAY!! "From General Library" AmbeijPlaza 37190 C6l^daW^(Rt? Horror Night * 1 0 0 934-4900 ANNIE'S BAKE SHOP .DlNtlN'orGARRYOUT WEDHUVER 37190 Colorado Ave., Suite 104 Avon, OH 4401V Phone:934-4121 n n . I ' l u i i ' . f i ' f i rn U ) p m . f : n , - S . i t . t . p IF( • I I * u n r l - Serving Breakfast Dally & Sat. 5:30 a.m.-t 0:00 a.m& Sun. 8:00 a.m.-11 a.m. '-•••' THE COMPLETE BAKERY: , r , Baklna both W h i l e * Dark Breads and Rolls. ' FEATURING: Oonuts. Sweet Rolls, Kuchen & siriudab. Moulh waterfnp' ' Cooklos, Pies, both Irul! and creams. .Get your waist back with Malsovit Special cakes made to order EAT YOURSELF THIN Malsovit has helped Europeans low weigh! the nutritious way. Simply incorporate'Maliovii'i specially formuldted bread within efcty to follow FREE Diet Plan. ' .: 934-4128 LENT SPECBALS!!! TRY OUR NEW SEAFOOD PIZZA!'.! (Fridays only) Atno. Available: C/.Ut) Gftpvrttar Soup, Tonstnu Chavw and limn Melt' -—COUPON—^- — . — . : — • ' — COUPON —J-H—— COUPON- — 50° OFF ! 750 OFF ! $1.00 OFF Pizza 37190 Colorado Ave. , Amper Plaza . Avon, Qhio 44011 . Pizza , Hours; Sun.1,1 p.m. - 1 ip m.Mori. - Thurs i i a.m. - 1 1 t'l. Fri. ~'&a\. t-J a.m. -1?. mtd Tbrrc'i A RINI-RKGO Siper Miritct Ncmr Yov _ KM Drtntt.5MtfcU VUUK.OIL 1 HIM <KtHrt M , * « • Like. Oil. 111 Wy«*T H»fl. EJjri». OIL A111 J*i«ri Hi, M « M fUa. H fltt. 1HI MrfeMr M, LMic OH. lttJ rJifrt>Mif?ut M Anfctnl Plus. AmferrU. ML T() FIND YOUR NEAREST 5TOP-V-SI1OP CAIX U U U I Beef Chuck Underblade Pot Roast U.S.D.A. Choice - Health Trim Boneless WtmmtlkrlfHMIiMuuUin u n t i l n» •«•••>! til «r Plump, Tender O^.D-A.Grade"A" Perdue - Whole Chicken Legs Chuck Roast - m^ In Our Delicatessen: Sliced Gourmet Smoked RiniRego's U.S.D.A. Grade ftAw i * • *_"*, Bavarian Ham Poultry Specials! Lb. Your Choice of a n 0 N E of the F o U o w i n 3 t Combo Pack Chicken Drums and Thighs y g i ftilbFjrfaandEvery'lOPDrchascExdBduigBwr.VilneaiKiTohaccoPnKloctJ Assorted Flavors Stop-n-Shop Reduce Cal. Ranch Choice or Assorted Regular Kraft Dressings Lite or Deluxe Imperial Ice Cream Margarine < .^ Amish Country Fresh Split Fryers Chunk Light Freshly Baked Bumble Bee 8 In. Apple Drumsticks or Thighs ERVICE We Off ^ You More ALUE ERYDAY i i i g i i i m i i n i i i i K i i n i BRAND NEW 1989 CROWN VICTORIA LX BRAND NEW 1990" BRWffl NE# 1990 ESGOREIDC: ESCORTLX • • • - 6.3% . AVAILABLE ON SELECT VEHICLES TEMPO GL- 4 DOOR Air C o n U i t l o n i n p C l e a r c o a t Paint Automatic Roar Defroster Powor Locks Light G r o u p • •' • Fordtt«Sum 1.000 Bau Oitcount ift^s Fowl Rcbtfa Caasalto Tilt W h M i El«ctrlc Mirrora Bodystdo Molding BRAND NEW 1990 •,fOftO.D6CDUKI. I T U fOBDHBME^IlOOO FOROD6COUKT- J T Ur R T O REBATE $1000 " "FOflDBSWUHT S ? U 'FOROREBAIc $1000 Sticker Price S16.965 Ford Discount 852 Ford Rebate 500 Bass Discount 1.233 BRAND NEW 1990 TAURUS GL 4 DR. i:1. • AirConJibon/ng • Speed Control • Ughl Group • 3.0LV6 Engine • PowfSeal ' • WWawSTra • PomfLodo tad W e * Mi Sticker Price Ford Discount Ford Rebate Bass Discount , AEROSTAR WAGON $17,167 700 750 1,637 $14,080 • Rear Washer/Wiper • Rear Defroster ' J Two Tone Paint Air Conditioning Stereo Cassette Privacy Glass $14,380 BRAND NEW 1990 BRAND NEW 1990 RANGER FESTIVA • Automatic Transmission • Speed Control/ Tilt * " -' J ASK FOR DETAILS ' ^ f 25th ANNIVERSARY^ LIMITED EDmON WHY PAY MORE •s. STICKER PUCE FORO DISCOUNT FORD REBATE BASS OtSCOWr BRAND NEW 1990 PROBE GL • Auionwltc ••-• C u t i C i •Ak < :» •T«Wtl»»t >Conv«ni«nc«Group STJCKEHPfltCe FCWO DISCOUNT FO«O REBATE' BASS DISCOUNT JM.3M WOO S10OO $878 112J49 BRAND NEW 1990 tJOOC »7S $11,980 'Auumadc • Air MUSTANG LX •Cnuito P • Spatd COMTOI ratcn mcun» AMY FORD CASH iNsomvE. OCALER coimuBtmoN MAY AITECT COKSUMCT COOT, WHOM »>OO THROUGH 3 4 » « O . TELEPHON. CUSTOMIZED VANS IN STOCK FORD full size .starting with 1986 plus good selection of Aerostars FORD miKE i LORAIN . 934 .ELYRIA:-'-_ - . '.365-7 • CLEVELAND ". 871-ft Mil i in m We Rent Cars Trucks Vans PRE-OWNED LUXURY VEHICLES Save $7300 ** Passive Besistan( System *<* Comfort 1988 Continental "Signature Series" <llt _ A _l 518.380 20.000 miles, JBL sound system: 1988 Continental • — "Slgnalura Sartea" Convenience Group *- Leather Wrapped Steering Wheels Anti-LockBrakes :.< $£11,3011 19,000 miles, moon tool ._ ; 1988 Town Car "SlgnatufB Series'" Auto; Transmission Power Steering . Power Brakes Power Windows AM/FM Stereo Air Conditioning , 20,000 miles, olocL daatt, wir 1986 Town Car "SlQna'tura Senas'" 2 to choose 17 Available At This Prica . i ^ t ' •.*" **i^*WW**V Wft-s '^u LINCOLN/MERCURY Price Includes Lincoln Mercury cash Incenlrves. Dealer cost may affect,consumer cost. Sale End* 3-28-BO •: • COLORADO AVE.,flT. 6T1 (LORAIN) , . , . ELYRIA 3 2 2 - 9 9 4 5 •' . • .' • LORAIN 2 8 8 - 0 1 4 1 " . . . . •" CLEVELAND 8 9 9 - 1 7 3 1 '•.'•• "••• ' HOURS: MONDAY-THURSDAY TILL 9 : 0 0 P.M.rTUESDAY-WEDNESDAY-FRIpAY TlCL 7:00'P.M. •SATURDAY TILL 5:00 P . M . ' , ' ' , '. . ",-•'.. SUNDAY 1 1 : 0 0 TILL 5 : 0 0 P . M . J.i •-=«" '•£• __ " Realtors Since 1903 AVON LAKE OFFICE 32020 WALKER RD. 933-3733-871-0488-365-2587 "THE TV OPEN HOUSE PREVIEW" SUNDAY MORNINGS AT 10:30 A.M. ON CHANNEL 43 THE CLIENTS ALWAYS WRITE! F m We Listed With Norm because: • First end Foremost - His Initiative • Hn Ability To Usten To What W« Had To Say • His Presentation 01 What He Would Do To Sell Cur ,Home ' • . . .. . • His Obvious Allegiance To Smylhe Cramer Which Gave Us Confidence In Smytho Cramer • Smylhe Cramer Has A First Class Operation Going For Them , • Smythe Cramer Mas Discoveied That liWe Things Do, Count NORM GUGGENB1LLER Mr. & Mrs. Robert Myers AVON LAKE H 40*58*;, Y o u ! i,and,*pecMut-living m Wta wdh'3 Mdrocm, 2*4 batha'and l?k¥Tn^f;B*ino- 4 diotno foom», Trw ;rRasttr J i'badrooro ;i» en tha Oral Boor. Family room 4 l|oraa«aatniorrtfwll»)*J toanjoy thta noma. A »•»••— - i — J ,— , pail,, and grift ara 416675. Tfcts cadu rancrt at B205 Hfckcy Trs* haa 3 badrooma 4 2 fun baths. Th« warm & invmna (amity rm. iaads to tha patio. Dinar I N W H toduda formal L H A OH, mat-in kuchan. uHtty room, large prtvata lo) 4 Z car naatad oaraoa 1)04,500 Qa>nw/Homm, 9330733 Op#n Sun. 3-6. Tour on TV Prroanf SHEFFIELD LAKE 402B91, Immediate occupanc/ available lor this 3 badroom, ZVi bath hom« in Chatham Pofnto. Builder upgrades indude security ft intercom systems.' Jacuzzi. decorator window coverings, i oEogont oak woodwork. S15B.500. HommA3arnor. 93M733. ..-•,• ELYR1A 416379. TNe hom« iatoohinotota fanrfy W.W Ha 4 bMiroonM and 2M Datha.' H"« lotmed on • , quioi d«ad «v) i l m i , An appaallng C*P» CtxJ fMlurtng a hlgri aneroY fumac*. wttfi rurin aiactrlc air 0«*rm, newar carpating, hmtiad Qaraos. and fatrnal a aat-in dining, $85,500HarO Jonaa. 833-3733. : JANIS GARNER UNDA HOMM AVON LAKE 420243. A wrap-around porch anrianea* this 4 bedroom, 2W bath cotbnta! located on • qubt s cuMa^ae to.'Oi+fli yaara oU ortth tarnay • w n wttti firaptaoa. 22x23 ccuntry .Utchan & lintahad baaarwnL Q S M to ichdota and •hopping SI S3 COO Su«an SchltlfRgr •; 933-3733. *- -" PRE-CONSTRUChON OPPOSmfflY •r^-»,c&l_n^fflE3fi; - features .three Jibsdroomo.'drW'en the first floor, and one \ztvA batri:;A convenient utility room on the ' first floor has a shower stall An oversized l l garage and back yard shed offer great l^sforaga areas. $65,900 Joanna Demos TM3-3733/ . 256047. Thia •sthi unit apartmwntfouiidino is a pood Invnunenl, DpponunHy. Eacft unH has t badmom ft batn a ail appU*ncM. T w o U(llt * are.compMoly-himtolwd. A laundry room in tha butktmg and a cuvtodtan on tna ana are oddatf (MtufM. Each unit hat a carport and ,air 'cortdtMnino. * 155,000, Suaan Schritlng. B33J733. ; 4ICM95. A 3 DMroom colonial is und*r construction and wHl ba availabla In 2 wacks. FaatuiM Inctud* 2M bains, larruly room nl WBFP. casual A formal dining, full tMMment, 2 car gwag* A landtcaptng. ti34,900. : Susan Stnffllivj, 933-3733. AVONLAKE AVON 403846. Konareff built,home • onfy 3t» moorhs, oWl- Four bodraormi & 2«r twllu aro complemented bV^ 1 oak kitchen, ramity: rm. with. flreptac* and first floor laundry rm. AluU basement, central air, custom, drapes-& many upgrade* are extras. $156.900 Kathy Clkotle, 933-3733. AVONLAKE mm ^13007. ThrM.bAdroorns & two full baths £up'arid a fourth bedroom / office or den fand 5 fuB. bathoolisi,floor. The' 2i 1 xi5 t jifamfr/imi & fun/basement w/rec. rm. add Ipto'tms home's appeal 15 minutes from downtown Cleveland & Hopkins Airport i$139fi00. Kathy Citotte 93M733 413591. ThtsKanarall-bulK home in Meadow.Acres has three bedrooms, £ » baths, family* room with tireplace and den or fourth bedroom. Added features Include vaulted ceilings, skylight and a 12'x12* deck. $143,900. Kalhy Clkotte, 933-3733. Real Estate Questions? Our sales team wilt be -available to answer y&ur questions on -Saturday tyfbm 9 a.m. -"to S p.m. D'Market Analysis D Buyer Qualifying Return tW» cortiticale or call for an oppoinlnwrri SUE PICHOK W ZARAEIXI luwdby smylhaGnmw Co. ^ ^ TO3OT33 I Nam* _ CUy • Bait bma to raacn BbllYUAXlEfl mr 4 « 8 t 9 . This 3 bedroom. 2V4 batftcotonlal won an award lor best master ^odroon In the '1987 Homearama. Mbr. features a stnlng room with a flreplan and bath with a Jacuzzi. A'second fireplace warms the M'xiB' Inmiry room; A brick front ft 2 story foyer add to Ihia home's appeal. $232,000. Cheryl Slater. 933-3733. SUSAN SCHILUNO Slats Zip 400423. Locatad on a woodad totm.a oraat localtont - Spaetou* IMngroom, formal dining room and nawar custom itrapas, family room "and rtaw+y dacoratad knehtn. $112,tX» J Oamar, 933-3733. Thinking of a Career Adjustment? Contact: Carol McDonald, • Manager, for I interview; | 933-3733 or . 871-0488 til. 1 I r It: 'It's Time For A Change* Mabry Resigns As Avon's Basketball Coach accomplished. i by Mlchoel Noga. "There's always going to be winners ""• AVON - Mark Mabry recently resignand losers. I think too much emphasis is ed as an Eagle head coach, after four placed an winning*" ho said. Mabry years of leading the boys varsity basketrecalled learning as en athlete In his ball team in Avon younger years that the only time his "1 fust think the time is right for a team lost was when theydldn't give 100 change," Mabry said in an interview on percent."Cive your maximum effort." Monday. "I'm not a bitter coach going coached Mabry. out. It's not a cose of sour grapes. I'm : The Eagles this year set a goal of gainsatisfied with what w e ' v e; accomplished." . .'' '• - . •' ing doublfrdigit victories, which was achieved by tho end of t their 11-11 Mabry brought tho Eagles from the Inseason. Mabry also commented that he land Conference into the Lorain County feels the Avon basketball program has Conference four years ago. which ingained a lot of respect from throughout volved making adjustments for a much the conference, as evidenced by Doug' quicker, more aggressive'-tempo. Just Wflck and Grog Wearsch 1 being named coming off coaching Avon's successful First Team All Conference players In the S-,1 football season. Mabry recalled that lost two years. people'hod high expectations for his • Other memorable moments include first year of loading the basketball team. In hii first year, he led the Eagles into .Mabry's first year, in which:iho Eagles boat Loratn Catholic, then almost beat tho now league and through a period of Avon Lake In sectional tournament plcy. growth and transition. During his four Again he stressed that a near-victory years, he~ saw win-loss records of 7-15, could give rise for a celebration'as long :£-16, 9-11 and 11-11, respectively: But as teammates played their hearts but. : i Mabry said he prefers to view success in Lost year, the coach was thrilled by of how many goals were A TRIBUTE TO A COACH ; A:c6ach is a teacher who constantly strives to reach greater heights as a builder of lives; "I just think it's OmeTotf change. I'm not a bitter coac going out. I'm satisfied; withj what we've accomplishetL*&$& MarkMabryl Eagle basketball coachg back to-back victories over Oberlin and Kuystonc Then this season, the Eagles up et Aion Lake in the glamour of Ihc Klchficld Coliseum Avon tms also now won against eicry tuom in tho league. ' They look at each gumo as another that they can win " he commented "They've gotten aw«y from being intimidated by somo of these schools " Mabry said he enjoys working with Iho kids so much that no rcsontod tho managerial part of bis coachiag duties 'I don't like tho monugomont part - bus (schedules, pictures, open gym." he stated Ho admitted it It hard to be a boss of tho team when he would really prefer to bo more of a friend In glojryijn. victory and yes, in defeat ' ; Another factor 'that Mabry recently considered was Iho time demanded of a yyhosets the example for those that compete; basketball coach "ft seems >o bo getting Who advocates teamwork and proves every day that everyone wins m the game of fair play. — words on a plaque m Mr. Mark Mabry's Cth grade classroom given to him by teammate Pat Malloy said "The effort that Utfly gava^nw most of tho lima tremendous." Likewise?. Mabry commends Avon for having go«! fan support, particularly when conslde^ ing Avon High School Is the amaHestthe league - , • "* "•"** Ho * added* that there ^_ ^^-,, dynamic community support 'extended: to a now coach^Ma* whoever Is chosen as —_ „—. coach will have somo workt'cutTouL [hough, particularly because Avotf High; School will _graduato r sevea^aenlofc basketball player* this year. He.»aldih« looks forward to being a dio-hardEaglf* "I'm fust enjoying not having to.wprrj about basketball • rlght*:now/t&JUabrj said. "But I want \o gel back?inut)lC tho right situation V * - * ~ A I ™ . « « I said ho .would like to tant as'cppoiedtoi tbi . toughor "nd tougher to be a head coach. ding that Iho--ba5 ''hiiu.]tjB^uuujiMit<^w^ It is definitely more time consuming " Mabry recalled sitting DII the corner of coaches want hini to coroeovetQo.ttfetB his daughters' bed* moro thiin onco |u t school, but his timo scheduln * " " wishing ho had a chance to be with his allow for It. "If it's right, 111 get bat children on nights in which the kids .isk- to It,*' Mabry uld,~vi£t''"gl#*£Ap cd if Dad would bo homo 'As for iiowvthoug<blnkperMi He will now liuvo much mare time to ty it'c lime, for a^cliane Tho AvonBoamof Education'1 spend with his wifo. Sue and daughters pectod to accept Nfabry** fesfgaafloi1 Morgan. 7, and Tit}lor, 3 As for tho Eaglas, "I'm going to miss last night's- school board mbeUngJi* thorn because they aro good kids,'* ho Sports & Leisure Briefs tho VVoatmore Horso Center 4(137 Westmoro Rd . In Avon Honors Winter Athletes; Cuyahogu Foils. The merchandise will stress horso-ruliiliid equipment AVON - Avon High School will KoW nnd a wide variety of arts und rrnfts Uonatlona of Hums Winter Sports Awards Program on Tuesday, March 27 to bo auctioned nro beiiif; sollcittid and can ho mado by Athletes fro'ii ctl wmtor snorts will bo h o n o r c c L ^ r j£ calling Kathy Schmidl at 1-225 7508 or Evelyn 1 ho festivities will bo he'd In th i ' X Forsmork at 1-230-5100. High School starting at 7 p m . Lunch will also ba available during Iho auction llm public is encouraged ID bring chairs slnca rating will Softball Registration Beginsy?| bu very limited. A V N LAKE - The Rucraation Doportraont for-lbe Schneider Makes First Team City of Avon Lake would like to announce 11 \% ta AVON - Rosiu Schnuldor was rocantly sotccletl first teum applications for 1030 lummor eotlball leaf, . trnm All Nprtheast Di<rict division III by tho There wilt bo two men's lenguos and a women's leagued5 For Information call the recreation dopartmetit'at Associated^ Prbs8. Schneider Is tho firs? Avon fomalu Summer Jobs Available 933 8171 bctwuon 10 u m and 1 p m or League Director^ bflskotball plnyor to bb soloclud lor the first tcum JAVON LAKE - fho Avon Lako Rocroitlon Depart Special honors continue; to come to tho Avon girls' Chuck Lupold nt 033 5341 bctwoon 4 and 6 p tn.'* mont has openings for summer employment in iho basketball team • as four members wore selected ..all* groenbox program and at the municipal pool county. En addition lo Schneider making first team, While supervisors and aides oru needed for the purks f-rin Kvoch arid Jenny Smith mndo second team, Duwn Band Concert Slated Tonight Smith made third tonm. ' •..•••....^ and recroallon groenbox (irons malntanancc workers office workers, concession stand workers, lifeguards AVON LAKE - T h o annual Avon Lnko High Schoofl swim program.Instructors, pool auporvf ors mid a pnol CRUNCH Soccer Clinic Set Winter Bands' Concert is baing hold tonight, Murch 2i"M manager aro'lioedod at Iho municipal pool.-;" •: • ,, WEST LAKE -Members of tho Clevulund Crunch and at 7 30 p m in tho high school nuditorlum. Tho band*5| AH applicants must be at least 10 years of ago by Juno the North Olmited, High; School High School Varsity will be director by Elliot Dol Borgu, composer and- ' J ; 1, lBGOilAppHeantlpns may bo picked up at tho recrea- Soccer Team, along with coach Tom Hartfiold, will pr^ conductor. JJ tion ;department or at city hall betwoou the hours of 10 • sont a two-hour soccor clinic from 3 to 5 p m on Mnrch Tho symphonic band will play lha world prnmtoro of^1 o m and* 1:30 p.m.: For additional informution, cull 31 at St. John & Wost Shore Hospital's Houlth P'omo- a pluco entitled "Symphonic Movement." which Dol^ tian Center, 28927 Center Ridgo Rd , In Wostlako norgo wrote especially for thr ALHS band. This pioce" Tho soccer stars -will provide demonstmtions und was commissioned by tho Av'm Loko Band Aids for (ho^ , Auction Will Blaze Trails ,flkllt-buildingoxorcisos for area boys and girls who aro symphonic band as a contln'/lng port of tholr efforts to'.^ CUYAHOCA PALLS - The public la Invited to take a 8-12 years old. Tho clinic conts $'i per playor and Js opun huvo II major Amorican con poser work with tho bandrl (o nil skill levels. Players should coma drassod tp play on a now ploco of music avi ry throe years ~i' trip to tho Cuyahdga Valley National Rocraation Arm (CVNRA) on-March 31 for the 5th annual trail riders and bring tholr own soccor ball. Admission Is $J for adul t and Si for sludonts ond* v-5 'banoflrauctioiltidddlgnod to raiJu funds for horse and For registration forms or tnoro Information, call senior cltizsns 4^1 ihUdafetifBlLdevpJppment. 833-43B3 ext. 6315 or 1-892-0515. k^The^iucUon will befiln at noon In the coveredIiarena at - Soccer Registration Scheduled ^LORAIN COUNTY — Tho Ronogodc Soccer Club Loraln^County s only select club, will bo holding u apodal registration for athletes in tho PRESS readership -area at tho Knights Inn, near the Midway Mull from 3 to 3 p in on March 24, in Room 101 Any player with travol expertance dosiring a hlgriLr level of ploy, as well as profoss'onal coaching find born in 1077, *7B, *7Q or '80 should bring a birth corlillcalo and photo. " r ~v'Positions ara limited Unlike othLr club tho ^Ranogado Soccer Club doos not require high monthly charges^ f. <• J * ' •>• Area Athletes Await Revco-Cleveland Marathon CLEVELAND - The internn.Iior.nHv respected Kcvco-Clevetond Marathon & 10K. which annually attracts the world's top runners, will anchor an «ntir* weekend of raco-njlated activities devoted to runners, spurts fans and health and fitness enthusiasts on'Mav tfl. 19 and 2Q. " The 13lh annual Rcvco-Cluvekmd Marathon & 10K will be held on Sunday morning. May 20 in Cleveland With a cash prize totaling more than 5150.300, the races are expected to draw more than 15.000 compeiitors from approximately 40 states and 20 countries. ."Revco's com business is health and fitness and as the races have grown in ;s£ze and quality, so havo the activities surrounding thum," said Boake Sells. Revco'a buuiinan and Chief oxecutive : officer. "In addition to the Marathon and 10K, Revco will again host a free, three-day Health & Beauty Expo, as'we'll "as (Ul-day bicycle races and a Kids Run on Saturday." • ' , • '^ Jack Staph, Revca senior vice president and race chairman, added. "'The Revco' is one of tho leading dual racing eveUs In the World and it's earning more respect each year. Last year cash prizes were offered far tho first timo and records wore broken in the men's and m .women's Marathon. Our goal is to main;taih the high quality of the 10K field and continue to strengthen tho Marathon." r^;"The Revco" continues its 10th year tradition of hosting "races within the h;^'.j'roce"1 with its CorporateToam Compotl^.tioiL Local companies and organizations' >•': enterteams of threo to five employees to •i'nihthe 10K. All fees directly: benefit £TC*Cleveland, State University's Homer E. ^Wooding;'Athletic .Scholarship Fund ig&ywhich receivednioro than $80,000 from xV-Xbia Revco.'*, ^.Likewise, in'•••cooperation with {Cleveland's; Metro Health System, ^wheelchair racers will compute in the 'MetroHealth Challenge Marathon and :10K. Wheelchair race information can , ; be obtained from MetroK-alth Systems iat.ir459-57S8. ^ , : , • • . . • / . . ^ N e w . this .year. .Revco, in cooperation nvith^Fun'n* Fresh Deodorant, is apon^soring aKIdj* Run to benefit Uclted iWay. Open to children, ages 3 to 14, the. sj'^iOds'rRun wiU take place at Cleveland ^'State's Krenzler Field on Saturday. May § FITNESS.FlJGKT-.lrfna Bogachova, of the U.S.S.R., shattered the old Revco Marathon women's record by nearly five minutes in 1989 when she finished the course In 2:35:55. Also an Saturday, both amatuur and top professional bicyclists will compete for cash prizes in the 2nd annual RevcoCicveland Criterium. Tho all- day biko races will speed through tho downtown streets surrounding Kronzlor Soccer Field. The 2nd annual Health & Beauty Expo ot The Cleveland Convontion Center has expanded its hours and will he open from 10 a.m.,to 8 p.m. on Friday and Saturday. May 18 and 19, and from 10 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday. The expo is free and open to the public. Tho Kevco-Clcvnland Marathon & 10K is co^ponsored by Cluirot. American Greetings. Pepsi-Cola and Fields of Nature Vitamins. The starting timo for tho Marathon is 0:30 a.m.; the 10K begins at 0:45 a.m.. Tho starting line for both races is at Euclid Avenue and East 22nd Street, in front of Cleveland State Unlvorsity. which, in cooperation with the City of Cleveland, hosts tho event. ' FINISHIMG F I R S T - t h e 1909 man's Bevco Marathon winner. Eddy HellebuycH of Beiglum, established a new course record as he broke the finish line tape held by Boake Soils, Revco chairman and chief, executive, officer^ ; Entry forms are available at Northeast Ohio Revco drugstores or by contacting The Kcvco-CIavcland Marathon, 1025 Enterprise Parkway, Twlnsburg, OH 44087. For additional information coll 1-425-nSll, extension 31570. Park Board Fills Vacancies v, by GInny Anlklenko. -. SHEFFIELD LAKE - At last Tuesday ^ .night's.regular meeting of the Sheffield ^CIty. Council; Gary. Green, counlve,to the,park board, pj^ ppointment of the; now ^recreation director and the new.park superintendent.',-' , ;., , . . ' . ' .';>' • y^rhe park board conslderod numerous ^applications. David Poszgal, Interim ^chairman of the park board, admitted that It took a long timo to reach a docirfc"But," he said, "that was because | ; w a n t e d tho best and thatV what wo r §|:goC;I'm"glad tho positions are filled." g4Ih«i howjParkSuperlntendent ia Gary d ! ! h :had;rpreytqusly boon a t momber of the park board. : Sandors said, "I want to extend Improvements to all.the parks as much as possible. For example, now .walkways . leading down to the bsich ore planned for Community Pork. And we nro hopIng to get grant money for a fishing pier so we can take "advantags of Lake Erie." Sanders mentioned, the new small football field being added to Gunnthor Park and he spoke of maintaining tho soccor field at its possible boat. Ha also. plans a flower planting program and tho development of a theme for Community P a r k . : : . - . ' • . ty Advertising That Is Useful... Long Lasting... : • •-. "I'm. looking to the citizens of Sheffield Lake, to provide us with good Ideas IEt>3PRGM"6TEY6UR BUSINESS STICKERS* CALENDARS RULERS* PENS •PENCILS • MATCHES ;|tITTERE(AGS> BALLOONS -SIGNS |KEYTAGS» YARDSTICKS -LABELS {SOCIALORGANIZATIONS'CHURCHES'BINGO • * i ; - > •, : , . • • • . . • : . • • : • " • ' for the Ihomu. I also Invite them to our monthly Park Board meetings which are held tho second Monday of the month nt S p.m. at city hall.'We always welcome tholr comments and participation." Tliu nuw Recreation Director Is Brian Bobrendt. He is a physical education teacher at Tennyson School. "I'm looking to add more sports programs like the intramural sports which were started for children in junior highI want to extend those to grade school students ns.woll as to tho teenagers in the community.'* a n d Appreciated! •' Pizza • Calzoncs • •• Salad3 •- Sandwiches PIZZA CUTTER • WEST • yjJ-OO/U • WE DELIVER PIZZA CUTTER • EAST. CAfmtourOHLV • 9 o J - j 5 l O * l CAWTOUHSSAIIH . 933-8875;,s AVON BRANDY'S GOLF CLUB REPAIR • • • • • Refinishing Rcgrips Rcshaft New Inserts Custom Clubs 37U0ColoradoAve.'Next To.KountiyKupboard , « .. . . » ; tf34HmiLr. -WANTED- ADULTS WITH SINCERE BASEBALL INTEREST To Umpire Thurman Munson (13-15) League Games In Avon/Avon Lake & Sheffield - May Thru J u l y For Additional Info Call: 933-4961 To do this.^Ichrondt said, he will work closely with the schools sinco Sheffield Lako does not have a -recreation complex - •• "I also want to develop programs for tho senior citizens, probably starting in the suinmnr. Wo have1 the Community Civic Conler that noods to bo put to moro uso." Behrondt statod tbo was looking'for-' ward to starting on tliose pragromiand Sandars expressed his pleasure In workIng with Bchrondt on the proJocU they're both planning. IPET CARE Pamela A. Pohlmann Veterinarian Rabies vaccination for dogs Is ruquirud by taw. Up to the present time vaccinolinR your cat for rabins had aeon optional In most plncos of tho country^ This prnctlcu may cUntiRe. ilu» to the inopwsiHK numbnrK of cola us iloinostln puln IIH wnil JIS iin nlnrmiriK rise in tlui stray oil pupulnlicn. Also, tho invasion of wlldtlfu hahitnt for building nnd housing rluvulupmbnts tn ticccmmodalr, the ever incroasfns rise In tho human populntfon is bringing mora wild nnlmals In cooxistanco with our domestic animals. In a recent nuwtinjj by tho Amorican Votorlnnry Medical AsVoclation, guldoUnos wore mado for' nationwide mandatory vaccination of cats for rabies and members of..the Public Health soctors of our country arc working towards legislation requiring all cats bo. vaccinated. •'• .'TJiU-' m e s s a g o is brought to you as a public service from -Dr. Pamola A. Pohlmann, ' A v o n : Lake' Animal Clinic. 124 Mlllor Rood. Avon Lako. Phone 933-5207. A BFG Will Boost A.L.S.O. Soccer Program •r _ tccnugs girls and more involvement with soccer activities for high school Mudcnu ALSO uses the Father's Day Tournament to fund maintenance of the soccer fields, provide equipment, and underwrite referee and league fees. The group also organizes a Soccer Day Camp, which is held in August. Last year's camp was led by five professional coaches from Great Britain. Sixty-six youngsters attended. This year's camp will be expanded lo include the association's five and six year olds. "Goodrich's sponsorship of the tournament is a tremendous boost lo our efforts," says Jones., "The tournament has always received tremendous support from our many local businesses, BOW AVON LAKE - The Avon Lake Soccer Organization is looking lo make this year's soccer program even better, thanks to new sponsorship the group ha* obtained from the BFGoodrich Company's Avon Lake facility. BFGoodricb will sponsor ALSO's annual Father's Day Tournament, the group's major fund' raiser. According to ALSO president ScoU Jones, the sponsorship will enable the organization to continue to upgrade and expand Us soccer programs in Avon Lake without increasing fees Tor participating families. ALSO offers soccer programs for children ages 5 to 14, and has an adult soccer program as .veil. Future plans include, all-girls teams for the with the addition of a major corporate sponsor all factions of the community arc working together to host a truly firstclass event. Most importantly, il allows us to continue lo offer a high-caliber soccer program to our community — one that is truly wholesome, safe and fun for our Avon Lake youths." Bob Kissling, manager, human resources and safety for, Gpodrich's Avon Lake Technical Center, says that the company decided to sponsor the event because of. the number of facilics it reaches. "We wanted to participate in something that would demonstrate our commitment to the community, and support something thit is important lo the "Spring^fnto Spring''Goif ccmmumly We appreciate the op-**'* portumly ALSO gave us to do both.* £? The Father's Day Tournament is Avon Lake's largest supporting event and.5SJj attracts more than 7,000 visitors each* year. More than 200 volunteers, plus the Qty of Avon Lake and ichool board «*-. sot in making it a success. According lo^ Jones, when the firsi tournament wai held in 1982,32 teams participated.year, more than 100 teams from states were involved. This year' ment wilt be held June 16-17. details will be announced m weeks. Special A golf course can enhance your commmity Then: is no question thai goiters lene living near their favorite golf coursa. but a golfing facility can certainly benefit a!! members of n community, golfer und non-golfer dike. While golf courses require imiJmum attention and minimum costs in turms of community services surh as police, fire, forestry work, road repair, seweragB. etc, they play o significant 'role,in creating' a desirable atmosphere in a community. -They make quiet neighbors yet provide recreation for all ages, u plus for any community,-whether the course is private, public or municipally-owned Historically, goif courses have, and will, attract desirable professional pco- JJIO into o community as well as proUdltiK Ioc.il yor-ruumi employment and . summer employment for high school and college students. Goif.courses offer young people the opportunity,to caddy and the resulting exposure to a very ftivorablc controlled working und social environment. In many areas of the country golf course members have contributed to the scholarship old of deserving caddies. A a vital pjrt of n community, man) golf courses rucognteo the importance of maintaining good community reiutions and will make their facilities available lo non-member guests for civic and social affairs. Also, they ofton allow local high school and college trams to use tin. 1 RANDY S GOLF CLUB REPAIR i, Re-Grip Specials Starting at S2.00 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. 371 10 Colorado Ave -Next ToKouMiyKupboard .-o _ 934'GOLF With The City of Westlake's Recent Purchase of Hedgewood Golf Club, The Entire Go!( .Complex, Which Includes Moadowood Golf Course. Will Now Be Known As: REMEMBER... TO READ AND USE THE CLASSIFIEDS - wcSTLAKE MEAOOWOOD GOLF COURSE ^* . ,- 27 Holes -"„ Snack Bar - Cart and Ctub Rental Senior's Rates- Facilities Available For: Leagues - Outings Halt Rental y Meeting Room For Information, °iease Call Brenda KeplingerAt: 835-6442 1316 N. DurkeeRd. Grafion, OH 44044 (216)748-2939 (Cteve. No.) 20 Mm Cleve. 236-8689 w-480 to 10 -18 Challenging Holes-Area's Finest Greens-Daily Specials-Senior's Specials- at minimal orno charge. Golf courses can ulsobuu primary factor in the decision lo buy H home ar locate in a given community. Many local real estate salesman will agree that the' golf course can be a vital solus aid. A golf course can also be a dclnrmining factor in a company's decision to move In or out of a particular community. Golf courses • are unique as both a recreational facility and a conservation land tract with no acquisition costs lo Inn'community. They add an important sennic value to a community with no maintenance or landscaping costs lo the community. - A golf facility provides a sanctuary f o ^ birds and smaller animals and ' perfect aquifer for soil end servation. Conservation groups ecology groups am now giving in ing recognition to the importancej coursa acreage. Such facilities c pollution problems and the t£^ plantings hove a beneficial effect Offairjf urincntion ?3<?$$E Non-golfers con cosily swing intdspe-x Ing by signing up with a course golfing^ pro for lessons. The phystcaUfltnettl aspect of golf attracts*o Wide^ranga^n gnlfcrs to the sport and Wost^Sti nnidents are fortunate to have a variety^' of golf courses ta choose from. ^ ^ \ Sweetbriar Golf & Pro Shop Is New At Svw'olbruir Coif Club everything that is old is out Even the course name has been changed The new- name is "Sweelbrinr Golf & Pro Shop " Bucky Kopf, owner of Sweetbriar for fust over one year, has made Jtnprovomonls to every facet of the 27 ho!« course, pro shop •'•nd adjoining properly Kopf said, "we're dedicated to making Swuclbrbir tho finest 27-holu public golf facility anywhere " Golfers will benefit from course Improvements, a remodeled pro shop, new pro shop products and a new entrance. The improvements arc occurring at an accelerated pocu as the golf season nnnrs, but Mark Wise. PGA Professional, said ' tho improvements won't affect our golfers" Course Improvements include drcdfiIrg and enlarging 'ho creek* and ponds to increase watering capacity. Colors will notice firconcr, softer greonn during tho dog days of summer The planting of ovur 150^ trees to cntinnce the courses natural boduty und croute moro strategic hole play, especially on the liilrd nine The mo of special aerification mjchlnoi last fall tlmt will result in softer grconi and Ices this summer The planting of thousands of flowers on the course and the replacement of all bridges Pro thop Improvements will Include new display fixtures that will display capacity by 60 percenLVTel sion with a-VCR-VUfrberadded customers'can enjoy more golf after the got off the course. A'nawoak flnlstiwa covering will beautify- tbe.pro shop-flu terlor and oirer more fii«i-*i«[»i»™.Jf* display space; Grounds tnii wider omrancQ'wIth extensive landsdt ing and newcobblestone:sIgDJ?ttaw^p^Bii ing far the three pavilions andLneWluf service bathrooms for the paviliona*^« "Many golfers had commcntedron. tho* positive changes that 1occurred'during'! the 1900 K a u n . " " " " " " * " " - 1 ' - - ' * predated those co fell these improvement* wore nocessai to serve all gnlfers _to ,tho, ability. " f"C --"V^-n^^Sweag "Our goal 1* to create IlTetlme^olBtloq^ ships with every Sweetbriar^ by offering superior servleovcu ditions, playing opportunities,'pnxluctsa and prices to every believe the changes aid us in ranching on to make Sweetbriar Calf* Pro Shop thej finest 27 hole public golf vJ Ohio" jyu •i'vtyizpi "We expect to have OQ percenrof ourY improvements completed by TthV*uiIrst^ wook of April and oncouragiTgoifers to'°l come out and see tho new)"lmproved>: SwcetbrlarColf & Pro Shon."-< --SS'-WJ HBBHiBSaVBiHflflHHMflHH New Decade Has Dawned at Sweetbriai G O L 1* & P R O S H O P (Mon.-Fit bulore 1t:00 a.m.) -Open All Year- Larry G^F.nk Golf Professional py^j- BROOK Golf Club Come to the April 5th Grand ReOur Remod .led Pro Shop and S< ening of Terry Fink to 70% Off Retail on Select Items Club Manager 750 Jjyiox Rd. Avon Luke 933-WO1/871-0822 Clcve. - We Specialize in Full Package Golf Outings - \ High School Athletic Director Dick Deasy AWARDS NIGHTS TAKE SHAPE Winter Sjiurts Awards Nights wilt t»> held on Mun:h 25, Man.li 2(5 uiul April 2nd to recognize nthlcU's from Wrestling. BasVulbulI and Swinmiinj*. Sunday. March 25 the.freshman. ]V. and Varsity Wrestling'teams will have Ihuir Awards Night, along with the boys' and the girls' freshman tiaskotball teams and freshmen cticcrtcudurs in HUJ liinh school auditorium. There will bo a dessert social hour immediately following in the cafeteria. The Girls' Unskclbiill tuam will have a Championship Uutiquul at this Fountaim 1 Bleau Party Center on Monday. March 28 at 6:30 p.m. Thi- rasl is SlO.iH) [H.-r person. Members of the lya'J-'Jl) Vi^ sity and JV squads, along with JENNY SAUL. Ax*on Lake's Sl<ilo Championship swimmer, will bo recognized. On Monday. April 2nd tho Championship Boys' Basketball team will hold ihefr banquet also at 6:30 tit the Fountains Dlcau Party Center. Members of (ho JV and Varsity basketball and cheerleadtng squads will bo honored, i;f.!(i! "i'lii1 v!i.irp-si!i>«liiu: f.uitnt.cmi bv sr.'i.Mi l'ir ill-.- la-.l timu in SILT high M'.fmol i.arc«r ;it lite I-or;iin (Tuuiily All-SLir Ciimv iit tljriti \Y<;M Hijjh Sclioul o n 1 BANJOFF HONORED WITH SPECIAL MENTION DIVISION II A.P. ALk-STAR AWARD MELISSA BANJOFF. Avon Lake's leading scorer on tho 13-1 SVVC Cr> Championahip Girls' Basketball team. was honored this past week with t>cinn placed an the All-Star team as a Special Mention. MELISSA, a four-year Idler winnor and three-sport -athlete, will attend Dayton University onflfull uthlolic Tuusday. March 2D. SAUL 1st TEAM ALL-STATE (F.NNV SAUI, was named this [mst ,%ve»jk tr.i tliu Ohio All-Stole Teiiiti in Swimming. Sim was a winner of the 50 m«t«r Frit! Style nnd fourth in the 100 inultir Treu siylt* iii the stiilu niout this yvar, JENNY, also an All-Sliite performer in cross country nnd truck. 14 a junior at Avon UiVx- High School. SHORT STUFF Wit hwurd thai ANIJY SC1HI.MNGKR will sign with l!n; NFL Minnesota Vikings a«i ii wiile rcci.ivcr .tilii return spi'iii.ilist. ANUY iva«s put mi this Plan' "H" list at Phoenix, and Mimntsutii picked him up...CUNT WEST 1ms mud« the University of Cincinnati var«ity pitching stuff as a freshman. He is U'2" - 105. and looked real strong when ho visitttd this week...KEVIN SCIIMOTZEK stopped by after his team earned the #1 ranking in Division III this year; Wittenberg finished 27-2 on the season... Finally, look far MIKE STIVES this yoar in tho 800 muter rut) and ;J2OU meter relay at Bowling Creon. His mime was mentioned continually during the indoor season, and he should have n good outdoor y«ar in the M.A.C. Tickets fur. t lie buys" all-nlur «nrm- «t Elyria are on sulo In the athletic offlco at discounted prices for advance sale. P l e a s e call 933-5184 f o r m o r e information. WESTERN REGION CYO DIVISION A CHAMPS -- Avon's St. Mary's eight grade basketball champs, with a 7-1 season record, await upcoming tournament competition. The girls In the front row. from left, are: Julie Krystowskl, Mei Matty. Tracy Arendt. Jennifer Sheperd. and Carrie Sedlvec. In the back row. from left, are: Cindy Bansek, Laura Krystowskl. Brand! Cothran, Patty Hricovec. Missy Czarney, Kelly Ounegan, and head coach Allen Arendt. {Not pictured are coach Linda Arendt and her assistant, Kristin ArendL) • . - . 6 Offices In "-A' T r ' n / l i f - i r . n . Cuyahoga Counties .'. '." Lorain, Medina &: / \ 1 rEQltlOE <• .* •-•5364E:LAKEROAD I HR^Ol. : SHEFFIELD U K E y " ^ ^ ^ .; LORAIN 949-7151/ • . [i 'ELYRIA 365-9347. FOR OVER 28 YEARS CLEVELAND. 871-7225' -FOUNDED IN 1962 REALTORSS - *%&***& wwiTnig pool. oano. and Woiiga mhma. Jmi n w » H o Km •nd » w nwi uipvl In M q room, dmng loom, and tMdnicm. NvwcantnN ur and anc n r u u M t i m 4 ISMS. Un^ua, cuctcm bu« 4 lant w « <Min tfWt horn* cot* tn w m m 3 car aiuclwd P*"0" **fi B*Oartx ami How plaiL UramaUe tuwfcaw avtng room "•*! *rarao* 000 « * w and pinwiarmi, OnTv 1B9,KX>. Can Friuin . 4 Mdroonia, 2\t Datns. lamay tbanv Cxi. and itoroutek takt. Cat Bo» TriNMl Wdav VIVE U DIFFERENCE! Call 040-7151 365^347,871-7225 Call 949-7151 385-9347,871-7225 DOFTT WAIT -YOU'LL LOSE AMHERST FOR $89,900 EAGLE EXPERIENCES - Dan Passmore of Avon Lake was one'of 21 Soy Scoute from around Ohio who travelled to Columbus last week to present the Eagle Scout Report to the State. Passmore is pictured wllh Ohio Secretary of Stale Sherrod Brown, who spoke to tho Eag!a Scouts about his own experiences in scouting and the importance of community service. 00 Homes for Sale N*w 4 Drtroom Cap*, 3 tuil MtfuT loaded, Avon LMkt, nvartooking S»n»atlxla/, ftaaawiably priced at . 1100.000. immMlatv occupancy. : ABownco*. Call960-2040. bon'i M i u Out! TM« chaimnq 3 ~ tedmoni ranch m 02t Wait Drlv* I i nlc*r Itukf* Uuui anrtMng availabla in this pnc« rano*. N«w noortng tfHDughout. hoahfy painted intkta. '. Mt-Jn country Utcnwi, largo utilrfy room, 1 Q«rag«. porch and more Low SM'a. RoWn F O T »r B3545C0. g3H0 . fly OWNEH— 3BR, I 1/2 tsulfu, apM, 3 car attached Qiiaijt, wood- burner In tamity mom. >7S 000 twesai. Avon L a U , by ownar. 2 M (Iraolaca. bas«m»nl. 2 car Q g . m o d location: ••caNsnl corxlitiun; byappomWTnl.cail 933-2141. ^OFl SALE-BY OWNER, AVON LAKE CokmlaJ kxtlad on Jamns O r e l * taatunn 4 bedrooms. 2 1/2 DttfM,: full baMmetil. 2 V2 ear garag*. O C K I X ' lol. UpQratfws In. d u d * caramic and hardwood floors. : woodburnlrtg tlteplac*. finished ' tcrt*n#d porch w/cethadral calling Aihlng (109,900 For nppolnlin.nl tan &53-4971. Oonwout 3 Bedroom Ranch in : Nnnh.RKfQavM*. Urgo oaMn KrlChan, N « w l y Ramotfatad throughout, Largo Log Cib-n Uks - H«e Boom, Naw Furnaca, Hool and Quttort. 1 S0«103 Corner Lot. AAhlng M0.SC0. Open Houta Sunday 1-3. 34072 Weatpolnt Dr,, 327-4T37. VEftMIUON LAQOON'S, 4 8 H witn 50 n.oochag«, clOM to beach. Extra parUng. O*at th* spring price IncraoM. S22S.00O. Wlnlaraiein Hoaltf. MM7^7at. Su« Backus. Aisoc.. lMr368a FOH SAL£ Or OWNER Mortn RMOWIIIo E*tra C1«a^ 3 BMroom Split, 2 Oath*, Central AJ\ 2 CarOaraoe. Wooded Lot. Many En rat, 75,500 Op«n Hous« Sund d / l M . Coll lor Appointmanr 027-0082. 02 Mobile Homes for Sale MO SHE HOME HY OWNEH 1978 Eleono 14*70. 3 bwjroom, large kitchsn. Opon Siif«J«y 1-3, 35157 Coniar P-Oot- I0S. North mduuvlilo. Aih.no 115,900 ^5« 03 Out of Estate Town PRICED FOR QUICK' SALEM" Custom ?QR. 2 tjolh horns vn baautllul Lftki* S«QuCa. I' you Mho boating, (jot I ing or (lining In P i n a h u r i l . N , C . araa call 919-673-3312 collect attnr 0pm "o 4 L o Acreage/Sole I s &.' Lol lor sale by owner. Ovnr one hall •cr* on Glendal* In NR. Call 327-2221. 06 414311. f w l o M • * todraom cokmar w«i m batrs, rut baaanwH witn hvdiraoij IMor*. and • 2 Ear inacfMct garaga anting on a ;iit3S lot C*»Mi*» tor your Wuf. Call 949-7151 365-9347, 871-7225 407775. Iha opportunitytotuif Bit* mnOfifl aoa Itnl on a QUIM. dMlraol* cut-d*-wc lot. ThM fwriw oflar* ao nwcti I can'l M •nryitVng, but f»ra'» • >*». f i * wni IrxXacai In room, eanlral sir. btg wl-%1 kNchan. gVmg m m . P«M tw attacrwl Qwaga, a ututty m m thaTk tarQa anaugn to dtvKM mtc • 4tn bMroam. ana a Bptawftng ilac*. Aung UM.KO, C*» Bonnla Rtpct, tuMy I Call 949-7151 385-9347,871-7225 Cemetery Lois 4 Camttary MM at Elmnuisc Park Cemetary. Avon. KWO each lot. Call 748-1323. 07 Commercial Proporty/Lease FOfi LEASE. OlfiCB & Ft«lail Specs In Tiie LarMinga Cnil S33-7tSt or fl7!93M 10 R e a l E s t a t e Wonted HE5PONSIUl_£ matried Coupin, no 'childmn, looking loi B LEASE/OPTION TO BUV on a 3 or 4 bodroom twmo In Avon/A«^n Lako aroa. Can titord 1SQ0 lo t050 pur month. Call anytime, 933-9178. Miko of Lort 12 Business tunltlos oppor- "DO'V'OUI Own Hois Hair Stylist. Ront you' own tlstion. )12S par *gett. 933-aeea • SLASH OROCERY BILLS til Hugn Savings Wseklyllt Laarn insiders proton refunding method) In lot matw>7 Rush atampqd salf-addraitad onvelopo: Foodrruutvr, c/o RMW Advertising, Box 4*015, Cleveland, OH 44144. 439V&. Ccarial a Rnatl woulil M light at hofl* In tha •ouifHHn «iyi« tmonial laaiuilng 3 b«»oom».- mJiW 0*1rooiTi I3'7I T lanury room miiinfraotaca.tUn'ng ruom. codntry tuchan, lull tMwmani wRH r*c 'tKxn. canirM nrL atiKtwl 7 «u o*'*J« *« I*"! on • lupaWMd, IKIKHI O) wilti absva ginund piwl and (ku>Qa bain lor only SSI.BOO f-ic>d h) toll hBfwii an liafnleirad. C«a Dai* llafgelman no* Call 949-7151 365-9347, 871-7225 SPACE AND SUNSHINE •HB5I1 Four Miirooma, fturtuJ inmg tocm, timly loom luaplaca) wnn buill in DooK cawa. kciuxt HI a tanilie oitKnd for If* lid* la uiow . Sound gooOT TFw m l , toumry hiKflan oil) hiinn «v*ry uromnn', dioam. a n a l rHugnnoihoocI (w r s w g • limit,' Otn'l ITI»J out on thu on»in a-milBn Calt Uvcky OW]i for your pfrvmM lour Call 949-7151 365-9347, 871-7225 •;•'•! : .; ACT? *\rm THa cnarmmo 3 badnram. alummuni UMd ranch Min ahacliad garaga nas Man paflialfy r»modaiml and la n>0y lor trouT it laalutM a tatoa raar aacK. Catrwdrat aOivj in <3an, irvj wuodbu'n*! In baMnwit. Snua'ad on I aci». Monadto!wnfi ilwa, inuil.n tunng SM. and.rvnna In MU"1IPIJ!»-I Twp Cud Jawail Ceo* ror youi pmsond lour. . Cail 949-7151 365-9347, 871-7225 OPPORTUNITY PLUS M4179 th* opportunity o* • liftUma PLUS and *WwJ bonu* of Inlna In LaLtmxa) Th4s *»lt-kiK)* doubW rial of. •trtal pailiing, tuN btdniml. and mall-to-wit caipadnQ. 6»cn Mjrta h n 2 bodroon™. M fty tW.WO Alt (w Pal Orynar. Call 949-7151 365-9347,871-7225 ••i:"l KATHYSATULLO 933-7700 AVON LAKE ELYFUA CLEVELAND 933-6195 365-3761 871-7273 933-7700 36C-6S90 871-8880 Call MARK MORAN For Top Quality Real rotate Professional of the Year 1988-1889 OAR President's Club $2 Million Dollar WESTWINDS TOWNHOUSE 254663. Lovely decorating enhances the beauty of this less than 1 yr. old unit, ZVt baths inc. master bath plus full guest bath, cathedral ceiling fi woedburning fireplace add special touches to lovely sunken Irving room. Heated sunroom. country Kitchen with oak cabinets, bay window in dinette area plus garden window. 2 spacious bedrooms plus loaf area. Call the lister CAROL J . GRESCO for your personal tour 933-6195. .. , Club 933-6195 - 871-7273 •R MARK MORAS STARTtNG OUT? 415891. This cute 3 bedroom ranch is the perfect place to start - eat-in kitchen. large laundry room, garage plus carport, fenced yard. VA-FHA buyers welcome. $51,900. Call CAROL J . GRESCO, 933-6195. AVON LAKE - NEW LISTING 420183. So much value in this spacious 1-ownerrr-31 bedroom Colonial - super maintenance!'FuUrbasof: ment. oversized 2-car garage, large living room^dirft ing room, kitchen, baths on each floor, ceiling fans -* Open 1:00-5:00 Sunday. 575.900^ KATHV SATULLO" 933-7700. 38704 KINZEL RD., AVON 416803. Best price in Avon; 2 bdr. bungalow with expandable 2 floor; bassment and detached garage on .46 of an acre. Call MARK MORAN AT 933-6195. AVON LAKE CENTURY HOME-S93.5001 Situated In central Avon Lake on almost Vi acre, this three bedroom, two bath home is absolutely charming. II you like "country" decor, you can move right In - won't have to lift a flngar on this one. Call today for your private tour. LESLIE BEMJS 933-7700. SHEFFIELD VILLAGE - 1 YEAR YOUNG ' 400212. Exciting features Including vaulted ceilings* skylights, fieldstone fireplace, full besement add up to* beauty in this absolutely lovely 3 bedroom ranch in area or hewer homes: 3 full baths and wooded setting, tool $109,900. KATHY SATULLO 833-7700 -*r "LANPIH3S FAMILY HOME" 414343, Vary well cared, for split level home, 2 tier deck for rear yard enjoyment, formal plus family living & dining, 4th bedroom or office, 2 full baths, central air. Landings recreation facilities. Call MARK MORAN 933-6185. START OR RETIRE WITH MAXIMUM . BENEFIT FOR MINIMUM 9 417915. 3 Bedroom ranch, new bath, new roof, furrv*ae, & central air, open kitchen, covered triple patio,, fenced yard, garage. $42,900. Call the lister. ADA TAYLOR 933-6195. OPEN SUN. 2:00 - 5:00 . A RANCH WITH CHARACTER - fe. 419199. and situated on 1 full sere In enchanting Avon Lake. A perfect location to raise yotir 'amity, closo to schools,.parks and shopping yet a warm countiy atmcephere; This charming ranch offers^ bedrooms.'IVftVbatris 'and a basement, i possibility .61:;another bedroom and bath**The spacious living room Is enhanced by an attractive window. Stop by i85Jaycox Rd today and see quality home; HOSTESS: CINDY ROOSE, or cad 833-6195 for ai personal tour f T J « 30 PAY OCCUPANCY POSSIBLE 404639. Over 2300 sq. tt. c\ living in this custom 4 bedroom Co*onial. Amenities include a true masonary fireplace, French doors leedin£»a charming wrap porch, walk-out bay window and tile entry. Neutral coloring thruout will maki. your decorating plans a broezel BETTY WAKEFlELD or MARY ANN TILDEN, 933-6165. MILLION DOLLAR CLUB LYN LEAHY CJ. Tom Builder /^/ SEARCH HIGH AND LOW FOR AN AFFORDABLE HOME? 416687. Sea this lovely 3 bedroom bMevel with 2 full baths.1 Wth more for your comfort, convenience and money. Located on a cul-do-sac street, close lo schools and ^"transportation. Beautiful hardwood floors, vortical blinds, appliances, den on lower level, laundry and walk-out basement. Price 582,000. A very well eared-foe property. Call my number 033-6195. CPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 33056 MILLS-AVON 408639. Enjoy the privacy and natural sotting of this 4 bedroom Capo Cod home. Country kitchen and family room In neutral colors. Priced in the 90's. Coma view with LAURA MURPHY, 933-6195. FORRENT^VONLAKC... 38FI.3 17 Vacation pn bath*, (anch. NO PETS. S700/-O. , feHoitWbOD. LoWy plua wojriiy deposit. Available April nalQtiborhood, nlcsly , lurnishvd Ut. B33-2330. Avon LaNaTandtng*. 4BH Cotwila. waahly/rnonthly. 1-0334337. AVON L A K f i T l LARGE 2 1/2 baUw, 2 car uarag*. air, 2 BEDROOMS, tMSemenl. MO PETS. HiaplKat, cat.Jral vac, wattMr, a'l M2SAno plua aecurlty 4opo»l und IS WantedtoRant applianMa and window Hviuraa, culurilitiaa Avalltbls Apr, i n . W-aac ttraal. poo* K lannla. L U M . ^ N i l B u ! marriad coupL. no 9374347 d«poati, NO PETS, St.300. C«JI tormn, looking to LEASErtJPTION • Wr#a or four Mdroom homo In 033-63 ie. A-1 ARSA, AVON LAKE. fMUKh. wooda, doubt* garage, boat romp* 3Bfl, FULL BASEMENT, aitacrwd rto**.NOPETBTaSB9. i ~ ? f t 3 3 7 a»rco« \f Mduded wooded area, U 1&2 Bedroom, final, No p«l», 1400/monlh, Rapty lo P.O. walar, apptiancea. Both nawly Oao 300-M. Avon Uk«. OHIO 44012. 19 Office Space for ramdctaisci, tZ7S-3S0'mo. dap.: MYHTLlBEACH- Z DR.2MIM, ful22M9T8 Of 777-7233. Rent ly (uinitNrt, Fran t»nnl», pool, ahopROCKY RIVER, 2 BH, cnnmting. plna. Doaa to baaeh, W*«hiy raiea. OTt5cTsfA? garaga. appttoncw. 333-ftHI. 3ZA2520. n«ar t-«ao. Call 3??-0«ao afior B p.m.. W e S , 3 Qfi, 2-0m\ti ConOo AVON LAKE....3BR ranch. I 1/T avaMble May t. !62(Vmo. plua batrn. tamlfy room wflirapiac*. aiv BLE. U pluncaa. 2 car t - d p * . NO PETSt . mmMiatsly, 548 aq.ri. Kin] tSSO/mo. plut »»c- dap. . Call J;" l SL°' 1 k : * Compla*. 1« n. Cafl , L A K E W A o i S b f J amcMcy^ 83*6441. 935-2900. 14 Forront teat, wai*r/--appl!anc0«. Nawly fwwWfdjCeaW. dtp. 228-egrt Of777-723T«'.".V•.-••..- vMx . " : . - • ! . • •'. Urga 2UH apartm«nt. Security & rafaranca*raqutrad.Availatol* April tat Can iftoripm. B34-4B77. ' tndrvfduaJfy DotignM 'Building RottrtcUona ' Codnr &d*d Brick Exterior* WESTWINDS CONDO Very attractive 2 b&droom unit. Many features Included. Large roams, woodburning fireplace, eat-in Jtltchon, 2 car garage, attic storage, screened-ln porch ovorlooks private wooded area. Asking only $136,000. Call today LINDA EHLE, 933-6195. 0» ^O«d. Norin taaa. Eicadanltacaiiorr,naw Colonial building, raaaonabla ratw.. («al OWnog aroa, 327-7402. L X ^ , I n e o(llc« wST» Cantor Rido? Road - conwraont parking Lobby/focepikkVW aJt on nrai Door Indnda*: aniwarlng aarv*», avciatary aanrfce. FAX. copy machine, computariied aarvlc*. Conlartnca room available • reaaonaDIa, PFaaae call Ann at 671^1724. DOCTOR'S OFFICE-LArtEWOOO. 4 i m t ' l rooma and paihlna. 6FFICE SPAC^. danlat "Rd. AvalMWo an temporary basli. path. Ing, utllillM Incluoed. 933-2107 or 835-2242. 20 Help Wanted ACCOUMTArTf/BOOKKEiPER— MIDLAND ALUMINUM CORP aeaka on Accounum/Booliooper W aupervlta AJP, Inventory and G/L £1!? °T fU!' lln ,computB'. e, Mopf* akilla a musi. Can 2(174044 tor an appointment. EouiH Opporlunrty EmpWyar. CHILOCARE - newtmn. full tlmo. your h a m * atartlng Apr.2. HBttrancea, norvamokar. Rocky Btvararea,3SMH13. Journal Motor Route available lor Avon area, • If you have a ear In good condition and want extra Incoma, you want to find out about Inla partlim* work. Coll 248-CTRC. A»k _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ R*cep11onlatrOptical Aaalatant lor paritlma or fulWme employmant. EHparlance helpful but mH necaMary. Send raouma to: P.O. Boi 300-59. Avon Lake. Onto 44012. ~ WANTED ! TELEPHONE SALESPERSONS Earn $3.75 - S5 per hour tvorhlrtg part-time In a pJeaaant. fnendtv atmoNKiere. Mutt f u v , good aniilidr. Room tor advancement. For op. polnfmonu call Laura, B71-5TU7. RECEPTIONIST/ASSISTANT doctor's office • North Olmtted a/aa. Imuranca background helpful. Full Hat pon-tlrrM. Send return* to; W»«t Lira, P.O.Box 45014 DA. Weitlake, OH4414S. , • Luxury Hom«Jt»* • C U W M J J C Privacy • Superb Craftamamhlp TEENAGERS , . Wanted ForYardwork • East End of Shoffleld Lake 949-5520 PRESS REPORTER N_DGO Pan-time rapprter wanttd B covw Avon Lake Oty WxMrt. W*at canrJMal* can prapara on* ettvv per week on «crioof activttlei, fndudno but noi iirmied to acnool bonrd ac* two ant) tlmafy faalurs uattf Sentf PREOS REPORTIMO POSfHON CONCESSION STAND CL6ftK9 naoded. SUff tor conoaaalon atand •t •ortbAK/bBMbaK eompleN Even ingjartd weekurHv. April threuflii Augu«. Oood p«r*on«Nty and maih ottto necawary. IB ywira and oWtf praferfed. Manar^rlot poatllon ate) Cn SJ'Jl'P'i, " 'or, applicallon Wadlake F)ecmatlon . 0394440 n Realty One • Stop by any Realty One open house and fi!i in an entry blank: you con ''Start Pack'ng" for (he Orient, Europe or Mexico . . or send a srfif-addressed, stamped envelope for an entry blank to Realty One, 5035 Mayfietd Road, Cleveland, OH 44124. 4340 KNICKERBOCKER, S.L. 415671. The price is right on this tantilizing three bedroom ranch at only S46.000. Terrific starter or retirement home, ell on one door. Walking distance to, shopping center, library and take. Srvjrt shot to l-9o. Coll ERNIE LANGIN for your private showing, also open Sun., March 24,1990 2-5 p.m. Call 931-6195. ACREAGE FOR SPACE LOVERS + + + 414507. Room to roam on this woll located propsny with 3 bedroom ranch and a (uli suite in lower level lots or gorgeous trees and space to be creative • bring the in-laws and make this your next home buy. The snow is gone - come on oulft Call EO MITCHELL, 933-6195. AVON LAKE ELYRIA CLEVELAND IDEAL FOR STARTERS OR RETIREES 413859- Looking tor a 3 bdrm. ranch with bsmt.? DcrVl miss this one! Located on quiet street in beaut, area. Home is alum, sided, hardwood (Irs., cen. A. and has a Ig. 2 C, dot. garage. Priced at 582,900. FHA or VA welcome Call (or showing, DONNA HALASY. 933-6135. VIDEO STQRE-FOR YOU TO BUYt Nice clean business - in small strip.center - fast growing area - owners must sett due to olher interests come on and see a gom ot an opportunity to bo independent and your own boss. Please call tor details. ED MITCHELL, 933-6195. COMMERCIAL-SALE OR LEASE-AVON 254695. Need retail space or investment? Don't let this opportunity go by. Call BILL HYDE today for details, 933-6195, 933-6195 365-3761 871-7273 933-7700 366-6590 871-8380 AVON LAKE CAPE ON 344' DEEP LOT This pleasant home has woodburning fireplace, dining room, luU basemen1, and 2 car garage. S75.000 Call lister DEL PETERKIN, 933-6195. HELP! HELP1 Do you have a large tour tudroom home in Avon Lake? Would you consider selling it? Please call me right away! A buyer awaits - it's your move! Call LESLIE BEMIS, 933-7700. : NEW HOMES Sheffield Lake Prices & Styles To Meet Your Needs Call CAROL J. GRESCG 933-6195 A "PRICE REDUCED TO SELL11 4 (ledroom - sharp colonial • on secluded section of : Electric Blvd. • off Brunswick - This home available at once -owner moving to new home shortly, come & sea this, mint property with new price, $149,900. Gorgeous loll ED MITCHELL, 933-6195. aaai ' I I I i mil II I I !•! I PRICE REDUCEDI PARK-UKE SETTING! 399503. Nestled among towering trees sots Ihfs spacious four bedroom capet Uniquely designed kitchen and family room plan) Enjoy the upcoming warm weather on .your onclosed patio! Buyer protection as, owners have offered a warrantyl Can't miss with price of S104.9001 Call KATHY KREEGER today . at 933-7700. ' PATRICIA A. FREDERICK has,;been' associated with Realty One (or five years and has achieved $2 million dollar status: §3 As a successful . sales associate, Pat (s a member of,Realty One's Top Uster's Club, the Ohio Association of Realtors Club, and was named Professional of the Year by the Loraln County Board of Realtors. She is also a member of the Women's Council of Realtors.' v&'Pat.'has resided In the area for the past 12 years'with her husband, Adrian, who Is the 'commercial sales manager with Realty One 'and their two sons Adrian, Jr. and Christopher. Rfttendhr, outgoing SALfcfl PERSON I m n l a f l , ' pert-llm* evanfngt & TwaakandMiB * overj Apply In perjanreTliet V K I M SJwppe, 27020 g*, Wastlak*. [CARRIERS NEEDED ^ Srtorth Mdamfll* Presa. and Ughl SnisiH canWrs. If you as* Interested Bn'delivering f n * papers on $Tue*days aflar school call John at £«MM3 1 PART-TIME1 C A S H I E R S . O E U . , ANb gCAKE DECORATOR wanted. Con-, i, verdant Food Mart, cornar of Canter ' B J l B N _,. -APPLY NOW Is.. Arta offlc* has several permanent £ part-time ©pen*ng» ror Wivtdu«l9 *wWt goos phona partonalltMs. Mori nlng and •ventng shifts available. £.'/'",flp Experience • Wa Will Train / Gwvantad hourly raia plus bonuses ;- ;;For rntorvttw can eOMBIB -i rHoutavrtvas and Studanta Wolcoma ^ also Availabla m CHILDCAftC naadad tot B mo.old 1in our Waallatia homo. H days/wk. Hormnofcar. Call 8820504, SUMMEH PART-TIME JOBS. Euro monay acorahaaplng aoliball g i m t i . SS.00 par g a m e . Watknfgrite and Sundaya, April tnrougrt Saptamtw. war train, no aaparfanc* nacaiiary. easlc knowladga of aoftMll or batvball hvlolul. Waillaht Hacraallon Dapartmanr. 635^440. tOW TRUCK DHtVCR Dt • •d Inhaiwy duty lovrlng. Haimam l Sfvlca, 21ftl W.IIPJiSi.. DOO OrrrEH>WALK^R. HOUSE CLEANER WANTED. Waakdnyi. CWan onca a weak In my Rocky ntv»f homa. 356-1562, 1 RECEPTIONISt/SECHtT AHir . Expanding carjer Mhool «f«ki tnIhualaslic A proloWonal looking Individual lor our •WHdiv* ttonl olfice. TnH lull tlma position roqulrai al loaal t-yr. offfco avparianca, word procauing (klllt. SO worn accurataty A a«call«nt phona partonaltty. Sand raauma to: ESI Carosf Cantor, 1965 R R . . Loraln, OH 44063. RARE OPPORTUNITY LARGE CENTER HALL COLONIAL 417035. Open family .footri • kitchen with woodburnlng fireplace, formal dining, basement, 147x150 lot. large 4 bedrooms, 2 car attached garage. $139,900. Call Ihe lister ADA TAYLOR 933-6195. LEISURE LIVING AT ITS BEST 200319. Executive townhouso, 3 full Ievol3, walk up attic, dining room, woodburnlng fireplace, family room. Just like home but no maintenance. $68,500. Call the lister ADA TAYLOR 871-7273. LOVELY LAKE VIEW PLUS SPACE TO EXPAND 417919. Equal fantastic opportunity on this 3 bedroom Cape with largo living & dining, woodburnlng fireplace, basement, 42x14 expandable upstairs with heat and electricity already run, new root, newer garage, extra lot Included, area of more expensive home. Call the lister ADA TAYLOR 933-6195. SELL THE FULLPORTFOUO Aa a talta rapraaanUIIva lor tha Mutual of Omafta Compania*. offer your pnMpact* n«aflh. fi'a. aulo & homa owners Inauranca, as wall ai mutual funda. Can you Qualify for ihli BxcHing caraar? S»nd rasuma lo: Mutual of Omaha, c/o Oary M. Ttoumai. 2S111 Country Club Btvd, Sulla 203. North Otmited, OH 44070. Equal Opportunity Companiel M/F. CLERICAUDO<bKKEEPEH pnrT tlma. Day pointer opvn lor (oj^anilbla.matura Individual. 10-2prn, Monday. Tuaulay, Thursday. Friday. Potantlal for moro houra. S4,5OVhr. duing lraining, Call Worfdwlda Tilo & MarblB. 035-8453. NaM Extra C*ahT Jawairy •o«s IH(HI, We n « d pcopla to »how H. Ex* c«ll«nt pay, flDiibia hours, no coiiactinq or dalivgry. Call B33-7157. Uabyattlar wlih IranaportatKin wanted in my horm for 10 yoor old boy. Waakdays 5pm until midnight. Call 933-425?, Monday thtu Friday, 9-5. PART TIME Repotar naadad lo covar Avon City govarnment. Avon City Schools and occasionally writo laalu'» atotkrv Pnoio axparlanca a daf In ate plus, but not mandatory. Sand snort rosuma lo flEPOFtTINO POSITION. C/o Tha prau, P.O. Box 300. Avon Laka. Ohio 44012. CHILOCARE ASSISTANT, , pwtttmfl. Win train. Exfiarianca h*|p!ul. Eica<lanl benaKls. Apply 9-6pm. HORIZON ACTIVITY CENTER 3O39S Loraln Rd. Notlil Olmaiad 44070 Part-Uma OHIVER > 2O days a WM 1 *. RaUrea pralftrrad. Call for appolnlmant, 835-3699. BA'-LFIELD MAINTENANCE WORKER noadad. Work outdoor* praoarlng baMtiail and *oRball iwh» lor longua play. April through August. S - 7 dyso/WMk. Suporvlaor powtMn also avatltbla. Call tor ap> plication. vVMtlaka flacioaUon • 63S4440 Landscape naln wantad. Ex parlanc* prafarrvd. Call 934-6O3S. COUNTRY PLACE 412567. This lovely ranch, built by Wm. Gresco Homes offers many amenities * country kitchen with plenty of oak cabinets * pantry * 3r spacious bedrooms • master suite bath * central air *.'ga.i heat * maintenance free vinyl siding 4 soffits. $77,900. Call 'or your personal tour, CAROL J. GRESCO 933-6195. v THE HOMESTEAD 405019. This revised cobnis! plan offers over 1500 sq. f t * center hall foyer * 216 baths * '1st floorlaundry * larger country kitchen with oak cabinets,' pantry & desk area. Central air, 2 car att. finished, garage. $55,300. Call CAROL J. GflESCO 933-6195. i THE HIGHLANDER 402807. Approx. 1650 sq. ft. Quality Living. This new design by Wm. Gresco Homes offers largo foyer entrance * 2V* baths * 1st floor laundry * gracious; master suite with walk in closets'*'country kitchen with loads of oak cabinets open to great room * formal living room * fut! basement * over-sized 2 car garage * 105 ft. frontage * $94,900. Call CAROL J . GRESCO for your personal tour today 933-6195. •- •" L.P.H., MadKal Assistant R.N. for OoctofV oltica, parttlma, 4 houra ariamoons. Mm.. T U M . . Ttiurs., Frt,, Reply to P.O. Box 300-BM,Avon Ufca. Ortki 4*012. WAITKESS. parttima avanlngs. StaJia'a Rsstaurant, Avon Laka. g33-3601. • BEAUTICIAN wa,-nad with ax> perianco. Gay-Watt O«auty Salon. B71-4400, • PARV TIME Raportar noadsd to covor Avon City govarnment, Avon Crty Schools and occasionally wtHa faalura tlorlat. Photo eipatianca a fjennala plus, UJI not mandatory. Sand short 'Humt. to REPORTINQ POSITION, c/o Tha Prnaa, P.O. Do* 300. Avon Laka, Ohio 44012. • Part>tlm* SECRETARIAL Wrork. your homo or mlna. Oood ttriapnon* skills & typing. 77B-750fl. • , -.•", LANDSCAPE 6pPORTUNlTlES • Full a part-lime' po»Hlora M M avaHsbla lo parUdpala as landscape a, maintenance workara. Com. patttlva waga, benaflta. Murray Landscaping. B92*1703. MECHANIC - - Eiparlancad m llflntmaavy truck raptlr, Musthava own tooia. Apply. Halmana Service, : 21BI W.I17IHSI. TREE - LANDSCAPE help wanted. Can 734^974. • ' Part-tim* H£LP wanted. Sundays, 12.5pm. GIFTS UNLIMITED, Willlamabum Squara, 2589) Detroit Rd^ WaatlaKa: Full Um« LAB TECHNICIAN naad-. •0 tor busy madicai facility. Pkrasa reply with m u m * to: P.O.Box l « , NortTl RMoavltf. OH 44038. • MANHATTAN OEU In Norttt Olmsted now hiring only tha bast COOKS. Wa offer Trevmaola, good atartlng pay & good working environ. mariL An ahlMa availatrio. Apply In parson « : 241801 Lorairt' Road, Lauren H P ( ^ ; HOUSE CUiANIHQ. •.Professional homa chwnlng sarvica looking lor hoiWst, rellaWa paraona. Good pay w/b«n*ttts." E»parl»nc« not naceaaary. Working houra B^6, Mon. thru Fri. Bonny MaTrJ. 333^411. ! & •OtES W A N T E D . 1 2 - y r * . 4 21 Sales Lists Dld«r. Lsitawod Country Cluo. 2S13 * ~ ATTE.HT)ON-aOVERNM£HT mature. «ft*Oi#. ! frsdiay fta- WaWlxU. Meev-ng S'IZEO VEHICLES te«m HOT WnSeJi* home. J.Aprt 3. 630pm lor nw. non-erne***. F t r d i , Uarceaas. Ctjf»eitB*, I HM-OfiOQ or 871-5333. •C^»^fyt. no 'muUndi. Cart aRw 4 3Ci)m. tor lOHlSS tig3 portion now availacto «i 7 l Rociy RJVW O*!**. 41shr.Fo( CLEAtttttO. Need someone ( wth r*UH*nc*4 to dMR smaH n«ld La** honut every otto' Monday. 949-7441,83*torKim nWf RnJg» . Suflo 405. Roc"-? Lendaespa/Destgn Firm tt n»r. OH 44116. Ann: Dgpi MW A<aJat*»l C . * ' M.OOO.OW.OW g tiperianted, quaLty conf NW p L acMnc* Instaaatlcn prbfMMonala. WANTED: TtL£-MARK£1£RS. s and * ' « • AiktorE M . . Also a ta«n maintanvice tor^mai l tor 1 l o>*ra IIICWT>« El24 HOUJI. to run cur mtegrti*a * " ° * - • " C*11«nl working conOil>Dn« j AtTCNIION: EARN M O t i t * WATmonagofnent program. 1^600442-29*4 or 90*7007. ask I c W work hart and ptMtuoa r« CHING TV! 132.D0OV KKOms CJw~» ' ' ' . bal. Good pay. Call today and I POtitr-XM DcUiii (1) C02-a34-B3QS. O hM 933-6261 Pt«M'i SKILLS E X T R A n »n • f n p B y i w n l I EH, TV-5314 W o i c o 9O*C«J'i'r>p tn piac«m«nt [>l [ "AIWJNES MOW HiniNOt FUGHT M<K«d Oflto" oeople O M K 4 3 » Pan-Unw Cashier & Ganarat Work. I ATTENOANTS. MANY OTHER 1 ) •• Enpenenced. Apjby In person. j POSITrONS. SI7300-J68^4aCaJI Smttfi's Country Count**. 37500 (t) 602-838-6883, &c X-5314. SJOLLS EXTRA Colorado. Avon, Nti phona caJt> -TW lor ATTEKTICM: 621-7M5 Pt£ASEt Ca9 Work. OOEA.PF. Nom« E-PiF. U/FfH Tnouaanctst: S t u l l i n g p*s al hom«. Sand S2 arv! • SASE ta: R. Satmj. 2LJUI St.. U U Bonkonfcotna. NY 1I7T9. "AITENTION: EARN M0H£Y TYPtNO AT HOUE) I K . O O V r "»• coma potential. D a l c t l i . ( t ) fttcawe an * any copy o' THE PRESi g 20 Help Wanted CATCHES THE WORM by visiting any one> rf in« fWcmn locations on Tuesday ervnifigs: CONVEMEHT FOOD MAftT UOVEHNM£Nr HOM£S (ram 31 (U tiu ci ) o OaMngucnt CM fjeOS&^OO i C currwt eOS E»t GH-giaj to repoliaiPOSTAL SEHVICE )ooa. Solarv let * 6 5 t NaUomnma. Entry lrw( po*(>oru. CUt I-8C5- (W7-60O0 ait. P-4JKS. ATTENTIOH: HIRJNQI CnUIS£ SHIP, CASINO, HOTEL JOBS I FHEE TRAVEL BENEFITS! O»l*Ii (1) 002-833^885. Ext. Y-S3U. NEED EXTRA CASH? AiwnUM products n . hom« $300 plus per wMfc. Our guide rwaols details. 216340-3374 d.t.119 34 t R POSTAL SCnvice Jot™-Salary B SefiK. NattofMtda. Entry to*«l poar turn c«n niaos-ea/-woo En. P-Z1B3. EASY ASSEMBLY ' any houta, S339.B4 arwik, family ol 3 uarni S-U17.92 morthry, FREE 24 Hour RaoMing Rav*a!s. 801-3^9-2960 ••LYt5aH. U.S- HOTUNE DaANGEUS BEST. A LOUNGE AranLaka KOPP^ Dl-niTE Avon Jon't haae WT»» p lfi tui homano"? CiN a tchooi V777-/123. OOOUP MOflSEBACK HIDING LESSONS. NortnCtsiEvi^inan CaTl*"1 "(M -jiritruTQ gnjup1 ~'id pf iv JU lessen*, tchoot hen**, U. '*• dinq a-xj traatng. tneoof i i * >a. Aion U^«. 1 83MSW IV* HOR S A L E - B Y OWNER Colonial located'on James' Circle features 4 bedrooms, ZVii: baths, full basement.' 2Mj car garage. 130'X130' lot. Upgrades include.ceramic, and hardwood'floors, woodburning fireplace, finished screened porch w/cathedral ceiling. ASKING $^65,900 FOR APPOINTMENT CALL 933-4971 TH<H*v *SCHES Mfor* Uia raal (unwnar t m t t . Don't look bh« • Ruriad aauaao* in Dial bathing •ufl. EiarciM al ho«TM wWfi Mand*. Can Jan. Oft-l MZ tor datatfa. CompuWr Data Entry. My norna tUM eompAliblc. Bulk mailing sorU f t d 734.1739. ' PAYINO I C O MUCH to flava yoor houM ctoanid? Oiv« Judy's C t * w Ing Strvm a caJI. Fra« «stlmstM, good ratarancH, iruurad and bonti«J. 37^-6000 QUALITY CLEANINfl r l lent Monaat, rBtlaWa individiWl. Homas, Apt, Condo. tpada) dvartIng tot). ExcoUvnlratarnnopafurntsri•ci. Can art-BOSO • Etyrfa 1-365-4748. Babyalttlnglnnty Bwr*. WUl pick up. It convafitant. (Areas: N. Ridga'dle. Avon, Avon Laha, Wawaha, N. OfanatMQ TLC and nuaWy time span! witfi your child. Alto MM droo children on lor lauon/iponi pracfica altaf Kfiool. 1-3J7-44M. 24 Education and Instruction CtflTlFlCD TEACHER win tutot K-fl. Q71-6B03. UNMATCHED, UNEQUALED, UNSURPASSED llomca in Bristol Politic ate unirutclicO In their beauty, unci|ualrd fn tlielr tlc((Jncc and * in their ouiitanillnn crafumaml nri Inc. h » torn hi o n ! |h cicited the cucncc nf ihc .. - j~» i ..—'#tyi* . Choo-ie frum 1/2 itin in a = | - T f ~ ) { V T F * Q acre hoociliei !n thli cxchnlvc riimiiiimiiy, T 7 " * ^ . " , n ^ r T i i ' l * * ^ fr«»"> <il".(HH). liptn Sal. 2 - 1; Sun. I V.«.t Rt. 2 lo 2 S4 (Deiruit Rd.( t» C a w - 1 * . «n ^EVL'fjtfcen. PAT FK£U£HICK. 2.t6-6l,ttt. ALL GAS > HOME Realty One Try our Bounty Hair Bocstetj A natural vitamin-mineral (ormuia developed to help nourish the hair. Contains a plan for .thicker, fuller, shinier hair. Sugar, starch and preservative free. You can find this item at . your local Discount Drag Mart store. *12Sotl Cunom Sound WoeJa Dice Jockayl naa Mvarsl dat*« availaSM in 1990, Cafl loday S, Jnok your wadding or party. We w!> talw St33 Off our pric*. Youil racahta 4 hours of' trw t>QhoM quality inusicat •nlarWnnMmttor(200 wttn tO y»ar» *>patianca tn tha wvddbig vrUartam-, m»m busfnMs. You can trust that your wwddtng or parly * B be handl• d tpy prolessianais. Manbon this ad wh*n you cafl ustodayal 933-7391- 34 Lost and found LOST - Two &ft.wooden peocw one standing, one irtbng. Somtims ytf Bay VUac*. 0 you know-their t M U M Ctf 35MW66. 37 Income Tax. Service UiCQUt TAX l*A£f>AAATKm A ACCOUWTtHQ StCRVICES. Olreet HectrerUe Bfinfl and dbect depoeH avaHebte. Edward 4. SWjjafcfca. Lleenaedi PubUc . Aceotmtam. EnrsMedtop f a d k a batoralhe b v tarnal Revenue Scrwtc*. 74«-atZ4 3Z7-JM2. axeas um« ns% Avon. M 2 E. Revaiun M i North Eaton. INCOSCE TAX PRCPARATION done in my home. Raaaonabl* rates.' Cn 93ft« BEST BOOKKECmHO FederaL State. Cay.HeaaonaMe Rain. Free PickupftDtlrrary A<aaabie days, evaninpi I . INCOME TAXES PREPARED by CJ>>.torBustnasaes S IndMduala. iSyra-Eipenence Heaaonebts Katue Convwant ApprjintRients 31 Happy Birthday HAPPY 11TH BIRTHDAY TIM LYONS!!! Kria Paul * BtHlarty Happy Birthday BradJa* OuoganUitarf Kriatln, Paul * Unda. 32 Personals HAVING TROUBLE REMEMBERING? IDO J For That I Use Nature's Bounty Memory Booster Tablets A unique formula with i n g r e d . known to p r o m o to m e n t a l alertness & , momory retention. Sugar, starch a preservation free. You may purchase these at your[ local Discount Drug Mart S l o r e , 1 • • • " . - • ; • 33362 Walker Rd. Avon Lake, OH 933-2327 A PRAYER TO THEHOtYSPIRn 1 : Hoty Spirit, you whir made mm as* •varythltig and ihowad mm th« way to raach my Idaaa; You who gave ma tha OvUia gift to forgiv* and foroal ttw wrong thai Is dona » ma, and who a n In all Insianua of my with r w I, |n thla *ha\ dlatogu*. want to thank you for watftMng and confirm onca mote thai I n«vsr want, to bs saparsM from you no matter how graat th» matsflai tfoalra may ba. I want to M with you and my lov sd on»» In your pafpatual &ory,,JM*n. Thank you for.your (ova towards Tia srid rrry lav*d or«*H..Ps>sonsmuttMVthwpriy«r 3 conwKutiv* dtys without mskhifl for your with. Aftar 3rd day your wish witt ha grant«d. no matter now dlltlcuN It may ba. Thsn pramb« to publish this dtslogus u soon as ihl* lavorisofantod.MB, C Hospitalization Ins." For Groups & Individuals Medicare Supplements Nursing Home Coverage Available WESALVEN 933-8875 Psychic fvsdar A ocMsor-ndp mtn all probfWTis. Card, Palm, and Cryttal rpfldrng*. 2 3 M 0 7 6 , (Lorsln). t). 333-14R9 33382 Walker Rd. Avon Lake, OH £33-2327 Artiat lor ruf». CapturainamonM in orievisl v\. dona on kxM&xi or from photo-t-BaaaonaMa. 833-9067. OO YOUNEEO t » t A . Wr I M 9 « " d«Mluci>on? tf so. call u> at 390-t96D CQUacL ' ' • ••• -7 - • Serving ine areator*rsara year •ound eerxteetor<m»H busmsaaee. Oregory. A . ; Shannon.-,& Aaaoe. 33s3t-H Lake FkL EWincs and Saturdays m i a t t e . C U ttXMIBT, Faat-BeasonaUe. lli ilb{ MieV. Days. Evenlnga. Weehtnds. BJward J . Nsa. Jr 4 CPA. 8SZ 1BBS •-••••" Mano M. Oanesa Certified Pubfe Accountant • Coitiprehenerve S R I M I • ' Businew Sanncsa '•>'--J A PflAV^fl TO TH6 HOLY SPIRH: Moty Splrtt. you wno mso» ma aa« •varythmo and showed m«tt»way and Financial .934-4277 W I M C A my lda*K You Who 0«*« ma >Jtm dtvtna QKI W lorgtv* and lorgst tn« wrong that <s dona s> ma. a n l WCOUE TAXES PREPARED 1 M M who ara In 3» Instance* ol my ' byCPXtofDuslrmiss: tl a wWi ma: I. In thia short dlalogu*, A IndMduek. ISyi*. Eoerianca w»nt to Blank you lor av-jiMng and ..-.'<'. '--Raaeonabts Rate* eonftrm one* tnora that I iwttt want to be saparaMd from you no mattar ' Corwedsm ippaintBeiits how era*) the mm** dee** may ,. ; Edward XAngtuoA b«. I wanttob* wKh you and my low• i ones In your parpelutl ptory^Anien. Thank you tor your bve towards R M and my .lowed ones-J>artona must say Ws pmyar 3 eonsKutM dsVs witfwut asking for their wttrv Aftar 3rd day- your wbh wtt be granlad. no matter how dttnuift H may be. Than promise to pubUh this dUoou* •> BDCft as this lavor Is grantad. HJC NOVENA TO ST. JUDE , M i y O H S a n d HsartolJeMa6a. adorwl. otaclflad,tonedand prtMTMO.' tK ug Sacnd Haart OIJMIM prsr>w ua. at. , Jute, wort* * mWcm. pr» lor a* ft- MB*, rwb o* l«lp*r: pray k t i * . N^var la*K **f tor t * * H . 9 * * • • • CAP. 34 Lost and found' 40 0OS^R0OfiMO7H06ariB,RerO0f 06M8J2 LOST: ; : Avon Lake Westwinds Dlv. Orange Tiger Cat, Female Call 933-8693 . .. u CENTENNIAL I M C ; Bonded * Insured JJV• Ratnodelno, AddroOfW ^^ . OarsgM Concrete work. ., v(S, • Hasriantlat SKTi^.OrOeDavfci 779-5884 REHT-A-MOM. BaSytrtDog 0-2 Vf. oldi^.day, avanlng or ovafnlg/it. R f . CflU anytWM, 933-3452. CH1L0CARS tor I or 2 aria. i « t 5 4 attar 3pm. In my North Olrrntad homa. 777-3148,' Not as thick and shiny as it used to be? 25 Entertainnent/Parties WEDDING SPECIAL 22 Situations Wanted rUPEBlCNCEO MOTHER will babyut tn my home, wa*fcday». P!ay aiaa In back yard, WM prwkta lunch, aftamoon anack a T.LC. E u M N School •*•«., B33-O01O. - . kt my Avo L a # o . toddiara.Call KKMB9S. P M ' I H M I M CMhtcar*. Avon. CCRC. E caflMK **f*rancn. CaH 934-4742 to* Has your hair been getting thinner lately? P1AHQUSSOHS E u-* Gftduato ol Trw y vnaiory ' Montraal. Cariads. W <n«lt. cnttitn and adu't*. Call lor appointment. t Aj v -3S SNOW REMOVAL. Comnwrctai A <-^ naeloentlal MHourGsfvtce "Don't J u M c N t f t nowl Call Lak« Enterprises ™ «KW771 " +*S PCTTIrMZOO r, Pony ParteaProrrw. Nmret. Fun^ Enteruinrnant. Indoo*/Outdoors v. Your house Our farm 4 3 M M 8 . r Hans Aa Waltoovatlno. AB Intorior^ PamUna Taxtura CeHnga PfactM, DryvraCfWVilah HArdwood Hoort, .Stain Ooue Woodmin, Indudwa.^ ) % 32Yn.Exp -ln«H0d Work Guaranteed FREE ESTIMATES FOR SALE - BY OWNER H I BROOKFIELD RD., A.L. i bedroom colonial, central air, nswly rcrhtnJclcd kitchen, fireplace, finished porch, full basement, Move In Condition Out your hack door to the pool, park and baseball diamond. Askii.g $84,000. Call 933*6392 for uppt. Open House: 2 p.nr March 25 & April 1 1 t. - O JAMES REALTY JAMES REALTY - ONLY LOCALLY OWNED COMPANY WITH OVER 25 YEARS OF SERVICE IN AVON LAKE AND THE SURROUNDING COMMUNITIES. MIS 32745 WALKER RD. NATIONAL RELOCATION Avon Lake 933-2560 CENTER Cleveland 871-5255 OPEN SUNDAYI! 1-4 P.M. 208 PARKWOOO, AVON LAKE $$78,000$$ LOCATION: NORTH OF REDWOOD. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCV - A V O N LAKE WANTED... 419123. Features this lovely three bedroom vlnyfaJded ranch with m baths, eat-fn kitchen, dining room with Jiving room, and back yard patio. Neutral tones throughout Situated on an 80x114 lot, this is a musttostall Stop in to see Mary Louise Gamellia or call 933-2500/871-S2SS. Price b just $78,000. 408803. One family to enjoy this completely remodt ed older Cotontal In Avon Lake. This (our bedroom, two bath family home with spacious dining room, front and rear porches, overlooking a wooded 60x340 lot, Is only $89,900. Call Karen Leonard for your personal tour at 333-2500., , . SHEFFIELD frutfi^ :":/•'. / 403747. Our new four bedroom Colonial will placate the most discriminating eye for quality. Featuring formal dining; oak kitchen, crown moldings, and six panel doors throughout. This model is offered at $156,800 In Chatham Pointe. Call Deb! DeChant at 933-2500/871-5255. ••-:••• ,.?' OPEN SUNDAY!! 2-5 P.M. 31JGPEENBRIAH DRIVE. AVON LAKE W 1 0 4 «*^)K LOCATION. GHEENPOIHT; FHESH OH 1HE MAHKET... 418143. T h b exceptional (our bedroom, 2V4 bath Colonial exceeds all expectations: just 7 yrs old, this home rests on Mt,acre wooded,homeslte Storage, bam, sun room, woocibuming fireplace, 2500 sq its central air," the Its! Is endless. Stop-tn to soe Audrey * Looser or call LoreUa.KaHs at 933-2500/671-6255 CHATHAM POINTE.» *4i4049,>Trtti J h'jni« has been loved 'ai.anJy'a "one I ^owner horra-'can be.;, and it shows in every room. t ; Spacious family room; formal living room, and dlnfng • sV8a.three bedrooms wfth plenty of storage. Modem | ydtchervand laundry area adorn this well kept home •iwfth new furnace, roof, and hot water tank. You need . only move in and enjoy. Call DeW DeChant today at #83«50Q/871-6255. Price lajust $64,800. . M O W - REMOVAL.,'- Firewood ; d a v « d v F a l Caen up. eonpietr ' i n n raoMMnanoe, low price*, b** *; safltnal»a.cornmefriai A raildsnoal. lHHHU*«iBM373«7 PHILUPS VACUtHTCLCANEti CO. SALES AND SERVICE. N M ! dars.o*anta«d f l m * a l ptfcaa on naw daanars. Wa -rapalr• • makM, warranty ator* tor. Homar and Eunfca. 1S11S OatrMt , RH4 Lafcawood. PWwip and dattvafv avaiatla. Cal 1^260730 t'haidar? •* ParKaps >; Lak«shore < ;SJstudents.:'buslnass people.: or dtaa ejatat stance wim the . , -.v WorteJ;; sntarter,'. not kngar: Can Lfch Ukashore Ecworiel Sar-: ,'»tcas.ftttka-or Lort. at B3Mt79. '. , ELECTRICAL-;• TELEPHONE RMes. 0 j j dacha. lames, gazabo*. Special sprfiWINCEiiTfiR T O V ^ P A * V ~: >•- -2*; Hr.-> Santo*.- Minor . Aflof0ab(« Rate*, tooled. 5?•% BtlCK'a • HAHOWARfi, > . 37078 landecnwnrspeJf. CaflB34-81ia. ' feSTSSHHSCOVlCMrSaay RoSerPSS ~ ' *> Utah Pressure, 037^400 for tre» (0 »^OARAQE BOOH3, ••- Openera, S SEKKJR OISCOUHTS;: Ftossorubla K OAHRilR FREE UVINQ.. KHChert. ;>'bathft:honw metfiUcaUom for the, fo&L handicapped.' UtsotHed and persons' ffijTr sufrertng hem arthritis. CALL FORO • ; '^il'HOME lilPBOVEMENT, 833-JBW.' l^MONTYELECTRIC r ; Ucansed Electncal Contractor'-, l new, Raoair, R#m Circuit bteaJtars. I £35-3581 Si S? ' UBERtV HOME IMPROVEMENTS. •" • All hpss of nmodM'ftg. *• ESTIMATES, to pwMttt tor aanlor ct*UM«. Call Ooufl ELECTRICIAN OALEY HOME IMPROVEMENT Daetrlcsl * Haaflno^U Pftuss \ Ratidanttal A Commardal . '. Ucanasd • Bondad • Insured - 221-8160 "ALL A f t O O M D H r Car rapaln, tight piumbina. lawn mntara, ate. Fra* ostlmalM. Call anyttma. 933-M04. " CLEAMIMD. ComiTMrclal, r—idmn.,ttal,ntw eonitructiort. batora or aftor you mova. •portmwtt, ofKcea, pmaonatUad. aantca/'Bondad & in•und. Fnw aaOmataa. • AH work guarantaad. F t * more Inlonnttlon can DATt) EASE. INC., 3Z74340. Olhart i t n d you ,a tlaanlng mm...<va atnd you tarvte*. B U S I N E S S 7 * RESlDldNlUL TELEPKOM8 SYSTEMS. Salm. SBTVICV. Addlllona, M o v n and Changaa^ Ntw or usorf oquipmant avallabl*. R«ildonttal wiring, Raa*on«bla ratas. Laka Tatacom, 0334771, t-a0042Z-S771, ' - PAJNTINQ 4 PATCMINO PtattV K OrywaH Finishing - •:•••, * CaUlnga SHpplAd '• " Wsnpupar R«movod : QualityWoik.B«HPrices FHEE Eit. • fntartor Erturicr E-nall Joba Wertonw 333-5205 , KELLIKO-PAIN TIN O * WALLPAPERtNO. Frm •.'Stlmglea. Iniurad. Varnlih ft ».fining, wtnpapvr tamoval. M9-6434" AVON LAKE WOODWOflKlf.Q CO. "II If t maiM of wooii. •>• con do HI" BooltahelvM, cablnoU, cusiom doMls, «mt*rtalnmom canlflrg, httth«n pantttfl*. Frae estlmato*. B33-30T6"AHOUND THE CLOCK CLEANINQ, INC." Hoirfia, ofilcm. boats RVt. 2 * hour tervica, 363 days. BondedftInsured. Fraa »*llm»i*^. or 277-9565. CUSTOM WIN00W TnEATMENTS FOR LESS; Save up lo 60 Mrcanl on Klrtch Mini Bllndt, Ploatoii 6ti«d« ft Vartlcab. Call Kathy, 034-11083. K-l KEftOSENfi. TOWINO. CEFVTIFIEO MECHANICS, WINTERIZINO, TUNE-UPS; EMISSION TESTING. COMPUTER DIAGNOSIS PRINTOUT, ALJONMENT, TOWINQ, TIFIE SALE. BATTERIES, REASONABLE, MARATHON. Mlller-Walher Rds., 03S-*102, B33-8337. ' -- LOOKING FOR T H E IDEAL HOME? through. P r i c e i s $ 7 9 , 9 0 0 . CLEANlNO SERVIC£J Ownef aqpervlses every daaned ho»M. We are a local company and not WtOated wtth any franchise. We can design • • planned regular msMenanc* program,as often as you need. W* can pertarm an «tfenatve tifSJting anytims tnrouahoiit tn* year or hart on* smtfl servtce , Moor stnppsd. windows, oven or one room cleaned). We elasn new conttructed home*ftsmall bmlneaiea. Hosting social gatherings will •••II IIMim. > n ^ r*r»^ »T«^» W " PtETELV FUtiScO UNTIL YOU ARE COMPUTELY SATISFIED!} CALL CLEAN CORNERS FOR FREE ESTIMATE. 337-*<S5. „„,„... . available. Uays. 033-7148; weelisnds and evenings. AA ALL SECUAtry CENTEH, 24 Hr. Emergwte-,' Sanrice. May wa tMlp you Tout cr In). 033O1O3 or B33-5809. . ; V .- .-., • •• M M Jaycox, Aran. 837-SBO8. OARAGE DOOR REPAIR RaaidonHal, 13 ytari axpartanc*. Brokan spring! aitd caUat f opalrad. 331-1792 "TM£ IVOR* TOUCH" Piano lunIng, repair, rngutatlcn Accradited (Manot«ctirtldan.CaJI 327-S179. PAINTERS PfllDE. £xUHk* or Irv hfflor Painting, Call Tciy, 941-5164. S yoars etpurionco. A<t APPUANCE1; BALESftSER. *(ICE; Ralrlgaratorn. innge), wiuhdf). and drv«'«. Wo Wrvtea (ill rn«KB«. 333-B038 • MONCCIUMMINQ Comoutofilfld custom emonMiMfy, nimos,. latter* . Ing, logos. dMion*. »rvl palchfl*. " 1JNIQUELY V0UR3 ' 3J7-JW38 ' BOOKKEEPING, PAYROLLftTVP. ma SERVICES for tmsll buslnMS In my noms.1 Ftoa ptck up and dultviry. 32T-8469 OISCOUNT CEMENT CONT. INC. Drivrwsyi, Potloa, Foundation*, Brleh, Bloch, Hauling. Sower Fiapali; Glass Block. .Dacotatlve Bflck Walks. Dock Wwk. Chlmnoy Repair, Oanaral Contlructwn Work.. Fro* EltlmilB*. 748-31B7 or 3JT-0279 Clavaland-399-7323. CEMENT AND WATERPROOFINQ SPECIALISTS. . CLEANINd SERViCE AT ITS BEST: Ftrst tlrna and ropular service ptovkJ•n) witn • whlia glow closnlno guaranlM. Fully enpatlencvd will) releiencM. Call 327.7M0. l i n o sfwwor, !oavt K N U S K A CONSi RUCTION , 1 Any typn of cormuvctton and a d * tiona. 40 y«an of quaaty conttmolion. >' Thousand! o l ••11*11 ad cuatonMra. C*fl 32^-0047 or In C , HANDYMAN; Mumbtng. EkKbical. Painttng. inclda and out, and trenching. 647-6733 or 7T9-1B77. JCT HOME Wi-flOVEMENTS * . Fra« MttmatM - < C«lflng»Ooora Dacks-Porchaa Roofing All lypina ol carp«nlry , 337-2823 , , WAUPAPEH HANOINO AND PAINTING: F r a * eailmata*. Fla(ai«nc«3 svaitabta. Can Phyfl* ai 327-3600. • • ' % 41 Tree & Lawn Service" '"LANCSCAPgOPPORTUNniES. Full Uma and paffllm* potWona now availabhi to pwUclpala a* Eand«capa and mjMananc* wnkan. CompaUUva waga. Murny Landtcaping C o . o K - I T M . Opatata out ol Avon. Trprfl"! rotOWtor. 5HP- Pony, iff*, cut, A VMTB old, S houri service.1 *75O. B3J-43S1. SWEAT BROTHERS LANDSCAPE itnUllalJon. 6«»lgn. r-novattcrt, TREE - itlinmlnB. remove) wump urindlnn. fertilizing. SOttn damcM. U>i cwwlno ami IraetOf worn. V/ork d(M« by eortiliml r FHEE contiullntion. 734-2874 42 Antiques ANTIQUES A COLLECT IBLCS Avon Dover Lumber, 37600 Dntrolt Rd. French Creak Di*lrtd. Z-new shops now Dpan. Mcv3at..11-S. S J 5 ANTIQUE DEALERS WANTED: Prlrm apaca t"1 Detroit Fid. In Avon. Available Febtuary 1U. 9340500, diyi. RftRANTtaUES : Vary Reasonable PrKo* Hcrwst, Relleblo, and Established 32390 Loraf Hood, North Bidi*vtMo 47 Bazaars ANNUAL SPRING BA2AAI1 Saturday, Matcn 34 10 a.m.-S p.m. Canter R^go Nurilng Homo. 3B600 Canler Ridge R d . NR CrBrt>. bakod goods, Euter candy •, - 382095. ^.and location to raise your family? Thbtovely three bedroom split wHh.living room, family room,/i I .dining room and.two -carattached garage would beA ideal. Fenced yard Is greet for children and pets; C a l i i 1 the office today at 933-2500 to make eh appointment^; to see: WUlle Shettonberger wlU be happy totaled ybuY :• :•••• • • % " • & ' : ' • > ' - .*:,.;£',L!^>0!\ a,. a « r « r y dertst comar-}eioteard>;£> 44 Auction S«1««" ,. a#nj«iay t Ma«h2*.."i.-... I I BJTL (pravlawat iOajn.1 :. MBetDatroHiAvon •:•"•'•" Having K M prepany ww w« tat ail caiiMnfttownequipment tncfudloo *BI Fanruo CuO >Mor;wrt>hKle. plow, mmnf, cuitfvalor,ftarowftZ draga. 11 hp. Snapper fkAng fflowar, Troy^Bt nor tbwtW. tga.Umwln •tactrte weloer, power;.winch,"'a* compreaaor. gas drtvtm waMrft* • ' rlgawn pumpa, 4 cyL gaa (frlvan ri l p , lyl - a a . lawn roller . chain u w , fam)ba4L-O« tank.. I* beams, Wttoonain gas anglntM, uUKty irallere. welding l e b l o , chainttbanch grinderrvlaM. »nopv«c. comae, tonga, holea, icatylena wakHng Unhsftturcftaa, lawncart. l pp l O d d , epreadeni Jtnter*. vary Ige. aarorunent of pewvr, hand ft paroan uota. P<P» wranctwaftthreadan. lots ol acrep inatal, *5f Buick, T t VW Dug, mttc harttware, unal g u englnas, muctt more. Household:- B ) - Ireaiers, wulter ft d r y w . r a retrigeraion, mtac houtwhold gooda. Ownw. M/M = . rwo • Mrmr*tB£!^mkioK saverai".strlM -;«?chairs3 front' ' FABUUXJ8 ' ( M ?da«it C o . m t :gtasslop bootcaaai. Aa'40?72";r«7 bedroom r ests/' -rrt-'f whotasaJ* . K r i chairs,-'wmgbacfc 'thalra,; « w # dale • couches. '• si;, scotcnguaMMl; •• Pk* labrtc and havettcustom mads to your ordar."*«'weeta(iUeflwiery Bma. A WHOLE CATALJOO O P f W 6 . i QUALITY HANOMAOeSOUOOAI^ TO CHOOSE FBOM; SSO ofl W r t i ' •ml'Chairs. rTth—Ta^'weeKa; tor. « tmHabh. New aoOd braas boda In 4 ^ sUca,1S styles from S495-70«^We>^ now have a sMctton of •omat d > ' , s Wca'furniture, N r i N i i prtces.-OuaUty ptusr-M of o u r - ^ « l l tt' A i / ^ qu» :-}«w«try, - poitary, r> furnJlu'a; t t»«ns, and etc 10 percent off floormodels. B O of! tsoto and chairs., 48 Garage Sates S J 00 off tsbts and chairs wttfi hutctu- -• AVON, 2333 'Wialarle. 1CM.JUJI In:- Mahogany Ouaen-dask;;' Triur*.. Fn., Sal. Tona of boor moire olaaountMl - 20 percent off; ciotha*. houMhold & redMtional Alto, solid cherry - Queen -Ann.' l. Much morall CHEAP!!! badroom set discounted;- io;per^ HOVma BALE- 6al.. Marctt 2*ttn. Mom., 197 ClMtry Lane. Bumper 327-2239 or 327-C740i Visa ontt: :: >\.J:-Z<t pool IBWB .30, srnsU atoctrlcal epM»terowii accepted. W * Buy-S4tt/ - -•"'-••• pliancaa, goll. clubs anU.anoeti. Trsos or taks m traitaJna, S J «alc»iTr--: i-Ti".:.".*™ dotnm. irujch misc. Ho #»wty aalei. V Jerry CanMrtMry, AucMonaar ai5327*JM ROCKY RIVER, ZISOO C^niar Rldga, Primary Scnoot, Sat., Mar.2«; B-2pm. P.T.A. KIDS' "KLOSET" Oroup Sale. Huga aatectlon ot gently worn Infants, children ft , maternity dolh*a. Baby aqulpmant. bike, toya, books, g n m etc; CASH ONLY. SUPER:SALE: A-1 color -T.y,?*,$150-105, whHa canopy; bedroom; u t . soAd cherry EtrtanAftan. fewtiaadtoard. • S300. antlqiM; walnut' Chlppendala (ban and daw feat) dlrt-"(og room let,HTO5. 4 p c twSO's, mBhogsny btdroom sat In A-t condi-' tkxl, S899, French Prov. dinkig room' Mt wnh china cablmH; bulfst, ancf rt chairs, table laat..t809.. Rldgwny,-. grandfaihar docK. 20 yitais old, oildrully cost S1S00, X-1 shapi," S700, neon baar sign STB, antique carved partners dealt, antique 4 x a • solid mahogany .conterenea,taU«," S4», 2 iO2ff« dining room tables. W5 esch, 2 olflce desks, J85-170. craoorua to match, 4 leddor back chslm, S4S asch. large refinlshed antkiue Mtthfr) cup6oanJ.IT/S. totdMn minor vsnl!yf5195,(onni«W6ia; Catalog tab4«. 1223, old and nniiQua V WESTLAKg, ZTSIB UunlortJ Ott Dovar Center. Thura..9*Spm, Ff(.,9-lpm, Movl.ia Sale, omIncrnxn tabla ft chairs, crib ft droisors, sola, lamps, entf-tables. Ttxktier boys clotne«, blim, much mtflc. •TVEAR ITAQAIN CONSIGN M E H T SHOP" Bring In your gently used clothei. KQ27 Detroit Rd,, Avon Plaza. B344004. Hours: Mon.*S«t. QOOD NElQHaOR THRIFT SHOP. 140 Lear Rd., Avon Lake. B33-B627. 5B Household goods R0S&-8 FURNITURE ' 3SS3t> CENTER HIOOE RO. NORTH RtDOEVIL'^, JUST EAST OF RT. 83. Open 0 don a naak from IIS. Ctaed TuMoayi. KXchan and dining rnom tats.iadar ch«sts> gun . a^*2OZ£».:B Htnwdiscounted,noressonabia ol-•'• .'Fe^ refused.-Also. : antiquo-jawelv>'" gfastmars, p o d * «turnltuf«, Hnoos, a n d « c ' . * O 3 E ' S -•...•-•:;• 1 3SJ35 Center WdMRd; ;. UJ Wgevmo • •••.-• P 3 2 ^ O . Open 11-0- CkM«(> Tuaa. EXPERIENCED CHAIR CAMINO NOW AVAILABLE. • . ' ' -•' '--•:-i*:i K-I KEROSENE, Smnfi's Countr* Ccuntar. Anon. 934-540], <. S75; Hom«We 20" era n «an. 1160: Oiy^cel 'cwRtnc M I >3CXJ a d ) 3 M a37^17J 56 Appliances br«rvl rw-n. CaD y y * J S monVt*. 3SW470. ZITHEA. *J 78 rpm • make c*!of, 2! £8 Household Goods _T CAHPCT DISCOUNT. W SU1W, Hi— 2.000 yeaiiM t'l f*yn O CIMOM trum 25-60 p»'c«ni TJ<" j£ Wants to hoop Susy1 C a n ISO . Sfl WET SNOW. SLtET AND RAIN ARECREATI Kyouinj.-nawayiri9 ach+* and pjun« tn 3 f innish taona. ThAi* !•»« o ctwar fn«j un-n aip wood lireo and 'nuJy hx w i up in your badrvaid Can 934-SU4 *ft« 6pmtorbfltaJi. 6 0 W a n ! ed Miscellaneous WANTED: OM Woocten Antiqua FUhlngLunM. CaJ 93J-T1-MJ ctay». 333-7890 n t a . . W*n»tf: Waahar. In oood runrano condition. Call 9 3 3 - 7 1 4 4 •rMkdaya b*t*r«*fl 9am-5pm •33-T190 waning*. ' , WANTED: LtorW* oUwr imTrans • accaaurias. Want*4 oW Radtoa. Uta*Kt*», 3oohs. tuDae. ats. B71-W47. Wafttto: I M U m larw or «=«• (MB« tnt MIN. M M 7 f l » attar «p(n. 66 M u s i c a l I n slruments ' Piano KJi^fe*-C«mDC*M. oood condrton. Cafl, 933-1854 (Aton LskiJ Oaby Grand...Mo*lno—Mu«t Sacnfle*. Vory yood cnnd«on. $2000 or b*H offar. 1-692^840. PIANO FOR SALE, aad Rasponiitria party 10 lakm on snali monthly paymtMs on piano. Se* l o c a l l y . C a l l nianaosr a i 900635-/SH. Any urn*. WANtWf) TO BUT: OKI lionet train* and »ec*»oflaa- Call SOWHOt from 12 noon la 9 p.m. HAMDyWAN TOOL COLLECTOR tooWng lor u*«d fextf- Prafaratty matiunliU M carpanier tooii. B35-11M. WANTED: .Wifl pay o u t i fof ant)4ua*,ok> lumrtur*. oak. cfrtmy, wafriuL manoganv. tuning tpwn • a t * kHcrwfl and bedroom safe. eftine caUnatt, bopfccOTwa. tfeska. • « . . «ny conation. n x » . and ow By*. OlaMWB**, cnxtwMd, and ani. brottwad Mama. quin»» Hummals. DeuBoiw. any figu.lnM. ch/nn, oottocf. antchva. doefca. lamps; • * * • * plat* V M atariing »Swr IWfns. Any t t y t u t & W 4! t—, & , , old aflO usad furmtura. Alao, oW Mock am) bond « * BScataf and G w m n A Japana** World Ww i i military Hams. AnytMna oUIStrtng mua-cal In* a t n i m a n u . WE L I Q U I D A T E ESTATES AND MOVING SALES Ofl PUTTWO SOMEONE IN A NURSING HOME OH ELDERLY RELOCATIONS. U£O. BUY OUT AFTER YOUH'SALE. ROSE'S 327-5740 OR 337-2239. PLEASE:CALL AOAJN IP | HAVEHT CONTACTED YOU. Call coaacMaktarRoan. , : ' -•'•; V 68 Sporting Goods SOLOFLEX exEflOSF. MACHINE, $400 or o»st ofl*r. 3540137. 72 Household PeU KITTEN FACTORY. SutMus r tt<M campi«« availada. Cufl 933-3193 aftm 7 p.m. W-nrt H»Bht*nd WTuta 8 vraafc old rnala.1 AXC Rrat *ho« and WOHP«J. 933-5117. ADOPTAPETI ny fine, h«attfty peii avsJiblo, Dogi. call, pupina* and drttetii Society lor the Prevention • ( Cruelty la Animals (SPCA), 23W77t, 74M81310-2 p.m. C vNntiM rrmtfTlniiiii«nrirn«iil aNiamMi 74 Animal Services WARREN VILLAGE AHTMTAL HOSPITALtonow opan. Wo'ra naw .to no waiting: tor appolmnMnti. . Looktarour traa avam coupon and $10 off a cat dadaw coupon in thJa papar. Locatad t»ortjy Vi Warren VMaga Shopping Canfar, 1/4 tnlla aouth ot WO on Wanart Head. Call 232-OMO." - ''-•• . " 62; Miscellaneous for > WaaUngnouM a*aartc dry«t. Good eondfttoiOAvacada, graaa Can » 3 J « 4 I - •JWf'Jjwt:; Saturday & CAflOL*S CANINE SCHOOL OF OOa OBEDIENCE pnuanta »orlna Maalons of t a * e doc coadWnc* daawc Martins April t Tlh and 23rd. B 3 M M 3 . : '• . . , • . Sunday.W.JJ./•••..,••,•:'•••.:•.:-.•••/-'•• . • .air .cendtuotMr f7W. dwquanin. t Mr Ci JlOa WhMl clwlr S30C). Pony Omit tuTshc t a Wtt PET GROOMING CLASSYM WASH-N-WAG Oogi. Cata A Small Animnb RaaaonabM) Ralas ' 10 yra. Exparianca Cllt (or Appokitmant MM HMOt. MoedMind* wi «aaonad •Ixar.'alM^aaaortad atylM ot drapary toppan wmxto. B3WW64. 26 aioo fCSaSTnSwr «2S. Olrl'a badfoom — t ' d f i M i r , mlftof and enai!^ti25.^C«ll-*ltar 4 p m , 892-4843 , 2«S41 Cantar Rtdga Hd. 9 3 3 £ S B ? . > ? - - , ' : - i v . . • ; • . - . • • • • • . ••• ••••.• :•-.. -••-••- WMtlaka •••.•:•• S B E WALKCR, 2 * M H old; gUdad. 3444000 or 77tMdi4. ..• • . ' - Floral pattern aota,. *35. Coil .o-» tquanj and UbM S23/ba«t ofT»r, (Haary duty wood}. JJ?*3 Pram draw, pink, i i i » ?• Awing 135: C l i 833-5gQS. brawl iriack v»fv«t A i*iin. Uuinn* S . H > » B, worn one*. S50. Smith dsctric TypowrHlw w/coriKtor, Vford chach, IniarctMnmabla typing wha*. Ei.pand., S I M . R«d wool: full langth wonuna er^t, pluMba. Mutt E M , S130. Call §37-3328 (Avon) 73" EtMn Ailsn Ing^ 337-0772. AdironiMkCrwir*. fiandcrattad with pilot Adult », chltdi alias Builder • Contractor New Ho m e s Garages Remodeling Kitchens Repairs 1 9 U MERCURY CAPRI OS, power wintfowi, POWH' »cck3. c.rji*«. Keroe. 40.CCO mrfsa. oirvUent conLEMON CAR PROBLEMS? C«U 24A-4S4S. AUTO AUCTION 1996 MA2DA. B-20&0 LX, 38.003 . Government Sativd V«h»da? !tyn TO.. 5-so.. AC pJus nicio. M.BCO SIOO. Cwvcoaa. O m p , Porsche*. ISW BUICK SKfHAWK Cuvom. fljln. air. cruiia. U t lugn miM^pii. WBO mar«ain«d Cwnpany ear," S?Q0O. r 3 i 1971 MERCEDES SEN2 - 4 doer. sun met.' automatic.. M««d> aoma work. $4,000, 22S-581S. I S J i Ctvalior, 90.000 nHMs, on« w n i r , graai condition. A»klng J 1.995.00- CSS 934-4460 «n»r 5pm. 1 » a CUTLASS, A-l condiuon, muctt p o * w , $3,000. 071-0701. 1S79 OUC CONVERSION VAM lull pow«r, lotidad, many •ilrsa. E i ceSartt condition, r«ady to b L Prtc«d at $4.500. NEED AN EXPERT? Are You An Expert? Then Your Message" Belongs Here! Call 933-5100 and Get Involved Cleveland's Premier Residential Cleaning Service "Now Accepting New Customers" 92 Boats and Motors i r ' L o r m n W/I15MP W « c . E^2 Load Traitor, good condition. $4.250. 933-8540. Forca5, Saiffioat M SIJMO. CaD 033*540 WALLPAPER HANGING • Ffw Emrwas * References Any Type PiperfcsonahieHues Kathy S m i t h 327-3S42 e n d 327-3862 Lonny's Glass Sarvica Company CALL345J-5442 ANYTIME , CUSTOM TAILORED CLEANING SERVICES FOR BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES FROM ONCE A WEEK TO 5 NIGHTS A WEEK * MORNING, EVENING OR WEEKENDS ** ^ WHETHER A . u n u « r OR A L O T O F CALL 937-5400 INSURED ? RESIDENTIAL BONUS SPECIAL? FIRST 30 MINUTES OF CLEANING FREE] (WITH THIS AD) % r -MINIMUM 2 H O U R S - Siorn«'Scra«n« FtMiMfKNI • C o n w e W , Fn* Ettnns • Htfi fmtt SpuaW xii * Sana Cam ttacsur* Randy Schmidt Phone:Dr., 937-6430 34S75 Tlmbervwm Avon, OH D.C. Polovich Janitorial Services B-«69. PROFESSIONAL Wtltpaptring A Printing HOUSEHOCK • etc c • Thorough Consistent Quality ; • Professional > Bonded & Insured D.C. polovich Easy Roller Painting & Cleaning Power Washing:/;! ALUMINUM, VINYL & WOOD SIDED HOMES^ AND TRAILERS, TRUCKS ANt> HEAVY EQUIPMENT! . ' , . • : .•••• , COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL ^®gd& • . - • ' • ; • • ••'•ry-~ r * ~ 779-9188 J} CLEANING • Commercial/Offices • Residential • New Construction • Personalized Sarvira •; Bended and Insured • Free Estimates • All Work Guaranteed 80 Motorcycles Mlnjblkes 84 Auto Parts & Service QUAfiANTEEO USED anginas in•tUlad • PflrfjoruDM S61'S9O0. &6 Autos Wanted A-A-A A » controtad.car, Ottlma 4 whaal drhv^AMrenlct 8R2 Cooirolar PnHach acftta-efwrgar and Buy*ra UMd -' Junhad Cart '•MorNot -i i W Towing 441-4411 Of S03-OtKt t.-* ,:• ;1FEDERAL- STATE n KATHY'S EXCAVATING Dig Bat ^ntttt Basements JIRep^r FooJerWwk Water & Sower Lines Driveway Stone. Slag or Limestone BACKFOETDO^R * * OUMP TRUCK SERVICE 937-5020 Rcots, Guttfefs, Chlmneyt j Able RooJirlg'cb; DAY'S EASE, INp. 327-6346 Locale Individual* • Bacheround Ctwcks-j OTHERS SEND YOU A CLEANING TEAM-WE SEND YOU SERVICE! :'.ri-v..o:Vv. LICENSED & BONDED '«;•. SEASONED FIREWOOD RICK s i 3 O ° ° CORD ALL'HAnoWOdDS & DELIVERED _ noocnTj.Gt.CNM. SUPERIOR CLEANING CO-..INC. AdditionalBoofT»*i5.» . " : ' . . . - > ; ay.365-2iia S 937^6482^ CALL 937-6521 FURNACES AIR CONDITIONERS HEAT PUMPS . BOILERS HUMIDIFIERS' AIR CLEANERS WATER HEATERS REFRIOEnATION . ICE MACHINES AVON: 934-6460 ELY.: 324-5141 CLEVE.: 871-0610 SALES & PROMPT 24-HOUR SERVICE 1750 MOORE RD., AVON, OH 44011 82 Campers & Vans 1979 DodQfl Tram Van, << 0,000 milvs. Blaopa 4, 5'ma. nfttoflratar, Eacatlanl condition. | 5 800 637-6100. INCOME TAX^SERVJC 871-0506 " . - . • • Ook) ahag ocpatlng. t 3 * n . • * callanl condlllon, ~ cl«an, $100, • M M W O . • TIM FORTHOFER 'B5 DuWor MalcnnacK (Twrimo) ' Aufflmasc, sunfoot. AWFU Kntso. Nico lrud« and out 63.000 tr>l9». • ' , (Cambrtdea Commom) : Uvtng room coda** S£H» »n« two and ,tabita. 0334231 or 1M 9 4 S 0 7 . MkterSandy.,'-. ; ; - . ..:•:. • •• CHfTTEHCAfte JHaroa natural Wren Apaaaliontac! . WaVathwawhanyoucan'lba.Criilar Care otfara landar, ip^Mallax), CHJNA OISPLAV caaaaTs»O aacrt. cmrittQ vteltitoryour pat In your Solid wood c a b l n a t , RCA ''ndUneont atm«r builMn. maka ol> - homa whan you ntv* to bo away. Wa o n abo provkla tnvwportauon b 2 U t i b2Uad(,*titop jflW •o and tram tfw v«l and lha woonwr tablM,!tSa«*.734-eli7. whan you naad ua W rwlp. For tuPy Paean :DIWMQAOOti SET. . «x- tnaurvd prolaMional vat rweomctPtntcondnon: Ubla, 2 4 M V M , fuU mandad p«l car* v(M> 10 your homa pad»,o ehalri, huto.> 4 Mnwf. whlla you v* 1 way....call Uf 11300. Earty- Amtrfcan couch. anytlma. Don * Loulaa Sundbara S300, Brown .•laapyMttow chair, -. Faaturad on P.M.Haoulm $100. 2-paacft M oo u f wfngbeck p gt ' •3S.1240 ' h 8 ^ cfMin,'S100 aoeh. 8 m»p^ mata's Wa'lIlM thars whan you naad u i . chain. StO aacft. Z lifrsny hanolng Otaw flrtwa*. S H » c h . • 76 Horses, Livestock Coucn.daek. gray A • t i t * - *73. am.7nan Taunt nft)t, automalK rvnr flg, sfntTa tntvc, *tUM WrwS intsrar. 19.000 mows, hi-n new. $7.000. 9 3 K 0 5 9 . 1B.*3 Fotfl Fainnont. Good booy. n o d i wotiL WOO. Call 337-1370. CMEVT NOVA. 1SS9. TexM cor, no Ohio w i n l B f i , Au1o<tlatlc I'admission. AK:. $4600. Cail No Suntfcw C«U* 61 Firewood r«a 90 Autos for Sale O4otintr wagon. e FREE SPAY-NEUTER ; PROGRAM SEASONED NKMOOO. E*ca««nt * mrdwooda cut In 18" Wnotna and H M t M S ' rtc*.'.M30 par $100; fl3Mg 1 V33-642S suo boo. i*3i«t«J Ira 5uCa' maHmsi. no csst 9"ef. CaJ' a!i Read & Use The Ctsssifi&ds WE BUT JUNK and • l o.id Uuclts. FBCE taolnQ. SCHAFER'S LANDSCAWNG • SEEDING • SODDING • SHRUB PLANTING & DESIGNING • LAWN MAINTENANCE • GRADING CLEAN-UP 934-6035 IF IT'S MADE OF WOOD}, WE CAN DO IT." 'Bookshelves .. . : :" ' Cabinetsv . ; - .: * Custoni Closets •'., '_'•'. 'Kitchen Pantries, , ^ •* Entertainment Centers •* Wood Fences : N() Job Too Largo Or Too Small I M ConBultaiions and Estimates P")leienco» Available cabinet r«raclng Formtco Qbftan lops Creative Kitchens ^^^rw^jwiir?;*^ 949-7669 Free Estimates PAUL'S REPAIR & REMODELING SERVICE Painting - Interior & Exterior PJiimbing - New/Repair Drywall - New/Repair Rooling Carpentry Work • Custom Decks STANDING'S AUTOMOTIVE INC. JEHHY STANDR1NG NEMETH MASONRY Certified Technician Since 1960 Foundation: Resealing Replacing Installation Glass Block Windows Fireplace Repair 949-2623 FREE ESTIMATES PHOWE: 934-4716 luilders inc. RESIDENTIAL BUILDING AND REMODELING MARK OUOZIAK, PRESIDENT AVON, OHIO RESIDENTIAL-COMMERCIAL GENERAL FAIRWEATHER ROOFING CUSTOM BUILT HOMES Quality Rfnovation ci Centu.y Hamas CALL 933-251? 934-6274 3311 Shaker Roofs Interior/Exterior, Wallpaper Hanging Any1 Typo or Pattern Call huss Harkins 949-6075 jFree estimates^ *• NEWCONSTHUCIIOH • HEMOOELINC 647-3768 ORTOLLFREE SERVING LORAJNAND CUYAHOGA COUNTIES FOR OVER U YEARS TREE & STUMP REMOVAL •TRIMMING • LOT CLEARING • ROOT FEEDING VS^ii FULLY INSURED ~^h 933-8959 Wet Basement? Call... DeChant Basement Repair Spiwg Sctr.vMti n 834-5SO? N n-Jg«nJl« 327-7270 933-5742 TOMCO TREE SERVICE "JIM'S MOWING SERVICE" MOWING, EDGING, TRIMMING A N D . " ; RESIDENTIAL 4 COMMERCIAL < • ' riE»OOfl«G: • • REPAIRS • CUTTERS--.' '24530 Sperry Drtv* 'i'WMlUk*.Ohio44145 ; BIliiPOOUaKA" DAVEMANNA 3a7i.B161' - r ' - : - 327-2808 '" 835-3377 BOB SMrTH -933-8540 REMOVING ALL CUPPINGS WITH MY SERVICE. CALL FOR FREE " ' " ' • • ' • ' ' • U ftOO M n - y o o Stump Grinding • Removals 9 3 3 * 8 7 3 3 FIREWOOD Spirt • S e a s o n e d • -Full CordPhone 419-660-0909 OF419-668-4773 ANDY'S APPLIANCE SERVICE 933-3063 690 Avon Beldon Rd. (Rf 83) 933-5565 • 835-8778 MILLER PAINTING .& WALLPAPERING 933-8528 FREE ESTIMATES RESIDENTIAL . SNOW PLOWING 933-5604: 933-4395 • 24 H w tawdy • f U Tim»' >•*» A»«tan( » Sacuntir Fane* A ttta UdMad • OuMM* SUraoa Fo-HV» » Bow* , ;is(i.KsV ; 5 h . J . i 5 f i : ' l . i o n . « i 5 i L i o I L K 2 5 n . ; 6 I L X 1 0 f t ' ; tOIL«1Oft. lOft-xrOlt. . 1 0 l t » 3 0 t l ; " Fully Insured • Trimming,.- ESTIMATE (Avon Lake Resident 40 yrs.) 13 YEARS • EXPERIENCE V GARAGE DOORS & OPERATORS iai A Cornm«rcat KEAUNC* CONITRUCTION Need an upiiairt llniihed adding on a larrvly wom'o1 9*i age* For nujot Or minor repairs, call lor * ' ! • • ntunaie 937-6337 NO NEED T u PAY LANDSCAPER'S PRICES FOP A WELL KEPT LAWN. RoofinqCa AFTERS P.M. t»-M17 RICK'S TREE SERVICE DRYWALL and PLASTER REPAIR STAINING • nuito U • «OQf i t A MUSS GUTTERS REMODELING SPECIALISTS CaU JIM MUZZY • - COMPLETE REMODELING SERVICE ' , Specialising In , BATHROOMS AND KITCHENS Cill George »t 933-2207 •ftar5:00 . FHEE ESTIMATES Quality Care Cleaning Carpota A Upholstery Dry Foam Extraction For People Who > Valuo Their Possessions Call For Frefl EstlmalffS: -. Phil Kowalski 934-6233^. SNURRSDB 937-6527 HARDWARES! ^998 Avon BeMenlFW. B3) Awn. OWo & Home & Garden Center • • -' Bfll SPECIALIZING IN CUSTOM KITCHEN AND BATHS GARRETT-DUBER PABNTING, INC. 933-7898 RESIDENTIAL-COMMERCIAL NEW; HOMES • REMODEL Authorized Dealer of • V/OHKEHS COMf SHINE ppCARE 933-597S C p F u l u » « HARTSEL ELECTRIC Licensed-Bonded-Insured 937-5750^ Strip A Wax Floors W f l Wairilng m n RADIO OISPATCHFO Dislressod by Pregnancy? Call Birthright 322- at 4652 or 244-4652. LOCKSMITHS •••'••' 24 HOUR EMERGENCV SERVICF RESIOENT'AL COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL A L A R M SVSTEM* - SAFES AAALL DON CALl COMPLETE PLUMBING. HEATING AND SEWER CLEANING SERVICE, • OAWNI* f 933-31011 NOJOBTOO3MAUI SECURITY CENTER "1 FREY PLUMBING AND HEATING, INC. | If NOftH* i J?« i AVON LAKE, O. ISSLEARRD. 937-5826«. WHY DO SO MANY GALL OBNERS? ...OWNER SUPERVISES EVERY CLEANED HOME • We aie privniety owned and operated, not affiliated with uny franchise • We are a local company VAIking lor our neighbors. • We c*n design • (Honied rkguiar . maintenance program us often as you neod IT your home Of offlco, • We el«an new coratructed Names and snuW > businesses. ' • We can offer an ««t«r»lve cleaning anytime throughout tha year For Your FREE ESTIMATE, callt • We can pertown )u»l one smaH service (door •tripped, woodwork washed windows, oven, SUELEUENBERGER or one mom cleaned} • We edd all lh« personal touches to our cleaning thai you would do yourself • We ere f Inlsned when you are sattafled North Ridgeyllle, Ohio 327-4455 • i \ 0 37500 Colorado Rd. Avon Mon.-Fri;9-9, Sat. 8-S, Sun. 9-6 Monday • Wednesday 99 e ; THursday • Sunday Prices as Marted Nintendo Video Games 2 Day Rentals $2.50 Each 934-5403 Meet required purchase for each , item and buy at special savings! Red, Black or White Thompson Cottonellc SUPER SAVINGS BONUS! Seedless Grapes Bahtroom Tissue Granulated Sugar , .WITH r - J10.00-1 51b. bag $1.49 ***^ActGqpdthru;T^ USDA Choice You EverTasfed Rib Steaks USDA Choice Delmonico Steaks Grab Meat Flakes Short Ribs of Beef BarbeQUcRtbs Whole oc Half Slab Please phone in targe orders Small End Oven Roasted Standing Rib Roast Turkey Breast tb Veal Patties Paper Towels )urnbo Pepsi, Pepsi Free or Mt. Dsw Diet Coke or Diet Caffiene-Free Coke g Reg. or Diet Regular or Chunky Campbell's Microwave" Soups your choice Smith's Quality Chek'd D6veBar Salad Size Half & Half ^Beefsteak + T o m a t o e s it>. no-White ^Mushrooms 1%T 7 / 1 pint Hillandale Grade "AA" Smith's Quality Chck'd i Sno-Whitc California 1% Milk i ga , IT J Cauliflower h« &1 10 Plerres Fat Free (h { A A Yogurt ^yaiion ! p l i / 7 Nutty Buddy Block Butter nb HHiandale Grade A Large Ice Cream Bars flA jGourmetBurple,. d. 5»l.yy jCucambers 99 { QQ( ^, 77 pk& Sundae Cones 6ct. $1.49 5 Ib. bog $2.59 Introductory Offer Bll-Jac Frozen Dog Food A".../ 4