PDF - Elizabeth Seton Pediatric Center
2014 Board of Directors Sr. Dorothy Metz, S.C. Chairperson Peter T. McKeever Vice Chairperson Mission Statement Inspired by the legacy of St. Elizabeth Seton, the St. Elizabeth Seton Children’s Foundation provides philanthropic support to enhance the medical, therapeutic, rehabilitative and special educational goals of medically complex children served by the Elizabeth Seton Pediatric Center, John A. Coleman School and Children’s Rehabilitation Center. The Foundation reaches children and their families across this continuum of residential and community-based services, celebrating the uniqueness of each child. Sponsorship Sr. Carol A. Barnes, S.C. Secretary Michael F. Delfino Treasurer The St. Elizabeth Seton Children’s Foundation – including the Elizabeth Seton Pediatric Center, the John A. Coleman School and the Children’s Rehabilitation Center – all receive sponsorship from the Sisters of Charity of New York as a concrete expression of our mission to reveal God’s love to all in need, especially the poor. The mission of this faith-based center extends the mission of Charity by the quality of its programs, its fiscal stability and its organizational culture. We work in partnership to promote our common values. Adrienne J. Arkontaky, Esq. John P. Cahill, Esq. John D. Feerick, Esq. William P. Harrington, Esq. Richard B. O’Neill Frank A. Oswald, Esq. Barry F. Sullivan, Esq. Giovanna Children’s Rehabilitation Center Living “Compassion in Action” Dear Friends, “Compassion in Action.” These three words have guided our journey throughout the course of 2014, as the organizations that comprise the St. Elizabeth Seton Children’s Foundation’s Continuum of Care – the Elizabeth Seton Pediatric Center, the John A. Coleman School and the Children Rehabilitation Center – have continued to expand, innovate and set the standard for caring for medically complex children. Why? Well that’s because at the St. Elizabeth Seton Children’s Foundation, we believe that “Compassion in Action” is love. It’s tenderness. It’s devotion. It’s about choosing to say “yes” when everybody else says “no.” It’s about finding a way to help and making a steadfast commitment to better the lives of those in need. “Compassion in Action” is how 830 donors joined together to support the St. Elizabeth Seton Children’s Foundation, enabling us to raise over $1 million for the children who receive services across our Continuum of Care during the 2014 fiscal year. “Compassion in Action” is the unprecedented totals we received during this year’s fundraisers: $24,000 at “Shop Into Spring,” $25,000 at our Block Party, $65,000 at our Fall Festival and $36,000 at “Ride for Our Children,” a benefit. “Compassion in Action” is the Hummingbird Campaign, launched in late 2014, a $6 million philanthropic effort to expand the Elizabeth Seton Pediatric Center to care for an additional 32 ventilator-dependent children. To date, nearly $1.5 million has been committed to support this incredible endeavor and we will break ground in early fall. This year we have made a huge difference in the lives of over 5,000 children and their families, due in large part to the generous support of our friends and donors – people like you – who are united in their protective love for children with complex medical, special education and rehabilitative needs. For that reason, we believe that you, too, are “Compassion in Action.” Our work would not be possible without your generosity. I thank you for your dedication to the children entrusted to our care. With deep gratitude, Pat Tursi Vice President of the St. Elizabeth Seton Children’s Foundation CEO of the Elizabeth Seton Pediatric Center and the Children’s Rehabilitation Center President of the John A. Coleman School Pat Tursi with Pediatric Center resident, Stephanie, and His Eminence, Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York, during “A Celebration of Gratitude.” Elizabeth Seton Pediatric Center “Changing lives, one child at a time” In 2014, the Elizabeth Seton Pediatric Center admitted a total of 58 residents and our occupancy remained at 99% with an average of 136 residents per day. While this represents a 28% decrease in admissions from the previous year, it reflects an increase in our residents’ medical complexities and their need to remain in a long-term care setting. Residents were referred to us from 31 different hospitals across the New York metropolitan area, including Montefiore Medical Center, NYU Langone Medical Center, Blythedale Children’s Hospital, Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital of New York and Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital. In addition, 99% of our residents’ stays continued to be funded through the Medicaid system. 2014 Highlights Our culture of compassionate care was We served as a training site in Pediatric acknowledged once again with a five-star rating in the 2014 “Best Nursing Homes” category of U.S. News & World Report – their highest rating. We have received this rating each year since this category’s inception in 2008 We implemented the use of electronic medical record (EMR) software in September 2014, providing another powerful tool to assist our caregivers in their mission to consistently deliver high quality care. Simultaneously, we implemented the use of an automated medication distribution system for controlled substances as part of our ongoing effort to improve resident safety In the fall of 2014, we added over 100 additional video surveillance cameras to our facility in order to enhance our ability to monitor care delivery, policy and procedures and child safety. Our video monitoring program continues to be applauded by our parents and staff members for providing the highest degree of integrity and transparency in caring for our vulnerable children Palliative Care for five palliative care fellows from the Bronx VA Hospital, two fellows from NYPH Columbia University Medical Center and four nurse practitioner students from the Columbia University School of Nursing. In addition, two Genetic Counseling students from Sarah Lawrence College participated in our Medical Genetics rotation Alexandra Faynberg, Speech Language Pathologist Clinical Lead, was selected as a LeadingAge New York 2014 Employee of Distinction – our fifth Pediatric Center employee to receive this honor – and Selena Perez, a social worker, was selected for the LeadingAge New York Leadership Academy program. In addition, Dr. R. Gordon Hutcheon, Chief Medical Officer, was named a “Healthcare Hero” and profiled by Westchester Magazine and Lisa Poskanzer, Vice President of Operations, received the ACHCA’s Eli Pick Facility Leadership Award for the second time. For a full list of 2014 staff accomplishments, visit setonpediatric.org/awards-recognition Anna Elizabeth Seton Pediatric Center “Our children have such complicated clinical conditions and more often than not there is very little that they can do for themselves. I use music to help our residents process their emotions, express themselves and, above all else, just find some joy and relief in our experiences together.” Marissa Emple, Music Therapist, is Compassion in Action John A. Coleman School “Where good beginnings never end” An unduplicated count of 955 children received services from the John A. Coleman School during the 2013-2014 school year in their home and community-based settings, as well as through our school-age, pre-school, integrated and Early Intervention educational services, multidisciplinary evaluations and ongoing service coordination for families. This represents an increase of almost 100 children when compared to the previous school year. 2013-2014 Highlights We received a National Association of Special Education Teachers (NASET) School of Excellence Award for the sixth consecutive year in recognition of our commitment and achievements in special education We celebrated the graduation of 45 students from our White Plains campus in June 2014. These students then transitioned to their local school communities or to out-of-district classes, such as BOCES Ninety-six percent (96%) of families from our White Plains campus responded on our annual parent survey that they were satisfied with the programs and services that their children were receiving Eighty percent (80%) of our students in Yonkers and 89% of our students in White Plains achieved or made progress toward their Individualized Education Program (IEP) goals We achieved the goal of enrolling all of our ventilator-dependent children in our full-day school program at our Yonkers campus The Yonkers campus of the Coleman School, which primarily serves the residents of the Elizabeth Seton Pediatric Center, admitted its first communitybased student during the 2013-2014 school year and we also expanded our Early Intervention (EI) program’s community-based services in Yonkers to better meet the needs of medically complex children and their families in Westchester County Blanca Rodriguez, a nurse at our Yonkers campus, received the 2014 Nurse Appreciation Award from the Kiwanis Club of East Yonkers and Lisa Cantwell, Master Teacher at our Yonkers campus, received the Excellence in Leadership Award from the New York State Council for Exceptional Children A Parent Support Group was initiated at our White Plains campus to respond to parent needs. This group was so successful that similar opportunities became available to Yonkers families, as well, in the 2014-2015 school year Across both of our campuses, 98 employees attended more than 62 conferences and workshops that were part of their individual performance plans and critical to achieving Coleman-wide goals Approximately 30% of the students at our White Plains campus also received outpatient services from the Children’s Rehabilitation Center during the 20132014 school year Sotaro John A. Coleman School “We teach our students that everybody’s different and that’s okay. That’s why when they walk into their classroom—or any place for that matter—they don’t feel like they don’t fit in and they don’t see disabilities or delays in others. Instead, they see their friends and they see the opportunity to play, learn and to just be kids!” Debbie Quintano, Teacher, is Compassion in Action Children’s Rehabilitation Center “Where dreams take flight” Approximately 40,000 patient encounters took place at the Children’s Rehabilitation Center in 2014, which represents a 25% increase when compared to the previous year and reflects the growing need for rehabilitation and medical specialists to care for children with medically complex diagnoses in the New York metropolitan area. In addition, we experienced an 11% increase in our referral rate and we also increased our coordination of care to families with home-bound medically complex children by 9% through our Care at Home case management services. In 2014, 92% of all Children’s Rehabilitation Center patients’ visits were funded through Medicaid. Our patients come to us to receive vital therapies and services from their homes in the surrounding six counties: Westchester (77%), Orange (9%), Rockland (6%), the Bronx (5%), Putnam (2%) and Dutchess (1%). In Westchester County, the majority of our patients reside in Yonkers (34%), White Plains (13%), New Rochelle (11%) and Mount Vernon (10%). 2014 Highlights including Northeastern University, Ithaca College, Lehman College and New York wall was installed for patient use during University 2014. Additional cutting edge Sue Hausch, Clinic Coordinator and technologies were also purchased to Director of Rehabilitation, became the continue to meet the increasing medical Chair of the American Physical Therapy needs of the children we serve, such as Association’s (APTA) Neonatology the Tobii Eye Gaze System, two Special Interest Group computerized treadmills and an electrical stimulation cuff, which enables children to In 2014, Children’s Rehabilitation Center staff members completed and/or attended walk without braces a total of 48 seminars and training We expanded the number of “Saturday sessions to both share and learn best Physiatry” services we can offer. Services practices now take place every Saturday of the month in order to provide our children and On June 4, 2014, His Eminence, Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York, their families with more opportunities to visited during our ceremony, “A receive the services they need Celebration of Gratitude,” to honor North Just as in previous years, we continued to Street Community Partners for their provide medical training to physicians generous donation of 317 North Street to through our on-going affiliations with New the St. Elizabeth Seton Children’s York Medical College and the Albert Foundation, which is home to the Einstein College of Medicine. This year, Children’s Rehabilitation Center and the we also provided clinical training White Plains campus of the John A. opportunities to five students from four Coleman School different universities across New England A new, state-of-the-art magnetic climbing Michelle Children’s Rehabilitation Center “I find that our children learn best by ‘doing.’ Using different forms of movement makes for a more motivated and spontaneous child, leading to therapy sessions that are interactive and vocal.” Liz Rogers, Speech Language Pathologist, is Compassion in Action St. Elizabeth Seton Children’s Foundation During the 2014 fiscal year, the St. Elizabeth Seton Children’s Foundation raised over $1 million thanks to the generosity of individual Jediel donors, corporations, foundations and Elizabeth Seton organizations who are united in their Pediatric love for the children we care for. Center Approximately $150,000 of these funds were the result of major fundraisers and benefits for the St. Elizabeth Seton Children’s Foundation, including “Shop Into Spring,” our Block Party and Fall Festival and “Ride for Our Children.” In addition, nearly $40,000 was donated as part of our end-of-year annual appeal. The St. Elizabeth Seton Children’s Foundation is now taking on its biggest fundraising endeavor yet: the Hummingbird Campaign. The Hummingbird Campaign To arrange for a personal tour or if you’re considering making a gift to support this worthy effort, please contact: Brian Harrington Senior Vice President of Institutional Advancement Elizabeth Seton Pediatric Center 300 Corporate Boulevard South Yonkers, N.Y. 10701 m (914) 260-3751 t (914) 294-6114 [email protected] www.setonpediatric.org LucyAnn John A. Coleman School The Hummingbird Campaign, a $6 million philanthropic effort initiated by the St. Elizabeth Seton Children’s Foundation, aims to bring 32 ventilator-dependent children, many of whom are currently residing in facilities out-of-state and far from their families, back home to New York State to the Elizabeth Seton Pediatric Center – in the hands of experts in the field who can provide them with the highest quality of care and closer to their loved ones. To do this, the Elizabeth Seton Pediatric Center and the John A. Coleman School will be expanding. We will break ground on our $24 million expansion in early fall of 2015 and we expect to be move-in ready by December of 2016. This new, three-story addition will make the Elizabeth Seton Pediatric Center the largest provider of pediatric ventilator care in New York State; we will be able to care for a total of 50 ventilator-dependent children, which will bring the total number of children served by the Pediatric Center to 169. In addition, the John A. Coleman School, which serves the residents of the Pediatric Center, will be adding more classrooms (for a total of 17 classrooms) to educate these new residents. If you’d like to learn more about the impact the Hummingbird Campaign will have, please check out setonpediatric.org/news-events/the-hummingbirdcampaign “Shop Into Spring” On May 1, 2014, the St. Elizabeth Seton Children’s Foundation hosted its 9th Annual Spring Event, “Shop Into Spring,” to benefit the children of the John A. Coleman School and the Children’s Rehabilitation Center in White Plains. The event, which was held at the Women’s Club of White Plains, raised over $24,000. Over 100 guests attended this fabulous night of shopping and fun. We were fortunate enough to be able to showcase designs from AprilMarin, Vacay Mama, ICE Jewelry, 3 Sisters, Stella & Dot and Simply Stunning Jewelry. Each boutique vendor generously donated 15% of their sales from the evening for the benefit of our children. The event also featured a raffle and a silent auction that garnered over $4,600 of our total. The evening kicked off with a special welcome from Pat Tursi, the President of the John A. Coleman School and the CEO of the Children’s Rehabilitation Center. After, John A. Coleman School Trustee and “Shop Into Spring” Co-Chair, Susan Quintin, shared a brief history of our annual spring event and thanked all our partners, donors, vendors, volunteers and leadership who helped make the night possible. Susan then introduced Keara Carr, the mother of Quinn, a student at the John A. Coleman School and a patient at the Children’s Rehabilitation Center, who shared her family’s story about the impact that the Coleman School and the Children’s Rehabilitation Center have had on their lives. After Keara’s moving speech, everyone switched gears as Jené Luciani, television personality and nationally acclaimed style expert, revealed some beauty and fashion tips to help guide the attendees in their boutique shopping. The night concluded with Maureen Tomkiel, Executive Director of the John A. Coleman School, revealing the winners of the raffle items and Brian Harrington, Senior Vice President of Institutional Advancement, announcing the silent auction winners. “Our annual spring fundraising event is always a great way to celebrate both spring and the children of the John A. Coleman School and the Children’s Rehabilitation Center,” Susan said. “This year, we had strong support from the community and our staff, which is crucial to helping our organizations deliver on their mission to provide the highest quality of care to our children.” “Shop Into Spring” would not have been possible without the support of our generous partners. We’d like to thank our Platinum Sponsors: Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft, the Lavine Family and Bettina Equities and the Caiola Family; our Gold Sponsor: Waldorf Risk Solutions; our Silver Sponsors: Susan Quintin, Kevin and Serena Flaherty, Dennis Kenny, Steven Korf, the Van De Loo Family, iCentral and Hudson Valley Bank; and our Bronze Sponsors: Suburban Carting Company, Victoria Alfonzetti and ING. Block Party The St. Elizabeth Seton Children’s Foundation hosted its 1st Annual Block Party on June 21, 2014 at the Elizabeth Seton Pediatric Center in Yonkers, raising almost $25,000 for the children served by the Pediatric Center, the John A. Coleman School and the Children’s Rehabilitation Center. This event was attended by our residents, their families, our neighbors and supporters in the community and staff. In addition, Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins and State Assemblywoman Shelley Mayer were on hand, as were Yonkers Fire Fighters Local 628, who barbequed for all of our attendees, the Yonkers Police Benevolent Association, who sponsored a Mister Softee truck and Empress Emergency Medical Services, who showcased its state-of-the-art medical transport vehicle and distributed beach balls and coloring books to all our attendees. The Block Party featured games, food, arts and crafts, live music, a petting zoo, raffles and much, much more! “We wanted to have a fun day for our children to participate with their moms, dads, extended family and siblings, so we came up with the idea to have a summer block party!” said Pat Tursi, CEO of the Elizabeth Seton Pediatric Center. “We just wanted to let our kids, who don’t always have the typical joys of childhood, to be able to just have fun,” Pat said. Brian Harrington, Senior Vice President of Institutional Advancement agreed, adding, “Not only was this event an excellent way to kick-off summer, but it also gave us the opportunity to thank Yonkers and the greater Westchester community for welcoming the Pediatric Center with open arms these past two years.” Many thanks to our partners for their support. We would not have been able to have our Block Party without their generosity. We are grateful to our Host Partner: Northwestern Mutual – Westchester; our Gold Partner: Putney, Twombly, Hall & Hirson, LLP; our Silver Partners: Hudson Valley Bank, the Mancini Family and WTAS, LLC; and our Activity Partners: the Kenny Family and the Sontag Family. Fall Festival The St. Elizabeth Seton Children’s Foundation hosted its Fall Festival – a major fundraiser – on October 26, 2014 at the John A. Coleman School and Children’s Rehabilitation Center in White Plains. This event was attended by nearly 500 Coleman School students, Children’s Rehabilitation Center patients, their families, our neighbors and supporters in the community and staff. In addition, Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins and White Plains Mayor Thomas Roach were on hand, as were the White Plains Fire Department, who provided homemade chili for all of our attendees. Like the Block Party, the Fall Festival featured festive games, food, arts and crafts, live music, a petting zoo, raffles and more. In addition, we honored Sr. Carol A. Barnes, S.C., Chairperson of the Children’s Rehabilitation Center’s Board of Trustees, and also a board member on the St. Elizabeth Seton Children’s Foundation Board, the Elizabeth Seton Pediatric Center Board and the John A. Coleman School Board, for the nearly three decades of service that she has dedicated to our children. We are grateful to all of our Fall Festival partners including the Greenburgh Police Benevolent Association; our Gold Sponsor Alice Sim; our Silver Sponsors: Waldorf Risk Solutions, Lucretia and Edward Mann, J-K Prosthetics & Orthotics, Opus Advisory Group, LLC and Joseph and Rita Mondolfi and Sophia Pici; and our Activity Sponsors: Scully Construction, LLC, the Oswald Family, Cuddy Law Firm, PC, O’Connor Davies, LLP, Pinnacle Associates, Empress Emergency Medical Services, Stop & Shop, Hudson Valley Bank, HBO, Bettina Equities Management, LLC, Clean Rite Industries, Whole Foods White Plains, Mr. Kold Kuts, the White Plains Fire Department, the Bristal Assisted Living at White Plains and Get Down Entertainment. We are also thankful for the contributions of the O’Rourke Irish Dancers and the Candlelight Inn. “Sr. Carol Barnes has been an inspiration to our staff, our children and their families and, of course, her fellow trustees,” said Adrienne J. Arkontaky, Esq., Chairperson of the John A. Coleman School’s Board of Trustees. “Sr. Carol has done everything we’ve asked of her and more because she believes in our mission and she believes that our organizations transform lives.” In total, the event raised almost $65,000 – a record setting number – to benefit the thousands of children with complex medical, educational and rehabilitative needs that our Continuum of Care serves each year. “This year’s Fall Festival has been our most successful fall event to date,” said Brian Harrington, Senior Vice President of Institutional Advancement. “This event was instrumental in raising the funds necessary to continue to support our children and enhance their lives with extraordinary programs and activities that are not covered by the cost of tuition or certain health care programs,” Brian said. “I am overwhelmed by the outpouring of support we’ve received from our generous partners to better the lives of the children entrusted to our care,” he added. From left to right: John A. Coleman School Board of Trustees Chairperson and a board member on the St. Elizabeth Seton Children’s Foundation Board Adrienne J. Arkontaky, Esq., Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins and President of the John A. Coleman School and CEO of the Children’s Rehabilitation Center Pat Tursi. “Ride for Our Children” Thirty-seven (37) riders gathered at SoulCycle Upper East Side on November 15, 2014 to ride for the children of the St. Elizabeth Seton Children’s Foundation. During “Ride for Our Children” cyclists raised nearly $36,000 to help care for the over 5,000 medically complex children that our Continuum of Care serves annually. “We are thrilled by the outcome of this benefit,” said Brian Harrington, Senior Vice President of Institutional Advancement. “We’re so grateful for all the hard work and dedication that these riders put in to help our children!” Many thanks to our riders for their commitment to the children entrusted to our care including: Adrienne Arkontaky Kristen Mancini Alessandra Carlin Lynn McNulty Suzanne Denihan Merrell Middleton Kristen Denihan Mary Kate Miller Daniel Denihan Ryan Miller Molly Denihan Andrew Nieman Sean Denihan Dana Perla Riley Denihan Lisa Poskanzer Matthew Dukes Susan Quintin Emily Fur Ryan Quintin Brian Harrington Marla Rolleri Elizabeth Harrington Kate Seib Maren Hartman Lauren Sercander Kaitlin Huvane Tierney Smith Liz Izower Bryan Smith Kelly Jones Judy Tomkins Keith Kefgen Tiffany Whelan Colleen Kenny Kurt Wiesenmaier Terry Macri 2014 Supporters The entire St. Elizabeth Seton Children’s Foundation community would like to express their sincerest gratitude to the generous corporations, foundations and organizations (listed below) that have supported the organizations that comprise our Continuum of Care this past year: ABM Janitorial Services Adolph & Ruth Schnurmacher Foundation American Martyrs Church Bettina Equities Company, LLC Big League Sports & Entertainment Bleakley Platt & Schmidt, LLP Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft, LLP Cain Brothers Candlelight Inn Charles A. Mastronardi Foundation Empress Emergency Medical Services Execu/Search Group George Link, Jr. Charitable Trust Gerardine Laffey Connolly Foundation Greenburgh Police Benevolent Association HBO Hegarty Family Foundation Hudson Valley Bank Hudson Valley National Foundation J. Homer Butler Foundation J-K Prosthetics & Orthotics Jacqueline Harris Hochberg Foundation, Inc. Jennison Associates, LLC Labor Body AFL-CIO Macy’s Inc. Operation Santa Claus Opus Advisory Group, LLC Prospect Street Administrators, Inc. Putney, Twombly, Hall & Hirson LLP Rose M. Badgeley Residuary Charitable Trust Sammarco Stone & Supply Sarah I. Schieffelin Residuary Trust Sisters of Charity Sisters of Charity Center Society of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick of New York Society of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick of Westchester Special Kids of New York, Inc. St. Faith’s House Foundation St. Vincent de Paul Foundation, Inc. Starlight Children’s Foundation NY*NJ*CT Tania & Brian J. Higgins Charitable Trust The Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation The Children’s Place The Laura B. Vogler Foundation, Inc. Verni Foundation Inc. Von Seebeck Charitable Trust W. Ryan Holdings, LLC - Rooster’s Market Y.C. Ho/Helen & Michael Chiang Foundation Yonkers Fire Fighters Local 628 Yonkers Police Benevolent Association There are many ways you can support the St. Elizabeth Seton Children’s Foundation: Gifts by Mail To mail in your gift, please make out your check to the “St. Elizabeth Seton Children’s Foundation” and indicate where you would like to designate your gift (to the St. Elizabeth Seton Children’s Foundation, Elizabeth Seton Pediatric Center, John A. Coleman School, Children’s Rehabilitation Center, Hummingbird Campaign or to the program with the greatest need). Please mail your check to: St. Elizabeth Seton Children’s Foundation, Attention: Institutional Advancement, 300 Corporate Boulevard South, Yonkers, N.Y. 10701 Gifts Online To make a secure, online credit card donation (American Express, Discover, MasterCard or Visa), please visit setonpediatric.org/donate and click the “Donate Online” button. Gifts by Phone To make a credit card donation by phone or to discuss tributes, memorials, gifts of stocks and securities, matching gifts, recurring gifts or planned giving, please call (914) 294-6193. In-Kind Gifts We welcome donations such as new toys, arts and crafts supplies, books and DVDs. If you would like to make an in-kind donation, please call (914) 2946193. The St. Elizabeth Seton Children’s Foundation is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit corporation and contributions to it are tax deductible to the fullest extent permissible by law. Our Continuum of Care provides specialized medical, educational and therapeutic services to over 5,000 medically complex children each year where and when they need them the most www.colemanschool.org www.setonpediatric.org www.childrensrehabcenter.org Sponsored by the Sisters of Charity of New York St. Elizabeth Seton Children’s Foundation 300 Corporate Boulevard South Yonkers, N.Y. 10701
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