Rights Catalogue


Rights Catalogue
Rights Catalogue
Rights Catalogue
Table of Contents
Food & Drink....................................................................................................................................8
A Taste of Israel................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Ayurvedic Cooking.............................................................................................................................................................................. 11
Ayurvedic Cuisine throughout the Seasons....................................................................................................................................... 12
Baking with Buckwheat.......................................................................................................................................................................13
Bitter - The Forgotten Taste...............................................................................................................................................................14
Cake.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Camping Cuisine.................................................................................................................................................................................16
Chinese Temple Cuisine.....................................................................................................................................................................17
Common and Forgotten Vegetables...................................................................................................................................................18
Cooking and Baking with Poppy........................................................................................................................................................ 19
Cooking for Children with ADHD........................................................................................................................................................20
Cooking for Guests............................................................................................................................................................................. 21
Cooking with Wild Plants....................................................................................................................................................................22
Crickets, Grasshoppers & Co.............................................................................................................................................................23
Crystal Clear....................................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Desserts.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 26
Edible City........................................................................................................................................................................................... 27
Edible Wild Plants...............................................................................................................................................................................28
Encyclopedia of Edible Wild Plants....................................................................................................................................................29
Esprit de Campagne........................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Fast Right, Eat Healthy...................................................................................................................................................................... 31
Fish Cuisine........................................................................................................................................................................................ 32
Fresh Spring Cuisine.......................................................................................................................................................................... 33
Green Tea........................................................................................................................................................................................... 35
Head and Hearth................................................................................................................................................................................ 36
Hearty Vegetarian Cuisine..................................................................................................................................................................37
Heaven and Earth...............................................................................................................................................................................38
Herbs................................................................................................................................................................................................... 39
Holiday Cooking.................................................................................................................................................................................. 40
How to Cook and Bake Gluten-Free..................................................................................................................................................41
How to Cook and Bake Gluten-free................................................................................................................................................... 42
How to Easily Identify Edible Wild Plants.......................................................................................................................................... 43
Kids Party Cuisine.............................................................................................................................................................................. 44
Kids' Workshop: Wild Plant Cuisine................................................................................................................................................... 45
Kids, Go And Cook!............................................................................................................................................................................46
Little Encyclopedia of Edible Wild Plants........................................................................................................................................... 47
My Vegan Cuisine...............................................................................................................................................................................48
My Vegetable Cuisine for Autumn and Winter...................................................................................................................................49
My Wild Plant Cuisine........................................................................................................................................................................ 50
My Wild Plant Cuisine........................................................................................................................................................................ 51
Myriam's Cakes, Tarts & Co.............................................................................................................................................................. 52
Pure Aroma......................................................................................................................................................................................... 53
Quick Recipes for Guests...................................................................................................................................................................54
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Sausage Workshop.............................................................................................................................................................................55
Savoury Autumn Cuisine.................................................................................................................................................................... 56
Sensual Ayurveda Cuisine..................................................................................................................................................................57
Sensual Inspirations Taken from Nature's Kitchen............................................................................................................................ 58
Shanghai Street Food.........................................................................................................................................................................60
Simple Variety..................................................................................................................................................................................... 61
The Big Family Cookbook.................................................................................................................................................................. 63
The Cooker is all Yours, Kids!........................................................................................................................................................... 64
The FODMAP Concept.......................................................................................................................................................................65
The Great Ayurvedic Cookbook......................................................................................................................................................... 66
The Loveliest Love Recipes............................................................................................................................................................... 67
The Saffron Cookbook........................................................................................................................................................................68
The eBalance Cookbook.................................................................................................................................................................... 69
Vegan - The True Cooking Delight.................................................................................................................................................... 70
Vegan Chocoholic............................................................................................................................................................................... 71
Vegan Daily.........................................................................................................................................................................................72
Vegan Love Story............................................................................................................................................................................... 73
Vegan Superfoods.............................................................................................................................................................................. 74
Vegetable all'Italiana........................................................................................................................................................................... 75
Vegetarian all'Italiana..........................................................................................................................................................................76
Warming Winter Cuisine..................................................................................................................................................................... 77
Whisky................................................................................................................................................................................................. 78
Wild Bread.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 79
Wild Cuisine........................................................................................................................................................................................ 80
With a Pinch of Orient........................................................................................................................................................................ 81
Wood Food......................................................................................................................................................................................... 82
sweet & salty...................................................................................................................................................................................... 83
tibits at home...................................................................................................................................................................................... 84
The Natural World......................................................................................................................... 85
Albert Hofmann and his LSD............................................................................................................................................................. 86
Among the Wild Bears of Alaska....................................................................................................................................................... 87
Animals of the Shamans.................................................................................................................................................................... 88
Blossom Walks in the Swiss Alps...................................................................................................................................................... 89
Bonding with Animals......................................................................................................................................................................... 90
Common and Forgotten Vegetables...................................................................................................................................................91
Cooking with Wild Plants....................................................................................................................................................................92
Edible Wild Plants...............................................................................................................................................................................93
Encyclopedia of Edible Wild Plants....................................................................................................................................................94
Encyclopedia of Healing Herbs of the Alps....................................................................................................................................... 95
Flora's Language................................................................................................................................................................................ 96
Forgotten Medicinal Plants................................................................................................................................................................. 97
Green Tea........................................................................................................................................................................................... 99
Grow Your Own Vegetable Seeds................................................................................................................................................... 100
Healing with Domestic Food Plants................................................................................................................................................. 101
Heavenly Scents............................................................................................................................................................................... 102
Herbal Mother Tinctures................................................................................................................................................................... 103
How to Easily Identify Edible Wild Plants........................................................................................................................................ 104
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Kids' Workshop: Wild Plant Cuisine................................................................................................................................................. 105
Little Encyclopedia of Edible Wild Plants......................................................................................................................................... 106
My Encounters with Shamanic Plants..............................................................................................................................................107
My Wild Plant Cuisine...................................................................................................................................................................... 108
Nature Workshop: Seeds and Vegetables....................................................................................................................................... 109
Plant Devas.......................................................................................................................................................................................110
Plant-Based Paint Workshop............................................................................................................................................................111
Plants of The Celts........................................................................................................................................................................... 112
The Bear........................................................................................................................................................................................... 113
The Book of Incense........................................................................................................................................................................ 114
The Do-It-Yourself of Ancient Tinctures and Homeopathic Medicaments....................................................................................... 115
The Encyclopedia of Ancient Vegetables.........................................................................................................................................116
The Fly Agaric.................................................................................................................................................................................. 118
The Forest - A Nature Workshop.....................................................................................................................................................119
The Garden Cosmos........................................................................................................................................................................ 120
The Great Book of Floral Waters..................................................................................................................................................... 121
The Healing Power of the Hellebore................................................................................................................................................122
The Leaves of Trees........................................................................................................................................................................ 123
The Sacred Grove............................................................................................................................................................................ 125
The Secret Language of Birds......................................................................................................................................................... 126
The Secrets of Water....................................................................................................................................................................... 127
The Turtle's Secret........................................................................................................................................................................... 128
The Wondrous World of Pollen........................................................................................................................................................ 129
Trees and the Invisible..................................................................................................................................................................... 130
Veranda Junkies............................................................................................................................................................................... 131
Wandering Plants..............................................................................................................................................................................132
Weather Signs in The Sky............................................................................................................................................................... 133
Wildlife Workshop Butterflies............................................................................................................................................................ 134
Experiencing & Shaping ............................................................................................................136
Adventure Workshop Land Art......................................................................................................................................................... 137
Circus Workshop...............................................................................................................................................................................138
Crafting with Pocket Knives..............................................................................................................................................................139
Create Spaces of Strength............................................................................................................................................................... 140
Creative Printing Techniques Workshop.......................................................................................................................................... 141
Energetic Interior Design.................................................................................................................................................................. 142
Kids' Workshop: Wild Plant Cuisine................................................................................................................................................. 143
Nature Workshop Land Art...............................................................................................................................................................144
Nature's Workshop Stones............................................................................................................................................................... 145
Outdoor Life with a Pocket Knife..................................................................................................................................................... 146
Paper Jewellery - A Workbook.........................................................................................................................................................147
Paper Plane Workshop.....................................................................................................................................................................148
Plant-Based Paint Workshop............................................................................................................................................................149
Recycling Art: A Children's Workshop..............................................................................................................................................150
Solar and Wind Energy Workshop................................................................................................................................................... 151
The Forest - A Nature Workshop.....................................................................................................................................................152
Veranda Junkies............................................................................................................................................................................... 153
Workshop Rockets and Airplanes.................................................................................................................................................... 154
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Shamanism & Psychoactive Plants ......................................................................................... 155
Albert Hofmann and his LSD........................................................................................................................................................... 156
Animals of the Shamans.................................................................................................................................................................. 157
Ecstatic Trance................................................................................................................................................................................. 159
Fire Woman and Wind Song............................................................................................................................................................ 160
My Encounters with Shamanic Plants..............................................................................................................................................161
My Word is Mighty............................................................................................................................................................................162
Nature's Healing Rituals................................................................................................................................................................... 163
On the Creative Interaction with Places of Power........................................................................................................................... 164
Plant Devas.......................................................................................................................................................................................165
Rituals of Nature for a Lifetime........................................................................................................................................................ 166
Shamanic Rituals of Perception....................................................................................................................................................... 167
Smoking Agents - The Dragon's Breath.......................................................................................................................................... 168
The Bear........................................................................................................................................................................................... 169
The Book of Incense........................................................................................................................................................................ 170
The Sacred Grove............................................................................................................................................................................ 171
Health & Healing..........................................................................................................................172
Astringent and Bitter Substances..................................................................................................................................................... 173
Ayurvedic Cuisine throughout the Seasons..................................................................................................................................... 174
Baking with Buckwheat.....................................................................................................................................................................175
Bowels - Naturally Healthy............................................................................................................................................................... 176
Chinese Temple Cuisine...................................................................................................................................................................177
Common and Forgotten Vegetables.................................................................................................................................................178
Cooking and Baking with Poppy...................................................................................................................................................... 179
EM - Effective Microorganisms.........................................................................................................................................................180
Encyclopaedia of Herbs for Women.................................................................................................................................................182
Encyclopaedia of Stone Healing...................................................................................................................................................... 183
Encyclopedia of Healing Herbs of the Alps..................................................................................................................................... 184
Energized Healing Plants................................................................................................................................................................. 185
Fasting with Care..............................................................................................................................................................................186
Flora's Language.............................................................................................................................................................................. 187
Forgotten Medicinal Plants............................................................................................................................................................... 188
Green Tea......................................................................................................................................................................................... 190
Healing Fasting According to Hildegard von Bingen....................................................................................................................... 191
Healing Herbs and Magic Plants Between Front Door and Garden Gate....................................................................................... 192
Healing Plants of the Antiquity......................................................................................................................................................... 193
Healing with Domestic Food Plants................................................................................................................................................. 194
Healing with the Zeolite Mineral Clinoptilolite.................................................................................................................................. 195
Healthy with Healing Stones and Essences.................................................................................................................................... 196
Heavenly Scents............................................................................................................................................................................... 197
Herbal Antibiotics.............................................................................................................................................................................. 198
Herbal Mother Tinctures................................................................................................................................................................... 199
Living through Light as Food............................................................................................................................................................200
Medicine of the Earth....................................................................................................................................................................... 201
Mineral Materials According to Dr. Schüssler.................................................................................................................................. 202
Mistletoe - A Powerful Natural Cancer Cure....................................................................................................................................204
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Natural Healing of Borreliosis...........................................................................................................................................................205
Natural Healing with Bacteria........................................................................................................................................................... 206
Natural Health with Healing Earth.................................................................................................................................................... 207
Nature's Healing Rituals................................................................................................................................................................... 208
Naturopathy for Children...................................................................................................................................................................209
Overcoming Stress with the Help of EFT........................................................................................................................................ 210
Padma............................................................................................................................................................................................... 211
Plant Devas.......................................................................................................................................................................................212
Plants of The Celts........................................................................................................................................................................... 213
Pocket lexicon of healing stones......................................................................................................................................................214
Primal Medicine.................................................................................................................................................................................216
Reconcile and Heal...........................................................................................................................................................................217
Remedies of the Sun........................................................................................................................................................................218
Salvestrols......................................................................................................................................................................................... 219
Tap Yourself Slim............................................................................................................................................................................. 220
The Do-It-Yourself of Ancient Tinctures and Homeopathic Medicaments....................................................................................... 221
The Five Kiekutans........................................................................................................................................................................... 222
The Great Book of Floral Waters..................................................................................................................................................... 223
The Healing Herbs of Paracelsus.................................................................................................................................................... 224
The Healing Plants of Ayurveda.......................................................................................................................................................225
The Healing Power of the Hellebore................................................................................................................................................226
The Heart and its Healing Plants..................................................................................................................................................... 227
The Leaves of Trees........................................................................................................................................................................ 229
The Wisdom of Healing.................................................................................................................................................................... 231
The »Thumbs Up«- Principle............................................................................................................................................................232
Vibration - Resonance - Life............................................................................................................................................................ 233
Wandering Plants..............................................................................................................................................................................234
Wet Packs and Compresses............................................................................................................................................................ 235
Geomancy & Phenomena........................................................................................................... 236
Connections to the Other World.......................................................................................................................................................237
Earth's Quantum Leap...................................................................................................................................................................... 238
Nature's Healing Rituals................................................................................................................................................................... 239
On the Creative Interaction with Places of Power........................................................................................................................... 240
Synchronous Worlds......................................................................................................................................................................... 241
The Great Book of Floral Waters..................................................................................................................................................... 242
The Language of Cosmograms........................................................................................................................................................ 243
The Nature of Water.........................................................................................................................................................................244
The Sacred Grove............................................................................................................................................................................ 245
The Secrets of Water....................................................................................................................................................................... 246
Hiking & Travel............................................................................................................................ 247
Affordable Dream Hotels.................................................................................................................................................................. 248
Beautiful Pleasure Tours of the Swiss Alps..................................................................................................................................... 249
Blossom Walks in the Swiss Alps.................................................................................................................................................... 250
Delightful Long-Distance Hiking........................................................................................................................................................251
Holiday Cooking................................................................................................................................................................................ 252
Nature Reserves of Switzerland....................................................................................................................................................... 253
Single Tracks of the Swiss Alps.......................................................................................................................................................254
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The Big Book of Snowshoe Tours in Switzerland............................................................................................................................255
The Loveliest Winter Chalets........................................................................................................................................................... 256
Whisky............................................................................................................................................................................................... 257
Switzerland & Illustrated Books................................................................................................ 258
Delightful Long-Distance Hiking........................................................................................................................................................259
Nature Reserves of Switzerland....................................................................................................................................................... 260
The Big Book of Snowshoe Tours in Switzerland............................................................................................................................261
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Food & Drink
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Rights Catalogue
Tom Franz
A Taste of Israel
My Favourite Recipes of the Israeli Cuisine, Spiced
up with a Pinch of Homeland
26.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 208 pages
Format: 21.0 cm x 26.0 cm
100 colour photos
Subject areas: chef cookbooks, Israeli cuisine
Rights sold: All rights available
• The culinary world of Israel: a symphony of smells, tastes and cultures
• Recipes inspiring all senses and easy to prepare
• Tom Franz: the face of modern Germany in Israel
For Tom Franz cooking has to do with joy, with the love of life itself. To him every meal is »food
for the soul«. In a country where 65% of the area consists of desert and the Dead Sea, he has
discovered the Garden of Eden rich in legendary vegetables and fruits. A land of plenty. In
this book Tom Franz allows us to catch a glimpse of Israel's cuisine nourished by innumerable
memories of immigrated Jews from across the globe. Israel is a culinary melting pot shaped
by immigrants from all over Europe, Russia and the USA, as well as the Far and Middle East.
Mediterranean ingredients, traditional Jewish cuisine, Arabic spices, modern recipes - an incredible
diversity of various elements creates utmost exciting combinations. Israel is state-of-the-art
when it comes to culinary delights. Characterised by innovation and openness to go beyond
the conventional and adopt foreign influences. An extraordinary, magnificent book! Let us build
Tom Franz Rhinelander, 39, worked at a hospital and a nursing home in Israel for 18 months
while completing his civilian service. The country put a spell on him. After returning to Germany
he studied law and worked as an international lawyer until his emigration to Israel in 2004. Three
years later he converted to Judaism and married Dana, a woman from a family of Holocaust
survivors. They live in Tel Aviv with their 1-year-old son. Tom Franz gave up his job as a lawyer
and is turning his passion for cooking into a career.
Photos: Dan Peretz Food styling: Amit Farber Texts: Gil Yaron
»Tom takes us back to our actual cuisine, only with a modern touch. Tom represents something
that is missing from the Mediterranean mentality of Israelis: professionalism, exact and accurate
work.« Michal Anski, jury member on Masterchef
»A native German familiarises Israelis with their own traditions. He stands for a new type of
Judaism - trendy, modern, appealing.« Dana Franz
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»This is about more than just cooking. Tom is an Israeli. But he is also a face of today's Germany.«
Andreas Michaelis, German Ambassador to Israel
»I was never a passionate lawyer, but I cook with passion.« Tom Franz
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Rights Catalogue
Nicky Sitaram Sabnis
Ayurvedic Cooking
Quick and Uncomplicated
19.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 128 pages
Format: 19.5 cm x 26.5 cm
50 colour photos
Subject areas: ayurvedic cuisine, Indian cuisine
Rights sold: All rights available
• Simple and quickly prepared dishes for a healthy way of life
• More than 120 recipes based on easily available ingredients
• Genuine, competent and entertaining instructions for anyone who loves to cook ayurvedic
Nicky Sabnis, an Indian chef working in Germany, presents a cookbook featuring new Ayurveda
recipes for everyday use which are quickly prepared and require only few, easily available
ingredients. Nicky Sabnis will not allow cheap excuses such as »I don't have time for cooking«, or
»Where on earth can I buy all the ingredients for ayurvedic dishes«. With his new book he shows
how enthusiastic hobby chefs will always find a solution - even on the go or at work. The recipe
mix offered by Nicky Sabnis includes simple basics, soups, pasta, cereals and legumes as well
as vegetable dishes, ranging from recipes for workdays, for children and party catering to salad
recipes, sandwiches and breakfast ideas, and even further to classical Indian-ayurvedic dishes
and drinks such as pakoras, apple chutney, puri, Tandoori murg, Masala rice, raita, lassi and
chai. On top of that he provides vivid explanations on basic ayurvedic principles and philosophical
backgrounds. »Ayurvedic cooking: quick and uncomplicated« is a practical and inspiring book on
ayurvedic cooking for everyone - elegantly captured by the photographs of Sabine Mader and
Ulrike Schmid.
Nicky Sitaram Sabnis born 1959 in India. Hotelier and specialty cook. Worked several years as
freelance restaurant and catering manager in Mumbai. Living in Germany since 1993, he has been
managing the Ayurveda Cooking Seminar at the Abbey of Frauenwörth (Fraueninsel, Chiemsee)
as well as the Ayurveda house »Haus Annapurna« in Sachrang/Chiemgau together with his wife
since 1998. Author of books on ayurvedic nutrition and numerous articles in magazines, teaches in
seminars and workshops. His style of ayurvedic cooking has been presented on various TV shows.
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Rights Catalogue
Doris Iding, Markus Dürst, Johanna Wäfler
Ayurvedic Cuisine throughout the
80 Vegetarian Recipes Using Domestic Produce
26.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 224 pages
Format: 19.5 cm x 26.5 cm
56 colour photos
Subject areas: ayurvedic cooking, health, seasonal
Rights sold: PL
• 80 Vegetarian recipes using domestic produce
• Easy to prepare
• Inclusive nutritional suggestions and lists of recommended food for each type of
Ayurveda is booming these days. More and more people have come to appreciate the healing
effects of Ayurveda-based alimentation. Still, most of us are not aware that cooking along
Ayurvedic principles can easily be done with domestic produce, i.e. everyday herbs, vegetables
and fruits. Ample proof for this is provided by the collection of 80 Vegetarian recipes from one
of the insider tips of Ayurvedic cuisine, the »Le Cocon« in the Bernese Jura. They harmonise
perfectly with the seasons, are easy to prepare yet at the same time very refined, and offer not
only a feast for the palate but for all the senses. An introductory section explains the basics of
Ayurveda, the three Doshas, the signification of the digestive fire, the three Gunas, the six flavours
as well as the relevance of the seasons for Ayurvedic cuisine. There are nutritional suggestions
and lists of recommended food for each type of constitution. Helpful hints and tricks render it easy
to integrate Ayurvedic cuisine into the everyday life of working people and families.
Markus Dürst born 1948, active in the fields of biodynamic vegetable gardening, education and
work therapy. Once an enthusiastic hobby cook, he developed into a passionate chef focusing on
whole food cuisine.
Doris Iding medically approved Yoga instructor, ethnologist, focusing on integration of Eastern
healing methods in the West, consciousness-altering techniques, shamanism and ethno-medicine.
Lives and works in Munich as freelance journalist for different journals, among others »Yoga
aktuell«, as well as Yoga instructor for adults and children and lecturer on Yoga philosophy in Yoga
instructor training.
Johanna Wäfler born 1962, activity in different fields of naturopathy for more than 20 years,
aturopath NVS, graduate Ayurveda practitioner and trained Ayurveda massager, nutrition and life
style counsellor, herb counselling.
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Rights Catalogue
Modesta Bersin
Baking with Buckwheat
22.90 EUR
Cover: Cardboard binding
Extent: 120 pages
Format: 17.5 cm x 24.0 cm
89 colour photos
Subject areas: baking, health kitchen
Rights sold: All rights available
• From cakes and tarts to wafers, cookies, breads, crepes, and quiches
• 70 delicious, gluten free recipes
• The first baking book based exclusively on buckwheat recipes
Buckwheat is not a crop but belongs to the family of knotweeds. One hundred years ago it
ranked among the most important food items in many regions of Europe. Due to our altered,
more conscious approach to healthy alimentation it currently experiences a genuine renaissance.
Buckwheat is gluten free and helps stabilizing the equilibrium of acids and bases, moreover
it has a positive impact on the glycemic index and produces balancing effects with high blood
pressure, diabetes and obesity. Subtle and nutty, it bestows upon pastries a unique and
unmistakable flavour. This is the first cookbook on the subject written in German, presenting plenty
of recipes based exclusively on buckwheat. As buckwheat requires an entirely different method of
preparation, the author has rethought each recipe from scratch.
Modesta Bersin has worked as nutritional and diet consultant for 25 years. Training in prevention
and naturopathy. For many years she has been dedicated to growing and using silver buckwheat,
and eventually also started to develop recipes. She delivers courses and lectures on the topics of
nutrition and health enhancement.
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Rights Catalogue
Manuela Rüther
Bitter - The Forgotten Taste
From Artichoke To Chicory Recipes For Health And
29.95 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 240 pages
Format: 19.5 cm x 26.5 cm
More than 100 colour photos
Rights sold: All rights available
• Lust for Bitter!
• Approaching an unusual pleasure step by step
• Recipes, product information, and a »bitter« medicine chest
Bitter is an almost forgotten taste that currently experiences a renaissance both in culinary arts and
healthcare. While modern breeding processes have almost entirely eliminated bitter elements from
cultivated vegetables, Southern Europe still offers a variety of bitter vegetables and citrus fruit,
while herbs from our local forests and meadows are also rich in bitter aromas.
The book portrays the incredibly rich variety of food items carrying more or less intense bitter
notes. Starting with only mildly bitter ingredients, the bitterness increases with each new chapter
and brings us closer to this unfamiliar source of pleasure. Featured recipes even include desserts
and tasty drinks such as healthy smoothies, aperitifs, or spirits. A »bitter« medicine cabinet nicely
rounds off the book. Informative texts shed light on sensory, culinary, and cultural historical
Manuela Rüther, born 1979, worked as chef in various award-winning restaurants after finishing
school. Since 2008 freelance photographer and author. Her photos, stories, and recipes received
numerous awards and are regularly published in magazines, books, and her blog.
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Rights Catalogue
Ursula Furrer-Heim
Wonderfully Simple and Quick
22.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 144 pages
Format: 17.5 cm x 28.5 cm
68 colour photos
Subject areas: baking
Rights sold: All rights available
• 65 favourite recipes for quick cakes or pastry loaves
• Radically simple recipes with few ingredients
• Mellow, fresh, and moist cakes easy to preserve
We all know and love the classical loaf-shaped cake. In this book, our experienced author shares
65 of her favourite recipes for quick yet extraordinary cakes - with fruit, chocolate, caramel, typical
winter cakes, sweet vegetable cakes, and salty variations, but also iced cakes. All recipes are very
simple and need only few ingredients easy to come by. All cakes are wonderfully mellow, fresh,
and moist, and therefore can be preserved easily for several days. Besides, they are practical to
take along wherever you like in the cake tin, be it a birthday party, a picnic, or a coffee chat. They
are also very easy to decorate in various ways. An ideal snack when travelling, or for the afternoon
tea or coffee, on the dessert buffet or as a spicy snack with an aperitif, for lunch or for dinner.
Ursula Furrer-Heim qualified domestic science teacher, trained in nutrition counselling, various
areas of gastronomy, and food production. Several years of experience in recipe editing,
consulting, and product development. She has two children.
Photos: Patrick Zemp
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Rights Catalogue
Claudia Hans Seifert, Nelly Mager, Julia Hoersch
Camping Cuisine
How to Cook Fancifully on Limited Space
26.90 EUR
Cover: Hardback with jacket
Extent: 160 pages
Format: 21.0 cm x 22.0 cm
140 colour photos
Subject areas: cooking, outdoor cuisine
Rights sold: All rights available
• A picturesque book with a vast variety of ideas
• 90 inventive dishes for a simple but savoury camping cuisine
• The ultimate book for all campers and outdoor freaks
The star of «Camping Cuisine» is a small blue trailer called «Manolo» which in the meantime
has reached the age of retirement and rests under the shade of apple trees in an orchard in
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. In this vehicle, recipe writer Claudia Seifert, photographer Julia
Hoersch and stylist Nelly Mager set off with their whole kit and caboodle to prove that cooking
on a camping trip - despite the difficult circumstances - need not be limited to simple spaghetti
with tomato sauce, sausages and potato salad or takeaway French fries, especially not when
kids are around. Ample evidence is provided by this book and its more than 80 inventive and
fanciful recipes. Even during a camping holiday we want to relish a good meal. Preparing dishes
outside amidst nature, using wild herbs or flowers picked during a forest walk, then enjoying a feast
together under the open sky - no star restaurant could possibly offer a more sensuous ambiance.
Join the authors on their amusing camping trip full of culinary delights.
Claudia Seifert is a passionate cook. Her trademarks are innovative, new product and taste
combinations. Since 2000 food stylist and writer of recipes for publishing houses, advertising
agencies and magazines.
Julia Hoersch multiple award-winning photographer, since 1991 freelance photographer in
Hamburg for renowned magazines, agencies and publishing houses. With an eye for detail she
captured the finesse of camping delights.
Nelly Mager freelance stylist for different publishers in the areas of food, decoration and living. For
this book she brought along kit and caboodle, bag and baggage. Until this day, her kids rave about
the unforgettable camping trip.
Photos: Julia Hoersch
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Rights Catalogue
Martina Hasse, Jan-Peter Westermann
Chinese Temple Cuisine
Original Vegetarian Recipes from Famous Buddhist
Monasteries - Recipes for a Long Life
34.90 EUR
Cover: Hardback with jacket
Extent: 232 pages
Format: 19.5 cm x 26.5 cm
200 colour photos
Subject areas: cooking, Chinese cuisine, vegetarian
Rights sold: All rights available
• More than 100 vegetarian recipes for good health and a long life
• An unparalleled insight into the so far forbidden kitchens of Chinese monasteries
• The basics of Buddhist vegetarianism
With this book we embark on a journey to the ancient monasteries of China, to Sichuan, and the
roots of Buddhist vegetarian food. Never before have Chinese monastery kitchens opened their
gates to Western authors and photographers, the result are breathtaking images. This unique
book comprises more than 100 original recipes of Chinese traditional vegetarian cuisine. All
recipes were prepared and photographed in Buddhist monasteries. However exotic, they are
easy to prepare in Western kitchens as well. The main ingredients such as vegetables, bamboo,
mushrooms, nuts, Tofu, Seitan, soy meat, Konnyaku as well as selected healing plants and
spices , can be obtained in Asia shops. Many of the ingredients can also easily be home-grown in
the garden. The vegetarian culinary art of ancient monasteries is coupled with the just as ancient ,
Chinese tradition of using healthy, balancing and life-prolonging food - in order to detoxify and
purge, in favour of good health, anti-ageing and a slim figure.
Martina Hasse studied sinology, art history and East Asian art history in Hamburg and Taiwan.
She lived in Taiwan for three years. She works as translator and interpreter, and translates
Chinese and Taiwanese films and novels as well as technical literature.
Jan-Peter Westermann born 1959, started working as freelance photographer as early as 1985,
following his training at the Bavarian State Academy for Photography in Munich and a short period
as assistant. Next to still life and architecture photography he is devoted to foreign cultures and
food photography.
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Rights Catalogue
Wolf-Dieter Storl
Common and Forgotten Vegetables
Ethnobotany, Alternative Medicine and Usage
26.90 EUR
Cover: Hardback with jacket
Extent: 360 pages
Format: 13.5 cm x 22.0 cm
129 illustrations
Subject areas: plants, vegetables
Rights sold: USA
• Garden book and cultural history, with 50 colour illustrations
• 50 garden greens - more than just vitamin sources
• Botany, alternative medicine and recipes
The vegetables we eat every day are far more than just sources of vitamins. They harbour secrets,
fanciful tales and magic. Some of them are powerful healing plants with clinically proven medical
effects. Wolf-Dieter Storl, the great connoisseur and researcher of healing and crop plants,
offers an exciting and easy to read presentation of 50 garden greens, including some rare and
forgotten types of vegetables and salad. The book is an unparalleled combination of gardening,
ethnobotany, cultural history as well as ancient and new medical discoveries. And to render all of
this palatable, there is a simple recipe for each presented plant. As a novelty, Barbara Hanneder's
subtle and artistic colour illustrations gracefully complement the book.
Wolf-Dieter Storl born 1942, cultural anthropologist and ethno-botanist. Former Fulbrigth scholar
of the University of Bern, lectured at different universities. Study trips, ethnographical and ethnobotanical field research - in a traditional spiritualist settlement in Ohio, with old and experienced
farmers in the Emmental, with medicine men of the Northern Cheyenne, with Shiva Sadhus in India
and Nepal - are depicted in numerous articles and books. Since 1988 he lives with his family on
a solitary farm in the Allgäu where he is occupied with gardening and investigating the secrets of
healing herbs and wild plants.
page 18 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Modesta Bersin
Cooking and Baking with Poppy
75 Recipes - Vegetarian and Gluten-free, Sweet
and Spicy
22.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 144 pages
Format: 17.5 cm x 24.0 cm
89 colour photos
Subject areas: poppy, baking
Rights sold: All rights available
• Poppy seed in modern, healthy cooking
• 75 simple, innovative recipes
Poppy, one of the oldest cultivated plants, is becoming increasingly important for gluten-free,
vegetarian, and vegan cooking. Be it mild grey poppy, spicy blue poppy, or nutty white poppy,
they all lend a special touch to dishes. From muesli to salads, from soups and savoury dishes to
desserts and pastries. Poppy and poppy-seed oil are rich in valuable vitamins, fatty acids, and
minerals. Their high protein content is ideally supplemented when combined with potatoes and
grains. 80 simple, innovative recipes demonstrate the various ways poppy can be used in modern
Modesta Bersin is a professional nutritionist, diabetes assistant, and fasting coach, and is also
trained in prevention and naturopathy. She conducts fasting weeks and courses and delivers
lectures on the topics of nutrition and health enhancement.
Photos: Lou Red
page 19 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Margrit Sulzberger
Cooking for Children with ADHD
Symptoms, Treatment, and 100 Recipes for the
Whole Family
19.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 160 pages
Format: 17.5 cm x 24.0 cm
52 colour photos
Subject areas: ADHD, nutrition
Rights sold: All rights available
• Treating ADHD as food allergy and metabolic disorder
• A dietary change with 100 family-friendly recipes
• The right diet for ADHD
For children with ADHD, an acid- and sugar-free diet is highly recommendable. A change of diet
often leads to significant improvements of the symptoms. This book explains all the basics and
answers the following crucial questions: Which treatment options make sense? Which diet helps
to alleviate the child's symptoms best? Which types of food are allowed, which should be avoided?
100 appealing, family-friendly recipes show how a change of diet can be easy and delightful and
how it can help reduce or even replace the use of medication like Ritalin.
Margrit Sulzberger is a nutritionist and vital substances therapist. She has served many years
as president of the Swiss association of vital substances therapists and has held lectures for the
Swiss association of naturopaths (Naturärzte Verband der Schweiz, NVS) and at various schools.
A member of the Swiss trade association for nutrition and orthomolecular medicine (Fachverband
Ernährung und Orthomolekulare Medizin Schweiz, FEOS), she is author of various books on
nutrition as well as the treatment of different diseases with vital substances and specific diets.
Photos: Andreas Thumm, Claudia Albisser Hund
page 20 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Annemarie Wildeisen
Cooking for Guests
How to Prepare Uncomplicated Menus
44.90 EUR
Cover: Hardback with jacket
Extent: 192 pages
Format: 21.0 cm x 28.0 cm
216 colour photos
Subject areas: cooking, guest cuisine
Rights sold: All rights available
• 90 astonishingly simple recipes for various 3-course menus
• Useful hints and tricks of the experienced cookbook writer and chief editor
• The new book by the bestselling author and TV chef
For many of us, planning a menu of several courses for guests is so much harder than everyday
cooking. We suddenly lack ideas, feel insecure, do not dare try new things yet foster the ambition
to serve dishes that are really exceptional while at the same time easy and safe to prepare. The
30 suggested menus with a total of 90 recipes from Annemarie Wildeisen's cuisine are the perfect
kitchen aide. They invite us to compose the appropriate menu ourselves by choosing courses
among the recipes presented, while helping us with a detailed work plan to safely prepare the
menu step by step so that we can afford to relax and devote ourselves to our guests. Each menu
consists of a cold or hot starter, a main course, often accompanied by a suitable side dish, and a
dessert. Leafing through the book we will find that the elements can be arranged into endless new
meal combinations. On top of that it offers numerous useful expert suggestions that show how to
adjust and change each dish according to the season and time of year.
Annemarie Wildeisen Journalist, cooking instructor and housewife. Chief editor of the cooking
magazine "Kochen" (Cooking) and head of a private cooking school in Bern. She appears on a
daily cooking show on different Swiss TV channels. Currently 22 of her books are available at AT.
Many of her cookbooks are bestsellers.
Photos: Andreas Fahrni
page 21 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Jean-Marie Dumaine, Andreas Thumm
Cooking with Wild Plants
My Favourite Recipes Featuring 100 of the Most
Common Wild Herbs and Plants
34.90 EUR
Cover: Hardback with jacket
Extent: 176 pages
Format: 21.0 cm x 28.0 cm
47 colour photos
Subject areas: cooking, edible wild plants, wild
Rights sold: FR
• Dumaines favourite recipes featuring 100 of the most common wild herbs and plants
• Aromatic natural cuisine based on personally collected wild plants
Following the tremendous success of his book »My wild plant cuisine«, the tireless chef and
inventor Jean-Marie Dumaine has selected the 100 most frequent wild herbs and plants of our
latitudes for this book accompanied by 150 new recipes. The first-class chef from France practices
an enormously aromatic natural cuisine based on personally collected wild plants and firstrate regional products. His restaurant in Sinzig, the romantic smalltown where the Ahr joins the
Rhine, is an insider tip for gourmets. In this book, Jean-Marie Dumaine pays culinary tribute to
the classical »weeds« growing at the roadside. Hence he dedicates several recipes to popular
and widely common herbs such as nettles, knotweed, bear's garlic or sorrel. In the cuisine of
Dumaine spicy natural aromas become a culinary feast: Poppy pesto, dandelion blossom chutney,
hogweed pickles or lime-tree blossom mousse combined with further ingredients become exquisite
compositions: unmistakable and full of character. A wide selection of recipes from the refined
natural cuisine designed for gourmets, insurmountable in its genre.
Jean-Marie Dumaine born 1954 on a farm in Vire in Normandy. Runs his own restaurant »Vieux
Sinzig« since 1979 in Sinzig near Bonn, in 2000 after reconstruction and expansion of an old
traditional restaurant relocation to the new »Vieux Sinzig«. Cuisine and restaurant follow the motto
of »experiencing and relishing nature«. Jean-Marie Dumaine has become known through the
regional and supra-regional press, through TV and radio appearances (SWR, WDR, Arte). He is
member of »Eurotoques« and of the renowned French guild »Prosper Montagné«.
»His dishes prepared with herbs and wild vegetables possess an unmistakable charm.«
GaultMillau Germany
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Rights Catalogue
Christian Bärtsch, Adrian Kessler
Crickets, Grasshoppers & Co.
Cooking With Insects - Basics, Recipes, And
Background Knowledge
29.95 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 160 pages
Format: 19.5 cm x 25.0 cm
approx. 60 colour photos
Rights sold: All rights available
• Insects are the new meat
• Recipes ranging from spicy to sweet and from easy to elaborate
• Background information on the history and future of insect cuisine
Insects are rich in proteins and a real culinary delight. The 40 recipes of this book show the
various ways of preparing grasshoppers, crickets, and mealworms to create crispy snacks, various
everyday dishes, tasty desserts with chocolate and caramel, and even some complicated food
In addition, first-rate experts take us on an adventurous journey. Food historian Dominik Flammer
explains which insects were part of our menu in the past, and why insect cuisine has not been very
successful in Europe. Renowned researcher Hanni Rützler casts a glance into the future of human
nutrition, food critic Jürgen Dollase explains what went on in his mind when he had his first insect
meal, while sensory expert Patrick Zbinden investigates the possible uses of insects in modern
This book was made possible with the support of Climate-KIC, the biggest European innovation
initiative for climate friendly technologies.
Christian Bärtsch, Food entrepreneur and graduate economist. Founder of the start-up Essento
specializing in insect deli food. For the past three years he has conducted workshops on the
topic for caterers and companies. Adrian Kessler, Trained cook and merchant, many years of
experience in international gastronomy. Advanced studies of worldwide food culture and alternative
ways of nutrition.
Photos: Oliver Brachat
page 23 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Tanja Grandits, Michael Wissing
Crystal Clear
Cooking and Serving in a Glass
32.90 EUR
Cover: Hardback with jacket
Extent: 200 pages
Format: 18.5 cm x 25.0 cm
100 colour photos
Subject areas: cooking, recipes in a glass
Rights sold: All rights available
• 80 artful and easy recipes in a glass
• Gentle cooking and dramatic serving in a glass
• The new trend in cuisine
This book presents with the help of 80 recipes - ranging from amuse-bouches and apéritifs, soups
and starters to main courses and desserts - the appealing preparation and presentation of dishes
in a glass. Served in a glass, the different layers produce astounding effects and the dishes hence
produce a particular taste sensation when the layers get mixed while eating. Recipes in a glass
are easy to prepare, simple to arrange and look utterly artful. The book not only shows how to
dramatically present dishes in a glass, but in more than half of the recipes the food is marinated,
cooked, stewed or roasted directly in the glass. Glass is suited perfectly for slow cooking of meat
and fish at low temperature in a vacuum (Sous-Vide method) which has many advantages: The
food remains succulent, vitamins and mineral material are preserved and preparation is utmost
simple. Baking and roasting in a glass is just as subtle and makes a pleasant change in your
Tanja Grandits is chef at the legendary Restaurant Stucki in Basel, decorated with 18 GaultMillau
points and two Michelin stars. She was named »Chef of the Year 2014« by GaultMillau. She is
famous for her virtuosity in combining flavours, spices, and textures. Grandits is also a columnist
and author of several successful books published by AT Verlag.
Michael Wissing born 1956, training as photographer and typographer. Since 1983 freelance stilllife photographer with own studio in Waldkirch in the Black Forest. Works for the most renowned
international magazines and in advertising for many agencies and companies.Photographed
numerous books, especially cook books. Winner of several international awards and prizes.
page 24 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Oliver Brachat
50 New Recipes
19.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 112 pages
Format: 17.5 cm x 24.0 cm
More than 50 colour photos
Subject areas: baking
Rights sold: All rights available
• Rich variations of basic preparation and decoration
• Excellent photos of all recipes
• 50 new recipes
Cupcakes are super trendy. The imaginatively decorated mini cakes originating from the British
Isles have gained ground on mainland Europe, too. A most welcome present, they are perfect for
any occasion and a feast for food lovers. Whether at the coffee table, as dessert after a delicious
meal, at kids' birthday parties or even at weddings - cupcakes are always well received and
particularly suitable for all the »Only-a-tiny-piece-please« foodies. Cupcakes are easy to prepare.
There is no limit to creativity in baking and decorating them. This book presents 50 inventive new
recipes for every occasion. The basic preparations in the recipe creations of Oliver Brachat are
particularly rich in amazing variations.
Oliver Brachat trained chef, apprenticeship with different German and US top caterers. Trained
photographer, worked in Christian Teubner's photo studio. Several years of experience as food
stylist, currently freelance photographer. Works for photo agencies, magazines and publishers of
cook books.
page 25 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Julien Duvernay
The Pâtissier of Tanja Grandits
44.90 EUR
Cover: Hardback with jacket
Extent: 240 pages
Format: 21.5 cm x 27.0 cm
Approx. 80 colour photos
Rights sold: All rights available
• Sophisticated dessert creations for hobby cooks
• By one of the world's best pâtissiers from Switzerland
• Sweet seductions courtesy of Tanja Grandits' restaurant Stucki
Julien Duvernay is one of the most renowned pâtissiers in Switzerland. At Tanja Grandits'
restaurant Stucki in Basel he has caused quite a sensation with his extraordinary creations that
»baffle everyone« according to the GaultMillau restaurant guide. For the first time ever Duvernay
provides detailed and comprehensible instructions on how to prepare and arrange his desserts
in order to reproduce them successfully at home. In nine chapters - on the topics of citrus fruits,
tea, cereals, caramel, pepper, vegetables, flowers/blossoms, herbs, and oil - the most eccentric
combinations turn into sweet seductions. Among the roughly 70 recipes we find colourful lollipops,
special preserves, spreads, and cakes. Including a glossary of products and techniques.
Julien DuvernayBorn 1982 in Roanne, France, he learned the trades of pâtissier and chocolatier
from scratch in his home country. Since 2012 he is chef of the dessert cuisine at »Stucki« in Basel
(18 GaultMillau points, 2 Michelin stars).
Photos: Michael Wissing
page 26 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Maurice Maggi
Edible City
Wild Weeds on the Plate Recipes with Plants from
the City
39.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 320 pages
Format: 19.5 cm x 26.5 cm
170 colour photos and illustrations
Subject areas: cooking, wild plant cuisine
Rights sold: All rights available
• The first book by the pioneer of guerilla gardening
• Simple and inventive recipes with wild plants from the city
• Vegetarian cuisine for city hikers
Guerilla gardener and cook Maurice Maggi takes us on a culinary adventure to discover the edible
treasures of the city. Cities offer a number of wild plants that are excellent for cooking. This book
seduces us to collect these wild delights and indulge in some untamed and sensual cooking.
Instead of collecting, the wild plants can just as well be replaced with purchased ingredients.
72 vegetarian recipes open up a forgotten world and show us how much taste, spice, and variety
lies literally on our doorstep. They teach us to look at city nature with totally different eyes, and
they invite us to experiment and playfully use the often unexpected treasures of nature.
The author places strong emphasis on handling these food sources carefully, to value and make
the most out of them. A truly creative cooking experience where taste and flavour of seemingly
unimpressive ingredients unfold and develop to perfection.
A book that allows us to see the city through a different lens and that takes fashionable wild plant
cuisine and »urban gardening« to an even higher level of creativity.
Maurice Maggiborn and raised in Zurich, author, cook and one of the »pioneers of guerrilla
gardening«. He is a trained landscape gardener and has been an active cook for over 20 years.
Since 2006 he has been working for »Karls Kühne Gassenschau«. He is a fan of seasonal,
regional, and vegetarian cuisine. He moves exclusively in urban areas, looking for anything green
he can find. As »guerilla gardener« he has been actively involved in shaping the cityscape of
Zurich with wild plants since 1984.
Juliette Chrétien trained photographer, runs her own studio since 2008, working for advertising
agencies and publishing houses, especially in the areas of food, interior, and fashion. For AT, she
photographed the book »Ticino ti cucino«.
page 27 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Steffen Guido Fleischhauer, Jürgen Guthmann,
Roland Spiegelberger
Edible Wild Plants
How to Recognize and Use 200 Species
17.90 EUR
Cover: Paperback with flaps
Extent: 256 pages
Format: 13.5 cm x 21.0 cm
Exclusively colour illustrations and sketches
Subject areas: edible plants, wild plants
Rights sold: FR, NL, PL, SLO
• How to recognize and use 200 species
• Edible wild plants in words, drawing and image: Botany, usage and further information
• Overview table on the best collecting times for the presented edible wild plants
Collecting and relishing edible wild plants is a sheer wonder of nature, inspiring more and more
people these days. Wild plants are rich in vital substances and offer a variety of special aromas,
also they are easy to find and readily available for just anyone.Apart from basic botanical data
(botanical name, family, life form, height of growth, blooming season, blossom colour) this
practical identification guide focuses on the plants' most important features of recognition that
are reproduced by detailed illustrations and excellent colour photos. Poisonous plants liable to
cause confusion are illustrated as well. For each plant, there is a detailed description when to
harvest their different parts. Next to suggestions on how to prepare the wild plants for cooking
purposes there is always a description of their basic taste as well as information on their most
important content substances and health effects. In order to allow orientation throughout the whole
vegetation period the edible wild plants are sorted according to leaf shape - for the first time in a
German publication. The book is rounded off by a table of harvesting times and an index of name
synonyms. The practical pocket size renders the book an ideal companion for outdoor walks to the
edible wild plants.
Steffen Guido Fleischhauer graduate engineer for landscape planning and landscape
architecture, College of Higher Education Weihenstephan. Concentrated for long years on edible
wild plants. Gathered experience all over Central Europe in alimentation with plants from wild
nature. Today offers guided walking tours, nature adventure trips, lectures and seminars on the
topic of edible wild plants.
Roland Spiegelberger landscaper and graduate engineer for landscape architecture and
environmental planning, Höxter Polytechnic. Since 1986 he has studied indigenous wild plants and
recently also communicates botanical knowledge to interested wild plant gardeners and collectors.
page 28 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Steffen Guido Fleischhauer, Roland Spiegelberger,
Jürgen Guthmann
Encyclopedia of Edible Wild Plants
2000 Plants of Central Europe
59.90 EUR
Cover: Hardback with jacket
Extent: 688 pages
Format: 19.5 cm x 26.5 cm
650 colour photos, hardcover with jacket
Subject areas: nature, edible wild plants, cooking
with wild plants
Rights sold: All rights available
• The latest edition of the classic: now even more comprehensive and practical to use
• New feature: identification key based on leaf shape. New chapter: rare and endangered
edible plants
• Newly added topic: poisonous plants, confusable edible plants and differentiating features
Wild plants secured the survival of mankind over thousands of years. These days they experience
an exceptional renaissance and are widely used among top chefs due to their various and intense
flavours. Rich in vitamins, mineral and micronutrients they offer valuable help in protecting health
and are therefore significantly superior to cultivated vegetables. The book describes more than
2000 plant types of Central Europe that have all been used as food at some point in time. The
authors evaluate all the studies, research and experience currently available. Classified based on
their leaf shape, there are descriptions of each plant type including occurrence, blooming period
and nutritional use along with detailed guidelines for preparation. Each plant portrait lists and
explains currently known content substances and healing effects, possible dangerous confusion
with poisonous plants as well as effects of toxic content elements. Including about 650 excellent
colour photos and 450 plant drawings to facilitate identification.
Steffen Guido Fleischhauer graduate engineer for landscape planning. Lectures at the
Universities of Zurich, Weihenstephan and St. Gallen on edible wild plants. Over many years, he
has gathered experience all over Central Europe on edible wild plants. He offers guided hiking
tours, nature adventure trips, lectures and seminars on edible wild plants.
Jürgen Guthmann graduate engineer for physical chemistry. Laboratory supervisor for food
chemistry at the University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan. Many years of experience with
nutrition and health issues, specialized on healing plants and fungi.
Roland Spiegelberger landscape gardener and graduate engineer for landscape architecture and
environmental planning. Since 1986 focus on domestic wild plants, conveying botanical knowledge
to interested wild plant gardeners and collectors.
page 29 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Christina Hubbeling, Juliette Chrétien
Esprit de Campagne
Recipes from a French Country House
39.90 EUR
Cover: Hardback with jacket
Extent: 224 pages
Format: 19.5 cm x 26.5 cm
165 colour photos
Subject areas: cooking, French cuisine, recipes
Rights sold: All rights available
• A love declaration to French country cuisine
• 90 exquisite and simple recipes for everyday life and guests
• The loveliest recipes from the magazine »NZZ am Sonntag«
This book is a declaration of love to French country cuisine. 90 recipes take us on a journey to
the delights of an unpretentious and simple, yet ever so sophisticated and quite unique cuisine.
The recipes draw from the tradition of the French country cuisine as interpreted by the author. Her
palette embraces light starters, warm and cold soups, hefty main courses, and tempting desserts.
All recipes are easy to prepare at home and suitable for both everyday cooking and treating
The photos that accompany this book were taken among others at the Chteau de Vaulx, a
magically beautiful country house in southern Burgundy. Juliette Chrétien has captured recipes
and moods in her well-known sensitive style.
For this book, the author chose the most appealing recipes from her weekly recipe column in the
Sunday edition of NZZ.
Christina Hubbeling has been editor for »NZZ am Sonntag« since 2005, where she was
responsible for the food section over many years. She presents a new recipe every week. She
lives with her husband and two children near Zurich.
Juliette Chrétien born 1986, trained photographer, specialized in food, fashion, and interiors. She
has photographed and co-designed several books. She lives and works in Zurich and Paris.
page 30 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Raphael Schenker
Fast Right, Eat Healthy
Food for the Whole Person
24.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 208 pages
Format: 15.5 cm x 23.5 cm
Numerous illustrations
Subject areas: fasting, healthy diet
Rights sold: All rights available
• Eating and fasting from a holistic perspective, with a preface by Dr. med. Ruediger Dahlke
• Instructions for cleansing and purification programmes
• Featuring case studies, health tips, cooking recipes and shopping suggestions
Eating and fasting are two sides of the same coin. On the one hand the body longs to be built
up and strengthened, while on the other hand it needs to be detoxified with the help of fasting.
Raphael Schenker's book considers the topics of eating and fasting as interconnected and
examines them in a holistic way. It is based on the therapeutic fasting method of Dr. Randolph
Stone, founder of the polarity therapy developed over the course of 60 years. In the discussion on
how to eat properly the physical level is most often overrated. Man is a holistic entity that requires
nourishment on several different levels: emotions, life energy, knowledge and spirituality. The
same applies to fasting. Besides the body all other human levels should regularly be cleansed
as well: thoughts, attitudes, habits, beliefs and spiritual orientation. The book focuses on these
energetic aspects of eating and fasting. Apart from practical guidelines on cleansing and purifying
it provides helpful suggestions on how to shop and cook right, concrete case studies on eating and
fasting, useful recipes and countless tried and tested health tips.
Raphael Schenker Initially an ETH engineer, then training as polarity therapist. Runs his own
practice in Zumikon and Zurich. For more than 10 years he has offered personal consultations,
lectures and seminars on the topics of health, polarity therapy, therapeutic fasting and nutrition,
meditation and numerology.
page 31 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Annemarie Wildeisen
Fish Cuisine
My 110 Very Best Recipes
32.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 240 pages
Format: 21.0 cm x 22.0 cm
110 recipe photos, 20 product photos
Subject areas: cooking, fish
Rights sold: All rights available
• Annemarie Wildeisens 110 very best recipes
• Including complete list of lake and sea fish, clams and crustaceans
• With detailed description, useful hints and illustrations
Fish is trendy, light and healthy, yet many people lack necessary experience and knowledge
how to prepare it correctly. With her shipload of fine recipes and valuable information Annemarie
Wildeisen helps to overcome our fish preparation phobia. The book contains a complete list of
lake and sea fish, clams and crustaceans, and presents a fabulous variety of preparation modes:
fried, steam-cooked, spicily marinated, brew-bathed, wrapped in various ways, added to soups
or salads. The over 110 recipes by Annemarie Wildeisen render fish preparation successful. All
recipes have a detailed description, useful hints and illustrations. And given that - especially in
the case of fish - cooking success starts not only in the pan but already when shopping, a large
shopping encyclopaedia helps with questions and uncertainties: it gives a short introduction on
the most common types of fish and seafood available in stores from A to Z, explains how to best
prepare each type and adds what each type can be replaced with if need be. Besides we learn
important facts as to their origin, purchase and basic preparation, hence even those with little
experience in fish and seafood cannot do anything wrong. Fish from A to Z & 110 simple and
inventive recipes with guaranteed success.
Annemarie Wildeisen born 1946 in Baden/Aargau, journalist, cooking instructor and
housewife. Discovered her interest in cooking during her work as editor. Publisher and
chief editor of »Kochen« magazine. Books published at AT Verlag: »Fleisch sanft garen
bei Niedertemperatur« (Cooking Meat Gently at Low Temperatures), »Vanille - Gewürz der
Göttin« (Vanilla - Spice of the Goddess), »Gästemenüs zum Vorbereiten« (Ready-made Dishes
for Guests), »Gourmet-Menüs aus dem Profi-Steam« (Gourmet Menus from the Professional
Steamer), »Schnell für 2« (Quick Dishes for 2), »Garen über Dampf« (Cooking with Steam),
»Mozzarella«, »Provence«, »Konfitüren, Marmeladen und Gelees« (Jams and Jellies), »Eiscreme,
Glace, Sorbet« (Ice Cream, Glace, Sorbet).
page 32 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Claudia Hans Seifert, Sabine Hans
Fresh Spring Cuisine
26.90 EUR
Cover: Hardback with jacket
Extent: 160 pages
Format: 19.5 cm x 26.5 cm
133 colour photos
Subject areas: cooking, seasonal cuisine
Rights sold: All rights available
• 80 easy to prepare recipes introducing surprising taste combinations
• The fourth season of the successful cookbook series
• Includes a useful season calendar
To round off their successful series on summer, autumn and winter cuisine, Claudia Seifert and
Sabine Hans issue the last volume of the seasonal cycle entitled Fresh Spring Cuisine. Spring
is the time of awakenings, of new beginnings after the long and dark winter months. Eyes and
stomach crave for fresh, crisp greens, for light and refined dishes, colour and change. The 80
recipes of this book do magic tricks to the dining table. Wild herbs trigger savory explosions, while
fresh and innovative combinations help explore the various possibilities of spring riches. How about
a meal of delicate lime leaves stuffed with ewe's milk cheese and couscous, elder crepes with wild
asparagus or a strawberry and sorrel trifle. Asparagus, a unique enrichment to the kitchen between
May and June inspiring quite daring food creations, plays a leading role in the book. Accompanied
by breathtaking photographs and a useful season calendar that displays ripening periods of herbs,
vegetables and fruit at one glance.
Claudia Seifert is a passionate cook. Her trademarks are innovative, new product and taste
combinations. Since 2000 food stylist and writer of recipes for publishing houses, advertising
agencies and magazines.
Sabine Hans born 1964, used to be a photo assistant with renowned Hamburg photographers.
Since 1988 freelance photographer working for magazines, publishing houses and advertising
agencies in the areas of interior design, cosmetics and food. Various cookbooks.
Photos: Sabine Hans
page 33 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Wolfgang Hübner, Michael Wissing
The Noble Spice from the Land of Smile - Inspiring
Facts, History and Recipes
22.90 EUR
Cover: Hardback with jacket
Extent: 104 pages
Format: 17.5 cm x 28.5 cm
68 colour photos
Subject areas: cooking, spices
Rights sold: NL
• The noble spice from the land of smile - Inspiring facts, history and recipes
• 60 savoury, easy to prepare recipes
Already wise Confucius in ancient China fell in love with ginger and is said to not have missed
adding it to his meals. For ginger, besides being hot and incredibly aromatic, has much to offer.
That is why it became the focus of both cosmopolitan cuisine and modern science. Ginger is »hip«,
and even Central European supermarkets do not fail to offer it. Its various healing powers have
been scientifically confirmed: it soothes pain, lowers blood pressure, calms, dilutes blood, reduces
fever and supports cell protection. What an astonishing scientific career for such an unattractive
root. And the career is not yet finished: nowadays ginger, being a metabolism booster, has become
a popular dietary agent. But ginger does not only render healthy - it also tastes delicious.
Wolfgang Hübner born 1953, for 30 years oscillation between the worlds of medicine in his
profession of doctor and haute cuisine as a gourmet and writer. The geographical center of his life
changed frequently, but the Rhine was always near, thanks above all to his friends, the Haeberlin
family from the »Auberge de l'Ill« in neighbouring Alsace. He started writing about food, drink and
alimentation quite early, and has been publishing articles in newspapers and magazines as well as
various books for years.
Michael Wissing born 1956, training as photographer and typographer. Since 1983 freelance stilllife photographer with own studio in Waldkirch in the Black Forest. Works for the most renowned
international magazines and in advertising for many agencies and companies.Photographed
numerous books, especially cook books. Winner of several international awards and prizes.
page 34 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Peter Oppliger
Green Tea
Custom - Pleasure - Health
24.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 144 pages
Format: 19.5 cm x 26.5 cm
50 colour photos
Subject areas: tea, alternative medicine
Rights sold: All rights available
• Types, healing powers, preparation and usage
• All there is to know on the magical plant green tea
• A book from the acknowledged expert on green tea
The tea plant is one of the most fascinating healing plants with regard to its history, related
customs and healing power. Thanks to different modes of processing both green tea and black
tea can be produced from it. The medicinal effects of green tea known for several thousand years
have not only been confirmed but largely outdone by international scientific research. Green tea,
both beverage and preventive cure, fosters the healing process with numerous lifestyle diseases,
elevates concentration, enhances personal performance and well-being. A perfect guide and
practical introduction to the secrets of tea, from tea plant to the numerous varieties of teas and
their effects written by a renowned expert in naturopathy.
Peter Oppliger born 1940, graduate chemist, education in naturopathy, homeopathy, phytotherapy
and nutrition at East West Foundation, Boston. Conductor of seminars on autogenic training and
yoga instructor. Peter Oppliger owns a pharmacy in Lucerne, Switzerland and runs an import
business for green tea. Organises and guides educational trips for naturopathy, course instructor,
several teaching assignments in the field of naturopathy.
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Rights Catalogue
Jürgen Dollase
Head and Hearth
A Journey to the Inner Core of Taste
39.95 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 320 pages
Format: 18.0 cm x 26.5 cm
Approx. 100 photos
Rights sold: All rights available
• A journey to the inner core of taste
• Lessons in taste illustrated by 21 culinary journeys
• With landmark recipes, numerous documents, and a glossary
Following the great success of his book »Heaven and Earth«, Jürgen Dollase, »Germany's most
influential restaurant critic« (taz), invites us to join him on some of his most exciting culinary
journeys. We follow him from his very first culinary experiences to his encounters with the best
and most creative chefs of the world: from Ferran Adrià, Olivier Roellinger, and Nadia Santini to
René Redzepi, Stefan Wiesner, and Harald Wohlfahrt. With his unique blend of down-to-earth
attitude and highest culinary precision the »guru with the refined taste« (WDR) portrays his path
that took him from being a fast food eater to becoming one of the most renowned theorists and
taste researchers of cooking. His texts are spiced with many little anecdotes and deliver the big
picture of cooking - from classic to regional cuisine, from organic cooking to the international avant
Jürgen Dollase studied arts, music, and philosophy, and worked as a professional rock musician
between 1970 and 1983, before taking up a career as author and producer with a growing interest
in cooking. Since 1999 he has worked as a writer for publications like the »F.A.Z.«, »F.A.S.«,
»Feinschmecker«, »Port Culinaire«, and »Fine - European Wine Magazine«. He is the author of
numerous culinary books.
Photos: Thomas Ruhl
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Rights Catalogue
Iris Lange-Fricke, Stefanie Nickel
Hearty Vegetarian Cuisine
Hefty, Tangy, Tasty - Recipes For Real Men And
Tough Women
24.95 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 192 pages
Format: 19.5 cm x 25.0 cm
approx. 90 colour photos
Rights sold: All rights available
• Vegetarian cuisine for real men and tough women
• Tasty and rich meals
• For those who love a hearty cuisine
For a long time vegetarians were predominantly women, while men were meat lovers. By now
vegetarian food has won over men too. Yet men (and of course also many women) often prefer
other tastes and yearn for a heftier, more tangy flavour.
This collection of recipes presents 88 hearty vegetarian and vegan dishes that are both tasty and
filling. Next to sandwiches, pasta, barbecue recipes, and spicy salads, you will also find popular
classics. Black bean burgers, potato pimento stir fry, spinach quesadillas, or cheesy macaroni
casserole will make any lover of hearty food more than happy. Enjoy the unpromising vegetarian
Iris Lange-Fricke, Trained chef and nutritionist. Works freelance as nutritionist, food journalist,
and food stylist, develops recipes for cookbooks, magazines, and publishing houses. Stefanie
Nickel, Nutritionist, for many years food editor of women's magazine »Vital« and chief editor of
»kochen&genießen«. Currently freelance author, recipe developer, and food stylist.
Photos: Misha Vetter
page 37 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Jürgen Dollase
Heaven and Earth
A Glimpse into a Restaurant Critic's Kitchen
39.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 304 pages
Format: 18.0 cm x 26.5 cm
105 colour photos
Subject areas: restaurant critic, cooking, recipes
Rights sold: All rights available
• Insights into the private kitchen of Germany's most renowned restaurant critic
• The kitchen as playground and experimental field
• 51 recipes - from surprisingly simple to adorably avantgarde
The distinguished restaurant critic of »Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung«, Jürgen Dollase, has
written a book that is simply unheard of. The »most influential gastronomy critic in Germany« (taz)
and »Germany's most important gourmet« (Südkurier) is perfectly equipped for the task. He is a
critic setting benchmarks and defining concepts, but also a passionate cook of extraordinary and
astonishing talent. This book offers profound insights into the culinary foundations of his work and
Following the programmatic introduction »Why I cook or why a restaurant critic must also be
as good a cook as possible« he turns to very concrete issues: he talks about products and
shopping, his kitchen and equipment, his working style at home and the influence restaurant visits
have on him. An innovative version of a »winter vegetable plate« is followed by some brilliantly
easy preparations, optimisations and Dollase classics, but also recipes using utmost simple
ingredients, amusing creations such as »bratwurst cornucopia« or even rather extreme cases such
as »blood or beet«. With him it is always about the new, profound perception and development of
a dish. Complemented by spectacular photos courtesy of one of the world's most exquisite food
photographers, Thomas Ruhl.
Jürgen Dollaseborn 1948 in Oberhausen (Ruhr district, Germany), studied art, music, and
philosophy in Düsseldorf and Cologne. From 1970 to 1983 professional rock musician, founder,
leader, and author of the rock band »Wallenstein«, later writer and producer. Since app. 1983
increased interest in cooking. Since 1999 contributor for »F.A.Z.«, later also for »F.A.S.«,
»Feinschmecker«, »Port Culinaire« and »Fine - European Wine Magazine«. Since 2005 author of
numerous culinary books.
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Rights Catalogue
Tanja Grandits
40 Herbs and 140 Recipes
39.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 352 pages
Format: 21.5 cm x 27.0 cm
150 colour photos with banderole
Subject areas: herbs, cooking
Rights sold: All rights available
• Herbs, their characteristics, and various ways to use them in the kitchen
• 140 simple recipes with elegant photos by Michael Wissing
Following the success of her opulent work »Spices«, Tanja Grandits is now publishing her
latest book on »Herbs«. In this book, the distinguished expert of aroma cuisine presents 140
new recipes that can be easily prepared by anyone. She proves that herbs can be much more
than mere decoration. In her recipes they play the lead role - from roast potato rocket salad, to
zander marinated in lemon verbena, to thyme sablés. On top of that, she presents lots of useful
information about the characteristics and possible uses of 40 different herbs, some of them wellknown, some of them yet to be discovered: from sweet basil to anise-like sweet fennel, from the
pleasantly bitter watercress to sorrel and its citrus-like flavour.
Tanja Grandits is chef at the legendary Restaurant Stucki in Basel, decorated with 18 GaultMillau
points and two Michelin stars. She was named »Chef of the Year 2014« by GaultMillau. She is
famous for her virtuosity in combining flavours, spices, and textures. Grandits is also a columnist
and author of several successful books published by AT Verlag.
Texts by Myriam Zumbühl Photos by Michael Wissing
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Rights Catalogue
Katharina Bodenstein, Jutta Schneider-Will
Holiday Cooking
The Best Recipes for Caravan, Camping, Cabin or
22.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 176 pages
Format: 19.0 cm x 24.0 cm
220 colour photos
Subject areas: cooking, camping cuisine
Rights sold: All rights available
• More than 100 simple & smart recipes for travelers
• Perfect for camping, cabin, or boat holidays
• Numerous travel cooking tips and tricks; including useful information on wild plants and
Be it in a tent, a caravan, a cabin, or on a boat, we certainly appreciate a good meal while on
holiday, too. Even under modest conditions and with a minimum of kitchen utensils we should be
able to prepare a fine meal from fresh ingredients - quickly and without too much fuss.
,More than 100 recipes for no more than two hotplates, suitable for beginners. ,Smart solutions
for cooking in the open: from starting a fire to emergency lighting or opening bottles without
opener. ,The best ideas to elegantly master flops, failures, and fumbles. ,Useful tips on berries,
herbs, and mushrooms that can be collected on the way. ,Suggestions for helpful equipment,
products, and tools.
An indispensable cookbook and guide no caravan or cabin should do without.
Katharina Bodenstein (text), biologist and long-time editor of the garden magazine »kraut &
rüben«. Passionate camper, open air cook, and mother of two sons who loves to cook in her spare
Jutta Schneider-Will (photos), biologist, freelance photo journalist. Productions for renowned
book, magazine, and calendar publishers.
page 40 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Carine Buhmann
How to Cook and Bake Gluten-Free
A Practical Guide with more than 130 Recipes for
Coeliac Disease
29.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 208 pages
Format: 19.0 cm x 22.0 cm
50 colour photos
Subject areas: dietary cuisine, gluten-free cuisine
Rights sold: All rights available
• A practical guide with more than 130 recipes for coeliac disease
• An approved and tested cookbook for people suffering from coeliac disease or wheat
allergy and their families
• Uncomplicated recipes for cooking and baking with gluten-free ingredients, including
product research
More and more people are diagnosed with coeliac disease, which means they have to face gluten
intolerance. Yet those affected need not renounce culinary joys, and they do not have to turn to
special gluten-free products, given that many food items are gluten-free anyway. 130 recipes show
how to prepare various types of crêpes, souffles, stews, pizza, spaetzle, gnocchi and pan dishes
made from rice, corn, millet, buckwheat, quinoa, amaranth, wild rice, sweet chestnuts, legumes,
sweet potato and plantains. Delicious cakes, tarts and pastries are also easy to prepare using
buckwheat, rice flour, chestnut puree or corn semolina.
Carine Buhmann graduate health promoter for dietary issues, food journalist and author of
numerous successful cookbooks and dietary guides. Adult education, lectures and seminars for
professionals and those interested in dietary issues. Since 2002 she focuses among others on
gluten-free cuisine. Author of the classic »Gluten-free cooking and baking«.
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Rights Catalogue
Carine Buhmann
How to Cook and Bake Gluten-free
A Practical Guide with 130 Recipes for Coeliac
26.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 200 pages
Format: 19.5 cm x 26.5 cm
Approx. 50 colour photos
Subject areas: diet
Rights sold: All rights available
• An all new, expanded edition of the standard work
• Gives an extensive overview of gluten-free products
• Featuring numerous tips for everyday cooking and baking
Ever since it was published, this book has established itself as an indispensable guide and
cookbook for a gluten-free diet. It has been awarded a gold medal by the German Gastronomic
Academy (Gastronomische Akademie Deutschland, GAD). The book is a practice-oriented
source of information on coeliac disease and offers helpful dietary advice. An extensive overview
of gluten-free products, featuring informative tables, serves as a shopping aid. More than 130
tempting recipes prove that culinary delights can be enjoyed despite coeliac disease. Featuring
numerous tips for everyday cooking and baking.
Carine Buhmann is a graduate health promoter for dietary issues, food journalist, and author of
numerous successful cookbooks and dietary guides. She works in adult education, gives lectures,
and offers cooking classes and seminars for professionals and non-professionals. Coeliac disease
is one of her central themes. Photos: Photos: Claudia Albisser Hund
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Rights Catalogue
Steffen Guido Fleischhauer, Jürgen Guthmann,
Roland Spiegelberger
How to Easily Identify Edible Wild
The 50 Most Popular Plants on More than 400
Colour Photos Including Recipes and Useful Kitchen
17.95 EUR
Cover: Paperback with flaps
Extent: 256 pages
Format: 13.5 cm x 21.0 cm
440 colour photos, 60 drawings
Subject areas: edible plants, wild plants
Rights sold: All rights available
• The 50 most popular plants, including recipes and useful kitchen tips
• For beginners with little plant knowledge
• Culinary highlights from nature's cuisine
The bestselling »Edible Wild Plants« has familiarized a wide audience with the topic. Yet many
people lack the confidence to clearly identify the various plants. This book equips amateurs with
a sound understanding of wild plants. The 50 most popular edible wild plants along with their
poisonous look-alikes are presented on more than 400 colour photos and detailed plant sketches
highlighting all their relevant features. Complemented by indications of ideal collection periods
and a nice recipe for each plant, this book is the perfect guide for amateurs with an interest in
Steffen G. FleischhauerGraduate engineer in landscape architecture, Weihenstephan College.
Many years of experience with edible plants from wildlife, his course »Edible Wild Plants« is
offered at various colleges in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Jürgen GuthmannGraduate
engineer for technical chemistry. Worked for many years in the area of food chemistry, nutrition
and health issues. Editor of a guide on vital fungi.
Roland Spiegelberger Graduate engineer in landscape architecture and environmental planning,
Höxter College. Works freelance in biotope mapping since 2009.
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Rights Catalogue
Nelly Mager, Julia Hoersch, Claudia Hans Seifert,
Gesa Sander
Kids Party Cuisine
We Cook And Celebrate All Year Long
19.95 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 184 pages
Format: 19.0 cm x 25.0 cm
approx. 180 colour photos
Rights sold: All rights available
• Parties and celebrations with food that kids adore
• Creative recipes for any occasion
• Inspiring invitations, party decorations, and gift ideas from the kitchen
This children's cookbook is all about the best days of the year, about parties and celebrations
with fanciful and delicious food that kids love. This colourful kitchen journey takes us on jungle
adventures and football jamborees, to tea and juice parties in the back yard, or right into space,
always matched by creative recipes, even if it is only the world's very best birthday cake. On top
of that it offers a number of great do-it-yourself ideas, wonderfully creative suggestions for party
decorations and invitation cards, as well as yummy gifts from the kitchen, presented in cutely
wrapped parcels.
Claudia Seifert, Food stylist, cookbook author, and chef. Prolific recipe writer for various books
published by AT Publishing House.
Gesa Sander, Freelance illustrator and graphic artist for product design, magazines, book
publishers, and advertising agencies. Julia Hoersch, Freelance photographer in the areas of food
and decoration/living for renowned magazines and book publishers. Nelly Mager, Freelance stylist
for various publishing houses in the areas of decoration/living and food.
page 44 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Violette Tanner, Laetizia Giannini-Studer
Kids' Workshop: Wild Plant Cuisine
Collecting, Cooking and Experiencing Nature With
26.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 200 pages
Format: 19.6 cm x 24.5 cm
150 colour photos
Subject areas: handicrafts with children,
Rights sold: All rights available
• Cooking with kids in natural surroundings
• Getting acquainted with wild herbs and healing plants, Playful knowledge transfer
• Additional information for teachers and instructors
The book presents twelve plant portraits spreading over the four seasons. Children get to know
wild garlic, goutweed, dandelion, stinging nettle, daisy, ribwort, rose hip, elder, marigold, hazelnut,
spruce and coltsfoot in a playful way while collecting, preparing and cooking them at the open fire.
Alongside simple everyday recipes that kids love, the book also offers many suggestions on how
to preserve wild herbs. It presents the traditional use of these herbs for seasonal celebrations such
as Easter, summer solstice, Saint Nicholas and Christmas. A separate section provides details
on particular botanical, naturopathic and also mythological characteristics of each plant. Useful
hints on possible confusion with other plants and a collectors' guide allow for broader insights
on the quality of the portrayed plants. The book is rounded off with songs, stories, fairy tales and
handicraft instructions.
Violette Tanner born 1965, trained healing plant specialist, ecopedagogue, author and mother
of three. Over the past 20 years she has focused specifically on domestic healing plants in
folk medicine and wild herbs for kitchen use. She passes on her knowledge on domestic herb
treasures in courses, herb walks, ecopedagogy seminars, lectures, newspaper op-eds and radio
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Rights Catalogue
Julia Hoersch, Nelly Mager, Claudia Hans Seifert,
Gesa Sander
Kids, Go And Cook!
We Cook and Bake our Way through the Year
26.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 288 pages
Format: 19.0 cm x 25.0 cm
More than 200 colour photos
Subject areas: children's cookbook, seasonal
Rights sold: All rights available
• Designed with loving care for very young cooks and bakers
• Cooking tasty and healthy food that kids like
• Child-friendly recipes embedded in the four seasons, with many useful hints and simple
An inventive cookbook designed with loving care and full of funny photos that shows kids how
entertaining it is to cook and bake, try new recipes and be amazed by the various tastes. They
are guided by Mister Smart and Grandma Wise who offer many valuable suggestions, useful hints
and explanations on kitchen secrets, proper kitchen utensils and various techniques. This allows
the little cooks to playfully learn how to chop, fry, stir, lick and taste. 120 recipes following the
four seasons and including the various seasonal celebrations: in spring, fresh salads that even
kids like as well as an Easter lamb. In summer lots of ice cream recipes and a journey to faraway
countries. Autumn highlights are mushrooms, pumpkin and apples, while winter offers cookies and
gingerbread. In addition the book includes a number of suggestions for seasonal celebrations such
as Easter, Halloween and New Year's Eve. Recipes tailored to children with creative ideas and
pages for handicraft works, awakening their adventurous curiosity.
Claudia Seifert food stylist, cookbook author and cook. She has loved cooking since her childhood
and vividly remembers licking out pots and tasting dough. She lives in Hamburg.
Gesa Sander freelance illustrator and graphic designer in Hamburg. She works for renowned
magazines, publishing houses and advertising agencies, her patterns decorate tableware, board
games, bed linen or stationary. She is the mother of two enthusiastic kid cooks.
Julia Hoersch works in Hamburg as freelance photographer specializing on food, decoration and
lifestyle for renowned magazines and publishing houses since 1991. She is the mother of two
Nelly Mager is a freelance stylist for various publishers in the areas of food, decoration and
lifestyle. She spends a lot of time in the kitchen with her two kids.
page 46 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Steffen Guido Fleischhauer
Little Encyclopedia of Edible Wild
Chart Featuring 1000 Plants, with 300 Colour
19.90 EUR
Cover: Paperback with flaps
Extent: 216 pages
Format: 13.5 cm x 21.0 cm
300 photos
Subject areas: edible wild plants, wild herbs
Rights sold: All rights available
• Vast and compact knowledge on 1000 edible wild plants
• Swift orientation thanks to graphic representation, charts and icons
• A precious pocket-size reference book with 300 plants on colour photos
Today edible wild plants have been rediscovered and are immensely trendy. After his bestselling work »Edible wild plants« containing the 200 most important edible plant types and the
reference work »Encyclopedia of edible wild plants«, Steffen Guido Fleischhauer now presents a
reasonably-priced pocket encyclopedia. The book offers a concise and handy presentation of all
relevant information on the 1000 most important edible wild plants of Central Europe. It comprises
information on the traditional ways the different plant parts can be used, on times for collecting as
well as general use of edible wild plants. Brief explanatory texts, use of icons as well as colour and
graphic highlighting allow for quick orientation and easy consultation. The plants are in alphabetic
order according to the most common German plant names, the index lists all botanical names and
known name synonyms with corresponding page numbers. The 300 most prominent edible types
are additionally captured on excellent colour photos.
Steffen Guido Fleischhauer graduate engineer for landscape planning and landscape
architecture, College of Higher Education Weihenstephan. Concentrated for long years on edible
wild plants. Gathered experience all over Central Europe in alimentation with plants from wild
nature. Today offers guided walking tours, nature adventure trips, lectures and seminars on the
topic of edible wild plants.
page 47 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Surdham Göb, Oliver Brachat
My Vegan Cuisine
22.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 192 pages
Format: 19.5 cm x 24.5 cm
92 colour photos
Subject areas: cooking, vegan cuisine
Rights sold: All rights available
• Fascinating vegan cuisine
• Sustainable nutrition free from ideological imperatives
• The first cookbook ever by Surdham Göb, one of the pioneers of vegan cuisine
Through a number of astonishing recipes the experienced cooking pro demonstrates that vegan
cuisine can be extremely delightful, diverse and fun. He moulds Mediterranean, Asian and
European influences into a modern fusion cuisine, and renders examples of sustainable nutrition
by way of savoury recipes. During his countless travels, the ceaselessly experimenting author of
this book developed his own genuine cooking style. The result is a consistently vegan, biological,
tasty and light cuisine based quintessentially on living food which you will find yourself unable to
resist. The first cookbook by Surdham Göb covers his 26 years of cooking experience, paired with
a profound knowledge of the rules of healthy nutrition and Chinese food theory. All recipes are
spectacularly captured in Oliver Brachat's astounding photographs.
Surdham Göb is a cooking pro with 26 years of experience who specialized on vegan food many
years ago. Among others he spent time in San Francisco, New York and Hawaii. For 16 years he
has been chef in various vegan restaurants, e.g. at Zerwirk Restaurant, most recently at Tushita,
both located in Munich. Today he runs his own catering firm »Surdham's Kitchen«. He lectures on
vegan nutrition and sustainable lifestyle, and conducts cookery courses in Munich. Surdham lives
near Munich.
Oliver Brachattrained chef, apprenticeship in various German and US top level gastronomy firms.
Trained photographer, worked at Christian Teubner's photo studio. Several years of experience as
food stylist, now freelance photographer. Works for photo agencies, magazines and publishers of
»Vegan cuisine does not only ban meat and fish, but also eggs, milk and cheese. How on earth
can one prepare a nice meal without all of these? Easily!« , Elle
page 48 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Meret Bissegger, Hans-Peter Siffert
My Vegetable Cuisine for Autumn and
39.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 384 pages
Format: 19.5 cm x 26.5 cm
438 color photos
Subject areas: cooking, vegetables, seasonal
Rights sold: FR, I
• 150 brilliantly simple vegetable recipes for the cold season
• Ancient and modern knowledge on indigenous vegetable types
• Valuable information on the sustainability of organic produce
Long awaited by many an enthusiastic cook: the latest book by Meret Bissegger. The bestselling
author presents a wide variety of vegetables for the cold season.
The book familiarises us with more than 40 indigenous autumn and winter vegetables, including
some ancient and less known types (Slow Food). Each of the richly illustrated vegetable portraits is
complemented by tips and kitchen tricks for easy and tasty preparation, as well as particularly well
matching combinations of spices, herbs, and other ingredients. More than 150 simple recipes, both
raw and cooked, prove how rich and wonderful dishes of the cold season can be.
Her chapters on cultivation and harvesting allow an insight into the life of small businesses but
also large scale producers and wholesalers of the organic farming trade. The vast amount of firsthand information highlights ecological and economical interrelations, at the same time this allows
for a more conscious approach to seasonal produce and motivates us to aim for fairer and better
consumer habits.
Hans-Peter Siffert has captured most of the recipes, the diversity of vegetables, and the world of
first-class organic vegetable producers in delightful photographs.
Meret BisseggerPassionate chef and plant connoisseur. Worked as restaurant manager (among
others Ristorante Ponte dei Cavalli) for 14 years. Today she runs cooking courses, regales
gourmets in her Casa Merogusto in Malvaglia (Ticino) at Tavolata events, and is an activist of the
slow food movement. Numerous appearances on radio, TV, and in the printed media.
Hans-Peter SiffertPhotographer with focus on wine, travel, and gastronomy. Numerous
publications in magazines in Switzerland and Germany, he has provided photos for various books
published by AT.
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Rights Catalogue
Meret Bissegger, Hans-Peter Siffert
My Wild Plant Cuisine
How to Identify, Collect and Cook Wild Plants
39.90 EUR
Cover: Cardboard binding
Extent: 320 pages
Format: 19.5 cm x 26.5 cm
More than 100 colour photos
Subject areas: wild herb cuisine
Rights sold: FR, I
• 130 easy to prepare and often tried wild plant recipes
• 60 plant portraits with detailed photos and texts for easy identification
• Breathtaking photos of all recipes
Meret Bissegger's passion for all types of edible wild plants was unleashed on an alp in Ticino.
After more than 30 years of regaling the customers at her restaurant with gourmet wild plant
dishes and holding courses on how to collect and cook wild plants, she now presents her first
book on the subject. It describes and displays images of more than 60 plants. Moreover it lists
locations, characteristic features, confusion risks, and tells us how to correctly pick and use wild
plants in the kitchen. The result is a reference and cookbook with more than 120 recipes easy to
prepare at home: dips for apéritif, starters, salads, soups, risotti, pasta, oven dishes, delicious side
dishes and wonderful desserts. The plants portrayed are botanically sorted and both their Latin
and German names are listed. Examples of the most important plant families are presented in
additional chapters. Hans-Peter Siffert amazingly captures each dish, his photos reveal the true
beauty of these »weeds«. The book is complemented by photos of the Ticino landscape and of
Meret's cooking courses.
Meret Bissegger Passionate chef and plant connoisseur from Ticino. Worked for 14 years as
restaurant manager (among others Ristorante Ponte dei Cavalli). Today she runs cooking courses,
regales gourmets in her Casa Merogusto in Malvaglia at Tavolata events and is an activist of the
slow food movement. She is widely known thanks to numerous appearances on radio, TV and in
the printed media. Since January 2011 a 4-part documentary on Meret Bissegger is broadcast on
several German speaking TV channels.
Hans-Peter Siffert born 1954 in Bern, living in Winterthur. Photographer with focus on wine, travel
and gastronomy. Numerous publications in magazines in Switzerland and Germany. In 2005,
the book I Sapori del Piemonte featuring his photos was published by AT. His photo archive is
available through the image databases weinweltfoto.ch and stockfood.com.
page 50 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Jean-Marie Dumaine, Andreas Thumm
My Wild Plant Cuisine
100 Recipes for Gourmets
34.90 EUR
Cover: Hardback with jacket
Extent: 160 pages
Format: 21.0 cm x 28.0 cm
100 colour photos
Subject areas: cooking, edible wild plants, wild
Rights sold: All rights available
• 100 recipes for gourmets, sorted according to the seasons
• With practical hints on collecting and harvesting
Experience and cherish the treasures of nature through 100 exceptional recipes. The wild herbs
and plants that nature offers us year-round in abundant richness can be used in far more ways
than ordinary salads or wild spinach. What a firework of strong, intense aromas and manifold
nuances of flavors they can unfold on plate and palate is proven by the 100 recipes of creative wild
herb chef and innovator Jean-Marie Dumaine. For about 20 years has he devoted body and soul
to wild plant cuisine and thereby acquired fame for himself and his restaurant »Vieux Sinzig« in
Sinzig near Bonn as well as far beyond the region. Sorted according to the seasons he presents
100 extraordinary gourmet recipes that obtain their exceptional touch by skillfully using wild herbs
and plants. The plants used can be found everywhere throughout our latitude, the art consists in
unfolding the optimal potential of flavor by treating each herb in an appropriate way - used fresh
or dried, only shortly heated or stewed over a long time, seeds roasted or canned in oil. For each
plant there are practical hints on collecting and harvesting, on their special aptitude for cooking and
their use. 100 seducing recipes for gourmets, photographed skillfully by Andreas Thumm.
Jean-Marie Dumaine born 1954 on a farm in Vire in Normandy. Runs his own restaurant »Vieux
Sinzig« since 1979 in Sinzig near Bonn, in 2000 after reconstruction and expansion of an old
traditional restaurant relocation to the new »Vieux Sinzig«. Cuisine and restaurant follow the motto
of »experiencing and relishing nature«. Jean-Marie Dumaine has become known through the
regional and supra-regional press, through TV and radio appearances (SWR, WDR, Arte). He is
member of »Eurotoques« and of the renowned French guild »Prosper Montagné«.
»His dishes prepared with herbs and wild vegetables have an unmistakable charm.« Gault Millau
»Jean-Marie Dumaine, the patron of the "Vieux Sinzig" in Sinzig, is the most creative wild plants
chef in Germany.« Kitchen 6/2002
page 51 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Myriam Zumbühl
Myriam's Cakes, Tarts & Co.
Baking Sweet and Salty - Recipes throughout the
26.90 EUR
Cover: Hardback with jacket
Extent: 160 pages
Format: 19.5 cm x 26.0 cm
80 colour photos
Subject areas: baking
Rights sold: All rights available
• A different cake for every week - sweet or salty
• Recipes around the year, using produce of the season
• A modern interpretation of classic cakes
Sweeten each and every week of the year! Bake something special for yourself and your loved
ones once a week! There is no limit to imagination and delight, drawing inspiration from the riches
the four seasons have to offer: small juicy tartlets, a summer raspberry cake or autumnal apple pie,
lush chocolate brownies or refined pastries. But there are also a number of salty treats: a tart made
of sun-ripened tomatoes, or a special type of winter pizza with beetroot and hazelnuts. The author
Myriam Zumbühl indulges in memories with the help of her recipes: cheesecake as hommage to
her second home New York, her cherry clafoutis conjures up the days spent on grandma's cherry
tree, heavenly orange madeleines soothe the longing for Paris. A culinary calendar with 60 recipes,
from fluffy berry sponge cake to deluxe tomato and salmon quiche. A modern interpretation of
adorable classics.
Myriam Zumbühl cookbook author and journalist, had her own cooking show for several years
on Swiss radio DRS 1. Today, she writes about food for the NZZ and other publications, hosts her
own baking show »Myriam and the Master Bakers« on Swiss television and writes books on baking
and cooking.
Photos: Tara Fisher
»...it offers a very pleasant picture. And the way the author presents her favourite recipes is utmost
inspiring. With these sweet creations you are taken straight to dessert heaven. Simple everyday
cuisine - creative in its details.« Schweizer Familie
»Myriam Zumbühl follows in the footsteps of the legendary American chef Julia Child, the
affectionate and refreshing way she talks about food, cooking and baking also reminds one of
Julia.« Kurt Ascherbacher, Schweizer Fernsehen SRF
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Rights Catalogue
Tanja Grandits, Michael Wissing
Pure Aroma
My Merry World Cuisine
32.90 EUR
Cover: Hardback with jacket
Extent: 208 pages
Format: 18.5 cm x 25.0 cm
More than 100 colour photos
Subject areas: cooking, chef books
Rights sold: All rights available
• Very simple recipes, can be easily prepared by anyone
Holder of GaultMillau's Chef of the Year Award 2006 with a remarkable 16 points, Tanja Grandits
ranks among the rising stars of Swiss cuisine. Having been raised on Swabian rustic food,
today, at the restaurant Thurtal in Eschikofen, ten kilometres east of Frauenfeld, she consciously
cultivates a fresh, merry »world cuisine« featuring a variety of spices and aromas, combining without any artificiality - subtle, professional application of these with local produce. Tanja Grandits
has selected 15 of her favourite aromas for this cook book - herbs such as mint and basil, but
also spices such as cinnamon and vanilla as well as ingredients such as ginger, limes, wasabi or
honey. For each of these she recalls experiences made or memories associated with them, and
then shares five recipes each. One of them is always a basic for storage and serves as point of
reference for further recipes, for instance chilli syrup, lemongrass marinade or rose salt. All the
recipes - be it starters or soups, Vegetarian food, fish and meat dishes or even desserts - are very
simple and can be easily prepared by anyone.
Tanja Grandits is chef at the legendary Restaurant Stucki in Basel, decorated with 18 GaultMillau
points and two Michelin stars. She was named »Chef of the Year 2014« by GaultMillau. She is
famous for her virtuosity in combining flavours, spices, and textures. Grandits is also a columnist
and author of several successful books published by AT Verlag.
Michael Wissing born 1956, training as photographer and typographer. Since 1983 freelance
stilllife photographer with own studio in Waldkirch in the Black Forest. Works for the most
renowned international magazines and in advertising for many agencies and companies.
Photographed numerous books, especially cook books. Winner of several international awards and
»The grand aroma therapy of Grandits - On the basis of her 15 favourite aromas (basil, lavender,
mint, ginger, wasabi, honey) Tanja Grandits of Thurtal in Swiss Eschikofen creates the most
wonderful things. Know-how, creative entertainment and excellent combinational imagination are
present throughout. She goes her own way. We follow her.« Stuttgarter Nachrichten
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Rights Catalogue
Claudia Schmidt
Quick Recipes for Guests
More than 100 Uncomplicated Recipes for Busy
Hosts and Pampered Palates
24.95 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 208 pages
Format: 18.5 cm x 23.5 cm
Approx. 90 colour photos
Rights sold: All rights available
• 100 uncomplicated recipes for all occasions
• Prepare invitations quickly and easily
To host guests means giving family and friends a good time. Whether you prefer damask and
silver cutlery or a more casual and straightforward decoration is not all that important. What really
matters is a relaxed and cheerful atmosphere that makes everybody feel at ease. In today's
hectic everyday life between work, daycare centre, sports club, and hobbies hardly anyone can
devote several days to the preparation of a party or dinner invitation. With more than 100 failproof
recipes this book proves that there are simple, quick, and uncomplicated ways to create stylish,
delicious meals after all - from drinks to snacks, from original tartes, pasta, risotto, meat, and fish to
seductive desserts and cakes. The book also offers everything you need to know on planning and
food storage, a host of practical tips, as well as nifty and time-saving shortcuts.
Claudia Schmidt, food editor for a major Swiss weekly paper. She has gathered experience in
professional kitchens all over Ireland, at the ,»River Café« in London, and in the test kitchen of
the Devon-based »River Cottage«. She is running a widely read food blog ( www.foolforfood.de),
and she is a member of the Food Editors Club Germany as well as Slow Food. Photos: Veronika
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Rights Catalogue
Stefan Wiesner, Monica Wiesner-Auretto
Sausage Workshop
Sausages - From Traditional to Avant-garde.
34.95 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 208 pages
Format: 21.5 cm x 27.0 cm
100 colour photos
Rights sold: All rights available
• Prepare your own favourite sausages
• Recipes for all types of sausages - from traditional to avant-garde
• Step-by-step instructions
No manufactured product beats the taste of homemade sausages. And they can be varied in
endless different ways.
This book explains all the basics and offers step-by-step instructions for the preparation of
sausages: What tools and equipment are required? What types of intestines or other casings
should be used? What is the right mixing ratio for meat and fat to reach optimum binding? How
much salt is needed and what other spices should be used?
Apart from classic sausages in animal intestines, Stefan Wiesner, the inventive-minded master
of avant-garde natural cuisine, also presents unusual alternatives cased in woods, banana peels,
dough, or bones as well as some vegan varieties.
Complemented by brilliant, enticing photos by Pia Grimbühler.
Stefan Wiesner runs, together with his wife Monica, the restaurant »Rössli« in Escholzmatt,
Switzerland, that holds 17 GaultMillau points and one Michelin star. He is one of Switzerland's
most original chefs and is often referred to as »kitchen alchemist and wizard«, tinkerer, or poetic
and sensual artist. His first book »Gold Holz Stein« received several awards.
»Wiesner cooks in a league of his own. Points and stars alone do not do justice to his unique and
unconventional art of cooking.« GaultMillau
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Rights Catalogue
Claudia Hans Seifert, Sabine Hans
Savoury Autumn Cuisine
26.90 EUR
Cover: Hardback with jacket
Extent: 160 pages
Format: 19.5 cm x 26.5 cm
120 colour photos
Subject areas: cooking, seasonal cuisine
Rights sold: All rights available
• 80 fabulous recipes easy to prepare at home
• Stylish recipe photos set in lovely landscapes invite us to a life in the countryside
• The latest book of the successful cookbook series
Autumn is harvest time - lush, colourful and sensuous. At this time of the year garden, field and
forest bestow their abundant wealth and variety on us, from the red colour of berries to golden
shimmering wine, from dark purple elder to the warm brown tones of mushrooms and chestnuts.
The market offers anything the heart longs for, and a walk through the countryside is bound to
reveal some additional treasures. The 80 recipes of this book draw their inspiration from these
riches. A young, creative cuisine - variety and freshness, often in astonishing combinations and
always uncomplicated to prepare. How about a tasty and warming pumpkin stew with chestnuts,
a luscious beefsteak with nut crust and blackberry sauce or a quick walnut and elder cup cake?
The recipes are accompanied by lovely autumn impressions. With a practical season calendar for
all types of fruits, vegetables and herbs of the autumn season. A book that invites us to cook and
relish during autumn time.
Claudia Seifert born 1975. Trained at Restaurant Löwen in Leingarten, Germany. Since 2000
freelance food stylist and recipe author for publishing houses, advertising agencies and editorial
Sabine Hans born 1964, photo assistant of renowned photographers in Hamburg, Germany. Since
1988 freelance photographer for editorial departments, publishing houses and advertising agencies
in the fields of home design, cosmetics and food. Various cookbooks.
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Rights Catalogue
Markus Dürst, Johanna Wäfler, Doris Iding
Sensual Ayurveda Cuisine
More Than 100 Recipes For a Healthy And Happy
24.95 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 224 pages
Format: 19.5 cm x 26.5 cm
Approx. 80 colour photos
Rights sold: All rights available
• Ayurveda cuisine with a special touch
• Aphrodisiac dishes based on Ayurvedic principles
• For a sensual and healthy life
Based on Ayurvedic principles, these recipes allow you to prepare erotic dishes in no time.
Carefully selected aphrodisiac ingredients arouse the senses, awaken both life and love spirits,
and create a healthy balance between work, daily routine, duties on the one hand, and sensuality,
relaxation and pleasure on the other. Fresh herbs, delicious vegetables and special spices are the
key ingredients - all of which are particularly healthy, containing huge amounts of vitamins, mineral
and micronutrients, topped with that special touch.
Markus DürstExperienced in biodynamic vegetable gardening, education, and work therapy.
Advanced from hobby cook to passionate professional chef with focus on Ayurveda cuisine.
Johanna Wäfler , Naturopath (Swiss Naturopath Association) and graduate Ayurveda practitioner.
Together with Markus Dürst she runs the health practice »Swastha-Ayurveda« for Ayurveda
therapy and health consultation. Offers courses in Ayurvedic cooking.
Doris IdingMedically approved yoga instructor, ethnologist, freelance journalist, and yoga teacher
Photos: Veronika Studer
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Rights Catalogue
Stefan Wiesner, Anton Studer, Andrin C. Willi,
Michael Wissing
Sensual Inspirations Taken from
Nature's Kitchen
Including a Lexicon of Flavour Combinations
79.90 EUR
Cover: Hardback with jacket
Extent: 272 pages
Format: 22.3 cm x 30.0 cm
More than 100 colour photos
Subject areas: haute cuisine, nature's kitchen
Rights sold: All rights available
• Including a lexicon of flavour combinations
• The key to the secrets of new taste combinations
• Perfumers' knowledge applied to the art of cooking
Molecular gastronomy is a thing of the past. The latest trend is a cuisine that relies on natural
products of the immediate surroundings. Stefan Wiesner is not only an alchemist in the kitchen,
but an utter wunderkind of gastronomy. At the 2010 congress »Lo mejor de la gastronomia« held
in Alicante, Spain the assembled professional audience compared him to Rene Redzepi from
Copenhagen, currently the world's greatest chef. For Stefan Wiesner the knowledge of perfumers
on the composition of scent families as well as the skilled use of modifiers that act as natural taste
intensifiers are among the most important sources for his search for new flavour combinations.
This knowledge is conveyed to him by perfumer Anton Studer who unfolds all his knowledge
acquired over long years in the shape of a comprehensive chart included in the book's annex. For
cooking, this valuable information from a perfumer's treasure chest represents a rich source of
inspiration, and within a cookbook it even accounts for a small sensation and world novelty. In his
latest book the »Sorcerer from Entlebuch« shows us all his new creations of the past two years.
A cookbook that revolutionizes the kitchen and opens up a totally new universe of flavours and
tastes, handing a magic key to a realm of extraordinary new dishes to both ambitious amateur
cooks and professionals.
Stefan Wiesner born and raised in Escholzmatt in Entlebuch (Switzerland). Cooking lessons,
work at several enterprises, return to his parents' restaurant »Rössli« in Escholzmatt, which he
runs together with his wife since 1989. 17 points in the Gault Millau. Stefan Wiesner is one of the
most inventive chefs of Switzerland: he is considered »alchemist and sorcerer of the kitchen«, an
inventor and sensually poetic artist among leading Swiss chefs. His first book »Gold Holz Stein«
received a number of awards.
Andrin C. Willi trained at a school for hotel management, several years of practice in Swiss
five-star hotels, editor-in-chief of the magazine »Salz & Pfeffer«. Chief editor of the wine
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Rights Catalogue
magazine »Vinum«, reporter and today also host of TV cooking shows at Radiotelevisiun Svizra
Rumantscha. Since 2006 chief editor of »Marmite«, a magazine on food and drink culture.
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Rights Catalogue
Julia Dautel, Nicole Keller
Shanghai Street Food
People, Their Stories and Recipes
26.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 142 pages
Format: 25.0 cm x 26.0 cm
92 colour photos
Subject areas: cooking, Chinese cuisine
Rights sold: All rights available
• China's culinary riches
• Simple Chinese cuisine easy to prepare at home
• A poetic and affectionate book about special people in one of the world's largest cities
The streets and alleys, back yards and sycamore lined boulevards of Eastern China's metropolis
Shanghai burst with life. It is the home of uncountable eateries and simple cookshops. Even amidst
new housing developments they shoot up like mushrooms within only a few weeks. The people
running these places come from all over China, bringing along their dreams, hopes and recipes.
They enrich the city through their culinary variety and offer quick, fresh and cheap catering, ready
to go. Compelling photographs as well as an elaborate and devoted sense for detail render this
book a vivid image of those people, telling their stories and presenting 50 simple and authentic
recipes to try at home. A lively glance at Shanghai beyond its notorious megalomania and simply a
must for lovers of Asian cuisine.
Julia Dautel studied sinology and German philology in Marburg, Shanghai and Berlin. After three
years of working in Shanghai she is now involved in international cultural exchange in Hamburg.
In her projects as well as in her texts for various publications she focuses mainly on the large
metropolises of Asia.
Nicole Keller studied communication design in Augsburg and Paris. Worked in San Francisco
for some time, then moved to Hamburg where she works as a freelance graphic designer and
photographer. The trademark of her outstanding work is an eye for detail, people and their
everyday life, not lacking a sense of humour.
Photos: Nicole Keller
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Rights Catalogue
Maurice Maggi, Juliette Chrétien
Simple Variety
Thoughtful Cooking Recipes And Stories
42.00 EUR
Cover: $type
Extent: 256 pages
Format: 20.0 cm x 27.5 cm
More than 100 colour photos and illustrations
Available: 10/31/2016
Rights sold: All rights available
• Simple food, big variety
• Maurice Maggi - when eating and cooking become a lifestyle
• Creativity and finesse of a sustainable and thoughtful cuisine
The sustainable and considerate handling of our food has always been a key concern for Maurice
Maggi. In his latest book he shows the rich variety that lies in even the most plain and simple
ingredients. He does not preach or lecture, but uses wit, charm, and subtlety to get his message
across. About ten basic food items - potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage, nuts, eggs, apples, milk, meat,
and fish - are transformed into creative and diverse meals by his skilful hands. Starting from one
basic mode of preparation, he playfully develops new variations using food remains which play
an utmost important role in his philosophy. The book is rounded off with stories and personal
notes taken from Maurice Maggi's rich culinary life experience. Thanks to the insightful, highquality photo artwork of Juliette Chrétien this book is not only a pleasure to cook by, but also fun to
browse and read.
Maurice Maggi, born 1955, trained landscape gardener and chef for more than 20 years.
Seasonal, regional, and sustainable cooking as well as a thoughtful approach to food are
absolutely crucial for him. Juliette Chrétien, born 1986 in Zurich, freelance photographer since
2008. For AT Verlag she photographed among others »Edible City« and »Ticino ti cucino«.
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Rights Catalogue
Tanja Grandits, Michael Wissing
50 Spices, 150 Recipes
39.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 336 pages
Format: 21.5 cm x 27.0 cm
150 colour photos; hardback with banderole
Subject areas: cooking, spices
Rights sold: All rights available
• First time ever: Tanja Grandits awarded with 2 Michelin stars. No one uses the repertoire
of spices with more virtuosity
• 150 new and surprising recipe ideas that allow spices an ideal unfolding of flavours
• Featuring lots of useful information on spices and how to combine them
»Spices are the gold of every kitchen!« Tanja Grandits, sole chef at restaurant Stucki in Basel,
opens up her spice box in this new book, presenting 150 special recipes for any occasion, from
pea apple gazpacho with cumin to pumpkin cardamom bread, lemon ginger chicken, salmon
star anise tataki with sesame vegetables to star anise chocolate mousse - including also simple
classics such as homemade saffron sesame salt or sweet chilli sauce with cinnamon blossoms.
»Spices add passion to any meal,« that's the credo of star chef Grandits, spices open up a
miraculous world: the scent of cinnamon makes the Christmas spirit come alive, elder harmonizes
fantastically with currant, and cilantro with its pepper and lemon zest makes any onion stew taste
like heaven on earth. 50 spices: sweet, hot, anise-like, earthy, bitter, nutty & mellow blossoms each portrayed concisely and crisply. The book explains all there is to know on preparation, aroma,
possible combinations and beneficial effects. Tanja Grandits shows how easy it is to use wonderful
spices and great taste varieties in any household.
Tanja Grandits is chef at the legendary Restaurant Stucki in Basel, decorated with 18 GaultMillau
points and two Michelin stars. She was named »Chef of the Year 2014«" by GaultMillau. She is
famous for her virtuosity in combining flavours, spices, and textures. Grandits is also a columnist
and author of several successful books published by AT Verlag. Texts by Myriam Zumbühl Photos
by Michael Wissing
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Rights Catalogue
Julia Hofer, Andre Schneider
The Big Family Cookbook
Cook Once, Enjoy Twice - 120 Recipes that
Everyone Loves
39.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 312 pages
Format: 18.8 cm x 26.5 cm
183 colour photos
Subject areas: cooking, recipes, nutrition
Rights sold: All rights available
• 120 recipes the whole family will love
• Save time: cook once and enjoy twice
• Many useful tips for day by day family cooking
Based on the principle of »Cook once - enjoy twice«, this cookbook shows us how to cope with day
to day family cooking in various practical and healthy ways, while saving lots of time and energy:
all recipes presented can be prepared in large, storable amounts. The dishes can be frozen, or
certain ingredients are cooked and reused in a totally different way the day after. Why not cook a
double amount of pasta so it is sufficient for a soufflé the next day? Or grill two chicken at a time in
the oven, so the leftover meat can be used for a delicious »arroz con pollo«?
A smart and beautifully designed family cookbook with over 120 recipes both kids and adults
adore. Recipes, that make the everyday hectic life of working parents so much easier. Featuring a
number of practical cooking hints and the best kitchen tricks to save time and energy.
Complementary texts highlight current family related topics on nutrition - about healthy childfriendly diets, beloved and despised sugar, or the importance of family meals. Fascinating kitchen
experiments show how easy it is to get kids excited about the kitchen and about cooking.
Julia Hofer born 1970, long-time editor of the magazine »Annabelle« and recipient of the Zurich
Journalist Award. Today she writes a food column and articles on topics related to nutrition for
»Beobachter Natur« (Nature Observer) magazine. She lives with her family in Winterthur.
Andre Schneider born 1967, founder and partner of the communications agency Popeye (Zurich).
Since 2004 freelance graphic designer. Shares a passion for good food with his wife and favourite
cook Julia Hofer.
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Rights Catalogue
Claudia Hans Seifert, Gesa Sander, Julia Hoersch,
Nelly Mager
The Cooker is all Yours, Kids!
Let's Cook, Experiment, and Explore Together
19.95 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 184 pages
Format: 19.0 cm x 25.0 cm
More than 200 colour photos
Rights sold: All rights available
• Quick and easy cooking, with many favourite recipes for children
• Featuring kitchen experiments, colourful illustrations, creative ideas, and activity pages
Following the success of the first book »Let's cook, kids!«, the two funny illustrated characters Piet
and Marie take children by the hand once again to give them cooking tips and to invite them to
experiment and try new things in the kitchen. The book features roughly 70 recipes, all sharing
the same motto: they are quick, easy, and uncomplicated. From fresh ideas for the lunch box, to
the most popular children's classics like Nutella, fries & Co., to the best quickly and spontaneously
prepared meals. All this is accompanied by a host of experiments for the kitchen that help children
uncover the secrets of cooking in a playful way. The unique mix of meticulous illustrations, funny
photos, creative ideas, as well as tips and suggestions for crafting and other activities stirs the joy
of discovery and awakens children's interest for cooking and baking.
Claudia Seifert, food stylist, author of cookbooks, and chef. She is the author of various recipes
published by AT Verlag.
Gesa Sander, freelance illustrator and graphic artist for product design, magazines, publishing
houses, and advertising agencies.
Julia Hoersch, freelance photographer for renowned magazines and publishing houses in the
fields of food and decoration/living.
Nelly Mager, freelance stylist for various publishing houses in the fields of decoration/living and
Photos: Julia Hoersch
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Rights Catalogue
Carine Buhmann, Caroline Kiss
The FODMAP Concept
Light Cuisine For Irritable Bowel Syndrome A
Practical Guide With 170 Recipes
29.95 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 256 pages
Format: 19.5 cm x 24.0 cm
Approx. 80 colour photos
Rights sold: All rights available
• The cookbook for people with irritable bowel syndrome
• Scientifically tested diet plan
• 170 recipes for light and easy to digest everyday dishes
Many people suffer from belly aches, exhalation, diarrhoea, or constipation. A couple of years back
a scientifically tested nutrition therapy for irritable bowel syndrome was introduced, the so-called
FODMAP concept. FODMAP is an acronym for »fermentable oligo-, di-, and monosaccharides and
polyoles«, all of which should be avoided by individuals suffering from irritable bowel syndrome.
The book offers simple and easy to understand explanations on the causes of the condition
along with suggestions how to alleviate it. In over 160 recipes it shows options for a delicious
and balanced diet despite the dietary restrictions: be it simple breakfast ideas, snacks for the
road, uncomplicated everyday dishes, sophisticated meals, or heavenly desserts. Complete
with hands-on practical tips and weekly menu suggestions, this book is an indispensable guide
for everyone affected by irritable bowel syndrome, and a useful reference for nutrition experts.
Carine Buhmann Graduate health counselor for nutrition with focus on food intolerances, food
journalist, and author of successful cookbooks. Almost 30 years of lectures and courses for experts
and nutrition conscious amateurs. Caroline KissNutritionist (Swiss Association of Nutritionists),
Master's, University of London, PhD, University of New Jersey, USA. Many years of nutrition
therapy counseling, publications in professional journals.
Photos: Claudia Albisser Hund
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Rights Catalogue
Nicky Sitaram Sabnis
The Great Ayurvedic Cookbook
150 Simple, Indian-Stlye Recipes
26.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 160 pages
Format: 19.5 cm x 26.5 cm
70 colour photos
Subject areas: cooking, health, Ayurveda
Rights sold: All rights available
• Practical advice, tips and tricks for ayurvedic cooking
• Short and concise overview of the basics of ayurvedic nutrition
• Instructions to determine one's individual constitutional type
Ayurveda, the oldest naturopathic system of the world, is a comprehensive theory on how to lead
a healthy and proper way of life. In Ayurveda, medicine and nutrition are not kept separate, food
is seen as nourishment and remedy at the same time. The ayurvedic philosophy is based on
the theory of the five elements, which in turn are associated with the three life forces - the three
Doshas Vata, Pitta and Kapha. These three forces or bioenergies control all bodily and spiritual
functions and determine a person's individual physical constitution. An imbalance of the Doshas
can lead to physical disorders and illnesses as well as energetic disturbances (lethargy, poor
concentration, nervousness, etc.). The aim of ayurvedic nutrition is to cure these imbalances and
to restore and sustain the necessary balance that is the basis for a strong physical constitution.
Depending on constitution, metabolism and way of living, each person requires a different,
customized nutrition that brings the body back into balance, ensures a healthy metabolism and
provides for the excretion of accumulated waste and toxins.
Nicky Sitaram Sabnis born 1959 in India. Hotelier and specialty cook. Worked several years as
freelance restaurant and catering manager in Mumbai. Living in Germany since 1993, he has been
managing the Ayurveda Cooking Seminar at the Abbey of Frauenwörth (Fraueninsel, Chiemsee)
as well as the Ayurveda house »Haus Annapurna« in Sachrang/Chiemgau together with his wife
since 1998. Author of books on ayurvedic nutrition and numerous articles in magazines, teaches in
seminars and workshops. His style of ayurvedic cooking has been presented on various TV shows.
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Rights Catalogue
Ruth Johnson
The Loveliest Love Recipes
Aphrodisiac Cuisine - Simply Sensual
22.90 EUR
Cover: Paperback with flaps
Extent: 160 pages
Format: 17.5 cm x 28.5 cm
more then 100 colour photos
Subject areas: cooking, aphrodisiac cuisine
Rights sold: All rights available
• Aphrodisiac cuisine - simply sensual
• 90 exciting and stimulating recipes
• List of aphrodisiac ingredients from A to Z
Ancient knowledge on aphrodisiac and generally on invigorating effects of certain types of food be it fruit, vegetables or seafood -experiences a renaissance these days. This cookbook invites us
to dedicate some time for each other in order to experience more sensuality and lust in cooking
and eating. The 80 recipes of this book are all very simple and uncomplicated to prepare, and
hence easy to cook even for beginners. Many recipes are inspired by the sunny south, but the
focus is always on their aphrodisiac ingredients. Aphrodisiac food is full of vitamins and mineral
nutrients. It optimizes health and personal performance. Physical well-being increases the quality
of our love life, it fosters perseverance and strength as well as inner peace and equilibrium.
Besides, given that sensuality is not only stomach-focused but very much an eye experience, it
is just as important to neatly arrange all the delicacies when preparing a voluptuous dinner for
two. The award-winning photographer Ulla Mayer-Raichle has captured seductive images of the
Ruth Johnson born 1954 in Luzern. After several years abroad working in the field of gastronomy,
she joined Max Kehl, one of the best chefs in Switzerland, in Zollikon. Today she manages
her own company, the party and cooking service »Heaven Sent« which is entirely dedicated to
sensuality. She became famous as a chef for aphrodisiac specialties through the media and has
appeared various times on television.
Photos: Ulla Mayer-Raichle
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Rights Catalogue
Susanne Fischer-Rizzi, Ulla Mayer-Raichle
The Saffron Cookbook
29.90 EUR
Cover: Hardback with jacket
Extent: 128 pages
Format: 21.0 cm x 28.0 cm
100 colour photos
Subject areas: cooking, spices
Rights sold: All rights available
• 80 different saffron recipes from all over the world
• An enchantingly capturing book with numerous breathtaking photographs
• Revised new edition of the bestseller
Saffron is one of the truly mysterious spices. Apart from its unparalleled scent and flavor, saffron
cheers you up while also possessing aphrodisiac and healing powers. Susanne Fischer-Rizzi has
been under saffron's spell for years and gathered lots of authentic saffron recipes on her numerous
journeys around the globe. She presents a selection of 80 great recipes from different cultures,
including mixtures for life elixirs, infusions as well as drinks and dishes from the ayurvedic tradition.
The stories and legends circling around this extraordinary ingredient add a particular touch to this
book and prove that saffron is indeed an exceptional spice.
Susanne Fischer-Rizzi degree in philosophy, trained alternative practitioner. Studied ayurvedic
and Tibetan phytotherapy in India and was taught by Indian healers in America. Naturopathy
practice in Germany. Teacher at her self-founded school for medical plants and aroma therapy.
So far, Fischer-Rizzi has published ten books on naturopathy and aroma therapy, that have been
translated into various languages.
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Rights Catalogue
The eBalance Cookbook
100 Successful Recipes for Easily Losing Weight
34.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 184 pages
Format: 17.5 cm x 24.0 cm
50 colour photos
Subject areas: slim cuisine, losing weight
Rights sold: All rights available
• 100 inventive everyday recipes and dishes for hosting guests that make it simple to lose
• The loveliest recipes from the successful online slimness portal now assembled in a
• Featuring a number of useful hints and exercise programs for lifelong perfect weight
eBalance is an interactive web portal for successful dieting. More than 70,000 people in
Switzerland have made use of it to reach and keep their dream weight with the help of their
personal profile. In the past few years, eBalance has known immense success in Germany too.
The starting point for eBalance consists of two elements: exercise and nutrition. On the one hand,
it focuses on implementing one's personal diet plan and on the other hand on slowly building
up a motivating exercise program. Experienced experts in the fields of nutrition, physiotherapy,
dietetics and medicine provide assistance throughout this process. Due to the unspectacular and
pragmatic concepts that are easy to adapt in everyday life the users of eBalance stand a realistic
chance to succeed. The book is a collection of the 100 loveliest recipes of the eBalance slimness
program. The recipes captured on luscious photos contain important information on special diets,
on nutrients and for people with food allergies, which allows people suffering form overweight to
effectively slim down! A special treat for dream weight seekers!
Ruth Ellenberger graduated as nutritionist. Mother of two children. Professional landmarks:
headed the nutrition counseling/diet kitchen of the clinic Hirslanden, Zurich. Private nutrition
counseling practice, specialist department on nutrition counseling of the Psychiatric University
Clinic Zurich, regular activity as course instructor, lecturer and teacher. Since 2004 specialized
editor on nutrition at eBalance. Since 2010 director of eBalance.ch.
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Rights Catalogue
Philip Hochuli
Vegan - The True Cooking Delight
Young Vegan Cuisine, Wonderfully Uncomplicated
22.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 168 pages
Format: 19.5 cm x 24.5 cm
88 colour photos
Subject areas: cooking, vegan cuisine
Rights sold: All rights available
• 100 easy vegan recipes for every day; young vegan cuisine for anybody
• Simple yet sophisticated recipes with ingredients available at any supermarket
• Healthy and sustainable cooking for fun from the shooting star of Switzerland's vegan
cooking scene
Philip Hochuli is the number one shooting star of Switzerland's vegan cooking scene. With his
»young vegan cuisine« he succeeds in a most uncomplicated way to take advantage of the
beneficial qualities of vegan cooking and create fascinating culinary delights. His secret is simple,
quick recipes with no need for extravagant substitute products, using ingredients that are available
in any supermarket.
In his second book he presents 100 new recipes from spicy to sweet - some artful new creations
complemented by popular classics from Switzerland and from all over the globe, such as spinach
pie or ham peak, club sandwich, cannelloni or Szechuan stir fry - all of them vegan. Breathtaking
photos render the book a true feast for the eye.
An ideal introduction to vegan cuisine for beginners and a must have for all his fans as well as
those who want »more than just to cook«.
Philip Hochuli born 1991, studied Economics in Zurich and has been vegan for 3 years. He runs
cooking courses, cooking shows, gives advice to restaurants, and has a strong presence in printed
media as well as on radio and TV.
Photos: Alexandra Schubert
»Philip Hochuli proves that vegan cuisine is not about renunciation. It opens the doors to a new
creativity in cooking.«Greenpeace
»Vegans today discover their longing for a good cuisine. And it tastes really great.«Blick am Abend
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Rights Catalogue
Philip Hochuli
Vegan Chocoholic
Cakes, Cookies, Tarts, Desserts, and Quick Sweet
19.95 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 128 pages
Format: 17.5 cm x 24.0 cm
Approx. 70 colour photos
Rights sold: UK
• Cakes, cookies, tarts, desserts, and quick sweet snacks
• A bit of chocolate every day: sweet, savoury - and vegan
Vegan chocolate? You bet! From classics like Sachertorte or chocolate amaretti, to new sweet
creations like almond-chocolate panna cotta or chocolate sushi, to little chocolate treats in the
form of spreads or chocolate yogurt for in between meals. Some of the featured recipes prove that
chocolate can lend a distinctive touch even to savoury dishes. All of them live up to the principle
»ingeniously simple«: They are simple and straightforward, and most of them are very easy to
realise. All ingredients can be found in almost any supermarket. Information on difficulty levels and
time needed facilitate planning. Soy- and gluten-free recipes are clearly highlighted by symbols,
but most of the recipes are soy-free anyway.
Philip Hochuli is studying economics in Zurich and has devoted himself to vegan cuisine for
several years now. He runs cooking courses, cooking shows, and gives advice to restaurants. So
far, he has published two books. Photos: Alexandra Schubert
page 71 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Surdham Göb, Oliver Brachat
Vegan Daily
Vegan Cuisine For Every Day
26.90 EUR
Cover: Hardback with jacket
Extent: 216 pages
Format: 19.5 cm x 24.5 cm
111 colour photos
Subject areas: cooking, vegan cuisine
Rights sold: All rights available
• A basic guide to daily vegan cooking
• Detailed guidelines and weekly seasonal menu plans
Vegan cuisine becomes more popular by the minute and has an increasing number of enthusiastic
Following his two tremendously successful books, Surdham Göb's latest work focuses on vegan
cooking that can be easily integrated into daily life - with freshly prepared dishes and without using
convenience products. Practical weekly menu plans serve as wonderful examples of a balanced
diet. When do I buy what products? When do I soak an ingredient to be used at a later point? How
do I prepare everything to get my dishes ready as quickly as possible? These methods allow for
swift breakfasts from the blender, practical lunchboxes for work, or a quick dinner on days full of
90 new vegan recipes: easy, diverse, and offering fanciful flavour combinations. Always healthy
and balanced for the well-being of body, mind, and soul - ideal for people with little time to cook
in their everyday lives. All recipes can be prepared without any special kitchen utensils. , »An
experienced cooking pro shows us that vegan cuisine can offer delight, diversity, and sheer joie de
vivre.«Business Lounge
»Vegan cuisine at its best.«Schweizer Illustrierte, Al dente
Surdham Göb looks back on almost 30 years of cooking experience and specialized on vegan
food many years ago. After gathering experience in San Francisco, New York, and Hawaii,
he worked as chef in various vegan restaurants for 16 years. Today he runs his own catering
firm in Munich, conducts vegan cooking courses, holds lectures, and serves as consultant for
restaurants that integrate or switch to vegan and organic dishes. His first two cookbooks were
vastly successful and were both published by AT.
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Rights Catalogue
Rolf Hiltl, Reto Frei, Juliette Chrétien
Vegan Love Story
54.00 EUR
Cover: Hardback with jacket
Extent: 232 pages
Format: 20.5 cm x 27.1 cm
103 colour photos
Subject areas: cooking, vegan cuisine
Rights sold: UK
• The first co-authored cookbook of two renowned vegetarian gastronomer dynasties
• 80 of the most favourite tibits and Hiltl recipes
• Easy for anyone to prepare at home
Vegan cooking has become a worldwide trend in recent years. Vegan food is increasingly popular
especially with today's young generation.
The Hiltl, the oldest - though very modern - vegetarian restaurant in the world, and tibits, a young
and dynamic family enterprise founded by the brothers Christian, Daniel, and Reto Frei together
with Rolf Hiltl, are two names that stand for competence in innovative vegetarian and more recently
vegan cuisine. The successful partners unveil all their expertise in this book and present us 80 of
their most popular vegan recipes, some of them well-kept secrets over many years. A culinary love
story for first rate vegan delights.
All recipes in this book are easy to prepare at home and hold the promise of an excellent feast
- also for part-time vegans. The book contains lots of complementary knowledge on the most
important ingredients of vegan cuisine and how to best prepare those.
This book is a must-have for all those who love savoury vegan cuisine!
Reto Frei, tibits Co-Founder of tibits together with his brothers Daniel and Christian Frei, as well
as Rolf Hiltl. Vegetarian since the age of seven. He inherited his passion for cooking from his
Rolf Hiltl, Hiltl Head of both Hiltl AG and the oldest vegetarian restaurant in the world (est. 1898),
representing the 4th generation of the family business. Also co-owner and board member of
tibits AG. Together with his team he turned the »Haus Hiltl« into a hip place for healthy culinary
Texts: Christian Seiler Photos: Juliette Chrétien
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Rights Catalogue
Surdham Göb, Oliver Brachat
Vegan Superfoods
22.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 200 pages
Format: 19.5 cm x 24.5 cm
100 colour photos
Subject areas: vegan cuisine, superfoods
Rights sold: All rights available
• Superfoods for more vitality and power
• Surprisingly simple recipes for every day
• The latest book on vegan cuisine by bestselling author Surdham Göb
With 26 years' worth of experience in vegan cuisine, Surdham Göb takes us to the wonderful world
of superfoods in his second book. These are food items with a particularly high concentration of
valuable nutrients. The author introduces us to raw cocoa, lucuma, maca, goji berries and many
others, showing us how to use these in vegan cuisine to create tasty, energizing and wonderfully
nutritious dishes. 70 recipes - extravagant breakfast ideas and superfood travel snacks, refreshing
power drinks, delicious cold and hot soups, but also various exciting main courses, cookies,
cupcakes, breads and cakes - that take us on a journey into the realm of a vegan Euro-Asian
cuisine elevating us to a new level of tasty delight. All recipes are easy to prepare, and the
superfoods used are available in local stores as well.
Surdham Göb is a cooking pro with 26 years of experience who specialized on vegan food many
years ago. Among others he spent time in San Francisco, New York and Hawaii. For 16 years he
has been chef in various vegan restaurants, e.g. at Zerwirk Restaurant, most recently at Tushita,
both located in Munich. Today he runs his own catering firm »Surdham's Kitchen«. He lectures on
vegan nutrition and sustainable lifestyle, and conducts cookery courses in Munich. Surdham Göb
lives near Munich.
Oliver Brachat ,trained chef, trained photographer, worked at Christian Teubner's photo studio.
Currently freelance photographer. Works for photo agencies, magazines and publishers of
»This book is a valuable motivator for all those who try to reconsider what they consume.«
Süddeutsche Zeitung on »My Vegan Cuisine«
»Vegan cuisine does not only ban meat and fish, but also eggs, milk and cheese. How on earth
can one prepare a nice meal without all of these? Easily!« Welt am Sonntag
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Rights Catalogue
Cornelia Schinharl
Vegetable all'Italiana
More Than 200 Vegetarian Recipes From All The
Regions Of Italy
34.95 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 384 pages
Format: 21.5 cm x 27.0 cm
Approx. 200 colour photos
Rights sold: All rights available
• Vegetarian Italian cuisine for all seasons
• Featuring portraits of all vegetable types along with valuable product information
• More than 200 authentic recipes easy to cook at home
Asparagi and cavolfiore, melanzane, pomodori, or peperoni, sedano and zucca. Carpaccio and
»panzanella«, frittata, »lattuga ripiena« and risotto, lasagna and pizza. Italian cuisine shows its
real strength in a vast variety of vegetable dishes. In »Bella Italia« vegetables are always different,
always convincingly tasty, be it as salad, soup or pasta sauce, but also stuffed and braised or
baked in the oven, easily yet expertly prepared. The recipes covered by this book range from
South Tyrol to Sicily, from spring to winter - all of them discovered and recorded in Italy, then
tried at home. With detailed portraits of all the vegetables used, valuable product information and
numerous enticing photos.
Cornelia SchinharlAuthor of various award-winning cookbooks. Italian cuisine is her passion
»because nowhere else do people cook such a variety using so few ingredients«.
Photos: Eising Studio, Martina Görlach
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Rights Catalogue
Katia Veronio, Carmelo Callea, Bettina Snowdon
Vegetarian all'Italiana
The Loveliest Recipes of Italy's Vegetarian Cuisine
26.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 160 pages
Format: 18.0 cm x 27.0 cm
86 colour photos
Subject areas: cooking, Vegetarian cuisine, Italian
Rights sold: All rights available
• Original and inventive Vegetarian cuisine from Italy
• More than 90 recipes from the land where vegetables and herbs bathe in sunlight
• Antipasti, zuppa, insalata, pasta, dolci and many more
Vegetarian dishes have a long history in Italian cuisine. Sun-ripened tomatoes, countless types
of vegetables and spicy herbs allow for an infinite variety of flavours. 70 recipes from the small
and friendly downtown Hamburg restaurant "La Monella" show us how diverse and inventive
Vegetarian cuisine in Italy can be. For starters, let's indulge in delicacies such as baked squash
with nuts and ginger or eggplant roulades stuffed with Provolone. Main dishes include classics
such as ravioli with fancy stuffing or home-made tagliatelle & friends, but also more extraordinary
combinations like pea risotto with lime or stuffed giant mushrooms on celery mash. Followed by a
sweet finale, such as almond pistachio parfait or eggplant served ice-cold with melted chocolate
and pine nuts. Vegetarian classics from Italy in creative and modern interpretation, all recipes easy
to cook. Complemented by information on Vegetarian cuisine in Italy and photos that invite us to
revel in genuine Italian delights.
Carmelo Callea born 1965 in Sicily, gathered experience from his early youth in Sicilian
restaurants. Since 1989 he lives and works as a chef in Hamburg.
Katia Veronioborn 1972, came to Hamburg from Apulia in 1993. Together they opened "La
Monella", the first Italian restaurant in the city to serve only Vegetarian food. Carmelo himself is
a Vegetarian who puts his conviction into practice every day in the restaurant kitchen, while his
partner Katia takes care of the guests with incredible hospitality and a fine culinary sense.
Bettina Snowdon graduate ecotrophologist, spent many years as reader, editor and project
manager with various publishers of guidebooks, specializing on cookbooks. Since 2010 freelance
cookbook writer, she also designs book concepts, translates cookbooks, edits manuscripts and
produces book contents for publishers. Photos: Michael Holz
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Rights Catalogue
Claudia Hans Seifert, Sabine Hans
Warming Winter Cuisine
26.90 EUR
Cover: Hardback with jacket
Extent: 160 pages
Format: 19.5 cm x 26.5 cm
120 photos
Subject areas: cooking, seasonal cuisine
Rights sold: All rights available
• 80 easy to cook, warming recipes for the cold season
• More than 100 enchanting photos
• An ideal winter gift
Savoury winter delights pleasantly warming stomach and soul - manifold variations, bold
combinations and easy preparation. The 80 recipes collected in this book prove how rich and
diverse the too often disdained winter and root vegetables, the last of the winter fruits and
splendidly warming spices are. How about an elder juice and cassis Feuerzangenbowle for
a comfy evening at home, or a pumpkin pie baked in the pumpkin shell to take along to the
sledge slope. And to warm up after a winter walk try a delicious hot sallow thorn and honey milk
with chilli and chocolate syrup. A young, fresh and creative cuisine for every day. The recipes
are accompanied by picturesque winter impressions of snow flakes, icicles and idyllic winter
landscapes, as well as a practical season calendar for winter months. A book inviting us to cook
and relish during winter time.
Claudia Seifert born 1975, chef and food stylist. Trained at Restaurant Löwen, Leingarten. Since
2000 freelance food stylist and for editorial offices, advertisements and publishers.
Sabine Hans Photographer in the fields of advertising and publishing. Has done numerous
freelance productions for renowned home décor magazines and is considered as style authority
of cosmetics, jewellery and design in the advertising and publishing scene. Her secret passion for
food photographing has become her main profile in 2004, since then she has published several
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Rights Catalogue
Peter Hofmann
Scotland, Ireland, England, and Wales History,
Culture, Production, And All Distilleries
49.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 656 pages
Format: 14.0 cm x 22.0 cm
Approx. 500 colour photos
Rights sold: All rights available
• The new and revised compact guide to whisky
• Reader, reference book, and travel guide all in one
• All distilleries in Great Britain and Ireland revisited and tested anew
After his highly acclaimed and award-winning encyclopedia of whisky, Peter Hofmann's latest
work, a compact reference book and travel guide, focuses on the most popular European whisky
countries: Ireland, Scotland, Northern Ireland, England, and Wales. Following a summary of
the most important basics on distillation in general, whisky production, and types, he provides
detailed accounts of all distilleries in Great Britain and Ireland, complemented by sightseeing tips,
noteworthy events, recommended restaurants, pubs and whisky bars, reasonable accommodation
options, and lots more. The author personally visited all distilleries to accurately update the
information in his book.
Peter HofmannHas intensely researched the topic of whisky and the related culture for more than
25 years. At his whisky shop »Angels' Share«, and adjoining »Inn« in Oberentfelden near Aarau
(Switzerland) he regularly offers whisky tastings. For many years he has been organizing and
guiding group visits to Scotland.
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Rights Catalogue
Katharina Bodenstein
Wild Bread
Archaic Outdoor Baking
22.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 144 pages
Format: 19.0 cm x 25.0 cm
More than 100 colour photos
Subject areas: baking, outdoor cooking, bread
Rights sold: All rights available
• Baking by the fireside, on an open fire, in the earth, on the barbecue, in a stone oven
• More than 120 recipes made from 5 basic types of dough
• Including building instructions for a simple stone oven
There is nothing more traditional and archaic than sitting by the fire, baking a twist bread or hearty
flatbread. With only very few ingredients - flour, yeast, salt, and water - it is easy to bake various
types of flatbread, rolls, and crunchy bread on the fire, barbecue, or simply the conventional way in
a clay or pizza oven.
The book presents five basic types of dough that can be varied in a number of ways, for instance
with herbs, nuts, or further ingredients such as olives and cheese - in total it contains more than
120 recipes. They are easy to make even for beginners, as there is one standard method of
preparing the dough. In no time you can twist, knead, braid, or spread them into any desired shape
- a sensual experience that you can also enjoy by the fireside.
This »wild baking« leaves much room for improvisation: why not bake the bread directly on the
grill, spiked on some steel wire, or on a spade - we tell you how to do it! And those with a taste for
big, solid loaves better get themselves a bread or pizza oven. Building instructions are included at
the end of the book.
Katharina Bodenstein biologist and long-time editor of the garden magazine »kraut & rüben«.
Passionate camper, open air cook, and mother of two sons. Passionate about cooking and baking
in her private time, she has also published numerous articles on herbs and their use in kitchen and
healing since 1991.
Photos: Katharina Bodenstein
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Rights Catalogue
Susanne Fischer-Rizzi, Sabine Mader, Ulrike
Wild Cuisine
The Great Book on Cooking on the Open Fire
26.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 216 pages
Format: 18.8 cm x 24.6 cm
More than 150 colour photos
Subject areas: cooking, barbecue, outdoor cooking
Rights sold: UK
• The great book on cooking on the open fire
• 100 traditional and modern dishes, all tried and tested cooking methods at the fire
• The comprehensive book on cooking on the open fire, including numerous enchanting
Cooking by the fire outside at the heart of nature has its very own peculiar fascination and
sensuality, it is connected with adventure and the experience of going back to the roots of things.
The book draws from the rich repertoire of traditional cooking methods and recipes that have
endured partly until this day. Noble spit cake on the log, a large loaf of bread baked above the
blaze, salmon on a snow shoe grill, tender and juicy meat cooked in a burrow, dough pockets in
wicker mesh. 100 recipes with numerous variations - ranging from classics to modern creations,
from traditional tastes of Stone Age dishes to refined feasts for gourmets, all of them are simple
and can be cooked without many tools on the open fire. The author has long years of experience
with cooking by the open fire and her descriptions of the recipes are easy to understand and cook
for both beginners and cooking fans. An inspiring book that renders its reader adventuresome.
With exact instructions, all necessary information on making a fire, many wild plant suggestions
and, as a round-off, camp fire stories to read or retell.
Susanne Fischer-Rizzi degree in philosophy, trained alternative practitioner. Studied ayurvedic
and Tibetan phytotherapy in India and was taught by Indian healers in America. Naturopathy
practice in Germany. Teacher at her self-founded school for medical plants and aroma therapy.
So far, Fischer-Rizzi has published ten books on naturopathy and aroma therapy, that have been
translated into various languages.
page 80 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Jacqueline Amirfallah
With a Pinch of Orient
Culinary Memories Of My Home Country Persia
34.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 208 pages
Format: 18.5 cm x 24.5 cm
approx. 90 colour photos
Rights sold: All rights available
• Oriental and local food from the region
• Jacqueline Amirfallah, widely known from the TV show ARD-Buffet
• Moments of bliss for the palate
Be it at Gauß Restaurant in Göttingen, at the artsy bistro Apex, or in the ARD-Buffet - Jacqueline
Amirfallah knows how to »offer the palate moments of sheer bliss with her sophisticated
creations«. Most skilfully she embraces the quintessence of local food and at the same time the
subtle nuances of her native Persia's oriental cuisine. She creates innovative variations of well
known dishes while ambitiously aspiring to the highest level of gastronomy. Her compositions are
diverse, sophisticated, and make for extraordinary taste sensations. In this book she shares her
favourite recipes for vegetarian dishes, fish and meat, and presents her most delightful desserts.
The photos manage to artfully bridge the gap between the two worlds, connecting oriental and
domestic cooking traditions.
Jacqueline Amirfallah, Daughter to an Iranian father and German mother, raised in Iran.
During her sociology studies in Germany she discovered her passion for cooking and passed an
apprenticeship as chef. Together with her husband Wolfgang Nisch she manages Restaurant
Gauß in Göttingen, and since 2011 also the bistro Apex. Since 2004 regular appearances in
the ARD-Buffet. In 2014, she was elected »Shooting Star of the Year« by Gault Millau. Photos:
Hubertus Schüler
»Jacqueline Amirfallah is a phenomenon.« »The recipes carry oriental notes - tender and subtle,
yet a spectacular tasting experience.« ,Gault Millau Germany
page 81 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Valentin Diem
Wood Food
Cooking With Wood, Fire, Smoke, Tar, And Coal
42.00 EUR
Cover: $type
Extent: 256 pages
Format: 20.1 cm x 28.2 cm
more than 100 colour photos
Available: 10/31/2016
Rights sold: All rights available
• Wood in the kitchen - rediscover an cncient cultural technique
• An experimental culinary project
• Detailed instructions for various techniques - including a vast number of recipes
The various possibilities of using wood for cooking are still largely unknown. It can be used among
others to make coal and ash, to smoke or barbecue. Even though wood as raw material is widely
used in various cultural techniques, many of these have been forgotten in everyday kitchen
practice. »Wood Food« explains some basic techniques that illustrate the potential of wood in
its various forms, and presents a modern approach to the use of wood in cooking via showcase
recipes. Some highlighted topics of the book are wood aroma, smoke, fire, tar, and coal. Including
recipes for all presented techniques and a historical overview of the various ways wood has been
used in cooking.
Valentin Diemfounded the catering company Vale-Fritz in 2011. Since then numerous seminars
on culinary culture as well as several successful temporary restaurants in Zurich. The trained chef
has been studying natural aromas and the dynamic tensions of local exotica for several years.
Photos: Lukas Lienhard
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Rights Catalogue
Andrea Martens, Jo Kirchherr
sweet & salty
Breakfast the Whole Day Waffles, Toasts and Other
Quick Snacks
19.95 EUR
Cover: Cardboard binding
Extent: 144 pages
Format: 18.0 cm x 24.5 cm
approx. 70 colour photos
Rights sold: All rights available
• Brinner: the latest food trend
• Breakfast for night owls and late sleepers, quick and creative recipes
• Brinner = Breakfast + Dinner
The appeal of »sweet & salty« lies in the combination of sweet breakfast classics with hefty dinner
specials. Morning treats such as waffles served with crispy chicken and pesto make up the most
innovative snacks. Fried, scrambled or poached eggs and omelettes are reinvented as totally new
creations. Influences from exotic cuisines provide an additional, most welcome twist, for example
Vietnamese breakfast soup »Pho«, rich in vitamins and proteins while low on carbs and fat. Or
how about breakfast burritos with grilled apricots? Just perfect for night owls and late risers who
do not want to miss out on breakfast classics. But also ideal for young parents and uncomplicated
families, or for a casual get together on a Saturday afternoon or Sunday evening with friends. All
recipes presented are super quick to prepare, and many of them are perfectly suitable for low carb
fans, vegetarians and vegans.
Andrea Martens, Graphic Designer, food stylist, recipe developer and passionate host. Lives in
Bonn and has been working with Jo Kirchherr for more than 10 years.
Jo Kirchherr, Passionate and award-winning photographer from Cologne for food, people, and
advertising photography since 1995.
page 83 of 261
Rights Catalogue
tibits at home
39.90 EUR
Cover: Hardback with jacket
Extent: 144 pages
Format: 21.0 cm x 25.0 cm
140 colour photos, 2 ribbon page markers
Subject areas: vegetarian recipes, healthy food
Rights sold: All rights available
• Vegetarian favourites to cook at home
• 50 easy-to-cook vegetarian recipes - the very best from tibits' menu
• The first cookery book from the successful vegetarian restaurant chain
Natalie Portman and Stella McCartney do it, Marc Forster, Nadine Strittmatter and Richard Gere as
well. Eating vegetarian is trendy. And so are we. Cooking without meat is not an act of abstinence,
it is just the opposite: it can be a luscious, savoury and genuinely culinary delight, as proved by the
success story of the family enterprise »tibits«. In its four Swiss and one London-based restaurants,
»tibits« offers the finest delicacies, both uncomplicated and vegetarian. For the first time ever this
book presents 50 of the most popular recipes. Simply a must-have for lovers of savoury vegetarian
»Vegetarian food on the highest level - from the stunning lentil salad to most delightful desserts.«
NZZ, Neue Zürcher Zeitung
»I do love my Bratwurst, yet I cannot resist the food at 'tibits'. Creative recipes, easy to cook at
home.« Nik Hartmann, well-known Swiss TV and radio host
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Rights Catalogue
The Natural World
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Rights Catalogue
Dieter Hagenbach, Lucius Werthmüller
Albert Hofmann and his LSD
An Eventful Life and a Significant Discovery
39.90 EUR
Cover: Hardback with jacket
Extent: 406 pages
Format: 16.5 cm x 22.5 cm
Approx. 500 photos and illustrations
Subject areas: psychoactive substances,
Rights sold: USA
• The history of LSD and the man who discovered it
• History of science, consciousness research and psychedelic
• Albert Hofmann was voted »greatest living genius« in 2007
Albert Hofmann is undoubtedly the best known chemist of the 20th century, and his discovery of
LSD had a crucial influence on science, society and culture. In 1943 Hofmann experienced the
psychedelic effect of the mysterious substance while self-experimenting on his legendary bicycle
trip. His biography takes us on a journey through the 20th century: Starting with the mystical nature
experiences of his childhood, all the way to his discovery of LSD and Psilocybin at Sandoz in
Basel, ranging from adventurous travels to the long years of his life's eve, marked by a profound
interest in the philosophy of nature and an extremely rich social life. The authors tell us all about
the eventful history of LSD which after its discovery became the object of numerous clinical studies
but also of quite a few dubious experiments. They trace the path of LSD becoming the fuel of the
US youth and hippie movement in the sixties and paving the way for innovative forms of therapy.
Albert Hofmann - an extraordinary person, mystic and researcher who remained open, curious and
devoted to creation until the very last breath he drew at the age of 102.
Dieter Hagenbach born 1943 in Basel, studies in arts and architecture. Founder of Sphinx
Publishing House and of Gaia Media Foundation. Initiator and program executive of the
international symposium on the occasion of Albert Hofmann's 100th birthday. He met Albert
Hofmann in the mid-seventies and remained his friend until death, in 1983 he published his book
»Insights - Outlooks«.
Lucius Werthmüller born 1958 in Basel, consciousness researcher and parapsychologist.
President of the Basel Psi Club. Founding member and board member of Gaia Media Foundation,
project leader at international symposia. He met Albert Hofmann while still a child, as he was a
good friend of Werthmüller's parents, and remained close to him until the end of his life.
page 86 of 261
Rights Catalogue
David Bittner
Among the Wild Bears of Alaska
49.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 272 pages
Format: 26.0 cm x 31.0 cm
Approx. 200 colour photos
Rights sold: All rights available
• Interesting facts about the life of brown bears in Alaska
• Featuring numerous spectacular photos
Bears have fascinated mankind for centuries. Some see them as unpredictable beasts, others as
cute cuddly toys. For David Bittner they are neither the one nor the other. The dedicated biologist
and photographer has spent many summers amongst bears in the wilderness of Alaska. With
patience and sensitivity he was able to build an extraordinary relationship of trust with some of
these animals. They accept him and allow him to participate in their lives. Thus, the author has
had the unique chance to see some of the bears grow up, and he has witnessed the animals find
their place in the complex social hierarchies. The ambitious wildlife and nature photographer has
documented the life of these bears in numerous images. With expert knowledge and gripping
stories, this spectacular illustrated book introduces us to bears in a very unique and special way.
David Bittner, PhD in zoology, bear expert, and nature photograph. Bearer of the environmental
research award of the city of Bern. He has carried out research on the bears of Alaska since 2002.
He works as head of the fishing department of the Canton of Aargau. Photos: David Bittner, Paul
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Rights Catalogue
Christian Rätsch, Claudia Müller-Ebeling
Animals of the Shamans
Power Animal, Totem and Animal Ally
26.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 136 pages
Format: 17.5 cm x 23.0 cm
100 colour photos and illustrations
Subject areas: shamanism, rituals, alternative
Rights sold: All rights available
• The first book ever on the significance of animals in shamanism
• By two internationally renowned experts on shamanism
• All the important things shamanic concepts can teach Westerners
Animals dominated the dawn of mankind. Their flesh, their fur, their tendons and bones helped
our prehistoric ancestors survive. The most ancient artworks created 40,000 years ago give
evidence of this. Animals play an important role also in shamanism: in trance, the early shamans
became one with their animal allies in order to detect and heal sources of illness in the invisible
worlds. They borrowed the animals' strength and litheness, their sense of smell and sharp eye,
the soundless sneaking, sniffing and determined attack. They were the shamans' schoolmasters,
showed them what was edible and what poisonous, and taught them the art of healing. Even today
many people are looking for their power animal, most often as a simple solution to make up for
various shortcomings. Genuine shamans however follow their mighty animal allies into suppressed
realms of shadow to negotiate with threatening powers. They bring to light all that is needed to heal
us, and not the things we wish for. The authors shed light on the different aspects of the ancient
relationship between man and animal from a shamanic perspective, based on decades of research
on shamanic cultures.
Dr. Claudia Müller-Ebeling art historian and ethnologist, specialized in visionary art, conducted
research on shamanism in Korea, in the Amazon region, and in Nepal for more than twenty years
and focuses on the fundamental principles of shamanic art. International lecturer and co-author of
various books, among others the reference book »Shamanism and Tantra in Nepal«.
Dr. Christian Rätsch ethnologist and ethno-pharmacologist, lecturer and author, studied ancient
American studies, ethnology and folklore. For more than twenty years he has conducted worldwide
research on shamanic cultures and their use of psychoactive plants. He wrote a number of books,
among others the classic »Encyclopaedia of Psychoactive Plants«.
page 88 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Sabine Joss
Blossom Walks in the Swiss Alps
Exploratory Forays to Rare Alpine Plants
29.90 EUR
Cover: Paperback with flaps
Extent: 216 pages
Format: 13.5 cm x 21.0 cm
172 colour photos
Subject areas: hiking, Switzerland
Rights sold: All rights available
• Take a walk to special and rare plants in the Swiss Alps
• Comprehensive information on environment, characteristics, and ecology of the plants
• Useful tips, maps, and numerous photos
There are many books on how to identify plants, but who knows where and when a certain type is
in bloom? Discover the most extraordinary and magnificent flowering plants of the Swiss Alps with
the help of this hiking guide. Thanks to a blooming calendar you can be in the right spot at the right
The texts provide information on environment, ecology, and endangerment of each type.
Enchanting photos offer us detailed portrays of the plants and their living space and show
us landscapes worth discovering. Useful maps help facilitating our orientation. The selection
of destinations includes easier routes in the valleys but also demanding mountain tours. A
hiking book for lovers of nature and plants who are eager to discover some hidden corners of
Sabine Joss biologist, journalist, field trip guide, and owner of the consultancy firm »Naturalpin«.
Various articles on different nature related topics as well as articles on hiking and travelling in
magazines and books. Contributions to the book »Local Mountains of Bern«, published by AT
Verlag. Increasingly dedicated to nature photography.
Fredy Joss freelance journalist and photographer, specializing in nature and culture, as well as
hiking and travelling. His articles and pictures have appeared in numerous magazines, books, and
calendars. Contributions to several books on mountains published by AT Verlag. Publisher of the
book »Local Mountains of Bern«.
page 89 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Susanne Fischer-Rizzi, Nomi Baumgartl
Bonding with Animals
The Mysterious Relationship Between Man And
39.95 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 220 pages
Format: 21.0 cm x 28.0 cm
300 Photos
Rights sold: All rights available
• Towards a new bond between man and animal
• A journey to the fascinating and magic world of animals
• Mythology, scientific facts, and personal experience
Animals can be our true companions, allies, and soul mates. As known from ancient tradition and
increasingly recognized these days, animals have great healing powers for us humans. In this
exceptional book complemented by striking photos, Susanne Fischer-Rizzi takes us on a journey
to the animal world and through human history from prehistoric times to the current day. In the
animal descriptions mythology, psychological archetypes, personal experiences, and biological
knowledge interweave to shape astounding images of our European power and soul animals. A
book that allows for a new healing bond to grow between man and animal.
Susanne Fischer-RizziTrained alternative practitioner, pioneer of aroma therapy, and author of 13
reference books translated into various languages. Active in teaching, seminars and lectures inside
and outside the country, and also at her own institution, the ARVEN School on healing plants,
aroma therapy and wilderness knowledge. Photos: Nomi Baumgartl
page 90 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Wolf-Dieter Storl
Common and Forgotten Vegetables
Ethnobotany, Alternative Medicine and Usage
26.90 EUR
Cover: Hardback with jacket
Extent: 360 pages
Format: 13.5 cm x 22.0 cm
129 illustrations
Subject areas: plants, vegetables
Rights sold: USA
• Garden book and cultural history, with 50 colour illustrations
• 50 garden greens - more than just vitamin sources
• Botany, alternative medicine and recipes
The vegetables we eat every day are far more than just sources of vitamins. They harbour secrets,
fanciful tales and magic. Some of them are powerful healing plants with clinically proven medical
effects. Wolf-Dieter Storl, the great connoisseur and researcher of healing and crop plants,
offers an exciting and easy to read presentation of 50 garden greens, including some rare and
forgotten types of vegetables and salad. The book is an unparalleled combination of gardening,
ethnobotany, cultural history as well as ancient and new medical discoveries. And to render all of
this palatable, there is a simple recipe for each presented plant. As a novelty, Barbara Hanneder's
subtle and artistic colour illustrations gracefully complement the book.
Wolf-Dieter Storl born 1942, cultural anthropologist and ethno-botanist. Former Fulbrigth scholar
of the University of Bern, lectured at different universities. Study trips, ethnographical and ethnobotanical field research - in a traditional spiritualist settlement in Ohio, with old and experienced
farmers in the Emmental, with medicine men of the Northern Cheyenne, with Shiva Sadhus in India
and Nepal - are depicted in numerous articles and books. Since 1988 he lives with his family on
a solitary farm in the Allgäu where he is occupied with gardening and investigating the secrets of
healing herbs and wild plants.
page 91 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Jean-Marie Dumaine, Andreas Thumm
Cooking with Wild Plants
My Favourite Recipes Featuring 100 of the Most
Common Wild Herbs and Plants
34.90 EUR
Cover: Hardback with jacket
Extent: 176 pages
Format: 21.0 cm x 28.0 cm
47 colour photos
Subject areas: cooking, edible wild plants, wild
Rights sold: FR
• Dumaines favourite recipes featuring 100 of the most common wild herbs and plants
• Aromatic natural cuisine based on personally collected wild plants
Following the tremendous success of his book »My wild plant cuisine«, the tireless chef and
inventor Jean-Marie Dumaine has selected the 100 most frequent wild herbs and plants of our
latitudes for this book accompanied by 150 new recipes. The first-class chef from France practices
an enormously aromatic natural cuisine based on personally collected wild plants and firstrate regional products. His restaurant in Sinzig, the romantic smalltown where the Ahr joins the
Rhine, is an insider tip for gourmets. In this book, Jean-Marie Dumaine pays culinary tribute to
the classical »weeds« growing at the roadside. Hence he dedicates several recipes to popular
and widely common herbs such as nettles, knotweed, bear's garlic or sorrel. In the cuisine of
Dumaine spicy natural aromas become a culinary feast: Poppy pesto, dandelion blossom chutney,
hogweed pickles or lime-tree blossom mousse combined with further ingredients become exquisite
compositions: unmistakable and full of character. A wide selection of recipes from the refined
natural cuisine designed for gourmets, insurmountable in its genre.
Jean-Marie Dumaine born 1954 on a farm in Vire in Normandy. Runs his own restaurant »Vieux
Sinzig« since 1979 in Sinzig near Bonn, in 2000 after reconstruction and expansion of an old
traditional restaurant relocation to the new »Vieux Sinzig«. Cuisine and restaurant follow the motto
of »experiencing and relishing nature«. Jean-Marie Dumaine has become known through the
regional and supra-regional press, through TV and radio appearances (SWR, WDR, Arte). He is
member of »Eurotoques« and of the renowned French guild »Prosper Montagné«.
»His dishes prepared with herbs and wild vegetables possess an unmistakable charm.«
GaultMillau Germany
page 92 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Steffen Guido Fleischhauer, Jürgen Guthmann,
Roland Spiegelberger
Edible Wild Plants
How to Recognize and Use 200 Species
17.90 EUR
Cover: Paperback with flaps
Extent: 256 pages
Format: 13.5 cm x 21.0 cm
Exclusively colour illustrations and sketches
Subject areas: edible plants, wild plants
Rights sold: FR, NL, PL, SLO
• How to recognize and use 200 species
• Edible wild plants in words, drawing and image: Botany, usage and further information
• Overview table on the best collecting times for the presented edible wild plants
Collecting and relishing edible wild plants is a sheer wonder of nature, inspiring more and more
people these days. Wild plants are rich in vital substances and offer a variety of special aromas,
also they are easy to find and readily available for just anyone.Apart from basic botanical data
(botanical name, family, life form, height of growth, blooming season, blossom colour) this
practical identification guide focuses on the plants' most important features of recognition that
are reproduced by detailed illustrations and excellent colour photos. Poisonous plants liable to
cause confusion are illustrated as well. For each plant, there is a detailed description when to
harvest their different parts. Next to suggestions on how to prepare the wild plants for cooking
purposes there is always a description of their basic taste as well as information on their most
important content substances and health effects. In order to allow orientation throughout the whole
vegetation period the edible wild plants are sorted according to leaf shape - for the first time in a
German publication. The book is rounded off by a table of harvesting times and an index of name
synonyms. The practical pocket size renders the book an ideal companion for outdoor walks to the
edible wild plants.
Steffen Guido Fleischhauer graduate engineer for landscape planning and landscape
architecture, College of Higher Education Weihenstephan. Concentrated for long years on edible
wild plants. Gathered experience all over Central Europe in alimentation with plants from wild
nature. Today offers guided walking tours, nature adventure trips, lectures and seminars on the
topic of edible wild plants.
Roland Spiegelberger landscaper and graduate engineer for landscape architecture and
environmental planning, Höxter Polytechnic. Since 1986 he has studied indigenous wild plants and
recently also communicates botanical knowledge to interested wild plant gardeners and collectors.
page 93 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Steffen Guido Fleischhauer, Roland Spiegelberger,
Jürgen Guthmann
Encyclopedia of Edible Wild Plants
2000 Plants of Central Europe
59.90 EUR
Cover: Hardback with jacket
Extent: 688 pages
Format: 19.5 cm x 26.5 cm
650 colour photos, hardcover with jacket
Subject areas: nature, edible wild plants, cooking
with wild plants
Rights sold: All rights available
• The latest edition of the classic: now even more comprehensive and practical to use
• New feature: identification key based on leaf shape. New chapter: rare and endangered
edible plants
• Newly added topic: poisonous plants, confusable edible plants and differentiating features
Wild plants secured the survival of mankind over thousands of years. These days they experience
an exceptional renaissance and are widely used among top chefs due to their various and intense
flavours. Rich in vitamins, mineral and micronutrients they offer valuable help in protecting health
and are therefore significantly superior to cultivated vegetables. The book describes more than
2000 plant types of Central Europe that have all been used as food at some point in time. The
authors evaluate all the studies, research and experience currently available. Classified based on
their leaf shape, there are descriptions of each plant type including occurrence, blooming period
and nutritional use along with detailed guidelines for preparation. Each plant portrait lists and
explains currently known content substances and healing effects, possible dangerous confusion
with poisonous plants as well as effects of toxic content elements. Including about 650 excellent
colour photos and 450 plant drawings to facilitate identification.
Steffen Guido Fleischhauer graduate engineer for landscape planning. Lectures at the
Universities of Zurich, Weihenstephan and St. Gallen on edible wild plants. Over many years, he
has gathered experience all over Central Europe on edible wild plants. He offers guided hiking
tours, nature adventure trips, lectures and seminars on edible wild plants.
Jürgen Guthmann graduate engineer for physical chemistry. Laboratory supervisor for food
chemistry at the University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan. Many years of experience with
nutrition and health issues, specialized on healing plants and fungi.
Roland Spiegelberger landscape gardener and graduate engineer for landscape architecture and
environmental planning. Since 1986 focus on domestic wild plants, conveying botanical knowledge
to interested wild plant gardeners and collectors.
page 94 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Astrid Süssmuth
Encyclopedia of Healing Herbs of the
Naturopathy and Traditional Wisdom
32.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 296 pages
Format: 15.5 cm x 23.5 cm
230 colour photos
Subject areas: healing plants, Alps
Rights sold: All rights available
• 60 plants of the Alps - healing effects, traditions and myths
• Over 80 recipes, practical guidelines and suggestions
• For mountaineers, hikers, flower lovers and therapists
The flower magic of the Alps puts a very special spell on us. The immense vitality by which
these plants survive in the wild mountain regions gives ample evidence of their healing powers.
Embedded in legends and myths, traditional knowledge of these has been passed on from
generation to generation. The author, a trained naturopath, knows about the vast power of healing
plants, while at the same time, being an experienced mountaineer, she also knows about the
invigorating intensity of the mountain world. For her Encyclopedia of Healing Herbs of the Alps she
went on a search for healing herb treasures in the Alps, thereby uniting these two experiences. 60
healing plants, more than 80 recipes, more than 300 plant photos as well as numerous sketches
and illustrations stretch from the Eastern Alps to the Western Alps, from the Bavarian alpine
upland to the Dolomites of South Tyrol, from mountain forests all the way to rock, ice and snow.
A reader and reference book with numerous hints and suggestions for hikers and mountaineers,
flower lovers and therapists. Featuring a chart of blooming periods, indication index and a detailed
Astrid Süßmuth born 1972. Naturopath running her own practice, engineer and passionate
mountaineer. The traditional herb knowledge of her ancestors from the mountains and the archaic
nature experiences she gathered in the course of her own studies form the foundations of her
work. She passes on her rich plant knowledge, the traditions of our forefathers as well as her
practical nature experiences in magazine articles, books and seminars. Astrid Süßmuth lives with
her family in Upper Bavaria.
page 95 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Svenja Zuther
Flora's Language
Encounters with Plant Spirit - Doctrine of Signatures
- Holistic Phytomedicine
39.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 432 pages
Format: 17.5 cm x 25.0 cm
More than 50 colour photos
Subject areas: phytomedicine
Rights sold: All rights available
• A comprehensive manual on domestic healing plants, including an introduction to the
doctrine of signatures
• Detailed and insightful plant portraits
• Perception exercises, recipes and instructions
In mindful encounters plants open up to us their strongly versatile character. With an introduction to
the doctrine of signatures and practical guidelines for plant encounters this book allows us to enter
the world of plant language. It shows us how to perceive ourselves through nature's mirror, how to
entertain a vivid exchange with plants and make use of their powers. In 18 detailed portraits, the
characteristic powers of local healing plants are described based on modern research along with
ancient plant customs and traditions. An informative and touching manual for all those who intend
to heal not only the body but also the soul with the help of plants. Featuring a number of perception
exercises, recipes and suggestions for a creative use of healing plants.
Svenja Zuther born 1972, graduate biologist, alternative practitioner and consultant with
major focus on holistic phytomedicine. Runs a naturopathy practice in the Lüneburg Heath,
organizes and conducts seminars and holds lectures on the topics of nature consciousness, plant
encounters, the doctrine of signature and holistic phytomedicine.
page 96 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Rudi Beiser
Forgotten Medicinal Plants
Botany, Folk Medicine, Utilisation
29.95 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 240 pages
Format: 15.5 cm x 22.0 cm
Numerous colour photos
Rights sold: All rights available
• Rediscovering forgotten medicinal plants
• A treasure from the past: folk magic and folk medicine
• Scientific facts confirm experience-based medicine
An adventurous expedition to discover domestic wild plants at our doorstep that have completely
disappeared from modern phytomedicine, while they used to play a significant role a long way
back, in medieval healing practices. The book portrays about 25 selected ancient medicinal
plants, such as purple loosestrife, prunella, ajuga, or avens. Next to traditional healing practices,
the book also focuses on modern scientific approaches. Bioactive plant substances along with
a number of recent studies reconfirm the amazing effectiveness of our ancestors' experiencebased medicine. The book emphasizes how healthy and valuable these plants are for human
nutrition, and highlights their widespread use as food plants in ancient times. Practical tips and
recipes complement every plant description, inviting the reader to start collecting them and prepare
effective remedies.
Rudi Beiser ,has worked with wild herbs and healing plants for 40 years, ran his own herb
manufactory La Luna producing high quality herbal teas for 20 years. Today, lecturer at various
institutions and successful author.
page 97 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Chrischta Ganz, Louis Hutter
29.95 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 272 pages
Format: 17.0 cm x 24.0 cm
Approx. 100 colour photos
Rights sold: All rights available
• The vital energy of buds, shoot tips, and seedlings
• With step-by-step instructions on how to produce gemmomacerates
• a guide for experts and amateurs in naturopathy
Gemmotherapy uses the great vital energy of the embryonic plant tissue in buds, shoot tips, and
seedlings. The extracts of this tissue possess extraordinary healing and regenerative powers
and are used successfully for many acute and chronic diseases. For the first time in the Germanspeaking region, this book offers a comprehensive overview of gemmotherapy, including aspects
of humorism as well as the connections with planetary forces. More than 50 buds and their
possible applications are described in detail, and there are step-by-step instructions on how to
produce gemmomacerates. A comprehensive indication section as well as treatment suggestions
for common afflictions serve as a guide for experts and amateurs in naturopathy alike.
Chrischta Ganz is a naturopath running her own practise. She is also a lecturer for phytomedicine,
general naturopathy, and traditional European naturopathy. Louis Hutter is a naturopath
running his own practise. He is a lecturer for phytotherapy, gemmotherapy, traditional European
naturopathy, and traditional Chinese medicine.
Photos: Adrian Gerber
page 98 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Peter Oppliger
Green Tea
Custom - Pleasure - Health
24.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 144 pages
Format: 19.5 cm x 26.5 cm
50 colour photos
Subject areas: tea, alternative medicine
Rights sold: All rights available
• Types, healing powers, preparation and usage
• All there is to know on the magical plant green tea
• A book from the acknowledged expert on green tea
The tea plant is one of the most fascinating healing plants with regard to its history, related
customs and healing power. Thanks to different modes of processing both green tea and black
tea can be produced from it. The medicinal effects of green tea known for several thousand years
have not only been confirmed but largely outdone by international scientific research. Green tea,
both beverage and preventive cure, fosters the healing process with numerous lifestyle diseases,
elevates concentration, enhances personal performance and well-being. A perfect guide and
practical introduction to the secrets of tea, from tea plant to the numerous varieties of teas and
their effects written by a renowned expert in naturopathy.
Peter Oppliger born 1940, graduate chemist, education in naturopathy, homeopathy, phytotherapy
and nutrition at East West Foundation, Boston. Conductor of seminars on autogenic training and
yoga instructor. Peter Oppliger owns a pharmacy in Lucerne, Switzerland and runs an import
business for green tea. Organises and guides educational trips for naturopathy, course instructor,
several teaching assignments in the field of naturopathy.
page 99 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Cora Leroy
Grow Your Own Vegetable Seeds
A Practical Guide To Sowing, Growing, And
Selecting Seeds
24.95 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 208 pages
Format: 17.0 cm x 24.0 cm
More than 100 colour photos
Rights sold: All rights available
• Collect your own vegetable seeds
• Don't just harvest your own vegetables, collect your own seeds as well
• For advanced hobby gardeners
An ancient practice of our ancestors has almost sunk into oblivion in recent times. In the past,
each farmer was also a plant breeder, and every housewife knew how to harvest and store the
plant seeds from her garden. With the help of this book you can also acquire these skills. Following
an introductory summary on the basic methods and tasks of hobby seeds gardeners, the book
provides in-depth presentations of 26 well-known vegetable types including important details
on sowing and planting dates, particularities of certain types, as well as useful tips by experts,
hobby seed growers, and plant savers. And for those who want to step up to the next level, the
book shares the latest knowhow in the fields of first-time and preservation breeding along with the
necessary techniques, resources, and hybridization options. This allows you to select and preserve
your own favourites from nature's wide variety of vegetables.
Cora LeroyTrained vegetable gardener, studies in international and ecological agriculture. She
offers courses on seeds collection and experiments with various types in her own garden.
Photos: Cora Leroy
page 100 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Claudia Ritter
Healing with Domestic Food Plants
Vegetables, Fruits and Crops - from Onion to Fava
Bean Botany, Healing Methods and Recipes
32.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 376 pages
Format: 17.0 cm x 24.0 cm
200 colour photos
Subject areas: alternative medicine, nutrition,
healthy diet
Rights sold: All rights available
• Domestic food plants in naturopathy, featuring botanical characteristics and many colour
• Various recipes from naturopathy
• For specialists in phytotherapy as well as enthusiastic amateurs
Dried blueberries against diarrhea, preparing for labour with raspberry leaves, lad's love in
complementary cancer therapy, oat for regulating the blood sugar level, or fava beans as a
supporting therapy with Parkinson's disease: domestic plants have various healing effects and
offer relief with a number of different illnesses. The book lists 88 domestic food plants, vegetables,
fruits, crops and herbs in alphabetical order, presenting their ancient as well as current use in
naturopathy, mythology, and in the kitchen. The plant portraits are complemented by more than
200 colour photos, botanical characteristics, naturopathic recipes, and guides on brand-name
products. A reference book and guide for anyone interested in plants, their healing powers, and
medical use.
Claudia Ritter born 1968, alternative practitioner and holistic nutritionist in Weiden, Bavaria.
She has studied the healing effects of domestic cultivated and wild plants for many years. Author
of articles for many magazines, lecturer on the practical use of healing plants and naturopathic
page 101 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Susanne Fischer-Rizzi, Peter Ebenhoch
Heavenly Scents
The Great Book on Aromatherapy
29.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 166 pages
Format: 21.0 cm x 28.0 cm
More than 200 colour pictures
Subject areas: Aromatherapy, essences, therapy
Rights sold: I
• The book presents the various methods of application and gives in-depth descriptions of
the most important essences
• Featuring details on botany, ingredients, their effects on body and soul
• A valuable therapeutic index helps with choosing the right essence
This book is a classic in the field of aromatherapy and invites you on a journey to the realm of plant
scents. The depicted essential oils have a holistic effect on body and soul alike and stimulate the
powers of self-healing.
The book shows the different modes of use and provides detailed descriptions of the most
important essential oils including information on botany, ingredients and healing effects. It contains
a number of tried recipes for wellness, body care and therapy.
The author, who introduced aromatherapy in the German-speaking region, draws from her wealth
of experience and shares her expertise in an easily understandable way for beginners as well as
for professional use in the areas of body care and healing.
Susanne Fischer-Rizzi degree in philosophy, trained alternative practitioner. Studied ayurvedic
and Tibetan phytotherapy in India and was taught by Indian healers in America. Naturopathy
practice in Germany. Teacher at her self-founded school for medical plants and aroma therapy.
So far, Fischer-Rizzi has published ten books on naturopathy and aroma therapy, that have been
translated into various languages.
Peter Ebenhoch born 1953 in Oberstaufen in Allgäu, training as graphic designer at the University
of Applied Sciences in Munich, followed by arts studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich.
Since 1982 freelance painter, book illustrator and graphic designer. Together with 3 colleagues
he runs a graphic studio called vierpunkt-Grafik Design gbR since 1992. Numerous art exhibitions
in Germany and abroad since 1982. Lives with his wife, the artist Sabeth Lichtblau, and their two
sons on a farm in Allgäu in the south of Germany.
page 102 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Roger Kalbermatten, Hildegard Kalbermatten
Herbal Mother Tinctures
Essence and Use
16.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 104 pages
Format: 22.5 cm x 23.0 cm
100 colour photos
Subject areas: naturopathy, healing plants
Rights sold: All rights available
• A practical and compact manual of phytotherapy
• Revised and expanded new edition
• 50,000 sold copies
Healing plants carry a large potential of powers that bestow convalescence and vitality on humans
during periods of illness and health alike. Ancient tinctures - made from fresh plants and bearing
extraordinary inner quality - are ideal to convey the nature and personality of a healing plant.
This way they can take effect not only on the body but also the soul. The book offers colourful
presentations of 47 well-known healing plants. By means of studying its nature the therapist or
patient is enabled to establish an inner relationship with the plant, and so its healing powers can
abundantly unfold.
Dr. Roger Kalbermatten chemist, 25 years of experience in the field of medicinal plant research.
Developed an effective procedure for the manufacturing of plant and homeopathic medicines.
Founder of CERES Heilmittel AG which produces high quality ancient tinctures.
Hildegard Kalbermatten trained pedagogue, systematic further training in medicinal and
psychological anthropology. Therapeutic experience with plant remedies. Co-founder of CERES
Heilmittel AG.
page 103 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Steffen Guido Fleischhauer, Jürgen Guthmann,
Roland Spiegelberger
How to Easily Identify Edible Wild
The 50 Most Popular Plants on More than 400
Colour Photos Including Recipes and Useful Kitchen
17.95 EUR
Cover: Paperback with flaps
Extent: 256 pages
Format: 13.5 cm x 21.0 cm
440 colour photos, 60 drawings
Subject areas: edible plants, wild plants
Rights sold: All rights available
• The 50 most popular plants, including recipes and useful kitchen tips
• For beginners with little plant knowledge
• Culinary highlights from nature's cuisine
The bestselling »Edible Wild Plants« has familiarized a wide audience with the topic. Yet many
people lack the confidence to clearly identify the various plants. This book equips amateurs with
a sound understanding of wild plants. The 50 most popular edible wild plants along with their
poisonous look-alikes are presented on more than 400 colour photos and detailed plant sketches
highlighting all their relevant features. Complemented by indications of ideal collection periods
and a nice recipe for each plant, this book is the perfect guide for amateurs with an interest in
Steffen G. FleischhauerGraduate engineer in landscape architecture, Weihenstephan College.
Many years of experience with edible plants from wildlife, his course »Edible Wild Plants« is
offered at various colleges in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Jürgen GuthmannGraduate
engineer for technical chemistry. Worked for many years in the area of food chemistry, nutrition
and health issues. Editor of a guide on vital fungi.
Roland Spiegelberger Graduate engineer in landscape architecture and environmental planning,
Höxter College. Works freelance in biotope mapping since 2009.
page 104 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Violette Tanner, Laetizia Giannini-Studer
Kids' Workshop: Wild Plant Cuisine
Collecting, Cooking and Experiencing Nature With
26.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 200 pages
Format: 19.6 cm x 24.5 cm
150 colour photos
Subject areas: handicrafts with children,
Rights sold: All rights available
• Cooking with kids in natural surroundings
• Getting acquainted with wild herbs and healing plants, Playful knowledge transfer
• Additional information for teachers and instructors
The book presents twelve plant portraits spreading over the four seasons. Children get to know
wild garlic, goutweed, dandelion, stinging nettle, daisy, ribwort, rose hip, elder, marigold, hazelnut,
spruce and coltsfoot in a playful way while collecting, preparing and cooking them at the open fire.
Alongside simple everyday recipes that kids love, the book also offers many suggestions on how
to preserve wild herbs. It presents the traditional use of these herbs for seasonal celebrations such
as Easter, summer solstice, Saint Nicholas and Christmas. A separate section provides details
on particular botanical, naturopathic and also mythological characteristics of each plant. Useful
hints on possible confusion with other plants and a collectors' guide allow for broader insights
on the quality of the portrayed plants. The book is rounded off with songs, stories, fairy tales and
handicraft instructions.
Violette Tanner born 1965, trained healing plant specialist, ecopedagogue, author and mother
of three. Over the past 20 years she has focused specifically on domestic healing plants in
folk medicine and wild herbs for kitchen use. She passes on her knowledge on domestic herb
treasures in courses, herb walks, ecopedagogy seminars, lectures, newspaper op-eds and radio
page 105 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Steffen Guido Fleischhauer
Little Encyclopedia of Edible Wild
Chart Featuring 1000 Plants, with 300 Colour
19.90 EUR
Cover: Paperback with flaps
Extent: 216 pages
Format: 13.5 cm x 21.0 cm
300 photos
Subject areas: edible wild plants, wild herbs
Rights sold: All rights available
• Vast and compact knowledge on 1000 edible wild plants
• Swift orientation thanks to graphic representation, charts and icons
• A precious pocket-size reference book with 300 plants on colour photos
Today edible wild plants have been rediscovered and are immensely trendy. After his bestselling work »Edible wild plants« containing the 200 most important edible plant types and the
reference work »Encyclopedia of edible wild plants«, Steffen Guido Fleischhauer now presents a
reasonably-priced pocket encyclopedia. The book offers a concise and handy presentation of all
relevant information on the 1000 most important edible wild plants of Central Europe. It comprises
information on the traditional ways the different plant parts can be used, on times for collecting as
well as general use of edible wild plants. Brief explanatory texts, use of icons as well as colour and
graphic highlighting allow for quick orientation and easy consultation. The plants are in alphabetic
order according to the most common German plant names, the index lists all botanical names and
known name synonyms with corresponding page numbers. The 300 most prominent edible types
are additionally captured on excellent colour photos.
Steffen Guido Fleischhauer graduate engineer for landscape planning and landscape
architecture, College of Higher Education Weihenstephan. Concentrated for long years on edible
wild plants. Gathered experience all over Central Europe in alimentation with plants from wild
nature. Today offers guided walking tours, nature adventure trips, lectures and seminars on the
topic of edible wild plants.
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Rights Catalogue
Christian Rätsch
My Encounters with Shamanic Plants
26.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 168 pages
Format: 17.5 cm x 23.0 cm
90 colour photos
Subject areas: shamanism, healing plants
Rights sold: All rights available
• Experiences, adventures and realizations of one oft he greatest ethnopharmacologists
• Personal reports of indigenous peoples
• Why the plants of the shamans are so vitally important to Western civilization
A number of psychoactive plants are being used by shamans of various cultures in order to get
insight into a visionary world, to establish contact with invisible powers, to heal the sick and to
allow for the spiritual growth of healthy individuals. These special plants are traditional shamanic
plants. In this book, the author describes the most important shamanic plants from his very
personal point of view, narrating his personal adventures and experiences. Among these are
stories of plant hunt, encounters with shamans using these plants as well as depictions of his
own experiences (visions, altered states of conscience) with psychoactive plants. He explains
how to approach or draw near to shamanic plants, how to correctly use them, how to avoid risks
and where dangers or problems may occur. Richly illustrated with photos and the author's own
paintings inspired by the plants.
Dr. Christian Rätsch ancient American studies, ethno-pharmacologist and ethno-botanist.
Worldwide field studies, especially in the rainforest and the Himalayan regions. Editor, speaker
and author of various books, including the standard works »Enzyklopädie der psychoaktiven
Pflanzen« (Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants) published by AT Verlag.
page 107 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Jean-Marie Dumaine, Andreas Thumm
My Wild Plant Cuisine
100 Recipes for Gourmets
34.90 EUR
Cover: Hardback with jacket
Extent: 160 pages
Format: 21.0 cm x 28.0 cm
100 colour photos
Subject areas: cooking, edible wild plants, wild
Rights sold: All rights available
• 100 recipes for gourmets, sorted according to the seasons
• With practical hints on collecting and harvesting
Experience and cherish the treasures of nature through 100 exceptional recipes. The wild herbs
and plants that nature offers us year-round in abundant richness can be used in far more ways
than ordinary salads or wild spinach. What a firework of strong, intense aromas and manifold
nuances of flavors they can unfold on plate and palate is proven by the 100 recipes of creative wild
herb chef and innovator Jean-Marie Dumaine. For about 20 years has he devoted body and soul
to wild plant cuisine and thereby acquired fame for himself and his restaurant »Vieux Sinzig« in
Sinzig near Bonn as well as far beyond the region. Sorted according to the seasons he presents
100 extraordinary gourmet recipes that obtain their exceptional touch by skillfully using wild herbs
and plants. The plants used can be found everywhere throughout our latitude, the art consists in
unfolding the optimal potential of flavor by treating each herb in an appropriate way - used fresh
or dried, only shortly heated or stewed over a long time, seeds roasted or canned in oil. For each
plant there are practical hints on collecting and harvesting, on their special aptitude for cooking and
their use. 100 seducing recipes for gourmets, photographed skillfully by Andreas Thumm.
Jean-Marie Dumaine born 1954 on a farm in Vire in Normandy. Runs his own restaurant »Vieux
Sinzig« since 1979 in Sinzig near Bonn, in 2000 after reconstruction and expansion of an old
traditional restaurant relocation to the new »Vieux Sinzig«. Cuisine and restaurant follow the motto
of »experiencing and relishing nature«. Jean-Marie Dumaine has become known through the
regional and supra-regional press, through TV and radio appearances (SWR, WDR, Arte). He is
member of »Eurotoques« and of the renowned French guild »Prosper Montagné«.
»His dishes prepared with herbs and wild vegetables have an unmistakable charm.« Gault Millau
»Jean-Marie Dumaine, the patron of the "Vieux Sinzig" in Sinzig, is the most creative wild plants
chef in Germany.« Kitchen 6/2002
page 108 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Andrea Frommherz
Nature Workshop: Seeds and
Win Seeds and Grow Vegetables with Children
24.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 216 pages
Format: 19.2 cm x 24.5 cm
More than 100 colour photos, illustrations
Subject areas: gardening, vegetables, workshop
Rights sold: All rights available
• A playful introduction to the world of seeds and vegetables
• Collecting vegetable seeds and cultivating plants with children, teens, and adults
• Interesting facts about seeds, plants, harvesting, and biodiversity
This book takes children, teens, and adults on a journey to discover the world of seeds and
vegetables. In a very playful and simple way, vegetable seeds are collected and sown in the
garden or on the balcony. They are cultivated, nurtured, and harvested once they have turned into
full grown plants. Original recipes show how the home-grown vegetables can be prepared in open
nature. At the same time, the book offers a host of useful information about seeds and biodiversity,
and how this diversity can be rediscovered and preserved by our own actions. This book was
written in cooperation with ProSpecieRara.
Andrea Frommherz is an environmental consultant, trainer, and remedial teacher. Since 1992,
she offers courses for children, adolescents, and adults. She designs training concepts for
environmental education and is also involved in teacher training. She is fascinated by ecological
diversity and loves to experiment with all things nature. Frommherz is author of several books
published by AT Verlag.
Photos: Patrick Weyeneth, the author, and others
page 109 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Wolf-Dieter Storl
Plant Devas
The Spiritual-Mental Dimensions of Plants
19.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 264 pages
Format: 13.5 cm x 22.0 cm
44 illustrations
Subject areas: plants, meditation
Rights sold: All rights available
• Featuring practical instructions for plant meditation
• New, special-priced edition
Plants are more powerful than we commonly think. Being macroscopic creatures they
communicate the light forces of the cosmos and enliven the earth matter. All cultures, except the
one we are living in today, are aware of the psycho-spiritual dimensions of plants. In dreams or
ecstatic visions of shamans, plants appear as deities, Devas, or light angels who actively and
consciously interfere in earthly events and human history. Wolf-Dieter Storl, the distinguished plant
expert, demonstrates how the disrupted communication between human beings and plants can
be restored. An appendix featuring practical instructions for plant meditation helps to re-establish
contact with the plant Devas.
Wolf-Dieter Storl is a cultural anthropologist and ethnobotanist. He has lectured at various
universities and is the author of several long-selling books. He lives on an isolated farm in the
southern German Allgäu with his family.
page 110 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Helena Arendt
Plant-Based Paint Workshop
How to Prepare and Use Natural Paints
29.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 176 pages
Format: 21.0 cm x 22.0 cm
More than 300 photos
Subject areas: handicrafts, natural paint, pedagogy
Rights sold: All rights available
• The first book ever on »plant-based paints«
• An overview on the development and relevance of paints especially in the Middle Ages
• Useful information and a number of recipes for preparing paints
Plant-based paint goes back to ancient traditions. This book takes us on an expedition to the
amazingly colourful world of natural and plant-based dyes and provides a detailed and practical
description of how to prepare paint out of these. Unlike synthetic paint, natural paint has a
matchlessly sensual and lively effect. Plant-based paints differ in particular due to their unique
structure and composition. It is true that they have only limited durability, however they amaze us
with their inimitable colour shades.
Comprehensive, richly illustrated, offering relevant background information and practical tips. A
book for anyone interested in natural paint, suitable for schools, hobby painters and artists.
Helena Arendt studied art and art pedagogy, works as art pedagogue, since 1992 freelance artist
focusing on painting with natural paints and plastic using the smoking technique. Since 1998
intensified work with plant paints, workshops and lectures on the subject in Germany and South
Africa. Subject specialist. Contributions to professional books, numerous exhibitions.
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Rights Catalogue
Wolf-Dieter Storl
Plants of The Celts
Healing, Plant Magic, Tree Calendar
26.90 EUR
Cover: Hardback with jacket
Extent: 368 pages
Format: 13.5 cm x 22.0 cm
Richly illustrated
Subject areas: Healing, celts, rituals
Rights sold: CZ, J
• With practical recipes of ancient cures and healing methods
• Including the most important healing and magical plants and trees of the Celts
Wolf-Dieter Storl, ethnologist and cultural anthropologist, leads us to the roots of our culture and
with the help of the archaic knowledge of the Celts grants us an astounding access to nature and
healing methods. The Celts used to be the leading culture in most parts of Europe for almost 2000
years. Even after destruction of the druid culture the common people clang to the ancient wisdom
which they passed on orally and practically in the shape of country lore, fairy tales, legends,
seasonal rituals and in particular herbal and folk healing methods. The author introduces us to
a healing method not focused on active agents but on the witcheries and magic of plants. He
presents the most important healing and magical plants as well as the trees of the Celts in their
seasonal and cultural context, in healing and magic, and outlines the relevance of the Celtic annual
circle and tree calendar. The eight annual Celtic feasts and their rituals lead us through the annual
circle and show us how to tune ourselves back even today into the major rhythms of nature. With a
number of practical recipes of ancient cures and healing methods.
Wolf-Dieter Storl born 1942, cultural anthropologist and ethno-botanist. Former Fulbrigth scholar
of the University of Bern, lectured at different universities. Study trips, ethnographical and ethnobotanical field research - in a traditional spiritualist settlement in Ohio, with old and experienced
farmers in the Emmental, with medicine men of the Northern Cheyenne, with Shiva Sadhus in India
and Nepal - are depicted in numerous articles and books. Since 1988 he lives with his family on
a solitary farm in the Allgäu where he is occupied with gardening and investigating the secrets of
healing herbs and wild plants.
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Rights Catalogue
Wolf-Dieter Storl
The Bear
Animal of Strength of the Shamans and Healers
26.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 288 pages
Format: 13.5 cm x 22.0 cm
Subject areas: bear, shamanism
Rights sold: All rights available
• The fascinating relationship between man and bear
Anywhere the bear lives, i.e. in the entire Northern hemisphere, he was considered an animal
of strength. He was not an ordinary animal but a kind of »forest man« whose shaggy fur was
hiding a human or even godly soul. He could understand men's thoughts and had healing powers.
Whoever dreams of a bear or has a strong encounter with a bear becomes a herbal healer and is
summoned to heal with plants. Besides the bear dreamer is the mightiest among medicine men
according to North America's natives. The Germanic people called their most efficient and reliable
healing plants »bear herbs« and sent their youngsters into the forest to experience their true nature
as »bear skinners«. Wolf-Dieter Storl, cultural anthropologist and ethno-botanist, lived himself in
bear habitats in the Rocky Mountains for many years and had frequent - sometimes dramatic encounters with bears. In this book he depicts the relationship between man and bear. The journey
leads into the bear caves of the Neanderthals, the bear cults of Siberian tribes of today, to cave
bears and teddy bears and last but not least to the bear city Bern where the author himself used to
live for several years. We find out about the bear goddess Artemis and the medicine bear of Indian
shamans and find numerous bear tales and stories from all over the world.
Wolf-Dieter Storl born 1942, cultural anthropologist and ethno-botanist. Former Fulbrigth scholar
of the University of Bern, lectured at different universities. Study trips, ethnographical and ethnobotanical field research - in a traditional spiritualist settlement in Ohio, with old and experienced
farmers in the Emmental, with medicine men of the Northern Cheyenne, with Shiva Sadhus in India
and Nepal - are depicted in numerous articles and books. Since 1988 he lives with his family on
a solitary farm in the Allgäu where he is occupied with gardening and investigating the secrets of
healing herbs and wild plants.
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Rights Catalogue
Susanne Fischer-Rizzi, Peter Ebenhoch
The Book of Incense
29.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 228 pages
Format: 21.0 cm x 28.0 cm
205 colour photos
Subject areas: Incense, smoking agents
Rights sold: I
• The first comprehensive book on the art of burning incense
• Including detailed descriptions of each substance´s history
• Featuring previously unpublished recipes for preparation at home
What was the secret of the precious incense mixtures the Egyptian priests used? What scents
helped the seeress at the oracle of Delphi foretell the future? Which incenses are capable to
intensify our dreams? The author presents the first comprehensive book on the art of burning
incense using scents - from the Stone Age, the high cultures of Egypt, Mesopotamia and Greece to
the roots of incense culture in the Far East and the rites of native Americans still in use today.
Burning incense is the act of slowly burning special resins and parts of plants on smoking coal.
For thousands of years, the rising smoke was considered by many peoples to be a message to
heaven. Including detailed descriptions of each smoking agent, its history and practical use today
along with previously unpublished recipes for home use.
Susanne Fischer-Rizzi degree in philosophy, trained alternative practitioner. Studied ayurvedic
and Tibetan phytotherapy in India and was taught by Indian healers in America. Naturopathy
practice in Germany. Teacher at her self-founded school for medical plants and aroma therapy.
So far, Fischer-Rizzi has published ten books on naturopathy and aroma therapy, that have been
translated into various languages.
Peter Ebenhoch born 1953 in Oberstaufen in Allgäu, training as graphic designer at the University
of Applied Sciences in Munich, followed by arts studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich.
Since 1982 freelance painter, book illustrator and graphic designer. Together with 3 colleagues
he runs a graphic studio called vierpunkt-Grafik Design gbR since 1992. Numerous art exhibitions
in Germany and abroad since 1982. Lives with his wife, the artist Sabeth Lichtblau, and their two
sons on a farm in Allgäu in the south of Germany.
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Rights Catalogue
Christian Sollmann
The Do-It-Yourself of Ancient
Tinctures and Homeopathic
32.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 296 pages
Format: 19.5 cm x 26.5 cm
285 colour photos
Subject areas: healing plants, homeopathy
Rights sold: All rights available
• 80 plant portrays with details on active agents, preparation, usage, and lead symptoms
• Systematic instructions for the preparation of cures; an easy way to make your own plant
• From plant to primordial tincture to homeopathic medicament
If you are fed up with the industrially produced phytotherapeutic and homeopathic standard
products, why not prepare your own homeopathic cures made of healing plants from your garden.
The first book ever in German to explain in detail technical basics, list the required tools, disclose
the exact formula, and describe the procedure: from the selection and harvesting of the plants to
manufacturing the primordial tinctures and homeopathic medicaments - gently processed high
quality cures made from untreated, unfertilised premium plants free from any unsolicited additives.
Portrays of 80 healing plants suitable for home use, including information on occurrence, relevant
plant parts, harvesting time, active agents contained, tips on their preparation, as well as usage
and lead symptoms. Complemented by numerous floral pictures, a harvesting calendar, and a
potentisation chart.
A precious and useful guide and a thorough handbook for professionals and amateurs alike who
want to take charge of their own health.
»The do-it-yourself process outlined by Christian Sollmann is useful, instructive, and a lot of fun.
This book is an inspiration for everyone working with plants and homeopathy.« Olaf Rippe
Christian Sollmann born 1961, naturopath. Has been involved in astrology, homeopathy,
spagyric, alchemy, and plant healing for 30 years. Runs a private practice in Munich, delivers
courses and lectures on various topics in these fields.
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Rights Catalogue
Marianna Serena, Michael Suanjak, Beat
Brechbühl, Franca Pedrazzetti
The Encyclopedia of Ancient
800 Types - History, Characteristics, Cultivation,
and Kitchen Use
69.90 EUR
Extent: 672 pages
Format: 19.5 cm x 26.5 cm
1044 colour photos
Subject areas: vegetables, garden
Rights sold: All rights available
• The new and comprehensive encyclopedia with over 800 ancient vegetable types
• Precious information on history, characteristics, cultivation, and kitchen use
• An indispensable reference book for hobby gardeners and dedicated vegetable cooks;
including more than 800 excellent photos and source indications
With over 800 vegetable types and 60 vegetable species this encyclopedia sets completely new
standards. It takes us on a journey to discover the world of crops and presents hardly known
types such as Safier potatoes, ox heart tomatoes, Maikönig lettuce, German giant grapes (cherry
tomatoes), the Rhineland Glory tomato or the Znaim cucumber - vegetables that once used
to be widespread in Central Europe but have been forgotten since. Many of these vegetables,
such as strawberry spinach, chervil beet, asparagus bean, sugar and oat root, are worth being
rediscovered in both garden and kitchen.
Background stories tell us their history, where they come from, how old they are, where they were
grown, who developed and cultivated them, complemented by portraits of people who work with
these rare treasures today.
For each vegetable a reference source is indicated. The types presented can be grown in any
garden, on the balcony, or in flower pots. An indispensable manual for hobby gardeners and
dedicated vegetable cooks.
Marianna Serena engineer for horticulture and domestic science teacher. At ProSpecieRara
she designs the vegetable gardens of Wildegg and Brüglingen, supervises the vegetable seed
production and the section on preservation of vegetables, crops, and decorative plants.
Michael Suanjak biologist. At the Arche Noah Association he heads the seeds archive. Apart from
projects as freelance biologist he currently runs an organic fruit tree nursery and vegetable seed
production plant in the Austrian Waldviertel.
Franca Pedrazzetti has been working as a freelance portrait and news coverage photographer for
newspapers, magazines, and companies for eleven years.
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Rights Catalogue
Beat Brechbühl has been a freelance photographer for many years, with focus on still life, food,
and architecture photography.
Editor: ProSpecieRara, ProSpecieRara Germany, Arche Noah, Hortus With the cooperation of:
Nicole Egloff, Iris Förster, Deborah von Arx, Susi Wyden
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Rights Catalogue
Wolfgang Bauer
The Fly Agaric
Mysterious, Poisonous, and Beneficial - The Roots
of Myths, Tales, and Religions
22.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 144 pages
Format: 17.5 cm x 25.0 cm
150 colour photos and illustrations
Subject areas: mushroom, nature, ancient cultures,
Rights sold: All rights available
• A competent and entertaining book on the mysterious fly agaric
• Details on its ritualistic use in ancient cultures and shamanism
• With astonishing findings from folklore, mythology, and religious studies
Being a poisonous mushroom, the fly agaric symbolises the dangers of nature, while at the same
time it is the emblem of luck.
Scientists consider the fly agaric to be probably the most ancient mind-altering drug of mankind.
This sacred mushroom accompanied shamans on their soul journeys to ghosts and gods, and
helped to search for things lost or the exploration of the future. The secret around its ritualistic use
was kept safe quite strictly in archaic cultures. Hints that allude to its use can be found in its name
(a mushroom for flying!), in legends of hermits who were looking for visions in the desert, in godly
myths and magic tales, in the stone of wisdom as known from alchemists, and in fantasy literature.
To this day, it is being used as painkiller and cure, especially with nervous symptoms.
In the shape of artefacts, the fly agaric has lately become part of our everyday culture. As a
popular symbol it stands for luck and grants temporary relief from our everyday worries.
Wolfgang Bauer born 1940, studied psychology and folklore. Works as psychotherapist in
Frankfurt am Main. Since 1991 curator of exhibitions on witch plants and fairy tale mushrooms.
(Co-)Author and editor of numerous books, illustrated albums, and magazines, among others cofounder of the magazine »Integration - Journal for mind-moving plants and culture«.
page 118 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Katharina Brändlein, Ulrike Grafberger
The Forest - A Nature Workshop
Playing, Discovering and Experimenting in All
24.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 144 pages
Format: 21.0 cm x 22.0 cm
200 colour photos
Subject areas: handicrafts for children, experiencing
Rights sold: All rights available
• Practical instructions for various adventures and discoveries in the forest
• An excellent book of ideas and instructions for parents and teachers
• Vividly depicted background information on the subject of forests, iIllustrated with
numerous photos
The forest offers room for adventure, the experience of nature, discoveries, fun and games. How
to build a shelter protecting from rain and snow? Which animals live in the shrubs, which in the
stream? Falcons and ravens - which group wins the quiz? And during a concert of rain drops the
musicians can let it all out with stone sounds. Challenging and manifold activities render every
forest excursion a genuine adventure. Whether in pairs or in a group, be it spring, summer, autumn
or winter - this book offers suitable games and experiments for all ages and seasons. More than
40 forest activities are depicted in detail, enriched with interesting pieces of information on forests.
We learn for instance what geophytes are und how humus develops, how to make a leaf flute and
all there is to know about the rutting season of roe deer. A book addressing all our senses, offering
valuable information and inviting us to forest adventures.
Katharina Brändlein is a forest ranger who has become widely known through various television
programs on forest. She runs the company »Försterliesl«, offering forest adventure tours and
management seminars. She has been working for many years with children and school classes,
and has recently become mother of a baby girl herself.
Ulrike Grafberger for the past 15 years she worked as freelance copywriter, journalist and author
with special focus on travel documentation, tourism as well as scientific texts for children. Her most
important advisor is her 11-year old son Philip.
page 119 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Wolf-Dieter Storl
The Garden Cosmos
Gardening According to Biological Secrets of Nature
as a Way to an Improved Harvest
26.90 EUR
Cover: Hardback with jacket
Extent: 368 pages
Format: 13.5 cm x 22.0 cm
Numerous illustrations
Subject areas: gardening
Rights sold: CZ, LV
• Gardening according to biological secrets of nature as a way to an improved harvest
The garden business is booming. Hardly an inch of lawn remains spared from chemical fertilizers
and pesticides. The effects of this excessive »plant protection« are puny gardens with few species
as well as bare and shorn bushes. The author opens the reader's eyes to a completely new
perspective uniting the entire knowledge of mankind on nature's secrets, from the discoveries of
the Rosicrucians, alchemists and Neoplatonists, the experiences of Indians and the Chinese to the
ancient, eternally valid realizations of Paracelsus and Agrippa of Nettesheim. This comprehensive,
holistic nature and garden reference book focuses its attention both on planetary influences and
earth bacteria as well as fertilizing substances. Clearly illustrated, it describes macro-correlations
while offering practical hints, aids and advice from biodynamic gardening practice for all types of
work year-round.
Wolf-Dieter Storl born 1942, cultural anthropologist and ethno-botanist. Former Fulbrigth scholar
of the University of Bern, lectured at different universities. Study trips, ethnographical and ethnobotanical field research - in a traditional spiritualist settlement in Ohio, with old and experienced
farmers in the Emmental, with medicine men of the Northern Cheyenne, with Shiva Sadhus in India
and Nepal - are depicted in numerous articles and books. Since 1988 he lives with his family on
a solitary farm in the Allgäu where he is occupied with gardening and investigating the secrets of
healing herbs and wild plants.
page 120 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Susanne Fischer-Rizzi
The Great Book of Floral Waters
Care, Heal, and Stay Healthy with Hydrolates
39.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 400 pages
Format: 21.0 cm x 28.0 cm
More than 200 colour photos
Subject areas: naturopathy, healing plants, aroma
Rights sold: All rights available
• Detailed portrays of 80 floral waters
• A number of practical suggestions from naturopathy; including do-it-yourself instructions
• The latest reference book by No. 1 plant expert and bestselling author Fischer-Rizzi
Floral waters, also called hydrolates, are - similar to essential oils - produced through steam
distillation of healing plants. They are gentle yet highly effective and can be used in a variety of
In this first comprehensive German reference book on floral waters the author shares her vast
knowledge accumulated over many years of plant distilling. Moreover she outlines the history of
floral waters, all the way from ancient times to current scientific findings.
The book portrays 80 floral waters. A subtle presentation is dedicated to each plant, describing
its very own characteristics. Numerous examples and recipes document the practical use of
hydrolates not only for individual use but also in nursing care, health care, and social work. In
addition, we find out about their practical use in cosmetics through a number of do-it-yourself
A book of basics, stories, and instructions for amateurs and professionals alike. Including a
collection and distillation calendar as well as a comprehensive index of indications. Richly
illustrated with beautiful floral photos conveying the nature and strength of the plants.
Susanna Fischer-Rizzi born 1952, naturopath, graduate of the renowned Josef Angerer School,
and trained by various specialists of naturopathy in Europe and Asia, pioneer of aroma therapy
and author of 13 books to date translated into various languages. Her teaching activities include
seminars and lectures both within Germany and abroad. She also founded the ARVEN School of
naturopathy, aroma therapy, and wilderness knowledge.
Martina Weise is a devoted landscape and creative plant photographer. She conducts workshops
and writes for several publishing houses.
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Rights Catalogue
Johannes Wilkens
The Healing Power of the Hellebore
19.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 144 pages
Format: 13.5 cm x 22.0 cm
30 colour photos
Subject areas: Hellebore, healing,
Rights sold: All rights available
• The first book on the healing power of the hellebore; Authored by an experienced
physician and specialist
• A promising cure for Alzheimer, stroke, and ADD/ADHD
• Ample evidence from medicinal history followed by most recent case studies
The hellebore has played a crucial role for the most renowned doctors in occidental medicinal
history. Hippocrates, but even more so Paracelsus and Samuel Hahnemann have praised its
powers. In recent times the hellebore is once again in the spotlight, as it has proved particularly
effective in clinical cell tests as well as with concrete cases of the serious sicknesses, the new
millennium is experiencing. It has proven its worth in geriatrics, with Alzheimer, strokes, but also
with cancer - all of which quite frequently require hellebore treatment based on anthroposophic
medicine. Another area, where it is intensely used, is with attention disorders of children such as
ADD and ADHD as well as general brain development disorders.
Against the background of medicinal history and using various case studies, this book documents
the essential role of the hellebore with numerous sicknesses of the modern age.
Johannes Wilkens born 1962, studied theology and human medicine, chief physician of the
Alexander von Humboldt Clinic in Bad Steben, also runs his own private practice. Extensive
research in the area of homeopathy and anthroposophic medicine, numerous books and magazine
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Rights Catalogue
Susanne Fischer-Rizzi, Peter Ebenhoch
The Leaves of Trees
Healing Powers and Myths of Indigenous Trees
26.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 176 pages
Format: 21.0 cm x 28.0 cm
Subject areas: Phythomedicine, trees, leaves
Rights sold: All rights available
• Healing powers and myths of indigenous trees
• Since ancient times roots, resin, sprouts and leaves have been used to prepare valuable
cures and potions
• Susanne Fischer-Rizzi presents a collection of ancient tales, legends, myths, songs and
rites that have accompanied us for thousands of years
The tree is one of the most ancient symbols of mankind. The symbol of the tree of life can be found
in all cultures. Just as ancient is the knowledge about the healing powers of trees. Through all
ages, people have prepared valuable medicine from roots, resin, sprouts and leaves.
Susanne Fischer-Rizzi has collected ancient tales, legends, myths, songs and rites that have
accompanied us throughout the ages of time and live on even today: the Christmas tree, the
blessing of palm leaves on Palm Sunday, maypoles and roofing ceremonies. Drawing from long
years of experience with plant healing she added to each tree a chapter on its healing effects,
along with tried recipes for home-made teas, ointments, tinctures, compresses etc. These are
complemented by recipes for delicious dishes and drinks such as maple ice cream, fir honey,
blackthorn liqueur, elder cake or quince bread. The perceptively captured illustrations by Peter
Ebenhoch underline the individual characteristics and personality of each tree.
A rich and impressive book full of precious information. A must-have for tree lovers.
Susanne Fischer-Rizzi degree in philosophy, trained alternative practitioner. Studied ayurvedic
and Tibetan phytotherapy in India and was taught by Indian healers in America. Naturopathy
practice in Germany. Teacher at her self-founded school for medical plants and aroma therapy.
So far, Fischer-Rizzi has published ten books on naturopathy and aroma therapy, that have been
translated into various languages.
Peter Ebenhoch born 1953 in Oberstaufen in Allgäu, training as graphic designer at the University
of Applied Sciences in Munich, followed by arts studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich.
Since 1982 freelance painter, book illustrator and graphic designer. Together with 3 colleagues
he runs a graphic studio called vierpunkt-Grafik Design gbR since 1992. Numerous art exhibitions
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Rights Catalogue
in Germany and abroad since 1982. Lives with his wife, the artist Sabeth Lichtblau, and their two
sons on a farm in Allgäu in the south of Germany.
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Rights Catalogue
Christian Rätsch
The Sacred Grove
Germanic Magic Plants, Sacred Trees and
Shamanic Rituals
22.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 120 pages
Format: 17.5 cm x 25.0 cm
80 colour and b/w photos
Subject areas: magic plants, shamanism, rituals
Rights sold: All rights available
• The shamanic roots of the Germanic people
The Germanic culture was carried by shamanic mythology, its spirituality was inspired by
entheogenes, holy plants, smoking of psycho-active agents and intoxicating drinks. The Germanic
Temple was not an artificial building but a forest, the sacred grove. The trees were gods and
the plants had magic powers. Germanic shamanism was characterized by alrunas, the wise
seers, berserks, the cultic warriors, brewing women experienced with herbs and enthusiastic
skalds. In Germanic mythology we have direct access to shamanism. The god Wotan is the primal
shaman, the most shamanic of all Indo-Germanic gods. Wotan is the marshal of the universe, the
ecstatic striving for knowledge and cognition, the soul companion, master of entheogenes, the big
magician and protecting warrior. This book tells us about Germanic world trees, fool punks, magic
plants, oracle flowers, smoking agents, intoxicating drinks and rune magic. It opens up the almost
forgotten gates to the sacred grove and its wonder plants. It depicts rituals, shamanic practices, the
use of indigenous magic plants. It offers access to our pagan heritage and shamanic roots.
Dr. Christian Rätsch ancient American studies, ethno-pharmacologist and ethno-botanist.
Worldwide field studies, especially in the rainforest and the Himalayan regions. Editor, speaker
and author of various books, including the standard works »Enzyklopädie der psychoaktiven
Pflanzen« (Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants) published by AT Verlag.
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Rights Catalogue
Ralph Müller
The Secret Language of Birds
Listen to Birds, Let Them Touch You and Learn
From Them
34.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 256 pages
Format: 17.5 cm x 25.0 cm
150 photos, 40 drawings
Subject areas: nature, birds
Rights sold: All rights available
• Practical guidelines to understand the message of birds: their voices, body language,
behavioural patterns
• Thrilling adventures and real life reports from expeditions to the wilderness
• What you always wanted to know about birds
Birds have something to say to us. It is an ancient, almost forgotten art to make use of the alert
senses of animals, especially birds. Through their song and behaviour they provide us thrilling
and ultimately even vital information on the subtle and deep interrelations in nature. Birds draw
our attention to the fierce hunt of hawk and golden eagle, they show us where puma and lion are
hiding, and are capable even of giving warning of big dangers such as a tsunami. This book very
vividly depicts the fascinating life of birds, the art of connecting with birds and understanding the
messages that lie hidden in their voices, their body language and their behavioural patterns. It
offers many practical guidelines and inspires you to go out and let yourself be touched in a most
peculiar way by our feathered friends.
Ralph Müller born 1961, he founded his own Nature and Wilderness School in 1999. He did
numerous trips of several months to the wilderness of remote areas in Europe, North Africa,
North and South America. He intensely studied ornithology with special attention to environmental
protection and communication structures in nature as well as to the knowledge of indigenous
peoples. His course offerings comprise seminars, trainings and wilderness expeditions, ritualistic
shaping of life transitions, nature mentoring, quest for visions, apart from that he is active as
falconer, hunter and archer.
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Rights Catalogue
Bernd Kröplin, Regine C. Henschel
The Secrets of Water
Latest Astonishing Results From Water Research
24.95 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 136 pages
Format: 21.4 cm x 26.2 cm
approx. 250 colour photos
Available: 10/17/2016
Rights sold: All rights available
• Thel latest findings in water research
• Profound insights into the nature of water
• Fascinating water drop images under the microscope
Water reacts to outside influences in a sensitive way and it stores information in nature as well
as in us. Water communicates over long distances. Evidence stems from fascinating water drop
images which capture these memory phenomena. It goes to show that water is much more
significant than anyone assumed so far. For the first time ever researchers from Stuttgart have
managed to systematically unveil this secret. Easily reproduced experiments with fascinating
images offer deep insights on the effects of e.g. mobile radio, ultrasound, music, vibration therapy,
and thought power. The results are the outcome of 15 years of research on the basis of which the
authors completely reassess the role of water in nature as well as in the human body. It marks the
beginning of a new understanding of the world and of ourselves.
Bernd Kröplin, Professor and graduate engineer, until 2010 professor and director of the Institute
for Statics and Dynamics of Aeronautics Constructions at the University of Stuttgart. 2001 he
founded the TAO Group, a research company for forward-thinking technologies. Recipient of
renowned science awards. Lectures, exhibition »The World in a Water Drop«.
Regine C. Henschel, Studies in philosophy and literature. TV editor among others for Arte, ZDF,
and 3Sat. Since 2001 joint projects with Bernd Kröplin. Lectures and seminars.
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Rights Catalogue
Alexander Lauterwasser
The Turtle's Secret
An Expedition into the Morphology, Zoology and
Mythology of a Wondrous Animal
59.90 EUR
Cover: Hardback with jacket
Extent: 424 pages
Format: 21.0 cm x 28.0 cm
500 colour photos and illustrations
Subject areas: nature, animals, mythology
Rights sold: All rights available
• An exemplary book on the interrelation between zoology, morphology and mythology
• The various aspects of a wondrous animal
• Holistic natural history in the true sense of the word
The turtle plays an outstanding role in the myths and fairy tales of many cultures. Starting from the
early experience of his encounter with a turtle, the author is guided in the form of a dialogue with
the animal to the secret of its existence, and takes the reader on a stupendous »Tour d'horizon«
through all periods of natural, cultural and human history: phenomenological examination of
zoological and morphological aspects, mythological and literary motifs and artistic representations
are impressively mingled and interpreted in an interdisciplinary way. Starting from its outward
appearance, the turtle leads us to an inward perspective of its nature and allows an extraordinary
view on the hidden reality of animal existence: The different animal species reflect in themselves
different aspects of the world as a whole. The turtle reveals itself as the living, organic symbol of
the earth and its mystery. As it knows all about the beginning of congealment and mineralization
of the matter, it also guards the knowledge on the secret of transformation. More than 500
spectacular images convey the manifold significations of this mysterious animal which has always
fascinated and deeply moved mankind.
Alexander Lauterwasser born 1951, studies in philosophy and psychology in Munich and
Heidelberg. Since 1984 research focus on questions of morphogenesis and morphology of organic
forms. Since 1993 study of Hans Jenny's Cymatics, experiments and research on the processes
of formation of vibrations, sounds and music. Lectures and seminars, exhibitions, live water and
sound projections at various concerts.
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Rights Catalogue
Maria Anna Pabst
The Wondrous World of Pollen
39.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 240 pages
Format: 23.0 cm x 24.0 cm
200 colour photos
Subject areas: nature, phenomena
Rights sold: All rights available
• Insight into the microcosm of pollen
• Captivating electron microscope images of pollen grains and spores
• Featuring a contribution by Wolf-Dieter Storl
To the human eye pollen are no more than dust that can be annoying sometimes. Yet diving into
the microcosm you discover a whole new world of various unknown shapes and patterns that
stimulate the beholders' imagination. This book is a journey into the fascinating realm of pollen.
We learn how these bearers of male plant gametes are carried to the female sexual organs with
the help of wind or passing animals, and about the way »love messenger« insects and plants
adjust to and rely on each other. Pollen grain findings allow insight into human history, ancient
habits of different cultures, as well as climate change on our planet. 58 breathtaking plant pollen
grains and spores are captured in impressive electron microscope images that give evidence of
nature's boundless imagination. Some images are manually coloured using a recent technology.
This book is a source of amazement offering fascinating insights into the wondrous world of nature,
and shows us a way of engaging with nature's shapes in order to experience ourselves as part of a
greater whole.
Maria Anna Pabst born 1948, studied biology, specialized in electron microscopy. Until 2012
university professor of cellular biology, histology, and embryology at the Medical University in
Graz. Conducts meditations, works with sound therapy, healing plants, and natural cosmetics.
Exhibitions of her coloured electron microscope pictures in Graz, Vienna, Maribor, Dortmund.
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Rights Catalogue
Ernst Zürcher
Trees and the Invisible
Astounding Research Findings
24.95 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 240 pages
Format: 13.5 cm x 22.0 cm
approx. 70 photos and illustrations
Rights sold: All rights available
• The wondrous world of trees
• Latest findings on tides in tree trunks, the cosmic pulse of buds, moon wood, and the new
fertility of Earth
• A scientist's visionary book, with instructions for future actions
Trees and forests are in danger - yet they could be our greatest allies. Modern natural science, if
willing to cast a glance behind occurrences, will encounter the most unexpected particularities in
trees. Traditional knowledge on trees proves to be visionary. Parallel to that, science discovers
astounding, formerly unknown facts. This book addresses the phenomena of tree peoples, the
secret of longevity, the importance of the Golden Cut, the »new water«, the tides in tree trunks,
as well as the cosmic pulse of buds. The subtle, measurable messages of trees include warning
signals for earthquakes, similar to those known from the world of animals. What is moon wood
and what characteristics does it have? What effects do wooden houses, wood fire, or quite simply
forest air have on our health? Why shouldn't trees and forests be used again as sources of fertility
for agriculture just as they were in the past, especially as they also help reversing the greenhouse
Ernst Zürcher, Doctor of science, forestry engineer, professor for wood science at Berne College
of Higher Education. Visiting lecturer for wood science at EPFL Lausanne as well as at Zurich
College of Higher Education (Master's program in Environmental Sciences).
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Rights Catalogue
Cornel Rüegg, Sabine Reber
Veranda Junkies
Urban Gardening on Balconies and Terraces
34.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 256 pages
Format: 23.0 cm x 28.0 cm
Approx. 100 colour photos
Subject areas: urban gardening
Rights sold: All rights available
• Growing vegetables on balconies and rooftops
• Practical information for all balcony gardeners
• More green, less grey!
A new generation of open-minded, laid-back urban gardeners is planting on rooftop terraces,
balconies, and verandas, or even in parking spaces just outside the house. The spectrum ranges
from selections of herbs on the window sill to spacious roof farms with fruit trees and berry
cultures, from improvised wine crates and stacked plant pots to sophisticated watering systems or
home-grown worm farms.
15 passionate balcony gardeners share their knowledge and their experience. Featuring
fascinating photos of the green urban refuges by Sebastian Magnani and lots of practical knowhow from gardening expert Sabine Reber.
Cornel Rüegg is working in communications, he conceptualises and realises online projects.
Inspired by the urban gardening scene in Detroit and his own experience as amateur gardener, he
has devoted himself to the concept of urban gardening.
Sabine Reber is a freelance author and gardening journalist. She lives at Lake Biel and writes
books on gardening, novels, poetry, as well as columns for various media. Her books have
received several awards, the latest of which being the "Deutscher Gartenbuchpreis". The
gardening expert is also well-known for her TV appearances, lectures, and gardening courses. As
early as 2008 she called for reclaiming the urban space with plants in her much-noticed gardening
manifesto. She is a passionate balcony gardener herself.
Photos: Sebastian Magnani
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Rights Catalogue
Wolf-Dieter Storl, Frank Brunke
Wandering Plants
Neophytes, the Silent Conquerors - Ethnobotany,
Naturopathy and Usage
29.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 320 pages
Format: 15.5 cm x 23.5 cm
120 colour photos
Subject areas: alternative medicine, plants
Rights sold: All rights available
• Neophytes as valuable crops or healing plants
• An unprejudiced view on recently settled plants
• The latest book by bestselling author Wolf-Dieter Storl with Frank Brunke's breathtaking
plant photos
In his latest book bestselling author Wolf-Dieter Storl explains the nature and use of so-called
neophytes, i.e. plants that have settled in our region during the past decades: how they are valued
and used in their countries of origin, why they have migrated and what functions they have in their
new home. New plants such as the giant hogweed, the Canadian goldenrod or the Himalayan
balsam are currently the object of fervent discussions among nature lovers. They overgrow vast
areas and squeeze out the indigenous vegetation. Others, like ambrosia, are considered healthdamaging. Wolf-Dieter Storl challenges these superficial judgments and proves that neophytes
enrich the domestic flora, they are natural steps in the gradual resettlement of our continent, as
the Ice Age had practically eliminated all local vegetation. Yet the book does not only examine
biological, climatic and ecological conditions enabling new plants to flourish, but also highlights
ethnobotanical and cultural aspects. In their countries of origin many of these neophytes are
precious crops, healing plants, or sometimes even of sacred nature, used in Shamanic or religious
Wolf-Dieter Storl born 1942, cultural anthropologist and ethno-botanist. Former Fulbrigth scholar
of the University of Bern, lectured at different universities. Study trips, ethnographical and ethnobotanical field research - in a traditional spiritualist settlement in Ohio, with old and experienced
farmers in the Emmental, with medicine men of the Northern Cheyenne, with Shiva Sadhus in India
and Nepal - are depicted in numerous articles and books. Since 1988 he lives with his family on
a solitary farm in the Allgäu where he is occupied with gardening and investigating the secrets of
healing herbs and wild plants.
Photos: Frank Brunke
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Rights Catalogue
Andreas Walker, Thomas Bucheli
Weather Signs in The Sky
How to Understand and Correctly Interpret
Meteorological Phenomena
34.90 EUR
Cover: Cardboard binding
Extent: 224 pages
Format: 15.5 cm x 23.5 cm
200 colour illustrations
Subject areas: nature, weather meteorology
Rights sold: All rights available
• Easily understandable explanations of weather phenomena
• Look behind the scenes of a TV weather forecast
• More than 200 impressive colour photos of weather phenomena
The meteorologist Andreas Walker, also a passionate nature observer and photographer, renders
lucid explanations on how to understand and interpret weather signs in the sky. He illustrates
the most important terms of meteorology in a simple, comprehensible way adapted to amateurs.
The book also highlights interesting areas of knowledge connected to the subject of weather,
such as weather sensitivity and human-caused global warming. In addition, the author explains
some spectacular light and colour phenomena of the atmosphere. Next to the depiction of weather
phenomena the book provides some insight into the making of a TV weather forecast. Thomas
Bucheli, immensely popular and widely known through Swiss television, allows us to look behind
the scenes.
Andreas Walker born 1960 in Lucerne, studied geography, meteorology and photography at the
University and the Institute of Technology (ETH) of Zurich. Works as freelance science journalist,
holds courses and lectures on meteorology and owns a stock photo agency. Author of several
Thomas Bucheli born 1961 in Rothenburg (LU). Geography studies at the Institute of Technology
(ETH) Zurich. Since 1995 editor of SF METEO (weather forecast) at Swiss Television.
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Rights Catalogue
Angela Klein
Wildlife Workshop Butterflies
Play, Experience, Observe Discover The Wondrous
World Of Butterflies With Children
19.95 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 152 pages
Format: 19.5 cm x 24.5 cm
More than 100 colour photos
Rights sold: All rights available
• A voyage to the wondrous world of butterflies
• Activities and encounters with nature for and with children
• Wildlife adventure projects on the topic of butterflies
Butterflies never stop to fascinate us with their bright colours and delicate shape, their astounding
survival strategies, and their miraculous metamorphosis. In addition, they are a great way to
familiarize children with nature and foster their appreciation of wildlife. This richly illustrated book
offers a wide range of ideas for wildlife encounters and activities, background knowledge, and
first-hand tips. It shows a number of ways to make children familiar with butterflies. It is also
an invitation to perceive and experience, observe and study, play and move, create and build,
revolving around the topic of butterflies, while also offering instructions how to raise butterflies or
lure them into our garden.
Angela KleinEnvironmental educator and graduate biologist. 20 years of freelance activity in
environmental education, especially wildlife adventure projects for children as well as training
seminars for teachers and tutors, among others at education colleges in Switzerland and Germany.
She lives with her family on Lake Constance.
Photos: Angela Klein
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Rights Catalogue
Tanja Askani
The Woman Who Lives With Wolves
26.90 EUR
Cover: Hardback with jacket
Extent: 144 pages
Format: 19.5 cm x 26.5 cm
100 photos, colour and b/w
Subject areas: wolves
Rights sold: USA
• The woman who lives with wolves
The woman who »Dances with wolves«. Hardly any other animal has been inspiring the
imagination of human beings as much and has been playing such an important part in their cultural
history as wolves have. They appear as mysterious figures in numerous legends, myths and fairy
tales. As a symbol of evil and a threat to human beings they were chased and nearly exterminated.
Even today, the relationship between man and wolves is characterized by extremes and ranges
from the image of a raging beast to deep fascination and even noncritical glorification. Whoever
approaches these animals without prejudice, and with empathy and patience, or tries to get familiar
with their way of living and their ecological background, will discover that wolves are extremely
multi-faceted, sensitive and fascinating creatures. Tanja Askani, falconer at the wildlife park
Lüneburger Heide, is one of few persons who managed to establish a close relationship with
wolves. In 1998 she raised her first orphan wolf puppy by hand - which marked the cornerstone of
her ever growing love for wolves. Today she is in charge of several wolf packs at the wildlife park
Lüneburger Heide. The book describes her life, her experiences and her adventures with wolves.
At the same time, it features a rich wealth of sound knowledge as well as new and surprising facts
about these fascinating animals unlike any other book written on the subject before.
Tanja Askani born in Czechoslovakia in 1962, lives in Germany since 1990, works as falconer at
the wildlife park Lüneburger Heide. Askani's interest in animals, especially wild animals, started
early. She learned to understand their behaviour and to interact with them. By raising a polar
she-wolf in 1998 (described in her book »Unsere Wölfin Flocke«) she laid the foundation for her
first pack of wolves. Today, she is in charge of several wolf packs at the wildlife park Lüneburger
Sabine Lutzmann photographer, co-founder of the international photo agency »Fishing4« (1998).
Started in the areas of sports and nature, works in all areas of modern photo journalism today.
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Experiencing & Shaping
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Rights Catalogue
Andreas Güthler, Kathrin Lacher
Adventure Workshop Land Art
New Natural Artworks for Young and Old
26.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 168 pages
Format: 13.5 cm x 22.0 cm
More than 150 colour photos and illustrations
Subject areas: nature workshops
Rights sold: All rights available
• Suggestions for the use of land art in schools, reaching beyond the scope of art class
• Plenty of pedagogic suggestions for parents, teachers and educators
• The latest book by the bestselling authors of »Nature Workshop Land Art« (6th edition)
Land artists create on the spot in natural environments, using only materials they find right there.
No natural object looks exactly like the other, hence every single land artwork is unique. To
Kathrin Lacher and Andreas Güthler land art is a fascinating and rather self-evident opportunity
that allows for an intensive experience of nature. The aim of their latest book is to motivate
people to create their own land artworks. On top of that they present useful craft tools for parents,
teachers, environmental pedagogues, educators and anyone interested in integrating land art
into their pedagogic work. Accompanied by numerous inspiring photographs of land artworks
the authors provide descriptions, ideas and concrete guidelines for composing land artworks.
These creative ideas are usually easy to apply in various natural locations and do not require any
special materials. The core focus of the book »Adventure Workshop Land Art« are land art projects
centering around creative themes such as balance, light and shadow, land art in snow and ice as
well as land art in motion.
Kathrin Lacher born 1970, graduate educationalist, experimental pedagogue and family therapist.
Influenced by a lecture on Land Art held by Andy Goldsworthy, and also stemming from her own
enthusiasm for nature, she started offering Land Art activities for groups. Frequently integrates
elements of Land Art into her freelance educationalist activities.
Andreas Güthler born 1968, graduate geo-ecologist and freelance environmental educationalist.
For many years active member of different environmental associations with focus on environmental
pedagogy. Lives in Allgäu, and being the leader of the German branch of the Commission for
the Protection of the Alps (CIPRA) he is dedicated to the preservation of the natural and cultural
heritage of the Alps. Seized by the Land Art frenzy 15 years ago, he has been organizing countless
Land Art workshops for all age groups for over a decade.
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Rights Catalogue
Robert Eisele, Birgit Hartmann-Eisele
Circus Workshop
Ideas, Tricks and Techniques for Small and LargeScale Circus Projects
29.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 240 pages
Format: 21.0 cm x 22.0 cm
More than 300 photos
Subject areas: handicrafts, circus, pedagogy
Rights sold: All rights available
• The ultimate handbook on the subject of circus
• Detailed instructions for children, adolescents and adults
• Ranging from simple exercises to week-long workshops and even a complete circus
The sound of music, balls flying through the air, unicyclists riding amidst the spectators. The show
starts! In a second, acrobats, magicians and trapeze artists will perform astounding tricks in the
ring, bringing to life the splendour and fascination of the circus. Don't we all dream of trying out a
diabolo, keeping our balance on a large ball or astonishing people in a glittering costume? This
book is suitable for any age group and offers valuable suggestions for circus projects along with
ready-made designs for a single afternoon, a project week or a whole circus season. Featuring
numerous approved tips for practical use, on exercise techniques and artistic composition.
Anything ranging from colourful, fairy tale-like scenes at children's birthdays to artistic acrobatics. A
comprehensive handbook with a myriad of ideas assuring lots of fun in the ring.
Robert Eisele studied stage arts and physical theatre at the Scuola Teatro Dimitri in Ticino.
Worked as actor and director, currently touring with his solo programme as Clown Robert featuring
artistics and music. Still continues after many years as director of the youth circus Ragazzi in
Müllheim, in 2007 recipient of an award by the Foundation for Cultural Youth Work (Stiftung
Kulturelle Jugendarbeit) of the state of Baden-Württemberg.
Birgit Hartmann-Eisele learning therapist, various journalistic tasks during her long years of
working for circus Ragazzi.
Jutta Schneider / Michael Will freelance photo journalists. Numerous thematic calendars as well
as publications in magazines and books on nature and landscape related topics. As founders of
the Edition Phönix launched in 1990, they publish postcard series and postcard books.
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Rights Catalogue
Felix Immler
Crafting with Pocket Knives
26 Carving Instructions from Chime Bar to Sailing
26.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 198 pages
Format: 19.2 cm x 24.5 cm
More than 100 colour photos
Subject areas: crafting with children, crafting in
Rights sold: FR
• Plenty of exciting handicraft ideas, from flute to catapult
• Learn how to safely use a pocket knife
• Detailed step-by-step instructions
Pocket knives put a spell on many people, especially youths. This book strives to enable parents,
pedagogues and teachers to assist children with the proper use of pocket knives, setting a sensible
and secure framework of activities. Through illustrated step-by-step instructions, the book presents
26 handicraft projects of multiple difficulty levels, yet each easy to carry out - flying objects, simple
musical instruments, boats, wind wheels, catapults and blowtubes. All of these can be made
using nothing but a pocket knife and wood saw. The book also covers basics such as safety
rules, techniques how to use the most important tools as well as instructions how to appropriately
clean pocket knives. A so-called "pocket knife exam" suitable for youth groups will show whether
the children fully familiarized themselves with the basic techniques. This book was written in
cooperation with Victorinox, the leading manufacturer of Swiss pocket knives.
Felix Immler born 1974, social worker, training in natural pedagogy, co-initiator and project
director of the Adventure Garden Buchhorn in St. Gallen, Switzerland. Adventure and natural
pedagogy courses and workshops on the topics of survival and historical handicraft techniques.
Specialization in the areas of carving, stone grinding, gold washing, knife forging, bow making, and
methods of starting fire.
Photos: Felix Immler
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Rights Catalogue
Harald Jordan
Create Spaces of Strength
The Western Way of Holistic Living and
26.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 304 pages
Format: 17.0 cm x 23.0 cm
Subject areas: holistic living
Rights sold: All rights available
• Living in harmony and in accordance with our own personality
• The new standard work on living and construction - for architects, building experts and
interior designers
• Re-experience living space from an energetic point of view, with plenty of practical ideas
and suggestions
Create spaces of strength Living in harmony and in accordance with our personality. A new
experience of our living spaces from an energetic point of view. The author describes the spiritual
laws that are inherent in the way we live and the way we construct our living spaces, how we
experience these laws and how we can design our residences and houses so they have a
healing effect on us. Every home - be it a flat, a house or collectively used places like congress
or meditation centres - can thus become a space of strength. The book offers a broad range of
practical tips and some surprisingly simple measures for bringing our living spaces in line with
our personalities - which in turn helps us to live in harmony with our own individual selves and
makes us feel healthier and well. The new standard work on living and construction - for architects,
building experts and interior designers. And for all those who want to design or re-design their
rooms, flats or houses.
Harald Jordan born 1935, bricklayer. Graduate engineer for statics for more than 45 years (35
years freelance), sworn building expert. Teaching position for architecture at the University of
Applied Sciences Oldenburg, lecturer at several schools for geomancy, conductor of seminars
in various countries. Jordan's work is based on a synthesis of geomancy, proportional theory,
energetic design, Feng Shui, radiesthesia, astrology and spatial perception. Author of »Räume
der Kraft schaffen« (Create Spaces of Strength), »Orte heilen« (Healing Places) and »Kleidung
wie sie schützt und stärkt« (Clothes - Protection and Strength). Harald Jordan lives and works in
Worpswede/Germany and Greece.
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Rights Catalogue
Sonja Kägi
Creative Printing Techniques
26.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 176 pages
Format: 21.0 cm x 22.0 cm
More than 100 colour photos
Subject areas: handicrafts, printing
Rights sold: All rights available
• A comprehensive overview of easy to apply printing techniques
• Printing with and without printing press, a practical workbook furnishing lots of ideas
• For beginners and experts, for kids, grown-ups and teachers working in creative fields
Artistic print graphics can be created with very simple, everyday means, using materials of the
household and workshop, including recycled and natural materials, with no need for etching and
sometimes not even a printing press. The book offers an overview of numerous easy to apply
techniques. It shows how to make your own tools and printing colours and reveals lots of useful
hints and tricks. Simple instructions just like in recipe books, accompanied by a number of splendid
sample images offer a practical starting aid for beginners of printing. But even experienced printers
get heaps of ideas and are shown interesting alternatives to commonly used techniques. A useful
workbook full of ideas for beginners and advanced printers, for children, adults and teachers
working in creative fields.
Sonja Kägi studies at the College of (Applied) Arts in Zürich, artist and design pedagogue (IAC),
owner of a studio since 1993. Numerous individual and group exhibitions. Since 2009 printing
workshop at the Children's Art Academy in Bülach.
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Rights Catalogue
Harald Jordan
Energetic Interior Design
A Practical Reference Book for Building up Spiritual
Accommodation and Lifestyle
26.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 304 pages
Format: 16.0 cm x 22.5 cm
Richly illustrated
Subject areas: geomancy, building and living in
healthy homes
Rights sold: All rights available
• Book of basics and practical manual on energetic and spiritual interior design
• The mutual influence of living space and lifestyle
• Featuring a number of practical hints and instructions
Space and self-fulfillment, interior design and lifestyle are closely intertwined. Just as man grows
at first in body, soul and spirit, then socially and professionally, the living environment can also
be perceived as the outward appearance of one's personal evolution. Each individual step of
construction and design is matched by a corresponding energetic and fine substance component.
Man's guise and movements help to visualize what energetic effect furniture, staircases and walls
have and how to construct these. A practical manual on energetic interior design and a book for all
those who wish to shape their house or apartment consciously and in accordance with their true
Harald Jordan born 1935, bricklayer. Graduate engineer for statics for more than 45 years (35
years freelance), sworn building expert. Teaching position for architecture at the University of
Applied Sciences Oldenburg, lecturer at several schools for geomancy, conductor of seminars
in various countries. Jordan's work is based on a synthesis of geomancy, proportional theory,
energetic design, Feng Shui, radiesthesia, astrology and spatial perception. Author of »Räume
der Kraft schaffen« (Create Spaces of Strength), »Orte heilen« (Healing Places) and »Kleidung
wie sie schützt und stärkt« (Clothes - Protection and Strength). Harald Jordan lives and works in
Worpswede/Germany and Greece.
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Rights Catalogue
Violette Tanner, Laetizia Giannini-Studer
Kids' Workshop: Wild Plant Cuisine
Collecting, Cooking and Experiencing Nature With
26.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 200 pages
Format: 19.6 cm x 24.5 cm
150 colour photos
Subject areas: handicrafts with children,
Rights sold: All rights available
• Cooking with kids in natural surroundings
• Getting acquainted with wild herbs and healing plants, Playful knowledge transfer
• Additional information for teachers and instructors
The book presents twelve plant portraits spreading over the four seasons. Children get to know
wild garlic, goutweed, dandelion, stinging nettle, daisy, ribwort, rose hip, elder, marigold, hazelnut,
spruce and coltsfoot in a playful way while collecting, preparing and cooking them at the open fire.
Alongside simple everyday recipes that kids love, the book also offers many suggestions on how
to preserve wild herbs. It presents the traditional use of these herbs for seasonal celebrations such
as Easter, summer solstice, Saint Nicholas and Christmas. A separate section provides details
on particular botanical, naturopathic and also mythological characteristics of each plant. Useful
hints on possible confusion with other plants and a collectors' guide allow for broader insights
on the quality of the portrayed plants. The book is rounded off with songs, stories, fairy tales and
handicraft instructions.
Violette Tanner born 1965, trained healing plant specialist, ecopedagogue, author and mother
of three. Over the past 20 years she has focused specifically on domestic healing plants in
folk medicine and wild herbs for kitchen use. She passes on her knowledge on domestic herb
treasures in courses, herb walks, ecopedagogy seminars, lectures, newspaper op-eds and radio
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Rights Catalogue
Andreas Güthler, Kathrin Lacher
Nature Workshop Land Art
Ideas for Young and Old Nature Artists
26.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 168 pages
Format: 21.0 cm x 22.0 cm
170 colour illustrations
Subject areas: Working with Nature, Pedagogy
Rights sold: FR, KOR
• Ideas for young and old nature artists
• A comprehensive, inspiring practice handbook, with fantastic works of art in and with
• Projects for all ages, from early childhood to adulthood
Swimming snakes made of leaves, burning fireballs, clay trolls, recklessly balanced stone arcs and
artfully arranged, multicoloured autumn leaves
Land Art artists shape their works with their bare hands using whatever they find in nature. Land
Art is a colourful, adventurous art form, a combination of nature experience and exploration, of
adventure game and creation. It is fun, sharpens perception and fosters creative expressiveness.
Based on their year-long experience with Land Art workshops, the authors inspire us to create
our own nature artworks, and in a practical way explain - step by step - projects intended for
environmentalist and experimental pedagogy practices from kindergarten to adult training,
accompanied by many colour photographs. Apart from an introduction on how to develop ideas,
on popular natural materials and appropriate nature locations, as well as technical tips for different
possibilities of construction, the authors practically describe concrete examples of Land Art
projects for all age groups. Kindergarten kids learn to form a giant mandala or a large snow
hedgehog. School children are fascinated by a forest ghost train and miniature landscapes.
Adolescents like to attach self-made giant mobiles on tree tops, to light up rolling fireballs and let
natural artworks float on rafts. Adults stage the natural particularities of a place or create »inner
maps«. A comprehensive, inspiring practice handbook and a number of ideas for compositions in
and with nature.
Kathrin Lacher born 1970, graduate educationalist, experimental pedagogue and family therapist.
Influenced by a lecture on Land Art held by Andy Goldsworthy, and also stemming from her own
enthusiasm for nature, she started offering Land Art activities for groups. Frequently integrates
elements of Land Art into her freelance educationalist activities.
Andreas Güthler born 1968, graduate geo-ecologist and freelance environmental educationalist.
For many years active member of different environmental associations with focus on environmental
pedagogy. Lives in Allgäu, and being the leader of the German branch of the Commission for
the Protection of the Alps (CIPRA) he is dedicated to the preservation of the natural and cultural
heritage of the Alps. Seized by the Land Art frenzy 15 years ago, he has been organizing countless
Land Art workshops for all age groups for over a decade.
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Rights Catalogue
Andrea Frommherz
Nature's Workshop Stones
Creative Games and Design with Stones
26.90 EUR
Cover: Cardboard binding
Extent: 136 pages
Format: 21.0 cm x 22.0 cm
More than 180 colour photos and numerous colour
Subject areas: Crafting, pedagogy, creative activity
with children
Rights sold: CZ
• Creative games and design with stones
• A practical guide full of ideas and background information
We all collected stones at some point - on the roadside, on a mountain trip or when bathing in the
river. Both young and old have always been inspired and fascinated by stones. Still, we know very
little about them. Millions of years of the Earth's history can be traced back through the ancient
history of stones. A short introduction to the world of rocks describes the particularly frequent
stones of our region through short portraits so that even amateurs may recognize and distinguish
them. But stones also inspire a sensual experience, contemplation, exploration and touch. They
invite to play, to experiment and make up stories and open up ways to detect our own abilities
and potential in a playful way, to try new ideas as well as unusual viewpoints and behaviour. A
richly illustrated, vivid and diverse practical guide full of ideas and background information that
familiarizes both children and adults with the world of rocks and inspires inventive and creative
Andrea Frommherz remedial teacher and environmental consultant with several years of
experience in different fields of education and consulting. She pursued studies in tree science and
herb gardening. Since 1992, she offers courses for children, adolescents and families. Moreover
she designs training concepts for the area of environmental pedagogy and is also involved in
teacher training.
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Rights Catalogue
Felix Immler
Outdoor Life with a Pocket Knife
63 Bushcraft Projects for Forest Camps and Life on
the Road
24.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 208 pages
Format: 19.2 cm x 24.5 cm
Approx. 700 colour photos
Subject areas: pocket knife, workshop
Rights sold: All rights available
• Building a wilderness camp with nothing but a pocket knife
• 63 new ideas for outdoor adventures
• Forest adventures on your doorstep
Following his highly successful first book, pocket knife expert Felix Immler's second book reveals
how we can build a comfortable camp in the wilderness using nothing more than a pocket knife:
Simple natural materials are used for making a waterproof roof, a chair, a bed, a table, a fridge,
and an oven, as well as for carving spoons, knifes, and bowls. A tasty chicken is grilled on a selfmade, water-driven skewer. The book is full of ideas for exciting and thrilling activities right on our
doorstep, for both children and teens.
Felix Immler is a trained mechanic, social worker, and nature educator. Having held experiential
workshops in bushcraft and historical handicraft techniques for more than ten years, he is currently
working for Victorinox as a pocket knife pedagogue. Since 2012 he has run the YouTube channel
"Taschenmesserbuch" (Pocket Knife Book) featuring videos on bushcraft.
Photos: Matthew Worden
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Rights Catalogue
Ursula Müller-Hiestand
Paper Jewellery - A Workbook
26.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 144 pages
Format: 19.5 cm x 26.5 cm
121 colour photos
Subject areas: handicrafts, paper, jewellery
Rights sold: All rights available
• Creative design with paper
• Inspirations for anyone seeking unconventional handicraft ideas
• Unusual jewellery, accessories and interior decoration made from ordinary paper
Extraordinary jewellery, accessories and interior decoration made from plain paper. Ideas,
creativity, a sense for the material used and quite some lust for experimenting is all that you need
to make the most elegant, outstanding, delicate or striking pieces of jewellery from paper - each of
them will be unique and carry its personal signature. No particular prior knowledge is required. The
materials are common papers of everyday use: newspapers, wrapping paper, silk paper, phone
book paper, fruit wrappers, recycling paper. The appropriate paper is chosen based on the desired
characteristics, required durability and consistence of the planned object. The techniques used
for working with the paper are very simple, for instance folding, crumpling, wrapping, knotting,
stacking, gluing and moulding. The most important aides and tools are glue and paste, lacing
wire and fine-meshed wire gauze as armour, Japanese knife, brush, drill, awl and pliers. Paper
jewellery as an expression of a particular life awareness, of lightness, of the unconventional. Paper
interior decoration is a playful, poetic, funny, transparent and sometimes a striking eye-catcher.
Ideas and inspiration in abundance for anyone working in the creative field and for those seeking
new, unconventional types of handicraft.
Ursula Müller-Hiestand Trained nursery and handicraft teacher (Zurich College of Applied Arts).
Various activities in the creative field and as stylist (theatre props, gift wrap design), freelance
editorial work for various magazines. Teaches handicrafts and visual arts and holds courses at the
Course Centre Ballenberg. Exhibitions, numerous awards and several workbooks published.
Photos: König & König
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Rights Catalogue
Bruno Gerber, Ruth-Elisabeth Baur
Paper Plane Workshop
Simple Models that Fly Perfectly
22.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 120 pages
Format: 19.0 cm x 24.5 cm
10 colour photos and numerous illustrations
Subject areas: handcrafts, paper planes
Rights sold: FR
• A paper plane enthusiast shows his 44 very best models
• Simple paper planes for different wind conditions
• Detailed step-by-step instructions for folding
A simple sheet of paper folded smartly is all it takes for a happy moment of watching a plane hover
weightlessly through the air for minutes on end... A chance for young and old to satisfy for a short
moment the ancient desire to fly.
The book presents 44 new paper plane models with carefully drawn step-by-step instructions.
The spectrum ranges from the school model »swallow« to the bold »asymmetrical«, from the cute
»dragonfly« made from a receipt to the lightning fast catapult plane.
Bruno Gerber born 1967, has been a fan of paper planes ever since his early childhood and soon
started to tinker, experiment, and develop new models. Building paper planes became the declared
hobby of the Rudolf Steiner School graduate, one that he pursues to this day. He has created more
than 100 new models to date.
Ruth Baur born 1949, trained scientific drafter, has worked with the Kantonsarchäologie of the
canton of Schaffhausen for many years. She drafted the folding instructions with meticulous
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Rights Catalogue
Helena Arendt
Plant-Based Paint Workshop
How to Prepare and Use Natural Paints
29.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 176 pages
Format: 21.0 cm x 22.0 cm
More than 300 photos
Subject areas: handicrafts, natural paint, pedagogy
Rights sold: All rights available
• The first book ever on »plant-based paints«
• An overview on the development and relevance of paints especially in the Middle Ages
• Useful information and a number of recipes for preparing paints
Plant-based paint goes back to ancient traditions. This book takes us on an expedition to the
amazingly colourful world of natural and plant-based dyes and provides a detailed and practical
description of how to prepare paint out of these. Unlike synthetic paint, natural paint has a
matchlessly sensual and lively effect. Plant-based paints differ in particular due to their unique
structure and composition. It is true that they have only limited durability, however they amaze us
with their inimitable colour shades.
Comprehensive, richly illustrated, offering relevant background information and practical tips. A
book for anyone interested in natural paint, suitable for schools, hobby painters and artists.
Helena Arendt studied art and art pedagogy, works as art pedagogue, since 1992 freelance artist
focusing on painting with natural paints and plastic using the smoking technique. Since 1998
intensified work with plant paints, workshops and lectures on the subject in Germany and South
Africa. Subject specialist. Contributions to professional books, numerous exhibitions.
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Rights Catalogue
Lisa Wagner
Recycling Art: A Children's Workshop
From Milk Carton Cars to Cookie Jar Movies
26.90 EUR
Cover: Cardboard binding
Extent: 160 pages
Format: 21.0 cm x 22.0 cm
More than 100 colour photos
Subject areas: handicrafts, recycling
Rights sold: All rights available
• Multifaceted recycling art with children and teenagers
• Exciting and easily adopted pedagogical art activities
• Various photos and precise instructions for each individual project
Each material and object carries in it a potential for creative re-functioning. The transformation
numerous objects with seemingly determined functions can undergo to gain a completely different
purpose is astonishing indeed: Artistic recycling as a different mode of re-use. This book allows
children to discover and experiment with the various possibilities and characteristics offered by
different materials. It shows how to creatively use disposable materials as simple but efficient
components for art projects with children. In the course of these physical processes, certain optical
or motion phenomena can be demonstrated in an easily understandable way. An informative,
artistic and practical guide for educators, teachers, pedagogues, parents, young amateurs and
creative people. Including practical instructions for artistic use of waste and packaging materials as
well as for games based on optical phenomena.
Lisa Wagner born 1980, freelance graduate art pedagogue, living in Halle, Germany with her
three daughters. In her numerous art education projects with children and teenagers, among
others in the Cranach courts in Wittenberg, games and creativity are combined while using and refunctioning cost-free recyclable waste materials.
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Rights Catalogue
Uwe Wandrey
Solar and Wind Energy Workshop
From Wind Measuring Stations to Propeller Cars,
Solar Boats and More
26.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 192 pages
Format: 19.0 cm x 24.5 cm
351 colour photos
Subject areas: handicrafts, solar energy, wind
Rights sold: All rights available
• 20 models for generating energy from wind or sun
• Materials and tools used are typically available at home or easy to procure; Including
detailed building instructions and elaborate plans
• Exploring alternative energy in a playful way
How to generate energy with the help of sun and wind, how they move wheels, produce heat, and
make simple engines run - all this is illustrated in this book with over twenty inventive and realistic
models. Most of the materials and tools required can be found in any household or are easy to
come by, for some more special materials the author lists relevant suppliers.
The difficulty of the models ranges from very simple to extremely challenging: from paper windmill
and bogie wheel to propeller car, from small wind engine to genuine wind-powered plant, from
garden hose shower to solar furnace, and from desk fan to solar car or boat.
All building instructions provide step-by-step explanations and are illustrated with numerous photos
and drawings. These are complemented by thrilling background information, for example about
how solar cells or propellers work.
The author lives in an energy-self-sufficient home himself, where wind and solar energy supply
electricity, hot water, and heating.
Uwe Wandrey originally ship builder in Hamburg, then studies of German philology. Founder
and publisher of the children's book series rororo rotfuchs. Author of novels, short stories, and
children's books. He worked as a journalist for radio stations and magazines and has developed
various experimental kits. He lives in Hamburg and on a Greek island where the sun provides
electricity, heating, hot water, and even bakes his bread in a sun oven. When the sky is cloudy, a
wind wheel produces electricity
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Rights Catalogue
Katharina Brändlein, Ulrike Grafberger
The Forest - A Nature Workshop
Playing, Discovering and Experimenting in All
24.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 144 pages
Format: 21.0 cm x 22.0 cm
200 colour photos
Subject areas: handicrafts for children, experiencing
Rights sold: All rights available
• Practical instructions for various adventures and discoveries in the forest
• An excellent book of ideas and instructions for parents and teachers
• Vividly depicted background information on the subject of forests, iIllustrated with
numerous photos
The forest offers room for adventure, the experience of nature, discoveries, fun and games. How
to build a shelter protecting from rain and snow? Which animals live in the shrubs, which in the
stream? Falcons and ravens - which group wins the quiz? And during a concert of rain drops the
musicians can let it all out with stone sounds. Challenging and manifold activities render every
forest excursion a genuine adventure. Whether in pairs or in a group, be it spring, summer, autumn
or winter - this book offers suitable games and experiments for all ages and seasons. More than
40 forest activities are depicted in detail, enriched with interesting pieces of information on forests.
We learn for instance what geophytes are und how humus develops, how to make a leaf flute and
all there is to know about the rutting season of roe deer. A book addressing all our senses, offering
valuable information and inviting us to forest adventures.
Katharina Brändlein is a forest ranger who has become widely known through various television
programs on forest. She runs the company »Försterliesl«, offering forest adventure tours and
management seminars. She has been working for many years with children and school classes,
and has recently become mother of a baby girl herself.
Ulrike Grafberger for the past 15 years she worked as freelance copywriter, journalist and author
with special focus on travel documentation, tourism as well as scientific texts for children. Her most
important advisor is her 11-year old son Philip.
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Rights Catalogue
Cornel Rüegg, Sabine Reber
Veranda Junkies
Urban Gardening on Balconies and Terraces
34.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 256 pages
Format: 23.0 cm x 28.0 cm
Approx. 100 colour photos
Subject areas: urban gardening
Rights sold: All rights available
• Growing vegetables on balconies and rooftops
• Practical information for all balcony gardeners
• More green, less grey!
A new generation of open-minded, laid-back urban gardeners is planting on rooftop terraces,
balconies, and verandas, or even in parking spaces just outside the house. The spectrum ranges
from selections of herbs on the window sill to spacious roof farms with fruit trees and berry
cultures, from improvised wine crates and stacked plant pots to sophisticated watering systems or
home-grown worm farms.
15 passionate balcony gardeners share their knowledge and their experience. Featuring
fascinating photos of the green urban refuges by Sebastian Magnani and lots of practical knowhow from gardening expert Sabine Reber.
Cornel Rüegg is working in communications, he conceptualises and realises online projects.
Inspired by the urban gardening scene in Detroit and his own experience as amateur gardener, he
has devoted himself to the concept of urban gardening.
Sabine Reber is a freelance author and gardening journalist. She lives at Lake Biel and writes
books on gardening, novels, poetry, as well as columns for various media. Her books have
received several awards, the latest of which being the "Deutscher Gartenbuchpreis". The
gardening expert is also well-known for her TV appearances, lectures, and gardening courses. As
early as 2008 she called for reclaiming the urban space with plants in her much-noticed gardening
manifesto. She is a passionate balcony gardener herself.
Photos: Sebastian Magnani
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Rights Catalogue
Uwe Wandrey
Workshop Rockets and Airplanes
How to Build Rockets, Parachutes, Helicopters and
26.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 160 pages
Format: 19.0 cm x 24.5 cm
More than 100 colour photos
Subject areas: children's workshop
Rights sold: All rights available
• 20 flying objects from simple to sophisticated; made from everyday household materials
• Featuring detailed construction guides and plans
• A playful introduction to physics
The ancient dream of flying came true long ago. Rockets have helped humans reach the moon and
venture deeper and deeper into space. Helicopters rescue people in emergencies, airplanes take
us to holiday destinations. Yet flying still remains a source of excitement and curiosity. Why does
a rocket fly without wings? How can a passenger plane weighing several tons take off? How can a
helicopter ascend? These questions can be answered by building and testing small scale models.
The book contains more than twenty models of rockets, helicopters, parachutes and airplanes
operated by jets, propellers and wings, from the very simple to the utmost sophisticated. Next
to construction manuals and plans a number of photos, drawings and sketches show us how to
construct these. Almost all models can be built with simple household materials. The flying models
are designed for indoor and, in case of no wind, outdoor use. Examining a flying object helps to
understand the concepts of rebound, uplift, approach angle, and flight stability and how all of these
can be improved.
Uwe Wandrey is a former shipbuilder from Hamburg. After finishing his German philology studies
he was publisher of the children's book series rororo rotfuchs. He has written novels, short stories,
and children's books, worked as a journalist for radio stations and magazines and is the designer
of various experimental kits. He lives in Hamburg and on a Greek island where the sun provides
electricity, heating, and hot water and also bakes bread in a sun oven. In cloudy conditions, a wind
wheel produces electricity.
Photos: Daniel Butowski and Uwe Wandrey
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Rights Catalogue
Shamanism & Psychoactive Plants
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Rights Catalogue
Dieter Hagenbach, Lucius Werthmüller
Albert Hofmann and his LSD
An Eventful Life and a Significant Discovery
39.90 EUR
Cover: Hardback with jacket
Extent: 406 pages
Format: 16.5 cm x 22.5 cm
Approx. 500 photos and illustrations
Subject areas: psychoactive substances,
Rights sold: USA
• The history of LSD and the man who discovered it
• History of science, consciousness research and psychedelic
• Albert Hofmann was voted »greatest living genius« in 2007
Albert Hofmann is undoubtedly the best known chemist of the 20th century, and his discovery of
LSD had a crucial influence on science, society and culture. In 1943 Hofmann experienced the
psychedelic effect of the mysterious substance while self-experimenting on his legendary bicycle
trip. His biography takes us on a journey through the 20th century: Starting with the mystical nature
experiences of his childhood, all the way to his discovery of LSD and Psilocybin at Sandoz in
Basel, ranging from adventurous travels to the long years of his life's eve, marked by a profound
interest in the philosophy of nature and an extremely rich social life. The authors tell us all about
the eventful history of LSD which after its discovery became the object of numerous clinical studies
but also of quite a few dubious experiments. They trace the path of LSD becoming the fuel of the
US youth and hippie movement in the sixties and paving the way for innovative forms of therapy.
Albert Hofmann - an extraordinary person, mystic and researcher who remained open, curious and
devoted to creation until the very last breath he drew at the age of 102.
Dieter Hagenbach born 1943 in Basel, studies in arts and architecture. Founder of Sphinx
Publishing House and of Gaia Media Foundation. Initiator and program executive of the
international symposium on the occasion of Albert Hofmann's 100th birthday. He met Albert
Hofmann in the mid-seventies and remained his friend until death, in 1983 he published his book
»Insights - Outlooks«.
Lucius Werthmüller born 1958 in Basel, consciousness researcher and parapsychologist.
President of the Basel Psi Club. Founding member and board member of Gaia Media Foundation,
project leader at international symposia. He met Albert Hofmann while still a child, as he was a
good friend of Werthmüller's parents, and remained close to him until the end of his life.
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Rights Catalogue
Christian Rätsch, Claudia Müller-Ebeling
Animals of the Shamans
Power Animal, Totem and Animal Ally
26.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 136 pages
Format: 17.5 cm x 23.0 cm
100 colour photos and illustrations
Subject areas: shamanism, rituals, alternative
Rights sold: All rights available
• The first book ever on the significance of animals in shamanism
• By two internationally renowned experts on shamanism
• All the important things shamanic concepts can teach Westerners
Animals dominated the dawn of mankind. Their flesh, their fur, their tendons and bones helped
our prehistoric ancestors survive. The most ancient artworks created 40,000 years ago give
evidence of this. Animals play an important role also in shamanism: in trance, the early shamans
became one with their animal allies in order to detect and heal sources of illness in the invisible
worlds. They borrowed the animals' strength and litheness, their sense of smell and sharp eye,
the soundless sneaking, sniffing and determined attack. They were the shamans' schoolmasters,
showed them what was edible and what poisonous, and taught them the art of healing. Even today
many people are looking for their power animal, most often as a simple solution to make up for
various shortcomings. Genuine shamans however follow their mighty animal allies into suppressed
realms of shadow to negotiate with threatening powers. They bring to light all that is needed to heal
us, and not the things we wish for. The authors shed light on the different aspects of the ancient
relationship between man and animal from a shamanic perspective, based on decades of research
on shamanic cultures.
Dr. Claudia Müller-Ebeling art historian and ethnologist, specialized in visionary art, conducted
research on shamanism in Korea, in the Amazon region, and in Nepal for more than twenty years
and focuses on the fundamental principles of shamanic art. International lecturer and co-author of
various books, among others the reference book »Shamanism and Tantra in Nepal«.
Dr. Christian Rätsch ethnologist and ethno-pharmacologist, lecturer and author, studied ancient
American studies, ethnology and folklore. For more than twenty years he has conducted worldwide
research on shamanic cultures and their use of psychoactive plants. He wrote a number of books,
among others the classic »Encyclopaedia of Psychoactive Plants«.
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Rights Catalogue
Claudia Müller-Ebeling, Arno Adelaars, Christian
Rituals, Potions and Visionary Art from the
26.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 312 pages
Format: 14.0 cm x 21.0 cm
Numerous colour photos
Subject areas: rituals
Rights sold: USA
• Rituals, potions and visionary art from the Amazonas
Ayahuasca is one of the strongest shamanic cures. The drink brewed from several ethnobotanically significant plants of the Amazonas region has resounding physical and astounding
psychical effects. Ayahuasca is the basis of culture for many peoples, an institution that creates
and preserves culture. Ayahuasca is a means of cognition, showing humans their place in the
universe and revealing true reality. Ayahuasca - when properly used - offers cure and health,
grants personally relevant visions and stimulates active creativity. In this book the authors,
designated experts in the fields of ethnology, anthropology and pharmacology, show the ritualistic
usage of Ayahuasca in shamanic rituals. They plunge into a shamanic-visionary world, study plants
and their souls and encounter the realities of Amazonian cultures and their artistic works.
Arno Adelaars born 1955, freelance journalist, author, worked as reporter for a Dutch news
channel and ZDF's Auslandsjournal. As employee of the University of Amsterdam he conducted
research on drug usage and addictive behaviour of drug addicts.
Dr. Christian Rätsch ancient American studies, ethno-pharmacologist and ethno-botanist.
Worldwide field studies, especially in the rainforest and the Himalayan regions. Editor, speaker
and author of various books, including the standard works »Enzyklopädie der psychoaktiven
Pflanzen« (Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants) published by AT Verlag.
Dr. Claudia Müller-Ebeling art historian and ethnologist. Field studies in the Caribbean, on
the Seychelles and Nepal. Various publications on art history. Lives and works in Hamburg as
freelance art historian, author, editor and translator.
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Rights Catalogue
Nana Nauwald, Felicitas Goodman
Ecstatic Trance
A Guide to Ritual Body Postures
22.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 240 pages
Format: 13.5 cm x 22.0 cm
Numerous photos and illustrations, including audio
Subject areas: trance
Rights sold: All rights available
• The basic guide to ritual and therapeutic trance experience, latest scientific research
• Detailed descriptions of 70 body postures illustrated with impressive photos
• Including an audio CD with various rhythms for trance induction
When accompanied by sound and rhythm, ritual postures open the door to various layers of
consciousness, they can lead the way to healing cognition which stimulates creativity as well as
powers of self-healing. The anthropologist Felicitas Goodman (1914-2005) came to this conclusion
after more than thirty years of research which Nana Nauwald has further pursued for another two
decades. A work book and manual with detailed descriptions of about 70 ritual body postures,
numerous illustrations and scientific background information. The complementing CD facilitates
making first experiences with this technique.
Nana Nauwald artist, author, lecturer for rituals of perception. Co-founder of the Felicitas
Goodman Institute, Germany. Conducts international seminars. www.ekstatische-trance.de
www.visionary-art.de Nana Nauwald is available for lectures.
Dr. Felicitas D. Goodman (1914-2005) anthropologist, linguist and professor at the University of
Columbus, Ohio. Founder of the Cuyamungue Institute near Santa Fe, New Mexico, for teachings
and research on ritual body postures and ecstatic trance. In Europe this work is carried on by the
Felicitas Goodman Institute.
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Rights Catalogue
Nana Nauwald
Fire Woman and Wind Song
Shamanic Rituals for Protection and Strength
22.90 EUR
Cover: Cardboard binding
Extent: 216 pages
Format: 13.5 cm x 22.0 cm
Subject areas: shamanism, rituals, women power
Rights sold: All rights available
• Rituals for the protection and empowerment of women
• Shamanic techniques even for women without shamanic training
• Easily applicable instructions
Whenever we feel attacked, threatened or weak, a healing and strengthening ritual may offer
us protection and power. Based on her long years of experience with shamanic practices, Nana
Nauwald offers practical guidelines that are easy to apply. The goal is change: from energetic
weakness to energetic strength, from a state of inner vulnerability to a state of consciousness
about one's own protective power. Because protection comes from within, not from outside! An
inspirational book that kindles the flame of inner transformation. A guide that helps to cope with
challenging life situations through shamanic rituals based on creativity, awareness of senses and
self dependence.
Nana Nauwald born 1947, artist, author, explorer of shamanic worlds. Teaches »Rituals of
Perception« at the Art College of Braunschweig. Lives in the Lüneburger Heide and frequently
also with shamans in the rain forest of the Amazon. Several books: »Bear force and jaguar
medicine - the shamanic tools for opening consciousness« (Bärenkraft und Jaguarmedizin die bewusstseinsöffnenden Werkzeuge der Schamane), »The Song of the black jaguar« (Der
Gesang der Schwarzen Jaguars - novel), »The flight of the shamans - Shamanic fairy tales and
myths« (Der Flug des Schamanen - Schamanistische Märchen und Mythen), »Ecstatic trance - a
work book« (Ekstatische Trance - Das Arbeitsbuch), »In the shadow of the jaguar« (Im Schatten
des Jaguar - novel).
page 160 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Christian Rätsch
My Encounters with Shamanic Plants
26.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 168 pages
Format: 17.5 cm x 23.0 cm
90 colour photos
Subject areas: shamanism, healing plants
Rights sold: All rights available
• Experiences, adventures and realizations of one oft he greatest ethnopharmacologists
• Personal reports of indigenous peoples
• Why the plants of the shamans are so vitally important to Western civilization
A number of psychoactive plants are being used by shamans of various cultures in order to get
insight into a visionary world, to establish contact with invisible powers, to heal the sick and to
allow for the spiritual growth of healthy individuals. These special plants are traditional shamanic
plants. In this book, the author describes the most important shamanic plants from his very
personal point of view, narrating his personal adventures and experiences. Among these are
stories of plant hunt, encounters with shamans using these plants as well as depictions of his
own experiences (visions, altered states of conscience) with psychoactive plants. He explains
how to approach or draw near to shamanic plants, how to correctly use them, how to avoid risks
and where dangers or problems may occur. Richly illustrated with photos and the author's own
paintings inspired by the plants.
Dr. Christian Rätsch ancient American studies, ethno-pharmacologist and ethno-botanist.
Worldwide field studies, especially in the rainforest and the Himalayan regions. Editor, speaker
and author of various books, including the standard works »Enzyklopädie der psychoaktiven
Pflanzen« (Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants) published by AT Verlag.
page 161 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Nana Nauwald
My Word is Mighty
The Power of Words in Healing Rituals
22.95 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 176 pages
Format: 13.5 cm x 22.0 cm
Rights sold: All rights available
• The power of words in healing rituals
Female shamans in indigenous communities as well as healers in our own culture make use of
word medicine and word magic. The ritual words of sayings, conjurations, prayers, and chants
often bear hidden powers. The word is an embodied thought. Through the word the thought
becomes action and creates reality. Thoughts and words that aim to bring misery (»harmful
spells«) constitute the dark side of word magic. Examples from our everyday social reality (such
as harmful words in medicine, verbal flogging in education, mobbing) show how important it is to
become aware of the impact of words. Drawing on long years of experience, the author identifies
practical ways to find healing, strengthening, and protective words and rituals that everyone can
use in his or her everyday life.
Nana Nauwald, freelance artist and lecturer for rituals of perception. For more than 30 years she
has conducted research on shamanic layers of consciousness of indigenous peoples and the
origins of shamanic cultures in Europe. An author of eight books, she holds seminars and lectures
all over the world.
page 162 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Ursula Walser-Biffiger
Nature's Healing Rituals
Refining Perception, Creating Personal Rituals,
Strengthening Self-Healing
26.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 128 pages
Format: 15.5 cm x 23.0 cm
23 colour photos
Subject areas: nature experience, rituals
Rights sold: All rights available
• Staying and becoming healthy through the powers of nature
• Each ritual with practical instructions and firsthand reports
• Numerous incentives and inspiration, subtle photographs
For people recovering from illness and those who want to stay healthy. How can we help ourselves
in case of sickness, during life crises or in times of upheaval? How to preserve and strengthen
those parts within us that are healthy? It is all about strengthening the power of self-healing as
a complement to orthodox medical treatment, about embracing joy, hope and confidence and
noticing precious gifts that lie hidden. A book for those striving to discover their personal inner
path to healing and to the source of their strength with the help of nature. Practical exercises
accompany each step of the process from sickness to recovery phase. Through the rituals that
are being created, the healing powers become much more conscious, palpable and effective.
An inspiring practical guide with lots of impulses, suggestions, personal reports and exercises.
Illustrated with subtle photos.
Ursula Walser-Biffiger grew up in the mountains and has been familiar with the primary powers
of nature since early childhood, today she lives and works near Zurich and in Wallis. Engaged as
a writer and offering seminars, she researches contemporary Shamanic healing methods in which
primal nature experiences serve as a major source of personal strength. In this book she draws
from her rich experience in accompanying people during periods of transformation and on the path
from illness to recovery.
"We are creatures of nature and ultimately at one with it - made from the same substance, subject
to the same universal laws, animated by the same spirit." Ursula Walser-Biffiger
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Rights Catalogue
Ursula Walser-Biffiger
On the Creative Interaction with
Places of Power
Finding and Making Use of the Personal Place of
Power - Practical Exercises and Rituals
29.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 216 pages
Format: 17.5 cm x 25.0 cm
48 colour photos
Subject areas: geomancy
Rights sold: All rights available
• Over 70 reliable exercises and rituals, many field reports and practical tips
Today many people long for an experience beyond everyday reality, one that moves them deep
within, that makes them feel bonded with all being from which they may draw energy and insight.
Places of power can give us answers and visions, they feed us, teach us and bestow rich gifts on
us, thereby helping to trust life and accept challenges with increased strength.
With a number of practical exercises and reported experiences the author shows how to refine our
perception for the forces of magical places step by step, how to open up to them and use them.
This means above all the process of exchange with the personal place of power - the approach,
encounter and ultimate return to daily life. Towards renewal, transformation, inspiration and the
shaping of a fulfilled, responsible life. The book leads the way to personal places of power, to
consciousness, refined perception and one's own magical possibilities.
Ursula Walser studies in literature, history and pedagogical psychology. For almost 20 years
lecturer in adult education, leader of seminars and counsellor with own practice (focus on
personality development, shaping life and spirituality). In this book she draws from her rich
experience with places of power and from accompanying people in practice during their phases
of transformation. Already available at AT Publishing House by Ursula Walser: »Wild and wise matrons from the land of mountains«.
page 164 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Wolf-Dieter Storl
Plant Devas
The Spiritual-Mental Dimensions of Plants
19.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 264 pages
Format: 13.5 cm x 22.0 cm
44 illustrations
Subject areas: plants, meditation
Rights sold: All rights available
• Featuring practical instructions for plant meditation
• New, special-priced edition
Plants are more powerful than we commonly think. Being macroscopic creatures they
communicate the light forces of the cosmos and enliven the earth matter. All cultures, except the
one we are living in today, are aware of the psycho-spiritual dimensions of plants. In dreams or
ecstatic visions of shamans, plants appear as deities, Devas, or light angels who actively and
consciously interfere in earthly events and human history. Wolf-Dieter Storl, the distinguished plant
expert, demonstrates how the disrupted communication between human beings and plants can
be restored. An appendix featuring practical instructions for plant meditation helps to re-establish
contact with the plant Devas.
Wolf-Dieter Storl is a cultural anthropologist and ethnobotanist. He has lectured at various
universities and is the author of several long-selling books. He lives on an isolated farm in the
southern German Allgäu with his family.
page 165 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Marlis Bader
Rituals of Nature for a Lifetime
Tree Energy and Incense Plants for Healing and
26.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 176 pages
Format: 15.5 cm x 23.0 cm
53 colour photos
Subject areas: rituals, incense herbs, tree types,
Rights sold: All rights available
• Simple, everyday rituals and ceremonials; Ancient occidental practices in a new
contemporary context
• Knowledge on the effects of 22 incense herbs and resins
• The crucial role of 21 tree types in tree as well as fire rituals
Ever since the dawn of mankind the peoples of the earth have conducted rites and ceremonies to
accompany the various phases of life. But even in today's modern Western world people have a
longing for feeling rooted in and for being part of a greater whole. Rituals and ceremonies can help
experience this greater whole and find our own fulfilling spot in it.
This book shows how individual life situations of a person or group can be supported and facilitated
by simple, everyday rites and ceremonials. Drawing from the author's vast personal experience,
the book explains old occidental methods while developing them into new, contemporary rituals
that can be carried out outdoors amidst nature or at home. Essential elements are herb incense
and the symbolic importance of trees. To this end, the book provides explanations on the effects
of 22 mostly indigenous incense herbs and resins. Furthermore, it describes 21 different tree types
and translates their significant characteristics into tree or fire rituals.
Simple rituals connect us with our ancient spirituality, they guide and support our individual life
Marlis Bader born 1966, trained wood sculptor, freelance artist, and affiliate with the herb nursery
Schongau, specialised in occidental incense theory. She is involved in facilitation work based on
free and systemic constellation, rituals, and incense treatments. She offers seminars and trainings
on these topics. Author of the books »Incense with indigenous herbs« and »Good Energy in the
Living Space«.
page 166 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Nana Nauwald
Shamanic Rituals of Perception
Experiencing the Spirit of Animals - Ancient
Knowledge from European Traditions
22.90 EUR
Cover: Cardboard binding
Extent: 208 pages
Format: 13.5 cm x 22.0 cm
Illustrations by the author
Subject areas: shamanism, rituals, spirituality
Rights sold: CZ
• Experiencing the spirit of animals - ancient knowledge from European traditions
• Encountering the spirits of animals and plants
• Plenty of practical hints and instructions: ancient shamanic knowledge for modern-day
Experiencing the spirit of animals through naturalistic rituals. From the author's experience of 23
years in the world of shamanic consciousness of different cultures, this book shows how one can
tread on new, creative paths on the basis of ancient knowledge without imitating the rites and
imaginative worlds of other cultures. It aims at activating all senses and offering tools of perception
that allow to experience shamanic worlds and their ghost animals in accordance with our current
cultural and social reality. The book focuses on the creative practice of »rituals of perception« that
allow us to experience the »spirit of animals« and to be touched by »ghost animals«. »My aim is
to animate and encourage people to experience and live the spirit of shamanism with its endless
richness in realities in a conscious, curious, relishing and healing way - in accordance with today's
life circumstances.« Nana Nauwald
Nana Nauwald born 1947, artist, author, explorer of shamanic worlds. Teaches »Rituals of
Perception« at the Art College of Braunschweig. Lives in the Lüneburger Heide and frequently
also with shamans in the rain forest of the Amazon. Several books: »Bear force and jaguar
medicine - the shamanic tools for opening consciousness« (Bärenkraft und Jaguarmedizin die bewusstseinsöffnenden Werkzeuge der Schamane), »The Song of the black jaguar« (Der
Gesang der Schwarzen Jaguars - novel), »The flight of the shamans - Shamanic fairy tales and
myths« (Der Flug des Schamanen - Schamanistische Märchen und Mythen), »Ecstatic trance - a
work book« (Ekstatische Trance - Das Arbeitsbuch), »In the shadow of the jaguar« (Im Schatten
des Jaguar - novel).
page 167 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Christian Rätsch
Smoking Agents - The Dragon's
The Standard Work on Smoking Agents - Extended
Reissue with More than 200 Colour Photos
32.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 238 pages
Format: 19.5 cm x 26.5 cm
250 colour photos
Subject areas: smoking agent
Rights sold: CZ
• The standard work on smoking agents
• Extended reissue with more than 200 colour photos
Igniting smoking agents is one of mankind's oldest ritual practices. Shamans reach a state of
trance with the help of smoke from certain woods, resins and leaves. Seeresses used to inhale
the smoke of consciousness-altering materials in order to fall into ecstasy. Priestesses and priests
burned resins to establish contact with gods and goddesses. Aromatic smoke has always been
presumed to have magical or medicinal qualities. Following an introduction to the cultural history of
incense, a comprehensive lexical chapter displays all smoking agents from aloe to cypress in detail
with text and pictures: botanical descriptions of the main plant, history, ritual and custom, effects
and ways of usage, chemistry and pharmacology, tips on harvesting and preparation. By means
of the well-founded, ethno-botanical and ethno-pharmacological description of the smoking agents
the book opens the door to nature's mysteries, allows insights and encourages individual creative
Dr. Christian Rätsch ancient American studies, ethno-pharmacologist and ethno-botanist.
Worldwide field studies, especially in the rainforest and the Himalayan regions. Editor, speaker
and author of various books, including the standard works »Enzyklopädie der psychoaktiven
Pflanzen« (Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants) published by AT Verlag.
page 168 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Wolf-Dieter Storl
The Bear
Animal of Strength of the Shamans and Healers
26.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 288 pages
Format: 13.5 cm x 22.0 cm
Subject areas: bear, shamanism
Rights sold: All rights available
• The fascinating relationship between man and bear
Anywhere the bear lives, i.e. in the entire Northern hemisphere, he was considered an animal
of strength. He was not an ordinary animal but a kind of »forest man« whose shaggy fur was
hiding a human or even godly soul. He could understand men's thoughts and had healing powers.
Whoever dreams of a bear or has a strong encounter with a bear becomes a herbal healer and is
summoned to heal with plants. Besides the bear dreamer is the mightiest among medicine men
according to North America's natives. The Germanic people called their most efficient and reliable
healing plants »bear herbs« and sent their youngsters into the forest to experience their true nature
as »bear skinners«. Wolf-Dieter Storl, cultural anthropologist and ethno-botanist, lived himself in
bear habitats in the Rocky Mountains for many years and had frequent - sometimes dramatic encounters with bears. In this book he depicts the relationship between man and bear. The journey
leads into the bear caves of the Neanderthals, the bear cults of Siberian tribes of today, to cave
bears and teddy bears and last but not least to the bear city Bern where the author himself used to
live for several years. We find out about the bear goddess Artemis and the medicine bear of Indian
shamans and find numerous bear tales and stories from all over the world.
Wolf-Dieter Storl born 1942, cultural anthropologist and ethno-botanist. Former Fulbrigth scholar
of the University of Bern, lectured at different universities. Study trips, ethnographical and ethnobotanical field research - in a traditional spiritualist settlement in Ohio, with old and experienced
farmers in the Emmental, with medicine men of the Northern Cheyenne, with Shiva Sadhus in India
and Nepal - are depicted in numerous articles and books. Since 1988 he lives with his family on
a solitary farm in the Allgäu where he is occupied with gardening and investigating the secrets of
healing herbs and wild plants.
page 169 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Susanne Fischer-Rizzi, Peter Ebenhoch
The Book of Incense
29.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 228 pages
Format: 21.0 cm x 28.0 cm
205 colour photos
Subject areas: Incense, smoking agents
Rights sold: I
• The first comprehensive book on the art of burning incense
• Including detailed descriptions of each substance´s history
• Featuring previously unpublished recipes for preparation at home
What was the secret of the precious incense mixtures the Egyptian priests used? What scents
helped the seeress at the oracle of Delphi foretell the future? Which incenses are capable to
intensify our dreams? The author presents the first comprehensive book on the art of burning
incense using scents - from the Stone Age, the high cultures of Egypt, Mesopotamia and Greece to
the roots of incense culture in the Far East and the rites of native Americans still in use today.
Burning incense is the act of slowly burning special resins and parts of plants on smoking coal.
For thousands of years, the rising smoke was considered by many peoples to be a message to
heaven. Including detailed descriptions of each smoking agent, its history and practical use today
along with previously unpublished recipes for home use.
Susanne Fischer-Rizzi degree in philosophy, trained alternative practitioner. Studied ayurvedic
and Tibetan phytotherapy in India and was taught by Indian healers in America. Naturopathy
practice in Germany. Teacher at her self-founded school for medical plants and aroma therapy.
So far, Fischer-Rizzi has published ten books on naturopathy and aroma therapy, that have been
translated into various languages.
Peter Ebenhoch born 1953 in Oberstaufen in Allgäu, training as graphic designer at the University
of Applied Sciences in Munich, followed by arts studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich.
Since 1982 freelance painter, book illustrator and graphic designer. Together with 3 colleagues
he runs a graphic studio called vierpunkt-Grafik Design gbR since 1992. Numerous art exhibitions
in Germany and abroad since 1982. Lives with his wife, the artist Sabeth Lichtblau, and their two
sons on a farm in Allgäu in the south of Germany.
page 170 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Christian Rätsch
The Sacred Grove
Germanic Magic Plants, Sacred Trees and
Shamanic Rituals
22.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 120 pages
Format: 17.5 cm x 25.0 cm
80 colour and b/w photos
Subject areas: magic plants, shamanism, rituals
Rights sold: All rights available
• The shamanic roots of the Germanic people
The Germanic culture was carried by shamanic mythology, its spirituality was inspired by
entheogenes, holy plants, smoking of psycho-active agents and intoxicating drinks. The Germanic
Temple was not an artificial building but a forest, the sacred grove. The trees were gods and
the plants had magic powers. Germanic shamanism was characterized by alrunas, the wise
seers, berserks, the cultic warriors, brewing women experienced with herbs and enthusiastic
skalds. In Germanic mythology we have direct access to shamanism. The god Wotan is the primal
shaman, the most shamanic of all Indo-Germanic gods. Wotan is the marshal of the universe, the
ecstatic striving for knowledge and cognition, the soul companion, master of entheogenes, the big
magician and protecting warrior. This book tells us about Germanic world trees, fool punks, magic
plants, oracle flowers, smoking agents, intoxicating drinks and rune magic. It opens up the almost
forgotten gates to the sacred grove and its wonder plants. It depicts rituals, shamanic practices, the
use of indigenous magic plants. It offers access to our pagan heritage and shamanic roots.
Dr. Christian Rätsch ancient American studies, ethno-pharmacologist and ethno-botanist.
Worldwide field studies, especially in the rainforest and the Himalayan regions. Editor, speaker
and author of various books, including the standard works »Enzyklopädie der psychoaktiven
Pflanzen« (Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants) published by AT Verlag.
page 171 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Health & Healing
page 172 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Andrea Überall, Florian Überall
Astringent and Bitter Substances
Recipes and Usage, Inspired by Tibetan Medicine
26.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 304 pages
Format: 14.8 cm x 21.0 cm
Numerous colour photos
Subject areas: alternative medicine, Tibetan
Rights sold: All rights available
• holistic concept for prevention and treatment
• Recipes for the use of astringent and bitter substances in everyday life
• How to treat and heal chronic diseases including 29 plant portraits
The book draws from the rich heritage of Tibetan and Indian medicine. Energy disturbances
of the body can be balanced with the help of forceful plant agents and - in combination with
physical exercise and changes in lifestyle of the afflicted person - may even be healed completely.
The book presents useful information on occurrence and habitat, botanical categorization and
traditional healing powers of 29 different plants, some known in the context of Western folk
medicine (dandelion, gentian), some as widely used spices (turmeric, cinnamon), and also
some rare ones hardly known in Europe (Mongolian milk vetch). The concept of healing through
astringent and bitter substances allows us to gently enhance our health, support our immune
system and treat and even heal chronic diseases through the powerful impulses of plants. The
book is rounded off with simple instructions on how to use astringent and bitter substances in
everyday life, a detailed description of Tibetan plant medicines and additionally a collection of
recipes combining the healing plants of Asia with those of Europe.
Andrea Überall born 1963 in Hall in Tyrol. Dr. phil, psychologist, graduate kinesiologist, nutritionist
and stress manager running her own practice focused on holistic therapy.
Florian Überall born 1954 in Kitzbühel. University professor (PhD), biochemist and microbiologist.
Long years of experience with research on molecular cancer and natural substances,
environmental biochemistry and nutrition science. Head of the working group Nutritional
Biochemistry and Nutrigenomics at the University of Medical Sciences, Innsbruck. Director of the
Information Center on Tibetan Medicine in Telfs, Tyrol.
page 173 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Doris Iding, Markus Dürst, Johanna Wäfler
Ayurvedic Cuisine throughout the
80 Vegetarian Recipes Using Domestic Produce
26.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 224 pages
Format: 19.5 cm x 26.5 cm
56 colour photos
Subject areas: ayurvedic cooking, health, seasonal
Rights sold: PL
• 80 Vegetarian recipes using domestic produce
• Easy to prepare
• Inclusive nutritional suggestions and lists of recommended food for each type of
Ayurveda is booming these days. More and more people have come to appreciate the healing
effects of Ayurveda-based alimentation. Still, most of us are not aware that cooking along
Ayurvedic principles can easily be done with domestic produce, i.e. everyday herbs, vegetables
and fruits. Ample proof for this is provided by the collection of 80 Vegetarian recipes from one
of the insider tips of Ayurvedic cuisine, the »Le Cocon« in the Bernese Jura. They harmonise
perfectly with the seasons, are easy to prepare yet at the same time very refined, and offer not
only a feast for the palate but for all the senses. An introductory section explains the basics of
Ayurveda, the three Doshas, the signification of the digestive fire, the three Gunas, the six flavours
as well as the relevance of the seasons for Ayurvedic cuisine. There are nutritional suggestions
and lists of recommended food for each type of constitution. Helpful hints and tricks render it easy
to integrate Ayurvedic cuisine into the everyday life of working people and families.
Markus Dürst born 1948, active in the fields of biodynamic vegetable gardening, education and
work therapy. Once an enthusiastic hobby cook, he developed into a passionate chef focusing on
whole food cuisine.
Doris Iding medically approved Yoga instructor, ethnologist, focusing on integration of Eastern
healing methods in the West, consciousness-altering techniques, shamanism and ethno-medicine.
Lives and works in Munich as freelance journalist for different journals, among others »Yoga
aktuell«, as well as Yoga instructor for adults and children and lecturer on Yoga philosophy in Yoga
instructor training.
Johanna Wäfler born 1962, activity in different fields of naturopathy for more than 20 years,
aturopath NVS, graduate Ayurveda practitioner and trained Ayurveda massager, nutrition and life
style counsellor, herb counselling.
page 174 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Modesta Bersin
Baking with Buckwheat
22.90 EUR
Cover: Cardboard binding
Extent: 120 pages
Format: 17.5 cm x 24.0 cm
89 colour photos
Subject areas: baking, health kitchen
Rights sold: All rights available
• From cakes and tarts to wafers, cookies, breads, crepes, and quiches
• 70 delicious, gluten free recipes
• The first baking book based exclusively on buckwheat recipes
Buckwheat is not a crop but belongs to the family of knotweeds. One hundred years ago it
ranked among the most important food items in many regions of Europe. Due to our altered,
more conscious approach to healthy alimentation it currently experiences a genuine renaissance.
Buckwheat is gluten free and helps stabilizing the equilibrium of acids and bases, moreover
it has a positive impact on the glycemic index and produces balancing effects with high blood
pressure, diabetes and obesity. Subtle and nutty, it bestows upon pastries a unique and
unmistakable flavour. This is the first cookbook on the subject written in German, presenting plenty
of recipes based exclusively on buckwheat. As buckwheat requires an entirely different method of
preparation, the author has rethought each recipe from scratch.
Modesta Bersin has worked as nutritional and diet consultant for 25 years. Training in prevention
and naturopathy. For many years she has been dedicated to growing and using silver buckwheat,
and eventually also started to develop recipes. She delivers courses and lectures on the topics of
nutrition and health enhancement.
page 175 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Christine Baumann
Bowels - Naturally Healthy
A Practical Guide With Recipes From Naturopathy
19.95 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 192 pages
Format: 17.0 cm x 24.0 cm
Numerous colour photos and illustrations
Rights sold: All rights available
• How to keep your bowels healthy
• A naturopathic guide for therapists and amateurs
• Tips, household remedies, therapies
The telling sales figures of the book »Gut: The Inside Story of our Body's Most Underrated Organ«
give proof of a growing interest in the functioning of our digestive system, while evidence from
daily practice shows a steady increase in food intolerances. This book starts with an easy to
understand overview of the anatomy and functioning of the human digestive system and offers
various ways to keep it healthy. It contains a number of useful tips and many delicious recipes for a
bowel friendly diet and to change eating habits. Herbs and food plants that strengthen the digestive
organs are presented along with many household remedies and practical therapy suggestions
based on approaches from traditional European naturopathy, anthroposophic medicine, and colon
hydrotherapy. Includes a detailed medical glossary.
Christine BaumannAlternative healthcare practitioner focusing on women's health, biological
cancer therapy, and consultations for athletes. She shares a practice with Margret Madejsky, Olaf
Rippe, and others in Munich since 2011.
Illustrations: Ingrid Thiel-Böhrer
page 176 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Martina Hasse, Jan-Peter Westermann
Chinese Temple Cuisine
Original Vegetarian Recipes from Famous Buddhist
Monasteries - Recipes for a Long Life
34.90 EUR
Cover: Hardback with jacket
Extent: 232 pages
Format: 19.5 cm x 26.5 cm
200 colour photos
Subject areas: cooking, Chinese cuisine, vegetarian
Rights sold: All rights available
• More than 100 vegetarian recipes for good health and a long life
• An unparalleled insight into the so far forbidden kitchens of Chinese monasteries
• The basics of Buddhist vegetarianism
With this book we embark on a journey to the ancient monasteries of China, to Sichuan, and the
roots of Buddhist vegetarian food. Never before have Chinese monastery kitchens opened their
gates to Western authors and photographers, the result are breathtaking images. This unique
book comprises more than 100 original recipes of Chinese traditional vegetarian cuisine. All
recipes were prepared and photographed in Buddhist monasteries. However exotic, they are
easy to prepare in Western kitchens as well. The main ingredients such as vegetables, bamboo,
mushrooms, nuts, Tofu, Seitan, soy meat, Konnyaku as well as selected healing plants and
spices , can be obtained in Asia shops. Many of the ingredients can also easily be home-grown in
the garden. The vegetarian culinary art of ancient monasteries is coupled with the just as ancient ,
Chinese tradition of using healthy, balancing and life-prolonging food - in order to detoxify and
purge, in favour of good health, anti-ageing and a slim figure.
Martina Hasse studied sinology, art history and East Asian art history in Hamburg and Taiwan.
She lived in Taiwan for three years. She works as translator and interpreter, and translates
Chinese and Taiwanese films and novels as well as technical literature.
Jan-Peter Westermann born 1959, started working as freelance photographer as early as 1985,
following his training at the Bavarian State Academy for Photography in Munich and a short period
as assistant. Next to still life and architecture photography he is devoted to foreign cultures and
food photography.
page 177 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Wolf-Dieter Storl
Common and Forgotten Vegetables
Ethnobotany, Alternative Medicine and Usage
26.90 EUR
Cover: Hardback with jacket
Extent: 360 pages
Format: 13.5 cm x 22.0 cm
129 illustrations
Subject areas: plants, vegetables
Rights sold: USA
• Garden book and cultural history, with 50 colour illustrations
• 50 garden greens - more than just vitamin sources
• Botany, alternative medicine and recipes
The vegetables we eat every day are far more than just sources of vitamins. They harbour secrets,
fanciful tales and magic. Some of them are powerful healing plants with clinically proven medical
effects. Wolf-Dieter Storl, the great connoisseur and researcher of healing and crop plants,
offers an exciting and easy to read presentation of 50 garden greens, including some rare and
forgotten types of vegetables and salad. The book is an unparalleled combination of gardening,
ethnobotany, cultural history as well as ancient and new medical discoveries. And to render all of
this palatable, there is a simple recipe for each presented plant. As a novelty, Barbara Hanneder's
subtle and artistic colour illustrations gracefully complement the book.
Wolf-Dieter Storl born 1942, cultural anthropologist and ethno-botanist. Former Fulbrigth scholar
of the University of Bern, lectured at different universities. Study trips, ethnographical and ethnobotanical field research - in a traditional spiritualist settlement in Ohio, with old and experienced
farmers in the Emmental, with medicine men of the Northern Cheyenne, with Shiva Sadhus in India
and Nepal - are depicted in numerous articles and books. Since 1988 he lives with his family on
a solitary farm in the Allgäu where he is occupied with gardening and investigating the secrets of
healing herbs and wild plants.
page 178 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Modesta Bersin
Cooking and Baking with Poppy
75 Recipes - Vegetarian and Gluten-free, Sweet
and Spicy
22.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 144 pages
Format: 17.5 cm x 24.0 cm
89 colour photos
Subject areas: poppy, baking
Rights sold: All rights available
• Poppy seed in modern, healthy cooking
• 75 simple, innovative recipes
Poppy, one of the oldest cultivated plants, is becoming increasingly important for gluten-free,
vegetarian, and vegan cooking. Be it mild grey poppy, spicy blue poppy, or nutty white poppy,
they all lend a special touch to dishes. From muesli to salads, from soups and savoury dishes to
desserts and pastries. Poppy and poppy-seed oil are rich in valuable vitamins, fatty acids, and
minerals. Their high protein content is ideally supplemented when combined with potatoes and
grains. 80 simple, innovative recipes demonstrate the various ways poppy can be used in modern
Modesta Bersin is a professional nutritionist, diabetes assistant, and fasting coach, and is also
trained in prevention and naturopathy. She conducts fasting weeks and courses and delivers
lectures on the topics of nutrition and health enhancement.
Photos: Lou Red
page 179 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Anne Katharina Zschocke
EM - Effective Microorganisms
Bacteria - Sources and Guides of all Living Things
29.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 304 pages
Format: 15.5 cm x 23.5 cm
100 illustrations
Subject areas: Effective Microorganisms, alternative
Rights sold: All rights available
• Instructions for practical everyday use of EM in garden, household, farming, water
purification, stock breeding, energy balance, and construction
• After decades of worldwide use, finally the first comprehensive book on Effective
• A revolutionary concept of handling and healing resistant bacterial strains; Firsthand
reports and studies on EM
Anne Katharina Zschocke presents the first comprehensive book on «EM», scientifically
substantiated, clear, and systematic but also offering a number of practical hints. She takes us
on a journey through the cultural history of man and microorganisms, disclosing the spiritual
dimension of fermentation and the way bacteria control destinies. With tender affection she
analyzes our attitude towards microbes and teaches us how to peacefully coexist. The book
explains how practical usage of «Effective Microorganisms» can solve everyday problems in
many areas of life fast and cost effectively. Floors can be enhanced, water purified, and smells
neutralized with the help of «EM». Garbage is being recycled into fertilizer, rot disappears, and
diseases are healed. Bacteria are the first inhabitants of our planet, and ever since then they
have been the basis of all life forms. They create balance, harmonize all processes, initiate
metabolic functions, train the immune system and protect the body's frontiers. Anyone can use
EM: in household, garden, farming and water management, stock breeding, hygiene, and trade.
For decades, EM has been active in healing unsettled living spaces, harmonizing processes of
transformation, and reconstituting equilibrium in the flux of life.
Dr Anne Katharina Zschocke studied human medicine and naturopathic treatment, worked as
physician and in applied horticulture. For many years freelance lecturer on topics of paradigm shift.
In 2011, she developed the first seminars on Effective Microorganisms (EM) in Europe. Author of
the successful book «The Remarkable Powers of Effective Microorganisms» and engaged as EM
page 180 of 261
Rights Catalogue
trainer in South America and Africa. Scientific associate of the nature centre Eifel in Nettersheim,
page 181 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Margret Madejsky
Encyclopaedia of Herbs for Women
Botany, Substances Contained, Effects, Signatures
and Uses
32.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 320 pages
Format: 19.5 cm x 26.5 cm
300 colour photos
Subject areas: healing herbs
Rights sold: All rights available
• Featuring more than 150 recipes with healing herbs
• An indispensable, encyclopaedic reference book for everyone interested in natural
women's health
• Recipes and therapy suggestions for each featured plant
Plants have always formed the basis of naturopathy and over the past few years they have
increasingly started to re-conquer the practices of gynaecologists and midwives. Antibiotic herbs
such as bearberry, nasturtium and garlic or plants with hormone-like effects such as lady's mantle,
chaste tree and bugbane have attained a firm status in women's naturopathy. The kingdom of
plants however offers an even greater number of women's and mothers' herbs, with healing
powers that can be helpful companions throughout a woman's whole life. Focus lies mainly on
the healing plants used and available in German-speaking regions. Based on many years of
research and practical experience, the author shows us how traditional plant knowledge can be
integrated into a holistic concept of modern healing practices for women. Whether it is cystitis,
endometriosis, the wish to have children, myoma, osteoporosis, menstrual cramps, mycosis,
pregnancy or menopause symptoms - this book offers answers for therapists as well as women
of all age groups. The encyclopaedia contains around 120 portraits of herbs featuring their name,
botanical characteristics, signature and astrology, active agents, healing qualities and usage in
healing practices for women. Additionally, each plant is accompanied by one or more recipes,
valuable practical hints and therapy suggestions. References to trade products help finding the
corresponding ingredients. With a comprehensive medicinal glossary.
Margret Madejsky live and conduct research together since 1987. Founding members of Natura
Naturans, a working group for traditional occidental medicine in Munich. Naturopathic therapists
running their own practice focusing on herbal healing, homeopathy, Paracelsus medicine, astral
medicine, eye and hand diagnosis. Authors of the books »Healing cures of the sun«, »Alchemilla holistic herbal healing for women«, »Paracelsus medicine« and »Naturopathy special -Traditional
occidental medicine«. Lectures, excursions, professional seminars and trainings on the topics of
healing herbs and Paracelsus medicine.
page 182 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Werner Kühni, Walter von Holst
Encyclopaedia of Stone Healing
44.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 552 pages
Format: 16.5 cm x 22.5 cm
More than 900 colour photos and illustrations
Subject areas: stone healing
Rights sold: All rights available
• The comprehensive book on stone healing methods and healing stones
• Completely revised and expanded new edition
• More than 900 colour illustrations
Currently the most comprehensive book on stone healing - completely revised and updated, with
30 new healing stones. Based on the latest findings and most accurate knowledge, the book
provides an illustration - accompanied by more than 900 colour photos - of all therapeutically
relevant healing stones known today, including data on mineralogy, identifying characteristics,
occurrence, commercial size and packaging and denominations. The effect of the stones on body,
soul and spirit are described along with the various possibilities of use for health problems and
personality development. Including a useful therapeutic index.
Werner Kühni born in Heidelberg/Germany in 1949, alternative practitioner and psychotherapist.
Training in chakra diagnosis and chakra therapy, mind control and hypnosis, intense studies in
aroma therapy. Lecturer at the School for Alternative Practitioners as well as at adult education
centers. Sale of high quality ethereal oils and selected minerals and healing stones with healing
stone counseling and mineralogical determination. Author of books, exhibitions, lectures and
courses in clinical aroma therapy, healing stones and sound bowl therapy.
Walter von Holst born in Stuttgart/Germany in 1969, private studies in analytic psychology,
studies in anthroposophy in Stuttgart. Further education in tarot and kabbalah, trained in the use
of healing stones by Michael Gienger. Co-founder of the research group Stone Healing Stuttgart,
lectures and seminars on healing stones. Lecturer for gemstone therapy at a school for alternative
practitioners. Development of gemstone astrology and crystal balance(TM). Numerous articles in
professional magazines.
page 183 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Astrid Süssmuth
Encyclopedia of Healing Herbs of the
Naturopathy and Traditional Wisdom
32.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 296 pages
Format: 15.5 cm x 23.5 cm
230 colour photos
Subject areas: healing plants, Alps
Rights sold: All rights available
• 60 plants of the Alps - healing effects, traditions and myths
• Over 80 recipes, practical guidelines and suggestions
• For mountaineers, hikers, flower lovers and therapists
The flower magic of the Alps puts a very special spell on us. The immense vitality by which
these plants survive in the wild mountain regions gives ample evidence of their healing powers.
Embedded in legends and myths, traditional knowledge of these has been passed on from
generation to generation. The author, a trained naturopath, knows about the vast power of healing
plants, while at the same time, being an experienced mountaineer, she also knows about the
invigorating intensity of the mountain world. For her Encyclopedia of Healing Herbs of the Alps she
went on a search for healing herb treasures in the Alps, thereby uniting these two experiences. 60
healing plants, more than 80 recipes, more than 300 plant photos as well as numerous sketches
and illustrations stretch from the Eastern Alps to the Western Alps, from the Bavarian alpine
upland to the Dolomites of South Tyrol, from mountain forests all the way to rock, ice and snow.
A reader and reference book with numerous hints and suggestions for hikers and mountaineers,
flower lovers and therapists. Featuring a chart of blooming periods, indication index and a detailed
Astrid Süßmuth born 1972. Naturopath running her own practice, engineer and passionate
mountaineer. The traditional herb knowledge of her ancestors from the mountains and the archaic
nature experiences she gathered in the course of her own studies form the foundations of her
work. She passes on her rich plant knowledge, the traditions of our forefathers as well as her
practical nature experiences in magazine articles, books and seminars. Astrid Süßmuth lives with
her family in Upper Bavaria.
page 184 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Bruno Vonarburg
Energized Healing Plants
A Gentle Way of Handling and Refining Medicinal
Plants; Basics, Therapy and Usage
69.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 456 pages
Format: 19.5 cm x 26.5 cm
600 colour photos
Subject areas: phytomedicine, naturopathy
Rights sold: All rights available
• Making your own plant medicine - naturopathy for everyone
• The modern manual of phytomedicine, with 600 colour photos
• An easy processing method, recently developed by the author
In holistic phytotherapy plants are considered a life form combining both material elements and
energetic powers. In the light of this perception, the famous Swiss naturopath and author Bruno
Vonarburg has developed a new, utmost gentle refining technique. The remedies produced in this
manner, so-called Triflores essences, are presented in this book as »energized healing plants«.
Preparation of these requires a combination of two techniques, trituration or lactose grinding and
blossom essence which captures the fine substance elements of blossoms. Together they form
a medicine beneficial for both people's organic and psychic state. The book describes in detail
the astonishingly simple procedure developed by the author in long years of research activity and
tested a thousand times in his naturopathy practice. This method enables everyone to prepare
their own healing plant essences, while Triflores essences can also be purchased ready-made in
stores. 100 of the most relevant domestic healing plants are presented along with their indications.
With about 600 colour photos this novelty among healing plant books is also a feast for the eyes.
Bruno Vonarburg born 1946, is one of the best known naturopaths in Switzerland. The result
of his dedicated activities are more than a dozen books on topics of naturopathy, especially
phytomedicine, highly acclaimed in professional circles. Numerous programs discussing herbs on
radio and television as well as contributions in various magazines.
page 185 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Modesta Bersin
Fasting with Care
Successful Weight Loss Using the Buchinger
Method Including a Sustainable Alkaline Follow-up
19.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 112 pages
Format: 13.5 cm x 22.0 cm
48 colour photos
Subject areas: fasting, diet, healthy nutrition
Rights sold: All rights available
• Buchinger diet combined with a sustainable follow-up plan
• An effective method for successful weight loss
• 20 years of experience with facilitating group fasting
Health trainer and dietary supervisor Modesta Bersin has been facilitating fasting for groups for
more than 20 years, and over the years she developed her own diet plan based on the Buchinger
therapeutic fasting method: fasting with particularly valuable, nutrient-rich wild herb soups, gentle
and digestion friendly fruit fasting, and an alkaline follow-up week to avoid a yoyo effect.
She demonstrates how a sustainable change in lifestyle can be achieved through gentle, careful
fasting, how to effectively detoxicate, lose weight, and stimulate the self-healing powers of the
Features contributions by Professor Michael Stimpel, M.D., (Paul Ehrlich Hospital, Bad Homburg),
on clinical experiences as well as contributions by Steffen Guido Fleischhauer on the importance of
edible wild plants for a healthy diet.
Modesta Bersin trained nutritionist, dietary supervisor, and diabetes assistant, 25 years
of experience in food and diet consulting. Trainings in prevention and naturopathy. She
conducts fasting weeks and seminars and delivers lectures on the topics of nutrition and health
Photos: Lou Red
page 186 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Svenja Zuther
Flora's Language
Encounters with Plant Spirit - Doctrine of Signatures
- Holistic Phytomedicine
39.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 432 pages
Format: 17.5 cm x 25.0 cm
More than 50 colour photos
Subject areas: phytomedicine
Rights sold: All rights available
• A comprehensive manual on domestic healing plants, including an introduction to the
doctrine of signatures
• Detailed and insightful plant portraits
• Perception exercises, recipes and instructions
In mindful encounters plants open up to us their strongly versatile character. With an introduction to
the doctrine of signatures and practical guidelines for plant encounters this book allows us to enter
the world of plant language. It shows us how to perceive ourselves through nature's mirror, how to
entertain a vivid exchange with plants and make use of their powers. In 18 detailed portraits, the
characteristic powers of local healing plants are described based on modern research along with
ancient plant customs and traditions. An informative and touching manual for all those who intend
to heal not only the body but also the soul with the help of plants. Featuring a number of perception
exercises, recipes and suggestions for a creative use of healing plants.
Svenja Zuther born 1972, graduate biologist, alternative practitioner and consultant with
major focus on holistic phytomedicine. Runs a naturopathy practice in the Lüneburg Heath,
organizes and conducts seminars and holds lectures on the topics of nature consciousness, plant
encounters, the doctrine of signature and holistic phytomedicine.
page 187 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Rudi Beiser
Forgotten Medicinal Plants
Botany, Folk Medicine, Utilisation
29.95 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 240 pages
Format: 15.5 cm x 22.0 cm
Numerous colour photos
Rights sold: All rights available
• Rediscovering forgotten medicinal plants
• A treasure from the past: folk magic and folk medicine
• Scientific facts confirm experience-based medicine
An adventurous expedition to discover domestic wild plants at our doorstep that have completely
disappeared from modern phytomedicine, while they used to play a significant role a long way
back, in medieval healing practices. The book portrays about 25 selected ancient medicinal
plants, such as purple loosestrife, prunella, ajuga, or avens. Next to traditional healing practices,
the book also focuses on modern scientific approaches. Bioactive plant substances along with
a number of recent studies reconfirm the amazing effectiveness of our ancestors' experiencebased medicine. The book emphasizes how healthy and valuable these plants are for human
nutrition, and highlights their widespread use as food plants in ancient times. Practical tips and
recipes complement every plant description, inviting the reader to start collecting them and prepare
effective remedies.
Rudi Beiser ,has worked with wild herbs and healing plants for 40 years, ran his own herb
manufactory La Luna producing high quality herbal teas for 20 years. Today, lecturer at various
institutions and successful author.
page 188 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Chrischta Ganz, Louis Hutter
29.95 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 272 pages
Format: 17.0 cm x 24.0 cm
Approx. 100 colour photos
Rights sold: All rights available
• The vital energy of buds, shoot tips, and seedlings
• With step-by-step instructions on how to produce gemmomacerates
• a guide for experts and amateurs in naturopathy
Gemmotherapy uses the great vital energy of the embryonic plant tissue in buds, shoot tips, and
seedlings. The extracts of this tissue possess extraordinary healing and regenerative powers
and are used successfully for many acute and chronic diseases. For the first time in the Germanspeaking region, this book offers a comprehensive overview of gemmotherapy, including aspects
of humorism as well as the connections with planetary forces. More than 50 buds and their
possible applications are described in detail, and there are step-by-step instructions on how to
produce gemmomacerates. A comprehensive indication section as well as treatment suggestions
for common afflictions serve as a guide for experts and amateurs in naturopathy alike.
Chrischta Ganz is a naturopath running her own practise. She is also a lecturer for phytomedicine,
general naturopathy, and traditional European naturopathy. Louis Hutter is a naturopath
running his own practise. He is a lecturer for phytotherapy, gemmotherapy, traditional European
naturopathy, and traditional Chinese medicine.
Photos: Adrian Gerber
page 189 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Peter Oppliger
Green Tea
Custom - Pleasure - Health
24.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 144 pages
Format: 19.5 cm x 26.5 cm
50 colour photos
Subject areas: tea, alternative medicine
Rights sold: All rights available
• Types, healing powers, preparation and usage
• All there is to know on the magical plant green tea
• A book from the acknowledged expert on green tea
The tea plant is one of the most fascinating healing plants with regard to its history, related
customs and healing power. Thanks to different modes of processing both green tea and black
tea can be produced from it. The medicinal effects of green tea known for several thousand years
have not only been confirmed but largely outdone by international scientific research. Green tea,
both beverage and preventive cure, fosters the healing process with numerous lifestyle diseases,
elevates concentration, enhances personal performance and well-being. A perfect guide and
practical introduction to the secrets of tea, from tea plant to the numerous varieties of teas and
their effects written by a renowned expert in naturopathy.
Peter Oppliger born 1940, graduate chemist, education in naturopathy, homeopathy, phytotherapy
and nutrition at East West Foundation, Boston. Conductor of seminars on autogenic training and
yoga instructor. Peter Oppliger owns a pharmacy in Lucerne, Switzerland and runs an import
business for green tea. Organises and guides educational trips for naturopathy, course instructor,
several teaching assignments in the field of naturopathy.
page 190 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Lydia Reutter
Healing Fasting According to
Hildegard von Bingen
Cleansing Body and Soul - Fasting According to
Hildegard von Bingen
22.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 144 pages
Format: 15.0 cm x 24.0 cm
Richly illustrated, two-coloured print
Subject areas: Hildegard von Bingen, fasting
Rights sold: All rights available
• Cleansing body and soul - fasting according to Hildegard von Bingen
• Practical instructions for every day
• With numerous photos and illustrations
Healing fasting is a simple and effective way of purifying body and soul. A coherently balanced
combination of fasting teas, soups and special healing herbs improves our health and increases
our inward zest for life. The author leads us along a 12-day fasting treatment based on the
Hildegard von Bingen method. Precise instructions for every day assist individual implementation
of this several century old, natural and gentle form of healing fasting. The practical instructions are
accompanied by meditative texts that open up the psychic-spiritual dimension of fasting. Numerous
photos and illustrations as well as a neat layout render this book not only a practical guide but a
feast for the eyes.
Dr. med. Lydia Reutter general practitioner in Tübingen. Besides studying healing herbs focus
on mysticism, with a comprehensive view of the whole human being and the integration of the
individual into the beauty of the creation. She combines knowledge and experience of ancient
traditional physicians with the methods of modern medicine. Her fasting courses do not fail to
impress again and again thanks to the successful healing fasting method of Hildegard von Bingen.
page 191 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Wolf-Dieter Storl
Healing Herbs and Magic Plants
Between Front Door and Garden Gate
A Journey of Discovery into the Secret Nature of
19.90 EUR
Cover: Hardback with jacket
Extent: 180 pages
Format: 16.5 cm x 22.5 cm
Colour illustrations
Subject areas: healing herbs
Rights sold: CZ, PL
• A journey of discovery into the secret nature of plants
From ancient times on, the true herbalists knew that even the simplest, most common herbs
are valuable and that only a handful suffices to heal all types of pain. However it is essential to
thoroughly know the plants, and to regard them not only as containers of chemical agents but as
personalities with a proper character and long history. The author points out nine utmost common
wild herbs- mostly utterly unloved and disregarded - that grow everywhere between front door and
garden gate: stinging nettle, mugwort, alehoof, ground-elder, plantain, horsetail, daisy, chickweed
and dandelion. It describes their characteristics and healing powers, their relevance in folk
medicine, their role in legends, fairy tales and superstitions as well as their planetary references.
Wolf-Dieter Storl born 1942, cultural anthropologist and ethno-botanist. Former Fulbrigth scholar
of the University of Bern, lectured at different universities. Study trips, ethnographical and ethnobotanical field research - in a traditional spiritualist settlement in Ohio, with old and experienced
farmers in the Emmental, with medicine men of the Northern Cheyenne, with Shiva Sadhus in India
and Nepal - are depicted in numerous articles and books. Since 1988 he lives with his family on
a solitary farm in the Allgäu where he is occupied with gardening and investigating the secrets of
healing herbs and wild plants.
page 192 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Christian Rätsch
Healing Plants of the Antiquity
Mythology, Healing Practices and Usage
32.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 352 pages
Format: 17.5 cm x 25.0 cm
118 colour photos and illustrations
Subject areas: healing plants
Rights sold: All rights available
• 66 plant portrays with details on historical traditions, pharmacology, and usage
• Relevance of ancient healing practices for our times
• A comprehensive handbook on the antique art of healing
This book systematically summarises the art of healing in the age of Antiquity. Christian Rätsch,
author of numerous recognized handbooks on botany and ethno-botany, presents the most
important herbs and plants that played a crucial role in the religious life of the Antiquity: artichoke,
henbane, ivy, fennel, pomegranate, chamomile, garlic, laurel, myrtle, oleander, hemlock, and many
But the book is also an encyclopedia of antique healing plants, a comprehensive overview of
Egyptian, Greek, and Roman mythology, offering new insights into the art of healing and above
all various hints on how to use them today: how to use for instance the magical mandrake as a
substitute for tobacco, basil against memory loss, and popular cinnamon as an aphrodisiac. A book
of discovery and amazement.
Christian Rätsch ethnologist and ethno-pharmacologist, lecturer and author, studied ancient
American studies, ethnology, and folklore. For more than twenty years he has conducted
worldwide research on shamanic cultures and their use of psychoactive plants. Author of a number
of books, among others the famous classic »Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants«.
page 193 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Claudia Ritter
Healing with Domestic Food Plants
Vegetables, Fruits and Crops - from Onion to Fava
Bean Botany, Healing Methods and Recipes
32.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 376 pages
Format: 17.0 cm x 24.0 cm
200 colour photos
Subject areas: alternative medicine, nutrition,
healthy diet
Rights sold: All rights available
• Domestic food plants in naturopathy, featuring botanical characteristics and many colour
• Various recipes from naturopathy
• For specialists in phytotherapy as well as enthusiastic amateurs
Dried blueberries against diarrhea, preparing for labour with raspberry leaves, lad's love in
complementary cancer therapy, oat for regulating the blood sugar level, or fava beans as a
supporting therapy with Parkinson's disease: domestic plants have various healing effects and
offer relief with a number of different illnesses. The book lists 88 domestic food plants, vegetables,
fruits, crops and herbs in alphabetical order, presenting their ancient as well as current use in
naturopathy, mythology, and in the kitchen. The plant portraits are complemented by more than
200 colour photos, botanical characteristics, naturopathic recipes, and guides on brand-name
products. A reference book and guide for anyone interested in plants, their healing powers, and
medical use.
Claudia Ritter born 1968, alternative practitioner and holistic nutritionist in Weiden, Bavaria.
She has studied the healing effects of domestic cultivated and wild plants for many years. Author
of articles for many magazines, lecturer on the practical use of healing plants and naturopathic
page 194 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Werner Kühni
Healing with the Zeolite Mineral
A Practical Guide
16.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 176 pages
Format: 13.5 cm x 22.0 cm
44 illustrations
Subject areas: alternative medicine, guide
Rights sold: All rights available
• A detoxifying, healing, protecting, and strengthening mineral
• A guide for amateurs and experts
• 4th revised and extended edition of the best-selling book
Clinoptilolite is a mineral with many talents. It improves the effectiveness of other medicines
and helps with the treatment of diseases for which previously only few therapeutic options were
available: borreliosis, autoimmune diseases, chronic pain, and difficult to treat skin diseases.
Clinoptilolite is detoxifying, it influences the immune system and enzymatic processes of the body,
it alleviates the side effects of chemotherapy, and it is a true fountain of youth. This practiceoriented guide is aimed at both amateurs and experts. It is based on years of research and wideranging practical experience.
Werner Kühni is an alternative practitioner and psychotherapist. He is trained in homeopathy,
mind control, and hypnosis, and has pursued intensive studies in aroma therapy. He sells and
offers advice on essential oils and healing stones, works both as a book author and organiser of
exhibitions, and offers lectures and seminars.
page 195 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Werner Kühni, Walter von Holst
Healthy with Healing Stones and
Fast and Effective Treatment of 180 Illnesses
19.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 192 pages
Format: 16.5 cm x 23.5 cm
Subject areas: healing, healing stone,
aromatherapy, essential oils
Rights sold: All rights available
• Healing through the combination of healing stone science and aromatherapy
• Effective self-treatment for 180 different diseases and symptoms
• 100 reliable stones and 24 essential oils; easy to learn, effective, safe - for everyday use
The science of healing stones can be beautifully paired with aromatherapy. Healing stones
mostly have long-term effects on the energetic level, while essential oils are powerful agents in
emergencies, producing instant physiological results.
For the first time ever, this book presents a powerful and comprehensive combination of these two
healing methods, using 100 of the most reliable stones and 24 precious essential oils. Based on
the symptoms of the 180 most common illnesses and diseases, the book presents the appropriate
healing stone and matching essential oil for each of them. A method of treatment for everyday use
that is easy to learn, effective, and safe.
A practical guide for health-conscious amateurs, naturopaths, and everyone interested in healing
Werner Kühni born in Heidelberg/Germany in 1949, alternative practitioner and psychotherapist.
Training in chakra diagnosis and chakra therapy, mind control and hypnosis, intense studies in
aroma therapy. Lecturer at the School for Alternative Practitioners as well as at adult education
centers. Sale of high quality ethereal oils and selected minerals and healing stones with healing
stone counseling and mineralogical determination. Author of books, exhibitions, lectures and
courses in clinical aroma therapy, healing stones and sound bowl therapy.
Walter von Holst born in Stuttgart/Germany in 1969, private studies in analytic psychology,
studies in anthroposophy in Stuttgart. Further education in tarot and kabbalah, trained in the use
of healing stones by Michael Gienger. Co-founder of the research group Stone Healing Stuttgart,
lectures and seminars on healing stones. Lecturer for gemstone therapy at a school for alternative
practitioners. Development of gemstone astrology and crystal balance(TM). Numerous articles in
professional magazines.
page 196 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Susanne Fischer-Rizzi, Peter Ebenhoch
Heavenly Scents
The Great Book on Aromatherapy
29.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 166 pages
Format: 21.0 cm x 28.0 cm
More than 200 colour pictures
Subject areas: Aromatherapy, essences, therapy
Rights sold: I
• The book presents the various methods of application and gives in-depth descriptions of
the most important essences
• Featuring details on botany, ingredients, their effects on body and soul
• A valuable therapeutic index helps with choosing the right essence
This book is a classic in the field of aromatherapy and invites you on a journey to the realm of plant
scents. The depicted essential oils have a holistic effect on body and soul alike and stimulate the
powers of self-healing.
The book shows the different modes of use and provides detailed descriptions of the most
important essential oils including information on botany, ingredients and healing effects. It contains
a number of tried recipes for wellness, body care and therapy.
The author, who introduced aromatherapy in the German-speaking region, draws from her wealth
of experience and shares her expertise in an easily understandable way for beginners as well as
for professional use in the areas of body care and healing.
Susanne Fischer-Rizzi degree in philosophy, trained alternative practitioner. Studied ayurvedic
and Tibetan phytotherapy in India and was taught by Indian healers in America. Naturopathy
practice in Germany. Teacher at her self-founded school for medical plants and aroma therapy.
So far, Fischer-Rizzi has published ten books on naturopathy and aroma therapy, that have been
translated into various languages.
Peter Ebenhoch born 1953 in Oberstaufen in Allgäu, training as graphic designer at the University
of Applied Sciences in Munich, followed by arts studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich.
Since 1982 freelance painter, book illustrator and graphic designer. Together with 3 colleagues
he runs a graphic studio called vierpunkt-Grafik Design gbR since 1992. Numerous art exhibitions
in Germany and abroad since 1982. Lives with his wife, the artist Sabeth Lichtblau, and their two
sons on a farm in Allgäu in the south of Germany.
page 197 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Felicia Molenkamp
Herbal Antibiotics
Antibiotic Substances of Edible Wild Plants
24.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 174 pages
Format: 13.5 cm x 22.0 cm
Colour photos, illustrations
Subject areas: wild plants, herbs, healing
Rights sold: All rights available
• Edible wild plants and their antibiotic effects
• Using antibiotic plant substances instead of pharmaceutical antibiotics
• Medical knowledge and culinary delight
Antibiotic substances are not only provided by the pharmaceutical industry. They are provided
by nature itself. Essential oils, bitter substances, tannins, resins, and glycosides can indeed
compete with synthetic substances and even surpass them: They fight harmful bacteria without
damaging their beneficial counterparts, and they are often also effective against viruses, fungal
infections, and other pathogens. In an entertaining and informative way the author compares
natural with chemical substances, she describes their characteristics and modes of action, and
she combines medical knowledge with practical use. Featuring a range of tips on how to use the
natural ingredients as a tasty complement in everyday cooking.
Felicia Molenkamp is a qualified biologist. In her "KräuterSchule" (School of Herbs) she offers
herb and tree walks, wilderness cooking classes, lectures on the pharmacology of domestic plants,
and seminars for naturopaths.
page 198 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Roger Kalbermatten, Hildegard Kalbermatten
Herbal Mother Tinctures
Essence and Use
16.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 104 pages
Format: 22.5 cm x 23.0 cm
100 colour photos
Subject areas: naturopathy, healing plants
Rights sold: All rights available
• A practical and compact manual of phytotherapy
• Revised and expanded new edition
• 50,000 sold copies
Healing plants carry a large potential of powers that bestow convalescence and vitality on humans
during periods of illness and health alike. Ancient tinctures - made from fresh plants and bearing
extraordinary inner quality - are ideal to convey the nature and personality of a healing plant.
This way they can take effect not only on the body but also the soul. The book offers colourful
presentations of 47 well-known healing plants. By means of studying its nature the therapist or
patient is enabled to establish an inner relationship with the plant, and so its healing powers can
abundantly unfold.
Dr. Roger Kalbermatten chemist, 25 years of experience in the field of medicinal plant research.
Developed an effective procedure for the manufacturing of plant and homeopathic medicines.
Founder of CERES Heilmittel AG which produces high quality ancient tinctures.
Hildegard Kalbermatten trained pedagogue, systematic further training in medicinal and
psychological anthropology. Therapeutic experience with plant remedies. Co-founder of CERES
Heilmittel AG.
page 199 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Michael Werner, Thomas Stöckli
Living through Light as Food
A Scientist's Account of Personal Experience
22.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 168 pages
Format: 13.5 cm x 22.0 cm
two colour print
Subject areas: phenomenon, prana
Rights sold: FR, UK, CHN
• A scientist's account of personal experience
Light as source of food - an enthralling account of life. The phenomenon has been known for a
long time: there always have been people who are capable to renounce to solid food and to subsist
in other ways - no matter whether it is called light as food, prana or ethereal forces. Well-known
examples are Niklaus of Flüe, the mystic Therese of Konnersreuth, also yogis. Out of curiosity
and scientific interest Michael Werner, natural scientist, doctor of chemistry and manager of an
institute for cancer research, tried the so-called light as food method on himself. He has been
living without consuming solid food for four years - and feels better than ever: healthy, fit as a
fiddle and full of energy. In the framework of an academic research project he underwent a 10day clinical test based on strict scientific norms, under permanent medicinal-physiological and
psychological surveillance at a Swiss clinic. The book furnishes the report of his experiences and
related background knowledge, and documents the light-as-food phenomenon in a comprehensive
way. It is not a guidebook or instruction for using light as food, but rather reproduces experiences
in a critical-scientific way and offers possible approaches for an explanation.
Michael Werner born 1949 in Braunschweig. Doctor of chemistry. Worked for 7 years in the
chemical industry, followed by one year of pharmaceutical activity in South Africa. For three years
teacher of chemistry and biology at a Waldorf school. For the past 15 years manager of an institute
for cancer research in Arlesheim/Basel county.
Thomas Stöckli born 1951, father of three children, teacher at a Waldorf school, lecturer in
teacher training as well as in pedagogical research (cooperates among others with the University
of Plymouth). Got to know Michael Werner at an interview. Intensive examination over several
years of the light-as-food phenomenon and of the person Michael Werner.
page 200 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Susanne Fischer-Rizzi
Medicine of the Earth
Healing Practices, Recipes and Myths of our
Healing Plants
26.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 224 pages
Format: 21.0 cm x 28.0 cm
Subject areas: Phytomedicine, healing practices
Rights sold: All rights available
• Healing practices, recipes and myths of our healing plants
• Description, healing effects and myths of our most important indigenous healing plants
• Including instructions for preparing home-made herbal medicine
With immense empathy and comprehensive knowledge the author guides us to the world of
the most important indigenous healing plants. We learn all there is to know about occurrence,
identifying features for collecting and cultivating, about the preparation of teas, ointments, tinctures
and healing practices for man and animal. Susanne Fischer-Rizzi instructs us how to make our
own herbal medicine.
While most books on herbs remain purely descriptive, this book invites us to make our own
experiences and hence create a vivid relationship with healing plants. Tales, mythology and
drawings inspire us to become acquainted with the healing power and character of plants.
Susanne Fischer-Rizzi degree in philosophy, trained alternative practitioner. Studied ayurvedic
and Tibetan phytotherapy in India and was taught by Indian healers in America. Naturopathy
practice in Germany. Teacher at her self-founded school for medical plants and aroma therapy.
So far, Fischer-Rizzi has published ten books on naturopathy and aroma therapy, that have been
translated into various languages.
Peter Ebenhoch born 1953 in Oberstaufen in Allgäu, training as graphic designer at the University
of Applied Sciences in Munich, followed by arts studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich.
Since 1982 freelance painter, book illustrator and graphic designer. Together with 3 colleagues
he runs a graphic studio called vierpunkt-Grafik Design gbR since 1992. Numerous art exhibitions
in Germany and abroad since 1982. Lives with his wife, the artist Sabeth Lichtblau, and their two
sons on a farm in Allgäu in the south of Germany.
page 201 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Richard Kellenberger, Christine Hug, Friedrich
Mineral Materials According to Dr.
The Gate to Healthy Body and Soul
29.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 294 pages
Format: 16.5 cm x 22.5 cm
Subject areas: alternative medicine, Schüssler salts
Rights sold: FR
• AT's top seller: 500,000 sold copies
• Adopting latest research results
• Updated and expanded edition
Mineral material therapy is a simple and risk-free healing method anyone can apply. It is named
after Dr. med. W. H. Schüssler who discovered that many diseases of body and soul can be
traced back to a lack of inorganic materials in the body. The therapy centers around 12 mineral
salts produced naturally in the body that can be purchased without prescription. In this book the
authors pass on their experience gathered in long years of healing practice and seminars, taking
into account their latest findings. Next to treating physical illnesses, the therapy also considers
psychic conditions and behaviour patterns and provides dietary suggestions. Particular attention is
dedicated to external use in the form of ointments, therapeutic baths, wet packs and compresses.
Complementary materials are thoroughly discussed. With its clear structure including a detailed
index of symptoms and easily comprehensible presentation this book is a valuable up-to-date
practice guide.
Richard Kellenberger born 1949. After technical professional training studies in psychophysiognomy and training as face diagnostician and alternative practitioner. Seminars, lectures
and counseling on mineral materials after Dr. Schüssler, face diagnostic, alimentation and holistic
form of life. Runs his own naturopathy practice in Walzenhausen focusing on face diagnostic and
mineral salts according to Dr. Schüssler, flower essence therapy, drainage, bowel remediation,
isopathy and Jin Shin Jyutsu.
Christine Kellenberger lives and works in Walzenhausen. Since 1990 seminars, lectures and
counseling on flower essences, mineral materials according to Dr. Schüssler (mostly external use),
Jin Shin Jyutsu, spiritualism in everyday life and holistic form of life. Together with her husband
Richard Kellenberger she built up the meeting center Löwen in Walzenhausen which allows more
in-debth training.
page 202 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Friedrich Kopsche born 1954. Training as alternative practitioner. Founded his own company in
1993, offering mineral material according to Dr. Schüssler and further health products.
page 203 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Johannes Wilkens, Gert Böhm
Mistletoe - A Powerful Natural Cancer
Prevent, Relieve, Heal
24.95 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 240 pages
Format: 13.5 cm x 22.0 cm
Many colour photos
Rights sold: All rights available
• Prevention, relief, and healing with mistletoe
• Presents 13 types of mistletoe
• By Johannes Wilkens, an outstanding expert on the subject
For many years, mistletoe extract from different trees has proven to be an excellent cure for
cancer, as confirmed by dedicated research and case studies. In Germany, mistletoe is the most
popular medical plant in cancer therapy. Mistletoe is most powerful when the tree on which it
grows and draws its nutrients from is similar in character to the sick person. Johannes Wilkens,
an outstanding expert on the subject, has significantly enhanced mistletoe therapy. In this book,
he presents 13 types of mistletoe, each with its specific connection between tree and human,
illustrating how a differentiated use of mistletoe supplements significantly increases the chances
for healing. Mistletoe supplements are also successfully applied in cancer prevention and with
various age-related diseases.
Johannes WilkensChief physician of the Alexander von Humboldt Clinic in Bad Steben, also runs
a private practice. Research activity in the fields of homeopathy and anthroposophic medicine,
author of books and journal articles.
Gert BöhmFormerly managing director for a newspaper publishing house, today freelance
journalist and book author.
page 204 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Wolf-Dieter Storl
Natural Healing of Borreliosis
19.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 264 pages
Format: 13.5 cm x 22.0 cm
Numerous illustrations
Subject areas: Lyme disease
Rights sold: CZ, FR, NL, PL, USA
• A naturopathic approach to healing lyme disease
Not too long ago a tick bite merely caused a trifle irritation. Today however one fears that each tick
contains borrelia eager to infect humans and animals with the nasty disease borreliosis, a multisystem illness which can affect any organ and sham any symptom. Borrelia are utmost cunning
and versatile. They elude the immune system or manipulate it according to their needs, they
constantly change shape, hence are often hard to recognize for the immunocytes. Antibiotics can
hardly attack them, or they hide in nerves, cartilages or other less blood-supplied body tissues.
Hence they unmistakably prove that we have reached the end of the antibiotics age. The author,
himself an ethno-botanist, studies traditional Chinese medicine, the treasures of Indian healing
knowledge, homeopathy and traditional Western healing herb medicine in order to find effective
therapies. In China he finds the teasel, in the Carribeans the overheating therapy, diets and plants
the locals used to heal syphilis, a disease closely related to borreliosis. Additionally he describes
a number of other therapeutic approaches. The author experienced the healing effects of the
presented treatments on his own body. Borreliosis can be healed, there is no need to be afraid.
Wolf-Dieter Storl born 1942, cultural anthropologist and ethno-botanist. Former Fulbrigth scholar
of the University of Bern, lectured at different universities. Study trips, ethnographical and ethnobotanical field research - in a traditional spiritualist settlement in Ohio, with old and experienced
farmers in the Emmental, with medicine men of the Northern Cheyenne, with Shiva Sadhus in India
and Nepal - are depicted in numerous articles and books. Since 1988 he lives with his family on
a solitary farm in the Allgäu where he is occupied with gardening and investigating the secrets of
healing herbs and wild plants.
»In the German-speaking area Wolf-Dieter Storl is, along with Christian Rätsch, the unquestioned
connoisseur in the fields of plants and plant mythology.« Esotera
page 205 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Anne Katharina Zschocke
Natural Healing with Bacteria
For A Healthy Body And Soul
24.95 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 296 pages
Format: 13.5 cm x 22.0 cm
Rights sold: All rights available
• For a healthy body and soul
• Bacteria as medicine of the future
Bacteria as Medicine of the Future Bacteria are most often associated with diseases. Yet the truth
is that without them there would be no state of health. Bacteria are vitally important »microbiomes«
with an active role in the metabolism, hormone cycles, immune system activity, digestion, and food
intake. Many illnesses are a result of microbiome disturbances: intolerances, gastric hyperacidity,
irritable bowel syndrome, skin diseases, inflammations, ADHD, diabetes, overweight, and many
more. Bacteria are the medicine of the future. For the first time ever, this book highlights the
history, background, and development of bacterial and antimicrobial healing therapies. It explains
function, diseases, and healing methods pertaining to the human body's microbiome. Next to
ancient healing practices with bacteria and a list of commonly used microbiological therapies,
the book also talks about probiotics and fibres. Including practical instructions, tips, and case
studies on healing methods for physiological and psychological illnesses, better quality of life, or for
preventive healthcare.
Anne Katharina Zschocke ,MD, studied human medicine and naturopathic treatments, worked as
physician and in applied horticulture, also internationally as consultant and freelance lecturer. She
is considered one of the pioneers of holistic microbiology. Author of four bestsellers.
page 206 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Monika Mayer Scheßl
Natural Health with Healing Earth
22.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 144 pages
Format: 13.5 cm x 22.0 cm
32 colour photos
Subject areas: Natural healing, health guide
Rights sold: All rights available
• With illustrations of all types of healing earth available
Healing earth is earth from prehistoric rocks rich in minerals (alumina, rock powder and Volcanic
earth). Healing earth supports the body's healing processes and assists natural healing. Internally
used it binds superfluous acids and bases, toxins, fats and metabolic wastes, and also lowers the
cholesterol level. It regulates the bowel and relieves heartburn and gastro-intestinal diseases. It
acts as harmonizer and provides the body with important mineral materials and micro elements.
Listed in the order of the most frequent complaints and illnesses, the author describes the
most reliable recipes and uses of healing earth on the basis of her long years of experience in
naturopathy. Additionally she offers tips on fasting with healing earth as well as on the use of
healing earth with animals and plants. The book provides a detailed presentation and illustration of
all types of healing earth available.
Monika Mayer since 1992 she runs her own naturopathy practice in Munich with focus on
children's therapy, chronic diseases, pain therapy and skin diseases. From 1999 to 2006, she
was chair member of the Free Association of German Naturopaths (Freier Verband Deutscher
Heilpraktiker, FVDH), she was member of the editorial staff of the magazine »HP Naturopathy«,
held professional trainings and published numerous books on topics of naturopathy.
page 207 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Ursula Walser-Biffiger
Nature's Healing Rituals
Refining Perception, Creating Personal Rituals,
Strengthening Self-Healing
26.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 128 pages
Format: 15.5 cm x 23.0 cm
23 colour photos
Subject areas: nature experience, rituals
Rights sold: All rights available
• Staying and becoming healthy through the powers of nature
• Each ritual with practical instructions and firsthand reports
• Numerous incentives and inspiration, subtle photographs
For people recovering from illness and those who want to stay healthy. How can we help ourselves
in case of sickness, during life crises or in times of upheaval? How to preserve and strengthen
those parts within us that are healthy? It is all about strengthening the power of self-healing as
a complement to orthodox medical treatment, about embracing joy, hope and confidence and
noticing precious gifts that lie hidden. A book for those striving to discover their personal inner
path to healing and to the source of their strength with the help of nature. Practical exercises
accompany each step of the process from sickness to recovery phase. Through the rituals that
are being created, the healing powers become much more conscious, palpable and effective.
An inspiring practical guide with lots of impulses, suggestions, personal reports and exercises.
Illustrated with subtle photos.
Ursula Walser-Biffiger grew up in the mountains and has been familiar with the primary powers
of nature since early childhood, today she lives and works near Zurich and in Wallis. Engaged as
a writer and offering seminars, she researches contemporary Shamanic healing methods in which
primal nature experiences serve as a major source of personal strength. In this book she draws
from her rich experience in accompanying people during periods of transformation and on the path
from illness to recovery.
"We are creatures of nature and ultimately at one with it - made from the same substance, subject
to the same universal laws, animated by the same spirit." Ursula Walser-Biffiger
page 208 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Friedmann Garvelmann, Susanne Alber-Jansohn
Naturopathy for Children
A Practical Guide for Parents and Therapists
29.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 344 pages
Format: 15.5 cm x 23.5 cm
30 colour illustrations
Subject areas: naturopathy, healing methods for
children, guide for parents
Rights sold: All rights available
• Healing children with the help of a holistic, naturopathic method
• An indispensable guide for parents
• A valuable landmark for naturopaths and doctors
The most important healing methods for children - presented systematically and using a brand
new, holistic approach based on naturopathy. The most essential aspect in this regard is to
understand the decisive background and mechanisms underlying the development of a child's
organism and illnesses. Constitutional medicine as well as the constitutionally caused malfunctions
of the lymphatic system play an utmost important role and can be considered the universal basis
of most illnesses during childhood. Including a detailed description of the most frequent children's
diseases, their constitutional background and treatment. A basic and indispensable practical guide
for parents as well as professional therapists.
Friedemann Garvelmann and Susanne Alber-Jansohn he was born 1956, father of three
children, she was born 1960, mother of two children. Both trained naturopaths who after years of
running their separate practices opened a joint naturopathic practice in Küssaberg-Kadelburg in
2000. Apart from that many years of lecturing and counselling at naturopathic schools and training
page 209 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Reto Wyss
Overcoming Stress with the Help of
How to Set Ourselves Free by Tap Acupressure
The 21-Day-Programme
22.90 EUR
Cover: Paperback with flaps
Extent: 272 pages
Format: 13.5 cm x 22.0 cm
Photos and illustrations
Subject areas: stress, emotional freedom technique
Rights sold: CO
• How to set ourselves free by tap acupressure The 21-day-programme
Stress has become a permanent everyday companion for a great number of people. Recent
research assumes that a major part of all health problems is caused by emotional stress.
Considering that many stress-ridden individuals have little free time at their disposal, there is a
dire need for fast effective methods of stress relief. The successful EFT or »Emotional Freedom
Techniques®« therapy is a remarkably efficient method that allows to easily and quickly get rid of
burdensome stress occurrences without outside help by means of tapping on certain acupressure
points. In this book Reto Wyss presents an EFT-based programme against stress, tested in
practice. With the help of examples, check lists and exercises the most forceful cases of personal
stress are first identified and then exposed to a structural 21-day treatment. The introductory
chapters of the book allow us to develop a new perspective with regard to stress, and present Gary
Craig's EFT method step by step and hands-on. The author has worked out a crash course for
particularly stressed individuals, which allows us to get to know and apply the EFT method within
30 minutes. Requiring a minimum of time - approx. 15 minutes per day - the anti-stress programme
is convenient even for those disposing of very little time for themselves. Never has it been easier to
relieve burdensome emotional stress.
Dr. phil. Reto Wyss born 1964, studies of psychotherapy, psychology and philosophy. He assists
individuals on their way to emotional, mental and physical health as well as with achieving high
performance goals. As director of the »Swiss Center for EFT« he has years of experience in
training both people interested in personal use and experts from the fields of psychology, medicine
and counselling how to apply EFT and other methods of psychological energy.
»EFT is a 'Swiss pocket knife' for body and soul.« Gary Craig, founder of EFT
page 210 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Gabriele Feyerer
Tibetan Herb Medicine from the Roof of the World
24.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 208 pages
Format: 14.8 cm x 21.0 cm
Numerous photos
Subject areas: alternative healing, Tibetan medicine
Rights sold: All rights available
• Healing herb mixes based on original Tibetan prescriptions;
• Scientific studies and personal experiences
• Origin and composition of herb mixtures; Usage in alternative and conventional practices
No other healing system teaches and practices the composition of highly effective mixtures of lowdose healing substances as comprehensively as traditional Tibetan medicine. For several decades
now, high quality herbal mixes based on original Tibetan prescriptions have been produced in
Switzerland under the name »Padma«. They comply with Western quality standards and are
also used in conventional physicians' practices. These herb medicines are successfully utilized
for chronic inflammations, circulatory disorders, gastrointestinal complaints, diabetes, rheumatic
spectrum disorders, and nervous system diseases. This book describes the origin and composition
of Tibetan multi-substance mixtures, complemented by the latest scientific studies, personal
reports, and experiences.
Gabriele Feyerer born 1960, doctorate in jurisprudence, decades of in-depth studies of all
segments of natural healing methods, especially traditional Eastern medicine, indigenous healing
methods, and Hildegard Medicine. Articles for health magazines.
page 211 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Wolf-Dieter Storl
Plant Devas
The Spiritual-Mental Dimensions of Plants
19.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 264 pages
Format: 13.5 cm x 22.0 cm
44 illustrations
Subject areas: plants, meditation
Rights sold: All rights available
• Featuring practical instructions for plant meditation
• New, special-priced edition
Plants are more powerful than we commonly think. Being macroscopic creatures they
communicate the light forces of the cosmos and enliven the earth matter. All cultures, except the
one we are living in today, are aware of the psycho-spiritual dimensions of plants. In dreams or
ecstatic visions of shamans, plants appear as deities, Devas, or light angels who actively and
consciously interfere in earthly events and human history. Wolf-Dieter Storl, the distinguished plant
expert, demonstrates how the disrupted communication between human beings and plants can
be restored. An appendix featuring practical instructions for plant meditation helps to re-establish
contact with the plant Devas.
Wolf-Dieter Storl is a cultural anthropologist and ethnobotanist. He has lectured at various
universities and is the author of several long-selling books. He lives on an isolated farm in the
southern German Allgäu with his family.
page 212 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Wolf-Dieter Storl
Plants of The Celts
Healing, Plant Magic, Tree Calendar
26.90 EUR
Cover: Hardback with jacket
Extent: 368 pages
Format: 13.5 cm x 22.0 cm
Richly illustrated
Subject areas: Healing, celts, rituals
Rights sold: CZ, J
• With practical recipes of ancient cures and healing methods
• Including the most important healing and magical plants and trees of the Celts
Wolf-Dieter Storl, ethnologist and cultural anthropologist, leads us to the roots of our culture and
with the help of the archaic knowledge of the Celts grants us an astounding access to nature and
healing methods. The Celts used to be the leading culture in most parts of Europe for almost 2000
years. Even after destruction of the druid culture the common people clang to the ancient wisdom
which they passed on orally and practically in the shape of country lore, fairy tales, legends,
seasonal rituals and in particular herbal and folk healing methods. The author introduces us to
a healing method not focused on active agents but on the witcheries and magic of plants. He
presents the most important healing and magical plants as well as the trees of the Celts in their
seasonal and cultural context, in healing and magic, and outlines the relevance of the Celtic annual
circle and tree calendar. The eight annual Celtic feasts and their rituals lead us through the annual
circle and show us how to tune ourselves back even today into the major rhythms of nature. With a
number of practical recipes of ancient cures and healing methods.
Wolf-Dieter Storl born 1942, cultural anthropologist and ethno-botanist. Former Fulbrigth scholar
of the University of Bern, lectured at different universities. Study trips, ethnographical and ethnobotanical field research - in a traditional spiritualist settlement in Ohio, with old and experienced
farmers in the Emmental, with medicine men of the Northern Cheyenne, with Shiva Sadhus in India
and Nepal - are depicted in numerous articles and books. Since 1988 he lives with his family on
a solitary farm in the Allgäu where he is occupied with gardening and investigating the secrets of
healing herbs and wild plants.
page 213 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Werner Kühni, Walter von Holst
Pocket lexicon of healing stones
9.95 EUR
Cover: Paperback
Extent: 192 pages
Format: 13.0 cm x 19.0 cm
More than 500 colour photos
Subject areas: healing stones
Rights sold: CZ
• More than 500 illustrated healing stones in one affordable book
These two first-grade experts and authors of »Enzyklopädie der Steinheilkunde« (Encyclopedia of
Healing Stones, AT Verlag) are now delivering a concise work for everyone. This pocket lexicon
offers an easy introduction into the fascinating world of healing stones. More than 500 minerals
and their colour varieties are described concisely and comprehensibly, and are illustrated with
colour photos. The texts provide information on the main physical and mental indications and
on the availability of the individual stones. Symbols point to appropriate methods of application,
optimum healing methods and the crystalline system of the respective stone. A practical and
colourful health guide for everyone. Concise, easily comprehensible and comprehensive.
Werner Kühni born in Heidelberg/Germany in 1949, alternative practitioner and psychotherapist.
Training in chakra diagnosis and chakra therapy, mind control and hypnosis, intense studies in
aroma therapy. Lecturer at the School for Alternative Practitioners as well as at adult education
centers. Sale of high quality ethereal oils and selected minerals and healing stones with healing
stone counseling and mineralogical determination. Author of books, exhibitions, lectures and
courses in clinical aroma therapy, healing stones and sound bowl therapy.
Walter von Holst born in Stuttgart/Germany in 1969, private studies in analytic psychology,
studies in anthroposophy in Stuttgart. Further education in tarot and kabbalah, trained in the use
of healing stones by Michael Gienger. Co-founder of the research group Stone Healing Stuttgart,
lectures and seminars on healing stones. Lecturer for gemstone therapy at a school for alternative
practitioners. Development of gemstone astrology and crystal balance(TM). Numerous articles in
professional magazines.
page 214 of 261
Rights Catalogue
John Beaulieu, Andreas Ledermann, Ronald
The Basic Handbook
59.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 256 pages
Format: 21.0 cm x 28.0 cm
More than 700 photos, numerous illustrations
Subject areas: naturopathy, alternative healing
methods, polarity
Rights sold: All rights available
• A comprehensive standard reference for therapists
• Easy to understand for any reader
• The book is recommended by all polarity schools in Germany, Austria and Switzerland
Polarity strengthens the harmonious balance of body, spirit and soul and reactivates the flow of
blocked energies. It supports our balance in any area of life, it provides relief with migraine, stress,
tension and pain as well as after accidents and illness, and can also work as a precautionary or
accompanying measure with personal and emotional processes. The five pillars of polarity are
attentive inner composure, accompanying conversation, bodywork using directed touch, simple
physical exercise and appropriate nutrition. This basic handbook offers a substantiated account of
the method - supplemented by numerous graphical and photo illustrations - as well as a concise
introductory overview of the topic. The book contains impressive case descriptions and easy-touse instructions for personal use.
John Beaulieu naturopath, practicing and teaching polarity for more than twenty years. He is the
founder and director of the Polarity Wellness® Network and founding member of the American
Polarity Therapy Association (APTA). He is also a composer and successful pianist, as well as
author of numerous articles and books.
Andreas Ledermann graduate naturopath, polarity therapist and lecturer on complementary
medicine both in Switzerland and abroad as well as at his own school for holistic naturopathy
S.H.N. in Zug. Author of various professional publications on complementary medicine, especially
on the topic of polarity.
Ronald Schnetzer polarity therapist and coach as well as owner of a consulting, coaching and
training company for process and personality development. Author of professional publications and
a dissertation on business process improvement.
page 215 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Wolf-Dieter Storl
Primal Medicine
The True Origins of our Folk Medicine
24.95 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 304 pages
Format: 13.5 cm x 22.0 cm
Richly illustrated
Rights sold: CZ
• The true origins of our folk medicine
• Healing plants, shamanic healing, and spirits
• The new book from the famous Allgäu-based plant expert
Besides academic medicine as practised by doctors and pharmacists, every people and every
ethnic group has its very own functioning art of healing that is adjusted to the given ecological
circumstances - such as certain healing plants that grow right outside the cabin or local climate
conditions. This ancient knowledge of healing was usually treasured an passed on by women,
since traditionally they were the ones taking care of children, the sick, and the elderly. Shamanic
healing, excursions to the spirits of plants, confronting »worms« and other disease spirits, as well
as overheating therapy (sweat lodge) are all part of this traditional knowledge about healing plants
and their powers. Even the first farmers contributed to the ancient European art of healing by using
weeds such as camomile or dwarf mallow as remedies or by producing herbal healing beer and
herb bread. Cultural anthropologist and ethnobotanist Wolf-Dieter Storl describes all this in his
well-known knowledgeable, profound, comprehensive, and at the same time entertaining manner.
Wolf-Dieter Storl is a cultural anthropologist and ethnobotanist. He has lectured at various
universities and is the author of several long-selling books. He lives on an isolated farm in the
southern German Allgäu with his family.
page 216 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Jakob Bösch
Reconcile and Heal
29.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 296 pages
Format: 13.5 cm x 22.0 cm
Subject areas: Spirituality, new science, spiritual
Rights sold: All rights available
The conciliation of spirituality, science and economics. Faith in God is not a reasonable concept,
God can only be experienced personally. Consciousness is everywhere, even in matter, and it is of
divine nature. The energy that brought forth Creation lives and works in every human being. This
knowledge does not contradict modern natural science, but rather complements it. This perception
opens the way for the reconciliation of science and spirituality, for a reconciliation of religions and a
new ethics of freedom. According to the findings of quantum physics, matter does not only consist
of energy, but also possesses a certain memory or consciousness. An atom is said to be unable
to forget what it once experienced. The consequences of this for our view of both the world and
mankind are unpredictable. They may well be compared to those of the Copernican system at
the dawn of modern times. Along with the altered understanding of matter the concept of man, of
nature and of God also changes. Currently the worldwide forecasts on the future of man and Earth
are rather pessimistic. This way of thinking is certainly not mandatory. This book shows how the
understanding of the spiritual composition of the world and of man sets free new resources in all
areas of our existence. Times of transition may be regarded as times of crisis, but also as a chance
for a new development. When put into perspective the changes on Earth taking place nowadays
justly give us reason to be optimistic. After all it is all about the fundamental reconciliation with
ourselves, with the material world and especially with the Earth we live on.
Jakob Bösch following medical studies, he worked at the Institute for Brain Research of the
University of Zurich, then for 10 years at the Psychiatric Policlinic of the University Hospital in
Zurich, where he became leading physician and private lecturer. Between 1991 and 2005 chief
physician of the External Psychiatric Services in Basel County and private lecturer of psychiatry
and psychosocial medicine at the University of Basel. For several decades Jakob Bösch focuses
on spiritual healing, examining via research projects the work of spiritual healers in medical
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Rights Catalogue
Margret Madejsky, Olaf Rippe
Remedies of the Sun
Myths, Plant Knowledge, Recipes and Use
26.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 336 pages
Format: 15.5 cm x 22.0 cm
Numerous colour photos and illustrations
Subject areas: naturopathy
Rights sold: All rights available
• The sun inside animals, plants and minerals
• Sun effects in the annual cycle
• Remedies of the sun for preparation and use at home, including many recipes and usages
This book is all about the beneficial powers of the sun. It takes us on a discovery trip to a realm
where light, warmth and healing rhythms rule. Myths of gods and plant cults throughout the annual
cycle conjure up ancient traditions of sun adoration. They help us discover the effects of the sun in
nature, offer bright spots and help us to live in harmony with the sun rhythms. Many healing plants
such as St John's wort or exotic spices, gold and some gemstones, not to forget some animals
such as bee or snake, they are all subject to the sun and therefore possess extensive healing
powers. First and foremost however these »remedies of the sun« give warmth to the soul, light up
the spirit or kindle the immune system. Many recipes and usages invite us to try and prepare them
Margret Madejsky born 1966, and Olaf Rippe born 1960, live and research together since 1987.
They are naturopaths running their own practice and co-founders of »Natura Naturans«, a working
group for traditional occidental medicine in Munich. Focal points of their practitioner and teaching
activity are among others herb naturopathy, homeopathy, astromedicine and Paracelsus medicine.
They organize lectures, excursions and seminars as well as trainings in Germany and abroad.
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Rights Catalogue
Barbara Allmann
Anti-Carcinogenic Natural Substances A Practical
19.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 144 pages
Format: 13.5 cm x 22.0 cm
Subject areas: naturopathy, cancer
Rights sold: All rights available
• Salvestrols are natural agents that fight cancer cells
• Valuable information on vegetables and fruit rich in salvestrols
• Natural salvestrols versus synthetically produced food products; with latest research
results and lots of useful information
A team of British researchers recently discovered highly effective plant agents that are a natural
element of the plant immune system and the new hope for cancer patients. They were named
Positive research results prove that a healthy diet may prevent cancer, lower the risk of getting
cancer, and help the recovery of those who have already fallen ill. Fresh organically grown food,
especially ripe fruit and vegetables (red and green types in particular) of local origin usually contain
- in accordance with nature's intelligent precautionary plan - sufficient vital substances and hence
also salvestrols to repel the disease.
Salvestrols are available in concentrated form as dietary supplements that can be used both for
prevention and to support the healing process of ill persons: scientifically examined cases prove
that many patients using salvestrols have recovered.
Barbara Allmann born 1963, Dr. Mag., journalist and communications trainer in Klagenfurt on
Wörthersee. Focusses on the history of medicine and nutrition, e.g. Ayurvedic cuisine on healthy
and ill days.
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Rights Catalogue
Reto Wyss
Tap Yourself Slim
Successful Weight-Loss with EFT
22.90 EUR
Cover: Paperback with flaps
Extent: 248 pages
Format: 13.5 cm x 22.0 cm
28 photos, CD included
Subject areas: weight loss, EFT, health guide
Rights sold: All rights available
• Successful weight reduction, without hunger and abstinence
• Competence and experience from more than 10 years of coaching and counselling for
persons with weight problems
• The first and only EFT book on the topic of losing weight
Enjoy eating whatever you like, never feel hungry again - and lose weight nonetheless! It is
possible indeed, and easier than you might think. A minimal daily effort of about 15 minutes is
fully sufficient. This guide based on the author's long years of experience shows how anyone can
easily find their way back to an individually tailored, weight-reducing diet. It is essential to listen
to the subtle signals of the body and to be once more able to eat without fear and with pleasure.
The EFT tapping acupuncture method effectively helps to get a grip even of uncontrollable eating
on emotional grounds. Featuring a simple step-by-step explanation of the tapping acupuncture
method and a 21-day program for a lasting change in eating habits. The accompanying hypnosis
CD helps in everyday life to focus the unconscious powers over and over again on the aim of a
healthy and slim body.
Dr. phil. Reto Wyss born 1964, studies of psychotherapy, psychology and philosophy. He assists
individuals on their way to emotional, mental and physical health as well as with achieving high
performance goals. As director of the »Swiss Center for EFT« he has years of experience in
training both people interested in personal use and experts from the fields of psychology, medicine
and counselling how to apply EFT and other methods of psychological energy.
»You will be surprised how easy and how much fun it is to healthily lose weight with EFT.«
Christian Reiland, author of the bestseller »LOA - The rule of attraction«
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Christian Sollmann
The Do-It-Yourself of Ancient
Tinctures and Homeopathic
32.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 296 pages
Format: 19.5 cm x 26.5 cm
285 colour photos
Subject areas: healing plants, homeopathy
Rights sold: All rights available
• 80 plant portrays with details on active agents, preparation, usage, and lead symptoms
• Systematic instructions for the preparation of cures; an easy way to make your own plant
• From plant to primordial tincture to homeopathic medicament
If you are fed up with the industrially produced phytotherapeutic and homeopathic standard
products, why not prepare your own homeopathic cures made of healing plants from your garden.
The first book ever in German to explain in detail technical basics, list the required tools, disclose
the exact formula, and describe the procedure: from the selection and harvesting of the plants to
manufacturing the primordial tinctures and homeopathic medicaments - gently processed high
quality cures made from untreated, unfertilised premium plants free from any unsolicited additives.
Portrays of 80 healing plants suitable for home use, including information on occurrence, relevant
plant parts, harvesting time, active agents contained, tips on their preparation, as well as usage
and lead symptoms. Complemented by numerous floral pictures, a harvesting calendar, and a
potentisation chart.
A precious and useful guide and a thorough handbook for professionals and amateurs alike who
want to take charge of their own health.
»The do-it-yourself process outlined by Christian Sollmann is useful, instructive, and a lot of fun.
This book is an inspiration for everyone working with plants and homeopathy.« Olaf Rippe
Christian Sollmann born 1961, naturopath. Has been involved in astrology, homeopathy,
spagyric, alchemy, and plant healing for 30 years. Runs a private practice in Munich, delivers
courses and lectures on various topics in these fields.
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Rights Catalogue
Harald Jordan
The Five Kiekutans
The Secret Lies in the Back, Simple Exercises for a
Healthy Life by Corinne
19.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 120 pages
Format: 13.5 cm x 22.0 cm
Numerous illustrations
Subject areas: alternative medicine, exercise
Rights sold: All rights available
• Five easy exercises for recovery and energetic strengthening
• Exercises easy to integrate into everyday life
• Soothing build-up exercises for knee, hip, spine, back and shoulder
This book by Harald Jordan reveals the legacy of a gymnastics teacher who passed away years
ago: In the course of her own painful path she discovered a number of helpful exercises that reerect, heal and energetically rebuild the human body. Harald Jordan obtained her personal notes
for publication. The title is a deliberate allusion to the »Five Tibetans«. She had suggested this
title herself, as quite a few things were wrong with the »Five Tibetans«. Hence she said: »I'm not
from Tibet, I'm from Kiekut« (near Hamburg). What makes the five basic exercises presented in
this book so very special is that they neither require any special equipment nor are they particularly
time consuming. They can be easily integrated into everyday activities. They enhance perception
and keep you firmly grounded both inside and out. In order to show what it is that makes them so
immensely effective, the exercises are complemented by additional notes on their energetic impact
as well as the relevant cultural background. The book is certainly not a list of typical back exercises
given that in this approach several parts of the body are involved. It focuses on knee, hip, spine,
back and shoulder. But the real secret lies in the back.
Harald Jordan born 1935, bricklayer. Graduate engineer for statics for more than 45 years (35
years freelance), sworn building expert. Teaching position for architecture at the University of
Applied Sciences Oldenburg, lecturer at several schools for geomancy, conductor of seminars
in various countries. Jordan's work is based on a synthesis of geomancy, proportional theory,
energetic design, Feng Shui, radiesthesia, astrology and spatial perception. Harald Jordan lives
and works in Worpswede/Germany and Greece.
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Rights Catalogue
Susanne Fischer-Rizzi
The Great Book of Floral Waters
Care, Heal, and Stay Healthy with Hydrolates
39.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 400 pages
Format: 21.0 cm x 28.0 cm
More than 200 colour photos
Subject areas: naturopathy, healing plants, aroma
Rights sold: All rights available
• Detailed portrays of 80 floral waters
• A number of practical suggestions from naturopathy; including do-it-yourself instructions
• The latest reference book by No. 1 plant expert and bestselling author Fischer-Rizzi
Floral waters, also called hydrolates, are - similar to essential oils - produced through steam
distillation of healing plants. They are gentle yet highly effective and can be used in a variety of
In this first comprehensive German reference book on floral waters the author shares her vast
knowledge accumulated over many years of plant distilling. Moreover she outlines the history of
floral waters, all the way from ancient times to current scientific findings.
The book portrays 80 floral waters. A subtle presentation is dedicated to each plant, describing
its very own characteristics. Numerous examples and recipes document the practical use of
hydrolates not only for individual use but also in nursing care, health care, and social work. In
addition, we find out about their practical use in cosmetics through a number of do-it-yourself
A book of basics, stories, and instructions for amateurs and professionals alike. Including a
collection and distillation calendar as well as a comprehensive index of indications. Richly
illustrated with beautiful floral photos conveying the nature and strength of the plants.
Susanna Fischer-Rizzi born 1952, naturopath, graduate of the renowned Josef Angerer School,
and trained by various specialists of naturopathy in Europe and Asia, pioneer of aroma therapy
and author of 13 books to date translated into various languages. Her teaching activities include
seminars and lectures both within Germany and abroad. She also founded the ARVEN School of
naturopathy, aroma therapy, and wilderness knowledge.
Martina Weise is a devoted landscape and creative plant photographer. She conducts workshops
and writes for several publishing houses.
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Rights Catalogue
Olaf Rippe, Margret Madejsky
The Healing Herbs of Paracelsus
Therapy with Healing Plants According to
Occidental Tradition
49.90 EUR
Cover: Hardback with jacket
Extent: 464 pages
Format: 19.5 cm x 26.5 cm
Numerous colour and black/white photos
Subject areas: Paracelsus, healing herbs
Rights sold: All rights available
• Therapy with healing plants according to occidental tradition
With the enormous range of his knowledge and research as well as his philosophical depth the
doctor and nature researcher Paracelsus has - after 500 years - still remained an inexhaustible
source of inspiration in naturopathy. His knowledge on healing herbs does not only rely on the
ancient method of cognition known as doctrine of signatures, but also on metaphysics, alchemy,
astrology and magic as well as traditional methods of farm doctors, folk healers and gipsies. In
this book all of these are tested on their validity for this day and age. The book also contains many
almost forgotten healing plants, as enrichments to contemporary naturopathy. Numerous tables,
recipes and background information show the whole range of his naturopathic wisdom and render
the book an understandable and useful reference for anyone interested in herbal medicine as well
as a valuable tool for daily practice. The book is richly illustrated with plant photos, engravings
and art prints. The authors manage to relocate Paracelsus' treasure of healing herbs from remote
history to the present and render it useable in our day and age.
Olaf Rippe live and conduct research together since 1987. Founding members of Natura
Naturans, a working group for traditional occidental medicine in Munich. Naturopathic therapists
running their own practice focusing on herbal healing, homeopathy, Paracelsus medicine, astral
medicine, eye and hand diagnosis. Authors of the books »Healing cures of the sun«, »Alchemilla holistic herbal healing for women«, »Paracelsus medicine« and »Naturopathy special -Traditional
occidental medicine«. Lectures, excursions, professional seminars and trainings on the topics of
healing herbs and Paracelsus medicine.
Margret Madejsky live and conduct research together since 1987. Founding members of Natura
Naturans, a working group for traditional occidental medicine in Munich. Naturopathic therapists
running their own practice focusing on herbal healing, homeopathy, Paracelsus medicine, astral
medicine, eye and hand diagnosis. Authors of the books »Healing cures of the sun«, »Alchemilla holistic herbal healing for women«, »Paracelsus medicine« and »Naturopathy special -Traditional
occidental medicine«. Lectures, excursions, professional seminars and trainings on the topics of
healing herbs and Paracelsus medicine.
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Rights Catalogue
Hans Heinrich Rhyner, Birgit Frohn
The Healing Plants of Ayurveda
Ayurvedic Naturopathic Plants for the Western
34.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 280 pages
Format: 19.5 cm x 26.5 cm
150 colour photos
Subject areas: Ayurveda, healing plants
Rights sold: All rights available
• A well-founded introduction summarizes the basics of Ayurveda
• A comprehensive reference book on Ayurvedic healing plants, indispensable for
therapists and all those interested in herbal medicine
• Usage of the 27 most important essence plants of the Indian subcontinent
In ayurveda theory, plants play an utmost important role: the »doctrine on good life« knows
and uses thousands of healing plants, also the applied cures are mostly extracted from plants.
Many of the plants growing between Cashmere and Madras can be found as well on our side
of the globe. The book is divided into three practice-oriented reference parts: Comprehensive
characteristics of 115 European healing plants explain their usage on the basis of the Ayurvedic
therapy concept, i.e. Western plants are evaluated from an Ayurvedic perspective. The next part
provides descriptions and explains usage of the 27 most important essence plants of the Indian
subcontinent. These essences are available in local pharmacies. Finally the therapy part furnishes
an ample description of the most common illnesses and disease patterns from acne to tooth ache
with tips on corresponding therapies, accompanying and preventive measures. A well-founded
introduction summarizes the basics of Ayurveda. A comprehensive reference book on Ayurvedic
healing plants, indispensable for therapists and all those interested in herbal medicine.
Hans Heinrich Rhyner Naturopathic physician for Ayurveda, doctor of naturopathy MD PhD,
internationally renowned expert and pioneer of Ayurveda medicine in Europe. Lived in India for
more than 20 years, practicing in his own clinic in Bangalore. Today runs his own practice for
Ayurveda medicine in Heridau, Switzerland, as well as the health centre Allvedya in Loosdorf,
north of Vienna. Author of several successful books on the topics of Ayurveda and Yoga.
Birgit Frohn graduate biologist, lives and works as freelance science journalist and author in
Hamburg and Munich. Published numerous books on medicine, alimentation and naturopathy.
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Rights Catalogue
Johannes Wilkens
The Healing Power of the Hellebore
19.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 144 pages
Format: 13.5 cm x 22.0 cm
30 colour photos
Subject areas: Hellebore, healing,
Rights sold: All rights available
• The first book on the healing power of the hellebore; Authored by an experienced
physician and specialist
• A promising cure for Alzheimer, stroke, and ADD/ADHD
• Ample evidence from medicinal history followed by most recent case studies
The hellebore has played a crucial role for the most renowned doctors in occidental medicinal
history. Hippocrates, but even more so Paracelsus and Samuel Hahnemann have praised its
powers. In recent times the hellebore is once again in the spotlight, as it has proved particularly
effective in clinical cell tests as well as with concrete cases of the serious sicknesses, the new
millennium is experiencing. It has proven its worth in geriatrics, with Alzheimer, strokes, but also
with cancer - all of which quite frequently require hellebore treatment based on anthroposophic
medicine. Another area, where it is intensely used, is with attention disorders of children such as
ADD and ADHD as well as general brain development disorders.
Against the background of medicinal history and using various case studies, this book documents
the essential role of the hellebore with numerous sicknesses of the modern age.
Johannes Wilkens born 1962, studied theology and human medicine, chief physician of the
Alexander von Humboldt Clinic in Bad Steben, also runs his own private practice. Extensive
research in the area of homeopathy and anthroposophic medicine, numerous books and magazine
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Rights Catalogue
Wolf-Dieter Storl, Frank Brunke
The Heart and its Healing Plants
19.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 248 pages
Format: 15.5 cm x 23.5 cm
50 colour photos, numerous black and white
Subject areas: healing plants, alternative medicine
Rights sold: All rights available
• From ancient heart plants to plant-based medicines of modern cardiology
• On the role of the heart with primitive peoples and in modern civilisation
• The latest book of bestselling author Wolf-Dieter Storl
Cardiovascular diseases are despite the rapid progress in medical science the most frequent
cause of death in the Western world. Can the typical stress of modern lifestyle be made
responsible for this, or rather wrong eating habits, malfunctions of the psyche or harmful
microorganisms? Or is it rooted in the fact that we do not properly understand the heart and its
function any more? The cultural anthropologist and ethnobotanist Wolf-Dieter Storl investigates
these issues in his latest book. With primitive peoples and in the pre-industrial age heart diseases
in the modern sense were hardly known. The »heart medicine« used at the time were plants
that were effective on the spiritual and psychic level and helped to cheer up the heart. Apart
from these traditional, ancient heart plants the book also presents the plant-based medicines of
modern cardiology, such as foxglove (Digitalis), lily of the valley (Convallaria) or Strophanthus.
A new, holistic approach to the top issue of heart diseases from an ethnological, ethnomedical,
ethnobotanical and folkloristic perspective.
Wolf-Dieter Storl born 1942, cultural anthropologist and ethno-botanist. Former Fulbrigth scholar
of the University of Bern, lectured at different universities. Study trips, ethnographical and ethnobotanical field research - in a traditional spiritualist settlement in Ohio, with old and experienced
farmers in the Emmental, with medicine men of the Northern Cheyenne, with Shiva Sadhus in India
and Nepal - are depicted in numerous articles and books. Since 1988 he lives with his family on
a solitary farm in the Allgäu where he is occupied with gardening and investigating the secrets of
healing herbs and wild plants.
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Frank Brunkeborn 1960. After 20 years in landscape gardening currently photographer and
subject specialist with focus on plant ecology. The main theme of his photographic work is
representing the character and aesthetics of plants.
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Rights Catalogue
Susanne Fischer-Rizzi, Peter Ebenhoch
The Leaves of Trees
Healing Powers and Myths of Indigenous Trees
26.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 176 pages
Format: 21.0 cm x 28.0 cm
Subject areas: Phythomedicine, trees, leaves
Rights sold: All rights available
• Healing powers and myths of indigenous trees
• Since ancient times roots, resin, sprouts and leaves have been used to prepare valuable
cures and potions
• Susanne Fischer-Rizzi presents a collection of ancient tales, legends, myths, songs and
rites that have accompanied us for thousands of years
The tree is one of the most ancient symbols of mankind. The symbol of the tree of life can be found
in all cultures. Just as ancient is the knowledge about the healing powers of trees. Through all
ages, people have prepared valuable medicine from roots, resin, sprouts and leaves.
Susanne Fischer-Rizzi has collected ancient tales, legends, myths, songs and rites that have
accompanied us throughout the ages of time and live on even today: the Christmas tree, the
blessing of palm leaves on Palm Sunday, maypoles and roofing ceremonies. Drawing from long
years of experience with plant healing she added to each tree a chapter on its healing effects,
along with tried recipes for home-made teas, ointments, tinctures, compresses etc. These are
complemented by recipes for delicious dishes and drinks such as maple ice cream, fir honey,
blackthorn liqueur, elder cake or quince bread. The perceptively captured illustrations by Peter
Ebenhoch underline the individual characteristics and personality of each tree.
A rich and impressive book full of precious information. A must-have for tree lovers.
Susanne Fischer-Rizzi degree in philosophy, trained alternative practitioner. Studied ayurvedic
and Tibetan phytotherapy in India and was taught by Indian healers in America. Naturopathy
practice in Germany. Teacher at her self-founded school for medical plants and aroma therapy.
So far, Fischer-Rizzi has published ten books on naturopathy and aroma therapy, that have been
translated into various languages.
Peter Ebenhoch born 1953 in Oberstaufen in Allgäu, training as graphic designer at the University
of Applied Sciences in Munich, followed by arts studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich.
Since 1982 freelance painter, book illustrator and graphic designer. Together with 3 colleagues
he runs a graphic studio called vierpunkt-Grafik Design gbR since 1992. Numerous art exhibitions
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Rights Catalogue
in Germany and abroad since 1982. Lives with his wife, the artist Sabeth Lichtblau, and their two
sons on a farm in Allgäu in the south of Germany.
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Rights Catalogue
Franz Reichle
The Wisdom of Healing
Secrets of Tibetan Medicine
22.90 EUR
Cover: Cardboard binding
Extent: 216 pages
Format: 14.8 cm x 21.0 cm
32 colour and numerous black&white illustrations
Subject areas: healing, Tibetan Medicine
Rights sold: All rights available
• The one and only true reference book on Tibetan medicine
• Based on the rich wisdom of the Dalai Lama's personal physician; Preface includes an
interview with the Dalai Lama
• The book accompanying the movie «The Wisdom of Healing», screened in cinemas and on
Many years ago, documentary filmmaker Franz Reichle met a Tibetan doctor in Buryatia whose
work and successful healing methods fascinated and astonished him time and again. This
inspired him to create - in a 3-year effort - the movie entitled «The Wisdom of Healing» which,
when eventually screened on television, rendered masses of people speechless. The sensual
experience conveyed by the film is complemented in this book with a presentation of theoretical
foundations, research efforts, and practical usages of Tibetan medicine. The new edition,
minutely revised and extended with the help of numerous Tibetan doctors, provides insightful and
comprehensive explanations on theory and practice in an easily understandable way. A reliable
source on Tibetan medicine for amateurs, physicians, and pharmacists.
Franz Reichle is a freelance filmmaker and lecturer on film in Zurich. He lived in Buryatia, north
of Mongolia, for five years and got acquainted with Tibetan medicine there. In a 3-year effort he
created the first comprehensive movie on Tibetan medicine: «The Wisdom of Healing», released in
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Rights Catalogue
Hedy Lötscher-Gugler
The »Thumbs Up«- Principle
Magical Tools for a Powerful Life
24.90 EUR
Cover: Paperback with flaps
Extent: 248 pages
Format: 13.5 cm x 22.0 cm
Subject areas: Guidebook on medicine, self-help,
energetic methods
Rights sold: All rights available
• An uncomplicated and playful way to get rid of burdens and release blocks
• Thumbs up - a path to more lightness in life
• With lots of practical exercises
What significance do we attribute to the events in our lives? Do we manage to excrete things that
burden us? The power of excretion is very significant. It helps us to discard negative thoughts
and feelings, shocks caused by fear and excitement as well as constraining patterns. In order to
activate this power the book describes a number of simple yet highly effective exercises, or rather
magical tools. Anyone can use them, they are uncomplicated, quick and easy to apply anywhere,
anytime. Individuals with intense excretion powers also possess additional ones: the power of selfhealing, the power to decide, the power of imagination, the power to act, the power to love and
soul power. Learn how to excrete burdens of any type and to easily and confidently achieve new
goals and visions.
Hedy Lötscher-Gugler teacher and speech therapist, training in NLP, new homeopathy, life &
energy therapy, singing bowl massage and shamanic work. Practitioner and trainer at seminars
in Switzerland and abroad. Author of »On the wings of Happiness. Releasing blocked energies
(Auf den Schwingen des Glücks. Blockierte Energien lösen)« and »Learning with magical powers
(Lernen mit Zauberkraft)«. Married, mother of two grown-up daughters.
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Rights Catalogue
Alexander Lauterwasser
Vibration - Resonance - Life
Water-Sound Images and the Forms of Living
39.95 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 192 pages
Format: 25.0 cm x 22.0 cm
Approx. 300 colour photos
Rights sold: All rights available
• The latest research by the water-sound artist
• With many new water-sound images
Following the great success of his first book, Alexander Lauterwasser draws a great bow from
mythological motifs on the creation of the world by sound vibrations all the way to modern quantum
physics. Can the world really be understood as a big quest for one last, isolated »particle« or does
this quest require the relationship-building dimension of resonance? Can the phenomenon of life
in the end only be interpreted as a collective vibration induced by such resonance processes?
Evolution interpreted as the continuous effort to differentiate and increase relationship-building
resonance capabilities. As water proves to be the substance with the most universal readiness
for resonance, the observations are illustrated with new water-sound images that visualise the
response of water to various sound vibrations in a fascinating way.
Alexander Lauterwasser studied philosophy and psychology. Since 1984 his research focuses
on questions of morphogenesis, continuing the work of E. F. Chladni and Hans Jenny (cymatics).
Independent research and conduction of experiments. Book publications, film lectures, seminars,
live concerts, exhibitions.
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Rights Catalogue
Wolf-Dieter Storl, Frank Brunke
Wandering Plants
Neophytes, the Silent Conquerors - Ethnobotany,
Naturopathy and Usage
29.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 320 pages
Format: 15.5 cm x 23.5 cm
120 colour photos
Subject areas: alternative medicine, plants
Rights sold: All rights available
• Neophytes as valuable crops or healing plants
• An unprejudiced view on recently settled plants
• The latest book by bestselling author Wolf-Dieter Storl with Frank Brunke's breathtaking
plant photos
In his latest book bestselling author Wolf-Dieter Storl explains the nature and use of so-called
neophytes, i.e. plants that have settled in our region during the past decades: how they are valued
and used in their countries of origin, why they have migrated and what functions they have in their
new home. New plants such as the giant hogweed, the Canadian goldenrod or the Himalayan
balsam are currently the object of fervent discussions among nature lovers. They overgrow vast
areas and squeeze out the indigenous vegetation. Others, like ambrosia, are considered healthdamaging. Wolf-Dieter Storl challenges these superficial judgments and proves that neophytes
enrich the domestic flora, they are natural steps in the gradual resettlement of our continent, as
the Ice Age had practically eliminated all local vegetation. Yet the book does not only examine
biological, climatic and ecological conditions enabling new plants to flourish, but also highlights
ethnobotanical and cultural aspects. In their countries of origin many of these neophytes are
precious crops, healing plants, or sometimes even of sacred nature, used in Shamanic or religious
Wolf-Dieter Storl born 1942, cultural anthropologist and ethno-botanist. Former Fulbrigth scholar
of the University of Bern, lectured at different universities. Study trips, ethnographical and ethnobotanical field research - in a traditional spiritualist settlement in Ohio, with old and experienced
farmers in the Emmental, with medicine men of the Northern Cheyenne, with Shiva Sadhus in India
and Nepal - are depicted in numerous articles and books. Since 1988 he lives with his family on
a solitary farm in the Allgäu where he is occupied with gardening and investigating the secrets of
healing herbs and wild plants.
Photos: Frank Brunke
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Rights Catalogue
Vreni Brumm, Ducommun-Capponi
Wet Packs and Compresses
Useful Knowledge for Self Treatment and Practical
26.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 224 pages
Format: 16.5 cm x 22.5 cm
Numerous colour photos
Subject areas: naturopathy
Rights sold: FR
• 40 wet packs and compresses - basics, effects and application
• Practical experience for practical use, for experts and enthusiastic amateurs
• Including detailed descriptions and many images
Wet packs and compresses are an ancient method for gentle relief and support with many
everyday pains and illnesses. They improve our well-being and - apart from their healing effect they also positively influence our psychic condition. The first part of the book presents the basics
of wet packs and compresses: their effects, the materials to be used, their various types and areas
of application. All in all around 40 wet packs and compresses are described in a detailed and
easily comprehensible way, with precise explanations on their effects, areas of application and
contraindication, on their appropriate preparation, required materials, the accurate procedure,
length of use and possible after-treatment. A thorough, richly illustrated book that serves as
reference and textbook while being a fantastic repository of traditional remedies. Written by two
renowned experts in the field of wet packs and compresses.
Vreni Brumm graduate adult educator, graduate care expert and Kneipp therapist with an office
for training and consultation for health promotion in Erlenbach, Switzerland. For many years she
has been actively supporting the development and professionalization of the use of wet packs and
compresses. She teaches at basic and advanced training levels and is co-director of the advanced
training for wet pack experts. ,
Madeleine Ducommun-Capponi graduate adult educator and graduate care expert. She is
education officer in the association for long-term care launched by sixteen homes for the aged as
well as nursing homes of Berne City. She works freelance as lecturer in the field of wet packs and
compresses, and is co-director of the advanced training for wet pack experts.
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Rights Catalogue
Geomancy & Phenomena
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Rights Catalogue
Sam Hess
Connections to the Other World
The Soul on its Path to Universal Unity
22.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 160 pages
Format: 13.5 cm x 22.0 cm
20 colour photos
Subject areas: clairvoyance, spirituality, contacts to
the deceased
Rights sold: All rights available
• A fascinating look at the other side of reality
• The impact produced by the encounter of two souls
• With case studies from the author's practice
In the course of his work as spiritual healer Sam Hess realized that there are more and more
encounters of two people whose souls either complement each other or are even identical.
Often one of these dual souls is incarnated as a human being, while the other one resides in the
afterworld. According to Sam Hess the souls of all of us split off from a universal soul in ancient
times. These disconnected soul fragments are longing for that long lost unity. In order to regain it
they unconsciously look for complementing pieces. Once such a connection is made it takes the
person to a higher level of consciousness. Using case studies, the author shows us how strongly
encounters of soul parts or dual souls affect individuals' lives, what unexpected opportunities they
can present, and how problems related to partners or family members can be resolved.
Sam Hess worked in forestry for 30 years. Clairvoyant ever since his childhood, he nowadays
works in the spiritual field as a medium, using his clairvoyance to heal people and to free houses
and apartments from ghosts. Various courses and seminars.
Photos: Sam Hess
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Rights Catalogue
Marko Pogacnik
Earth's Quantum Leap
Man and Nature in the Whirlwind of Planetary
24.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 200 pages
Format: 23.0 cm x 19.0 cm
217 illustrations
Subject areas: geomancy
Rights sold: All rights available
• Answers to global change coming form the earth's soul layer
• Concrete measures to prevent the imminent destruction of earth
• The most essential book of internationally acclaimed geomancy researcher Pogacnik
In view of the increasingly aggravating ecological and social crisis many people wonder about
the underlying causes. Based on a geomantic understanding of the earth's process of changing,
Marko Pogacnik shows that the impending changes imply a fundamental transformation of the
living space which will allow for a further development of nature and man. Earth's intelligence
has already launched particular measures on a geomantic level in order to prevent the imminent
destruction of the planet. The author has gained his insights into this complex process mostly
through intensive dream phases, these are illustrated for the reader in the form of drawings and
comments. With the help of meditative exercises readers can gain their own experiences in the
Marko Pogacnik born 1944, Slovenian sculptor and geomant, active in conceptual art and
country art in the 1960s. In the early eighties he developed »lithopuncture«, a method of healing
and balancing of places and landscapes similar to acupuncture. With this method he »healed«
numerous landscapes all over the world. Author of ten books in German and English, among
others »Healing the Earth« (Die Erde Heilen), »Elementary Essence« (Elementarwesen), »School
of Geomancy« (Schule der Geomantie), »Secret Venice« (Geheimnis Venedig), »Earth systems
and Christ force« (Erdsysteme und Christuskraft) and »The Earth changes« (Die Erde wandelt
sich). Slovenia's state crest includes a cosmogram he designed.
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Rights Catalogue
Ursula Walser-Biffiger
Nature's Healing Rituals
Refining Perception, Creating Personal Rituals,
Strengthening Self-Healing
26.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 128 pages
Format: 15.5 cm x 23.0 cm
23 colour photos
Subject areas: nature experience, rituals
Rights sold: All rights available
• Staying and becoming healthy through the powers of nature
• Each ritual with practical instructions and firsthand reports
• Numerous incentives and inspiration, subtle photographs
For people recovering from illness and those who want to stay healthy. How can we help ourselves
in case of sickness, during life crises or in times of upheaval? How to preserve and strengthen
those parts within us that are healthy? It is all about strengthening the power of self-healing as
a complement to orthodox medical treatment, about embracing joy, hope and confidence and
noticing precious gifts that lie hidden. A book for those striving to discover their personal inner
path to healing and to the source of their strength with the help of nature. Practical exercises
accompany each step of the process from sickness to recovery phase. Through the rituals that
are being created, the healing powers become much more conscious, palpable and effective.
An inspiring practical guide with lots of impulses, suggestions, personal reports and exercises.
Illustrated with subtle photos.
Ursula Walser-Biffiger grew up in the mountains and has been familiar with the primary powers
of nature since early childhood, today she lives and works near Zurich and in Wallis. Engaged as
a writer and offering seminars, she researches contemporary Shamanic healing methods in which
primal nature experiences serve as a major source of personal strength. In this book she draws
from her rich experience in accompanying people during periods of transformation and on the path
from illness to recovery.
"We are creatures of nature and ultimately at one with it - made from the same substance, subject
to the same universal laws, animated by the same spirit." Ursula Walser-Biffiger
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Rights Catalogue
Ursula Walser-Biffiger
On the Creative Interaction with
Places of Power
Finding and Making Use of the Personal Place of
Power - Practical Exercises and Rituals
29.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 216 pages
Format: 17.5 cm x 25.0 cm
48 colour photos
Subject areas: geomancy
Rights sold: All rights available
• Over 70 reliable exercises and rituals, many field reports and practical tips
Today many people long for an experience beyond everyday reality, one that moves them deep
within, that makes them feel bonded with all being from which they may draw energy and insight.
Places of power can give us answers and visions, they feed us, teach us and bestow rich gifts on
us, thereby helping to trust life and accept challenges with increased strength.
With a number of practical exercises and reported experiences the author shows how to refine our
perception for the forces of magical places step by step, how to open up to them and use them.
This means above all the process of exchange with the personal place of power - the approach,
encounter and ultimate return to daily life. Towards renewal, transformation, inspiration and the
shaping of a fulfilled, responsible life. The book leads the way to personal places of power, to
consciousness, refined perception and one's own magical possibilities.
Ursula Walser studies in literature, history and pedagogical psychology. For almost 20 years
lecturer in adult education, leader of seminars and counsellor with own practice (focus on
personality development, shaping life and spirituality). In this book she draws from her rich
experience with places of power and from accompanying people in practice during their phases
of transformation. Already available at AT Publishing House by Ursula Walser: »Wild and wise matrons from the land of mountains«.
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Rights Catalogue
Marko Pogacnik
Synchronous Worlds
Geomancy of the Twelve-Dimensional Life Space
26.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 272 pages
Format: 13.5 cm x 22.0 cm
Numerous illustrations
Subject areas: geomancy
Rights sold: All rights available
• Explanations on how the world is built up from within
• Geomantic views on twelve-dimensional hyperspace
• Profound visions of geomancy mastermind Marko Pogacnik
This book associates for the very first time creation's »steering systems«, i.e. those principles
that operate behind the manifest world and which are responsible for our everyday reality, with
modern geomancy. Inspired by the model of German physicist Burkhard Heim, geomancy expert
Marko Pogacnik developed his own model of multidimensional space: the model of »synchronous«
worlds. The simultaneously existing and interpenetrating world spaces are presented in this
book as something that can be experienced immediately in the surroundings or inside oneself
which offers the possibility to plunge into this hyperspace and attain new knowledge on the earth,
on nature and on the cosmos. With 150 original drawings and 25 exercises that enable us to
experience the depicted worlds, dimensions and entities.
Marko Pogacnik Slovenian artist and geomantist, developed the method of lithopuncture for earth
healing through cosmograms. Focus of his activity are earth transformation and the foundation of a
geoculture. Several books on geomancy available at AT Publishing House.
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Rights Catalogue
Susanne Fischer-Rizzi
The Great Book of Floral Waters
Care, Heal, and Stay Healthy with Hydrolates
39.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 400 pages
Format: 21.0 cm x 28.0 cm
More than 200 colour photos
Subject areas: naturopathy, healing plants, aroma
Rights sold: All rights available
• Detailed portrays of 80 floral waters
• A number of practical suggestions from naturopathy; including do-it-yourself instructions
• The latest reference book by No. 1 plant expert and bestselling author Fischer-Rizzi
Floral waters, also called hydrolates, are - similar to essential oils - produced through steam
distillation of healing plants. They are gentle yet highly effective and can be used in a variety of
In this first comprehensive German reference book on floral waters the author shares her vast
knowledge accumulated over many years of plant distilling. Moreover she outlines the history of
floral waters, all the way from ancient times to current scientific findings.
The book portrays 80 floral waters. A subtle presentation is dedicated to each plant, describing
its very own characteristics. Numerous examples and recipes document the practical use of
hydrolates not only for individual use but also in nursing care, health care, and social work. In
addition, we find out about their practical use in cosmetics through a number of do-it-yourself
A book of basics, stories, and instructions for amateurs and professionals alike. Including a
collection and distillation calendar as well as a comprehensive index of indications. Richly
illustrated with beautiful floral photos conveying the nature and strength of the plants.
Susanna Fischer-Rizzi born 1952, naturopath, graduate of the renowned Josef Angerer School,
and trained by various specialists of naturopathy in Europe and Asia, pioneer of aroma therapy
and author of 13 books to date translated into various languages. Her teaching activities include
seminars and lectures both within Germany and abroad. She also founded the ARVEN School of
naturopathy, aroma therapy, and wilderness knowledge.
Martina Weise is a devoted landscape and creative plant photographer. She conducts workshops
and writes for several publishing houses.
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Rights Catalogue
Marko Pogacnik
The Language of Cosmograms
26.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 184 pages
Format: 23.0 cm x 19.0 cm
More than 150 illustrations
Subject areas: geomancy, places of power
Rights sold: FR
• Marko Pogacnik's introductory work on the sign language of the cosmos
• The next level in his school of geomancy
• How to communicate with other worlds
One of the major goals of modern geomancy is to enhance communication between the visible and
invisible worlds, the dialogue between Earth, Nature and Cosmos. The latest book by geomancy
expert Marko Poganik is dedicated to the universal language of so-called "cosmograms". To
present these the author uses 153 signs that were designed and carved into stone for earth
healing projects in different locations throughout the globe. Some of the cosmograms can be used
at home, at work or in the garden to help improve life quality in those spaces.
Marko Pogacnik Slovenian artist and geomantist, developed the method of lithopuncture for earth
healing through cosmograms. Focus of his activity are earth transformation and the foundation of a
geoculture. Several books on geomancy available at AT Publishing House.
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Rights Catalogue
Viktor Schauberger, Jörg Schauberger
The Nature of Water
The Original Texts of Viktor Schauberger, the
Pioneer of Water Research
26.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 374 pages
Format: 15.7 cm x 23.3 cm
Numerous illustrations and sketches
Subject areas: Viktor Schauberger, water research
Rights sold: CZ
• The original texts of Viktor Schauberger, the pioneer of water research
Hardly a water book that does not quote him: Viktor Schauberger, the legendary water researcher.
Though there are many books on Viktor Schauberger, there is not one - except the republished
note of caution »Our futile work« - that focuses on his writings. This book fills a gap. Jörg
Schauberger, grandson of the water researcher, selected the most important among the vast
number of essays, articles, and letters by Viktor Schauberger dating from the first half of the 20th
century. Experiences and realisations of the visionary nature observer are thematically arranged.
Over many decades he manages to gradually unveil the nature of water. Eloquently he develops
a completely new concept of the primal matter and thereby lays the foundation stone of modern
water research. Among the highly up-to-date topics features the proposal for an entirely new type
of river regulation based on the extensive abolishment of solid embankments, as according to
Viktor Schauberger flowing water can be regulated from within, i.e. by influencing the medium
itself. Basically it is all about perceiving water as what it really means for man, nature and the
entire planet Earth: the source of all life and the basis of existence.
Viktor Schauberger 1885-1958, forest ranger, ingenious inventor, researcher and observer
of nature. The pioneer of water research, immensely influencing the following generations of
researchers.Groundbreaking research on soil composition and water quality, studies on the
influence of temperature on the flowing behaviour of water, inventor of the first appliances to revive
water and transform sea water into freshwater. Numerous contributions to scientific journals. His
son Walter Schauberger continued his research.
Jörg Schauberger born 1954, grandson of Viktor Schauberger.Mathematics studies in Graz. Until
1999 radio reporter and presenter with ORF. Today leader of the Pythagoras Kepler School (PKS)
founded by his father in Bad Ischl in the Salzkammergut region of Upper Austria. He is dedicated
to the propagation of Viktor and Walter Schauberger's research results by means of seminars,
lectures and publications.
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Rights Catalogue
Christian Rätsch
The Sacred Grove
Germanic Magic Plants, Sacred Trees and
Shamanic Rituals
22.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 120 pages
Format: 17.5 cm x 25.0 cm
80 colour and b/w photos
Subject areas: magic plants, shamanism, rituals
Rights sold: All rights available
• The shamanic roots of the Germanic people
The Germanic culture was carried by shamanic mythology, its spirituality was inspired by
entheogenes, holy plants, smoking of psycho-active agents and intoxicating drinks. The Germanic
Temple was not an artificial building but a forest, the sacred grove. The trees were gods and
the plants had magic powers. Germanic shamanism was characterized by alrunas, the wise
seers, berserks, the cultic warriors, brewing women experienced with herbs and enthusiastic
skalds. In Germanic mythology we have direct access to shamanism. The god Wotan is the primal
shaman, the most shamanic of all Indo-Germanic gods. Wotan is the marshal of the universe, the
ecstatic striving for knowledge and cognition, the soul companion, master of entheogenes, the big
magician and protecting warrior. This book tells us about Germanic world trees, fool punks, magic
plants, oracle flowers, smoking agents, intoxicating drinks and rune magic. It opens up the almost
forgotten gates to the sacred grove and its wonder plants. It depicts rituals, shamanic practices, the
use of indigenous magic plants. It offers access to our pagan heritage and shamanic roots.
Dr. Christian Rätsch ancient American studies, ethno-pharmacologist and ethno-botanist.
Worldwide field studies, especially in the rainforest and the Himalayan regions. Editor, speaker
and author of various books, including the standard works »Enzyklopädie der psychoaktiven
Pflanzen« (Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants) published by AT Verlag.
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Rights Catalogue
Bernd Kröplin, Regine C. Henschel
The Secrets of Water
Latest Astonishing Results From Water Research
24.95 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 136 pages
Format: 21.4 cm x 26.2 cm
approx. 250 colour photos
Available: 10/17/2016
Rights sold: All rights available
• Thel latest findings in water research
• Profound insights into the nature of water
• Fascinating water drop images under the microscope
Water reacts to outside influences in a sensitive way and it stores information in nature as well
as in us. Water communicates over long distances. Evidence stems from fascinating water drop
images which capture these memory phenomena. It goes to show that water is much more
significant than anyone assumed so far. For the first time ever researchers from Stuttgart have
managed to systematically unveil this secret. Easily reproduced experiments with fascinating
images offer deep insights on the effects of e.g. mobile radio, ultrasound, music, vibration therapy,
and thought power. The results are the outcome of 15 years of research on the basis of which the
authors completely reassess the role of water in nature as well as in the human body. It marks the
beginning of a new understanding of the world and of ourselves.
Bernd Kröplin, Professor and graduate engineer, until 2010 professor and director of the Institute
for Statics and Dynamics of Aeronautics Constructions at the University of Stuttgart. 2001 he
founded the TAO Group, a research company for forward-thinking technologies. Recipient of
renowned science awards. Lectures, exhibition »The World in a Water Drop«.
Regine C. Henschel, Studies in philosophy and literature. TV editor among others for Arte, ZDF,
and 3Sat. Since 2001 joint projects with Bernd Kröplin. Lectures and seminars.
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Rights Catalogue
Hiking & Travel
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Rights Catalogue
Claus Schweitzer
Affordable Dream Hotels
29.90 EUR
Cover: Paperback with flaps
Extent: 368 pages
Format: 13.5 cm x 21.0 cm
758 colour photos
Subject areas: hotel guide
Rights sold: All rights available
• The hotel guide for affordable dream hotels in Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Italy, and
• 90 newly discovered and evaluated hotels
• 45,000 copies sold, 9th revised and updated edition of the bestseller
Experienced hotel hunters know: it is easy to find an expensive hotel. However, unique places that
make your heart miss a beat but are still affordable are hard to come by.
For the ninth, completely revised edition of his successful guidebook, travel author Claus
Schweitzer has once again traced extraordinary places that manage the balancing act of
combining style, charm, and moderate prices. With the usual critical eye and succinct depiction
he unveils in this book the best affordable addresses from Graubünden to Lake Geneva, from the
Bregenz Forest to Tuscany, and from Tyrol to Provence. Out of the 275 hotels listed, 90 appear in
the guide for the first time.
In each of the hotels listed, the standard double or twin room (for 2 persons during peak season)
amounts to less than 300 Swiss francs or 230 Euro respectively. Half of the presented hotels even
go below 222 francs and 165 Euro for a double room during peak season - these are specially
highlighted in the book.
Claus Schweitzer born 1965, has been on the lookout for charming yet affordable hotels all over
the world for over 20 years. He has published a number of articles and books on the subject.
Several of his guidebooks were published by AT.
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Rights Catalogue
David Coulin
Beautiful Pleasure Tours of the Swiss
77 Easy Hiking Trips
49.90 EUR
Cover: Cardboard binding
Extent: 168 pages
Format: 21.0 cm x 28.0 cm
More than 150 colour photos
Subject areas: hiking, Switzerland
Rights sold: All rights available
• 77 easy mountain tours for mountain lovers covering all regions of the Swiss Alps
• The latest volume in the series of large format hiking books published by AT
• Including practical information and outline maps
This book presents 77 attractive hiking tours in the Swiss Alps, all of which allow for a maximum of
mountain adventure in alpine ambiance while being easily walkable. None of the routes exceeds
the level of difficulty T2, ascents and descents are easy to manage even for unexercised knee
joints - hence ideal for beginners and hobby hikers who refuse to or simply cannot cope with
lengthy tours out of conviction or for health reasons: senior citizens, professionals with little time
to spare for sports, people doing stamina training, clubs, groups and families. The beautifully
illustrated book takes us to alpine regions, allows us to easily cross the 3000 m height limit, to
jauntily enjoy royal views and visions, and to experience the rough wilderness of the mountain
world without danger. Apart from detailed written and photographic descriptions of the tours it
includes a lot of practical information as well as outline maps.
David Coulin born 1967, trained secondary school teacher, journalist as well as degree of Master
of Communications Management, currently freelance photojournalist, author and communications
consultant. Experienced mountaineer and tour guide with focus on hiking and snowboard tours.
Author and co-author of several books published by AT.
page 249 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Sabine Joss
Blossom Walks in the Swiss Alps
Exploratory Forays to Rare Alpine Plants
29.90 EUR
Cover: Paperback with flaps
Extent: 216 pages
Format: 13.5 cm x 21.0 cm
172 colour photos
Subject areas: hiking, Switzerland
Rights sold: All rights available
• Take a walk to special and rare plants in the Swiss Alps
• Comprehensive information on environment, characteristics, and ecology of the plants
• Useful tips, maps, and numerous photos
There are many books on how to identify plants, but who knows where and when a certain type is
in bloom? Discover the most extraordinary and magnificent flowering plants of the Swiss Alps with
the help of this hiking guide. Thanks to a blooming calendar you can be in the right spot at the right
The texts provide information on environment, ecology, and endangerment of each type.
Enchanting photos offer us detailed portrays of the plants and their living space and show
us landscapes worth discovering. Useful maps help facilitating our orientation. The selection
of destinations includes easier routes in the valleys but also demanding mountain tours. A
hiking book for lovers of nature and plants who are eager to discover some hidden corners of
Sabine Joss biologist, journalist, field trip guide, and owner of the consultancy firm »Naturalpin«.
Various articles on different nature related topics as well as articles on hiking and travelling in
magazines and books. Contributions to the book »Local Mountains of Bern«, published by AT
Verlag. Increasingly dedicated to nature photography.
Fredy Joss freelance journalist and photographer, specializing in nature and culture, as well as
hiking and travelling. His articles and pictures have appeared in numerous magazines, books, and
calendars. Contributions to several books on mountains published by AT Verlag. Publisher of the
book »Local Mountains of Bern«.
page 250 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Heinz Staffelbach
Delightful Long-Distance Hiking
The Most Beautiful Multi-Day Hiking Tours of
Switzerland with Mountain Resort Comfort
59.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 216 pages
Format: 21.0 cm x 28.0 cm
More than 200 colour photos
Subject areas: hiking, Switzerland
Rights sold: All rights available
• 14 hiking trips of 4 to 7 days, all hiking tours can be divided into weekend trips
• Each route follows a certain topic
• Including detailed information on how to get there, course and length of the route as well
as on hotels
Long-distance hiking has become immensely popular. Hardly anything could be more relaxing
than crossing mountains and valleys over a period of several days or even a week. And the most
relaxing part of it is to rest in comfortable mountain resorts instead of simple cottages. For this
book, bestselling author Heinz Staffelbach spent two summers searching for the most breathtaking
multi-day hiking routes complemented by high quality accommodation. He compiled 14 routes
of four to seven days or alternatively 74 individual and diverse hiking days. The tours are each
dedicated to a specific topic, such as the gourmet trail and spa route, the four-canyon tour, the
Bergbeizli and Alpchäs hike and even a path of the thundering water. All the tours are easily
viable for anyone, they are at no point too difficult and the daily distances are chosen so as to
be enjoyably manageable. A number of mountain resorts at different budget levels are available
at many stops. All the tours can be divided into 2-day portions to be suitable for weekend trips.
Including detailed information on how to get there, course of the route, length, difficulty and
categorization of the hotel. Unforgettable long-distance hikes - for all those who wish to combine
the mountain experience with great pleasure and a touch of luxury.
Dr. Heinz Staffelbach biologist, freelance writer and photographer. Author of several hiking
and mountain books some of which became bestsellers, such as »Primordial landscapes of
Switzerland« or »Hiking and Relishing in the Swiss Alps«.He lives outside of Winterthur.
page 251 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Katharina Bodenstein, Jutta Schneider-Will
Holiday Cooking
The Best Recipes for Caravan, Camping, Cabin or
22.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 176 pages
Format: 19.0 cm x 24.0 cm
220 colour photos
Subject areas: cooking, camping cuisine
Rights sold: All rights available
• More than 100 simple & smart recipes for travelers
• Perfect for camping, cabin, or boat holidays
• Numerous travel cooking tips and tricks; including useful information on wild plants and
Be it in a tent, a caravan, a cabin, or on a boat, we certainly appreciate a good meal while on
holiday, too. Even under modest conditions and with a minimum of kitchen utensils we should be
able to prepare a fine meal from fresh ingredients - quickly and without too much fuss.
,More than 100 recipes for no more than two hotplates, suitable for beginners. ,Smart solutions
for cooking in the open: from starting a fire to emergency lighting or opening bottles without
opener. ,The best ideas to elegantly master flops, failures, and fumbles. ,Useful tips on berries,
herbs, and mushrooms that can be collected on the way. ,Suggestions for helpful equipment,
products, and tools.
An indispensable cookbook and guide no caravan or cabin should do without.
Katharina Bodenstein (text), biologist and long-time editor of the garden magazine »kraut &
rüben«. Passionate camper, open air cook, and mother of two sons who loves to cook in her spare
Jutta Schneider-Will (photos), biologist, freelance photo journalist. Productions for renowned
book, magazine, and calendar publishers.
page 252 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Martin Arnold, Roland Gerth
Nature Reserves of Switzerland
The Big Hiking and Adventure Book
59.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 208 pages
Format: 21.0 cm x 28.0 cm
More than 150 colour photos
Subject areas: nature, hiking, Switzerland
Rights sold: All rights available
• The 25 most lovely protected nature reserves of Switzerland
• Informative texts and stunning large-scale photographs
• Various hiking routes
In Switzerland there are over 20 regions that already are or would like to become protected areas
in one way or another. Among these we find regional nature reserves, UNESCO-protected areas
and two candidates waiting for recognition as national parks, Locarnese and Adula. In this book
the authors Martin Arnold, Urs Fitze and Ronald Decker, assisted by photographer Roland Gerth,
present the attractions of these natural and cultural landscapes. The unique language of the
pictures by a renowned landscape photographer reveals the beauty of these regions through
impressive landscape images. At the same time the authors draw a fine picture of history, cultural
heritage and locals, while also highlighting the problems the regions face. In 22 chapters, the
reader experiences Switzerland and its parks from a new, charming perspective. Each chapter
contains additional information on cultural and natural treasures of the given region. Moreover,
relevant map sections are included for each area discussed, along with family friendly hiking
suggestions, further activities on offer, addresses, travel and accommodation options, mail and
internet addresses. Co-authors: Urs Fitze, Ronald Decker, Marielle Moser
Martin Arnold born 1961, freelance journalist and photographer. Co-founder of the press bureau
office Seegrund. Freelance work for big newspapers and magazines (Alpin, Mare, Pro Natura
Magazin). Author of numerous books, especially on cultural history.
Roland Gerth born 1955 in Thal on Lake Constance where he lives again today. Freelance nature
and travel photographer. Author of more than 30 books and 70 calendars.
page 253 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Jürg Buschor
Single Tracks of the Swiss Alps
The 100 Most Beautiful Mountain Bike Routes
59.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 240 pages
Format: 21.0 cm x 28.0 cm
More than 200 colour photos
Subject areas: biking guide, Switzerland
Rights sold: All rights available
• The 100 most breathtaking tours for mountain bikers, selected and tested by experts
• Routes in all regions of the Swiss Alps and in the Jura Mountains
• A must-have for every bike addict
Switzerland is a true El Dorado for mountain bikers. Few other countries offer such a rich network
of tracks with such a variety of routes. Particularly Swiss single tracks make devoted mountain
bikers' hearts miss a beat. The author combed through all of Switzerland on his search for the
most beautiful tracks. Among the innumerable splendid routes available he selected the most
striking ones in each part of the country. Though listing also several rather easy tours, the book
is primarily aimed at experienced and ambitious mountain bikers who are constantly seeking
new challenges that require technique, good shape and endurance. What counts above all
is that the route mostly follows the highly valued single tracks. In addition to a short depiction
accompanied by lovely photos, the author lists all necessary data for the selected tours: how to get
there, detailed route description, map sections, elevation profile, difficulty and duration. Thanks to
these the book is a useful guide that allows for optimal planning without unpleasant surprises or
unintended detours.
Jürg Buschor was one of the pioneers of mountain biking in Switzerland, an active racer and
freelance journalist for the legendary first Swiss bike journal «Go Dirt - the Swiss bike magazine».
For five years, he was in charge of the bike- and outdoor magazine «Move» and «Move News».
Today he publishes the magazine «outdoor guide» as well as topographical maps entitled
«Supertrail Maps» for mountain bikers and regularly writes articles on outdoor topics for the daily
Neue Zürcher Zeitung.
page 254 of 261
Rights Catalogue
David Coulin
The Big Book of Snowshoe Tours in
49.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 192 pages
Format: 21.0 cm x 28.0 cm
More than 100 colour photos
Subject areas: snowshoe tours, Switzerland
Rights sold: All rights available
• The most beautiful snowshoe tours of Switzerland
• Snowshoe tours rank No. 1 among winter sports
• 250 suggested routes including all the necessary practical information
Snowshoeing is hip. For it opens the path to alpine nature experience even for non-skiers who
want to move about outside the secured ski pistes. Where to find the most beautiful snowshoeing
areas of Switzerland? Which routes are permitted, where does wildlife protection prevail? Which
tours are particularly suitable for snowshoeing? The book presents fifty of the most breathtaking
snowshoe hiking areas to be found in Switzerland, these are depicted through charming texts,
impressive pictures and a detailed illustration of about half a dozen routes and variants of all
difficulty levels. The focus is not on individual peaks but rather discovery tours through interesting
landscapes allowing for a number of unique views and panoramas. Including exact data on
difficulty, height difference and horizontal distance, a route map, practical information on board
and lodging as well as links and references of local organizers of snowshoe tours. Be it beginners
or experienced mountaineers, easygoing connoisseurs or ambitious snowshoe sportsmen - this
richly illustrated guide with about 250 suggested routes offers each and everyone the possibility to
organize unforgettable winter adventures.
David Coulin born 1967, trained middle school teacher, journalist and MA degree in
communications management, at present freelance photo journalist, author and communications
consultant. Experienced mountaineer and tour guide with focus on hiking and snowboard tours.
Author and co-author of several books published by AT.
page 255 of 261
Rights Catalogue
David Coulin
The Loveliest Winter Chalets
50 Romantic Chalets and Mountain Lodges in
Switzerland - with Snowshoes, Skis or on Foot
46.00 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 144 pages
Format: 21.0 cm x 28.0 cm
150 colour photos
Subject areas: hiking, Switzerland
Rights sold: All rights available
• Experience 50 different romantic winter chalets
• The loveliest cottage destinations accessible with snowshoes, skis or on foot
• Including a number of trip suggestions, practical hints, and maps
Romantic nights in the mountains are an extraordinary experience. A number of cabins are easily
accessible even in winter with snowshoes. For this book, David Coulin selected the finest chalet
destinations of the Swiss Alps in winter time. Among these are well maintained huts of the Swiss
Alpine Club and private ski cabins that are easy to approach with snowshoes or on skis, but also
some mountain lodges accessible on foot or via public transport. 50 winter chalet destinations,
presented with inspiring texts and photos. Featuring detailed information on the huts themselves,
access paths, continuing hiking paths, and sketch maps.
David Coulin born 1967, journalist and communications manager. Apart from his work as
freelance photo journalist, mountain guide, and author of mountain books he runs an agency for
communication and sustainability management. Author and co-author of several books published
by AT.
Photos: David Coulin
page 256 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Peter Hofmann
Scotland, Ireland, England, and Wales History,
Culture, Production, And All Distilleries
49.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 656 pages
Format: 14.0 cm x 22.0 cm
Approx. 500 colour photos
Rights sold: All rights available
• The new and revised compact guide to whisky
• Reader, reference book, and travel guide all in one
• All distilleries in Great Britain and Ireland revisited and tested anew
After his highly acclaimed and award-winning encyclopedia of whisky, Peter Hofmann's latest
work, a compact reference book and travel guide, focuses on the most popular European whisky
countries: Ireland, Scotland, Northern Ireland, England, and Wales. Following a summary of
the most important basics on distillation in general, whisky production, and types, he provides
detailed accounts of all distilleries in Great Britain and Ireland, complemented by sightseeing tips,
noteworthy events, recommended restaurants, pubs and whisky bars, reasonable accommodation
options, and lots more. The author personally visited all distilleries to accurately update the
information in his book.
Peter HofmannHas intensely researched the topic of whisky and the related culture for more than
25 years. At his whisky shop »Angels' Share«, and adjoining »Inn« in Oberentfelden near Aarau
(Switzerland) he regularly offers whisky tastings. For many years he has been organizing and
guiding group visits to Scotland.
page 257 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Switzerland & Illustrated Books
page 258 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Heinz Staffelbach
Delightful Long-Distance Hiking
The Most Beautiful Multi-Day Hiking Tours of
Switzerland with Mountain Resort Comfort
59.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 216 pages
Format: 21.0 cm x 28.0 cm
More than 200 colour photos
Subject areas: hiking, Switzerland
Rights sold: All rights available
• 14 hiking trips of 4 to 7 days, all hiking tours can be divided into weekend trips
• Each route follows a certain topic
• Including detailed information on how to get there, course and length of the route as well
as on hotels
Long-distance hiking has become immensely popular. Hardly anything could be more relaxing
than crossing mountains and valleys over a period of several days or even a week. And the most
relaxing part of it is to rest in comfortable mountain resorts instead of simple cottages. For this
book, bestselling author Heinz Staffelbach spent two summers searching for the most breathtaking
multi-day hiking routes complemented by high quality accommodation. He compiled 14 routes
of four to seven days or alternatively 74 individual and diverse hiking days. The tours are each
dedicated to a specific topic, such as the gourmet trail and spa route, the four-canyon tour, the
Bergbeizli and Alpchäs hike and even a path of the thundering water. All the tours are easily
viable for anyone, they are at no point too difficult and the daily distances are chosen so as to
be enjoyably manageable. A number of mountain resorts at different budget levels are available
at many stops. All the tours can be divided into 2-day portions to be suitable for weekend trips.
Including detailed information on how to get there, course of the route, length, difficulty and
categorization of the hotel. Unforgettable long-distance hikes - for all those who wish to combine
the mountain experience with great pleasure and a touch of luxury.
Dr. Heinz Staffelbach biologist, freelance writer and photographer. Author of several hiking
and mountain books some of which became bestsellers, such as »Primordial landscapes of
Switzerland« or »Hiking and Relishing in the Swiss Alps«.He lives outside of Winterthur.
page 259 of 261
Rights Catalogue
Martin Arnold, Roland Gerth
Nature Reserves of Switzerland
The Big Hiking and Adventure Book
59.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 208 pages
Format: 21.0 cm x 28.0 cm
More than 150 colour photos
Subject areas: nature, hiking, Switzerland
Rights sold: All rights available
• The 25 most lovely protected nature reserves of Switzerland
• Informative texts and stunning large-scale photographs
• Various hiking routes
In Switzerland there are over 20 regions that already are or would like to become protected areas
in one way or another. Among these we find regional nature reserves, UNESCO-protected areas
and two candidates waiting for recognition as national parks, Locarnese and Adula. In this book
the authors Martin Arnold, Urs Fitze and Ronald Decker, assisted by photographer Roland Gerth,
present the attractions of these natural and cultural landscapes. The unique language of the
pictures by a renowned landscape photographer reveals the beauty of these regions through
impressive landscape images. At the same time the authors draw a fine picture of history, cultural
heritage and locals, while also highlighting the problems the regions face. In 22 chapters, the
reader experiences Switzerland and its parks from a new, charming perspective. Each chapter
contains additional information on cultural and natural treasures of the given region. Moreover,
relevant map sections are included for each area discussed, along with family friendly hiking
suggestions, further activities on offer, addresses, travel and accommodation options, mail and
internet addresses. Co-authors: Urs Fitze, Ronald Decker, Marielle Moser
Martin Arnold born 1961, freelance journalist and photographer. Co-founder of the press bureau
office Seegrund. Freelance work for big newspapers and magazines (Alpin, Mare, Pro Natura
Magazin). Author of numerous books, especially on cultural history.
Roland Gerth born 1955 in Thal on Lake Constance where he lives again today. Freelance nature
and travel photographer. Author of more than 30 books and 70 calendars.
page 260 of 261
Rights Catalogue
David Coulin
The Big Book of Snowshoe Tours in
49.90 EUR
Cover: Hardcover
Extent: 192 pages
Format: 21.0 cm x 28.0 cm
More than 100 colour photos
Subject areas: snowshoe tours, Switzerland
Rights sold: All rights available
• The most beautiful snowshoe tours of Switzerland
• Snowshoe tours rank No. 1 among winter sports
• 250 suggested routes including all the necessary practical information
Snowshoeing is hip. For it opens the path to alpine nature experience even for non-skiers who
want to move about outside the secured ski pistes. Where to find the most beautiful snowshoeing
areas of Switzerland? Which routes are permitted, where does wildlife protection prevail? Which
tours are particularly suitable for snowshoeing? The book presents fifty of the most breathtaking
snowshoe hiking areas to be found in Switzerland, these are depicted through charming texts,
impressive pictures and a detailed illustration of about half a dozen routes and variants of all
difficulty levels. The focus is not on individual peaks but rather discovery tours through interesting
landscapes allowing for a number of unique views and panoramas. Including exact data on
difficulty, height difference and horizontal distance, a route map, practical information on board
and lodging as well as links and references of local organizers of snowshoe tours. Be it beginners
or experienced mountaineers, easygoing connoisseurs or ambitious snowshoe sportsmen - this
richly illustrated guide with about 250 suggested routes offers each and everyone the possibility to
organize unforgettable winter adventures.
David Coulin born 1967, trained middle school teacher, journalist and MA degree in
communications management, at present freelance photo journalist, author and communications
consultant. Experienced mountaineer and tour guide with focus on hiking and snowboard tours.
Author and co-author of several books published by AT.
page 261 of 261