T Collectors Magazine 15
T Collectors Magazine 15
1 T he reaction on the tea puzzle was terrific and so I will place again an puzzle in this magazine. This time it will be another kind of puzzle. For this puzzle you have to painted the squares and if you have done it ok than you will see something what have to do with tea. On page 6 you can read which has won the teabags. The Prague meeting was again very nice and busy. In this magazine you can read the report of this meeting. Since a short time I have receive different mails with the question from which country the teabag is. In this number you can find a part of the list with the countries and there teabag brands. The intention of this list is that if you know from a brand the country which isn’t standing in the list that you send me the brand and country name so that I can complete the list. Don’t hesitate to send me articles or ideas for the magazine, because this magazine is for all teabag collectors and also made by all the teabag collectors. I wish you a lot of fun with reading this edition from our “T Collectors Magazine” 2. Hot News 3. New teabags 4. New teabags 5 Report of the 6th Prague meeting 6. Puzzle 7. My story 8. Tea brands country list 9. Differences on the teabags 10. Chà Gorreana 15. Teabag catalogue – D part 2 2 GERMANY: CANADA: RUSSIA: 3 GREAT BRITAIN: NETHERLANDS: ITALY: 4 The Dutch and Polish teabagcollectors in Prague school. The meeting was very nice and busy with collectors from Slowakia, Czech Republic, Poland and the Netherlands. Thursday May 29 we (Marjoke and Joop) leaved the house at 6 O’clock, because we had to be at 6.50 on the airport Schiphol. After the check in we could go to the control and than it was waiting around 2 hours on the airport before the plane would started. We fly with the CSA Czech Airline in a new and modern plane. The stewards don’t show the instructions but the instructions were showing us on the video. After a short flight from 1 hour we landed on the Airport in Prague. The taxi brought us to the apartment on the Vodickova 37. This apartment had to be very luxurious but the luxurious we couldn’t find. In spite of this we have had a nice time in Prague and in the apartment. A couple of hours later Margaret, Zygmunt and Marysia arrived into the apartment. Friday we were going to “the Tea Shop”. A wonderful shop full of tea, and of course you could buy there many teabags in envelops. It is a paradise to have such a shop. The rest of the day we spend in the town with a little bit of sightseeing. In the evening the other Dutch collectors, Jan and Bets Schipper, Jannie and Herman Tetteroo came to our apartment for exchanging. And than became the most important day from our trip the exchange meeting. Again we had to start the day early, because we had to be around 9 o’clock at The time for exchange was to quick passed, and hopefully next time will be some longer. After this nice meeting with a lot of exchanged teabags we had to go home at Sunday. But for sure we come back. Thanks organizers for this wonderful meeting. Marjoke 5 1 5 5 4 3 4 4 9 4 4 6 7 9 15 9 1 4 1 2 3 9 1 3 12 11 11 6 11 11 20 6 4 1 4 1 1 3 2 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 11 11 2 2 6 6 8 8 1 5 3 7 8 4 1 8 6 4 7 1 2 5 15 1 21 6 6 4 6 1 2 1 6 7 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 1 6 21 3 1 2 2 13 11 2 4 2 12 14 14 14 2 4 2 1 2 1 1 4 3 4 3 7 2 15 3 2 6 8 2 6 2 7 2 10 2 7 2 11 8 2 21 2 16 1 2 17 2 3 1 1 2 3 1 4 2 3 1 5 2 3 3 1 6 3 1 4 3 3 3 1 1 18 18 18 20 20 22 This time another kind of puzzle made by Anton Szalo. Solve instruction 1. 2. Each number in a row or column represents the number of painted squares in a row. If there are more numbers in a row or column, then at least one empty square should be left between the painted ones. We begin to solve the problem from the greatest numbers. It is very important to mark (with a x for example) the squares, that cannot be occupied. 3. The result is a black and white picture. The quote of the puzzle in magazine 14 was: "I do not drink coffee, I take tea my dear " The teabags are already send to the lucky winners: 1. Marcela Klemensova 2. Jan Jindra 3. Frank Saman One of the winners: Jan Jindra which received his price on the Prague meeting from May 31 6 She is the administrator of www.teabagcollectors.com. Vivi replied to my e-mail, and after our first exchange I had this funny feeling that “I’m not alone!”. I also contacted some other collectors, and I found out that it was a good idea to make a website with tea bags for exchange. This is called www.123hjemmeside.dk/maitea. When I joined the Teabagcollectors.com, I got many e-mails, and during the past six months, i.e. since November 2007, I have met (via e-mail) approximately 30 other collectors from Denmark, Norway, Finland, the Czech Republic, Belgium, the Netherlands, Russia, Chile and Hungary. In November I had 500 tea bags, and now I have 3.000 from all over the world. My name is Mai, and I live in Denmark. Since I was a little girl I have collected all kinds of things, such as stickers, key chains, napkins, small bottles of perfume, phone cards, stamps and prescription envelopes from the Danish pharmacies. I have always been a tea drinker, but tea bags were just something I threw out until 2001 when two of my colleagues got this funny hobby, tea bag folding. I gave them my empty tea bags and also got some from my friends and family for my colleagues. Well, after a couple of months they asked me “why don’t you join the folding club?”, and… I did! I made a lot of cards for Christmas, Easter, birthdays etc. and I also taught my mother and mother-in-law how to make these pretty cards. I don’t remember exactly when it started, but after some time I decided to keep one of each tea bag in an album because many were cute or pretty. I went to Florida, Mallorca, Prague etc. and got some nice tea bags at the hotels, but I wasn’t a “real” collector and didn’t search for tea bags in supermarkets. This may sound crazy, but I really thought that I was the only collector in the world! In November 2007 I looked on the Internet for the first time and found Vivi’s website. The first tea bags in my album were Pickwick forestfruit, rosehip, orange and blackberry, and they were perfect for tea bag folding. Some of the motives I like best are Asian women My first teabags My favourit teabags My 10-year-old son has already asked me if he can inherit my tea bag collection, but I hope that I’ll be a collector for many years! Mai [email protected] 7 Brand Country Brand Country 15 Minutes Organic Tea A Caro A los Chinos A Vogel A&P AB Abad Hamon ABC Tea Abeille d'Or Aboca Abtei Acofar Acorus Adanim Adelgamate Adelgazul Agross Ahmad Akbar Akdem Al Andalus Al Diafa Al Haffar Albert Albert Albert Heijn Albertson's Alete Alex Meijer Alexander's Alista Alkazone Allatar Alnatura Altapharma Alter Eco Altin Altinel Alwazah Tea Amanda Amax American Classic Tea Amway Anatoli Anatolian Flora Anatolian treasures Andees Andronicus Angelica Great Britain France Argentinia Netherlands Netherlands France Spain USA France Italy Germany Spain Latvia Israel Argentinia Chili Poland Great Britain Sri Lanka Turkey Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates Saudi Arabia Poland Czech Republic Netherlands USA Germany Netherlands Canada Belgium USA Syria Germany Germany France Turkey Turkey Sri Lanka Argentinia Germany USA Belgium Turkey Turkey Turkey India Australia Italy Angurate Api Cha Apotee Appicultura Brezzo App's Apsara Aquilea Arava tea Arbell Arbolito Arche Naturkost Ardrak Ari Gida San Ariel Arifoglu Arofarm Art of tea, the Arthoflorine Arvid nordquist Ashby's Asian Gourmet Astra Atto Auchan Avitale Avon Aymara Azteca Bad Heilbrunner Badia Bal Kupu Bao Ding Brand Barbara Barbes & Watson Barclay & Sons Bariloche Silvestre Barley Barnies Barraca, la Batik Bayer Beautea Beautea-Leaf Beautimate Bedial Belin Bell Belle France Bell's Germany Brazil Switzerland Italy Malaysia Latvia Spain Israel Argentinia Argentinia Germany Brazil Turkey Canada Turkey Greece Hong Kong France Sweden Great Britain USA Poland Brazil France Germany Canada Argentinia Mexico Germany Spain Turkey China Argentinia USA Sri Lanka Argentinia Belgium USA Spain Sri Lanka Argentinia Germany USA Malaysia Argentinia Poland New Sealand France Argentinia Hans Smit 8 Netherlands: Alex Meijer Frontsite: same Backsite : same Differences is that one is bigger than the other. Right flap and long flap. The labels are: one label not enclosed in the envelop and the other is enclosed in the envelop Netherlands: Yogi Tea Frontsite: differences in text and differences in the bio logo Backsite: differences in the text The text on the front site of the envelop without bio logo is English, the text on the front site with the two bio logo’s is German. Text on back site is Netherlands. This is by more tastes like Sweet Chai, Himalaya, Choco and others. 9 Azorean Tea The oldest tea plantation and tea factory of Europe is situated at São Miguel the largest of the Azores islands in the north between São Bras and Maia. This island has an excellent climate for producing tea, due to its positioning in the Atlantic Ocean. An oceanic climate influenced by a warm golf stream and a relatively large humidity. The rich volcanic soil results in a lush vegetation of tropical plants. It is no coincidence that it is the only place in Europe where tea is cultivated. Also the hill- type terrain gives the plantation protection from the elements of nature. In that year two Chinese from Macau arrive with the purpose of developing the special oriental techniques of growing tea. They recommend two tea shrubs to be used the Jasmin grandiflorum and the Malva vacciones. But only the first is incorporated into the production process. Although there are no official records, reports tells us that the year in which tea is introduced to the island is 1750. Plantations are started near Capelas, Pico da Pedra, Ribeira Grande and Porto Formosa. Unfortunately the quantities are rather small. But in the 19th century the production of oranges abruptly stops due to a virus which destroys all orange trees. New production possibilities are explored such as tobacco and tea. So in 1878 a regional organization called, the “Sociedade Promotora da Agricultura Micaelense”, elects Tea Culture as an agricultural variant to support. Gorreana Tea plantation The tea factory is established in 1883 by the Gaho da Câmara family. The plantation is 45 hectares in surface and produces almost 40.000 kilograms of tea per year. 10 The tea is harvested between April and September, during the drier months. when the majority of branches have three leaves. Each type of leave has a different age and a different chemical composition. A kind of pruningmachine is used. Only one type of tea shrub is grown to produce all the variants of Gorreana tea. It is the processing of the leaves that determines what kind of tea is made, black or green tea. Orange Pekoe is produced from the end bud and first shoot of the leaf. It has a delicate scent and flavor. Pekoe comes from the second leaf and has a less pronounced scent and flavor. Broken leaf tea is made from particles of different leaves and is less aromatic, more delicate in taste. The green tea is called Hysson after the method used for steaming. Processing stages Black tea differs from green tea due to the processing stages. Black tea Withering: The tealeaves are spread and left to wither, loose some moisture. Rolling: The leaves are rolled to loose moisture, this method is rather gentle. The leaves are still whole and unbroken. There are two rolling machines only the first one is shown. The rolling can be done light, medium and heavy. Rolling machine. which moves horizontally. Oxidation or fermenting: The leaves are spread out again, this time in a cool, damp atmosphere and the oxidation process continues. The color of tea is originally green, but due to the adding of oxygen the color turns copper. 11 Inside the oxidation room. Drying: During this process the leaves are dried with hot air 900 C and the color changes from copper to brown or black. Inside the drying room. Sorting: In this stage the leaves are sorted by size and grade. Sorting machine. Enlargement of temperature meter above The packing of the tea. In this case Broken Leaf. 12 Green tea Withering: The same step as for the black tea. Steaming: After withering and loosing some of the moisture the leaves are immediately steamed via the Hysson method. This gives a halt to the oxidation process. So the color stays green. Then the tealeaves are cooled. From the six factories on this island Chá Gorreana still exists. It is working for more then 120 years now. The tea of the Chá Gorreana factory is famous worldwide for its taste and flavor. The fact that no pesticides are used has increased the demand of countries like USA and Canada , (20% of production). Almost 75% is sold within the region. The steaming machine specially used for green tea. Rolling: Moisture is released. Drying: The tealeaves are dried, the same process as for the black tea. Afterwards follows then Sorting. Tea tasting in the tearoom The factory can be visited every day from 8 am till 8 pm. 13 Special teaware And a lovely surprise! This is the Green tea variety. Joke Denissen- Gruter Note: In fact there is another tea factory on the island called Chá Porto Formosa, founded by Amâncio Machado Faria e Maia. This factory has started in 1920 and has operated till the 1980th. Since 1998 the factory is made operational again as an industrial heritage of the island. It also has a tearoom, to taste the tea, a small museum and a shop were to buy teaware and tea. 14 flap 0 Brand Color frontsite DAS GESUNDE PLUS kleine dm (rechte tekst ) onderin gekleurde balk foil Fenchel-Anis Kümmel white Füllgewicht 2,0 g only text XW 1 13 0 0 0 foil foil foil Grüner Tee Grüner Hafertee Fastentee white white white Füllgewicht 1,5 g Füllgewicht 1,2 g Krautertee only text XW 1 06 only text XW 1 17 only text XW 1 18 0 0 0 0 foil foil foil foil Blasen- und Nierentee II Brennessel Erkältungstee V Fenchel white white white white Arzneitee Arzneitee Arzneitee Arzneitee only text XW 1 04 only text XW 1 08 only text XW 1 05 only text XW 1 09 0 0 0 foil foil foil Husten- und Bronchialtee I white Johanniskraut white Kamille white Arzneitee Arzneitee Arzneitee only text onlt text XW 1 14 only text XW 1 10 0 0 0 0 0 foil foil foil foil foil Magen- und Darmtee IX Pfefferminze Salbei Schlaf- und Nerventee Entwasserungstee Arzneitee Arzneitee Arzneitee Arzneitee Arzneitee onlty text XW 1 03 only text XW 1 12 only text XW 1 07 only text XW 1 19 only text XW 1 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 foil foil foil foil foil foil foil foil foil DAS GESUNDE PLUS- in vierkant kader links van het midden -Arzneitee in rode balkBlasen- und Nierentee white Füllgewicht 2,0 g only text + dm Brennnessel white Füllgewicht 1,8 g only text + dm Entwässerungstee white Füllgewicht 2,0 g only text + dm Erkältungstee white Füllgewicht 2,0 g only text + dm Fastentee- kräutertee white Füllgewicht 1,8 g + dm onlty text Fenchel white Füllgewicht 2,2 g only text + dm Fenchel-Anis-Kümmel white Füllgewicht 2,0 g + dm only text Grüner Hafertee white Füllgewicht 1,2 g + dm only text Herzstärkungstee white Füllgewicht 1,8 g only text + dm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 foil foil foil foil foil foil foil foil Husten- und Bronchialtee Johanniskraut Kamille Magen- und Darmtee Pfefferminze Salbei Schlaf- und Nerventee Verdauungstee white white white white white white white white Füllgewicht 2,0 g Füllgewicht 2,0 g Füllgewicht 1,3 g Füllgewicht 2,0 g Füllgewicht 1,5 g Füllgewicht 1,6 g Füllgewicht 2,0 g Füllgewicht 1,75 g only text + dm only text + dm only text + dm only text + dm only text + dm only text + dm only text + dm only text + dm 0 0 0 short short short DASTA Heuningbos Thee Natale Thee Natale yellow green black Die blommerdrankie uit Suid-Afrika Dasta bv.Oss Holland Dasta bv.Oss Holland same same same short short short short DASHWOOD MAJOR Afternoon Tea Breakfast tea Darjeeling Tea Earl Grey Tea aubergine blue red grey man in cirkel man in cirkel man in cirkel man in cirkel little man without circle little man without circle little man without circle little man without circle short DATERRA Cha natural redbrown plantas selleccionadas only text 0 0 0 0 0 white white white white white back site picture 15 Flap 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg Brand DAVIDSON'S Chamomile and Fruit Herb Cherry Vanilla Tea Christmas Tea Christmas Tea Cinnamon Apple Tea Decaf. English Breakfast Earl Grey Tea English Breakfast Tea Green Garden Tea Herbal Peppermint and Spice Lemon Mango Tea Mulling Spices Peach Praline Dessert Tea Rose Berry Essence Herb Spiced Raspberry Tea Vanilla Tea Wild Strawberry Tea Color Front site Back site 0 0 0 0 0 mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg DAVIDSON'S Classic Chai Darjeeling Jasmine Rose Tea Lemon Spearmint Tea Sun, Moon and Stars 0 0 0 0 0 mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg DAVIDSON'S Tea & Honey Teas - 1 tea bag Bing Cherry with Almond rose tea & honey teas Children's Tea diverse teapot-cups and bear Herbal Mountain Berry purple tea & honey teas Meyers lemon yellow tea & honey teas Spearmint Orange Spice turquoise tea & honey teas Nutrition facts Nutrition facts Nutrition facts Nutrition facts Nutrition facts 0 0 0 0 0 0 mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg DAVIDSON'S - Dessert Teas Tangarine Almond Cherries Jubilee Lemon Ginger Peach Praline Raspberry Pecan Cream Vanilla Cream Spice fancy-cake -teapot fancy-cake -teapot fancy-cake -teapot fancy-cake -teapot fancy-cake -teapot fancy-cake -teapot only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop 0 0 0 0 0 0 mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg DAVIDSON'S - Green Teas with…….. Berry Essence lila Cherry Essence red Green Tea Gardens blue Lemon and Ginseng green Mango and Citrus olivegreen Peach Essence brown teakettle with mug teakettle with mug teakettle with mug teakettle with mug teakettle with mug teakettle with mug only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop 0 0 0 0 0 0 mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg DAVIDSON'S Cranberry Orange Herb Decaf. Cinnamon Apple Decaf. Earl grey Tea Decaf. Spiced raspberry Decaf. Vanilla Tea Orange Spice Tea theepot.kopje en sinaasappel appel blauwe theepot met theeblaadjes mok en bramen kopje en bloemen sinaasappel only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white camomile flower and fruit theepot met plant teapot with plant teapot-cup + apples fruit red teapot flowers blue teapot teakettle green peppermint plant ananas,banaan,sinaasappel, mango… bottle with fruit in front peaches bottle with fruit in front raspberries vanilla flower and stick strawberrie plant only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop blue blue red olivegreen green blue teapot blue teapot red teapot olivegreen teapot green teapot only text on flap only text on flap only text on flap only text on flap only text on flap mint red brown brown geyblue lila redbrown green blue bordeaux green orange Picture 16 Flap 0 0 0 0 0 0 mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg 0 0 Brand Color Front site DAVIDSON'S -Certified Organic Tea Green Tea with Lemon Myrt green Org. Decaf. Green Tea bluegreen Org. Engl. Breakfast Tea bluegreen Org. herbal Peppermint tea green Org. Rooibos Spiced Chai red Rosehip Garden tea lila Back site theepot en bladeren in cirkel theepot en bladeren in cirkel theepot en bladeren in cirkel theepot en bladeren in cirkel theepot en bladeren in cirkel theepot en bladeren in cirkel only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop DAVIDSON'S - Christmas Tea mid.lg Christmas Tea redbrown mid.lg Herbal Christmas Tea green with organic tea and herbs caffeine free with organic herbs only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop 0 DAVIDSON'S mid.lg Children's christmas tea theepot + mokjes en beertje only text on flap en envelop 0 0 0 0 0 0 mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg DAVIDSON'S - Dessert Teas Caramel Peach + Coconut rose Cherries jubilee redbrown Lemon Ginger yellowbrown Raspberry Cream Caramel lila Tangarine Almond greyblue Vanilla Cream Spice blue Caffeine free in ovaal Caffeine free in ovaal Caffeine free in ovaal Caffeine free in ovaal Caffeine free in ovaal Caffeine free in ovaal only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop 0 0 0 0 mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg DAVIDSON'S - Honey Teas Bing Cherry + Almond French Vanilla Meyer lemon Spearmint orange Spice Caffeine Free in ovaal Caffeine Free in ovaal Caffeine Free in ovaal Caffeine Free in ovaal only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop 0 0 0 0 mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg DAVIDSON'S - Chai Blends Classic Chai brown Herbal classic Chai green Mandarin Chai blue Rooibos Spiced Chai brown with organic tea and herbs in ovaal with organic herbs in ovaal with organic tea and herbs in ovaal organic caffeine-free only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg DAVIDSON'S Decaffeinared Green Tea green Tea Garden Imperia; green Jasmine Flower Lemon Ginger green tea Moroccan Mint Tea Red, Green & White Tea Sout African Honeybusg South African Rooibos Sun, Moon and Stars Tropical green White Peony green blue green olivegreen green mintgreen green yellowbrown redbrown green green greyblue Green Teas in balk boven afbeelding Green Teas in balk boven afbeelding Green Teas in balk boven afbeelding Green Teas in balk boven afbeelding Green Teas in balk boven afbeelding Green Teas in balk boven afbeelding Blended Teas in balk boven afbeelding Red Teas in balk boven afbeelding Red Teas in balk boven afbeelding Green Teas in balk boven afbeelding Green Teas in balk boven afbeelding White teas in balk boven afbeelding only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop only text on flap en envelop 0 long Davison Newman Boston Harbour Tea white engelse en amerikaanse vlag text green brown lila yellow green Picture 17 Flap Brand Color Front site Back site 0 0 0 0 0 0 mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg DAYAT Black Tea Jasmine Tea Oolong Tea Pu-Erh Tea Tea Bag Tien Guan-in Tea white white white white orange white green text orange text brown text green text white text brown text same as front site/ without taste jewell int'l corp jewell int'l corp same as front site/ without taste chinese letters jewell int'l corp 0 0 0 0 0 mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg mid.lg DA ZHANG SHAN Balance Entspannung Erleuchtung Kraft Stille yellow green rose grey blue balance equilibre equilibrio entspannung détente rilassamento erleuchtung inspiration illuminazione kraft energie energia stille serenite tranquillita hoe to prepare in 3 languages hoe to prepare in 3 languages hoe to prepare in 3 languages hoe to prepare in 3 languages hoe to prepare in 3 languages orange great int.imp/exp -corp.prod.taiwan 0 DEER mid.lg Tea Bag 0 short DEITERS Redugras white Adelgazante natural 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 foil foil foil foil foil foil foil foil foil foil DEITERS Circulation Colestorol Depurativo Digestivo Enenagogo Hipertension Laxante Pulmonar Reumatismo Sedante green green green green green green green green green green taste in tag taste in tag taste in tag taste in tag taste in tag taste in tag taste in tag taste in tag taste in tag taste in tag same as front site same as front site same as front site same as front site same as front site same as front site same as front site same as front site same as front site same as front site 0 0 0 0 0 0 short short short short short short DEITERS Circulation Depurativo Eleuterocco Harpago Hepetico Laxante white white white white white white Tisaplant Tisaplant Tisaplant Tisaplant Tisaplant Tisaplant only text only text only text only text only text only text 0 foil DEITERS geen smaak transp deiters on tag same 0 short DEITERS Herbensurina white see picture/ orange text only text Picture 18 Flap Brand Color Front site Back site 0 0 0 DELEI - TE mid.lg Apple with Cinnamon mid.lg Mezcla de Frutas mid.lg Pina Colada 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 short short short long short long long DELHAIZE Ceylon Tea English Breakfast English Breakfast English Breakfast English Breakfast English Breakfast English Breakfast 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right DELHAIZE - BIO/ gekleurd vakje Beduins Tea l.bruin Beduins Tea l.bruin Cidreiro l.geel Cidreiro l.geel Karkade paars Karkade paars Lemon Grass groen Lemon Grass groen Masala Chai d.grijs Masala Chai d.grijs Maté okergeel Maté okergeel Rooibos roodbruin Rooibos roodbruin Rooibos roodbruin Rooibos roodbruin Rooibos roodbruin Sencha groen Sencha groen 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long DELHAIZE - zakjes zijn wit de genoemde kleur is de opdruk Camomille d.yellow 3 languages Citron orange 3 languages Digestion red 3 languages Eglantier Hibiscus red 3 languages Energy blue 1 language Fenouil green 3 languages Framboise red 3 languages Good Night blue 1 language Jambes legeres rose 3 languages Menthe green 3 languages Minceur green 3 languages No stress green 1 language Ortie green 3 languages Tieul green 3 languages Ventre Plat blue 3 languages Verveine brown 3 languages Winter cure green 1 language three cups/ delhaize lion on flap three cups/ delhaize lion on flap three cups/ delhaize lion on flap three cups/ delhaize lion on flap three cups/ delhaize lion on flap three cups/ delhaize lion on flap three cups/ delhaize lion on flap three cups/ delhaize lion on flap three cups/ delhaize lion on flap three cups/ delhaize lion on flap three cups/ delhaize lion on flap three cups/ delhaize lion on flap three cups/ delhaize lion on flap three cups/ delhaize lion on flap three cups/ delhaize lion on flap three cups/ delhaize lion on flap three cups/ delhaize lion on flap 0 0 long long DELHAIZE The Vert au Ginkgo The Vert au Ginseng nothing nothing white yellow white printed in brown printed in d.red and green printed in orange steep for 5 minutes 5 minutes de reposo steep for 5 minutes red orange orange orange orange orange orange Finest Blend in zwart/oker vlak Finest Blend in zwart Finest Blend in wit /dikke letters zonder rode wimpel boven delhaize leeuw Finest Blend in wit Finest Blend in zwart -geel vlak met rode wimpel boven delhaize leeuw time in 3 languages on flap/logo time in 3 languages on flap time in 3 languages on flap time in 3 languages on flap time in 3 languages on flap time in 3 languages on flap time in 3 languages on flap logo white/ without white line logo white /with white line logo white/ without white line logo white /with white line logo white/ without white line logo white /with white line logo white/ without white line logo white /with white line logo white/ without white line logo white /with white line logo black/with white line logo black/with white line logo white/ without white line logo black/with white line logo black/with white line logo white /with white line logo white /with white line/misprint logo white/ without white line logo white /with white line Beduins Tea Beduins Tea Cidreiro Cidreiro Karkade Karkade Lemon Grass Lemon Grass Masala Chai Masala Chai Maté 09098 Maté 09098 Rooibos 19098 Rooibos 19098 Rooibos 19098 Rooibos 19098 Rooibos 19098 Sencha Sencha green l.yellow taste in 3 languages in white taste in 3 languages in white Picture 19 20