Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013


Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Health Improvement
Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Foreword ............................................................................................. 3
Library Services ........................................................................... 4
Health Improvement leaflets and posters .......... 5
Leaflet and poster order form ....................................... 6
Resources available to hire ................................................ 7
Abuse................................................................................................... 8
Adolescence ................................................................................... 9
Anatomy, physiology and health ...................................... 15
Bullying and violence .............................................................. 18
Diet and nutrition .................................................................... 20
Drug and alcohol abuse ........................................................ 26
Exercise ........................................................................................... 35
Heart disease .............................................................................. 37
HIV/AIDS ....................................................................................... 38
Hygiene ........................................................................................... 39
Immunisation ............................................................................... 40
Learning disabilities ................................................................. 41
Men’s health ................................................................................. 43
Mental and emotional health ............................................ 44
Oral health ................................................................................... 49
Pregnancy and parenting ...................................................... 52
Sex education and sexuality .............................................. 57
Smoking .......................................................................................... 66
Sun safety ....................................................................................... 70
Women’s health ......................................................................... 71
Equipment for hire ................................................................. 73
Contact details ........................................................................... 74
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Dear Colleague
We are delighted to send you a copy of the Health Improvement Library’s
Resource Catalogue, which includes information about the new items added to
our Library since the start of 2009 and our multimedia models - all of which
are available to hire at no charge. Our books, and stock that was added to the
library prior to 2009, is not shown simply because it would make this catalogue
too large. However, by joining the library you will be able to see these online, or call in and browse.
The library also stocks a wide range of free leaflets and posters, which cover
a variety of health topics. We can send you or email a copy of the leaflet
catalogue on request - it’s updated monthly. We’ve listed the subjects that we
cover however, so you can see the range of topics.
If you would like to borrow any of the resources listed in this catalogue, please
complete the membership form on page 6 and send it back to us. By joining the
Health Improvement Library, you will automatically become a member of the
Scottish HEalth Libraries CATalogue (SHELCAT), which enables you to search
the catalogues and borrow from over 50 other health libraries in Scotland giving you access to thousands of other resources.
We look forward to hearing from you soon, and if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us!
Kind regards,
Library Staff
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
The Health Improvement Library is one of four NHS libraries in Lanarkshire.
We can be found at:
* Health Promotion Department, Law House, Airdrie Road, Carluke
* Hairmyres Hospital, East Kilbride
* Monklands Hospital, Airdrie
* Wishaw General Hospital, Wishaw
Each of the libraries is staffed by professional librarians and library assistants,
and we only too happy to help with any information queries you may have.
We can provide you with literature searches if you are carrying out research
for personal study or work, or can show you how to do them yourself, and
through our networks can obtain journal articles or books on your behalf.
Training on the major databases including Medline, Cinahl, Refworks and the
eLibrary can also be provided, either as a group session or one-to-one.
By becoming a member of the library, you can access our stock and that of
other NHS libraries throughout Scotland. Online catalogues can be searched
via your desktop.
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Health Imp
& Poster
We provide free leaflets and posters covering a range of health promotion
topics, with a catalogue and order form available on request. Small orders
can be sent out by post, but for larger orders we would ask that you arrange
collection. NHS premises are covered in the internal mail run however.
Topics covered are as follows:
* Alcohol
* Cancer
* Child health and immunisations
* Child protection
* Donor cards
* Drugs
* Exercise
* Family planning
* General health
* Heart disease
* Hygiene
* Learning disabilities
* Men’s health
* Mental health
* Nutrition
* Oral health
* Pregnancy and parenting
* Sexual health and blood borne viruses
* Smoking
* Violence and aggression
* Women’s health
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Health Improvement Resource Library,
Law House, Airdrie Road, Carluke, ML8 5ER.
Tel: 01698 377600/01/29 or Fax: 01698 377726
(please state whether poster or leaflet)
Non Supply Codes: A = out of stock
B = being reprinted by supplier
D = no longer available
E = waiting on stock from supplier
Non Supply
C = limited stock
Name and address of requester: ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................
SHELCAT Library card barcode: If you already have a barcode, this MUST be entered - orders will NOT be processed without it.
If you do not have a SHELCAT card please indicate if you would like to register for full library
membership or only fo leaflet and poster orders:
Tel no: .................................................................................................................................... Occupation: ..................................................................................................................
Signature: .......................................................................................................................... Date order required: .....................................................................................
Date order received: ..................................................................................... Date order completed: ...............................................................................
Clients outwith the internal mail systems of NHS Lanarkshire will be notified when their
order is ready for collection. We reserve the right to adjust orders according to stock.
Leaflet orders not collected WITHIN ONE MONTH will be returned to stock.
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Teaching/training packs
r ble to
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Believe me
This DVD (+ teaching notes) raises the issues of childhood sexual abuse via 4 case studies narrated by children
themselves, and MUST only be shown and used with young people by adults who have excellent listening skills and
real sensitivity with a knowledge of the issues and impact round CSA. Issue of young person’s rights to confidentiality
is not addressed and this must be considered with reference to the European Rights of the Child Legislation.
Audience - older primary school age children and adolescents
Matters 2 me
This DVD uses animation and real case histories to show how children can become the victims of sexual, physical
and emotional abuse in Britain today and how parents, teachers and youth workers can do something positive to
overcome these dangers.
Audience - teachers and parents and child carers working with children aged 6-16
Date rape
Suitable for students aged 14+, this (2008) video/DVDproduced in the USA is intended to help them gain a clear
understanding of what date rape is. It explains what rape is, and what the differences and similarities are between
date rape, stranger rape, acquaintance rape and sexual assault. It lists various examples of date rape drugs, describes
their side effects and symptoms and the ways to protect oneself against date rape and the use of date rape drugs,
and demonstrates an understanding of the steps to take and resources to turn to when a person has been raped.
Audience - adolescents; professionals working with young people
Beyond belief
This DVD shows parents and carers from different backgrounds dealing with a variety of situations, including sexual
abuse of children by family members, other known adults and strangers. The film encourages adults to listen to
children, believe what they say and take responsibility for protecting them. It takes a positive outlook on childrens
ability to recover, provided they are cared for, supported, and know that they are not to blame
Audience - health professionals, parents and carers
Determinants of health
This DVD explains how the health status of individuals, communities and nations is determined by a complex range of
factors: biomedical, lifestyle and behaviour, knowledge attitudes and beliefs, environmental factors, genetics and gender.
Audience - secondary school pupils at standard grade and above
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Risky situations
This DVD looks at the types of risky situations that can typically confront young teenagers, their possible
consequences, peer pressure, self esteem, how to deal with messages from parents, schools and friends, and
strategies for dealing with risky situations.
Audience - pupils aged 11 and upwards
Teen anger
This DVD produced in the USA covers what leads up to anger and how to diffuse angry or violent situations.
Viewers will also learn about anger and home life, why covering up anger is dangerous, how to maintain positive
attitudes and how to deal with this negative emotion in a positive way.
Audience - adolescents
Life as a teenage mum
This DVD follows the stories of four young mothers, from their ideas and fantasies about motherhood before they became pregnant, to the reality of their lives during pregnancy and after giving birth.
Topics include:
w the physical impact of pregnancy and labour
w how a baby can affect relationships with parents, partners and friends
w loss of freedom
w the responsibilities of parenthood, and
w the financial demands of children
Audience - secondary school pupils
Peer pressure
This DVD discusses peer pressure and its effect on teens. It is designed to help teens feel comfortable discussing
issues and the positive and negative effects of peer pressure. After watching, students will have a better
understanding of peer pressure and its effects
Audience - adolescents
Getting along
This programme provides the skills to resolve conflicts. It shows the mechanics of a fight and the ways to avoid
senseless confrontation are demonstrated, together with how to express needs, identify a problem and use good
listening skills
Audience - adolescents
Determinants of health
This DVD explains how the health status of individuals, communities and nations is determined by a complex range of
factors: biomedical, lifestyle and behaviour, knowledge attitudes and beliefs, environmental factors, genetics and gender.
Audience - secondary school pupils at standard grade and above
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Four carrier bags and a buggy
This programme is divided into sections and can be screened complete or as a series of individual discussion
leaders: Having a baby – the physical and emotional effects; Coping – the everyday struggles of managing; Cost of
living – coping with everyday expenses; Relationships – the strain that having a child puts on them; Depression –
how the situation can lead to mental stress; Looking forward – how the young parents view the future. Includes
concise and easy-to-use teaching notes with suggestions for exercises and guidance for leading discussions.
Audience - adolescents
Think before you click: playing it safe online
This DVD helps teenagers navigate potential problems and learn important rules and strategies to keep them safe
while surfing the net. The programme presents 12 simple rules as a guide to Internet safety, and offers advice on
the following issues: avoiding cyber-fights (solve problems face-to-face, not online); how to deal with cyber-bullying;
keeping your web page private and don’t give out personal information; precautions to take when playing video
games online and posting photos online; dealing with online threats; dealing with sexual predators (warning signs to
look out for); the dangers of chatrooms (tips for safe social networking); precautions to take when using a webcam.
Audience - 12 years and upwards
Moving on: from junior to secondary school
This film produced in the UK is designed to help pupils deal with any anxiety they may have about moving up to
secondary school. A head boy and girl give information and advice whilst on a tour of their school - which is actually
a combination of several schools, thus allowing a broad spectrum of secondary education to be seen.
Audience - late primary school children
Caution : teenager under construction
This programme on DVD goes beyond the physical manifestations of puberty and discusses the enormous emotional,
social and developmental changes that accompany adolescence. It explores how teenagers develop at different
rates, and many fear they aren’t normal if they don’t look a certain way by a certain age; explains how teenagers
become more curious during puberty, leading them to question adults and authority but also to become more
independent and responsible; describes how teenagers’ relationships with parents change during adolescence, which
can sometimes cause conflict, and how friendships and relationships become more important as teenagers get older;
how stress can be caused by peer pressure and the desire to be popular, and where teenagers can go for help.
Audience - adolescents; parents; teachers; carers
Skin deep
This film produced in the USA examines the issue of body image. One of the characters believes she is too fat, while another character is in danger of developing an eating disorder. They both get advice from an older sister.
Audience - approximately 11-13 year olds
When parents part
This DVD shows 4 scenes in the life of a family from the viewpoint of the children, and provides the opportunity for all those working with the family to share these messages from young people.
Audience - anyone working with families and young people experiencing separation
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Date rape
Suitable for students aged 14+, this (2008) video/DVDproduced in the USA is intended to help them gain a clear
understanding of what date rape is. It explains what rape is, and what the differences and similarities are between
date rape, stranger rape, acquaintance rape and sexual assault. It lists various examples of date rape drugs, describes
their side effects and symptoms and the ways to protect oneself against date rape and the use of date rape drugs,
and demonstrates an understanding of the steps to take and resources to turn to when a person has been raped.
Teens and gangs
This program discusses why a teen would turn to a gang, and which that decision could be detrimental to their
safety and future. It explains why gang involvement can lead to personal risk or impairment, and what alternative, in
the form of positive group involvement, are available. Made in the USA.
Audience - adolescents; professionals working with young people
Teen depression
In this program, produced in the USA, students learn about the real risks of teen depression, how to identify
depression and why depression interferes with a teen’s life. Students learn about self-medication and the dangers of
trying to solve chemical imbalances themselves along with the warning signs of depression and why it’s important to
seek help. This program also covers the tragedy of teen suicide and what to do if you or a friend needs help.
Audience - adolescents; professionals working with young people
Broken homes
This programme discusses broken homes and their effects on teens. It is designed to help teens feel comfortable
discussing the issues and the effects of broken homes. The video goes over many problems faced by teenagers and
parents dealing with broken homes and their impact and influences.
Audience – health professionals working with young people; parents; carers; adolescents
Reality check; Caroline’s story
Eight months before her 16th birthday, Caroline discovered she was pregnant. This DVD documents Caroline’s
feelings and thoughts in the months leading up to and just after the birth of her daughter Kayla.
Audience - adolescents; professionals working with young people
Walk the talk.Youth voices: issues and solutions for health services
This 12 minute film gives health professionals a key insight into what young people would like to see improved
within health services, and offers solutions to break down some of the barriers they currently face.
Audience - health professionals working with young people
Teenagers in the family – skills for parents
This film is useful for groups discussing common problems faced by parents of teenagers. Six short scenes covering
‘Understanding Teenagers’, ‘Problems at School’, ‘ Unsuitable Friends’, ‘Talking about Sex’, ‘Staying Safe’ and ‘Changing
Families’ are each followed by a group discussion by a panel of experts. Useful contact numbers are also provided
on inserted leaflet.
Audience - anyone working with young people
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Teaching/training packs
Young minds; Scottish edition
Specifically written for professionals working in Scotland, this training resource developed by YoungMinds Training
and Consultancy Service around the mental health needs of looked after and accommodated children, examines
the mental health needs of this vulnerable and diverse group, and the ways in which professionals and carers can
promote the development of more integrated and holisitic care.
Audience - professionals caring for and working with children and young people in public care
Challenging years! Living with teenagers.
A training course for the parents and carers of young adolescents
This training course comprises 4 2-hour long sessions, and covers understanding the teenage years, talking to
teenagers, parenting styles and dealing with conflict. It has a manual for course facilitators and a workbook for
parents which is also available on the accompanying CD.
Audience – parents, carers, health and social care professionals
This pack contains ideas for engaging with young people, and covers 50 different techniques, such as using scenario
cards, drawing relationships, using a graffiti wall, freezing the scene and non-verbal language. It explains how the
techniques work and when to use them.
Audience – anyone working with young people
Moving up to secondary school
This resource is designed to enable primary schools to produce resources for parents during their move to secondary
school. Schools can print a guide for parents, and can tailor it by cutting and pasting their own school information.
Audience – primary school staff
Talking about difficult issues
The main aim of this toolkit is to help practitioners to address difficult issues with parents. It focuses on sexual
health and substance misuse and particularly relevant to those working with parents in the youth justice context. It
provides information, groupwork activities, games, quizzes and a section on evaluating the use of the toolkit.
Audience – professionals working with young people
Emotional health; a DVD and CD training pack
This pack focuses on the experience that contribute to positive and negative emotional health. It contains short film
clips of young people talking opening about their experiences of anger, self-harm, isolation and relationships with
teachers, parents and counselors. Also included are training exercises and handouts.
Audience – professionals working with young people
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Teenager suicide and self-harm
This training pack contains 5 2-hour training topics covering understanding suicide and self-harm, recognizing risk,
responding to self harm behaviour, working with family and friends and the impact on the professional.
Audience - professionals working with young people
Lifeskills: 225 ready-to-use health activities for success and wellbeing
This is a practical resource that gives teachers 225 ready-to-use worksheets that cover a wide variety of key life
skills, and addresses such topics as drugs, alcohol, sex, stress, relationships, food-related issues and self-esteem.
Produced in the USA. Suitable for older primary school children and adolescents.
Audience - schools and youth workers
Young parents; pressures and parents
This resource and DVD pack explores the experiences of teenage parents, and also covers issues such as child
abuse by neglect, alcohol abuse and bereavement. One of the films looks specifically at the tension between the
young parents, and the legal framework of social care which seeks to protect their child.
Audience - adolescents; health professionals working with teenage parents
HYP Hop pack
This pack (comprising dvd, cd-rom and manual) has evolved from extensive outreach work with young people and is an ideal resource for delivering essential sex education messages to young people. HYP stands for Healthy
Young People.
Audience - adolescents and professionals delivering sex eduction
Emotional health; a toolkit
This pack is designed to help teachers and other professionals in their work on the development of Emotional
Intelligence with children and young people. It contains emotional intelligence affirmation cards, feelings and
colours cards, photocopiable cards for the children to keep and decorate as they wish, and an explanation of how
affirmation can work.
Audience - primary and secondary teachers, and other professionals
Go girls! Supporting girls’ emotional development and building self esteem
A hand-book of practical approaches for supporting girls emotional development and building their self-esteem. It provides activities, exercises, group-work, games and helpful hints on supporting girls and young women’s personal development.
Audience - secondary school teachers and other professionals working with girls and young women
Confidentiality - a training manual for staff providing sex advice to young people
This pack assists staff working in young people’s sex advice centres to develop the knowledge and skills necessary
to respect their clients’ confidences, even in difficult circumstances, unless or until they have given permission to
disclose. The pack enables young people’s sex advice centres to develop and implement a confidentiality policy; to
facilitate induction and in-service training for staff; and to provide background material, advice and guidance for
trainers, facilitators and managers of sex advice centres.
Audience - sexual health professionals
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Getting Better with Practice
For use by personnel within GP practices, this pack be used to stimulate discussion in workshops or as a tool to
reflect on current practices. It offers practical strategies for primary care teams offering sexual health services and
support for young people. User needs to have access and knowledge to current practices and policies.
Audience - primary care staff
Boys Own; Supporting self-esteem and emotional resourcefulness
This pack provides an opportunity to think about the issues and develop positive approaches to working with boys
so they are safe and supported to play, learn, grow and develop.
Audience - youth workers; teachers
Girls out loud
The ‘Girls out loud’ pack contains a video lasting 20 minutes, guidance notes on how to tackle the issues that
emerge in the video and a copy of ‘4Girls’, fpa’s booklet for girls aged 12 - 16 that gives them the facts they want to
know about physical changes and sexual development.
Audience – health and education professionals working with girls
Teen stress folding display
This display identifies common causes of teen stress and also provides ways to cope with stress and encourages
teens not to deal with stress alone.
Audience - adolescents and professionals working with young people
Anger management
This CD is devised for teachers to help in their dealings with young people who may become
angry in a variety of situations, and contains a series of lesson plans with related activities
and resource sheets which are designed to help the young people to understand and manage their emotions.
Audience - general
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Anatomy, physiology and health
The Human Body,The Incredible Journey from Birth to Death
An incredible journey through the most complex biological mechanism on earth, from conception to the uncharted
territory of death and beyond.
Audience - older children, adolescents and adults.
The virtual body
Presented as 5 20 minutes films, this series explaining the workings of the human body, using advanced virtual
technology that clearly illustrates what happens inside us. Presented from inside the body, body functions are viewed
close up and hitherto unseen organs and processes are described. Episode titles - circulation systems; transport
mechanisms and diffusion; immune systems; homeostasis (the body’s methods of self-regulation); sensory systems
(the nervous system and hormone control); genetics.
Audience - secondary pupils; adults
Determinants of health
This DVD explains how the health status of individuals, communities and nations is determined by a complex range of
factors: biomedical, lifestyle and behaviour, knowledge attitudes and beliefs, environmental factors, genetics and gender.
Audience - secondary school pupils at standard grade and above
The human body in action: health and nutrition.
The DVD shows viewers that what we eat is crucial to our overall health, and that cells need nutrients to function
properly. The film provides a breakdown of all the essential nutrients, and the concept of a balanced diet is stressed.
Audience - 9-13 year olds
The miracle of love
This DVD is a voyage inside the human body and captures all the stages of development of the foetus from
conception to birth. Divided into 10 sections which can be watched separately or as a whole.
Audience - older primary and secondary school age pupils, and adults
Common childhood illnesses: diagnosis and treatment
At some point in their young lives, children will probably come down with a cold, a stomach upset, an ear infection,
conjunctivitis, or the flu. Drawing upon the knowledge and insights of two paediatricians, a paediatric nurse, and
parents with a lot of hands-on experience, this programme will show viewers how to identify and deal with those
common childhood illnesses - and reduce the likelihood of future re-infection, too.
Audience - parents; carers, health professionals
The new living body: episodes 1-10
This is a resource for the study of human anatomy and physiology, containing a comprehensive guide to the
workings of the human body. The DVD also includes information on the advances in medicine which have enabled us
to understand the human body better. Each of the ten programmes contains live action footage of the human body
in action, often under experimental conditions and puts the theme of the programme into context. 3D computer
graphics are used, which clearly illustrate the processes and functions in the programmes.
Audience - adolescents; adults
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Action for anaphylaxis
This DVD incorporates new guidelines on medical treatment and day-to-day care for children at risk of anaphylaxis.
It provides instructions on administering adrenaline by injection, a look inside a children’s clinic where a school
nurse receives training, a mock up of an emergency involving an allergic child at school and interviews with experts.
Audience - school nurses, teachers, other school staff and anyone else involved in the day-to-day care of children.
Holly’s story
This DVD explains to parents how to look out for symptoms of meningitis and septicaemia in their children. It
explains what the diseases are, how they differ, and how important it is to seek help quickly.
Audience - general public
Breaking the chain; interrupting the transmission of infection
This DVD describes the chain of infection using real examples and dramatic scenarios to illutrate how healthcare
workers and patients themselves can break the cycle and reduce the transmission of infection
Audience – health care professionals; general public
Advertising, the media and your health
Suitable for students aged 13-plus, this (2007) video/DVD examines the influence of advertising and the media on
young people’s lives, affecting their self-image and conflicting with reasonable health choices.
Audience - adolescents
Teaching/training packs
Caring about health; improving the health of looked after and accommodated
children in Scotland
The main aim of this pack is to support those caring for looked after and accommodated children in residential
and foster care. Presented in A-Z format, this pack provides easy access to health information, sources of help and
advice and relevant websites.
Audience - those caring for looked after and accommodated children in residential and foster care
What you should know about lice
The display teaches about head lice, body lice, and pubic lice through this informative display that presents facts
about lice. It explains how to recognize lice infestation, how to treat lice, and how to keep them from coming back.
58” x 22½” opened.
Audience - general adolescent and adult
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
The Anatomical chart series
This features 48 charts of separate areas of the human body, in a desktop style flipchart. It also includes information
on specific diseases.
Audience - general adolescent and adult
The big heart book
This is a flipchart resource covers looking after your body and healthy eating. There are sections on living and nonliving things; parts of the body and exercise; what the brain, heart and lungs do; different food groups; how to eat a
balanced diet and personal hygiene.
Audience - younger primary aged children
Full size replica skeleton
Audience – general
Full size replica skull
Audience – general
My Body topic sacks
Contains Mr Velcro face, fruit 3D puzzle, vegetable 3D puzzle, bean bag set, young naturalist kit, X ray prints, feely
bag and blindfold, pitter patter hands and feet, my hygiene set, Eating (book) and Snappy teeth (book)
Audience – primary schools
Adult organ tunic
A fabric tunic which can be worn to demonstrate all of the organs in the torso. All of the organs come with name
tags, are attached by Velcro.
Audience – primary schools and younger secondary school pupils
The incredible human body flip chart
This detailed flip book shows the muscles, cells, the brain and nervous system, and the senses all work together. It
has 12 realistic body charts with a built-in stand up easel.
Audience – older primary school age and upwards
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Bullying and violence
Kicks and insults
After being bullied regularly, one girl forms a ‘Bully Council’ with three friends and together they set out to befriend
and advise other victims on bullying. In this programme, victims and bullies describe their experiences and say what
they think needs to be done.
Audience - older primary school aged children and younger secondary school children
Cyber safe: identifying and combating cyber-bullies
The programme explains what cyber-bullying is and looks at how students can protect themselves from this everincreasing threat. It deals in turn with the following issues:What is cyber-bullying? Cyber-bullying, cyber-stalking and
the law; What can I do to protect myself? How can my parents help me? What are schools doing about cyber-bullying?
Audience - older primary school children; younger secondary school children; schools; parents
Get your head around it: bullying, achievement and anti-swot culture
A DVD resource featuring films produced in the UK based around issues including bullying, anti-swot culture and
transition to high school. A set of lesson plans is available from
Audience - older primary school children and younger secondary school pupils
Get your head around it: guns, gangs and violent crime
This programme features a range of short films produced in the UK aimed at exploring the issues around gang and
weapons culture, the effects on families and an American perspective on the fallout of gangs and violent crime
Audience - adolescents
Domestic abuse: what everyone should know
The film explores the key issues of domestic abuse in the form of interviews and statements from the people
closest to Rachel, the woman who forms the subject of the film and who suffered domestic abuse for years. It
thoroughly and clearly discusses the wide ranging causes, effects and implications of domestic abuse, how to
recognise it and what to do to eradicate it. It deals with the effects on all people involved, from abused and abuser
to family, friends and medical professionals
Audience - suitable for a very wide audience from members of the general public to any professional who may come into
contact with Domestic Abuse such as Teachers, Health & Social workers, Police and probation officers.
Think before you click: playing it safe online
This DVD helps teenagers navigate potential problems and learn important rules and strategies to keep them safe
while surfing the net. The programme presents 12 simple rules as a guide to Internet safety, and offers advice on
the following issues: avoiding cyber-fights (solve problems face-to-face, not online); how to deal with cyber-bullying;
keeping your web page private and don’t give out personal information; precautions to take when playing video
games online and posting photos online; dealing with online threats; dealing with sexual predators (warning signs to
look out for); the dangers of chatrooms (tips for safe social networking); precautions to take when using a webcam
Audience - 12 years and upwards
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Date rape
Suitable for students aged 14+, this (2008) video/DVDproduced in the USA is intended to help them gain a clear
understanding of what date rape is. It explains what rape is, and what the differences and similarities are between
date rape, stranger rape, acquaintance rape and sexual assault. It lists various examples of date rape drugs, describes
their side effects and symptoms and the ways to protect oneself against date rape and the use of date rape drugs,
and demonstrates an understanding of the steps to take and resources to turn to when a person has been raped.
Audience - adolescents; professionals working with young people
Teens and gangs
This program discusses why a teen would turn to a gang, and which that decision could be detrimental to their
safety and future. It explains why gang involvement can lead to personal risk or impairment, and what alternative, in
the form of positive group involvement, are available. Made in the USA.
Audience - adolescents; professionals working with young people
Determinants of health
This DVD explains how the health status of individuals, communities and nations is determined by a complex range of
factors: biomedical, lifestyle and behaviour, knowledge attitudes and beliefs, environmental factors, genetics and gender.
Audience - secondary school pupils at standard grade and above
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Diet and nutrition
Super size me
Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock embarks on a journey to find out if fast food is making Americans fat. For 30 days
he can’t eat or drink anything that isn’t on McDonald’s menu; he must eat three square meals a day, he must eat
everything on the menu at least once, and supersize his meal if asked.
Audience – Adolescents and adults
Fries with that? The overweight epidemic
This film covers what is fat and why do we need it; why are we getting fatter; health implications of fatty diets; social
effects of a poor diet; lifestyle changes to avoid the harmful effects of fat.
Audience – secondary schools and adults
Eating disorders
This program, produced in the USA, teaches students important information about eating disorders and their
devastating and self-destructive results. Topics include the difference between anorexia and bulimia, the dangers
of diet pills, good nutrition for teens, getting help for eating disorders, causes of eating disorders, and how eating
disorders can affect both sexes.
Audience – adolescents
Exploring vegetarianism : a healthy alternative
In this film, vegetarians will offer first-hand information on which foods provide all the necessary vitamins, minerals
and other nutritional supplements to keep their bodies healthy, and take a look at breakfast, lunch, dinner and
snacks, from a vegetarian perspective. Sample menus are provided at the end of the programme. Terms like ‘vegan’,
‘ovo-lacto vegetarian’, and ‘ovo vegetarian’ will be clearly defined
Audience – adults; adolescents
Harry at the zoo
This DVD produced in Lanarkshire follows Harry as he goes to the zoo and meets a variety of animals who tell him
all about healthy eating and how to take care of his teeth.
Audience – nursery and primary school children
Molly and the magic lunchbox
This DVD produced in Lanarkshire follows Molly as she learns about the poor choices of food and drink and the
consequences on her health.
Audience – nursery and primary school children
Harry’s holiday
This DVD produced in Lanarkshire reminds children of the importance of looking after their teeth, eating a healthy
diet and going to the dentist.
Audience – nursery and primary school children
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Nutrition and diet
In this DVD, produced in the USA,, a registered dietician and a nutritionist work with young people to explain the
principles of good nutrition and to demonstrate good eating habits, from reading product labels to selecting menu
items and preparing food at home.
Audience – adolescents
Food facts and myths
This DVD examines some common food myths in the light of sound facts about food and nutrition.
Audience - adolescents and adults
Skin deep
This film produced in the USA examines the issue of body image. One of the characters believes she is too fat, while
another character is in danger of developing an eating disorder. They both get advice from an older sister.
Audience - approximately 11-13 year olds
Janey junkfood’s fresh adventures
This DVD addresses the major nutrition concerns affecting today’s children, and helps them to create a balanced diet,
cut down on sugar and fat, make healthy food choices, balance nutrition and fitness, read food labels and understand
the marketing messages from food manufacturers. Produced in the USA. Accompanying teacher’s workbook.
Audience - younger primary school children
Determinants of health
This DVD explains how the health status of individuals, communities and nations is determined by a complex range of
factors: biomedical, lifestyle and behaviour, knowledge attitudes and beliefs, environmental factors, genetics and gender.
Audience - secondary school pupils at standard grade and above
Johnny junkfood DVD
An introduction to healthy eating and nutrition. DVD provides vital information about our bodies’ nutritional
requirements, as well as how to develop and maintain healthy eating principles. It uses an engaging animated format.
Audience - Age 11-14 27min
Junkfood wars DVD
Straightforward discussions and dramatizations arm students with a wealth of information on the updated 2005
food pyramid, the different kinds of fats and sugars, how to read ingredients labels, and how to control what foods
are available. 30min
Smart nutrition DVD
Facts about food, body image, portion size, snacking and nutrition.
Audience - Age 6-adult 27min
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Fad diets DVD
This useful presentation not only clarifies the dangers and frustrations of fad diets, but also offers suggestions to
help viewers make the transition to healthier eating habits...habits that will result in real, long-lasting weight loss and
a lifetime of learning how to maintain an ideal weight.
Audience - 14-adult 16min
Salt: the hidden threat DVD
Evidence suggests that sodium is a factor in a serious disease - hypertension, also known as high blood pressure. Young people tend to consume a lot of salt-heavy snack and fast food, possibly leading to a lifelong salt habit. The
programme explores the most common sources of sodium in our diets and offers advice for reducing it.
Audience - 14-adult 21min
When food is the enemy DVD
This programme examines the major eating disorders: anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating. Experts and patients
provide insights into possible causes and current methods of treatment. Also discusses the influence of underlying
emotional issues and the potentially serious health complications.
Audience - Age 13–Adult. 25 minutes
Gluten free foods DVD
Have you ever wondered how bread gets its soft springy texture? It’s not the yeast it’s a unique protein called gluten
this shows characteristics of gluten, causes and symptoms of coeliac disease, the effect of bread ingredients on
gluten and the production and marketing of gluten-free products.
Audience - Age 11-19 20min
Teaching/training packs
The eat well plate
This floor mat makes healthy eating easier to understand by giving a visual representation the types and proportions of food people need for a healthy and well-balanced diet.
Audience - general
Fat vest
By inserting weights of varying increments into the vest’s interior pocket, the wearer can experience the additional
weight and limited range of motion that are associated with obesity. An excellent way to start group discussions
about healthy eating.
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Overweight and obesity folding display
This folding display defines overweight and obesity and examines common causes, treatment options, and health
risks associated with these conditions. The accompanying tent card explains how to determine and classify body
mass index (BMI). Also comes with one Body Mass Index tear pad. 58” x 22 ½” opened.
Audience - general adolescent and adult
Fat chance display
This display combines ten food models with ten test tubes that provide a graphic representation of the saturated
and unsaturated fat content of each food. Food models include a cheeseburger, a chicken sandwich etc. Display also
includes a colourful, informative tent card, ten food cards with nutritional information,
My magnetic bodyboard: nutrition
Made to use with a My BodyBoard, the Nutrition Magnetic Pack features more than 90 magnets that bring to life
nutrition and dietary requirements.
Audience - Age 5-Adult
My magnetic bodyboard: Eatwell plate
Designed for use with the Double Sided My BodyBoard, the Eatwell Plate Magnetic Pack contains more than 70
pieces that create tantalising examples of healthy eating.
Audience - Age 5-Adult.
The bid heart book
Free-standing colourful book about the heart and what constitutes a healthy lifestyle.
Rethink your drink Chart
Featuring ten popular drinks-including orange juice, a fruit smoothie, an energy drink, and more-this chart graphically
shows how many teaspoons of sugar are contained in each beverage and urges viewers to be aware of how much
sugar they are drinking.
Deep fried insides display
Display contains five models representing organs (heart, brain, kidney, pancreas, and liver with gall bladder) that look
like fried foods. Includes presentation notes that explain how a diet of high-fat fried foods can be a source of excess
Nutrition desktop folding display
Reviewing different food categories and their effects on health, this folding display discusses fat, sugar, water, fibre,
and vitamins and minerals. Also includes information about the benefits of exercise.
The consequences of diabetes 3D
Hand painted, 3-D models and straightforward text explain the negative effects diabetes can have on the body. A
great tool for promoting awareness of this potentially devastating disease
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Fat Chance: A Closer Look At Fast Food Display
This display combines ten food models with ten corresponding test tubes that provide a graphic representation of
the saturated and unsaturated fat content of each food. Food models include a cheeseburger, a chicken sandwich, a
hot dog, a grilled cheese sandwich, chicken nuggets, a chicken leg, a slice of pepperoni pizza, a beef taco, fried rice,
and french fries. Display also includes a colorful, informative tent card, ten food cards with nutritional information,
test tube display rack, nylon carrying case, and informative, reproducible handout.
Audience – older primary aged children and upwards
Healthy lunchbox
This is a fabric lunchbox with cards showing the different food groups which can be used to asemble a healthy lunchbox
Audience – primary school children
Healthy foodbag
This is a fabric bag to demonstrate to pupils how to create a balanced meal using foods from the 5 food groups
Audience - primary school children
Artificial food box
A box of artificial food, which includes examples of the 5 food groups
Audience – primary school children
Happy meals topic sack
This sack of games/books and activities accompanies the nutrition and oral health strategy into practice in the early
years. Contains chefs hat, shopping list game, food memo game, tea time set, Eating (book), Come eat with us (book),
Topsy and Tim little shoppers (book)
Audience – primary school children
Fruit and vegetable topic sack
Same as above for fruit and vegetables. Contains banana fruit shaker, corn on the cob scraper, 3D vegetable puzzle,
cut and play fruit and veg, lift and look puzzle set, sentissmo lotto, knickerbockers glory game, I eat vegetables
(book), The hungry bear and the big ripe strawberry(book), Eating (book) and Oliver’s fruit salad ( book)
Audience – primary school children
Healthy food bag display
Contains a selection of 12 foods enabling children to create a lunch or dinner
Audience – primary school children
Weighed down activity
Wearing these specially designed 10-cm- and 5-cm-thick pads, pupils find out how excess body fat can make
everyday tasks, such as tying their shoes and getting up off the floor, more difficult. Each pad has an adjustable strap.
Audience - Comes with activity guide designed for use with ages 8-11
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Healthy lunch box
A selection of food enabling children to create a healthy lunch box
Audience - primary school children
A days worth of fat
This heart shaped bottle contains simulated blood and 100grams of fat
Audience - primary school children
Food Choices
This game aims to get people to think about their food selections and their portions
Audience - primary school children
Fat Facts; fast foods
10 vials of fat & display case.
Audience - general
Faux foods
Food models representing the basic food groups which can be used to teach about healthy eating.
Audience - general
Faux food package
An excellent teaching tool for any nutrition programme, this package includes 23 food models representing all the
food groups.
Globs of fat
This BIOLIKE 2™ model looks and feels like real fat and graphically illustrates the need to exercise and eat a
healthy diet. Set represents 1-lb (450-g) and 5-lb (2.3-kg) globs.
Basic fruit & vegetables bean bags
These 12 plush beanbags represent different fruits and vegetables and have fun facial expressions. Perfect for
teaching kids the importance of eating fruits and vegetables.
Audience - Age 3–Adult
The balancing of food & fitness
This game teaches players about the types of choices that need to be made to achieve that balance. On each turn,
players answer questions about nutrition and fitness and end up with one food and one activity. Players then place
the calorie disks on the model to see how that food and activity balance. Game includes presentation guide with
instructions, 20 food cards, 20 activity cards, 50 calories disks, and balance model
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Drug and alcohol abuse
OD - Going over - four real stories of overdose
Going over presents four overdose scenarios that have been dramatised from real events. The stories give clear and
important messages about responding to overdose: put unconscious people in the recovery position and dial 999. In
a loop format so they can be played repeatedly.
Audience - adolescents and adults in group settings as well as one-to-one and peer education work with drug users.
Medicines, drugs & poisons - our wonderful body
Cartoon character space explorer Zork tries to learn everything he can about earth people through observation,
asking lots of questions and summarising his learning regularly. As a result this video explains in a simple and
entertaining way the differences between medicines, drugs and poisons. The safe use of prescription and over the
counter drugs and reasons to avoid misuse of other types of drug.
Audience - primary school age children
Peer intervention : drug abuse
Many young people decide not to use drugs or alcohol, but have friends who do. This programme offers some
reasonable options, helping skills and suggestions should they decide they want to intervene and help their friends.
The programme also cautions young people to both know their limits and when to involve other agencies and adults.
Audience - adolescents
A life of ecstasy?
This DVD deals with the drug ecstasy and in particular the life and tragic death of 17 year old Daniel Ashton. In 2
parts – programme 1 is the drama, programme 2 is the documentary.
Audience - adolescents
New club drugs : designed for death
This DVD produced in the USA looks at the use of “New Club Drugs” which pose risks just as dangerous as the
original club drugs. The programme explains the dangers of these new drugs, and gives students a strong ‘no-use’
message. The programme provides up-to-date information on the physical and psychological effects of new drugs
such as Foxy and AMT (described as the next generation of Ecstasy),Yaba (a new form of methamphetamine), 2CT-7 (Blue Mystic), 2C-B (Bees), Illy (marijuana dipped in a PCP/embalming fluid mixture), misused legal drugs (e.g.
dextromethorphan/DXM), and the health hazards that each drug can cause to the body
Audience - 12 years and upwards
Tobacco; just say know
In this program produced in the USA, teen narrators and a public health expert deliver hard facts about tobacco to
young people. Topics include nicotine addiction, development of tolerance, symptoms of withdrawal, marketing tricks
of tobacco companies, and deadly diseases caused by smoking.
Audience - older primary school and younger secondary school pupils
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
If I’m lyin’ I’m dyin’: a story about smoking
When Danny tries to convince his friends that smoking is cool, he ends up teaching young viewers that just the
opposite is true. Throughout this dramatisation, young people learn the myths about smoking, develop skills to resist
peer pressure, and discover the effects of smoking on the body. The programme identifies and counters pro-smoking
messages still common in the media, and offers a lesson in health and self-image. Produced in the USA.
Audience - 9-13 year old
What’s wrong with nicotine
This new video exposes the power of nicotine addiction with information that high school students will find tough
to ignore. Produced in the USA, high school students who were lured into smoking with friends because they
thought it was “cool” are featured.
Audience - secondary school pupils
Determinants of health
This DVD explains how the health status of individuals, communities and nations is determined by a complex range of
factors: biomedical, lifestyle and behaviour, knowledge attitudes and beliefs, environmental factors, genetics and gender.
Audience - secondary school pupils at standard grade and above
Drug use and addiction DVD
Cory and Eva prefer the ‘high’ life, and use drugs to achieve it. When they are ‘flipped’ for a day this exposes them
to the dark sides of drug addiction.
Audience - Age 14-19 21 min
The reality of drug use DVD
A group of four teenagers all use marijuana regularly. Although their drug use causes problems they each profess
that smoking ‘weed’ is their hobby and their passion. When they are ‘flipped’ for a day each must confront his or her
drug use in a different way.
Audience - Age 14-19 21 min
The truth about drugs DVD
‘This graphic DVD demonstrates to teenagers the effects of various types of drugs on themselves, friends, babies
and family. The damage drugs can do to their bodies is not always apparent, and today’s teenagers often overlook
the dangers they face when using - such as rape, homelessness, suicide, imprisonment, and the inability to focus and study.
Audience - Age 14-19 21 min
Superheroes vs. Smoking DVD
In this programme, Mark thinks about joining his friends for a smoke until three heroes teach him what smoking will
do to his body. Mark decides not to smoke, and the heroes give him tips on resisting peer pressure.
Audience - Ages 5–11. 15 minutes.
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Smoking truth or dare DVD
This programme graphically demonstrates to teenagers who use tobacco exactly what this deadly habit is doing to them.
Audience - Age 14-19 34min
Tobacco teen files DVD
Young people tell their stories about smoking and discuss addiction, the health risks involved with tobacco use,
chemical components in cigarettes, and resources for quitting.
Audience - Age 13–Adult. 20 minutes
Problems with solutions
This 15 minute animated video explores the world of young volatile substance misusers (sniffers). It looks at why
they might do it, and considers a range of professional interventions with these young people. Whilst focusing on
VSA, the video has lessons for practice that are appropriate for professional workers with young people who have
to deal with drug misuse of any kind.
Audience – drug workers
Teaching/training packs
Alcohol: a toolkit to inform parents & carers about young people’s alcohol use
This resource has been designed to be used by professionals to educate parents or carers who want to know more
about alcohol and young people (up to age 16). It can also be used to support parents and carers who are having
alcohol-related problems with their young people. The resource consists of a ring binder containing all training
materials and an accompanying CD-ROM. The learning activities are separated into five sections. Each learning
activity has a standard format whereby the learning outcomes are outlined and a step-by-step description of how to
carry out the activity is explained.
Audience – health professionals
Working with drug users
The resource offers a training course that will help all drug workers to identify problematic drug and alcohol use and to
effectively assess and refer users to appropriate treatment. The material in this pack will provide a trainer with up-to-date
information and a variety of training techniques to educate and inform people who work with drug and alcohol users.
Topics covered include – background; drugs and their effects (including how to identify different drugs); what is a drug
problem? attitudes and prejudice; basic screening tools; approaches to working with drug users; models of care and the
cycle of change; working with clients who will not engage and special groups, and basic harm reduction.
Audience - substance misuse workers
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
The new primary school drugs education pack: the essential guide to developing an
effective, whole school approach to drug education
This manual (produced in England) brings together current thinking on good practice. Offering over 100 activities
for use with KS1 and KS2 pupils, it explores drug facts, myths and attitudes while providing information on laws,
safety and drugs, using a variety of approaches. The clear layout helps teachers review, plan and deliver drug
education using a whole-school approach. Includes free Basic Drug Facts Card Game.
Audience - primary schools
Drug education and training photo pack: exciting and innovative learning activities
to use with young people and adults
This pack contains four sets of A4 cards as follows: 18 A4 photographs drug related objects; 18 A4 photos with drug
names, both common and street; 18 A4 photos of people of different ages, class and ethnicity which do not show
any drug use; 18 A4 photos of people using, or involved with, drugs. It also contains a full range of learning activities
that can be used with people of varying literacy levels. The activities can be used to increase drug knowledge,
challenge attitudes, debunk stereotypes and develop skills to manage drug-related situations.
Audience - young people and adults
Drug alcohol and tobacco situation cards
These 50 situation cards, suitable for high school pupils,present real-life dilemmas, allowing players to discuss
and explore appropriate resolutions. The variety of situations described do not necessarily have a “right” answer.
Cards can be used by individuals as well as small or large groups. Comes with teacher’s instructions and idea sheet.
Produced in the USA.
Audience - 12 years and upwards
Talking about difficult issues
The main aim of this toolkit is to help practitioners to address difficult issues with parents. It focuses on sexual
health and substance misuse and particularly relevant to those working with parents in the youth justice context. It
provides information, groupwork activities, games, quizzes and a section on evaluating the use of the toolkit.
Audience - health and social care professionals
Lifeskills: 225 ready-to-use health activities for success and wellbeing
This is a practical resource that gives teachers 225 ready-to-use worksheets that cover a wide variety of key life
skills, and addresses such topics as drugs, alcohol, sex, stress, relationships, food-related issues and self-esteem.
Produced in the USA. Suitable for older primary school children and adolescents.
Audience - schools and youth workers
Drunk in charge of a body
This is a comprehenisve package of lesson plans which provides young people with facts regarding excessive
drinking and offering realistic choices within their current life experiences. It aims to enable young people to protect
themselves from the effects of excessive drinking but also to enable them to enjoy the pleasures that sensible,
sociable dinking can offer.
Audience - Professionals delivering alcohol awareness education
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Drug education and training photo pack : exciting and innovative learning activities
to use with young people and adults
This pack contains four sets of A4 cards as follows: 18 A4 photographs drug related objects; 18 A4 photos with drug
names, both common and street; 18 A4 photos of people of different ages, class and ethnicity which do not show
any drug use; 18 A4 photos of people using, or involved with, drugs.
Audience - health or education professionals working with young people; drug agencies
A little book of alcohol : activities to explore alcohol issues with young people
This book provides 30 tried and tested ideas and activities for work with young people aged 13-16 who are
exploring issues surrounding alcohol. It’s split into 3 sections - warm ups, activities and reviewing.
Audience – anyone working with young people
Rory’s resource pack
Rory is a storybook aimed at primary school children and tells the story of a dog who cannot understand why his
owner is acting a certain way, until it’s explained to him that this is because his owner has a problem with alcohol
Smoke box
The D&Wp Smoke Box accurately represents and addresses the scale of the problems that smoking has caused
there are 8 crystal cases containing the individual items. These crystal cases are removable and each tray slot and
case are numbered and bear comprehensive details on appearance, how used, effects and risks.
Aimed at young people aged 11 and upwards. Based on DrugSearch, this web-based drug encyclopaedia contains
general drug information with photos, FAQs and glossary - plus a Super Mario-style platform game and access to
additional teacher and student resources, including the latest DfES guidance to schools and a list of project ides for
young people.
Audience - adolescents and professionals delivering drug education
This is a CD-Rom aimed at inclusion at key stages three and four (ages 12-16 years) in relation to components for
the Health Education Curriculum and has been produced specifically to help schools give advice about alcohol use
and abuse as part of the education syllabus.
Audience – secondary schools
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Club drugs folding display
Youth-oriented graphics and informative text provides information about club drugs such as ecstasy, methamphetamine, GHB,
ketamine, LSD, and Rohypnol. This folding display identifies possible signs of club drug use while emphasizing the fact that these
drugs can have dangerous and deadly effects. Also includes information on getting help for a club drug problem. 58” x 22 ½”
Audience - adolescents
Drug case display
Realistic placebo drugs and drug paraphanalia. Each drug contains details on appearance, effects, risks and other information.
Audience - professionals carrying out drug awareness talks and education
Effects and hazards of substance abuse folding display
Outlines physical and social consequences of substance abuse such as alcohol, inhalants club drugs and more
Audience - adolescents
Club drugs folding display
Display emphasizes that these drugs can have dangerous and deadly effects.
Audience - adolescents
Ecstasy wall chart
This large laminated poster (24”x36”) details the potential health consequences of ecstasy.
Audience - general
Heroin wall chart
This large laminated poster (24”x36”) details the potential health consequences of heroin.
Audience - general
Alcohol wall chart
This large laminated poster (24”x36”) details the potential health consequences of alcohol.
Audience - general
Cocaine wall chart
This large laminated poster (24”x36”) details the potential health consequences of cocaine.
Audience - general
Inhalants wall chart
This large laminated poster (24”x36”) details the potential health consequences of inhalants.
Audience - general
Marijuana wall chart
This large laminated poster (24”x36”) details the potential health consequences of marijuana.
Audience - general
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Steroids wall chart
This large laminated poster (24”x36”) details the potential health consequences of steroids.
Audience - general
This large laminated poster (24”x36”) details the potential health consequences of methamphetamine.
Audience - general
My magnetic bodyboard alcohol pack
The magnetic pack of 36 different picture magnets and 38 text descriptions. This learning game allows the
each person in a class with a picture or text so they can then work individually or in groups to match the text
descriptions and place them on the My BodyBoard.
Can you pour a unit
Participants pour simulated alcohol into typical beverage glasses and then measure what they have poured to
determine how many units they would have consumed. A great way to teach responsible drinking.
Heavy drinking case
The six glasses in the display are labeled to show how many calories are in popular alcohol drinks and how many of
those calories come from fat, carbohydrates, and alcohol.
Drug identification guide
This large display uses realistic facsimiles to show today’s most commonly abused drugs. Hand painted, 3-D models are
enclosed behind Plexiglas. Stands on any tabletop for easy display. Comes with informative, reproducible handout.
Substance abuse ID flipchart
This flip chart gives employees, parents, and pupils a comprehensive overview of the most commonly abused
substances-including illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, tobacco, solvents, and steroids. Includes common street
names, appearance, methods of use, and possible effects of each drug. Features presenter’s notes on reverse panels
ABC of smoking
Flipchart presents alphabetical listings of conditions and diseases associated with smoking
My magnetic bodyboard pack (smoking)
The magnetic pack of 36 different picture magnets and 38 text descriptions. This learning game allows the
each person in a class with a picture or text so they can then work individually or in groups to match the text
descriptions and place them on the My BodyBoard
The consequences of smoking case
Featuring hand painted, 3-D models, this display shows the diseases and conditions that can result from smoking:
cancer, heart disease, emphysema, and more
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Puffing poisons chemistry set
This chemistry set dramatically demonstrates the toxic chemicals found in tobacco smoke by using real objects, liquids,
and gases. The 30 labelled jars contain items such as flies, a battery, a sewer rat, acetone, formaldehyde, and a barbeque
lighter to represent some of tobacco’s most deadly chemicals, Perfect for talks, stalls, exhibitions, and training.
Audience - Age 12-Adult.
What is a unit?
A selection of artificial glasses showing the number of units which are actually in a drink versus the number that are
commonly believed to be present.
Audience - general
Beer goggles
Glasses which are worn to simulate the effect of being drunk
Audience - general
Smoker’s tar in a jar
The ‘Tar Jar’ graphically demonstrates the amount of tar in tobacco smoke and helps to explain to smokers what
causes cancer, bronchitis and emphysema. The average 15 to 20 a day smoker takes about half a litre of brown, sticky
tar into the lungs every year.
Audience - general
Clems phlegm
This attention-getting sealed jar contains about 2 weeks of the phlegm that would be coughed up by a smoker with
COPD. Great discussion starter for any tobacco lesson or programme
Pack of toxic tar
This realistic display contains two removable cigarettes filled with gooey ‘tar’. The tar in these two cigarettes
represents the amount of toxic tar that a smoker receives from smoking one pack of cigarettes.
Smokers foul mouth
Shows the harmful effects smoking has on the mouth including gum disease, tooth decay and lip cancer. It includes
two removable tongues. One depicts hairy tongue, and the other leukoplakia (white spots) and tongue cancer. The
mouth is mounted on a base representing the lit end of a cigarette
Tar wars
Pour the provided tar mixture down the trachea and watch as it coats the giant sponge lungs.
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Drink deal
“It’s your round card game” is an active card game for ages 11 plus which aims to challenge and extend existing
knowledge about alcohol and to learn something new.
Audience - adolescents
Take control: drugs
These cards provide bite-sized chunks of information, and allow participants to engage in a game where they can
learn about the subject whilst choosing whether to share their experiences, views, feelings and understanding.
Audience - Professionals working with young people
Drug & Alcohol ball
With an emphasis on drugs and alcohol, this ball is a great way to introduce the difficult topic of substance abuse to
pupils. Includes more than 30 questions on how drugs and alcohol affect the body, relationships, and lifestyle. Comes
with instructions and answer guide.
Audience - Ages 10–16
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Ten reasons to get and stay in shape.
This DVD, produced in the USA, demonstrates the many benefits of exercise and physical activity, and shows how
they help promote and maintain health.
Audience - adolescence; adults
Gently does it
This video is aimed at older people and people with restricted mobility. Each session provides exercise routines
designed to improve co-ordination, fitness and mobility.
Audience - exercise groups and individuals`
Determinants of health
This DVD explains how the health status of individuals, communities and nations is determined by a complex range of
factors: biomedical, lifestyle and behaviour, knowledge attitudes and beliefs, environmental factors, genetics and gender.
Audience - secondary school pupils at standard grade and above
Physical activity 3D display
Four swivelling panels show rewards of an active lifestyle on one side (strong muscles, healthy arteries, healthy
joints, and reduced body fat) contrasted with consequences of a sedentary lifestyle on the other side (muscle loss,
diseased arteries, osteoarthritis, and increased body fat).
Activity bingo
Everyone wins with this game, which is played like traditional bingo with a twist: The whole group completes the
physical activity listed on each calling card. Physical activities include stretches, windmills, and jumping jacks
Spin Smart physical activity game
With this new game wheel, participants learn about physical activity and get physically active at the same time.
Players spin the wheel and then answer a question from one of the eight physical activity categories. After they
answer the question, the team can earn an extra point by doing a specified exercise. Categories include exercise
benefits, exercise safety, flexibility and balance, muscles and bones, and more.
Audience - Includes questions for Ages 6-10 and Age 11-Adult
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Exercise clever catch ball
This colourful, inflatable ball has 98 questions relating to health and fitness printed on its surface. Answer sheet and
instructions come with the ball.
Audience - Ages 12–15
Tumble & teach exercise cube
From stretching and running to jumping jacks, a variety of basic exercises to get pupils’ blood flowing are featured
on this durable cube. Smaller cube on the inside tells pupils how many times to perform the exercise shown on the outside.
Audience - Ages 5–11
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Heart disease
Sex and heart disease: a guide for patients and their partners
A DVD which dispels some of the myths and fears about sex and heart disease and reassures patients that resuming
their sex life can and should be a normal, healthy part of recovery.
Audience - patients (and their partners) recovering from heart attacks
Let’s talk about sex: a guide for health professionals with heart disease patients
Aimed at health professionals to help them discuss with heart patients and their partners some of the myths and
fears about sex and heart disease.
Audience - health professionals
Living with heart failure
The film features people who have had heart failure and looks at the practical steps that can be taken to control and
monitor their condition once a diagnosis of heart failure has been made.
Audience - patients and carers; health professionals
Have a heart Paisley phase2 – health coaching
A learning resource for anyone with an interest in heart health, anticipatory care or community health initiatives, the
film follows the progress of individual participants through their health coaching journey
Audience - health and health promotion professionals
Heart attack
Bill Paterson introduces patients and carers who describe their experience of heart attack, their recovery and
share their feelings about the future.
Audience - general
Determinants of health
This DVD explains how the health status of individuals, communities and nations is determined by a complex range of
factors: biomedical, lifestyle and behaviour, knowledge attitudes and beliefs, environmental factors, genetics and gender.
Audience - secondary school pupils at standard grade and above
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Determinants of health
This DVD explains how the health status of individuals, communities and nations is determined by a complex range of
factors: biomedical, lifestyle and behaviour, knowledge attitudes and beliefs, environmental factors, genetics and gender.
Audience - secondary school pupils at standard grade and above
What you should know about HIV/AIDS: folding display
This folding display explains how HIV/AIDS affects the immune system and other parts of the body. Also covers
transmission, treatments, and how to reduce the risk of infection. 58” x 22 ½” opened.
Audience - general adolescent and adult
HIV/AIDS desktop display
This display explains what HIV/AIDS is, how it damages the immune system and how it affects the body. It also
discusses transmission treatment and prevention
Audience - general adolescent and adult
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Beating bacteria: a user’s guide
Is a kitchen that looks clean, really clean? How effective is our hand washing? And if all is not as good as it looks,
does it really matter? With the aid of agar plates and elapsed-time results, ‘Super Agar Man’ (alias ‘SAM’) explains
all. This humorous cross-curricula program shows students how harmful bacteria can hide - and grow - in even the
cleanest looking of environments. Using the example of a dirty kitchen - and unclean hands - Super Agar Man and
his friend, Professor Tweedly, investigate the growth of bacteria over a four-day period, in samples taken from a range
of surfaces.
Audience - secondary school pupils aged 11-16
Personal health and hygiene
This programme, produced in the USA, explores the importance of basic personal hygiene, including tooth brushing,
bathing and proper skin care. The importance of sleep, good nutrition and exercise is also discussed.
Audience - younger aged primary school children
Determinants of health
This DVD explains how the health status of individuals, communities and nations is determined by a complex range of
factors: biomedical, lifestyle and behaviour, knowledge attitudes and beliefs, environmental factors, genetics and gender.
Audience - secondary school pupils at standard grade and above
Germ UV light kit
This kit teaches students how germs can hide in the cracks and crevices of the skin. Great for teaching the importance
of good hygiene and thorough hand washing. The kit includes a container of Germ Powder and a UV lamp.
Audience - general
What you should know about lice
The display teaches about head lice, body lice, and pubic lice through this informative display that presents facts
about lice. It explains how to recognize lice infestation, how to treat lice, and how to keep them from coming back.
58” x 22 ½” opened.
Audience - general adolescent and adult
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Immunisation - Why our Children must be Protected.
This short film on the MMR Vaccination shows parents expressing their on views on the immunisation. It also
includes “”Naomi’s Story -a report from Dublin,”” which shows the devastating effects measles can have on family
life. The DVD also includes English Sub-titles and British Sign Language.
Audience - general
Determinants of health
This DVD explains how the health status of individuals, communities and nations is determined by a complex range of
factors: biomedical, lifestyle and behaviour, knowledge attitudes and beliefs, environmental factors, genetics and gender.
Audience - secondary school pupils at standard grade and above
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Learning disabilities
Kylie’s private world : Sex education DVD for women with learning disabilities
This DVD is for use with females with learning difficulties in support of general sex education. May be useful to
carers of young adults with learning difficulties, as a method of reinforcing messages.
Audience - people with learning disabilities; carers
You, your body and sex the dvd: a sex education/PSHE DVD for people with learning
disabilities and special needs
This is a sex education DVD for use with people with learning disabilities. It is divided into sections, each dealing
with a different aspect of sex education. It covers topics such as growing up, periods, masturbation, keeping clean,
relationships, Kylie and Jason, loneliness, consent and meeting someone, safer sex, condoms, saying no and sex and
people’s attitudes.
Audience - children and adolescents with learning disabilities
Jason’s private world
This is for males with special needs/learning disabilities to support sex-education. The DVD has strong emphasis
on consent and how to both say “no” and understand when someone else says “no”. Also emphasised is the use of
condoms for safer sex.
Audience - males with learning disabilities and special needs
Learning the Language: Building relationships with people with severe learning
disability, autistic spectrum disorder and other challenging behaviours
This DVD demonstrates Intensive Interaction, a technique which takes the user into the other person’s world using
their own “language”.
Audience - teachers; health professionals
Winning through: by parents, for parents
This DVD champions the rights and interests of all people with autism and relates the stories by parents of autistic
children. The aim is to provide individuals with autism and their families the help, support and services that they can
access, trust and rely upon and which can make a positive difference to their lives
Audience - parents and carers of people with autism
Understanding Learning Disability: a DVD-based training resource for trainers and managers
This workshop resource is designed for use with direct care staff and others who support or are involved with
people with learning disabilities. The workshop can either be run in a single day or on a modular basis, and can be
used to develop training to include staff in the statutory, voluntary and private sectors. The video pack includes
sessions on such subjects as attention, perception, memory, comprehension and coping with change.
Audience - direct care staff and others who support or are involved with people with learning disabilities
Determinants of health
This DVD explains how the health status of individuals, communities and nations is determined by a complex range of
factors: biomedical, lifestyle and behaviour, knowledge attitudes and beliefs, environmental factors, genetics and gender.
Audience - secondary school pupils at standard grade and above
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Teaching/training packs
Working with risk: trainers manual
The Working with Risk Trainer’s Manual supports the implementation of the Working with Risk Practitioner’s Manual
and local policy developments. The training takes the form of a two-day workshop, divided into eight parts with
OHPs and handouts and aims to reinforce the practitioner’s confidence in the way they go about assessing risks
in daily practice, reflecting on the wider contextual issues of working practice. It also focuses attention on service
users’ priorities and choices, and allows participants to share ideas and experiences
Audience - those working within health and social care services, voluntary and independent sector services, and across all
ages and sectors including mental health, learning and physical disabilities, and sensory impairments. It is also aimed at the
managers and practitioners of services wishing to implement the Working with Risk approach within their organizations
Positive goals: interventions for people with learning disabilities whose
behaviour challenges
This training pack is designed as an aid to the selection and evaluation of interventions for people with learning
disabilities whose behaviour challenges services. It focuses on a range of potential outcomes and looks at the
personal and social consequences of this type of behaviour, and the effect of interventions on these.
Audience - professionals working with people with learning disabilities or challenging behaviours
Mental health promotion for people with learning disabilities; supporting people
with learning disabilities to stay mentally well
This pack, which comes with a CD-ROM containing electronic copies of all the handouts, leaflets and OHP’s used
in the programme, has been developed to support health and social care staff, carers and advocates in teaching
people with learning disabilities about mental health and mental health problems. It aims to support participants to
recognize emotions and feelings, identify situations they may find stressful, develop personal coping strategies, and
develop a better awareness of mental health problems and the services available to them.
Audience - Professionals working with people with learning disabilities who are able to express themselves in terms of wants
and needs.
A manual of good practice in special educational needs : information pack for staff
This Manual offers guidance to all those concerned with the education of children and young persons with special
educational needs.
Audience - Local Authorities; schools; education support services
All about us
The resource provides a self-study learning tool that can be used by someone with learning disabilities on their own,
or with support, to introduce key issues. It will complement the delivery of sex and relationships education in the
home, school, and other learning environments.
Audience - people with learning disabilities; staff working with people with learning disabilities
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Men’s health
Never mind the bollocks: testicular cancer: the facts
Featuring interviews with 2 men who have had testicular cancer this DVD aims to make the cancer less of a taboo
subject. It features advice from a cancer specialist and a demo on how to carry out a self examination. (The DVD
does not contain any sound recordings of the Sex Pistols).
Audience - older secondary school pupils and men
Testicular cancer and the importance of TSE (testicular self examination)
This documentary-style programme, produced in the USA, describes testicular cancer, explains how it can affect
men, and identifies potential risk factors and possible warning signs. Emphasizing the importance of early detection
and treatment, this video teaches men how to perform monthly testicular self examination to detect abnormalities
Audience - men; health professionals
Determinants of health
This DVD explains how the health status of individuals, communities and nations is determined by a complex range of
factors: biomedical, lifestyle and behaviour, knowledge attitudes and beliefs, environmental factors, genetics and gender.
Audience - secondary school pupils at standard grade and above
Testicular model
Model of the testicles with lumps in a bio-like material to assist in teaching self examination.
Audience - general
Male body parts
This is a fabric model of the male reproductive organs with Velcro-attached parts and label cards.
Audience - primary school children
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Mental and emotional health
Teen anger
This DVD produced in the USA covers what leads up to anger and how to diffuse angry or violent situations.
Viewers will also learn about anger and home life, why covering up anger is dangerous, how to maintain positive
attitudes and how to deal with this negative emotion in a positive way.
Audience - adolescents
Insights on depression
The DVD contains interviews with Psychiatrists and 2 people who have suffered from depression. The symptoms
are discussed, including suicidal thoughts. Recovery through patient care, medication and psychotherapy is shown
Audience - mental health professionals
Eating disorders
This program, produced in the USA, teaches students important information about eating disorders and their
devastating and self-destructive results. Topics include the difference between anorexia and bulimia, the dangers
of diet pills, good nutrition for teens, getting help for eating disorders, causes of eating disorders, and how eating
disorders can affect both sexes.
Audience - adolescents
Reflections on recovery
This film brings together 4 personal stories about recovering from mental health problems, interwoven with the
views of many others around recovery and what recovery means for them
Audience - health professionals; students studying mental health; people experiencing mental health problems
A-Z of your head
A-Z of your head looks at the variety of mental health issues that affect young people. It tries to destigmatise
mental health problems and encourage young people to talk openly about their feelings. The programme races
through the alphabet, covering a range of questions and issues.
Audience - adolescents
Breaking point
These 3 programmes cover suicide, and the feelings that this invokes. In the first film, one man talks about how he
coped with feelings of bereavement, guilt, self-pity and depression after his wife took her own life. In the second film,
the last hours of a teenage girl are followed with an explanation of why young people commit suicide, what signs we
can look out for and what we can do to help. The third film covers stress and how to cope with it, using case studies.
Audience - health professionals; people with mental ill health
Teen depression
In this program, produced in the USA, students learn about the real risks of teen depression, how to identify
depression and why depression interferes with a teen’s life. Students learn about self-medication and the dangers of
trying to solve chemical imbalances themselves along with the warning signs of depression and why it’s important to
seek help. This program also covers the tragedy of teen suicide and what to do if you or a friend needs help.
Audience - adolescents; health professionals working with young people
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
ADHD: Kids out of control
This dvd, filmed in New Zealand, examines the lives of a range of people (both children and adult) who suffer from
ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). It demonstrates the importance of correct and early diagnosis
and the difficulties in making such a decision. The different methods of dealing with ADHD such as drugs, life
management, natural remedies and counselling are featured.
Audience – health professionals
Determinants of health
This DVD explains how the health status of individuals, communities and nations is determined by a complex range of
factors: biomedical, lifestyle and behaviour, knowledge attitudes and beliefs, environmental factors, genetics and gender.
Audience - secondary school pupils at standard grade and above
Mental fitness DVD
This engaging DVD gives your brain a workout with stimulating and enjoyable exercises. Follow the merry
adventures of Mike and Colleen as they exercise their brains-and challenge you to do the same
Teaching/training packs
Young minds; Scottish edition
Specifically written for professionals working in Scotland, this training resource developed by YoungMinds Training
and Consultancy Service around the mental health needs of looked after and accommodated children, examines
the mental health needs of this vulnerable and diverse group, and the ways in which professionals and carers can
promote the development of more integrated and holisitic care.
Audience - professionals caring for and working with children and young people in public care
Managing self-harm
This flexible training pack provides trainers with all the resources required to train staff with very different levels of
knowledge, skills and experience of working with self-harm. It can be used as a basic introduction for people who
may not have professional mental health training and who are working with clients who self-harm. It can also be
used to reinforce good practice and develop specific skills with staff who have relevant professional qualifications
and experience or training in this area
Audience – health professionals
Working with risk; trainers manual
The Working with Risk Trainer’s Manual supports the implementation of the Working with Risk Practitioner’s Manual
and local policy developments. The training takes the form of a two-day workshop, divided into eight parts with
OHPs and handouts and aims to reinforce the practitioner’s confidence in the way they go about assessing risks
in daily practice, reflecting on the wider contextual issues of working practice. It also focuses attention on service
users’ priorities and choices, and allows participants to share ideas and experiences
Audience - those working within health and social care services, voluntary and independent sector services, and across all
ages and sectors including mental health, learning and physical disabilities, and sensory impairments. It is also aimed at the
managers and practitioners of services wishing to implement the Working with Risk approach within their organizations
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Connecting Lives: a DVD training pack on working with homeless, vulnerable and
socially excluded people
This DVD training pack is designed to help anyone who wants to run a series of groupwork sessions about
emotional and relationship issues for staff and volunteers who work with vulnerable and socially excluded people. It
increases the capacity of front-line staff and management to support change in the lives of homeless and vulnerable
people, and cope with challenging behaviour.
Audience - front-line workes, users and managers in social services, school mentoring, youth work/Connexions, youth offending teams,
probation service, prison service, police, trainee lawyers, magistrates, drug units, mental health services, and homeless agencies
Life skills: 225 ready-to-use health activities for success and well-being
Provides worksheets with exercises on such health topics as drugs, alcohol, and smoking; sex; love, marriage, and
family relationships; life skills; stress; food-related issues; body and body image; and self-esteem.
Audience – late primary school aged children and upwards
Dealing with feeling
This training pack (produced in the USA) provides teachers of children aged 5–8 with structured opportunities to
develop their emotional literacy. It emphasizes the development of empathy, tolerance, resilience, and motivation as
well as an emotional vocabulary. The text helps teachers introduce students to a variety of techniques for managing
more complex and uncomfortable feelings in a variety of situations. Solution-focused strategies are woven into
worksheet tasks, self-reflection activities and take-home assignments.
Audience – primary school teachers
Emotional health: a DVD and CD training pack
This pack focuses on the experience that contribute to positive and negative emotional health. It contains short film
clips of young people talking opening about their experiences of anger, self-harm, isolation and relationships with
teachers, parents and counselors. Also included are training exercises and handouts.
Audience – professionals working with young people
Teenager suicide and self-harm
This training pack contains 5 2-hour training topics covering understanding suicide and self-harm, recognizing risk,
responding to self harm behaviour, working with family and friends and the impact on the professional.
Audience - professionals working with young people
Lifeskills: 225 ready-to-use health activities for success and wellbeing
This is a practical resource that gives teachers 225 ready-to-use worksheets that cover a wide variety of key life
skills, and addresses such topics as drugs, alcohol, sex, stress, relationships, food-related issues and self-esteem.
Produced in the USA. Suitable for older primary school children and adolescents.
Audience – schools and youth workers
Emotional health: a toolkit
This pack is designed to help teachers and other professionals in their work on the development of Emotional
Intelligence with children and young people. It contains emotional intelligence affirmation cards, feelings and colours cards,
photocopiable cards for the children to keep and decorate as they wish, and an explanation of how affirmation can work.
Audience – primary and secondary teachers, and other professionals
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Memory joggers 1940-1989 royalty
Discussion around flashcards is a wonderful way of animating any group and we have produced two sets on popular
topics that are bound to trigger treasured memories, create interaction and help stories flow. Memory Joggers:
Royalty introduces one card and one member of a royal family for each year from 1940 to 1989
Memory joggers 1940-1989 entertainers
Discussion around flashcards is a wonderful way of animating any group and we have produced two sets on popular
topics that are bound to trigger treasured memories, create interaction and help stories flow. Memory Joggers:
Entertainers introduces one card and one entertainers for each year from 1940 to 1989
Thinking cards
100 exercises and memory tips to keep the mind active. Specially designed for older adults with Mild Cognitive
Impairment and early Alzheimer’s Disease.
Mental fitness cards
Everything you need to run a mental exercise group for older adults. This unique Instructor’s Guide makes it easy
Group activities with older adults
This clear and easy-to-use resource provides the tools you require to develop and implement a range of activities
that meet the needs of your group.
Treasured memories
Designed for older people in day centers, hospitals or residential care, this board game encourages players to recall
people, events, things and stories from their past
Sounds nostalgic 40s & 50s voices
Designed to be used as a trigger for reminiscence work with older people, this CD provides a valuable stimulus for
conversation. It can also be used for group or individual quiz sessions
Sounds nostalgic 40s & 50s radio theme tunes
Designed to be used as a trigger for reminiscence work with older people, this CD provides a valuable stimulus for
conversation. It can also be used for group or individual quiz sessions
Teen stress folding display
Juggling a variety of responsibilities, many teens experience stress. This folding display helps teens learn to cope with
stress by defining what stress is, identifying common causes of teen stress, describing how the body responds to
stress, and explaining how stress can be positive as well as negative. Also provides healthy ways to cope with stress
and encourages teens not to deal with stress alone. 43 1/2” x 22 1/2” opened
Audience - adolescents
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Anger management skills card game
This card game is designed to facilitate discussions and developments of anger management skills. Cards and topics
can be selected to be of most benefit to the audience.
Audience - Professionals working with groups
Anger management skills situation cards game
This card game is designed to facilitate discussions and developments of anger management skills through the use of
situation cards. Cards and topics can be selected to be of most benefit to the audience.
Audience - Professionals working with groups
The skittle game
Game of indoor skittles for the elderly
Rhythm pals
A unique set of six complementary instruments with specially molded handles to encourage a strong, firm grip.
Attractive colors, interesting shapes and textures to motivate exploration of touch and sound. Different techniques
are required to play each instrument. Encouraging the development of audio, visual, tactile and motor skills. Suitable
for individual use or group play. Colors may vary.
Rest and sleep
This audio CD helps to encourage sleep and relaxation. Track one helps you to wind down from the pressures and
stressed of everyday life and track 2 helps you to sleep.
Self discovery
These easy to follow guided meditations aim to help calm your thoughts and ease your body into a state of total relaxation.
Stress control pack audio CD; a self help pack with all you need to understand, assess and control stress
This relaxation programme has been designed by a qualified practitioner, and covers the definition of stress, the
stress response, causes of stress, how to assess your stress levels, and the signs of stress.
Audience - general
Anger management
This CD is devised for teachers to help in their dealings with young people who may become angry in a variety of
situations, and contains a series of lesson plans with related activities and resource sheets which are designed to
help the young people to understand and manage their emotions.
Audience - general
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Oral health
How to protect your child’s teeth
A DVD on the dangers of sugar and hidden sugars and how these affect your teeth. The DVD also has a section on
looking after you teeth and how to brush them properly.
Audience - parents, grandparents and carers of children of all ages
Dental care for children: age 3-12
In this programme nutrition and dental health habits are emphasised, and brushing and cleaning skills are demonstrated
with interesting graphics to help children understand the importance of self-care and cavity prevention.
Audience - nursery and primary school age children
Harry at the zoo
This DVD produced in Lanarkshire follows Harry as he goes to the zoo and meets a variety of animals who tell him
all about healthy eating and how to take care of his teeth.
Audience - nursery and primary school children
Molly and the magic lunchbox
This DVD produced in Lanarkshire follows Molly as she learns about the poor choices of food and drink and the
consequences on her health.
Audience - nursery and primary school children
Harry’s holiday
This DVD produced in Lanarkshire reminds children of the importance of looking after their teeth, eating a healthy
diet and going to the dentist.
Audience - nursery and primary school children
Smile with confidence: chewing the facts - a guide to a healthy mouth
This DVD was produced with the assistance of staff and pupils from Larkhall Academy and Caldervale High School.
It aims to build on the good work within nursery and primary schools by updating oral health in the curriculum,
emphasising the importance of good oral health to pupils and staff, and helping to create healthy and supportive
school environments in terms of nutrition and oral health.
Audience - nursery and primary schools
Goofy’s hygiene game
A begrudging 8 year old Ryan agrees to play a game with his younger sister. When Goofy magically appears on the
family television and begins addressing the children, Goofy’s hygiene game becomes an adventure!
Audience - primary school aged children
Determinants of health
This DVD explains how the health status of individuals, communities and nations is determined by a complex range of
factors: biomedical, lifestyle and behaviour, knowledge attitudes and beliefs, environmental factors, genetics and gender.
Audience - secondary school pupils at standard grade and above
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Teaching/training packs
Delivering better oral health: an evidence-based toolkit for prevention - second edition
This pack provides guidance to all members of the dental team on evidence based prevention and gives practical,
evidence-based guidance to help staff to promote oral health and prevent oral disease in their patients. The
fundamental messages of the first edition have not been changed, but there have been updates to the lists of
toothpaste fluoride content and sugar-free medicines. There are also amendments to the dietary and alcohol sections.
Audience - dental health teams
Big mouth - keeping teeth healthy
A model of the teeth and mouth for demonstrating oral hygiene
Audience - general
Baby buds dental models
This contains 3 sets of dental models; each unit demonstrates 3 stages of development of the teeth and jaws. The
3 stages are 3-6 5-9 and 9-12 years. This may be used as part of the primary health education curriculum on health
growth and development. It may also be used for dental/oral education
Audience - general
Jigsaw toothbrush
8 piece jigsaw of a toothbrush
Audience - general
Jigsaw perfect teeth
8 piece jigsaw of perfect teeth
Audience - general
Jigsaw dentist
8 piece jigsaw of a dentist
Audience - general
The mini molar club stamp and ink pad
Audience - general
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Dental health model pack
This contains teeth model with dental problems, Smoker’s foul mouth and posters, Gammy gum model and poster,
giant dental care model and poster, Giant timer, Teenagers oral health flip chart
Audience - general
These are used for teaching children how to brush their teeth. The following animals are available for loan:
Kangaroo “BG Roo”
Doogan Dog
Freddy Flossisauras
Allie Z Gato
Lil’Mojo Monkey
Roary Z Lion
Oral health crate
This contains a range of resources to help deliver oral health education. Crate contents – moth model; smokers
foul mouth model; tubs of sugar showing grams; smile with confidence DVD, workbooks; posters and egg timer to
demonstrate how long teeth brushing should take.
Audience - anyone delivering oral health education
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Pregnancy and parenting
From bump to breastfeeding
The DVD aims to motivate and enable the next generation of mothers to make a supported choice to breastfeed
by providing real-world stories, advice and techniques in a non-didactic and accessible way. Given to all pregnant
women in the UK
Audience - Adult and adolescent/general
Why abortion? Understanding why women choose to have an abortion
This DVD explores the realities faced by women with an unplanned pregnancy and considering abortion. Using
short drama pieces the viewer is asked to make choices based on the information presented to them. It comes with
a manual to help professionals who work with young people or adults examine how unplanned pregnancy impacts
on the lives of those involved, the options available when facing an unplanned pregnancy, and the factors that
influence the decision making process.
Audience - Young people aged 14 and over; education, social services and health professionals, and youth and community workers
Breastfeeding; the essentials
A DVD showing how to breastfeed. Filmed in the breastfeeding clinic in Oxford, have all volunteered to help make
the learning process easier for other mothers by illustrating both what to do and what to avoid. The film utilises
slow-motion, freeze-frame and computer animation techniques to focus on good positioning and attaching the baby
to the breast.
Audience - health professionals working with antenatal groups, and a general audience
Life as a teenage mum
This DVD follows the stories of four young mothers, from their ideas and fantasies about motherhood before they
became pregnant, to the reality of their lives during pregnancy and after giving birth. Topics include: the physical impact of pregnancy and labour
how a baby can affect relationships with parents, partners and friends
loss of freedom
the responsibilities of parenthood, and
the financial demands of children.
Audience - secondary school pupils
The miracle of love
This DVD is a voyage inside the human body and captures all the stages of development of the foetus from
conception to birth. Divided into 10 sections which can be watched separately or as a whole.
Audience - older primary and secondary school age pupils, and adults
Prenatal development
This programme examines the nine months beginning with conception and ending with the birth of a healthy baby.
In addition, information is given about the major milestones during pregnancy, emphasising the importance of the
mother’s health, nutrition and care.
Audience - ages 13 to adult.
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Four carrier bags and a buggy
This programme is divided into sections and can be screened complete or as a series of individual discussion
leaders: Having a baby – the physical and emotional effects; Coping – the everyday struggles of managing; Cost of
living – coping with everyday expenses; Relationships – the strain that having a child puts on them; Depression –
how the situation can lead to mental stress; Looking forward – how the young parents view the future. Includes
concise and easy-to-use teaching notes with suggestions for exercises and guidance for leading discussions. An
effective way of using peer education to make young people aware of the difficulties and realities of being a parent.
Audience - adolescents; professionals working with young people
Reality check: Caroline’s story
Eight months before her 16th birthday, Caroline discovered she was pregnant. This DVD documents Caroline’s
feelings and thoughts in the months leading up to and just after the birth of her daughter Kayla.
Audience - adolescents; professionals working with young people
Toddler taming: the guide to your child from one to four
The programme is presented over 3 disks, giving parents information on child development, discipline, sleep
problems, eating and feeding problems, starting pre-school, sibling rivalry, how to balance work and family life and
children with disabilities.
Audience - parents and carers; health professionals working with parents and parents-to-be
Baby’s first year
This programme provides a roadmap for parents and caregivers to help them understand a baby’s first 12 months of life.
Included in this presentation is the identification of key developmental issues, with specific regard to the physical,
emotional, social, and intellectual growth an infant undergoes during his or her first year.
Audience - parents and carers; health professionals working with parents and parents-to-be
The child from 1 to 3
This programme offers an easy-to-follow guided tour through a developing child’s early years of life. Advice from
experts in the childcare field provides additional insight into this formative period of human development.
Audience - parents and carers; health professionals working with parents and parents-to-be
The child from 4 to 6
This programme depicts child development from the ages of 4 to 6, the years in which a child practices and finetunes motor skills and coordination, tests physical abilities, and experiences the onset of demanding physical,
emotional, and social changes and challenges. Also covered is the first year of school.
Audience - parents and carers; health professionals working with parents
The child from 7 to 12
This programme takes viewers through two stages: (1) middle childhood, when children build upon what they learned
in early childhood, and (2) early adolescence, when children begin to undergo the changes associated with puberty.
Audience - parents and carers; health professionals working with parents
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Baby massage
This DVD provides information on how to set up baby massage classes for health professionals and children’s centre
staff. The sections include: how to set up classes and how to teach; baby massage technique - step by step; the do’s
and don’ts of demonstration; preparation; consideration for groups; baby massage benefits; when not to massage;
parents’ views; and a printable PDF of the parents/carers leaflet.
Audience – health professionals
Follow me mum: the key to successful breastfeeding
This DVD teaches mothers how to work with their baby’s instinctive behaviors. It is presented in separate segments
explaining attachment, milk removal, nipple pain, infants instinctive position, practical steps to positioning and
attachment, and assessing good attachment. It uses the hands off teaching method shown to reduce nipple pain and
damage and increase breastfeeding rates in the first 6wks postpartum.
Audience – health professionals and others working with breastfeeding mothers; mothers
Determinants of health
This DVD explains how the health status of individuals, communities and nations is determined by a complex range of
factors: biomedical, lifestyle and behaviour, knowledge attitudes and beliefs, environmental factors, genetics and gender.
Audience - secondary school pupils at standard grade and above
Growing up: A guide to puberty DVD
This programme helps young people understand physical changes during puberty, feelings and emotions they
may experience, and changing relationships with family, friends, and peers. Includes teacher’s activity book with
reproducible activity sheets and colourful posters.
Audience – Ages 7–11. 57 minutes
Living and growing DVD
Introducing sex education to younger children, through puberty and birth, to media images, same-sex relationships
and teenage pregnancy.
Teaching/training packs
Is she getting enough? Using drama to look at social barriers to breastfeeding
Produced by NHS Tayside, this video and training pack aims to highlight the influence friends, family and health
professionals have on the decision to breastfeed. It covers topics such as the antenatal period, early days with the
baby and returning to work.
Audience - anyone working with breastfeeding mothers or those wanting to find out more about breastfeeding.
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Young parents: pressures and parents
This resource and DVD pack explores the experiences of teenage parents, and also covers issues such as child
abuse by neglect, alcohol abuse and bereavement. One of the films looks specifically at the tension between the
young parents, and the legal framework of social care which seeks to protect their child.
Audience - adolescents; health professionals working with teenage parents
Title: Is she getting enough? - Using drama to look at social barriers to breastfeeding.
This video and training pack provide a series of scenarios focussing on everyday situations which any expectant
parent may encounter, such as going out and returning to work.
Audience - health professionals working with breastfeeding mothers and also for anyone wishing to learn more
about breastfeeding.
Baby bellies display
Many mothers worry that their newborns aren’t getting enough breastmilk. This display reveals how small a
newborn’s stomach actually is and how much milk it can hold. Enclosed in a clear plastic bag for easy viewing the
plastic egg that represent a baby’s stomach size on the first, third, and tenth days of life
Ready or not baby simulator(Girl)
The Ready-or-Not Tot Baby Simulators effectively demonstrate how demanding and time-consuming parenting
can be. Perfect for use with teenagers or expectant parents, these lifelike, newborn-size manikins offer a variety of
programme settings that simulate an infant’s varying needs and require immediate user response
Ready or not baby simulator(Boy)
The Ready-or-Not Tot Baby Simulators effectively demonstrate how demanding and time-consuming parenting
can be. Perfect for use with teenagers or expectant parents, these lifelike, newborn-size manikins offer a variety of
programme settings that simulate an infant’s varying needs and require immediate user response
Pregnancy display pelvis
A display of a baby in the pelvis
Cloth breast model
A fabric model of the breast for demonstrating breast feeding. Puppets to demonstrate correct positioning also available
Audience - general
Breastfeeding puppets
For use with the cloth breast model to demonstrate the correct position for breastfeeding
Audience - general
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Breastfeeding dolls
10 dolls for demonstrating the correct positioning for breastfeeding
Audience - general
Baby think it over
Life size model of new born baby used to demonstrate the difficulties of coping with a new baby. Used in classrooms
and school groups with adolescents. There are also 3 control babies, one of which must go out with all dolls to stop
the doll crying. Comes with baby carriers upon request.
Audience - general
Pregnancy pelvis
Full size model of the pelvis showing an 8 month and 3 month foetus for comparison
Audience - general
Baby bellies display
Many mothers worry that their newborns aren’t getting enough breastmilk. This display reveals how small a
newborn’s stomach actually is and how much milk it can hold. Enclosed in a clear plastic bag for easy viewing the
plastic egg that represent a baby’s stomach size on the first, third, and tenth days of life
Ready or not baby simulator(Girl)
The Ready-or-Not Tot Baby Simulators effectively demonstrate how demanding and time-consuming parenting
can be. Perfect for use with teenagers or expectant parents, these lifelike, newborn-size manikins offer a variety of
programme settings that simulate an infant’s varying needs and require immediate user response
Ready or not baby simulator(Boy)
The Ready-or-Not Tot Baby Simulators effectively demonstrate how demanding and time-consuming parenting
can be. Perfect for use with teenagers or expectant parents, these lifelike, newborn-size manikins offer a variety of
programme settings that simulate an infant’s varying needs and require immediate user response
Pregnancy display pelvis
A display of a baby in the pelvis
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Sex education and sexuality
Kylie’s private world : Sex education DVD for women with learning disabilities
This DVD is for use with females with learning difficulties in support of general sex education. May be useful to
carers of young adults with learning difficulties, as a method of reinforcing messages.
Audience - people with learning disabilities; carers
Living & Growing - All about us - Sex and relationships education for 5-11 year olds
(Units 1, 2 & 3)
All three units in the Living and Growing series are available on a single DVD, offering you greater flexibility and
control in the classroom. Interactive DVD features: Units in the series have been divided into 5-minute chapters
so you can locate specific learning points - you can also watch the programmes straight through A quiz follows
each chapter so you can check pupils’ comprehension.You can also run the complete ‘quiz engine’ separately from
the programmes. An on-screen discussion point follows each quiz, to enable class debate Optional subtitles. 3
workbooks accompany the dvd. This also includes the Primary Sex Education Programme - A guide for teachers,
parents and governors.
Audience - primary school age children
You, your body and sex the dvd: a sex education/PSHE DVD for people with
learning disabilities and special needs
This is a sex education DVD for use with people with learning disabilities. It is divided into sections, each dealing
with a different aspect of sex education. It covers topics such as growing up, periods, masturbation, keeping clean,
relationships, Kylie and Jason, loneliness, consent and meeting someone, safer sex, condoms, saying no and sex and
people’s attitudes.
Audience - children and adolescents with learning disabilities
Jason’s private world
This is for males with special needs/learning disabilities to support sex-education. The DVD has strong emphasis
on consent and how to both say “no” and understand when someone else says “no”. Also emphasised is the use of
condoms for safer sex.
Audience - males with learning disabilities and special needs
Sex and heart disease: a guide for patients and their partners
A DVD which dispels some of the myths and fears about sex and heart disease and reassures patients that resuming
their sex life can and should be a normal, healthy part of recovery.
Audience - patients (and their partners) recovering from heart attacks
Let’s talk about sex: a guide for health professionals with heart disease patients
Aimed at health professionals to help them discuss with heart patients and their partners some of the myths and
fears about sex and heart disease.
Audience - health professionals
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Out to the family
This film shows six families, from a wide range of backgrounds, coming to terms with the developing sexual or
gender identity of a son or daughter. It aims to help parents and others understand more about the issues facing
their LGBT teenagers, and how best to help them. The pack, which includes a 15-minute animated film and a
booklet, is designed to raise awareness, aid discussion, and highlight the needs of LGBT teenagers.
Audience - young people, parents and families
Life as a teenage mum
This DVD follows the stories of four young mothers, from their ideas and fantasies about motherhood before they
became pregnant, to the reality of their lives during pregnancy and after giving birth. Topics include: the physical impact of pregnancy and labour
how a baby can affect relationships with parents, partners and friends
loss of freedom
the responsibilities of parenthood, and
the financial demands of children.
Audience - secondary school pupils
The miracle of love
This DVD is a voyage inside the human body and captures all the stages of development of the foetus from
conception to birth. Divided into 10 sections which can be watched separately or as a whole.
Audience - older primary and secondary school age pupils, and adults
Prenatal development
This programme examines the nine months beginning with conception and ending with the birth of a healthy baby.
In addition, information is given about the major milestones during pregnancy, emphasising the importance of the
mother’s health, nutrition and care.
Audience - ages 13 to adult.
Four carrier bags and a buggy
This programme is divided into sections and can be screened complete or as a series of individual discussion
leaders: Having a baby – the physical and emotional effects; Coping – the everyday struggles of managing; Cost of
living – coping with everyday expenses; Relationships – the strain that having a child puts on them; Depression –
how the situation can lead to mental stress; Looking forward – how the young parents view the future. Includes
concise and easy-to-use teaching notes with suggestions for exercises and guidance for leading discussions. An
effective way of using peer education to make young people aware of the difficulties and realities of being a parent.
Audience - adolescents
Sexually transmitted infections; what we can’t see
Suitable for students aged 14-plus, this DVD presents information about a range of sexually transmitted infections
(STIs), the possible consequences of contracting them, safe sex strategies to avoid contracting them, and what to
do if you think you might be infected. The programme contrasts two different scenarios for a young couple and
demonstrates the likely health consequences of their lifestyle decisions.
Audience - adolescents
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Out there
This DVD is intended to be used as a training tool to support agencies, organisations and schools to raise
awareness and promote understanding of LBG Communities. This can be used with both young people and adults in
both formal and informal learning sessions in schools, seminars and conferences. The material shows individuals who
talk about what their sexuality means to them, their relationships with partners, families and friends and how the
positive changes in society have impacted on their lives.
Audience - youth agencies; schools
Determinants of health
This DVD explains how the health status of individuals, communities and nations is determined by a complex range of
factors: biomedical, lifestyle and behaviour, knowledge attitudes and beliefs, environmental factors, genetics and gender.
Audience - secondary school pupils at standard grade and above
Understanding HIV and Aids DVD
Students are introduced to the basics and learn about transmission and precautions necessary to protect
themselves. People with HIV talk openly about their experiences and answer questions from a panel of young
students. 17min
Sexually transmitted diseases DVD
This DVD explains the most common STDs: gonorrhoea, Chlamydia, herpes, syphilis, hepatitis B, and HPV. Issues
such as causes, treatment, and prevention are also discussed. 18 min
Sexual responsibility DVD
Before teenagers Lauren and Paul began their unsettling ‘flipped day’ each had revealed they’d engaged in
unprotected sex with multiple partners - without serious thought for the consequences. Now Lauren faces life and
death with AIDS, and Paul confronts the responsibilities that come with fathering a child.
Audience - Age 14-19 21min
Safer sex game
Activity designed for use with young people, the game addresses social and emotional as well as physical aspects
of sexual health. It tries to emphasise that young people have rights over their own bodies, aims to help them be
assertive, make informed decisions and resist unwanted pressure, so that they can take control of their sexual
behaviour. The game also aims to help young people appreciate that others may make different choices and begin to
understand why they make them, while maintaining their confidence in their own decisions about sexual activity.
Audience - adolescents
Fact or fiction
This is a card game where players are guided through a maze of misconceptions about human sexuality
Audience - adolescents
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
STD roulette game
This roulette game is an excellent tool for starting a discussion about sexually transmitted diseases. The roulette
wheel features common STDs, and the game cards present real-life scenarios that address different sexual situations.
Includes game cards and a leader’s guide that provides instructions and additional information about STDs
Audience - adolescents
Crossroads: talking about teen sexuality
This board game encourages teens to make informed choices about sexuality Audience - adolescents
This is an updated version of the original Grapevine Game, which aims to help create a group atmosphere in which
individuals are free to ask questions, admit fears and discuss issues more openly.
Audience - young people aged 11 and upwards
Contraception board game
An interactive sex education resource was developed in line with DfES Sex and Relationship Guidance (DfES 2000),
and in consultation with young people
Human sexuality bingo
A lively and practical resource, which effectively educates about sex-related issues in a non-threatening way. It is
ideal for creating class discussion and the topics provide factual information about puberty, sexually transmitted
infections, pregnancy and contraception. Students can play individually or as teams.
Audience - Age 11-18
Exploring sexual issues with teens game
This set of 50 activity cards answers typical questions that young people may have about sexual issues. Topics include
male and female reproductive systems, pregnancy and birth, sexually transmitted infections and contraception. Cards
can be used with individuals or groups
Graphic illustrations of STIs CD ROM
An educational CD-ROM containing PowerPoint presentations of graphic images of the 12 most common sexually
transmitted infections
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Teaching/training packs
All I want - LIVE standards
This manual aims to provide drop-in staff with a clear outline of standards and policies to be implemented in all
Healthy Respect accredited drop-ins. It reflects current Healthy Respect, NHS Lothian and Scottish Government
policies and the existing evidence of effective sexual health interventions. The standards have been developed in
close consultation with young people as well as a wide range of professionals. The manual should be used by all staff
working in Healthy Respect accredited drop-ins.
Audience - nurses, doctors, receptionists, community learning and development staff and youth workers.
All I want - LIVE handbook
This handbook compliments the all I want - LIVE Standards as a day-to-day working handbook for use in Healthy
Respect drop-ins. It is a working document with easy access to activities, contacts, forms and protocols. This
handbook is for all staff operating Healthy Respect accredited drop-ins
Audience - nurses, doctors, receptionists, community learning and development staff and youth workers.
Talking about difficult issues
The main aim of this toolkit is to help practitioners to address difficult issues with parents. It focuses on sexual
health and substance misuse and particularly relevant to those working with parents in the youth justice context. It
provides information, groupwork activities, games, quizzes and a section on evaluating the use of the toolkit.
Audience – health and social care professionals
Safer sex
This DVD based interactive learning resource to help young people develop healthy relationships, make healthy
choices, look after their sexual health, prevent pregnancy and prevent infection. The resources raises numerous
sexual health and relationship issues, including the disinhibiting effects of alcohol, and provides a forum for the
introduction of ideas and experiences in order to trigger discussion and assist learning
Audience – secondary school pupils
Lifeskills: 225 ready-to-use health activities for success and wellbeing
This is a practical resource that gives teachers 225 ready-to-use worksheets that cover a wide variety of key life
skills, and addresses such topics as drugs, alcohol, sex, stress, relationships, food-related issues and self-esteem.
Produced in the USA. Suitable for older primary school children and adolescents.
Audience – schools and youth workers
Doing it! Toolkit; practical strategies for sexual health promotion
This toolkit aims to offer practical ideas for sexual health promotion which can be adapted to particular settings,
client groups, levels of confidence, experience and skills
Audience – professionals involved in sexual health promotion
Equality, diversity, inclusion; challenging homophobia
This video based training course is designed for professionals concerned about the effects of homophobia.
Audience – suitable for a wide range of health, education, youth work and social work professionals
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
The lifecycle of Chlamydia
These laminated displays show what Chlamydia looks like and how it affects the body.
Audience - adolescents and professionals delivering sex education
Confidentiality - a training manual for staff providing sex advice to young people
A pack to assist staff working in young people’s sex advice centres to develop the knowledge and skills necessary
to respect their clients’ confidences, even in difficult circumstances, unless or until they have given permission to
disclose. The pack enables young people’s sex advice centres to develop and implement a confidentiality policy; to
facilitate induction and in-service training for staff; and to provide background material, advice and guidance for
trainers, facilitators and managers of sex advice centres.
Audience - sexual health professionals
Protect yourself!
Protect yourself!This teaching resource consists of eight ready-made teaching packages on contraception and
sexually transmitted infections. It includes teachers’ notes, lesson plans, photocopiable handouts and evaluation
sheets. For use by health and education professionals working with young people aged 14 and above, this spiralbound 180 page workbook provides a practicable set of lessons for use in sex and relationships education classes. It
can also help demonstrate evidence towards gaining DfES certification.
Audience - secondary schools; health professionals
Confidentiality; a training manual for staff providing sex advice to young people
This pack aims to help staff working in young people’s sex advice centres to develop the knowledge and skills
necessary to respect their clients confidences, even in difficult circumstances, unless or until they have been given
permission to disclose.
Audience - sexual health professionals
Confidentiality in schools; a training manual in working with parents, pupils,
teachers, governors, auxiliary staff and health professionals
This pack is aimed at anyone providing INSET training in schools, and provides information on confidentiality, the
legal position faced by schools, and why it is important for schools to have a confidentiality code in place.
Audience - schools; governors; support staff; staff from outside agencies working with schools
Sexual health outreach; why, what and how
The guide was commissioned by the Teenage Pregnancy Unit to help local areas accelerate progress of the Teenage
Pregnancy Strategy. It is aimed at those working in developing and delivering sexual health outreach services. It sets
out the policy context, government strategies and targets and the practical information needed by commissioners
and service providers to develop excellent local outreach.
Audience - sexual health professionals
HIV treatments training pack
This is a resource designed for use by individuals who train a range of audiences about treatment and care for HIV.
The training pack can be used to train large groups or to inform one-to-one discussion
Audience - health professionals
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Getting Better with Practice
For use by personnel within GP practices, this pack be used to stimulate discussion in workshops or as a tool to
reflect on current practices. It offers practical strategies for primary care teams offering sexual health services and
support for young people. User needs to have access and knowledge to current practices and policies.
Audience - primary care staff
Developing together boxes
The four local authority areas in Lothian have worked with Healthy Respect, the national health demonstration project
on young people’s sexual health, to develop this resource. This resource will take you step by step through the process of
setting up an initiative in your area with the group of parents and carers you work with. It also includes sample training
programmes, provides details of where to order resources and includes useful contacts who may help.
Audience - sexual health staff
Explore, Dream, Discover - Working with holistic models of sexual health and
sexuality, self esteem and mental health
This pack is an invaluable tool for those working in sexual health, service planning and provison and sexual health
promotion. It covers self-esteem building and emotional development and mental and emotional health and well-being.
These models offer ideas for project and group-work development and for one-to-one work with clients and service-users
Audience- sexual health staff
Healthy relationships: a support pack for secondary school
This pack has been developed to support schools and their staff when developing their sexual health and
relationships programme.
Audience - schools
Focus: Growing up DVD pack
This programme helps young people understand physical changes during puberty, feelings and emotions they
may experience, and changing relationships with family, friends, and peers. Includes teacher’s activity book with
reproducible activity sheets and colourful posters. Age 7-11 57Min
Contraceptive display kit
This kit showing the various types of contraception has been designed to help professionals involved in sex
education to discuss contraception and issues relating to sexuality with group of young people.
Audience - Teachers, School Nurse,Youth/Community Workers, Health Promotion Staff.
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Safer sex box
The Safer Sex Box comprises of 14 methods of contraception and 7 STIs together in one compact training tool. Safe display of the individual items, easy storage and transportation in its lockable flight case.
Audience - health professionals and teachers working with adolescents
HYP Hop pack
This pack (comprising dvd, cd-rom and manual) has evolved from extensive outreach work with young people
and is an ideal resource for delivering essential sex education messages to young people. HYP stands for Healthy Young People.
Audience - adolescents and professionals delivering sex eduction
Male body parts
This is a fabric model of the male reproductive organs with Velcro-attached parts and label cards.
Audience - primary school children
Female body parts
This is a fabric model of the female reproductive organs with Velcro-attached parts and label cards.
Audience - primary school children
Sexual health topic crates
Contains CD-rom version of NHS Lanarkshire Sexual Health Web site; Kylies private world; Jason’s private world;
You and your body and sex (sex education materials in animation form accompanied by viewing notes); Lets talk
about sex-growing up, changing bodies; Sex and sexual health (approved by the FPA); In MY Experience-resource
book and video (PSHE 11-14 years); Off Limits –the A-Z of love and sex video(PSHE 11-14); Love Talk-Living and
growing series video (PSHE 11-14); Picture Yourself picture cards(CD Rom) with teaching notes (social and sex
education for people with learning difficulties); Girl Power-how far does it go? (A resource and training guide on
young women and self esteem); Go Girls-supporting girls emotional development and building self esteem, and
Building bridges pack and game
Audience - secondary school children
Condom demonstration model
Model of the penis to demonstrate how to put on a condom
Audience – professionals delivering sex eduction
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
The anatomy of human reproduction wall chart
A large laminated poster showing drawings of male and female reproductive organs and the process of conception.
Produced in the USA, with text in English and Spanish.
Audience - general
STI charts
Covering the difficult subject of sexually transmitted infections, these charts illustrate the essential information on
transmission, symptoms, treatment, and protection. Features colourful images and cartoon narration. Each poster is laminated
Sexual transmitted diseases flipchart
Using graphic photographs and informative text, this chart warns about the dangers of unprotected sexual activity
and teaches disease-preventing behaviours. Highlights common STIs-syphilis, Chlamydia, herpes, HPV, gonorrhoea,
and HIV/AIDS-and explains how to avoid contracting them. Features presenter’s notes on reverse panels
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
If I’m lyin’ I’m dyin’: a story about smoking
This DVD produced in the USA by Disney Educational.When Danny tries to convince his friends
that smoking is cool, he ends up teaching young viewers that just the opposite is true.
Audience - 9-13 year olds.
Tips to help you quit
This DVD uses a mix of animation and interviews to present a selection of tried and tested tactics for stopping
smoking including preparing to stop, getting through the first weeks and months and staying stopped.
Audience - 16 years upwards
10 top reasons to stay smoke free
This DVD uses a mix of facts and figures, body painting, interviews and humour to demonstrate the impact
of smoking on health, wealth, skin, pollution, addiction, fitness and freedom. Age progression software
demonstrates the effects of aging on the skin.
Audience - 9 years upwards
What’s wrong with nicotine
This DVD produced in the USA exposes the power of nicotine addiction. High school students who were lured into
smoking with friends because they thought it was “cool” are featured.
Audience - secondary school pupils
Determinants of health
This DVD explains how the health status of individuals, communities and nations is determined by a complex range of
factors: biomedical, lifestyle and behaviour, knowledge attitudes and beliefs, environmental factors, genetics and gender.
Audience - secondary school pupils at standard grade and above
Superheroes vs. Smoking
In this programme, Mark thinks about joining his friends for a smoke until three heroes teach him what smoking will
do to his body. Mark decides not to smoke, and the heroes give him tips on resisting peer pressure.
Audience - Ages 5–11. 15 minutes.
Smoking truth or dare
This programme graphically demonstrates to teenagers who use tobacco exactly what this deadly habit is doing to them.
Audience - Age 14-19 34min
Tobacco teen files
Young people tell their stories about smoking and discuss addiction, the health risks involved with tobacco use,
chemical components in cigarettes, and resources for quitting.
Audience - Age 13–Adult. 20 minutes
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Teaching/training packs
The Primary School Smoking Education Pack - A whole school approach to
smoking education
This pack is based on a whole school approach to smoking education that focuses on the education, welfare and
safety of children. The pack is split into sections which include training workshops, curriculum guidance, pupil
learning activities, managing smoking related incidents, working with parents and carers and developing a smoking
policy. This pack has been designed so that schools can assess their particular situation and adapt the information
relevant to their individual needs.
Audience - teachers, school staff, parents/carers and school nurses
Smoke box
The D&Wp Smoke Box accurately represents and addresses the scale of the problems that smoking has caused
there are 8 crystal cases containing the individual items. These crystal cases are removable and each tray slot and
case are numbered and bear comprehensive details on appearance, how used, effects and risks.
A years worth of tar
Shows a glass jar with a years worth of tar inside
Audience - general
Blocked blood vessel model
A simple but effective visual demonstration of how smoking contributes to blocked arteries. The model can be
turned upside down to demonstrate the clogging effects. Each end has a written explanation describing how
smoking causes blocked arteries and what health problems this can cause.
Audience - general
Inflatable cigarette
An individual prop for display purposes
Audience - general
What’s in tobacco smoke display
This display represents some of the 4000 chemicals found in tobacco smoke. It has witty depictions of the
commonly known chemicals.
Audience - general
Smoked lung
A realistic soft lung model that lets people see what smoking does to their lungs.
Audience - general
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Smokers accessories display
This display shows the different accessories a smoker needs Chewing gum, false teeth and more frightening image a
last will and testament.
Audience - general
You’ve been warned display
This boxed display presents a full set of government health warnings displayed on packets of cigarettes.
Audience - general
Smoking topic crate
Contains 14 items to be used in smoking cessation and awareness raising sessions
Audience - general
Death of a lung
Hand painted models cast from real specimens illustrating the dangers of smoking.
Audience - general
Clems phlegm
This attention-getting sealed jar contains about 2 weeks of the phlegm that would be coughed up by a smoker with
COPD. Great discussion starter for any tobacco lesson or programme
Pack of toxic tar
This realistic display contains two removable cigarettes filled with gooey ‘tar’. The tar in these two cigarettes
represents the amount of toxic tar that a smoker receives from smoking one pack of cigarettes.
Smokers foul mouth
Shows the harmful effects smoking has on the mouth including gum disease, tooth decay and lip cancer. It includes
two removable tongues. One depicts hairy tongue, and the other leukoplakia (white spots) and tongue cancer. The
mouth is mounted on a base representing the lit end of a cigarette
Tar wars
Pour the provided tar mixture down the trachea and watch as it coats the giant sponge lungs.
Death of a lung
Hand painted models cast from real specimens illustrating the dangers of smoking.
Audience - general
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Second hand smoke table top display
Depicts the effects of second hand smoke
Audience - general
Laminated A4 posters suitable for display events
Steps to stopping smoking
It’s never too late to stop smoking
It’s never too late to stop smoking the benefits
Facts about passive smoking
Protect children from passive smoking
Facts about smoking and health
Smoking facts for women
Ten top reasons to stay smoke free
What’s in tobacco smoke
A selection of some of the 4000 chemicals found in tobacco smoke
Audience - general
Smoking wall chart
This large laminated poster (24”x36”) details the potential health consequences of smoking.
Audience - general
ABC of smoking
Flipchart presents alphabetical listings of conditions and diseases associated with smoking
My magnetic bodyboard pack(smoking)
The magnetic pack of 36 different picture magnets and 38 text descriptions. This learning game allows the
each person in a class with a picture or text so they can then work individually or in groups to match the text
descriptions and place them on the My BodyBoard
The consequences of smoking case
Featuring hand painted, 3-D models, this display shows the diseases and conditions that can result from smoking:
cancer, heart disease, emphysema, and more
Puffing poisons chemistry set
This chemistry set dramatically demonstrates the toxic chemicals found in tobacco smoke by using real objects, liquids,
and gases. The 30 labelled jars contain items such as flies, a battery, a sewer rat, acetone, formaldehyde, and a barbeque
lighter to represent some of tobacco’s most deadly chemicals, Perfect for talks, stalls, exhibitions, and training.
Audience - Age 12-Adult.
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Sun safety
Real smart about sun protection
This DVD uses a humorous approach to raise students’ awareness of the importance of sun protection and dispel
the notion that having a tan is “cool”. The programme looks at the dangers of sun exposure and explains how
ultra-violet (UV) radiation penetrates skin, causes sunburn and can cause skin cancers; three types of skin cancer –
melanoma the most dangerous; why tanning is not healthy; tanning and body image, and safe sun protection
Audience - ages 10-13 approximately
Determinants of health
This DVD explains how the health status of individuals, communities and nations is determined by a complex range of
factors: biomedical, lifestyle and behaviour, knowledge attitudes and beliefs, environmental factors, genetics and gender.
Audience - secondary school pupils at standard grade and above
Slow burn: the sun’s effect on the skin
This small table top display shows the long term effects of sun exposure on the skin. The display shows the positive
benefits of protecting yourself from the sun by showing how one side of your face would be if it had been regularly
and properly protected on one side against the premature aging effects on the other.
Audience - general
Sun safety: ban the burn folding display
With youth-oriented graphics, this illuminating folding display explains the dangers of excessive sun exposure and
highlights ways to play it safe in the sun. 58” x 22 ½” opened.
Audience - older primary school, and secondary school pupils
What you should know about Skin Cancer
This colourful folding display provides the essential facts about skin cancer.
Audience - general
Sun awareness crate
Contains a Teddy bear wearing hat, sunglasses, t-shirt and shorts, towel, golf umbrella, factor 30 Boots sunscreen,
1 large skin damage model, 1 small cancer/moles model, 1 Big hat book, 1 small black draw string bag and 1 Folder
with a variety of laminated worksheets.
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Womens health
BSE (breast self examination for teens)
This DVD produced in America encourages teen girls to adopt the habit of breast self-examination for life. Explains
how easy and important BSE is and includes an all-teen cast and clear 3-D graphics.
Audience - adolescents
Why abortion? Understanding why women choose to have an abortion
This DVD explores the realities faced by women with an unplanned pregnancy and considering abortion. Using
short drama pieces the viewer is asked to make choices based on the information presented to them. It comes with
a manual to help professionals who work with young people or adults examine how unplanned pregnancy impacts
on the lives of those involved, the options available when facing an unplanned pregnancy, and the factors that
influence the decision making process.
Audience - Young people aged 14 and over; education, social services and health professionals, and youth and community workers
The basics of breast care
This programme, produced in the USA, describes the breast self exam, clinical breast exam and the mammogram in
a non-technical manner
Audience - women; health professionals
Breast screening, a step by step guide: all you need to know about a breast x-ray
A DVD with British Sign Language sub titles with an explanation of a breast x-ray and footage of a mammogram.
Audience - women
Cervical and breast screening awareness
This DVD provides information on breast screening and cervical screening, and explains why the tests are
important, what the tests involve, who needs them and how often, and where to go for the tests. It contains 2 short
plays in Urdu with English subtitles. The DVD also contains information on the HPV vaccine programme.
Audience - women
Being breast aware
This short film looks at breast awareness and breast screening. It features a range of case studies, together with
expert information from a breast care nurse.
Audience - women
Determinants of health
This DVD explains how the health status of individuals, communities and nations is determined by a complex range of
factors: biomedical, lifestyle and behaviour, knowledge attitudes and beliefs, environmental factors, genetics and gender.
Audience - secondary school pupils at standard grade and above
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
Breast model
Model of the breast with lumps in a bio-like material to assist in teaching self examination
Audience – general
Female body parts
This is a fabric model of the female reproductive organs with Velcro-attached parts and label cards.
Audience – primary school children
Pelvic model
Full size model of the pelvis showing the internal and external parts
Audience - general
Pregnancy pelvis
Full size model of the pelvis showing an 8 month and 3 month foetus for comparison
Audience - general
BSE Breast vest
By wearing this unique BIOLIKE 2™ vest model, a woman can learn to do BSE with both hands while looking
down, as she would if she were examining her own breasts. The model contains nine lumps, all different in size and
consistency, and has adjustable Velcro neck and back straps
How to perform breast self examination wall chart
A large laminated poster showing how to perform breast self examination.
Audience - general
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
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Please contact the library for details of how to borrow the following -
Display boards
We have a number of 8-panel display boards which may be borrowed to
mount your own display.
LCD TV/DVD players
HD ready TV/DVD players for viewing the DVD’s
Overhead projectors
Small and large screens
Health Improvement Library Resource Catalogue 2012 - 2013
t us
cted as fo
We can be con
1. To v
isit, o
r contac
t us by m
h Impro
ement L
rie Road
2. By telephon
698 377600 or
Library - 01
ice - 01698 37
Leaflet serv
3. By fax
01698 377726
4. By email
Our opening hours are or
m - 5.00pm
Monday - Friday, 9.00a