Untitled - Christian Brothers Academy


Untitled - Christian Brothers Academy
Brother Joseph Jozwiak, FSC
Dear Friends of CBA,
I would like to welcome you to the spring edition of the Alumni Newsletter. This edition focuses on
Christian Brothers Academy as seen through the eyes of various people associated with our school, including
a graduating senior, alumni and faculty. Each offers their own unique view of what CBA means to them and
how their experiences have enriched their lives today. In many ways, sharing one’s perspective on CBA is
similar to looking at a multi-faceted diamond with its many varieties of spectral colors.
It is quite likely then that you too have your own perspective as to what Christian Brothers Academy means
to you and how it has touched your life over these past years. I would like to invite you to consider sharing
your thoughts about how your experience at CBA has shaped your life by sending your comments and
thoughts to me at your convenience.
I hope that you enjoy reading the selections found in this newsletter! Thank you for your continued support
of Christian Brothers Academy through your contributions to our Annual Fund, pledge payments to our
recent Capital Campaign, “To Be the Best,” participation in our Lasallian Legacy Society, and the many ways
in which you make a difference in the lives of our students today!
Brother Joseph Jozwiak, FSC
315-446-5960 x1229
[email protected]
Board of Trustees 2012-2013
Paul Drescher
Vice Chair
John Murphy, Jr. ’77
Ellen LaBerge
Br. Joseph Jozwiak, FSC
Immediate Past Chair
Edward Barno
Representative of the Brothers’ Community
Br. Gabriel Fiumano, FSC ’47
Alumni Association President
John Marzocchi ’77
Representative of Provincialate
Br. Thomas Scanlan, FSC
Parents Club President
Kat Dugas
Board Members
John Barsanti ’69 | Msgr. Ronald Bill ’49 | Kimberly Boynton
Br. James Butler, FSC | Ron Casciano ’71 | Donald DeKay Jr. ’72
Dr. Dennis DePerro | Richard Engel ’82 | Richard Esposito | Carol Fletcher
Christopher Harrigan ’90 | Marc Jones ’86 | R. Daniel McCarthy ’66
William Murphy ’75 | John O’Connor ’85 | Michael O’Connor ’66
W. Dennis Owen, AFSC ’44 | Mark Pitonzo ’76 | Robert Scott, AFSC
John Sindoni, AFSC ’63 | David Venditti ’78 | Robert Waters ’66
Table of ConTenTs
From Our Principal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Inside Cover)
Coach Tom Dotterer ’53 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Sid Perkins ’13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
John Marzocchi ’77 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Grazi Zazzara, Jr . ’02 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Bobbi Petrocci . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Caryl McGinty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Heard In The Halls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Alumni Notes & Quotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Alumni News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Alumni Weddings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Honorary Board Members
Inspiring Young Alumni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
James Breuer ’68 | William Bush | Robert Congel ’54
J. David Dickinson ’55 | Ernest Etoll ’53 | Robert Gang, Jr. ’35
Kevin Harrigan ’65 | Alfred Krause | John Marshall ’67
Edward Moses ’61 | Daniel Murphy ’65 | John Murphy ’48
Anthony Oliva | Eileen Oliva | Joseph T. Scuderi ’53
Doreen Simmons | Br. William Spellman, FSC
Alumni Association Purple & Gold Awards . . . . . . . 23
Alumni Association Officers
Lasallian Dinner & Auction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
In Memoriam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Calendar of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Back)
John Marzocchi ’77
Vice President
Anthony Oliva ’87
David Scrano ’83
James Hopkins ’71
CBA Newsletter
Director of Development and Alumni
Patricia Callahan
Associate Director of Alumni and Annual Giving
Jessie Keating
Associate Director of Special Events and Programs, Campaign Manager
Annemarie Mosley
Administrative Assistant
Linda Saladino
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the publication.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact the CBA Development Office
at (315) 446-5960 or [email protected]
Communications Assistant
Judy Salamone
CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Spring 2013
Coach Tom Dotterer, ’53
Boys varsity baseball coach Tom Dotterer returned to work and
the CBA diamond this spring after enduring a brutal robbery and
shooting at his liquor store, Salina Liquor and Wine, on January 23 .
When asked to reflect about his alma mater, Coach Tom Dotterer
offered the following response:
“For me, My CBA is an ongoing, living, breathing thought:
wind-like, river-like, sweeping, rippling, caressing, soothing,
advancing onward, forward, weightless, dateless, measureless;
ever-expanding, ever-growing, encompassing family, unity,
singularity, identity; accomplishing purposeful good.”
After his father died in 1990, Tom Dotterer said the family
found the following poem by Edgar Guest in his wallet.
It’s called “Two Sentimentalists,” and it details the differences
between two neighbors.
Two Sentimentalists
He was a sentimental man . He’d often shed a tear
When someone came and poured a tale of sorrow in his ear
And wiping dry his misty eyes he’d say: “I wish I knew
A way to end your misery, but nothing can I do .”
His neighbor was a hardened case and gruff as gruff could be,
He never shed a misty tear where anyone could see .
He mocked and jibed at sentiment and sneered at people good
But if a poor man needed them he’d send him coal and wood .
The sentimental man disliked to look on scenes of woe .
He’d talk of wrongs men ought to right, but never strike a blow .
The rough and tough old customer who lacked the art of speech
Befriended every weaker man who stepped within his reach .
I do not think I’m fit to judge man’s conduct on this earth .
I know it’s very difficult to value human worth .
I merely note this difference, ‘twixt two men, wide apart .
The one had pity on his lips - the other in his heart .
- Edgar Guest
Dotterer asks this question of himself, and all of us:
Which one are you?
CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Spring 2013
Sid Perkins, ’13
My sister drove me home from CBA’s Open House in 2006.
I was in sixth grade, and I was crying. It was very difficult to
tell her that I did not want to attend the school where both
she and my brother had studied, but I was determined to be
different. I was determined to stay in public school. I was
committed to Tully. Passionate about playing lacrosse and
soccer, about participating in student government and about
playing the saxophone in the elementary school band, I felt
I had created a niche at Tully, and I did not by any means wish
to be supplanted. But above all these passions, I was devoted
to my friends. I felt that I had grown so strongly connected
with them that I was decidedly and stubbornly opposed to
any change whatsoever. That is why I cried.
However, I was wrong to cry. Not only have I found in
CBA an environment in which I have been able to explore
my passions, I have also found a loving community of
enthusiastic, talented, and considerate students whom
I am honored to say I will be graduating with this June.
The student body takes on such character and displays
such spirit at CBA that it is difficult to enter the school
in a bad mood with the knowledge of the interactions
to come throughout the day. That is not to say that I have
not had my share of bad days—it is, however, consoling
to have a support group of 122 other students who can
assuage your worries with the quip of a joke or the crack
of a smile.
and I greatly respect him for his personality and ability
to command a production with a vision of fun, both
for the audience and the actors. My track coach, Doug Lewis,
has worked with my teammates and me for at least four years
and has proved to be not only a kind and knowledgeable
coach, but also a funny, personable man.
My experience with the teachers in general has been
an overwhelmingly positive one. The length to which
many of our teachers will go in order for students
to achieve a profound understanding is truly amazing.
This trait is highlighted in CBA’s French teacher,
Mme. Brimelli. Her passion for teaching and for
instilling a genuine understanding within her students
is vraiment une chose excellente .
These are my inspirations: my friends, my mentors,
my teachers. Without them, I am certain that I would not have
enjoyed high school nearly to the extent that I have. Without
them, I would have been without the proper guidance to
which each high school teenager ought to be exposed. And
without them, there is no doubt in my mind that I would not
have had as great an opportunity for growth: a growth that has
enabled me to be the young man I am so proud to be today.
Sid Perkins, son of Jeff and Margaret Perkins of Tully, was named Salutatorian
of the Class of 2013 . Sid will attend Columbia University in the fall where
he will study Biomedical Engineering .
CBA has offered me a place to explore my interests
and develop who I am as an individual. While at CBA,
my modest appreciation of music has grown to new heights
under the guidance of our strings instructor, Mrs. Bodley.
My love of service to others and to God has expanded under
the leadership of Mrs. Finlay and my mother, Peggy Perkins
in Peer Ministry. My passion of serving others through
leadership has developed through my participation
in Student Senate, and the guidance of Mr. Grilli therein
has certainly not gone unappreciated. In drama, there exists
no more enthusiastic a director than Mr. Moretti,
CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Spring 2013
John J. Marzocchi, ’77
CBA provided me with an environment of spiritual growth.
I went to a Catholic grammar school and CBA continued
to build upon that foundation with its Lasallian teaching
mission. We were learning about our God and our faith as
young men, not children. I carry the faith-based beliefs and
ideals taught at CBA even today.
CBA also provided a strong academic experience that would
serve me well in college and law school. The Brothers made
us study hard so when I graduated, I was not afraid of the
rigorous courses of study I would have to take.
More recently, I was inspired to get involved at CBA because
I wanted my sons (and other young people) to have the same
level of education I had. Through my years as president of
the Alumni Association and as a Trustee, I realized all the
work and effort it took the administration, faculty, parents
CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Spring 2013
and alumni to keep the school going. We shared the same
goal: to provide the best experience for current and future
CBA students in the tradition of St. John Baptist de La Salle.
Perhaps someday my grandchildren can share this experience
I now share with my own sons.
A memory I will always cherish about my time at CBA
was beginning every single class with the prayer: “Let us
remember we are in the holy presence of God. St. John Baptist
de La Salle - pray for us. Live Jesus in our hearts – forever.”
We still say that prayer at meetings and events, and the
current students continue the tradition before each class.
This prayer ties all CBA students and alumni together.
It makes us and our CBA experience extremely special
because we are all “Brothers.”
Grazi Zazzara, Jr., ’02
“There’s nothing you can do to make me go to CBA.
I’m not wearing a tuxedo to school every day.” As a wise
and all-knowing 12-year old boy, I thought I had made
things very clear to my parents when I said that to them.
Fortunately, I was powerless and my parents knew what was
best for me. A few months later, I was in dress code walking
into CBA for the first time. I had no friends and I saw no
familiar faces. I didn’t understand why my fellow 7th graders
already had circles of friends and knew their teachers.
At the time, I was miserable. But little did I know that this
was the first day of what would be the greatest impact
on my life.
I have so much respect for individuals who are smart enough
to appreciate CBA while they are current students. At a very
young age, they understand that it’s a privilege to attend CBA,
and it’s only possible because of the giving and sacrifice of
parents, faculty, alumni, and many great people.
In the six years that I was at CBA, my parents never got
to attend honors night, as I was a C student. (I’m sure there
was a detention or two sprinkled in there somewhere, too).
It was not until college, and into my professional career,
that I began to appreciate CBA.
Many people are content with just being average instead
of challenging themselves to achieve excellence. Some do
not respect themselves or others. Many don’t live moral,
ethical, responsible lives. Rather than contributing to society,
some selfishly take from it. Some feel entitled, instead
of expressing gratitude. Instead of questioning what was
wrong with these people, I realized what was right about me.
I was fortunate enough to grow up in the CBA environment
surrounded by great people who sacrifice so much to ensure
the growth and development of each student.
My greatest achievement will always be marrying my wife
Maura Kenville Zazzara (’05). I overachieved actually.
We share morals, values, and passion for CBA. We give back
to CBA, and feel privileged to do so. Maura coaches
the junior varsity girls lacrosse team, and I am a member
of the Development Committee and the Alumni Association.
CBA prepared me for the challenge of working
in a commercial real estate company. This business is similar
to life at CBA: nothing is guaranteed and compensation
is strictly based on performance. With hard work,
commitment, passion, and some luck, you may succeed.
After five years of dedication and hard work, I had just
enough success and courage to found The Icon Companies
in 2012, a full-service commercial real estate company.
I embrace the challenge to achieve excellence,
and I’m committed to growing my company with pride
and becoming a
leader in Central
New York.
My CBA created a
strong foundation to
build upon. My CBA
made available all of
the tools, resources,
and confidence
I needed to build
and grow. My CBA
left it up to me
to begin construction,
one floor at a time,
and to realize that
the sky is the limit.
I am 10 years removed from CBA. I can no longer express my
appreciation through academic achievements. My parents will
never be at honors night. But I can show my appreciation
by giving back, and by always striving to meet the CBA
challenge to achieve excellence.
CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Spring 2013
Bobbi Petrocci
As a child, my mom encouraged me to “follow your heart.”
As a practicing new teacher in San Francisco in 1999,
my mentor commended, “You wear your heart on your sleeve.”
potter David MacDonald said, “In order for one to know how
to throw on the wheel, you have to have about a ton of clay
pass through your hands.”
So when I began teaching at CBA in 2008, I felt at home
when I heard De La Salle’s quote, “To touch the hearts of your
pupils and to inspire them with the Christian spirit is the
greatest miracle you can perform and one which God expects
of you.” I am grateful to teach at CBA, where I am encouraged
to cultivate creativity, which for me, fulfills my need for
freedom, meaning, connection, and relevancy in my life.
Our students are fortunate to experience that process
at CBA. One of my fondest memories here was watching
a Ceramics class unveil six new potters’ wheels. The wheels
were generously donated by the CBA community through
“Raise Your Paddle” at the 2010 LaSallian Dinner & Auction.
Through the community’s commitment to the arts at CBA,
the Ceramics program has grown. We now offer two sections
of Ceramics and a new course, Ceramics II. This year,
Ceramics students represented CBA again at the 26th annual
Feats of Clay event on May 3 where more than 20 CNY
schools converged on the quad at Onondaga Community
College to compete in several wheel-throwing events.
I’m inspired by connections I make with family, friends,
colleagues, students, artists, and nature. For me, learning
is at best a visual and a social experience. I have always
favored application of new knowledge by building and
making. The practice of being creative and of being a maker
of new work is a deliberate process that I love to share with
students. It’s not all fun and games. An art practice takes time,
patience, and persistence. That is why it is not only about the
product, but it is also about the process. As the famous local
CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Spring 2013
We are proud of our students at CBA. It’s rewarding to see
them excel in the Arts. It’s rewarding to work here. I’m glad
I listened to my mom and followed my heart.
Caryl McGinty
The idea of being a teacher was quite appealing to me in the
4th grade, mostly due to the assumed power the position
held. My fourth grade teacher’s authority was second only
to my mother’s, and trust me, you did not want to buck the
system of either of these wonderful women. After receiving
an A on my paper, “What I Want to Be When I Grow Up”,
my teaching aspirations were packed up along side my
Nancy Drew books and Barbie dolls.
My parents had always encouraged me to study something
for which I had a passion. In college I loaded up
on Humanities classes and felt my creativity expand
with possibilities, but my career options, not so much.
As a 23-year-old college graduate with a B.A. in Fine Arts and
minors in English and philosophy, I was working a job that
paid the bills, but gave very little sense of purpose
or fulfillment. Carving out studio time was also difficult,
and I felt disengaged from all artistic pursuits.
As my dissatisfaction grew, I remembered my mother, who
had a Doctorate in law, volunteering to teach art part-time
at my grammar school. The budget did not allow for
a full-time art teacher, and my mother loved introducing
the creative process to her 7th and 8th graders. That memory
prompted a decision. I would try my hand at teaching art.
I had the degree. All I needed was a school. For weeks I made
cold calls all over the Syracuse diocese and beyond, but to no
avail. My credentials seemed strong enough, yet each school
I contacted had an art teacher of long-term standing and no
need for another.
Academy, whose enrollment had climbed just high enough
that the one current art teacher was not enough to handle
the course load. Was I available for an interview? I grabbed
my navy blue suit, resume, and portfolio, went in for the
interview, and was hired that very same day.
This story might not seem that life altering to some.
Hey, decide what you’d like to do, go on interviews, and get
hired. Simple, right? Well I had passionately studied art
without any real hope that I would have that same passion
in my career. Christian Brothers Academy provided that
hope. Without that phone call, who can say? Nearing the end
of my 23rd year, I can tell you that I have remained here not
simply because I can teach subject matter I love.
CBA is a true family community, so, gratefully, I can marry
my love of art to my love of the wonderful young people,
co-workers, administration, and staff that make up
that community. For that immeasurable impact on my life,
I am truly blessed.
Then I got the phone message.
I received word that a ‘Brother Stephen’ had called. That was
the message, along with a phone number. I almost didn’t
return the call, fully anticipating another, “Thank you for your
interest, but…” I have never stopped thanking whatever whim
prompted me to answer that phone call. Brother Stephen
McCabe, it turns out, was the principal of Christian Brothers
CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Spring 2013
Brothers Alumni Magazine—Heard In The Halls, Spring 2013
Heard InThe Halls
Hockey Team Captures First State Title
The Christian Brothers Academy and
Jamesville-DeWitt High School combined
hockey team rallied for three goals in the
third period to defeat John Jay of Cross
River, 4-2 in the Division II championship
game of the New York State Public
High School Athletic Association state
tournament on Sunday, March 10 at the
Utica Auditorium.
It is the first state championship for the
CBA/JD team in school history. It also
marks the first appearance in the state
title game since 1981.
Destiny was on the side of this year’s team,
which started the season 1-6 and was a No.
5 seed entering sectionals. The combined
team of CBA/JD student-athletes defeated
Auburn, 3-2 in the first round of sectionals,
then topped No. 1 seed Skaneateles, 4-3
in triple overtime to advance to the title
tilt against defending sectional champion
Oswego. The Brothers rallied for three goals
in the final four minutes to defeat Oswego,
4-3 and claim its first Section III title
in 32 years.
CBA sophomore goalie Tim Decker had an
outstanding day in the net to help the cause,
finishing with 23 saves.
The magic continued in the state
tournament. After defeating the state’s
top ranked team West Seneca West, 4-2 in
the quarterfinals, the Brothers scored two
goals in the last five minutes–including
one with 6.6 seconds left to force overtime
and ultimately defeat Beekmantown, 4-3 to
advance to the championship game.
CBA student-athletes on this year’s team
include: senior defenseman Nick McCreary
and senior forward Greg McCann;
sophomore goalie Tim Decker, sophomore
forwards Kyle Barker and Pete Dziergas
and sophomore defensemen Jed Raby,
Kane Alletzhauser, Gavin Gray and John
Phillips, sophomore forward Drew Brooks,
and freshman center Ryan McGuire.
Decker and Raby were named Honorable
Mention All-Stars.
In the championship game, J-D sophomore
Braeden Doust found the goal twice in the
third period to erase a 2-1 deficit and take
a 3-2 lead. CBA sophomore Drew Brooks
put the icing on the cake finding an open
net in the final seconds of the game to
cap off the scoring on the afternoon and
preserve the win. Doust would be chosen as
the most valuable player of the state hockey
tournament. Defense was the key for the
Brothers, particularly in the final period.
2013 NYS Division II State Champion Hockey Team
CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Spring 2013
“Every game has been another big game,”
head coach Mike McKie who was named
New York State Coach of the Year said.
“I’m just so proud of the kids for hanging
in there. It’s a great story.”
Jed Raby (7) and Tim Decker (G) defend in the title game
Heard InThe Halls
Lenten Drive Focuses On
Children Of The World
This year’s annual Lenten Drive focused on
children of the world. The drive was organized
by Peer Ministry and raised both awareness
and funding for two worthy organizations by
educating themselves, and the entire student
body about them.
The Northside CYO is a neighborhood center
run by Catholic Charities on North Salina
Street. The area is heavily populated with
refugees from Burma, South Sudan, Ethiopia,
Eritrea and the Congo. The volunteers and
staff at Northside CYO help the children and
adult refugees to learn English and acclimate
to the U.S. They also run an after school and
summer program for youth, all of whom were
born in refugee camps.
Peer Ministers decided to help out the CYO
by having the seniors at CBA fulfill the wish
list of the program. Senior homerooms
collected money and purchased wish list items.
While the senior class’ donations went local,
grades 7-11 donated to CBA’s twin school in
Nakura, Kenya at the Child Discovery Center.
At the Child Discovery Center, the Brothers
take in street children from the slums of
Nakuru, give them a home, and make sure
they get an education. Many of these children
were either abandoned by families who could
not care for them, or their parents had died
of AIDS or other diseases. Children as young
as age 2 roam the streets of Nakuru, subjected
to violence, picking food from the garbage,
and sleeping on concrete. The benefit of
giving to the CDC is that every penny raised
goes directly to the Brothers at the Center
to use for water, seeds, uniforms, and other
basics. Unlike many charities, there are no
administrative costs.
The Lenten Drive officially kicked off the week
following winter break. Peer Ministers spoke
to each religion class and educated them on
the Northside CYO and the CDC.
sectionals and lost to Indian River freshman
Sonny McPherson in the title match.
Friske finishes with a 31-6 record
on the year.
“Learning about the kids and actually getting
a chance to work with some of them over
at the Northside CYO made it real for me,”
shared junior Deshawn Salter, who was one
of the Peer Ministers that presented the
information to the religion classes. “So many
times we have a tendency to think, ‘Oh, those
kids are all the way in Africa, they don’t affect
me.’ In getting familiar with the CYO and also
the Child Discovery Center, our twin school,
you realize that these are real humans forced
to face challenges 100 times more difficult than
the ones we are facing.”
Senior Cole Speidel finished eighth in the
100 butterfly in the state championship.
Speidel also beat out 17 other senior
swimmers and won the scholar-athlete award.
The competition involves judging on an
essay the swimmers write, their high school
transcripts, and their SAT scores.
“My eyes are truly opened by this experience,”
Salter continued. “I’ve actually noticed a lot
of the things I used to take for granted. I guess
you have to put yourself in their shoes: what’s
it like to be them? I think of how they must
look at us. Gifted and blessed to be in the
situation we are, we have an opportunity
to give and change their lives if only we can
find a little generosity within our hearts”.
In other winter sports news…
Senior JT Romagnoli claimed his third
sectional wrestling title to advance to the
state championship.
Romagnoli, who wrestles in the 145-pound
weight class, lost in the first round of the
tournament. It was his third trip to the state
championship. He finishes his career with
a 141-39 record.
Speidel has been on the CBA swim team
since the seventh grade. He holds the school
record in the 200-yard freestyle (1:43.58)
and 100 butterfly (52.41).
Speidel signed a National Letter of Intent
to University of Penn. He will major in
international relations and economics.
Senior Marisa Romeo scored her 1,000th
career point in a 67-54 victory against East
Syracuse-Minoa on January 31. Romeo was
named OHSL Freedom Player of the Year.
Romeo, along with sophomore Julie Cuomo,
earned First Team All-League honors.
Freshman Natalie Nardella was named to
the Second Team. The Brothers lost
to Corcoran in the sectional semifinals.
They finished the 2012-13 campaign with
a 16-4 record. Romeo will play lacrosse
at Harvard next year.
Senior Carly Hill was named a First Team
All-Star for volleyball and junior Charlie
Russo was named a First Team All-League
selection for basketball.
Romagnoli will attend the University
of Delaware next fall to play lacrosse.
Junior Mark Friske also finished off a great
year. Friske who was a No. 1 seed entering
CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Spring 2013
Brothers Alumni Magazine—Heard In The Halls, Spring 2013
Heard InThe Halls
Drama Department Hosts Spring Musical
This year’s spring musical was
“How to Succeed in Business Without
Really Trying.”
The play was about an ambitious young
man’s quick rise to the top of a large
company. Pierpont Finch is a window
cleaner who uses a book on how to
succeed in business to get to one of the
top positions in a company by doing as
little work as possible. On the way to the
top, Ponty meets and falls in love with
Rosemary, an executive secretary in
the company.
The main characters included senior
Cole Speidel as J.P. Finch aka Ponty;
junior Katie Rivito as Rosemary; junior
Brian Jordan as JB Biggley; senior Cara
Fusillo as Smitty; senior Olivia Rotondo
as Hedy LaRue and junior Patrick
Tuohey as Bud Frump.
Other members of the cast included:
Ethan Tanguay, Keith Huynh, Zachary
Taylor, Salvatore Zarella, Camille
Cady–McCrea, Joseph Dwyer, Alison
Croucher, Brandon LeTourneau, Clarke
Cady-McCrea, Aaron Lim, Brennan
Carman, Will Brower, Claire Bailey,
Julie Assaf, Molly Reff, Jessica Lam,
Dana Tuohey, Christine Calimlim, Sara
Tucker, Meghan Macri, Kyle Huynh,
Samantha Burnett, Rachel Palmer,
Barbara Barrino, Rachel Tanguay, Kate
Benware, Ariana Marshall, Sara Boyle,
Kenny Huynh, Marella Whipple, Molly
Murphy, Brianna Delaney, Bridget Cain,
Emily Rivito, Akila McKenzie, Sophie
Jiang, Karen Simone, Chiara Corey,
Kiersten Kennedy, Breanna Tarnawsky,
Theresa Fallon, Dalia McKenzie, Lauren
DeLorenzo, Andrea Piston, Madison
Doane and Clare Morris.
Eugene Moretti was the Director.
The Musical Director was Robert
Caraher. Choreographer was Christina
Ciereck ’96. Technical Director
was Michael Caccamo and the producer
was Laurie Feldmeth.
The cast of the CBA Spring Musical “How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying”
CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Spring 2013
Heard InThe Halls
46 New Students Inducted
Into National Honor Society
Christian Brothers Academy held its
annual Scholastic Honors Night at
Temple Adath Yeshurun on Thursday,
March 21 to honor students who
have exhibited academic excellence.
During the evening, students in grades
seven through 12 who achieved High
Honors and Honors during the first
semester of the 2012-2013 academic
year were recognized with certificates
of achievement as parents, faculty,
and friends applauded their success.
The following group of juniors and
seniors were inducted into the Brother
Adolphus Chapter of the National
Honor Society with a candle lighting
ceremony outlining the characteristics
of NHS members.
Emma Moran, Philip Parkes
Connor Agnew, Claire Bailey,
Allison Bargabos, Robert Boehlert,
John Brower, James Bruska, Abigail
Capella, Alessandra Carno, Deanna
Cerlanek, Lauren DeLorenzo, Andrew
Derrenbacker, Jovan Diaz, Gideon
Dixon, Anna Do, Gianelle Duby,
Braedon Gait, Andrew Goodwin,
Erinn Grover, Zachary Grzelka,
Colin Harrington, Joseph Kelly,
Joshua Lacey, Sarah Lester, Samuel Lim,
Meghan Macri, Daniel Mantooth,
Sarah Martuscello, Molly Murphy,
Kelly Oot, Monica Perrone, Megan
Pierce, Timothy Pierret, Liam Price,
Jessica Prucha, Thomas Reith, Emily
Robison, Joseph Rupprecht, Deshawn
Salter, Kendall Sangster, P. Lucas Smith,
Joseph Stephens, Michael Trasolini,
Barnes Werner, Boxu Zhu.
The General Excellence Awards were
presented to two students in each grade
for outstanding academic achievement.
Honorees were:
Several other special awards highlighted
the evening. Cole Speidel ’13 was
recognized as a National Merit Finalist;
and Luke Brown ’13, Ryan Dennehy
’13, Courtney Finkbeiner ’13, Aaron
Lim ’13 and Sidney Perkins ’13 were
acknowledged as National Merit
Commended Students. Finkbeiner was
selected as a 2012-13 National Hispanic
Recognition Program Scholar. More
than 25 students received awards from
various colleges and universities for
outstanding achievements.
• Classof2017:EricLittle
Next in Merit: Chiara Corey
• Classof2013:ColeSpeidel
Next in Merit: Aaron Lim
• Classof2014:AlessandraCarno
Next in Merit: Lauren DeLorenzo
• Classof2015:ThomasBenz
Next in Merit: Kiersten Kennedy
• Classof2016:BrennanCarman
Next in Merit: Geoffrey Parkes
The 2012-2013 Lasallian Educator
of the Year was presented to faculty
member Tim Davis.
CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Spring 2013
Alumni Notes
Michael Mack, MD, has been a practicing cardiothoracic
surgeon for 24 years and is the founder of Cardiovascular
Specialty Associates of North Texas Physician Group.
He serves as Chairman of the Board for the Cardiopulmonary
Research Science & Technology Institute, as well as
Medical Director of Cardiovascular Services and Director
of Transplantation for Medical City Dallas Hospital.
Dr. Mack started his practice in 1982, and soon became
involved in the creation and development of minimally
invasive surgical techniques including video-assisted thoracic
surgery. He was also instrumental in the development of
endoscopic spine surgery and ongoing research in that area.
Dr. Mack is on staff at several hospitals in Texas, has made
more than 150 presentations on cardiac and thoracic surgery
across the world, and has published 100 plus peer review
journals, more than 60 book chapters and edited three books
in his area of specialty.
George Prell of Montclair, NJ is a semi-retired professor
at Mount Sinai School of Medicine. He is presently Chair
of the Brookdale Park Conservancy, a 120-acre park in
Essex County, NJ.
Terry Croad traveled to Cleveland, OH from Michigan with
his sons Aaron and Casey last August to see the Yankees play
the Indians. At the hotel, he noticed a young girl wearing
CBA’s purple and gold. The young girl happened to be the
daughter of Earl Boyle (Class of 1980). The Boyles were
also staying at the hotel!
CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Spring 2013
Kirk Dausman was installed as Pastor of the Rehoboth
Presbyterian Church on Maryland’s Eastern shore.
The church was built in 1706 to house a congregation
constituted in the 1600s, and is the oldest Presbyterian
church in the country. Along with his wife Rhonda
and their two daughters, Kirk relocated from South Georgia
just in time for the first snow they’ve seen in several years.
Beth Horlander-Owens welcomes new baby boy,
William Cody Owens, born on January 8 at 2:02 a.m.,
weighing 8 lbs, 3 oz.
Geoff Silkey married Anny Fyer in September 2010 and the
couple gave birth to their first child, Greta, in November of
last year. Geoff works as an independent eLearning Developer
and IT consultant for Accenture in Rochester, NY.
Jason Meany, former CBA science teacher, is studying
respiratory therapy at Upstate and running scuba training
and trips to Bermuda, Key Largo and Australia’s Great Barrier
Reef through his company, Deep Stop Scuba.
Jason Meany (left) and CBA seniors Shane Pfhol, Brad McAuliffe,
Dylan Letcher, Ben Fruce and Ben Capella.
Alumni Notes
A 2004 graduate of Yale, Brian H. Kim moved to Los
Angeles in 2007 to attend the Scoring for Motion Pictures
and Television program at USC’s Thornton School of Music.
Since graduating from the one-year program in 2008, Brian
has been building a career as a composer, pianist, and singer,
most notably composing music and producing songs for
the CBS hit How I Met Your Mother (currently in its eighth
season, with a recently released album on iTunes) and ABC
Family’s drama Switched at Birth. His latest feature film will
be premiering at the Tribeca Film Festival this spring.
Brian had a career and life highlight recently when he was
asked to perform with award-winning recording artist Adele
at the 85th Academy Awards (which aired on February 22),
as a member of her choir. “I’m pretty easily star struck, even
after living in Los Angeles for six years, so being backstage
and onstage at the Oscars was a pretty mind-blowing
experience,” he says. “They kept telling us ‘one billion people
are watching!’ as if it was a good thing, but all I could imagine
was…tripping and falling… in front of one billion people.”
Brian’s other big project was the premiere of Switched at Birth
carried out entirely in American Sign Language, which aired
March 4. He wrote half of the score and conducted the live
orchestra for the recording session. “The show had a number
of deaf characters, and the episode is told from their point of
view. It’s the first time an episode of mainstream television
has been presented in this way, and the music plays a huge
role, so we are all very excited about it.”
Brian (middle) joins Carter Bays (show creator), John Swihart (composer), Craig Thomas (show creator) and actor Neil Patrick Harris
at a recording session of the 100th episode of “How I Met Your Mother.”
CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Spring 2013
Alumni Notes
Jeffrey S. Kirk, MD is now an attending vascular/endovascular
surgeon at Montefiore Medical Center and associate professor
at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City.
Grazi Zazzara Jr. is founder and president of The Icon
Companies, a full-service commercial and residential
real estate brokerage. Headquartered in Syracuse, NY,
The Icon Companies offers a full line of real estate services,
including brokerage, consulting and property management.
Maura Kenville Zazzara ’05 is also employed at
the company. Check it out at www.theiconcompanies.com.
Ben Gaal just started his own strength and conditioning
facility called A.P.E. Strength Training (Athletes Perfecting
Excellence) on Thompson Road. Ben has been working with
the Los Angeles Angels for the past three years and brought
his talents back to his hometown. The facility caters to athletes
of all ages and skill levels and specializes in baseball and other
sports. It operates out of the CNY Baseball Warehouse,
which was just opened by his brother Bryan!
Check it out at www.cnybaseballwarehouse.com
and on Facebook at CNY Baseball Warehouse.
Jennie Huling has been working at the Cayuga/Seneca
Community Action Agency’s Domestic Violence
Intervention Program as an advocate and educator
since 2008. In her dual position as an educator, Jennie
travels to schools and residential centers across Cayuga
County, presenting facts about violence. Her dedication
and advocacy efforts recently netted her the HopeLine
Award from Verizon Wireless.
CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Spring 2013
Taylor J. Maher, who graduated from St. Bonaventure
University with a Bachelor’s degree in journalism and mass
communications, is an associate producer at Otto Media.
Otto Media is a local video production company in Syracuse,
where Maher has produced dozens of television commercials
for the local market. He was also a videographer and editor
on a documentary that aired on national television,
“The Mysterious Origin of 1000 Island Dressing.”
Caroline Tisdell graduated from Le Moyne College last
May with a B.A. in communications and a concentration
in advertising. She was recently hired as a public relations
assistant at LP&M Advertising in downtown Syracuse.
She LOVES her job, and drives by CBA often. “It seems
like just yesterday I was starting seventh grade,” she said.
“It is crazy how time flies. I can’t believe I am already in
the “’real world!’”
John Henry Heflin is currently volunteering in the Hampton
Roads area of Virginia with Syracuse native Terry McAuliffe’s
gubernatorial campaign.
Chris Webber graduated from Le Moyne College and works
as an inside ticket sales consultant with the Charlotte Bobcats
in the NBA. Chris invites other CBA Charlotte alumni to drop
him a line on Facebook.
Pete Corasiniti made Dean’s List at Syracuse University
in the spring and fall of 2012. He is enrolled in the
David B. Falk College of Sports Management.
Leanne Ockenden of Marist College was named the 2012-13
MAAC Defensive Player of the Year. Ockenden, a 5-foot-10
junior guard, averaged 2.2 steals per game for the Red Foxes,
which was ranked seventh in the conference. She also led her
team in blocked shots with 17. Ockenden contributed 8.8 points,
3.7 rebounds and 2.4 assists per game this season. She was also
team co-captain and was named to the 3rd Team All-MAAC.
Alumni Notes
Marissa Mulder, a New York Times-reviewed, awardwinning cabaret singer in New York City, has been nominated
for the 2013 Mac Awards, sponsored by the Manhattan
Association of Cabarets and Clubs. Marissa’s “Illusions” show
at the Manhattan-based Metropolitan Room last year inspired
her nomination in the female vocalist category.
Brendan Smith ’12
Marissa Mulder ’03
Dylan Haines, a post-graduate at Saint Thomas More
Prep, recently accepted a basketball scholarship to Boston
University where he will play for Coach Joe Jones.
The 6-foot-11 big man chose from 11 Division I offers,
including Dartmouth and Columbia. Dylan made
Chancellor’s List/High Honors at Saint Thomas More
each semester and is expected to graduate his Prep year
at the top of the class.
Brendan Smith won the title of Nationals Champion at the
New Balance National Track & Field meet in Greensboro,
North Carolina last summer. Brendan won the 2000 meter
Steeplechase with a time of 5:55. Hosted by the National
Scholastic Sports Foundation, the Nationals are the
most prestigious post-season high school track and field
championship, showcasing 2,900 of America’s most elite
athletes. Brendan is currently running track for University
of Pennsylvania.
Dylan Haines ’12
CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Spring 2013
Alumni News
We kicked off our inaugural CBAin-Florida alumni events in Naples
and Palm Beach Gardens at the end
of February, drawing more than 65
“Brothers” and friends for two fabulous
receptions. CBA is overwhelmingly
grateful for the opportunity to visit our
CBA Florida family and offer a free
evening of food, fun, and reconnection,
thanks to the financial support of the
following alumni and friends of
the school:
John Brilbeck ’64, R. Daniel McCarthy
’66, Alfred Krause, Dr. & Mrs. Edward
Carsky, Cristina Lampuri ’93, and Don
Valerino ’59.
At the Bay Colony Beach Club in
Naples, Mr. Brilbeck treated us to a
spectacular sunset, cocktails, delicious
hors d’oeuvres, and a carving station
ocean side.
Thank you for coming Carol LaGuardia
(widow of Joe LaGuardia ’66), Mr. &
Mrs. Don Valerino ’59, Mr. & Mrs. Jack
Martin ’73, Ginny and Ray Lovett ’63,
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Morrison ’70, Mr. &
Mrs. John Brilbeck ’64 , John Ryan ’55,
R. Daniel McCarthy ’66, John Stier ’70,
and Mr. & Mrs. Bud Costello.
The following day, Brother Joe, Patti
Callahan and Jessie Keating crossed
Alligator Alley (no alligator sightings,
to Brother’s profound disappointment)
to visit Sylvia and Mike Kearney ’71 for
a glorious buffet lunch at their club in
Boca Raton. Then, onward to Carmine’s
La Trattoria in Palm Beach Gardens for
an Italian extravaganza at this buzzing
gourmet restaurant and market. Thank
you for coming out Mr. & Mrs. Peter
Del Giorno ’52, Sara Taub Batchelder ’99
and her husband, Kim Popyk Gatewood
’92 and her husband, Cristina Lampuri
’93 and Sean Fenton, John Sindoni ’63
Front row (l-r): Dave Ranieri ’88, Sandra Chase (The Convent School) ’64, Sarah Taub Batcheldor ’99,
Cil Sindoni, Brother Joe Jozwiak, FSC, and Kim Popyk Gatewood ’92. Back row (l-r): Billy Blum,
Joe Charles Jr. ’61, Kyle Charles, R. Dan McCarthy ’66, John Sindoni ’63, Tom Colucci
CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Spring 2013
and wife Cil, Tom Colucci and Billy
Blum (Holy Cross grads and friends
of John Sindoni who may as well be
called “Brothers” too), Mr. & Mrs. Peter
Culican ’59, David Ranieri ’88, Sam
Vavonese ’54, Sandra Chase Convent
School ’64, Joe Charles ’61, his son Luke
Charles, Mr. & Mrs. Tom St. Denis ’47,
Pat McAllistar ’66, and last but certainly
not least, the matriarch of the Pietrafesa
family, Mrs. Sarah Lombardi Pietrafesa!
It was a whirlwind tour, and worth its
weight in memories!
The Class of 2002 gathered in full force
over Thanksgiving 2012 last year to
celebrate its first decade out of CBA.
Thanks to hard work by organizers
Kathryn Nave and Karen Simbari, more
than 45 “Brothers” and friends attended
the Friday evening event at the Saltine
Warrior (owned by John Shahin ’81).
John prepared some classic Middle
Eastern recipes handed down from his
mom, and Al Cutri’s band, The New
Day Band, was the perfect addition to
the reunion festivities. He’s up for hire,
CBA! And can that guy play the sax!
The group took a memorable moment
halfway through the night to raise a
toast to fallen “Brother” Joe MacKool,
who passed away on August 31, 2009 at
the age of 25. See Joe MacKool article on
page 22 regarding a fundraising effort in
his honor.
Alumni News
CBA Classes of 1963, 1973, 1988 and
2003 are next on the reunion docket
for 2013. If you’ve been out of touch
with CBA and want to be included in
the festivities, give us a call and make
sure we have your updated contact
information: 315-446-5960 x1122.
Class of 1963 Jubilee Reunion—
May 31-June 2
The 1963 Jubilarians have been
planning a 50th reunion celebration
to stop the presses. Thank you to ’63
Reunion Committee members John
Sindoni, Warren Bader, Mike Loftus,
Mike Campbell, Jim Finochio, and
Ed McManus for their dedication to
ensuring the Class of 1963 Jubilee
reunion will be a truly
wonderful weekend.
Class of 1973—June 21-24
Mark Hettler and J. Matt Kianka are
planning an early summer casual 40th
reunion during the weekend of June 21,
which also coincides with the Alumni
Golf Outing. Save THE ENTIRE
WEEKEND! Look for more information
at cbasyracuse.org.
Class of 1988—July 26-27
Thanks to Jim Battaglia ’88 for rounding
up Class of 1988 alums for their 25th
reunion. Save-the-date postcards went
out last month for the weekend events,
July 26-27.
The Class of 2002 gathered in full force over Thanksgiving 2012 last year to celebrate
its first decade out of CBA.
Friday night festivities will take place
at the King of Clubs in Armory Square,
a dinner at Hamilton Inn on Saturday
night and golf on Sunday morning.
Look for your invitation in the mail!
Any questions? Contact Jim
at [email protected].
More details at cbasyracuse.org.
Class of 2003—November 29
Kelly Croglio, Dean Dellas and Julie
Schneider are organizing the Class
of 2003 10th reunion coming up this
November! Contact Kelly with any
questions at [email protected].
CBA is thrilled to help you plan your
10th, 25th, 40th or 50th reunion.
Our goal for class reunions is simple:
reconnect with old friends at fun and
memorable events over the weekend
of your choice. We can suggest popular
events, or you can get creative.
We offer several scheduling options:
Alumni Weekend/Golf Scramble in late
June; a September/October weekend
coinciding with CBA Homecoming;
or Thanksgiving weekend in late
November. If you would like to help
plan a reunion for your class, please
contact Jessie Keating at (315) 446-5960
x1122 or at [email protected].
CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Spring 2013
Alumni News
Hockey Game
The 2013 John Downes Memorial
Alumni Hockey Game took place
on Saturday, March 2 at the Greater
Baldwinsville Ice Arena, where nearly
20 players suited up for some skate
time. CBA offers a huge thank you
to the B’ville arena for donating the
ice time. It turns out the rink owner
lives behind and thinks the world
of CBA grad and honorary Trustee,
John Marshall ’67. This year’s game
honored the 25th anniversary of the
1988 European Tour team. Post-game
festivities at Change of Pace featured
free pizza and wings thanks to owner
and CBA grad Bob Brazell ’73. We
are already planning next year’s game,
hopefully in conjunction with a current
season game, so hockey alumni can
meet the state champs, watch the
game, and witness the unveiling of the
championship banner. Stay tuned!
Alumni Award
We have received more than
50 nominations for the inaugural
CBA Distinguished Alumni Award.
The purpose of this new award is to
recognize a CBA Syracuse graduate who
has made significant contributions to
society, and whose accomplishments,
affiliations and careers have honored
the legacy of excellence at CBA. The
winners of this year’s award will be well
accomplished and reflective of the core
values that embody CBA–Excellence,
Integrity, Leadership, Loyalty, Respect
and Selfless Service. The main focus of
distinction will be through the recipient’s
professional achievement and career
distinction. The Distinguished Alumni
Award will be presented bi-annually
alternating with the Lasallian Athletic
Hall of Fame. The inaugural award
dinner will be held on November 2, 2013
at the DoubleTree on Carrier Circle.
Front row: John Hart (Guest Goalie). Back row: Bob Morris ’72, Dan Downes ’91, Scott Jevis ’90, Chris DeCarlo ’04, Alex Kirby ’04, Bob Brazell ’73, John Wegerski ’02,
Rich Hart (Guest Skater), Mike Gagliardi (Coach 75-76/93-94), Dan Bronk ’81, Mike Roehm ’81, Scott Sayles ’80, Rick Sylvester ’81, Paul Dober ’81.
(Photographer – KC) Attending Post Game - Jeff Bronk ’82, Vinnie Christian ’91, John Paul Kennedy ’92. Euro tour participants - Jevis, Gagliardi, KC, Christian, Kennedy
CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Spring 2013
Alumni News
Alumni Association
meetings: Join us!
You can make a difference at CBA today.
All alumni are welcome to attend our
monthly Alumni Association meetings.
We gather on the second Tuesday of the
month during the academic year.
Our next meeting is June 11, 2013
at 6:00 p.m. in the CBA library.
Get involved in one of Syracuse’s
powerful networks and give back
to your alma mater. A light dinner
will be served! You don’t want to miss
this opportunity to reconnect and
be recognized.
Mark your calendars
Alumni Baseball and Lacrosse
games are scheduled for Saturday,
June 22, 2013 with a post-game BBQ
at approximately 2 p.m., generously
sponsored by the Alumni Association.
If you would like to help round up
players, please call Jessie Keating at
315-446-5960, x1122.
17th Annual Golf Scramble, June 24
It’s almost that time of year again! Get your foursomes and fivesomes together
for the 17th Annual Golf Scramble set for the last Monday in June at
Tuscarora Golf Club. Look for a flyer in the mail or visit our website
www.charter.us/golf2013. This annual event is organized by the CBA Alumni
Association and is its backbone fundraiser, providing revenue for many
important parts of CBA culture, such as:
• Th
($1,000 plus an internship)
• 4scholarshipsforsonordaughterofalumni,
one in each grade 9-12 ($500 each)
• Th
• H
• TheAlumniMemorial
Mass & Breakfast
• Alumniathleticcontestsforfootball,
soccer, basketball, baseball, lacrosse
• Th
Scholarship Run
Summer Sizzle
Summer Sizzle is back for 2013!
CBA will again be offering numerous
athletic and academic summer camp
opportunities for 2013. Starting this
year, registration will be on-line and
as in the past, the Summer Sizzle
booklet will be available for download,
in PDF format, at our website:
Click on the Summer Sizzle 2013 link
at the bottom of the page, or email:
[email protected]
CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Spring 2013
Alumni Weddings
Joe Villani and Fallon Fioravanti were
married in Albany, NY on October 13, 2012.
CBA wedding guests (l-r): John Villani ’82, John Marzocchi ’77, Joseph Colosi ’72, Amar Suryadevara ’95,
Steven Medicis ’95, Stacy Zdep ’96, Steven Zdep ’95, Joseph Villani ’95, Patrick Donnelly ’95,
Fallon Villani ’95, James Grady ’95, John Leo ’95 and P.J. Kuno ’95.
Megan Grant and Timothy Ruddy were married on May 19, 2012 at St. Ann’s
Church in Manlius. Bridesmaids included Johanna Myers ’96, Mary Gorman ’96,
Christine Tracey Julka ’96, and Emily Massey ’96. Megan’s sister, Meredith Grant
’98, served as maid of honor. A reception was held at Shenendoah Clubhouse at
Turning Stone Resort in Verona. The couple honeymooned in the Bahamas and lives
in Manlius. Megan is a vice president at Cadaret, Grant & Co., Inc. and Tim is a sales
representative for the Duke Company.
CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Spring 2013
Inspiring Young Alumni
Joe MacKool ’02
Joe MacKool passed away on August 31,
2009 at the way-too-young age of 25 after
battling Cystic Fibrosis his entire life. He
was diagnosed at 8 weeks old and at that
time, life expectancy was 19 years for those
suffering from the disease. In many ways,
Joe MacKool beat the odds. Along the way
he built lifelong friendships and a devotion
that few people ever realize. He was the
person everyone wanted to be friends with.
He had a knack for bringing people closer
together–with a smile, the right words,
a shake of his head, or just a look from his
big blue eyes. He embraced life’s smallest
moments and turned them into occasions.
Joe played sports as a kid, especially
basketball, and even earned a brown belt
in karate. He attended elementary school
at St. Daniel’s and was a regular around the
church and school grounds, always lending
a hand, with that “Famous Joe MacKool”
smile. He may have been small for his age
but he was MIGHTY at the game of life!
At CBA he played lacrosse and basketball
until he was 16, when his disease began to
slow him down physically. He graduated
from CBA in 2002 and went on to
Syracuse University where he lived with
fellow CBA grads and continued to live
each day to the fullest.
At times his illness had him in the ICU,
but even that was an experience. As many
as 20 visitors at one time were allowed in
because even the nurses had a tough time
saying no to Joe. In July 2007, prayers were
answered and Joe persevered through
a double lung transplant, which gave him
new life. In recovery after the surgery, his
mom, Val, found him blowing air in and
out of his mouth. When she questioned
him he exclaimed, “What do you people
do with all this extra air?”
Joe had a tattoo inked on his upper back
soon after his surgery, even though he
knew his doctors would be furious that he
would expose his immune system to this
process. Angel wings and a line from the
song Hovi Baby by Jay-Z, “Get it right.
I did it different, did it better, did it nice.
Did the impossible, then did it twice”
adorned his shoulders. It was his way of
expressing the renewal he felt after the
In Joe MacKool’s honor and memory,
and inspired by his closest and dearest
classmates, CBA has established the
Joe MacKool ’02 Fund. Gifts to the fund
could help a CBA student struggling
with the costs of tuition, books, spiritual
retreats, class trips, a tux or dress for the
prom, and even lunch money.
Or they could be used to provide
classroom equipment like a Smart Desk,
new Science Lab materials, or upgrades
to the Large Group Instruction room, all
of which could bear Joe’s name. You can
make your gift today at www.chartr.us/
joemackool and you can impact the life
of a current CBA student tomorrow.
The transplant gave him many months
of “normal” living, but eventually his body
rejected the organs. He was in the hospital
in New York City for weeks with his family
constantly by his side. His sister, Jacqui,
and her kids, Jaden and Gianna, were a big
part of Joe’s life. As he struggled with his
illness, he worried about their future. Joe’s
impact on the young lives of his nephew
and niece cannot be understated. He was
generous to them in every way – with
clothes and games and electronics, exciting
and meaningful memories and most of
all his complete, unconditional love. He
was the father they did not have and they
were the children he never could. His daily
presence remains in their lives through the
many memories they created together.
Joe MacKool was an enchanting young
man with a zest for life. He never
complained but fought the good fight and
finished the race with dignity and grace.
Joe’s spirit lives on in the Class of 2002, in
all of our hearts at CBA, and in his family.
Special thanks to Joe’s family: his parents Jack and
Joy MacKool, his sister Jacqui, his nephew Jaden and niece
Gianna and to Grazi Zazzara ’02 for sharing Joe’s story
with us. There is more to share! Look for future articles and
postings about Joe and the Joe MacKool ’02 Fund in future
alumni news issues and on Facebook.
CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Spring 2013
The Alumni Association
Purple & Gold
The Alumni Association
Purple and Gold Awards
and the Lasallian Dinner
& Auction were held on
March 23, 2013.
Co-chairs for the 24th annual Lasallian dinner and auction were Bill and
Cindy Brennan (pictured left) and Mark ’76 and Renee Pitonzo (pictured right).
Brother Joseph Jozwiak, FSC congratulates this year’s Purple & Gold recipients (l-r):
Anthony Oliva, Mike O’Connor ’66 and Br. Edmund Dwyer, FSC.
Many students volunteered at the Lasallian auction including seniors
Toni Winderl, Ari Marshall and Jack O’Connor.
The Purple & Gold Award ceremony was held on March 23 in the
W. Dennis Owen, AFSC ’44 wing. Purple & Gold recipients past and present
include front row (l-r): Br. Gabriel Fiumano, FSC ’47, Br. Edmund Dwyer, FSC,
Kevin Conroy, Msgr. Ron Bill ’49, Eileen Oliva and Bob Gang ’35. Second row
(l-r): John Marshall ’66, Randy Kinn ’74, John Sindoni ’63, Mike O’Connor ’66,
Anthony Oliva and Ed Moses ’61.
Msgr. Ron Bill ’49 and his guests at the auction.
CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Spring 2013
Dinner & Auction
Tim Davis, 2012-13 Lasallian Educator of the Year (center) and his family (l-r):
Ray (father), JoAnne (mother), Mary Ann (wife) and Kohl (son).
Sophomore student speaker Katrina Drury
shares a heartfelt story of the importance of a CBA education.
Jay Kianka ’73 and his wife Chris look over the many items in the silent auction.
Junior Mary Hartnett walks around the audience with one of the
more popular items in the live auction, a Golden Labradoodle.
CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Spring 2013
In Memoriam
Thomas Bardenett ’48
Dr. Frank Bersani, Sr. ’44
Mark Corcoran ’66
Charles Dussing ’51
Joseph Geswaldo ’78
N. Mike Jordan ’57
John Mahoney ’55
John O’Neill, Jr. ’37
Michael Quinn ’76
Dr. Robert Stack ’41
Edward Weinheimer ’42
Patricia Baichi
(Mother of John ’63)
William Beauter
(Grandfather of Justin Brennan ’13)
Barbara Brennan
(Wife of Wayne ’66)
Sally Butler
(Mother of John ’66; Grandmother of
Andrew Fox ’86 & Great-Grandmother of
Caeleb Fox-Lee ’16)
Kathleen Caliva
(Grandmother of Francis, III ’00, Sara ’02,
Michael ’04, Kathryn ’06 & Megan ’12)
Dr. Joseph Chanatry
(Grandfather of Lauren ’01 & Kathleen ’04)
Robert Cupelo
(Father of Robert ’75; Grandfather of
Emily ’05, Andrew ’06, Courtney ’09,
Caroline ’11 & Matthew ’13)
Philip Driscoll
(Father of Charles ’68, James ’73,
Richard ’74, Philip, Jr. ’78 & Joseph ’82;
Grandfather of John ’12)
Rose Duchessi
(Mother of Robert ’67)
Joseph Fennell
(Grandfather of Matthew ’07 &
Maggie ’10)
Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them .
May their souls and the souls of all the faithfully departed through the mercy
of God rest in peace . Amen .
CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Spring 2013
Suzanne Honald
(Wife of David ’61; Mother of David ’94,
Robert ’98 & Kathryn ’99; Sister of
John Sindoni ’63)
Ernest Maffei
(Grandfather of Ross D’Eredita ’00
& Jess D’Eredita ’04)
Russell Malcolm, III
(Son of Russell Malcolm ’66)
Anne Marshall
(Mother of John ’67; Grandmother of
John ’91, Todd ’97 & David ’02; GreatGrandmother of Ariana Marshall ’13)
Kiriakoula Masouras
(Grandmother of Gabrielle Carni ’13)
Anne Marie Panto
(Mother of Mark ’84;
Grandmother of Kendall Sangster ’14)
Anna Pullano
(Daughter of William ’82)
Vincent Salamone
(Father of Judy Salamone,
Development Office)
Mr. Ames.
– Clarissa Baston ’06
Mr. Ames, Mrs. Wleklinski, Mr. Lovecchio,
Mr. Atwood and Mr. Roache.
– Maggie Fisher ’05
Any brother, pick a Brother.
– Michael Loftus ’63
Brother James Perry for not only teaching
me math (which is an accomplishment in and
of itself), but also for teaching me about the
importance of understanding myself, my role
in the world, and the value of cultures other
than our own.
– Leslie Welch ’96
Brother David who taught English. I remember
Brother David having a very subtle sense of
humor, like a much gentler Bob Newhart.
Also, track coach Jerry Riordan. He was
an excellent motivator.
– Larry Hoyt ’67
Brother Gabe Fiumano. He actually taught
accounting my senior year.
– Timothy Quantrille ’96
CBA trainer Randy Kinn. He has been there for 30
years. If you were a Varsity player, Randy
has always kept you on the field!!
– Kenny Fifield ’88
Mr. Horan, Mr. Moretti, Mrs. Saba & Miss Quilty.
– Peter Salerno ’05
Mr. Atwood and Mr. Roache.
– Gregory Redmond ’03
YES! Mr. Atwood!
– Peter Salerno ’05
Mr. Manning. ’Cause there ain’t no free lunch!’
– Chris Nolan ’90
Mr. Lovecchio, my mother Senora Theresa Pettit,
Donna Marie Norton, Coach Tom Dotterer ’53!!
– Jordan Pettit ’00
Brother Thomas Zoppo.
– Jason Dyer ’87
Martin Manning. He said something profound:
“Religion is a way of life, not something you do
only on Sundays.”
– Stephen Pendrak ’87
Without a doubt, Senora Saba, Mr. Horan, and
Mrs. Mannion and of course the ladies at the front
desk. Can’t forget my 2nd mama Mrs. Mosley!
– Grace Barnard ’07
Why hasn’t anyone said Mr. Martin Manning
yet? Smartest guy on Earth.
– Kristin Greeley Thompson ’92
So many great teachers…hard to choose.
I would have to say Miss Quilty and Brother
Gabe. The best lesson that I still remember to
this day is “God Loves Me” (Brother Gabe had
us write it on every paper in his class.
Definitely made it stick!)
– Beth Pallone ’96
My mother Sonya Snyder who passed away.
She was the CBA librarian from 1988-2004.
– Nathan Snyder ’92
CL Smooth and Donna Marie Norton!
– Bill Magnarelli ’95
Mr. Roache.
– Lawrence Denson ’04
Brother Gabe and Brother Basilian.
– Steve Herrick ’94
“St. John Baptist de la Salle, Pray for us.
Live Jesus in our hearts, forever.” That will
always be with me. It is hard to pick just one
teacher, but I would have to say Mrs. Norton
and Mrs. Killion. Both gave me confidence
to believe in myself and that I was smart!
– Caithlin Lopes ’99
Mr. Manning. “There ain’t no free lunch.”
– Reggie Zayas ’89
Brother Gabe, Brother Thomas Zoppo and
Mr. Sacco.
– Jim Battaglia ‘88
CBA Brothers Alumni Magazine Spring 2013
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31 Mass 7:30 a.m. in the chapel
Senior Breakfast and graduation practice
Class of 1963 Jubilee Reunion Dinner
CBA Summer Sizzle Sports and
Academic Camps*
Baccalaureate Mass
7 p.m. – Immaculate Conception Church
Class of 2013 Graduation
11 a.m. – Temple Adath Yeshurin
11 Alumni Association Election Meeting
6 p.m. Markert Library
22 Alumni Baseball and Lacrosse Games
24 Alumni Golf Scramble –
Tuscarora Golf Club
Corvette Raffle begins
CBA Summer Sizzle Sports and
Academic Camps*
13 Alumni Association meeting –
6:00 p.m. Markert Library
*for more about the CBA Summer Sizzle program, go to cbasyracuse.org.
For more information please call the school at (315) 446-5960
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