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Telephone: 877-360-PROD
Fax: 866-415-9237
Total Access DVD Series • Price Guide and Order Form
360PD is proud to present the “Total Access DVD Series.” This box set is comprised of 45 DVD’s each offering insight
into a “REAL” classroom. From K to 12 you will have the opportunity to see “Best Practices” in a variety of subject areas. Setting this series apart is the use of our Audio Triangulation technology in which we provide running commentary by
Teachers, Administrators, and Students. Watch and listen as the various commentaries cover topics ranging from “Classroom Management” to “Dealing with State Standards.” Gain rare insight from the voices of the Students themselves as
they discuss how they learn best. The “Total Access DVD Series” is a revolutionary training resource that breaks down the
communication barrier to focus on what works in the classroom.
We have made pricing easy and affordable with the guide below.
Order Number
Unit Price
Shipping & Handling/Unit
CA Sales Tax/Unit
$ 9.95
$ 9.95
$ 99.50
$ 9.95
$ 8.21
Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Individual DVD
$ 14.95
$ 4.95
$ .41
Individual DVD
$ 14.95
$ 4.95
$ .41
Individual DVD
$ 14.95
$ 4.95
$ .41
Individual DVD
$ 14.95
$ 4.95
$ .41
For more information please call: 1-877-360-7763
Total =
Or fax: 1-866-415-9237
Name __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Organization ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Street address ___________________________________________________________________________________________
City ________________________________________________ State _______________________Zip ____________________
Phone ______________________________________________
Method of Payment:
q Check
q Money Order
q MC
Credit Card number ___________________________________________________ Exp. date __________________________
Authorized signature _____________________________________________________________________________________
Total Access DVD Series
Elementary School: ($199.95) Series 360-01
Middle School: ($199.95) Series 360-02
1. Kindergarten Language Arts
Students learn “Think-Share” strategy. 26 Minutes
2. Kindergarten Writing
Work on letter sounds including sentence structure and punctuation.
15 Minutes
3. Kindergarten Fish and Drawing
Reading and comprehension using a story about fish. 30 Minutes
4. 2nd Grade Language Arts/Writing
Practice brainstorming and using a T-Chart. 45 Minutes
1. 6th Grade Language Arts/Writing
5. 2nd/3rd Grade Physical Education
6. 2nd Grade: Language
Work on catching skills, teamwork, and character building.
26 Minutes
Expository vs. Narrative Writing using Fairytales. 48 Minutes
7. 3rd Grade: Inquiry Science
Observation and experimentation lab from predictions to results.
38 Minutes
8. 3rd Grade Math
9. 3rd Grade Literacy Centers
“More Than” and “Less Than” skills, relating to probability.
44 Minutes
Centers focus on reading, writing, and teamwork. 30 Minutes
“Suffix” and “Prefix” review using vocabulary to understand
meaning. 36 Minutes
Prefixes and syllabication. 29 Minutes
The Elements of a story. 38 Minutes
Using sentence writing kits, students develop more interesting
sentences. 36 Minutes
10. 3rd Grade Language Arts
11. 3rd Grade Language Arts
12. 4th/5th Grade Language Arts: Writing and Comprehension
13. 4th Grade ELD/Writing (English Language Development)
14. 4th Grade Math
Using T-Charts for Persuasive Writing. 38 Minutes
2. 6th Grade Math
Focus on percent word problems. 33 Minutes
3. 6th Grade Language Arts
Write a persuasive paragraph. 33 Minutes
4. 6th Grade Language Arts/Poetry
Poetry discussion with a focus on similes. 31 Minutes
5. 6th Grade Language Arts
Discuss thirteen different types of topic sentences using dittos.
21 Minutes
6. 6th Grade G.A.T.E.: Lanuage Arts
Writing body paragraphs for a response to literature essay.
22 Minutes
7. 7th Grade Language Arts/Check for Understanding
Trivia Game on non-fiction. 26 Minutes
8. 7th Grade Health
Discuss life goals and good versus poor choices utilizing
a health triangle. 29 Minutes
9. 7th Grade Science
Students play “Science Detectives” to discover clues in fossils.
30 Minutes
10. 7th Grade Science
Students work on a problem set regarding fossils and geologic
time periods. 19 Minutes
Literary/Narrative response and analysis: Learn About Personal
Narratives/Essays/Experiences. 30 Minutes
Teacher assists with algebra fraction problems. 11 Minutes
Practice, with focus on solos and instrument sections. 20 Minutes
Discuss school campus dynamics and how to be sensitive to peers. 30 Minutes
Discuss the electoral process as created by the Founding Fathers.
23 Minutes
Drawing cartoon faces. 30 Minutes
Warm-up, practice, small group work. 33 Minutes
11. 7th Grade Language Arts
12. 7th/8th Grade: Math
13. 7th/8th Grade Jazz Band
14. 8th Grade Leadership Development
Area for a complex figure using the formula 1 x w = a. 40 Minutes
Using field tests, discover the names of minerals in labs. 45 Minutes
15. 8th Grade Social Science
Discuss Art in words by looking at Objects, Lines, Colors, Shapes, Space, and Textures. 34 Minutes
16. Art Class (all grades)
Practice making two column notes in small groups. 27 Minutes
Students break into two units: Team-Zone-Catch Practice and
Personal Goal Activity. 25 Minutes
Focus on “Alarms” in writing. Wake up sleepy sentences by using
Vibrant Verbs and Figurative Language. 43 Minutes
15. 4th Grade: Science Lab
16. 4th Grade Language Arts: Response to Art
17. 4th Grade Social Studies
18. 4th/5th Grade Physical Education
19. 5th Grade: Language Arts/Writing
20. 5th Grade: Math
Find the surface area of a rectangular box. 43 Minutes
17. Girls Choir (all grades)
High School: ($99.95) Series 360-03
1. 9th/10th Grade Art and Computers
Ordering Note:
You may order the entire package (box set), an individual series,
or individual DVDs. For individual DVDs, please write the series
number and the DVD number on the order form provided on the
other side of this list.
Example: 360-02-03
This would give you Series 2, Disc 3 (6th Grade Language Arts)
Animation using Flash. 16 Minutes
2. 11th/12th Grade Spanish
Focus on vocabulary by playing a relay game. 37 Minutes
3. 11th Grade Language Arts
Reading comprehension, using an Anticipation Guide before
reading. 42 Minutes
4. 11th Grade Science
Focus on energy in the Earth system by discussing ocean water
densities and rain forests/deserts. 47 Minutes
5. Honors Biology
Evolution review using a trivia game. 22 Minutes
6. Honors Biology Part 2
Use lab to model natural selection. 10 Minutes
7. AP Government
Discuss social/political divisions by looking at multiple countries.
34 Minutes
8. AP Chemistry
Working in pairs, students perform a laboratory simulation on
metal and metal ion reactions. 11 Minutes