Kids and College Summer Schedule


Kids and College Summer Schedule
robotsstudyskillsmath experimentsdesignsminecraft art
stem summer academy tech camps summer fun opportunities
websites discover friends innovation chef teen challenge
inspire code technology talents fun writing digital media
reading geometry authors space friends fun animation
games create robots study skills math experiments designs
minecraft art stem summer academy tech camps summer
fun opportunities websites discover friends innovation
chef teen challenge inspire code technology talents fun
writing digital media reading geometry authors space
friends fun animation games create robots study skills
math experiments designs minecraft art stem summer
academy tech camps summer fun opportunities websites
discover friends innovation chef teen challenge inspire
code technology talents fun writing digital media reading
geometry authors space friends fun animation games create
robots study skills math experiments designs minecraft art
stem summer academy tech camps summer fun opportunities
websites discover friends innovation chef teen challenge
inspire code technology talents fun writing digital media
reading geometry authors space friends fun animation
games create robots study skills math experiments designs
minecraft art stem summer academy tech camps summer fun
opportunities websites discover friends innovation chef teen
For more information,
Laura Beaupre,
Coordinator oftalents
fun writing digital
and Career Readiness at [email protected] or (815) 455-8597
reading geometry authors space friends fun animation | To register call (815) 455-8588
games create robots study skills math experiments designs
For more information, contact Laura Beaupre at [email protected] or (815) 455-8597 | 1
table of contents
General Information
General Information on summer programs..................2–3
MCC Tech Camp................................................................3
Week of June 20–23
MCC Tech Camp (full day).................................................4
Morning Summer Academy classes..................................4
Afternoon Summer Academy classes...............................4
Week of June 27–30
MCC Tech Camp (full day).................................................5
Morning Summer Academy classes..................................5
Afternoon Summer Academy classes...............................5
Week of July 11–14
MCC Tech Camp (full day).................................................6
Morning Summer Academy classes..................................6
Afternoon Summer Academy classes...............................7
Week of July 18–21
MCC Tech Camp (full day).................................................7
Morning Summer Academy classes..................................7
Afternoon Summer Academy classes...............................8
Week of August 1–4
MCC Tech Camp (full day).................................................8
Morning Summer Academy classes..................................8
Afternoon Summer Academy classes...............................9
Week of August 8–11
MCC Tech Camp (full day).............................................. 10
Morning Summer Academy classes............................... 10
Afternoon Summer Academy classes............................ 10
Before and After Care......................................................11
Lunch Bunch......................................................................11
Registration/Refund Policy..............................................12
ScotStars Sports Camps...................................................13
Summer Reading Skills.....................................................14
Children’s Health and Safety Fair....................................15
Career Exploration Showcase..........................................15
MCC Campus Map...........................................................16
summer fun opportunities websites
teen challenge inspire code technolo
authors space fr
robots study skills math experiment
academy tech camps summer fun opp
innovation chef teen challenge ins
writing digital media reading geometry
games create robots study skills m
art stem summer academy tech camp
discover friends innovation chef teen
talents fun writing digital media read
fun animation games create robots st
minecraft art stem summer academy t
websites discover friends innovatio
technology talents fun writing digit
space friends fun animation games
experiments designs minecraft art
summer fun opportunities websites d
challenge inspire code technology tal
geometry authors space friends fun a
skills math experiments designs minec
camps summer fun opportunities w
chef teen challenge inspire code tec
media reading geometry authors spac
Quality and affordable programming for students
entering grades 1–12
Kids & College is proud to offer a variety of quality academic and
enrichment classes and a full day STEM (science, technology,
engineering, and math) camp to prepare students for their
upcoming school year, expose them to 21st century learning skills,
and expand their knowledge in many content areas. All classes
are held at MCC. Our exceptional teachers, MCC faculty, and
camp counselors will use best practices in teaching to engage
students, and they’ll bring their passion and enthusiasm to each
day, so each child can experience the joy of learning!
Summer fun is guaranteed! Our students and campers will get to
enjoy the beautiful grounds at MCC while participating in outdoor
activities and games. They’ll have a great time learning new skills
and ideas while making many new friends.
Flexible Schedule
• One- and two-week Summer Academy classes are offered in
both the morning and afternoon with an option to stay for
lunch (see Lunch Bunch below).
• New! Before and After Care is available: 7:30–9 a.m.,
3–5:30 p.m. (after MCC Tech Camp), and 4–5:30 p.m. (after
MCC Summer Academy). See page 11 for details.
• Our full day MCC Tech camp is a one-week camp
designed around a full day of engaging activities in the
areas of engineering, art, technology, team building, sports,
and games.
Your child’s safety is our first priority. MCC is committed to
providing a safe learning environment for all students. All
instructors and camp counselors working directly with children
have passed a statewide criminal background check. All campers
(in MCC Tech Camp) will be placed in their age group of no more
than 20 students. Each group will work with a professional teacher
and two camp counselors. We have limited class sizes to ensure
that campers are well supervised and receive personal attention
from director, teachers, and counselors. The structure of all the
summer programs creates an atmosphere of caring and safety,
which helps students learn and build confidence.
Lunch and Snack Time
Students participating in Kids & College Summer Academy or
MCC Tech Camp are encouraged to bring a PEANUT-FREE snack
and water for break time. Students participating in Summer
Academy have the option to stay for a supervised lunch break for
an additional $10 per week. Lunch is not provided, but students
may bring a sack lunch or purchase a lunch in the cafeteria. The
MCC Tech campers will be participating in supervised lunch as
well (fee included in tuition). All MCC Tech campers should bring
a sack lunch or money to purchase lunch at the cafeteria each day.
Suggested lunch allowance is $7–8 per day.
There are four convenient ways to register for the Kids & College
Summer Academy classes and MCC Tech Camp. See page 12
for details.
2 |
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ogy talents fun writing digital media
riends fun animation games create
ts designs minecraft art stem summer
portunities websites discover friends
spire code technology talents fun
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math experiments designs minecraft
ps summer fun opportunities websites
n challenge inspire code technology
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tech camps summer fun opportunities
on chef teen challenge inspire code
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s create robots study skills math
stem summer academy tech camps
discover friends innovation chef teen
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animation games create robots study
craft art stem summer academy tech
websites discover friends innovation
chnology talents fun writing digital
ce friends fun animation games create
The tuition for each class is stated in the class description and on
the program guides (see page 12). All tuition must be paid at the
time of registration.
Welcome Packet/Communications
We will email each family a Welcome Packet with additional
information on drop-off locations, procedures, and policies after
registration. Please provide the best email to contact at time of
registration. In addition, we will communicate any last minute
updates via email. If you do not wish to be contacted via email,
we ask that you visit the Kids & College website www.mchenry.
edu/kidsandcollege and download the Welcome Packet.
Refund and Cancellation Policy
In the unlikely event that we have insufficient enrollment in the
Summer Academy classes or MCC Tech Camp and need to cancel
any class or week of camp, we will notify you as early as possible
and return all fees. All other refunds and cancellation follow the
policy established for MCC Continuing Education programs.
Please find these guidelines on page 12. Please note, there will
be no refund (or pro-rated refund) if MCC’c Campus is closed due
unforeseen reasons.
Summer Academy classes/camp program changes
The camp program is subject to change due to unforeseen
circumstances. In the MCC Tech Camp, grade levels may be
combined if needed due to low enrollment.
Teacher Recommendations
For Summer Academy academic classes that have the option of
an accelerated curriculum for students working above grade level,
a teacher recommendation is required before registering for class.
Download form on the Kids & College website www.mchenry.
Release and Emergency Contact Form
It is very important to accurately complete the emergency/
medical form that is found on the Kids & College website If your child has any special
learning or medical needs such as allergies, learning difficulties,
fears, and/or medical conditions such as asthma, diabetes, or
epilepsy, it is essential that this information is shared with the
camp. Please call camp director, Laura Beaupre, prior to the first
day of camp if your child has special medical needs at (815) 4558597. All emergency and medical cards are due by the first day of
Summer Camp/Summer Academy Health Agreement and
Liability Release
The health agreement and liability and photo release form can be
downloaded on the Kids & College website
kidsandcollege. Both these forms MUST be signed and turned in
on the first day of camp/class. If your child(ren) attend more than
one camp/class, a portion of the document (name and signature)
needs to be filled out each week he/she attends. We will attach
form with original release.
For more information on Kids & College Summer
Programs contact:
Laura Beaupre, Coordinator of College and Career
Readiness/Director of Kids & College at (815) 455-8597 or email
[email protected].
Kids & College | MCC TECH CAMP
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math)
For students entering grades 1–9
One-week camp sessions—MTWTh
$179 per week
$199 per week for Robotics
Camp held from 9 a.m.–3 p.m.
Session 1—June 20–23
Junior Engineers/Extreme Engineering
Session 2—June 27–30
Crazy Contraptions/ Rube Goldberg:
Ingenious Inventions
Session 3—July 11–14
Junior Medical School/Outbreak Alert: Engineering a
Pandemic Response
Session 4—July 18–21
Minecraft Jr. Design Team/Minecraft Engineers
Session 5—August 1–4
Dig In: The Science of Treasure Hunting/
Survival Academy
Session 6—August 8–11
Jr. Robotic Academy/Robotics Academy/Advance
Robotic Academy
Typical Daily Schedule
8:45–9 a.m.
Welcome/Camper Check-In
9–9:15 a.m.
All-Camper Morning Rally/
Creativity Challenge
9:15–10:15 a.m.
STEM Spotlight
10:15–10:30 a.m.
10:30–11:30 a.m.
STEM Spotlight
11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Lunch/Outdoor
12:30–2:30 p.m.
Art, Technology Spotlight
2:30–2:45 p.m.
Cool snack!
2:45–3 p.m.
Wrap-up and checkout
STEM Spotlight: Students will be taught by a certified
teacher/expert in the field of engineering. Students
will engage in meaningful learning and strengthen
skills in problem solving, communication, risk taking,
and decision making. The curriculum is focused on
motivating youth to become familiar with the design
process that guides working engineers and designers by
engaging campers in hands-on activities, experiments,
and labs.
ART/ TECHNOLOGY Spotlight: Students will work
with local artists and art/technology specialist to take
their creativity to the next level. They will learn the
science behind cool art. Younger campers will learn
foundational art techniques as older campers will learn
how digitally to create art.
For more information, contact Laura Beaupre at [email protected] or (815) 455-8597 | 3
robots study skills math experiments designs minecraft art stem
discover friends innovation chef teen challenge inspire code techn
space friends fun animation games create robots study skills math e
websites discover friends innovation chef
WEEK fun
tech camp geometry authors space friends fun animation games
art stem summer academy tech camps summer fun opportunities web
technology talents fun writing digital media reading geometry auth
math experiments designs minecraft art stem summer academy tech c
chef teen challenge inspire code technology talents fun writing di
games create robots study skills math experiments designs minecra
websites discover friends innovation chef teen challenge inspire co
& College | Summer Academy Classes
authors space friends fun animation Kids
robots study skills
AFTERNOONdiscover friends innovatio
camps summer fun opportunities websites
digital media reading geometry authors space friends fun animation ga
art stem summer academy tech camps summer fun opportunities we
technology talents fun writing digital media reading geometry author
experiments designs minecraft art stem summer academy tech camps
teen challenge inspire code technology talents fun writing digital medi
Su = Sunday
M = Monday
T = Tuesday
W = Wednesday
Where imagination and innovation meets summer fun!
STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) camp with
integration of art, creative studies, team building,
and sports
Junior Engineers: You Can Build It! (entering grades 1–4)
NKC S40 001 (entering grades 1–2)
NKC S40 002 (entering grades 3–4)
9 a.m.–3 p.m.
Calling all designers and builders! Did you know an egg’s
shape is super strong and is used in building designs all over
the world? Ever hear of the Super Dome? Come investigate
and experiment with shapes and materials to build tunnels,
bridges, airplanes, towers, your dream house, or even whole
cities. Then join your fellow engineers to test how strong, fast,
or safe your structure is when forces like gravity, wind, water,
and earthquakes strike.
Extreme Engineering (entering grades 5–9)
NKC S41 001 (entering grades 5–6)
NKC S41 002 (entering grades 7–9)
9 a.m.–3p.m.
Extreme Engineering may be in your future! Bridging
the Bering Strait? Tunneling under the Alps? Widening
the Panama Canal? Not a problem! Come explore the
fundamental concepts of design and engineering then build
your way through some extreme obstacles too. Unleash your
imagination and discover the power of teamwork as you
and your “design squad” are challenged to create almost
impossible innovations of the future!
Kids & College | Summer Academy Classes
Junior Writing Academy: From Page to Stage
NKC S60 001 (entering grades 2–5)
2-week class—June 20–23 & June 27–30
9 a.m.–Noon
NKC S60 002 (entering grades 2–5)
1-week option—June 20–23 (please note: students participating
in week 1 only will be missing the final production week 2)
9 a.m.–Noon
What do The Wizard of Oz, Annie and Peter Pan all have in
common? They’re all stories that were adapted for the stage. This
class teaches the cooperative process required to take a story
from the start of an idea to a finished product, along with theatre
and stage production. Future dramatists work together to devise
a story, create a script, design costumes and plan scenery as they
prepare to perform a final production. Please note: students will
be participating in the final production week 2.
4 |
Th = Thursday
F = Friday
S = Saturday
Writing Academy: Creative Writing and Digital Storytelling
NKC S63 001 (entering grades 6–9)
2-week class—June 20–23 & June 27–30
9 a.m.–Noon
NKC S63 002 (entering grades 6–9)
1-week option—June 20–June 23
9 a.m.–Noon
Come join master reading instructor, Dr. Mandy Krich, as she uses
best practices in teaching language arts to develop students’
writing skills and talents. Students will create funny, scary, and
amazing stories that audiences will want to read over and over
again. In addition, the students will learn strategies to develop
sequential narratives that can be incorporated into a digital story.
These creative masterpieces will be shared at a culminating EXPO
at the end of the two-week course. The two-week class is highly
encouraged to achieve the best growth.
MCC Tech Lab: Edible Science
NKC S79 001 (entering grades 2–5)
1–4 p.m.
Who needs a chemistry lab when you have a kitchen! In this fun
culinary science class, students will learn from nutritional science
expert about the amazing connection between food preparation,
chemistry, and human biology. Students will learn the importance
of nutrition by “thinking like a scientists” to hypothesizing, record
chemical reactions, and observe how the food we love is the
result of scientific process at work. Kitchen chemistry has never
been such fun! NOTE: This course is not recommended for
students with food allergies.
Digital Media: Intro to Web Design
NKC S82 001 (entering grades 5–9)
MTWTh 1–4 p.m.
Creative thinkers and artists welcome! Web design doesn’t have
to be scary. We’ll learn how to use the basic building blocks of
HTML and CSS to build websites. Beginner and intermediate
students will learn how to create a basic web page and customize
it with colors, pictures, and fonts. By the end of the week,
students will be able to publish their very own web page (with
parent’s consent)! Beginner computer skills are a requirement for
this class.
summer academy tech camps summer fun opportunities websites
nology talents fun writing digital media reading geometry authors
experiments designs minecraft art stem summer academy tech camps
f teen
OF JUNE 27–30 inspire code technology talents fun writing digital
mcc tech
s create
study skills math experiments designs minecraft
bsites discover friends innovation chef teen challenge inspire code
hors space friends fun animation games create robots study skills
camps summer fun opportunities websites discover friends innovation
igital media reading geometry authors space friends fun animation
aft art stem summer academy tech camps summer fun opportunities
ode technology talents fun writing digital media reading geometry
s math experiments designs minecraft art stem summer academy tech
on chef teen challenge inspire code technology talents fun writing
ames create robots study skills math experiments designs minecraft
ebsites discover friends innovation chef teen challenge inspire code
rs space friends fun animation games create robots study skills math
summer fun opportunities websites discover friends innovation chef
ia reading geometry authors space friends fun animation games create
Where imagination and innovation meets summer fun!
STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) camp with
integration of art, creative studies, team building,
and sports
Crazy Contraptions (entering grades 1–4)
NKC S42 001 (entering grades 1–2)
NKC S42 002 (entering grades 3–4)
9 a.m.–3 p.m.
Inspired to build the longest great ball contraption, redesign
a giant candy dispensing machine, or create a contraption
that can pop a balloon using six simple machines? Then
this camp is for you! Campers will (through much trial and
error) experiment and take on new challenges to build jawdropping, innovative, Rube Goldberg-style contraptions that
will serve a purpose. Designing and inventing has never been
so much fun!
Rube Goldberg: Ingenious Inventions!
(entering grades 5–9)
NKC S43 001 (entering grades 5–6)
NKC S43 002 (entering grades 7–9)
9 a.m.–3 p.m.
Are you ready to design an EPIC Rube Goldberg invention?
Are you able to out-do the “father of invention,” Mr.
Goldberg, with a crazy, complicated, and deliberately overengineered contraption that performs a very simple task?
Mark our words…this won’t be simple by any means! You’ll
be challenged to create an invention using found objects,
collected materials and recyclables! Working with other
inventors, you’ll create contraptions that literally can knock
your socks off! The final day Goldberg Showcase promises to
be visually entertaining and inspiring!
NEW! Digital Media: JR. APP ATTACK!
NKC S82 002 (entering grades 2–5)
9 a.m.–Noon
Take the first steps into the world of mobile app design and
customize your own game app! Using a specialized app and
game development tool, you’ll explore the world of web-based
(HTML 5) mobile apps. In addition to learning basics of mobile
app design and game development, you’ll see firsthand how the
world of app publishing functions. Student-created apps will be
accessible on a private site and can be played on any mobile
device or computer. Publishing to app stores not included. No
prior experience necessary and students do not need to own a
smartphone or tablet to take class. Students will work in pairs or
teams for most of program.
Kids & College | Summer Academy Classes
Kids & College | Summer Academy Classes
Writing Academy: Creative Writing and Digital Storytelling
NKC S63 003 (entering grades 6–9)
1-week option June 27–30
9 a.m.–Noon
See course description on page 4.
MCC Tech Design Studio: Animals Around the World
NKC S91 002 (entering grades 2–5)
1–4 p.m.
Join Ann Marie Peterson, MCC’s very own science instructor and
an artist from Creative Arts Studio in this newly designed class.
Students will learn about different animals around the world
and how they have adapted to their surroundings to stay build
a better dam, engineer a turtle shell, and learn how gorillas
socialize and communicate with one another. In addition, explore
animals from different biomes through art! Draw and paint
animals in their natural habitat such as mountains, tundra, forest,
and desert. By the end of this amazing class, you are sure to be
the animal expert in your family!
NEW! Digital Media: APP ATTACK!
NKC S82 005 (entering grades 5–9)
1–4 p.m.
See course description on page 5.
For more information, contact Laura Beaupre at [email protected] or (815) 455-8597 | 5
robots study skills math experiments designs minecraft art stem
discover friends innovation chef teen challenge inspire code techn
space friends fun animation games create robots study skills math e
opportunities websites discover friends innovation chef
mcc tech
media reading geometry authors space friends fun animation games
art stem summer academy tech camps summer fun opportunities web
technology talents fun writing digital media reading geometry auth
math experiments designs minecraft art stem summer academy tech c
chef teen challenge inspire code technology talents fun writing di
games create robots study skills math experiments designs minecra
websites discover friends innovation chef teen challenge inspire co
authors space friends fun animation games create robots study skills
camps summer fun opportunities websites discover friends innovatio
digital media reading geometry authors space friends fun animation ga
art stem summer academy tech camps summer fun opportunities we
technology talents fun writing digital media reading geometry author
experiments designs minecraft art stem summer academy tech camps
teen challenge inspire code technology talents fun writing digital medi
Where imagination and innovation meets summer fun!
STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) camp with
integration of art, creative studies, team building,
and sports
Junior Medical School (entering grades 1–4)
NKC S44 001 (entering grades 1–2)
NKC S44 002 (entering grades 3–4)
9 a.m.–3 p.m.
Get ready to put on your lab coat, don a stethoscope, and
become a doctor. Start by learning medical and anatomical
terminology, learn how to read X-rays, how nutrition, exercise,
and proper brain care keep the body healthy, and how viruses
spread. Study a sheep’s heart and lungs to learn more about
the circulatory system. To culminate your week of medical
school, you will be going on rounds in MCC’s mini ER where
your family members and friends will become patients.
Outbreak Alert!: Engineering a Pandemic Response
(entering grades 5–9)
NKC S45 001 (entering grades 5–6)
NKC S45 002 (grades 7–9)
9 a.m.–3 p.m.
Infectious diseases have plagued and puzzled the medical
world from the beginning of time. In a modern world where
we are more connected than ever, disease can spread rapidly.
In this engaging week, campers will become biomedical
engineers as they explore how to prepare for outbreaks
of highly contagious diseases. They’ll use the engineering
design process to design an antiviral to stop a newly
discovered virus from infecting a model cell. In addition,
they’ll learn firsthand how scientists, doctors, and engineers
work together to create cures to viruses and diseases.
Kids & College | Summer Academy Classes
Jr. Reading Academy: Young Author’s Club
NKC S62 001 (entering grades 2–5)
2-week class—July 11–14 & July 18–21
9 a.m.–Noon
NKC S62 002 (entering grades 2–5)
1-week option—July 11–14
9 a.m.–Noon
In this interactive course, young authors hear and read awardwinning children’s books and share their reflections. Students
build language skills through dramatic play, storytelling, creative
writing, journaling, and more. In addition, a variety of reading
strategies will be taught to improve comprehension, reading
fluency, critical thinking, and vocabulary. Learning objectives will
be based on third and fourth grade learning standards. The twoweek class is highly encouraged to achieve the best growth.
6 |
TEEN Reading Academy
NKC S64 001 (entering grades 6–9)
2-week class—July 11–14 & July 18–21
9 a.m.–Noon
NKC S64 002 (entering grades 6–9)
1-week option—July 11–14
9 a.m.–Noon
This class includes two weeks of classroom instruction and
stimulating activities led by a master reading teacher. Activities
are designed to strengthen skills needed to be successful in
school and become life-long readers. The course focuses on
improvement in comprehension, reading fluency, critical thinking,
writing, and vocabulary. A number of reading strategies will be
taught through the use of popular novels, short stories, and
non-fiction writing. The two-week class is highly encouraged to
achieve the best growth.
Introduction to Pre-Algebra I (entering grades 7–8)
NKC S73 001 (entering grades 7–8)
2-week class—July 11–14 & July 18–21
9 a.m.–Noon
NKC S73 002 (entering grades 7–8)
1-week option—July 11–14
9 a.m.–Noon
Start the school year with a head start in Pre-Algebra. This
class covers topics taught the first part of the school year in
a traditional Pre-Algebra course. Topics include variables,
expressions, and integers, solving equations, multi-step
equations, factors, fractions, exponents, rational numbers and
equations. This two-week class is highly recommended to achieve
the best growth. Parents with sixth grade student wanting to take
this class need to submit a teacher recommendation to Laura
Beaupre, Coordinator of College and Career Readiness, by June
30. Find the contact information and teacher recommendation
form on the Kids & College website
NEW! Minecraft Modders
NKC S87 002 (entering grades 5–9)
9 a.m.–Noon
Use your favorite game to learn the basics of modding and
foundations of programming. Learn scripting and logic
statements as you create your first mod! Introductory coding
will also be taught through a simulated environment inspired by
Minecraft. Student projects will be available on the Black Rocket
website to share with friends and family. To access their projects
at home, students must own a PC/MAC version of Minecraft.
Tablet, phone, and game console version of Minecraft are not
compatible. Students will work in pairs or teams for most of
the program.
summer academy tech camps summer fun opportunities websites
nology talents fun writing digital media reading geometry authors
experiments designs minecraft art stem summer academy tech camps
f teen
code technology
& College | Summer
Academy Classes
WEEK OFtalents
JULY 18–21 fun writing digital
mcc tech camp
s create
robots study skills math experiments
designs minecraft
bsites discover friends innovation chef teen challenge inspire code
hors space friends fun animation games create robots study skills
camps summer fun opportunities websites discover friends innovation
igital media reading geometry authors space friends fun animation
aft art stem summer academy tech camps summer fun opportunities
ode technology talents fun writing digital media reading geometry
s math experiments designs minecraft art stem summer academy tech
on chef teen challenge inspire code technology talents fun writing
ames create robots study skills math experiments designs minecraft
ebsites discover friends innovation chef teen challenge inspire code
rs space friends fun animation games create robots study skills math
summer fun opportunities websites discover friends innovation chef
ia reading geometry authors space friends fun animation games create
Computer Gaming Academy 101
NKC S81 001 (entering grades 5–9)
1–4 p.m.
Discover the fun of professional video game development while
increasing your programming and technological skills. Beginner,
intermediate, and advanced programmers will create and develop
their own characters and rules to design strategies for a video
game of their own. Instructor will differentiate material for those
students who took Computer Gaming in previous year’s Kids &
College class. Beginner computer skills are a requirement for
this class.
Introduction to Algebra I (entering grades 8–9)
NKC S74 001 (entering grades 8–9)
2-week class—July 11–14 & July 18–21
1–4 p.m.
NKC S74 002 (entering grades 8–9)
1-week option—July 11–14
1–4 p.m.
Start the school year with a head start in Algebra. This two-week
class covers topics taught in the first semester of a traditional
Algebra course. Parents with a seventh grade student wanting to
take this class need to submit a teacher recommendation to Laura
Beaupre, Coordinator of College and Career Readiness, by June
30. Find contact information and the teacher recommendation
form on the Kids & College website. The two-week class is highly
encouraged to achieve the best growth.
Where imagination and innovation meets summer fun!
STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) camp with
integration of art, creative studies, team building,
and sports
Minecraft Jr. Design Team: My World
Back by popular demand! (entering grades 1–4)
NKC S46 001 (entering grades 1–2)
NKC S46 002 (entering grades 3–4)
9 a.m.–3 p.m.
Not just gaming people! This year’s Minecraft Designers will
take their mind skills beyond the digital platform into reality and
then back again! Using the engineering and creative thought
process, digital citizens will work together to connect and
communicate while they plan, map, and design their “green”
and kid-friendly Metropolis. Please note: Campers will be using
the educational software licensed by the college. A personal
account will not be available to take home.
Minecraft Engineers: Building a Sustainable Community
Back by popular demand! (entering grades 5–9)
NKC S47 001 (entering grades 5–6)
NKC S47 002 (entering grades 7–9)
9 a.m.–3 p.m.
You might have what it takes to succeed in Survivor mode on
screen, but could you do it in the real world? Use one of the
most popular games in history to specialize your Minecraft skills
to solve real-world problems. Find water, build shelter, and set
up food distribution for ALL your citizens. Looking closer at
permaculture and sustainability, Minecrafter Engineers will use
hands-on activities to become digital city and world engineers.
Please note: Campers will be using the educational software
licensed by the college. A personal account will not be available
to take home.
Kids & College | Summer Academy Classes
NEW! JR. Minecraft Modders
NKC S87 001 (entering grades 2–5)
1–4 p.m.
Use your favorite game to learn the basics of modding and
foundations of programming. Learn scripting and logic
statements as you create your first mod! Introductory coding
will also be taught through a simulated environment inspired by
Minecraft. Student projects will be available on the Black Rocket
website to share with friends and family. To access their projects
at home, students must own a PC/MAC version of Minecraft.
Tablet, phone, and game console version of Minecraft are not
compatible. Students will work in pairs or teams for most of the
program. Basic computer skills required.
Jr. Reading Academy: Young Author’s Club
NKC S62 003 (entering grades 2–5)
1-week option—July 18–21
9 a.m.–Noon
See course description page 6.
TEEN Reading Academy
NKC S64 003 (entering grades 6–9)
1-week option—July 18–21
9 a.m.–Noon
See course description page 6.
For more information, contact Laura Beaupre at [email protected] or (815) 455-8597 | 7
robots study skills math experiments designs minecraft art stem
discover friends innovation chef teen challenge inspire code techn
space friends fun animation games create robots study skills math e
summer fun opportunities websites discover
innovation chef
mcc tech
camp fun animation games
media reading geometry authors space
art stem summer academy tech camps summer fun opportunities web
technology talents fun writing digital media reading geometry auth
math experiments designs minecraft art stem summer academy tech c
chef teen challenge inspire code technology talents fun writing di
games create robots study skills math experiments designs minecra
websites discover friends innovation chef teen challenge inspire co
Kids & College
space| Summer
animation games create robots study skills
summer fun opportunities websites discover friends innovatio
digital media reading geometry authors space friends fun animation ga
art stem summer academy tech camps summer fun opportunities we
technology talents fun writing digital media reading geometry author
experiments designs minecraft art stem summer academy tech camps
teen challenge inspire code technologyKidstalents
fun writing
digital medi
& College | Summer
Academy Classes
Where imagination and innovation meets summer fun!
STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) camp
with integration of art, creative studies, team building,
and sports
Dig In: Adventures in Treasure Hunting
(entering grades 1–4)
NKC S48 001 (entering grades 1–2)
NKC S48 002 (entering grades 3–4)
9 a.m.–3 p.m.
Set your Latitude and Longitude on this class! The Science
of Treasure Hunting will lead us to interesting discoveries in
our own backyard of McHenry County. Exploring geology,
hydrology, cool minerals and fossils, math, and more, you’ll use
your navigation skills combined with digital tools to hone in on
the treasure you seek. Geo-cachers get ready!
Robotic LEGO Programming
NKC S83 001 (entering grades 2–5)
1–4 p.m.
A unique experience of engineering and robotics. From powered
LEGO cars to cranes to windmills, young designers will build and
customize models that teach engineering concepts. Discover
gears, pulleys, and other engineering design concepts in this
fun-filled and innovative LEGO robotic class. This four-day course
prepares all students using the Science, Technology, Engineering
and Math (STEM) approach. Chasewood Learning’s expert
instructors will be teaching
this class.
Digital Media: Stop-Motion Animation
NKC S82 004 (entering grades 5–9)
1–4 p.m.
Gain a basic understanding of three-dimensional animation using
armatures, puppets and objects. With the use of digital cameras
and computer software, you’ll investigate the nature of human
movement and cover topics such as timing, weight, exaggeration,
composition, lighting, and narrative approaches. You’ll also
become familiar with various materials and ways to create simple
scenery, and we’ll cover a variety of stop-motion films spanning a
wide range of genres.
Back by popular demand!
NKC S58 001 (entering grades 5–9)
1–4 p.m.
Do you have what it takes to be MCC’s Top Teen Chef? In this
class, taught by Chef Pili and her culinary crew from Confetti
Gourmet Cooking School, you’ll learn the basics of cooking, food
preparation, and presentations. Working in teams, you’ll compete
in a last-day challenge in MCC’s state-of-the-art kitchen. Who
will win the Scot’s Teen Chef Challenge? Groups will be
judged by culinary experts at the college. No previous cooking
skills required.
8 |
Survival Academy (entering grades 5–9)
NKC S49 001 (entering grades 5–6)
NKC S49 002 (entering grades 7–9)
9 a.m.–3 p.m.
What does it take to survive in a harsh landscape? What would
you do with limited tools and resources? Inspired by pop
culture survivalists, tech campers will accept the challenge and
focus newly acquired skills to not only survive but thrive!
Jr. Writing Academy: Discovery News Reporters
NKC S60 004 (entering grades 3–5)
2-week class—August 1–4 & August 8–11
9 a.m.–Noon
NKC S60 005 (entering grades 3–5)
1-week option—August 1–4
9 a.m.–Noon
Research the latest science discoveries and become a science
correspondence for a national news broadcast. Find out about
media communications (broadcasting, print, and news). Learn
from a news expert how to make reporting fair and unbiased
while keeping your audience captivated. Family and friends
are invited to come to the final class to watch a national news
broadcast come alive! Two-week class is highly encouraged to
achieve best growth.
summer academy tech camps summer fun opportunities websites
nology talents fun writing digital media reading geometry authors
experiments designs minecraft art stem summer academy tech camps
f teen challenge inspire code technology talents fun writing digital
s create robots study skills math experiments designs minecraft
bsites discover friends innovation chef teen challenge inspire code
hors space friends fun animation games create robots study skills
camps summer fun opportunities websites discover friends innovation
igital media reading geometry authors space friends fun animation
aft art stem summer academy tech camps summer fun opportunities
ode technology talents fun writing digital media reading geometry
s math experiments designs minecraft art stem summer academy tech
on chef teen challenge inspire code technology talents fun writing
ames create robots study skills math experiments designs minecraft
ebsites discover friends innovation chef teen challenge inspire code
rs space friends fun animation games create robots study skills math
summer fun opportunities websites discover friends innovation chef
Kids & College
| Summer Academy
Classes space friends fun animation games create
ia reading
Writing Academy: Exceptional Essays & Presentations
Back by popular demand!
NKC S65 001 (entering grades 6–9)
2-week class—August 1–4 & August 8–11
9 a.m.–Noon
NKC S65 002 (entering grades 6–9)
1-week option—August 1–4
9 a.m.–Noon $99
From school writing assignments to high school entrance exams
to the ACT, SAT, and Compass Exam, essays are used to measure
writing proficiency. You’ll develop, practice and refine your writing
skills as you learn to craft exceptional narrative, descriptive,
persuasive, expository, and analytical essays (with and without
time constraints). You’ll maintain a portfolio of your work to
measure your progress. During the second week of class, you’ll
learn exceptional presentation skills sure to prepare you for future
academic and professional success. The two-week class highly
recommended for optimal growth.
NEW! Introduction to Geometry I (entering grades 8–10)
NKC S72 001 (entering grades 8–10)
2-week class—August 1–4 & August 8–11
9 a.m.–Noon
Start the year with a head start in Geometry. This two-week
class covers the foundations of plane and solid geometry which
includes constructions, formulas for measurement, and formal
proofs. It is based on the axioms and theorems that relate points,
line, planes, and solids. Algebraic techniques are integrated into
the solution of many geometric problems. Prerequisite: Successful
completion of Algebra.
That Was Due Today?
Back by popular demand!
NKC S69 001 (entering grades 6–9)
1–4 p.m. $129
There is never a better time to learn all the essential skills to help
you be successful in school and in your future career than now.
Learn the art of organization, time management, study skills
and note taking. We’ll show you how to maintain an assignment
notebook, set up an ideal study area, keep your backpack
organized, and you’ll learn about your own personal learning
style. This is just a few of the executive functioning skills you’ll
come away with!
NEW! Digital Media: Intro to 3D Modeling and Printing
NKC S82 005 (entering 5–9 grade)
1–4 p.m. $129
Join MCC’s Digital Media instructor, Henrik Host-Madsen, in
this introductory course to 3D modeling, animation, and print.
Not only will you work with software that allows you to learn the
basics of 3D modeling, lighting, materials, animation, and special
effects, but you will learn how 3D animation is applied in video
games, movies, television, advertising and simulations. A series of
in-class projects utilizing the software and 3D printers will give you
first-hand experience.
NASA Space Journey: Our Solar System & Beyond
NKC S76 001 (entering grades 2–5)
1–4 p.m. $129
Take a journey through space and time in this exciting class about
the formation of the sun, the planets, the stars and the universe.
Through activities and experiments, you’ll learn about the
cause of day and night, seasons, eclipses, and the phases of the
moon. In addition, the class will take an in depth look at comets,
asteroids, shooting stars and black holes, and the latest in space
travel. It’s sure to be a Big Bang of a week of learning!
For more information, contact Laura Beaupre at [email protected] or (815) 455-8597 | 9
robots study skills math experiments designs minecraft art stem
discover friends innovation chef teen challenge inspire code techn
space friends fun animation games create robots study skills math e
summer fun opportunities websites discover friends innovation chef
Kids & College | Summer Academy Classes
fun animation games
tech camp
art stem summer academy tech camps
summer fun opportunities web
technology talents fun writing digital media reading geometry auth
math experiments designs minecraft art stem summer academy tech c
chef teen challenge inspire code technology talents fun writing di
games create robots study skills math experiments designs minecra
websites discover friends innovation chef teen challenge inspire co
authors space friends fun animation games create robots study skills
Kids & College | Summer Academy Classes
camps summer fun opportunities websites
discover friends innovatio
digital media reading geometry authors
space friends fun animation ga
art stem summer academy tech camps summer fun opportunities we
technology talents fun writing digital media reading geometry author
experiments designs minecraft art stem summer academy tech camps
teen challenge inspire code technology talents fun writing digital medi
Where imagination and innovation meets summer fun!
STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) camp
with integration of art, creative studies, team building,
and sports
Jr. Robotic’s Academy (entering grades 1–4)
NKC S55 001 (entering grades 1–2)
NKC S55 002 (entering grades 3–4)
9 a.m.–3 p.m.
The Junior Robotic campers will be participating in a variety
of building and programming activities using a creative
educational approach that supports Science, Technology,
Engineering and Math (STEM). Campers will learn to build
robotic animals and program them, or they will program a
LEGO Mindstorm robot through multiple challenges such as
mazes and soccer goals, all while learning concepts related
to mathematics, logic, and teamwork. This camp is led by
Chasewood Learning’s teacher-led instruction.
MCC’s Robotic’s Academy (entering grades 5–9)
NKC S56 001 (entering grades 5–6)
NKC S56 002 (entering grades 7–9)
9 a.m.–3 p.m.
Campers will be working with the new LEGO EV3 robot!
Chasewood’s Robotic Academy provides a muli-level approach
that allows children of all skill levels to continuously learn new
building and programming concepts. Activities range from
basic robot movements to working with sensors to building
smart attachments. Each day children will have new projects,
challenges, and competitions. For the advanced child, a space
mission project will challenge their competition skills.
Advance Robotic’s Academy
NKC S56 003 (entering grades 9–12)
9 a.m.–3 p.m.
This class is sure to take Robotics and programming to a whole
new level with students who have had experience with robotics,
programming, or engineering classes in the past. Using
advance features of the LEGO NXT system, campers will design
and build an autonomous robot complete with all sensors and
lights needed to compete in challenges. At the culminating
EXPO, students will be challenged to compete in “the pit” and
have their robot meet the various challenges. Students will learn
about advances in this field as well as exciting high-demand
careers in robotics, computer science and intelligence.
10 |
Jr. Writing Academy: Discovery News Reporters
NKC S60 006 (entering grades 3–5)
1-week option—August 8–11
9 a.m.–Noon $99
See description page 8.
Writing Academy: Exceptional Essays & Presentations
Back by popular demand!
NKC S65 003 (entering grades 6–9)
1-week option—August 8–11
9 a.m.–Noon
See description page 9.
Scot’s Star Baking School
NKC S58 002 (entering grades 2–5)
1–4 p.m. $129
Join Chef Pili and her pastry crew from Confetti Gourmet
Academy and learn the art of baking and decorating pastries and
cupcakes. You’ll learn to create beautiful works of art on cupcakes
with icing and other edible sweets. All family and friends are
invited to try out the delicious delectable treats on the final day
when these young bakers open the Scot Star’s Bakery!
G.O. (Girls Only) STEM! Technista Designers
NKC S57 001 (entering grades 6–9)
1–4 p.m. $129
Come be inspired to express yourself in a fun and safe way
through technology! Technista Designers, you’ll learn much
about your personality and unique style through journaling,
photography, and web design. You’ll develop your “brand”—one
that will be visually appealing and radiate with style! This class will
teach STEM principles and introduce you to promising careers in
web design, graphic design, photography, and more!
Digital Media: Animation
NKC S82 006 (entering grades 5–9)
1–4 p.m. $129
Interested in animation? Why not take your character ideas out of
your sketchbook and into the digital world? Learn the basics of
creating illustrations for web, games, apps, and print. You’ll also
learn about all the exciting and in demand 21st century careers
in animation.
summer academy tech camps summer fun opportunities websites
nology talents fun writing digital media reading geometry authors
experiments designs minecraft art stem summer academy tech camps
f teen
inspire code technology
BEFORE talents
s create robots study skills math experiments designs minecraft
bsites discover friends innovation chef teen challenge inspire code
hors space friends fun animation games create robots study skills
camps summer fun opportunities websites discover friends innovation
igital media reading geometry authors space friends fun animation
aft art stem summer academy tech camps summer fun opportunities
ode technology talents fun writing digital media reading geometry
s math experiments designs minecraft art stem summer academy tech
on chef teen challenge inspire code technology talents fun writing
ames create robots study skills math experiments designs minecraft
ebsites discover friends innovation chef teen challenge inspire code
rs space friends fun animation games create robots study skills math
summer fun opportunities websites discover friends innovation chef
ia reading geometry authors space friends fun animation games create
Lunch Bunch is open to all students enrolled in Kids & College
Summer Academy.
Supervised lunch by trained staff. Students can elect to
bring a peanut-free brown bag lunch or bring money ($7–$8
recommended) to purchase daily lunch of choice in the cafeteria.
After lunch, staff will escort student to afternoon class. If student
is not attending afternoon class, parents/guardians will need to
sign out child at the Kids & College welcome table near the Scot
Room (B178) in Building B. It is important to register at the same
time you register for Kids & College Summer Academy classes
(please see registration codes/prices below).
MTWTh | 12:05–12:55 p.m. | $10 for week
June 20–23
June 27–30
July 11–14
July 18–21
August 1–4 August 8–11
NKC S96 001
NKC S96 002
NKC S96 003
NKC S96 004
NKC S96 005
NKC S96 006
Lead by a certified instructor, Kids & College new Before and
After Care program gives parents peace of mind knowing their
child will be safe, supervised, and involved before and after
classes/camps. Supervision is provided Monday–Thursday from
7:30–9 a.m. and /or 3–5:30 p.m. It is important to register at the
same time you register for Kids & College classes/MCC Tech
Camps (please see registration codes/prices below).
Students will meet daily at our Kids & College welcome table
near the Scot Room (B178) in Building B. Parent/Guardian are
required to sign in/sign out students daily. Please report any
changes to your child’s Before and After Care schedule to
(815) 455-8597.
June 20–23
7:30–9 a.m.
4–5:30 p.m.
3–5:30 p.m.
NKC S95 001
NKC S95 002
NKC S95 003
June 27–30
7:30–9 a.m.
4–5:30 p.m.
3–5:30 p.m.
NKC S95 004
NKC S95 013
NKC S95 014
July 11–14
7:30–9 a.m.
4–5:30 p.m.
3–5:30 p.m.
NKC S95 007
NKC S95 008
NKC S95 009
July 18–21
7:30–9 a.m.
4–5:30 p.m.
3–5:30 p.m.
NKC S95 010
NKC S95 011
NKC S95 012
August 1–4
7:30–9 a.m.
4–5:30 p.m.
3–5:30 p.m.
NKC S95 019
NKC S95 020
NKC S95 015
August 8–11
7:30–9 a.m.
4–5:30 p.m.
3–5:30 p.m.
NKC S95 016
NKC S95 017
NKC S95 018
For more information, contact Laura Beaupre at [email protected] or (815) 455-8597 | 11
ummer academy tech camps summer fun opportunities websites discove
iends innovation chef teen challenge inspire code technology talent
n writing
media reading geometry authors space friends fun
how todigital
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necraft art stem summer academy tech camps summer fun opportunitie
ebsites discover friends innovation chef teen challenge inspire cod
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ace friends fun animation games create robots study skills mat
xperiments designs minecraft art stem summer academy tech camp
mmer fun opportunities websites discover friends innovation che
en challenge inspire code technology talents fun writing digital medi
space friends fun animation games creat
Kids & College authors
Registration Form
skills math experiments designs minecraft
tech camps summer fun opportunities websites discover friend
City:_______________________________________ State:__________________ Zip:_____________________________
chef teen challenge inspire code technology talents fun
Date of Birth:_______________________________ Entering Grade Fall 2016:_________________________________
media reading geometry
authors space friends fun animatio
Alt. Phone:______________________________________________
robots study skills math experiments designs minecraf
Parent/Guardian Name(s):____________________________________________________________________________
t stem
summer academy tech camps summer fun opportunities website
Please make checks payable to McHenry County College or use a credit card.
scover friends innovation chef teen challenge inspire code technolog
writing digital media reading geometry authors space friend
#: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
VID #:________games
Exp. Date _______________
Card Holder
n animation
create robots
math experiments design
stem summer academy
Course tech
Code # camps summer fun opportunitie
discover friends innovation chef teen challenge inspire cod
talents fun writing digital media reading geometry author
__________________________________________________________________________________________________ ace __________________________________________________________________________________________________
friends fun animation games create robots study skills mat
designs minecraft art stem summer academy tech camp
fun opportunities websites discover friends innovation chef tee
__________________________________________________________________________________________________ NEW! ONLINE
FAX the completed registration
form, including your credit card
information, to (815) 455-3766 between
8 a.m.–4 p.m. Monday–Friday. Fax
registrations received after 4 p.m. will be
processed the following business day.
MAIL the completed registration
form. Payment is due at the time of
registration. Please enclose a check
or credit card information (Visa,
MasterCard, Discover or American
Express) with your registration form.
McHenry County College Registration
8900 U.S. Highway 14
Crystal Lake, IL 60012-2761
IN-PERSON Come to the
Registration Office located in
Room A258.
PHONE (815) 455-8588 and speak
directly to an enrollment processor. You
must use a Visa, MasterCard, Discover,
or American Express credit card to
register by phone.
A 100% refund will be given if the Registration Office is notified Thursday prior to the start of the first day of class/camp you
are withdrawing from (office closed Friday). No refund the day camp/class starts or if MCC’s campus is closed due to
unforeseen circumstances.
12 |
Volleyball Camps
>> All Skills Camps cover all the basics including passing, setting,
digging, attacking, blocking and serving. Each day offers game
simulation with the final day of camp being game play.
June 13–16
Entering Grade
Course Code #
Girls 9–12
8:30–10:30 a.m.
$65 NAD S10 003
Girls 6–8
11 a.m.–1 p.m.
$65 NAD S10 002
Boys/girls 3–5
1:30–3 p.m.
$45 NAD S10 001
Basketball Camps
>> Fundamentals Day Camp is designed to give campers a
chance to improve fundamental skills in ball handling, passing,
shooting and defense.
June 20–23
Entering Grade
Course Code #
Boys/girls 6–8
11 a.m.–12:45 p.m. $55
NAD S02 002
Boys/girls 3–5
1–2:30 p.m.
NAD S02 001
Soccer Camps
>> Youth Soccer School focuses on individual technique, one-onone skills, positional function training and athletic development.
July 11–14 (15th rain date)
Entering Grade
Course Code #
Boys/girls 3–5
9–11:30 a.m.
$85 NAD S04 001
>> Advanced Soccer School includes an introduction to team
and group tactics within playing concepts. Advanced individual
technique, one-on-one skills, positional function training and
athletic development are also part of the training method.
July 11–14 (15th rain date)
Entering Grade
Course Code #
Boys/girls 6–8
Noon–2:30 p.m.
$85 NAD S04 002
>> Striker School involves teaching and improving goal scoring.
Players learn the proper techniques of shooting and using various
surfaces of the foot. Learning to finish opportunities off balls at
a variety of heights and angles is also a primary focus. Positional
responsibilities and functions of the striker position within the
framework of a team and playing concept are also covered.
July 18–21 (22nd rain date)
Entering Grade
Course Code #
Boys/girls 4–8
9–11:30 a.m.
$85 NAD S04 003
>> Goalkeeper School will teach essential handling techniques
along with positional awareness (angles). Diving and the handling
of aerial balls off long rage shots and crosses are also covered along
with the goalkeepers role in a teams “build up” during possession.
July 18–21 (22nd rain date)
Entering Grade
Course Code #
Boys/girls 4–8
9–11:30 a.m.
$85 NAD S04 004
2016 SCOTSTARS Registration Form
Volleyball Camps
All Skills Camps
Girls Entering Grade 9–12 | NAD S10 003
Girls Entering Grade 6–8 | NAD S10 002
Boys/girls Entering Grade 3–5 | NAD S10 001
Basketball Camps
Fundamentals Day Camp
Boys/girls Entering Grade 6–8 | NAD S02 002
Boys/girls Entering Grade 3–5 | NAD S02 001
Soccer Camps
Youth Soccer School
Boys/girls Entering Grade 3–5
NAD S04 001
Striker School
Boys/girls Entering Grade 4–8
NAD S04 003
Advanced Soccer School
Boys/girls Entering Grade 6–8
NAD S04 002
Goalkeeper School
Boys/girls Entering Grade 4–8
NAD S04 004
Date of Birth:___________________________
City:______________________________ Zip:______________________
Parent(s) Name:_____________________________________________
Home Phone #: _____________________________________________
Work Phone #:_______________________________________________
Cell Phone #:________________________________________________
Current School:______________________________________________
In case of emergency, a neighbor, friend, or relative can be
reached at:
Daytime Phone #:____________________________________________
Please make checks payable to McHenry County College or use a
credit card.
Account #: __________________________________________________
VID #:_____________ Expiration Date: _________________________
Card Holder Signature: _______________________________________
| 13
Summer Reading Skills Programs
MCC & The Institute of Reading Development
Program R for 4-Year-Olds and Entering Kindergartners
Wednesdays, June 15–July 13, 10–11:15 a.m., Room C106
Students in this program learn beginning reading skills and develop
a love of books. Your child will learn letter recognition, phonics, and
sight words, and will learn to read simple words and sentences.
Program 1 for Entering 1st Graders
Wednesdays, June 15–July 13, Noon–2 p.m., Room C106
In this program students learn to read independently. Your child will
learn phonics and sight words, improve comprehension and gain the
skills and confidence needed for success in first grade.
Program 2 for Entering 2nd Graders
Tuesdays, June 14–July 12, 9–11 a.m., Room C106
In this program students become fluent independent readers. Your
child will make significant gains in phonics and word-attack skills,
fluency and comprehension, and will develop confidence and a love
of reading.
Program 3 for Entering 3rd Graders
Tuesdays, June 14–July 12, 11:45 a.m.–1:45 p.m., Room C106
Students in this program become strong independent readers. Your
child will develop the comprehension, fluency and long-word decoding
skills needed to read longer books with ease, and will build confidence
and a love of reading.
Program 4 for Entering 4th and 5th Graders
Wednesdays, June 15–July 13, 2:45–5 p.m., Room C106
In this program students make substantial gains in comprehension,
long-word decoding skills, fluency and reading speed. Your child will
complete homework more quickly and easily, be more successful in
school, and become a strong, enthusiastic reader.
14 |
Program 5 for Entering 6th–8th Graders
Tuesdays, June 14–July 12, 2:30–5 p.m., Room C106
Students in this program make substantial gains in comprehension
while doubling reading speed. They also learn the best way to
read textbooks, take notes and study for tests. As a result, students
complete homework more quickly and easily, get better grades, and
enjoy reading more.
Program 6 for Entering 9th–11th Graders
Thursdays, June 16–July 14, 3:45–6:15 p.m., Room C106
Students double reading speed, make substantial gains in
comprehension and learn study skills. Excellent preparation for the
SAT, ACT and college.
Program 7 for Entering 12th Graders, College Students, and Adults
Thursdays, June 16–July 14, 7–9:30 p.m., Room C106
Students will increase reading speed while improving comprehension.
After completing this program they should be able to read difficult
material such as textbooks and technical manuals two to three times
faster. With most other material, they should be able to read three to
four times faster. Students comprehension and concentration should
substantially improve and they’ll virtually eliminate wasteful re-reading.
They’ll also receive a comprehensive vocabulary program, which will
dramatically improve their speaking, reading, and writing vocabularies.
Program R: $249, plus a materials fee of $39
Programs 1–7: $299, plus a materials fee of $39
For more information or to register, call 1 (800) 978-9596
• Interactive health & safety fair
• Door prizes & entertainment
• School physicals—by appointment only
• Reduced cost immunizations—
Medicaid accepted
• Dental exams—Medicaid accepted
Igniting the Passion of McHenry County’s Future Workforce
Featuring a special
Career Cruising Corner
to help you connect your
passions with a career!
Wednesday, April 13, 2016 | 5:30–7:30 p.m.
MCC Gym/Multi-purpose Room and Commons
For Middle School through High School Students
| 15
8900 U.S. Highway 14
Crystal Lake, Illinois 60012-2761
stem summer academ | To register call (815) 455-8588
websites discover f
inspire code technol
reading geometry a
campus map
games create robots
drop off
minecraft art stem
fun opportunities w
chef teen challenge
writing digital med
friends fun animatio
math experiments
academy tech camps
discover friends inn
code technology ta
geometry authors sp
robots study skills m
B178 (Building B)