Newsletter Volume 6 Number 4 - Gypsy Horse Registry of America


Newsletter Volume 6 Number 4 - Gypsy Horse Registry of America
Gypsy Horse Registry of America, Inc.
Santa’s baby Colleen Donahue and her two new Gypsy
Elves Paxton and Rafferty do
the holidays up right!
The Wassail Parade
Jim and I with Strawberry at
the Wassail
in WoodVolumeParade
6 Number
stock, VT
December 08 8th.
We had a blast . . . and Strawberry was such a hit!!
Gypsy Tails
Bette Butson
2009 Annual Meeting January 31, 2009
The GHRA 2009 Annual Meeting will be held
on Saturday, January 31 at the Fort Worth
Stock Show, in the upstairs dorm room of Cattle Barn 4, at 9:00 a.m. There are no rule
change votes this year, so it should be a short
meeting and then everyone can enjoy the Stock
You will have to pay the $8 gate fee (cash) to
get into the Stock Show grounds. See map on
back page for location of Barn 4. The grounds
open at 8:00 a.m. and are open till 10:00 p.m.
There are many different species of animals in
competition on the grounds as well as a rodeo
and a large fairground carnival. The Gypsy
Horse Registry World Show will be held after 6
pm Friday, after 6 pm Saturday and Sunday
morning after 9 am in the John Justin Arena.
The Stock Show grounds covers approximately
100 acres. One million people travel through
this facility during the Stock Show. Please go to for a listing of all events and
Directors needed for Regions 1, 5 & 7 for
regular elections, Region 2 & 3 for Directors
that moved out of their area and Region 6 for a
Director that resigned.
Board meetings are phone conferences with 45 meetings per year and involve discussions
regarding rule change and/or correction proposals, long range planning, fund raising and
promotions. It is important to have a variety of
member opinions so please get involved, this is
your Registry.
If you wish to be considered, please fill out a
Nomination Form. A copy of the Nomination
Form you filled out will be sent out to members
in your area so they can review nominated Director’s background and qualifications.
Please consider running for the board, we
need your help. We would prefer that you have
internet access for notification of meetings.
The BOD has waived the presence at annual
meeting requirement. To be eligible to run,
just be a current member and have at least one
horse registered with the GHRA.
Your registry is run strictly on a volunteer ba-
sis. We sometimes
work more than 40
hours a week. The offices are located in a 40
x 40 building with a
beautiful 2’x3’ hand
painted sign with a
Gypsy horse on either
side along with the registry name designating
the location.
Jan Easter checks in
the mail, makes deposits, reviews incoming
registration documents,
makes arrangements for promotional
events and advertising as well as developing the newsletter, coordinating the website and all public activities and interviews.
Priscilla Cox initiates & maintains member
& horse files including registration information & DNA results, studbook, issues registration certificates, compiles & issues the
Breeder’s List, coordinates with the University of Kentucky and has developed the
new Stallion Auction.
Jan Easter and Priscilla Cox are sisters and
were founders of this organization with 3
other visionary members.
Priscilla Cox also created and founded the
Gypsy Cob Society Ltd. in England in 2002
(Jan consulted on that project.)
The GCSL was the first registry dedicated
strictly to the Gypsy Cob in England and
was set up so that these wonderful horses
would not lose their pedigrees when applying for the Government required passports
for all horses traveling within the European
Union. With over 3,000 registrations they
are now the mother studbook for France
Priscilla and Jan have dedicated the last 5
years of their lives to this Registry - preserving and protecting the Gypsy horse
Neither is a breeder, but avid promoters
and lovers of the breed. They share the
super Gypsy gelding CDF Heza Corker.
The first annual GHRA Breeder’s Choice
Stallion Service Extravaganza details are
enclosed. Please donate a stallion service
to help support your Registry.
Correction to the August 31st Board
Minutes. The minutes should have
read: The Board reviewed a letter by
Debbie Howard saying, the increase in
registration fees makes it no longer
affordable for her to register her crossbreds with the GHRA and would like us
to reduce the Section C fees. We apologize for any misunderstanding that our
previous minutes created.
The year end tallies are being done for
the Merit Awards Program. Thank you
all for record participation this year and
getting your Gypsy Horse out there and
exposing the public to this kind, gentle
and spectacular looking breed of horse.
Your participation in these events
spreads the word on our breed and
gets more and more people involved.
Kudos to all of you and thanks for all
your hard work.
This newsletter will have a membership
renewal form included with it. If you are
a founding or lifetime founding member
please pass this membership form on to
someone who is interested in the breed
so they can enjoy the newsletters and
be part of our organization.
Now might be a good time to consider
becoming a Lifetime member so you
won’t ever have to mess with filling out
this form again….
As you probably have all seen the website has changed and there is a temporary site in
place of the old one after the name change. If not up now, in a few days the new site will
have its permanent face and we know you will all be proud of the work that our member
Allison Alvino and her new hubby have put in on this project. We can’t thank Allison enough
for all her hard work and ask that you consider her when looking for someone to build a
website for you as you can see her considerable skills.
You need to check the website often as that is our quickest communication with our members. Just as in the case with the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo that gave us a limited
time to get horses for the Gypsy Horse World Show. Within 36 hours the entries were filled
and we had to start a waiting list.
We now have a stallion auction up and thank you to Tracy Helget for being the first member
to support us with an offering for her stallion Flynt Hylls Gypsy Flynn service.
If you would like to have your farm name and link on the front page we now offer that service too, for $250 per year. Just send in your farm website address via email, and drop a
check in the mail. If you get it here in time your farm will be announced for their support at
the Gypsy Horse World Show that is being held during the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo. This event has over a million people that come through the gates.
We have started putting stallions and for sale horses up, please feel free to join the herd
and send us your additions to the website.
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Candidates Questionnaire for GHRA Director
Use this form or make a copy and send in to GHRA, 1611 Old Reno Road, Springtown, TX 76082 and must be postmarked by March
15, 2008. To be eligible you must be a current GHRA Regular member and be a resident of one of the following states: Region 1
Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island,
Vermont, Virginia, Washington, D.C. and West Virginia. Region 2 Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio,
Wisconsin. Region 3 Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee. Region 5
Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming. Region 6 Alaska, California, Oregon, Hawaii, Idaho,
Nevada, Utah, Washington, Region 7 Any foreign country
GHRA Member in this area is eligible.
Please Print Legibly (This form will be copied exactly as you return it and mailed to the members for the election)
Telephone__________________________________________ Fax_________________________________
How many years have you been a GHRA member?______________________________________________
How many Gypsy Horses do you own?_________________________________________________________
Have you shown your Gypsy Horse?___________________________________________________________
Have you attended any annual meetings?______________________________________________________
Have you ever served on a GHRA committee?__________________________________________________
What other GHRA responsibilities have you had?________________________________________________
What business experience can you bring to the Board of Directors?
Why do you want to be a GHRA Director?_____________________________________________________
What do you feel are the three most important issues facing the GHRA?
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Getting Married Gypsy Style! - story by Linda Dennis
Allison Alvino's wedding took place on the
most beautiful Fall day anyone could have
wished for in the Chicago suburbs. It was
blue skies and sunshine. A horse drawn
carriage delivered Allison and her family to
the church. The carriage picture was capAlly & Escort tured following the ceremony as the bride
and groom were on their way to an elaborate wedding celebration at the Barn of Barrington. The reception
location was adorned in unique style. Celebrants were treated to
viewing the "Grooms Cake", a black Gypsy Horse. And, to the
Vardo creation of Ally and Ryan's. Ally and Ryan orchestrated an
amazing celebration filled with band music and dancing that was
enjoyed by family, friends ...and friends from the Gypsy Horse community.
Gypsy Horse
Grooms Cake
Ryan and Alliy on their way to the wedding celebration
January 17, 2009 11:00 AM
Fort Worth Stock Show "All Western Parade"
Downtown Fort Worth TexasThe GHRA has been honored with an invitation to invite riding and driving Gypsy Horses
to this prestigious event in it's 113th year.
Nearly 100,000 spectators line the streets of downtown Fort Worth to watch this event.
January 30 - February 1st, 2009
113th Annual Fort Worth Stock Show Gypsy Horse World Show
Will Rogers Horse Show Complex, John Justin Arena Fort Worth, Texas
Limited Stalls were available for this first time at this venue, taking waiting list reservations via email [email protected]. The average grounds attendance at this renowned event
has been over 900,000 persons making the Stock Show one of the most coveted equine events annually drawing almost 3,000 head of equine.
An extensive international program has been developed and annually attracts visitors from well over 80 foreign nations. The Stock Show generates an economic impact in
excess of $100 million for the Fort Worth area.
This premier opportunity to expose the public to our Gypsy Horses is unprecedented !
March 13-15, 2009
Nebraska Horse Expo
Lincoln, Nebraska contact: Tracy Helget [email protected]
April 16-18, 2009
Feathered Horse Spring Classic
Shelbyville, TN ~ Calsonic Indoor Arena Open to all registered Gypsy Horses.
Exhibitors Dinner, Entertainment and Great Competition and Awards.Details will be forthcoming and a newly designed web site for the FHC.
Contact: Gail Shrine [email protected]
May 30 & 31, 2009
The Gypsy Dream Park Classic
Gloucester County Dream Park Logan Township, New Jersey Open to all registered Gypsy Horses.
Many details are still in the planning stage but you can watch for information on the show website at
Page 4
- Laura Robideau
Summer has now come to an end and as I looked back it
was a great year. We have so much to be thankful for and
just having a home with a comfortable bed is such a blessing
as last year we lost our house to a fire. I started to think
summer is over and I never went camping and so on, then I
looked at these pictures and the big smiles on my face and
the new adventures I had this year were so much fun. I have
the best friends in the world and of course my best furry
friend is my British Sterling. We danced and smiled the
summer away. At a dressage show we danced to "These
Boots Are Made For Walking" sorry no pictures yet of that
adventure. Then on 2 days notice I joined Melanie Kucera
and Pam Barthel and went to the Indiana Feathered Horse
Classic. Sterling won high point and we had a blast!. Then
on 4 days notice I flew with my same Gypsy Chics to the
Georgia Feathered Classic and had so much fun seeing all
the Gypsies there. I made new wonderful friends when I
sold 3 of my special mares and 3 colts and then the empty
nest syndrome hit and I called Michael Vine and now I have
4 new Buckskin colored Gypsies. Life can change on a
dime. Enjoy everyday and count all your blessings every
moment, give lots of hugs and always keep your smile.
Laura Robideau
Dressage Banquet
- Kelly Ann Quay
Hi Everyone, I just wanted to say that my
trainer Bethany and I went to our dressage banquet, (ENYDCTA) last night and they surprised
us with two awards!! Farleigh and Bethany received the high point champion and the high
score of the weekend award!! We submitted 8
photos also, and they displayed all of them!
They were very impressed with her movement
and Bethany's extensive training with her and
how supple they both were in competition! She
is younger than I (O. K. I'm 33) and the other
Dressage trainers now look at her! We are all
sooo proud of Farleigh and Bethany! She is going to compete in Training level 1 in 2009, possibly Training 2 also! I am planning on Intro A &
B, myself. All we need now is an indoor so we
can practice in the bitter cold and snow! We just
got asked to do drill team and possibly perform
at Equine Affair 2009! That's all from here! Attached is a photo of Bethany and Farleigh
thanking the judges after her awesome ride!!
See everyone at Equine Affair in Mass.!!
Kelly Ann Quay
Page 5
Lyn Jenkins of Greensleeves Carriage Company with
her wedding Vis a Vis pulled by CDF Quite Frankly
and Arwen Evenstar.
Another Team of Gypsy
horses that Gene Brown is
training. The near horse is
Image Setters Jimbo
owned by Craig and Di Ann
Priscilla Cox, your Registrar,
driving A Wizard’s Spell Sir
Lancelot and A Wizard’s Spell
Trevor at Gene Browns Training Center at an all day driving seminar held at his facility in Sanger, TX.
Hitching up a sixhorse hitch, legging
them up for the
Christmas Parade of
Lights. This working
hitch is owned by
Sharon Scofield of
R Gypsy Horses.
Page 6
Debra Weaver and A Wizards Spell
Winstons Brighton just trained & in
a parade, and he takes it in stride,
never a bauble. Life is So Sweet!
2008 Julefest Parade Best Overall Entry: Cielo Celeste Farm Becca Stewart, beautifully attired as
a Christmas angel, rode Huston, a
Gypsy horse stallion.
Megan & Gary Parks at another
Texas parade where Image Setters
Arturo wowed the crowd in Arlington, Texas.
A Wizards Spell Trevor and A Wizards Spell Sir Lancelot went to the
local Tractor Supply Co. to help
celebrate Christmas and raise
money for a local food bank. David
Gloucester left in top hat, from
Stamford, UK ( Cambridge Master
Degree ) came to Texas to work
with the Gypsy Horses. He
worked for Sheik Mohammed at
Godolphin at Newmarket Racecourse.
Send in your parade
and exhibition photos
and stories for us to
share with the rest of
the Gypsy Horse Community!
I haven't kept in touch because I was
in the Hospital for a while,
nothing serious just an allergic reaction to a new medication. The
problem was, it layed me up for a
couple months, so I couldn't compete
with Porsche.
The next ADT for us isn't until March
at the Carriage Barn in Newton NH.
I'm just starting to get my energy
back. Unfortunately all the
competitions in this area are finished.
She will begin training and getting
back in shape next month.
Last year we took Reserve Champion
(Training Level) so my Coach and I
are going to enter her in the Preliminary Division this year.
We're confident she will do well because we have already performed
some of the Prelim Dressage movements with no problems.
If you want I'll keep you posted.
Thank you for Porsche's Blog. Everyone around here loves it.
Best Regards,
Bill Dunn
Page 7
I just wanted to share with you a few
pictures of Lizzy and my new cart.
She is being driven by my driving instructor Charlie Ballou. He said that
after 2 years she still remembered all
her training. Now I just need a refresher course. ...Sharon Lawler
By the time she was two years old, Maddie was more than happy to be riding a horse, any horse, any time. Anyone who has lived with little girls
knows they can have strong opinions; by the time Maddie was three she would only ride the horses “with lots of hair”. And she started asking for
one of her own. Maddie could spend all day in the barn. Standing on a bucket or a stool, she could reach the back of the favorite (and only) riding
horse, Dana. She got quite good at braiding manes and brushing out feather. She loved Dana, but spoke daily of having her own horse.
An ad that Desert Jewel had on caught my eye. It stated that a benefactor would pay half the amount a horse was selling for at
Jen’s farm; they encouraged people to write letters stating why they would like a Gypsy. They would choose 10 letters that reached out to them in
some way and the people would pay the other half of a horse they may not otherwise be able to afford.
I suggested that 6 year old Madelynn write to Jen and tell her why she HAD to have a Gypsy of her own. Jen called me and said that Maddie’s
letter really touched her, and that she was delighted that such a little girl would take the time to write. She offered to donate her half of the horse so
that Madelynn could realize her dream. We both feel it’s important to promote the Gypsy as a YOUTH horse, and by sending a horse to us, we
would do our best to do what we could towards that goal here on the East Coast. We very much wanted to “pay it forward.
Jen thought that Amelia would be the perfect choice for Madelynn. BUT, she was in foal and it would be a long wait. Jen sent us pictures, lots of
pictures, and Maddie made plans and told everyone about the horse she won. She did extra chores to earn money and started buying pink things for
The day of Amelia’s arrival finally came and these are photos of Maddy and Amelia , and one of their adventure at Equine Affair… but that’s another story.
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