OM Namo Narayanaya - Sivananda Yoga Singapore


OM Namo Narayanaya - Sivananda Yoga Singapore
Article: OM Namo Narayanaya
Guru’s Teaching: New Year Message from Swami Sivananda
Posture: The Spinal Twist (Ardha Matsyendrasana)
Special Class: Niyamas
From Centre: New Beginner Course start on Sunday 31 January 2010
Sivananda Singapore’s Yoga T-shirts have arrived from India.
Happy New Year 2010 From Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre Singapore
OM Namo Narayanaya – article
OM Namo Narayanaya, Chant for world peace.
The mantra Om Namo Narayanaya was given to mankind thousands years ago.
There are many ways of chanting this mantra, one of them is Likita Japa, chanting by
writing the mantra on a piece of paper. Writing with full concentration and one pointed
mind will allow us to enjoy this meditative activity.
In 1987 Swami Vishnudevananda established The Om Namo Narayanaya Bank as part
of his ongoing mission for world peace. This bank is not an ordinary bank that we can
deposit money or do financial transactions, but it has been deposited billions of
Om Namo Narayanaya mantras, written by peace-loving devotes from around the world.
It is located in a natural rock cave on top of Vishnu Peak in Himalayas, elevation 15,000
ft above sea level. The purpose of the Likita Japa and the bank is to change the vibration
of the world. Swami Sivananda once said: “The peace that prevails today is the peace of
fear and the peace of preparation. Ignoring the sincere advice of men of wisdom, the
great nations of the world are intent upon demonstration of their destructive strength.
That way lies war, not peace…..Peace to be lasting and constructive, must be achieved
through God. There can be no peace without God. God is peace. Root yourself in peace
or God and only then will you be fit to radiate peace.”
O Shanti Shanti Shanti
Om Peace Peace Peace
New Year Message from Swami Sivananda – guru’s teaching
1st January 1948
Blessed aspirants,
Blessed aspirants,
I wish you all a bright and a happy new year.
March forward fearlessly, o spiritual heroes! Soar high in the sky of oneness with the
wings of devotion and wisdom and reach your ultimate home, the Supreme abode of
Even if you get a glimpse of the supreme, you will be entirely changed. A wave of Supreme Bliss will sweep over you.
May Lord bless you
-Sivananda Upanishad-
Half Spinal Twist (Ardha Matsyendrasana) – posture
The Spinal Twist, which takes its Sanskrit name from the great yogic sage Matsyendra,
is one of the few poses in the Basic Session that rotates the spine. Most bend the spinal
column either backward or forward, but to become truly flexible it mast be twisted laterally as well. The movement also tones the spinal nerves and ligaments, improves the
The Half Spinal Twist or Ardha Matsyendrasana, taught here, has similar benefits, and
prepares the body for the full pose. Keep your spine erect and your shoulders level in the
position and breathe steadily, twisting a little more each time you exhale.
Physical Benefits:
Help to keep the spine elastic by retaining side to side mobility.
Helps to relieve muscular problems in the back and hips.
Removes adhesions in the joints caused by rheumatism.
Increases the synovial fluid of the joints, and makes the joints active.
Tones the roots of the spinal nerves and the sympathetic nervous system, and brings
a fresh supply of blood to the area.
Massages the abdominal muscles, relieving digestive problems.
Benefits the gall bladder, spleen, kidneys, liver, and bowels.
Mental Benefits:
Helps to cure disorders of the nervous system.
Bring peace of mind.
Pranic Benefits:
Augments the prana sakti (vigor and vitality), removing innumerable diseases.
Rouses the potential spiritual energy.
Common Pitfalls during practice:
Buttocks are lifting off the floor.
Back is not straight, and the body is leaning, rather than twisting laterally.
Looking over the wrong shoulder.
Foot is not flat on the floor.
Back hand is too far from the body.
NIYAMAS – special class
Monthly Satsang on Friday 15 January 2010
Satsang consists of a group meditation followed by devotional singing and an informal
talk on the practical yoga philosophy and Vedanta.
Yoga philosophy talk for this month is the 2nd limbs of Raja yoga, Niyamas or
observances which cultivate positive qualities.
They involve purifications, stilling the mind, self-discipline, inquiry into the nature of the
Self and surrendering the personal will or ego, to Supreme will. Kirtan (devotional
singing) books are provided to help you follow and participate.
The program is free of charge and open to all.
New Beginner Course start on Sunday 31 January 2010 - from centre
New Beginner Course start on Sunday 31 January 2010
A systematic introduction to the theory and practice of yoga for beginners or for anyone
looking to renew their practice. This is 8-weekly course takes a step by step approach for
developing strength, flexibility, good breathing habits, concentration and relaxation
Yoga postures (Asanas)
Breathing exercises (Pranayama)
Relaxation exercises
Introduction to proper diet
Introduction to positive thinking and meditation
Introduction to yoga philosophy
Course meeting dates: Jan 31, Feb 7, 21, 28, March 7, 14, 21, 28.
Class duration: 90 minutes.
Fee: $160 for 8-weekly course + 2 open-class passes.
Pre-registration and payment is required.
Sivananda Singapore’s Yoga T-shirts have arrived from India
Good quality cotton shirts with natural coloring suitable for yoga asanas practice.
Specially designed for Singapore centre, come with 2 designs:
Om Ganesha (symbol of the Elephant God-destroyer of obstacles)
& Om Namo Narayanaya (Chant for Peace)
The colors are brilliant in yellow, green, blue and purple.
Wear it to spread the awareness of Yoga and Peace.
It also sends a good message if given as a Gift to someone you care.
Collect both designs.
Price: $18 each.
Class Schedule
– from centre
9.30 10.30 am
10.00 11.15 pm
12.30 1.45 pm
6.30 7.45 pm
8.00 9.15 pm
25 mins silent meditation, followed by devotional chanting and an informal talk on the
practical philosophy of Yoga and Vedanta. Kirtan (chanting) books are provided. The
program is free and open to all.
Class includes Pranayama (breathing), Sun Salutation, a regular series of asanas, and
relaxations. This class provides an ideal introduction for students who are new to yoga
and who need to learn a better foundation. Students will learn coordination between
breathing and postures, gaining more flexibility.
This class is open for intermediate and advanced students. The class includes
Pranayama (breathing), Sun Salutation, 12 basics postures (and their variations), and
relaxations. Students will practice and be assisted in their individual level of competency. Not suitable for beginner.
relaxations. Students will practice and be assisted in their individual level of competency. Not suitable for beginner.
Course (Beginner):
A systematic introduction to the theory and practice of yoga for beginners or for anyone
looking to renew their practice. This is 8-weekly course takes a step by step approach for
developing strength, flexibility, good breathing habits, concentration and relaxation.
Special Class:
Check at for program details.
Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre Singapore
21B Bukit Pasoh Road
Singapore 089835
Email: [email protected]
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