October 4, 2015 - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
October 4, 2015 - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary 91 Maple Avenue, Morristown, New Jersey 07960 973973-539539-2141, Fax— Fax—973973-984984-0632 Visit our Website: www.assumptionparish.org Email: [email protected] Pastor: Rev. Msgr. John E. Hart Parochial Vicar: Rev. Przemyslaw Nowak Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Msgr. Martin F. Rauscher In Residence: Rev. Dennis J. Crowley In Residence: Rev. Samuel Monaco In Residence: Rev. Geno Sylva Deacons: Brian Beyerl, John Brandi, Michael Hanly, Elliott Stein Trustees: Dan Poling 973-451-1617, Kathleen Hyland 973-539-2860 Parish Coordinator—Linda Macios Secretary—Liz Rotunno Comptroller—Robyn Morris Parish Office Hours Monday through Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.; Friday 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Parish Registration: Call 973-539-2141 or visit the parish website at www.assumptionparish.org. Assumption School: 973-538-0590; www.assumptionnj.org Sr. Merris Larkin, S.C. Principal Religious Education: 973-267-5638, Fax 973-267-4223 Email: [email protected] Linda Macios: Director Sharon Bertram: Coordinator Grades 6, 7, and 8 Lisa Sullivan: Confirmation—973-267-8519 Tara Speer: Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Sue Paradise: Secretary The Religious Education program runs for 16 or 20 Sundays— October through March. Kindergarten through 5th grade classes meet 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.; 6th through 8th classes meet immediately following the 5:30 p.m. Sunday Youth Mass. The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd classes meet on Sunday mornings and Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons. Confirmation groups meet once or twice per month on Sunday evenings. Music Ministry—973-539-2141, extension 19 Claudia Nardi: Director, Karen Chiappini: Organist Adult Choir, Youth Ministry Choir, Children’s Choir Holy Rood Cemetery—973-539-7501 Website: www.holyroodcemeterynj.com Diana Loughman: Cemetery Director Emerson Brito: Caretaker Caleb Dunn: Caretaker Church Sexton—Doug Reisch Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday—4:15 to 5:00 p.m. or by appointment Marriage: Arrangements should be made with a priest or deacon by registered parishioners at least one year in advance of the marriage date. Marriage arrangements should be made PRIOR to reserving reception facility. Baptisms: Registered parishioners should contact Liz Rotunno in the Parish Office to arrange for Baptismal Preparation and the Sacrament of Baptism. For first-time parents, attendance at one Baptismal Preparation evening class is required. Visitation of the Sick and Elderly: Please keep us informed so that we may be attentive to those who are ill at home or in the hospital. Eucharistic Ministers are available to bring Communion on Sundays. Ministries Africa Surgery Altar Linens Altar Servers Bereavement Bethany Boy Scouts Cub Scouts Centering Prayer Children’s Worship CYO Basketball Deaf Interpreter Deaf Ministry Endowment for Poor Eucharistic Min. Family Promise Fertility Care (NFP) Finance Committee Food Pantry Gardening Giving Tree Good Samaritan Home School Assoc. Holistic Health Homeless Solutions JustFaith Knights of Columbus Moms and Tots Nursing Homes Pre-Cana RCIA Readers Respect Life Tom Johnson Mike Cherello Fr. John Hart Marion Lapchak Linda Macios Dave Lage John Lago Fr. Ken Lasch Linda Cannilla Kevin Bopp Kathleen Skaf Barbara Zurlo Claudia Nardi Hope Zenker Mary Dougherty Kelley Pridgen Dorothy Flynn Claudia Nardi Janet Dedrick Brian Morgan Pat Moore Debbie DeAngelis Michele Cameron Ralph Ferrara Kerry Mowry Joseph Lee Henriette Kahn Joan Kramer Ken and Rosa Rose Fr. John Hart Andrea Bozzi Anne Marie and Leonard Crann Senior Citizens Jeanne Hanly Singles 45+ Denise Imperiale Soup Kitchen Annaliese Rush Ushers Anthony Romano Welcome and Hospitality Moira Clarkin Women's Cornerstone Denise Imperiale Vocations Tom Hand Young Professionals Fr. Przemek Youth Ministry Lisa Sullivan 973-292-3320 973-267-6825 973-539-2141 973-285-1976 973-539-2141 201-919-7259 973-580-6699 973-538-2653 973540-1683 917-861-2876 862-432-6004 973 337-7591 VP 973-539-2141 973-401-1010 973-538-9003 704-305-2646 973-538-2634 973-539-2141 973-539-2141 973-462-6972 973-539-2141 973-889-8520 973-769-9634 973-538-8268 973-683-1220 973-267-9175 973-539-1350 973-539-4910 973-539-9845 973-539-2141 973-656-9864 973-539-4650 973-539-4766 908-477-9450 973-455-0391 973-267-5433 973-539-4390 908-477-9450 973-998-4630 973-539-2141 973-267-8519 October 4, 2015 Mass Intentions SATURDAY 8:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m. SUNDAY 7:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 12:15 p.m. 5:30 p.m. MONDAY 7:00 a.m. 12:05 p.m. TUESDAY 7:00 a.m. 12:05 p.m. WEDNESDAY 7:00 a.m. 12:05 p.m. THURSDAY 7:00 a.m. 12:05 p.m. FRIDAY 7:00 a.m. 12:05 p.m. SATURDAY 8:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m. SUNDAY 7:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 12:15 p.m. 5:30 p.m. • • • • October 3 The Deceased members of the Castellano and Lynch Families Claire M. Dunpap Fr. Benedict Groeschel October 4 People of the Parish Clara and John Sexton Jackie Negri Thomas Thornton Deacon William Harty Rose Uricchio Angela Brandi Patricia and Bert Callahan Margaret Galvin October 5 Aloysius J. and Nancy Lynch Castellano Stanley Jagodowski October 6 The McCormick and Cassidy Families Frank Zamarelli October 7 Mariano and Rose Romo Castellano Charlie Cook October 8 George Beffa John Reilly October 9 The Hathaway Family Sam Doyle October 10 Frank Kwasnik Doris Otto Michael Cole October 11 People of the Parish Robert Orlando Jackie Negri Captain William Poling, USN Deacon William Harty Joseph O’Brien Thomas Foglyano George V. Grimes Ann O’Malley GATHER IN PRAYER Pray the Rosary weekdays 20 minutes before the 12:05 p.m. Mass. Pray the Perpetual Novena in honor of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal every Monday immediately following the 12:05 p.m. Mass. Eucharistic Adoration the first Saturday of each month 8:30 - 9:00 a.m. and the first Monday of every month at 7:00 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration every Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at Notre Dame of Mt. Carmel, Cedar Knolls. Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time irst Reading: Genesis 2:18-24 The Hebrew tradition perceived the inherent equality between female and male in the sight of God, although this understanding was not fully realized in Israelite society. In this reading from the book of Genesis, God forms a partner out of the man’s very being. Since both man and woman are animated by the breath of God and both are fashioned by God, they are drawn together in unity. econd Reading: Hebrews 2:9-11 For the next seven weeks, our second reading will be taken from the Letter to the Hebrews. It was written by an unknown Christian writer in the last third of the first century and stresses the newness and perfection of the covenant established in Christ. This excerpt teaches that believers are the brothers and sisters of Jesus. ospel: Mark 10:2-16 In this passage from Mark’s Gospel, Jesus cites the book of Genesis in order to highlight the sacredness of marriage. In Jesus’ society, only men could divorce their spouses, and women were often victimized by arbitrary dismissals by their husbands. Jesus insists that those who are married are united in a binding covenant. We invite you to prayerfully reflect on the Readings for the week of October 4 Monday Jon 1:1—2:2, 11; Jon 2; Lk 10:25-37 Tuesday Jon 3:1-10; Ps 130; Lk 10:38-42 Wednesday Jon 4:1-11; Ps 86; Lk 11:1-4 Thursday Mal 3:13-20b; Ps 1; Lk 11:5-13 Friday Jl 1:13-15, 2:1-2; Ps 9; Lk 11:15-26 Saturday Jl 4:12-21; Ps 97; Lk 11:27-28 Sunday Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Wis 7:7-11; Ps 90; Heb 4:12-13; Mk 10:17-30 Assumption Parish PLEASE REMEMBER AND PRAY FOR THE RECOVERY OF: Rosalie Sottile, Charles Arteglier, Patricia Ioannou, Jake Faccenda, Charles Arnolt, Paul Albanese, Eileen Scheibner, Dylan Lewman, Gladys Wilcox, Anthony DaMelio, Gerry Hogan, Kenneth Eastman, Colin Wisniewski, Barbara O’Hagan, Sandy Hruska, Joanne Veon, Susan Krauss, Kimberly Caswell, David Harris, Anetta Burdzy, Robert Kamenetz, Julie Winne, Dr. Tom Foley, Denise Kelly, Andrew Pineda, Sadina Certa, David Sansone, Ruth Rusin, Marge Hefferon, Frank Lutz, Gloria Dabal, Ted Voghtman, Bob Nace, Barbara Zurlo, Francis Romance, Catherine Wright, Nigel Loeppky, Antonette Fraioli, Charlotte Resz, Terri Gallagher, Lois Casson, Jack Kelly, Allan Russo, Francis Bourdin, Jim and Kay Cavanaugh, Justin Lee, Josephine McCarthy, Albert Garcia Jr., Mary Carr, Jim Gallo, Frank Geraghty, Phyllis Savage, Marie Therese Vaz, Brenda Hinds, John Hyland, William Peason, Carol Padden, Elaine Metzger, Julia Marley, John Geraghty, Lois Collins, Denise Ginty, John Cvicker, Gerry Caleo, Tom, Greg and John Baxter, Ruth Necco, Patty Parker Moncrief, Marva Jean Corbin, Lisa Maderna, Rossana Wright, Vivian Harris, Mary Reisch, Robert Hook, William Carl Thigpen, Mary Curtis, Patricia Waters, Audrey Sherry, Dennis Joseph Roberts, Melissa Cavezza, Steven Cavezza, John Theivon, Mike Baxley, Dyrick Phillip, Jessie Moore, Barbara Kane, Kenneth Krause, Kathy Shay, Baby Emma Wyman, Dianne Jaworski, William Moeller, Augustus Perkins, Angela Irene, Cynthia Scott, Mike Sottile, Cora Brady Huston, Paul Drobbin, Francis Montemurno, Jr., Elizabeth Quinn, Fr. Martin Rauscher, Martin Cerza, Christopher McAllister, William Perkins, Jr, Brian Chewning, Paula Rose Carducci, Sandra Moorman, Joan Kobylarz, and Matthew Luteran. Please call the Parish Office at 973-539-2141 with the names of who you would like included in the prayers for the good health of the sick and homebound. GOOD SAMARITAN MINISTRY Need help? Our ministry can assist Assumption parishioners with shopping, banking, local doctor and dentist appointments, and other similar errands. Contact our coordinator for September, Jeanette Fredericks, 973-216-2231.. Morristown, NJ PLEASE PRAY FOR MEMBERS OF OUR PARISH COMMUNITY AND THEIR LOVED ONES WHO HAVE SERVED, OR ARE SERVING, IN THE ARMED FORCES CW3 Michael Benkosky Green Beret, Special Forces, Airborne Joint Forces; Commander William H. Shipp, Commanding Officer HCS-8, San Diego; Andrew Vasquez US Army; Andy Soucy US Army; Dan Lessnau Former Marine and Veteran of the Viet Nam War; Kevin Felix US Military Colonel; Lt. Tim Fleury, US Navy; Staff Sergeant William J. McSweeney Retired Marine Served Around the World; Matthew Gonabe, Lt. US Navy Pilot Serving in the Persian Gulf; David Ribardo, 1st Lt. US Army Serving in Afghanistan; Capt. Brendan Griswold 82nd Air Borne in Afghanistan; Capt. Patrick Flynn, US Army 1st Infantry, Afghanistan; Sergeant Richard Galluzzo Serving in Afghanistan, Lt. Thomas Keyes Jr.; PFC Chad Chojnacki, Combat Medic, grandson of Annabel Wannemacher; Capts. Scott and Meghan Harra, US Army in Afghanistan; Captain Timothy Newcomb, US Army Special Forces; Col. Jason M. Barrett, USMC in Iraq and Afghanistan; Capt. James Cassidy, USMC in Afghanistan; Ensign Devon Cassidy, Navy Nurse in California; Penny and Christian Jimenez, Navy Lt. Commanders in Japan; 2nd Lt. Andrew Pineda and Capt. Laurence Pineda, US Air Force, SMSgt. John Bartow, Stratton ANGB NY, Douglas Reisch, 1/325 Infantry, 82nd Airborne Division, Daniel Baron, US Navy, Hawaii, WE WELCOME INTO THE CHURCH THROUGH THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Erik Sullivan Fell Son of Timothy and Lene Zewdy Marie Gabre Daughter of Kennedy and Karla Olivia Patricia Kelly Daughter of John Patrick and Frances Madeline Asha Kuhn Daughter of Ryan and Colleen Nathaniel Michael Harmon Son of Michael and Jennifer Graham Thomas Goldrick Son of Francis and Lauren Jack David Williams Gianni Michael Williams Sons of John and Terry October 4, 2015 Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time THE FAMILY OF GOD "From the beginning of creation, God made them male and female. For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. So they are no longer two but one flesh." "Amen, I say to you, whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it." Mark 10: 2-16 Here is a reflection I hope you will enjoy. It's without fail: Place a baby in the midst of any group of adults - young or old, scholars or carpenters, artists or accountants, wine connoisseurs or beer drinkers - and every adult in the room will try to make the baby smile. They'll gently shake the baby's hand, they'll make silly faces, they'll smile until their cheeks ache all to make the baby return the smile or maybe even chuckle. And if and when the baby smiles (after a while, even a whispered coo will do), everyone will break into applause and cheers. A child alternates between quiet fascination and chuckles whenever he or she is paying attention to something. What makes sense, what's accepted, produces a smile; anything else is immediately rejected. Something inside of us tells us that if we can make a baby smile, then we're OK. A baby's smiling at us confirms that we are unconditionally loved. A baby's smile is the universe's seal of approval. In a baby's smile, we're connected, across the ages, to that which is good and beautiful - and hopeful. [Adapted from "Laughter and Learning" by Joe Houben, Ode Magazine, August 2009.] A baby's smile - and our determination to elicit such a smile - reflects the point Jesus is making in today's Gospel about "accepting the kingdom of God like a child." Children possess an uncomplicated but genuine, straight-to-the-heart understanding of the things of God that for some reason we adults sadly outgrow. "Child-like faith" is never discouraged, never becomes cynical or jaded, never ceases to be amazed and grateful for the many ways God reveals his presence in our lives. The faith of a child is anything but "childish." It is this "childlike" quality of faith Jesus asks his followers to embrace: faith that does not separate words and actions, faith that is centered in loving God and others without condition or expectation. The power of such simple "child-like" faith is its ability to overcome every rationalization, fear, complication and agenda in order to mirror the selfless generosity of Christ Jesus. Only in embracing child-like kindness, compassion and forgiveness can we attain true greatness in the kingdom of God. (Connections) In Christ’s Peace, Father John Assumption Parish MARRIAGE: A WORK OF GOD Attitudes toward marriage are heavily shaped by the society and the culture in which we live. These attitudes are communicated in the media. People of faith need to step back and take another look at their understanding of the marriage of a man and a woman. Adults: How has my faith shaped my understanding of marriage? Has the portrayal of marriage in the popular culture distorted my faith understanding? How can I correct that? Children: How has God blessed me in my family life? A Family Perspective: Jesus' teaching about divorce and remarriage can be a challenging one for many people. The Church continues to uphold the strong and positive teaching of Jesus that God intends for a man and woman to make a lifelong commitment to one another in the Sacrament of Marriage. Many of us, however, know people whose marriage has not been a lifelong commitment. The example of Jesus teaches us that we are called to act with compassion and love in our relationships with all, and especially when people are hurting because of difficulties in their relationships. Most importantly, we remember that when marriages thrive, it is a sign of God's grace at work. As you gather as a family, talk about what it means to make a promise or a commitment to someone. Offer examples of promises that are fairly easy to keep. Read today's Gospel, Mark 10:2-16. Talk about examples of promises and commitments that might be more difficult to honor, like the marriage commitment that Jesus is asked about in this Gospel. Talk about how we need God to help us honor our commitment to love and care for each other. Jesus teaches that we should be like children before God, trusting God's promise to care for us and asking for his help to keep our commitments to love and care for others. INTERESTED IN WOMEN'S HEALTH? Do you want to learn more about how natural family planning and fertility awareness not only help couples to abide by church teaching but also diagnose and treat reproductive and fertility issues? There is a GREAT need in our diocese for individuals and couples to prayerfully consider becoming instructors in any of several methods of natural family planning. If you currently practice any method of NFP or are interested in learning more, please contact Kelley Pridgen at [email protected] or 704-305-2646. LOVE TO SING? Whether you are 7 or 70+, if you love to sing, Assumption Parish has a choir for you. Email [email protected] or call 973-539-2141 to find out just where your voice fits best! Morristown, NJ SAVE THE DATE INTERNET SAFETY PRESENTATION Tuesday, October 13, from 7-9 p.m. Assumption School will be hosting nationally acclaimed Internet Safety expert, Jesse Weinberger. She will offer parents proactive and reactive internet safety strategies for children in preschool thru high school. Please come to learn how to keep your children safe as they navigate the internet and use social media sites. You are welcome to invite your friends/neighbors to join you. Please RSVP to Debbie DeAngelis ([email protected]) with the number of people attending. Please note7the evening session is NOT meant for children/students and no children will be allowed in the school. CATHOLIC PARENTS RECHARGE Don’t forget CPR: Catholic Parents Recharge! Looking for support and ideas on how to apply our faith to your family life? Our first meeting of this hour-long discussion group is Sunday, October 11 from 10:15 – 11.30 a.m. during morning Religious Ed classes. Child care is also available. Please come to Assumption School and the teacher's lunch room/café, off the lobby to the right. This group is led by parents and will meet monthly, with support from Father John. CPR will: • help you recharge from the pressures of the secular world • strengthen your family dynamic, based upon our Catholic faith and values • further your network of other Catholic families Email Kelly Harris at [email protected], if you are interested in joining in and/or have a topic you’d like to discuss. COMMUNITY SOUP KITCHEN 2015 HUNGER WALK The 19th annual Hunger Walk benefiting the Community Soup Kitchen and Outreach Center will take place on Sunday, October 18, at 1:00 p.m. Registration begins at the Church of the Redeemer at 1:00 p.m. One in four local families struggles with hunger. The Hunger Walk is an annual fundraiser that gathers over 1,000 walkers to recognize that hunger exists in our community and to take action against it. All funds contribute directly to the Community Soup Kitchen and Outreach Center's many services that address local hunger and poverty. Please join us by registering as a walker at www.cskmorristown.org; or consider contributing a general donation, or sponsoring a walker. You can make a difference in the lives of local individuals and families. Call 973-267-0709 for more information. October 4, 2015 ASSUMPTION SCHOOL FASHION SHOW The Assumption School HSA cordially invites you to join them for their 35th Annual Dinner, Auctions and Fashion Show, “Throwback Thursday: An Awesome 80s Evening." This event directly benefits the students of Assumption School, and is a wonderful evening for all! The event takes place on Thursday, October 22nd, at Birchwood Manor, Whippany. The auction begins at 6 p.m., and dinner is served at 8:00. Tickets are $75.00. Please send a check for $75 per person and names of everyone in your party to: Assumption School, c/o Fashion Show Reservations, 63 Macculloch Avenue, Morristown, NJ 07960. If you have any questions, please call our Reservation Committee Chairwomen Linda Jones (973) 539-3926. Your cancelled check will be your confirmation. Enjoy your evening! RESPECT LIFE MASS (MASS FOR THE UNBORN) Bishop Serratelli will celebrate a Respect Life Mass (formerly called the Mass for the Unborn) on Saturday, November 7, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. at Saint Ann Parish, Parsippany. This Mass is sponsored by the Paterson Federation Knights of Columbus Councils. All clergy, staff, parishioners, friends and families are encouraged to attend. Please share this information with all. Following the Mass, there will be light refreshments. The Mass is a wonderful way for our faithful to come together in prayer and in mutual support for protecting all of our children - born and unborn. Please save this date on your calendar. FIREFIGHTERS’ MEMORIAL MASS On Thursday, October 8, 2015, we will celebrate our First Firefighters' Memorial Mass at St. Gerard Majella Parish in Paterson at 10:00 AM. Our men and women serve selflessly to foster the safety of our communities. All the faithful of the Church of Paterson are invited to take part in this celebration to honor and recognize the sacrifice of our firefighters and to remember those from our diocese who have given their lives in service to their communities. Following the Mass, there will be light refreshments served at The Brownstone. For more information, please contact June Fiduccia at (973) 595-8446. MORRIS CATHOLIC OPEN HOUSE Morris Catholic High School will be hosting our Open House on Tuesday, October 6th From 6:30 to 8:30 and Sunday, October 18th, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. For more information, please contact Maureen Costello at 973-627-6674, ext. 132. Thank you! Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time MASS ATTENDANCE SEPTEMBER 26/27 5:30 p.m. 233 7:00 a.m. 112 8:30 a.m. 198 10:00 a.m. 405 12:15 p.m. 191 5:30 p.m. 380 Total: 1,519 FINANCIAL BLESSINGS Assumption is a Tithing Parish The collection for the weekend of September 26/27 was $23,236. The collection for this weekend last year was $19,800. Pastor’s Thank You: I am most grateful to you for your generosity every week and for tithing. Your sacrificial giving is a tangible way of expressing our gratitude to the Lord for His blessings every day. Thank you for all you give to Assumption in so many ways. SUPPLIES NEEDED FOR AFRICA SURGERY MINISTRY Africa Surgery Ministry, which makes medical care and surgical treatments available for impoverished people in Sierra Leone, West Africa, is in need of the following new or used items: • wheel chairs and crutches • computers, mac or windows xp or newer • cell or smart phones • eye glasses and sun glasses • medical supplies, such as tape, gauze pads, rubber gloves, bandages or hospice care items • bedding, such as sheets blankets, and towels • hand tools • luggage and back packs • children’s summer clothing and footwear – male and female up to age 18 • treadle style sewing machines, fabric and sewing supplies • soccer balls and bicycles • English dictionaries and bibles. Contact Tom at [email protected] 973-292-3320 or for drop-off or pick-up. To learn more about the work of Africa Surgery, visit www.africasurgery.org. Assumption Parish SIGN UP FOR THE ASSUMPTION PICTURE PROJECT Do you ever see people and wonder what their names are? Have you ever heard an announcement regarding a member and wished you could put a face with a name? Are you a new member and wish you had something to help you put names with faces? Help is on the way! We are producing a new pictorial directory! There is no cost to our church, and each participating family will receive a complimentary 8x10 portrait and directory. Visit www.assumptionparish.org and click on the picture link, or call the Parish Office at 973-539-2141 to schedule your photography session. • All picture sessions take place in the Parish Community Room. • New Dates Added! November 13, 14 Sharon Bertram is coordinating volunteers for this project. If you are interested in helping during our photography sign-ups, or serving as a host or hostess during the photography sessions, email [email protected] or call her at 973-267-5638. UPCOMING EVENTS AT ST. PAULS INSIDE THE WALLS Setting the World Ablaze St. Catherine of Siena Study Group for Women This program gathers women to discover their Godgiven dignity and to understand their role in transforming society. We will meet every Tuesday evening from Sep 29 - Nov 17. 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. Speaking of Faith Join Fr. Paul Manning for an interview with Fr. Matt Malone, SJ, editor-in-chief of America magazine, about his encounter with and response to God and the integration of faith into work and life. Madison, Wednesday, September October 7 from 7:30-9:00 p.m. Finding Time for Family How does your family spend time together? Pope Francis says, "In the family we learn how to love, to forgive, to be generous and open..." Come share dinner and a discussion about ways parents can keep the family close. For parents and children. $10 per person. October 14th 6-7:30 p.m. Men After His Heart Fr. Paul Manning leads a basic course in spirituality for men.These self-contained sessions will explore spiritual themes to men and their growth in faith. October 13th 7:30-9 p.m. Please go to www.insidethewalls.org for more information and to register. Morristown, NJ SISTERS OF CHARITY HARVEST FESTIVAL The Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth are hosting a Harvest Festival at The Madison Hotel, Morristown, NJ, on Thursday, October 29, 2015 from 6:30 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. Guests will enjoy cocktails, dinner, and dancing to the music of Tim McLoone and the Shirleys. Special honorees are Carlotta M. Budd, Esq. and Alix Ann Arlinghaus. Cost for the dinner is $200 per person. Harvest Festival Raffle tickets, with a first prize of a $5000 Travel Voucher, are available for $50 per ticket, and winner need not be present to win. For dinner or raffle tickets, please contact the Sisters of Charity Development Office at 973-290-5409. 40 DAYS FOR LIFE 40 Days for Life is a peaceful, prayerful group that prays in front of Planned Parenthood in Morristown. We will be starting a new vigil September 23rd to October 31st (hours vary each day.) We are there in peaceful prayer for the Mothers who have appointments at Planned Parenthood, we are there for the babies that will lose their lives, we are there to witness that abortion is wrong to the people who walk or drive by us and we are there for the workers at Planned Parenthood. Once in a while, a miracle does occur and the Mothers decide to keep their babies – we will never know how many until we meet in heaven. Your help is needed in this endeavor. Each of you can make a difference and we need you and your friends and family. First, please pray and fast – for the Mothers, the babies, for employees at Planned Parenthood and for the 40 Days volunteers. Second, please join us in our vigil. You may sign up at https://40daysforlife.com/ dashboard , email [email protected] or call Frances M. Spilman at 973-627-1654 if you have any questions. October 4, 2015 2015 BISHOP'S ANNUAL APPEAL SERVING CHRIST AMONG US Our Catholic Charities agencies continue to serve tens of thousands of people in profound need each year. These people could be your neighbors, coworkers, friends or loved ones. As Catholics, we are committed to serving Christ among us, especially those who are hurting and lost. The largest percentage of appeal funds each year is used to help our Catholic Charities agencies do their essential work. Please make a pledge to the 2015 appeal today. For your convenience, you can make an online gift at www.2015 appeal.org. SILVER AND GOLD WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS Couples, were you married in 1965 or 1990? You are warmly invited to celebrate your 25th or 50th Wedding Anniversary with the Church of Paterson. Bishop Serratelli will be the main celebrant at Mass at St. Mary Church, Denville on Sunday, November 8, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. Arrangements can be made by contacting the parish office. Registrations will be accepted through Monday, October 26, 2015. Information will be sent from the Office of Family Life once your registration has been processed. Congratulations on this joyous occasion. Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time ETERNAL REST GRANT UNTO THEM, O LORD Mary Curtis Mother of Carolyn Curtis, Kelly Carpenter, and Michael Curtis Charles Seergy Father of Marybeth Watkins Richard Quagliano Husband of Marianna PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN SEMINAR All adults of the parish who volunteer or work with children or youth must attend a Protecting God’s Children seminar. This includes, but is not limited to teachers, catechists, coaches, and scout leaders. Parents are also welcome and encouraged to attend. Assumption will be offering this seminar on Wednesday, October 7 at 7:00 p.m. in the community room. To register, please visit the parish website at www.assumptionparish.org. Click on the resources tab, then forms and links, then scroll down to the Register for Protecting God’s Children link. ST. TERESA OF AVILA PARISH GALA FOR LIFE On Saturday, October 10, national Respect Life leader Fr. Stephen Imbarrato of Priests for Life will speak at the annual Gala for Life at St. Therese of Avila Parish in Summit , New Jersey. Tickets are $60 per person and include welcome reception and dinner. For more information, please contact Louise at 908-3138427. SIGN UP FOR RCIA RCIA stands for the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults and it is the process through which adults join or complete their initiation into the Catholic Church. Would you like to become a Catholic? Do you know someone who would like to become a Catholic? Do you know an adult Catholic who never received their First Communion or Confirmation? If you answered ‘Yes’ to one or more of these questions, I ask you to please contact me at [email protected] or call me at 973-539-2141, ext. 15 so that I can speak with you or someone you know about how to become Catholic or receive First Communion and Confirmation. It is always a joy to speak with someone about Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior! Father John RESPITE FOR THE CAREGIVERS United Way of Northern New Jersey Caregivers Coalition invites you to attend our free Munch & Learn presentation addressing respite care options. Learn what respite is, where it is available and how it may work for you and your caregiving situation, whether you are caring for a loved one who is aging, has a disability or a mental illness. The event takes place on Wednesday, November 11, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., at the Ukrainian American Cultural Center, 60 North Jefferson Road Whippany. food. To register, please call 973.993.1160, x534 or email [email protected]. Assumption Parish Morristown, NJ WE’VE LAUNCHED OUR NEW WEBSITE! Through the generosity of the Diocese of Paterson, we are happy to announce our new website design. We want our website to be your resource for all that is happening in our Parish and in the Catholic Community. It’s a new look, but the same address. www.assumptionparish.org Please visit and see all the new site has to offer!. Independent Financial Advisors and Assumption Parishioners Timothy J. Brunnock, Esq. • John P. Hyland, CFP© • John J. Murphy 65 Madison Ave, Ste. 300 Morristown, NJ 07960 • 973.538.7010 Securities offered through LPL Financial, member FINRA/SIPC. Private Advisor Group is a separate entity from LPL Financial Mary E. Dougherty Sales Associate ReMax Properties Unlimited 862.812.0962 [email protected] B 15 Year Assumption Catechist A Coordinator for Family Promise Program Fast, Friendly and Family Oriented Care Sidney Chonowski DMD, FAGD Family, Aesthetic & Implant Dentistry Hrs: M-F 8a-8p, Sat. 8a-4p, Sun. 9a-2p, Major Holidays 9a-1p 973-538-1100 [email protected] On the corner of Mill Rd. across from Alfred Vail School 130 Speedwell Ave., Morris Plains, NJ 862-242-8053 www.FastERuc.com www.morristowndentist.com 66 Maple Ave. Morristown, NJ 07960 HICKORY TREE DELICATESSEN Kevin P. Brennan Good Rest Design Salads • Cold Cuts Sloppy Joe Sandwiches • Panini’s Home Project Consultant 973.822.1956 [email protected] Open 7 Days A Week • Chatham Mall 648 Shunpike Rd, Chatham Township, NJ 53 Miller Road Morristown, NJ 07960 973.769.8188 • www.goodrestdesign.org www.hickorytreedeli.com Joseph M. Arvay, D.M.D Orthodontics 28 DeHart Street Morristown, NJ 07960 (973) 538-5067 www.arvayortho.com Providing great smiles for Assumption Families for over 20 years 973-627-5000 A ministry of the Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother ~Since 1895~ www.saintfrancisres.com Affordable Senior Living 122 Diamond Spring Rd., Denville .com Helping People Find Mass. 3376I ROOFING & SIDING Trusted Auto Repair in Morristown for Over 30 Years Replacement Windows Steve Carfaro, Parishioner Green Valley Contractors 973-538-2488 • Full Warranty • Courtesy Transportation • AAA-Approved Auto Repair • ASE-Certified Professionals Parishioner Get Savings Coupon Grasshopper off the Green irish puB & family restaurant Ph: 973-285-5150 41-43 Morris Street, Morristown, NJ www . grasshopperoffthegreen . com Join us for sunday Brunch 10am - 2pm Serving Lunch & Dinner 7 days a week • With Childrens Menu & Daily Specials Harding Private Livery LIMOUSINES FOR ALL OCCASIONS Dependable • Prompt • Courteous Airport - Morris & Somerset Counties Call Tim Scanlon 973-540-9324 MESLER’S AUTO BODY EXPERT COLLISION REPAIRS FRED MESLER, JR. Body Shop Manager Auto Body Shop: 267-9481 24 Hr. Towing: 455-9862 Fax: 267-2132 LIC.# 02170A-18 163 Morris Street • Morristown, NJ 07960 TASHMOO RESTAURANT & BAR Daily Specials 8 DeHart St Morristown, NJ www.Tashmoobar.com ARCADE MARBLE & GRANITE 973-678-4600 [email protected] 416 Central Avenue East Orange, N.J. 07018 Serving lunch & dinner 7 days a week 973.998.6133 PODIATRIST www.FootDrBrady.com Dr. Frank J. Brady, Jr. 973-669-1119 2 Powder Horn Drive Convent Station, NJ CatholicMatch New Jersey CatholicMatch.com/goNJ Atlantic Home Care and Hospice Providing skilled and compassionate care to the residents of Essex, Morris, Somerset, Sussex, Union and Warren Counties in New Jersey and Pike County in Pennsylvania. For more information, call 973-379-8472. Services include: ›› Nursing ›› Disease management ›› Home Telemonitoring ›› Wound and Ostomy care ›› Physical, occupational and speech therapy ›› End of life care/Hospice 3376 Joint Commission accredited and Medicare and Medicaid certified.
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