Primary School
Primary School
e B B k r c i i d g w e Community Primary School Headteacher Application Pack Contents e B ick Bridg ew Community Primary School 2 From the Chair of Governors 3 Who we are 4 About the Role 6 Person Specification 7 Job Description 8 Application Form 9 B e From the Chair of Governors ick Bridg ew Community Primary School Dear Applicant, I would like to thank you for your interest in Bewick Bridge and our current Headteacher vacancy, which has come about because of the departure at Christmas of Mr Wareham, our previous head, due to ill-health. As you will learn, over the recent past we have put a lot of effort into improving the quality of teaching and learning, which had declined rapidly leading to poor SATS results in 2013/14. We benefitted from strong support from the Local Authority in working to re-establish the good provision that we had previously offered but suffered from significant staff turnover at the end of last year, leading to further support this year. Although the SATS were a key indicator of the school’s position, the Governors are not driven by SATS results but a desire to provide the best possible education for all children in our care. We have been and remain supportive of initiatives that might be considered risky, and look to maintain both creativity and factual learning in our curriculum as we believe both are essential to a well-rounded education. Our Governing Body has a strong membership, and is working hard to make sure that it is effective in driving the school’s continued improvement in conjunction with the Headteacher and the Senior Leadership Team. We look forward to working with the successful applicant to improve our practice still further. Bewick Bridge is a place with wonderful character, and I have been delighted to have had an association with it for several years now. The Governors have created this pack to offer a flavour of the school and local area, but of course a handful of pages will never provide the same insight as a visit in person. As such, we would be delighted should you wish to see for yourself and understand first-hand what makes us such a special environment – please contact the school office to request a visit. Yours Sincerely, Tim Thornton, Chair of Governors 3 e B ick Bridg ew Community Who we are Primary School Our School Vision Bewick Bridge Community Primary School is a caring school where all members of the community are believed capable of being better tomorrow than they are today. For pupils, this means that every child will receive a high quality, challenging education, regardless of background. For staff, a collegiate approach to continuous improvement is a cornerstone of practice. Parents and carers are recognised as the most important people in the education of their children and are encouraged to take an active part in their children’s education and the life of the school. Adults in school consistently model behaviours showing respect, empathy, courage, resilience, trust and responsibility and they work hard to build these aspects of our pupils’ characters. Everyone in the school community is expected to apply these values both to their learning and to their relationships. Our ambition is that every child will leave this school completely ready for the next stage in his or her life. About the school Bewick Bridge Community Primary School was developed in 2011/12 when the previous junior school on the site became a primary school. The first reception intake was in 2011 and we are now a two form entry primary school. The new two story building extension, designed to provide a sustainable and contemporary environment is stimulating, robust and adaptable, opened in 2012. It provides a flexible central activity hub, social and circulation space, off which classrooms are accessed and viewed. This area is generous, dynamic and tailored to our needs accommodating specialist group and individual work, media, library, ICT, informal learning and providing a vibrant heart to the extension. All pupils in Key Stages 1 and 2 have followed the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) since September 2014. Our outside space gives us a variety of external sports, play and social areas with additional imaginative play areas and spaces that promote physical activities. It has been landscaped with new trees, shrubs, hedge planting, various grasslands and nesting boxes. Our school ethos At Bewick Bridge Community Primary School we aim for excellence by providing our children with a wide-ranging and high quality education. Our aspiration is that pupils become highly literate and numerate students who engage with a broad and balanced range of subjects and interests and fully involve themselves in the learning process. It is our aim that pupils will: • Become independent confident learners, who are excited by the challenge of learning and are able to sustain concentration and apply their knowledge and skills to new situations. • Know that they have both rights and responsibilities and understand the contribution they can make to the life of themselves, others, the school and the wider community. • Develop their own values alongside respect for the values of others, cultivating understanding and tolerance of other people and their views within our multi-cultural society. • Learn how to work co operatively with others, listen, discuss, debate, exchange and develop opinions in a positive and appropriate manner. Location and community The school is located at the edge of the village of Cherry Hinton on a residential road with good access to the village facilities, the rural countryside and the historic city of Cambridge. Located on the same site we have a community wing that houses Cherry Hinton Children’s Centre, which serves the needs of children aged 0 to 5 and their parents and carers, and Little Cherries Pre-school that takes children from the age of 2 ½ . Within the school site there is an after school club called Cherries Kids Club which also offers school holiday care. Cherry Hinton has the benefit of a wide range of village facilities but is also within easy access of the city of Cambridge. The village is south of the city, with good access to all major routes to London and East Anglia and the train station 4 e B ick Bridg ew Community ad Peve r el R g terin Wes Th e oad W ay L A irport ay dy er La yW at Vi oad er nR into yH Qu y y Wa e rr Ch y Wa po rt A ir ne y La ar C lo se Im p lp h i n D rift am ala Do ve rs h et Te n l ee re St th Ka Wo ls e Roa d Tivert o n Way P e rne ch Lane l lio Ett W y H ob R oad y ay S u ez Ma r d a tR roa Road Su ez d W lle Colerid ge R oad ar ze Road ep Ga Ru s tat Sh ay nd W E la R oad ou Wa ve se le Clo k rib D ri Nea ro o ay y W Iv er gh Hi Close Burnside Allotments nB e C lifton Ca an int sL A1134 ld m Mill urc College Business Park d d Co ha Coleridge Recreation Ground a En R oad Ch rH Road at h Rus tat Ro ad Ro se m A1134 ry D avy Way gs fie lds e Cambridge t in Nu t r eet S eym s Ro ad Roa d R oad S uez ru s C yp Br ook Natal Road a R oad Ch Hob art Roa ms La n e e oad ldha Bro o ks R oa d ou r S t Road A1134 sid k yncR t Nut i Saintsbury's Belgr ave d R oa idge C oler Mar m o r R oad Br W Bewick Bridge d ad o y R oa ey Rs V in er Ros s S tre et eet S tkr S tre et ic gw S tre et arine S ed C ath Th o d ay r eet e St H op Road Bor ley d oa rn Corrie sR te r Qu W ay Teversham ng Wa Ro ad p Ross S tr eet oad er y R rch 10/2 8 ne ry V in Quy C hu Jer my W oa d e ll R 3 Ba r nw /2 05 a in A1134 Barnwell East Nature Reserve A1134 Mad ra S tr ee t arine Ros s S tr eet Th o d y S tar e et Cath n S tre et sh Ro ad as ter at E Cave ndi Gr e t rn S t ree re R o ad gyle S tr et Ar e Mill R oa d R a d o Ki g s t onn S tre et as R oad rn ab S t Ba Stourbridge Grove Allotments Co Romsey on R o ad Ten is m Bu ue ad Park Cold ham 's B r o ok oad ell R Cr o mw Afr ic a nR oad Br am pt on Afric Road an Road S treet Ain s wort h S t r eet G w ydir es t Gu Rso ad on oad is Roa d Maw Ten is s on on R D evo ns hi Cock bu o ad Ro ad R llisi W Gl d Malt a a d st Hi h s etgt lR Wh it e h il iv Dr ad Ro st Ea ad Ro R oad st Ea R o et C ity tr e E de nS Ea ce P la n vi lle Go 3 /2 ss et oa R u s t a t A ven o sR H ill d A1307 ro ve 05 D g ra tre ad n R oa Quy in hS Hig o sR H ill Sta tio eG Romsey Recreation Ground R om Gr eville Cambridge Station Long Stay Car Park Wa r e nr C lo se To A14 Marshalls Aerospace r T en is on A ven u e A1307 A Hangar 2 Peverel R a te W oad rid g A1303 C he rry Hinton R oa d tt h se H ig wode R Roa d N e m a r kew Rto a d U i Ly nde d oa A1303 J ad Gl R ns so hill A1134 V reet e Ro ills b it e ld ha a s m 's B t ECa r o o k m br d gei Ma in Dr a Hooper S t r eet Mi ll R e lac eP S to ur b an a Ro C am g rid Q u y Wat er s Newmarket Road Park and Ride ad N e w m a r k e Rto A1303 t sL am d ad Ro l' s Coldham's Common x Fair fa Road Cambridge City Services Depot reet oa d B ne C our m St d Petersfield sh Pau Wh a ldh Mill oa ke t R Co Mil lR ma r C St for d Ne w The Ho m ing M e S lea e rel Roa d Beehive Centre Mill Road Cemetery ay Rays on W s ayy a on W R d Th or ley R oea G alfrid Road tr eet A1134 Road Rawlyn Road s La Py m t t r ee Br o ad S y Wa ol Po ok ldh am The Terrace r eet on S t r ee t G re St B Co e ad Ro ey s ne Co eet A1303 ad o Nort on Close ro La e r VicarageTe rrac e Nor folk S tr E lfle da R S tan es field ' ee t S Yor k S t r ee t d d o G er ar d R a Co l dha m Belfast Yard t t e l R oaa Elfleda Road allotments Brickyard Industrial Estate s tr ee St Y u n go ham Nor f olk Fenner's Cricket Ground ar v lf ed oa o ad tR ke C old S tre et S tre et treet ow St S New S tr ac Ter r Yor k id ar e ee t S tu rt ks m Lan New 's S t r eet Pa r w Cambridge Retail Park e ay v st W H ar S t Mat t hew on er R iv oad R oad wo rth nS S tr d s h ire S t r eet tR gh S t affor ec Ne Tesco A1303 R oad Gr aft Joh Pr o sp ar k The Grafton rlei adi se id e ad Ro A1303 Fai S tr r eet Bu Par ers nR S ax o y th Wa d b b eyA E liz abe he Bec kland t S tree s ewa y Fitzroy S t r ee t W Cambridge is a dynamic place to live and work with many unique opportunities. Major employers are the historic university with its magnificent architecture, the well renowned Addenbrookes hospital and the ever expanding science park. Au c onage Ma ids C au R iv A1134 m ver C a Roa Pr iory Ri d iel Pe v Acre f Pa r s is within an easy cycle ride or short bus journey. Cherry Hinton provides good access to the surrounding countryside and many beautiful rural villages. e Primary School However, although Cambridge is a prosperous city many people on low incomes face the challenge of high living costs. Cherry Hinton is home to a Cambridge population with contrasts in Station terms of affluence and deprivation and the ethnic mix in the To A11 area is diverse. Many families have come to the UK to under© OpenStreetMap contributors ( take work or study at Addenbrookes Hospital or Cambridge University for varying lengths of time. This provides the school with its own particular challenges. t ta Es d ar ch Or W ay Gr ey st ok t y ee S tr nb ay lle W Ga ze ift Hig hS os e e We n vo e Cl Colvill e Roa d ou r n R oa d Fu lb Cl O ld Ya rrow L an e Pen Clo se C los an r' s D r if t Th e Fi rs Fulb ou rn Old D r ayt on R oa d t Dr if t (E as t ) R oa d Capital Park (business park) a rroYw es R o ad K eat R oad Cherry Hinton Rec. Mallet s Road oad F ulbou r n Roa d Fulbourn R oa Peterhouse Technology Park d C a m bridge R oad Cambridge R oad Cambridge R oad g y oa d ay Kiln R en Q ue W th's E di Lim e d in Ar r ha Hi R Lime Kiln Close T llyiar d al he et S tre o Dr tr e et r tC iefl dR eR a d ad e Ro Te High o ad oa d tR et at d ld e ig hS s o e Clos F ulb ourn R Queen Emma Primary School ldi C l G unh G odwi n Clos e E nd Fi s Roa d Colville School High Mi R oad a y Ro ad Hu latt n W ay Mow br fs t a t Roa d Hu lat d Roa ra y Mo wb Sp ay ad Ro ok R oad H olbro C e r ry hHinton R oa Cherry Hinton e nF O a The Perse Upper School Queen Edith Primary School Ave nu H Way s way ge an A1134 G od w i n W Mill d For e s W yloraR aTd o Perse Playing Fields ond Colvi ll e ad o or t h R w oad t e et Sr gh oa d t re e t to n R De sm Cherry Hinton Hall oo dR Ain s d a le y Hin S tr ed leSy Holbrook Road allotments yg W W alp ole R re t Clo se Clos e ua Der we n K elvi n C ou r t Sq oa d Pe rne eld iRf oad L ch i t C ou r L laci as 's elw Daws Lane Allotments n G u n hild Wu l Road Road oad Ro ad oad G r ay R R oad W ar d Ro a d oad N v ll eieR om A1134 Baldock Way Allotments C la o R sad Ch lmae r Ro ad ne b or G is d er R o a C owp Con is co Hin t o n Ave nue C he r r Th lb ouu r Leet e Ro ad g in Go ld oad Coleri dge R Road Der by ton Roa d oft C lo se B an c r C los e C lifton Road C Road k W ay G lebe Ch os e to ss le ue Hills Aven ue H ills Aven G lebe Hills Road Sixth Form College sports ground A1134 B os Aven ue g og r e os B r id ewell R oad Aven ue B ald oc d Ro a Hills h Cavendis Paddocks Industrial Estate a Cl Teas el Way h Cavendis Road d os e w el l G rove D St Cl S pee d B l in Blin co G rove A1307 Lu a rd n R oo Spinney Primary School l ea rne C los e L u ce l R oad Blinco ry Hin t e a Ro h al Mars C he r e ol alp nd e r ov t on G R oa d E Mill r iv nD r is o Homerton College (University of Cambridge) Rock Road H ar G r ove A1134 Malver n R oa d Hart ing in gton n h tc Di oad H art ue ne R or e Av e Roa d rn oad La hm Lic hf ield Be de s R at oad d St w R ec k oa d R oa od Da Pu r b Cambridge University Press y Hin to n R Rock Road Cambridge Assessment (under construction) ld fie B ird wo Fe t en R S t er n e Per n e L ic h oa d en t d o C he rr St Bede's School mR R a oad g ha Ke ls e yC e A1134 Lan c ses Cr Cambridge Leisure Park R oa R oad mR A1307 Eastbrook (Government Offices) Rad egun d R oad be H ills d illia awe Road com H ar on S haftes bury C ar eln d Fit zw Fa n s h c es Clifton Road Industrial Estate lift on Way G rove e A1307 R u s tat B r oo kg at s Avenue B rook land East Pit Key school statistics and facts Number on Roll: 264 2012 Percentage achieving Level 4 or above in 72% reading, writing and maths at KS2 2013 77% 2014 49% 2015 76% Bewick Bridge primary school has a diverse intake with more than 20 languages being spoken. Over 40% of our pupils join us with English not their first language, and we welcome a number of children every year who have no English at all. We find that, although their initial progress is slow, as they get to grips with a new language, pupils with EAL often end up outperforming their peers. Application and selection procedure Application closing date: 14 March Shortlisted applicants will be invited to attend selection days on 21 and 22 March, which will involve a variety of assessment tasks. Candidates will be asked to demonstrate a number of the skills pertinent to successful headship as well as be interviewed by a panel of Governors supported by advisors from the LA. We aim for this to be a very challenging but enjoyable experience for candidates. 5 e B ick Bridg ew Community About the Role Primary School Leading our school will be an exciting challenge giving you the opportunity to further develop our school’s achievements and move us forward to the next level, with the support of a skilled and committed governing body. Are you an engaging and dynamic leader who can work with us? Our school aims to provide outstanding education. Your experience of raising standards will help us to deliver the highest quality teaching and improvements in pupil attainment. You will have the opportunity to embed and develop the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) and help every one of our children to reach their potential. The main duties and responsibilities of this post will include the full range of statutory duties and professional duties and responsibilities of Headteachers as set out in the current School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document and any subsequent amendments or editions published in future years. The Headteacher will undertake any other duties which may be required and be relevant and commensurate with the post, as deemed by the Governing Body. The Governing Body and the Local Authority are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young persons and Headteachers must ensure that the highest priority is given to following guidance and regulations to safeguard children and young people. The successful candidate will be required to undergo a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check and an additional check to ensure that they are not prohibited from teaching will be made. References will be taken up from applicants, unless a request is made that referees not be approached until an offer has been made. The post is offered on the salary range L15-L21. 6 ick Bridg ew e B Person Specification Community Primary School Qualified Teacher Status. x x NPQH. x x Postgraduate Qualification. x x Evidence of continued professional development. Selection days Application Desirable Professional Qualifications Essential Tested At x x x x x Experience Head or Deputy Head within a primary, infant or junior phase context. Exemplary teaching within a primary, infant or junior phase context. Experience of teaching in a multi-cultural environment. A proven track record of monitoring, evaluating and improving the quality of learning and teaching, with high standards and clear expectations. Experience of developing a broad and balanced curriculum in which all students are engaged in their own learning. x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Skills Inspirational and creative leadership Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal. Interpret and utilise data to inform student and school progress. Ability to implement change in a collegiate manner. Demonstrated ability to manage finances and prioritise expenditure. Work effectively in a team. x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Vision and Values Willingness to commit to, and develop, the vision and values of the School. Embody respect for views within a multi-cultural society. Belief in children’s ability to achieve excellent academic outcomes. Personal Qualities Resilient in the face of adversity. x Approachable with good people skills. x x 7 e B ick Bridg ew Community Job Description Primary School Values and Vision • Foster the school’s vision and values throughout all aspects of the school, demonstrating a personal commitment to these values in your own practice. • Work closely with all stakeholders of the school to realise its vision and values in the everyday life of the school. • Encourage creativity in all aspects of the school to promote educational excellence. • Motivate staff, pupils and parents to be active participants of the school’s vision and values. • Ensure that strategic planning takes account of the vision and values of the School. Learning and Teaching • Continue to raise the quality of learning and teaching Lead existing staff in their drive to raise the quality of learning and teaching throughout the school. • Establish a community of learning within which all pupils are supported to achieve in a broad and balanced curriculum. • Take a strategic role in the development of new and emerging technologies to enhance and extend the learning experience of all pupils. • Inspire a community of learning as a leading practitioner in the classroom. • Maintain a consistent school-wide focus on pupil progress, utilising a variety of pupil data. • Assess, monitor and evaluate the quality of teaching standards throughout the school. • Challenge underperformance at all levels and promote improvement strategies. • Consistently monitor and evaluate the implementation of improvement strategies. • Develop and implement strategies that secure high standards of behaviour and attendance in all pupils. • Demonstrate and articulate high expectations of staff and pupils throughout the school. Leadership • Inspire all to deliver the highest standards of learning across the school. • Treat all people with dignity, in accordance with the school’s values. • Celebrate the achievements of others throughout the school. • Commit to, and promote, the continued professional development of all staff in the school. • Keep staff, parents, Governors and the Local Authority informed of key developments within the school. • Create a working environment that builds staff members’ passion for their work. Management 8 • Develop effective working relationships with staff to promote an effective community of learning. • Create an organisational structure that reflects the school’s vision and values. • Ensure effective planning, allocation, support and evaluation of work ensuring clear delegation of tasks and devolution of responsibilities. • Manage and deploy resources and staff effectively in line with the school’s goals and priorities. • Manage and organise the school environment efficiently to ensure it meets all health and safety regulations. • Ensure that the range, quality and use of all resources is monitored, evaluated and reviewed with the aim of improving the quality of education for all pupils, providing the best value for money. • Produce and implement clear, evidence-based improvement plans and policies for the development of the school and its facilities. • Recruit, retain and deploy staff appropriately and manage their work load to achieve the vision of the school and work toward improvement in accordance with the School Improvement Plan. Accountability • Celebrate success and take responsibility for outcomes. • Work with the Governing Body by providing information, advice and support to enable it to meet its responsibilities. • Ensure that all staff have a clearly defined and agreed set of responsibilities and accountabilities. • Establish mechanisms for reporting a coherent and understandable account of the school’s performance to all key stakeholders at agreed intervals. • Reflect critically on personal contribution to school achievements and take account of feedback from others. Strengthening Community Links • With regard to the 2010 Equality Act, build appropriate relationships with all stakeholders. • Collaborate with other agencies in providing academic, spiritual, moral, social, emotion and cultural well-being of pupils and their families. • Seek opportunities to invite parents and careers, community figures, business or other organisations into the school to enhance and enrich the school and its value to the wider community. • Contribute to the development of the education system by, for example, sharing effective practice, working in partnership with other schools and promoting innovation initiatives. • Co-operate with relevant agencies to protect children. e B ick Bridg ew Community Primary School For a Word version of this form, please email:- [email protected] Employment Application Form: Headship The Governing Body is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. Please ensure that you complete all sections of Part 1 and Part 2 of the application. Please note that providing false information will result in your application being rejected, or withdrawal of any offer of employment, or summary dismissal if you are in post, and possible referral to the police. Please note that checks may be carried out to verify the contents of your application form. Please complete the form in black ink or type. CVs are not accepted. Please return your application to:- [email protected] by 9.00am th 14 March 2016 Vacancy Job Title Headteacher, Bewick Bridge Part 1. INFORMATION FOR SHORTLISTING AND INTERVIEWING Initials ____________________________ Surname or Family name ______________________________ 2. LETTER OF APPLICATION Please enclose a letter of application. Please refer to the applicant information pack which may include instructions on completion of the letter of application 3. CURRENT / MOST RECENT EMPLOYMENT: IF TEACHING Name, address and telephone number of current school 1 Type of school Boys Girls Mixed Age range Number on Roll 2 Type of school eg Community, Aided, Foundation, Academy, Free School, Independent etc Job title Please enclose a copy of your current job description Subjects/age groups taught Date appointed to this post Salary Date available to begin new job 4. CURRENT / MOST RECENT EMPLOYMENT: IF NON-TEACHING Name and address of employer Job title Please enclose a copy of your current job description Date appointed to this post Salary Date available to begin new job January 2016 5. FULL CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY Please provide a full history in chronological order since leaving secondary education, including periods of any post-secondary education/training, and part-time and voluntary work as well as full time employment, with start and end dates, explanations for periods not in employment or education/training, and reasons for leaving employment. Job Title or Position Name and address of school, other employer, or description of activity Number on roll and type of school, if applicable F/T or P/T Dates From To Reason for leaving DD/MM/YYYY DD/MM/YYYY 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 Please enclose a continuation sheet if necessary January 2016 6. SECONDARY EDUCATION & QUALIFICATIONS Examinations Passed Date(s) Subjects and Grades ‘A’ Level or Equivalent Other (please specify) 7. HIGHER EDUCATION Names and Addresses of University or College and/or University Education Department Dates From To Full or Part-time Courses/subjects taken and Passed Date of Examination and Qualifications Obtained Age Groups for which Trained January 2016 8. PROFESSIONAL TRAINING ATTENDED AND/ OR DELIVERED Please list relevant courses attended/delivered in the past 3 years. Subject and Organising Body 9. Trainer or trainee? Date(s) Duration NATIONAL PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATION FOR HEADSHIP (Please give details. From 8th February 2012 the NPQH became optional for appointment as a headteacher in a maintained school. Nevertheless prospective employers are entitled to prefer candidates with NPQH. January 2016 10. OTHER RELEVANT EXPERIENCE, INTERESTS AND SKILLS 11. REFEREES Give here details of two people to whom reference may be made. The first referee should normally be your present Headteacher, or Director of Children’s Services in the case of serving Headteachers in LA Schools, Chair of Governors in other cases. If you are not currently working with children please provide a referee from your most recent employment involving children. Referees will be asked about disciplinary offences relating to children, which may include any in which the penalty is “time expired” and whether you have been the subject of any child protection concerns, and if so, the outcome of any enquiry or disciplinary procedure. References will not be accepted from relatives or from people writing solely in the capacity of friends. First referee Title and Name Address and post code Telephone number Email address Job Title Relationship to applicant Second referee Title and Name Address and post code Telephone number Email address Job Title Relationship to applicant January 2016 THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY BLANK January 2016 Part 2 Internal Ref . No._______ This section will be separated from Part 1 on receipt. Relevant responses may be verified prior to shortlisting and/or used for administration purposes but will not then be used for selection purposes. If you are called to interview you may be asked about the answers you have given to questions 15 to 19 and question 14 if relevant to the job. 12. PERSONAL INFORMATION 1. Surname or family name 2. All previous surnames 3. All forenames 4. Title 5. Current Address 6. Postcode 7. Resident at this address since 8. Home telephone number 9. Mobile telephone number 10. Date of birth 11. Email address 12. DfE reference number 13. National Insurance Number 14. Do you have a current full driving licence? Yes 15. Did you qualify as a teacher after May 1999? Yes Have you ever been subject to a child protection investigation by your employer or any other organisation? Yes 16. 17. 18. 19. Do you require sponsorship (previously a work permit)? Are you related to or have a close personal relationship with any pupil, employee, or governor? Are there any special arrangements which we can make for you if you are called for an interview and/or work based assessment? No No If Yes, in which school was induction completed? No If YES please state separately under confidential cover the circumstances and the outcome including any orders or conditions. This will not be opened unless you are called to interview. Yes No If YES please provide details under separate cover. Yes No If YES give details separately under confidential cover. This will not be opened unless you are called to interview. Yes No If Yes please specify, (e.g. ground floor venue, sign language, interpreter, audiotape etc). January 2016 13. COMPULSORY DECLARATION OF ANY CONVICTIONS, CAUTIONS OR REPRIMANDS, WARNINGS OR BIND-OVERS If you are shortlisted you will be required to complete a “Disclosure of Criminal Record” form and bring the completed form t o interview. If the job involves contact with children up to age 8 you will also be required to make a Disqualification Declaration. The information you give will be treated as strictly confidential. Disclosure of a conviction, caution, warning or reprimand will not automatically disqualify you from consideration. Any offence will only be taken into consideration if it is one which would make you unsuitable for the type of work you are applying for. However, offences relating to children may make you unsuitable since this is a “regulated position” under the Under the Criminal Justice & Courts Services Act 2000. 14. PROHIBITION FROM TEACHING In accordance with the requirements of The School Staffing (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013, any future appointment is subject to a check with the Department for Education to ensure that you are not subject to a prohibition order or an interim prohibition order. 15. DATA PROTECTION ACT 1998 The information collected on this form will be used in compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998. By supplying information, you are giving your consent to the information being processed for all employment purposes as defined in the Data Protection Act 1998. The information may be disclosed, as appropriate, to the governors, to Occupational Health, to the Teachers Pensions Agency, to the Department for Education, to pension, payroll and personnel providers and relevant statutory bodies. You should also note that checks may be made to verify the information provided and may also be used to prevent and/or detect fraud. This form will be kept strictly confidential but may be photocopied and may be transmitted electronically for use by those entitled to see the information as part of the recruitment process. When the recruitment process is completed, the form will be stored for a maximum of six months then destroyed. If you are employed as a result of this recruitment process then this application form will be retained as part of your personnel record. 16. NOTES (a) Under the Criminal Justice & Courts Services Act 2000 it is an offence for an individual who has been disqualified from working with children to knowingly apply for, offer to do, accept, or do any work in a ‘regulated position’. The position you are applying for is a “regulated position”. (b) Canvassing, directly or indirectly, an employee or governor will disqualify the application. (c) Candidates recommended for appointment will be required to provide a satisfactory Enhanced DBS certificate and complete a pre-employment medical questionnaire and may be required to undergo a medical examination. . 17. DECLARATION I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, all particulars included in my application are correct. I understand and accept that providing false information will result in my application being rejected or withdrawal of any offer of employment, or summary dismissal if I am in post, and possible referral to the police. I understand and accept that the information I have provided may be used in accordance with paragraph 13 above, and in particular that checks may be carried out to verify the contents of my application form ___________________________________ Signature of Applicant ___________________________________ Date ___________________________________ Print Name January 2016 THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY BLANK January 2016 PART 3 EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY MONITORING This section will be separated from part 1 and part 2. Collection of equality information is solely for monitoring purposes to ensure that our policies and procedures are effective. We also collect this data in accordance with the general and specific public sector equality duties under the Equality Act 2010. Any data you enter onto this monitoring form will only be used for monitoring purposes and will not be used in assessing and or scoring your application or during the interview process. This information is kept fully confidential and access is strictly limited in accordance with the Data Protection Act. Ethnic Group Workforce Census Code Please tick WBRI British English Welsh Northern Irish Scottish WIRI OOTH OOTH WOTH MWBC MWBA MWAS Irish Irish Traveller Gypsy Other White background White and Black Caribbean White and Black African Other ethnic group MOTH AIND APKN ABAN CHNE AOTH BCRB BAFR BOTH OOTH Other Mixed background Indian Pakistani Bangladeshi Chinese Other Asian background Caribbean African Other Black background Arab Write in: Prefer not to say REFU White Mixed Asian or Asian British Black or Black British White and Asian Religion Disability Do you consider that you have a disability? Please tick Please tick No religion Christian (including Church of England, Catholic, Protestant and all other Christian denominations) Buddhist Hindu Jewish Muslim Sikh Yes Please complete the grid below No Prefer not to say My disability is: Please tick Physical Impairment Sensory Impairment Mental Health Condition Any other religion write in Learning Disability/ Difficulty Long standing illness Prefer not to say Sexual Orientation Other Prefer not to say Please tick Bi-sexual Gay Lesbian Heterosexual Other Prefer not to say Personal relationship Gender Please tick Female Male Transgender Prefer not to say Please tick Single Living together Married Civil Partnership Prefer not to say January 2016